Psychic Astrology – Australian Election Prediction
Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
What will Year of the Rat bring you? Lunar New Year always falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. That means the date shifts between the middle of January and February, so if you were born in the first two months of the year, always double-check your Asian sign. Accurate Year of the Rat predictions depend on it.
You can find an Asian Zodiac Sign calculator here.
Are you interested in Lunar New Years eCards that you can download and send out to friends and family – You can find here.
Mistakenly called Chinese New Year, based on the Chinese Zodiac, we’re actually talking about the whole of Asia. The cycles of time are based on Jupiter, a planet we also know in Western Astrology. About every 12 years, Jupiter returns to the same astrology pattern in Asia, which in 2020 happens to be The Rat.
Chinese restaurants do really well out of the myth that Lunar New Year and the 12 signs are exclusive to China, but it’s Asia-wide.
The second New Moon after the Winter Solstice of 2019 (which fell on December 22nd) is the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday 24th January, becoming exact at different times around the world. In 2020, Year of the Rat predictions start to take shape, exactly as the New Moon arrives. Not one minute earlier!
Do allow for world time zone changes. For example, in Sydney, where Chinatown celebrates Year of the Rat, it won’t happen until the morning of Saturday 25th January at 8.42am.
For the purposes of world celebration, we can safely say it’s Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January, but if you want to create a ritual for the moment Year of the Rat comes to pass, you will need to look up your nearest capital city here for the exact moment the New Moon lands.
Just by knowing that your Asian Sign is based on Jupiter and twelve-year cycles, it is possible to accurately sum up who you are, based on your Asian birth year. If you haven’t already read this guide to the 12 signs, take a closer look here.
The Rat is about financial partnership and property duets. Marriage and mortgage, or couple’s property investments, are associated with the Rat. It’s where the security comes from.
In 2020, we are going to see people hanging on tightly to their money, resting on all they save or make from their partner, and even from their former partner (if there has been a divorce settlement).
Jupiter is in Capricorn, the sign of the people at the top of the share market and big business, in 2020 and as Jupiter describes what happens in Year of the Rat – we’re looking at a year when bankers, millionaires and billionaires will save, not spend. This strongly affects the property market so if you want to sell, buy or rent a new home this year, you’d better look at what the real-estate developers and politicians are doing, before you calculate.
In 2020, Jupiter – which has been watched by Asian and Western astrologers for centuries – moves in sensible, conservative, cautious Capricorn opposite the Moon in property-minded Cancer, every month. This is a year for the money-minded millionaires and billionaires among us to hold on tight, hanging on to their security and cash, for dear life. Okay, now what’s ahead for your sign?
It’s all about the big idea in 2020. This may be a film script or an architectural design. A brilliant business brainwave or a blog. The issue is, finding the right place for it. Rat, you need to make sure this concept is planted on safe ground, before it comes to nothing. You can help someone make this real. Or, if you feel this is all your own work, you should be delegating or finding support. Rat, there is a reasonable amount of hesitation here. It’s actually fear. How can you make this high-potential plan work for you now? Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
This year is all about translating dreams into reality. You, or someone important to you, will develop an important concept, idea or plan this year. If there are two Ox involved, or an Ox and Rat (see above) then this brainwave becomes even more important, but you will both need to act, not just daydream. No matter who surrounds this vision on your computer, there has to be a big shift, in terms of finding a different location for what is required. Travel or relocation might be necessary. Research and action work best. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
You will need to figure out groups, both against you, but also so similar to you, in 2020. This may be a circle of women friends who all share the same ideas, quite different to your own in some ways, as you are on opposite sides of the fence. Yet, underneath it all, you will find you are remarkably alike with your core views. Political parties, football teams, rock bands, book groups, children’s charities, ensemble casts, members’ clubs and even secret societies will strongly influence you in 2020. As fighting (even if you are just a keyboard warrior) is a waste of time and energy, think about other ways to manage the situation. There may be more than one, Tiger. You need a practical strategy now. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
Tactics and strategy are so important to you in 2020, Rabbit. You need to focus on clever new ways to defuse situations before they happen. This means thinking ahead. There is no doubt about it. Year of the Rat brings some people in your world who have rat-like cunning. They are the plotters and planners in your midst. You can be several steps ahead by removing whatever might be used to create conflict. A pre-emptive (peaceful) strike could be just the ticket. Sometimes all people do is talk. They are ‘all talk and no trousers’ so nothing actually happens. However – you cannot bank on that. So, with all the Watership Down instincts your sign is famous for, sniff the air, see what you’re picking up, then quickly hop to it. A peaceful life in 2020 depends on it. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
