Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Money Laundering Predictions

How Christmas 2020 brings Father Christmas down the chimney with a sack of money from frozen assets belonging to some of the biggest names in government, entertainment, politics and business. Ho, ho, ho. Money laundering is over, if you want it.

Why September 2020 Plays Its Part

lxwuk gypvc 600x480 - Money Laundering PredictionsTogether with media organisations around the world, Buzzfeed launched its shocking enquiry into big brands like the HSBC bank as September ended and Ceres moved across 0, 1, 2 Pisces.

A lot of astrologers ignore Ceres. I used her to predict Brexit. She works. In fact, she is Pluto’s equal. Below is a long list of financial institutions with factors in their ‘birth’ or foundation charts, at 0, 1, 2 degrees.

The FinCEN Files and Astrology

People are surprised to discover that an entire bank can have an astrological birth chart too, but those foundation stones or incorporation dates, reveal a lot.

The FinCEN Files shock of September 20th, 21st 2020 isn’t really that much of a shock, when you realise Ceres was triggering those sensitive degrees at 0, 1, 2 Pisces.

She is a slow-moving dwarf planet and here she is locking into the rare, historic cycle of Uranus (revolution) going over the same 0, 1, 2, Taurus pattern from the middle of 2018 when Her Majesty the Queen made the powerful Magnitsky Amendment to the United Kingdom Money Laundering Act final. That’s the revolution. And Christmas kick-starts it.

Westpac and the 0,1,2 Degree Chart Pattern

In Australia, Westpac is a good example of a bank with a ‘birth’ chart (actually on the date of renaming, 4th May 1982 – which falls into a sweeping pattern of financial institutions with a 0, 1, 2 degree horoscope pattern.

With Mars at 0 Libra, Westpac is in the zone for enquiry. In fact, the day that Westpac faced an historically massive fine for money laundering, the Sun had just passed 0 Libra (Wednesday 23rd September 2020 – the news broke on Thursday 24th September 2020).

Astrology cannot possibly say if any of these organisations with the pattern are completely innocent and merely drawn into a sweeping reform of their industry at the end of 2020 –  or absolutely guilty.

What we are seeing is pieces of jigsaw puzzle. What happens when we see the rare arrival of Jupiter and Saturn at 0, 1, 2 Aquarius at Christmas will throw the jigsaw puzzle up in the air with quite a bang. The money laundering puzzle opens up.

The Laundromat Explodes

I am peering a few weeks into the future here, publishing this on Thursday 24th September, 2020. But first – look at this list. It is astonishing that these organisations should all involve these ‘coincidental’ patterns.

  • Bitcoin shows Pluto at 1 Capricorn, Mercury at 2 Aquarius
  • Mastercard shows Venus at 2 Capricorn, Ceres at 1 Cancer
  • Visa shows Jupiter at 1 Scorpio, Neptune at 2 Scorpio
  • American Express shows Mercury at 2 Pisces, Mars at 1 Cancer
  • The Standard Bank shows Neptune at 1 Aries, Chiron at 2 Pisces
  • The ANZ shows Neptune at 2 Aquarius
  • The NAB shows Mercury at 2 Scorpio
  • The HSBC shows the North Node at 1 Scorpio and South Node at 1 Taurus
  • Natwest shows Jupiter at 2 Scorpio, Saturn at 2 Taurus
  • The CBA shows Jupiter at 2 Sagittarius, Chiron at 2 Pisces
  • The Bank of England reveals Sun 0 Cancer, Pluto 0 Leo, Mars at 2 Virgo, Saturn at 1 Capricorn. That’s a pattern!
  • The Bank of Scotland (thanks to Anne Whitaker) shows Pluto at 2 Leo
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland, out of interest, founded by Royal Charter, shows Pluto at 2 Libra. Watch the Royal Family.
  • JP Morgan Chase (J.P. Morgan’s chart shows North Node 1 Taurus)
  • Deutsche Bank linked to Donald Trump shows Chiron at 2 Aries
  • Bank of New York founded March 15th 1784 shows Mars at 2 Gemini
  • Go Fund Me founded 10th May 2010 shows Mercury at 2 Taurus – most certainly affected. (Thanks to Kate Silas).
  • Westpac founded 4th May 1982 with Mars at 0 Libra

Using this, we can make predictions about the global money laundromat exploding in a major way at Christmas, when Jupiter and Saturn go to 0, 1, 2 degrees of Aquarius – but in a profound way in October 2020 as well. October is really the set-up.

