Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Astrology at Conscious Cafe 2020

If you were part of the Conscious Cafe gathering tonight presented by Gina Lazenby and Judy Piatkus, welcome to an extended Q&A session, below.

The Conscious Cafe – Survive and Thrive in the New World

Welcome to the extended Q&A session following our global meeting at The Conscious Cafe on Thursday, August 6th, 2020. One of the comforting things about astrology is that history repeats and so we know what we are dealing with. What to do and what not to do. What works and what doesn’t work, in a particular era.

The fact is, we are in Mutable Sign weather, triggering the astrology charts of people born with outer planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo)  – and that means massive worldwide change.

The North Node and South Node go around in cycles, backwards in time, and whenever we find them sliding into Gemini and Sagittarius, after Cancer and Capricorn – and it just happens to trigger a whole generation – we see the same basic message.

The Conscious Cafe on YouTube

This is the link to the global conversation with me, if you missed it – with true predictions and new predictions. Filmed in Australia and Great Britain, with guests from around the world, on Thursday August 6th, 2020.


The Black Death, Great Plague, Spanish Flu and AIDS

The Black Death of 1350, Great Plague of 1665, Spanish Flu of 1918 and AIDS in 1981 all hit ‘Sagittarius Generations.’ Even as far back as 1347, people born with Neptune and Uranus in Sagittarius were swept up by Mutable Weather: Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces.

Fast-forward to 2020 and it’s happening all over again. We have Neptune in Pisces, the North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius – and Generation Sagittarius, born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius, are being swept away by it. Fortunately we know what the answer is. Stop travelling. Or – find a different way to travel. Think local not global. Why? Because we are going to see rolling squares and oppositions (clashes and obstacles) from Gemini and Pisces ‘weather’ for 20 years.

Generation Virgo and Generation Sagittarius

Generation Virgo, all born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo (health, wellbeing) in the 1960’s are now being pulled into this Mutable sign weather, just as they were during HIV-AIDS in the Eighties. This is a reminder that there may be no magic instant miracle vaccine or cure. In 2020 the latest attempt at a vaccine for HIV-AIDS failed. It cost US $100 million.

What We Know From Previous Cycles

Even in 1665 we knew this, as The Great Plague swept London. The two factors which follow each other on these Node cycles (Cancer-Capricorn followed by Gemini-Sagittarius) are always the same. Housing (Cancer) and home town or country (Cancer) dominated by big business (Capricorn) or politicians (Capricorn) provokes a crisis. Too many people in too small a space. High population density. The decisions made at the top create habitat crisis for people.

The Node cycles then move, inevitably into Sagittarius-Gemini. Global versus local. International trade, export, shipping and the rest versus – your village or town.

The Great Plague of 1665 became a national crisis when rich Londoners fled the city with the rats and fleas in their carriages and took them into the rest of the nation. Scotland closed borders.

Astrology is Alchemy

Astrology is alchemy. It’s you, plus the transits (or cycles) plus the astrological chart of the town, city, country where you are. (People are surprised to hear that nations or capitals have charts, but they do – everything does).

So it’s not enough to say that we saw a Great Plague in 1665-1666 in Great Britain when we had mutable weather. Jupiter in Pisces, Pluto in Gemini, the North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius triggered a whole generation.

The Spanish Flu in 1918 triggered everyone born with Uranus in Sagittarius from the year 1897. That particular Sagittarius generation had a mission. To understand the world, to understand ‘foreign’ and to reconstruct the known globe. This generation was caught up in the First World War and a pandemic that swept every country.

During that year they saw more mutable-sign weather. Jupiter in Gemini, the North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini, Chiron in Pisces.

Fast forward to now, 2020. Do you have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, perhaps? Do you have Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Sagittarius? The cycles of time in the mutable signs, for another 20 years, make you in the absolute front line for change. Not just ‘rebuilding’ but total replacement. The global has become personal for you.

This is especially true if you have Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius planets anyway, but particularly so, if you were born with the transformation planets, Pluto or Uranus in those signs. But – if you are picking up on this mutable weather, and you do have mutable signs, it’s time for your questions! Over to you.

Your Comments and Feedback

“I appreciate Jessica pointing out that THERE IS NO GOING BACK TO NORMAL! It’s not going to happen! Also, I like the point that Ghislaine Maxwell is standing next to Pluto the character, in a photo of her.”

Yes, this is typical of the cycle we are in. There is no rebuilding, or reset, or correction, or improvement – for so many people. Why? They don’t want the old system or structure. They want something that is radically new and different. A replacement world. And as for Maxwell – she genuinely posed with Pluto. Watch November.

“Who is going to be left to run the world when the old men of the Capricornian era give way to the Aquarian era?”

Women will share power with men, but we are also going to see old/young and rich/poor as well as white/non-white. The most striking difference will be the shift in male-female power. Generation Aquarius, born with Uranus or Neptune in Aquarius (people power) will make it happen. Old souls who are here to replace a very tired, destructive old system.

“Interesting to note that there is a Solar Eclipse on 10th June 2021 at  19 Sag 47 picking up that Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo!” 

This comment from Robyn Ray, who recently lectured at The Astrological Association of Great Britain 2020 conference, is really on point. We have a crisis in the final week of January 2021 at 19 Pisces-Gemini-Sagittarius. You usually get a cover-up with a crisis. So we have one, about six months later. Ask yourself what the world is not seeing on 10th June, following what is obviously going to be a massive crossroads for airlines, cruise companies, visas, passports, borders and so on, as we go across January 24th-27th 2021.

Answering Your Questions

This is just one of the questions that came my way during the Conscious Cafe. You may have your own, so please do post them in Comments as I can see your personal birth chart (if you are a Premium Member) and take a closer look.

Hi Jessica,
I am mindful about all you said at the Conscious Cafe meeting. I thinking I am hanging on to old ways of education for Luke my son, i.e. going to school, getting exams, university. Luke does not want to go back to school, although I would say he was not that motivated to do home learning despite my best efforts. So where does that leave me? Thinking his teachers at school get the best out of him, so he must go back. Then that leaves me trapped in this house! for another potential 5 years. I have tolerated it so far for Luke’s education. Now thinking in a different way, If we could move and have a cottage with a veg/flower producing garden for the community and make a living – could we do it? Luke has Jupiter in Sagittarius 19 and Pluto 28. He is Sun Aries,  Any advice or insight would be gratefully received.

There are a couple of cycles you are seeing here. The first one is the end of the Cancer-Capricorn clash. Cancer rules your house, garden and son. The family and its home. Ever since Saturn changed signs in December 2017, to Capricorn, you and your son have both experienced tremendous pressure, every four weeks, as the Moon in Cancer has been regularly opposed by Saturn, Pluto and the South Node. Now, the situation is easing. It has eased considerably since May when the South Node left Capricorn. We are now left with Saturn and Pluto and Jupiter there, and two of those will be gone just before Christmas.

So, for one reason or another, the strain is over in time for Christmas Eve 2020. This is likely to be because of government, school, council or other authority changes for 2021 which allow you both to have a great many more choices. You may also see some obvious developments like a drop in the cost of rent/mortgage/purchase with specific houses or apartments as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland rearranges herself.

Keep your eyes on what you want for him and for yourself. Be very focussed and specific with your journal entries and read it aloud, asking the invisible world for help with what you both want and need. They are willing and able to assist, but they have to be asked!

The other cycle you are going to experience is of course the continued mutable weather (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces cross-currents) between whole generations of people, like Luke (the student) and those in their fifties (so concerned with their diet and health). You do stand to gain there, by educating in a new way, and also learning yourself. So it’s a loop of knowledge exchange. By January 2022, you have made tremendous progress. You will find a way to make the most of these Sagittarius, Gemini cycles that benefits yourself as well as Generation Virgo, who are the new super gardeners.

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103 Responses

  1. Thanks for a great informative session, Jessica. Truly inspiring which is great for these times. I can’t thank you enough for giving the hope and inspiration that you did.

    Can you give a quick overview of what you’d look for in an astro cartography chart, of where would be a good place to relocate? ie which planet line would be most peaceful? I don’t have a set home (currently in AirBnb) (0 Cancer) and am looking to make roots somewhere where I can make a great soul-mate network of friends. June 22, 1990. 19:52 Rockhampton, QLD. (Currently living in Melbourne)

    Also a lot of people were asking about when lockdown will end or a general prediction for Melbourne? Especially since you personally decided not to live here.

    1. Thanks so much. I don’t use astrocartography but I will look at your chart in terms of moving. Born on June 22nd 1990 at 7.52pm in Rockhampton, you have your Saturn Return in Capricorn (your career) so well done on surviving 2018, 2019, 2020. The worst is over. You also have Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn too so there is a lot to sort out about your job. Your question is about home, and friends, and yes – it is important – but the biggest issue of all is your ambition. Do you have a goal that you would move for? Paid or unpaid work? I know it’s been really severe for you, but as you are strongly Capricorn, your mission is to climb to the top of something. You will always be lucky with houses and apartments, and in about six years from now you will be extremely happy with your new home. For now, tie the home to the job or the study goal. And Melbourne in general? Well, we go back to the old charts for Victoria and her foundation for that one. (Just like a person, Melbourne has a horoscope, and so does the whole state, actually). Her great strength is ‘local.’ (Gemini and the Third House rule neighbourhoods). So she’ll do it, football village – by football village. The problem for Melbourne is, she tried to be Sydney. Once she gets back to where she came from, which is essentially Carlton, Essendon, Richmond ‘thinking’ – she will start to really nail this thing. Melbourne’s other great gifts are comedy and music. We talked a bit about this tonight. Nick Cave just showed the way at Alexandra Palace. And he’s totally Melbourne. Teenagers in particular will get the answers in Victoria – right generation – Generation Aquarius. A lot of what is pioneered in Victoria in 2020-2021 will be copied by the world. She’ll also make surprising alliances with other countries that were never, ever in most Victorians’ thoughts!

  2. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for your amazing ConsciousCafe presentation. We are all so thrilled to hae been the receipients of so much valuable information given in such a straightforward and easy-to-understand way?

    I am asking on behalf of Gina about London and how that will be most affected?

