The Kamala Astrology Chart

The Kamala Harris astrology cart is not like most horoscopes. It also holds the key to her destiny in the Democrats and as Vice-President of the United States of America. Perhaps, future President. She has karma with Ireland, too.

The Kamala Astrology Chart – The Harris Horoscope

Well here’s a first. A Vice-President with an AA-rated birth chart. The time, place and date of birth are 100% accurate for Kamala Harris, and our data comes from the best astrology research website in the world,

The truths we hold, for astrologers, depend on the natal or birth chart also being based on truth. Well, this is verified AA data. (AstroGold Software).

Ever since Kamala Harris was chosen as the running mate for Joe Biden, astrologers have wondered if the future President Biden would stand down in favour of Kamala Harris, or if she would be the new, female, non-white President of the USA at the next election, four years into the future, or even a two-term President for the Twenties. I am writing this on 12th December, 2020, so peering a long way into her destiny.

KAMALA HARRIS NATAL CHART 1 1024x788 - The Kamala Astrology Chart

The Kamala Harris Natal Chart – October 20th, 1964

Kamala is famous for her partnerships although they are never easy. There is a period of separation with her husband and/or future President Biden ahead. It may be time out from the partnerships or a complete departure.

She was born with the Sun at 27 Libra in the Seventh House of partnerships and marriages. It is exactly opposed by the Moon at 27 Aries in the First House of self-promotion, image, title and appearance. Saturn at 28 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups (the Democrats) is tied into the pattern.

The October 2020 Deal With the Democrats

Ceres is a symbol of female power, productivity and deal-making. She moved across Kamala’s Saturn at 28 Aquarius, on October 8th through 30th, 2020 in that crucial pre-election phase.

We have not been told about the arrangement she made with the Democrats in October, but it was serious, heavy and difficult. It very much involved the two partnerships, with future President Biden and the marriage to her husband.

The First Opportunity – April 23rd to May 5th, 2021

Later on, this will become an issue for Kamala between Friday the 23rd of April 2021 and Wednesday the 5th of May 2021, so that is a fated fortnight. It works very well for her, with a tremendous opportunity. This is the first door to open for her, with the Democrats.

The Second Opportunity – August 7th to 21st, 2021

The second doorway appears from August 7th to 21st, 2021 and again, there is a sense of ‘right time, right place’ for Kamala Harris with the Democrats, and the fated path with President Biden and her husband.

Here we have a portrait of a woman who shines brightest in a partnership. Yet, it always creates a conflict with her self-interest and her need to promote herself.

It also brings in heavy karma with the Democrats. In fact, you’d have to say that life as a Vice-President is very tough for Kamala. It’s a strain. Having come this far, though, what happens on April 23rd-May 5th and then August 7th-21st 2021 makes it all worth it.

Kamala Harris IIDreamstime 300x200 - The Kamala Astrology ChartMerry Christmas Kamala Harris

The really big moment in the story with her political party, comes on December 13th to 23rd, 2021. (Image: Dreamstime).

There is an eclipse just before this happens, on November 19th, with the Full Moon at 27 Taurus and Sun at 27 Scorpio, so there will be a cover-up.

We will not see, and will not know, what happens then, but it will create a T-Square with Saturn at 28 Aquarius (by one degree) in the zone of Kamala’s chart which rules the Democrats.

The Year 2022 and the Kamala Horoscope

I am peering two years into the future here, as I write this on 12th December 2020, but it looks as if the end of 2021, and the beginning of 2022, is also the start of karma for Kamala not seen for three decades, very specifically with her political party and her friends inside and outside it.

December 29th 2021 to February 1st 2022 is difficult and intense. Ceres moves to 27, 28 Taurus, moving across that eclipse point from November 19th.

By now we are starting to see the 2022 Recession (2022 Depression) bite.

We may begin 2022 with a global slump which directly affects her, from January 31st until February 16th. A major issue then, will be ‘black and white’ America. If you are asking what the crossroads is for Kamala and the Democrats, it’s the money.

Power and Control in the Democrats

As Pluto moves to 27, 28 Capricorn in her Tenth House of success, status and ambition we will see a fated change in the balance of power.

This is going to take place, within the Democrats but also right around the world, with various Presidents and Prime Ministers, as the world deals with what will be called Recession and/or Depression, February 6th to 16th 2022. You would also expect that Saint Valentine’s Day to be challenging for Kamala’s marriage, but her private life – should also be her private life.

