Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019

Mercury Retrograde from October 11th to December 7th 2019, always starts earlier and ends later than Google tells you. How will your horoscope be affected? Why is this astrology cycle so famous?

Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019 and Your Horoscope

It’s back. The cycle which affects your computer, telephone, purchases, commute and travel plans starts with the first shadow on October 11th and won’t end until December 7th. In a moment, I will look at how your sign is affected.

I’ll also look at your personal birth chart, which you will have as a Premium Member, to see where you will hit delays and reversals.

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Your Sun Sign on Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019

The area of life listed below, will be affected by delays, reversals and changes between October 11th and December 7th, so you will need to have back-up plans. Keep a flexible diary and schedule. Don’t assume anything is fixed, final and finished on Mercury Retrograde.

There may be issues with your computer, car, train, plane, paperwork or telephone. People may go back on their word, or you may go back on yours. Now – which area of life is most affected?

Aries: Joint finances. Banking. Insurance. Legacies, Houses and apartments. Charities. Valuables.
Taurus: Partners. Former partners. Potential partners. Enemies, rivals or opponents. The other side.
Gemini: Workload. Lifestyle. Daily routine. Housework. Doctors and healers. Health and fitness.
Cancer: Babies and children. Parenthood-potential relationships. Teenagers and younger people.
Leo: Houses and apartments. Family circle and family tree. Home town and homeland.
Virgo: The internet. Multimedia. Communication. Publishing. Education. Commuting. Travel.
Libra: Finances. Banking. Business. Charity. Valuables. The house or apartment. Accounting.
Scorpio: Image. Profile. Reputation. Name. Appearance. Label. Title. Social media presence.
Sagittarius: Religion. Belief of all kinds, from astrology to science. Inner demons. Psychology.
Capricorn: Friendship. Group commitments, from clubs to teams. Social media. Social life.
Aquarius: Career. Unpaid achievement and ambition. Social rank and status. Academia/education.
Pisces: Travel. Foreign people and places. Publishing. Education and academia. Regional differences.

Here’s How Mercury Muddles Through, October-December 2019

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If Mercury lands on the same degree as anything in your personal Premium Member birth chart (below) and lines up at the same number, you’ll go backwards and forwards with a financial, property, business or charity matter. Be aware.

This is how Mercury muddles through: don’t be fooled by some astrology websites, blogs and Twitter feeds which tell you Mercury Retrograde starts on Thursday 31st October (Halloween) and finishes on Wednesday 20th November. History and astrology tell us there is a shadow period at the start and end which is often the most chaotic of all.

One Way to Think About Mercury Retrograde – Signal Failure Up the Line

Mercury rules trains. One way to think about these dates (below) which may affect your chart, is to understand that a train can be delayed or cancelled at the start, because of signal failure up the line. Problems further ahead! It works just the same way in astrology. Now, are you personally affected? Look at your birth chart for Scorpio factors at 11 through 27 degrees and be aware.

Mercury 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Scorpio
Friday 11th October until Sunday 3rd November

Mercury 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 Scorpio
Monday 4th November until Friday 22nd November

Mercury 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Scorpio
Saturday 23rd November until Saturday 7th December

Is Your Personal Chart Affected? Do You Have Scorpio Factors?

One glance at your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member, and you will see if you have Scorpio factors in the Eighth House of your horoscope. I use the Natural Astrology house system for date-stamped accuracy in prediction. If you do have Scorpio planets, asteroids, angles or Nodes then your Eighth House (which rules joint finances) will be affected most, October 11th to December 7th.

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Mercury Retrograde here, is about business, overdue invoices, credit cards, loans, cash flow, online and personal banking, your will, other people’s legacies naming you, travel insurance, life insurance, financial contracts and negotiations.

It is a good period to make first, second and third attempts with a plan – quite deliberately – knowing that it will benefit from being reshaped. It’s wise to read the fine print on agreements now as there may be mistakes, or missing pages. A tax return may need to be questioned.

Mercury Retrograde is good for rehearsal, rescheduling, rethinking, reviewing. Not so good for huge, landmark decisions – like buying an apartment – or selling shares. Some people benefit from the usual delays, changes or reversals on this cycle. Yet, you have to know what you are doing.

Scorpio rules sex and money. It also rules death and money. It is about intensely personal relationships, like marriage, and their impact on an agreement – like a mortgage. When Mercury goes backwards and forwards through Scorpio and the Eighth House you are very unlikely to see clear-cut results.

Be particularly cautious if you are entering into a new agreement about possessions, a house, a financial settlement, child support, an apartment or a business contract with a lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife at this time. This is Scorpio territory. Don’t expect a straightforward or firm outcome.

Wall Street Prediction: October 11th to December 7th

Mercury Retrograde will trigger chaos on Wall Street and across world sharemarkets between Friday October 11th and Saturday December 7th. 

Mercury, the planet of trade, appearing to stand still and go backwards does this anyway – but it will be more extreme in 2019.

Prices and values will fluctuate wildly along with the worth of currency. Foreign exchange will be all over the place.

You can double that message because he is going backwards and forwards in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, which rules finance, property and business.

We are going to see flux in exchange rates – real zig-zags between the American and Australian dollar during Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019, so be aware.

The Australian pound was replaced by the Australian dollar on 14 February 1966. A dollar has a horoscope too. She was born with Neptune at 22 Scorpio. Right in the zone.

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The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) Horoscope

The Australian Stock Exchange was founded on 1st April 1987 and ‘born’ with Saturn at 21 Sagittarius. Her heaviest burden is Saturn. It’s in Sagittarius, the sign ruling foreign countries and foreign exchange.

This is tied into patterns in the Australian Dollar chart. Jupiter 21 Gemini, Neptune 22 Scorpio, Saturn 21 Sagittarius. 

You’d always be watching 21, 22 degrees as hotspots for the AUD and the ASX as they are linked by fate. 

The London Stock Exchange and Australia – More Flux!

The London Stock Exchange was ‘born’ in 1571 so we’ve had centuries to test the chart. Here we have an organisation founded with Pluto at 21 Pisces. Her power is undercover, but it’s tied to what happens to The Australian Dollar.

Perfect Storm Prediction – October-December 2019

When you see Pluto (transformation) going backwards and forwards across 21, 22 degrees – but not only that, triggers like Mercury Retrograde and Uranus (the shock) in Taurus (the economy) you’re looking at a perfect storm. Be prepared to dance in the storm October-December 2019 with astrology.

