Starting with a bang on March 7th, 2019, Uranus in Taurus will end the way you borrow money, shop and use your credit card for many years to come. In fact, everything you thought was always going to be there – with your mortgage, shares, superannuation/pension, supermarket, currency – will no longer be there by July 7th, 2025. So…what’s the good news?

The Rise of Women, Non-White Leaders and Non-Mainstream Politicians
There is no getting away from this. We are going to see crashes. Shockwaves. Radical change. Slow revolution! Yet, if you are prepared to move – and keep moving – you will break free of debt, borrowing and the old taxation system – by staying ahead.
If you’re sick of the same old faces, races and ages dominating global power summits, you’ll be very happy in this cycle. Why?
The end of white-men-in-suits at the top is coming, as Pluto and Saturn move slowly out of Capricorn, the sign which rules the old establishment. In fact, 12th January 2020 is the deadline for the old world to fall sideways – and the new world to come in. This goes beyond the usual January round of retirements, corporate announcements, resignations, promotions, appointments and the rest. It’s going to change your professional world, for at least 12 months, maybe more. This is an old prediction.
The Mini Age of Aquarius is Coming
The Mini Age of Aquarius is coming. Nothing to do with hairy hippies taking their pants off. Aquarius is about people power. The community. Equality within the group. Friendship. Diversity – age, race, colour, gender, sexual preference. Again, if you’re bored with the same old faces, races, ages and genders at the top – you need to know, it’s already over!
The heavy Capricorn weather of 12th January 2020 is going to topple the old world. In its place we enter this stunning new age on December 20th, 2020 – when both Jupiter and Saturn stand at 0 Aquarius. Then, on March 24th 2023, Pluto also stands at 0 Aquarius and it’s a different world. Why? Millennial voters.
Why are Millennial voters different? Because they were all born with either Uranus or Neptune in Aquarius. Some of them are ‘extreme Aquarian’ too – like the sixteen-year-olds today, born in February 2003, with the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. By the time we get to the start of the Mini Age of Aquarius on December 20th, 2020, they will be the new voters who change the demographics. These are the Harry Potter children. That generation.
What else is new about the ‘new, new politics’ around the world? Independent candidates blow apart the two-party system. So, along with the rise of non-white women to the top, we’ll see stand-alone politicians challenge the usual left-or-right thinking.
Astrology is about history repeating itself. The last time we had this cycle, we had a New Deal in America. Now, a Green New Deal is being suggested by politicians who don’t look or sound anything like the old white males at the top!
Remember This Name – Magnitsky
Let’s go back to the end of banking, borrowing, credit and currency as you know it. Where is that coming from? The end of money laundering and the collapse of corrupt companies, and impeachment and/or jailing of guilty politicians. In other words, the Magnitsky Amendment to Great Britain’s money laundering act, passed by Her Majesty the Queen (a Taurus) within days of Uranus first creeping into Taurus, back in May 2018.
Magnitsky. Remember that word. This is the latest New York Times reporting on Trump, Khashoggi and Magnitsky, dated 8th February 2019, just three days before I am posting this story.
“WASHINGTON — President Trump refused to provide Congress a report on Friday determining who killed the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, defying a demand by lawmakers intent on establishing whether the crown prince of Saudi Arabia was behind the grisly assassination…Democrats said Mr. Trump was violating a law known as the Magnitsky Act.”
We are going to see the second Global Financial Crisis, but we will also see the end of money laundering. One place dirty money has found a home is – the property market. We are going to see a mammoth crash in the price of houses and apartments in particular cities where the money launderers are about to go out of business.
There’s another reason for this. The North Node in Cancer, the sign that rules homes and housing. It’s also hovering while we go through this radical Uranus in Taurus cycle, affecting money.
Fearless Girl is the Future
Art and artists often predict the future years before it happens, with their work. Fearless Girl is an astrologically accurate symbol of the teenage girls of 2019 who will be powerful women on Wall Street from the year 2023. (From YouTube).
Saving the Planet One Cow at a Time
Taurus the bull, really does rule bulls – and cows. Here’s a brief glance at what my fellow astrologers are saying about future farming and food. You’ll be ahead of the game, just by knowing that agriculture and the supermarkets are going to hit a revolution. (In fact, the last time we saw Uranus in Taurus, during the Second World War, there was rationing and the Dig for Victory gardening campaign in Britain).
