Libra Season 2019 in Astrology
Libra rules the human heart. Anything heart-shaped is Libra. As we go deeper into Libra weather, in Libra season 2019, you can expect some intriguing new developments.
Back with someone you once slept with, for one night only? Even for dinner? Extremely likely.
Dealing with your ex-wife dating someone new, for the first time? Absolutely.
In this exclusive feature, which involves your personal astrology, as well as regular horoscope, I’ll look at the dates which matter and what to expect.
Libra Season 2019 builds in intensity in late September and October, and trails off in November. We are going to see some high-profile separations and divorces. In your own world you will see people walk away from each other.
Why? The Libra-Aries balance is disruptive. Aries is about ‘Me, me, me, me’ on social media. It is about self-promotion and self-interest. It’s about looking out for number one. Coming first. Even if you two are a very solid couple, you will still have to deal with the ‘Me’ in ‘Us’ and figure it out, quite intensely!
New 2019 Astrology – Your Chart in Libra Season
Libra is about ‘the two of us’ and how people pair off together in partnerships. It is about engagement and marriage. It is only ever about separation and divorce if ‘Me’ gets in the way of ‘We.’
September-November 2019 will see tremendous changes out there in the world of dating, mating and relating. If you have Libra factors in your chart – which I will talk about in a moment – you will be affected.
Even if you have no Libra factors at all, or the numbers don’t line up, you are still going to see waves made, in your own life, at work or home, with family or friends – by other people’s love lives.
Is Your Personal Chart Affected?
If you are a Premium Member you can look at your personal birth chart now on screen, and see if the following Libra weather patterns trigger your life. If the numbers (degrees) match, then on that day, or within 24 hours, you have a major choice to make about your former, current or potential partner.
I use asteroids, which most astrologers do not, to give you the most accurate predictions. If you are curious about any of the planets or asteroids I mention here, just hit Search or your complimentary e-guides to find out more. As a Premium Member, these are always at your fingertips.
Libra Astrology Dates 2019
These are key points in the Libra weather. If your personal birth chart (which you will have as a Premium Member) shows matching degrees (numbers) also in Libra, then huge decisions about your former, current or potential partner are here. They may involve pregnancy or existing children – or stepchildren.
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There may be fundamental questions here about being gay, lesbian or transgender – or not identifying at all with one gender.
If you are at make-or-break in a bad relationship or marriage, and your chart lines up, these dates are important. It is the same with falling in love; getting back together with your ex; separating; divorcing.
We tend to find Libra dates that line up with your chart correlate with crossroads choices. One-night stands can also happen with Libra weather, or passionate safe sex sessions – for one night only.

Key Dates in Libra Season 2019
Sunday 22nd September 2019
Mercury 13 Libra conjunct Apollo 13 Libra
Thursday 26th September 2019
Bacchus 3 Libra opposite Chiron 3 Aries
Bacchus 3 Libra opposite Salacia 3 Aries
Friday 27th September 2019
Sun 3 Libra opposite Chiron 3 Aries
Sun 3 Libra opposite Salacia 3 Aries
Saturday 28th September – NEW MOON IN LIBRA – We Are all Affected by This One!
The Sun at 5 Libra conjuncts the Moon at 5 Libra, on Saturday 28th September, at 6.26pm Universal Time (UT).
This is a fresh-start day, and you may see the new beginnings on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. You will see people getting together, going to bed for the first time, kissing for the first time. You will also see them arguing, walking out on each other, or deciding they have had enough. It’s dramatic.
Sunday 29th September
Venus 18 Libra conjunct Apollo 18 Libra
October and Libra Weather in 2019
Throughout this whole period we have Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, which rules sex and money. Marriage and mortgage. Leaving your will to your new boyfriend. Divorcing and arguing about the child support. Splitting and dividing the possessions. This is also about moving in together and sharing rent.
Be careful. Mercury Retrograde begins and ends on different dates than Google tells you. If this is happening to you hit Search now and read the long piece I filed on Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio in 2019, so you know what is going on.
Bottom line? Get it in writing if it’s about sex and money. Read the fine print. Have Plan B and Plan C.

Do You Have Factors at 3 Libra?
On 9th October Mars at 3 Libra opposes Chiron at 3 Aries. If you have anything at 3 Libra in your chart then allow time, space, peace and tolerance as you two (former, current or potential partner) have a lot of things to work out – together or apart. Mars at 3 Libra opposes Chiron at 3 Aries on the same day. Don’t rush.
We’re All Affected by the Full Moon in Aries – 13th October 2019
We are all affected by the Full Moon in Aries on 13th October 2019. The Sun is at 20 Libra opposite the Moon at 20 Aries. If you have factors at 20 Libra then this is D-Day for your relationship or partnership. The chemistry with your former partner. Your chances with a potential new lover. There is no going back.
As a general rule a Full Moon is always a big stretch in tension as the Sun clashes with the Moon in opposite signs. A great many people you know will be having affairs; breaking up; getting back together; trying trial separations; having one-night stands; having sex for the first time; getting engaged; having babies. It’s big.
