Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Sagittarius Weather

If you are a Premium Member attending the free Sagittarius Weather Meetups in New York, London and Sydney on Sunday 22nd November and Monday 23rd November - ask questions here for a longer chart reading. This post-event feature is available to everyone to ask a question, but a birth chart will give you more. Alicia will select some of your questions to ask Jessica at the events. This feature will stay open after all three events, for any questions you had, which were not answered during our Zoom discussion in New York, London and Sydney.

The Sagittarius Weather 2020-2021

The Sagittarius weather, or Sagittarius Season, of 2020 and 2021 will involve many decisions, made very quickly, about just one area of your life. If you attended our Astrology and Tarot Meetups in Sydney, London or New York you are welcome to find out more about what it means for you and your Sun Sign (solar chart) or personal birth chart, now.

Sagittarius Season 2020 to 2021

Between Sunday, November 22nd, 2020, and Friday, January 8th, 2021, you will experience an unusually high cluster of transits in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This will pass through the Ninth House of your personal astrology chart, using the Natural House System. The Ninth House rules foreign people and places; regional connections; academia and education; publishing and the worldwide web. In some or all of these areas, you will see an annual ‘stocktake’ of what and who matters most. You will also experience two eclipses, which are always blind spots or cover-ups, and some rapid discussion. Key relationships will present themselves. And last but not least, there is karma going back all the way to April 2002.

The New Moon Eclipse

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The Eclipses in Your Solar Chart

Stephanie Johnson at Solar Fire and Astrogold has kindly created these chart wheels for all 12 signs of the zodiac showing the New Moon Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius, when the Sun at 23 Sagittarius and Moon at 23 Sagittarius come together in one area of your chart. An eclipse is always a cover-up or blind spot.

This eclipse is timed for Melbourne in these charts. Allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself. This one shows life in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on Tuesday the 15th of December 2020 at 3.16am but, of course, the eclipse occurs on Monday the 14th of December 2020 in London. This is the most important eclipse, though we have another on 30th November with the Sun at 8 Sagittarius and Moon at 8 Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Weather – Hypnosis and Meditation

What happens when you cannot travel, and you are in Sagittarius weather? You travel in the mind. Hypnosis and meditation are the new boom in journeys when you cannot genuinely take a vacation or holiday. This one has been created for you by Natalie Delahaye, the professional hypnotherapist and astrologer, whom you may have seen on CNN talking about Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. Natalie was commissioned to create a wedding horoscope for Kate and William as a present from a fellow guest.

If you have exact aspects involving at least one Sagittarius factor in your chart, you are ‘very’ Sagittarian. It’s the same if you have a stellium there. More than three factors.

When there are stay-at-home orders, shut airports, curfew and tight border control, even within your own country, what do you do? Well, astrology says – meditation is the way, for Sagittarian types.

Penny Thornton on Sagittarius Season

Penny Thornton is another astrologer with royal approval, as well as Natalie Delahaye – and you may have seen her on ITV recently, speaking about her friendship with her most famous client, Diana, the Princess of Wales. Here, Penny will take you through the Sagittarius season for your sun sign in the below video.

Sagittarius in Your Chart

Sagittarius in your chart means a lifetime of emigrating, relocating – perhaps more than once in your life. You express yourself, perhaps in a foreign language, or by dealing intensely with foreigners, or people in other counties, states, territories or regions which seem foreign to you. Perhaps the people have a strong accent or even their own language-within. As we go through Sagittarius weather between Monday, November 30th, 2020 (the New Moon eclipse in Sagittarius) until Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 (the T-Square with the Sagittarius South Node, Gemini North Node and Neptune in Pisces) it’s time to update yourself on who you are – and how you live your life. This is a new world.

If you do have Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House, and particularly if they make exact aspects to other factors (they are at the same degree, or number, as another planet, asteroid, angle or point) you are in a life-changing period. I don’t need to tell you this, with COVID-19, but you are living through sweeping transformation as a traveller, student, teacher, migrant, author, publisher or worldwide web publisher. You are going to have to convert what you did, and rethink what you had.

So if you used to go to Paris every year, maybe it’s time to learn French, or Cordon Bleu cooking. If you used to travel Los Angeles-New York, it’s probably time to think about appreciating your own city and surrounds with the same affection you used to reserve for another city.

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How Your Sun Sign is Affected

Where will light be shed and attention paid, by the Sun in Sagittarius? Where will you experience a crossroads, but also a new beginning? Where is the karma going back to April 2002? Where is the discussion or paperwork? The complicated relationship? Sun Sign horoscopes reveal the general weather. The broad conditions in your life. This is what your sign shows.

Aries – Publishing, libraries, audiobooks and ebooks. Academia and education, from university and college life, to home part-time study. Foreign people and places, their language and culture. Regional differences, expressed in accent or local customs.

Taurus – Legacies, trusts and the last will and testament of yourself, or others in the family circle, partnerships and so on. Life insurance, health insurance, mortgages, superannuation/pension, shares, government benefits. Banks, property and charity.

Gemini – Your former husband or wife, partner, lover or professional partner. Your marriage in the present, any common-law marriage or work-based partnership. The person you see as your possible ‘other half’ in the future. A prospective partner.

Cancer – Your lifestyle, from waking to sleeping. Your food and drink. Illegal or prescribed drugs and medication. Fitness and exercise. Mental health, so – anxiety or depression. Housework, paid work and unpaid work. Your service and duty to others.

Leo – Sexual relationships. Pregnancy and babies. Infants and toddlers. Schoolchildren and youngsters. Teenagers and people in young adulthood. The next generation, as a whole, like Millennials. Abortion, miscarriage, adoption. Godchildren.

Virgo – Your house, apartment or other residence, like a houseboat or caravan. Your heritage, culture, history, nationality and roots in the family tree, on your mother’s side and/or father’s side. Your town or country. Your household or family.

