Choosing Launch Dates With Astrology
Together with my friends and colleagues Joanne Madeline Moore and Stephanie Johnson, in Melbourne, I recently launched The Sun Sign School. It is a new course, mostly online, designed to train professional astrologers the art of writing solar sign (Sun Sign) prediction. It is also for absolute beginners who want to find out how it’s done.
Naturally, we looked for a number of different birth times and places. In the internet age, if your business is partly or even wholly virtual, you can do that. In fact, Stephanie’s Astro Gold and Solar Fire computer software is ideal for finding a virtual birth place as well as a time and date.
Using The Sun Sign School as a Guinea Pig
Using our Sun Sign School as a guinea pig (it launches in Los Angeles on Thursday 23rd May at 11.55 pm) we look to the signs of the zodiac which dominate the chart to see what we want.
This is true for your business too. Look at what the signs rule. The Sun Sign School is about famous media astrologers and cutting-edge software developers, so that’s Gemini. We chose a date with the Sun in Gemini and Mercury (the messenger) in Gemini too. The Sun is at 2 Gemini and Mercury is at 6 Gemini when we launch. As this is a global group enterprise made of up of like-minded friends and amigos in the astrology world we also chose the Moon in Aquarius.
At launch minute, we will have the Moon at 6 Aquarius trine Mercury at 6 Gemini. In astrology a trine is a flow. So we have perfect ‘flow’ here between this global circle of outstanding astrologers in the media, training others to also use the media, and in a spirit of collaboration and co-operation.
Matching Patterns
This idea of flow comes up with matching patterns – the aspects – trines, sextiles, conjunctions and even grand trines – in the chart. So line up the numbers! And this is not only in the actual horoscope itself, as planet ‘speaks’ to planet, or asteroid ‘speaks’ to asteroid – it is also about your own chart.
I was born with Jupiter the lucky planet at 22 Taurus, the sign which rules charity, business and property. As we launch The Sun Sign School, I find Pluto the planet of power, in an exact trine at 22 Capricorn. And transiting (travelling) Jupiter is so close by at 21 Sagittarius making what is known as a quincunx aspect. This is historic. And that brings me to another rule, beyond comparing patterns to your own chart and those of your business allies.
Jupiter the Protector and Lucky Planet
Where possible, go for a day/time when travelling or transiting Jupiter is making exact or almost exact patterns (of any kind at all) with the other horoscope factors. And if you can manage to line that up with your own chart you will be in cosmic flow.
Jupiter is a protector! He is there to expand and increase, to help and support, in the horoscope. Yet he also has a reputation for being ‘Last Minute Larry’ in that he can pop in to help at the eleventh hour if there are any issues with your business.
For all the planning in the world, people can drop out. But people can also drop in – just the kind of people you’d love to have involved with your business! Having Jupiter in a strong pattern in the chart for the launch of an enterprise – particularly if he also makes a good click with your own chart – is a really smart idea. Almost any situation or issue can be converted, as this is what Jupiter does.
Using Astrology to Help Flow
Using astrology to help ‘flow’ in this way is a really good idea. You are in synch with the horoscope. Again, using The Sun Sign School as an example, for you to check, we find Jupiter (growth) at 21 Sagittarius (global thinking, publishing) almost exactly semi-sextile Saturn (serious building work) at 20 Capricorn (ambition). If you throw in Pluto at 22 Capricorn (a symbol of power and powerful compromise) also in Capricorn (success) you have a jaw-dropping ‘heavyweight’ horoscope.
Now, over to you. As we celebrate the official launch ‘birth’ of The Sun Sign School (remember to add your name to the waiting list if you haven’t already) I am happy to take some questions about your own personal birth chart. You will need to be a Premium Member, so I can take a look, of course, but do remember to include the likely times/dates you are considering for launch. Without giving too much away, include the nature of the business or idea.
Is it about massage? That’s Virgo and Sixth House. Is it a project for children? That’s Leo and Fifth House. Is it about part-time at-home office work? Again, that’s Virgo. The signs and their houses describe what’s in store, in your chart, for the year that you are thinking of launching…
Soft Launches, Beta Launches and Final Outcomes
Any business actually goes through a number of stages. There may be the date, time and place for the moment the ‘brainchild’ comes into being. There may also be the day and time you register a domain. Then, actual launch – to the people. I am sure you can see how it’s a question of stages, and it is really about how you see the birth or launch.
Mercury Retroshadow and Retrograde
Finally, I am sure you know never to launch on Mercury Retroshadow and Retrograde. Or, if you do, prepare for a relaunch later! Sometimes the relaunch can benefit you, of course, because of all the learning you did in the ‘oh dear’ Mercury Retrograde phase of your company. In astrology, you can certainly try again – and perhaps with a chart that sings to you. There is no issue at all with having a number of relaunches for a corporation, company or project.
In fact, a country like Great Britain – the British Isles – has a number of horoscopes based on each rebirth of her identity and constitution. Since the nation voted for Brexit, she has acquired a brand new chart, believe it or not. There are many, many ‘Englands’ in the mix. There will be yet another ‘England’ and also Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales – when the new Prime Minister signs his or her name on the legal document that signals departure.
Involving Colleagues, Clients and Partners in the Business
Naturally, you need a chart which speaks well to all the players in your business, project or company. Eyeballing those charts for Jupiter (protection, help, natural good timing, luck, abundance, ease) is a smart idea. Is Jupiter at the same, or a close degree (say, one degree away) from their horoscope factors? What about their natal or birth Jupiter position? Are there patterns triggering that, for everybody concerned?
In astrology we use a number of different house systems and techniques to get to our truth. Stephanie Johnson from Esotech/Solar Fire/Astrogold is my esteemed colleague in the Sun Sign School and sent over this chart on Twitter so I could see the horoscope for our venture, through the eyes of a monk and astrologer called Placidus (this is his house system, the Placidus house system). If something is true in astrology, it is ‘spoken’ in many different languages, including over 30 techniques made possible with Stephanie’s software. So here it is.
They call this ‘Election Astrology’ when you elect a time, date and place to begin a venture. What’s nice about this chart is that Jupiter (opportunity, growth, expansion, good fortune, protection) is at 21 Sagittarius in the Eleventh House of groups, community and friendship. The Sun Sign School is a circle of well-known, gifted, vastly experienced professional astrologers who have decided it’s time to share their wisdom and knowledge – about Sun Sign work.
The Soul or Spirit of the Sun Sign School
Jupiter is in a semi-sextile to Pluto at 22 Capricorn in the Twelfth House and Saturn at 20 Capricorn in the Twelfth House. There is only one degree’s difference. The Twelfth House reveals the soul or spirit of a venture. The relationship with the Universe, heaven, the angels – perhaps any inner demons – and ‘God’. The school has a powerful (Pluto) soul. Its spiritual centre will always be hard work (Saturn). Yet – every venture needs to have Saturn somewhere!
In astrology, exact degrees or numbers are important and when you use software like Astrogold or Solar Fire to pull up a chart, you can scan it quickly for matching patterns, or close (by one degree, in modern astrology).
Here we have a global, online school – born in Los Angeles – for the world. The Moon at 6 Aquarius (the sign ruling groups and friends) in the First House of branding, lines up with Chiron at 5 Aries in the Second House of cash flow. Chiron is a symbol of audacity, chutzpah and above all – teaching. Mercury at 6 Gemini is a symbol of multimedia and internet and makes a perfect trine to the Moon. We find Mercury in the Fourth House, which ties us to Los Angeles. Mars at 5 Cancer in the Fifth House is a statement about youth, Millennials, and teenagers. This school will reach out to people born in the 1990’s-2000’s, over time. Mars is about drive, energy, push and speed.