Other Key Libra Weather Dates in October
If you have Libra factors at 21 degrees then on 14th October we find Bacchus (pleasure) at 21 Libra conjunct the Sun, also at 21 Libra. That is unusual. Get ready for total hedonism with him/her.
On 17th October we find Chiron at 2 Aries opposite Vulcano at 2 Libra. This is explosive – volcanic – emotionally. If you have factors at 2 Libra then you will need more time and space.
On 18th October we find Vulcano at 3 Libra opposite Salacia at 3 Aries. There is a big difference between ‘me’ and ‘we’ then, if you have factors at 3 Libra.
On 25th October we find Chiron at 2 Aries opposite Ops at 2 Libra. So if you have Libra factors at 2, 3 degrees this looks like a major month for you. You may be walking away from a bad relationship. Starting again with high hopes. Getting back together with your old husband.
November Libra Weather
Even if you don’t have Libra factors at 2/3 degrees you will be profoundly affected by other people who do, who are going through the big Libra season. Your boss may come out as gay. Your best friend may get back together with her old boyfriend.
On 12th November Juno at 2 Libra is opposite Salacia at 2 Aries.
This is really the last of the Libra weather, in Libra season, but you will find that all around you – couples are moving in together, breaking up, dividing the money, going to court and the rest. Even if you are not affected personally, the ripple effect will be huge and you will end 2019 being affected by that. Even your cat is going to feel it.

Were You Born 1968 to 1984?
You are likely part of Generation Libra who have argued for gay, lesbian and transgender equality – and won equal marriage in many countries. Libra rules couples, marriage, weddings, justice and fairness. You are all about: men in sarongs, bixsexual marriages, men in Chanel makeup, women in power. Gen Libra is Gen Lesbian. It is also about people who do not identify with male or female.
Dates Pluto and Uranus in Libra in Astrology
September 28 1968 to May 20 1969 – Uranus in Libra
June 24 1969 to November 21 1974 – Uranus in Libra
October 5 1971 to April 17 1972 – Pluto in Libra
July 30 1972 to November 5 1983 – Pluto in Libra
May 1 1975 to September 8 1975 – Uranus in Libra
May 18 1984 to August 28 1984 – Pluto in Libra
If you were born on the cusp (changeover day for dates) there is a chance you may not have Pluto or Uranus in Libra at all. You can check easily if you are a Premium Member now. Virgo or Libra?
What Happens in Libra Season if You are Gen Libra
Gen Libra people born 1968 to 1984, as above (in these dates) have different reactions as the Libra weather crosses Pluto or Uranus in their charts.
If you have Pluto in Libra you are going to hit major questions about the balance of power in your relationship with your former, current or potential partner. Who is in control, emotionally, psychologically or sexually? Who has the upper hand, or no hand at all? How can you two compromise and share?
If you have Uranus in Libra then you are at the heart of radical changes in the chemistry and nature of the relationship you have with your former, current and potential partner – in Libra season. The world turns upside-down around you and you must deal.
How you deal is up to you, but the smartest way is to allow freedom in the door. To give plenty of time and space for others’ independence. Try to also see this as a way of welcoming your own independence. Independence Day in marriages, relationships or partnerships is in store, as Libra weather crosses your chart.
69 Responses
Hi Jessica thank you again for all your work. I have my north node at 13 degrees Libra and during the Mercury retrograde period I’ll have Mercury going back and forward over my Ceres at 24 degrees and Cupido at 11 degrees of scorpio. Would you interpret these aspects as connected in anyway even though they are aspecting on different dates? Thank you in advance if you manage to get to this question as I realise you have lots and lots of them to answer.
Thank you. Yes, you are experiencing Libra-Scorpio weather, over your Seventh House and Eighth House. This is about your former, current or potential partner. It is also about the house, the money, the possessions, the flat, the business interests or the charity. Reaching into the past will help you figure out the present, and then the future. You do have a decision to make about this person, likely in October, no later than November!
Amazing article as always Jessica-Thankyou. I have Saturn at 18 Libra, Pluto at 24 and Cupido at 6. Can you give me any insight as to what this weather may look like for me? There’s still a man I love deeply but we are not in contact, which breaks my heart but needed to
be done to reset the relationship— or move on from it. I’m still not sure which way things will go and I’m hoping this Libra weather might help clear things up.
Thank you for all you do!
Saturn and Pluto and Cupido in Libra in your Seventh House is hard work. I am not surprised you are in love with a man who does not speak to you, or email you. This is a way of ‘doing’ Saturn (waiting, waiting, waiting and suffering – yet avoiding what/who you fear, which is rejection, or even love followed by a breakup!) It is also a way of doing Pluto. When you obsess about someone who is never going to be your partner or lover, you are in control. Why? Because he cannot intervene or interfere. He is a fantasy. Cupido I am sure you know is about the ‘rush’ of the crush. You get the highs without having the very real fears of leaving someone, or being left. So, you have chosen an unavailable man who will never happen, as a result. That’s absolutely fine and pretty common with this line-up. However, your broken heart is no way to live. Use your Astrology Oracle and find out why you are in love. Who he is, really. Why you have chosen someone who does not speak to you or see you, let alone sleep with you. It’s tough, so take a deep breath, because Saturn-Pluto-Cupido is very challenging. However, running away, evading and avoiding is also no way to live. Not really. On the days that the Sun crosses all three factors in Libra, some days apart (6, 18, 24) you will have ‘Aha!’ moments of truth. Breakthroughs that wake you up. Insights. And yes, eventually, you will find a way to have a relationship that is real. Saturn takes time. However, with time comes stability.
