January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part Two

In Part Two, of this two-part series about January 2020, we see the bigger picture of the changes, and how this affects you and the people around you.

In Part One, of this two-part series about January 2020, see why massive changes in politics, nuclear politics and big business will affect you and the people you know. Read Part One here.

Vote Election Badge Button 600x325 - January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part Two

How Generation Capricorn Born 1993-1995 Changes the American 2020 Election

People who aged 25, 26 or 27 years old with Uranus and/or Neptune in Capricorn at 20, 21, 22 degrees will be caught up in heavy weather in their chosen profession as Ceres crosses 20, 21, 22 Capricorn alongside Pluto and Saturn, weaving in and out of the same chart zone – from January 7th until January 13th 2020.

This generation is conservative, traditional, ambitious, professional, and committed to success. What happens between January 7th and 13th 2020, will ask them to confront the structure of the corporate world, the trade unions and government in a way they have never experienced in their lives – and never will again. January 2020 is critical for their finances and employment. This makes Election 2020 vital to them.

These 25-27 year-old people (eligible to be Representatives in American politics) will tackle the U.S. election of November 3rd, 2020, as no other generation has done before – both as voters and as candidates.

I am going to leave predictions about the next American President for another time but we can expect to see all classes, ages, genders, colours, backgrounds and nationalities sharing the power. And that’s global – not just in the United States. Maybe this affects you beyond just global trends, so do cast your eye over the horoscope set for you time, place and date of birth.

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When Global is Personal – Your Factors at 20, 21, 22 of any Sign

Check your chart again (above) if you are a Premium Member.

If you, your partner, friends or family have personal birth chart factors at 20, 21, 22 of any zodiac sign at all, then January 2020 opens the gate to serious change. In fact, it will be a whole new world out there and you or they will be affected. How? Let’s take a look at the zodiac signs of the factors concerned. When Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and faster-moving planets like Mercury pass across 20, 21, 22 at the end of 2019 and start of 2020, you can expect a ripple effect from bigger shifts to affect you.

The best example to think about here is the arrival of the internet in 1993. Back then nobody knew what it was. Yet, if you had personal horoscope factors being triggered then, you would soon come to know it as a global life-changing experience. For you!

ARIES: Title. Internet Profile.
TAURUS: Finances. Banking.
GEMINI: Social Media. Worldwide Web.
CANCER: House. Apartment. Family. Home Town. Country.
LEO: Children. Young People.
VIRGO: Work. Service. Duty.
LIBRA: Former, current and potential partners. Enemies or opponents.
SCORPIO: Property. Money. Shares.
SAGITTARIUS: Travel Plans. Foreign Connections.
CAPRICORN: Career. Social Status.
AQUARIUS: Friends. Groups.
PISCES: Secrets.

The Bigger Picture of January 2020

What we have here is a statement about tremendous power that will be distributed differently. You will see it just about everywhere. At work. At home. With your government. With world government. Depending on your age it will draw you back to the years 1993 and 1994 and you will begin to see why ‘What goes around comes around full circle’ with your life.  Now, let’s look at the global transformation in trade and security coming in January 2020.

NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Nato shutterstock 165777665 300x225 - January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part TwoFounded with Mars at 21 Cancer on 24th August 1949 at 11:42 am in Washington DC, the astrological chart for NATO shows crisis as Pluto, Saturn and Ceres oppose Mars from 21 Capricorn. NATO involves 29 members, mainly in Europe and North America. Mars is a symbol for attack and defence in astrology. Cancer is a symbol for patriotism.

This is a crisis which all of us hope will not be of nuclear proportions. Nuclear sharing is part of NATO’s policy of nuclear deterrence, of course. Yet – the astrology is there. History tells us, January 6th to 13th is a crossroads for a world that wants peace, not war. We have a long lead-time.

The crisis begins on November 11th, 2019, when Pluto moves to 21 Capricorn and increases from December 29th, four days after Christmas, when Saturn moves to 21 Capricorn. Ceres moves to 21 Capricorn 9th, 10th, 11th and Mercury will be at 21 Capricorn on the 11th with the Sun at 21 Capricorn on the 12th.

It’s a good time to be optimistic. Jupiter (solutions, triumphs, breakthroughs) will have moved into Capricorn from December 3rd, 2019, but as he will not approach 21 Capricorn until March 10th, the world will have to keep the faith.

The European Union in January 2020

The ‘birth’ chart for the European Union is set for 7th February 1992 and the Maastricht Treaty which led to the creation of the E.U. and the Euro. It shows Mars at 21 Capricorn, so it is clear that between January 6th and 13th 2020 when we see Pluto, Ceres and Saturn – with Mercury – pass over that spot, it is a rare and critical crossroads for the European Union too. It’s now or never for total transformation.

Nuclear Questions

The last time we saw such rare astrological focus on cycles at Capricorn 20, 21, 22 was 1993 and 1994 was equally intense. In fact, it was nuclear-strength. Back then we saw Uranus and Neptune at 20, 21, 22 Capricorn with new concerns about the balance of power in nuclear nations. Between January 6th and 13th 2020 we will need to look at North Korea, her program of missile tests and her record on nuclear site inspection. We should also include Iraq in this and China.

China exploded a nuclear weapon test in this period, despite President Bill Clinton’s objections. Unfortunately, we are going to see a replay of the same issues that plagued the planet in 1993 and 1994 in January 2020.

