Scorpio Weather to January 2019

Jupiter in Scorpio has gone, with all his solutions and benefits. Yet, strange Scorpio weather means a potentially great story from October 2018 will be retold until January 2019. Just one thing. It’s complicated!

Jupiter in Scorpio has gone, with all his solutions and benefits. Yet, strange Scorpio weather means a potentially great story from October 2018 will be retold until January 2019. Just one thing. It’s complicated!

Which area of your life was helped so much in 2018 by opportunities and solutions, from the Jupiter in Scorpio cycle?

Your Sun Sign chart shows the headlines of your life, but even though Jupiter left Scorpio on November 8th, 2018, there is a slow ripple effect that will not stop until January 26th, 2019.

In other words, it’s not over yet. In this special feature on our unusual Scorpio weather, I will show you why you are set to experience a replay or rescheduling in your life, and why January will bring a compromise and a new beginning.

Your Sign and the Scorpio Weather

Your Sun Sign chart shows the headlines of your life. The front-page story everyone can see. (Your Natal Chart, or personal birth chart, shows the story behind the news and if you are a Premium Member I can show you how this works for you with your finances, charity, house, apartment, business, taxation or shares in a moment).

For now, let’s look at where you gained in 2018, if you took all the opportunities you were given. Jupiter offers big answers or huge open doors.

Finance. Savings. Taxation. Inheritance. Business. Dividends. Settlements. Interest Rates. Property.

Former Partner. Current Partner. Potential Partner. Enemies. Rivals. Opponents. Duets.

Lifestyle. Health. Wellbeing. Workload. Routine. Service. Duty. Employment. Unpaid Work.

Pregnancy. Babies. Children. Lovers. Youth. Millennials. Teaching. Mentoring. Guiding.

House. Land. Apartment. Holiday Home. Family. Household. Hometown. Homeland. Ancestors.

The Worldwide Web. Multimedia. Communication. Publishing. Travel. Commuting.

Money. Property. Shares. Business. Charity. Currency. Bargains. Savings. Taxation. Interest.

Image. Profile. Reputation. Appearance. Title. Name. Face. Style. Body. Wardrobe.

The Unconscious Mind. Secrets. Life Behind the Scenes. The Astral Body. The Aura. The Chakras.

Friendship. Groups. Societies. Clubs. Teams. Associations. Unions. Bands. Social Media.

Success. Status. Position. Mission. Ambition. Vocation. Career. Unpaid Work. University.

Travel. Foreigners. Export. Education. Academia. Publishing. The Worldwide Web. Journeys.

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The Scorpio Process

Between October 11th, 2017 and November 8th, 2018, one area of your life (above) gained enormously from overdue solutions, or a chance to expand and improve. If things were tough, you were protected and helped from the Jupiter in Scorpio cycle. If they were already in a good place, you went to the next level.

The story isn’t over, as we have a replay of discussions, paperwork or plans which took place across 27, 28, 29 degrees of Scorpio, in the final week of October 2018. Just before Halloween.

This will take place between December 2nd and 12th as Mercury Retrograde goes back over 27, 28, 29 degrees of Scorpio too.

The story may be held up, change or even be replaced by a new story in your life at this time.

It goes side-by-side with a long, slow compromise over who and what is in control. This began with the Ceres in Scorpio cycle from November 12th, 2018 and it will not finish until January 26th, 2018 (allowing 24 hours leeway for different world time zones).

As if that wasn’t enough, we also have Venus, the planet of complex relationships, in Scorpio as well. She has been retrograde as well as Mercury, which might explain why things are circular, slow, stuck or repetitive for you. This very much concerns the area of your life I listed at the start of this feature.

So, for example, if you are a Sun Scorpio who is organising a project designed for self-promotion, it may not have proceeded as planned to date.

If you are a Sun Leo who has been hoping to sign off on house or garden improvements, your tradespeople may have rescheduled.

This is going to be a process! In fact, what you had such high hopes for right up until November 8th, 2018, will not finally deliver until January 26th, 2019 when the last of the Scorpio weather ends. Along the way you will need special tactics.

Let’s take a closer look at what these ‘cycling’ planets Venus, Mercury and Ceres mean. In the next section I’ll also look at your personal birth chart and specific dates and timings. Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading.

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114 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    The past few months have been eventful for sure with this weather swirling around the direct Scorpio points you mentioned. Some themes- major health news around my daughter- many appointments, opinions, testing etc. ending with prescriptions. We received two prescriptions at our house on the exact same day- one for conventional medicine, one from a naturopath. We plan to use them both simultaneously , but, wouldn’t know if the naturopath’s is working (and worth the investment) unless we use it solo and test after one month (after mercury retrograde ends of course!) Health insurance has been a big part of everything and we are shopping now for new coverage. Also, at this time, my company offered to invest in a state licensing course and exam to be a Life insurance agent ( so Scorpionic right?) Just wondering if you have any input from the stars on this eventful time. Thank you, and happy holidays!

    1. Mercury Retrograde has been in Scorpio and Sagittarius, your Eighth House and Ninth House, neither of which relate to your daughter’s health (Scorpio rules finance and property; Sagittarius rules travel and education). I’m sorry your daughter has been having health issues, but there is nothing in astrology that would or should stop you going right ahead with either prescription – after checking with her doctor of course. Health insurance is certainly a Scorpio matter and I’m not surprised you are now looking for new coverage. You’ll have the final and full story about that once Mercury goes over 28 Scorpio for the final time, and conjuncts your Proserpina, also at 28 Scorpio. That’s due around December 10th, 11th. This sounds like the same transit triggering the state licensing course in Life Insurance – although there is more to the story. Sure, you’ll have more details you did not possess before, about this, also near December 10th. Yet, when Ceres goes over 28 Scorpio on the week of 21st January you’ll enter into a new deal where the controls are shared, between you and your employer, or those running the course. You can find out more by looking up Proserpina and Ceres on Search. I hope your daughter has a full recovery.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this amazing post, like always.
    Could you, please let me know how this cycle will affect me?

    Thank you,

    1. Thank you! You have Panacea at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House, Alina. Mercury Retrograde, which is about communication, transportation and negotiation, has been keeping you stuck with the money, house, charity, business, possessions or apartment. You might have thought you knew where you stood when news arrived near Halloween at the end of October. This would have made it possible for you to fix things or resolve them (Panacea) although there may have been a question about what was right or wrong (Panacea, again). There will be a replay, December 2nd through 12th and the story may change. You’re very likely to rethink or reschedule, and there may be a reversal of what you assumed was in place, before.

  3. Hi Jessica
    Love all these Scorpio blogs. For someone with loads in Scorpio, including Ceres 16, it’s compelling stuff. And, so helpful given everything that’s going on in my world.

    You mentioned in another blog “Thursday 6th December 9.21pm UT Mercury Stations Direct 27 Scorpiol”, but, under Mercury Rules above you talk of Mercury retracing his steps 11 – 27 degrees Scorpio – so I’m confused! Happens more as I get older I thought he only retrograded a few degrees back into Scorpio? I’m concerned as my Jupiter is at 26 Scorpio and that resulted in a totally unexpected tax rebate – hope HM Inspectors don’t ask for it back!

    Also, sorry to be so pedantic, did you mean 2019 in the third bullet point of the summary? Tad confused where late 2019 comes into things.

    Could you clarify.

    Thank you so much x

    1. I’m glad the Scorpio blogs are useful. So many people are slowly picking their way through these questions about legacies, business, finance, charity and philanthropy – and property. I can’t find the blog you mention, but it sounds like that was a statement about both Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. Venus has been moving 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Scorpio since September, then going backwards in October and is set to go forwards again in December. She’ll finish her loop around December 18th. At the same time Mercury has been moving 27, 28, 29 in Scorpio at the end of October and will return there, December 2nd to 12th. You are affected because you have Neptune at 6 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, property, business and charity. That means Venus has gone over your Neptune, but backwards and forwards. She’ll do this for the last time on December 12th, 13th. You have Cupido at 5 Scorpio, very close by, and Venus also crosses him too, around the 12th and 13th. You also have Ceres at 16 Scorpio and will experience your Ceres Return on 20th, 21st December. If your birth time is strictly accurate, you also have your Descendant at 25 Scorpio, very close to your natal Jupiter. Your unexpected tax rebate was your Jupiter Return in Scorpio. Good news all round. They won’t ask for it back. Don’t worry. Essentially, you can use this information to do your own research on what is going on, but given the Scorpio weather we are experiencing, you can expect to finish unfinished business in December. What you assumed was the final story with the money, house, business, charity, sales, purchases, apartment – was not. There was more to come. Of all the transits you are experiencing, your Ceres Return is most significant. This is just a few days before Christmas and may involve a family member or former, current or potential partner – but perhaps work too – it’s that time of year, isn’t it. There will be a compromise over the financial or material side of your life, which involves sharing the controls. It’s also about sharing who/what you are most passionate about. This has to be an agreement with both or all can stick to, over the long-term, so it has to be practical. Park the feelings at the door. Just make this work – it will.