You will be travelling far and wide in 2020, so you can make more of two or three very special plans, Dragon. If you are involved with another Dragon, Ox or Rat then you can double that message. These Asian signs are also preoccupied with concepts and brainwaves with tremendous potential. This is a year for you to export, travel, relocate or emigrate – if you want to see success. The fact is, you are in the wrong part of the world, to be doing anything with not just your most important idea (as of January 24th, 2020) but others which are also around you. There is a strong message about this year – ‘Time is of the essence’. Unless you get a wriggle on and find exactly the right place to put these budding plans, notions, schemes or dreams, they will not last the distance. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
This is a year for peacemaking and peacekeeping. You can double that message if you are involved with another Snake or a Rabbit. We are going into quite a divisive year in 2020 – which you have no doubt noticed. Great Britain leaves the European Union on 31st January after four years of arguments. The Climate Emergency has reached Australia and is controversial. In the United States, Donald Trump is up against the Democrats in election year. In your own life, personally or professionally, you will be able to manage a difficult situation between other people which changes their lives for the better. In fact, you can bring healing or closure. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
We are going through an Ideas Year in 2020 where there are so many budding projects, plans and brainwaves that 2021 could be quite amazing, in terms of results and rewards. You are part of the story and may be closely involved with another Horse, Rat, Ox or Dragon. A younger generation will be involved. This may be your own babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults. Perhaps the connection is broader, Horse, so there are junior faces involved with your paid work, or unpaid efforts. The trick is timing and location. You are at the right time but need to act quickly. You are in the wrong place (or the ideas are) – move this! Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
You and your former, current or potential partner (or other half, in some other way) have decisions ahead. You must both figure out if you are going to go along the same pathway together or split and go your separate ways. This separation may be temporary, so weeks or months apart – or lasting. It’s a real crossroads for you. It looks as though this is work or personal. If personal, the question of an apartment, house, workplace location or property investment is the key. You two are very similar although also strangely the same! There is a great need here for communication, common-sense and clear-sighted thinking, too. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
There is money to be saved or made, in a big way, in 2020. The year as a whole is about the rich hanging on to all they have gained – very tightly. You are part of this story. Of course, you have to believe that you deserve a large sum. You have to know in your heart that it is there to be claimed. This may be a considerable saving or discount, or perhaps something which is free, but if you paid for it – would cost you a small fortune. In other cases, it is a large amount, like an investment reward. Everything is imaginary or ‘potential’ until you make it so. This could help with travel, home improvements, or a big ambition. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
Who and what to cut out of your life, and when? That is the question! You need to sort out why you feel on the defensive, in the year 2020. This may involve another Rooster, Rabbit or Snake. You would benefit from setting aside your need to defend yourself so heavily, and instead quickly remove whatever is blinding you to the facts. So, when you feel the time is right (a New Moon is always good, and we have a New Moon as the Year of the Rat begins, on Friday January 24th) do act. This means not leaving yourself feeling exposed or vulnerable, but efficiently and rapidly getting rid of what you know is affecting your ability to see clearly and be 100% aware of who or what is around you. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
The Year of the Rat, for so many signs, is The Year of Ideas. The trick is making them happen. You may be involved with another Dog, Rat, Ox, Dragon or Horse with these concepts. They may be half-formed plans or budding projects, but you need to move them to where they can thrive. You are currently blessed with not just one, but two or three different pieces of inspiration which are already growing, every time you look at them. One in particular is your priority but please do not forget anything else, as it has just as much chance of taking off. The trick is, choosing the right part of town; the right region; the right country. You are on the threshold in 2020 and may need to travel yourself, or even pack your bags, to make sure that the huge potential is reached. Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
Your family tree, on either your mother’s side or father’s side, needs some special attention in 2020. Perhaps we are also talking about your side of the family, versus your in-laws’ side. We are seeing the old set-up strongly affected by change. If things are to grow for the future, and that side of the family protected, this is the year to look after everything. In addition to this message about your year ahead, there is also a great need to look at tactics and strategy. This is true for you, in potential conflict situations. These may involve another Pig, Rabbit, Snake or Rooster. We have a very long Mars cycle in 2020. This planet is about duels and disputes. Necessary or not? It’s your call. How will you play it? Are you a Premium Member – Keep reading for your extended sign predictions.
