January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part One

In Part One, of this two-part series about January 2020, see why massive changes in politics, nuclear politics and big business will affect you and the people you know.

Between Monday January 6th and Monday January 13th, 2020, we see an historic line-up of planets in astrology, involving Pluto, Ceres, Saturn and Mercury at 22 Capricorn. You have not experienced this in your lifetime.

There will be a change in the balance of power in governments and corporations around the world, with a chain of departures, resignations, replacements and reshuffles at the top. There will be a chain-reaction in big business, the share markets and employment generally. The nuclear order will transform.

In your own life and in the lives of the people around you, there will be a chain reaction. Understanding the Capricorn weather at this time will help you figure out your new place in the grand scheme of things – local, regional, national or global.

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The Future is Decided Now

The future is reaching back to the past now in March 2019. We all need to question big business and government. We need to remember lessons we may have forgotten about nuclear tests and site inspections from 1993 and 1994.

Doing this now will minimise the potential fall-out and impact of January 6th to 13th 2020.

In your own life, look at the balance of power at work, at university or college, in your unpaid work. Start thinking about where you fit in, how you are playing the game and where the people politics is. The lower the stakes now, the more straightforward January 2020 will be.

Musical Chairs and a New World Order

We can expect a new world order with a shift in the balance of power. You and the people you know will be affected through career – and finances. Expect a game of musical chairs. You will need to find your place in a new scheme of things in January 2020 and the more you can watch the situation in November and December 2019, the easier this will be.

There will be reshuffles affecting you directly, depending on your chart: your colleague may resign, or you may be promoted. Your partner could see a merger involving her/his company or you may be directly affected by a family member’s retirement.

Downfalls at The Top of Politics, Wealth and Power

People who have taken shortcuts to get the top, been ruthless or dominated the world for too long, will meet their downfall between January 6th and 13th, 2020. Rather like the mountain goat you see here (from the Twitter feed Back to Nature), these men (and a few women) will be caught between a rock and a hard place. Anyone you see with the word DOWNFALL in the headlines in the second week of January 2020 will meet his/her justice, according to the astrology, in March 2020.


March 2020 is Clean Up Time

Jupiter is a symbol of sweeping solutions and clean-up and in Capricorn in March 2020, he suggests that those at the top of the establishment or high society, and those nations at the top of the world order, will go through a critical clean-up in March 2020, similar to a detox. This is the first chapter and there will be a second one in July and a final delivery in November 2020. This is obviously the month America goes to the polls and she will be electing a completely different class of politicians, a new system, a new constitution. This is another prediction for another time – but watch what happens when we enter a mini Age of Aquarius from December 2020 and power is shared with diversity and equality among the American community, not handed down from the top.

Social Climbers Fall Off or Move Down

The social ladder of the class system, or high society, is associated with Capricorn. With this critical line-up involving Pluto, Saturn and Ceres we can expect to see people fall off or move down the ladder. Typically, when we see changes like this there are famous faces and names involved. People at the top will be in the headlines from January 6th to 13th and we can expect to see the ladder shake – then come down.

Clearly this is related to money-laundering and the banks, which is a whole other set of forecasts, related to Uranus in Taurus. The revolution in the world economy! For more on that see here.

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Do You Have a Capricorn Stellium?

If you have more than three factors in Capricorn in your personal birth chart, which you can see now if you are a Premium Member, then January 6th to 13th is time to question your ideas about success and status. How do you feel about the business, the workplace, the university or college? About the industry, the profession, or just the social strata you have climbed to? Do you want to stay there, hang on – or join others in finding a new ‘mountain’ to climb? Maybe you want a new kind of mountain and wish to see reform. There are major questions for you in January 2020 which are intensely personal as if you are true to your Capricorn stellium you believe in the system and you believe in making it. Yet – reality will confront you in January 2020.

Do You Have Capricorn Factors at 20, 21, 22?

If you are a Premium Member you will have a personal birth chart which clearly shows if you have Capricorn factors at 20, 21 or 22 degrees, in your Tenth House of success, achievement, social status and ambition. If you do (or even if you were born with the Sun at 20, 21, 22 Capricorn and it is your birthday from around 11th-13th January) you will be personally affected.

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I am going to quote Lord Acton here: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” If you have been living with a person or organisation who has taken over, in your career, with your unpaid work, or your university/college degree, then you will see a downfall or departure between January 6th and 13th 2020.

Reshuffles at Work if You Have Capricorn Factors

In general, you can expect a reshuffle with demotion, promotion or mergers in your chosen profession, organisation, industry, business or unpaid work sphere. For you, this game of musical chairs is personal, and it will change your life. You may, for example, be asked to replace someone who is leaving. It really depends on your full birth chart, yet if you have factors at 20, 21, 22 Capricorn in the Tenth House, you may want to begin by looking them up on Search for the ‘what’ of the story.

If you have Salacia at Capricorn 20, for example, the story in the second week of January 2020 is about your ability to operate in two worlds (neither of them regular, average or real-world) in your career.

Hello, Hello Again or Goodbye? Your Capricorn Factors at 20, 21, 22

You really will be a microcosm in the macrocosm now! In other words, the bigger picture of what is going on in your region, your country and the world will have a ripple effect on you too, which will absolutely have an impact on your need to succeed. There will be year-end closures, mergers, appointments, bonuses, promotions, partnerships and so on, which directly affect you. Did you know you can decode the entire story in your personal birth chart then by seeing what else is at 20, 21, 22? The nature of the symbol in your chart, and also the sign it is in, gives you the what/who/why of the bigger career, unpaid work or university story in the second week of January 2020.

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The Eclipse of January 10th – Watch the World

I am writing this on 21st March 2019, so looking a long way into the future, but you will need to ask questions of politicians and the media – to look and not stop looking – over the eclipse of January 10th.

This Full Moon Eclipse finds the Sun at 20 Cancer and Moon at 20 Capricorn. It’s right in the zone surrounding the departure, downfall or D-Day situation affecting Prime Ministers or Presidents.

Like all eclipses, it is a cover-up in governments around the world.  This is likely because of the NATO crisis ahead, which I’ll cover in a moment. The NATO horoscope is absolutely triggered. This goes beyond the CEO’s, Prime Ministers and Presidents who will step down, be moved sideways or be replaced. It’s about the new world order, too in terms of trade and security.

Here’s why history and astrology prove eclipses are always cover-ups.