Amazon Questions for Jeff Bezos

Amazon e1553200427895 - January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part TwoTalking about questions relating to power, and superpowers, and empowerment, and compromises on power – it is also time to consider Amazon in January 2020. Why? The company was founded on July 5th, 1994, with Neptune at 22 Capricorn aspected by the North Node at 22 Scorpio (banks, business) and the South Node at 22 Taurus (retail, shares). That’s a critical crossroads for Jeff Bezos if he is still CEO as between January 6th and 13th 2020, the big Amazon corporate bubble bursts. When we talk about the global affecting the local in astrology this would be a good example for you. Do you shop at Amazon?

Internet Monopolies and the World Wide Web

Beyond Amazon, which has a foundation ‘birth’ astrology chart in the Capricorn zone, we can consider the internet itself, which was breaking news in 1993 during the exact conjunction between Uranus at 20 Capricorn and Neptune at 20 Capricorn. When Pluto, Ceres and Saturn pass 20 Capricorn that is a serious challenge to what we used to call The Net.

America, Great Britain and The Special Relationship

download - January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part TwoThere will be a crisis and transformation involving the Special Relationship between the United States of America and Great Britain between Monday January 6th and Monday January 13th, 2020. Remember Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W. Bush standing ‘shoulder to shoulder’ on the terrorist attacks of 9/11?

This is shoulder (hard) against shoulder. And it’s going to be about trade, after Brexit, but also international security.

We are seeing the same patterns in November 2019-January 2020 that America experienced on December 16th, 1773, the day of the Boston Tea Party.

Pluto was last in Capricorn between 9th January 1762 and January 27th, 1778. The crisis points which we are going to see repeat between November 2019 and January 2020 will repeat the astrology we saw when the War of Independence was at its height.

There is more to this than just one month in 2020, though. This is a sweeping trend about the politics between the two countries and the total transformation of their relationship which each other, as allies and partners. We are about to see the historic recycling of karma. In 1772 February 5th to July 16th and December 11th to 31st.  In 1773, January 1st to March 28th and May 21st to December 31st. In 1774, January 1st to 17th and August 17th to November 21st.

What happens in January 2020 to world trade, taxation and shares will make the Boston Tea Party look like…a tea party.

The World in January 2020 – From New Zealand to China

Whenever you see a line up in Capricorn 20, 21, 22 warning bells ring if you also those patterns in the foundation (or creation/formation) astrology charts for a number of countries. What we’re looking for here are planets at Capricorn 20, 21, 22 which points to the status of a nation – but also Cancer 20, 21, 22 – which is about the patriotism, security and territory of a particular nation. We are obviously looking at an historic crisis and transformation and a new order – nuclear and economic.

Here is the list, which will be triggered between Monday, January 6th and Monday, January 13th, 2020. All horoscope data selected from a range at The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth 2004.

The New World Order

I am sure you can see who comes out on top of the new world order, if you remember that Jupiter is the symbol for the best and greatest in astrology. China will experience this historic line-up of Pluto, Ceres and Saturn at 22 Capricorn, exactly conjunct her Jupiter at 22 Capricorn, timed by Mercury (the faster-moving planet of news) on Sunday January 12th, 2020. Allowing for world time-zone differences, we will see the first headlines for Monday January 13th, 2020. In fact, the old chart for Communist China shows a Jupiter Return in March, July and November 2020 so this is big for her. In a moment, I’ll zero in on the American and Chinese horoscopes. I am sure you can also see how Brexit and the European Union is showing up with these charts.

Moon 20 Cancer
1st January 1877, 00.00, New Delhi

New Zealand
Mars 20 Capricorn
28th September 1907, 00.00, Wellington

Venus 21 Capricorn
19th January 1479, 12.00, Madrid

Neptune 21 Capricorn
3rd February 1830, 12.00, Athens

Mercury 21 Capricorn
30th December 1922, 12.00, Moscow

USA Confederacy
Venus 22 Capricorn
4th February 1861, 12.00, Montgomery, Alabama

USA Congress
Pluto 22 Capricorn
5th September 1774, 10.00am, Philadelphia

Jupiter 22 Capricorn
21st September 1949, 12.00, Peking

Great Britain
There are numerous charts for the British Isles, starting with the Roman Invasion chart of 55 B.C. and three of them show sensitive points at 22 Capricorn/Cancer, or within one degree. Thus:

Roman Invasion Chart
Neptune 21 Cancer
27th August 55 B.C. 4.00pm, Walmer Beach

United Kingdom Unification
Mercury 22 Cancer
12th July 927 A.D. 12.00pm Eamont

Act of Union
Moon 19 Cancer
1st January 1801, 00.00, Westminster

Astrology is history, mythology, sociology and synchronicity. That is how you make predictions. And also, why you should! Between Monday January 6th and Monday January 13th, 2020, there will be a critical change in the balance of power between the United States, China and Europe. It will also involve New Zealand, either on questions of trade or as a major non-NATO ally. We, the people, need to track this before it even comes to pass to make sure the stakes are kept as low as possible.

One Last Note – Post-Millennium Bugs, Hackers and Viruses

As an astrologer, I always deal with American readers who type day, month and year dates in reverse order to British and Australian calendar dates. Yet, no matter how you key in the date of the eclipse on 10th January 2020, you end up with what looks like a memorable code. I am going to leave this with you. This is not my area. But I need to mention it. Over to you! This eclipse falls right in the extreme Capricorn ‘change’ weather zone. And when keyed in numerals, it looks like this. Very odd.


