Uranus in Taurus Predictions

Money is ruled by Taurus in the horoscope and also by Scorpio. Using those two signs it is possible to make accurate, dated predictions about the sharemarkets.

Uranus in Taurus and Your Horoscope – Global Money Trends

In this story I am going to look at specific dates about world finance, starting on the first day of Uranus in Taurus, May 16th 2018 until the cycle ends on April 26th, 2026.

Money is ruled by Taurus in the horoscope and also by Scorpio. Using those two signs it is possible to make accurate, dated predictions about the sharemarkets.

Astrology is very good at predicting our financial future. I first wrote this story in 2017, and I am updating it on 12th April, 2018.

What Astrology Predicted in August 2017 about December 2017

Prediction on this website dated August 17th, 2017 about December 3rd – almost four months into the future:

“You are going to see major financial and business stories near 3rd December. The reason for this is Jupiter (abundance) in Scorpio (dollars, pounds and euros). You will see this in your professional or personal life. We’re also going to receive major headlines about particular economies, currencies or trade deals – probably on Monday 4th December, the first business day after the Supermoon.”

So what happened next? This! The New York Post reported on 4th December, Stock market reaches record highs after Senate passes tax bill.

The New York Times validated the astrology prediction.

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached a record high on Monday, with banks and retailers surging and technology companies falling as investors realigned their portfolios in hopes of benefiting from expected corporate tax cuts.”

The Facts on Scorpio and Taurus

Scorpio and Taurus are 2000+ year-old symbols for wealth, but why? The ancients associated scorpions with the creatures who have sex, only to sting each other to death, or even eat each other alive. It was their little joke. In ancient times, money and property were linked to marriage and family mergers. Dowry, bride price and dynasty. Scorpio rules ‘what goes first’ in a divorce and it also rules what we inherit  in a legacy or leave to our godchildren.

Most commonly it is about the mortgage that goes with the marriage and the legacy or will that one spouse leaves to another, and often to the children. At its absolute darkest, Scorpio is about the life insurance discussions gay men have with each other if they are marrying but dealing with banks who need to know about their HIV risk. Scorpio can feel dark, forbidden, buried – as well as sexual. It’s about deals and contracts which are ‘until death do us part.’

Scorpio and Taurus in Your Chart

Anything in Scorpio or Taurus in your full birth chart shows the financial future. When Uranus (shock, change, revolution, freedom, independence) moves into Taurus from mid-May 2018 you will be affected.

It’s like a new house guest moving into your place. An unpredictable, exciting guest you’ve never experienced before.

Let’s look more at Scorpio in your chart and anything you have there. Scorpio is all about the Eighth House which is associated with legacies, wills and inheritance. When we die, we pass things on. When others die, they do this for us.

Death is encoded in the root ‘mort’ which we also find in mortuary and morgue and morbid and mortality – sorry to be such a downer, dear reader, but Scorpio is about ‘death and taxes.’ If you’re a Premium Member, and you haven’t heard the Jupiter in Scorpio podcast yet, and you know you have Scorpio factors, you should probably listen. You may want to know how this planet and its 12-year cycle in Scorpio affects you.

In this story, I am going to look at patterns in both signs to find the biggest changes.

I am writing this on Thursday 12th April 2018, updating your predictions ahead of May 2018, which will shock financial markets with extreme highs and lows. Let’s look at what Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus this year are actually going to achieve!

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Taurus – Similar to Scorpio but Different

Uranus in Taurus has not happened in your adult life. It’s huge.

Taurus is about the bull, as you know. Bulls were the ancient world currency. We talk about the stockmarket, well that’s the ‘stock’ of a prime breeding bull. We talk about our stocks rising and falling. We talk about ‘stocking’ cattle.

Taurus the bull is about gold bullion and the Bull Market. Sue Tompkins, the brilliant author and astrologer who is at the London School of Astrology, has written a great deal about this. Astrology is about association. Connection. Correlation.

Bulls are stubborn. They won’t yield. That’s why they have rings put through their noses. They still dig their heels in. We talk about ‘yield’ and ‘yielding on price’  and that’s essentially Taurean. We get capitalists, socialists and philanthropists with this sign strong in their personal birth horoscope. Do you have a Taurus stellium? More than three factors? Then you’re deeply affected by being rich and poor – but also, by the rich and poor. From May 2018 your life changes.

You know, astrology is the most rational (yet irrational) thing in the world. Built on what Carl Jung called ‘synchronicity’ it is alternative timekeeping. So, you end up with CNN Money using pictures of bulls, based on the Wall Street bull market association, for a piece on the Nasdaq. You can see this below. These people are not astrologers!

When Uranus, the planet which is associated with ‘the world turning upside-down’ enters Taurus in May 2018, if you have Taurus stuff in your chart, then a slow but relentless earthquake will shift your ideas about money, houses, apartments, shopping, charity, poverty, wealth – for years. Uranus is about world-flip. Your known world will flip, in slow-motion, because your chart says you need to know what is valuable. Only being rich or poor can teach you.

Uranus in Taurus Predictions  and the Dow

So, let’s go back to that accurate, validated prediction about the all-time high for the Dow.These are the patterns in the heavens from that crucial weekend of Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd December 2017.

Apollo 11 Scorpio semi-sextile Sun 11 Sagittarius
Jupiter 11 Scorpio trine Neptune 11 Pisces
Jupiter 11 Scorpio semi-sextile Sun 11 Sagittarius
Apollo 11 Scorpio trine Neptune 11 Pisces
Jupiter 11 Scorpio conjunct Apollo 11 Scorpio

Using this same technique – exact aspects and Roman-named asteroids – we can also predict the rest of the decade

All Eyes on May 2018 and Wall Street

Whenever we see big highs or lows (dramatic spikes) on Wall Street we see Bacchus, the asteroid of celebration and champagne, in a money sign like Scorpio or Taurus. Why? Bargain stocks go up for sale at rock-bottom prices. Financial soothsayers who make money from predicting crashes or Dow highs, also celebrate.

The chart I have which marks the start of the Global Financial Crisis for 2008 is a mirror of the chart I have for May 2018. May 2018 is the beginning of a global economic revolution.

Part of it will be caused by Facebook. Why? The CEO is a Taurus.

What can we expect? Cryptocurrency is on the road to becoming the new one-world currency from May 2018. The new trend for 2018, 2019, 2020 and beyond will also be class action or group litigation lawsuits by groups of people against corporations. People will crowd-fund their class action lawsuits and even if they only make a few dollars, they will be empowered.

What else seems likely? The end of the free internet. No more free Facebook. No more free Google. Why? We will find that nothing was ever free and the price we have been paying in privacy is too high.

All this is Taurus stuff. Taurus rules ‘free!’ and ‘no such thing as a free lunch!’

If you are a Premium Member you can check specific May 2018 dates for the huge highs and lows on Wall Street.

That August Prediction: “Let’s Make a Deal on the December 2017 Supermoon

Astrology really does record patterns which can tell us about the future.

Quote from August 17th, 2017 on this website, before the GOP tax plan near December 3rd, 2017:

“We tend to see ricochet effects from unusual patterns like the one above. You might also call them ripple effects. It’s time to make a deal, on the back of another (bigger) deal which could be made by anyone from a President, to a Prime Minister, to a CEO. The big question on this Supermoon? How can I do so much more with the substantial amount of money I hold in my hands, so that I can create future growth and abundance?  In the world around you expect to see more focus than usual on year-end bonuses, annual profits, year-end mergers and so on. Okay, so this is about George Harrison’s Piggies. Capitalist pigs and bulging piggy banks. But – we could all gain.”

This is how that prediction came to pass:

Prime Minister Theresa May and the Failed Brexit Negotiations

Also predicted August 17th about December 3rd, 2017 

“We are going to see a female political leader or CEO take centre-stage close to Sunday 3rd December. This may be obvious to us on the final working day of the previous week, Friday 1st December – or the following Monday, 4th December. This woman will hold in her hands the future of at least one currency, economy or sharemarket. This may be Brexit. Watch the Swiss banks closely near the  Supermoon of Sunday 3rd December as although they will be background issue – it’s a big one. This is not just about one woman’s choices affecting economies, sharemarkets or currencies – it is also about the role that Switzerland plays in the world’s finances!”

This is an interesting example of how astrology can get two messages about the same thing. Because – as you’re already no doubt seeing – this planet-changing Supermoon weekend also saw all major media outlets  reporting a Mueller investigation into Deutsche Bank and the finances of Trump.

The Castration of Corporate White Males – May 2018 and the Future

Uranus rules castration. He lost his testicles and penis when his son Saturn cut them off with a scythe. When Uranus changes signs to Taurus (business) in May 2018 we will see a sudden, shocking castration of corporate white males. Of course it will be symbolic! But – they will be unmanned. Emasculated by a younger generation. How? Digital currency.

How else? Hacking. Uranus rules electricity and all new technology. Why? Because he was the father of lightning. Computers and smart phones are Uranian. In May 2018, high-technology will be used to emasculate the elders. In Taurus this is going to be about banks, credit cards, paper currency, coins, taxation, shares and the rest.

May Day is always a time for socialist, communist and anti-globalisation protest. May Day 2018 will be like no other.

We’re talking:

  • Class action lawsuits.
  • Hacking that makes The Paradise Papers and Panama Papers look like a Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
  • Shocks involving British currency and also the British royal family as Prince Charles and Her Majesty have charts loaded with Taurus and Scorpio factors.
  • The end of the free internet – no more free Facebook.
  • Tip – When Uranus (shock, revolution, freedom, radical change, the world turning upside-down) goes into Taurus, you need to be flexible. Keep moving. Keep surfing. Dance in the storm. Don’t hang onto the past. It’s not your future!
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Uranus is purple blue in colour, like electrical storms.

Three Days That Will Shake the World – May 14th, 15th, 16th 2018.

Sunday 14th May, Mercury (negotiation, press releases, contracts, paperwork) enters Taurus – the money sign. This is the global cue for some of the most important sharemarket, taxation and/or banking news of the year. This is a lunch time meeting in London. Maybe a private social gathering between politicians and bankers. Mercury moves into Taurus at 12.40pm. The Moon then enters Taurus at 6.15pm. Sunday in London (adjust for your time zone) is crucial.

All you astrological detectives out there might want to check out which functions and events are in store for that weekend. Because, something is going to go down.

Taurus the bull has long been associated with gold bullion and bull markets for obvious reasons.

Monday 15th May 2018 starts everything off. At 8.51am in London Mercury at 1 Taurus is semi-sextile Chiron at 1 Aries. At 7.26pm that night,  Mercury at 1 Taurus is semi-sextile Diana at 1 Aries.

Aries is the ram. Pushy, aggressive, assertive, energetic, confrontational. I know that most astrologers don’t use Diana, but she is a powerful little asteroid associated with independence.

This is about people going their own way and doing their own thing, about their money. They don’t want to join in. It’s a weird combination of stubborn behaviour around finance, property (Taurus) and sheer selfish aggression (Aries).

Tuesday 15th May 2018 is hugely important. Jupiter at 17 Scorpio (the deadly serious side of the money markets, mortgages and taxation) is opposite Bacchus at 17 Taurus (gold bullion, the bull market) at 2.00am, which sets the world up for the New Moon at 11.47am, London time, with the Sun at 24 Taurus conjunct the Moon at 24 Taurus. We then have the shock of Uranus entering Taurus at 3.16pm.

Bacchus is about bankers and gamblers who drink or take drugs. It is also about a money ‘high’ and it is about the madness of Wall Street at its coked-up best. You really have to wonder what’s ahead of us on Tuesday 15th May, into Wednesday 16th May, because it’s like Wall Street, the movie.

So this is a follower of Bacchus, whom the Greeks called Dionysus, photographed in the British Museum. This is what Wall Street is going to look like for some people very close to May 15th 2018. Is this person holding a Euro, a dollar, a pound or a Bitcoin? Below this picture is a snapshot of Bacchus in the chart of the day that started the Global Financial Crisis, back in September 2008.

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Horoscope for the 2008 Crash.

Uranus is Essential Electrics – All Eyes on May 2018

Uranus is Essential Electrics, like this van I photographed in Melbourne, Australia in 2017. It is associated with lightning bolts and electrical storms, so there may literally be some memorable weather in mid-May with flash flooding, lightning strikes and so on. Astrology works in mysterious ways.

The number plate on the van is SHOCK and the last thing you expect to happen, is going to happen. It seems impossible, unthinkable. Yet – it influences our bank accounts, for years to come.

Why is the electricity of May 2018 essential? Because you’ve been in chains and you didn’t even know it. We all have. Ask yourself at what point borrowing money from people you did not know, became normal. For me it happened at school. Seriously. I was given a bank account at the age of nine. When did it happen for you? Borrowing is going to disappear, or borrowing is about to return, but with radical, exciting, shocking  new rules that finish off old banks.

URANUS SHOCK 600x450 - Uranus in Taurus PredictionsUranus rules shock and electricity.