Watching the Euro and the European Union

We also have an entire currency – The Euro – showing the pattern. The Euro was born on 1st January 1999 with Ceres at 0 Gemini and Neptune at 1 Aquarius (thanks to Kate Silas at Profit With the Planets for the heads-up).

We can time this, because of the currency. Neptune in Aquarius is a group bubble. That certainly sounds like the European Union. Very close to Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th, Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th December 2020 we are going to see the group currency bubble of the Euro within the E.U. both burst and be protected . This is historic stuff, because these planets move so slowly.  Saturn at 0-1 Aquarius and Jupiter at 1 Aquarius. The Moon at 0 Gemini. Watch the Euro after Boxing Day 2020.

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Naming Key Dates in October 2020

What we’re looking for here is Mercury Retrograde at 0, 1, 2 Scorpio (the bank sign) and we have it on Monday September 28th, Tuesday September 29th, and Wednesday September 30th. Money laundering predictions start with the end of the month.

Mercury Retrograde in October, November 2020

I gave the warning dates for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio (your money) a long time ago, so you were covered for the huge instability we are going to see with the banks in October, November 2020.

  • Watch Tuesday the 27th, Wednesday the 28th of October 2020 when Mercury backtracks to 0, 1 Scorpio. Russia shakes at this point.
  • November 11th, 12th, and 13th of 2020 (American election time) takes the story further. In fact, we have both Ceres and Mercury at this crucial point of 0, 1, 2 degrees.

And, Trump will be over by now. As you’ve seen elsewhere on this website, he goes down in October.

Scorpio rules sex and money. The opposition of Mercury Retrograde at 9 Scorpio to Uranus at 9 Taurus on October 7th and 8th, lets us all know that time’s up for Ghislaine Maxwell’s silence and a lot of Jeffrey Epstein’s little black books. Or tapes.

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It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Time’s up for banks, Bitcoin and credit cards. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for the media and the law, as these strangely interwoven patterns between so many massive financial players, begin crossing over in September, October 2020 but explode at Christmas 2020, into January 2021.

Given the astrological aspects above, what we will see is a mixture of the following (every organisation will be different). Some banks or corporations, for example, will merely be drawn in, because they are passing on information to. help clean up the industry. So, there is a huge shakedown with banks, currencies and credit cards in the second half of December 2020 and first half of January 2021. These organisations with the 0, 1, 2 degree pattern that was originally hit by Uranus at 0, 1, 2, Taurus back in May, June, July 2018 (when The Magnitsky Amendment was passed in the United Kingdom) will be:

  • Clearing their name.
  • Reforming their game.
  • This is a big one – ‘Helping with enquiries.’
  • Explaining what cannot be explained about their industry!
  • Facing the past (American Express, 2007).
  • Dealing with reputation issues (Standard Bank 2019).
  • Reviewing  anti-money-laundering policies (ANZ 2019).
  • Backtracking to previous problems (NAB 2019).
  • Facing the music (HSBC and its alleged Ponzi scheme millions).
  • Sorting out suspicion (NatWest 2020).
  • Looking over their shoulders (CBA 2018, 2020).
  • Answering past allegations (Royal Bank of Scotland 2017).

The Money Laundromat Blows at Christmas 2020

Ever since Her Majesty the Queen passed The Magnitsky Amendment to the United Kingdom’s Money Laundering Act into law, just as Uranus (revolution) entered 0, 1, 2 Taurus (the economy) we’ve known the global money laundromat would blow.

This crucial amendment, named in honour of a hero who took on the dirty money game, is set to become real, at Christmas 2020. The money laundering predictions intimately involve Her Majesty the Queen and Charles, Prince of Wales – by the way. Their charts lock into the pattern.

Her Majesty the Queen and Charles, Prince of Wales

We take both charts together because of course this is the ruler and also the heir to her throne – but (typical of astrology) we find connections between mother and son. They also hook into the investigations into money laundering, with Charles’s Juno at 1 Aries, Proserpina at 2 Sagittarius and the Moon at 0 Taurus, the money sign. Christmas 2020 is crucial because Jupiter at 0 Aquarius and Saturn at 0 Aquarius form a square to his Moon in Taurus, the money sign (and the mummy sign!)