What works on Mercury Retrograde when it hits so many world currencies and economies? Well, you have to know exactly what you are doing, if you are going to play the Stock market. If you are unsure, then don’t forget, we are in wild and stormy financial weather.

Do be aware that the value of a dollar, pound or euro will swing wildly from one day to the next on this Mercury Retrograde cycle. What else ties into this pattern at 20, 21, 22 degrees? This is exactly where Mercury will backtrack and zig-zag in Scorpio, the finance sign worldwide.

China and Australia

China was founded on 1st October 1949 with Jupiter at 22 Capricorn. Her big business and government (Capricorn) locks directly into the ASX and Australian Dollar patterns at 21, 22.

Cryptocurrency and Currency Revolution 

As we’ve seen – Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019 is in Scorpio, the sign that rules houses, apartments, valuables, shares and investments. You can expect shares and assets to change hands at different prices once, twice, three times in this period. The value of Bitcoin and its rivals will fluctuate wildly.

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What Not To Do

By all the laws of astrology, do not hang on to the past. Break with the past. Do not stubbornly hold, as if everything is the same as it was before May 2018. That is simply not the case.

Watching Wall Street and the European Union

Wall Street – the New York Stock Exchange- was founded on 17th May 1792 in New York, at The Buttonwood Agreement. 

We use a 12.00 noon time, as we lack a confirmed start on the clock. This data is from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2004).

The 5 Degree Hotspot on Wall Street

This gives us Venus at 5 Taurus. Venus rules Taurus in astrology and is a symbol of value – what something is worth. 

As we’ve seen, we are currently watching Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus, the sign to associate with the charging Wall Street bronze bull. He’s moving right over 5 Taurus, on the Venus position of the N.Y.S.E. in this period.  This only increases the global state of flux during Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! The two signs, Scorpio and Taurus, are opposite each other and have long ruled stocks, shares, pensions, superannuation, property prices, mortgages, the banks, credit cards, interest rates and so on.

Predicting Wall Street in October 2019

I predicted this current period of volatile markets on April 15th, 2018 here and it runs throughout 2018-2020. Here’s a flashback. Mercury Retrograde will bring us ‘Buy!’ and ‘Sell!’ in rapid cycling.

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Watching 12th October 2019 and Wall Street

On this day, Venus at 5 Scorpio is opposed by Uranus at 5 Taurus. Normally this would just be an annual financial shock. Like an electrical storm, it would hit, and then pass on.

This one is different because it is the first episode of a continuing epic which hits a climax about two weeks later, on 28th October.

The New York Stock Exchange Pre-Halloween

Within 48 hours of Monday 28th October, the New York Stock Exchange will undergo a revolution as she begins a completely new cycle – on the New Moon. Expect another shock, building on the last.

The line-up on 28th October is Sun 4 Scorpio, Moon 4 Scorpio, Uranus 4 Taurus. This is just one degree away from triggering Venus at 5 Taurus in the New York Stock Exchange horoscope.  The situation would have been set up very close to 12th October, a date which also triggers radical change on world markets.

Watching the European Union on Monday 28th October

The world will turn upside-down very close to Monday 28th October, as the old European Economic Community/Common Market chart set for 1st January 1958 at 00.0am in Bruxelles, Belgium (the true foundation of today’s E.U.) shows a huge trigger. Isn’t it remarkable that October 31st should have been chosen as the final Brexit deadline? Even by politicians, who certainly are not astrologers?

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Predictions: Italy on 28th October 2019

The Republic of Italy was created on 10th June 1946 in Rome at 6.10pm (Data: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion).

She was born with the Moon at 4 Scorpio and within 48 hours of 28th October, 2019 we will see Italy undergo the biggest economic shock she has ever experienced. Independence from the E.U. costs her!

I’m sure you also saw my predictions about Italy back in November 2018. She’ll quit the old deal with the European Union. She’ll pair with the United Kingdom.

See the original forecast here.

North Korea and 28th October

North Korea was created on 10th September 1948 in Pyongyang, North Korea – using a 12.00 noon time without a timed chart. Either way she was likely born with Mars at 4 Scorpio.

Close to 28th October North Korea will get the economic shock of her life. She will immediately be on the attack or defence. Unfortunately this also puts her on a new nuclear footing.

Russia and 28th October 2019

Which nation gains, or is protected, during the turmoil near 28th October? Russia. We have a number of ‘birth’ charts for this country, given her Communist past. The Russian Revolution horoscope shows Jupiter (protection, advantage) at 4 Taurus. She has a safety net throughout this period or is deliberately manipulating global politics to her advantage. 

New Zealand Economic Revolution Ahead

The astrology has been right about New Zealand before. 

Old prediction from December 8th 2017: 

Between May 20th and June 8th, 2019 – and then October 19th to November 12th, 2019 and March 9th to 28th, 2020, New Zealand will undergo an economic revolution which directly affects the Reserve Bank and also her dairy and beef, cattle industry. This was hinted at back in November 2016, when American politics, Brexit and also climate change became issues.”

This was the outcome – a shock rate cut – on 7th August 2019 and The Australian Dollar plunged.

New Zealand is Having Her Uranus Return

We’re tracking Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October. 2019 The nation flips. New Zealand places a high value on independence then and is prepared to pay the price of economic freedom from other nations.

Watching Pakistan and India

Chiron at 4 Scorpio shows up in the horoscopes for Pakistan and India, so both countries face economic jolts and a massive switch in the direction of cryptocurrency near 28th October.


The United Arab Emirates

How will the U.A.E. be affected by October-December 2019? Again, we find this pattern around 4-5 degrees being triggered, in the final quarter of 2019.

We see the same 4-degree hotspot in the charts for the United Arab Emirates itself and the United Arab Republic. Once again we’re looking at 4 Capricorn (leadership) and 4 Scorpio (the economy). 

Close to 28th October 2019 a world economic revolution not experienced in anybody’s adult lifetime will come to pass and take a direct hit on the United Arab Emirates too. 

Neptune in Scorpio is a clear picture of a sharemarket bubble and this is a serious bursting point for that bubble.

Is Your Personal Birth Chart Affected?

If you are a Premium Member check your personal birth chart now to see if you have Taurus and/or Scorpio factors at the same numbers (degrees) listed below. 