  4. Hi Jessica, thank you for this information. Looking at my chart, could you please let me know how it will affect me.

    In particular with career/profession and secondly with finances related to foreign accounts.


    1. Around January 1st you have your Venus Return in Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, property and business. This means transiting (travelling) Venus goes back to 23 Scorpio and you strike a deal over the money, house, apartment, company and so on. Make sure it can withstand change many years from now, as in 2024, Uranus (radical new situations) will oppose your Venus. Career-wise, you are going through a reshape you will never see again in your lifetime – and have never experienced. It will demand a lot of time and energy and take 2019, 2020 to complete. It works out very well for you, but it’s very demanding long-term. Give yourself more time off, and more sleep if you need it. You are strongly Capricorn, and we have not only Pluto there, but also Saturn and the South Node. You are climbing a mountain to reach a peak of success and status and it will take longer than you thought. You also need to work out, repeatedly, if it is the right mountain or ambition for you. You are also strongly Virgo, so you will be experiencing trines to your natal Virgo placements in your Sixth House of workload, duty and service at the same time that you have conjunctions to your Capricorn placements in your Tenth House of high achievement. If ever there was a time to get absolutely clear about your chosen field, it is now. In fact, it may be helpful to get outside advice. After Christmas 2019, and into 2020, you will have a solution or opportunity not possible in 12 years and must take it. I don’t think you’ll need much persuasion. You are a gift to any organisation as you know how to respect the system, play your part, do your job and do your duty. You will always do exceptionally well within such a structure, as you were made for The Establishment and not many people are!

  5. Wow, wow and wow Jessica,
    You are spot on, however I cannot foresee what will next slap me across my face in this Dog year as far as my job because it is a tick fog I see nothing what is coming…

    Will I remain with this same company and same job???
    What worries me is my gut feeling that something is going on and I don’t know what….
    Will I get some type of deal soon???
    Should I except it??? Will it be good for me…
    I did a lot of good things with my home ground work and I am established there where during 2018 I had to sale home and bye new one and move…
    But one thing that worries me is finance and job keeping or new job opportunities…

    My dear Jessica do you see what is coming for me… Please shine the Sun ☀️ light on me to reval my next move…

    Thank you with love ❤️

    1. Thank you. You won’t really know what is going on with work until you get to the end of January because there will be mergers, closures, reshuffles, promotions, retirements, resignations, redundancies and the rest affecting you – six degrees of separation – for some weeks to come. People have not yet fully decided their situation, and it may not be until the week after Christmas that things start to move. From that point forward you will be playing musical chairs and finding a chair for yourself in a new game. It’s about compromising with other people over the amount of power and control you have.

  6. Hi Jessica!
    2017 and 2018 had been like stuck in the mud, never experienced something like this. I have Neptune 19 degree in Scorpio. What do you see for my future? Is it over by end of January 2019 or will it linger on until end of 2019? Thankful for answers. Thank you!

    1. You have quite a lot of Aries in your chart and prefer action, not words, so you have been feeling extremely stuck with the transits, which have slowed everybody down and marooned them for such a long time. You have the South Node at 15 Sagittarius and have a past life as an explorer, traveller and perpetual student of life. You have had one or more lifetimes in other countries, and may find a foreign language comes naturally to you as a result, or one particular place feels like a magnet to you. In the third week of January 2019 you will go to this place, plan a trip there later, or welcome a visitor from that region. The second chapter comes July, August, September which is of course holiday season in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a rare opportunity to make so much more of what is going on around you – the world is changing in your favour – and capitalise on stunning solutions and open doorways, which lead you to new paths in different regions or countries, or with different cultures and nationalities. The kicker is, you’ve been here before and this is a karmic reward. I believe you will study or teach as a result, or squeeze so much more from the worldwide web. Even if there is no formal ‘teaching’ or ‘learning’ it will be informal and casual, yet be like a PhD in life.

  7. I think that I will be more affected by the Scorpio weather next year, Neptune and South Node , 18 and 19.
    I have been through the mill though, and was hoping for a little more light at the end of the tunnel!
    I see my ex husband and the splitting of the family home my next challenge, along with my love life.
    I have been fending men off somewhat. There are a lot of single middle-aged guys available.
    But the one I love is attempting to split from his wife. He is struggling because he is devoted to his children. The youngest is 13, he is such a fantastic father too. Something my own children never had!

    How do you see things developing Jessica?
    I’m seeing the owls again!
    Many Thanks,

    1. Sian, I’m glad you are seeing the owls again. Minerva always travels with an owl, as you know, and your Minerva in Libra is your great helper with the loaded question of separation and also new partners too. There is a part of you which just ‘knows’ the answer and one of astrology’s great charms and quirks is that symbols appear in the real world as omens. The owl is a sign to pay attention and tune in to what you are being shown or told, either about your former husband, or these potential new dates – including the man who is trying to split from his own wife. The issue here is, as you have spotted, the fact that you were born with Neptune at 18 Scorpio and the South Node at 19 Scorpio in your Eighth House of marriage and money. This is the house of ‘Until death do us part’ but also ‘Until sex do us part’ and although you are wading through this, because we have had not only Mercury but also Venus retrograde in Scorpio – you will get there. In fact, you parted company with your former husband at the best possible time in 12 years. These things are never fun, but you chose the Jupiter in Scorpio cycle in 2018 to do it, and it is already working for you. Why? Men are lining up and one of them, you like a lot. What you are waiting for is Ceres (the big compromise) to cross 18, 19 Scorpio and that happens the week after Christmas. In fact, Christmas Day is the turning point. Longer-term, you will have transiting Uranus going to 18, 19 Taurus so please have in place new arrangements about a house, apartment, joint finances, possessions and the rest which can ‘take’ radical change. Don’t lock things in too tightly as in 2022 you will need to be as flexible as possible in terms of the other person – likely to be a partner. It’s like going sailing and having a map, compass and anchor which can take all weathers and all directions. The journey is a lot easier.

  8. Hi Jessica, Happy Thanksgiving!!! great post!! Always love reading and re-reading your articles.

    I’m currently struggling with a female business associate( Leo sun born July 30th 1978) and my husband(Libra sun born on October 16th, 1977 at 12:15 p.m. in Georgetown, Guyana). You had previously recommended that my husband and I sort out our separation details before the end of October, but we could never really quite finalize if we want to separate as he really wants to work things out. I’m hanging under a cloud of confusion all year and I hope I figure out everything by end of January. I just want peace and happiness. Don’t we all ??? I feel naive for thinking that things might work out, when my gut tells me otherwise. With all issues we have with my mother in law and his family, I know that things will never work out, but I still love him very much. Can you please advise when I’ll start feeling like myself, or happy in my relationship or any relationship? Once word got out that I might be separating, I’ve had several male acquaintances who are professionally related aggressively pursue me. Is that related to the recently ended Jupiter in Scorpio cycle?

    On a different note, this business associate( Leo sun) of mine joined my new start up business around January and officially in March of this year. While she adds a lot of value, it’s been a constant painful challenge with her overbearing personality and ‘mothering’ tendencies. Can you please tell me how this professional relationship might pan out?