So what kind of ‘new cow’ thinking will we see? Even as early as 2020? Well, it may be Australians supplying Great Britain with steak and mince after Brexit. It may be zero-emission, 100% recycled, solar-powered, eco-friendly farming. The new fake meat is undoubtedly on the way (the kind even McDonalds fans won’t be able to detect). Stay right on top of this trend. You’ll gain.
What Astrologers See for Farming and Future Food
“Taurus is an earth sign that governs sustenance and self-sufficiency. Farming and the food supply could get a major overhaul. With forward- thinking Uranus here, we may see scientific developments that improve soil quality, help growers and revolutionize the farming industry.” The Astro Twins.
“Uranus in Taurus is not just about farmers. It is also about food itself. My own wishful thinking may be getting the better of me here, but I love to think of a revolution in the way we think about what we eat – that is very Taurean territory too. The triumph of organic farming? Turnips to the rescue? I read that it requires 2,500 gallons of water, twelve pounds of grain, and a gallon of gasoline to produce one pound of beef.” Steven Forrest
“Taurus is among the earth sign fam and is intimately tied in with the agrarian rhythms of human life. Uranus being housed there is going to demand that we pay more attention to our relationship with the green world that surrounds us. On a small scale, Uranus in Taurus might look like finally starting a garden (even if it is just a planter box!) and participating in a litter cleanup initiative – but on a collective scale, this ingress could move mountains!” Olivia Pepper
A Psychic Test For You – What Do You See in This American Dollar?
You can read this dollar like a Tarot card and peer into the future. Treat the blank, white, brick wall behind as a screen on which to protect future positive visions. We all know about the sharemarket crashes ahead. The shocks. In a way, that’s not even shocking – because astrologers have been across this for years.
What’s really interesting here is the possibility of a one-world, digital currency. Not Bitcoin. What are you seeing?

The Headlines of Your Life 2019-2025
You can pick up a useful fact sheet about Uranus in Taurus here, free, from Kelly Surtees. I really like my colleague and friend Joanne Madeline Moore’s compact, practical advice for your Sun Sign, at Boho Astro.
Using Sun Sign Astrology means reading the headlines of your life. The front page news. So let’s see that now for you, to 2025.
Aries – Pioneers the new one-world digital currency in crowdfunded business and the new banking, using social media power.
Taurus – Relaunches with a radically different look, reshaped body and redesigned face or hair, switching names or titles too.
Gemini – Therapy, counselling, psychics or psychologists completely change Gemini from the inside out, delving into secrets.
Cancer – Brand new friends replace the old social media crowd and an important cause or political goal is achieved with pals.
Leo – An alternative second career to replace or run alongside the old job, using the latest in cutting-edge technology.
Virgo – Emigration or relocation in another region that feels foreign, or a genuinely far-flung location, with a new start in life.
Libra – A sweeping rethink of house, apartment, investment, banking and borrowing sets you free and liberates you from debt.
Scorpio – Separation in a rocky partnership? New no-rules rules for a marriage? How about a new lover who makes jaws drop?
Sagittarius – A complete rethink of food and drink, going vegan to carnivore or vice versa and a radically revamped working life.
Capricorn – Babies, children, stepchildren, adopted children, work interns, godchildren, young relatives – spell a revolution.
Aquarius – You will be the first to join the internet rebellion and revolution and will be an early adopter of the new technology.
Pisces – Freedom from debt, borrowing and credit is coming if you want it and are prepared to experiment with ‘new banking.’
Do You Have Personal Birth Chart Factors in Taurus?
Using the Natural House system, which I prefer for personal prediction,
2018: Uranus in Taurus will move through 0, 1, 2 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2019: Uranus in Taurus will move through 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2020: Uranus in Taurus will move through 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2021: Uranus in Taurus will move through 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2022: Uranus in Taurus will move through 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2023: Uranus in Taurus will move through 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2024: Uranus in Taurus will move through 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. 2025: Uranus in Taurus will move through 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year. (This is the year Uranus starts to transition into Gemini and a whole new cycle.) 2026: Uranus in Taurus will move through 26, 27, 29 degrees of Taurus. If you have planets at these degrees of the above signs then you will have a direct Uranus in Taurus transit this year.
Astrology is Mythology + History + Sociology
THE MYTH – Uranus
THE SOCIOLOGY – Generation Virgo and Generation Capricorn
31 Responses
Hi Jessica, these predictions are fascinating and despite the turmoil of change sound mostly positive! Thank you for your thought and care expressing them. I know you may not see my chart, I have had difficulty resubscribing and have contacted admin will hear back soon I’m sure.