This is awesome. I have got 9 factors from 2 degrees to 26 degrees.
I have Bacchus at 5 degrees Libra. This new moon is personal to me as it happens soon after my birthday. Sun also at 4 degrees. No partners right now. Not actively looking. As I am 47, I was thinking that I never enjoyed being in love with someone since young. It was always about pleasing parents by marrying someone they choose. I had to hide my feelings and they were so strong. I felt that I never fully enjoyed a relationship. Bear in mind, I was married for 18 years. The one my parent chose. I was more like a mother to a child with ADHD ( i am sorry about this comment). Quite disruptive and I ended it. Sometimes I think that I don’t know how to love someone. As soon as I sense an unfairness, I become a different person. I suffered as a woman with my in-laws. The traditional women support the men no matter what they are. The traditional women told me that I was not “enough.” It took a lot of courage to ditch these women and the man they protected. 2 years, I have been single. I wanted to be that way to heal, find who I am and grow. I found a lot about myself, my mother and the women in my family. What do you see for me realtionship wise? Is there anyone new? Thank you for your insights and every wonderful article you’ve given us.
Thank you. Married for 18 years, you now have choices in Libra season. I am very sorry you married a child. You have learned the hard way about bad male-female imbalance in your society, life and times. Yet you are not alone, as you incarnated to do that. To be a guinea pig for change. Well done on ditching traditional women’s views about not being ‘enough’. What utter rubbish. You will fall in love again, and the same person will fall in love with you. It is much, much more rare than films, songs, television or the advertising industry suggests. It will be when you are prepared to make compromises for a lover, and not before. When you place such a high value on having a permanent lover in your life, that you are prepared to give up X, Y and Z to have it. Forget about looking for a needle in a haystack, please. You can stitch together anything with anybody. It’s actually about you. Wholly and completely about you; your view of yourself; your decisions about what you will give up for someone else, and when, and how. So don’t be distracted by ‘people out there’ or ‘lack of people out there’ it’s really not that at all. You can relax about this. When you say ‘when I sense unfairness I become a different person’ you are speaking Libra. Eventually you will figure out a way to balance the scales – because relationships are always unfair, at some point. So you’ll deal with that, and then you will be ready to be in a duet.
Hi Jessica! Thank you for a great article! I always enjoy reading them. I have Pluto, Proserpina, Vesta and Uranus in Libra which makes me think it’s related to my daughter, her very controlling dad (my ex husband) who tried and tried alienating me from my daughter since our divorce 13 years ago. I feel like the tide is turning though .. am I right? I have also been very single for the last 5 years which is very not like me. I hope something change in that department during Libra season but that could be me keeping people away too
Yes, this is about your former husband, and the father of your daughter. You have been very single because your intrinsic feel for fairness, equality and justice has been dented by bad sexism, basically! Very 20th century stuff. When you say you are keeping people away – very likely. Perhaps you have not yet figured out how to have a lover without buying into sexism. You will absolutely be dealing with your ex, either via your daughter, or directly with him, through this Libra weather. Once again try to return to the idea of balancing the scales…
Thank you for your reply. I’ll let you know how it plays out. I used to be helpless, with no income and very dependent on him but now I’m in a much stronger position financially, emotionally AND he cannot manipulate our daughter anymore because she’s 19 and pretty smart on her own. I’m not sure how balancing the sales would look like… in my mind he did me wrong in a lot of ways so I see it as karma finally catching up to him. On the other hand, our daughter loves him so if anything happens to him, she would suffer, which I don’t want to happen. That’s why I would never do anything against him.
Ha! You were right that the events will involve my daughter and her father. I just got invited by my daughter to go to to dinner to her boyfriends parent’s house on Sunday…. Her father has never met the boy or his parents. I met the boy. So I WILL be dealing with my ex through my daughter. I don’t want to go, it’s 3 hours away but I said yes because I don’t want my daughter to feel like she only can bring one parent. I just hope he behaves but I seriously doubt it.
Thank you for letting me know the astrology was right for you. These things are complicated, because of the North Node (past life karma) in Cancer (family ties) but do your best to balance the spiritual debts and credits with your daughter, her father and her boyfriend – and their parents. It is extremely likely that the boy, or his mum or dad, is all tied into some karma with all of you. It completes by May 2020 and you will feel as if things have been settled. You owe – or are owed – spiritually. Take a deep breath and please don’t worry about this over the three-hour trip. Just know that you have to ‘repay’ in some way, or be repaid. It will click and you will understand why, later on.