    Thanks Jessica

    1. Thank you! I’m sorry you are having problems with your mother-in-law and husband’s family while you are trying to separate from your husband. You also have this work problem with a Leo colleague who is overbearing (so easy for Leo to do, and I speak as a Leo!) These are two separate issues in your chart. Pluto at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of marriage and money is the big player here. Uranus at 0 Taurus is opposing Pluto, for the first time in your life. You need to work your way through March 2019, when you will likely split up, or if you stay together, radically change the agreements you have over the money, your home, possessions and so on. It is in your interests to compromise as much as possible and realise that you cannot own the situation. Give and take will be essential. You also need to realise that Uranus liberates. His purpose in astrology is to set you and your husband free. You have the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio too, so this is karmic. You have past life debts and credits with each other and over the course of many years, transiting Uranus (the revolution) will reach the Nodes in 2025. With your husband, or another man, you will need to figure out your legacy (yours to others) and legacies made over to you (theirs) with one eye on freedom. I often say this with Uranus transits, but you cannot buy independence in an auction and you cannot purchase genuine space, liberty and autonomy in a catalogue. They are precious and rare and you’ve not really experienced what it feels like to have all the room in the world, financially. That is the reward of going through this long cycle. I do feel that you need to do a life budget and actually price the things money cannot buy in currency. Put a price on integrity, freedom, peace of mind and the rest and that way you can pay. Now, your Leo colleague is going through a work cycle of her own where she feels others are trying to control things! So she reacts by upping the Leo Queen behaviour. You two will reach a compromise by the end of January. Give it a bit of time. There is a communication problem here. She hasn’t explained everything fully to you, and you have been making assumptions. That’s really where the issue comes from. When the time is right, try and find out more about a particular project. If you can’t find out, then ask her if you have been missing anything. You need to up your game with workplace communication skills – there are ton of websites and books which can help. The personality you cannot change, but the communication can certainly be fixed.

  9. Hi Jessica

    We have been trying to sell our house in UK to move to NZ . So far Brexit uncertainty has impacted the housing market . So we will be glad when that resolves at Christmas I have read your post on that .

    We did have a very interested buyer view house 7th November which was a good day astrological , but they have not sold theirs yet ….

    With all the retro weather do you see anything in the chart that indicates they will purchase once the retro is over late Christmas or into January 2019

    Thanks again J

    1. We have rolling retrogrades in Scorpio, which rules property, so long chains of delay like this are not surprising. The good news is, emigrating is ruled by Sagittarius and although you also have Mercury Retrograde here, he moves forward on Christmas Eve. It’s hard to say if it’s this specific buyer without seeing their chart too, but in general, discussions will resume about your house, positively, as you go into the final week of December – with them or others. You may rethink your approach or reschedule emigration as Mercury Retrograde rules all the ‘re’ words. That’s fine. It will still work out very well for you and in fact, very close to January 22nd you two will reach agreement on the best deal, with each other, or the third party, in years. I’m looking at the Jupiter oppositions to your Gemini stellium in 2019, which rules short trips. This is important. Before you commit to a new car, boat, caravan – or figure out your side trips to Australia, or across N.Z. itself – do as much homework and research as you can. This is going to be a really important new part of your life but you may need to land and get acclimatised before you plan, as there is a tremendous new focus on commuting, but also short-haul getaways, in your life in 2019.

  10. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for this analysis – is all very interesting. Any insights into how this transit will affect me professionally, financially and personally? I have the following Scorpio factors:

    Moon 20° Scorpio 50′ 06″
    Uranus 06° Scorpio 31′ 28″ R
    North Node 13° Scorpio 19′ 43

    Thanks, as always, for your insights!

    1. My eyes are on your Uranus at 6 Scorpio first of all, because transiting (travelling) Uranus will move to 6 Taurus, short-term, and oppose that. You also have Panacea at 4 Taurus and the South Node at 13 Taurus. There is a 2019 financial story developing here, and although it will not be until the second half of next May that the Uranus-Panacea conjunction kicks in, followed by the Uranus-Uranus opposition in July-September and you see the full detail, you should prepare now by keeping your plans as flexible as possible. For a start, wait until Mercury Retroshadow in Scorpio is complete, December 2nd to 12th, before you start anything important as there is unfinished business and rescheduling or rethinking to do, about the money, insurance, legacy, house, business, charity, possessions, apartment and so on. Once you are past December 12th you will be in the know at last, as nothing from September or October was ever the full story. From that point on you have a major compromise to make with others, or perhaps the bank, as Ceres (sharing power) goes over your Moon at 20 Scorpio on December 30th, 31st, January 1st. That is a significant New Year. Try to come up with something you can all live with long-term. It also needs to be flexible, as I’ve mentioned, because Uranus opposition Uranus is about radical change. Actually, this is a revolution. There is a part of you which is utterly original, wildly inventive and highly experimental when it comes to finance and property. This is really about what involves the family, or your former or current partner. Sometimes it can be about large organisations which also give and take with you. Uranus is associated with revolution and as you have never experienced this transit in your lifetime it may be useful to hit Search and also your ebooks and find out more about this planet. In brief, you cannot buy freedom or purchase independence. Yet, they will be yours – free of charge – if you can take a deep breath and roll with the changes that are ahead.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    Can you please look at my chart. I have Neptune at 8% and Vulcano 14% and Aescuplia at 27% Scorpio.
    There are a few things troubling me at the moment, one is buying a new farm in northern nsw . We are trying to negotiate with the owner to sell to us but unsure if he really wants to and what’s a fair price. I’m also a little unsure if this is really a good move for me but my husband is very keen and his brother who owns the farm next door is also very keen . We are doing cattle farming.

    My second problem is work. I have 2 part time jobs one which I’m very happy in and the other not so. The 2nd job has offer me more days which I refused a different position which I also refused . I have been sick a lot this year with ear and vertigo problems which are egasabated by the working environment there. I think they may be wishing to get rid of me which I wouldn’t be unhappy about provided I got all my entitlements. Can you shed any light on what’s going on.
    Many thanks

    1. Buying a new farm on Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is never going to be a walk in the park (or even a gallop over the fields). Yet, Baroona, you will know the final facts and figures which matter by the middle of December. If you are all still committed after that, a deal will be struck no later than the last week of January. There will be a fair bit of to and fro. Your two part-time jobs will also be sorted out by the final week of January, with the fresh look at information you did not have before, in the first two weeks of December, which will help you do your sums. Your life budget will matter too as you will be putting a price on peace of mind and your health. Your body is telling you something there! Listen to what it wants you to hear.

  12. HI Jessica I am still waiting on the outcome of a medical negligence claim I launched some months ago with my former male Gemini surgeon. Can you please let me know if this may be affected by this Scorpion weather? Thank you xx

    1. Medical negligence claims are Scorpio matters, because this sign rules insurance. You have Ops in Scorpio and we have Ceres crossing Ops. By the final week of January, a compromise will be necessary – likely over this – but if not, another important financial matter. You will have to both/all accept a deal. It’s hard to say more than that without seeing your surgeon’s chart. Overall, he is going through the most crucial financial decisions of 2019, in December and January and this will of course affect his ability or willingness to pay.

  13. Hi Jessica – I’m always on the look out for your new blog posts and this Scorpio one is brilliant. Thank you. I have lots of Scorpio factors and I have Ceres at 03 Scorpio in my natal chart. I’m trying to decipher what all of this means, in conjunction with the other Scorpio blog posts but I’m still none too clear about how this will impact me.

    Are you able to shed some light for me, please, particularly in regards to career/vocation.

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you! You are having your Ceres Return, but also experiencing a rush of Scorpio weather in general, now through the final week of January. You were putting an agreement with other people, or a large organisation, together in October or possibly the first week of November. What you have been accepting and assuming was never going to be the finished article, and in fact the first two weeks of December will involve a rewrite of that chapter. You will close the book on this matter no later than the final week of January. Leave the emotions out of it. Rise above feelings on your side, his, hers or theirs – and go straight to what is practical. It’s really important that you all/you both can accept what comes out of this and stick to it. This will work out.

    1. You are strongly Scorpio and your Eighth House is packed with Mercury, Mars and Uranus – just for a start. You will of course be going over old ground with the money, business, house, charity, apartment or possessions in the first two weeks of December. What was under discussion or even on paper back in October was never going to be the final version and you’ll need to rethink your plans. You’ll agree to a new deal or fresh arrangement by the final week of January. Over the long-term, transiting Uranus (the revolution) will oppose Mercury, Mars, Uranus itself – and the rest – so it is very important that you have an extremely flexible financial plan over the next few years. Be right across developments which might affect your bank or credit card, property value and so on. Read widely and keep moving. When life changes, change with it.

  14. Hi Jessica…So many planets in Scorpio i dont know where to start only you were spot on with my paperwork going back and forth..had an accident involving a foreigner on a bike last year,and this week came solicitors letter from him..trying to claim triple the amount of what damages was done to my new insurance company is back and forth now with paperwork with my new car..And also got word this week about my head injury claim,also last year,that its going to court,no date yet,the guy that caused the injuries is dec 1996..a sag,.who is refusing to talk or co operate with solictors,So its all kicking off now..and not looking forward to any of this where Ceres comes into it..compromising?..Thanks Jessica

    1. I’m glad the astrology was spot-on for you, although obviously not glad you had an accident. There are a few claims going on here! I am sorry about the stress. You are strongly Scorpio and of course this sign does rule insurance (particularly life, accident and sickness insurance). Fortunately you did a lot of the groundwork prior to November so the more you did to snap up opportunities or take solutions for most of this year, the better off you will be. Yet, the first two weeks of December suggests a rethink, as nothing that was there in October was ever final. This means rescheduling or reconsidering, but that’s fine. You will reach the final agreements no later than the last week of January and find a compromise that suits both parties/all parties.