My money would be on Monday, December 21st, 2020, for major news as Mercury (the media) moves to 0 Capricorn. What about Her Majesty the Queen? She has the Sun at 0 Taurus so this is against chance. She also has Fortuna at 0 Cancer, the sign ruling property and the family. On the 21st of December 2020 the Royal Family must look at the Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act. Closely.

Prince Andrew and the 0, 1, 2 Pattern

Named in the Epstein and Maxwell enquiry, Prince Andrew was born with the Sun at 0 Pisces. He also has Apollo at 2 Leo. Cupido at 2 Aquarius. Because of this complicated link, he is also drawn into this Royal Family pattern at Christmas.


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Merry Christmas Everybody!

When you see both Saturn and Jupiter going across 0, 1, 2 Aquarius from Friday the 18th of December 2020 until Tuesday the 12th of January 2021, you just know it’s time.

Time for men who launder money and abuse human rights to lose the lot. Her Majesty the Queen’s Christmas Message is scheduled around this time. Now that’s going to be interesting. Her head on the currency. Her amendment, passed into law as Uranus (radical reform) entered Taurus (banks, the economy, the share markets) in May 2018. Now, watch this space.


All Images courtesy of

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11 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica!

    I am watching this space with interest – one thing that I have noticed with my work in developing markets is how difficult it is for ordinary people to access a bank account (proximity/cost/documentation issues). The idea that you have mentioned in a few posts now of a post-cash-ish society is fascinating and I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out. In some countries, e.g Kenya something called M-Pesa came along (March 2007) and truly shook up the banking system there allowing millions to access a safe & accessible type of deposit account through their phones…I will be fascinated to see what might emerge in 2020/2021!

    On money laundering- I wonder if some of the NYT investigation into Trump’s taxes will be part of it. Some commentators have pointed to a whiff of money laundering from them that is being further looked into (and possible Russian connections)…

    On another note, I read my October Month horoscope, and the piece you write first about Jupiter/Pluto could apply exactly to my marriage (to a man born 13/05/82 Birmingham UK (I don’t know birth time). I honestly have got to the point where I can’t see how this gets better (he gets a job? Stops his focus on trying to control/berate/resent me?). Like you say, it has seemed liked such a long slog the past few years. With no friends/family/support system here I can’t see how I leave him (it crossed my mind & is why I wanted to move home), but whatever happens I can’t imagine a future where he makes me feel loved (or liked!). It would feel like a miracle if Jupiter helps us turn a corner 🙂 . I have Jupiter at 18deg Cancer, so Jupiter at 18deg Capricorn will oppose it – should I be worried???

    Thank you so much – I love all your posts & how interesting you make astrology!

    1. Thank you. All credit to Jodi for making the posts look so good. As a psychic I expect the Donald Trump casinos to be the big line of enquiry into his finances, that started with The New York Times a few days ago. You are also concerned with your marriage to a Taurus man who is unemployed who you wonder if you can leave. The Jupiter-Jupiter opposition at 18 degrees takes place October 3rd to 14th and you may well find the opportunity to fix the problem, or separate amicably. Neptune is at 18 Pisces so makes a trine to your Jupiter (natal position). I expect this will be connected with your house, apartment, family or possible property options. The next window is January 2021, when Neptune passes 18 Pisces again and this time the North Node at 18 Gemini and South Node at 18 Sagittarius also aspect your natal Jupiter. Two bites at the cherry. A family member may help, or it may be a turning point with a home that helps you with this bad marriage.

  2. Thank you Jessica! I appreciate your insight!

    Re: this blog topic, I have also just seen on the news that one of Bitcoin’s founders has been charged with money laundering in the US…

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I just found out about your website. I must admit that some of your predictions have been spot on. I wanted to ask your thoughts about a possible financial market meltdown in the next few months and also the possibility of a complete total second lockdown due to covid by January 2021? You have made your point that Trump will lose the elections. Will 2021 be worst than 2020? Like more chaotic and violent?


    1. Thank you David. The markets are already melting down as I write this (the Dow Jones has plunged). I am not sure which country you are in. If you are talking about enforced home-stay and curfew in 2021, yes, it will be put in place once countries divide into states or counties, perhaps individual nations, and focus on smaller populations, enclosed by borders. And 2021 will be so much better than 2020.

    1. Thank you so much, this is incredibly useful information. I would watch Halloween, particularly, as the Full Moon and Sun-Uranus opposition at 8 Taurus/Scorpio are just hours apart on 31st October and that is an economic shock.

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