Libra – The worldwide web in all its forms, from YouTube to Twitter. The media and all forms of communication, from sign language to spoken word. Short-haul travel or commuting, by car, bicycle, foot or public transport. Local life. Your siblings.

Scorpio – Your value system. Your life budget. What you will not sell your soul for. What you will sell your soul for! Precious possessions. Your bank. Shares and insurance. Houses, apartments, land and valuables. Debt and benefits. Your bottom line.

Sagittarius – Your image. Your name. Your title, qualifications (the letters after your name) or role. Your reputation. Your profile on the worldwide web. Photographs and film of you. Your hair, face, shape, style. Your presentation or packaging.

Capricorn – Your belief, or otherwise, in God. Your religion, be it Judaism or Hinduism. Your spirituality. The Tarot, astrology, mediumship, Reiki and other mysteries. Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychics. Self-help. The unconscious.

Aquarius – Your social life. Your social circles, which overlap. Twitter and Pinterest. Old friendships. New friends. Groups, clubs, teams, societies, bands, political parties, committees, associations, trade unions. People power shared equally.

Pisces – Success and status. Ambition and promotion.  The corporation, big business, government hierarchy, academic institution or other ‘mountain’ you are climbing. Your position, mission and highest aspirations. Social climbing up or down.

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Dates of the Sagittarius Transits in 2020-2021

I’ll look at the transits of each horoscope factor across your chart, and the Ninth House – which, just to recap, rules travel and travel in the mind. There will be a second story going on with your regular Sun Sign or public ‘weather’ chart.

First of all, the Sun is in Sagittarius from Sunday, November 22nd, 2020, until Monday, December 21st, 2020. Next, we note the eclipses, which are best avoided for judgements or action plans, on Monday, November 30th, 2020 (Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius) and on Monday, December 14th, 2020 (New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius).

The South Node is in Sagittarius throughout, so from the very start of Sagittarius Season, on Sunday 22nd November, until the final day, Friday 8th January. Please note: The South Node will continue in Sagittarius until Tuesday the 18th of January, 2022.

Mercury is in Sagittarius between Wednesday 2nd December and Sunday 20th December, just before Christmas Eve. Venus enters Sagittarius on Wednesday 16th December and stays there until Friday 8th January. We also find the important asteroids Bacchus and Juno in Sagittarius from around Saturday 19th December.

Allow a day either side for the difference in world time zones, to allow the planet to catch up with itself.

The Sagittarius Major Aspects

If you have anything in your chart at the same degree (number) as these patterns, you will be affected through six degrees of separation by developments right around the world, with travel, emigration, publishing, the worldwide web, academia and education. There will be a domino effect, on the day itself, or within 24 hours.

If anything in your chart is actually in Sagittarius at this degree, or number, you can look it up in the guidebooks that come with membership (all on this website) or by using the Search button.

If you are curious about, say, what an eclipse means – do look it up on Search, too, or in your online guidebooks.

Monday 23rd November
Sun 1 Sagittarius conjunct Diana 1 Sagittarius

Monday 30th November
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Sun 8 Sagittarius opposite Moon 8 Gemini

Sunday 6th December
Mercury 6 Sagittarius conjunct Diana 6 Sagittarius

Monday 7th December
Sun 16 Sagittarius opposite Psyche 16 Gemini

Friday 11th December
Sun 19 Sagittarius opposite North Node 19 Gemini
Sun 19 Sagittarius conjunct South Node 19 Gemini
Mercury 15 Sagittarius opposite Psyche 15 Gemini

Monday 14th December
Mercury 19 Sagittarius opposite North Node 19 Gemini
Mercury 19 Sagittarius conjunct South Node 19 Sagittarius
New Moon Solar Eclipse. Sun 23 Sagittarius and Moon at 23 Sagittarius

Sunday 20th December
Sun 28 Sagittarius conjunct Mercury 28 Sagittarius
Juno 0 Sagittarius conjunct Bacchus 0 Sagittarius

Friday 25th December – Christmas Day
Venus 12 Sagittarius opposite Psyche 12 Gemini

Monday 28th December
Venus 16 Sagittarius conjunct Diana 16 Sagittarius

Thursday 31st December – New Year’s Eve
Venus 19 Sagittarius opposite North Node 19 Gemini
Venus 19 Sagittarius conjunct South Node 19 Sagittarius

Sunday 3rd January 2021
Bacchus 11 Sagittarius opposite Psyche 11 Gemini

Wednesday 6th January
Diana 19 Sagittarius conjunct South Node 19 Sagittarius
Diana 19 Sagittarius opposite North Node 19 Gemini

World Predictions in Sagittarius Weather

We are going to see airlines, train, coach and cruise companies collapse or go into mergers during the Sagittarius weather of 2020 and 2021 and of course this will affect travel insurance and fares. We will also see new border controls put up around the world as COVID-19 escalates. Your passport, visa or residency status, for example, will either relax or tighten depending on how well particular nations or regions do, at elimination. What is elimination? Officially, it is 28 consecutive days of zero new COVID-19 cases.

I mentioned education and academia. Well, during the Sagittarius weather of Sunday the 22nd of November 2020 into Friday the 8th of January 2021, you will see free or affordable internet and television home education rolled out, subsidised by governments and councils. This is the start of an amazing period in history when we may find whole generations better educated than any others before.

Publishing and the worldwide web will produce new digital forms, ranging from interactive enhanced ebooks (which I predicted to Holly Willoughby on This Morning ITV would also include her own books) and ‘the new Zoom’ which will be circular, not square, and push technology to the limits. As online publishing for most people means Facebook, you can expect to see Facebook replaced by emerging rivals during Sagittarius weather, and from the year 2026 it will no longer exist as you knew it.