Wednesday 16th May 2018 and the Mars-Uranus Square

Lots of astrologers have been talking with me about this one – the famous Mars-Uranus square of May 2018. Mars (heat, speed, friction, conflict, war) squares Uranus (shock, radical change, independence, freedom) in Aquarius, which rules groups like the United Nations, trade unions and other communities – at 7.03am on the morning of Wednesday 16th May. This completes a sequence, starting Sunday, which suggests ‘Three days that shake the world.’

Russia is strongly Aquarius and Uranus based. Russia will shake, as will their post-Communist economy, very close to May 16th, 2018. We will see a symbolic ‘castration’ of Vladimir Putin.

Trump, his male relatives and associates may lose their balls at the same time – by which I mean their golf balls. The Conservatives in Great Britain and Australia (the clue is in the name) may also be ‘castrated’ near May 16th, 2018 . Why? Because Uranus transits are about the old guard. The old gods.

There is always ‘the past cut away’ with Uranus. In mythology he had his penis and testicles cut off by his son. What we’re going to see in mid-May is a ‘castration’ of the older generation of white, male bankers and white, male politicians by younger people of all colours, classes and genders. Remember, Uranus rules shock. As I write this in December, it’s really obvious Bitcoin is on the march. This May 2018 outcome is even stranger than that, though. It is possible that the May Day protests we always see about the banking and taxation system will peak in the middle of the month and maybe W.B. Yeats was right about 2018, the way he was right about 1939 – Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold.

Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius is also the class-action lawsuits by groups I talked about. They may be crowdfunded online (fun!) or go through other channels.

For example, if you’re in a group of firefighters and a billionaire failed to protect you or others with sprinklers and fire alarms, maybe you’ll all get together and sue for injuries and risks to life.

If you’re in an apartment block full of tenants unprotected by proper fire or other safety procedures – like Grenfell Tower or Trump Tower – maybe you’ll all get together for group litigation or class action.

How about all the Facebook users who quit (like me) or even those of you who are still on there, taking out a class action lawsuit which may well end Facebook?

I’m sure you can think of a few more ways in which Mars in Aquarius (the group, the community) square Uranus in Taurus (the financial revolution against the norm) is going to take hold!

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What to Do in May 2018

Check your chart because if you have anything at 0, 1 Scorpio or Taurus you will feel the changes first. However, if your personal birth chart shows anything at all in these signs, you will feel the bump as Uranus moves in.

Read the financial pages, even if you never do – in May 2018. Know what’s going on because it’s going to move fast.

Astrology and history tell us what to do when Uranus is on the march. You let go! Be open. Be flexible. Do not stubbornly hang on to what was there before with your money, because it’s not going to last. Forget what you used to know about the traditional world of mortgages, credit cards, paper currency, taxation – because it’s not going to last.

The people who do best on Uranus transits, when this planet enters a brand new zodiac sign and stays there for years, are those who keep moving. They watch the way the wind is blowing! They don’t resist change. They don’t fear change.

The good stuff? Uranus will liberate us from a banking and taxation system that has enslaved us, even if we did not realise we were in chains. We will become free. Independent. Uranus transits typically shock us, then confront us, then challenge us – and with any luck, help  us realise how blind we were to the entrapment.

Uranus in Taurus will free us from heavy corporations and billionaires who ‘run’ us. People power is back. Why? Mars in Aquarius in May 2018 is a first course. We then get the second course and main course from 2020 and pudding from 2023. This is the long-term future. Financial power will go across the community and the global group/groups and be taken away from the people and corporations at the top. May is the start. Watch the news.

I photographed this at the Science Museum in London. This is actually about Mercury Retrograde, not Uranus in Taurus, but ‘the nervous system of commerce’ jammed on a major boom and bust by electric telegraph in October 1929.

There is no Mercury Retrograde in May 2018 but Mercury (computers, smart phones, the internet) in Taurus from May 14th to 29th will result in a frenzy of buying and selling on world sharemarkets.

Some will make a fortune. Why? Jupiter in Scorpio, the same month. He moves across 20-21 of Scorpio and will oppose Mercury very close to Saturday 26th May 2018. That’s a huge deal, probably on Friday 25th or Monday 28th May.

Do You Have Scorpio or Taurus Personal Chart Factors?

Uranus shocks, confronts, challenges – because whatever goes down when he goes into a new sign, brings the distant future into the immediate present. May is going to be like that. Take a deep breath and embrace it. This is especially true if you have Taurus factors at 0 degrees of the sign. You are first in line for the revolution. If you have Scorpio factors at 20, 21 you could gain from the revolution.

If you only do one thing in May 2018, watch the financial news and update yourself as often as possible, as quickly as possible, about the way things are changing. Old, white, corporate males will be castrated. You’ll be affected.

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Possible May 2018 Outcomes for the World Economy

Using astrology it is possible to predict that in May 2018 we might see:

  • Britain walk away from the EU towards No Deal. Shocking!
  • A Flash Crash on Wall Street.
  • A Flash Crash anywhere.
  • The end of at least one major bank, possibly more.
  • The end of household name corporations.
  • Major Bitcoin developments that either end it, or reboot it.
  • The arrival of new digital currencies to rival Bitcoin – born overnight.
  • The death or departure of an important politician  which affects the sharemarket.
  • The new hack of offshore tax, following Panama and Paradise Papers. The names will stun us. Who knew?

Let’s talk more on Twitter.

Uranus in Taurus Predictions – Astrology Dates to Watch to 2026

I am writing this on Thursday 7th December, 2017 peering about ten years into the future.

Back to 2018. I can see Pluto (a change in power) at 20 Capricorn which rules Presidents, Prime Ministers and CEOs. Ceres is at 20 Leo on June 2, 3, 4 and although the majority of astrologers ignore Ceres, I always use her.

Following a sharemarket shock close to May 14, 15, 16 there is a reshuffle at the top around June 2, 3, 4.

November 2018 – Jupiter 28 Scorpio trine Neptune 28 Pisces – champagne economy booms on big bubbles. It’s not going to last but while it’s there enjoy the unnatural high. Ceres enters Scorpio that month. Deals!

This whole period in 2018 feels like the ‘almost’ revolution. False alarm for one-world digital currency! Yet once we are into 2019 it’s real. Watch November, December 2018 and January 2019 with Ceres in Scorpio, though.

December 2019 – The Turning Point

Ceres in Capricorn, which rules big business and government. Jupiter. Saturn. Pluto. This is rare and it will permanently transform how corporations and politicians operate. With Uranus (revolution) in Taurus as well this looks like deconstruction and reconstruction at the White House, Wall Street, Downing Street and all other power centres.

Mercury is there for the paperwork, closures, mergers, start-ups, appointments, resignations and the rest, so we can nail this down to December 30th 2019 to January 16th 2020. The South Node is also in Capricorn so karma is at work. Capricorn is the mountain goat who climbs to the top (below) so skyscrapers and towers will come down or be built.

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May, June 2021 – Ceres and Uranus in Taurus

Another furious period of deal-making. Jupiter enters Pisces in May as well, joining Neptune, so we are now moving into full-tilt virtual reality and virtual currency. As the financiers and bankers and politicians lose their grip on taxes, cost and also market price, we’re going to see a wild, weird and wired period of experimentation.

Jupiter goes back into Aquarius in 2021 just long enough to see the rise of ‘the people’s banks’ and ‘the people’s markets’ which will be like a cross between Paypal, eBay and Bitcoin, but in a truly 2021 version. Friends will trade with friends . Groups are where the buzz is. So this brings social media in too.

You can see how serious social media is becoming as Saturn moves into Aquarius too in 2021. These ‘communes’ of friends pursuing their own banks will realise that friendship costs.

Throughout this period Pluto in Capricorn continues so the deconstruction and reconstruction of the establishment goes on. There is a transfer of power away from those at the top, to the people.

This may come about from class action lawsuits or just jail terms for corporate or government crime. A radical change to a socialist model of government in the USA and UK would be another example of what pushes this along and much of it would come from the years 2018, 2019, 2020.

New technology powers the shift. In the same way that Air BnB threatened the hotel trade the new ‘banks of friends/banks of trade’ will threaten the banks as we know them today. You’d have to suspect the constant threat of hacking would also hit even legal tax-avoiders with reform on the way. No more offshore? Seems likely.

We are extremely likely to see ‘back-billing’ for major tax avoiders by governments 2018-2021.

The era of political donors may also end as the risk of corruption is too great.

You can see where this is taking us! Globally there is a swing to the left, and maybe the radical left, once Uranus moves to Taurus in May 2018. By 2021 when people power is pushing commerce, the old 20th century looks very old indeed.

I hope you can see that this new banking and business model of social-media led organisations (co-operatives and collectives) has its roots in the old crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Groups of friends and acquaintances and not suit establishments, are the new reality of 2021, 2022, 2023 when Saturn is in Aquarius. By now Uranus will be halfway through his currency revolution.

January 2022 – South Node in Scorpio, North Node in Taurus

The Nodes are karma so given that Europe was central to the 1939 patterns across the global economy horoscope, you would have to say that the Second World War with all its financial and spiritual debts and credits, is back in 2022. With Ceres also in Taurus in January 2022, as well as Uranus, the first month of that year looks like D-Day for Europe. It’s not the first D-Day they’ve ever seen, but in its own way, for trade and currency, it’s like 1944 all over again.

May 2023 – Jupiter in Taurus – and Life to 2026

This is where life becomes really unusual. From May 2023, Jupiter (solutions, breakthroughs, growth, improvement) is in Taurus, the currency sign. The same month, Pluto moves to Aquarius for only the third month in our history. It doesn’t spend too long there, but May 2023 looks like an unforgettable month for these people-banks of friends.

As we go into 2024, Jupiter and Uranus continue in Taurus so the whole period will be full of booms, highs, surprises and new freedoms. We will look back at 2017, the year I am writing this – and wonder how we ever coped with dollars, pounds, euros, old-school taxes and banks lending us money – the old way.

There is a price to pay for all this, though, and Pluto in his new sign of Aquarius in 2025 is a stark reminder of how a group of social contacts and friends doing business with each other, can be just as powerful as a corporation. By the time 2026 rolls around, Uranus is nearly out of Taurus, but Chiron is almost on his way in. That’s another story!

More from the blog


Zoom Event – New Pisces Cycles 2025-2026

Join this unique Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out. Included are the exact dates of the Neptune ingress in Aries, Saturn ingress in Aries and North Node ingress in Aquarius.

Read More »

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161 Responses

  1. Oh, no! I have natal Neptune at 20 degrees Scorpio conjunct natal South Node both in 9th house. Opposite True North Node at 16 degrees and Mean North Node at 18 degrees Taurus in my 3rd house!!!!!

  2. Jessica, this has me a bit spooked. I have factors in early Taurus and Scorpio. My hubby is 11 degree Taurus sun. We have been struggling financially. What should we brace for next year? Thanks much for all your advice.

    1. Slooooowly over a number of years, you two will change every aspect 0f the way y0u use m0ney, pr0perty, business, charity, p0ssessi0ns in y0ur lives. It’s a little punk r0ck actually, like my keyb0ard at the m0ment! Radical rethink 0f cash t0 end the struggle. Uranus always sets y0u free with whatever it takes.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you, a fabulous article! Very exciting times ahead.
    Can I just check with you please I have South Node at 01 Taurus
    and North Node at 01 Scorpio. Is this close enough for an early revolution for me, I also have a scorpio stellium. Many thanks

    1. Thank you. A karmic arrangement over your cash, home, business, charity will radically change in May and set you or others free. Now through 2018 reshapes your finances.

  4. Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for this fascinating article. I am excited (and nervous!) to see what May 2018 will bring! I have a lot of Scorpio factors (Pluto at 02 Scorpio, Vesta at 08 Scorpio, Saturn at 21 Scorpio, Minerva at 21 Scorpio, MC at 24 Scorpio, and South Node at 13 Scorpio), with Hygeia at 01 Taurus and North Node at 13 Taurus. I have been wondering how to interpret all of these Scorpio factors! Is it challenging to have Scorpio in Saturn, Pluto, MC, etc? Am I doomed to have struggles with money/sex/power/death my whole life? (Kind of joking–this doesn’t feel true, but I am not quite sure what to make of my chart!)

    I only have 3 Sagittarius factors (Fortuna at 13 Sagittarius, Uranus at 13 Sagittarius, Bacchus at 18 Sagittarius), and was wondering if Saturn in Sagittarius might have been making it difficult for me launch a writing career? I feel like Saturn in Sag had a LOT to teach me about writing the past few years–I’ve written several, and am facing a complete rewrite on one and a major revision on another. I’m wondering if the astrology would be favorable to writing and publishing novels in 2018? I’m hoping to focus on writing, because I’ve had to turn down work in the health care field due to lack of adequate childcare where I live, which is very rural. Money’s been tight, and I’m hoping that things will improve. My husband is a sun Libra with Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio as well. Will the 2018 forecast help or hinder our finances and family life? I appreciate any insight you are able to give.

    1. Saturn in Sagittarius is nearly over and Jupiter (growth) arrives this time next year, into 2019, when your publishing chances skyrocket. Jupiter will produce a major way to make or save money in 2018 as he crosses Saturn and Minerva – do not miss it!