  15. Hello Jessica,
    I did buy a home this year and love, love, love it. It was definitely in the stars. Now with my stellium in Scorpio, I’m wondering what is coming up next. Would you mind taking a look?

    Thanks so much!

    1. I’m glad you love your new home. There are some extra tasks to complete or details to sort out, either with the actual building, or your plans involving family or flatmates in December. You did not have the whole story back in October so what you have been assuming may need to be questioned by December 15th. You’ll be striking a deal or bargain with others, regarding your home, by the final week of January. A classic example would be repairing the fence and negotiating with the neighbours over who pays, and how high it stands. Another example might be organising a new arrangement with a maintenance person or gardener. Take your time and see it their way.

  16. Hi Jessica, with 3 scorpio placements what do I need to look out for between now and the end of January in general? And then in terms of renegotiating my work arrangement (probably an increase in hours per week) and contract?
    Kind regards

    1. Jen, both you and your employers need to have the final angle on the facts and figures, and that won’t come until the middle of December, in terms of the last small details. After that, everyone will know where they stand. Keep talking in the meantime but be aware the story might change or be delayed. Yet, as you are prepared to be flexible, you will be able to sign, or accept a signature, by the end of January. Part of the issue for your employers is the chopping and changing involving others, as there are reshuffles going on right across that sector, Jen.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    I have been trying to find a new apartment since Oct unsuccessfully and wondering if this Scorpio weather will help me and my husband (Sag sun) find something soon? Thank you!

    1. You will have your apartment by the final week of January at the very latest. One of your issues has been other people’s changed plans, as you have been affected by a chain – their rescheduling of a lease, purchase or sale has affected the next person along, and this in turn has kept you stuck. You’ll see things slowly coming together in the first fortnight in December and if you are single-minded about moving will have your keys by the end of January 2019.

  18. Hi Jessica,

    This October I was planning to take a very important exam.I can’t really explain why,on the last 100 m,I postponed it,to spring 2019.I ‘m having some thoughts now and a bit of guilt:should I have,would have been better…etc.Anyway,very strange is that,in theory,I ‘ve had Jupiter in Scorpio in my 10th house,so I should have been more driven,but I wasn’t.Reading your article now,makes me wonder if there was some weird aspects then with my transit and if things will be different in the spring of 2019.
    Looking forward for your insight!
    Thank you.

    1. Jupiter in Scorpio is actually in your Eighth House, not your Tenth, using the Natural House system. You have postponed an exam. Very wise. Jupiter in Sagittarius (study) in 2019 will help you a lot, Dana, and you will be very happy with your progress.

  19. Hi Jessica
    With 5 factors in Scorpio how is this going to effect me? My current job is going through a really bad patch and people are leaving left right and centre.
    Thank you

    1. Lisa, keep your eyes on December 2019 (about one year away) as you could easily be promoted, score a fantastic project, see a huge hit, land the job of your dreams or win an award, as Jupiter crosses your Minerva. There is light at the end of this tunnel. The chopping and changing in your career will go on until the end of January. A lot of what you thought was in place, in October, was never going to stick so keep things flexible. You are strongly Scorpio, as you say, and this strange Scorpio weather does mean December is the moment of truth, as two situations which have been going backwards and forwards for weeks – even months – finally sort themselves out. There will be a lot of compromise on your part over the money, house, apartment or business aspects between now and the final week of January but you know exactly what you are doing and will make it work.

      1. Hi Jessica
        I feel I will leave this job in January myself, as I am wanting to spend the year focusing on my writing. I am prepared to live very simply to achieve this. Really just waiting for my husbands cancer treatment and recovery to be complete and also my daughter’s house to be built so they can move out of our home. Both issues have been ongoing for a few months now, but by December all should be done. Thank you.

  20. HI Jessica

    Wooop wooop , happy days and thank you for taking the time to respond. We will look forward to end of year and January with excitement .

    FYI , back in August you mentioned some good news that will be related to my husband and that I would benefit .. you mentioned Nov 8 th

    Well you were right ( of course 🙂 ) exactly the same day we did have good news , thanks again x

  21. Hi jessica.
    Another fab article and spot on , thank you
    I have applied for a few promoted posts recently and have an interview early next week and may get another interview soon after , starts for both would be around March …. hoping I am successful. Any advice ?

    1. Thank you. Yes, March is the key month for you, in terms of the new work direction for 2019 and beyond. Essentially you have had 7 years of experiments with your daily routine, lifestyle and workload. You have come a very long way and been highly inventive too, doing it your way and breaking new ground. Yet, you have also had one rejection after another from people or organisations – very strange – and have also been turning your back on who/what does not seem authentic to you, in terms of your chosen field. This ends in March. The chopping and changing stops and you are then on track for what is best described as a schedule of learning! Life calms down, settles down and although it will constantly challenge you, at least you will know what is going on and when it’s going to happen. No more rejections, or rejecting.

  22. Hi Jessica very good extensive information thank you I always look forward to read all the goodies that you present to us. can you please tell me how this cycles is going to affect me.Thank you jessica

    1. Your Moon and Venus are both in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money, marriage and mortgage, finance and family. It is very important to you that you have emotional arrangements alongside the lifestyle and security agreements. You are going to see a rewind, replay, reschedule or perhaps a reversal in the first two weeks of December, as the story in September or October was never final. By the end of January you will have accepted a new way of sharing what is there. Nobody can have it all their own way, and this very much applies to a person or organisation. Thus, a compromise will be reached. It may involve your legacy to others, theirs to you, or just big-ticket concerns, like your house, company, business, charity, apartment or precious possessions.

  23. Thank you for the additional context on the remaining Scorpio weather, I am strongly Scorpio and feel just as you have noted here – a lot of great potential personally and professionally but waiting for it to fall into place. Open to whatever advice you have as we continue on with 2018 Scorpio weather and into 2019, esp with Uranus transiting my Saturn and Juno in Taurus. Have read all the other comments and find it all so interesting – thank you and wishes for wonderful holidays and a bright new year!

    1. Thank you. The first fortnight in December will sort things out for you, with a final verdict, ultimate answer and (at last) a clear sense of where you are at, with the money, apartment, charity, house or business. This helps you reach a compromise with a key person or organisation by the end of January. This will work in your favour as you either have inbuilt protection here, or may genuinely get lucky. The deal you make or bargain you strike will involve both sides giving way, but it’s time it happened.

  24. Hello Jessica,
    Being a diplomat I’ m working abroad and I was trying to get a new post to another country (changing countries and not returning home). However it seems all the free posts are engaged by colleagues. That happened mainly from September till now. I tried I’m included to the “sharing” of posts but i failed.
    Is there any chance for me to get a new post abroad? I have Neptune 8, Mercury 17, Venus 23 and Bacchus 28 in Scorpio. Jupiter natal return and Saturn natal return.
    It is very crucial for me for financial and reasons of health.

    I thank you

    1. You have your Jupiter Return at 28 Sagittarius in 2019, so as a diplomat, Vivi, you are not only perfectly expressing your chart (you were born with fortunate Jupiter in the sign of foreign countries) you will also be given the best opportunity in 12 years to get a new post abroad. You are being held up because of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. Hit Search to read more about Jupiter in Sagittarius and how Mercury Retrograde in the same sign is delaying and changing original plans. Yet, from Christmas Eve, things start moving for you and you will be packing your bags and boxes at least once next year. Maybe even twice. You’ll be thrilled.

  25. Thankyou Jessica, I have found this such a powerful article. With regard to the Venus retrograde of Sept 10 you referred to, on Sept 11 my father and I were both diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately my outcome was good, but not for my (Gemini) father who entered palliative care. And those movements of mercury and Venus totally match the weather of our current experiences. Having some reference to the universal climate around us gives strong support to the continuing journey.

    1. I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be such a huge mix of emotions for you to have had good news for yourself, but such tough news about him. I am not sure if you believe in ‘life between lives’ or the idea that we continue in spirit. If you do, it may interest you to know that not only Venus and Mercury, but also Ceres, are all in Scorpio at this time and in fact Ceres will continue through the Eighth House of your chart until the final week of January. Ceres is a Roman goddess who shared her daughter Proserpina with Pluto, the god of the Underworld, where departed souls spent time. Proserpina moved between both worlds.