If so, you can expect important developments, only possible once in 12 months, on the dates you see listed here, or within 24 hours either side, allowing for world time-zone differences.

You need to commit to change, not the past. To the future, not 2017. Stay updated! This is about your superannuation or pension. The value of your house or apartment. Bank interest rates. In general, the loopy ‘wave’ of October-December 2019 will affect everything from your employers’ budgets – to your own bank borrowing.

Know What You’re Doing on Mercury Retrograde – Key Dates

We have a clear picture of a global economic shock and revolution on 28th October 2019, and the start of a new sharemarket cycle.

A few days later on 30th October, we see Mercury Retrograde at 27  Scorpio conjunct Venus at 27 Scorpio. 

This is a long pattern of rescheduling, delay and flux and as Mercury stands still at 27 Scorpio near Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st October – and Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd November – buyer beware. Get the best financial advice you can afford at this time, as astrology is only one tool, in the tool-kit of your life.

Watching November 11th and 12th, 2019

On 11th November the Sun at 18 Scorpio will conjunct Mercury Retrograde at 18 Scorpio so the economic chaos, particularly involving banks, is in the full glare of the media spotlight. 

This triggers D-Day, on 12th November, with a Full Moon revealing the Sun at 19 Scorpio, opposite the Moon at 19 Taurus. We’re in the thick of Mercury Retrograde then.

A Full Moon is always a critical time of decision making between polar opposites, or dealing with your own inner conflicts about a situation. 

D-Day actually fell on a Full Moon and it’s a classic symbol of conflict. This one comes so close to that glaring episode of Mercury Retrograde flux that we’d have to expect this pair of days, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November, to be at the heart of what goes down with the word economy in the final quarter of 2019.

Reversals, Backflips and Rescheduling

Watch China on October 17th, 18th, November 11th, 12th, 30th and December 1st as one of her key horoscopes shows the Moon at 19 Taurus, the sign of a bull market and gold bullion.

Another chart, set for Communist China, shows Venus at 19 Scorpio the opposite sign, an old symbol for property and shares. So – that’s two horoscopes, both different, but both showing that hotspot. Expect reversals, backflips worthy of Chinese acrobats and rescheduling.

The United Kingdom in October-December 2019

The United Kingdom’s financial future is tied to China, in a climate of market chaos, near October 17th and 18th. November 11th, 12th and 30th. December 1st. 

Her famous 1801 horoscope set for the Act of Union shows Neptune at 18 Scorpio. 

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5th October
Mercury 2 Scorpio conjunct Cupido 2 Scorpio

7th October
Mercury 5 Scorpio opposite Uranus 5 Taurus
Mercury 5 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 5 Taurus

10th October
Cupido 4 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 4 Taurus

11th October
Cupido 5 Scorpio opposite Uranus 5 Taurus

Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins on Friday 11th October (allow hours either side for world time differences). From this point, the announcements, negotiations, paperwork, share prices or handshake agreements are vulnerable to change, delay or even a complete reversal by December.

12th October
Venus 4 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 4 Taurus
Venus 5 Scorpio opposite Uranus 5 Taurus

13th October
Venus 6 Scorpio conjunct Cupido 6 Scorpio

18th October
Apollo 3 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 3 Taurus

20th October
Apollo 4 Scorpio opposite Uranus 4 Taurus

24th October
Mercury 24 Scorpio opposite Vesta 24 Scorpio

25th October
Sun 1 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 1 Taurus

26th October
Bacchus 1 Scorpio opposite Proserpina 1 Taurus

27th October
Venus 23 Scorpio opposite Vesta 23 Taurus

28th October NEW MOON
Sun 4 Scorpio conjunct Moon 4 Scorpio
Sun 4 Scorpio opposite Uranus 4 Scorpio

29th October
Apollo 12 Scorpio conjunct Cupido 12 Scorpio

30th October
Mercury Retrograde 27 Scorpio conjunct Venus 27 Scorpio


11th November
Sun 18 Scorpio conjunct Mercury Retrograde 18 Scorpio

12th November FULL MOON
Sun 19 Scorpio opposite Moon 19 Taurus

24th November
Mars 3 Scorpio opposite Uranus 3 Taurus

Reading 600x289 - Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019


Your Money to 2026 in Astrology here.

All information provided for your own research and entertainment only. For all financial decisions consult a professional advisor. For more on Mercury Retrograde please see 2020 Astrology: Your Five-Year Horoscope Guide by Jessica Adams, available on Amazon.

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69 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    This is very thorough! I have a stellium in Scorpio and I’m moving to a new apartment on 21 October which I think from looking at the ephemeris I recently bought, is aspecting Pluto as well. You’ve got me a little bit nervous that I’ve over-extended myself on this property. Could you take a look and give me your thoughts on what this retrograde period might mean for me?

    Thanks so much!

    1. You’ll go back and forth with the arrangements across Mercury Retrograde, as you chose to move right on the cycle. This is far more likely to be bills you had never expected, or fluctuations in the value of the property market, or interest rates with mortgages. I have actually written cautionary notes about the Global Financial Crisis 2 for quite a long time now, so they are always there to check, particularly if you have a Scorpio stellium.

  2. Hi Jessica, I applied for an amazing apartment at a STEAL price and I really really want it. I’m a little worried signing a lease close to mercury retrograde …. and it’s more money than my current place. When is the last day to sign papers (if they approve me ).. I’m also putting my daughter on a lease with me so I can get 2 bedroom … she lives with her dad and won’t stay much with me

    1. Hmmm. Factors at 11, 12, 22 degrees across the Taurus-Scorpio axis (Second House of money, Eighth House of property) are a concern to me, as you have Mercury Retrograde right across them. It’s not so much 2019 that bothers me, as much as the future. You will eventually hit Uranus going across 11, 12, 22 Taurus, in your Second House of cashflow and opposite your Eighth House of borrowed money. Uranus is a shock, a radical change, a revolution and it requires huge flexibility. Not stuck debt. Be really careful about this. I know it’s a steal price but go and talk to a financial professional, or two, and get outside opinions from experts. The fact that your daughter is being named on the paperwork and lives apart from you is another concern. Please do get advice. There are others ways to land a bargain and have a great apartment.