  5. Oh dear Lord!!! This scares the pants off me. I run my own business which relies on clients with high cash flow to survive. If the banks collapse, then so will my business and then not only myself but all my employees will be out of work as well. We survived the 2008 crash but that I believe was only because we live in Australia. I am also renovating my apartment on borrowed money and was planning to sell it in 2021 when I retire to fund my retirement. Sounds like I could lose it all if what you predict pans out and I trust your astrological predictions so that’s why I am shaking in my boots. I have been investigating for some time, alternate digital currency but too scared to put what little money I do have into it, in case I lose it all. Any further advice you can give, would be greatly appreciated as I don’t think I will sleep a wink until May 2018 reveals itself.

    1. You will not lose unless it is the only thing that would set you free. People who lose on Uranus only do so if their lifestyle, values, business has imprisoned them and others in a way. Research is required though. You need to understand Bitcoin, now!

  6. As ever, very interesting predictions Jessica! My ascendant and moon is in Taurus, so I am wondering how Uranus in Taurus might affect me. Thanks a lot!

    1. It may take years but you will experience a totally new financial life. Wealth is common. So is alternative lifestyle/dropping out. Whatever sets you free from chains you have forgotten about.

  7. You continue to blow me away with this stuff. God, I hope I have enough ducks in a row in the digital currencies to thrive and ride this wave from May 2018 onwards and build generational wealth for my loved ones.

    I wanted to share some of the amazing symbolism that is popping up in the digital currency space that I think you will enjoy. It spoke to me… BUY ME!

    Check out Cardono – officially launched on Oct 17 .

    Cardano SL (or Cardano Settlement Layer) is a cryptographic currency designed and developed by IOHK in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh, the University of Athens and the University of Connecticut. Cardano SL is based on the Haskell implementation of the white paper “Ouroboros: A Provably Secure Proof of Stake Blockchain Protocol” by Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell, Bernardo David and Roman Oliyny

    The best part is this… check out their wallet called Daedalus, and the logo symbol is the green bull. I loved the symbol –

    There are even planning their own paper wallets the designs again will make you giggle looking at these beefed up bulls!

    I laughed when the CEO was asked to explain the meaning of the images on these paper wallets – “Daedalus built the labyrinth to contain the Minotaur because no chains could bind him. Paper mino has escaped the maze”

    Thanks again for all your work bringing us their insights, I do admit I’m always scared shitless reading your predictions given I don’t want to lose what I did in the 2012- 2016 gaggle.
    I’m consumed by the digital wave and just praying the energy and time I’m putting into researching it rewards me with a legacy to enjoy and to leave for those I love. It’s becoming like a new career just getting your head around it all for a pleb like me and trying to discern the art of patterns.

    Blessings as always. x

  8. Hi Jessica
    In the time frame of 23-25 may, psyche and ops will be in scorpio and taurus respectively around 15,16,17 degrees. (Ceres around 17 degree in leo). Can you please take out some time to explain how will these asteroids play out in taurus-scorpio weather.
    Thank you.

    1. The classic conflict between values (Taurus) and sex/money (Scorpio) is likely. Ethics, morals, beliefs tied to matters of cash, property, charity, business pull you one way; the chance to gain or save, another.

  9. Dear Jessica,
    I have Taurus and Scorpio stellium and 17° Scorpio in Uranus.
    2017 has been very life-changing for me – I left a safe and comfortable life in banking to start a business in an industry I have no experience in. A lot of sweat and tears have been put into this business and I have been on no-pay for almost 7 months. Would my situation change with Uranus moving into Taurus in May 2018?

    Thank you.

    1. It will take years for your Uranus Return in Taurus, if it’s at 17 degrees, so long-term, yes, you will either leave that business behind or totally revolutionise it. Short-term in 2018 Jupiter (growth, solutions, expansion) will conjunct your Uranus so either because of your business or thanks to family money/lover’s money, you will find freedom, gain and independence.

  10. Dear Jessica, many thanks for your brilliant work! Very exciting time is coming! As i am from country nearby Russia I am very interested in scenario of Russia destiny. But i as well interested in my “cards”. Could you please take a look on my horoscope and give some predictions on how Uranus could touch my financial situation. The last 5 years is quite struggling in terms of money – it just are going out. I am wondering when they will start come in? Thanks a lot! I am Sun 23 Pisces, Moon 04 Taurus, North Node 07 Taurus. You should see my birth horoscope as well as I logged in in member zone! Best wishes !

    1. The lack of stability with money ends in May 2018 giving you a break. The uncertainty returns for a short time after that but by 2020 it’s over and you can plan a budget and stick to it.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    My Mars is at Scorpio 20 … I am absolutely fascinated by cryptocurrencies and their liberating potential for the common man and woman. Are there some good financial dates coming up for me in 2018? I’d love to catch the revolutionary wave that I see coming straight for us! Much thanks 🙂

    1. 2018 is life-changing as Jupiter at 20 Scorpio helps you expand and increase your savings or income and Pluto at 20 Capricorn suggests changes in your chosen field, or the world of banking/government also help. January, February 2018 and September that year are the months to use. Cryptocurrency is a wild, wild ride so stay updated/informed across this cycle.

  12. Hi Jessica,

    Eeek! This worries me a little. I’m a banker and for quite a while now been trying to get out of debt as well as save to buy a home.

    As an older single woman, it scares me that the changes coming may not let me reach my goals quickly.

    Can you tell from my chart if this will be a positive or negative transit for me?

    Thanks for your insights.


    1. AJ as a banker you are lucky to be on top of what is coming – Uranus in Taurus does not mean ‘broke’ and many people will do very well from this long cycle. Yet – you need to be ready to change, move and shift with the times. It’s like being in New York in 1781. Britain left, so did the old tax system. Slave-based economies started to be under threat. If you were smart, and moved with the times, you made a fortune. Stay updated!

  13. Hi Jessica,

    Great article, and I followed your previous ones about Uranus in Taurus. I have my sun at 6 degrees Taurus in the 4th house, and Saturn at 23 in the 5th. I own some bitcoin and other cryptos. I’m also in the cannabis business. I expect good things in both, but would greatly appreciate any insights you may have. Thanks for the great work!

    1. Thank you. Your Taurus factors are all in the Second House in the Natural House system. Short-term (through November 2018) you have Jupiter in Scorpio helping protect you and frequently, boosting you. Even the opposition from Jupiter at 23 Scorpio to your Saturn at 23 Taurus in October 2018 will be good for you, in the same way that eating broccoli is good for you. Long-term get the best advice you can afford before 2023-2024.

  14. Dear Jessica
    I’ m always looking forward for your articles.
    I have a Scorpio stellium: Mercury 17, Neptune 8, Venus 22, Bacchus 28 and I plan my retirement by the end of 2022. How can I be flexible with my bank savings?
    What should I brace for 2018?

    Kind regards,

    1. Vivi, Uranus will be with you until 2026 and all I can suggest is that you adapt to changing circumstances affecting your country and the world. The last time we had Uranus (revolution) in Taurus (money, shopping, salary, property, sharemarkets, currency) it was World War Two. We are not going to see WW3 in May 2018 just because Uranus is back in that sign, so don’t worry. What we *will* see from that point on is a repeat of – rationed resources (climate change means a ban on certain products by 2026) and ‘grow your own’ as our version of ‘Dig for Victory.’ The War made particular economies and industries boom – none of them could ever have been foreseen before. Keep watching, changing, updating, learning as the revolution rolls on. Be right on top of banking trends and zig-zag when the world zig-zags. Keep bubbles and borrowing to a minimum in 2020, 2021 as Uranus (shock, radical change) opposes your Neptune (unreality) in Scorpio (finance, property). Keep it real. The people most rocked by those years will be in a financial non-reality. Bubbles will burst so avoid having one.

  15. HI Jessica,

    Happy holidays!

    So May 2018, I have Neptune at 19 Scorpio, and the question of course is how does that relate with all this?

    Also, separate from this article, I wonder what my Salacia 21 Capricorn will mean in 2020?

    Also, another separate question, is there anything you can tell me about my health?

    Many thanks,


    1. Merry Christmas. You can find a long piece about the Capricorn weather in my book 2020 Astrology, free on Amazon. You will have an opportunity to borrow or make money not possible in 12 years in April, May, September 2018. I suspect this is a new kind of online banking or new tax ruling.

  16. Thank you Jessica for this insightful article.

    People’s Bank in Sri Lanka was formed under Jupiter in Aquarius 1961, July 1.

    Uranus will first oppose my Juno in 1degree Scorpio.

    26 May 2018 will e significant as Jupiter will be on my dsc/asc. Asc is not about money.

    Is this a good time for property settlement after separation?

    Thank you kindly


    1. Juno is commitment. Scorpio is finance, property, business. Uranus is shock, radical change, revolution. An opposition is always a clash so we have a clash (from May 2018) between what happens globally with the banks, sharemarkets, property prices – and this commitment. Try to think ‘surfing, adapting, inventing, innovating, changing’ rather than ‘settling’ at this time.

  17. Hi Jessica, this article gave me hope! Reason being I have Uranus at 20 Scorpio. I also have Asculapsia at 00 Taurus. Apart from that there are other factors at 10 and 11 taurus ans scorpio. I have been feeling suffocated by the slogging lately wanting to break free from the same old job, mortgage and learning to use law of attraction to attract abundance. I never felt like that before. In fact money was never my focus.
    What does my horroscope patterns suggest about my future.
    I pray you read and answer my question….
    Million THANKS…

    1. April 2018 finds Jupiter (hope, opportunity) on your Uranus so the revolution you have inside you is ready to begin. From there, Aesculapia at 0 Taurus will result in something/someone coming back from the brink – finances, possessions, property – in an electrifying episode in May or June 2018. PS – The Law of Attraction is bollocks.

  18. Thanks Jessica – what a great article! We’ve had things financially tough for a while now with my husband out of work for over a year. He finally found work recently but its not very secure and could be over around May 2018. I have an awful lot in Taurus, plus a splattering of Scorpio too. How might the financial revolution play out for me?

    1. Thank you. It’s hard to say without your husband’s chart. In general, the next few years will require you to change the habits of a lifetime and rather than stick/hold in a Taurus-like fashion with money, shopping habits, banking, budget, income – you will need to learn to surf. There is no other way to describe it. If you can picture yourself being thrown onto one wave after another, remember that bulls who try to find their feet on shifting sand again and ‘get back to where they were’ are very unlikely to succeed. We are moving into a new world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, and more radically, into a world where climate change means eventually we will have to ban particular products or services. This is why you need to learn how to surf because it will be wave after wave. Adapt and survive. But don’t hang onto paper and iron.

      1. Thank you and beyond for your response, Jessica.
        As always your insight is invaluable. “fear” was the perfect word to pinpoint the symptom.

        Regarding my work situation, I have had a decade-long transition out of a creative industry where I no longer work. At the moment, I am back to academia, up-skilling myself with a masters degree as a full-time student and volunteering at a reputable charity in a role that relates to my field of studies. Nothing concrete in terms of work, but moving towards a new career.

        1. Thank you. Sounds as if you’ll meet Saturn in human form – one of those male academics, perhaps – or ‘the system’ itself. But you know what to do.

  19. Dear Jessica,

    I have Taurus factors in Prosperina 13deg , Cupido 15deg, Diana 25deg, Chiron 15deg. Scorpio factors in Moon 2deg, Uranus 29deg, and Juno 5deg.
    The situation with me is like this. I have proved myself as the star performer and one of the indispensable in the company, but my line manager doesn’t let me go up but at the same time keeps me in her good books. There is an authority (also my lover), who is trying to help me in every possible way and there is a great opportunity awaiting me as well, the only problem is my line manager.
    But I feel confident that I will win at the end. What do you see here?

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Uranus at 2 Taurus will oppose your natal Moon at 2 Scorpio in April, December 2019 and January 2020 so you need to look at your ‘need to be needed’ with money, property, charity, business. This would involve sex (typically, marriage) or deadly serious issues (typically, the contents of your will). Your great need to care, nurture, protect and ‘feed’ others will be challenged by sudden, unexpected events tied to the global transit of Uranus through 2 Taurus so please be right on top of economic trends at this time. Your immediate issues with your line manager are really about work, so that’s a Virgo or Capricorn issue. You are going to see a reshuffle across December, January in your industry and very likely in your workplace and will then know where you stand. It may be an actual transplanting of roles, responsibilities and rights or just a shift in politics.

  20. Hi Jessica, I have Venus at 1 Scorpio and Neptune at 7 Scorpio so they will form oppositions to Uranus when it enters Taurus. In the first four months of 2018 I will be renovating my home. Do I need to be careful with respect to money and property? Also any thoughts on how Gold will respond to the shocks in May?