    1. Thanks so much Judy – that is honestly the first time I have ever felt so emotional in a Zoom session, or even Skype. I loved it. Okay – London is sent back in time to 1665-1666. The Christopher Wren vision of a new city then, happened because of The Great Fire. This new city in the Twenties (as we will grow to call them) will have a bit in common with the other 1920’s. Cars, phones, radio, films, television all arrived with a bang then. What we have here is London as a kind of ‘mind capital’ or capital of great brains. The re-imagining of the old high-rise offices and tower blocks, high-rise apartments and so on, will be one of the most exciting outcomes of the new world. It will be organised very, very locally. So. Literally, Hackney. Or Camden. Once Uranus goes into Gemini from 2026, we are seeing very clever use of neighbourhoods and tremendous local feeling. There will be a huge exodus out of London. But you both probably feel that coming.

  3. Hello Jessica and thank you for our Zoom session and cafe today – I loved it!! I hope you will schedule more in the future.

    My questions mostly relate to this world of mind, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, health, bubbles, teaching, learning, helping. And of the old way of working and doing things falling away and guiding people to our new reality.

    You mentioned the Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Nov. 2020 at 22 CAP. I have Panacea in CAP at 21 degrees 55′ 58″ – how does this figure?

    I currently teach yoga and had a new opportunity swoop in from out of the blue a few weeks ago. I started teaching at the new place last week. And just yesterday I was accepted into a rather high-profile mindfulness and mediation training program that will take 2 years to complete. This figuring into my employment going forward, I presume.

    You mention the T-square in Pisces at 19 degrees squaring Gemini at 19 degrees in late January 2021 – that falls right across my birthday – what can I expect or be on the lookout for there?

    Lastly – right after our Zoom I pulled a Tarot card to ask about my future teaching mindfulness, mediation, yoga, and contributing to consciousness and awareness training – and got the Sun. Good news there!

    Again, many many thanks for your insight!

    1. Thanks so much for coming along now, Linda. You were born with Panacea (healing, cures, remedies, solutions) in Capricorn (success, career) at 21 degrees so it’s actually about helping people with their status and success in life. Or, their unemployment or search for a better position. Mindfulness, yoga and meditation can help people through this massive change. So that makes sense to me. Congratulations on going into your program. The T-Square at 19 degrees Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius in the final week of January 2021 is best given space. Astrology is about conscious avoidance as much as anything else, and we have so much proof from history. William Lilly (1660’s London) predicted, to warn. It’s just like weather forecasting. Take an umbrella if you see rain. So basically just be aware that the end of January 2021 is not The Time. Not the time for any major decisions, just because the climate is too pressured, too tight, too hard all round. I am glad you pulled The Sun. You are being told to work with children and young people (old enough to be your children). These junior faces need their own special approach. I am being told ’15 minutes’ so it would be very short Zoom classes. You could try this out on a small boy in your world, actually. He’d love it.

  4. Hello and thank you for this session!
    Regarding the T-square in Pisces at 19 degrees squaring Gemini at 19 degrees in the end of January 2021, as you know I have a few factors at 19 degrees, how will this affect me?

    Thanks again!


    1. The final week of January 2021 will see airlines and cruise companies collapse, despite bailouts by government (in other words, us, the taxpayers) and we will also see the new world emerge in terms of trade agreements and embargos. China-America is over. The European Union is on the way out. These charts we are looking at are quite ancient, but clearly show a critical birth of the new world. It really depends on your choices about work or play. If you are trying to emigrate to another country for work, don’t do it then. If you want to go on holiday, don’t do it then! We never, ever see Neptune at 19 Pisces in a T-Square with the North Node at 19 Gemini and South Node at 19 Sagittarius, and it turns into a Grand Cross when you factor in everybody born in the Sixties with planets at 19 Virgo. That’s a public health crossroads not to be taken lightly. I wrote a note, a long time ago, on Twitter, to Dominic Cummings warning him about the final week of January 2021. No reply. My concern was that N.H.S. staff of a certain age were in that Virgo Generation group with factors at 19 degrees and, what do you know, retirement/superannuation/pension rules and deadlines cluster around that month. All these things have a ripple effect. So the ripple and waves coming from London, in particular, but also the new America (the new leadership will want to get cracking with radical measures, immediately) will reach your shore. If it’s a Pisces-Gemini-Sagittarius-Virgo decision, you may want to make it another time. Pressure is on, January 2021.

  5. Hi Jessica thank you so much for that fabulous zoom session with conscious cafe today it was really excellent! I have a lot of Pisces in my chart could you tell me what to expect at the end of January 2021. I’d also love to know your thoughts on someone experiencing their nodal return this year at 27 degrees. Thanks so much again really enjoyed it today!

    1. Thank you. Okay, so in general the January 24th-27th 2021 window is critical and a crossroads. Avoid travel or relocation then, because we have Neptune at 19 Pisces in a T-Square with the North Node at 19 Gemini and South Node at 19 Sagittarius. Airlines and cruises are hammered then and may collapse. It is also possible that we see the end of the European Union writ large in that week. So, week of Monday 25th January 2021. The question will be asked ‘Why is anyone still flying, anywhere?’ and ‘Why do cruises even exist, any more?’ and you do not want to be caught up in that drama. This is really old astrology. We always see these cycles when Generation Sagittarius, of any era in history, deals with Mutable Weather, creating huge tension between Virgo (health), Sagittarius (immigration), Gemini (travel) and Pisces (shipping). As a strongly mutable person you are personally affected by the global trends, and need to decide where to live – and stay – for years to come. Eventually politicians will wake up to something astrologers have spotted all year. What we are going through is the same as The Black Death, The Great Plague, The Spanish Flu and particularly – AIDS. When you have overcrowded, high-density accommodation, and constant and widespread travel, with no borders, just about any virus can take hold. That is exactly what happened in The Great Plague of London in the 1660’s. So you are seeing some past life memories here. It may be London 1665 or it may be Europe circa 1340-1350 during The Black Death. It may even be The Spanish Flu (actually global, not Spanish) near the First World War. There are big questions ahead about your own situation in terms of home, but also travel. No easy choices, because this mutable weather is a very tight squeeze. Yet, what you will gain, is a planet safe for future generations of people and animals, as the end of globalisation stops carbon emissions. Later on we will realise we have been living in a kind of madness!

  6. Hi Jessica
    So sorry I missed this! Is there anyway to purchase a recording of the Zoom meeting? Did you discuss the fate of the United States? I moved back to the United States from C.R. somewhat reluctantly for mainly monetary reasons and now wish I had stayed where I was. I am currently in a very nice place but feel this country is spinning out of control. The USA response to this pandemic has proven itself to be the paper tiger I had suspected and the violent resistance to precautionary mask wearing as well as the resistance and ignorance of some, to listening and understanding the meaning of the extremely important BLM movement has really highlighted the ugly side of a country rife with anger, ingrained prejudice, hatred and seems impossible to change this inherent thinking, my hope is that there will be some type of revolution and a much needed change. There are many Americans that feel the same way I do. We want to be proud of a country where everyone is I truly treated equally and fairly and that our leadership can be counted on do so what is best for all people in this country and not just some. I feel we have lost our way. and the understanding of what is really valuable and important in this life. Apathy is not an option.

    1. You can see the video at the Conscious Cafe channel on YouTube, and have a look at the questions about our new world. I am sorry you have been caught up in the United States crisis now unfolding. The good news is, as I mentioned in the video, we are also in a year of Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions. These are rare and always arrive when people and organisations which have abused power, or had unhealthy amounts of dominance, come crashing down. So, for example, we saw the rise of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid, but also the election of Barack Obama on these cycles. Adolf Hitler was nearly killed by a bomb, lost his hearing and then faced defeat on D-Day; Mussolini was arrested and this was the beginning of the end for him. So take heart. What you see in the United States is a miracle about to begin, because the question in 2021 will not be ‘do you want a change of leadership?’ but ‘how great do you want the new country to be?’ You have no idea how your feelings are so intensely and widely shared by millions of other people – and this has not even begun. So together you make the new nation. The virus is another question and as you will see in the video, there will be a push by individual states to control their borders, shut the airports and ports and drive the virus into zero new cases. I keep looking at Hawaii because it is so close to New Zealand. Essentially, very rapidly, at Christmas 2020, you will realise the power is in your hands, with your friends. Whatever you need to make happen, you will achieve. The old days of the ‘King’ style of mono-leadership are doomed. In fact people are nauseated by it from 2021 and from 2023 it becomes really clear that America is a place for the group, not for the indvidual!

  7. Jessica!! My phone broke when your cafe session was advertised on the site, I literally got it back this afternoon. I missed the zoom session. Gutted!
    I wanted to ask you about my chart, I have 00 Uranus in Sagittarius and Neptune 23 in sag. I do try to work out and read everything on your site, but I’m not quite sure how these degrees will affect me and my family. Could you help?

    1. I am sorry your telephone broke during Conscious Cafe. The video is now on their YouTube channel. Okay, so you are going to make a choice about where to live, and how to live, in 2020, 2021 and no later than January 2022 as the world is now splitting into two camps. One is controlled elimination of the virus, so we are looking at places like New Zealand, Tasmania, Scotland which are very close to constant, sustained zero-new-case status. Queensland, Australia is well on the way. This is driven by people power and the more pressure Twitter puts on Prime Ministers, Presidents and Premiers to have a zero tolerance policy, and thus zero cases – the faster the new world will develop. It will be connected by air bridges inside partner bubbles. Because airlines and cruise companies collapse, travel becomes expensive and a rare treat. (Just as it was in the Fifties). So that’s your World A choice. World B is far more open in terms of flying, taking the train or sailing but also much riskier as for economic reasons, some countries which are so far behind they will never catch up to New Zealand, Tasmania, Scotland – and so on – will just carry on. So you need to look at where you ultimately want to live, World A or World B. We are going to see other reasons for hard choices on where we end up living, and the end of the European Union as we knew it, is one of them. 2020 is rather like the mid-1300s in history and astrology. The world map is redrawn for trade, tourism, citizenship, residency and immigration. On the plus side, carbon emissions plunge and the end of globalisation saves the planet. Your best friend in these years is constant, updated research because you are going to be living in a world which changes, randomly and without warning, every day. As I said, we’ve not seen anything like it since the mid 1350’s in history.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you very much for your interesting session of Conscious and to all who have made it possible. Being Virgo generation and with the matching nodes Gemini, Sagittarius. What general changes can I expect? Best whishes

    1. You are highly mutable, as they say, living in mutable weather. So you chop and change a lot, have a life history which is full of different locations, organisations, situations and people (stop-start) and are born to adapt. What you need to find out, is how to make the right choice about the new world. Do you want constant uncertainty, because your preferred location/s will dictate that. If you prefer security you will be very limited to one ‘bubble’ region or country, with just a few air bridges to partner places, which match it for zero virus cases. You will be bored in just one place, or one place with only a handful of travel/trade partners, so you need to address your own boredom and find a way to travel in the mind. This may be study, meditation, hypnosis, dream interpretation or film-making, which takes you away from the real world. The time will come in 2021 when you do need to choose. At a certain point counties, countries, states, territories and regions will realise that they cannot exist in a state of constant upheaval and aim to copy New Zealand’s elimination policy. Tasmania, where I live, has also done this. As I mentioned in the Conscious Cafe, we are going to see the world split into bubbles and bridges, and – the rest. It will take the United States a long time to catch up with New Zealand if it ever does. For that reason, changes to the American constitution and legal system with the new leadership in Washington, will enable particular states like Hawaii to control her borders, if she wishes, and separate herself. Scotland is already on course to do that. So you have choices to make. You will be marrying a country or town, the way other people marry husbands!