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47 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica, can you give some insight about Russia— 29 years back, when the Saturn was in the Capricorn, the collapse of the Russian Soviet empire began, though Russia never stopped dreaming of rebuilding its power and empire. What should be expected for Russia, will the turmoil of 2020 affect she and how? And many thanks for sharing all this…

    1. Thank you. I wrote a piece on Russia and her horoscope some time ago if you want to look up Search. Russia or the U.S.S.R. as she was once known has a number of different charts, but they all say the same thing. She will have to transform if she is going to survive the next 7 years, because Uranus in Taurus is here and that means an end to money laundering. In astrology we always watch to see what happens when Uranus enters a new zodiac sign, because the first few days reveal the next 7 years. When Uranus moved into Taurus (money) in May 2018, the first thing that happened was the Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act in Great Britain. I am sure you know that this man was a whistleblower. We are literally at the first step of this journey for Russia and it will take years for the old system to end. But it will end. Climate change will also have an impact. The new world will be very different from the old one, and the old rules will no longer apply. It will happen very quickly and Putin’s personal finances will be involved. Take a look at the feature on Russia which discusses many of the charts.

  2. Dear Jessica,
    I am concerned as I have Cancer Venus at 22 and I am up against a brother (Mars 21 Capricorn, Libra Sun 13) who has been deceptive and committed fraud against my mother. Does he have the power of Pluto and Saturn behind him at this crucial January 2020 time when opposing me? I am worried I will be crushed all because I have shed some light on his improprieties.

    1. Thank you Marie. I don’t have a birth chart here so it is hard to comment. I am sorry your brother has put you in this very tough situation with your mother, it must be hard to go through. What I can tell you, in general terms, is that Pluto and Saturn will conjunct your brother’s Mars in January 2020. The situation is being set up now. Your Venus at 22 Cancer in the Fourth House gets into complicated family relationships. No doubt about that. I suspect past life karma with your brother, actually. His Mars is opposite your Venus. January 2020 will probably be the peak of the process. What you need to know, which should reassure you and comfort you, is that people who ‘Pluto’ others always meet their downfall. It is a golden rule of astrology. Pluto was found in 1930 when we saw the rise of power-mad men (and their voters) who wanted to take – and take over. Every single one of them failed and some of course were utterly brought down. I am not for a moment comparing your brother – but in general, when we see people taking away the freedom and rights of others, or behaving in a dictatorial way, it is only a matter of time before they are taken out of the picture. By all the laws of astrology this situation will not last and your brother, I’m afraid, if he has been doing this – is going to fail, absolutely and totally. But – get your chart done. This is only a fraction of what is there and I am commenting out of context of the whole horoscope. You also need your brother and mother’s horoscope to get a full picture so please only read that comment on Pluto in a general way.

  3. Thanks a lot for all the enlightening articles and the forecasts… very much appreciate the dedicated efforts to educate us. being aware of the jan 2020 conjunction i m worried about its effects as i have same line up almost exactly.. saturn 22, pluto 20, ceres 22, IC N MC 22, Vulcano 22, mars 21 ASCn DSC 23,…. haven’t had any positive effects of Jupiter and were changes in job situation though i still work for the same company…. can you please enlighten me how this will pan out for me and anything particular I need to care about. by the way last year many of my colleagues lost job and huge changes in the company, including deaths.. uranus entry in Taurus period. any suggestions… thanks again.

    1. Thank you. Huge changes in your company, including deaths, sounds like a Pluto transit of your Tenth House. You have Salacia at 26 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, achievement, success and professional security. That is really the focus here, as Saturn, the South Node, Pluto and Jupiter will all arrive at 26 Capricorn eventually, with 2020 being the key year of change. Salacia is Neptune’s wife. She is a Trans-Neptunian object and describes other realities, other worlds, alternatives to the everyday, ordinary and commonplace. All your life you will be able to work, study, or engage in unpaid work – in one or two areas which most people would say are not grounded in the real world! They may in fact represent a departure for you, or an escape. Escapism is associated with both Salacia and her husband Neptune. As you are set to experience major transits to Salacia, it seems likely that a shift in the industries/professions around you – one more time – with the appointment of brand new management, colleagues, clients and competitors – will have a permanent and profound impact on what you do, and why you do it. There is a golden opportunity waiting for you in 2020 as Jupiter passes Salacia so don’t miss it. Read more on Salacia and the Tenth House on Search.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Well, I can tell you I don’t know what to expect… :)))
    Besides the Sun at 21 Aries, and Oops at 21 Pisces, in January 2020 I’m also noting for myself Uranus conjunct natal Mercury/Jupiter, Mars conjunct natal Neptune, and Jupiter oppose natal Mars, and a Venus return as of early February .
    As for business, I have 2 natural products out (one older / one very recent) and wanting to partner with a Scorpio to create a couple more. So far, I’m treading water so to speak. :/ Sales started to pick up as soon as Uranus arrived at the 0 degree Taurus in May 2018, but although I’m an eternally hopeful Aries, financially it’s pretty bad right now.

    Thank you (so much) in advance.