    1. Correct. Transiting Uranus at 1 Taurus will oppose natal Venus at 1 Scorpio in June, with an obvious lead-in during May. This translates as radical changes and shocks to the banking, taxation and currency sectors which directly affect the relationship (Venus) you have with a significant person tied to your home, bank account, business, possessions. That is a very long-winded way of saying, try not to pull any moves across this period. Uranus is at 1 Taurus in June, September, October, then he is back in 2019 in March and April. Venus was the goddess of complicated relationships. She had one with her son. She had one with her husband. She had one with her daughter-in-law and also with her lover. You will know exactly what I am talking about closer to the time and may want to a) get good outside advice and b) not strike any kind of deal when Uranus is clashing with Venus. He was actually her father in mythology. She was born from his severed genitals, believe it or not. Renovating, not such a big deal, unless you are going to borrow a lot of money in June from your lover/son/husband etc. Then I don’t think any astrologer would tell you to dive in without being very, very careful about outcomes.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    Thankyou for such an insightful and interesting article about times ahead… I have factors Taurus 14 degrees Ceres and 19 degrees Apollo as will as Scorpio 13 degrees Ops. Are you able to shed any light about what I can expect in 2018? Many thanks

    1. Thank you. Ceres at 14 Taurus is what you will notice first/most as she is opposite Ops at 13 Scorpio, so you have a lifelong pattern around money, possessions, houses, apartments which always involves carve-up and compromise. Whenever you have transits across 13 degrees it goes off. Jupiter (abundance, breakthroughs, solutions) is at 13, 14 Scorpio in June-August 2018 so make the most of it. You will have the mother of all solutions then as Jupiter was actually the son of Ops. Even the opposition to Ceres will be useful. You’re going to have some kind of divide/share situation but it will work beautifully for you. In the year that Uranus goes to 13 Scorpio though get the best advice you can afford, and that’s 2021.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    My head’s spinning, after reading this article – while searching deeper into these aspects, and what they might mean for my particular chart, I realised that in May 2018 I would have Saturn Square Saturn aspect in my 10th house — which sounds quite daunting. And I ask you who can see it all including my chart, how could I prepare?

    1. Saturn square Saturn is really about a temporary person, organisation or situation which runs on fear – nothing more, nothing less – affecting your own particular fears. The astrologer Sue Tompkins has a very good chapter on Saturn in both of her books. She talks about animals freezing in fear and I think that is correct. We tend to under-protect or over-protect ourselves on Saturn transits and that’s worth looking at. Basically, you are going to need some kind of defence or wall. That’s just common sense. You are going to have to do your level best to secure yourself and your situation as this temporary issue comes by. Do not engage with, nor buy into, the people/organisation/situation which is so obviously Saturn in disguise! That should have no part at all in your thinking. Get on with your own life. But do some extra homework and research to find out how others have coped before you. Saturn at 9-8-7 Capricorn by transit in May 2018 is essentially corporate fear, government fear, old scared men in some kind of company/department/institution. Sometimes it’s scared women who act like scared men. Figure out a strategy. You don’t say if you work or not, or what kind of work you do, but this transit is usually about your profession.

  23. Hi Jessica,

    Your articles are always insightful and I always look forward to them. I have been looking into cryptocurrencies, but am extremely fearful of the bubble bursting. I’ve always had a problem of jumping into investments when it is late or about to burst. Do you see any of that in my chart? Im ready to embrace cryptocurriecies and other changes, but wonder if finding the right timing is just as important?

    Thank you!


    1. Julie, beyond astrology, every finance writer in the world is ringing alarm bells about crypto-currency. The truth is, from a horoscope point of view, while Jupiter (abundance) is in Scorpio (business) now through November 2018 some will make an absolute fortune. However from November 2018 Jupiter changes signs and that natural protection and luck vanishes. I am really concerned about the signature of Uranus in Taurus because it is so obviously about a High-Tech Revolution in Currency. That is a direct translation. Uranus by nature is unpredictable, erratic, frequently shocking and we have years of it ahead. Uranus opposite the Scorpio (finance, property) positions of billions suggests ongoing challenges and I suspect the biggest problem of all will be for people born in the 1960s who are approaching retirement age, but are also the major stakeholders in the property market. The less they can ‘bubble’ the better. The less you can hitch your ride to their bubbles, the better. Neptune is about bubbles, mirages, illusions, froth, fantasy, foam, mist and the rest. Put it in Scorpio for everyone born in the Sixties and you have the ‘credit card generation’ and the ‘property investment/mortgage generation’. None of it is tied to anything remotely real that anyone can hold in their hand, and that’s where the risks are, as transiting Uranus in Taurus will come along and oppose Neptune. Keep your eyes on that as you read around the subject and start reading now – it’s coming.

  24. Dear Jessica,
    here is your faithful reader from Bosnia.Single mother of two great kids,struggling with finances and slowly being more and more poor for last several years.Will be happy to keep the job and sell a little piece of land,could you take a look on my chances for both?Dtb 16th August 1959,wondering if my jupiter in scorpio at 23 and neptune at 5 would contribute positively or negatively in 2018.With best wishes for the Crhristmass and 2018,thank you,yours faithfully..
    Cat on a hot tin roof.

    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas. You should definitely target – land, houses, apartments, housesitting, AirBnB, and all residences (unusual ones too, like boats or barges) now through November 2018. You are in the luckiest cycle for 12 years and if you are open to everything, then may find exactly the right opportunity finds you. You will have your Jupiter Return next year in your Eighth House of finance, business, possessions and property in your personal birth chart. In your Leo chart you have Jupiter in your Fourth House of home, home town, homeland, household, family. Knowing that Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, hope and solutions, you should aim for the biggest and best, even now, and reach for as much as you can until the day the cycle ends, November 9th 2018. Your actual Jupiter Return is February, March, October next year. I know you want to sell your land, and that’s fine, but be open to all variations on a theme. I have known people end up with amazing houses to look after, in return for caring for an elderly resident, for example. There are many, many ways to play Jupiter cycles!

  25. Hi Jessica, thank you for your many fascinating insights. I love your blog.
    Bitcoin and block chain technology seem unstoppable, but I am concerned as they use a lot of energy to mine and trade. Unless the huge amounts of electricity required for cryptocurrencies is produced without increasing greenhouse gases, then their use will be bad for global warming. Might their use have to be rationed?
    Thanks, Claire

    1. Claire, you are nailing the other side of the Uranus in Taurus transit which is about the environment. Taurus is bulls, bulls mean cattle, and we associate both methane and the land itself with this ancient symbol.

  26. My natal Saturn is in Taurus and I have a Capricorn stellium, sun in Aquarius. I’ve recently made a small investment in crypto currencies. How does this all look for my finances and work?

    I love your website!

    1. Thank you – I will pass that on to James, Justin, Alyas, Kerry and Jodi. By all the laws of astrology Jupiter in Scorpio will protect the millions of you who are investing in CC – until 8th November 2018 when you are on your own. You have the Moon at 20 Scorpio and Jupiter is at 20 Scorpio in your Eighth House across January 22-29 2018 so, thanks to CC or for other reasons, you will make or save a bundle. Pluto is very close at 19 Capricorn so it may be work, of course. September 2018 also looks lucrative.

  27. Hi Jessica!!
    Firstly, I must congratulate you on your silver tongued predictions!! Reading about your references to alternate cryptocurrency, I had enrolled for a course to understand bitcoins in July 2017, but had to discontinue soon due to other pressing issues in life. Now see where the bitcoin is flying through the roof already!

    I am a true blue blooded Taurean. Sitting with my financial statements, and stock reviews is cathartic/stress busting for me, much to the horror of my friends. So I am looking forward with glee to the next year and the period of Uranus in my home sign. (Hope I am not being foolhardy)

    I am being directly hit with the three crucial days you refer to in your article. My son also has his north node exactly conjunct my sun at 25 Taurus. Please give your valuable comments on how it will affect my chart, and my son’s node placement.

    Hats off to the lady who is taking the woo woo out of astrology 🙂

    1. Thank you so much and I love your compliment. Taurus 14-25 degree patterns in your chart are linked to your son with his 25 Taurus-Scorpio nodes so you two share karma from past lives to be worked out financially and through property or possessions. From 2022 get the best financial advice you can afford. For now, use the Jupiter in Scorpio oppositions because this planet is so beneficial even complex, challenging situations pay off and save or make you money.

  28. Jessica, thank you for your great articles. Through you I have learned how to read my chart. Translating it is still a challenge. I see that I have some interesting transits going into 2022, and wondered if you could shed some light on the .interpretation?
    Pluto will soon be aspecting many signs including natal Pluto in 2018. In jan 18 mars trines and sextiles jupiter Neptune Saturn and natal mars.
    I have a solar eclipse 20 cancer over Appollo in July 18. Uranus will conj Vulcano in may 19 and then my NN in may 21. There seems to be a climax in Nov 21 when I have sun 21 Scorpio, merc 17 SCO, mars 11 sco, Jupiter 23 Aqu, Uranus 12 t’aurus, Pluto 24 cap.
    Plus march 25 there is a lunar eclipse 23 Virgo over my Uranus.
    I have written over the past two years describing a difficult situation with a business associate which has imprisoned me for a number of years. I do believe I am on the road to setting myself free and I can now focus on what I really would like to do which is not what I have been doing for the past 5 years (gathering experience and data yes for my book!) Pluto is the one I cannot work out. Thank you

    1. Thank you. Pluto is always people who dominate and take over. It never lasts. Pluto was disempowered by Jupiter in mythology and after 1930 when Pluto was discovered and all the global bully boys appeared, they were also disempowered in the end. So forget the business associate. He or she is history. In future if you encounter Pluto people stop them early and stop them completely. Ask them a lot of questions. They can be female.

  29. Dear Jessica,

    I have Uranus in 0 deg Scorpio and than I have north node in 23deg scorpio and south node in 23 Taurus. I don ‘ t know what is the main reason but last couple of years I think that my whole life is concern about three areas – having baby(without success (i know my saturn in leo plus stelium) and the value of my personality (what I am worth of as for work) and security as for money ( great stress for couple of years if i will have enough money for normal life- starting my iwn business this year – services in hr, couching and mentoring).
    Can you tell if and how will be mainly last two mentioned areas affected by Uranus in Taurus. Can I hope for better and balanced times or only never ending revolution and unsecurity.

    Thank you very much.

    1. You will have a golden opportunity to make or save a lot of money in March 2018, then October. Rethink income sources and follow what you are being shown/told by the universe as it will be so easy to do and make a long-term difference. In fact you earned/saved this way in a previous life.

  30. Hi Jessica

    Thanks you for a great article which is absolutely fascinating.

    I have been reading about crypto – currencies and block chain in particular and it’s other uses as a digital ledger of transactions for some time however never had the courage to invest in Bitcoin.

    I have Taurus factors in Diana, Proserpina, Vesta, Bacchus and Desc and Scorpio factors in Asc and Hygenia. Is there any insight you can provide as to what I might expect.

    Many thanks.

    1. Thank you! Uranus will meet Diana at 26 Taurus in 2025 as the final chapter in a long story about independence. You are going to see ongoing change for years which will result in you breaking free of people, organisations or situations which chained you. A totally different approach to money, shopping, property is very likely.

  31. Thanks Jessica. One more question. Uranus conjuncting Vulcano and then my North node at 11 Taurus. How would I read that? Uranus in Taurus will about the same time square my sun at 12 AQ.

    1. The Nodes across Scorpio-Taurus matter more than Vulcano, which is just your self-control. You incarnated to explore your values having had many lifetimes under communism, capitalism, socialism, wealth, poverty. The Uranus transit will set you free from old patterns. On a more practical note get the best advice you can afford that year.

  32. Wow Jessica. I’m going to keep this article close in the next year. With Neptune at 17 degrees in Scorpio I’m curious as to how the Bacchus opposition would impact my finances. I’m really looking at housing in 2018 and wondering if this Scorpio/Taurus aspect will help me financially or to really skip this time period. I’m so excited for a turnaround this coming year and am keeping a close eye on crypto currencies.

    1. Thank you. Jupiter conjunct your Neptune will probably result in new-style banks offering amazing deals on loans and credit, but do read the fine print as once Jupiter moves on, the picture may change.

  33. Hi Jessica!

    I have my Taurus sun at 1 degrees. My Scorpio in Uranus at 24 degrees, what will this mean for me?

    Thank you!

    1. You are among the very first people to feel the effects of Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus in June 2018. You are well-known for your particular way with money, charity, business, precious possessions and/or property. In fact, when you get it right, you shine. Your entire identity could be utterly changed, in this regard, should you choose to go along with the quite radical and sudden changes of June. Dance in the storm.

  34. Dear Jessica
    This article is incredible , I am in shock. You are amazing!
    I. have learned a lot! I have to – with my large Taurus stellium containing major planets and with Uranus 3 degrees Scorpio square DSC and Leo Mars.
    i have to gain insight and you helped me a lot!

    1. Thank you. Uranus opposite Uranus is a radical change to the way you see money and all it can/cannot do for you. It will be confronting but it will set you free. Please do get the best financial advice you can, though, from May 2018 onwards.

  35. Yikes – my Sun is in Taurus, my North Node is in Taurus at 06° 49′ 17″ R and my South Node is in Scorpio at 06° 49′ 17″ R. Certainly looks like I should brace myself for major change – the question is — is it worrisome? Or positive? Thanks, Jessica. I read your website everyday.