  9. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you so much for the zoom session today. It was so interesting and thought provoking.

    My question is: I’m from Sydney. I moved to NYC in 1998 then moved to London 2001. I had been in two minds about moving back to Sydney due to the major changes going on. I absolutely love my life in London but when you mentioned the T Junction happening January 24-27 I was started thinking that maybe this is the time to move back to Sydney. Should I move back or stay in London? I’m a fashion photographer and born January 15, 1963 at 9.03pm in Sydney.

    1. Only you can answer your question about where to live. If you love London then emigrate to Britain but remember you are marrying your country. Perhaps Australia matters more to you – but only you can answer that. We are now going into mutable weather for 20 years, with Saturn going into Pisces (square the Sagittarius planets of billions) then Uranus into Gemini (opposing the Sagittarius planets of billions), and of course Neptune is already in Pisces. We then have to complete this North Node in Gemini cycle, again clashing with the Sagittarius planets of billions, and eventually the North Node will go into Pisces too, opposite the South Node in Virgo. In plain English there are years of tough questions about visas, passports, citizenship, residency, nationality ahead for the entire planet. You need to really weigh up the things you love, or do not love, about the country where you intend to live, and to be a realist about life in Britain after she inks the divorce from the European Union. Remember the ‘global neighbourhood’ and air bridge/tunnel/bubble nature of the future as well. If your life in London is partly enjoyable because you regularly go to Europe, just watch what is happening with unannounced, random shutdowns on particular airlines or specific countries. Ryanair just got banned from Italy. Britain has suddenly imposed two-week quarantine on people coming back from Spain. So, being a realist about the new world is a good thing to be. This isn’t stopping.

  10. Hello Jessica, I’m sorry to have missed out on the live video interaction. I was rather bleary eyed at 3:am and didn’t quite get set up. I look forward to reviewing the video but would appreciate your insights into my chart. For better or for worse, I seemed to have contracted this virus back in March. My particular demographic wasn’t being tested at that time, so I was given a highly likely as a diagnosis from my GP on video. I continue to follow the safeguards: hand washing, keeping my distance, although I’m far less fearful in general. My little garden patch is now filling in with both Goji and Saskatoon berry, with a nice variety of herbs down below.

    Thank you.



    1. Patrick I am sorry you missed the Conscious Cafe but the video is now on their YouTube Channel and runs for around 2 hours, as we took quite a lot of questions at the end, so if you do have time, take a look. I am very sorry you picked up the virus in March. You have a Virgo-Pisces chart signature so you need to look at your unconscious mind, your aura and your chakras when you also look at your body. Growing your own superfoods is very wise. You can and will tackle your immune system on the physical level, but look at hypnosis, guided meditation and cognitive therapy. You also need to look at work and how you feel about your job, unpaid work, housework and/or study. In astrology the Virgo-Pisces signature is the unconscious (Pisces) controlling the body (Virgo) so that you end up with a reason not to do your job. Or, to do a particular job. Because you consciously will not allow yourself to resign, your unconscious mind colludes with the body and you end up with a condition that (for example) gets you an allowance from the government while you take months off work. This is a pretty crude way of putting it, but the prime suspect whenever illness or injury occurs is always ‘the mind, unseen’ or the soul/spirit within the body. This is why footballers injure their feet, and people who type for a living, develop issues with their hands or arms. The confused/confusing nature of your diagnosis (GP think it’s highly likely but you’ve not had a confirmed test). Can you get one? Even without Rona, your immune system is worthy of new enquiry and commitment in the years ahead, just because you are going to see that mutable weather create squares and oppositions all over the place. In plain English we have a ton of transits ahead for 20 years in the signs of Pisces and Gemini, and of course this regularly asks you to look at how your white T-cells are working for you. Understanding the body-mind-spirit connection is something that will change your life. And trying new ways of addressing it, from self-hypnosis to spiritual healing. Have you tried the free audio podcasts at The Healing Trust? That could be interesting for you. Try not to focus too much on Rona but do focus on the fact that immunity is about quality sleep and an absence of anxiety and depression, as much as it is about your respiratory system. Keeping a diary can sometimes be a real eye-opener. For example, I had a reader who is an actress who recently disliked her performance of Shakespeare (filmed in isolation). She quickly developed an itchy rash which of course made it impossible to put make-up on, or even appear (too itchy). So she got herself out of it. A diary can help you figure out your patterns. We often return to childhood on Virgo-Pisces transits, or transits which trigger Virgo-Pisces. So, as children, we learned how much fun it was to have a cold and stay in bed for three days, watching television and being intensely cared for by our parents. Remembering how your parents saw childhood illness or treated you, and how it was for you, can also be an eye-opener.

  11. Jessica, thank you for the wonderful session. I’m so happy to have the recording so I’m able to pause and rewind for notes. My question is related to career as I left my 23 yr corporate career 3/7/19 determined to find a happier yet still very successful career. Still struggling to find something I can take off with on my own. I recently started singing for open mic nights small local & outdoors. Born 1/17/1978 7:33AM Indianapolis Indiana US.

    1. Thank you so much. Career will no longer be such a challenge after Christmas 2020 when Saturn finally leaves your Tenth House of achievement. Your Sun is already there anyway, so you shine brightest when you commit to long, slow, steady success. Yet, your entire raison d’etre has been affected by Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn, also in your Tenth House of career, since Christmas 2017. It is only in May 2020 that things have started easing up. Singing is wonderful but you will be able to start again with a different kind of work in 2021. You don’t really do ‘McJob’ because it is in your nature to commit and climb. As old structures, companies, buildings and businesses are replaced in 2021, ongoing, you will play your part in contributing to a completely new enterprise. You can see why an agency of what they used to call ‘temps’ in the Sixties will become really valuable to people. Life is so changeable that people will need nannies, babysitters, cooks, cleaners, gophers – all tested, all ready to help – at a moment’s notice. I have no idea what you want to do with your working life but there is a gap in the market for people to quickly and affordably plug sudden gaps. This will happen increasingly as countries suddenly demand two weeks’ quarantine with no notice, as others return from abroad. Suddenly everything changes and you need help, as your plans are disrupted. Cue – the new temps.

  12. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for this informative and hopeful piece.
    Being a saggiatrius gen, I am a bit concerned after reading your blog. Can you please advise me how does it affect if I plan to move back permanently to my homecountry (India), I am plannong to relocate from Canada. Covid has delayed my plans of getting canadian citizenship and relocation. Also concerned about my career and finances. Fingers crossed! Hope you are keeping safe.


    1. The question is not so much about going back to India, as which region of India – because your choice of local area will be really important long-term. We now have to ‘marry’ our country and town/region for many years, because of the historic oppositions and squares to your Sagittarius planets. So the time is right to commit to where you come from, but think carefully about how each separate part of India is functioning as that will be the key from 2026 when Uranus (the revolution) is in Gemini (the neighbourhood).

  13. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for all of this. I would be so grateful if you were able to let me know anything additional you see in my chart to help me make the best decisions, as the new world emerges?

    I am a Melbournian Capricorn writer with Uranus at 20 degrees Sag., and other factors around 19-20 (Salacia 19 Aqua – Jupiter 20 Aqua – Proserpina 20 Gemini). Before all this I was hoping to potentially relocate for a while (with my Sag. musician husband) to the US or Europe for a while, but have naturally given this up now, and feel I can’t permanently “marry” anywhere that isn’t where my family is (Victoria). Is there anything else in my chart that I should be aware of to make the best of my situation?

    (But most of all, I’m happy for a new world that will assist climate emergency!)

    Thank you,

    1. You have until January 2022 to decide where to marry, geographically, as this is the most intense part of the cycle, and you may change your mind about Victoria and your family. The wandering years are over, unless you want the risks to health and money, as we now live in a stop-start world. It’s also a go-slow world. The slowdown will end carbon emissions, as we’ve already seen, LT – we saw a huge drop in those when China shut down. On a more personal note, you are going into a tremendous period of knowledge exchange, learning and teaching at the same time, and will join or put more energy into a group in 2021 which changes your life. People power writ large, you might say.

  14. Brilliant Jessica. Thank you. I’ve volunteered for antibody testing, but no word back yet from the health district.
    Too funny, more often than not, we would get a rare drink of ginger ale with the bubbles stirred out as a bit of a childhood cure-all/restorative. I’m not one for sugary drinks. but back in March when I was feverish, achy and worse, much to my delight, my brother dropped off some small cans of ginger ale. In another strange turnabout, pop now comes in the smaller cans of my youth ( 222ml) and I now am in the habit of keeping a half dozen in reserve, just in case. I was the first of my siblings to get the chicken pox. I still recall how brilliant it was to be out and about while the others were confined to the house.

    I’ve been making use of an abundance of fresh parsley which will continue serve me well into the winter. Loads of vitamin K at my fingertips, enlivening the meals at Chez Patrick.
    Thanks again.

    1. I am really pleased the astrology is working! There is something about that childhood experience and the flashbacks that is important. The ginger. Also the chicken pox. Great news about Vitamin K and thank you for sharing. A thought; ask your dreams to explain the ginger/chicken pox/childhood in the context of your health now. My friend Jane Teresa Anderson, a scientist, author and dream coach is online with a good website which helps.

  15. Thankyou Jessica. I will be looking at the you tube channel. Our intentions have been for the last two years to build/buy on the south west vic coast as a retreat from Melbourne, so with the rolling lockdown changes to melbourne it has been a tumultous period with two steps forward, one sideways. I have been concerned as one of the 60’s virgos, and feeling the weight of juggling remotely a corporate career and finances being married to an airline employee, but grateful to be home with kids studying remotely. I drew the death card on tarot this morning, but relate this to my this morning messaging to the relevant professionals, issues re the imminent wrapping up of my late parents estate. Would be grateful to hear your comments.