  26. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for this eye opening article.
    I have a 4 hour female surgery scheduled on Dec 10th! And I think Scorpio rules female reproduction. I have A loaded 10th house, Scorpio. Would you reschedule if you were me? of that was your chart?

    And you are absolutely correct about spinning your wheels when it comes to property. I talk to a realtor on Nov 3 and we have not made any progress. Horrible. I guess I will settle down until end of Dec

    1. Surgery is actually a Sixth House matter, ruled by Virgo in your horoscope. The Scorpio matter you are dealing with is the property situation, which has been dragging on, as Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio have been going backwards and forwards for weeks. You do have quite a strong Virgo signature in your chart in the Sixth House of body, mind and spirit. On December 10th we find Cupido in Virgo, and Apollo in Virgo too. One is a symbol of deep affection, the other is a symbol of leadership. You are in good hands, both in terms of people who care about you, and people whose job it is to lead others – in this case, your surgeon. As this is an intensely personal question and I do not have your surgeon’s chart, you may want to use The Astrology Oracle and the ebook which comes with it, to ask all the questions you need to. This is in your hands, not mine, but just to repeat – those other helping hands on the day are pretty good!

  27. Hi Jessica Another great blog thank you. I have Ceres just about to make an exact conjunction with my natal Neptune in my 8th house. I’m not sure what this could indicate as I don’t feel very Neptunian in this area of my life? Any advice you can offer.

    1. Thank you. You have Neptune at 6 Scorpio, Ceres at 24 Scorpio and Cupido at 11 Scorpio – all in the Eighth House of finance, property, valuables, charity, business and legacies. You have actually been going backwards and forwards with one matter since September, as Venus Retrograde was at 6 Scorpio and triggered your Neptune. There is a bubble of non-reality there with your money, house, apartment, possessions, company or good cause. A complicated person, or multi-layered situation, is floating around that bubble. It was there again in late October and it will not be until around December 12th that you have closure on this one issue. You also have Ceres herself moving across 6, 11 and 24 Scorpio so clearly there is a necessary compromise or deal in the air which is days away now – you will have your Ceres Return in the second week of January. This may be about an end-of-year bonus, your credit card, Christmas presents and so on. At this time of year people also move home. I don’t know anything at all about your situation, of course, but I would suggest giving yourself time and space in January so that you can devote yourself to a solution which means you and he/she/they can all accept a healthy compromise where you feel you have equal amounts of control over the situation.

      1. Thank you Jessica this is so helpful. I now realise this timeline fits into the issue we are having with our property which is being caused by the developers planning issues with our local council. He emailed me last week re my offer to assist in whatever wei can. Looks like I may be meeting her this week sometime.

  28. Hi Jessica, I am blown away by this post. I certainly hope you see this message. In Oct, I signed a lease for a new place and luckily I kept a trial period. I have now found out that there may be conflicts of professional issues with the business owner/practitioner and I am a tad miffed as this was hugely downplayed. I am looking at an exit in Jan 2019. Although, I have no major scorpio, I do have Aesculapia in Scorpio at 26 and I am now wondering if this has triggered all this. I now intend to practice on an ad-hoc basis with a business who has been lovely. Would love to know your thoughts. Best always and many many thanks again Jx

    1. Thank you. I am glad you had a trial period when you signed the lease. This is a tricky Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde cycle in Scorpio and a lot of people do not realise that what they assumed in September, October will have to be reconsidered in December. Aesculapia at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House is important. This asteroid in your birth chart is a symbol of comebacks, resurrection and revival, so you have a lifelong pattern of giving up on particular financial, property, charity or business arrangements – assuming they are virtually over – only to see them springing back to life. You will find that when Ceres goes to 26 Scorpio, a compromise can be made. In fact, this may not be over yet. You will see the full picture of your situation in December and will have made a landmark decision by the end of January. Look up Aesculapia, the Eighth House and Ceres on Search to find out more, or have a look at my ebook 2020 Astrology.

      1. Hi Jess, thank you so much for your reply. I wanted to update you on what happened on Tues when Jupiter was meant to be in Saggi. My seniors encouraged me to apply for an internal position which is way senior to my current one. I was absolutely overwhelmed at the confidence. I will apply and hope for the best, the interview if it happens is in the week of Dec 10. Fingers crossed as this will turn my work life upside down in a very good way. It is in health and management which I CAN absolutely do, I need to believe it is mine. Huge hugs to you x

  29. Hi Jessica,
    This is probably a dumb question, but I am asking it anyway. I have ZERO Scorpio factors in my chart. I have seven stelliums. Is that a high number? Also, what is opposite Scorpio? Does this mean I will have opposition factors all over the place? I am thinking I need to figure out how to interpret all of this, especially with that number of stelliums. Where should I go to learn? I am trying to learn as much as I can before school starts in January. My courseload is crazy packed, but in a good way. (I think. )
    Hope you are doing well. One last random question: Have you read “Dancing With the Wu Li Masters” , by Gary Zukav? I am reading it now. Enjoying it so far.

    1. That’s not a dumb question at all. No Scorpio factors at all, and an empty Eighth House, just means you are not defined by money, property or business. It does not say who you are! You have Hygiea at 2 Taurus so are cautious, practical and sensible when it comes to money. Uranus will cross 2 Taurus in 2019 so a radical change will challenge your usual approach to your budget. Try to keep things flexible and open so that you are in a good position to alter course – you will see why after March, when Uranus changes signs.

      1. Jessica,
        That is so true. I don’t care about material things at all, unless they have sentimental value. Unfortunately, when I do want something I always pick out expensive stuff. I have to budget and make sure it is something I really want. If it is a new book though, all rules get thrown by the wayside. No discipline at all. Lol.
        I am getting excited about this spring ! I will keep an open mind about everything. I am ready for adventures, in all forms. Is seven stelliums a lot in a birth chart? Just wondering. Thanks again for answering my questions. There have been quite a few.

        1. Thank you. You do have an unusually ‘weighted’ personal birth chart, which means that it never rains but it pours. When things are good, they’re very, very good – and when they’re not – you tend to feel they all come at once. You’ll really enjoy 2019.

          1. Jessica,
            That is on point. I have really tried to learn how to roll with things. I am grateful I have always been a “ cup half full” person. Granted, that has happened through sheer will sometimes.
            I am so ready for the new year!

  30. Thank you Jessica for sharing your articles! could you please comment on my chart (I have scorpio uranus 11, fortuna 15 and juno 22). We are actively looking for relocation or real estate investment. Even I had successfull (but painfull) job change this year, my Pisces husband was promoted in October, we still have some open carrier opprtunities calling to seek for.

    1. Thank you. You want to invest in a house or apartment, or move. I am not sure if you are in a hurry, but you may want to wait until after March, because Uranus is yet to move back to 0 Taurus (money) and square your Aquarius 0 Sun. In other words, you live in a rapidly changing world and the property prices, business and work picture and global trade map will undergo a revolution from March 2019. Uranus is a symbol of extreme shifts and unexpected curves in the road, so you may want to wait until you have a clear picture of just how much is going to move around, out there. The conditions that you see all around you, financially, in November – will not be the conditions after March. If your birth time is accurate, Uranus will aspect the angles of your horoscope from March too – the MC or Midheaven. The IC or Immum Coeli. The Ascendant. The Descendant. As the IC rules your home town and homeland, and the Descendant rules your husband, that is another reason to really wait and see before you take the plunge with a house or apartment, as Uranus will dramatically alter the climate, when he goes back into Taurus in 2019. Your needs may also change.

  31. Hello Jessica,

    Things have been changing for the better recently and wonder if these cycles will continue with good things coming our way.


    1. You’re on track for solutions with work, housework (even), unpaid work (volunteering) and part-time or full-time study. There have been some interesting clues and signs since 1st November, but four weeks from now, things will start to come together in an impressive way. You will sign or shake hands on a very special new agreement in January and by Christmas 2019 should have successfully reshaped your lifestyle. One of the bonuses for you will be access to exactly the right kind of swimming pool, hiking trail, gym, yoga class or similar. You’ll also have an expert on hand who really understands your body and what you need to feel at peak performance.