      1. Well I’ve been researching like crazy and booking appointments with 2 different accountants. The “amazing” apartment does have a few caveats and the more I think about them the more I want to stay where I am. Thank you for your answer and great advice!!! I did Oracle also and Salacia came up for new apartment, either 2 or 3rd house. It means I need to know the rules, right?

          1. Now that I talked to 2 accountants I’m confident in what to do. I was wrong about a crucial thing which could cost me a lot of money and I just figured it out today after talking to second accountant. I feel confident now that I figured out the rules (and I hired the accountant from today to help me on ongoing basis). Thank you for GREAT advice!!!!!

  3. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for another informative post! I work in super and have been sensing for sometime that changes are afoot in for the fund I work in but there is nothing concrete. I don’t have too many Scorpio or Taurus factors but I do have factors around the 22 degrees. Do you foresee significant shocks for me?

    Also, you mention that this retrograde affects Cancerians in the areas of children and I have found the young adult children in my life to bounce from one stressful situation to another and it has been a test of my resilience. Is this retrograde going to offer a reprieve or bring new dramas?


    1. We will all be in line for surprises (and yes, shocks) within 6 or 7 years, as Uranus in Taurus will oppose the Scorpio placements of billions. The value of your pension or superannuation may be rather unpredictable as shares are on a zig-zag pathway for many years to come, owing to climate emergency – but also the rise of cryptocurrency and the end of paper and metal money. You won’t be immune, but you can be ahead of the game by always being in a position where you are flexible and free to shift at a moment’s notice, financially. This means releasing heavy debt as ball-and-chain mortgages or credit cards are not a great idea. Even if you have to downsize hugely in the next few years it will leave you far more free to deal with Uranus in Taurus. Sharlene, Cancerians have in fact got much thinking to do over the retrograde, but you may prefer to leave the final decision until December.

  4. HI Jessica,
    I’m an avid reader of your site, brilliant by the way, and take a keen interest in your blogs. Could you please answer a question for me?
    I have Cupido (5), Neptune (6), Ceres (16), Apollo (22), and Jupiter (26) in Scorpio. I’ve been trying to save and pay off credit cards but I’ll health in the family forced me to give up work in June – I have a BIG Cap signature so I guess the Capricorn weather and pull with the family has certainly had its way with me! If I understand that correctly it’s down to your site and generous teaching. Actually two questions. Is a Cupido return significant in any way as mine is 5? How much protection will Jupiter provide – same degree as my Sun in Capricorn. My husband also has Cupid’s at 4 Scorpio – we are quite passionately about renovating our home but have used up are funds at present. We are so thankful to have a home, we truly are.
    Love to hear from you if my question gets through the thousands in your queue.
    Patricia x

    1. Thank you. Yes, a Cupido Return is important, so you will be returned to a choice you made about the money, house, bank, apartment, credit card, mortgage and the rest – from love – not from the need for profit. You will realise all over again why you were so passionate. No wonder your husband’s chart ties in with yours. You two will also find the desire returns – never mind the money. Solutions will come after May 2020, Patricia, when your karma with each other and family members is complete.

  5. Hi Jessica, so interesting – I know you’ve been predicting this for some time! Any thoughts on my adopted country South Africa? She is greatly impacted by the global markets. In desperate need of economic stimulus and reform. thanks!

    1. South Africa is an interesting one because she is so many nations in one country and has a number of ‘birth’ horoscopes all turning wheels at the same time. Watch what happens from May 2020 when the South Node moves into Sagittarius. At that point, Britain must collect her karma from your nation and this goes back to the years 2001-2002 as the South Node goes backwards in 19 years loops. In fact, we can proceed even further back in time. Africans are owed by the British. This reaches into slavery. More recently, we’re talking about Apartheid. The Node is always about collecting on spiritual and soul debts, but also being rewarded, so (politics aside here) those who deserve a pay-out will get it in 2020-2021, and those who must pay up, will do so.

  6. Hi Jessica, thank you for this brilliant article. Can you tell me how this cicle will affect me? thankss

    1. Thank you. Watch the value of the Euro against the British pound and the American dollar. It really depends on how far you want to travel in 2019-2020, or how much of your salary or income is tied to people across Europe, Great Britain or America. You will need to move in a flash to snap up deals and bargains, but also be aware that the value of the Euro could plunge too.

  7. Thanks for the detailed observations Jessica.
    I’m born within ten days of the Australian dollar. It will be interesting to see what’s in store for the both of us.



      1. I see it as a ten day preview. If I set up a news alert fort the Australian dollar, I can potentially zig when they zag.

  8. Hi Jessica, Re – the coming dreaded Mercury Retrograde Cycle.
    I read every post you put up and sometimes wonder with me being on the cusp Scorpio Sagittarius, just which horoscope to follow.
    Many times the predictions are spot on, yet other times it’s like it refers to someone else entirely.
    I have a fair swag of planets etc in Scorp – Sun 29′, IC 04′, Minerva 01′, Vulcano 22′, Bacchus 29′, Ops 03′.
    In Sagg – Psyche 13′, Mercury 06′, Salacia 20′, Aesculapia 28′.
    I usually feel very Scorpio but other times, have a driving need for freedom, a Sagittarius trait. Would appreciate if you could throw some light on this confusing state.
    Many Thanks – Loraine A.

    1. There is no cusp, but your feeling for Sagittarius and Scorpio is down to your chart. You are a Sun Scorpio, but you have a Sagittarius signature. It’s not confusing, Loraine, as your time of birth shows which Sun sign you are. Yet, you are strongly Sagittarius. Always read the predictions for Scorpio, please! If the prediction does not fit, it is me, not your chart!

  9. Hi Jessica – thanks so much for this!

    Would you please tell what to expect with North Node / South Node at 19 Scorpio / 19 Taurus?

    Thank you!

    1. You will be amazed at what you can pull off, as values and economies (and prices) change. We are going to see a huge amount of value placed on places which used to have low house or apartment rent/ownership prices – because they have escaped intense heat from climate emergency. It’s the same with rainfall and water. It will be a few years before you experience this, but until then, do all the homework you can on the climate emergency. Be a realist. Be practical. Take a deep breath and find out what is happening. This also applies to air pollution (in London and New Delhi it is shortening lives) and basic stuff, like temperatures. That is the best advice I can give you. The last time we saw Uranus in Taurus the world survived dust storms in America which affected every other economy. Stay ahead of this, be on top of the information, ask around and do your research – you will gain and save, within years.