    1. Thank you. You won’t personally feel the impact of the world economic revolution for a while, as your Scorpio-Taurus placements are further into the signs, and not up front at 0, 1, 2 degrees. Uranus enters at 0, 1, 2 degrees across 2018 and 2019 so although you will see the way the wind is blowing, from May, you won’t be standing in the currents for quite some time. Having said that, it’s time to start reading the financial pages and opening up to new ways of doing business. Your chart signature is about ‘I earn, I own, I owe’ and Uranus will absolutely transform that over the next seven years. This cycle is commonly about breaking away from people, situations or places which trap you, or even enslave you (though it takes great insight to see that). At a certain point you’ll be able to take a deep breath and have an honest conversation with yourself about old, old patterns around money, business, charity or property which increasingly seem like a way to keep you confined – not a way to feel comfortable. On a practical note, stay right on top of the curve with those Millennials and Generation Z as they are not going to make, save or spend money the way anyone else does. And we’re about to see why.

  36. Hi Jessica, I just love this article! Living in North America and working in a male centric corporate field, I am so tired of the way white male big business is run. So this article gives me hope that there is going to be major changes shortly. I have quite a few Scorpio and Taurus placements. Lately I have been looking at a way to get out of the oil and gas industry that I work in and into a more creative/socially impactful field. I have been thinking about starting my own company, would this be the right time for this? Interestingly enough as soon as I decide this I get a phone call from a company I have been trying to get into for years asking if I would be interested in a managers position as they are just feeling for candidates right now. This position was described to me by someone in the current company as “the only way anyone can get this position is to be a female because they have to hire more right now and that’s not fair”. Obviously said by an older white male.

    1. I really love this feedback, thank you. The way you made a decision to start your own company, and then get a magical phone call. I’m sure you know about the bronze ‘little girl’ on Wall Street who is facing the charging bull – the bull market. You’re living it. You were born with Jupiter at 0 Virgo in the Sixth House of work and Uranus will move to 0 Taurus making a stunning trine you have not experienced in your lifetime, from May. Can you keep talking? If you do have the luxury of stretching out discussion for the next few weeks it would benefit you enormously as there are more changes coming and you don’t have the full story yet. Further ahead, transiting Jupiter at 0 Capricorn will also trine your natal Jupiter, so you are on a terrific work and career path beyond 2020. Jupiter is about growth and expansion and this cycle favours the big picture. If you have your eye on that you will be very happy with the big, big outcomes.

  37. Hi Jessica, I’ve got ASC Scorpio and DESC Taurus plus Ceres in Taurus, Saturn and Panacea in Scorpio.
    How this going to affect me financially? Since last Oct I’ve begun to have a bit extra work for extra income, things got really quiet in Dec to Feb and fianlly got better in March and April. I really hope the scale of my part-time work can transform into a full-time work. Move away from debt and reaching financial freedom. I know a big transformation is happening I’m really excited for what’s going to happen this May and July eclipse to see what all these extraordinaire cosmic event will bring. I just dont want to miss this transformation train and I hope it’s an express as I’m lack of patient!

    1. It will take a while for you to experience Uranus in Taurus directly, on a financial level, but what happens in 2018-2019 will immediately have an impact on your connection with foreign people and places, and your online communication with the world. The reason for this is your Gemini (Third House of internet) and Sagittarius (Ninth House of travel) placements. You have these near 1, 2 degrees and Uranus will come in at 1, 2 degrees of Taurus over the next couple of years, so you will really feel the global economic revolution affecting how you travel; how you deal with people from foreign cultures and countries. For you this seems likely to be about currency exchange rates and how this alters your view of the world and what you can do in it. Things will move very, very fast for years to come so try to surf the waves.

  38. Hi Jessica,
    This seems like an exciting time. As much as these changes might be painful, I do think they are necessary. I have stellums in Taurus and Scorpio ( 3 factors each), do you think this will be a gaining or a losing change for me?
    Thank you again for everything.

    1. You’ll gain freedom. Uranus per se is not about being rich or poor – it is about valuing what it means to be ‘unshackled’ from situations or people which were restricting you far too much. You are strongly Taurus-Scorpio and will probably understand this quite intuitively when you begin to see what is possible. We tend to value ‘the known’ in life and even a set-up which ties us down can feel like security! What Uranus will do in your life, in stages, from May 2018 (for many years) is to make you think again about the way you have been operating with the bank, with your salary, shopping patterns, savings and the rest. The more open you can be to that, the better. Turning away from necessary change is not wise on this cycle. Instead, try to take a deep breath and see what you are being shown. Most of all, put a price on what it means to be free. Not a lot of people do that, but genuine freedom is worth ££££ and you can’t get it from a catalogue.

  39. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for posting that again because we’re almost there! It’s quite exciting!
    I have my Sun, & Mercury in Taurus, and my ascendant & Uranus in Scorpio.
    (18/5/1978 3:54pm Brisbane).
    I hope my financial situation dramatically changes because I have been on welfare and have been poor for so long! Do you happen to have any specific advice for me?
    My ex is a Scorpio and he has recently initiated mediation regarding our Picean son. My ex has had drug problems and we are very much in opposition.
    If not, that’s okay. 🙂 I’m a lefty and these predictions are definitely exciting! A metaphorical castration of the men in suits? Yes please!
    Thank you Jessica! 🙂

    1. You’re strongly Taurus with the Sun and Mercury there. Being on welfare and being poor can be as common with Taurus, as being rich (or being a Marxist). I can’t comment on your Scorpio ex, except to say things with your son will eventually improve. This confused and confusing situation, which is essentially about boundaries, will not last. Until then there need to be firm rules and lines drawn, as much as possible, on all sides. You often find even the smallest things like being late/being early are issues on this cycle (with child custody or maintenance, or rules involving the child). Anyway – the larger issue is your attitude towards money. It will take a long time for Uranus to reach your Sun, but as a Taurus you will feel the impact of this planet moving into your zone of image, presentation, name, packaging, title, role and appearance as early as May 15th. You will be given the tools for a new look and new ‘Me’ brand by 2019 and it will be very exciting. Commit to a ‘Me’ change and use scrap paper to draw and make notes. The old you will not be the new you.

  40. Dear Jessica, thank you very much for this wise and wonderful article. I must say, as a Cancer with 4 Asteroids in Capricorn I feel quite nervous about my Taurus North Node at 24,42 and my Neptune at 19,42 Scorpio. Apollo ist at 25,58 in Taurus too. Can you please help me with an advice about what can happen to me an how I can cope with all this? Many thanks and best wishes!!

    1. You have a late-degree Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of finance, property, business, possessions and charity. When Jupiter (abundance, opportunity, growth, solutions) goes across the late degrees of Scorpio, further into 2018, you will move towards the end of the year with some terrific open doors to go through. It will take a very long time for Uranus with all his radical change to approach these late degree placements in your chart and by then you’ll be in a different world, financially. It will be commonplace for people to accept what we now call cryptocurrency (it will be called something else by then). One-world thinking, opening up the developing world, will also be common and we may be bartering, not paying – online – all kinds of weird and wonderful innovations will be in your life. The trick is to keep informed and stay updated. See what is exciting others, financially, and make it your business to stay ahead of the curve.

  41. Hello,

    I have stelliums in both Taurus and scorpio. What does my chart reveal on how this will effect me?

    1. You have the Moon at 1 Taurus in your Second House of finance, philanthropy, shopping, ownership, business and property. You also have a few other factors near 1 degree of the signs, so Uranus moving across 1, 2 Taurus in 2018 and 2019 will challenge you to give up old ways of earning, owing money – or owning possessions, houses or apartments. The old ways may have represented some kind of stability and certainty, but sometimes it’s actually far too binding. It’s too restrictive. Given that Uranus comes from nowhere, May and June will likely feel quite electrifying – lots of noise and static – yet if you can be honest with yourself about where things are, you may well find that you are being offered a way out, or a way through. It takes a lot of insight to see that, while the winds of change are blowing so hard, but later on it will make perfect sense. You were not free. If you accept the challenge of change, you will be! That’s precious.

  42. Hey jessica, quite excited about this brand new cycle! I have looking at properties to own one, though that seems impossible right now coz getting no financial help at all from family and doing it on our own is making it look impossible. Can u plz have a look at my chart as i have factors in taurus and scorpio but i dont understand how are they going to affect me or how they will be triggered! Can i expect some revolution on financial front? Thanks

    1. You have quite a lot at 0, 1 degrees so even though Uranus in Taurus will take a while to reach your Taurus Moon (more on that in a moment) in general you will be affected by the radical new trends in money, shopping, charity, business, crowdfunding and the rest in May and June 2018, which come with a jolt, like touching an electrical fence. You will see why others are excited, then. Try to do as much reading and discussion as possible about what is going on, as things will move very fast and you need to be informed. When Uranus finally goes to 7 Taurus, your ‘need to be needed’ through money, charity, property, precious possessions or business will be challenged and changed by outside trends – perhaps just one person or organisation – which makes it very necessary to forget about hanging on and holding on. You’ll be liberated from someone or something as part of the story. Liberation is priceless and although I’m not saying this will be a smooth or calm period of your life, you will be given tremendous new space. This transit will take a while to arrive but do spend 2018 and 2019 doing your homework on what is going on out there – especially online.

  43. Hi Jessica I’m a bit concerned I am a Capricorn 9°29’58 With a Capricorn Asscendant a stellium in Scopio all in the tenth house :Venus Scorpio 24°27’44 in house 10 direct
    Mars Scorpio 15°48’08 in house 10 direct
    Jupiter Scorpio 27°30’21 in house 10
    nd Saturn in Taurus 4th house Taurus 15°57’51

    What am I in for? Uranus in Aries already has been a Nightmare!

    1. You are having your Jupiter Return in Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, property, charity and business in 2018 and Jupiter will also conjunct your Venus in the same zone of your chart. This is a fantastic solution or opportunity, later this year. Irresistible, actually.

  44. Jessica,
    Very interesting article. It looks like I will have my Ceres return in Taurus in 2021 or so. I also have Vesta @25 Taurus and Neptune, Diana, Hygeia & Ops @ 08, 19, 22,05 Scorpio respectively. I’m not able to put it all together but I’m hoping it means big financial opportunities on the horizon. Would you mind taking a peek?

    1. Deidre, thank you. These Taurus placements are very late in the sign, which means the changes will also come later for you than other people. The Ceres Return in 2021 is a big deal and given that you also have Uranus moving through the Second House of your chart, you’d have to say that from May 2018 you need to thoroughly update yourself on cryptocurrency around the world and see which way the wind is blowing. By the time you reach your Ceres Return and the Uranus conjunctions, it will be blowing at gale force. This goes beyond just digital currency, though. It reaches into issues like shopping, ownership, possessions, budget and so on. Sometimes it’s an intensely personal, quite radical turnaround. It’s not just the national/global affecting you; it’s really about where your head’s at. In any case Uranus tends to liberate you. It takes insight to see that but a greater sense of space/room to move will be on offer.

  45. HI Jessica, my I/C and M/C are Taurus/Scorpio respectively. I don’t have stelliums in either sign, but as far as I understand, the I/C and M/C are major factors on past life things? Not sure what the possibilities could be for what this might mean in this lifetime. Maybe I am understanding it wrong?
    Funny enough, when I checked my partners chart, his I/C-M/C are exact opposite of mine (7/20/59) Maybe we will feel this in opposite ways then? Hmmm

    1. The angles (MC and IC) are not past life, but the Nodes certainly are. If you and your partner have opposite angles, though, that’s really not surprising as the MC is where you’re going to in life – your calling – and the IC is where you come from. For you two it’s all about the money, the house, the apartment, the business. Crucially, the values. If you share the same values, that’s everything. You’ll see why as Jupiter goes across Scorpio this year and Uranus begins to climb in Taurus from May.

  46. This sounds very exciting for the world, and, frankly, long overdue. Have you ever read Carl Boudreau? He’s writing on these themes as well, although much more abstractly. Will I benefit from these changes (she asks, biting her nails…)?

    1. I will look him up once I have finished the Comments for today – thank you very much. I think we’re all feeling our democracy has fallen over and if I was one of the people who have been pushing it over, I would be feeling rather nervous as Saturn in Capricorn is not going to let anybody get away with anything! You have Neptune at 0 Scorpio, and you will feel Uranus in Taurus immediately as he goes across 0 Taurus from May and through June. In common with your whole generation you have a certain amount of illusion there about the bank, and yourself. You may imagine what you buy on a credit card is yours (it is the bank’s until you pay it back) or that your home is your own (again, the bank’s). You may also be a shopaholic, which is common to Neptune in Scorpio people. Mid 2018 is a shock to the market and a massive shock to the banks, which will have an impact on you. It is a really good time to get clear, and get real, about your life budget. Millions will be doing it with you, as it’s part of a wider wave.

  47. Hi Jessica, well, Theresa May, who many lauded as being a positive feminine influence on the UK has just demonstrated herself to be as bad as the men by attacking Syria. The false Skripal accusations didn’t work so the banking Elite, who are determined to take the world to war, set up a chemical attack incident to kick it off instead. They will not be put off their agenda. Astrological, they know great change is coming and need to act quickly before the people act against them. Do you think the Uranus in Taurus transit will finally be the nail in the banking fraternity’s coffin? I am desperately hoping that the 2020 Capricorn conjunction will rid us of these warmongering politicians, May, Macron. Merkel et al forever.