Hi Jessica, just an update on our trip. This is definitely playing out how you predicted. Pluto – my daughter’s father went crazy on our daughter (Proserpina), scared her and threaten to take away everything he gave her. I guess I’m Vesta here and Uranus could be the boy who’s in love with my daughter and telling her to leave her dad to go live with me. Uh oh…. now I can see how Libra will balance the scales. 4 years ago he made her leave me and go live with him. Wow.. astrology could be so black and white and on point !!!!!
I am sorry you and your daughter are being put through this, but yes – after so many years spent working on Elle, Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar – I have to say, experience tells me the astrology will always play out, when Pluto and Proserpina are involved in chart patterns. You are in Libra season to balance the scales, but also to invite others to do the same. Things have to be fair. And actually you need to put yourself on those scales too. You have invested a huge amount of good will, time and energy and if a situation strikes you as unjust, that’s because it is, on every level. You need to fix the scales in your own favour too, as you find it really hard to put up with people who don’t see how unfair or plain wrong they are. This will work itself out. Give it a little bit of time and work.
Hello Jessica, thank you for this interesting post! Will you be able to tell me how it will affect me as I understand I have a stellium of planets in Libra? Many thanks!
You don’t say if you are married, single, with a lover or not. That makes it just a little bit hard! Yet, if single, I would expect you to be thrown together with a former lover (even if a one-night stand) or long-term partner by November. What you two decide to do about your chemistry is a real lesson; an education. It helps you figure out the next partnership. If you are actually with someone, it’s a watershed moment for your usual way of relating, mating and dating – by November. You’ll change things as a couple, as a result.
Hi, Jessica
I have a stellium in Libra. I’ve been single for many years now. How I will be affected in this Libra season?
Thank you very much.
Your issue is likely gender inequality; specific unfairness from one man/many men towards you (based on the fact you are a woman); long-held mixed feelings about sexism and so on. (Usually with very good reason!) This reaches back into your sexuality, rights, strength, power, independence and self-respect. Libra is about the scales of balance and if you have been single for years, it is very likely you have been turned off the whole traditional male-female game. What you may ultimately realise is that you do not want to be married or even in a standard partnership. Perhaps you want to do what men in the 19th century did, and rule (with their own gender) and have a partner/lover ‘on the side.’ This would be an extreme reaction from a Libra stellium person, but it does happen. The other classic situation with this chart pattern you have, is to fail to find anyone remotely equal to you – at all. This may be because you are looking for a duplicate or copy. What you may actually need instead is hugely different, yet complementary! We’re talking money, class, nationality, the lot. I’ll leave that with you. I suspect one person in particular by November will be your wake-up call, reminder alarm and ‘Oh’ moment about these issues.
Dear Jessica,
Amazing as always. You were the person who actually taught me about me having a Libra stellium last year and being Uranused by it.
Would love to have your insight on how this might play in my life. I have a Moon in Aries at 21, 1 degree off the Full Moon. You mention Bacchus too here, which I have in Aries.
I am single currently. And have been trying to meet someone real for the last 2 years and change. Same time as moving to a new continent.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you. I’m really glad you now know about your Libra stellium. You are not ready for a new relationship, and you would not be happy with something which was short-term. In fact it would make you very unhappy. When you move to the place you have in mind (if in fact you do end up there, and not somewhere else) you will be much further along, in terms of knowing where you belong, and why you belong there. This will help you settle down a lot more. It’s too soon. You’re not done with your plans yet. The moving may also be your excuse for a few things – you may be using the ‘one day’ (dress rehearsal) approach to make sure nothing happens in your life, so you don’t have to deal with the fear. Dealing with the fear of a permanent sexual partnership is a big one for you. So, again, you won’t go into anything until that’s been sorted out. Your soul would not allow you to be that vulnerable.
Oh! Thanks for this Jessica! I’ve been growing closer to someone who I met in university (which I started this time 19 years ago – I notice you mention the 19 year cycle a lot), he recently broke up with his long-term partner and I feel like something could happen there. I notice that my natal Uranus is conjunct the new moon – can I expect interesting things to happen regarding relationships? I’m ready for new developments and feel like I’ve been alone for long enough.
This is karmic in nature Aine, and you were likely together a long time ago, also at a university, or in a teaching/learning situation. It may even have been a monastery. Uranus is a symbol of all that is unpredictable, surprising, unstable, subject to change – and yes, something will begin in relation to that part of yourself, and your life (the ‘never know what’s going to happen next’ part). Always expect the unexpected with Uranus and try to adapt and adjust, day to day, as the electrical storm is unleashed. Beyond that, no promises with him or anyone else. But you two did know each other, before.
Hi Jessica
I have S/M point at 5*libra. Is that significant for this full moon.
The Full Moon will really be about self-interest, self-promotion, social media, ego and vanity, selfish ‘me’ thinking – versus the realities of being part of a couple, being married, or part of a pair. You do not say if you are single or with someone so it’s hard to say more than that.