April 12th and 13th, 2022 and the Presidency

Mars will lower the tolerance, speed up the schedule and increase the heat for Kamala Harris on April 12th and 13th, 2022.

The Democrats are obviously concerned about winning the next election, in the face of an historic economic crisis. The questions about who or what is control of the party – and the White House – personally affect her, then. Another key period is April 27th through May 5th, 2022. Whatever she discussed way back in October 2020 with her husband and President Biden, back when Donald Trump was against them, will now start to hit home.

November 14th to December 4th, 2022

Here we are again – another Christmas – and it feels as if Kamala Harris is now seriously staring 2023 in the face, with one eye on the White House for the rest of the 2020’s. It’s obvious that 2023 is going to be one of her most difficult years in memory, in terms of the Democrats, as her Saturn Return in the Eleventh House of groups and friends is coming up.

February 11th to 27th, 2023

Being Vice-President in Climate Emergency, the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recession/Depression has by now transformed this astonishing woman, but the real milestone is yet to come.

That takes place on February 11th to 27th, 2023 as Kamala experiences her Saturn Return at 28 Aquarius, but also Saturn trine her Sun and sextile her Moon.

We have another cover-up on 20th April 2023, as the New Moon falls at 29 Aries, just one degree away from her Saturn at 28 Aquarius. Then, the global economy begins to shift, from July 18th 2023, with the stuck world trade agreements, currency exchange rate and other fall-out from COVID 19 starting to move.

Fate, Karma and Kamala – July 29th to August 16th, 2023

The North Node moves to 28, 27 Aries and South Node moves to 28, 27 Libra between July 29th and August 16th 2023, so the partnership with President Biden and the marriage are now subject to karma.

Past life agreements between Kamala and the two men in her life now return. Even if you do not accept reincarnation, if you look at the news stories in the American summer of 2023, you would have to admit there is something fated about her destiny then.

The key issues for Kamala Harris between July 29th and August 16th are – fairness, equality and justice in her partnerships, be they political or personal.

Her self-interest, self-promotion, image and reputation. And above all, her friendships within the Democrats and her need to constantly protect herself and defend herself, within her own party. As much as the Trump family and the Republican party were a dreadful enemy to have, back in 2020, by the summer of 2023, Kamala is learning that within your own team, you can also face obstacles.

Christmas and Kamala

Looking at the Kamala Harris horoscope, you get the impression that Christmas, or ‘the end of the year’ have always been private deadlines in discussions about her future, both with President Biden and her husband. So here we are again at Christmas 2023 and at last, with Pluto (power questions, control issues) moving off 28 Capricorn on December 20th, it feels as if the pressure has finished. For now.

Kamala HarrisDreamstime 300x201 - The Kamala Astrology ChartThe Year 2024 and the Revolution

What we are really waiting for in this Kamala Harris horoscope is Uranus, the symbol of revolution, rebellion, radical reform, independence and ‘the shock of the new’ to arrive at 27, 28 Taurus. When it does so, it will immediately aspect the Libra Sun, Aries Moon and Aquarius Saturn in the Harris natal chart. (Image: Dreamstime).

September 4th to 26th, 2024 and Radical Change

We are also waiting for Neptune to move across 27, 28 Pisces and create a perfect storm. This takes place September 4th to 26th in the year 2024.

I am now gazing four years into the future, but when you see Neptune aspecting her Sun, Moon and Saturn – at the same time as Uranus – you are looking at September 2024 as a time of extreme pressure, great difficulty and enormous challenge. Again, the issue is ‘the woman and the party.’

By this stage we get the sense that being ‘the girl most likely to’ (in terms of holding power as a two-term President of the future) is really hard work.

January 26th to April 17th 2025,  Kamala and the Democrats

This takes us to another fated interval. Karma again, for Kamala, rolls with the North Node at 28, 27 Pisces and South Node at 28, 27 Virgo between January 26th 2025 and April 17th.

This picks up her partnerships and her party, in a way that settles old karmic scores and delivers past life rewards.

Ceres, always crucial when we are talking about power, moves to 27, 28 Aquarius on February 17th to 21st, 2025 and as Neptune is also at 28 Pisces then, this looks like a firm division of control.