    1. I am seeing a lot of frustration about this on Twitter and I can see you are also very upset by what is going on. The attack on Syria is having a huge impact on all of us. War is a Mars concern. Mars was the god of war and in astrology the red planet is always a red flag for the risk of conflicts. As I reply to you on Saturday 14th April, Mars is at 15 Capricorn exactly sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces. This translates as ‘the fog of war’ and I am sure you know the phrase. More importantly, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn! What we are going to see as the Capricorn line-up is replaced by the Aquarius line-up from Christmas 2019 into 2020 is power being shared across the group, horizontally, and not from the top down. As democracy has been ignored so often, the karma wheel turns and Aquarius is about ‘we the people’ holding the reins. How will this happen? Why will it happen? Money. Possibly lawsuits, deaths or resignations. But according to all the laws of astrology, it will happen, as the heavy, heavy Capricorn years are already on their way out. No more 1% ignoring the many.

  48. Incredible, falcon-eye approach to the times on the horizon, Jessica. First a massive thank you for the analysis of here-and-now as well as the forecast. Bookmarking now! Just curious if you see anything in my chart I should have front-and-center on my radar….been delving deep into my north and south node studies so I have not been watching the Taurus/Scorpio weather very closely. Thank you again! Inspiring stuff!

    1. Thank you very much. Right back to you! Now – your chart is strongly Taurus-Scorpio and you have Juno at 2 Scorpio, so will feel the impact of Uranus at 1, 2, 3 Taurus very quickly. Juno in Scorpio in the Eighth House describes the commitments you make around money, houses, apartments, business, charity or possessions – classically marriage/mortgage – yet you can ‘wed’ yourself to others, in many different ways. Uranus opposing Juno challenges your agreements and arrangements quite dramatically, and this may well be a wild ride with world currency, or a dramatic shift in the value of what is written down in paper. It happens twice. Firstly from May, then there is a break, and again from early 2019. Not a great time to enter into any new loans, sales, purchases and so on. Life is too volatile. Yet, do dance in the storm and educate yourself as fast as possible about what is going on.

  49. Good article. I don’t like to think that wealth will be spread around. Remember that England became quite rich partly because the eldest son inherited everything, while countries that distributed wealth remained poor. Perhaps there will be some change for the better with a focus on institutional wealth rather than individual. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was world war two (1934 – 1941), which brought about significant changes to the world and the demise of dictators. It also brought about the demise of rich landowners in Britain.

    1. Thank you. Yes, Uranus was in Taurus during the last war and we saw a revolution in every aspect of Taurus and the Second House. Wages. Currency. Ration Books. Trade. War Loans. It’s easier to read the outer planets in context, though, and Pluto was in Cancer (nationalism) during that time. We also began the war in 1939 with a major planetary ‘dance’ in Taurus. This new cycle is different. It’s really about big business and corporations (Pluto, Saturn in Capricorn). One thing is certain. May will come as a shock. My bet is, people have been lulled into a false sense of security about Facebook, but it may well be at the eye of the storm in Ireland where Google, Apple and other ‘tech’ stocks seek to avoid tax. Uranus has always ruled technology. The other eye of the storm is, of course, cryptocurrency.

  50. January 2022 – South Node in Scorpio, North Node in Taurus

    Hells bells. D-Day in Europe in 2022! I have a son there, while I live in Australia. I am homesick for Europe and am quietly preparing myself financially to go back there in the next few years. To cap it all, my own South Node is at 22º Scorpio, and my North Node at 22º Taurus. What does it all mean?
    Grateful for your comment, Katharina

    1. Katharina, you have past life experience with currency, banks, sales, trade, collecting, business and charity. This may go back many lifetimes. That is why when Uranus enters Taurus in May you will feel that you’ve seen it all before. You will also have an instinct about what to do. Trust that. The Nodes in astrology are about karma and even though it will take time for Jupiter to go to 22 Scorpio and Uranus to go to 22 Taurus, towards the end of this year in particular there is an opportunity. It’s a solution or big open door. Please consider.

  51. Hi Jessica,
    You are pretty amazing for always giving your sound knowledge which helps direct me in many areas. I’m baffled here by lot’s of Scorpio and Taurus factors. I don’t want to miss an opportunity if there is one or is there too much shaky opposition going on in my chart?

    Claire x

    1. The oppositions are going to clearly lay out the huge difference between your values, and those of government and corporation/business. You think X is worth Y, but they think Y is worth Z. This tension helps you try harder and you can definitely go through a few open doors this year. You’ll need to be right on the crest of the wave, though, as things are getting so crazy out there that children are starting cryptocurrency business ideas. Find out all you can. This goes beyond c-currency, though. We’re going to see the ‘new’ equivalent of ideas like eBay, Etsy, Air BnB and other wildly innovative and inventive online models. People who get on board with the wild new stuff that is coming will do very well from it.

  52. Hi Jessica
    With Ops at 0 Taurus and Scorpio at 2 Fortuna, I have to ask! Looks like I’ll be first in line, any hints for me and my two little charges? X

    1. Yes, you will experience Uranus in Taurus a long time before anyone else. Ops is your ability to fix issues, bring about happy endings and take practical action. In Taurus it is about the money, the house, the possessions, the apartment or the business. Fortuna almost exactly opposite shows the way you affect others – without seeing what you do. You spin the wheel of fate and fortune for them. The electrical storms to come in 2018, 2019 will challenge you, but they should also bring you to life. You will realise that you have to roll your sleeves up and find a way to dance in the storm.

        1. And I’m still saying ‘Oh my God’ because even though I predicted independence for Scotland a long time ago, I hadn’t thought about Scotcoin. I absolutely must make a new post…

        1. I am going to type OMG here because ‘Oh my God!’ is what I just said when I saw this link. This is astonishing. I am racing to look at the chart for Scotland. Thank you. Scotcoin = end of the Euro. Which the astrology always made clear…even if this is just the first attempt at a national c-currency for the Scots, it is the future, in a very raw form.

  53. I have Scorpio 16″ North node Taurus 16 South node. Cupido in scorpio 29′ and Uranus in scorpio 7′.The south node Taurus is my only one in my chart. How will this affect me please, will it be positive or negative? Im trying to get my business online 95% time, and am getting my home of 12 years ready to sell sometime in next 6months. After my son died in this home May 17 i think we are now ready to move on (as you said) and have a fresh start. Please tell me this will be a positive financial revolution and breakthrough! Im also almost certain i will study nursing next year (first time back at education since 2013) having my business online means im earning 24/7 and am free to study! Thats my plan and what i’m working towards. Its a whole new world if i can pull this off, fresh start after 19 years new life.

    1. It will take a long time for Uranus to trigger that Taurus-Scorpio chart signature and by then you will realise just how much the world of banking, taxation and shopping has changed. Uranus will set you free in some way. One example might be the new credit cards which will charge 0% interest if you agree to restrict their use to a particular group of brands – that’s certainly coming, on this cycle. The old model of borrowing from banks and paying interest, and paying tax, will not survive in its current form – and neither will coins and notes – or the idea of each country having its own currency. Nursing is ruled by Cancer, because nurses ‘mother’ their patients and you have a powerful Cancer chart signature. It seems fated that you will take on some kind of nurturing, caring or mothering role as the North Node is set to go through Cancer and a lot of past life experience (and experiences going back years, perhaps with your son) will come into play.

  54. Dear Jessica, Thank you very much for the interesting and timely heads up!
    It’s not exact until probably 2021 or so, but I’m very curious about your thoughts on my Taurus Moon (11 degrees).

    1. You have a stellium in Taurus at 9, 10, 11 degrees so when it comes to money or property, you find it never rains but it pours. You always have a triple transit, even once a month, when the Moon herself passes across 9, 10, 11 Taurus. Uranus will ultimately move to 9, 10, 11 degrees after a fairly explosive start in the middle of May 2018. You will feel this as a weather change, or climate change, with your finances, business, charity or property interests. It’s rather like seeing the first electrical storm in what is promised to be years of stormy weather. Astrology can be quite mysterious sometimes, and it may well be Stormy Daniels, the sex worker paid by Donald Trump, who is at the core of the maelstrom near May 16th. Uranus, of course, has been associated with lightning for over 2000 years. In your own life, you will need to go out there into the world in a brand new way. Forget the old financial weather. Even if it takes a few years for Uranus to arrive at your Taurus stellium, the smart money is on understanding why cryptocurrency is going to take over. There maybe two currencies in future. One digital currency based on your own country and its separate economy. Then, a one-world global currency which we all use. You will have the freedom to switch between both. Is all this ringing bells with you, even intuitively? That is because you are strongly Taurus! When the lightning bolts appear in May, make it your business to go online and update yourself on absolutely everything. I can only compare this to the start of the internet, all those years ago. It seemed so strange and new at the time. I remember a boyfriend of mine saying it would never catch on! (Hilarious). Well, that’s c-currency. Get right across it, from the very start. It’s already started, but what happens in May takes it mainstream to the masses. Look at Scotland and Scotcoin if you want to see the way it’s going to go.

  55. Hi Jessica,

    This article has blown me away. I have North Node in Taurus 9 degrees, South Node in Scorpio along with Pluto and Mercury. I’m a little scared. Could you give any advice for this? Thank you so much.


    1. Nicole, change is only scarey if you are on the wrong side of history. In fact, the winds of change are blowing hard and fast through the world of banks (just look at Australia) and currency (see what Scotland is doing, as well as Bitcoin, which we all know about in the USA). Stay on the right side of history, which means accepting a revolution and getting on board. If 9 is the earliest Taurus/Scorpio degree you have, it will still take many years for Uranus to reach 9 and by then you’ll be well aware of what is called for.

    2. Hi Jessica,

      Wonderful article!! I am aquarius sun 26 degeee and taurus moon 25 degrees, wondering how Uranus in Taurus is going to affect me
      Thank you

      1. It will take some years for Uranus to reach 25, 26 Taurus so you have the advantage of being able to watch, observe and learn from what others go through, in terms of currency, the banks and taxation. Anne, in general, Uranus comes along and asks ‘What would you give to be free?’ The more restricted you are by particular roles, people, burdens or tasks – the more radical the changes usually are. Yet, ultimately, you gain room to move, space and independence even though that precious Taurus commodity, stability, has to go.

  56. Hi Jessica

    I just learned about an upcoming event, which blew me away because of the timing! The cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is scheduled to undergo a hard fork on May 15 at 12:00:00 UTC. The main purpose of the hard fork is to increase the block size from 8MB to 32MB, but it will also introduce some new features, such as support for simplified smart contracts.

    I’m one of those people who was a relatively early adopter of Bitcoin and received an equivalent amount of Bitcoin Cash in the 2017 hard fork. Most big names in the Bitcoin community are extremely hostile towards Bitcoin Cash (commonly referred to a B-Trash). I’d been planning on dumping my Bitcoin Cash in exchange for more Bitcoin, but when I saw the timing of the upcoming hard fork I thought wow, I might just hold on to it and see what happens next.

    1. Wow. Bitcoin reaches a hard fork on May 15th? Who scheduled that? The other strange thing about the timing is that Uranus is associated with forked lightning. You have to make your own financial decisions here, but just remember, Uranus is associated with shock. I have a horoscope set for the day that Bitcoin made its first trade, and that Uranus in Taurus pattern across 0, 1 degrees in May and June 2018 hits it exactly. Hang onto your hat.

        1. Thank you. I found something interesting when I looked up the actual chart for Bitcoin Cash, launched 1st August 2017. It was created with Jupiter at 17 Libra exactly square Pluto at 17 Capricorn. Jupiter is abundance, increase, growth and expansion. It’s most certainly a bull market. Pluto is power, control and domination. It is associated with the top 1% in business and government. Libra is about partners and rivals. This is obviously Bitcoin itself. Capricorn is about corporations and politicians. This is a highly-charged square in the chart and it will be triggered – you guessed it – on Tuesday 15th May 2018. The sequence begins at 2.00am London time. It does not stop until 7.10pm that day and the clincher is the revolution arriving at 3.16pm on the London Stock Exchange.

          02:00:35 UT – Jupiter (17 sc 35’13” Rx) opposite Bacchus (17 ta 35’13”) 
          15:16:17 UT – Uranus enters Taurus (direct) 
          19:10:28 UT – Bacchus (18 ta 29’18”) opposite Psyche (18 sc 29’18” Rx) 

  57. Hi, Jessica. Thanks again for the amazing insight! I have Scorpio and Taurus factors in my Birth Chart, if it’s alright, please let me know how this Uranus transit into Taurus would affect me in terms of money and business.

    I had been pretty much on the downside on my finances from about, as far as I can remember, late 2010 to early 2011. There was nothing much for me on the money and career fronts during that period. The financial troubles continued until about mid to late 2016 when things started to brighten up.

    By early 2017, money was steadily building up. By mid-2017 to date, money was pouring in. At this point, opportunities to earn money just kept popping up even when unexpected. It’s just so amazing. This situation was a far cry from my financial drought just 3 years ago.