    1. Your chart won’t be affected by the Capricorn weather in January 2020, but as you are a Sun Aries and are experiencing Uranus in your solar Second House of money for the next seven years, there are a few things you can do. Stick to what excites you about business, charity, property, finance. You have already found this and it may be the last thing you ever expected yourself to feel or experience. The old you would have been very surprised at what is coming to pass. Yet, if something lights you up – and it excites and lights up other people – and it feels liberating – you will know you are on the right path. There is more to come. In fact the next seven years will be astonishingly different in terms of your old life, with your products and sales. You may find yourself taking a very independent path though, going your own way, doing your own thing. That’s fine.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for the super interesting read! So many many infos!

    If I may add one more thing, and if you look into it, I am sure you will see patterns very quickly;
    the Bosnian war in the 1990’s, the two worst days when the most civilians died were June 1st 1993 and Feb 12th 1994, both times Neptune was 21 Capricorn and the situation there is not good really again, it has been very tense between BIH and Croatia lately and it is also getting worse, so who knows what might happen there.

    Also the WW1 officially began end of June in Sarajevo, BIH, where only Jupiter was at 21 Aquarius, but what is interesting again is when Germany and France went into war a month later, August 4th, Moon was at 21 Capricorn.

    I am sure there are many more, but these two were just from “my” part of the world and I just knew what and where to look up really quick. Thank you again, have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you. I remember the terrible situation there, because I was the patron and trustee of a children’s charity called War Child at the end of the 1990s and we created a book series called Girls’ Night In, and the money went to fund playgrounds in Pristina and also schools affected by the situation in Kosovo. I had not realised Neptune was at 21 Capricorn, or that the Moon was at 21 Capricorn for that other chart. This is very likely to come around again, as you say. Neptune is a symbol of ‘unreal’ realities and in Capricorn at that time it was really about the fantasy of people at the top, but also the daydreams others had about them. Capricorn is always about the few who are at the peak of the mountain or the top of power and influence. You’d have to say that Pluto and Saturn crossing 21 Capricorn will bring up that episode in history quite directly, in January. There are some historic choices there, for the people. I would have thought that Europe and the E.U. as a whole would be heavily drawn into it, actually.

  6. Hi Jessica, your analysis and predictions are fascinating. Do you have any thoughts or info about how the demise of the Euro and perhaps the EU as a whole will affect Greece? I was in Greece when the people voted Oxi (no)! to the EU bailout package and then we’re forced to take a worse version. A short time later Britain voted to leave and Greek people I know were simultaneously impressed and concerned. I think Greece would have left EU and the Euro if they could have afforded it but they are flattened by what the Euro and the EU have done to their country. Is there hope for a better future there? Thanks so much for your astrology. Please note I originally posted this comment in part 1 of your analysis but it seems more appropriate here given it’s noted here that Greece has Neptune in Capricorn.

    1. Thank you. It was actually the horoscope for Greece that alerted me to the end of the Euro as mainstream currency, and that was many years ago! If you look up Greece on Search you may find the prediction, which came to pass (the vote). I think what triggered the feature was the electrical storm that came with the vote. That was a clear sign that Uranus was at work as this planet has been associated with lightning for over 2000 years. Sure enough we saw a classic Uranus outcome. The charts for the Euro and the European Union in all its forms suggest that Asia will give Britain what she needs and that Italy will make Britain an offer she will want to strike a deal over. This in turn affects Greece of course. Over the course of the next seven years Greece will find that wider global changes with the banks and with cryptocurrency directly affect her and it would be very easy for her to go her own way.

  7. Hi jessica
    Thank you for these fabulous pieces on 2020. You are very generous with your time.

    I wondered what your take might be on my chart for Jan 2020. Sun 25 cap and one or two asteroids in the exact range you mention. I’m retired but really hoping for a book breakthrough soon. I’ve used my saturn to work long and hard since 2014. Minor success so far.

    1. Thank you. Jupiter crosses your Ninth House and Node in Sagittarius (publishing) in 2019 and Ceres is also in the Ninth House so there will be at least one opportunity to strike a deal, if not more. We say publishing but actually it goes beyond books into podcasts, radio, television and so on. Jupiter will not come this way again for 12 years so you may want to make the most of this. You have been held up to date by stuck, slow cycles and in fact, if you tried to do all the work November, December you would have been pushing against the tide. Looking further ahead your best bet long-term is to join or rejoin a group, network or circle of people who can help your success. A writers’ group would be one example of that or a crowdfunding platform like Pozible. Your Aquarian stellium will hold you in good stead for many years and you enter a mini Age of Aquarius for 2021, intensifying from 2023. It’s rather like being Angus Young and wanting to be a great guitarist and then realising what you actually need to do is join AC/DC! Just for this year, though, keep looking and watching. There are opportunities that are ahead.

  8. Hi Jessica

    I have Ops at 21 degrees Capricorn but I also have my Nth Node in Libra and Sth in Aries 22 degrees. Close by I have Capricorn in my IC at 23 degrees. Can you please let me know what this could mean for me. Given that I have a stellium in Capricorn, I have never felt like I need to climb the ladder and certainly haven’t in my life. I have very strong ethics and would never want to get to the top using the methods so I hope I don’t fall from the bottom of the ladder 🙂
    Really loved these Part 1 and 2 of this as I also loved the two Capricorn Effects. I read them often.