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Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out.
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51 Responses
Jessica, I met someone (Rat) new on line on the walking app and his birthday is June, 22 1972 As I like him a lot I just wonder how is he connected to me and is there any potential connection between us. It looks like a Rat year is bringing me rat and what else is coming will be awesome to know and hear from and your feedback Jessica.
Thank you.
So you’re flirting with a Rat. Better not tell your friends, that! Do you mean, your app puts you together with other walkers? Like a walking club? That’s a really good way to get to know who he truly is.
Dear Jessica,
Please may it be possible to offer some support and guidance. I have just been told I have been made redundant and was hoping that you may be able to offer some light on what it is that I should do now in regards to career. I cannot seem to cope whilst all the more have no friends. I feel my inner spirit is depleting very much so and would be so grateful if you are to see this comment and offer any sort of support. I am thinking to appeal yet wondered if the stars would be supportive of this endeavour at all?
Thank you for your time to read this comment and I look forward to hearing from you with any information of support or guidance you may wish to offer.
Take care,
Kindest regards,
PS – Happy New Year of the Rat 2020
Okay Bea. You have beautiful manners and write so well – there are part-time and temporary gigs all over the internet for people like you. If you are ‘between jobs’ as they say, use your freedom and try hiring yourself out on places like Fiverr. As much as astrology can tell you what is going on (extreme weather in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career) and that it will get better (three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn, April to November) the real issue is practical. If you say you have no friends, I need you to pick up the telephone and call The Samaritans, or a similar organisation, where you live. It is extremely important that you have someone to talk to about this, and you can ring The Samaritans regularly. I am sorry that Lunar New Year of the Rat has started like this for you, but it does get better. You also have the South Node going into Sagittarius (education) from May 2020, throughout 2021 and into January 2022 which is the ideal time to pick up a second or third skill-set which will make you income. For example, a second language. Bea, as this year is a period of major, slow transition for you, changes will not happen overnight, especially as you are going into Mercury Retrograde throughout February and the first half of March. Yet, everything looks positive for you. Astrology on the internet can only take you so far, though, so please telephone a friendly (trained) good listener now. And chat every day if you must. I once worked for a similar organisation called Youthline run by the psychologist and author Steve Biddulph, and my mum does the same, for another organisation in her own town. That is what we/she are/were there for! So call. Chat. It will help you so much.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much for your words of hope and encouragement, it truly means a lot to me and to believe I have some skills. I understand, it’s as though the reality of redundancy has sunk in and now I have regret for past choices and how radically this experience is effecting my mental health. Thank you for your suggestion to reach out to the Samaritans. Is this energy going to effect the beginning of 2021 as I believe to have recall reading in a previous article? I am noticing myself drawing frequently the five of pentacles card and worry as it confirms how I am feeling. What does it mean when you drawn the same card? Thank you for warning me about the Mercury retrograde also, for I am also noticing the two of wands card appear. What does this suggest? Thank you so much for your support and understanding, I am truly so grateful. Take care, kindest regards, Bea. (PS – I was just curious to ask, how do I become a sun sign astrologer through being a student of sun sign school? Is this the way to be ‘qualified’? Could this provide a source of income?)
You are not ‘redundant’ you are between jobs. In fact I am talking about this, at our Melbourne event this morning. January 2020 was always going to be the month of ‘the beginning of the end’ and everyone has it going on somewhere. You have it with career. I hope you have telephoned the Samaritans or similar as you need to talk to someone, every day, or even twice a day, if you feel the need. You keep drawing the Five of Pentacles because you need to make the money go around in a different way. The Two of Wands is about learning and teaching. So yes, you need to go and study and up-skill. Yes, the Sun Sign School will provide a source of income to those who take that, and one of my own courses, and then take a counselling volunteer course – but that is over a year away, and may take longer. As time is of the essence, find out where you can learn, what you can learn, for nothing – more quickly – or subsidised, so you have to pay less. You can try a few different courses or classes, in person and online.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much once again for your kind words. They are truly much appreciated. I was just wondering, is it wise when reading my chart to read it from the perspective of Gemini in the first house? For I believe this would correspond to the recent Capricorn Stellium in the 8th house? I have the option to appeal the decision and so was wondering if it would be favourable to do so?
