Natural House System Birth Chart with 34 Horoscope Factors from Jessica Adams -



Now you can generate extended birth charts for family and friends, in our new Chart Store.

An Extended Natural House System Chart (Aries 0 Ascendant) is perfect for interpreting your Astrological Report from Jessica Adams or for premium members who want to generate charts for family members or loved ones.  This is the same natal chart which is provided to Premium Members as part of their membership. 

With this product, you receive an automatically generated Extended Natural House System Chart (Aries 0 Ascendant) for one person delivered by email within two minutes as an email attachment.  The chart is produced in PDF format for you to view, print and keep.  Your chart is produced by entering the time, date and place of birth during the purchase process.  If you do not know the exact time of birth you can make an estimate. If you don’t know the birth time at all, you can get a reasonably accurate prediction by entering the midpoint of the 24 hour period (12 noon).

You receive an automatically generated Natural House System Chart (Aries 0 Ascendant) for one person, from Jessica Adams in PDF format for you to print and keep. After purchase, your chart will be generated and attached to your purchase receipt email. Check this email to download and view your chart.

Your chart features the following 34 Horoscope Factors: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Ceres, Midheaven (MC), Immum Coeli (IC), Ascendant (AC), Descendant (DESC), Diana, Fortuna, Minerva, Bacchus, Apollo, Aesculapia, Hygeia, Panacea, Ops, Salacia, Prosperina, Cupido, Vulcano, Psyche, North Node, South Mode.

An additional 50 pages of guidance on the 12 Houses of the Zodiac and the 34 Horoscopes Factors and some basic instruction about how astrologers use your chart to make predictions, so you can try it for yourself.

After purchase, your chart will be sent by email. Look for it in your purchase receipt from the Jessica Adams Store – it will be available as an attachment in your purchase receipt.

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