    1. Please do have a look at The Conscious Cafe YouTube channel when you have some free time. I am sorry you have been swept up in the crisis in Victoria. You are also married to a man who works for an airline. The Death card never shows death unless you are with someone who is terminal and looks upon it as a release. That can happen sometimes. In general, what you are seeing in that card is the South Node in Sagittarius (the horse) and the beginning of the end of an era. This likely relates to your partner, as Sagittarius rules airlines and travel. In the distance the sun rises on a new day. There is hope for a brilliant new future. Yes, you will move. Something you should do in 2020 is honour loss. When we lose what or who was a part of life, which was so familiar, we have to do a decent amount of mourning, actually. Trying to just keep going, or rushing past the feelings, is silly because it ends us (or our partners) with unexpressed emotion and that can lead to all sorts of other outcomes! So you or he needs to let go. This may be Melbourne. It may be his job. The children are obviously involved as you can see them represented as infants next to the bishop in the card. The king (your partner) has lost his crown, and assuming nobody else around you is involved in the Sagittarius industries – travel, academia, publishing, the web – this is about him being down but not out. But all concerned need to spend a good amount of time absorbing what is happening and pausing before this spectacular start and relocation, in the future.

  16. Hi jessica – the zoom session was amazing – really great! I had a small surgical procedure on the day so was still doped up to the eyeballs but determined to hang in there as it was so uplifting and enlightening. I’ve been passing on your incredible insights and predictions to all who will listen. Thank you!
    On a personal note – the 19 year cycle really hit me as 19 years ago my life kind of stopped. I had a very bad glandular fever which turned to extreme chronic fatigue (blackouts for hours) where my body shut down. Then my immune collapsed. I went through some very tough times, physically and financially as my income stopped and I had to fight my insurers plus the immune triggered lots of secondary problems. I’ve continued trying to find a cure through so many avenues, have learned so much but am still not fit with very limited energy. I have stelliums in Gemini and Sag – am a Taurus – Sag rising & Gemini moon (used to work as a comedian & also a marketing manager but had to give up work completely) I now make sculpture and am writing. Am hoping for some health miracles also looking to relocate from Sydney hopefully next year (not sure where) and am writing a book (after wining a short story comp) any insights would be most appreciated.
    Hope you’re able to bring us some more zoom sessions down the track.
    Thanks again for your incredible work

    1. I am really pleased you made it to the Conscious Cafe despite your anaesthetic. You had glandular fever on the last node cycle? Jules, you are a good example of someone whose body delivers what her unconscious mind wants. About 19 years ago you were dealing with mutable sign weather in Sagittarius-Gemini which mirrors your own chart, which is the chart of both a comedian and a marketing manager – and a writer. You obviously wanted to write, more than anything else, and you have won a short story competition. Congratulations, your book or related projects, like a podcast series, radio play, theatre or television script, will reward you for all you went through 19 years ago. You are looking for a cure for health issues, which is completely understandable, Moon at 24 Gemini and North Node at 23 Virgo, South Node at 23 Pisces is a T-Square. You are a pioneer of mind, body, spirit solutions and will come into your own in 2020, actually, but for some years to come. Pisces rules hypnosis, meditation and Reiki, as well as spiritual healing. It rules the unconscious mind. Virgo is your entire body, mental and physical health. Gemini is writing and speaking. The media and the internet. It is also about keeping a journal and cognitive therapy. You will get an awful lot out of exploring that T-Square. Some of this is karmic or past life in nature so there may have been issues about not being allowed to speak or write your truth, in other lifetimes. Take a look. Nothing to lose.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    I am sorry but I could not cope with the time difference this time.

    I have tried to find it to pay retrospectively to view on the site but it tells you the event is over. Would it be possible to post a link to view retrospectively if you have it? I could not find it on You Tube either.

    My 24/5/69 (with a midnight birth time in Sydney) OH works in the airline industry and I have been trying to persuade for a while to consider a change.

    Kindest regards,

    1. Patricia, Conscious Cafe has a channel on YouTube and you are welcome to watch the video there. The time has come for your OH to start a new life and by January 2022 he will be in a different profession with new training, or have returned to education/academia. He could try and cope with what is happening and keep on ducking and diving, but quite honestly, travel as we knew it is finished. On the plus side, carbon emissions go back to levels not seen in decades and the climate emergency will end. For him, the answer is learning and perhaps also training or mentoring, later on. You will also be studying, formally or informally and really enjoy it.

  18. Hi Jessica, I’m sorry to have missed out on your presentation-it sounded wonderful.
    You previously said that I would be presenting to children in some capacity over time. I missed out on a presenter position I auditioned for and I’m feeling like a total failure right now. I hated the course I was studying (childcare education) and am only needing to be looking for one day a week work. I’ve decided to learn Italian in my spare time, potentially morphing into an Arts Diploma at some stage, but as for the here and now; I’m going around in circles like a lost puppy!
    I’m happy enough to child mind other’s children for a few hours a week, alongside my family and language study commitments but nothing is forthcoming yet. Can you please tell me when I’m likely to pick up a few hours a week work with an awesome family? Thank you x

    1. We’ll have other gatherings I’m sure, so come along. I am sorry you didn’t get this particular role, but there will be others, which I think I mentioned previously. You are in a hurry for great change and powerful improvement, but may have to work with the cycles of time before you turn the corner into what you want. Have you written down exactly what you want to do, read it out loud, and left your notes out overnight, with a request to your helpers in spirit to assist? Make sure also write down what you can give. When the time is right, the time will be right.

  19. Hey Jessica,

    I was able to catch it later on YT. Great talk.

    As to your comment, I did in fact play with the code a little back then, didn’t have an “aha” moment, so I didn’t pass it on—but there were some ironies….

    I converted the Julian calendar date of 1102020 to 9/18/1942. Nothing specific jumped out on that date, but as a matter of interest…

    1942 is when the first bivalent Vaccine was developed in order to treat both strains of influenza A and B. It was first tested on servicemen later in December 1942, and became available to the general public three years later. Salk of Polio vaccine fame appears to have been involved with that. I went back and checked again after listening to your marvelous presentation today…. And sure enough, the North node, Neptune and Mars in Virgo and Uranus and Saturn in Gemini…lots of mutable weather there…

    Ironically influenza B—which still has no cure almost 100 years later, is the one I read was expected to be most prominent this Fall alongside COVID19.

    September 18 is also national HIV/AIDS and Aging awareness day, as irony would have it.

    It was great fun as rabbit holes go, but there’s more to that code, I’m sure.

    Anyway, again, fantastic talk. Thanks so much.


    1. Whoaaa. And I never say ‘Whoaa’ on this website! You converted the code I saw clairvoyantly, based on 10th January 2020 (when the first COVID-19 death became public in China) and you used a Julian calendar date which correlated with mutable weather – AND AN INFLUENZA VACCINE? Just astonishing. You are picking up on influenza B. That is more than a rabbit hole it’s really important. I’m so grateful and will search further. We all should.

  20. Thank you Jessica that two hours have gone really quickly! I could listen to you talking about astrology all day long and I’m sure many people would feel the same. It would be great if you have more events like this in the future. For the Jupiter Pluto conjunction transit in Nov I have 3 asteroids at 22 and one at 21. Will these factors have a micro influence or major impact on a personal level as I have few factors at 22 degrees? Also since the theme is about the node, is there anything we can do to prepare for our node return?

    1. It did go very quickly, didn’t it? Thank you so much for being there. I’ll suggest to Conscious Cafe that we do something about 2021. I think lots of us would be so curious about Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. You will really enjoy November. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is the new world, in terms of the professions, business, employment and work as a whole. Systems which dominated for too long, or had too much power, will disappear. You will feel the ripple effect of this, either because your own job is directly affected, or because other industries/professions disappear and are replaced, which means you are affected by six degrees of separation. I just had a reader experience the recent Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (one of this sequence) through the closure of several women’s magazines by an inept company she worked for. She lost her job (not her fault) but quickly replaced it with a more relaxed role in catering. Same money, but a four day week. No dominating bosses. Something like this could easily come your way, or you would find that a close connection of yours goes into totally different professional or business territory, which has a terrific impact on your own existence.

  21. Hi Jess,
    I listened to your talk last night… it’s all so fascinating, isn’t it? Some of what you spoke about seemed quite surreal… by that I mean that I don’t know that the elite will let go of their power very easily, I was wondering if you can look at my chart and tell me what you see? I am a little concerned about the financial part… and I will miss being able to travel if it gets too unaffordable…

    thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. The elite will go to jail, in many cases, and of course corporations will crash on Wall Street. The new world will be radically different. Your finances will depend on how light on your feet you are. Being in tune with the times means unloading as much debt as you can, if that is possible. Certainly not spending for the sake of spending, as recreational shopping and restaurants are over. I am sure you know all this! The financial future also depends on multi skills, so training or educating yourself with an eye on part-time income. Travel will be less frequent, more precious and rather like travel in the 1950s when going abroad was something you saved up for and treasured. And when you travelled, you really did explore for a good 2-3 week break. The big choice you face, based on your chart, is travel with a health risk, or even a sudden quarantine risk (Britain is already doing this) at your expense on return – or, committing to a zero case place, which has an air bridge and bubble with another zero case neighbour. The more you look at the way things change, every single day, the more you realise that you have to figure out which fork in the road you will take.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    It was so lovely listening to you last night and again on the replay today. I couldn’t help but get all teary at the end too. You’re amazing! It was so beautiful and touching seeing you get all that global love and hug sent to you from around the world. Such a small gesture of Thanks for so many people who get so much insight, guidance, stability and love from your free, tireless research, and work sharing your true gift. It really showed the power of technology and how we still have the ability to connect and feel everyone at the heart and soul level, if we allow it.

    I have so many questions and have been blessed to have found you years ago. It’s really helped to steer me through the worst of the battles I’ve been through since 2014, when I legally fought to return to home 2015. I can see that I had to marry my country, in that horrid legal wrangle, and while it’s cost me everything, I have been listening and heeding your mantra of looking at the Freedom that money can’t buy.