Thank you so much too for your tarot interpretations. I would love to do study and up-skilling but its the deciding on subject topic I find difficult. I have learnt much about various subjects online through free resources but unsure if in order to progress would I require a completion of a qualification through an institution or would self publishing be the way forwards?
I understand, would the courses you mentioned be available through the sun sign school platform?
Thank you so much for your innate wisdom and light in the world. Take care, Kindest regards, Bea
Sure, Bea, the Sun Sign School is open for any-time enrolment. Gemini does not rule the First House in the system I use; it rules your Third House of study which is why I recommend you continue qualifying and learning, between jobs. Capricorn rules your Tenth House of career. If you want to appeal a decision you may want to allow for Mercury Retrograde, right through February and the first half of March. Thank you.
Happy New Year Jessica 🙂 I find it so interesting how my Asian zodiac profile and predictions coincide so much with my astrological chart. Considering both what are the converging themes for me for 2020? I just met the love of my life (5/9/78) two weeks ago and it was love at first sight (introduced by my cousin) and we have already started to plan the merging of our lives – buying a house, having more children together (he has 5) etc. I know from you Libra’s are due to experience shifts in the home. I love my job and the people I work with. My daughter is healthy and as happy as a pre-teen can be from moment to moment. I feel like my life is finally getting started after so many years of heartache, struggle and disappointment. Thank you for what you do and for helping me on the regular!
Happy Lunar New Year of the Rat to you, as well. Thank you. Your Asian and Western astrology is certainly agreeing if you have just fallen in love. I am so pleased for you, and how amazing that you have just gained five new children!
Do you see (feel) him being the life partner I have always dreamed I would have? I have to say that I have never felt this before in my life. I’m scared because it is so good, no red flags and not one thing I don’t adore about him. Not to mention he absolutely adores me and makes sure I know it with his words and actions. Thank you again!
I hope so, for your sake, but he does not have a chart here so I can’t read him. So far so good.
Hi Jessica
Fascinated to know if there is any connection between being a Rat with June 1972 birthdate and my Jupiter falls in Capricorn?
Yes. The Year Star, as the Chinese called it, is actually Jupiter. So you have quite a similar chart in both cultures. Capricorn is very much about the material world and so is the Rat.
Happy New Year of the Rat to you and your staff Jessica!
I just wanted to pop in and say that a wee while ago, you kindly replied to a comment I had following an internal ‘ping’ to volunteer with the lonely elderly as part of giving back to my local community. I’m happy to say that today I signed my official volunteer papers and will be getting matched with a local resident shortly. I can’t wait!! I recall you said it will change my life. I came home to my children today with my heart full and my 10 year old Pisces daughter now wants to get involved too 🙂 Thanks for the previous acknowledgement and all your beautiful support thus far. It makes the whole internet astrology connection, that much sweeter. x
Thank you – Happy New Year of the Rat from all of us. Well done on your new life volunteering with older people. Yes, it will change your life and your daughter is part of the story. You’ll both be a terrific hit.
Thank you very much!! xx
Oh Wow!
Happy New Year Dear Jessica!
Amazed at how the yearly prediction for western zodiac- jupiter in solar third house and chinese zodiac fit together! Add to this natal Guru in taurus!
Working on launching my blog and also wanting to relocate to begin work in a new city. I have three goals that I desire to manifest into reality in 2020 and my soul knows it needs to move on from where it is presently!
Please guide me as to how I can accomplish my dreams this year.
Thank you.
The two systems do work together, in an uncanny way. I believe that the old Asian astrologers met the old European astrologers on the Silk Road and that is how it began – watching Jupiter. So you want to launch a blog. Move. Get a new job. All this is Gemini, Sagittarius so you are waiting for May, when the North Node goes into Gemini for the first time in 19 years and the South Node goes into Sagittarius for the first time in 19 years. Of course you can make your moves before then, but any good karma from this or other lifetimes regarding publishing, the internet or relocation will only move when the wheel turns around in May 2020. It holds good into 2021 and January 2022.