Am not sure what to expect with Uranus going through 2nd house, after a lifetime of financial challenges and constraint it is very hard to imagine this could be a turning point. It is currently conjunct my Sun and by the time it gets to 6º56, it will be conjunct my
North Node which is in aspect to natal Venus in Gemini 7º28 , Ceres 7º10 , Moon in Virgo 7º26 Minerva in Sagitarius 7º11 (possibly Saturn 5º53 too?)
Could Uranus hitting my NN trigger all these houses? Appreciate if you can answer and understand if you can’t .
Thank you
Thank you Phoenix. The financial constraint is taxation (the old taxation system) and also the interest charged by the banks on loans, credit cards and mortgages. The inflated house and apartment prices created by overseas investors driving up prices beyond regular salaries. In all this you are not alone. In fact you are part of a wave of change which will sweep the world, starting in a tiny way now with the first shocking exposures of money laundering by banks and also – celebrities and politicians using ‘bad’ banks – and then rolling firmly by 2020, 2021 when you begin to see new online and phone based alternatives to the banks – and the old tax system. We’re not into Brexit yet. That’s September. This hasn’t even started.
Hi Jessica, You are getting most of the things happening to me correctly. Could you just cast an eye and let me know if business is favored for me this year and next ? I am particularly interested to know what effect chiron and Uranus in Taurus will have.
Not your old way of doing business. Set that aside until you know more. A world revolution is coming. It starts with a shock in 2019 and is massive by 2020 when the old way of operating is null and void. For years.
I also have Uranus in scorpio in my horoscope chart. Will this mean i will be receiving the changes of both taurus and scorpio at the same time ?
Yes. Uranus is about going with the revolution, or even leading it, in order to enjoy more freedom and independence. Ask yourself what you need to be free from, financially. Paying the banks a lot of interest to have a credit card? Shopping when you don’t need more stuff? Feeling that you have to work at a job you dislike in order to have a bigger paypacket? All your old ideas about money, charity, business and property will be turned around so you face them, clearly, for 7 years into the future. Others will be feeling the same things – see where the trend is going – find out who and what is on offer that is new, different, unique and original – especially in the broad global field of houses and apartments, land and also communal housing, exchange and share accommodation, alternative residences, tiny houses and so on. You are a Sun Cancerian and need to know.
Hi Jessica
I’m not sure how this transit is going to effect me..
any insight would be highly appreciated as always 🙂
You stand to gain or save, if you are the first to take up the brand new ways of saving or making money, having possessions or property. These begin in a small way now (we are in the first days of a 7-year cycle) as the European banks are being hauled in for money laundering, via Russia. Eventually we will see alternatives to the old banking system break free and you will be amazed at the wildly innovative and inventive ways to save or make money on offer – or even just to exchange – the old barter system born in a new way. Stay online and stay abreast of it. You’ll benefit.
Hello: What does it mean to have NO taurus anywhere in my chart?
Just that you are not defined by your values, or your possessions, or your money.
“I want to break free” song popped up in my head while reading your article !
I am fascinated about how the financial sector will evolve and how I can benefit from the changes. I am definitely looking towards new technologies and other ways of creating income. Even though I will be affected by Uranus much later on, I already feel the push and pull to” break free” from my old ways surrounding work and ways of making money. My husband who has the sun and 3 other factors in Taurus is going through a major change now ! He is finally “breaking free” of the old ways of doing business (selling goods and making a small profit) to selling his own knowledge and helping others (he has been a reiki healer for more than 25 years). Helped by his Taurus friend who is a film director ( and very frustrated by his job in advertising just to pay the bills) he is going to shoot You Tube videos help people learn more about using reiki energy in their lives. This is actually quite thrilling times as my husband has always been reluctant to change (that’s he gets fro being a strong Taurus type ! 🙂 ) I look forward to these next years ! Thanks for the extra links !
Your heavily Taurus husband is absolutely right to focus on finance in 2019. This is his best year, for many years, to make the moves – but as a Reiki healer his guides would be helping him. His market will be Generation Virgo born in the 1960s. I love the idea of your YouTube videos. Please send me the link when they are done. If he tunes further into his guides, and you into yours, you will both hear more about the biggest changes to our money attitudes in over 80 years. Borrowing, heavy mortgages, status symbol shopping, credit card addiction, money laundering, greed in general are going, going, going…gone in 7 years. People will realise that they are going to be unshackled from what trapped them and what trapped them was borrowing a large amount of money to live in the ‘right’ area in the ‘right’ home. It goes on!