Time and Space in January 2020

This is a time to give yourself and others a great deal of time and space for deep changes which will permanently affect politics, global security, business and employment. Ceres is a symbol of compromise, deal-making, power-sharing and essentially, a new world. She is the major player in January 2020 alongside Pluto and Saturn. To find out more about Ceres, look here. This is an in-depth explanation of this powerful dwarf planet.

Do You Have Factors at 20, 21, 22 of Any Zodiac Sign?

If you are a Premium Member, please check your personal birth chart for factors at 20, 21, 22 of any zodiac sign at all, because although your actual career, unpaid work or university degree will not be affected directly by January 2020 changes, you can be sure that another area of your life will be.

If you have planets at 20, 21, 22 in Libra in your Seventh House of partnership, for example, it may be your husband’s career and he gains a promotion. If you have asteroids at 20, 21, 22 in Gemini in your Third House of internet, it may be that new rules governing Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube directly affect your use of the computer or telephone.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are all good examples of huge American corporations which have taken over the internet and would be obvious candidates for a Capricorn weather take-down or transformation.

I hope you can see how this is working for you. Go back to the actual planet, asteroid, point or angle you have at 20, 21 and 22 and realise that what goes down in big business, politics and the world order in the second week of January 2020 will reach you through a domino effect.


In Part Two, discover how Generation Aquarius (born with Uranus and/or Neptune in Aquarius, the sign of equality, diversity and community) changes the 2020 U.S. Election. 

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73 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica –
    Thank you for another very insightful post! I’ve been wondering about that eclipse for a while.
    I don’t have any planets at 20, 21 or 22 despite my Scorpio and Sagittarius stelliums. But I do have Venus 19 Scorpio and Mars 19 Aquarius. Can you offer any advice on what I should watch for next January? The day job is full of Capricorns.
    Many many thanks –

    1. I think the clue is right there Karla as you are going to see people demoted, made redundant, resign and the rest December 2019 through January 2020 because so many Capricorn Sun people will experience Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Ceres and/or the South Node conjunct their Sun. People who have taken shortcuts to get to the top by marrying the boss’s daughter, for example, or by actually doing darker deeds than that – will have their karmic come-uppance. In other cases you will find people just want to move right out of the organisation or the system, the industry or the profession. This is more likely to affect your friendships (Aquarius) and those in your trade union or professional organisation (Aquarius) and possibly a lover or partner as Scorpio rules sex and money and marriage and mortgage. It’s a game of musical chairs to end 2019 and start 2020. Find the right chair.

  2. Hi Jessica, I have a stellium in Capricorn but no 20,21,22 degrees in Capricorn. However, I have Panacea 21° in Sagittarius , Mars 22° in Taurus and Cupido 21° in Pisces . How is it going to affect me?

    1. You are heavily Capricorn and ambitious to get to the top or stay there, in high society, in your profession, or some other sphere of achievement. You have Venus, Fortuna, Bacchus, Vulcano and Psyche in Capricorn in the Tenth House so enjoy the networking and the ladder-climbing, despite the complicated relationships. You actually find it pleasurable to be part of a system or structure and to ‘work it’ as they say and in fact what you achieve will outlast you. Your professional or other fulfilled ambitions – getting you to higher places in life – will stand the test of time and go on having an effect years into the future. All this is in sharp focus as we go through intense Capricorn weather now through 2020 and as you have factors ranging from 7 to 25 degrees of the sign, you will experience a chain of decisions between now and then. Some will be about friendships or other relationships in the higher levels of the social strata – friends in high places, you might say. Other choices will be about your own success and how you intend to fulfil it. In the background you will see (as you have already seen) people demoted – or resignations. You have also seen mergers and other sorts of departures. Look up the Tenth House on Search and all the factors I have mentioned and in your ebooks too. 2020 could resolve every issue you have but you will need to put your place in the system first and also want the system in the first place!

      1. You are amazing, Jessica! Yes, I’m very ambitious and I’m so happy to hear what you said!!! Thank you! You were also right about my relationship with my daughter. When 2 years ago she didn’t even speak to me because of her dad but you said it will change and it did! Our relationship completely transformed!!

        1. You’re right that I live “structure” and being in the system. I’m vey UNsctructured and all over the place by myself so I find comfort in being in the system. When I was self employed I was miserable because I couldn’t keep myself accountable. I slept until 10 am and was all over the place. Being a part of a big corporation feels comforting and reassuring as I know what to do and expect. Plus no one at my work is micromanaging and I have a lot of freedom inside that big structure . I wouldn’t be able to do it if I had too much structure inside but outside structure helps a lot

          1. Thank you for this validation. I love it when people ‘speak their chart’ as this research, based on life as it was 2000 years ago, is confirmed in the here and now! I’ll remember that note about self-employment as it’s practical, hands-on, astrology. Enjoy your success in 2020.

  3. I have two factors at 21 capricorn and rest two are mars and proserpina in cancer n scorpio respectively. Have been reading you for long bow, just can see that something is coming to affect mt professional as well as family life ( cancer for family and scorpio for marriage may be). Hope it could be a good news on both sides. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    1. You were born with Diana at 21 Capricorn in the Tenth House of success, achievement, position and ambition – exactly conjunct Aesculapia also at 21 Capricorn in the Tenth House. Diana is a symbol of freedom without ties, lack of commitment, autonomy, independence and space. Aesculapia is a symbol of resurrection, revival and plans, people, organisations or places which come back from the point of no return – just when you assume something or someone is over, it returns. Pluto has been at 21 Capricorn in January, February 2019 so you likely experienced the usual reshuffles, mergers, demotions, promotions and departures in your chosen field at the end of 2018 or 2019. People may have lost their position, for example and that may have kickstarted your need to be free (Diana) but also your ability to resurrect or revive what appears to be over. Pluto goes back to 21 Capricorn in July, August and again in November, December. Something else happens in the meantime. Saturn goes to 21 Capricorn at the very end of 2019 and is there at the start of January 2020. This is quite obviously another one of those industry or business-wide shifts that affects you. You may be offered a promotion or new job for example as someone else is sacked; it really depends on your situation and I have no idea what that is. Saturn is a symbol of all that is slow, heavy and serious and so this transition out/in/around a position, project or entire industry is likely to take time and feel rather weighty. You also need to take your time. In fact, although this is Christmas/New Year and it is time to go on holiday, you will need to allow plenty of time and space to deal with professional issues. The situation is karmic in nature as the South Node goes over 21 Capricorn next month, April, when you would see the same themes return to you from 19 years ago! Jupiter will be at 21 Capricorn offering you solutions, breakthroughs, opportunities, expansion, growth and hope in March 2020 and again in July that year, with a final pass at 21 Capricorn in November 2020. Look up all I have mentioned in Search or in your ebooks and do look at the Tenth House and all it means to you. You will need to figure out how Diana can roam free, run wild and be herself within a very traditional establishment, company, hierarchy or other pyramid-shaped structure. Diana is written in your chart and so is alive and well within you, as are all the archetypes we use in this system of divination called astrology!