Using the Sun Sign School as a Guinea Pig
Still using the Sun Sign School as a guinea pig – can you see the other pattern here? Neptune at 18 Pisces in the Second House is tied to the South Node at 18 Capricorn in the Twelfth House and the North Node at 18 Cancer in the Sixth House. That’s huge. The finances of this school will always be a holiday from reality – another world to escape into! There is karma here, for this school, going back into past lifetimes – regarding business (Second House) but also work, duty and service to others (Sixth House).
People who make a success of their time learning media-friendly horoscope work at the Sun Sign School can then opt to learn birth chart astrology, and (with me) astrology and tarot, together. That’s really where the part-time or full-time income is these days, and that would explain why this school is about a vacation from ‘real’ or regular income. Nice!
You might say this school started any time. Maybe it began a few years ago when Jo, Stephanie and I were dreaming it up at the Federation of Australian Astrologers’ conference. Perhaps it began when my webmasters at Asporea registered the domain. Like a country, a business venture has stages or incarnations. This is the latest and greatest. When Jupiter goes through Pisces and then Aries in the years 2022-2023 she’ll make a fortune. Looking forward!
Alternative ‘Takes’ on a Horoscope for Your Project
Astrology shows many angles on the same picture. Like different film cameras on the same Hollywood movie. When we talk about a ‘take’ it’s just like a director’s second, third or fourth version. Using a different house system, adding some asteroids, can show another truth, or alternative angle, on your project. This is a great way of getting a second opinion or doubling up. Below this Astrogold chart, you can see a free Astrodienst chart – using Aries 0 on the First House cusp. This is the Natural House system where the zodiac signs and their houses fall naturally around the wheel.
On the subject of money and cash flow, here we have a school ‘born’ with Venus at 10 Taurus in the Second House and Uranus at 4 Taurus – wise Minerva is there too (she is Jupiter’s daughter) at 26 Taurus. In this system the MC or Midheaven (the school’s highest calling and purpose) is 19 Scorpio. There are many ways to spin a wheel! Here you can see I’ve included the dwarf planet Ceres, who was reclassified along with Pluto in the year 2006. She is in Sagittarius in the Ninth House – the house of teachers and students. Now, do you have a question for me about your business, event or venture? I’ll need to know, broadly, the nature of this – and then we can see how it lines up with the heavens…

80 Responses
Dear Jessica,
Congratulations for finally launching your online sun-sign school ,reading your explanation about the launch chart it seems inevitable that this will be a huge success!
I am thinking of launching an online catering business in addition to my ongoing corporate catering business. I am half way there so I can be ready in 1-2 months. Since transit Saturn and Pluto are like exact square with my Sun 20 Libra and conjuct my north node at 21 Capricorn, the flow you mentioned seems to be missing!! I would love to hear your opinions about the possible dates ( from July-October 2019 ) and how to select them. I will have my Jupiter return by December 2019( Jupiter 2 Capricorn , would it be better to wait? Thank you very much:))
Thank you! Catering is Cancer and the Fourth House (feeding people as if they were your own family) and also Virgo and the Sixth House (making everything perfectly wholesome and in perfect detail). We also need to look at your financial ‘born with’ factors and that is Taurus/Second House and Scorpio/Eighth House. It really depends on the value you place on having a predictable life. You were born with Mercury, Cupido and Juno very closely connected at 3, 5, 6 degrees. We have Uranus the king of the wild ride, moving right opposite, in 2019 and 2020, as he goes across 3, 5, 6 Taurus. That’s electrical storms financially. You do have your Jupiter Return coming up from December 2019 which is wonderful to see, and there will be a remarkable success solution or opportunity by January 2020. I can see why you are drawn to catering, with your Venus, Apollo and Panacea in Virgo – and Diana and Proserpina in Cancer – yet one question to ask yourself (along with the necessary one of how much certainty you do or don’t want in your bank account) is really about your own freedom. You are an excellent free spirit and free agent, connecting different people or organisations with your home-style cooking. (Perhaps traditional recipes from your mum’s side of the family tree maybe?) Yet, Diana wanted total space and independence and I do wonder about that, as this other business would tie you down. It’s really up to you. Have a look at your Oracle and Tarot cards that come with membership.
Thank you so much. I’ll have a look at the Oracle and Tarot cards.
This is such a great and timely article Jessica! Congrats on the launch of the sun sign school in the near future. I am sure it will be a great success!
I am thinking of re-launching my skin care product business but I have a big international move first and need to get settled. Although my brand is created it is unknown outside of my local community since I have only sold my products at the Christmas market last year and to friends and family. My plan is to sell my products worldwide through my website. So although it is a product business, I will depend heavily on the web and communication to get the business going. Can you suggest a date in late 2019 or anytime in 2020 which would be the best time to launch? What would count as a launch? When I register my business or when my website goes live? Based on my chart, would be this be the best way to sell my products or should I try to sell it in a more traditional way by trying to get my products into stores?
Thanks so much for all you do! I have been a member since 2016 and plan on staying a lifelong member!
Thank you so much for your kind words and I will pass that feedback onto (in alphabetical order) Alyas, James, Jodi, Justin, Kerry and Sarah as lifelong Premium Membership is a really great compliment. You want to sell skincare through your website. What counts as a launch here is when *you* think it launches! This is a really good question. My colleague Maggie Hyde thought the Sun Sign School might have had its true birth when Stephanie Johnson, Joanne Madeline Moore and I first shared the idea at an astrology conference some years ago. We are having a soft launch, I guess, with everything being rolled out later – but for me, this particular date, time and place was very specifically chosen and I announced it on Twitter. So there you are. For me, it’s a Gemini baby with an Aquarius Moon, which is what you want for global, community-based education online. Now, you are talking about a Virgo business, which skin cares is all about. We associate the skin with daily rituals, cleansing and moisturising, for example – and the bathroom. Looking at your chart for Virgo factors, we find Venus (the goddess who rules beauty) at 2 Virgo in your Sixth House. Her symbol is a truncated hand mirror in astrology. Have a look at paintings of Venus around the internet and you will see her staring into a hand mirror. She is sextile Uranus at 1 Scorpio so you are already looking at quite an unpredictable business picture here. Normally you would be okay surfing the waves of change, but we also have Uranus hovering over 0, 1, 2 Taurus in 2019 and 2020, so if you can do this at any time at all, you may want to wait for transiting or travelling Uranus to move right off those degrees. You really don’t want that bumpy start that comes with Uranus at 1 Taurus opposite natal Uranus at 1 Scorpio across the Second House and Eighth House of money, and certainly not with Venus herself tied into the pattern. So the boring answer is – research and wait. Even if you believe you have the opportunity of your dreams when Jupiter (solutions) goes across 0, 1, 2, Capricorn from December this year, into January 2020, you still might want to wait until you are past May 2020 when you will have clear insights into the reality of the business picture, banks, the share market and the rest. Once Uranus moves to 4, 5, 6 Taurus and beyond you are in a much better position. You want to know if you should sell online or in shops? There may be a third and fourth way later on. It’s that kind of economy, it will be unusual and full of surprises so stay updated all the time on the latest and greatest ways to move your products.