  10. Hi Jessica, brilliant as usual. Sounds like there are surprises and volatility ahead in many markets and economies. I’ve now spent months, even years preparing, as you once mentioned, to “dance in the storm” by building, saving, learning, strategizing. I believe I’m in a good position to weather, even take advantage, of the coming cycles. I have a Scorp stellium along with many of the trigger points you mention. How might they interact with the events you write about? Thanks for your insights!

    1. For you, it goes beyond (even) the money into really personal questions about your will. Also the legacy you are set to inherit from the family. It is hard to say more because Scorpio is about death and money, death and property, sex and money, sex and property! I don’t know anything about your personal life as you have not disclosed this. Beyond the actual financial upheavals, surprises, twists and turns though (and this cycle goes for 6-7 more years) it’s really about the relationships. You are going to have to translate the value of a home, or a precious piece of jewellery, or a sum of cash – into the emotional value of family, or partners, or children, or former partners. It will be quite liberating to do that, when the time comes. For the rest, you need the best financial advice you can afford as this is not your mother’s economy, or your grandfather’s bank. We are heading for extreme change.

  11. Hi Jessica, Thank you for your wonderful predictions. First I have to admit that your August prediction of coming back of a former partner is now nearly to be realized. Then September prediction of dealing with foreign partners ins now under negotiation. Then, in a sudden threat, comes Mercury retrograde. I have many factors in Scorpio Psyche at 18, South Node at 19 and Chiron at 23.; and also in Taurus: Vulcan at 18, North Node at 19 and ceres at 2. Almost all factors are included in mercury retrograde range. Based on my past experiences, Mercury retrograde periods do not affect me ( I don’t know why) and I always laugh at the retrograde predictions. But this time is different. I am now under negotiations with former and future business partners. And I have a business trip between October 25 to 28 to Mongol. So I am scared of this coming period. How would this retrograde period affect me? Will all negotiations be reversed or canceled? Is it wise to stay inactive without doing nothing and waiting for the post-retrograde time?
    Thank you always very much for your accurate answers and helpful advice.

    1. Thank you for letting me know about these predictions coming to pass. Please don’t be scared. Do have Plan A, B and C. You are negotiating a business arrangement. You are also going to Mongol. Nobody downs tools on Mercury Retrograde. But, if you are travelling and negotiating (both ruled by Mercury for the last 2000 years) you need to have alternatives up your sleeve. It’s good to know you have options. For example, I know a client who has two computers, identical. He turns to one, when the other plays up, on this cycle. It’s all about being prepared.

  12. I do have factors in my chart! And now I’m a bit nervous!! My boyfriend and I are speaking of starting a business. We’ve been together for a few years. Living together but not married. Should we wait, before investing money on this?

    1. Please use the Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio cycle to research your options, do your homework, try Plan A, B and C – but leave it until the cycle finishes to commit in writing. If you are curious about this cycle just hit Search to see what Mercury Retrograde can do. Read the comments, in particular, from my readers as this is capital R Real, capital A Astrology. If you two can organise this business at any time, you may well want to wait until the Nutty Season is over!

  13. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for another great post. I’ve been applying (as best I can) what I learn from your site and I find it is helping me understand the cycles of my life better.

    This next retrograde seems huge. For the past 3 years I’ve trying to build a web design business, but that has been slow. Recently I met a young woman who works in social media marketing and we are looking to work together in some fashion with the goal of growing both our businesses

    I also have been trying to launch a garden/lifestyle blog which is close to launching but it been like swimming through mud to get it done.

    Fortunately, my husband (DOB 5/19/75), works full-time but I need to contribute more financially to our household. So I am also looking at taking a part-time job to help. But I’m not sure that is the right answer.

    With all the upcoming astrological weather, (it’s going to be like being on a roller coaster) I am wondering if I am even on the right track. Any thoughts or guidance would be most appreciated.

    Thank you,

    1. Thanks Lisa. Your chart (in September) tells me that you are confusing fun with work. We are in Virgo weather, which is entirely about hard work and that can be rather boring. Another word for fun is ‘fulfilment’ and ‘growth’ and ‘education’ but actually – it’s still just the icing on the cake. The cake is the blog, but the bread and butter is the gardening. If you want to make money, offer gardening, with all its massive work and effort. See what the competitors are offering and employ your quite brilliant sense of style, and taste, to stand out. Forget the web design business or fashion. Take out of that what you have learned and throw it at gardening work. Your key is research on your target market and the right price.

  14. Hi Jessica thank you for the interesting and amazing article. I have a very small pension pot, which is invested between three funds – global fund, American fund and UK fund. Should I just hold all of these and ride out the Astrological weather, sell two and move all in whichever is going to fair the best – Global, American or UK? Or should I sell all of the funds and hold in cash until the markets gets better, if they are going to? I’m a Virgo with Gemini ascendant, so never really relish Mercury retrograde cycles! Best Wishes. Very best wishes.

    1. If you are a Sun Virgo, then you need the best advice you can afford on this cycle. You could do extremely well, but you need a professional to hold your hand. You are likely in the mood to experiment, take mild risks, have an adventure and explore. (To see what is possible rather than impossible). This is the right approach, actually. But you need to do your homework. Ask yourself ‘What can I get away with?’ and see what comes to you. Then check it out with the facts. Chiron in Aries is your answer, there.

  15. And what of our old friend Saturn? Long retrograde cycle at an end and starting to edge forward again in a few days. Generally positive; but is it for the UK? Not only for Brexit generally, but also for the Supreme Court legal challenges this week.

    1. Quite right, Ken, Saturn has been stuck for what seems like forever – and now he’s on the move – as is Brexit. Having looked at all the charts for the British Isles since 55 B.C. what looks like happening is a weird cross between No Deal and New Deal. I just had lunch with another astrologer who was (madly) insisting there would be a reverse of Brexit. What he did not understand, and what so many people do not seem to understand, is that deals were sewn up in 2017-2018 with the United States. There is a reason why New Zealand has made radical moves. There is also a reason why Australia is drawing closer. Forget challenges in the courts regarding what matters. What actually matters, is the deals that were done behind the scenes, as far back as Christmas 2018. Everyone was thinking about Christmas 2019, actually…

  16. Hi Jessica,

    Fascinating post. How is all of the astrology from this October, moving forward in to the next year and beyond going to impact working people who have UK mortgages and either can’t sell as they are locked in a mortgage rate/product, or don’t want to sell their homes. Generally are working people with mortgages going to be ok? Your article is exciting, but it also worries me financially about my mortgage etc. I don’t have the flexibility to sell, or the financial means to pay off my mortgage! Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. Your family is actually the answer there. You and your relatives have past life connections – karma – to collect and repay. It will be a process, and it will take until May 2020 for that process to be complete. So there is more to this than just the mortgage question – it is actually about either side of your family tree, and your own family circle, if you have one. From May 2020 it all becomes much easier. The other major factor within six years is the end of money laundering through houses and flats, in the United Kingdom. The inflated prices people have been charged will drop. That’s a long way off, though. For now, just focus on the family. That’s actually the story here. You can thank the North Node in Cancer for that.