    I have a question about the existing legal system, since there will be tens of thousands of us that are ‘ordered’ to travel under some kind of legal order, be that either interstate to interstate, or countries to countries, hotspots or not. If you follow the letter of the law. What will happen to that system? Since they are still operating in the ‘old normal’, and not moving the lens at all, forcing you to operate in the old model of the world, yet in the same breathe are helping people get out of fines for not wearing masks or following lockdowns rules that are for the good of the entire collective.
    It’s a system that contradicts itself. I’ve posted a more personal question into this month forum, to be more specific in nature. But, I truly wanted to Thank you for being all that you are. Sending love. xx

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I was very surprised to end up teary-eyed but sometimes this happens during mediumship and I did have spirit with me half a dozen times at the Conscious Cafe event. You are really generous with your comments – it’s really kind of you. I am so pleased that you have used the astrology to go well. Even the headlines of the last day have confirmed what the astrology is saying. This is going to be a stop-start, go-slow new world. This means the end of climate emergency and the planet will be saved. Shopping and restaurants are over. The randomness of regions or countries which cannot control the virus means at any one point in time, a large chunk of the planet will be off limits or shut down. Meanwhile we have a ‘second world’ emerging of zero case privilege countries and regions like New Zealand, and no doubt Queensland by the end of 2020. The super-rich are now investing many millions in having citizenship offered to them in such places. New Zealand and Australia are offering very expensive residency privileges! This is ‘the new black’ of the new world. Thus, it will depend where you live. This is why you have to marry your country in future, because you may be stuck there for years, or at the most, allowed into bridges/bubbles with neighbouring nations. The people who are stuck in the old world will not make it into the new one, either for health reasons or for economic reasons. People talking about ‘when Covid 19 is over’ are not reading history or astrology. Give this another 12 months in America and you can see what’s going to happen!

  23. Hi Jessica,
    It was lovely seeing you on Conscious Cafe yesterday. Thank you to those who organised the zoom – it has certainly stayed with me for the past 24 hours and has resonated on many levels. With many mutable factors in my chart – including Sag rising and Virgo moon – I strongly identified with the health focus of generation Virgo (a health worker feeling both fortunate yet helpless residing in a largely unaffected area). At this point in time I find myself worrying about local affairs – currently I’m in a very safe location (similar to Tasmania) and have been healing from the stability it has offered me over the last 3-5 years. Yet, I also felt validated when you – astutely – identified the restlessness that many with Sagittarius factors may experience. It’s a see-saw of global-community needs. I loved your vision of learning and travel. The new bicycle and yes – I’ve completed all I want of university study for now, but I’m very much looking forward to my next stage of learning….whatever that may be. It was just such a wonderful, poignant and relevant pod-cast. I’m so glad I made it. Xxx

    1. Thank you! I will pass that on to Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby at The Conscious Cafe. I am really grateful for your feedback. I was surprised at the intensity of the gathering online, but then so many people there were natural psychics or healers. The Sagittarius Generation, or heavily Sagittarius people, must choose their path to 2030. Do they continue to travel, relocate and explore (and risk their money and their health) or do they ‘marry’ a region or country with closed or tight borders, which has eliminated the virus? If the latter their passion for travel will only go into other bubbles with bridges (zero case nations with zero case nations). So the fact that the rest of the world is off limits means vicarious travel – armchair exploration – online. Big choice there.

  24. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for such an insightful and informative talk last night. I got a lot out of it.
    I have my Sun at 19 Sag and am of Gen Virgo. I think I will laying low next January. Except to celebrate my daughter’s 18th on 24th January.
    A colleague and I were discussing the Spanish Flu and how many public servants lost their jobs and how support staff in schools will be the first to go. In one respect I am curious to see how the face of public education will change in the next 20 years, hopefully become less political than it has been of late. It saddens me to see the Government wanting to make schools follow a business model when it is not practical nor feasible. However, I feel that education will be more adaptive for those children who need learning support as the current framework is old fashioned and outdated.
    What do you think?
    Stay warm. It’s cold down there in the Apple Isle.

    1. Thank you Francesca. Your Sun at 19 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreign people and places, regional differences, education, academia, publishing and the worldwide web is right in the zone of that T-Square from Neptune at 19 Pisces to the North Node at 19 Gemini and South Node at 19 Sagittarius, in those closing days of January. Hopefully your daughter turning 18 will not involve you travelling. The education, university, college and school system will transform itself in the next 20 years. The old model of elite, expensive ‘Ivory Tower’ education is finished and its replacement will make a good education affordable and accessible to the world – if people pass the entrance exam. We are also going to see much shorter courses, shorter lectures and workshops, different environments for learning. The technology from 2026 onwards will keep up with that as education becomes immersive and interactive. You will learn about Ancient Rome and ‘walk’ into the Colosseum. It’s very, very interesting. It starts now. The new economy is the Zoom economy. Low, low rates for tutoring and individual mentoring or coaching, in every conceivable subject. There is a massive boom coming in knowledge exchange.

  25. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your honest and inspiring session. Everything you say makes so much sense especially the fact that many of us have been waiting and hoping for these changes, and here they are. No return to normal.
    Just a bit of feedback. I was very interested in your response to the question about London’s future. During a recent walk I took from St Pauls, Wren’s masterpiece, down along the streets around Fleet Street including Pudding Lane, I was completely struck by how empty it all was. Barely any people anywhere and weeds starting to flourish in the cracks in the kurbstones. Shops, cafes, businesses closed. Unlike the Great Fire, all the buildings still standing but a similar sense of desolation and abandonment perhaps?

    1. Thank you. Some people will try to rebuild the old world from 2019 but I suspect many, many more will want the new world. A total replacement. Your walk from St. Paul’s Cathedral along Fleet Street was time travel, really, as we are back in 1665 and 1666. The Plague and The Great Fire of London. We did in fact have that bakery fire in London recently, with another hot summer – same as 1666. The astrologer William Lilly predicted both events as a warning but was ignored. Sir Christopher Wren reinvented London after the crisis and it looks very likely that architecturally, London will also be reinvented by January 2022. A basic example is what Dublin is doing; banning cars, creating open malls with street seating and more trees and space. You may have picked up on the ghosts of the past when you took your walk!

  26. Oh excellent. I always worry about stretching to fit my narrative—but it did resonate a lot more on revisitation after your talk. I need to trust my impressions more:-)

  27. Hi, Jessica

    I missed the session but just quickly watched youtube. It really helps to watch and listen what you are saying although I’ve been reading your artcles here. I am really thinking about future. I was trying to know more about technology, especially AI. Just few days ago, I started to think maybe I should do some course to “upskill” and be available to have a job in a few years time (at the moment, I don’t have time because I am a 24hrs mother to very young child). But then listening to you makes me wonder that my attitute towards “job” needs to be reviewed. Because may be there’s not much job to be “hired” in big coorporation globally? Insted, I have a some skills and can offer my help to, let’s say, “gourp of people” based in different countries and share profit, that may work better to have income. Sorry it is not clear question but looking at my chart, how and what I can offer in order to have income? I am very worried or already miss my family in Japan that maybe I cannot see them in future. I want to help them.

    Finger crossed. Thank you for your help.

    1. Thank you. Learning is hard with a young child, but eventually you will have the time and space to add to your skills. You want to help your family in Japan and presumably are bilingual (congratulations) so you are in an excellent position to develop your English-Japanese language duality and wake up to find yourself invaluable to people from Tokyo but also in the West. The new world is very, very different in 2021 and the business interests of people from Auckland to Sydney, across to London (free of Europe) and even the Japanese parts of Singapore, will be rewired. Once your child is older you can start looking at what is possible, because translators or middle people will be very much needed. You did this in a previous life, by the way. Sagittarius-Gemini patterns in your chart suggest you have been a linguist before.

  28. Thank you Jessica. Your words are like a soothing salve to me right now. I think I’m a little impatient because I’m feeling immense pressure from my partner. It’s a tough gig at home feeling pushed, judged and shamed. I’m grateful to get some perspective from you. x

  29. Thank you Jessica,

    I found it on YouTube and could have quite happily watched for another few hours. The time just flew. You were absolutely brilliant. You keep going from strength to strength.

    I thought it was going out later and am kicking myself for missing live; especially as I was hassling you to do podcasts and so forth a few years ago.

    We 60s babies have a bit to think about. Love the advice to marry where you live as currently living between QLD (acreage sanctuary) and Sydney.
    Thank you again so much for doing this.

    1. That’s a huge compliment; I’m grateful for your time and words. The global gathering generated a strong field of psychic intelligence and energetic intuition so what came from there was important. I think we’ll go back to the questions on that video for quite a few years, actually!

  30. Hi Jessica, I am so grateful for your work. I have been reading your articles for years and I derive great insight. Thank you. I want to ask you what you might see for me in the coming months. I am a divorced mother of two and I live in NYC. My ex and his family are here, but I have no family here, and until this year, I did not have much hands-on help with the children from him. In January of 2020 I met an American man who lives in Europe. He planned to become bicontinental this year, but now Covid has created a challenge to his doing so. On the one hand, I dream of having my parents move to New York; on the other hand, I dream of leaving New York, and maybe the US, and recently my exhusband has been discussing his wish to do so. My health has also been a problem and I may need surgery soon. Finally, my career has been stalled for the last two years, though positive changes have happened just in the past few weeks. I feel a bit rudderless overall. Would you be able to give me any insight?

    1. Thank you so much. You are having classic ‘mutable weather’ crossroads choices. You may need surgery (Virgo). Your lover is in Europe. You dream of leaving America (Sagittarius). You wonder if your parents could move to NY. Meanwhile your career has stalled, which is a classic Capricorn weather outcome. We have both this mutable sign climate change of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo crossroads (trends and people) but also a heavy line-up in Capricorn in your Tenth House of professional life. You are ambitious and need mountains to climb and peaks to attain, both in terms of career and social status. They are there for you, but there is a process to get across to 2021 and onto bigger and better things. A group will help you (Aquarius) and likely a group with friends within. Before any of that can happen, you must see straight. You are currently unable to perceive very much about life because you are feeling so cornered. Tune up your sixth sense (Pisces) so you know when to drop the need to defend yourself. I wonder if your parents are not the issue actually. Or certainly your ex and his family! There is a long Mars in Aries transit now, which is really about feeling as if you must cut people out, or cut them off, or push them back somehow. That is a strain and you need to drop it, even for a short time, so you can focus on the real issue, which is seeing straight and genuinely getting the truth about things, rather than guessing or sensing the whole time. Just how much do you actually need to defend yourself, or could you be over-reacting? Even if you have to deal with problematic people, organisations or situations, you have what it takes to defeat them. You have Ceres in Aries and you are tough. If there is nothing there? Great, you can get on with your new ambitions, which will come so easily to you, once you join or even rejoin a group best described as people power in motion. You have Venus in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of community, diversity and equality – and solidarity – and will feel delightfully at home in 2021 when Jupiter goes over your Venus. At that point there may be a rudder and outboard motor and you will be on your way.