Please leave questions here and I will cover them during the Meetup events if we have time. I’ll also be on Twitter @jessicacadams and of course, at @astrologyshow too. My colleague in America and Canada, psychic Kyra Oser, could not make the Meetup in New York this time, but she will answer as many of your questions as time allows for, on Twitter. Special thanks to Alicia Richardson for organising and hosting Astrology and Tarot Meetups in New York, London and Sydney this time.


All images courtesy of

The Sagittarius weather, or Sagittarius Season, of 2020 and 2021 will involve many decisions, made very quickly, about just one area of your life. In this feature, Jessica Adams will take questions in advance for three Meetups in New York, London and Sydney. After the event, you can return here for an exclusive follow-up Q&A only for Premium Members. From 22nd November 2020 until 8th January 2021, we have Sagittarius climate change. What does it mean for your sign, and your personal chart?

The remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium Members of this website. You can login or join for immediate access to this content.


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61 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I have 5 factors in Sagittarius including Moon 17° Sagittarius 56′ 18″; Saturn 01° Sagittarius 05′ 00″ R; DESC 16° Sagittarius 58′ 47″; Cupido
    20° Sagittarius 36′ 45″ R; and NorthNode 08° Sagittarius 19′ 44″
    I am very confused about how to interpret all this in light of the information you give in your post for the next two months. I know I do need to decide where to settle and when, and I am feeling dreadfully homesick but can’t go back “home” for the time being.
    Can you help?
    Thank you!

    1. Kris, you are strongly Sagittarius, inhabit your Ninth House (travel, emigration, foreigners, education, academia, publishing, the web) and are going through mutable sign weather for many years. I am not sure why you are confused. Yes, you are homesick and can’t go home, and you don’t know where to settle. That is exactly what is happening to people with factors in Sagittarius, as they are blocked by the North Node in Gemini, Neptune in Pisces, and the huge push back from Generation Virgo, born in the 1960’s, who want to stop air travel in particular as it spreads the pandemic. The answer is long-term and involves elimination on a local level, but until then, Sagittarius types are channelling their urge to relocate, move, travel, live out globalisation – through creative and inventive ways. Online classes are one way for you to do that.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you so much for taking time to answer the questions. You are a true genius in your chosen industry. You have predicted all my queries correctly, especially on your recent post about October Tarot card reading, I did ask about a full-time contract role in the same company of one of my girl friends who recommended me for this position, you predicted that it may end up both of us will be in completed different place. It came true. I did find out this morning that the project will no longer go a head as planed so I will finish up with them at the end of this year. Woul you please take a look at my chart and advise what area of my life will be affected by this Sagittarius transit? Will I get any advancement in terms of my career life?

    Thank you very much!

    1. Blimey LL, not a genius, but thank you for confirming the prediction came true. You want to know about your career in 2021: well actually, until 2026, you will be experimenting with new technology, some of which exists now, and some of which is yet to be invented. This will be exciting for you and give you tremendous freedom either in your chosen field of work now, or a second one. It will all happen quite suddenly and the trick is to say ‘yes’ when you are swept along by quite radical and revolutionary changes. Keep breathing through them and try to see that you are being liberated. This is the sort of cycle when you could easily take up a different line of paid or unpaid work and you would never know what was coming next, but find it quite breathtaking.

    1. A lack of any Sagittarius factors and an empty Ninth House does not mean you will never travel, study, teach, write or publish – it just means that those activities do not define you. They do not say who you are. You will still experience the Sagittarius weather passing through your Ninth House in December 2020, but it will really be about other people – not you. So, others’ blocked or stopped Thanksgiving or Christmas travel plans, internationally, will have an indirect impact on you, but not really hugely change you in any way.

  3. Hi Alicia and Jessica, Thank you for inviting us to attend the Meetup. My questions: In Sagittarius, I have Ascendant and Bacchus at 12, Jupiter at 22 and Salicia at 28. My partner has Pluto at 0, Ascendant at 4, Jupiter at 11, and Juno at 22. What kind of fortune is coming for both of us together? Thanks.

    1. Thank you. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Sagittarius Weather event. You and your partner express your personalities by travelling but will be blocked and stopped in the years to come, as you experience the North Node in Gemini, Neptune in Pisces, and the push back from an entire generation born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo (those now in their fifties). Your mutual challenge is finding a way to express Sagittarius factors in your combined Ninth House of travel, education, emigration and exploration – while dealing with a slow-down and obstacle course. The answer is of course to commit to both study and teaching, formally or informally, and this will happen in 2021 as we begin to see new technology adding to or replacing Zoom in particular.

  4. What happens if your North Node is in Sag & South Node in Gemini and now its the reverse transit ? We are supposed to follow our NN and escape our South .. now the “south” in Gemini is North ? Do we rely on past lives instincts?

    1. I keep reading these peculiar interpretations of the North Node and South Node! Have a look on Search to see what the North Node and South Node, or Nodes plural, actually reveals. You don’t do one and avoid the other – no, not at all. This comes from a fairly basic and rather silly interpretation of the Dragon’s Head (North Node) as the mouth and Dragon’s Tail (South Node) as the anus. Can you believe that? In fact, the Dragon of old eats its own tail and recycles itself. Apply this to Gemini-Sagittarius and you can see how using the internet (Gemini) helps you study (Sagittarius) which means you qualify to train others (Sagittarius) on the internet (Gemini). Around and around you go, and you have done it before, as the Nodes show past lives. You taught or studied at least once in a prior incarnation and you would expect a foreign language (Sagittarius-Gemini) to come quite easily to you.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your always correct guidance. I wonder how it will affect me since my ascent is Sagittarius and my south node too, and, could you explain me (I have never understood) how I am going to “abandon” my south node in search of Gemini if ​​it is my ascent.