Hi Jessica,
Would be grateful if you can tell me how this is impacting me.. Thank you x
You would need to go back to a previous sexual relationship (short-term or long-term) and ask yourself why you did, what you did. This helps you figure yourself out now, and by November you will feel far more certain about what or who you want from your love life. You can use your Astrology Oracle cards on this website, and the accompanying guide, to help you. A skill you never learned to apply with partners, or have always found impossible, becomes easier once you realise you are being left far, far behind by not implementing a standard relationship practise that most others use. This will also help you turn the wheel in the direction of a healthier sexual partnership for the future.
Hi Jessica, can you help me understand how this libra weather will affect me? I’ve got Pluto at 20 Libra and hoping to meet someone new and make a conscious connection. However I’m conscious my natal Pluto is now squaring transit Pluto so I’m worried the libra weather will bring conflict in work partnerships instead.
Would really value any insights you can share.
Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House is about the lifelong quest to compromise over the controls. I am sure you know that Pluto in mythology was an obsessive, passionate god – who had to take the woman he wanted – and take over the situation. He was forced to do without her, for half the year. This idea of enforced compromise and sharing is at the heart of your Pluto in Libra placement. The transiting square from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto in Libra is affecting millions of people, including you – in stages. You all experience it at different times. It’s essentially about learning how power works between couples. Figuring out the politics (choosing your battles) can also happen at work – you are correct – if you have a professional partnership, for example. Some uneasy questions about who is top dog, or who is holding all the cards, tends to arise with Pluto Square Pluto. You have to dig deeper for the soul stuff – the spiritual connections and spiritual truths between yourself and another – to move past that. Try not to get involved in any of those games if you can possibly avoid them.
I’m a 1968 born Gen Libra with Uranus in Libra, Uranus – 00° Libra 00′ 39″.
I was also reading Libra birthday horoscope and the impending astrological evens in Dec 19, May2020 and next year Bday.
What should I be aware of?
The most important change will be the end of many years of ongoing challenges involving particular family members, your house or apartment, and perhaps your home town and homeland. You will see a shift away from that constant pressure in stages. It gets better in December 2019, and much less stuck from May 2020. From December 2020 you will feel so much more free, and then from 2023, you’ll really feel an era is over. You will look back at how much you put up with in 2008-2022 and shake your head! Children will play a substantial part in your life from 2023 – or perhaps teenagers. Sometimes people adopt on that cycle, or they inherit a new partner’s younger nieces and nephews, as their own.
Hi Jessica I didn’t think of myself as Libran influenced. It seems I have a bit of a stellium. I’ve been married 19 years. I think there is inequality but I wonder what it’s all about? Dare I ask! Marriage is not easy.
Strongly Libran people express themselves through marriage and enjoy the challenge of balancing the scales. They will work at a partnership for many more years, with far more energy and commitment, than other people who have average/no Libra placements. Congratulations on your 19-year anniversary. Did you know you are also impacted by the North Node in Cancer (family, home) and South Node in Capricorn (career, status) going around in 19 year cycles? For more on this look up North Node in Cancer.
Is it a reversed Noda return?
The North Node and South Node are always opposite each other and move backwards in 19 year cycles. If you were born with the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn, you are currently having your Nodal Return.
Anything related to relocation or family or career related with libra 4 ic and mc on the same degree located in opposite house? I am desperate to move to my country with better income options in hand, but they seem to take time. Any property buying in sight?
Thanks for all your work that helps me plan my moves in advance! God bless you.
Thank you. We have the North Node in Cancer in your Fourth House of residency, visas and property – your house or apartment. The North Node keeps you stuck. Nothing changes fast enough. People keep doing and saying the same things, and that includes Prime Ministers and politicians. You are approaching what is known as a Grand Cross, as the North Node moves to 4 Cancer. The South Node moves to 4 Capricorn. A cross shape appears with your Libra IC at 4 degrees and Aries MC at 4 degrees. This cross will take place in 2020, but by May it is over. This will be a crossroads for you, about where to live/how to live – and when you have made your final decision, you will be out of this cycle for 19 years.
Hi Jessica,
I definitely have a Libra stellium, and Sept 26 is my exact birthday. When I read your articles, 3 things popped in my head. 1) I think my ex-boyfriend will propose to his partner soon. 2) My work partner or my self will be let go from our job. Her birthday is on 9/25. 3) Our city will vote on annexing from our current city (divorce) to incorporate a new city on Oct 12. I have been married for 8 years, and sensing our relationship is turning for the better since Uranus have been in Taurus. Can you give me some insight on this libra weather and let me know if I’m close, off, or totally missing something?
Thank you!
It’s possible your old boyfriend will marry his new partner – and that will help you think about your own marriage in a new and different way, if your ex-boyfriend finally decides on a wedding. You will also see a crossroads for/with your work partner. Both these turning points help you look at the chemistry you share with them with your 2019 eyes, not your 2018 eyes.
HI Jessica, I’m in a long term 25 year relationship with the father of my children. But we’re at loggerheads all the time and he just received a large inheritance payment which is causing nothing but arguments. I don’t want to split up…so how can I best navigate this tricky terrain during Libra season? Thank you x
You won’t walk because of the children and the money. Ultimately it is down to him. I hope you are both seeing a relationship counsellor.
