Now you can generate extended birth charts for family and friends, in our new Chart Store.
Now you can generate extended birth charts for family and friends, in our new Chart Store.
Welcome to 2021 when Jupiter, the planet of solutions, hope, breakthroughs and optimism, will be with us twice. He will be with Saturn in Aquarius first, giving big answers to every serious question – in one area of your life.
Welcome to your annual astrology prediction for 2020. If you are a Premium Member, there is an extended psychic forecast for you – plus complimentary journals, horoscope guidebooks and Tarot cards, to help you plan your year.
If you would like to learn Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot with Jessica Adams, these courses are now available on Sun Sign School.
For now, you just need to know the whole (fantastic) cycle begins with really strange weather. As in, Mercury Retrograde weather. In fact, from the moment that Jupiter breezes into this new sign, you hit Mercury Retrograde.
Cancer is a sign very much associated with home. House, apartment, land, garden, home town, homeland. I often find crab shells in the water, which are reminders that Cancer carries her/his ‘home’ as part of himself or herself.
The Second House is about everything you earn, own or owe. Money, credit cards and shopping are Second House matters.
For the first time since 2006, Jupiter moves into Scorpio the business, finance and boom sign. There will be a ripple effect around the world which will benefit you if you have planets, asteroids or other points in Scorpio in your birth chart.
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