Hi Jessica, I would really like to buy my first home. Looking at my birth chart, are there any really auspicious times this year for me to find / purchase a home? Thanks
You have a huge stellium in Cancer in your Fourth House which rules property and the North Node (karma) is going through Cancer in 2019 and 2020, so actually, some decisions will be taken out of your hands. You will be returned to the past, and perhaps a past life, by next year – in terms of the house, apartment, area or even the country. I suspect family or ancestors will have a fair bit to do with this. In general, you are moving through the most unpredictable financial cycle of your life, with Uranus (occasional surprises, upheavals and lightning bolts) in Taurus, triggering the Second House and Eighth House axis of your chart, dotted with factors in Taurus and Scorpio. So, at the very heart of this, is a need to be super flexible. You would not want to lock yourself down too heavily or tightly with a commitment on this cycle, and giving yourself a ton of space to make changes later is a smart idea. You are a born homemaker though and actually put a nest above other considerations. Yet, you have to be smart. We are in for a wild economic ride over the next 7 years and those who do best, will be those who can move lightly and quickly when they have to.
Thanks Jessica. It sounds like I should hold off buying, or perhaps but something as a stepping stone rather than my dream home. I will be purchasing by myself, but am wondering how the north node going through cancer and Uranus in Taurus is impacting.on my Taurus and Scorpio factors in relation to my love life. It is complicated because after really being alone for a long time, I have two former partners indicating they’d like to reconnect…the Leo is my first real love, the Gemini is the father of my kids. I have feelings for them both but there’s baggage too so perhaps it’s time to start afresh as I am open to meeting someone new. All the best to you with the launch of the Sun signs schools. It’s great that you and the other astrologers are sharing your knowledge in this way.
Aha, the plot thickens. (And thank you for the compliment, which I will pass onto my friends and colleagues Barbara Dunn and Maggie Hyde (Cosmopolitan magazine), Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank (both astrologers to Diana, Princess of Wales) – and Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore (leading lights in astrology across Australia, New Zealand and Asia). Now, you have a Leo and Gemini to choose from but you are also wondering if you should walk away and start again. The question of a lover and partner does rather change the original property question! Gemini is in the zone with you to repair and fix past problems and wrongs, if you can be motivated to make the move towards closure. Even then in 2019 this is not over for him (though it would go well with you) as in 2021, 2022 he must attend to karmic debts and credits not only with you, but also with another ex of his, perhaps, or even the new woman in his life by then (assuming you do not reconcile). Here’s the thing. You could also reconcile or at least fix the past with Leo, but not until the year 2021, 2022, 2023 and onwards. So you have a ton of choices here. Both men are in the zone for ‘fixing up’ with you. From there you can choose if you actually want to reunite and that would mean a big switch on property choices. Can I suggest you use your Tarot and Astrology Oracle to drill down deeper into this? Without the charts of both men or the children it is hard to say more and this is such an intensely personal matter for you!
Thanks Jessica! The Gemini is 31st of May 1968 and the Leo is 4th of August 1971. My son is the 16th of February 2013 and my daughter is the 8th of January 2015. I have tried using astrology Oracle and have used tarot in the past. It is intensely personal and I feel a little paralysed because I’m worried about making a poor choice. Which is why I intended to just focus on a new home for my kids, and play it by ear in terms of the Gemini and Leo over the next few months. All the best.
PS. I’m divorced from the Gemini and really just friends with the Leo at the moment! But yes, it is complicated.
Hi Jessica. Where do we waitlist for your course please. Thanks
Hello from London. You can waitlist by hitting Search and looking for Sun Sign School.
Hi Jessica
I have quite a few planets in Jupiter I think and in my ninth house. Could you give me an example how to use these in terms of wen to launch videos on my YouTube channel? And what areas my chart is affected by Jupiter?
You need to tell me what your videos are about, please, as much depends on the content! If about travel, for example, you would prepare for a long soft launch until November, then pull out all the stops. Why? Sagittarius weather across your Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House of travel.
My YouTube videos are on Mental health and meditation, I also have my book called goddess reiki healing, which needs a digital relaunch.
I can’t wait to see you again for the next talk, I took away so much x
Great, so we’re across Virgo/Sixth House matters here. Virgo ruled by Mercury (information) also rules your Sixth House of work, lifestyle and the mind, body and spirit. You were born with Mars at 21 Virgo in a stunning pattern with Venus at 22 Capricorn – Capricorn ruling your Tenth House of success and Venus being about ‘complicated relationships.’ You also have the South Node at 23 Capricorn, so close to Venus. Finally you have Neptune (holiday from reality, escapes from the regular world, other spheres and realms – like healing) at 23 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of education. You were born to do this and must, must, must use 2019 to ‘seize the day’ as Jupiter the planet of abundance, opportunity, growth, improvement and progress is slowly moving to 23 Sagittarius. I think November is peak launch month for you. And just wait until Jupiter goes on to 21, 22, 23 Capricorn in the year 2020. What you are watching here is the 21, 22, 23 degree pattern in your chart being brought to life. Thank you for your compliment, I look forward to seeing you at my next London event, which is our Stonehenge Astrology Podcast launch.
Dear Jessica,
First of all, congratulations to your launch of Sun Sign
School ! I wish SSS’ Success !
Thank you for your article and your kind offer to take questions on launching a business. I am going to launch a joint company this year with my partner. The name of the company is “OK PROBIO”. Our company will do probiotics, yeasts, fermentation, health drinks, gluten free ice cream, diet foods, functional cosmetics, and so on. Technology transfer, license dealings, manufacturing, and sales of related products.
My partner is, like me, an Aquarius Sun, Sag Asc., with Jupiter in Sag. His nodes and mine are quite opposite. When should we launch our business? Is it proper to launch a company when Jupiter and Saturn are going retrograde? Thank you.
Thank you, I will pass that onto my colleagues. Thanks also for giving me this information about your company which makes it a lot easier to look at the astrology. The nature of your company is Virgo – the body – so let’s look at how Virgo the zodiac sign shapes up in your chart, with its rulership of the Sixth House. You have Mars at 2 Virgo, so look up Mars and the Sixth House when you finish reading this. You are competitive, fearless, thrusting, bold and sometimes prepared to be quite aggressive when it comes to your own and other people’s food, drink, prescribed drugs, health and wellbeing. You also have an exact trine to Ceres at 2 Taurus which is about the Second House of business. Ceres is a symbol of great natural power, but occasional carve-ups and compromises about that power. For example, with the bank – or a business partner. If your Nodes are also triggered by your partner then you two share a past life together and in Taurus and Scorpio, it was also about sex and money last time (and death and property, to be accurate). There are some debts and credits to sort out here. The other big player in this pattern is Fortuna at 1 Pisces, opposite Mars and sextile Ceres. So every time you launch into battle with your competitors in this crowded marketplace, you find the wheel of fate and fortune spins, spiritually, for you. This is really a matter for your soul as Fortuna is in your Twelfth House, which you can also look up, but I think a bit of soul-searching is called for. With Uranus also going across 1, 2, 3 Taurus in 2019-2020 you are right at the heart of the most unpredictable cycle you could possibly choose to launch. Exciting, galvanising, but also like surfing the wildest waves in the stormiest sea under one lightning bolt after another. Are you prepared for that? Are you also prepared to see old karmic debts and credits settled with a partner? You don’t say what degree your partner’s nodes in Taurus-Scorpio are but if they are also around 1, 2, 3 then this is a heavily fated wild ride. I think what would be useful here, beyond all considerations of beating competitors, being number one or making money – is what your own soul or spirit tells you about your intentions. These are other people’s bodies you are dealing with, after all, and other people’s bodies are a curious thing – not necessarily always ‘one size fits all’ in their genetic composition or individual make-up! That is what the astrology is showing me.
Thank you Jessica! Hope you had a good Planet earth day yesterday! I have a quick question regarding my daughter, born February 22nd 1997 at 12.49 pm. ( Middle East) Can you see if her upcoming interview on June 4th is the right launch time for her career? If so Is she moving to a new city/country or staying close to home? Thank you and have a blessed day!