Hi Jessica,
I’m a Tiger/Libra. What do you see for me in the aspect of love and relationships this year please?
Tigers relate to Aquarius (the group) so this is a repeat of what I have said previously – the road to love and sex is friendship and groups. It happens in slow stages and the first one is today. It is amazing how many people meet their future wife or husband through a friend, or a friend. Birds of a feather flock together. But – you have to fly out of the front door to meet them.
Hi Jessica,
As a rooster, I hope I don’t get into conflicts this year. I had met a monkey towards the end of last year, who had and is helping me to soften up and heal me from my past hurts and disappointments. It is a good friendship extended to family.
Will my friendship with the monkey sustain positively in this Rat year.
The Rooster corresponds to Aries in East-West astrology. I’m sure you know this sign is combative, impulsive and can over-heat and over-react. Also provoke. It’s interesting that you identify as Fiery. Did you know how much names and labels affect things? You may want a new pseudonym. Seriously. There is no reason why Monkeys and Roosters can’t get on, but think about roosters for a moment and you’ll realise there is always a pecking order. Less pecking in 2020 maybe?
Hi Jessica,
I didn’t see if anyone else mentioned this, but there is a VERY worrisome virus spreading in China. The year of the Rat is starting off by showing it’s dark side in the manifestation of a Black Plague of sorts. It may not seem like much overseas, but I happen to be in China, and only 2 hours by train away from Wuhan (where it originated, millions of people can’t leave the city)… and it’s the worst time to be here if you are a germaphobe like me. Masks apparently don’t help, you need goggles, too (from what I read).
Just curious, is there anything that you see that indicates this?
Happy Lunar New Year. I don’t mean to be a buzz kill on this post, but this timing is too hard not to point out. Thanks!
Yes, the virus was predicted by that Virgo Full Moon on Monday 9th March 2020 – pretty sure it was posted in a general round-up I did on Mercury Retrograde, if you want to hit Search. The virus is already up and running, and has been since December, as you know. What will likely happen on March 9th, or within a day either side, is a new, major decision on Asian tourism and export. That’s the big one. The time to act is now. It is very important that you make your body, mind and spirit the absolute priority. Get the best sources, from The Guardian to The Lancet, and be proactive. You will be helped and supported by an important person and ‘the power of two’ will help you. Two heads are better than one. I am not so concerned by the corona virus itself and your physical body – I am looking at stress management. Healthy sleep patterns. This can and will disrupt China all year and this has an impact on just about everything, doesn’t it – from your train timetables to your work situation. The time to roll up your sleeves and commit to the very best ways to run your spirit, soul, mind and body is now. You have that kind of chart where opportunities sometimes come in quite challenging ways, and this is a challenge, but it is also a massive opportunity for you to recreate yourself spiritually, mentally and physically in 2020, by finding not only someone to walk the journey with (or walk more closely with) but also to sort out the latest, truest, trusted ways of running the most simple things, like sleep and your immune system. I expect you’ll come across this, if you haven’t already, in the days ahead – your guides will be across this. Have a word with them and ask for some special guidance.
I never thought that such a major event ties so closely with my chart. At the moment, it doesn’t feel like an opportunity, but a set back and quite an obstacle. Part of me wants to just put China ‘behind’ and forget the work that I’m doing here just for the sake of Mind, Body, Soul. Even before this virus was a thing, my sleep patterns have been all over the place (not getting enough, more so)… and I work night hours (musician). I’ve always wanted to have a different lifestyle than the 6 nights a week performing, although it’s great fun.. but just too much. I don’t know, maybe it’s just more about me adapting a different lifestyle around the work schedule? I’m still a bit confused as what to do.
It’s about your sleep (Neptune) and you work as a musician at night – six nights a week – so that figures. Yes, adapt a different sleep lifestyle around work. Also meditation, yoga, mindfulness or anything else that works on the mind and spirit. In astrology this is Sixth House stuff (Virgo) and so state of mind is not separated from immune system. This virus is an excuse to get to work on that, in a different way. If your sleep patterns have been all over the place, as you say, I’m not surprised, but this is a good reason to figure out a new system for 2020.