  4. Hi Jessica – I seem to have a Capricorn traffic jam in my chart:

    Bacchus 1 degree
    Psyche 8 degrees
    Mercury 9 degrees
    South Node 11 degrees
    Vesta 12 degrees
    Salacia 20 degrees
    Panacea 21 degrees

    It sounds like my work will be changing in 2020 but do you see anything else impactful with this lineup either personally or professionally? No other factors at 20-21-22 in my chart. And if a stellium is 3 or more factors what do you call 7 factors in a sign?

    1. Your career or ambitions to get to the top – and stay at the top – has actually been transforming since 2008 when Pluto, a symbol of deep change, first passed over 1 Capricorn and Bacchus. Just as you have a traffic jam in Capricorn in the Tenth House of your chart, so is there a smaller traffic jam also passing through Capricorn, following Pluto. He stands at 22 Capricorn and moves backwards to 21, 20 in 2019, not moving off those degrees until January 2020. This coincides with a reshuffle, merger or enforced compromise either in your workplace or your chosen field profession or industry with demotions, promotions and departures likely for obvious reasons as 2019 ends. Yet, Pluto is not the only factor here. By December 2019 and January 2020 we find Jupiter the symbol of opportunity, solutions, repair work and breakthroughs moving 1-13 degrees across your Bacchus, Psyche, Mercury, South Node and Vesta. Saturn will be moving 17-24 Capricorn across Salacia and Panacea. The South Node itself is in Capricorn too, so you have your South Node Return, which is karmic in nature. The South Node passes 7-8 Capricorn in December 2019, January 2020, right on your Psyche, which is a symbol of what or whom endures forever and becomes immortalised. This goes beyond a mere job. It reaches into all your ideas about success, status, achievement, position and vocation. You have had many lifetimes of experiencing great lessons about the hierarchy, the establishment and ‘the system’ and it has always been pyramid-shaped. You are now in a position to repeat the past and gain closure. To have 7 factors in a sign is a stellium (anything over 3 factors in a modern chart is a stellium) and in Latin this zone of your chart, ruled by Saturn and Capricorn, was called Regnans – it describes how you reign. I think it’s fair to say that happens to your country and the world in January 2020 happens to you in a more personal way, and for your own part, you will affect the greater whole. For more on this see the two-part feature The Capricorn Effect. You can look up all the factors mentioned and the Tenth House to get a stronger idea of what is to come but the key question is – do you believe in the system or do you want to conquer new heights?

      1. Hi Jessica – thank you for the guidance.

        To answer your last question – I rage against the machine. I do not believe in the current rigged system in my country nor around the world. We are slowly but surely being turned into slaves via extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of the very few, falling wages, rising living costs, lack of resources like healthcare and clean water, and, in developed countries, a plethora of mindless, violent, and pornographic entertainment coupled with poisonous culture, lack of nutritious food, and a polluted environment. And don’t even get me started on the guns. People are losing hope and turning against each other. We are turning into the walking dead. If I were a GOT I would be the breaker of chains. It seems I must do something similar in my life. I have been building a business these last few years and my aim, at the heart of it, is to build something bigger than myself, that will help people live a better life, to build a structure that will outlast me. I will re-read the Capricorn series, but regarding the 7-factor Regnans, what else should I know or look out for? How should I use this to move forward in crafting my mission? Thank you, again.

        1. You are hearing the call of the last of the Capricorn weather before the new Aquarian weather. Try not to get too emotionally involved or energetically drained by what is going on. This is bigger than you. Capricorn (the mountain goat who climbs to the top of the system) is usually a good part of a solid society but when we have this kind of line-up we tend to find that people and organisations power-trip others in the most outrageous way. For example, the recent petition to overturn the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and the march in London – as if a minority can control the majority. Uri Geller claiming to control the Prime Minister’s mind. In the United States we have seen the President trying to control everything in quite a new way. In Australia and New Zealand, we have also seen this ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ approach with deadly results, and it is the same issue – Capricorn the mountain goat is the single person, or the minority, at the very highest peak of the mountain. Only a few people fit up there. Down below are the rest of humanity. This is a really good time to watch karma. There will be karma in April 2019 for any person or organisation which has ridden roughshod over others. The final outcome will be January 2020. You don’t have to do anything. Just push back with others, because there is a groundswell coming the other way. It is called the mini Age of Aquarius, it is about humanity coming together as a group and it is about sharing people power to bring about some amazing global goals. Trust that and pursue it. It is your destiny actually. Don’t do this alone find your tribe. The mini Age of Aquarius starts December 2020.

  5. Hi Jessica, I am a Cap with major Cap factors and 22 at Fortuna including 20 in Ops (Aries) and 21 in Diana (Aquarius). I am retired and entering the working world again in April in a consulting capacity hopefully. How does it affect my chart in Jan 2020. I am currently in the process of commencing negotiations with an organization to help transform based on my expertise and experience which could end up in a long term consulting agreement starting in the end of April. Thank you!

    1. You’ll see the reshuffles at the top of business and politics, high society and power, along with everyone else in December 2019 through December 2020 and the game of musical chairs will involve you as your Fortuna at 22 Capricorn is conjuncted by Pluto and Saturn. Look up Fortuna on Search and in your ebooks when you finish reading this. She is an ancient symbol of blind fate and fortune, shown spinning the wheel with her rudder, wearing a blindfold. She guarantees that every high is a low, and every low is a high. Your consultancy or other role by then will absolutely impact other people’s careers and lives and yet you would be unaware of what you are actually doing. I would say you would play your own role in a much, much wider pattern of change which will permanently alter the shape of government and big business, which Capricorn rules – also the hierarchy of society. A bigger deal is your line-up at 25 degrees. You have Mercury (networking online) in Capricorn in the Tenth House (success) trine Juno (commitment) in Virgo in the Sixth House of service, workload and duty – both tied into Bacchus (enjoyment) in your Ninth House of foreign people and places, travel, emigration and relocation, export and important, study and education, academia and publishing. That is rather a long list but you will explore aspects of it at different times in your life. You are in for a stunning Jupiter transit at 25 Sagittarius in November 2019 when your world will open up, via a foreign culture, belief system and nationality. It’s a game-changer. The next step up to success will be Jupiter at 25 Capricorn in June 2020. Pluto is very close by at 24 Capricorn, right on your Mercury, so 2019-2020 transforms your ambition, position and mission. You never did retire.

