The US 2028 Election in Psychic Astrology
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
2025 is a remarkable year with a record number of planets entering and leaving signs. How is your birth chart affected? You will be most affected if you have stelliums in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and/or Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus brings stormy sharemarket weather to Japan, China, Britain in August-October 2024. What does the slow revolution hold for the Taurus factors in your chart to 2026?
Jupiter in Taurus in 2023 and 2024 is a rare, booming, economic cycle that helps all of us.
The Taurus New Moon Zoom on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th May Join me and host Alicia Fulton from The Astrology Show on Twitter, for
Jupiter and Uranus 2023-2024 From May 16th 2023 until May 25th 2024, Jupiter and Uranus will both be in Taurus, the finance sign. This is
How does free will work in a fated astrology universe of money prediction?
Welcome Back to 1938 I am writing this on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, in Australia (still Tuesday the 18th of January in New York) watching
Fixed Signs in Changing Times Fixed Signs in Changing Times (held in partnership with The Astrology Foundation, New Zealand) was held as a Zoom event
Your Cancer Factors and Life in 2023-2029 The astrology of 2023-2029 suggests that anyone with Cancer factors in their chart (property) gains from Jupiter in
The Mars-Uranus conjunction 2021 falls in Taurus. It also falls on Inauguration Day, January 20th. Read on to find out why psychics and astrologers agree about danger. And why I need to sound the alarm about churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious centres.
The Full Corn Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020, triggers workload, housework, unpaid work and study issues for you. It also triggers health, wellbeing, food, drink, medical and fitness questions. How can you work the Virgo-Pisces weather in 2020? How can you best use the Virgo New Moon two weeks later?
The Scorpio Full Moon of May 2020 is a full stop for your sign. How is your horoscope affected? Scorpio Full Moon astrology trends are about big financial and economic choices for you, your people or the world. Find out more.
Uranus in Taurus and what it means for you and the world, as you experience the planet of revolution, radical change, freedom and independence (Uranus) transiting through the sign of Taurus (economy, money, property prices – and food!).
Financial astrology – with Kate Silas (ex Wall Street) and Olga Morales (W.D.Gann expert). In 2020 what can astrological financial charts tell us about the future? Jessica Adams saw four years into the global economy headlines in her book 2020 Astrology, too. Read on and listen to these exclusive podcasts – at The Astrology Show.
October 2020 is a crisis month for Donald Trump. Just one month before the 2020 Election. For Donald Trump to come back and be President in November 2020, or even just redeem his reputation – nothing short of a couple of miracles would have to take place.
In the year 2020 we see an uncanny repeat of the year 1518, as the planets and Moon’s Nodes return to signs last seen centuries ago. Here is what to expect in the news headlines.
If you want the secret timing on everything from losing weight, to starting a campaign, to launching a business – read on. I have super astrology tips and horoscope secrets for April-December 2019.
On January 8th, 1828, at Jefferson Hall, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Democrats were born. Just like any person you know, the party has an astrology chart showing Aquarius patterns that could put her in the lead in 2020.
Who will the President of the United States in the 2020 Election? There is a pattern showing up in the Republican (Grand Old Party or G.O.P. horoscope) which is worth watching. First posted on March 24th 2019, this feature has been updated to include January 2020 polls for Mike Bloomberg./
Did you see my comments on the Equinox in The Express in Britain? By Thursday, March 21st, you will have two new chapters starting in your life thanks to the Supermoon Equinox. What are they? If you are a Premium Member, there may also be some timing secrets based on your personal birth chart.
Banks around the world share the same horoscope patterns. 2019 is Global Financial Crisis 2. Here’s the March 2019 update with the latest on Raiffeisen, Citibank, Deutsche Bank.
Uranus in Taurus will bring an end to banking, borrowing and credit as you know it, by July 2025. So what’s the good news?
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