    1. Ops at 21 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career is the key here. You give 6.00am or a round hour as a birth time and I tend not to use round-hour times as so often we find it was out by several minutes! Your angles – the IC, MC, AC and DC – depend on a strictly accurate time, when the umbilical cord was cut. You would be highly unusual not to be ambitious with a Capricorn stellium. People born with a cluster of factors in Capricorn in the Tenth House usually want to make it, or do better, or go further – socially if not professionally. I am sure your ethics are very strong because I have nice readers! Yet, Capricorn and the Tenth House is about ambition and the two Kates (Kate Middleton and Kate Moss) who are both Sun Capricorn are good examples of women who start in one class and climb to another one – without breaking any rules. You will experience a reshaping of your ambition as Pluto and Saturn cross 0ps in your chart and then Jupiter himself in 2020. For more look up Ops and Tenth House.

  9. Hi Jessica
    I have natal Pluto at 22 Virgo. I am Taurus sun, Pisces rising (I think). Can you tell me what areas I should be looking out for?

    1. You prefer to control (Pluto) your work (Virgo) because duty and service to others (Sixth House) is something you are passionate about (Pluto). This will be triggered as the slow-moving outer planets Pluto himself – in transit, or travelling – and also Saturn in transit – make a trine to your natal or birth position of Pluto. This is a major shift with your work, unpaid work or studies, signalled in December, likely in January. Pluto is about a shift in the balance of power so you’re looking at year-end and new-year resignations, promotions, hirings, retirements and so on. You will probably find yourself deeply involved with questions about the work-life balance at the same time, as your body cannot be separated from your state of mind then and your ability to perform and deliver. In general as you go into 2020 you have a crossroads about quality of day-to-day life, duty to others, commitment to the best service you can give and so on. You have Juno (commitment) at 16 Capricorn and Jupiter (actually her husband in mythology) will move to 16 Capricorn in the year 2020, so it looks like a possible promotion, new job, award or other step up, socially. Of course you could marry up! Have a look at Pluto and the Sixth House when you finish reading this.

  10. Hi Jessica!

    This article is so informative, but I can’t help but to get a harrowing feeling. Per your article I would’ve been 15 or 16 years old in 93-94 and I have factors at 20-22 degrees Scorpio, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Leo.

    I’m wondering if I should be scared or looking forward to this change?

    1. Fear isn’t really necessary as astrology is about pre-planning. Given that you have a line-up of 20, 21, 22 degree patterns in the work and money signs in particular, the time to become flexible is now. This means opening your mind to other options than your old career and finance expectations from 2015-2018 as they are not going to be the answer, long-term. The internet is there for research and it costs nothing, so start to play with the possibilities. Job-sharing, part-time work, new lines of income, full-time study, awards and scholarships and other avenues you may never have bothered with before. What is out there for you and what is happening in your chosen field? Updating yourself with the latest in your preferred business or profession is a very smart idea on this transit. So is staying right across developments with Bitcoin, Paypal, Stripe, and so on. If ever there was a cycle when you need to keep up, and stay open-minded, it is this one. You cannot really hang onto the past once you have Pluto and Saturn in particular, crossing 20, 21, 22 degrees of Capricorn together – with Ceres as well – and we are likely to see December 2019 and January 2020 as the bridge to a completely different world. History tells us the people who do best, when that happens, are those who were already starting to talk and think about change, a good 6-12 months before. For example, when the old slave-based tea trade collapsed in the United States of America, the people who made money were those who had fought against slavery and found other ways of doing business. More than most people in this new Taurus-Capricorn cycle (economy and work) you need to check the way the wind is blowing and then set sail in a new direction.

  11. Hi Jessica, is my money situation going to improve. Broke Aquarius here with no hope – living paycheck to paycheck and short to pay taxes. I have 3 21-22 degrees in my chart.

    1. I am sorry you are broke. It may feel as if you cannot catch up at the moment, but you will. In fact you can turn things around. You are going through the Pluto cycle across 21, 22 degrees of Capricorn, so wider changes in politics, the economy and big business are having a ripple effect on you. This does not last forever and eventually you will be able to make and save money again. Issues like salary and taxation, and the cost of living, are bigger than you – and you are not the only person going through this. For now, one of the best things you can do is find a notebook and write down what is ‘real world’ and ‘not real world’ about your money, possessions, house or apartment. You have been going through a cycle of about 10 years, when the non-real may have replaced the real. For example, borrowing heavily on a credit card, which is not real money! There must be a space in your life for the alternative world. For example, finding a part-time income online through outlets like Fiverr, doing work which is not really ‘real’ like your regular career. Another example would be setting aside a small sum of money every week for the ‘non real’ world of eBay or the local market/car boot sale/charity or thrift shop. You will have your own life and examples. The trick is to keep it (mostly) real and pay your bills. Yet your chart suggests you need some kind of bubble to float around in. You need to set aside some part of your budget and lifestyle for that, to satisfy your need to escape. In time this all changes. For now you do need to rethink – the first week of April is the ideal time, actually. I am seeing a lawnmower for some reason – psychic image!

      1. You’re so right about past 10 years. I had unreal business that I didn’t even like and made money sporadically so I had to borrow heavily on credit cards while in between deals. Right now is getting better. I have a stable job that is enjoyable but doesn’t pay very well. I really want to start inventing and licensing products on the side – this will be my “unreal” bubble where I can roam and I do agree that I need that. I’ll start setting aside money to pay for licensing fees and prototypes. I’m just paying for living 1000% in a bubble for the past 10 years … Thank you so much for your answer.. you’re very kind!! P.S. interesting about lawnmower 🙂

        1. Keeping a bubble of unreality is a good way to handle this Neptune cycle hitting your house of money, shopping, spending, saving and earning. Maybe the lawnmower will make sense later 🙂

  12. Hi Jessica. WOW is all I can say! I knew Capricorn weather was about to take centre stage but had no idea quite how intense nor how many countries and organisations were going to have their charts triggered.