  6. Hi Jessica
    I have been following astrology on your blog for quite long, so I do understand that even asteroids have their major share of story.
    Can you tell me what will ops at 22° libra and salacia at 22° aquarius bring in the astrological weather of jan 2020 for me ?
    Thank you.

    1. We are going to see the downfall of at least one President or Prime Minister based on the karma of April 2019 – next month. There may also be the downfall or departure of a senior royal. It is the same with at least one C.E.O. and perhaps more. This creates a ripple effect and you will experience this through your friends and your partner, if you have one. A classic example would be a massive transformation in the civil service in the United Kingdom which results in reshuffles, promotions, resignations, redundancies and so on – which affects a friend’s financial situation. This affects you.

      1. Oh my God Jessica! I began learning astrology in 2015 here and now I all I see is synchronicity.
        With ops at 22 libra and salacia at 22 aqua in natal chart and pluto-south node hovering at 22-23 cap all I can tell you is that a friend of mine (pluto 23 scorpio) is in the process of separation from her scorpio husband (mars 23 scorpio & DESC 2 taurus!!!!). Her husband is a narc and abused her financially in one year of marriage. He is finally getting sidelined (as you say all pluto people are eventually). She will most probably move to work at a place where I was not treated really well when I left, but everybody is aware of our strong friendship.
        Hurray!! I have finally understood what you mean by six degrees of separation or from a distance. Thankyou for being such a wonderful teacher!

        1. This is a 22/23 degree pattern that a few people are seeing in their personal birth charts. (And thank you for the compliment). We do tend to find narcissism at the moment. It is fashionable to say ‘He is a narcissist’ or ‘She is a narcissist’ but what is actually happening is down to the major Aries and Capricorn weather we’ve had. Aries rules the self and self-interest, self-promotion and of course selfie sticks. Capricorn rules the people at the top – or people trying to stay at the top – so we’re talking anything from Facebook (Aries rules the face) to politicians who are using old systems to get power – unfairly. What we are seeing globally you are experiencing personally. Narcissism is expressed in the self-absorption of Donald Trump – famously so – but also in the rather fashionable new trend for minor celebrities in London to deny the people their vote for Leave. (If they voted Remain they think they have a right to reverse democracy). It’s pretty astonishing stuff. What you should tell your friend who is separating is that this does end. In fact the big come-down and take-down is 2020. That’s a new life for her. If you are learning astrology keep on tracking the transits. I am teaching Sun Sign astrology in 2019.

          1. Thank you! You know the way you present astrology and forecasts is such a big picture theme. I understand more of what you say after having had my saturn return in sag transit.

            Where can I get more information about sun sign astrology class? Really keen to join!

          2. Thank you. To learn from me, you will need to be a Premium Member to access all the information – but we’ll launch April 23rd and you would be very welcome.

  7. Jessica,
    This is an exciting post because I felt a little depressed after the Mueller report and cannot imagine how things can get any worse. To hear that Republicans in Congress and leaders who have made the system corrupt will face reckoning at some point make me a little hopeful. The democratic field of presidential candidates looks amazing. Do you have a good feeling about someone or a few people in specific?
    On another note, I have no factors in Capricorn but I understand that I could be affected by someone else with Capricorn factors in this phase. I do however have Ops in Cancer at 20 degrees and psyche in Gemini at 22. What should I pay attention to with those factors?
    I am looking forward to your post about Democratic Party and 2020 elections.
    Thank you!

    1. The Mueller Report came out on Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, the sign that rules the F.B.I. the C.I.A. and also MI5 and MI6. Mercury rules paperwork and computers, tape-recordings and also the media. Retrograde is backwards. Historically, any verdict or outcome handed down on Mercury Retrograde tends to be retracted later, or revoked. Beyond that, we have the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020 to come – not to mention the crisis point in the Republican chart in 2021. So I don’t think any astrologer worth her salt is going to say this is the end! In your own horoscope you have an exact line-up at 18 degrees. Sun at 18 Aries in the First House, Venus conjunct the Sun at 18 Aries in the First House, Ceres at 18 Cancer in the Fourth House. You shine (the Sun) when you are upfront, and push forward, promoting yourself and fully inhabiting your brand, name or image. This goes hand-in-hand with your powers of seduction, actually, as Venus was a great temptress in the ancient world. The issue here is that you cannot square the situation with the family, or within the context of your roots, heritage, family tree, culture and so on. Ceres is really about cutting compromises or making deals. She is often there when you see issues between husband, wife and mother-in-law, or brothers and uncles/brothers-in-law. This pattern would work in a few different ways. Sometimes it is about not being able to square the way one looks, or the way one presents in image terms, with the reality of one’s home town or homeland. You have a lot to explore here as the North Node goes over 18 Cancer and South Node goes over 18 Cancer in May and June 2019. Saturn also moves to 18 Capricorn in June and Neptune is at 18 Pisces, also triggering the pattern. You can look up these factors on Search when you finish reading this. You inhabit your First House and Fourth House, but have to go between them, as one always calls you back, and you cannot fully devote yourself to the other!

  8. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for another great post.

    I have Capricorn factors at 20 degrees, are there any insights you can provide?

    Thank you so much.

    1. You have the North Node and South Node across the Cancer-Capricorn axis at 26 and Jupiter at 4 Capricorn. You are ambitious, socially and professionally, tempted by the top – and the people at the top – being among them and taking your place among them too. This is karmic in nature as you have been very successful in other lifetimes and are here to try again. The only issue is that it separates you from the family, your roots, heritage or culture – or make take you far, far from home. As the Nodes transit these signs you will replay some old issues in 2019. You have your Jupiter Return as he passes 4 Capricorn and this process begins slowly but surely from December this year. That is a fantastic solution or opportunity. You may gain a promotion or prestigious new role by January. If work has been a problem a door will open then.

  9. Hi Jessica another fantastic read thank you! I have a Capricorn stellium but no placements at 20 degrees. I do however have Ops & Diana in Pisces at 21 & 22 degrees, Apollo at 22 degrees Sagittarius & Panacea at 21 Aquarius, could you help me to best interpret that please.