  17. HI Jessica, thank you again for such a detailed and outstanding post! It so spikes my curiosity! I am trying to understand how to read my chart: do I look for Scorpio wherever it shows up? and Taurus? or only in certain degrees? I am such a beginner 🙂 I have Sun 28° Taurus, IC 21° Taurus, Juno 00° Scorpio, Ops 05° Scorpio, Psyche 12° Scorpio, Mercury 20° Gemini, Apollo 21° Taurus, Venus 20° Taurus, Neptune 25° Scorpio, MC 21° Scorpio. I do have stocks that are tied up but am trying to release them in order to pay off debt. Any advise?

    1. You are strongly Scorpio-Taurus and thus, you already have a huge instinct about the way the economy is going, over the next 6-7 years. Smart idea to pay off debt. You will have Uranus (the revolution; radical change) going across every sensitive point in your chart, and when you go through extreme shifts like that, you are so much better off being able to duck and dive. The best example I can give you is New York in 1781. The old economy was collapsing – the new future belonged to people who could move quickly, lightly and easily through life. The reason I give you that example is – that was the year that Uranus was discovered. Astrology is history.

  18. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for your insightful posts. I’ve come to learn a lot through them.

    I have four factors in Scorpio (Ceres 00° 33′ 32, Uranus 09° 04′ 52″, Juno 23° 24′ 58″, and Fortuna 22° 34′ 02″) as well as Chiron at
    05° 15′ 57″ R. I am currently trying to decide between two job offers, one of which is abroad. Can you possibly let me know how this transit will impact me.

    Thank you.

    1. Elena, if your heart is with another country and its people – culture, history, background, language – then look seriously at that. The Scorpio transits are about the finances, house or apartment. What you are also going through is the rather spectacular transit of Jupiter (growth) in Sagittarius (foreigners) and that only happens once in 12 years. Thus, my question – is your heart in that other place? If so, grab this with both hands and don’t let go. From May 2020 when the South Node goes into Sagittarius too, you will realise you have past life connections with this place and its people.

  19. Hi Jessica, my sun is at 20 deg Scorpio, my husband is a Scorpio born oct 27, 1968. We just put an offer on a lot to build a new house, we have been pre approved for the construction loan, however preliminary! We still have to go through the process, appraisal, underwriting, all this would be happening right arpund mercurys retrograde, do you have any advice

    Much Love- Bonnie

    1. Bonnie, you are indeed going through a process – but it will be circular and sometimes paused – like a DVD that is not functioning as it normally would. Please check what it would cost you, financially, if you were to meet with substantial changes or delays, and make sure you are covered for that. Get everything in writing and read the fine print. As you will see from previous Mercury Retrograde features on this website, thanks to my readers, the prefix ‘re’ turns up all the time on this cycle. So people renegotiate prices, they reschedule delivery dates, they retract promises and the rest. Cover yourself for that – but looking far, far ahead – you will be thrilled by all your property results in the year 2021. Where you live/how you live that year, and the value of your property, will reward your patience.

  20. Hi Jessica, I have a Scorpio stellium and I would like to know how this retrograde will affect me. Psyche 10, Panacea 17, Neptune 15 and Venus at 23. Thank you!

    1. It depends on how heavily involved you are with the sharemarket and business. You will be affected, moderately to intensely, as a result. We are going to see huge fluctuations in share prices and market value. The graph will zig-zag wildly on Mercury Retrograde. The whole period begins earlier and ends later than Google claims. It always starts and ends with a shadow, so it moves in a loop. In Scorpio, this is about the banks and mortgages. Property price variations and also interest rate variations, in countries which affect world economics the most. In Scorpio it is also about the art market, for example, and gold – and on-paper value. Mercury is the messenger of the gods and rules markets, merchandise and merchants. Traders and deal-makers, bankers and shopkeepers. When he is retrograde, he moves back and forth. I suspect the story here will be about your pension or superannuation – whichever you call it. You have Neptune at 15 Scorpio like your entire generation, now in their fifties, and you are most affected by the rise and fall of the shares you have invested in as part of your old age plan. If you have any more questions please consult a financial professional, as astrology can only take you so far.

  21. Thanks for all the recent articles they are amazing as always.
    Does it need to be the exact degree to be affected? I have 3 Scorpio factors (ASC, Saturn and Panacea) but not to the exact degree and only two in Taurus (Ceres and DESC).
    I feel that I may have to sit and wait until after Jan/Feb 2020 to make a major decision about my work leaving aviation to be a full-time fitness wellness coach.

  22. Hi Jessica – what an amazing post. There’s so much to digest and I can see me returning to it over and over the coming months. The only thing I have in Scorpio is Aesculapia but it’s so relevant. I’ve had ongoing health issues which as of today hit a new glitch. While I’m in the long process of trying to come back from the brink an uncertain diagnoses has me shaken and I’m looking at the option of travelling for a second opinion. This concerns me because we’re obviously going into Merc retro. Surrounding this has also been the desire to start afresh somewhere new which wasn’t even on my radar a month ago. Or perhaps somewhere old. Interestingly when I asked the oracle about the health stuff the south node and 4th house came up. I asked for further info about the 4th and received the north node and 2nd house. I feel quite adrift with all this going on yet I see how these changes could be a positive thing if I work them right. Any advice on how these health and home lessons could play out? I’m reevaluating everything and everywhere. Also I’m not sure if the early Taurus planets/asteroids I have will come into play at all but I am concerned with Saturn at the tail end.