Well, since this post.. I’ve managed to leave China before flights were being cancelled left and right. Not sure I will go back any time soon as the situation felt anything BUT healthy… let alone risk exposing yourself in an environment as such (if I were to return anytime soon). So yes, I’ve taken a point to focus on health and well being overall. The best decision I made to get out of there!
Good on you. As I said, it’s really the stress aspects of everything. Stress alone is such an issue and it’s great you are taking the worry out of your life. Even now you’re so much safer, you might still want to look at meditation. A gift for life.
Hi Jessica,
I’ve been following Asian horoscopes for years so the fact that you include them on your site is wonderful. They always line up with the western ones in my experience. Your predictions kicked in for me as soon as we went into the Asian New Year. My only concern is what to do. I am an outlier and yet it seems that everyone is looking to me to help. Helping is what I usually do and yet I’m having a crisis of my own. Any advice? Dragons and pigs and snakes oh my.
I meant to add I used the oracle for a bit of extra advice. I got Psyche and the 12th but I’m not sure how to read it for the family situation. The 12th does seem to describe me more than anything although I’m wondering if there’s a secret.
Psyche and the Twelfth House cards together, are essentially about what lives forever – endures everything – and is going to outlast even yourself. This is about your religion. Your spirituality. Your beliefs – perhaps, astrology. If you do not have any belief at all, it may be about your psychologist or psychiatrist, or your views on science and reality. Ask again to shed light on this.
My beliefs have become quite relevant over the last few months. I’m trying to understand the asteroids better so thank you for the help. I got Vulcan in the 2nd when I went further. This is funny as I’ve been quite pissed off lately and when I boil it all down it relates to my values. What I will and will not put up with. This is where conflict will come in I’m guessing.
Thank you so much. I became interested in Asian astrology when I was working for Marie Claire in South Korea and Elle in Singapore – and Vogue in Japan. The two angles meet in the middle with the same planet, Jupiter. You say everyone wants help from you. That is because you set up fuzzy boundaries. Make the boundaries hard and firm. You’ll get yourself back again. Nobody will disapprove – they will understand.
That’s cool how you became interested in Asian astrology. I always forget about the Jupiter angle which is funny because I first learned about the Jupiter cycle in Western astrology through your Astrology for Women book. Thanks for the message about fuzzy boundaries. I’m trying to navigate what’s going on with what I’m learning including the new oracle cards above.
Dear Jessica,
Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is treating you well.
Over the last few years I have struggled immensely with making friends and finding compatible romantic relationships. This year feels very different in the sense that I have left it up to the Universe. I feel confident in who I am and have also accepted that I want to spend time with people who add value to my life and vice versa. Last year I spent a lot of time alone and realized that I am truly content. I still hope to meet someone and fall in love if it’s in the stars for me.
I would also like to make a big move from Canada to Australia. I have started journalling about this and preparing my CV for jobs in my field.
Do you see love and immigration for this Goat/Pisces in 2020?
Thank you kindly for your time and the effort you put into your Website and work.
I hope to hear back from you.
Lots going on here AJ. You want to get married. Emigrate to Australia (but why? We are on fire!) And see if they meet in the middle. You will have the opportunity to resolve things with your former partner, perhaps reunite with them, or (the big alternative) fall in love with a new person in 2020. That’s the big news in your life. Moving from Canada to Australia is far clearer once the entire world makes its new trade, visa and immigration rules, which happens when the South Node finally goes into Sagittarius (foreign places and people, export and import) in May 2020. Then you’ll have new information about the new world. This cycle is historic and takes 19 years to go around. So if you can wait…you’ll know more!
The rat is my sign and growing up in NY I always feared rodents and viewed them as dirty disease spreaders. I sure hope this year is better than it’s been because going through this second Saturn return my life looks absolutely nothing like it did before my Saturn return started. I’ve gone and am still going through so much I honestly don’t know where to begin it’s a wonder I haven’t cracked up. I think I’ll write a book when everything settles which I hope is soon.
It sounds as if you are going through the classic ‘beginning of the end of’ Capricorn weather – which of course involves Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, the South Node in Capricorn, Jupiter in Capricorn. In 2020 it is the beginning of the end, of the person, organisation or situation you feel has unfairly and wrongly taken over, tried to dominate, control and yank your chain – basically. You may have one or two contenders. The good news is, this is happening in stages. Starts April. Ends November. If you happen to have a Tarot pack handy, do download the new podcast based on our four recent Tarot and Astrology Workshops in Australia. You can and should try this method at home to see when and where you get out – and how!