Hi Jessica
I have
Panacea at 2 libra
Mercury at 2 scorpio
Jupiter at 3 gemini
MC at 2 leo
IC at 2 aqua
Can you please tell me how this libra weather will play out for me based on this 2-3 degree pattern.
Thank you.
Born with Panacea in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, and also professional partnership (common-law marriage too) you are the healer, problem-solver and repair man of any duet. Yet, there is always an ethical or moral issue involved. You see the solutions and implement them, all the time, within two-way relationships, but there is a grey area only your conscience can decide. This is tied to finance, property and business. So, classically, marriage and mortgage. This is really where your focus should be. Have a look at Panacea on Search.
Hi Jessica,
I’m single, have a stellium in Libra and at the 3 degree you mention in your article. How do you think this Libra weather will play out in my horoscope?
Mars 18 degrees Libra
Jupiter 3 degrees Libra
Uranus 3 degrees Libra
Fortuna 11 degrees Libra
Cupido 19 degrees Libra
South node 6 degrees Libra
You are being asked to judge what is fair, or unfair, regarding a person you once had a fling with, or a serious relationship. I assume you are single because you don’t mention being married or in a common law marriage. This period is about looking at the scales of justice and fairness and being honest about how you sit on the scales. Is anything wrong, here, or out of line? It is really about figuring out how you want your ex to exist in your life today. Are you able to work with them, or not? Be friends or not? Have you reached a point where you’ve just about had enough and want to cut all ties and start thinking about new faces? All these questions loom in Libra weather as does the new partner of your ex!
Hi Jessica,
I can definitely resonate with what you said at the end of the article. This does feel like a time of welcoming my own independence!
My largest stellium is in Libra, which includes Pluto. The only factor that lines up with anything you mentioned is my Ascendent at 20 Libra on the full moon in Aries in October (and also my Descendent at 20 Aries). Should I be worried about this date? I really have not been too keen for drama lately, so I find myself desiring solitude often, although perhaps part of me still desires a pure/strong/meaningful… but it’s hard to achieve that even!
The Full Moon will be easier if you create time and space to be alone. You may find one of your former lovers or partners on your radar again so there is a little lesson in that. The Libra weather all around is about looking at old affairs, flings or proper relationships and really assessing the person today to figure out if you want/need that face in your life – and what you have learned as a result.
Thank you for this insightful post! I always appreciate the information and how you present it.
I have three planets/asteroids, etc., in Libra, including Fortuna at 3 degrees Libra.
During this season I will indeed be doing a lot of the things you’ve mentioned. I will be divvying money for child support, and also seeing a new person who I really like. Do you have any insight into my situation?
Thank you!
I’m glad the astrology makes sense to you immediately. Focus on the child support and make that the biggest story. You need to try and get as much of that done as you possibly can before October 11th otherwise it may go back and forth until December.
Hi Jessica and thank you very much for the great content. I am a reader from one of the hardly sanctioned places in the world, thats why i could not become a premium member yet as i do not have access to online payment systems. I rely on the free content on your website, and even sometimes i have to use vpn to open the website, because it blocks my IP♀️. I am grateful for being able to read my daily horoscope the evening before due to our time differences.
I highly appreciate it if you could give an insight about my life in terms of love, family and carreer. My DOB is 21/10/1985 and unfortunately i have a stellium in scorpio (mercury, saturn, pluto and juno) and most probably a capricorn rising. Been through so much and i feel like rising from my ashes recently by being offered a position abroad and now trying to get paperwork done to obtain visa.
Once again thank you very much, your wisdom is my inspiration.
Sorry you are living in an internet-blocked country. You were born on 21st October 1985 and have a Scorpio stellium and you are looking for a job abroad. You are in luck as Jupiter (opportunity, optimism, improvements, solutions) is finally streaking ahead of Ceres in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreign places and people. He is there until the first week of December. In your other chart (your Scorpio chart) he is racing ahead of Ceres, in your Second House of saved/made income. Push the paperwork through by October 11th if you can.
Hi jessica, what a coincidence as my husband and I had some disagreements over the weekend as he feels too confined with so much family time. We have been married for 15 years and had an unconventional situation whereby he would work in hospitality ( nights and week end work). In the past 3 years he has started a new 9 to 5 working week to be around the family more. He said that he wants space and his own ‘out of the family friends’ , which is fair enough about but he’s acting out and doesn’t know how to go about it when I ask him what he wants and is incommunicative. Too compound the situation he has been sober for over 18 months but he is struggling to find a new way of socialising without alcohol…yes we are in Australia so it is a anathema to many. His birthday 29th Dec, 1966- a capricorn (with a cancer moon I think?) I am trying to give as much space as possible but it is very wearing.
Not so much a coincidence, as the astrology working. Your husband is testing himself as well as you. You are both going through it, as a result of the heavy, historic transit of Pluto, Saturn and the South Node through Capricorn, his own sign. He is asking for space because he is going through tremendously difficult questions about himself. He has done very well to be sober for 18 months but that is also a massive change! Continue to give him room to move, to do what he wants and if he won’t communicate, so be it – for the time being. This can and does get better when Jupiter goes into Capricorn from the first week of December and after a major bridge to cross with you, in January 2020, he will figure out what is required. This is partly about the way he looks. It is certainly about his reputation, and the situation at work – his role or title there. This is personal stuff. Only he can work it out. And you do need to give him time. He will not have this cycle again for another 240+ years and he’s the clay being reformed on the potter’s wheel.