Thank you. Our Climate Strike goes on, around the world, as I am now in London while my colleague at The Sun Sign School, Joanne Madeline Moore (in Australia) finished her strike a few hours ago. I hope you are enjoying the day. You don’t say where in the Middle East your daughter was born and the town, city or village is important. You also need to tell me what kind of career, please – or maybe just have her write the question, into your own question? Thank you.
Hi Jessica!
I will start a new job this June. I will also have a very important exam in October-November this year. Any guidance regarding that will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Your job begins on a lot of Gemini-Sagittarius weather – so you may need to set aside more time to sort out language differences. This may be literally another nationality and your own, or there may be technical language questions here – HTML or the professional lingo, for example. It is worth allowing for more space to learn this in June. You also need to pay attention to your daily commute and any short haul travel. Sometimes what you would normally take for granted needs more care and thought on this kind of cycle. The exam for you looks packed with potential if you reboot your commitment to study now and do all you can to learn, fully and thoroughly. You are rather blessed here, but don’t take anything for granted: if you give this 100% though Jupiter may well give you 200% and more back, by the time November rolls around. Good luck Dana.
Thank you, Jessica!
Dear Jessica,
Thanks for this new article. I’m trying to find a good date to launch a self-published book. Is there a preferred time this year ?
Merci and lots of love from France.
Merci – I was just in Paris – the bliss of Fragonard is incredible, isn’t it? Books are ruled by Sagittarius in astrology and the Ninth House. You were born with the Sun at 12 Sagittarius, Mercury at 16 Sagittarius (the planet of the writer) and Neptune at 11 degrees, also in that sign. In a year with both Ceres and Jupiter going through Sagittarius, offering you empowerment and opportunity, this is the year to do it. Avoid the Mercury Retrogrades, please – I am heading for the ocean and don’t have my ephemeris with me – but if you look up Mercury Retrograde on Search you will see when *not* to do this thing! Yet apart from those dates, the field is wide open for you. Look up Ceres, Jupiter, Ninth House to see the weather for yourself this year. November would be a great time as the Sun will go over your Sun (Solar Return or birthday – Many Happy Returns) and also pass Mercury and Neptune. So you would get terrific publicity and profile from your launch. In general try to get it out there by the first week of December at the very latest. Do be prepared to strike a deal/tough compromise with others – perhaps collaborators or the company you use.
Bonjour Jessica
I thoroughly enjoy the Astrology Blog. Please keep the articles coming. You drew a Tarot card for me at the Astrology meetup at the Abbotsford Convent in February, which you accurately (as always) predicted, was a reflection of my partner’s reluctance to reshuffle our finances so we could purchase an apartment together. We have since had a financial agreement drawn up and had our loan preapproved. However we are yet to find an apartment we both like. When are we likely to find an apartment we both like and when would be an auspicious time for us to make an offer please? My partner was born on 25.03.61 at 4.20am in Bendigo VIC Australia.
Merci d’avance.
Thank you. Bonjour – I was just in Paris. So you both want to buy an apartment and you are thinking about timing with your March-born partner. Cancer and the Fourth House are about your soul satisfaction with the residence itself; the rooms; the local area. The truest picture of an apartment buy is Scorpio and Eighth House (sex, money, mortgage) and related to this is Taurus (your own investment or budget) and the Second House. So what do we have here? Well, you have the Ascendant (Rising Sign) Cancer, which is not so much about what goes on in your life, as it is about the image you project. Sure enough you project as French in Australia – and we do associate Cancer with the family tree, heritage, culture, roots and background. Yet that is not enough to really say much about buying an apartment. You do have Neptune, the IC, Apollo and Psyche in Scorpio. That draws the eye. I am concerned about Uranus (upheaval, sudden changes, the world turning upside down) moving right opposite Psyche at 3 Scorpio and Apollo at 4 Scorpio this year, and also next year. Clearly you are a natural leader in all financial-sexual matters as you have Apollo in the Eighth House. However, Psyche, though she lasts forever (this is your will and inheritance) is also notorious for throwing tests and trials. Is it possible for you to give yourselves a really long period of time to look and buy? I don’t have my ephemeris with me as I am heading for the yacht and travelling light, but you need to look up his chart and see if he also has factors at 3, 4 degrees – and particularly in Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and/or Taurus. If so you would be drawn into quite a radical change of path together with this real estate move and you need to be aware of that. This is not so much about the actual apartment and the lifestyle and the rest – it is specifically about the financials. Have a look at his chart, use your Tarot and Astrology Oracle too and look at 2019, 2020 then make up your own mind. Obviously Uranus moves on and goes past 4 degrees next year, right out of the zone, until he ends up at 12 Taurus across your MC-IC axis, and then much later, opposes your Neptune in Scorpio. For this reason, I suggest taking your time with this, if you possibly can, and then keeping arrangements fluid and flexible enough so that when life zig-zags in the future, you can zig-zag with it. Staying light on your feet is a smart move in this Uranus in Taurus cycle in your Second House as it opposes everything you have in the Eighth House, which has long been associated with mortgages.
Hi Jessica
I have a new book to launch on amazon. It is for 10plus year olds, of the science fiction genre. I am planning an e-book release at first. Is there a time in the next couple of months that would work well.
Thank you
Sure, publishing in your horoscope is ruled by Sagittarius and the Ninth House, and children are ruled by Leo and the Fifth House. You probably know that Beatrix Potter, J.K. Rowling and Enid Blyton were all Sun Leo children’s authors. You have a dazzling stellium in Leo, with Apollo, Ops, Venus, Jupiter, Ceres and the IC all there. Nothing in Sagittarius! You will still have Jupiter in Sagittarius passing through your chart in 2019, though, making a trine to all your Leo placements which helps the flow. I would say the real story here is not being a Number One Amazon list bestseller so much as loving the young audience you attract; going to children’s book events and festivals/library nights – and really owning your role as Queen to a younger court. Avoid Mercury Retrograde in Leo, okay? I am heading for my yacht and don’t have my books to hand, as I reply to your question, but you need to hit Search and see a post on Mercury Retrograde with the dates – specific to the sign of Leo. There is a period in July-August you may want to skip, if only because you would hit the usual delays, rewrites and changes that come with this cycle. Yet, beyond that, this is the year to snap up the biggest and best chances to publish, in 12 years. Not just Amazon but right around the web, and in the real world too, there will be open doors for you to pursue your heart’s desire, to reach those ten-year-olds. For more on your chart look up Fifth House because you ‘live’ there.
Thank you Jessica
7-31 July, will def avoid and a bit before and after. Hopefully project will be complete soon, so will look at a June launch.
Thank you.
All the best with it!
How can I get on the waitlist. The search only brings up the blog posts.
I’m sorry about that, Sue. The website to waitlist for The Sun Sign School is – thank you.
Wish you all the luck in the world for your new business launch, Jessica!
What do you suggest about my relocation date plan and career (again) or business launch date, if luckily there happens to be one?!
Wish u all the success and wonders with your upcoming venture.
Thank you! Use 2019 to study and learn. I have probably passed this onto you before, but you are in a major career reshape through 2020, 2021, 2022. It is very hard work. And yet you need to rebuild and restructure what success means to you. The key is learning, formally or informally, this year. Jupiter is passing through Sagittarius and your Ninth House. When he gets to 24 and 26 Sagittarius at the end of this year and particularly when the Sun is also very close to 24 and 26, you could snap up a great qualification, graduate with honours, or find what you have learned helps you get an amazing new role or project. From there you experience Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020 in your Tenth House of achievement. If there was ever a year to study, it is 2019.