Hello Jessica,
Happy Chinese New Year. Thank you so much for also sharing our Chinese horoscopes – like everyone else has mentioned, it really does seem to correspond with the western horoscope for 2020 very nicely!
I’m a water pig going into a metal rat year. Should be interesting! I recently had a psychic reading about my 2020 year and I’d appreciate your insight into the year. I asked about my love life and I was told that I’m not quite ready to settle down yet and that I’ll play the field for the next couple of years. That was a little disappointing – not only because I think I’m a little more conservative than that – I really do just want to find “the one”, but also I don’t know where I’d find the time between working full time and being a single mum!
So is 2020 the year I finally get my act together towards finding the one or am I going to surprise myself and go around on a romantic merry go round a few more times? I’m exhausted just thinking about it!
Thanks in advance!
Out of the present, comes your potential future. You are dangling and rather stuck. This does have a purpose. It forces you to think. It also forces you to soul-search. This is strong Pisces and Twelfth House weather in your chart which enables you to ‘see the light’ and gain enlightenment. Nobody doubts that you are a sexual being in search of some action but you seem rather divided between what your lust desires, and what the rest of you wants, from the waist up. No wonder you need this period of non-action. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces will see to it, that you spend more time waiting for light to dawn. At a certain point you’ll get whatever you need to feel, and know, mentally and spiritually. This is crown chakra stuff. The rest of you, root chakra, is primed and ready to go, but nothing can really happen unless the rest of you has caught up. That is essentially up to you. When the time is right you will make a move. It’s rather like an upside-down yoga position; you have to come out of it and it’s a huge stretch to do that. Having shifted, you will then feel far more normal and ready to go. You could go in search of a mate on your father’s side of the family tree (his home town, country, nationality, background or ancestors) or your mother’s side. The Node in Cancer (family) until May does rather suggest that this is going to be your quest. In fact, your name contains a T which looks rather like a tree, and your identity is so bound up with this matter of where you come from. (Cancer, Fourth House transits). It takes as long as it takes. You are obviously after a home and family of some sort, and something/someone to ground you. Thus the need to go looking in either your father’s direction or mother’s.
Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it. That gives me a lot more context and it doesn’t seem as dire.
Interesting you talk about seeing the light and a period of non-action. Other than one Mr Pisces on and off, I’ve been single and celibate for three years. I’ve never been into casual anything. They never end up being casual – I’ve been told I have a very eventful love life!
I have Mr Pisces potentially coming to visit from London in Feb. We have a strong emotional connection – but our physical connection is off the Richter scale. But I do want more than sex. As you say, I want someone to ground me. To come home to. I could with Mr Pisces but as much as i wish I was, I’m not that for him. Or we wouldn’t be on and off!
So, as far I understand it, I need to wait for myself to catch up to myself. It’s not that I won’t meet someone or won’t settle down. I will when I’m ready.
How far back in my parents ancestry would you look? My father is Greek all the way through. Both sides of my mother’s family came to Australia as convicts – from England (and not far from where Mr Pisces is from) and Ireland (which is where my daughters father is from). I don’t think I’ve dated an Australian in 20 years!
Your answer is, Greek lover, British lover or Irish lover. You will have both choices, so you are either going to have a sexual relationship again with your daughter’s father (Irish) or with your Pisces, because he hails from a part of England where your mother’s family comes from. Only you can choose, but you will have choices. It will happen when you are good and ready. Only you can decide that. And it will be when you have had your complete spiritual awakening, reconnected to your God or the Universe – and feel ready to do something drastic. Then and only then can you decide. You may have to move, in the end. If you ultimately decide neither the Pisces nor your daughter’s father are for you, it will be another two men, but obviously with the same issues – Greece or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Hi Jessica,
I’m not sure if you’ve ever been told something that just makes your brain come to a complete stand still, but that’s just what has happened to me.
I’m going to have to go away and explore the door you’ve just unlocked, and wanted to thank you for replying again. I don’t think it’s Mr Irish – I am as sure as I can be that this ship has sailed. But the idea of repeating the choices if it’s not either of the men in my life now has truly spun my head. And my reconnection with the Universe. Much to ponder.
Thank you and have a wonderful week. Xx
Great! Thank you.