    There is also this new construction business that I have been working out for 10 years now. For all those long years, it never materialized. I tried very hard to put it up for all those years but I just kept on hitting walls. But, late 2017 and early 2018, everything started to line-up and everything to make it happen is in motion.

    It’s just that when April came in we hit some delays with the processing of certain documents. Everything got stuck the whole month of April. However, I was informed that documents we needed would be complete by 1st week of May. So it seems, this May everything would be in motion again, hopefully.

    Thanks a lot!

    Kind regards,

    1. Derick, you were just caught in Mercury Retrograde. The cycle does not end completely until the shadow ends and that’s 3rd May. On a bigger scale, though, you will not be handling money the same way, starting with big clues in the middle of May. In fact, from 2023 coins and paper will be over, and you won’t need your old bank at all. There will be all kinds of craziness along the way, though, so read the fine print on all contracts and know your rights.

      1. Thanks, Jessica, for the great advice! I will surely keep that in mind!

        I know that by 2023 I will look back to this conversation of ours and say you were right!

        How about the Philippine Stock Market? Do you see anything that would shake it come mid-May? The Philippine Stock Exchange started trading on December 23, 1992.

        1. Thank you. If that particular exchange began on December 23rd 1992 then you would also need the charts of previous (similar) share/trade ventures to see what the common factors are. I don’t have these at my fingertips but I will see what’s there to work with.

          1. Hi, Jessica. I hope this excerpt from Wikepedia could help: “The Philippine Stock Exchange was formed on December 23, 1992 from the merger of the Manila Stock Exchange (MSE) (established on August 12, 1927) and the Makati Stock Exchange (MkSE) (established on May 15, 1963).”

            The Philippine Stock Exchange is, currently, the only public share trading market in the Philippines.

          2. Thank you so much for this, because all the incarnations of the Philippine Stock Exchange matter, including its time as a Taurus in 1963 and as a Leo, all the way back in 1927. You have to wonder about the stocks and shares of the mid-Sixties here and where they stand now. That would be the first place to look, actually, as they were ‘born’ on May 15th 1963 with the Sun in Taurus and we are heading for an historic pass by Uranus, over that Sun in Taurus position. Whatever people were locking down in the mid-Sixties will be powerfully affected by cryptocurrency in the years to come and the small but important clues would be there on May 15th, 16th 2018.

          3. Thanks, Jessica, for your guidance.

            I am new in trying to understand astrology; I barely understand much at this point.

            I know that by May 15, 2018 Uranus would enter the Income Sector of my chart, but I do not really have much idea how it would affect me based on the Birth Chart factors I have in Taurus and Scorpio. When you say big things and changes are coming with this transit, I know that big things and changes are coming.

            Please guide me in having a better understanding of this transit and help me to know how this would affect me personally based on my Birth Chart. Thanks!

          4. Thank you. Nothing will happen in 2018, but by 2019 you need to be flexible enough to adapt to changes which will affect your bank account, income, business interests, house, apartment or charity. The reason for this is that Uranus in Taurus will slowly start moving closer to your Scorpio factors. In mid-May 2018 he stands at 0 Taurus, but from next year Uranus will be going across 0, 1, 2, 3 degrees of Taurus and so on, ultimately opposing the first of your Eighth House placements. The Eighth House rules life insurance, the mortgage, your investments and so on. Uranus is wild and stormy weather. So, you need an umbrella to protect you, but also the ability to run in and out of the rain. One of the biggest favours you can do yourself, is to read the financial, economic and business news from May 15th into June, because what happens then shows you the way the wind is blowing, and what you can do about it. Born with Ceres at 25 Scorpio, you are in a fantastic position to use 2018 to improve, upgrade and relaunch your financial or property situation as Jupiter moves to 25 Scorpio (in your Eighth House) in October. There will be a carve-up and compromise at that point, which benefits you. One date to watch is Friday 19th October.

  58. Jessica:

    I have had a very difficult 8 years financially and career wise. I am looking to make a move in June July this year in my career. Can you shed some light for me on how this move will impact me financially as well as in my career. Will Uranus in Taurus have any impact. This is a move I have planed for a long time and I am hoping that the time is good. Thank you for your help.


    1. Sue, you have Salacia at 19 Capricorn and for the first time in 240+ years, Pluto is also at 19 Capricorn. Salacia describes your holiday from reality. Your career this year is really about inhabiting a different space to that of the ordinary or real world. We sometimes find people juggling two jobs at once, and neither of them are particularly regular or normal. This year, not just in June and July, you will be strongly affected by people or organisations which want to take, or take over. Rather dominating and powerful. How do you deal with that? By using your willpower and self-control. By ‘owning’ your own success and running your own ship, no matter what she/they/he are up to. If you really want to operate in that rather appealing, delightful ‘vacation from real’ then you’ll do what is required and play the politics. Yet, keep your own agenda the whole time. Have a look at Salacia and also Salacia in Capricorn or Salacia in the Tenth House on Search. She’s huge in 2018.

  59. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the great content on your site. Just got my chart online but not sure about the format(?). How do you think this coming period in May 2018 is going to affect me, particularly financially. I’d like to prepare as best as I can. Thanks so much !

    Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0
    Sun Leo 2°45′ Ascendant Pisces 16°42′
    Moon Leo 4°45′ II Aries 26°18′
    Mercury Cancer 18°53′ III Taurus 26°39′
    Venus Leo 12°28′ IV Gemini 21°24′
    Mars Cancer 22°50′ V Cancer 14°59′
    Jupiter Virgo 6°53′ VI Leo 11°39′
    Saturn Aries 25°25′ VII Virgo 16°42′
    Uranus Virgo 26°18′ VIII Libra 26°18′
    Neptune Scorpio 23°48′ R IX Scorpio 26°39′
    Pluto Virgo 20°59′ Midheaven Sagittarius 21°24′
    Lilith Gemini 4°14′ XI Capricorn 14°59′
    Asc node Aries 12°04′ XII Aquarius 11°39

    1. Someone else using Lilith on a free chart service – I’m happy to read free chart data but never use her. She has as much to do with our Roman/Latin family tree of astrology, as a playing card has to do with a Tarot deck. Different system! Without asteroids and the rest there is no way you can do more than have a general idea of your finances in May 2018. Yet, one look at your chart and I can see that you were born with Neptune in Scorpio in your Eighth House. You borrow money and have a holiday from reality. So does everyone born in your generation. What you are going to see when Jupiter (opportunity) passes 23 Scorpio is an offer of free credit. Nothing to pay back, as long as you buy/borrow from brands in an approved network. There is no catch. It’s the new borrowing! But you do need to read the terms and conditions with a magnifying glass because the faster you can repay, the better. You may also be tempted by free gifts/discounts that come with a loan. You can say ‘no’ to everything but do see what is out there, September-October as Jupiter starts to climb towards 23 Scorpio. This may also be a parent or partner, whose gains are shared with you. Big, dumb luck. But settle everything by November as Jupiter will not hang around.

  60. Hi Jessica, great post. These are thrilling if shocking times. My husband abruptly decided to leave our marriage in April, and May sets us up to deal with the financial aspect of the divorce which leaves me in a tough position. He works in the City of London for a huge US financial institution and is much wealthier individually than I am. But I have a chart full of Taurus and Scorpio factors, including (IC 21° Taurus 20′ 06″ + Hygeia 29° Taurus 00′ 37″) and Scorpio (MC 21° Scorpio 20′ 06″, Uranus 21° Scorpio 30′ 00″), plus the flexibility of being self-employed, creative and footloose. Do I have reason to remain confident that I won’t get screwed over? I just hold tight for the ride? Opinions welcome…

    1. Your chart is speaking your life and vice-versa. I am sorry you have had to go through the stress of your husband leaving. You won’t be screwed over. In fact, if he had to go, 2018 is the very best year for that to happen. The first thing you will notice is that Uranus conjuncts your Proserpina at 2 Taurus. On Tuesday 3rd July, for example, that is triggered as Uranus at 2 Taurus trines Ceres at 2 Virgo. This seems to be tied to Independence Day in the USA and of course he works for an American corporation. There is a double meaning here, as Uranus is very much about independence. At that point you will put a price on freedom and probably be prepared to pay it. Look up Proserpina in Taurus/Proserpina in the Second House/Proserpina to get a feel for this part of yourself and your life. You will be ‘going between’ at this point and closing gaps – negotiating – being the middle person. It will all be very new, strange, different, electrifying and challenging, but you are also being shown what genuine freedom feels like. Keep an eye on Wednesday 10th October, too, as Mercury at 1 Scorpio opposes Uranus at 1 Taurus that day, and that is very close to your Proserpina position. The other Taurus factors won’t be triggered for many years. This brings me to Jupiter, the problem-solver. You stand to see issues resolved and potentially huge gains made, as Jupiter passes through Scorpio and your Eighth House of divorce settlements. You were born with Uranus at 21 Scorpio so when Jupiter passes 21 Scorpio, that’s your open door. You also have the angles around this degree, but as they depend on a strictly accurate birth time, I’ll just use Uranus for now. I’ll just repeat that freedom, independence, liberty come with a price tag and it is worth paying. I think ‘footloose’ is a nice way to put it but you’ll fundamentally feel as if you, him and anyone else in your world is unchained and untied. What passes for security in our lives is often not healthy and you have been locking down/locked down for far too long. That has to alter. Jupiter passes Uranus at 21 Scorpio later this year but there is a New Moon on Friday 13th July at 20 Cancer. Without knowing his chart, you’d have to say that is a fresh start in the property market, or a new chapter in terms of particular houses or apartments. That will have a favourable impact on the process of separation for one/both of you. That New Moon makes a trine to Uranus in your birth chart, you see. Near Sunday 23rd September Jupiter at 20 Scorpio is semi-sextile Bacchus at 20 Libra (marriage, divorce are ruled by Libra) and that is close enough to your 21 Scorpio position to make the end of September a good bet. Good luck.

      1. Thank you Jessica – I have to thank you and astrology also for the house in question. I remember reading my horoscope, acting on it and kicking off a chain of events that enabled us to buy it. May the good luck continue…

  61. Hi Jessica. Going through a bad relationship situation, for more than year. Any ideas how the entry of Uranus in Taurus will affect my relationship with my partner? Thanks as ever.

    1. Pluto at 27 Libra in your Seventh House of love and sex, will do that. I am so sorry you are being put through it. Uranus at 27 Aries has been right opposite your Pluto, and you only have this cycle once in your life. It is very, very difficult to keep even a good marriage or relationship together. You will be pleased to hear that Uranus is now moving off 27 degrees. He stood at 29 Aries yesterday, so he is slowly edging away from opposition (Uranus opposite Pluto). From May 15th you will feel a change in the atmosphere between the two of you. Use the rest of this year to dig deeply into understanding your Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House and figure out what you’ve learned.

  62. Hi Jessica! Great article! My sun is at 21 degrees Scorpio, Mercury 0 degrees Sag, Pluto 0 degrees Scorpio – the last 5 years have been very difficult with income/career, housing, health. Any insight? Looking forward to the revolution! Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Keep moving and stay flexible – keep learning and asking – as Uranus in Taurus will oppose your Pluto in Scorpio very soon. Uranus will also quincunx your Mercury, so this is about foreign currency, foreign people and places, the worldwide web too. (Mercury is in your Ninth House). You need to strap on your ice skates and learn how to move, and stay balanced. The whole year will be like this. It’s primarily about money for you, though there is this side-story taking place about distant locations or other nationalities.

      1. Thank you Jessica. Is the Taurus opposing my pluto something to be concerned about – maybe thats why i’ve been feeling so exhausted and run down? The last few years has been a lot of change and learning to be flexible. Just moved across the country in Dec, but thinking about moving again. Hoping for some stability soon. Don’t have any connections internationally other than some distant family of my husbands in Italy.

        1. The international connections have not shown themselves yet. I doubt it’s your husband’s distant family, but I also don’t have his chart. Mars and Fortuna in Virgo in your Sixth House describe your exhaustion. Have a look at that. It is related to housework, paid work and unpaid work on a daily basis and you need to figure out how to handle your need to compete; to be first; to win; to push back; to fight. Have a really close look at how you are affected by monthly Moon in Virgo cycles in particular. The mind, body and spirit are connected in astrology and your body may be doing you a favour, in a strange way, by going on strike so that you do not have to do any housework or work that you do not want to do. That is just one example, among hundreds, of how Mars in Virgo in the Sixth House can manifest. Fortuna is important as she describes how you affect other people’s lives, without realising what you are doing. This comes back to work and housework again. It would be very useful for you to really ‘get’ your Virgo side and see how others handle it too. Virgo needs a detailed routine. All your moving is also disrupting that but try to get core elements of your life – swimming, always having a vegetable juice for breakfast – whatever! This will make you feel a great deal better. The last thing you need is too much random.

          1. Thank you Jessica. Makes so much sense. With all the change/moving the only thing that has really helped me is my daily routine 🙂

  63. Dear Jessica,
    This article is so inspiring and informative!!! I have learnt a lot about “Uranus in Taurus” from this article and other relevant articles. I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for offering all of these to us.