Thank you Jessica,
Thanks a lot for giving us how to help see a distant future with your astrology technology. Your answer helps me conider for launching the company. Here are some additional data of my potential partner : Moon, Taurus 20; Mars, Leo 24; Mercury, Aqu. 10; Jupiter, Sag. 11; Venus, Capricorn 3; Saturn, Pices 11; Uranus, Capricon 27, Neptune, Capricon 23, Pluto, Sag . 0; Chiron, Virgo 26, Ceres, Leo 12; Fortune, Virgo 2; North Node, Scorpio 9.
Your prediction is amazingly correct . As if it is my duty to return back the debt form previous live (Nodes), I have already decided to give away most of my share to my partner.
May I get your advice whether we have to wait of launching until Uranus passes Taurus 3, or any time this year? Thanks a lot.
Thank you. Please do not give away most of your share to your partner – unless there are sound legal reasons for doing so – under the advice of a professional in the financial and/or legal field! Of course, your life is your own, but there is no astrological reason for you doing that. My concern is your Taurus-Scorpio line-up at 18, 19 degrees which means that your Second House of money and Eighth House of shared finances, are both in the zone. When you experience transiting or travelling Uranus (upheaval, radical change) moving to 18, 19 Taurus some years from now, any business or company you have will be on the line. It is hard to say more without your partner’s chart but if this person also has patterns at 18, 19 you can bet that this is the focus, long-term. And it would be very, very hard work for you to keep things stable and secure. Another question for you might be, forget about the money, do you do this for job satisfaction? Other perks? Because if so, it becomes less about the money (Taurus-Scorpio) and more about the lifestyle (Virgo) or the success (Capricorn). Everyone has a different reason for starting a business. For some people like me – popping myself in as an example – it’s about the beauty of a good idea and making it work. And doing the right thing by people, as much as I can, in this incarnation – on this planet! So…not about big bucks, necessarily. What is your motivation at the very core of you? Maybe it is even your partner in which case we would be looking at Libra in your chart too…
Thank you very much for your kind professional advice, Jessica. I forgot to mention that my partner has Sun sign at 18 Aquarius. I am worried what would happen when Uranus passes 18,19 Taurus – conjuncting my NN, opposing my SN, and squaring Sun of my partner. Although I will launch my business not solely for money – mostly for self satisfaction, pride, and sense of adventure – I am concerned that at that time my partner would cheat me, or break the business and relationship. Please tell me which year it could happen and how I should prevent or make less evil it. Thank you again for your answers despite your busyness .
If your partner has the Sun at 18 Aquarius in the Eleventh House and you were born with Saturn at 19 Leo in the Fifth House, Vulcano at 18 Taurus in the Second House, Psyche at 18 Scorpio in the Eighth House, North Node at 19 Taurus in the Second House, South Node at 19 Scorpio I the Eighth House…it never rains, but it pours, with you two. In other words, in terms of his friendships and the groups he belongs to (Eleventh House) and the children, young people or parenthood-potential relationships in your life (Fifth House) and naturally the money (Second House, Eighth House) – you will both go through extremes. As one of those extremes will involve Uranus in transit crossing 17, 18, 19 Taurus in the years ahead, you may want to take a good, long look at your business plan. It is very clear that Uranus is a symbol of surprise/shock, radical change, revolution, rebellion and independence in astrology. When Uranus conjuncts your North Node and Vulcano (never ignore the asteroids) that’s an electrical storm – and of course Uranus will also oppose your South Node at 19 Scorpio and conjunct your Psyche at 18 Scorpio (again, never ignore the asteroids). If you must go ahead with this partnership, remembering you are asking me just days after a Full Moon in Taurus-Scorpio (last weekend), then get the best professional advice you can afford about protecting yourself against future disruption. On the plus side, when Jupiter goes to 17, 18, 19 Capricorn in the year 2020, you benefit from wonderful opportunities and solutions, personally and financially! Yet, we also have to take into account that you are experiencing Neptune at 18 Pisces, right now, and he hangs around that degree for rather a long time. So it’s up to you. Use your Tarot and Astrology Oracle cards that come with Premium Membership to drill down into solutions and different angles.
Thank you! I will pass that on to my colleagues and friends – the V.S.T group (Very Special Tutors). You want to sell cards and prints online, Louisa. You are doing this in an unpredictable economy as Uranus is in Taurus for some years now. Uranus rules electricity and all new inventions. Have you considered e-cards? Electric cars are the future of the economy just as electric ‘anything’ happens to be. Another thought – you need to decide if you are in it for the money or the love. If for the money, then you need to have your chart handy and look at Taurus and Scorpio there. I can’t see a chart here so I’m afraid I have nothing to pass onto you. If for love, then I suspect Virgo/Sixth House is your answer and of course Virgo is associated with artisan craftsmanship and the love of detail – and nature. Have a look at that. Sometimes job satisfaction is all, too.
Hey Jessica,
My school program starts in the fall. I am taking a couple of classes this summer. I think I am on the right path. Personally, things are a bit messy. I have gained a lot of weight over the past year. I have come to the realization that the ex boyfriend is toxic, and he always will be. Will not break down and unblock him again the problem I am having is with body issues. I am researching a new gym to go to, because I really need a routine. I don’t have the discipline to work out at home. It’s just a fact. I have done some soul searching over the past few days, and it is make it or break it time. Especially regarding getting the weight off, and having the courage to break out of my comfort zone. It isn’t comfortable, nor is it healthy. I need to meet new people, etc. I kept 135 pounds off for 2 1/2 years. Gained back 40 in the past 9 months. That is also when the ex started communicating with me again. I take personal responsibility for allowing it to happen. I chose to answer him. I chose to break into bad eating habits again. That’s on me. Any suggestions that will help when you check my chart would be great. I am aware of how difficult this is going to be. I’ve done it before. Need to stop berating myself and just get started. Summer is my favorite season, and I am determined to enjoy it.
Being overweight is a concern for so many readers. The food (supermarket) and fast food industry make a lot of money from pushing our buttons about being fat. I am sure you know how cynical the food business is. Laboratory animals pushing levers and the rest – it’s pretty bad stuff. Astrology can help you do your own thing, break free and lose weight – your way. As many readers on here struggle with being too fat, what I have to say to you may be of use to them too. You are not alone! The problem is likely your mother or a family member. You were born with the Sun at 13 Cancer, Saturn at 9 Cancer, Minerva at 15 Cancer in the Fourth House, which rules your maternal family tree line, so perhaps a grandmother or great-grandmother is in there too. Saturn is a big one as this is a burden to carry. There is quite justifiable fear around a member of the family, or just vague anxiety/anticipation/self-protection/mild paranoia – which is a classic sign of Saturn at work. Home is where you are fed and your mother feeds you first, as a baby, with breast or bottled milk. Home is also not necessarily where the heart is for you. You have found your ex-boyfriend is toxic. Good. You may detect a pattern with him, that is also familiar to you with a family member. Sometimes it is a tenant who is in the home when you are growing up; a lodger; a permanent house guest. Have a look at dairy and sugar in your life because people with this kind of chart pattern often go hungering for security, comfort and reassurance and turn to anything that reminds them of mother’s milk (or worse, powdered formula). Your instincts are right about the gym. You have Chiron at 24 Aries and Bacchus at 16 Aries. You are going to lose the weight and not only that completely relaunch your look, name, brand, image and profile. Why? Chiron is also in Aries, right now, so you are moving towards a Chiron Return in the First House, not long after Chiron has also conjuncted Bacchus, a symbol of pleasure (pleasure in your own appearance). Female warrior archetypes will help you visualise who you might become. Use Pinterest to create a board of strong, potent, powerful, fast females. Step away from the food issue. Go into the strength/speed that you were born to express. I do wonder if there were not some incidents for you as a child or young teenager when you were ‘out there’, upfront, and perhaps too much for one family member who decided to block you. Enough amateur psychology! Look up Chiron and First House, Bacchus on Search to find out more about the Aries pattern you were born with. Look up Fourth House, Saturn, to see why there is an issue there. You’ll do this. Enjoy it!