    1. I am sorry your health diagnosis has left you shaken. You are thinking about travelling. The Astrology Oracle has given you South Node and Fourth House, which is family past life karma. You then have North Node and Second House. More karma – with money and property. Have you gone back to your parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, or grandparents? Are you looking for support and help from a family member? If not, then at least a substitute family, like a shared household. This is the first step. If you have health issues you need a rock to lean on. This is far more important at the moment than travelling. There is karma at work here with the North Node in Cancer in the Fourth House, in your actual birth chart, and the cards are picking that up too. You are owed. You owe them, on some level. Try to sort out the soul agreement between yourself and at least one family member – the health issue should bring you to them, and them to you. There may also be a second message about your health issue, in that it is genetic and part of your DNA within the family tree or family circle. Have you checked? I wish you the very best with getting this sorted out – and then you can travel.

  23. Hi Jessica
    I am a total newbie to you site and have been surprised and amazed at the wealth of information.
    I’m hoping you may be able to help me with any insights, I’d be so grateful as I’m in total flux right now, finally coming to the end of a situation which has been ongoing for the last seven years, in which everything was lost. Recently I’ve been working and there may be a chance that this could continue in Yorkshie where I was born and raised, due to circumstances I’m going back there at the end of the month. I need to find somewhere to live and am hoping my Daughter will help me temporarily, she is sun Scorpio 15/11/84 . I am a sun Taurus , the factors I have in Scorpio are Neptune 0 Proserpina 20 and North node 19. I have had an idea connected to my current work in which opportunities could be offered to women ex offenders.
    Any advise at all would give me some clarity.
    I thank you and wish you many blessings.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you lost everything – not easy for a Taurus person. You need a place to live and hope your Scorpio daughter can help. I like your idea of helping women who are former offenders. Please do accept your daughter’s help, at least until the first week of December. This will give you a firm base on which to try and save or make money, and ground yourself, which is very important. You need to feel centred and settled so you can begin your plans. You will find it easier to move in December 2019, January 2020. Get out a map of Britain and the world, actually, and open your mind to places you could live and work in. That will help the process. Write a list on one side of a sheet of paper, of what you can offer to people. Skills, abilities and talents. On the other side, write down what you are looking for. Really focus on this, say a little prayer to your family in spirit, and leave it next to the bed overnight. All things are possible. The situation with your daughter is karmic in nature – there are soul debts and credits to exchange from this and other lifetimes – which is one of the reasons it has come up. You will also find the instability with your finances (Uranus at 0 Taurus opposing Neptune at 0 Scorpio) has passed by 2020.

  24. Thank you for your work Jessica it is so helpful during periods of change and challenges for most of us. Could you advise me about my chart during this Mercury retrograde period please, my husband is an 8 degrees Taurus sun sign too, he is still hopeful of getting his new business off the ground which would ultimately help us considerably financially.

    1. Have a back-up plan, and a back-up plan (for the back-up plan). Getting a new business off the ground on Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is hard work, as other people are going through financial, business or property flux in their own lives and businesses, which means u-turns or delays for your husband. Any successful business has Plan B. You also need Plan C.

  25. Hi Jessica

    I am a Leo and my husband is a Scorpio born on 3 November 1968 (10degrees). We sold our house last year for less than we thought after 17 years and have been renting since December 2018. We are talking long term finances and buying another house but are anxious that we won’t a) find what we want and b) not be able to afford it. Sydney house prices were meant to come down but they are rising again. Will we be able to reenter the house market? We would ideally look at buying sometimes early 2020. Your advice would be most welcome.


    1. Natalie, your husband is the key to all this. I don’t know how long both of you are prepared to wait, but from December 2020 the entire property market for both of you shifts in his favour (and thus in your favour) and in the year 2021, there is both a serious commitment and an incredible opportunity. From 2023 this goes beyond the actual home, into the local area, the state and a strong connection with the neighbourhood or town, and its region. So it’s more than just bricks and mortar. That is what your husband’s horoscope is suggesting! At the moment you are thinking Sydney but from 2023 it may be another place and lifestyle entirely.

  26. Dear Jessica,

    I have been a member since 2016 and have to tell you that you changed my life forever! Your insight into astrology has helped me through this brutal year where Saturn squared my Libra Sun. It was especially bad through the retrograde of Saturn. I am startled to find so many important things happening exactly on significant dates you mentioned. I am really grateful to you! Here is my question. After many, many delays (nearly 3 years!), my husband and I and our kids are emigrating to the US. We have received a deadline to move before 19th of December. I was wondering if it would be ok to move in the retrograde shadow at the end of November or is it best to wait until Dec 8th when the shadow ends? I am a Sun Libra, husband is a Sun and Moon Capricorn. Moving mid month might be a challenge because we want to rent out our existing house in this country and not sell. Not sure if that will happen? I would be so grateful if you could see what you can in my chart Jessica!

    1. Thank you so much for this incredible feedback. I am glad the astrology delivered, on the predicted dates. Go, while Jupiter (expansion, improvements, solutions) is in Sagittarius (emigration, travel). That means before 3rd December. Yes, it cuts into Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, which is going to affect your finances, house, apartment in the meantime. So you need to have Plan B and Plan C ready, so you can deal with delays or changes – perhaps reversals – affecting the rental agreement on your house; your new bank account; currency exchange rates between your old home and new home; the costs/fees associated with your new home. If your husband is a member of any professional organisation or trade union, that may also be held up or changed. It’s something you would do anyway, but pay more attention to it: make copies of financial, property or business paperwork and digital material; read forum websites where others have real-life advice; update your knowledge on what really happens on such a move to America; look at the banks; check pension/superannuation and so on. With Mercury Retrograde, always Plan C, as well as B! But – Jupiter in Sagittarius is here to help.

  27. hi Jessica,

    I have Neptune at 05° in Scorpio, Jupiter at 17° in Scorpio and Mars at 20° in Taurus. Powerful planets. How will the placements affect me?


    1. Jupiter in Scorpio in your Eighth House is quite protective. Even when you hit rock bottom financially in your life, you will always be protected, rescued or saved. For example, if you were ever go to bankrupt, you would find a friend partner or family member comes in to swoop down and make sure you are okay. Nevertheless, with Neptune in Scorpio, and Mars in Taurus, I don’t think you want to be messing around with big debts, expensive bills, huge plunges on the markets, property sales or purchases – while Mercury is going backwards, even as he is going forwards. You would have to know exactly what you were doing to take risks on this notorious cycle.