    1. Thank you. You will be indirectly affected by what is to come in the big business, corporate and political world in January 2020. People who will do anything to get to the top and stay there (like Richard Nixon) tend to have Capricorn factors writ large in their charts. They are the social mountaineers who want to be friends with the right people, or the career climbers who work the system. That’s all fine and good, but karma is calling in April 2019 for anyone who did it the wrong way, and that karma will play out in a downfall in January 2020. This has a ripple effect. Many big stones are thrown and you receive the ripple, upon the ripple, upon the ripple. It will affect your friends and the groups you belong to – a trade union for example. It will affect your plans to travel for 2020 – so, perhaps, what goes down at the top will make the currency exchange rate alter. Watch April then watch January.

  10. Jessica, you are so prolific its amazing. I only have Minerva at 0 Capricorn, Bachus at 5 Capricorn and Vesta at 22 Cancer. Will I be affected?

    1. You will be indirectly affected by the departures, demotions, promotions, appointments, resignations and retirements all around you as 2019 goes and 2020 arrives. More important is Jupiter, the symbol of hope, growth, good fortune, blessings, benevolence, expansion – passing across Minerva and then Bacchus – this begins in December 2019 and so the year ends on a wonderful note. Minerva was Jupiter’s daughter, born fully-formed from his brain. You will find the project, role, goal, promotion or award at the end of the year is a game-changer. Jupiter then proceeds to conjunct Bacchus so this is really a Bollinger moment.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    I have the following in my birth chart:
    Bacchus at 21° Capricorn 29′ 13″
    Panacea at 16° Capricorn 30′ 52″
    Salacia 11° Capricorn 59′ 04″
    How will this affect my professional life? I have been struggling to get a promotion for a while now. Is there any chance for one?

    1. You will see reshuffles, resignations, redundancies, promotions, appointments and demotions – along with mergers – happening in your chosen field at the end of 2019 and start of 2020. This may also happen for your rivals, or competitors. You don’t say what you do for a living so it is hard to generalise. Capricorn rules the Tenth House of ambition and success. Struggles are common when slow-moving, heavy, difficult Saturn is also in the Tenth House, which is the case now. This does not last. It’s just a phase which ends in December 2020, actually (once and for all) but the fact that Jupiter (opportunity, solutions) goes to conjunct your Bacchus (his son – pure pleasure) in the year 2020 should make that the turnaround time. You can look all these factors up on Search and in your ebooks to get more detail when the time comes.

  12. Dear Jessica – thank you for this head’s up post. There seems to be some changes already happening in my industry here, and I am contemplating how to use them to my career advantage. Any insights please into how these developments may impact my career and business? I have Moon 20 degrees Scorpio, and in the event adjacent degrees may be relevant, Apollo 23 degrees Cancer. Keeping my fingers crossed that the investments I have made will pay off. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The more important pattern in your chart is Saturn at 26 Cancer in your Fourth House square Chiron at 25 Aries in your First House. Saturn reveals how you structure your life to feel safe, in repeatedly difficult situations – in the Fourth House they have always historically involved your family, household, house, apartment, home town or homeland. You are a great wall-builder and defence-constructor, psychologically, emotionally or perhaps literally as Saturn in Cancer people tend to put in the alarm systems, the cameras, the fences and gates and over-subscribe to home insurance. What is hard to ‘square’ about this for you is Chiron in Aries as you are here to show people what it is possible to get away with, when it comes to self-promotion, your appearance, your online profile, face, name, title and so on. This is really in conflict with what you feel about the family, or once felt. A classic example would be the teenage girl who wants to dye her hair and present with a radical wardrobe only to find that a parent blocks her. Another very common example is to feel that one’s name, identity, persona is at odds with the family. There may also be questions here about your roots, heritage, culture or perhaps the area where you live – in conflict with how you wish to present. I mention all this because you have the North Node and South Node going over 25 Cancer and Capricorn in March 2019, which is pretty close. This is creating a T-Square (which I write about in a feature on Sacred Geometry you can look up in a moment). This is the first transit. The second one is in the first months of 2020, as Saturn goes to 25, 26 Capricorn and Pluto goes to 24 Capricorn, which is very close. Jupiter is also at 25, 26 Capricorn that year, suggesting a real process of change and growth for you with more to come in September October 2020 and final outcomes in 2021. Look up Saturn, Fourth House, Chiron, First House on Search and in your ebooks and also Saturn, North Node, South Node, Pluto because that is what is passing through. Have a look at your family tree as well, going back to grandparents and great-grandparents on both sides if you can. There is a lot to think about here, in relation to who you are in relation to where you come from. Also who you are, perhaps, in relation to where you live and how you live – and how you feel about your family as a whole.

  13. I don’t have any Capricorn factors, but I do have three across 21-22 degrees. Can you tell me how that might affect me in Jan 2020?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Sure, Amy. In general we are going to see the result of heavy karma for people at the top, which came to pass when the South Node was at 21, 22 Capricorn in April 2019. Next month! People who take short cuts to success and status, by doing the wrong thing, tend to come a cropper when the South Node goes over their Capricorn factors – and so many ruthless people do. What goes around comes around when the Node arrives and the final reckoning would be January 2020, when Pluto and Saturn both go over 21, 22 Capricorn. This sets off a chain reaction in industry, business, politics, the priesthood, the royal family and corporations all over the world. You will see the outcome at a distance as it will not affect you directly but indirectly. You have Fortuna at 22 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money, marriage and mortgage, property and family, legacy and inheritance. Fortuna describes how you unknowingly affect the destinies of the people around you. The sextile from Pluto and Saturn – and the angles from the North Node and South Node – suggest April 2019 and January 2020 are likely to have an impact on how you manage your life budget as well as your actual finances, house or apartment. A classic example would be a domino effect in your profession, where people resign or are fired, which opens up vacancies and promotions, all having a trickle-down impact on your earning capacity or perhaps your income and cash flow. Watch April.

  14. Hi Jessica

    Viva la revolution! It has been an interesting time these last few years as we watch, in horror, at the extent of corruption and maladministration in our key institutions. There will, of course, be resistance to any change in the power dynamics. It is also challenging I suspect for many folk who struggle to understand why sometimes seemingly underhanded tactics are needed to expose this corruption. I’m thinking specifically here of the Al Jazeera exposure of the antics of One Nation here in Australia.

    I’m also thinking about the reaction of the financial services sector here to the Banking Royal Commission. Interesting stuff…

    In my own chart, I have Mercury and Mars at 20 Taurus, as well as Salacia at 21 Capricorn. What variation on the general themes do you see as likely?