The lack of boundaries with friends, in particular, and friends within the Democrats, is now secondary to a new arrangement which will divide territory between Kamala and her allies, acquaintances or other party members.

Throughout all this we get a picture of tremendous past life debts and credits, because of course, a woman who is speculating about being a ‘President for the Twenties’ has to think about her own running mate. Her own potential political partnership.

Taxes, the Economy and the Budget in May, June 2025

You’re going to see another milestone moment when Jupiter goes to 27, 28 Gemini (those degrees again!) while Uranus is at 28 Taurus, and we can time that to May 28th to June 5th, 2025.

For all that taxes, the economy and the American budget is very hard to square with the Democrats, this is also a huge high for Kamala Harris, with the latest and greatest in technology online, and massive shifts in the media, turning her life around.

The taxation and economy question does not go away, returning in December 2025 (Christmas is always a milestone for her in these years) and by now, this just has to be digital currency as a pressure point too. Even as late as March 2026, Harris is still battling the global economic revolution.

We then move to Chiron at 27 Aries in August 2025, so five years into the future as I write this. Chiron is a symbol of audacity, temerity, chutzpah and daring. Chiron will form a conjunction with Kamala’s Moon, so this is a new look. A rebirth, a relaunch and a renaissance. It’s a new title and image, which comes and goes in 2025, but appears again in May, June 2026.

Past Lives and the Democrats – October 10th to 30th, 2026

What is really interesting about the year 2026, so six years into the future, is October 10th to 30th, 2026. The North Node goes to 28, 27 Aquarius then. The new ‘Twenties for the Twenties’ are rising, as voters and politicians.

They were teenagers in the year that Kamala Harris won the Vice-Presidency in 2020. Now, they are coming into their own and they want community, diversity and equality, because it is why they incarnated.

That North Node goes across Kamala’s Saturn at 28 Aquarius, so this is a time of reckoning, once and for all, with her debt to the Democrats, and their debt to her.

Particularly the younger members of the party who want future presidency. This is huge for her when transiting Jupiter is in conjunction with her Mars at 21 Leo in the Fifth House of ‘substitute children and grandchildren’ on October 10th to 15th, 2026.

It’s now that we see Greta Thunberg and all the activists in their twenties  who followed her, some six or seven years before, watching the legacy of their hard work. Pluto is now in Aquarius. They are empowered. Patriarchy is over. The Trump family are a haunted memory. I find October 2026 compelling as an astrologer.

Kamala, Past Lives and the American Horoscope

You would expect there to be powerful past life connections between Vice-President Harris (as she is set to become, as I write this on December 12th, 2020) and America. We have them in two charts for the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Special Relationship.

My source for national charts is The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, 2004).

There are several astrology charts for the U.K. and U.S.A. and we have one set for 7th December 1922 at 3.28pm in Westminster, showing the moment that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland became a reality. It’s called the UK Reorganisation Chart. It also shows Mars at 27 Aquarius.

Brexit, COVID-19 and Irish Borders and Independence

Just as there has always been a ‘special relationship’ between the United Kingdom and United States, so too, has there always been ‘an Irish question’. Future President Joe Biden does of course has powerful ties to Ireland.

Kamala’s Sun at 27 Libra is trine the 27 Aquarius Mars here, and her Moon at 27 Aries is sextile Mars. You are going to see tremendous past life karma and both debts and credits from prior incarnation in the United Kingdom (possibly in Ireland) rise with Kamala Harris, the White House, Washington and that conflict-prone chart.

We can also tie this to the astrology chart for America set for 4th July 1776 at 5.10pm in Philadelphia (from Now, there are many contenders for the American horoscope but this one shows the Moon at 27 Aquarius, so trine the Sun at 27 Libra and sextile the Moon at 27 Aries, in the Kamala Harris chart.

What is really striking about this, is that the 4th July 1776, 5.10pm chart also has Pluto at 27 Capricorn, so tied into the aspects.

The Push for Presidency and the Reality of Vice-Presidency

This is a shift in the balance of power involving the Democrats, and so President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris in a way that was set, way back in 1776. Again there may be centuries-old karma here. The clue is in her name. Kamala.

All those dates I have given for her, are also for America. So quite clearly we are looking at what so many astrologers and psychics are seeing – a situation that would have seemed impossible to black slaves in 1776 – the arrival of a non-white woman as the President of the United States of America.