  32. Hi Jessica how will this Scorpio weather most notably affect me. I know I have Scorpio factors but not sure about what houses are being triggered and what I can expect. I did start a new job this year and was offered a salary that I had written down (during a new moon wish ritual) as a minimum for myself to feel stable, which I haven’t felt in many years. Although I am grateful for the job and the money I am so anxious all the time and somewhat overwhelmed by my day to day. I know I wasn’t meant to work in a office but for right now I feel I have been placed in that environment for a reason. Perhaps just to regain my financial footing I don’t know. My true passion is in helping people and animals, healing and holistic living. I did get certified this year to teach yoga and have been teaching since completing the course. But I still wonder if and when will I be able to do work I love and not just survive but thrive. In the meantime I do want to feel good about the work/service I provide at my office, anxiety free. Thank you so much for always taking time to reply and which such thoughtfulness and insight !

    1. I’m so glad your salary appeared with that New Moon. I am sorry you are living with anxiety. Let me suggest two very good healers. Betty Shine and Matthew Manning. Their free video/audio has been uploaded to YouTube. You may know them, of course, through their books. You can also request distant healing through the Harry Edwards Sanctuary – again this is free. I also send people to YouTube to search Dr. Claire Weeks, whose books on anxiety syndrome have sold millions. Again, the audio there is free. Moving right along to your day-to-day routine at work and your great need to teach yoga, you are in a great position to rethink your daily routine, lifestyle and ‘hours in the day’ now that Neptune is moving forward. You will actually be teaching yourself an approach – testing it – which will help other people in the years to come. Now, here are those links to explore. Betty passed to spirit some years ago but her work lives on. Matthew was a child prodigy as a healer. Harry has also passed to spirit, but his team do incredibly good work too.

      Betty Shine

      Matthew Manning

      Harry Edwards

  33. Stay or go o my! The house purchase is still looming but emotionally I have moved on. I had a fabulous trip to my long time home in mid November … I wonder if there is another situation on the horizon for me and my husband Libra 10/11/66. It seems he is gripped with old energy and I see and feel lighter with new ! I am excited for changes away from stale energy. Would you please share any further insight on my chart dear Jessica? Thank you as ever.

    1. You’ll find that your Libra husband goes through a sea change in the relationship from March 2019 as Uranus leaves his Seventh House of marriage after 8 years of challenges and changes. In its place, Chiron establishes himself, and if you did feel he was gripped by old energy, that would not be the case from next March. In fact, this is a new era for both of you. If you are curious about this do look up Chiron on Search.

  34. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your informative articles! I have the North Node 29, Bacchus 26 and IC 13 in Scorpio. I am contemplating retiring in May 2019, but am concerned about the financial weather. Any thoughts?


    1. Susan, the Uranus in Taurus transit, which destabilises the world economy from March 2019, would eventually oppose your Scorpio factors, so there would be a big gap between your financial, property, business or charity preferences over the years ahead – and what is going on out there in the wider world. It will take a long time for Uranus in Taurus to reach your chart, but you may want to prepare by having a flexible position and a lot of wiggle room, so that when changes come – and they will change for all of us – you can change with them. In the meantime, we have Mercury Retrograde going over your North Node at 29 Scorpio, so whatever was apparently in place near Halloween, with the money, house, apartment, business, good cause or possessions – was always going to be rewritten. You will see that in the first fortnight of December. From that point forward it will become clear that January means a compromise between yourself and he/she/they and this new deal will be made by the end of that month, with both sides engaging in quite a lot of give and take.

  35. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the very informative article.
    My IC, Neptune and Bacchus, all in Scorpio at 4,7 and 11 respectively. Could you share how this may affect me? I am thinking of selling my home next year after raising my family and being here for nearly 30 years.
    Also my boyfriend of nearly 2 years and I may start living together in 2019?
    And my second Saturn return…. 🙂
    Thank you, Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    1. You’re in a fantastic cycle for property, in both systems I use for you. In your regular Virgo chart, you begin the biggest and best Jupiter transit in 12 years, in your Fourth House of home, from Christmas Eve. Jupiter is there already but you are waiting for Mercury (the paperwork, the news) to go out of Retroshadow on December 24th. From that point forward some amazing possibilities are there for you, all year long. In your personal birth chart we associate property with Cancer and you have Minerva (wisdom) and Panacea (solutions) in that sign. Both will be crossed, slowly but surely, by the North Node in Cancer, in your personal Fourth House – also about moving. You created some good things for yourself karmically around the year 2000 and this will come back to you in 2019, 2020. With your Mercury and Venus in Libra you are good at making ‘two’ work, yet you may both want new rules or a tailor-made arrangement that is not what other people usually do – it would be invented by you both.

  36. Hi Jessica, thanks for the new articles. I have been financially hit very hard starting Oct 5, reaching a really low point Nov 15, 16, getting back in debt etc. This has to be my 3rd time getting a drubbing “investing” in the stock markets over the last 10 years. I’m guessing this is somehow incompatible with my chart? Now what? Feels like life has made no headway for me financially in the last 10 years. Any long term trends that might change this? Thanks !

    1. Finance is Scorpio (Eighth House) and Taurus (Second House) so let’s look at your chart to see why you have had such a rough time with investments. Juno 0 Scorpio, Vulcano 1 Scorpio, Ops 8 Scorpio, Psyche 10 Scorpio, Neptune 23 Scorpio give you a huge stellium in your Eighth House. On the Taurus side of things, you have Vesta 0 Taurus, Minerva 7 Taurus, Aesculapia 17 Taurus in your Second House. You have a conjunction from Juno at 0 Scorpio to Vulcano at 1 Scorpio which is about financial commitments and strong self-control – I imagine you feel driven to wed yourself to particular deals and decisions. Yet, you can see that you have Vesta at 0 Taurus, the opposite sign. This is a double opposition. This delivers what you might expect, a tug of war. You also have Ops at 8 Scorpio almost exactly opposite Minerva at 7 Taurus! I don’t know how much you want to go into all of this, but if you hit Search or pick up your ebooks and look at these symbols in your chart, plus Taurus, Scorpio, Second House, Eighth House, you’ll realise what is going on. I have to say – we have transiting Uranus going across all your Taurus stuff from March 2019 for many years, and also opposing your Scorpio stuff. That’s revolutionary and it’s not something you have ever experienced. There is no handbook. Because of this, I recommend you get right across cryptocurrency in particular and learn all you can. Beyond that, we need to look at your core values. What you will and will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be so precious, it is priceless. It is your actual values which are going to be changing, over the next few years. In fact, you will be liberated from what/who ties you down. Uranus brings instability. Upheaval. A lack of certainty. Yet, if you embrace change as a way of breaking free from situations which obviously (to an outsider) lumbered you for so many years, you’ll soon see that you can’t buy freedom.

  37. When I see Scorpio weather, I can only think of how BIG Ceres will be for me. I’ll Have Ceres in Scorpio transit over my natal Ceres in Scorpio at 15 degrees. Then of course 3 other factors as well, making Scorpio one of my stelliums. Right now, at this time in my life, my main theme seems to be gaining a position in my job with more responsibility, and leading a group. And this happens to be right at then before I take an indefinite break from this job (until mid March). I do feel I’ve had to compromise much of my free time for work, and that perhaps my other projects might have to be put on hold until a leave this job. That, and also being in a kind of long distant relationship, too. Lastly, even knowing what to do with money saved at this point, where to put resources… and I feel towards some kind of land seems promising. Does all this make sense with the Scorpio weather happening?

    1. You are in line for your Ceres Return in Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, charity, property, valuables and business. Actually, you have a stellium there. There is work to be done between now and January. First of all, though, you need to see what is really going on out there with interest rates, shares, the economy and currency – from December 1st to 15th. What you might have assumed back in October is no longer the case. This has an impact on the ultimate decision about a particular deal, bargain or arrangement where you realise that he/she who has the upper hand financially, in the company, with a house or apartment – has the upper hand in terms of control. This is not necessarily what is best for both/all of you and so a deal must be struck where all concerned agree to share. This will come to pass by the end of January. If you are curious about Ceres look her up on Search or in your ebooks.

      1. The only thing I can think of that pertains to anything in the 8th house is work related. I have no property, no business of my own (employed only by contract – which will end in March), saving a bit financially but nothing much to speak of, and really I have nothing of value (save for my own resourcefulness – at least I’d like to think so). With Ceres, and the dates you mentioned, it seems to be talking plainly about a work related situation of me being put into a leadership role (more managerial role), but I still have higher ups to report to. So yes, I guess I could very well be in a situation where I have to relinquish control in areas. I’m curious then, could Scorpio/Eighth House also resemble more esoteric/hidden energies? Could it simply be that my outlook on finance, charity, property, valuables and business is going through some kind of “flip” where I might need to relinquish my control of previous held ideas regarding such themes? Thanks Jessica, this is really getting interesting…. many things I hadn’t thought of before.