Hi Jessica, In the current planetary section, it says that if your birth chart matches the current planets something big is happening. What does it mean when you asc and desc are one degree from the current planets? Thank you!
If your birth time is right, those angles are right (the angles are the Ascendant and Descendant). You have a ton of factors at 0 through 4 degrees actually and the reason 2019 is so huge, and 2020 as well, is that Uranus (revolution, freedom, independence, radical change) and Chiron (new lessons to learn about what is possible) are both going across 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of Taurus and Aries respectively. At Christmas we find Jupiter starting to move 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees, into 2020. So this is a life reshape. Your ascendant is your appearance, title, reputation, profile and role. Your Descendant is your former, current or potential partner. Also anyone against you. What is going to happen is a massive shift in the world economy and banking sector which affects all of us – you feel it personally. What is also going to happen is a massive shift in social media, which will also affect the world economy, when you think about how many people rely on it for free marketing and promotion. So, directly or through other people, you feel the shift. An example might be a massive change in your industry which opens up a new position for you with a new title, and more money, so you spend on a new wardrobe. Your Tarot and Astrology Oracle will be more specific in confirming and validating what is going to happen.
Hi Jessica,
I love it when you write about Uranus in taurus. When I read them it feels like they are written for me a message from the universe. Thank you so much.
An opportunity for higher education possibility has showed up recently for me in Social Science which deep inside it was something I always wanted to do but i never pursued. It feels the right thing to do even though it would mean a totally different career change and less income the next 3 and half years due to commitment to the education.
I don’t think I will have another chance like this. It feels right but I have this tiny doubt if i am actually doing the right thing becouse of the so many changes I have to do. Is it worth all the changes and adjustment ?
I would very much appreciate your insight.
Thank you and stay blessed
Thank you! Can you wait until after April 18th when Mercury is out of shadow? Too many variables at the moment to fill in forms or make a commitment, coming from others, not you. Yet, from that date you will be feeling far more certain of the exchange on income for satisfaction. You have Neptune at 22 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of study, teaching, travel and vast subjects. Lucky Jupiter and powerful Ceres both pass 22 Sagittarius this year so if you are going to do this – do it in 2019. You will be amazed at what a wonderful escape from the real world this is. Financially, your chances are also much higher in 2019. You would do exceptionally well, even though it would be tough, in 2020, when you have that amazing triple line-up of Pluto, Saturn, the South Node and Jupiter in Capricorn in your solar Ninth House. So in both systems I use for you, public and private, 2019, 2020 is going put wind beneath your wings, to study. Look up the Ninth House when you finish reading this because that is where the growth is. Remember to avoid Mercury’s crazy movements now through April 18th. And if you want to triple check, use Tarot and The Astrology Oracle on this website.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks you for all of your articles, I continue to learn so much about myself and life in general through the lens of astrology.
I thought about the happiest events in my life and went back through an ephemeris and saw that Jupiter was either on my midheaven or my north node. There was the build up to those momentous times but finally reaching the turning point was during those types of transits.
Looking ahead, I want a committed relationship or marriage and I wonder if the next time Jupiter transits my midheaven or north node if those might be times for that turning point. Significant relationships are part of our public life after all, and our life direction. I wonder if this makes sense. I have waited a long time to be ready for the right person. I’ve had many other things to deal with in my life. I had chances to get married before and i did not for a number of reasons, and I have no regrets about it. I feel I am in the best position now to go in that direction of commitment.
Also, I wanted to give you an update. A few years ago you predicted I would see something online and feel “a score was settled” with a certain situation in my life. That has happened when I least expected it.
The friendship I want to heal is still not there yet, you said in time it would resolve itself, I hope so, I pray about it all the time, it weighs on me. That person is in a rough patch with their Saturn return and many other issues right now.
Thanks again,
Thank you. You are strongly Scorpio and need a sexual relationship, preferably with finance or property involved. It’s part of who you are. Uranus opposing your Scorpio factors for the next 7 years will trigger that. Expect the unexpected. Uranus is about all that is unpredictable. I am glad the astrology prediction helped, with your closure. Just as that was not what you assumed would happen, neither will be your future relationships. Do you watch Curb Your Enthusiasm? It’s as wild and as unpredictable as a Larry David plot. And it is going to involve capital S, Sex.
Hi Jessica,
Really interesting, these past several weeks, wherever I go some guy is flirting with me. Met a soccer player from Brasil who lives and works here in LA, he asked me to go on vacay with him to Brasil. Very unexpected people are appearing and ‘going there’ with me.
I just want the right one, and a commitment, I don’t want to date around or play around or any of that.