    I also hadn’t thought about how my own chart & family is going to be triggered, but even just from a quick glance it looks to be huge for us too. It sounds almost exactly like you were saying with the USA and the younger generation of women coming for the old white male order.

    We’re a small family (my two parents, myself and my sister, plus my baby daughter) and all our charts are heavily involved. I hope it’s not too dull to write some of the placements out but I literally had to double and triple check some of them because they seemed too coincidental to be true. Surely a radical shake-up of our family order must be on the way?

    Dad (no birth time):
    South Node 18 Cap/NN 18 Cancer
    Ceres 20 Libra
    Sun 22 Sag

    AC approx 19 Scorpio (time she was told by her mum was exactly on the hour so we’re not sure how accurate it is)
    Chiron 18 Sag
    Moon 19 Pisces
    Mercury 23 Taurus
    Juno 21 Virgo

    AC 22 Cap
    NN 18 Taurus/SN 18 Scorpio
    Mars 24 Gemini
    Saturn 23 Scorpio

    AC and SN 20 Libra/NN 20 Aries
    Venus 19 Scorpio
    Mercury 22 Scorpio
    Uranus 19 Sag
    Moon 18 Gemini
    Chiron 21 Gemini

    My baby daughter:
    AC 24 Leo
    Jupiter 20 Scorpio
    Pluto 18 Cap
    Moon 19 Pisces (just like my Mum)

    My Dad is head of the family and the family business (there must be more Cap to him than I’ve seen on the surface of his chart as he’s your typical Saturnian mountain goat – the self-made entrepreneur, patriarch, doesn’t know how to procrastinate, intends to work up until the day he dies…). My sister always had a difficult relationship with him, until, of course, she started working for him and now she’s his self-appointed heir-in-waiting, whereas I prefer to go my own (Venusian) way. My relationship with both my parents has always been good, especially my Dad, but I’ve understood my Mum a lot more since having more daughter and grown closer to her than my dad now. All makes total sense now I’ve looked at the placements.

    I know it’s normal for families to have interconnecting charts but these seems crazy! Presumably Uranus will be having some fun with us while all this is going on too? My sister has Pluto at 2 Scorpio, my Mum Venus 7 Taurus and I don’t know if my Sun at 28 Libra is being triggered across the sign boundary as well? I really don’t know where to start with all these aspects – the phrase hot mess springs to mind! I would love an idea of where to focus when it comes to unpicking it all for the Jan 2020 weather Lx

    1. The 18-21 degree patterns which involve Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, the North Node, South Node and Jupiter happen in stages, taking you and your family from 2019 into 2020 with a particularly intense period in December 2019 and January 2020. This does suggest wider changes in business and the economy which have an impact on your Dad, the self-made success – and the lifestyle and routine that surrounds that, involving your Mum. Of course this affects the whole family. There is no hot mess here, just the need for everybody to start thinking differently about the future. The background transit here is Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus (banking) also slowly moving across the horoscopes, where it will eventually reach 18-21 degrees too. This is really about altering course for all of you, for reasons which may be about the wider economy or politics, but also profoundly personal within the family. Pluto in particular challenges us to let go and release particular old ideas or expectations, in order to transform. The end result is often a really powerful achievement or everlasting outcome. Your family as a whole likely incarnated as a soul group, as you have horoscopes which are interconnected. The wheels turn together. Between now and the year 2023 when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn, you will all need to get used to new ways of operating, both with each other and independently, and specifically in terms of how you see ‘success’ and also what it means to feel abundant. New life budgets will be required where you put a price on what money cannot buy and adjust accordingly. We always, always see a change in the balance of power with Pluto in Capricorn and it may be that the hierarchy within the family changes too. You will take your place in that and all of you together will find new ways to adapt and adjust. Try not to hang on to yesterday.

      1. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Looks like something big is afoot and it’s wonderful to have your insights. Lx

  13. Dear Jessica … love, love, love you site and read it daily. This particular blog has really resonated. I have my Sun at 21 Taurus, Venus at 22 Aries, Saturn at 22 Aquarius, Hygeia at 22 Aries, Salacia at 20 Capricorn, North Node at 22 Cancer and South at 22 Capricorn. MC and IC close by at 19 and Mars also at 19 Leo…. Should I find a cave to go and hide in before 2020 or could it be the most amazing year of my life? Kindest regards Janeen.