Hi Jessica, hope all is well. I’ve had an unexpected, bit of a unicorn job opportunity that came up unexpectedly recently and allows me to keep my own business. When I saw this post, I thought I would check in with you about the timing (some of which is past, the future start dates unchangeable as I have already agreed). Do you have any insights you can share, please? I hope the following chronology helps.
I got the cold call email from the headhunter on April 30.
I spoke with him and emailed my CV on May 1. I believe it was the next day the company indicated they wanted to interview me.
The initial interview was May 7.
The second interview, which the company set up because I wanted to make sure and where I signed the agreement, was May 10.
I start part time this Monday (May 27), full time July 1.
Thank you!
It’s great you can start part-time with this new ‘unicorn’ job on 27th May and go full time on 1st July. On 27th May we find Venus 14 Taurus, Fortuna 14 Scorpio, Mars 7 Cancer, Ceres 7 Sagittarius – you have a 13/14 degree chart pattern – and a 6/7 degree chart pattern too. You might say this was meant to be. For some reason my readers are often coy about what kind of business or career is at stake! That makes it impossible to call, as I just don’t know if it’s a Sagittarius enterprise (publishing, travel, the worldwide web) or health care (Virgo) or finance (Taurus) or whatever. On 1st July we find Juno at 4 Leo, Salacia at 4 Aries, Chiron at 5 Aries, Vulcano at 5 Leo, Uranus at 5 Taurus, Fortuna at 10 Scorpio going stationary direct (running on the spot), Venus at 27 Gemini, Cupido at 27 Virgo, Jupiter at 16 Sagittarius, Bacchus at 16 Gemini. You have a 4/5 degree pattern in your chart here, which is well and truly waking up. Your Psyche is at 16 Gemini so I assume this involves the internet, telephones or multimedia as on that day you have Jupiter at 16 Sagittarius right opposite, for the first time in 12 years, and on the same day, Bacchus (pleasure) right on your Psyche at 16 Gemini! This augurs very well. None of this will be regular, predictable or remotely normal. It will all be totally worth doing for you, and you might want to look up Psyche and Third House and Jupiter and Bacchus because you can then put it together and see what is in store. The words, project, product or idea will outlive you. Did you know that? It will be there long after you and I have left the planet!
Thank you, Jessica! It’s a legal job for a consumer packaged goods manufacturer in the automotive, household cleaning and personal care products space. Varied work but in my area of specialization – and my boss seems quite enthusiastic about having me join. There’s only a handful of these types of jobs in the world, so while I’m worried about balancing weight loss with the commute and work travel, plus a love life, this was too good an opportunity from a career development and financial perspective to turn down. Thanks again for your insights!
Virgo stuff – Sixth House – household cleaning and personal care products is absolutely the Sixth House for you, ruled by the zodiac sign Virgo. You will sell to Generation Virgo, born with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, back in the Sixties – the people in their fifties today.
That’s the right demographic! Thank you for your insights and have a great week ahead!
Dear Jessica
Congrats on The Sun Sign School – I wish you every success. I signed a lease for a new second office on 13th May 2019 – I am a matrimonial/family lawyer. I hope that was a good day. Should I create a launch day/grand opening and when would be the best time in the near future? Ever grateful and look forward to a reply.
Thank you! For ‘best’ we always look to Jupiter in your birth chart (where you are highly protected, born lucky and always in a wonderful position to be generous with others). We also look at transiting Jupiter which is now in Sagittarius in your Ninth House. You have Jupiter at 25 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, achievement and elite status. You are heading for your Jupiter Return in 2020 which can only happen every 12 years and will bring an incredible solution for you, professionally, or a major personal best. (End of next year). You also have the other big two players in astrology, Saturn and Pluto, approaching your Jupiter at 25 Capricorn. As I write this, Pluto is at 22 Capricorn and Saturn is at 19 Capricorn, so they are on the approach. Your entire path in life will transform by 2023 and you will look back on 2019-2022 as the years everything about your status, success, position and mission skyrocketed. It will be intense and involve some very powerful people and organisations, so when you say you are a family and matrimonial lawyer, expect serious heavyweight clients. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius will ultimately reach 25 degrees in late 2019 and form a semi-sextile, a pattern which is very important. So in terms of launch, what you are looking for (your grand opening day) is one where that 25 degree spot is triggered in the best possible way. Avoid the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Moon at 24 Capricorn and Sun at 24 Cancer on 16th July (allow a day either side). You will experience a blind spot or cover-up at that point. You are always protected with Jupiter but still – you may prefer not to do anything dramatic on the 15th, 16th, 17th and also to be sharply aware of what you may be not seeing/missing/blind to! Think about a relaunch or other special event on 25th November when we find Bacchus at 25 Scorpio and Cupido at 25 Scorpio, making an almost-exact sextile to your Jupiter. Bacchus is about pleasure, Cupido is about passion, Scorpio rules the Eighth House of sex and money, so for a divorce lawyer, that’s pretty auspicious! You can find out more about these asteroids and houses by using Search…but in general, you are destined to be a new heavyweight in your profession no matter when you relaunch. It is written. It is, as I said, a heavy load though – so you may need to really balance your lifestyle.
Hi Jessica,
Congrats on the Sun Sign school. I have been waiting for the course but I can’t find where to join in this website. Could you please give me a link to join or be on wait list?
Also, I’m hoping to launch my Chinese medicine practice in London after I move there around Jan or Feb 2020. When do you think is good time based on my birth chart? (I also have Jupiter in Taurus, it is at 27)
I also wish to launch my Chinese medicine website for global audience which may include an online course and selling some herbal products. I probably can get this ready after 3-4 months.
I’m looking forward for your reply and really hope it is not too late for me to join the Sun sign school!
Thanks Jessica! Wishing you many successes with your school!
Thank you very much. You can waitlist here – and I will have some exciting news about guest tutors soon – and events where we can all meet – around the world. So you want to launch your Chinese medicine business in London in early 2020 and also tie in a website with education and products for sale. This is an interesting question as it ties in Capricorn and Tenth House (ambition), Taurus and Second House (earnings, costs), Virgo and Sixth House (medicine) and Sagittarius and Ninth House (education and global thinking; emigration). Let’s see what is going on in your chart, long-term. I can see why you want to heal people. You have Hygiea at 11 Virgo in your Sixth House and Psyche at 6 Virgo, also in your Sixth House. In 2020 you experience Jupiter (opportunity) at 6 and 11 Capricorn making a perfect trine, which is great. Jupiter will also pass 4 Capricorn where he conjuncts your Bacchus (pleasure) at 4 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition. You also experience Jupiter trine Jupiter in 2020 when he moves to 27 Capricorn and makes a beautiful angle to your fortunate Second House (money) Jupiter, which always protects you when things are tough and can deliver the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow too. So 2020 is your year. The lead-in to this is Jupiter and Ceres both transiting Sagittarius and your Ninth House of worldwide web connections and emigration/export, and when they reach 16 Sagittarius they trigger your Neptune (the holiday from reality) and then Aesculapia at 29 Sagittarius, which is interesting – something or someone you had assumed was finished in your life will come back at that point. We are talking late 2019 here and specifically November. If your time of birth was absolutely spot-on, in terms of the cord being cut, then you have the MC or Midheaven at 3 Taurus and Ic or Immum Coeli at 3 Scorpio. Uranus, the planet of upheaval, revolution and radical change is across 3 Taurus in 2019 and 2020 so this is a massive change for you (if the time of birth was right) and a total shift in your destiny – Independence Day, actually. I suspect your destiny is tied to Britain’s as she is also heading for independence from the European Union and towards Chinese investment, once the pound crashes. I have more to say – I think you have one guide working with you, perhaps more – so tune into them with meditation. Eventually Uranus will move to Jupiter in your chart, in the years ahead, so in terms of this being an auspicious venture – yes. Absolutely. Joining the Sun Sign School will help you get across some of what I am talking about.