Astrology does not dictate to people. It shows the weather and not what you do with the weather. Kamala Harris could turn her back on the most powerful job in the nation. Perhaps it’s not even worth the struggle shown in her chart 2020-2026. When the climate turns, though, sometimes people find it hard – not to turn with it. That is certainly the case with Vice-President Harris.

Published on 12th December 2020. Photographs and charts updated on 28th June 2024. Main image: Shutterstock.

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12 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica, great read and insights – thank you.
    I’m not sure if this is the right place to post a question relating to my chart – apologies, if not.
    Today, I believe I have a stellium, which I think means more than 3 aligning asteroids and as I have 7 (including MC/IC), I thought it worth an interpretation, if you’re up for it? 17 Sag (Mercury), 28 Scorpio (Juno & MC), 28 Taurus (IC) 16 Virgo (Vesta), 21 Virgo (Minerva), 6 Pisces ( Ceres). My beginner thinking is that today’s the day I start acquiring wisdom/clarity around what I need to commit to in so far as work/income and my purpose, which is likely writing, media? I feel a significant change is in the air. I’d be happy to have your interpretation, please?

    1. Thank you. The most important factor in that pattern is Mercury at 17 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of publishing as the South Node at 17 Sagittarius can only pass there once every 19 years, and the North Node at 17 Gemini can only oppose your Mercury with the same rarity. This happens in February 2021 and in fact 15th February finds Venus at 17 Aquarius and both Nodes at 17 degrees too. This is about fate, karma, writing, publishing, the worldwide web and foreign people and places, or regional and cultural differences. Very close to Saint Valentine’s Day 2021 there is a challenge but also a breakthrough.

  2. So, is she likely to become president in 2024? That’s what I want to know. I wanted her for president this year. Thanks for this informative piece.

    I write from Philadelphia and will have my second Saturn return next year just like Kamala.

    BTW – Typos – January 26th to April 17th 2005, Kamala and the Democrats – should be 2025

    The Trump family ar a haunted memory. – are

    1. Kamala Harris could be President after Joe Biden, but not without struggle. Thank you for highlighting the typo, which I’ll correct. I expect the Trumps will haunt America for some time, too.

  3. Hi Jessica, Thank your work! There are already media reports that Ivanka Trump may run for Senate in FL in 2022 or another political position with the ultimate goal of ending back to the Presidency or the White House.

    She was born 10/30/1981 in Manhattan, NYC. I know you have talked about her in past postings.

    Can you please look further into her chart and please share if she will win a Senate seat or even the Presidency? We had enough of the Trumps – all of them.

    We don’t need any more Jared or her any where close to government roles.


    1. If you are not for community, diversity and equality then you are not in charge in 2021 and beyond. I don’t accept birth data for the Trump family any more as there are too many ‘alternative facts’ to put it politely surrounding Donald and his wife and children. The end game for that family is karmic.

  4. Hi Jessica, Thanks for sharing. I wanted to know if beg. 2022 is the recession? Does that mean this is because the virus is still out there and the vaccine is not working as expected? When in 2021 will we see these warning signs that recession is coming or here?

    Also, any idea on Georgia two Senate seats occurring on 1/5/2021? Biden and Harris need both seats to help Americans. Without these seats, the help that Americans and others need will be difficult to achieve. Thanks

    1. The astrology reveals 2022, 2023 replace the old economy with the new one. It’s a difficult transition but by 2024 we will be in a different world, financially, and have learned a new set of values. I’ve said repeatedly there is no ‘vaccine’ in the sense that there is a silver bullet simple solution to a complicated problem. There are attempted vaccines and a quest, ongoing. Biden and Harris will get whatever they need from Georgia to pursue diversity, community and equality in the new America. You don’t get Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, ahead of Pluto in Aquarius, without a radical change.

  5. Thank you Jessica,

    I was interested to learn that Kamala Harris has not resigned her Senate Seat, why not ? Does she think that she won’t be the VP ? Or will an event prevent her from becoming VP ?
    Looking at her chart it reminds me of the ‘ bridesmaid but never the bride ‘ her life and career are so heavily feted that she will never get the prize she covets most, to be the President of the US ..the clue is in her name Kamala/ Karma and her Karma is very heavy of the not so very good kind..

  6. Just stopping by to let you know that I appreciate how much effort and care that you put into your readings. They are such a gift.

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