    Best whishes

    1. Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius if your birth time is correct, and your South Node is in Sagittarius too, describing one or more past lives as a traveller or migrant. There is no suggestion you should ‘abandon’ your South Node to pursue your North Node in Gemini. That is incorrect astrology. Have a look at the North Node, South Node and ‘Nodes’ on Search when you finish reading this. Essentially you are here to travel or travel in the mind. As you will be blocked by transits in Gemini and Pisces for many years, and also by Generation Virgo (older people born in the Sixties) you will have to rethink your journeys. Ultimately these will become internal (meditation, hypnosis, astral travel) but also educational (learning languages, learning about cultural history or geography). The main travel, of course, will be local. That’s your other Node in Gemini pushing back from 2026 as Uranus slowly moves through your Third House of short-haul exploration.

  6. Hi Jessica. I attended you Meetup event on Zoom relating to Sagittarius Weather was had issues with my phone and was unable to ask a question.
    I am a Cancer sun at 28 degrees, Moon in Leo at 16, Saturn at 16, mars at 23 and Pluto at 24 in Libra (5th house). I have two retrograde planets in sagittarius in my 7th house – Uranus at 0 and Neptune at 24. Can you advise what this means for me in 2021? I know 7th house is around relationships, which has been a problem area (a 12 yr relationship came to and end in 2015 and has been difficult to move forward and heal since). Furthermore, I am at risk of redundancy at work and am hoping I am not affected. Any insight with will be great appreciated.

    1. Raj, your card showed two people, one quite downcast, the other not very healthy, walking past gold coins and not seeing them. You are worried about losing your job, which I understand. The message here is about lifestyle, mental health, wellbeing and fitness. That is the most crucial thing. Do all the homework and research you can, and make all the beginnings you can, now through January. This will help you deal with changes at work as obviously people are going to be reshuffled everywhere. If you are not already on YouTube trying hypnosis from Paul McKenna, Reiki from Grandmaster Sandip Jain, or guided meditation on this website (and on her YouTube channel) from Natalie Delahaye, do try it. Of course you may have your own therapies to turn to. You will then feel better – more normal about life – better motivated, more energetic – and will be able to do the work required to receive the money, ask for it, negotiate it or claim it. It is there for you and you should be accessing it but you just cannot see it at the moment.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for a fantastic meet-up event this morning. My question is about my Neptune in Sag at 2 degrees and Aquarius in Salacia at 2 degrees. Back in October 2019 you told me that these angles would involve a trip in 2021 and being part of foreign politics/activism – I find this exciting and hoping that it can still go ahead in these COVID time. I am due to be in central America next year for four months, which will be ‘a stonking journey’ (to use your quote from earlier) not a vacation. I’m also committed to leaning Spanish and have done 230 days of practice on the trot. I’m hoping that ‘as above, so below’ (as in my actions are aligning with and supporting my astrology) and that my plans will not only go ahead but are also pivotal in laying the foundations for my future life in terms of career, home and love. I guess I’m looking for reassurance as circumstances are now so different from your reading from last year. Thank you!

    1. Yes, 2021 is calling you as the Nodes in Sagittarius and Gemini sweep your chart, together with the new Aquarius weather. It sounds as if Central America is the outcome, using your new Spanish. It’s good you were at the Meetup as you know the dates to avoid. Both eclipses are misleading and the T-Square in late January means global gridlock. It’s really a case of avoiding the Mercury Retrogrades too (all these dates are on this website) and just ducking and diving so you get the right ‘weather’ to relocate. Just be aware that you will be virtually marrying Central America when you go. The days of changing your mind about where to be are fast drawing to a close. Friends and groups will be your great helpers, supporters and allies in 2021.

  8. Hi Jessica, I have Neptune in Sagittarius at 7 degrees in my 5th house. How might the Sagittarius weather impact me? I am probably going to travel back to my home country for Christmas but am thinking about longer term and whether I should stay in the UK. Does relocating come under this Sagittarius weather? Thanks so much! Anna

    1. Anna, relocating and travel are both Sagittarius ruled. Do some research on this because you are going to find sweeping new restrictions on borders, visas, passports and residency coming in, by 2021 and most of the decisions will be made now through January. You have Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House (not the Fifth, in the Natural House system) which means escapism, unreality and non-reality are par for the course, but an entire generation of Neptune in Sagittarius people are about to be caught not only by new outbreaks of COVID-19 caused by flying, but also by some pretty heavy new rules. The collapse of one or more airlines by February will hike prices up. So as I said you have an awful lot of research to do before you take a deep breath and make any sort of move.

  9. Dear Jessica
    Thank you for this heads up re the Sagittarius weather.
    My birthday falls on 30 November and is right on the eclipse – please see my chart as I’m a premium member. My ascendant is Gemini.
    I also have factors at 19 and 28 of other signs.
    I work in academia, which has been terribly hurt by the pandemic. Management have started sacking people in the institution in which I work, and there is a lot of stress and heartache. I don’t think my job is at too much risk, as I teach in law, which had good enrolments, but none of us is truly safe and it’s very frightening as I’m older than 45 and cannot see myself finding another job easily.
    What can you see for me and my industry, please Jessica? Any thoughts will be gratefully received.
    Blessings to you x

    1. I am sorry about the sackings. Academia transforms between now and 2021 and the reason is a change in government; a change in councils; a change in boards at academic level. It happens slowly but surely and eventually you will find that education becomes quite different. Your law background will stand you in good stead as you are able to transfer that ability to the new internet technology. It is going to make Zoom look quite primitive (even if it is Zoom). To survive in the Twenties, universities will drop the ivory towers, open up courses in shorter chunks for less money (and open them up to the world) and begin to take translation software seriously so that there is a multilingual audience for what you do, if you want it. You will also train in a new area according to your chart and do very nicely as a result of this second string to your bow.