That’s great about your Brazilian. I’m joking. Uranus in Taurus can sweep through in just this way – new, different and intriguing people and situations – which come as a ‘wow’ surprise. It can be a liberating, exciting time.
A friend pointed out to me that my chart has a Grand Trine in Earth at 02 degrees. This seems significant with Uranus soon to pass over 02 Taurus. Can you please enlighten me on what kind of impact this may have in my life? I’m grateful.
Proserpina, Ops and Hygiea are in a grand trine in earth, so you have that solid, practical Taurus (money) and Capricorn (success) and Virgo (work) combination which will change your life, actually, in December 2019 as transiting Jupiter goes across 2 Capricorn. This feels like a job offer or promotion to end the year with, or perhaps a course. It is the time of year for reshuffles. Uranus at 2 Taurus will radically change your ideas about work and money in 2019, 2020 when you will hang a price tag on your own freedom and independence and do your life sums differently to afford it!
Hi Jessica,
I have a cluster of Taurus and Scorpio planets, as well as a couple of planets from 0 to 2 degrees and Taurus planets ranging from 9 to 28 degrees. I am currently writing a novel about a binge eating disorder I had from the age of 16 to 18. Gee its challenging writing about past problems, but I’m sticking to it as I feel many people will be able to relate to it, plus it’s Taurus related.
I currently have contradictory transits with my Mars 17 Libra and Jupiter 19 Aries. Transiting Jupiter is trining my Jupiter and sextiling my Mars, but Saturn is squaring my Mars and Jupiter. So which planet is more dominating Saturn or Jupiter? I want to put a chocolate-related ad on YouTube, but I’m hesitating at the moment mainly because of Mercury Retro and those Saturn transits. Can you tell me the most favourable astro time to put the ad on YouTube? Thanks for the excellent article.
Thank you. Yes, we do have Mercury Retrograde to put up with at the moment. Good idea about writing down your life story as fiction – binge-eating as a teenager is something that needs to be written about from your point of view now, so adolescents going through it can be helped. As you say, many people will relate. If you want to put an advertisement on YouTube you’d be looking for a good angle to your Mercury at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of work and the body. (This sums up your book). If you are not in a hurry you would wait for Jupiter at 28 Capricorn to make a trine in December 2020, but sooner than that – in a fleeting way – we have the Sun at 28 Taurus making a trine from the other side, around Monday 20th May.
Uranus in Taurus… the bad news?
This will keep going – colleges and universities, likely also fee-paying schools. It’s really because of the class system being ruled by Capricorn and this heavy Saturn-Pluto-South Node-Ceres line-up in January 2020. I don’t think that this has even started yet! Thank you for the link. Appreciated.
Hi, Jessica. I,m a 22 June cancer. February and early march were quite tough, feeling anxious about the rest of the year especially with Saturn and pluto around me. How do I proceed?
You’re in transition. Everybody is, actually, as Uranus only just moved into Taurus (for the first time in about 80 years) and Chiron only just moved into Aries (again, an unusual cycle). So you are ending one very long period in your life, which took about 10 years, and going into a brand new one, which will be with you for the next 7 years or so. You will now find yourself being ‘accepted’ and included, far more, in your career. Having been rejected so many times in the last few years, either with positions or projects, you will now notice something new is happening. Uranus leaving your solar Tenth House is coinciding with more invitations, offers and options and far less of the ‘No’ word! That’s obviously a good thing. At the same time, a radical rethink of your friendships and any groups you belong to, or are affected by, is here. You are starting to question yourself and them. Keep on doing that until you figure out where you truly stand. You’ll need a bit of time and space to do that. But don’t feel anxious.
Hi Jessica. Love your site! I have jupiter at 0 Cap, but no personal planets or luminaries within close aspect. I’ve been unemployed almost continually following a layoff in Feb 2008, from the day Pluto hit my Jupiter. House gone. Savings gone. Pension and stock pulled back by the (Swiss) employer. Catastrophic loss all around, except for the two things that mean the most to me — my son and my health. Just had yet another job blow up in my face at the end of December. Is there any chance Uranus may blow some positive winds my way, for a change? I’m just at a loss…
Thank you for the work you do!
I am sorry you have been through so much. You have the best cycle in 12 years for returning to work, taking on unpaid work, volunteering, retraining or learning new skills and talents. It runs until December. You have already had a few ‘bites’, to use a fishing term, but nothing big enough or important enough for you to reel in the catch. Keep fishing, and you could land the big one. You have about 9 months left.