Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Dating Aquarius in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

Follow an Aquarian woman for long enough and you will soon hit her tribe. It may be a tight circle of friends or a big global charity.

Life never stands still for the Aquarius Man – partly because his own unpredictable energy guarantees that nothing in his world will ever be normal or routine.


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8 Responses

  1. Unfortunately I am not a premium member however I had an ex boyfriend with Aquarius moon at 26th degee,Cupido in 24th degree and Salacia in 26th also Aquarius.His Sun is in Taurus 26th degree.
    He had such an electic energy!
    I have Panacea at 29th degree Aquarius and Salacia conjunct Jupiter in 19th degree Aquarius.My Capricorn Sun is at 18th degree and i am waiting an Eclipse (i am scared already) on January 2019 which will conjuct my Venus in 15th Degree also Capricorn.
    Hopefully i will soon be able to interpret my own chart since you offer a huge opportunity for astrology learners in your web site however i would appreciate any insight for my chart. Thank you so Much! Love and best wishes!!!

    1. Thank you, you are very kind. Don’t fear the eclipse but do be sharply aware of making decisions on that day, or within a day either side. You just won’t see who/what you are walking into.

  2. As an aquarius, what do you think we should look out for in a partner to balance out the enigma? any forecasts on what’s in store for the aquarius woman in the nearby future?

    1. You have karma to complete with your former, current of potential partner which will be over in November 2018 when the circle closes. Some of what goes down may relate to what was done or said around 19 years ago. Closing the karma helps you move forward in future relationships.

      1. thank you or your reply. i see… I’m currently not involved with anyone or any potential partners and was much too young 19 years ago… was wondering if you could clarify about the current or potential partner please? does karma mean a parting of ways?

        1. Karma still works 19 years ago. You were born in 1991 so 2018 minus 19 is 1999 and even at the age of eight, you were experiencing family issues or situations with your parents which have an impact today. Read North Node and South Node on Search to understand what karma is.

  3. Dear Jessica,
    My birthday Feb 4th, 1966. Birth time 930pm. In Ca, USA. I was a premium member lost my job will renew when I find a new one. I am deeply depressed, feeling like I’m going to give up. I’ve asked you before about my life. Still waiting for things to improve. Not seeing any improvement. Was hoping you could help me see a little light at the end of the tunnel. Do things improve? When we do leave here where do we go? I’ve heard we just get reincarnated and have to go through it all again to learn the lesson we were supposed to learn the first time around. Is that true? I’ve been so unhappy for so long I just don’t feel I have anything left to try with.
    Thank you for taking the time with my email.

    1. Losing your job is part of the Saturn and Pluto cycle in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. It is very hard to take. If it’s any comfort you are not alone and people are being thrown out of jobs, or even part-time jobs – and thrown out of contracts – in the most blatant way. There is precious little grace, humanity or civility in the way it’s happening as these two planets are notorious for producing exploitative behaviour! It’s not personal and do not take it personally. You will also never have this cycle again. You sound as if you have depression, never mind the life between jobs. I hope you have seen a doctor about that. You are entitled to be depressed given what has happened to you, but you need help. Does it get better? Yes. Will you have a new life? Yes. First, fix the mind, body and spirit connection. Online research is free in a library and you should begin by seeing what works with depression for others – what science says, has an effect. Please also take a look at the Black Dog institute. You may have no money, but you can do yoga, speed-walk or jog, pump some endorphins and – wow – you will be amazed at how different 2019 looks, especially when you realise you can upskill, reskill, retrain or learn valuable lessons which are in high £ and $ demand. Jupiter in Sagittarius will deliver that to you.

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