  31. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for a fabulous podcast, so much to think about .
    A personal question about heavily tenanted Capricorn people , how do we fare when this change over into Aquarius? Are we subject to scrutiny and possible Downfall?
    I try to be a good human and not lord it over others. The Capricorn image is not very flattering.

    1. I’m really pleased you were able to come along to the Conscious Cafe, thank you. If you are a heavily tenanted Capricorn with a big signature in the Tenth House, then you are defined by your status and success, particularly in traditional or established institutions, corporations, organisations or social strata. Also, professions, fields and businesses which are pyramid in shape and have an elite at the top and a lot of people down the bottom. To have that kind of chart in 2020 is a huge ask, because of the transit of Saturn (slow, stuck tests and trials, and the thwarting of the life force) Pluto (intense questions about who and what is in control) and Jupiter (the push back). I doubt very much you are guilty of oppressing the masses! That kind of downfall will only come for the power-mad and corrupt and of course Maxwell is going to talk (or Maxwell’s computers are going to talk for her). For you, it’s really about the total restructure of your chosen field. It is not negative. It is a positive, in the end, but you are going to see quite a few people or organisations get their marching orders, who should never have been allowed to fly so high in the first place. And there will be mergers and collapses, but also replacements. Jupiter is very much about the new order and you will see why in November. The intensity ends in December. You will see a breathtaking array of new career or study choices as big new gaps in the market appear, because of our peculiar new world.

  32. Hi Jessica
    Feeling a lot of confusion and emotions that I know is blocking any chance for clarity – I don’t where home is. Since March, as you predicted in a previous reply to my comment, Capricorn husband and I returned back to the city where we grew up in. We have family here and lucky to be back in many ways, but memories of this place is painful, relationship with my mother is too toxic for me (I have started seeing a therapist). Before returning, we lived 10yrs in another country but we don’t see ourselves living there again even though we are still deeply tied to it through the organization and team we gathered together (my desire is to transfer ownership of the business to them over time them as a legacy).

    What should I let go and what should I focus on right now because I feel I am unable to make the right decision about the future. I don’t feel as if I’m learning anything and this bothers me, as I feel I am stuck. I want clarity.
    Starting again, finding a new job, being financially ok and paying off an old student loan I stupidly never did, also worries me. I have Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius.

    1. So you and your husband have gone back to your home city, as the astrology predicted. Your mother has a toxic relationship with you – I am sorry you are going through that. You feel stuck and confused and you quite naturally worry about jobs and money. You are going into Aquarius weather in 2021 which is suggested now, so a great deal depends on the communities, teams, clubs and other circles around you. Not so much you personally, as a man in your life. Likely, your husband. It may be your potential boss. If a potential boss, then this is a trade union, football club, children’s charity, rock band and so on. He has too many people around him and cannot look after them all individually. When you say ‘the team we gathered together’ I think this must be your husband, unless you hired another man as his deputy. It’s all about people being honoured as individuals, not just identical faces in the crowd. A great deal depends on preventing a departure before it happens as one team member could go, and that would possibly mean another one goes too. This Aquarius weather in 2021 is really important and we have more from 2023. So act now. Nurture, tend to, flatter, feed and fulfil – appreciate – every single person in the circle and then this man, or perhaps both of you, should think about how best to capitalise on what is pure people power. This will help with your work and money questions.

  33. Hi Jessica
    I really want to watch/listen to this talk at Conscious Cafe and I see in your comments that it is on their YouTube Channel but I have done repeated searches (from the US) and found many Conscious Cafes including one in Toronto, others that are into shamanic music from India etc, it is a very popular name! But even when I add ‘Melbourne’ or ‘Jessica Adams’ nothing comes up for your Conscious Cafe talk. Could you post a clear link or title to the page so that I can find it? I’d really appreciate it!

    Many thanks

    1. Sure, Judy Piatkus has given me the correct link for this rather mysterious YouTube clip, so I will post it in the feature. Perhaps the only people who can find it, are the people who should find it!

  34. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your insights at the Conscious Cafe, it was a riveting and very moving event. After a 12 hour day with meetings on zoom I wasn‘t sure I‘d have the stamina to last the distance and it gave me such a burst of energy. How quickly the world has changed since the meet up in February in Melbourne where we randomly sighted Bryan Brown. The predictions that you made for me then were absolutely spot on and have already come to pass. I usually split my time between Australia and Germany and I‘m missing Europe enormously and wondering which country I should „marry“ as you put it. Which place has the best potential for my happiness, career and love life? I have Sagittarius at 19 degrees Vulcano and I wonder what this means for me for January 2021? There are a number of birth charts for Germany, which one is most relevant? We all really appreciate how kind you are in providing advice during this very turbulent year.

    1. Hasn’t the world spun on its axis since we were in Melbourne with Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore? Thank you so much for coming to the Conscious Cafe even though I know we all have a lot of Zoom time at the moment. And thank you for validating the predictions. If you are thinking about Germany have a look at the charts. She has several. Vulcano at 19 Sagittarius in the Ninth House is about strength through self-control in emotionally intense situations and the best way to analyse that, is to go back in time to April 2022 and think about foreigners, travel, or cultural differences then. It’s back on when the South Node goes across 19 Sagittarius one more time. November, December 2022 will remind you. It really depends on your preference for money and family, or friends and groups. Germany offers financial freedom, cash flow and a family (yours or somebody else’s). Victoria offers you a rich circle of solid-gold friends and tremendous people power within the community. This 2020 crossroads means you gain either way. Uranus in Taurus can bring a tremendous feeling of space and freedom to choose, economically. Jupiter in Aquarius is about an abundant social life.

  35. Hi Jessica, I attended the Conscious Cafe zoom session and I just wanted to thank you, Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby for the insightful, riveting and inspiring gathering. Time just flew and the energy through the waves was uplifting on many levels. You are so kind and generous for helping so many navigate into this new world. I love your articles and often re read them and your reply comments as they are so rich and informative. I look forward to attending more group zoom sessions. Namaste

    1. Thank you so much, Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby welcomed some very interesting people into the cafe. Also very nice people. I do appreciate your comments and I agree, the time flew in the strangest way. Namaste.

  36. Hi Jessica

    I benefit very much by watching and applying your information to my life. Thank you for your generosity.

    Your Conscious Cafe talk was inspiring both in terms of information and in showing us how courageously you live your life. I am a Brit living in France and unless I missed it somehow I didn’t hear any mention of France and what she will face. Like so many people I struggle with trying to work out where I should be and how to help community and our planet. Any there any insights you feel able to offer me? Thank you.

    DoB 28.10.51
    Time of Birth 22.39hrs
    Place of Birth: Newbury Park, Essex U.K.

    1. Thank you so much. You are British but live in France and want to find out the best next steps for yourself and the world. You were born with a strong Virgo chart signature so you are here to work. As you may know, you have the South Node in Virgo, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Virgo. You are also here to learn about your mind, body and spirit (and physical and mental health, combined). France has a number of charts and identities based on her complicated history. None of them are particularly Virgo, so this country is not especially interested in public health (well, it is a nation of smokers). Nor is she particularly about work. Virgo rules service and duty, and it is about the work ethic – finessing the details of a job to near-perfection so you can do the utmost for the person on the other end. France is not that. Again – you are. So in terms of how happy you are in France, long-term, we have to say it’s an odd couple match. Her actual fate will be decided after Britain either decides on a Switzerland model (Britzerland) for trade, or even leaves with no deal. If you are choosing between the two countries, you would want to wait until the dust has settled from that, to make your selection as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is going to break up long-term according to the astrology and of course the Eurostar and English Channel ferry – along with Gatwick and Heathrow – are affected by price, availability, new rules on residency and so on. You have a long time before you have to choose. But the new England will be very new indeed. She may end up being unrecognisable, actually, and that would be very interesting for you!

  37. Hi Jessica,

    I have shared a beautiful Sunday within the conscious cafe recording, you set up last Thursday evening.
    Thankyou for your wisdom and positive glow you brought.
    I thought of the “CODE”, you seen on the 10/01/2020.
    I noticed if it is reversed 01/10/2020, we have a full moon in Aries along with a few other planets positions including, 19 Degrees Piscise. I heard you say 19 Degrees is important.
    What are your thoughts on this?
    Thank you again
    Kathie – NSW, Australia

    1. Thank you Kathie. The code I asked the readers about in 2019, when I was predicting the virus for 10th January 2020, was a mystery to me then. Nobody replied at the time, so I left it to one side. What you are seeing here is really interesting. Though I think, more is to come in terms of finding out the truth about COVID-19 and later on, we will realise what 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 scrambled actually was. At the moment, I think the world map in the South China Morning Post story about longitude and latitude is pretty close.

  38. Hi Jessica, I really enjoyed being part of the live Conscious Cafe event – it’s always fab to hear you speak directly. My quick question, which there wasn’t time for you to address on Thursday, was about Costa Rica. Would you mind looking in your book of world astrology for me please? I’m heading to work there next year (from June onwards). I’m happy to be a ‘hot air balloonist’, and I understand the risks, but I’m also keen to know what the astro weather indicates from mid 2021 onwards. Thank you very much.

    1. Thank you, it is now the 17th of August and apologies for this late reply. Costa Rica was founded on 30th August 1848 at 12.00 LMT in San Jose, according to The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, 2004). You are working there from June 2021 and want to know what is in store. This place is strongly Virgo, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon all in Virgo. She has Virgo factors (hospitals, public health, doctors, healers, fitness) at 5, 7, 18, 22 and 29. Saturn is in a close opposition at 23 Pisces, almost perfectly clashing with Mars at 22 Virgo. You have Pluto at 29 Virgo, right on the Costa Rica Moon. I don’t know what your work is, but you need to look at your need for control, both at work and with your health and wellbeing. Pluto describes how you seek to dominate, to be in charge, to run things. That may not be particularly in tune with Costa Rica. We also have transiting Neptune in Pisces, at 23 degrees in June 2021, when you land. That is right on the Costa Rica Saturn at 23 Pisces (that only happens once in your life). It is also very close that quite difficult opposition with Mars at 22 Virgo. Would I go? No. Will you go? It’s up to you. You’ve taken the gig. As I don’t know anything about the charts for your employer or anyone else involved, I suggest you use your Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook to go into it. This is not just about the general picture of Costa Rica public health in a pandemic, it is also about her entire work and employment, and unemployment strategy. This is a highly pressured national chart and you do chime with it, which is unusual!