        1. You are yet to see Mercury retroshadow rewind in Scorpio so allow for the first two weeks of December before you decide if this will be about work and your salary, bonuses, superannuation/pension, perks – or if it is quite another matter. Scorpio has nothing to do with esoteric or hidden matters – unless it’s sex magic with money thrown in! Scorpio and the Eighth House are finance, property, charity and business – plain and simple – and that Ceres transit across January will see compromises all over the place, either with work or quite a different issue.

          1. Ok… so stay cool for first two weeks of December. Will try!

            Sex magic with money thrown in? Wow, I can’t even imagine what that scenario would be like, or what that even means! I’ll have to think about that one a bit. Thank you!

  38. Hi Jessica, I have a Scorpio stellium and a love issue. I am not expecting you to give me any solution at all, but any views would be much appreciated.

    My boyfriend (A) of 1 year is very nice, treats me well, consistently dates me every weekend (he is a Virgo), yet when I asked A what he wanted from our relationship, he didn’t know. Although we share a number of common traits and values, I feel that passion and intimacy are lacking and I feel lonely when we are together. I feel that unless we develop deeper feelings and emotional bonds, the relationship will end or we remain as friends. I had high hopes when we first started dating and I thought he would be my life partner, but after several months, the relationship didn’t progress in terms of intimacy. I feel torn because A was destined to come into my life – he literally landed on me on the day I found out my previous boyfriend was cheating on me around the lunar eclipse in Jan 2018.

    B is pursuing me and I feel very tempted to give it a try, but I fear losing my relationship with A.

    I have a huge crush on C, whom I am acquainted with and have chatted online. I feel C and I are soulmates because we each went through a difficult childhood, growing up alone, and had a difficult family life. However, I don’t think he sees us as soulmates. He is an Aquarius, very intellectual and objective, and commitment phobic. Lo and behold, C is my mirror image! – I am the most commitment phobic woman you have ever come across, I tried so hard to fall in love with numerous men for the last 10 years until I was totally exhausted. C’s hobby is nature photography. When he asked me to look online at the photos he took of sunsets, my hair stood on ends – the scenes looked like I would have taken the photos myself. Actually I have known C for 1.5 years, but never thought deeply about our common life experiences until Oct 18, when I realised he was my soulmate, and strangely I fell in love with him without trying.

    C may be dating other women and may not see me as more than a friend, while I am “stuck” in my committed relationship with A, and B is pursuing me.

    1. You haven’t actually had the whole story about A, B or C actually, as you need to have a discussion or hear some news across December 1st-15th then you will be much clearer about who and what you want. You will be making a deal or striking a bargain between that point and the end of January 2019, with one particular person, but astrology does not tell you what to do, so that choice is yours. The compromise will be very real, though, as it is one lover in particular who teaches you about your own power. Also, how to share the control between two people. From that point forward, into February, the priority in love and sex will not be emotional, it will be financial. The fact is, you are being offered the most incredible opportunity or solution in 12 years in 2019, in terms of a house, apartment or shared expenses and possessions, with a partner who can make an astonishing difference to your lifestyle and security. Before you even look at what your heart is telling you, you’d be crazy not to look at what someone can bring to your quality of life!

  39. Hi, Jessica,

    I’m wondering if you see any good news in the upcoming year for me? I have really been through the wringer the last few years. I moved across the country and away from family to marry my husband only to learn that he has a mental health issue that resulted in his subjecting me to emotional and verbal abuse. He also had a serious gambling addiction. I had to force him to move out when he stopped paying any bills. We have now been separated for a year, and he has recently moved on to a new relationship. i, on the other hand, am alone and without familial support. Luckily, I have a good-paying job, but I feel stuck, afraid to leave for fear that I won’t be able to replace the job and health benefits that I currently enjoy. I also I have a house in need of repairs that I would have to sell. I would really like to move closer to family and friends. I am wondering, as well, if there is any opportunity for a new relationship for me. What does my Scorpio stellium indicate about my future in 2019?



    1. I am so sorry you have been put through this LT and I am sure you know the person in the new relationship will have to deal with his mental health problems and gambling issues next. You are doing it alone at the moment and want to move closer to family and friends, but are also wondering about a new lover. First of all, you have had Uranus at 1 Taurus opposing your Sun at 1 Scorpio. That is a huge shock and it takes time to get over it. Give yourself every opportunity to calm down, ground and centre now through 2019 in particular while the cycle holds. Doing normal things and getting back into your body will really help you. On the work front, you will find you have new choices after March 2019 which were not there before. You will attract a totally different lover at any point from March 2019 and will either go through an astonishing discovery process with one person or switch lovers 2019-2026 until you have well and truly had your sexual, emotional and psychological revolution. You are basically going to deconstruct what equal partnership means to you and construct something new in its place. I won’t spoil the surprise but it’s going to happen out of the blue. It is also extremely likely that your ex will surprise you (to say the least) with all he decides to do in his life. You will be liberated as a result of that. Again, I’m not going to pre-empt it, but you will be set free. You’ll make a choice about the family and your property in February because every factor lines up to help you make it.

  40. Im really interested in this scorpio weather as i have a stellium in my birth chart and Venus 27* degrees, the October story played out as you predicted ( I applied for a graduate program on Halloween as that was the submission date and despite my optimism i was rejected.. however another opportunity has come to pass that actually has a higher pay and works close with the company that ran the first program that i was rejected from…. the date for this interview/ submission is Dec 2 and will run through Jan, i feel this is a story unfolding and always read your astrology insights which blow my mind..)on top of everything a solar eclipse on my birthday and the nodes in Cap / Cancer, I was wondering if you have any insights for dec to Jan 2019 with all this crazy weather Thank you so much.

    1. It’s great that you met a better professional opportunity. Thank you for the feedback too. Your career situation will work out for you, although you may go backwards and forwards until Christmas, then find everything lines up for January. You have been blessed with a good education and the ability to mentor and guide others, and that knowledge exchange will be at the heart of some brilliant solutions and opportunities for you.

  41. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great article… I have Scorpio factors in Uranus, Juno, Fortuna and Bacchus at 7, 14, 2 and 9 degrees respectively. Can you please take a look at my chart and let me know how 2019 financial situation will be. Thanks

    1. Thank you. Uranus at 7 Scorpio and Chiron at 5 Taurus in your chart fall in the Eighth House of banks and Second House of money and from March 2019 you will experience the Uranus in Taurus cycle, which runs for many years, and will result in a dramatically different approach to all that you earn, own and owe. We associate Uranus with revolution, independence and freedom and national and global shifts in the economy will have a personal impact on you, as Uranus conjuncts Chiron at 5 Taurus, then soon after that, opposes your natal Uranus. Try not to hang onto the past when your situation alters, as the more readily you can adapt and adjust to the new world, the better off you will be. Life will change rapidly and sometimes day to day, so make it your business to know what is going on with banks, currency, exchange rates, interest rates, taxation and particularly online finance and e-money. This is important as you need to be surfing the wave, right on top of it, not swimming behind it trying to keep up. You may want to get yourself into as flexible a position as you can so that when life demands that you twist and turn, you can twist and turn.

  42. Ughhhh I am going through during this scorpio weather. Ive been in in contract to buy a new home that is finally completed. Now I’m having trouble with the bank and getting mortgage agreement. And this week the seller wants to reevalute the contract. I was hoping that everything would be settled by this week!

    Also, an ex-boyfriend has contacted me oit the blue…

    Also, working with a group to invest in a business together and working out the terms of agreement.

    I have a huge scorpio stellium….what more can I expect? And do I really have to wait untill january to close on my property. I am exhausted….

    1. Sorry about this Mercury Retroshadow in Scorpio. It is of course accompanied by Ceres in Scorpio. So there is a lot of emotion out there, a tremendous need for a compromise, and you may be hitting Ceres in the shape of someone who is on strike – who has stopped the natural flow for whatever reason. Mercury is about communication and paperwork and of course he is spinning backwards and forwards, making a nonsense of what was supposed to be happening weeks ago! This does work out, okay. If you feel exhausted you may want to climb back on stuff like your ex-boyfriend, and anything new. Keep life very simple and clear so you have it in proportion. One way or another by the third week of January you will have figured out a fair deal or agreement, not just about the new home, but with the bank and the seller – and also with your group investment. Your large Scorpio stellium is being well and truly crossed by Ceres and Mercury Retroshadow. You will know where you stand when Mercury finally quits Scorpio, which is not long to wait now. Then, from the third week of January you can put everything behind you. There will be a new arrangement.