  10. Thank you for todays session. Amazing as ever! I was going to ask you a question at the end when you pulled a card for Raj and ‘anyone else’. It was 5 of Pentacles. I was going to ask you about my daughter who is living with me and has just tested positive for Covid. It feels a bit like living the nightmare atm so it was good to hear about the gold pentacles in the windows. Spot on again!!

    1. Thank you. Ah, so the card spoke to you and Raj as well. Yes, this is a card of mental attitude getting in the way of accessible money. When one is depressed, or just pessimistic it is hard to get the energy to ask for health insurance rebates; government assistance and so on. Your daughter is the person in the card. Covid is obviously really, really tough. Falling asleep to meditation or Reiki from YouTube can really help. I recommend Reiki Grand Master Sandip Jain. All free.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    I have struggled to secure full time employment for a couple of years now; spent 30 years in the financial industry. I get so close and feel the opportunity is going to come through, only to be disappointed. Some friends & associates think I should start my own biz, but I don’t feel energized by that thought. I had also considered relocating, even temporarily, before Covid hit (live in NJ, USA) to change things up.
    Wondering if 2021 will be a better year for me. Insight or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Sun sign: Libra
    Moon sign: Virgo
    Rising sign: Pisces

    1. I am really sorry you have been trying so hard, for so long. You have of course been living with Saturn (heavy), Pluto (pressured) and the South Node (stuck karma) in your Tenth House of career since Christmas 2017. Half your issue has been actually New Jersey, New York or perhaps the US as a whole. Do I need to tell you that? You have been the right person, with the right skills, in the wrong place far too often. For whatever reason; demographics, the local economy; the marketplace – nothing has worked. The worst is over from December 18th and in fact your experience so far in researching relocation will pay off, as 2021 is the year to move. You will find that there are such extreme differences between states or cities, that you end up throwing yourself into local life as much as you do your work. It is entirely possible that you will enter a younger workplace; mentor or train younger people; consider a youthful market for what you do. If so the clues would be there just after Christmas.

  12. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your time this morning: just fantastic and starting to understand more about astrology!

    In my previous question on this page, I didn’t highlight my astrological profile as I thought being a member that you would automatically access my chart: apologies.

    So I am virgo with my ascendant in Virgo as well as Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, Fortuna an Cupido, I have Mars in Leo, Moon and Neptune in Scorpio (as well as Vulcan, Ops. Juno, Cers, Bachus, Panacea and psyche), MC in Gemini and IC 00 degree in Sagittarius 23/23.

    I have two questions I would love your help with (time run out this morning):
    1) I have been out of work for a year and would like to know when I will get the right role again and if and when I will move country in 2021. I am keen to leave the UK after 22 years to have a better lifestyle and to start a new adventure and chapter of my life.

    2) I was confused this morning as I have no planet in Sagittarius who rules travel and foreign places. You mentioned that it means it is not my true self; however, my passion number one is to live abroad, Tavel, adventure, etc. I have a fascination for different cultures and languages (I speak 3). I have lived abroad (in 6 countries so far and hopping to move a few times more) for 28 years, and my partner is Australian. Could you please let me know therefore what points to “international”, travel, etc. in my chart as I have nothing in Sagittarius (apart from IC OO Sagittarius 23/23). the interesting this is my partner is a Sagittarius too.

    Looking forward to your guidance: Merci beaucoup! It is much appreciated. Pascale.

    1. Thank you. I can see your chart when I reply, Pascale, but thank you for typing this out. I know we ran out of time this morning but I am happy to have a closer look at your chart now. Being out of work for a year is too long, of course. You have the IC or Immum Coeli in Sagittarius so you do actually have a massive chart factor in Sagittarius and the Ninth House. The IC is home, so you consider home to be abroad. Have a look at IC/Immum Coeli on Search and in your guidebooks if you are curious. You will have a huge opportunity to move, either to a part of your own nation which is foreign to you, or abroad, when Jupiter moves into Aquarius from 21st December. Depending on your birthtime (how accurate it is) this will either be Christmas or in the first half of 2021.

  13. Thank you for taking questions on the upcoming Sagittarius weather on MeetUps. I have two very consequential points in Sagittarius, both the south node and my Midheaven. My Midheaven at 0 degrees pings a a lot of different factors in my birth chart in trines, sextiles and squares, most at exact or 1 degree. In your estimation, how can I harness this energy to move my interests forward as I feel that I’m not where I should be at this point in my life. Money, career, home has been soooo slow moving for such a long period of time. Thank you Jessica.

    1. Being stuck or feeling that life is slow is usually because you have been ignoring the signals to do something radically different or dramatically daring. In fact that has been the case since May 2018 but for whatever reason you’ve not made the change. I had a reader recently who was overweight and depressed, had just moved near a river, had seen a documentary on wild swimming, wanted to (wild swim) and then her friend began talking about it – but still nothing. She did nothing about it and nothing changed! So sometimes you have to hear the call. Trines and sextiles are easy flow aspects but when life is all flow you can also just – flow. Or float, actually. Use the free Tarot on this site to ask about where the most beneficial changes could come for you in 2021 and then see for yourself what those are. It may not be what you think.

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Firstly, many thanks for your guidance over the last bit re my health – I finally have some answers on Friday (end of Mercury retrograde!) although we still don’t know the root cause other than suspecting inflammation from stress, anxiety, and being overweight. As for this forum, I’m trying to reconcile the helpful direction you provided in the Sagittarius forum re my Sagittarius placements with my Sun sign (Pisces). For context – I’m trying to advance at work both in terms of salary and position, with a focus on privacy, cybersecurity and data protection law. I’m debating on biding my time to get the experience where I am while I get my health and personal life in order, or trying to seek another role as soon as possible as I just found out I’m a bit underpaid and with the hours I work, am really not too pleased about it. Thank you for any guidance you have time to provide. Stay safe.