    1. Thank you. No cave required, Janeen, but you will find the line-up of planets in Capricorn has an impact on your way of life, your finances, your career and your priorities. The M.C. and I.C. are too wide of the mark, but the cluster around 20, 21, 22 degrees is important, as we have a traffic jam involving Saturn and Pluto – and Ceres – followed by Jupiter – in the year 2020. What is most likely is that a distant reshuffle, merger, resignation, demotion or other shift affects you through six degrees of separation. Pluto trine your Sun suggests that you will have a chance to rediscover your brilliance with finance and budgets. This would appear to be about your title as well, so it may well be your role on a project or just your job as a whole – or your studies. The actual pass over Salacia at 20 Capricorn in your Tenth House occurs earlier, as 2019 slowly turns into 2020. Salacia in Capricorn in the Tenth House is about two roles, two projects or two jobs, which are not particularly real-world. They exist in their own space. You find people working as part-time painters, for example, while also fulfilling the job of nanny to rich parents. The roles or projects tend to be not quite ordinary or everyday. Pluto going over that point suggests a profound change in your professional direction or ambitions in life, either with paid or unpaid work, and it would come as a result of bigger changes at the top. When Pluto and Saturn actually move to 22 Capricorn, have a look at your Nodes as well, because you have past life experience in all aspects of career, success, professional life which will come in extremely useful. What you ‘remember’ particularly as 2020 begins will help you deal with the most tremendous shift all around you, which will also affect your priority list in terms of the house or apartment. You’d have to suspect you would be doing a new life budget, or life maths, as Pluto and Saturn go over that spot – Ceres too. An example would be a promotion that requires you to move.

  14. Dear Jessica,

    My hair stands on end when I read about Amazon trouble coming in January – around my birthday Jan. 9 – with their SouthNode and NorthNode at 22. Same as me, only I have mine the other way round: NorthNode at 22° Taurus, SouthNode at 22° Scorpio.

    We are polar opposites. I dislike all business that has become a monopoly. I am a Small is Beautiful sort of person. Recently I opened an attractive art studio here in Castlemaine, Central Victoria, and everything looks like I might become rather successful – global/financial circumstances permitting. Curious? You can look me up at http://www.studiorapp.com

    What can it possibly mean for me? I always appreciate your insights and comments,

    1. You tend to find people or organisations born (or founded) with the North Node and South Node in Taurus/Scorpio have past life experience being wealthy and also poor. If Amazon has a past life, which it may do – or certainly its C.E.O. does – it would be through the highs and lows of Wall Street. In your own case you have known what it means to be wealthy and also the recipient of welfare or charity. Art is ruled by Taurus as it holds its value and in fact, increases in value, even in times of dramatic financial change. I am sure you know that anyone who bought a Picasso when he was a struggling artist has seen their wealth increase many times over. It is possible that you have been in the art world before, for this very reason. Katharina, the Pluto transit at 23 Capricorn, combined with Saturn, Ceres, Mercury, Jupiter also slowly going over that position, suggests that in the year 2020 the most tremendous changes in big business, politics and – likely – retail – will have a personal impact on you. Every Pluto transit challenges us to use self-control to have control, and willpower to become empowered. Particularly in January 2020 with your business, that would directly apply to you. At that point you would ‘remember’ what you learned in one or more previous lifetimes about working as an artist.

  15. Hi Jessica,

    This articles seems ominous. I have a lot of 20-22 factors but not in Cap (11 & 15). I have Gemini 20, Libra 21, Scorpio 21, Sagittarius 22, Pisces 20 & 20. Can you give me some insight into how this may effect me? Thanks a bunch!

    1. You will find that something as basic as holidays, vacations, foreign currency exchange rates, your dealings with people from other countries is most affected by the heavy ‘change’ weather across 20, 21, 22 degrees of Capricorn. It’s not only that; it is also Jupiter going across the same degrees in Sagittarius in your Ninth House. Look up the Ninth House when you finish reading this, because at a distance, this is where the transformation will occur. A typical example would be a No Deal Brexit which affects, say, the Euro-Pound-Dollar exchange rate and has an impact on your travel plans.

  16. This article gives me a lot to think about. I have a few factors at 20-22. When you list the areas affected is it for the signs of the factors of those degrees or your sun sign? It looks like January will be busy for me but I don’t know how.
    Also I was interested with why you mentioned Iraq under the nuclear power? I thought they didn’t have anything to do with it. It seems like every time that country catches a break, a new problem pops up out of nowhere, like there was never any real closure from the 2003 invasion. Maybe they’d be better off breaking up.
    When I saw the numbers for the eclipse, I first thought of binary, which is what computers understand, but then there are the 2s which isn’t in binary. Wikipedia tells me that a system with 3 different numbers is called ternary so maybe it means something like that? I don’t know how to read them though but they were my first thoughts on that.
    I’m always amazed at how long and detailed your articles are. Thank you for your insights.

    1. Thank you. Your factors at 20, 21, 22 are swept into the slow-moving Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, South Node and Ceres pattern across 20, 21, 22 Capricorn, which catches up with your horoscope in stages between the end of 2019 and most of 2020. This is a classic example of how you can be personally affected by political change, through a ripple effect. So it may be that a new policy on, say, taxation or immigration has a direct effect on your boss or employee, resulting in a reshuffle at work. There are many examples of how ‘great movements’ can trickle down to reshape your life, but in general we are seeing this global shift around the world economy (Taurus) and house and apartment prices (Cancer) and also government (Capricorn) which means tracking basic things like bank mortgage interest rates, property prices and employment trends should become a habit. Uranus can radically change things in a flash, rather like the lightning which it rules, so knowing how the land lies is a definite advantage. I’ll look at Iran and also the strange business of those numbers – 10012020 – in future articles. Thank you.

  17. Hello Jessica! I have the sun at 20 Scorpio, Can to tell me gow I will be impacted. Also in yhe works of building a house with significant other. Will this venture be impacted and obmne last thing still having issues with the presdient of my local union who is a capricorn son.