  39. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for your fascinating talk at the Conscious cafe. I have Pluto in Virgo but Neptune in Sagittarius (as well as a strong Sagittarius signature and many planets in Gemini and Virgo), making me part of two generational influences seemingly opposed to each other in the coming years. I also have several planets at 18 or 19 degrees affected by the 2021 T-square – Sun 18° Cancer 33′ 30″, Moon 17° Cancer 47′ 19″, Venus 18° Gemini 15′ 57″, Panacea 19° Leo 09′ 51″, Vulcano 18° Gemini 41′ 27″. What does this mean for my future?


    1. Thank you. You are going to act out the split between health and travel, which the whole world is tackling. There is this massive difference, as we have seen, between Generation Virgo (born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, and constantly concerned with their bodies) and Generation Sagittarius, who just want globalisation. Generation Sagittarius loses out, because they are blocked by Gemini and Pisces weather for years. We are already seeing this. Airlines are collapsing and Queensland, Australia along with the Northern Territory of Australia, has banned travel. Meanwhile cases of COVID-19 fall to zero, so Generation Virgo is happy. Yu are going to have to make a choice about what you want. Do you want to travel or do you want zero cases? I don’t know where you live, but if your region will not or cannot eliminate the virus, then you must decide what sort of lifestyle you will accept. I don’t think this can go on forever as the transits are peaking around 17, 18, 19 degrees so you’ll have chosen by 2021. And there is no perfect, here. But there is a compromise.

  40. Thanks so much for doing this Jessica, I always find your words comforting and really appreciate that you take the time to be available and to teach as much as you share. I am very cancerian and pretty fixed/cardinal – not too much mutable except the virgo / but trust me, it does a lot of heavy lifting as my moon! As you have wisely told me many times, these past few years have been absolutely brutal for cancers and I am so tired. So really not loving the last week in Jan stuff as it falls on my sun. Moving is definitely in the cards and has been for many years due to lack of work opportunities & distance from family, but I don’t want to move (back to the US) over the next 6 months given COVID & school-just not ideal to move my kids into an online learning situation. Feel they are far better off in South Africa with friends, sunshine & outdoor living. But ultimately we need to work! Wish I could show you my partner’s chart – he’s also very fixed/cardinal, with nothing at 19 but psyche (18 Gemini) fortuna (20 cap) and saturn (20 taurus). I really wish I knew what to do!! Any insight? lots of love xx

    1. Yes, the pressure on Cancerian types has been immense with Saturn, Pluto, the South Node and Ceres all hammering away together. You have intensely personal choices here about South Africa and America and I can’t make them for you. You have your own values. I would never choose America, for example, because I have become used to living with zero cases in Tasmania for over two months now. You may want to try asking the cards about each country in 2021, or the next five years. Yes, you do need to work, but that will be easier once the Capricorn-Cancer weather breaks. It does so in stages, markedly easier in September, and then hugely easier in December.

  41. Hi Jessica – I enjoyed your presentation! Thanks for your insights – very, very interesting. You mentioned a drop in home prices in Jan 2021 in the UK. What about the United States? I live in Atlanta and my home is currently for sale. Once it sells (hopefully soon!), I’m torn between renting for a while or buying another home. Should I wait till early next year to buy a home if there are going to be better deals? Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. Yes, you will see house, apartment and land prices drop (in general) though I’ve not done a chart for Atlanta. You may want to wait for your new president to see what happens with banks, mortgages, property prices and the rest. The next president is Robin Hood who will take from the rich to give to the poor. Of course the final choice is up to you, not me – please use your Astrology Oracle if you are a Premium Member.

  42. Hi Jessica,
    I am listening again to your Conscious Cafe talk. While I love reading your content, I have to say that I LOVE listening to your wisdom as well. I’ve written before and touched on my journey to find my next house or home, and this talk helped me connect some dots. I am one of many with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, and hopeful that I am closer to finding that house or home that grounds me for this next phase of life. For the past 18 months, I’ve been living in a region of US where I have friends (made decades ago) but now know that I do not want to stay long term (as Covid has a way of revealing whether you fit with neighbors). I have narrowed down the possibilities to two other regions (one where I lived and raised my family for 20+ years, and one in a neighboring state). In both areas, real estate competition and prices keep rising even after Covid hit (due to the migration from neighboring cities). Any guidance for me on what I can research or look to (such as research charts of specific towns interested in) to help me decide if relocating to one of these areas is a sensible move even if prices remain high. If I understand your comments, I should try to relocate by mid-January? Hope this makes sense. Thank you.

    1. Aren’t you nice. Thank you. You want to move partly because of COVID-19 but are also seeing prices rise because people are moving. You will be pleased to know you are almost at the end of the worst cycle in years as your stellium (unusually high Cancer factor count in the Fourth House of property) has been hit by the Capricorn weather on the opposite side of your chart. You have done it really tough, actually, and yet it is improving all the time. You really want Cancer-Virgo weather to work for you and so we’re talking second half of August, first half of September. The Pluto-Venus opposition will be out of your way and Mercury and the Sun will be in Virgo. We have a New Moon in Virgo on September 17th. (All this is in your fourth house in your solar chart). At the same time we have Venus in Cancer helping you negotiate, relate and strike a deal, until September 6th. The Moon in Cancer on September 11th, 12th is also near that weekend of property viewing. So have a look then. As to ‘where’ use a map and your Astrology Oracle. Avoid Mercury Retrograde please, 28th September to 20th November, from shadow to shadow. Another tip – draw/write what you want on a piece of paper, with the time-frame, leave it out overnight and ask your spirit helpers to assist.

  43. Hi Jessica
    Thanks! I have watched session on you tube. Strange, but most of what you suggested about marrying place where you want to live and to travel less , I had already planned. Nevertheless, it is good to have it confirmed by an astrologer. I hope and pray that most of your predictions come true over the next few years.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you. Sue, your instincts to ‘marry’ a region or country are correct. This is exactly what people had to do every time we have seen this cycle, which is Mutable Sign Weather, triggering billions born with planets in mutable signs – Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo. Out of this Grand Cross, which repeats for years, we find that creative and innovative solutions emerge. I find it really interesting that so many people flew around Europe, for so many weekends, for so many years – without even being able to speak the language. Go figure. They would not have dreamed of attempting that in the 19th century! So the new travel is really like wedding yourself to a region before you go. Then staying for months, not a couple of days. We’ve been here before in history and it’s coming back.

  44. Hi Jessica. I used the monthly forum to ask my personal question but here I would like to share my thoughts about your presentation. I watched it on You Tube and it was mind-blowing! You gave so much valuable information to navigate this uncertain world – hope that our leaders will use astrology. I have been taking notes from the video and also some of your comments here on this Q&A. You’ve been very generous.

    I have already started experiencing the change you are predicting. My business deals with the international students and back in April when schools and universities shifted to delivering courses online, I had a meeting with a language school rep and became aware that the quite advanced virtual lessons using VR are already available. The technology is there. The rep I met said that they were developing the contents which is lacking. They are even thinking about designing a study tour with virtual excursions. For me it was like a moment when I discovered WWW, email and chat in 1995, which led me to be a web designer in the late 90’s (the job description didn’t exist back then). The way we communicate has changed dramatically due to COVID and I think the concept of virtual classroom, lectures will be a much more familiar concept than it would have been otherwise thanks to the restriction of the travel.

    Also, as a small business owner I have signed up for advertising on a newly created local small business directory app. The reason I signed up was that the concept of supporting local and small businesses agreed with me. The founder was helping his relative to rebuild their small business going through financial hardship and realised that he could do more to support small businesses and started developing the app. He was very passionate and many businesses in my neighbourhood joined. Since Covid, I make more conscious choices to buy local knowing many small businesses are affected by the lock down/slow down.

    Perth, Western Australia where I live is almost Covid free and life is quite normal except having the hard border policy. Majority of people are supporting the policy and enjoy traveling locally. Some popular destinations are booked out. It’s also interesting to note that one third of the state population supports succession. I’m not sure if it works but it seems a natural course of action. We’ll see…

    All of your posts are very interesting and it’s really like a weather forecast and a history book. Quite often I go back to the old posts to analyse situations. It’s been tremendously useful. Thank you and look forward to reading your future posts!

    1. Thank you very much for this message, I really appreciate it. What you say about virtual excursions is correct – a perfect Sagittarius/Gemini/Pisces combination – you are onto a winner there, in this mutable sign weather to 2040. The old school trips are finished and the museums are shuttered, desperate for funding. Virtual school, college and university excursions will meet this issue in the middle, and as you are based in Perth, you could actually begin investing time or energy in that, locally. All those television industry talents who are doing nothing will be able to create ‘the new school trip’. Your idea of supporting local business is also bang-on as from 2026 in particular the world is about the neighbourhood and local area. You are COVID-19 free, or very close, in Perth. So you are one of the few places in the world where real-life experiments can take place in zero-case reality! Local travel is booming and I have to say, that is exactly what is happening here in Tasmania. Also COVID-19 free. People are buying locally, spending on books at Fullers in Hobart rather than giving Amazon any more money. (My favourite bookshop where I have given astrology events). This Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces-Virgo ‘weather’ and the generations of people affected, is ripe for creative solutions and clever problem-solving. It sounds like Perth, Western Australia is leading the push.

  45. Hi Jessica your zoom session with Conscious Cafe was fantastic. I attended live and have shared it with so many of my friends. I am in interested in all of the discussion particularly from an astrological perspective. I am specifically interested in what particular planets and aspects will ultimately cause the global economic issues you refer to in your presentation for the years 22/23? Other astrologers have also referred to this time line. Is it the Saturn square Uranus series which is due to happen around this time or are you looking at something else with Pluto which obviously can cause complete devastation and transformation of whatever it touches. I’d genuinely like to follow these astrology patterns.

    Thanks in advance if you do get the time to pick this message up as I appreciate you have thousands of followers and questions to answer.

    1. Thank you so much. 2022 and 2023 are a repeat of the late 1930s as we see the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio. International debts involving Germany and food in short supply, and basic provisions rationed. Sound familiar? This is of course the departure of Britain from the EU and supply chain breaks in Europe but also from China. Astrology is history and sociology, so this time it’s different. Generations of us born with outer planets in Scorpio (sex and money, marriage and mortgage, family inheritance and relationships) are going to experience Uranus in opposition. It’s already started. So, people born with Uranus in Scorpio, Neptune in Scorpio, Pluto in Scorpio will steadily go through extreme weather in 2022, 2023 as Uranus clashes with that in their chart, but they also have the North Node in Taurus opposing them too, as the South Node conjuncts their Scorpio factors. These are two years of extreme tests for the property market and obviously for marriages and relationships which need to be founded on rock solid values which go beyond money, houses or apartments – to strengthen. I am not really into doom and gloom astrology and the reward of COVID-19 and all its many mutations (we already have more than one) is a better planet. For all that Uranus in Taurus, the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio bring pressure, we have another generation to think about – Generation Virgo. They were born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo and will benefit from Uranus trines and also Node trines and sextiles. They will save the world and change the world in those years through sheer hard work.