Hi Jessica
Another interesting article! I’m living the synchronicity with it in my own life as I’m am slowly lurching toward the open for business button on the website and social media.
I’m creating a business that will empower people to understand money better by running financial literacy/wellness classes and I’m hoping to predominantly work with not for profits and high schools. I have a private training organisation interested in me running it with them too.
I know if I work with not for profits I will be reliant on grants as financially vulnerable people won’t be able to pay for my services.
My business name, The Money Project, was registered with ASIC on 18/5/18 and the domain name 18/6/18. As you can see it’s been a slow burn to this point.
I guess my question to you is, when would be the best time to take “coming soon in 2019” off my website and FB page?
Thanks in advance for your insight 🙂
The Money Project is Taurus and Scorpio, Second House and Eighth House, so let’s see why this very good idea has been so slow to work for you, with the grants you hope for, Sharlene. The IC at 17 Taurus and Saturn at 18 Taurus and MC at 17 Scorpio are all you need to know. There is a family tree story here, perhaps going into distant ancestors. The IC or Immum Coeli is where you come from – your roots, heritage, culture and family history. In Taurus, money was a huge deal to a relative. This person may have been in poverty or vastly wealthy. Your MC in Scorpio suggest you reach for the highest achievements in your life through mortgages and banks, inheritance and legacy, perhaps marriage and money. Saturn plonked right there, suggests a long, slow road with plenty of obstacles and a fair amount of capital R Reality to have to deal with. I find it really interesting that you have chosen The Money Project with this kind of chart pattern, as it’s really like taking on the toughest challenge you could possibly shoulder! Have a look at Saturn, Second House, Eighth House when you finish reading this to see why. You may want to ask yourself why you are still not so keen to launch that you are still in the ‘coming soon in 2019’ phase – we are almost mid-year now .I think your idea is great but you need to get a handle on Saturn, the IC (Immum Coeli) and MC (Midheaven) in Taurus/Scorpio and the Second House and Eighth House of your chart. It’s a big one. Use your Tarot and Oracle cards for further, far more personal, insights.
Thanks Jessica for the link. Just jointed the waitlist! Really looking forward for it and learn how to read my own chart and find the right time to take the right action.
Thanks for the detailed reply ! It seems like so much going on for me and going into the right decision! So, is there any specific month I should be aiming for? So, I can get myself ready.
If you sign up for Sun Sign School (the gateway admission to personal tuition with me) you can then begin your course on 1st June and your own chart is the first thing we’ll look at. You sound ready to start, so I look forward to exploring that with you on this online course, based largely around personal email as I want to tailor it to you as individually as possible. Stay tuned for more information but save June!
Hi Jessica
What a brilliant article and very timely for me. I launched a business on 3 Nov 2016 with my daughter (25/01/80) which has steadily grown from just us to employing a small team. The nature of the business is property management in all its aspects for those who have second homes to return to and others who also let the properties. We are based in an area of the country that is increasing in popularity and investment. I am thinking of adding an additional service online to promote the properties and would welcome any comments you may have.
Thank you and your team for all your wise words of guidance.
Thank you! Property is Cancer and the Fourth House and it is also family, so a mother-daughter team handling property is a classic outcome of that sign. (Do you watch Rosehaven, produced by ABC-TV in Australia? It’s the best television series about real estate I’ve ever seen!) Your chart shows a huge stellium in Cancer, or unusually high ‘count’ of signs. You are now being taken back to the past to build for the future as the North Node of karma goes through Cancer and in 2019, 2020 there will be theme repeats of the years 1981 and 2000. This was obviously one year after your daughter was born so we would expect a bit of a past life connection between you two! Remembering what happened about 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, can be very useful. The transit of Uranus (radical change, new inventions, cutting edge technology) in Taurus will really help your interest in homes and property, as Uranus will make a ‘sexy sextile’ pattern with all your Cancer placements in the Fourth House. I expect within 7 years it will be about cryptocurrency for you, and other online financial and business innovations. You may as well get ahead and take a look now. It evolves over time but ‘new and different’ is very much your friend.
Hello Jessica,
I finally renewed my premium membership and opened the treasure chest once again.
Congratulations on the launch of Sun Sign School. It will go well.
You gave me a date (Bacchus in Libra Sextile Jupiter in Scorpio) for the launch of my business (Luxsear Decors). You also mentioned the Uranus opposite Juno, the challenges with it. It is affecting badly. Is there a new date I could get? This time, Jupiter in Scorpio is no more. Currently I am working and building the audience in Insta, Pinterest & Facebook marketing. I have learned a lot (informal education) and managed all of this by myself. I hired a company to do the web page ranking in google searches.
I have come a long way and there is no quitting. Just to pass the Uranus Juno situation, Could you suggest a new date?
My health also improved through Reiki and Tibetan Singing Bowl meditation. I am able to focus on my three children more than I did before. You have been the wise woman in my life along with my family, bunch of aunties and uncles. I wish you well with your endeavours. Thank you for the reply.
Thank you,
Thank you, what a lovely thing to say. I will pass that onto Alyas, James, Justin, Kerry and Sarah. Your business sounds like a classic Cancer venture, as it is about home decor. I am really pleased your health has improved with Reiki and the Tibetan Singing Bowl meditations and so flattered you call me a wise woman! Okay, so let us look at the zodiac sign of Cancer in your chart which rules the fourth house of property, renovation and decoration. You do in fact have Juno right in the firing line of Uranus in Taurus so please understand you are trying to create this business in 2019-2020 against the most unpredictable financial cycle in over 80 years. It gets very much better from the second half of 2020 and after that, you won’t be dealing with so many ups and downs. There actually is no perfect date while you have all this heavy Capricorn traffic also opposite all your Cancer factors. This cycle is a long one and goes until 2023. That is not really what you wanted to hear, I am sure, but again – you are trying to launch a business which is Cancerian in nature (home decor) while you have Pluto, Saturn and the South Node all in Capricorn, right opposite – and that has not happened for over 240 years. So, with these two quite rare cycles taking place, you are really pushing against the tide. I can cheer you up with some good news, though. You have your Jupiter Return in the ambitious, striving sign of Capricorn in December this year and there will be a big solution or opportunity for you then, professionally. It may not involve your decor business at all. It may, for example, be an offer that comes from quite a different industry or profession.
Thank you. I picked up on the fact that it was Cancer in nature. That’s why i included the gardening and included decorative themes (boho, nautical, skull etc) and included handmade jewelries in the same theme (to confuse the saturn & pluto).
Sorry I should also mention, the supplements will be all natural, and designed to help boost digestion, prevent diabetes, increase metabolism and can even help hangovers! My plan is to target heavily on social media and sell online B2C, no more retail and middle me for me!
I plan on targeting the Asian market starting with Singapore first then Hong Kong, Thailand, Jakarta and the rest of south east Asia.
Sure – that’s certainly a Generation Virgo market, as these people were (unusually) born with both Uranus and Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House of fitness, good health and strength – vitality. Uranus is a symbol of rejection and these people, now in their fifties, have bodies which literally reject so many of the colourings, flavourings, additives and so on, put into their supermarket food. Good luck with it. This generation with Pluto also in Virgo want total control of what goes into their bodies.