    13° Sagittarius 58′ 03″ R

    14° Sagittarius 52′ 23″

    06° Sagittarius 04′ 11″

    1. Thank you. All this is really Virgo stuff (weight, anxiety, work) and you have Juno and Aesculapia in Virgo in your Sixth House of service, duty, lifestyle, daily routine, mental health and physical health. Jupiter in his very new sign of Aquarius from 21st December will slowly aspect both of those in 2021 giving you a brand new chance to fix your mind, body and spirit via some tried, tested and trusted methods which other people swear by – in a group (Aquarius). You will have a chance to make a commitment to a project, work connection, company or even an industry that you had written off or considered virtually over in 2021 and it will work very nicely for you.

  15. Sorry, Jessica, a follow up question please about 19 degree replacements on Dec 14 New Moon in Sagittarius – do orbs count? Trying to figure out if my placements at Aesculapia 18° Virgo and Moon 20° Scorpio are affected? Merci!

    1. The orb is too wide for anything really substantial, but you will of course be reshaping your lifestyle (Virgo) and workload (also Virgo) in 2021 as Jupiter moves to 18 and 20 Aquarius and forms useful aspects with Aesculapia and also your Moon in financially minded Scorpio. So this is about the budget but also the life budget. It’s all very new and it may not be until February that you really start to see how much 2021 will shift things. Aesculapia was a miracle worker in matters of mind, body and spirit and here he is in Virgo (lifestyle, health, fitness) which is about to be well and truly triggered.

  16. Hi Jessica – Thank you for doing these events! I attended Breaking Down the Borders event and this meetup. My question: Jupiter and Saturn will be transiting my south node as they depart Capricorn (thank GOD Saturn is moving on.) What does this mean for me personally? I’ve been at the same job for 15 years; I’ve been working on a book for 4 years; and I also have a side gig doing tarot etc. I’m single, and would like a partner. Also taking care of my Mom, who is 81. She has big transits happening too. Any thoughts about what Jupiter and Saturn will bring/do? I know I’m having a Saturn return…
    Thanks again for all you do – really have learned alot from you and use it all the time.

    1. Thank you, I am flattered that you attended both the Breaking Down the Borders conference and our meetup just now. You have a lot going on and a great many questions. Your Tarot and astrology will help you once you combine them, and for accuracy, read your solar chart, natal chart and then pull a card to show you the clues. The biggest change in 2021 is the massive expansion of groups, clubs, teams, societies, Zoom networks and similar, in your life. They will become more affordable, more accessible and far more wide-ranging in terms of choice. So you will end up fitting in with 1-2 more circles of people you never knew before, with amazing new friends. This will help your work, your side gig, your book and also your chances of finding a date who means something to you. It begins on 21st December and works nicely for you all year. The kiss-off transit of the Node is really the chance to lay something to rest from 2002. You will know what that is.

  17. Hi Jessica
    Ginormous fan here. Loved your Meetup
    I have a heavily Sagittarius chart – Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Psyche, Juno, Panacea with Aquarius rising.
    I am wondering how this heavy Sagittarius transit weather will impact me.
    My Venus has been squashed by heavy Capricorn weather for what seems like an eternity.
    Would love your insights.
    Stay well
    Wash your hands

    1. Thank you! Well as a strongly Sagittarian person in mutable weather for years ahead (Virgo-Pisces-Sagittarius-Gemini transits and generations being triggered by transits) nothing will stay the same for long. In fact you will be making plans every few months, then making them again, as life is going to change really quickly. The erratic and unpredictable nature of things will slowly become almost normal to you, though, and you will end up living a much lighter life. Less baggage, less ties, less commitments – unless they are of the kind that can be unwrapped.

  18. Hi Jessica, I am enjoying your meet up! We have had a very interesting decade! A lot of moves and home disruption. Do you see the next decade settling down for me?

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you. You will settle down when you ‘marry’ a place as much as you could ever marry another human being and you will ultimately decide where to be, and who to be with, and what to do – based on the realities of the new world. As I said in the Meetup it’s a world turned upside-down and we are going to see massive changes in travel, trade and tourism between US states and Canada, but also (say) from Europe across to the US.

  19. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for the meet up. I have 20° Sagittarius in Neptune, not 19°, but close enough. Curious to know how the Sagittarius weather will affect me.

    Thank you,

    1. Sure, Teresa. You escape from the real world (Neptune) by travelling (Sagittarius) or travelling in the mind (study, learning about other cultures and nationalities). This is blocked, stopped and slowed right down between now and 2021 for the obvious reasons that airlines are collapsing, so are cruise and shipping companies – and we are yet to see what hard borders will emerge in late January between states and countries. How do you still find the vacation from the real? You do it by learning the language of the country you once daydreamed about, perhaps, or learning its history online. You are going to find meditation – Tibetan or Indian – is another way of allowing you to close your eyes and escape. If you do it, it will transform your life.

  20. Hi Jessica,

    I posted this question on the wrong bag post. Thanks for a great meet up, I forgot to ask at the meet up how my Cupid @19 in Sagittarius is ginghams to affect me.

    Thank you,

    1. Thank you. This is about a late January critical moment for your love of travel, foreign places and people, or regional faces and spaces. You have been as passionate about those/them, as they’ve been about you. Yet, you are going into a T-Square which will dramatically force critical change on visas, passports, air fares, state borders and so on. So there has to be a new way to ‘love’ who and what you loved, JF.

  21. Hi Jessica,

    It was lovely to see you and Alicia in person at the meetup. In regards to what you had mentioned about 19deg factors on Dec 14 and Dec 31 – I have Sun at 19 LEo, Pluto 19 Virgo, Dec 19 Aquarius, Asc 19 LEo, Aesculapia 19 Pisces; also SC at 18 Scorpio, MC at 18 Taurus. Please share your thoughts on these heavy 19deg alignments. Many thanks!