  43. Hi Jessica.
    Thanks for the fabulous content you provide. I am astounded by your insight and accuracy. I have had a special interest in astrology since high school and find your material among the best of the best. Hoping you can provide some guidance for me.
    I am very Scorpio heavy. Often (like now) it is just too much to cope with. There is so much strain, intensity and drama…when will it end? I am exhausted by it all and try to lighten up and not take life too seriously but the pressure since 2008 has been relentless. Now I am facing an unexpected redundancy and dealing with truly awful managers while I fight to retain a job I love, financially need, and do extremely well. I have the most supportive work colleagues who believe in me (my silver lining) but they are not the decision makers.
    If I lose my job I need to make the most of the redundancy payment. I am wondering if I should A) buy cryptocurrency B) buy shares or C) try and pay down debt on a negatively geared investment property I am renting to an elderly family member for very low rent. I don’t want to force him out of his home but if I lose my job I won’t be able to pay the mortgage repayments.
    I thought Jupiter in Scorpio wad going to herald a great year of growth and opportunity and I would shine…but for me it has been the opposite: lots of disruption on the work front, long hours, and being at constant loggerheads with my manager despite always giving my best. If I lose my job I really cannot move from my region to find work because of my carer responsibilities. Also my partner’s small business is based here and it has taken years to establish.
    What do you see for the next 12-24 months? What is the best way to preserve and grow any payout I might receive? Is there any possibility of finding another job? The only other thing I could do would be freelance writing. Thanks Jessica…all advice gratefully received.

    1. I am sorry you have the anxiety of possibly losing your job, especially as it might mean your elderly relative being out of a home, along with yourself. This is the worst possible outcome so please come back from there. You do have Saturn (fear) in Scorpio in your Eighth House and you are acting out your Saturn and ignoring your other Scorpio factors. Please look up Saturn and the Eighth House on Search when you finish reading this so you can see what you are doing! Okay. Take a deep breath. You were, in fact, given one opportunity after another to make or save money while Jupiter was in Scorpio so I hope you used that. What you are describing has nothing to do with finance, property, charity or business (Scorpio) but actually work and career, which is Capricorn. You can see from your chart how many factors you have in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. You are going through the toughest cycle in 240+ years as Pluto, Saturn himself and the North Node are all passing through the sign of Capricorn and thus your Tenth House of work. I’m afraid that having people try to take, and take over, is really common when you have Pluto in particular hanging around. You end up with these women who behave quite outrageously, or these men who just want to dominate. You end up with politics. Here is the good news. If your manager or anyone else has been acting out Pluto, he or she will not last. Eventually he or she will be sidelined, leave or moved on. This is a rule with Pluto transits. Eventually everyone ‘gets theirs yet’ to quote The Beatles in Sexy Sadie! Moving to the here-and-now – okay – you have Ceres (look her up on Search) going through Scorpio and your Eighth House of money, property and business until the third week of January. You have only just gone through Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in the Eighth House so plans have been disrupted, you have had to put up with someone being out of contact, poor communication, misunderstandings and the usual bollocks that can happen on this cycle. Now, it’s over. So, wheels are turning. You can and will come to a totally new arrangement about your money and home by the third week of January 2019. It will not be what you had. Yes, it will work for you. There will need to be a bit of negotiation between you and others, perhaps your partner or this family member, about the way it’s going to play out – and of course the people at work. The higher purpose of this is to get you to understand that you do have some power with them (all of them) and have to use it wisely and sensibly but also honour your own power too. Really appreciate who you are and what you do. At the same time, you will have to bow down to the powerful position of others. What comes out of this, when Ceres finally leaves Scorpio, third week of January, is a lasting, important, useful, working compromise. The actual career situation will sort itself out one way or another for you, okay? In fact, the tremendous success you have which begins with a new project, role, promotion, big hit or business achievement which starts from December 2019 will owe everything to what you are dealing with now. Future 2020 outcomes would not happen without current 2018 challenges. In 2020 you will have Jupiter the lucky planet in Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition and position and great things will come your way, yet it’s on the back of Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn so one begets the other. If you are worried about your relative, and that’s only right, please light a candle and speak to your family in spirit who look after him too and ask for peace of mind for all concerned and let spirit know the problem. They are willing and able to help but it’s great to be asked.

  44. Dear Jessica, I just looked at current planetary positions, after Twitter led me back to this article. I see Venus is back at 10 degrees Scorpio, which is where I have Psyche. And Ceres seems to be headed to 17 degrees, where I have Prosperina. What would this mean for me?
    September 10 – 18 were a shocker in a new relationship to me (non-existent since), which I am not sure is an effect of this, but strangely the apartments and living were in the discussion even though it was new. I am also just restarting work on renewing my visa, which I had to put on hold pre-Halloween as I had to start apartment hunting again.
    Always grateful.

    1. Your Visa is really Mercury Retroshadow in Sagittarius and that will start moving forward from Christmas Eve when Mercury at last also moves forward from his position a few weeks back. The Scorpio and Eighth House side of your life really concerns any financial, property, charity or business matter that involves a second or third party. We have had some complex weather here but now Mercury is out of Retroshadow, and Ceres is left, to help you with a compromise that will be in place by the third week of January. It will be necessary to talk about sharing the controls in a different way that suits you and he/she/they better. It will be different but it will work. Do take a break for Christmas though!

  45. With deepest gratitude and thanks Jessica! This has given me understanding, strength and hope…and a path forward. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Teri. The project, idea or piece of equipment (like a computer) which is still in the ‘pending’ basket will be sorted out, once and for all, by the third week of January. You are already seeing that you will have to compromise both with other people, and in fact the Universe. You are going to have to make a deal with particular faces, or just the world as a whole. Yet, you will have finalised this matter, which probably involves the internet to a large extent, by the end of next month.

  46. Hello Jessica. I got to thinking about your comment to me that “You were, in fact, given one opportunity after another to make or save money while Jupiter was in Scorpio so I hope you used that.” I had not thought of it as a money-making opportunity…but…I have this year been working on a book with my ex-husband about our son who unexpectedly passed away in June 2008. It is an inspiring story about achievement against all odds. I have studied online publishing this year and am now ready to give it a go and get the book out there. It has been a labour of love, of course, and money has not at all been a consideration… but it would be good to know the best date to launch the book as I think it is a powerful story which will speak to people’s hearts. What would be a favourable launch date given my chart factors? Many thanks for your insights. I have been devouring everything on your website BTW – so much to learn and understand!

    1. Thank you for your compliment, I will pass that on to Jodi, James and Justin who create the look and feel of the website. Yes, the book about your son was one of the money-making opportunities this year. Of course you wrote it for other reasons, but had you published it while Jupiter was in Scorpio you would have seen income. (Your ex-husband and the son you so sadly lost, are both described by Scorpio/Eighth House, which has always been about money and marriage, but also legacies). Publishing online is ruled by Sagittarius in your chart, and you do in fact have your North Node at 17 Sagittarius, so when Jupiter crosses 17 Sagittarius in the months ahead, that is your best, biggest and most fortunate time in 12 years to get your book out. Should your husband happen to have factors near 17 Sagittarius that would be the clincher. You will be amazed at how much reach your book has, around the world, and how many avenues are available to you, for online promotion, media interest, blog tours and the rest. The North Node describes karma so it is very likely you have been a writer/teacher figure before in other lifetimes and this inherent knowledge will come back to you next year. You stand to gain from it. And other people will benefit too. Good luck! (But you won’t need it. It’s there).

  47. Happy festive season dear Jessica. Thanks so very much for responding. I am loving your fresh and compelling writing style and the information you are sharing with the world. A compass in these challenging times! I must go on the waitlist for the next reports…a year away I know but now I realise how amazing you are I want to delve deeper. Do you ever do paid private charts?

    1. Merry Christmas and thank you. I only give face-to-face readings for charity auctions or events. The 2020 annual reports will be offered at the end of next year. But…some good news. I will be offering Lifetime Horoscopes, covering your Western, Asian and Indian signs in a triple reading, in the first quarter of 2019. These are ‘big picture’ horoscopes which cover your whole life, and I’m very happy to suggest this to you as it’s something you can use right now, but also years into the future…

      1. Great thanks. I would like to place an order. Is there anything further I need to do? Will I get an email advising when it is time to pay?

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