Thanks for your insight Sarah! I actually had the first part of my question which has more crucial information that may have been missed, as it says it’s still awaiting moderation.
Would be great to get your insight on the whole picture.
I think you may have the wrong astrologer here, or be looking for another website, which is why your comments are still being checked. My name is Jessica, not Sarah. Thank you.
I recently cut ties with a person I used to work with who was called Sarah, and it has been playing on my mind a lot. That is the only thing I can think of of why I stupidly had that name in my head. I am so sorry Jessica. It’s so funny because I have been recommending your name to so many gf’s but when I was typing my question to you as I was thinking about work I put her name down! No excuse though. So sorry! Definitely won’t happen again!
Don’t worry at all, I was just concerned you were writing to an astrologer called Sarah!
Hi Jessica!
Wow! This post was so timely for me. I would be grateful if you could comment on my chart and a possible launch date for my business. I recently graduated from law school and would like to start my own firm. I currently work on another field altogether still and have been unable to fully change jobs because of ongoing health concerns ( my current job covers a lot of my medical bills) However, I am slowly recovering and will be able to work part time in the future. I was planning on launching my part-time law office from home and possibly develop an online service model which I could test and grow before switching altogether. I would be so grateful if you could help me out on the timing.
Sincerely, H
A part-time law office from home is really about Virgo in your chart (Sixth House, lifestyle, health, medical bills) rather than Capricorn (tenth house, ambition, success, career, status). So we need to look at what you have in Virgo and how that shapes up. You were born with Apollo (multi-tasking, leadership) at 25 Virgo in your Sixth House. In astrology, this asteroid is all about being admired and even imitated for what you do, and in Virgo it is about managing a life-work balance. There is a nice sextile to the Sun at 24 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex and money, marriage and mortgage, legacy and property, inheritance and valuables. If your legal skills embrace any of those classic Scorpio subjects, so much the better. You are waiting for some good ‘traffic’ to support this pattern in your chart and you have it in 2020, as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, solutions, open doors, expansion and progress moves to 24, 25 Capricorn. Now, Saturn is there too, in the year 2020 (and Pluto) so this feels fated. You’ve not seen a pattern like this in your lifetime with Jupiter (opportunity), Saturn (building slowly) and Pluto (empowerment) all trine your Apollo and sextile your Sun. So next year, is very much your year. For more on all this look up Apollo, Sixth House, Sun, Eighth House on Search – because that is what is about to be triggered in your chart. For the weather passing through, look up Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and Tenth House.
Dear Jessica,
I think about launching my new offer as for coaching as for counseling as for people’s next step in their career or on their life path.
I have a lot of stuff as for 20 to 23deg in different signs: SN in 23deg Taurus, NN in 23deg in Scorpio, Mercury in 22deg Libra, Jupiter in 22deg Adries, Mars in 20deg Gemini.
I feel it could be significant period for me .
Do you have any advice for me, please?
Thank you very much!
Life coaching and counselling are very popular career choices so you are up against competition here – and actually your horoscope is not about that. What you are feeling is Mars in Gemini, which is the urge to learn, talk and teach. You are certainly on the right road here in terms of your life path. You are here to train or guide, on some level, or counsel. This is the best year in 12 for you, personally, to become educated or ‘unskilled’ so that you can communicate and connect as effectively as possible, hopefully making a part-time or full-time career from this. We have Jupiter (opportunity) in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of knowledge expansion in 2019, and you have until December to seek your own training or education.
Hi Jessica.
I am a jewellery designer and I’m in the process of decicing when I launch my new jewellery collection which has been incubating for over 20 years – well before I made jewellery design my job.
The coming New Moon in Gemini makes a perfect conjunction with both my Ascendant (12deg in Gemini) and North Node (11deg in Gemini). I will also celebrate the 12th anniversary of having purchased my business on 31 July.
Is this a sign that this new collection will finally allow my business to take off globally?
Thanks for any insight you can give me.
The New Moon won’t conjunct your Ascendant or Node as it’s too wide, but there are other things taking place that will help you with your jewellery business. First and foremost is the internet itself as you have a cluster of Gemini-Sagittarius factors which rules self-promotion, marketing, publicity, public relations and multimedia. You are in an excellent position to create a space for yourself online with potential customers in other countries or with language differences in 2019. It would not always be fast and easy but it would advance your cause. Think of it as laying the groundwork for something to grow, later. So June is very well spent (with the Sagittarius-Gemini weather) scoping out what works worldwide and making links and connections. See how the competition does it. See what the latest approach is. Subtle marketing is a trend now. You may also find that there are particular tax benefits, say, to specific ways of trading online. It’s worth your research now.
Congratulations on your launch of Sun Sign School. I am without a shadow of a doubt that it will be a success.
I would like to know if you can see a ‘flow’ time for launching an online pet subscription business in my own chart? I have had a lot to give when it comes to work, now I would like to grow something for myself. Would love your option please Jessica.
Jupiter (the lucky planet of protection and reward) is at 3 Virgo in your Sixth House of cats and dogs. You will experience transiting Jupiter trine Jupiter at 3 Capricorn as you go into 2020 with the first signs of possibility (Christmas market?) in December 2019. The only issue is the total unpredictability of the income! It will zig-zag and be so hard to foresee. If you can deal with that then you will have that good combination of money coming in, and the soul satisfaction of serving animals and their companions. You are strongly Virgo so this speaks to you.
Hi Jessica! Congratulations on launching the Sun Sign School 🙂 and wish you lots of luck with it! 🙂
I was wondering if Jupiter being retrograde during a business launch, has any implications on the profitability of the business?
Thank you for taking questions! 🙂 *Tgrateful*
Thank you. Jupiter Retrograde is really no big deal – it just means that when that degree is under transit, by another planet or asteroid, you’ll find you get forwards-backwards-forwards traction for a day or two.
HI Jessica I am keen to do children’s audio book narration from home as a side hobby/income. I don’t have anything in Virgo, so would I be looking for lucky transits with Jupiter, Gemini, and Leo instead? I’m a tad confused … I was thinking of sending off an application in this Gemini New MOon period, as it taps into my 28 degrees Gemini, which also taps into other degrees in my chart. IS there Any chance this could be a profitable side hobby success? Thank you xx
Your idea is a good one, given your chart, but this New Moon in Gemini, although it falls in your Third House of multimedia, is at 12 degrees, nowhere near your Gemini factors at 28. I think I’ve said this before, but you would be better off training/learning/upskilling first rather than just leaping into audio book narration. You have a stunning pattern in your Ninth House of education picking up your Gemini Moon in 2019.
What a lovely idea. I am sorry that you are still dealing with the loss of your father. but it sounds as if you are going to do something about renewal which is so fitting. Nature after all renews, and for people who want to remember the best things in life are free, your website will be a great resource. It is really about a Ninth House/Sagittarius matter – travelling – but I assume it’s local travel so we then go back to Gemini, which rules short trips. June is a good launch month with so much Gemini weather. The Sun, for a start, is in your Third House, shedding light on weekend journeys for the world. We’ll be seeing some useful bus and train headlines in June and that may fit into your ideas, or you can expect launches or attention paid to walking, for example. You could launch in June, across a range of Gemini-Sagittarius weather. Tip: Market to people from other countries and make sure your site has a translator. That way you could also pick up the benefits of Jupiter (growth, expansion) in Sagittarius (international travellers). There is no ‘perfect’ time in 2019 to launch a website as we can’t really get away from the Crosstown Traffic of the Gemini-Sagittarius patterns – yet there is creative, thoughtful, strong, productive – and that is something you can get stuck into very happily! So June is the month. I would have said today, actually, Monday 3rd June (New Moon) but if you wanted to wait, I would actually think about November, rather than September.