    1. Thank you. Yes, you have those 19 degree triggers. The most important one is Pluto at 19 Virgo, and you will experience tremendous challenges to your willpower and self-control, with work, unpaid work, housework, the gardening and/or study. Part of this will be new challenges to your physical and mental health, as you realise the old way of living and working is no longer going to apply to 2020-2021. In fact you may decide to give up meat (for example), quit smoking (another example) or do something more drastic, like take up long periods of extended daily yoga or meditation.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for the lovely meetup today. My question is about a relationship that I believe is rooted in past lives. I dreamed about a man for years and then finally we met 5 years ago, although I didn’t immediately recognise him as ‘the man from my dreams’. The pull to him is enormous. Finally I revealed to him a while ago that I would like to deepen our friendship, but I have not heard from him since. We primarily communicate via email since we live in diff countries and our borders are closed. Anyway, I am guessing his answer is no as he’s not replied, but I’m more concerned about what his blocks are in talking to me, and the reasons, as I don’t believe this is about me per se. He is an 11/11 scorpio. It is not like him to leave me hanging like this about something important–or maybe I’ve read him wrong all this time. Will there be a resolution to this situation or revelation from him? Thank you for reading my question. Best wishes.

    1. He wants freedom, space, independence and certainly not marriage, children, or commitment. This is nothing about you, it is about his own life away from you. He has been trying to get a commitment-free life by flirting online with you, because there is no chance it could ever become real. Enjoy the memory and the fantasy.

  23. Jessica, I signed up for the Nov 23 event but could never get accurate information from Conscious Cafe or email or event brite about the actual time and it turned out that i would have had to be online at 1 am in the morning my time, which I didn’t know until after the fact. Was sound asleep! I did find a replay on Conscious Cafe though thanks to Alicia and will catch up there.
    My question: I know I have sag in my chart somewhere but not sure how to see it and as a Scorpio rising, am very concerned about all the action that looks to impact my home. I have not had a stable or lasting home for years and years and years. My current setup is very shakey and you kindly gave me a quick reading at the september event which referenced probably relocation. Sadly, I have neither a dime left to even move across town, let alone where i really need to more readilly survive what’s coming, and I live in a very hostile neighbourhood and a very cold and uncaring medium sized city . Small i guess reallly but far too big and cruel for me. I have been here five months and met noone since everything is shut down tight,everything is cancelled, cannot go anywhere except for solitary walks. I am reaching the point where I cannot take this isolation from humanity much longer. And my attempts to reach out, to connect with statewide like minded groups and be welcome, to really make friends online, which used to be easy, are cut off. I even have trouble getting into the classes and podcasts that sustain me , technologically speaking. I wonder if in your kindness you could look at my chart and tell me why i am being put in a freezer so to speak instead of being alive and among other people. I don’t have covid, I am not contagious, but I might as well be in jail. That’s how it feels.

    1. I am sorry you were not able to make the event and glad Alicia could help you. I am very sorry you are feeling alone. You sound as if you are dealing with a lack of money, where you are in the States, which is of course not your fault. You are having problems with tech issues online too. If you have Scorpio Rising then you will experience Jupiter (solutions, answers, remedies) in your Fourth House from 21st December, in combination with Saturn (challenges to be met). By Christmas 2021 you could easily be in an apartment, house or other residence you want, in the right neighbourhood. You feel alone and need to talk to immediately or find a phone line they recommend. You are one of many, many people who feel cut off by the pandemic. You will be given the chance to relocate or see an improvement with your current residence and the area. Do not underestimate what is going to happen in the US in 2021 as a revolution is coming and it is one you will like. For as much as you are feeling lonely, you are a good enough communicator, especially in writing, that you could volunteer for a service which helps others who are cut off. If it works for you as a customer you can work for it, as a volunteer. Befrienders is the first step. The clue is in the name – Aquarius rules friendship and also groups. The Great Conjunction in Aquarius is coming on 21st December and you need to be there for it. Finally, the tech issues you have had were just Mercury Retrograde. It’s over now. Go in again, online, and you will have a much better time. Stay in touch. Let me know how things went with Befrienders, please. Alicia and I hope to see you in Meetups for the next event which is free, on 21st December. Join Meetups here now – you would be very welcome.

  24. Hi Jessica –

    I have Juno at 19 Sag and Panacea at 25 Sag. Also Mercury at 0 Aquarius, Ceres & Psyche at 0 Cap. Any insight is appreciated.

    Thanks so much for all you do! Dani

    1. Dani, near 21st December you will be given an opportunity to take a friendship and/or a group very seriously. It will involve life online and also give you an incredible chance with your ambitions or goals. You will feel the weight of it, at the same time that you see the solution. Avoid the eclipses on November 30th and December 14th for decisions about foreign people and places, education and academia, regional and cultural differences, publishing and the internet. There is a cover-up then or you have a blind spot. In general, the time has come to travel your local area in 2021 the way you used to travel abroad, and to travel in the mind through online education.

  25. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for this article!

    My birthday was on Nov 26. And I have 5 factors in Sagittarius. Sun 04° Sagittarius 21′ 11″. Mercury 26° Sagittarius 02′ 35″. Uranus 13° Sagittarius 13′ 29″. Panacea 13° Sagittarius 24′ 59″. Vulcano 02° Sagittarius 29′ 05″.

    Please help me figure out what this means for me? I am going through major life transitions and any guidance will be a big help!

    A Saggi girl

    1. Avoid the eclipses on 30th November, 14th December and allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself. There will be a few global cover-ups involving the airline and cruise industries on those days and it will affect any plans you ever had to travel or move in 2021. That may actually become impossible as we are going to hit a crossroads with covid, travel and transport in the last week of January 2021. What it means is that you no longer travel, you travel in the mind. You no longer physically go to a university or college, you do so online. What travel you used to do, becomes local, so it is your own region that is there to explore.