Dear Jessica – I am a Dragon and have several projects with tremendous potential I am trying to finish right now – an ‘Intellectual Gold Rush’ as you write, in the realm of publication, internet, books, media, planning, and style – and have indeed felt the sense of urgency you mention. However it’s been really hard to gain traction because even though I’m Capricorn and it’s ‘the year that money grows on trees’ I am more broke and financially strapped than ever, and thus either it has been hard to find time to work on the projects (due to trying to figure out money, or concern about a job eating up all time that could go to pay for the project) or hard to move forward (due to lack of money to do next steps, such as produce a prototype, or just things taking longer than expected, etc). I feel like I just need time, more time, uninterrupted, unworried time, to keep working, as I’m super-motivated, have all the tools I need, and a driving powerful creative inspiration direct from the Muse. The Muse was speaking to me last summer, and even led me to an investor whose support bought me a few months of time last year, but the investor reached her contribution limit and now I can’t seem to see clearly, hear the Muse’s voice, or find support in the world to keep going and I’m just not sure what is going to make the difference so I can break through and get this out into the world before it’s too late. It has the potential to generate huge income, but not until I finish it and promote it, which takes time, and a little bit – not a lot, but some – money. I’m trying to also start a creative service-and-information-based business with online components for which I am certified, and which pays well but requires time to build up clientele both in-person and online. Any insights welcome!
This is my birth chart if it’s helpful:
14-Jan-1977, 22:02 (41.49932,-81.6943605)
24° Capricorn 51′ 22″
25° Scorpio 02′ 55″
07° Capricorn 27′ 20″ R
11° Pisces 35′ 54″
10° Capricorn 36′ 14″
21° Taurus 10′ 25″ R
14° Leo 53′ 10″ R
11° Scorpio 21′ 23″
15° Sagittarius 07′ 00″
14° Libra 11′ 25″
27° Aries 19′ 32″
21° Scorpio 16′ 33″
17° Cancer 07′ 23″ R
08° Libra 48′ 56″
19° Gemini 12′ 24″
19° Sagittarius 12′ 24″
20° Virgo 45′ 27″
20° Pisces 45′ 27″
04° Gemini 32′ 21″
14° Scorpio 20′ 49″
11° Aquarius 05′ 19″
05° Pisces 00′ 53″
27° Sagittarius 08′ 07″
10° Sagittarius 56′ 15″
21° Virgo 01′ 15″
05° Cancer 52′ 57″ R
09° Taurus 41′ 09″
07° Aquarius 22′ 23″
18° Taurus 49′ 41″
02° Aquarius 14′ 16″
21° Capricorn 10′ 50″
17° Virgo 10′ 08″ R
29° Libra 31′ 41″ R
29° Aries 31′ 41″ R
You are too earth-dominated to be able to live without firm financial foundations, let alone achieve success. You need to remember your Virgo-Capricorn-Taurus side and get a job that pays. Even a part-time job. This has been a really odd few months for you, really quite experimental and random. Some good things have come out of it. You have strong ideas and a sense of passion and purpose. Yet – February 2020 is calling. You need to get real, get organised and get rid of anything (or even anybody) that is preventing you from being a material person, in a material world. There is money to be made and saved here, but instead time, money and energy have been wasted. This is natural in a period of experimentation, but it can’t continue, and you know it. Take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves and find out how to restructure your lifestyle and daily routine, so that you can bring home the bacon, but also allocate time to continue with your ideas.
Thank you for the course correction and clarity! I so appreciate your professional insight and how you have brought astrology alive as something real and incredibly useful instead of ineffective whimsy. I had no idea sun astrology was so effective; every day the horoscopes have been so spot-on that we are stunned. Thank you again.
I love that: ‘ineffective whimsy’. Come back any time!
Dear Jessica,
Please may it be possible to offer some support and guidance. was hoping that you may be able to offer some light on what it is that I should do now in regards to career.
You need to wait to find out what your employers and colleagues are doing first. This is about their jobs, not just your own, and this may take some time as February and March are months when lasting decisions are hard. It’s a lot easier in April. I strongly suggest you use your cards and guidebooks in the meantime so you are not waiting around. But you will all know where you stand from April. The situation improves hugely from March, gets better again near Easter and from May you are so much more free.