    Much love – Bonnie

    1. Bonnie, the house-building is karmic in nature as the North Node (past life commitments and promises) is in Cancer in your Fourth House, which rules homes, property, renovations and family or partners involved. It is a symbol of all that you two have to complete together in terms of karmic debts and credits of a spiritual nature, so what goes into the new house, comes out of (and goes in) the actual emotional relationship. The cycle goes back in 19-year loops and in fact, extends beyond your lifetimes. In terms of the upheaval to come at the top of politics, royalty, big business, celebrity (the elite) in January 2020, there will be a ripple effect at a distance on the value of the home you have completed, Bonnie. It is hard to say without your partner’s chart.

  18. Hi Jessica
    This capricorn weather has brought somebody from my past into my energy field again. Can you please tell me how astrology is playing for him with his 23 and 20 degree patterns-

    Vulcano- 23 libra Minerva- 23 scorpio

    North node – 20 aquarius South Node- 20 leo
    Aesculapia- 18 aqua Psyche- 17 aqua
    Venus- 19 capricorn Ops-18 cap
    Bacchus- 17 sag

    Thank you!

    1. The Capricorn weather is not about love, sex and relationships – assuming that is what you mean. What you are probably experiencing is your natal Vulcano at 23 Libra in the Seventh House of former, current and potential partners – being opposed by the Sun at 23 Aries, very soon – and certainly hit by Pluto at 23 Capricorn. Have a look at the myth and art surrounding Vulcano who was the husband of Venus, who committed adultery with Mars. Have a look on Search. That is what you are feeling. And it will be volcanic, through 2020, if you ‘go there’ as they say.

  19. Dear Jessica,
    U have just rejoined your community as a premium member after some time away (I have a lot of reading to do)
    I have Fortuna at 20 capricorn and Mercury at 23 capricorn. I have have read and thought about it and I can’t help coming to the conclusion this is really significant but I can’t seam to figure how or why. It is like I am missing something!
    How does this all affect me?

    1. You have a career reshape going on in 2019, 2020 as Pluto, Saturn, Ceres and Jupiter all pass 20 Capricorn then 23 Capricorn in your Tenth House. You could easily switch jobs, receive a promotion, experience a reshuffle at work (so you have a new role), accept redundancy or go back to full-time education. The process is in slow motion now but by January 2020 you will know exactly where you stand and you’ll have major job choices to make.

  20. Hello Jessica. I don’t know where to put this so hope it’s fine here. Your tweet today startled me greatly today.
    You write for the BBC headline “Newspaper headlines: Divorce shake-up and PM ‘told she is problem” –

    Uranus in Taurus. If you were born October 24, 25, 26 this may be personal!

    I am so shook now. At present, my sister is having a very very difficult marriage since a year and a half and this word of divorce – she cannot because of young kids. But her husband’s b’day is on 26th Oct. 1976). And you so precisely mention these three dates for the above headline (they live in the US though) that it makes me terrified. Add to this their wedding date is on 25th Oct.

    I don’t know what to say, just wanted to tell this. It is making me very tense though. I just want her and my nieces to be very well, at present she is the only one running her home along side a very neglectful and abusive husband. Your data are accurate hence this is making me worry. Am very tense. Apologies for this.

    1. Yes, I did put that on Twitter. You don’t need to feel concerned about this. All it really means is this: the Divorce shake-up rules in the United Kingdom may have an impact on your sister’s husband too. It is hard to say why and how, but he will experience Uranus in the early degrees of Taurus, opposite his Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio. That is a challenge and a change to his fixed ideas about marriage and money. If your sister needs assistance later on, or you do, you will need a birth chart for me to look at – or do go and see a good astrologer, medium or psychic.

      1. Truly appreciate this immediate reply Jessica. Thank you. Yes, I want to talk to my sis about this and going premium as well but at this time she doesn’t want to. She says she knows what to do and discusses with Mum. Its just , the work load on her is a lot and I don’t know how to help now apart from keeping communications open. Thank you so much for your replies Jessica. What you do is very precious.

  21. Hi Jessica
    New Here and amazed on your reports and predictions just got into astrology few months back and still lot to learn. Wondering if my finances will improve money is tight as my Cancer wife stop working 3 yrs ago to look after our 2yo Taurus daughter and 3 months now Pisces boy. Thanks love your work. Mauricio

    1. Thank you Mauricio. I guess you know that we are in ‘the revolution’ with the world economy in 2019, 2020 and you are affected. Uranus, the planet of radical change, is in Taurus, the sign of the bull market and gold bullion, so this is ‘shocks to the world economy’ partly as a result of cryptocurrency and of course the continued investigation into Donald’s alleged money laundering. So how does this affect you and the family? Well, you need to think different. Think laterally. You have been turning to a set way of thinking about income, saving, debt, the budget, the house or apartment and so on. You need to think sideways. Let yourself surf the web for a couple of hours when you have some spare time and just see what you find. Realise who and what is out there these days. This is where you will make some intriguing new discoveries which will help you reshape your financial future. You need to surf the waves of change all around you and at the moment, things are changing every day! Ways of banking. Ways of earning. Children are so precious at that age – you have both ‘paid’ a price to have that – and that’s part of your life budget. And yet, sometimes you need to adjust the budget to make sure the children have what they need later, like tuition. So open yourself up to who/what is new and loosen things up a little in terms of the way you have always thought about yourselves, financially. I see a library clairvoyantly and you need to hit your local library I think to see the books on offer there, or perhaps a free online library!

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