    1. Whenever we see heavy weather in Capricorn, the sign that rules the people at the top, we also see heavy-handed approaches to democracy. Capricorn is associated with the Tenth House in astrology and in ancient times this was called Regnans and associated with both the Pope and the Queen. The words regime, regency and reign have their root in Regnans and even in the year 2019 it is about the President, the prince, the politician and – again – the Pope. This does end. But while we are experiencing the South Node in Capricorn, there is karma to complete for these people who are riding roughshod over the people. That means they have to go through the whole process of ‘reigning on high’ which is Capricorn’s greatest achievement (the mountain goat at the top of the pyramid-shaped structure) and then falling. Every single person or organisation which is abusing power will crash. It happened to Cardinal Pell who sexually abused children in a house of God. You are experiencing this in your own world, in your own way, so you have (or are seeing) a classic case of a person or organisation which is high-handed and heavy-handed! To be born with Salacia (the holiday from the real world, the departure from the everyday) in Capricorn in the Tenth House, is to be born in pursuit of one or two jobs, projects, unpaid roles or ‘callings’ in life. Neither would be particularly regular or ‘real’ in the eyes of most people. This goes hand-in-hand with your tremendous capacity for charity, business, money, property, shopping, collecting, selling or literally ‘accounting.’ That is the trine to Mars and Mercury in Taurus. This theme will be with you until the peak transits pass at 20, 21 Capricorn and that is (intensely) December 2019, January 2020 when I would expect you to see departures, demotions, promotions in your profession. That year is pivotal for your ambition to get to the top and stay at the top, and you will have an epic solution, breakthrough or open door when transiting Jupiter goes to 20, 21 Capricorn and trines your Mercury-Mars conjunction and conjuncts Salacia herself. That takes place in March 2020, then again in July, August and finally in October, November. What a year that is going to be. You can look up everything I have mentioned on Search or in your ebooks. You ‘live’ in the Tenth House and Second House for this period and will experience Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter aspecting your Salacia, Mercury, Mars.

  15. He llo Jessica, and thank you for all your fascinating articles!
    Can you help me interpret my chart please? I have Juno at 22degrees Cap opposite Chiron at 21 degrees Cancer. Also moon at 20 Vrgo and Pluto at 20 Scorpio. My Cap stellium includes Apollo at 1, Uranus and Neptune at 13 and 16, and the north node at 24.
    Many thanks and best wishes, Catherine

    1. Juno is a symbol of commitment – for better or worse – and in Capricorn in the Tenth House you tend to ‘wed’ yourself to your career. You may also be one of those people who marries up. Rather like Kate Middleton or Meghan Markle. The opposition to Chiron does suggest an inner conflict, though, so it is unlikely that you ever find life straightforward as you try social mountaineering or wildly ambitious moves. The Moon’s angle from the Sixth House of work, service and duty does suggest that you ‘need to be needed’ in a valet role (thinking of court valets centuries ago). You would have to expect that in January 2020, as Pluto and Saturn conjunct your natal Juno, that you begin to question success, status, achievement, ambition. In fact the whole hierarchy or pecking order around you is likely to be in focus then. As this is the time of year when people experience reshuffles, mergers or departures in their chosen field, it may be that you work on a project, only to find that your manage resigns or is promoted and moves on. There is more to say but I do not have your personal birth chart.

  16. Hi Jessica . Always overwhelmed with all the articles you write and the knowledge you are imparting . A Deep hearted thank you .
    I have my northnode at 22 Scorpio , Diana at 21 aquarius and Bacchus at 21 saggi . What can I expect in Jan ?
    Also my partner has Uranus at 22 libra .

    1. Thank you. The line-up you both share at 21, 22 degrees is triggered by Pluto at 22 Capricorn and Saturn at 21, 22 Capricorn in January 2020, with Ceres crossing 21, 22 Capricorn on January 9th through 13th. Very close to the 12th and 13th, when the Sun is also at 21, 22 Capricorn you will both experience transits within your profession, or your partner’s – or in your other sphere of work – studying, for example or volunteering. People at the top, or trying to get to the top/stay at the top around the world who have factors at Capricorn 21, 22 – and there are billions of them – will all experience major issues around the balance of power at this time. Pluto always brings questions about the pecking order or hierarchy – the new world order or old world order. Saturn is associated with reality checks, waiting games and life lessons. So, your finances in particular, and your partner’s relationship with you (or a more difficult relationship with any opponents) will be in focus. It’s likely that you will see reshuffles, mergers, resignations, departures, promotions and so on, happening all around you, perhaps with your friends (Diana in Aquarius) or just affecting your finances.

  17. Dear Jessica,

    I was hoping you would write about this topic and have been waiting to write to you.

    I have Ceres and Psyche at 21 Capricorn which has me worried. My Venus and Saturn are at 21 and 22 Aries and Fortuna at 21 Libra.

    My current partner is 24 Aries with his Ceres at 6 Cancer. My former 26 Libra partner/friend (who is attached) has Mars at 20 Leo and Ceres at 5 Capricorn – this person has reappeared in my life after many years and things have been strange, to say the least.
    The nodes will be at 5-6 Cancer/ Capricorn in January.

    I will also have Saturn square Saturn in January 2020 so with my amateur knowledge of astrology I’m pretty concerned with this lineup!

    As a professional, how do you deal with potential negatives in a chart? I don’t want to overthink this but difficult not to.

    Though it also appears that Bacchus will trigger my DESC from January 10-14 which I hope to be a positive aspect among the heavier transits.

    Your insights would be very appreciated as always. Thank you!

    1. You are reading your own chart pretty well here and could get a lot from your journal, your ebooks and also the Tarot and Astrology Oracle cards using them together with what you are seeing in the horoscope. Your partner ties into this and so does your former partner. The line-up at 20, 21, 22, 23 suggests that you will need to make a deal and strike a compromise, starting December this year, well into January 2020 and at various points that year. Your industry, profession or unpaid work sphere requires tremendous give and take on all sides, likely involving a boss, employee, colleague, client or competitor and the emotional stakes would be high. Look up Ceres and Psyche and also Tenth House, because that is the start point for you. You can be sure that Jupiter will bring breakthroughs and solutions in 2020 and the Jupiter-Ceres and Jupiter-Psyche conjunctions will change your path to the top for the better, either in terms of success or status. Yet, the year can and will begin with a critical time, not just for you, but for the whole of politics and big business. You will receive that trickle-down ripple effect.

  18. HI Jessica,
    Thank you for posting such insightful information. I have my south node at 22 Capricorn, Salacia at 20 Cap, as well as Asc 22 Aries, Saturn 22 Aquarius opposite Mars 22 Leo. I also have my mc at 24 Capricorn so I am interested to see whats going to happen around July this year with the eclipse happening right there!! I have been working towards a new career path for a very long time so I’m hoping my hard work may be paying off next year. What do you think? Sure could be interesting.for me with all this going on.