Question that staff may be able to answer , when checking to see if my question has been selected for an answer, is it a positive to presume if the question before and the question after mine has been answered, that at this time my question will not be answered. I realize that Jessica cannot answer all.
Thank you all for a great website
I guess there was no reply to either of my questions , I understand ..I am having difficulty understanding Jessica’s format due to my poor knowledge of astrology …….I would like to continue my subscription through its ending date of April 3 rd , then not to automatically renew. I think I need to understand astrology better and find someone to assist me
Thank you for the knowledge I have gained…….blessings
One thought that occurs to me is that you will have your Jupiter Return in Aquarius in the year 2021 and in fact, your entire life will change from that year, beyond 2023, as you are set to experience Jupiter transiting your natal Jupiter in the Eleventh House of groups and friends. Saturn will also cross natal Jupiter and then Pluto changes signs from 2023, promising a radically different experience as you go through the Twenties and into the Thirties. You are focussed on love, sex and marriage but actually the story is friendship, people power and the community. That’s rather different. You will join a network of people in the year 2021 which completely transforms your existence.
Birthdate 10/18/1938 Manchester England
Hello Jessica thank you for your response it is true I am concentrating on intimate relationships . Wishing for something special .
Frustrated at all the goings on , have moved , cannot seem to get all the move put together , always someone needs something diverting my attention of what I need to do, husband situation gets more desperate ,I have to admit I have given up and just want it to end which would devastate family, who believe for their parents until death do us part.. there are 3 friends who I have met through writing who show great interest, have to admit I am flattered( normal for my circumstance I guess) I try to follow your knowledge of astrology. What do you see on the horizon…. any positivity in my relationship situations… is a blessing and a life saver but I would love for a good emotional relationship…any answers would be appreciated . I have 5 Libra and I believe 6 Sagittarius but not sure of placements, Thanks safe passage
The friendship-writing theme will build in power, energy and importance in leaps and bounds. The first leap is May 2020, then there is a massive jump in December 2020, with more to come from the year 2023. Out of this will come a new sexual relationship. You have the kind of horoscope where the carrot for the donkey is always falling in love (or in lust). I am sure you know that anyway! You are attracted, and attract, and the relationship is one thing (okay) but the actual benefits, which last for years, come as a by-product of the desire. So, for example, you turn up every week to boring HTML coding classes because you desire your classmate. You do that for two years, become a brilliant programmer, the affair does not last – but the career online does. This is a random example, but you get the picture. This is where you are going, for a while anyway!
I guess neither one of my questions received an answer, I understand , not all correspondence can be answered. I am having difficulty understanding Jessicas format due to my lack of astrology knowledge. I think it might be best if I let my subscription to go April 3 rd and then not automatically renew. I am going to try to take lessons and get answers to my lessons ,that way my understanding will be a little greater…I appreciate all I have learned and thank you…… Blessings
I just checked the list of questions and comments and see it is up to 8,946 today. I am sorry it is not possible to reply to each and every person who writes. I set up the Sun Sign School to train astrologers in my method, forecasting technique and prediction secrets, so that in 2020 there will be a panel of people available to handle the enormous postbag and give individual attention to questions. In the meantime I will stay at my desk here in Thailand today and see if I reach your original message. I do strongly recommend you use your Astrology Oracle ecards and guidebook, and also the Tarot cards and interpretations, together with the horoscope interpretation manuals that all come with your membership.
Thank you for your reply I think I will delve more into your sun sign school , it might be my answer for the knowledge I need I do enjoy your site for many reasons and want to get over my frustration this was my last comment although I sent two
Good day Jessica 10/18/ 1038 Manchester England
I am not sure that my lack of astrological knowledge serves me well on your website, I have a Sagittarius stellium, A Libra Stellium and little else in my chart and my numbers never appear to line up with the numbers from your reading. The coming weeks and months appear from your conversation to be that of upheaval especially with mercury retrograde upon us. I was hoping for a calm period where I can concentrate on my writing …….but does not seem so …….it appears from your reading another period of financial distress. Could you please give me some info as to what will prevail from now until April …….I am trying to prepare I read through the comments to at least try to garner some generic astrological results.
Thank you to you and your staff for any help or go to forum
Hey Jessica! I think I have Pluto and Uranus in Libra?! What am I supposed to gather with that? Lol. Confusing. I also have e a couple of other factors as well. Dad is doing better from his bad leg break. I am still really behind in my Surgical Technology program, but things are calming down. I can pull it off, I just need to tackle one thing at a time. Ex Libra (10/21/84), has been back in contact. He’s actually been very supportive, and I have changed a lot since our horrific breakup 2 years ago. That being said, I am under no illusions . I’m am just kinda Zen about it all. I am just focusing on school, and staying true to myself. Hope you are well. Thanks for your support and input.