  28. Hi, Jessica — thank you for another informative article. I’m scheduled for final IVF phase (egg transfer) before October 11. I was interpreting the financial considerations mentioned in your article as my financial expense for pursuing IVF. Would you please take a look to see how the subsequent Mercury retrograde and a Scorpio stellium in my chart might impact me? Thanks so much!

    1. You are a Sun Virgo ruled by Mercury, going through Mercury Retrograde in your Third House of multimedia and internet – nothing to do with IVF treatment. The peak decisions about IVF and parenthood will come in December 2019, January 2020, when at last you know where you stand. Even your own doctor might have given you those months as deadline dates to watch. The IVF situation with your partner is karmic in nature. You have ‘previous’ as they say in London, in terms of pregnancy. This may go back several lifetimes as the Node in Cancer (rules motherhood) goes back in 19 year loops. You at least figure out exactly what is going on for you with parenthood by January 2020, and from May 2020 the sense of being stuck/not moving is over. The node has left Cancer.

  29. Hi Jessica

    Given the numerous factors I have in Scorpio, I’m glad that I currently have no dealings/signings going on and remain debt free. I was going to start small and invest in a vanilla index fund, do you think it best to just park that idea until the end of the retrograde? Is there anything else I should be mindful of? I’m trying to help get my mother (8 December 1960) debt/mortgage free, which will be a while away.

    Also will you please do a Australian politics article after the surprise re-election of the same shameless do-nothing government and whether we will start getting some proper policies and acknowledging of climate emergency? It’s all so depressing.

    Thank you

    1. Shaolee, having looked at Wall Street charts in history during Mercury Retrograde Shadow, the value of investments, and the value of currency, slides so wildly that you absolutely have to know what you are doing. Helping your mother is a good idea, Shaolee, but you may want to avoid the actual retrograde period. Some people do very well buying bargains, sitting on them, and selling later – but these people tend to live and breathe financial astrology. The situation with your mother is karmic in nature; it’s there thanks to the Cancer North Node cycle (Fourth House, mother and family) which ends May 2020. By then things will look and feel very different to you, as the Node tends to keep you stuck on repeat with your mum. The Australian politics situation is interesting. I predicted a woman would be the key player and a party leader and assumed it would be Julie Bishop. It was Pauline Hanson, who basically swung the election for PM Scott Morrison, as we know. There is a lesson there never to assume anything! Further afield, rest easy, from the year 2021 the only governments in power around the world will be those locked into global climate emergency action agreements, and young voters (voting for the first time in their lives) will absolutely rock world governments who do not get that. Just watch – we are waiting for Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, on the turn in December 2020 and there, firmly, in the year 2021. Aquarius rules ‘the group’ and ‘the world family’ not individual interest in mining companies turning up the heat. Or plastics big business!

  30. Hi Jessica, when you say that there will be a “massive switch in the direction of cryptocurrency near 28th October”, what do you mean by that? What do you expect will happen before the 28th of next month and what do you expect will happen after it? When do you expect the cryptocurrency market to rise and/or possibly crash? Thank you.

    1. We are in the Uranus in Taurus cycle now. Uranus rules new inventions. In 1781 it ruled the industrial revolution. In 2019 and beyond (for about six more years) it rules blockchain and cryptocurrency. Taurus, as I am sure you know, rules money (gold bullion and bull markets are both ruled by Taurus the bull). Uranus in Taurus radically changes money. During the Second World War, for example, it was about food coupons replacing coin currency. I don’t comment on when any market will crash. That’s really for you and your advisor. But I can tell you – Uranus rules all that is unpredictable, shocking, unexpected – like an electrical storm and the lightning that forks. This is why the new invention – Bitcoin and its competitors – is so volatile. It will ultimately affect all of us, more than we currently realise – and particularly blockchain technology.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    It’s Viknesh and I wanted to ask you how the Mercury Retrograde will affect me. I am a volatility trader and also a business consultant and currently I am trying to finalize my son’s adoption which is taking a long time.

    Would you have any comments for me, or notes that I should be aware of?

    Thank you!

    1. Viknesh, you would gain by studying Mercury Retrograde actually, and seeing how it works for you in trade and business. Essentially Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He is symbolised by journalists, editors, news-makers and news-breakers. He is also symbolised by the internet itself, so tech stocks like Microsoft and Apple. Normally Mercury operates very quickly, zipping through a zodiac sign like Scorpio, in a matter of weeks. Meetings, contracts, debates, negotiations, discussions also move quickly. What you will see, regarding finance, business, property (which Scorpio rules) is a strange phenomenon whereby, even as words are pouring out, things are already changing up ahead. You might call it signal failure further up the track. So, you need to be sceptical of what is ‘a done deal or ‘absolutely the case’ as you go into this cycle from October 11th, because Mercury is already failing to function normally, thanks to alterations or delays in November. Time flows backwards and forwards in astrology. You have to know what you are doing, in order to use this cycle to profit from it. For most of us lesser mortals, it’s a time to put off mortgage applications, share sales or purchases, property transactions and so on. Why? Because it can hold us up, or scupper our plans. However, I strongly recommend you do your own notes and research. Apart from anything else, even before this cycle begins, we know for a fact that October 31st is the key Brexit date – nothing to do with astrology, as P.M. May never uses it – but it does fall right in the middle of this cycle. We’ve also seen the impeachment proceedings begin against Trump. So you see…volatility! Your son’s adoption will indeed take time, but you will find that karma is involved here. It is possible you knew him before in another life, or knew his parents. The North Node in Cancer, is passing through your Fourth House of family. The North Node describes past life debts and credits. The karma has to be completed, before you can move on, and so it will be – no later than May 2020. I wish you all the best.

  32. I am glad to be a member here as I thought the mercury retrograde would be a non event for me but as I read your article it will have a huge impact! I have a lot of planets and asteroids in Scorpio and is my 10th house, home to my south node the place I find comfort. My company is in the middle of a merger and I am unsure if what that will hold for me.
    My Yod will be triggered and sun will be squared. What do you make of this?

    1. You are using a different system to me, so I will flip your chart. I don’t use Yods and your stelium is in the Eighth House not the Tenth House. Try to get all financial, business or property arrangements out of the way by October 11th as from that date you hit delays, changes, technical malfunction, unreliable people or organisations, and above all – global currency and share market flux.

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