    1. Your South Node and North Node suggest you have made this decision about career versus family, home town versus ambition, homeland versus success, social status versus origins – many times before. Here it comes again. The Ascendant and Midheaven (AC and MC) depend on a strictly accurate birth time. Salacia would be at 20 Capricorn any time, though, and she is rather close to Saturn and Mars in your chart, so now through 2020 is a career reshape, followed by definite changes with your godchildren, son, daughter, young relatives, or a younger generation you mentor, guide or teach. I am sure you can see this right now but it will become real in 2020 and you do benefit long-term. Look up Salacia and the Tenth House on Search because this is where things are at for you, now through 2020. This is where the real shift will occur.

  19. Right now I have saturn opposing my natal sun, and I can feel it. What does it mean when transiting saturn opposes my natal saturn – which will happen apparently since my natal saturn is at 22 cancer. I also have jupiter at 22 aries – maybe that will help. I’m so done with the heavy slow work – finally got pluto off my sun, don’t want saturn there!

    1. Sun at 19 Cancer, Saturn at 22 Cancer puts you in a cycle not seen in 240+ years with Pluto in opposition to both, in slow stages, and of course Saturn himself in opposition. You also have the South Node and North Node on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. Do look all this up on Search and in your ebooks and use your journal. Use your Tarot and Astrology Oracle cards as well. Give yourself the most time and energy you can find and put yourself first. You may need more rest or time out at the moment, into 2020, which is very important. This is about your home and family. Your home town and homeland. Your house or apartment. Your ambition. Your ideas about what success means to you. It will take time. You are reshaping your life and yourself, and also being reshaped by global trends which have a domino effect on you. Yet – with Jupiter the symbol of repair work, solutions, win-win outcomes, improvements and new beginnings in Capricorn in 2020, you are moving towards something so much better.

  20. Hi Jessica! 20 is a dominant degree in my chart. I have Desc 20 Capricorn, and Fortuna 20 Cancer, Asc 20 Cancer, Prosperina 20 Pisces, and 21 Ceres Leo. You have an incredible gift and your comments help me tremendously, thank you!

    1. The Descendant is important here and describes your former, current or potential partner – or someone against you. Yet you must have had an accurate birth time to the minute for us to be able to use that as a prediction. If it is true, then this person will be at the heart of a major change in the balance of power in January and he/she may be involved in a reshuffle at work, for example. It is the same with your Ascendant. It depends on someone watching an accurate clock time and recording it when the umbilical cord was cut. The rest of the factors in your chart would be there any time, and so we have to look at Fortuna at 20 Cancer in your Fourth House. Look up Fortuna and Fourth House when you finish reading this because this is where you will be affected. It may be a family member, a household member, or your actual apartment or house, and you have some choices to make.

  21. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for such an fascinating article. I feel many things in our world are so out of balance so it’s nice to have some hope improvement and reckoning are coming. I know I’ve been working on improvement in myself.

    I don’t see a lot of Capricorn in my chart (Ops 15 degrees) but do have 4 21 degrees in various signs. (Apollo 21 Leo, Aesculapia 21 Virgo, North Node 21 Scorpio, South Node 21Taurus) Can you give me any insight on effects I may see in April and January to be aware of? Thank you!

    1. The transits at Capricorn 20, 21, 22 are historic and they will make angles to all those factors you mention. As they are concerned with big business, politics and the ‘top end of town’ as they say in Australia, you will certainly feel the impact with your bank account, income (Scorpio and Taurus rule these) and also your day-to-day workload (Virgo rules these). You will find opportunities to have more, do more, enjoy more and resolve more as Jupiter moves across 20, 21, 22 in 2020. Yet the year as a whole has to begin with a shake-down. Thank you for your compliment!

  22. Hi Jessica – I have Panacea 20 Leo, Diana 21 Scorpio, Fortuna 22 Aries, Huggeia 22 Virgo and a Capricorn Stellium – how will this weather affect me …. should I be expecting a promotion, demotion, merger or something completely different? I have 9-5 job at a law firm as the HR office manager, teach yoga and am wanting to explore ways to make more money (passively if possible) but also find ways to do that in a creative fun way (re-launching my YouTube channel I started 2 years ago and perhaps expanding into other areas of social media) – do I have any chart markers that would suggest I will be helping people on a large scale in a profound way as I have this feeling I am suppose to be doing more. Thank you for all you do to help myself and others navigate the sometimes murky waters of these astro transits!

    1. Your Hygiea and Proserpina in Virgo in the Sixth House of body, mind and spirit make you an ideal yoga teacher. You may want to wait until after April 18th when Mercury Retrograde is out of shadow, to start making serious commitments to a part-time (and possibly eventually a full-time) career. You will find that when Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your Tenth House of success in December 2019, you are on the path – and in 2020 Jupiter will trine, or make a stunning angle to, both Hygiea and Proserpina, so I would suggest you take every open door you come to, next year. For more on all this look up the asteroids and planets I mention on Search or in your ebooks, but also the Tenth House and Sixth House. Thank you very much for your kind words.

  23. Hi Jessica, I wonder if there’s A such thing called ‘come to earth with the right chart at the right time’ ;P
    I do see and feel things are already building up towards Jan 2020, or, even the Aquarius age, tiny turbulence beneath the surface. History is like the tree ring, evolves and propels in repetition.

    1. Correct, history is like a tree ring, it evolves and propels in repetition. Love that. And a horoscope looks just like a tree ring, if you trace the cycles of time round in circles. Thank you.

  24. Hi Jessica i have a lot of Capricorne factors :
    Mercure 9 ‘ Capricorne
    Venus 16’. Capricorne
    Mars 5′ Capricorne
    Ici 17′ Capricorne
    Panacée 4′
    Salacia 19′ Capricorne
    Southampton node 11′ Capricorne
    Please help me touche understand
    Thanks a lot and golf luck

    1. You will change your direction in 2020 as Jupiter the planet of opportunity, hope, expansion, growth and optimism gives you solutions for your work, unpaid work or studies. You will be affected by changes around you in your chosen profession or industry, as there will be promotions, appointments, resignations, retirements which transform the business you are in. Make sure you accept a very fortunate project or role in 2020. It is a solution.

  25. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the flurry of informative posts—you’ve been hard at it!