You are part of the Pluto in Libra and Uranus in Libra generation – born to transform marriage. Your ex-boyfriend who has the Sun in Libra has been back in contact during Libra season, so the astrology is spot on as usual. He wants to balance the scales with you. Despite your horrific breakup two years ago, he wants to make the peace with you and all you really have to do is show up. As you can lose your concentration and focus when you are involved with him in any way, though, you may prefer to put your Surgical Technology program first at the moment!
Thanks Jessica! That is the plan. I am focusing on school. I just feel like whatever happens is going to happen in regards to that ex thing. I am going to do whatever I have to do to achieve the things I want to do for myself. The rest will just shake itself out .
I am virgo but i have many planets in balance. What can you tell me about my love life? I am scared of my former partner because he accuses me of facts I do not do. I am married to my current husband. we want to buy a house in the next corner. what awaits me? thank you for everything
I am sorry your former partner is doing this. You will make the decision about the house by May 2020 when the North Node finally leaves Cancer and your Fourth House of property. At the moment it is taking longer than you expected, as the North Node can bring repetitive situations where you feel everything is going around in a circle. You need to deal with your former partner energetically. By that, I mean you need to cut cords going from his chakras, to your own chakra system. Space does not allow me to go into the chakra system and aura here, but there are some excellent books and audio recordings to help you. If you are curious about energy and ‘cording’ as it is called, you may want to begin with authors like Betty Shine, or healers like Matthew Manning. Take a look at their work, but also at the work of Linda Williamson, the medium. You may find your own favourite expert, of course, but psychic mediums can see energetic cords, or lines, going from one person to another and you are still connected to your ex, because you are buying into fear. Begin regular meditation, and start working on your energy field. He has no right whatsoever to do this, but you need to detach your interest. Allow him to bore you. That can help.Find it dull. Stop talking about it or writing about it.
Hi Jessica,
After the Libra season is over, will the exes go back to where they came from? Or are we stuck with them for a little longer? I have Pluto, Saturn, and Hygeia in Libra. Ex showed up. Mixed emotions, very happy to see him yet, also keeping in mind his indecisiveness that caused the breakup. He too has Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Libra. Our greatest misunderstanding was the fear of being hurt by one another. So he broke up with me to go back to his ex and i went back to my ex too. We are both with other people now (I have been happy and safe) so this reappearance is disturbing because I feel strongly for this person (ex) meanwhile the person I am with provides me with safety. How do I deal with this?
Your ex-boyfriend turned up right on cue for Libra season, and of course he has Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Libra in the Seventh House of relationships, separation, marriage and divorce! You two have massive decisions to make and of course, you may well both decide to go back to your current partners. I can’t make the decision for you. It will be emotional, sexual, spiritual and psychological. By November you will both have made your final choice. It may help you to use your Astrology Oracle cards and Tarot cards (both on this website, with a guidebook for members) to ask yourself what the outcomes would be for both of you, within 12 months, if you were to get back together. You can work around the subject. Always begin by asking about the present. If the cards accurately show you what is going on now, you can trust them to show you what is going on in 2020!
Hi Jessica – in case you are still taking comments, I’m trying to figure out what my placements of Pluto 10 Libra, IC 28 Libra and Vulcano 1 Libra mean for my love life. I got super angry last weekend at a very good friend who is an on again, off again lover for taking me for granted (at least, that’s my perception). I want more, he doesn’t which is his prerogative, but I wonder if I should wait for him to wake up, try to keep the friendship (he’s been very supportive over the years) or make a clean break completely. And if its the latter, I won’t be mad (promise!). Maybe this is a case of out with the old, in with the new? Thanks for any insights you can provide. PS: I don’t have his birth time. Don’t know if the date would really help.
If your birth time is accurate to the minute, then you are repeating a pattern in your family tree, which one time led to separation, divorce, a rocky marriage or even polygamy. Even if it’s not, you would still have Pluto at 10 Libra and very likely Vulcano at 1 Libra anyway, in your Seventh House of relationships. Pluto was in fact, and ‘on again, off again’ husband to his wife Proserpina who spent 6 months of the year with him and 6 months with her mother. Vulcano was cuckolded by Venus, his wife, and famously made a net to trap her with. He worked with fire and steel (he was a blacksmith) and is associated with emotional eat – so, anger. Your friend is actually delivering a textbook Pluto relationship, but rather like the God in the story, you may want more. That means total control, absolute dominance, and nobody else except you – all the time. Ask yourself where that would actually get you with him or any other lover. This could be a useful time to examine who you are, and how you feel, when you’re not with him. Have a look at Pluto and Vulcano on Search as well. He may in fact be giving you what you need, even if it’s not what you think you want. And that sounds like a Rolling Stones song, but it does in fact fit the situation. Would the passion for him or anyone else decrease if you were to marry? That’s not a bad question to ask yourself either.
Thank you so much, Jessica. I think introspection about relationships is required on my part. Thing is, he’s not talking to me and when we last spoke a few days ago, was giving my keys back. I’m devastated that I may have lost my friend. Here’s hoping things are repairable. Thank you again!