    I am a new beginner to the astrology. I found 00° Taurus 44′ 08″ on the moon and quite a considerable Scorpio signs on other planets. Am i fit to the definition to the “first in line to the revolution”? I have invested in bitcoin and other crypto-currency. Shall i change to a crypto related job? Or, do you have any advice for me for joining this revolution? Many thanks.

    1. You will be personally affected by massive changes with currency, banks and government interference/intervention in the economy, both in your country and across the world. It will happen very suddenly, from 15th May and you need to be flexible and adaptable, as you are indeed first in line to the revolution. If you have invested in Bitcoin and c-currency that is your total explanation. Life will be a rollercoaster from this point on. The 0, 1 degree patterns in your chart include fortunate Jupiter in Gemini in your Third House, which rules communication, translation, bilingual skills, computers, iphones and the media. What happens May, June and beyond is really about using your gifts, blessings, contacts, resources and connections with all these Gemini areas of your life, as you will gain enormously. Gemini is also associated with teaching and studying. We are very likely to see one or more countries devalue their currency and we may also see the end of some banks and start of others. All this sends things haywire, but you do have a fair bit of luck surrounding you. You gain from it. In fact, you could write an ebook about it, make podcasts or videos about it, blog about it and so on – that is Jupiter in Gemini which will receive a semi-sextile from Uranus in Taurus!

  64. The 15th of May is going to be on hell of a mop-up given all the lightning bolts and dust storms striking India ( so spooky given you talking/channelling the 1930’s dust storms in an article and some replies I read yesterday), Hawaii literally spitting chips (lava) after massive flooding less than 2 weeks prior, London going from artic freeze to heatwave and back again. Lord knows what else is coming weather-wise in New Zealand and Australia.

    I might seek higher ground and take my old-fashioned piggy bank with me along with some heritage seed packets just in case. It’s all getting a little bit to batshit crazy with the synchronicity around what you have been writing about and what is actually happening now in real time.

    If you ever started an astrology led community weather/investment bank/ angel crypto fund book club or what the hell it might look like, I’m sure, I and a zillion others would follow. I seriously wish I was as bloody clever at seeing the patterns, reading the stars and writing as you are. This is just going to enter warp speed, and thank god you seem to be able to decipher the code and bring us the status quo before the event happens. Are you sure, you were some sleuth detective or a code breaker, or part of some ancient goddess scholar group in a previous life? Because you are single handly freaking amazing at putting this oddly displaced global chaos theory into logical, timely, information. It’s truly art. I feel like I’m in some real time art installation/ epic novel. Your website is like one of those breathtaking novels that you can’t put down, and sometimes you have absolutely no idea what’s been written means or where it’s taking us but you know you must try to understand it because the cliffhanger is coming soon. You find yourself re-reading articles, pondering over concepts and wondering what might be, what will the future look like, trying to prepare yourself to be prepared to be unprepared even with all that you have read you still no you are going to have your mouth on the floor. Either way, your art, insight, passion, codebreaking mastery are simply mindblowing.

    I know, which breaking news channel I’ll be following, as I do now – tweet for tweet, update to update, replies to replies…your website and words are littered with golden insight everywhere. Genius. Thank you for allowing us to come on this journey. Even if I don’t make a penny, seriously, I hope I take some of this incredible ability to see patterns and take note of the world (inner and outer) with me into the next incarnation. I sure, and shit will be teaching it to my child. xx. Here’s to all those Bull’s out there that will catch this wave and surf it all way to the new future and make a fortune. I hope my tiny stake, will grow enough acorns for future of my legacy to be okay.

    1. Wow! Just, wow – I will pass that on to James, Justin, Alyas and Kerry. Thank you! And I am glad you are drawing so much from what astrology has to offer. Try to do all you can to save or make money by November. This is the last great Jupiter cycle in Scorpio for 12 years. And as soon as Uranus moves into Taurus, start reading the weather and acting on it.

  65. Hi Jessica, I really enjoyed the topic. I am a Virgo born on 29/08/1965 in Tehran, Iran. I also love your article about Iran. I have Scorpio at 5 Mars and 17 Neptune. It is a long time that I am waiting a happiness in my life. Does it happen in May or when. Thank you so much for your concern,

    1. Thank you! Neptune at 17 Scorpio in your Eighth House of complicated relationships and money/property, suggests you are in line for a great escape or holiday from the financial real world, as Jupiter moves to 17 Scorpio (for the first time in 12 years) in September. You will hit a major solution or substantial breakthrough in September 2018 so please say ‘yes’ and act upon it.

  66. Dear Jessica, much love from Branislav from Serbia! You are really great! I follow you very often and i would like to ask you about Uranus in Taurus. I am Taurus born at 09.May.1989. Sun is in Taurus at 18 degree and Venus also in Taurus 27 degree. In Scorpio i have Pluto at 13 degree. Is there any changes for me with this Uranus transit in Taurus. I planing business with foreign country (Iran) and i have suport from my foregin partner but i have too much complications in my country. Is there any chance for me to start that collaboration? Thank you so much in advance for your reply.

    1. Thank you. You won’t feel the revolution in business and finance, for some years – it will take a long time for Uranus to reach 18 and 27 Taurus. You are luckier with Jupiter going to 13 Scorpio to conjunct your Pluto. In fact we have a splendid pattern on Monday 30th July as Jupiter at 13 Scorpio will quincunx Minerva at 13 Aries. This is about an opportunity to expand your control over a financial agreement or deal, to your benefit, which can only take place every 12 years. There will also be wise advice regarding matters of brand, title, profile, name, image and self-promotion. You may have asteroids which are important too but you are only giving me three planets. Still, close to the end of July, do act!

      1. Thank you Jessica for your reply. Here is my completely aspects of planets in my natal chart. I have some some idea to start the business with foregin country (networking business). Can you tell me if it be successful? Is that road that i should go? Sun 18°39′ Taurus
        Moon 9°42′ Cancer
        Mercury 6°26′ Gemini
        Venus 27°35′ Taurus
        Mars 6°15′ Cancer
        Jupiter 11°23′ Gemini
        Saturn 13°43′ Я Capricorn
        Uranus 4°58′ Я Capricorn
        Neptune 12°13′ Я Capricorn
        Pluto 13°40′ Я Scorpio
        Chiron 3°58′ Cancer
        Ceres 12°24′ Taurus
        Pallas 0°23′ Aries
        Juno 27°56′ Leo
        Vesta 10°53′ Capricorn
        Node 1°23′ Я Pisces
        Lilith 13°17′ Я Libra
        Fortune 10°00′ Virgo
        AS 18°57′ Cancer
        MC 26°30′ Pisces

        1. Okay, so this free chart is pretty wrong, in that it uses Lilith (not part of the Roman/Latin family tree of modern astrology at all) and Pallas (same problem). I can’t really read it, on a business level, but the most important thing I can tell you is that you have the Sun, Venus and Ceres in Taurus, so in the next few years, as Uranus in Taurus conjuncts those in your chart, you will have to completely and utterly change your attitude towards money, possessions, houses and apartments. Being poor and being rich. Paying for things, and not paying for them. If you can manage to go with the necessary changes, it will set you free.

  67. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve invested a significant amount of my net worth in crypto currencies since last year, I’m particularly worried that I jumped the gun, I’m very risk adverse and this is probably the biggest risk I’ve ever taken. I’m not sure what to expect this year with respect to finances I’m worried that I’m not taking advantage of Jupiter and I don’t have a lot of Taurus aspects.

    On another note May started with a bang with regards to a potential love interest, I’ve been single for the past 7 years and had given up on any kind of relationship for the foreseeable future but I’m feeling an intense mutual attraction with a coworker. I’m not sure what to do about this but it is very intense and distracting.

    Are you able to provide some advice with regards to my situation?

    22° Scorpio 03′ 57″
    17° Pisces 49′ 24″
    01° Sagittarius 00′ 05″
    05° Libra 51′ 17″
    27° Virgo 58′ 59″
    15° Sagittarius 21′ 40″
    09° Scorpio 00′ 31″
    08° Sagittarius 18′ 55″
    27° Sagittarius 38′ 28″
    00° Scorpio 21′ 21″
    00° Gemini 47′ 25″ R
    25° Aries 43′ 26″ R
    27° Gemini 11′ 06″ R
    18° Aquarius 28′ 40″
    23° Pisces 37′ 53″
    23° Virgo 37′ 53″
    28° Gemini 51′ 56″
    28° Sagittarius 51′ 56″
    26° Capricorn 44′ 26″
    15° Virgo 31′ 53″
    18° Leo 03′ 19″
    20° Libra 19′ 01″
    16° Libra 57′ 31″
    27° Capricorn 24′ 09″
    08° Sagittarius 40′ 38″
    18° Libra 57′ 23″
    24° Taurus 30′ 32″ R
    15° Aquarius 23′ 26″
    29° Sagittarius 15′ 36″
    25° Capricorn 10′ 36″
    29° Leo 31′ 27″
    12° Sagittarius 37′ 38″
    16° Gemini 11′ 27″ R
    16° Sagittarius 11′ 27″ R

    Thanks so much in advance.

    1. Okey dokey. I suspect the possible new relationship and the cryptocurrency question are connected as Scorpio rules sex and money, but also really important finances (and large lump sums or debts). Your Scorpio factors in your Eighth House make a long list, so that’s very fortunate – Jupiter in Scorpio in 2018 will give you solutions, growth, expansion, opportunity and one chance after another, to either fix issues or really get the most from life. However, it’s complicated as you can see. You have Uranus in Taurus, moving in from the other side of your chart. In general, know you have an umbrella over your head for both this potential lover, and your finances, yet the umbrella will only be there until November 8th, and then you are on your own. Read more about Scorpio and the Eighth House on Search to find out who you are, and what you are all about – because over the course of many years, this will be put to the test as Uranus in Taurus passes through. You have your Sun at 22 Scorpio, Saturn at 9 Scorpio and Pluto at 0 Scorpio so this is a picture of someone who shines brightest when he is involved in philanthropy or ethical business. I wonder if this will not be your ultimate path? For example, banks which invest in the environment or the developing world, or a role with charities, or fundraising. As early as the Uranus opposition to your natal Pluto, as he crosses 0 Taurus, in about one week’s time, you will find the known economic world turns upside-down. It will feel like being on a rollercoaster at the moment that the chair tips. Take the ride and don’t try to go back. I mentioned Jupiter works as an umbrella. He also acts as a safety net! Uranus will oppose your Pluto from May 15th, into June and be there again in September, October, November before giving you a break. He returns at 0 Taurus in March, April 2019 (within one degree, at 1 Taurus, which you will still feel). Would I go into a new affair or relationship, particularly if an apartment, house or money was involved – or business – at this time? Nope. Sorry I have to be honest with you. Astrology has never stopped me from doing anything in my life, and your freedom of choice is your own, yet – to go into a sexual partnership with someone when you have Uranus slowly about to oppose everything you have in your Eighth House of love and money (he opposes your Saturn at 9 Scorpio from 9 Taurus in June 2020) suggests to me that you may want something far less committed. I mentioned Jupiter the umbrella/safety net. He crosses 22 Scorpio and conjuncts your Sun, which is hopefully a bright, shining hour in your financial and business life (something to be proud of) in the first week of October 2018. You could also count the last week of September as he is at 21, so very close. Just remember – that’s your last big waltz in the saloon. I’ll finish by mentioning a very tricky Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in the days before Halloween. Don’t get caught. A ton of people are going to make their moves with c-currency and the share markets then but what is ultimately the story December 1-12 will happen without the umbrella or safety net. Jupiter will have quit Scorpio. You have to know exactly what you are doing and get the best advice you can afford to make any moves across Halloween to December. As always, astrology is just one tool in the tool kit of your life and you also need to consult your other people – but this is my opinion as an astrologer watching Jupiter and Uranus in your chart.

  68. Hello Jessica. I am interesting about my business situation. Will i change a job or i will stay on my own current job. I am working like teacher in primary school. This is my aspects of planets: Sun 22°28′ Aquarius
    Moon 19°01′ Leo
    Mercury 24°25′ Aquarius
    Venus 7°08′ Capricorn
    Mars 17°20′ Aquarius
    Jupiter 1°42′ Я Leo
    Saturn 11°56′ Я Virgo
    Uranus 20°56′ Scorpio
    Neptune 20°04′ Sagittarius
    Pluto 19°06′ Я Libra
    Chiron 5°25′ Taurus
    Ceres 26°25′ Aquarius
    Pallas 4°00′ Aquarius
    Juno 11°35′ Pisces
    Vesta 29°06′ Aquarius
    Node 17°32′ Я Virgo
    Lilith 13°10′ Leo
    Fortune 0°21′ Aries
    AS 26°55′ Virgo
    MC 26°17′ Gemini

    1. I can’t really read this as you are missing a ton of asteroids, and using Lilith and Pallas in this print-out, who are really the equivalent of putting plain playing cards into a Tarot deck. They’re not coherent additions to the system of our astrology, which is Roman/Latin/Italian in terms of its archetypes and language. You are a born teacher with the Moon in Leo and Jupiter in Leo too. Young people or children will always be part of your life, as you are Queen to a younger court, born to lead, guide and mentor. However this manifests in paid or unpaid work, try to keep doing that. It works!

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