  46. Hello, Jessica

    Thank you for your advice. As I read othere’s comments, I wish I could ask a few questions.

    Although I accept your prediction, I am wondering If I can navigate to see my family in Japan by 2026 or after within 20 years (based on your prediction)? I feel it was around March you moved to where you are now. At that time, there’s not much restriction on air travels. How did you make up your mind to travel? You weren’t scared or used oracle cards to let yourself take action?

    I also wish if it is possible to see what Jupiter and Neptune cycle brings me.

    Hope you are enjoying place where you are now and stay healthy.

    Thank you so much,

    1. Yes I moved to Tasmania in March and air travel completely shut down. State of Emergency! You can navigate to see the family in Japan but it is going to be extremely hard and you need to be aware of that. In fact, Japan is now in an economic crisis. So this will take a lot of intuition, planning and research. You need to be a total realist about what you are doing and the cards can help you if you use them correctly.

  47. I have Uranus in Gemini opposite(ish) Moon in Sagittarius. My daughter is a Gemini with Pisces Rising, and so far neither of us have been badly affected. She still has her job, and so does my husband. I’m sort of bracing for something bad to happen, but so far it’s just my worry about people who are affected that has kept me sleeping all day from the stress.

    1. That’s good. And no point in bracing for something bad to happen, that is not how astrology works. With the mutable chart signatures you do all risk travel issues, now and into January 2022, but you know that anyway. I am sure you are the last people on earth who would want to merrily sign up for a world cruise at the moment! Astrology is about avoidance and also about negotiating with fate. You are right on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis there, with a Gemini daughter, and this is about the Third House/Ninth House, so clearly transport, travel, airlines, shipping, globalisation, immigration, tourism and foreign people and places. You will know exactly what to do – and what not to to do. This Node cycle ends in January 2022 and the Uranus in Gemini Return is many years away.

  48. Jessica, thank you for taking the time to share with so many. I shared your YouTube video. I had a solid life change in early 2010 and was troubled by AI and tech a bit previously and then beyond. You mentioned changes coming in the future in regards to technology and how we will look (be) at living smaller in a big world. I already live pretty small and I am enjoying the time off created through Covid-19 yet, I tire of feeling like I am on the set in Groundhog Day. The future of technology may be good or bad depending on how that goes. Are there any tech or AI things (planets/asteroids)/dates that we should be wary of? Travel aside, is this a time of mental wintering and marinating for a busy future? Thank you for considering my thoughts.

    1. Thank you. Living smaller in a big world is exactly right. Living better, for many people. We are ‘mental wintering’ as you say, and all the thinking time, and pondering time, will make us happier when we emerge. One thing that nobody is talking about is seasonal living. We need to think about seasons now and how we are to live in summer, say, as opposed to winter. You are worried about robot intelligence. Don’t be. If anything it will replace awful jobs that nobody should have to do, and help us rather than create problems. We are moving into The New Age of Aquarius from 2021 and people power beats billionaires. People power will not permit anything that impedes the masses so the few can get rich. Quite the reverse. In fact all those American trillionaires and billionaires, like Apple, will be paying massive tax. New leaders in America and other countries in the years to come will not tolerate excess. Wealth is redistributed.

  49. Hi Jessica

    The conscious cafe Youtube session was fab! Personally a bit scary on some pieces however – you suggest travelling as we did before is over for good; one needs to marry the place one chooses to live in – and also the world will be divided into the zero case regions ( & travel bubbles) and others who can’t control the virus.

    My worry is given I live in India (mumbai which has been very badly hit) and I foresee it being super difficult to control it here – and given I don’t have dual citizenship – and very much would want to move away – do you foresee this at all. Either moving out of India or even a move possibiy within India to a nicer home in a lesser affected region because of say a job or meeting someone romantically in the near future? I just feel it is so unfair that for no fault of mine ( similar for many others) we in India need to bear the brunt of corrupt governments or people who don’t seem to care about the virus or others who rightly have to prioritise a livelihood.

    Ever since I moved back from the US, I have thought of travel as a escape and something I really looked forward to & did a fair bit of it, I always thought someone day I would move out of India or try to live between the UK and India – now it appears to be too late to do so? Is there any hope at all Jessica – near future or even further down the line? I shudder at the thought that u may be stuck in India for ever & limited you no travel.

    Really appreciate any guidance you can provide on this

    Thanks as always

    As always appreciate your response

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you are putting up with the powers that be, in India, having so much sway over your life. Don’t be scared of the future, but do be proactive and ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’. You will not be able to live between Britain and India. You certainly will be able to move out of Mumbai and into other regions, which take the initiative and start to control their local economy and their health in more intelligent way. What you are going to see in 2020, 2021, 2022 and then strongly from 2026 past 2030, is the rise of ‘Local.’ This is the end of globalisation, the frequent movement of people (tourism or immigration) and the start of life in a 20 mile radius. We’re talking bicycles, not planes. We’re talking about vegetables, fruit and herbs grown on rooftops on city buildings (not importing from other regions or countries). I could go on, but in essence, you need to look at moving within India in the first instance. Making friends or reigniting old friendships in places where you feel a sense of belonging is a wise idea and you can do that online. You do have to be a realist about travel. We are all sacrificing that. What you can very much look forward to, in the future, is the rise and rise of switched-on, intelligent, activist communities within quite small regions. It will happen outside the big cities and you will find like-minded people who also want to control what goes on in their own territory and local area. They won’t want tourism and they won’t see the need to do much business/trade beyond their bubble. This means they keep a pretty steady rate of low-to-zero virus cases and quietly do their own thing, away from everybody else. It is quite amazing how many of us are clueless about our neighbours and don’t really know the local people/local area at all (even if we have lived there for years). That’s going to change. If you dislike Mumbai begin building a life, in your mind, elsewhere and start putting down the foundations in practical ways now.

  50. Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for your insights – I love your work! You have helped me survive all the craziness of this year and stay relatively calm while the world turned upside down! I was wondering if you would have a look at my chart and see what’s in store for me with my home, career and love-life?
    Is there an astrological reason so many things have felt extremely slow, difficult and stuck over the last few years?! Is it the Capricorn effect on my chart or any stelliums?
    I noticed that I have Venus in Capricorn (Retrograde) and Mercury in Aquarius (Retrograde) in my chart and was hoping you could explain what this means?
    I’m trying to decide whether to buy or rent a place where I am and still wondering whether Australia is my permanent future home. I always loved travelling and dreamed of living and working overseas so feel sad to come to terms with the pandemic reality of travel restrictions; but do understand the bigger picture that things couldn’t continue the way they were. If it’s not too much to ask, would you be able to tell me anything (compatibility/relationship potential/future) about this person that I feel a strong connection with (His birthdate: 30/03/71). Thanks in advance and keep being awesome!!

    1. Thank you so much. That’s really good to know. Okay, you have been stuck since 2016 (you and the whole world) because of heavy Capricorn weather, very hard to shift. It is already getting better and will be mostly over at Christmas. Venus, Vesta, Bacchus and the South Node are all in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, social status, ambition, position and mission. Marriage is social status. So is work. None of that has delivered, or could deliver, actually – because you are in a changing world and even if you had reached the top of your company and become engaged in 2018 you would have found by 2021 that nothing was the same. (COVID-19) So you have been held back and held up, because the world had to change first. It will do so radically in 2021 and beyond and then you will realise why committing too early would have been a bad idea. You will go backwards and forwards with the 30/03/71 man in September, October, November but know where you stand by 20th November. You want to know where to live? Again, you are calling it too early, as Australia is about to become a different nation and it will be ‘which state of Australia?’ not ‘Australia’ itself. We will be state-led in 2021 and permanently from 2026. One thing is true. You have to marry the place where you live in future as constant people movement is finished. So you may want to take your time.

  51. Good morning Jessica and all….
    Jessica, I’ve always been impressed by your accuracy and insightful knowledge over very many years. I was drawn to your site a few days after the Conscious Cafe gathering and its breadth of info and wisdom (and hope) for the future is inspiring. A lot of what you are seeing ahead I have also felt is coming but you clarified it so much better through your educated eyes. I’ve watched it twice now and will likely do again- so much info to absorb.
    I am intrigued by your repeated references to NZ. I would love to see the NZ chart. I am in Auckland but hope/ yearn to move out to a smaller town on the outskirts, or semi-rural, and be more self sufficient because I feel its the way forward. Its up to the $ god when 🙂
    I know NZ is on the right track with our Covid management and I get frustrated with those who say its wrong or all a scam. The female energy in NZ (and those other countries with female leaders who have done well with Covid) is what will take the world forward to a new balanced level. I feel that Kamala Harris will take the role of US President before too long. God knows they need real change.
    I am Gemini 2/6/1953 btw. I have my chart already. I m also a close follower of numerology and find I have two 22 essences coming up from 2021 to 2023- very significant!
    In light of your comments about airline and cruise companies going belly-up late January I’m thinking I should get a refund on my credit for delayed trip to Canada with Air NZ!
    Anyway this is really to say thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, experience and offering hope and clarity for the future.
    All the very best and stay well
    June B

    1. Thank you June. I think about one in two people are on the same page – we can see and know the same facts about what is taking place. New Zealand has been on my radar for years, so much so that I flew to Auckland and held an event about the NZ chart. Now I know why! The event was about Uranus in Taurus and the revolution in the economy and the part NZ would play. Of course NZ will learn from her mistakes and become zero case again. She will also pioneer innovative and experimental ways to live, to have an economy, but not to throw away her Covid-free status like that, ever again. As a Gemini you will be drawn into the new NZ world, with transits in Aquarius from Christmas and beyond 2023. So there will be a NZ bubble involving other nations or regions of the USA which make for a really unusual and privileged little ‘kingdom’ though of course run by women. I agree with you about Kamala Harris. She could easily become President. With travel, see if you can get any or all money owing to you and then at least you can choose what you want to do with it. There is massive denial out there about holidays, vacations and flights and the fact is, by 2021 people will get sick of living in Random World (and sick of getting sick) and they will demand that the examples of some Australian states are followed, in driving Covid to zero and staying there. There is no vaccine.

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