  26. Hello Jessica. Kindly please, this request query. It’ll be helpful good if you could reply to my comment I submitted please. Hope it’s fine. Thank you. NepSag.

  27. Hi Jessica, I was unable to join the meet-up – because I’m studying!! Your prediction was spot-on specific about this, which I came to retrospectively after a hard time and would never have envisaged changes that have occurred. It gave me faith in where I’m going as it’s been a slalom (sometimes a scary one) but then it’s been a strange yr for all. I only have Sagittarius in Minerva, 35’ 41”; my sun is Leo & moon Taurus. Can I ask please, am I through the other side? Is there more I need to buckle down for?

    Stay healthy,

    1. Lou, I hope you can join us at the next Meetup which will be on 21st December for The Great Conjunction in Aquarius. Well done for having the willpower to study in such a peculiar year. You will be studying and teaching, learning and mentoring, educating yourself and guiding – until 2027 and perhaps beyond. I don’t know what yu are studying but you will either go deeper, or add more subjects. You have this Ninth House theme showing up in both charts, your solar chart and natal chart. Essentially you are here to see what you can get away with. It’s rather like the start of punk rock in 1976 or the birth of the first test tube baby in 1977. Going past the acceptable, traditional or conventional comes very easily to some people and you are slowly becoming one of them, at least in the context of academia, education or informal knowledge exchange. You may feel as if you are revving your engine and constantly being put into reverse, but from January 6th, this unforgettable period in your life, which began on 29th June, will have played its part in helping you rapidly sort out who and what matters most, in terms of the most far-reaching subjects and interest areas. You are likely to go back over something that was too fast, or too rushed, later on and gain something from it. You will also pick up so much about what is lacking in online training, universities, colleges, schools and also the less traditional kinds of education which are springing up. By the time you get to 2027 you are more than ready for the new, new technology which will make even the Apple TV of 2020 (where Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama can have a virtual conversation in the same room) seem old! Lou, you have an incredible intellectual journey ahead.

  28. Sorry Jessica I had put this in another thread:
    Hello Jessica, you had kindly written about Saturn conjunct my natal Juno at 26 Capricorn, “if you are going to stay the course with a particular role, goal or project you have to really mean it. That is way more important than anything else in your chart. You will be given an opportunity to go further in, or get right out, by Christmas. Choose carefully.” –

    I write to get your insight please.

    I had no other option but to get to an older male prof in October about potential research role. He got back, I was completing other deadlines and also in a state where I was not sure of his reply. I waited , fear was awful during the time, and after completing the other deadline, got back to him nov last week. Clearly stated about my project, delay and expectations. I thought he would outright say no but he was doubtful about my approaching him.
    He has not got back to me yet. And this is extremely worrying now. Am sitting here, not sure if I should wait few more days or send a follow up email now. I’m conflicted. There was a delay Oct to Nov on my part. But now Saturn is out of the pic, as you had said, and I just feel this should be moving ahead , but no reply from him.

    Jupiter is presently on my natal Jupiter in gemini – 27 – deg. The stress is getting higher, I want him to reply to my email..I had intense fear before when completing by other deadlines, and then got back him, facing it. Now feel what have I done, late..

    This whole time 218 to 2020 has been very unproductive and tiresome by the process itself. Apologies for saying so, but the freelance write with another prof is just that. I have to go further.

    Today for Aries you have clearly written – What the Sun reveals and exposes in Capricorn, alongside the departure of Saturn from Capricorn on December 18th, is a direct result of all the effort you have put in, since around this time last year. A quote from my book 2020 Vision (Penguin) expands on this:..’ but only if the Sun decides you have paid your dues – and your timing has been good, for the last eleven months. People also walk away, accept a redundancy, retire or do radical things in reshuffles. Today is a tip-top day to plan and plot.”..

    This line made me go – ‘oohhhkk”’. I am not sure I have put in enough effort , although slogged I have.

    I am Aries Sun 0 (Mar 21st ’78), after 26 juno no other Capri factors. Although Nodes presently are close to my Neptune 18 deg Sag and Mercury 18 deg Aries.
    I don’t have Gemini teen factors. Only Jupiter at 27 and Cupido at 21. it’ll be good if you could please kindly advice. Thank you for this.

    1. Jupiter was at 26 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition and achievement on December 1-5 so you have had your opportunity. You are also over the worst as Saturn is now at 28 and moving forward – he is long gone. Whatever you did as Christmas arrived, was done at the right time, no matter if it ends up being with a research role with this professor, or not. It may be something quite different. Jupiter is not on your Jupiter at all – it is making a quincunx from 27 Capricorn, and that’s so useful. It sounds as if you live with anxiety. You need to deal with that, and any book by Dr. Claire Weekes is a good beginning. Read the testimonials. Anxiety is a burden you do not need – if you agree you have it, then make 2021 the year you end it. The doctor’s work is world famous. With academia and/or paid work, unpaid work – you are over the worst from December 18th when Saturn leaves your solar Tenth House. Please don’t worry about your future. It’s already looking so much easier than 2018, 2019 or 2020 ever was.

  29. Jessica, i have mercury in sag, sun in sag,uranus in sag and saturn in sag. One thing that surprises me is that i have most of my life lived in the same house and barely travelled. In fact i fear travelling, specially long distances. Why im I different from what an usual sag would be?

    1. You travel in the mind, instead of physically travelling. Saturn is about fear and also some difficult experiences, and Saturn in Sagittarius in the Ninth House can result in feeling defensive or vulnerable with foreign places and people, so one stays put. There is, however, a need to explore in other ways, so your mind does the roaming, online, in libraries or with people from other cultures.

  30. It does make sense what you say, since my 17-18 i have developed most of my friendship network from social media and i have virtually met a lot of people and also learnt a lot using the internet. It changed my life in a way that i would never imagine.

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