    Mars, Mercury, Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter all within 20-22 degrees. Does that mean…I can’t even venture a legitimate guess. Will my head still be screwed on? ☮️

    1. Thank you. Neptune at 22 Scorpio in the Eighth House, Salacia at 23 Capricorn in the Tenth House are sextile each other in your birth chart. This is interesting as they are married in mythology. Neptune rules the ocean and his wife Salacia rules the ocean but also the seashore. Together they suggest other kinds of reality and alternative worlds. Not real, ordinary or everyday. This applies to your career, your unpaid work or your studies (Capricorn, Tenth House of achievement and ambition) and simultaneously to your finances, property, business, charity or company (Scorpio, Eighth House). As you experience the historic pass of Pluto and Saturn over 22 Capricorn, then Jupiter at 22 Capricorn in 2020 – very close to 23 degrees as well – you are likely to find that the end of 2019 and start of 2020 bring departures, demotions, promotions, mergers and so on, which directly affect your role, or a project you are working on. There is more to it than that, though. It challenges you to find a way to preserve the holiday from reality that you enjoy so much, and to ‘keep it real’ while also living with what is quite obviously not real at all, financially. A common example of this is marriage and mortgage. The house belongs to neither of you, it belongs to the bank! You can look up Tenth House, Eighth House, Salacia, Neptune for more.

  26. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your very exiting article. I have 3 factors in Capricorn, but not exact at 22. My factors are at 23 and 24. Does one or two degree difference matter?
    The other exact factors are Jupiter at 22 Sagittarius, and Uranus at 22 Gemini. There is MC at 20 Virgo. With so many factors involved I wonder how would you interpret them for me. My partner has moon at 20 Taurus. I am also very eager to know his future.

    1. Thank you. One degree is fine, it is known as a one-degree orb and it still makes the patterns of sacred geometry that compose astrology. Ops at 23 Capricorn in your Tenth House is the factor to watch. She was Jupiter’s mother and Saturn’s wife. Saturn himself will pass over 23 Capricorn and so will Pluto, so this is an important period for your career, unpaid work or university degree. The path from 2019 to 2020 will bring some deep choices about success and what it means to you. Later on in 2020 you will find Jupiter at 23 Capricorn conjunct Ops (his mother) and that is an open door you have not experienced in 12 years. Look up Ops and Tenth House when you finish reading this.

  27. Hello jessica, and thank you so much for another extraordinary post. This is fascinating and worrying as I have a very Capricorn-heavy chart –
    Mars at 0 Caprcorn, my DC at 4 degrees, Saturn and POF at 11 degrees, Ceres at 14 degrees, Mercury at 15 degrees and my Sun at 23 degrees Capricorn – a degree out of the 20 – 22 degree action but I assume I’ll still be caught up in all this.
    I also have Uranus at 20 Leo and Jupiter at 22 Sagittarius so they will be affected too, I imagine. .
    I’m trying to make another go at self-employment after very many years as a full-time carer to my elderly parents. Do you think all the action near my Sun bodes good or ill for my ambitions?

    1. I am not sure why you would be worried. Jupiter in Capricorn enters your Tenth House of success, achievement and ambition in December 2019 and will slowly but surely conjunct your Capricorn factors, so 2020 is a year of solutions and opportunities. You do have Saturn and Pluto going over your Sun, but I am sure you have found out for yourself what that can feel like, as these two have also conjuncted your Mars at 0 Capricorn, for example, quite a long time ago. This is as much about your parents as anything else and that is down to Cancer and the Fourth House. I suspect the transiting North Node in Cancer will tell you that story but you need a birth chart to figure it out.

  28. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you again for an amazing prediction!

    I have a stellium in Capricorn and in Sagittarius. I also have: Salacia
    21° Capricorn 07′ 03″

    I also have a 20 degree Sag and Pisces placement. I suppose this means I will be working two very different jobs and each will be really trippy? That is how I am reading the signs but I am obviously and amateur. Would you have a reading on this? My partner (whom I’m divorcing now) has held the keys to the estate the whole marriage (in my opinion unjustly) and just wondering if this has anything to do with this also.

    Thank you!

    1. Your divorce is actually the story here. Your former partner had the keys to the estate and now he does not. So you are seeing first-hand how astrology works, as you experience the heavy Capricorn weather in your life. Capricorn is about career but it is also about social status and position. Marriage and money in your case. Your Sagittarius-Pisces combination reveals that you need to escape. Luxurious vacations by the ocean are one way to do it, but meditation is another. You are a natural meditator – have you discovered that? The situation with your former partner, but with your career or unpaid work – perhaps your studies – is set to transform your life as you go from the end of 2019 into 2020 and experience transits across Salacia at 21 Capricorn. You will have two projects or even two jobs or roles if you want them. Neither will be real world. Both could work.

  29. What a interesting article Jessica. Thank you. … i have a rather large capricorn Stellium and several orher factors at those degrees across my chart .. which seems to be 20, 21, 22 heavy …should I be worried ? Or is this a good thing ?

    1. Pluto and Saturn and Ceres are three heavyweights together, so there is no question that the path from 2019 to 2020 is heavy. It’s intense. However, the golden rule with these transits is that you find your place in the game of musical chairs. You are going to see reshuffles, resignations, redundancies, retirements – and promotions, new appointments, mergers and launches – in a very short space of time. This will create vacancies and new options in your particular field, business or profession. The other golden rule with Pluto is to use your self-control to have control and your willpower, to become more powerful. Don’t be surprised if some very powerful people and organisations are closer at that time.

  30. Hi Jessica, I have Capricorn stellium (5 planets in Capricorn), most of my immediate relatives are Capricorns (!!!) and I have Mars at 22 Taurus. How are the events going to affect me?

    1. This is a life direction reshape not possible in 240+ years and it takes time for that to happen. You are ambitious, have already come a very long way from where you started out in life, and there is further to go. Yet, you will be tested in 2019, 2020 as you have to figure out what success means. This may be ‘getting on’ in high society, or just doing well in your chosen field. Richard Nixon took shortcuts and met his downfall. Donald and his circle have been taking shortcuts and we will see their downfall according to all the laws of astrology. Now, I am sure none of my lovely readers have strayed off the straight and narrow path to the top, and I bet you have made all the right moves, done all the correct things and so on. You have respected ‘the system’ or the rules of the game and taken your time. Slow and steady works well on a cycle like this (no social climbing!) and so does sincerity, seriousness and certainty of your goals. Yet, I can’t deny it – you are being tested – so you need to be deeply aware of your goals and why they matter, and what you are prepared to do to get them. If you doubt the pinnacle or the mountain or are questioning the structure, that is fine, but you will have a tremendous change in 2020 as you switch mountains. From 2023 the intense phase of this is over.

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