Financial Astrology 2024-2026

Uranus in Taurus brings stormy sharemarket weather to Japan, China, Britain in August-October 2024. What does the slow revolution hold for the Taurus factors in your chart to 2026?

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus is a financial, business, property, shopping, currency and charity rejection dance. You have been living with this since the cycle began on May 15th 2018 and will be dealing with the weather (sudden electrical storms) until April 25th, 2026.

Taurus Factors?

If you have Taurus factors in your Second House of money, companies, banks, houses, apartments, credit cards, Bitcoin and good causes – then it’s personal. You have rejected some or all of these since 2018. You have also been rejected. So, sacking your bank is pretty normal. So is being rejected by potential buyers.

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Photo by Bekky Bekks via Unsplash

Why Rejection?

Uranus rejected his children. In turn, they also rejected him. In fact, Saturn castrated him. Uranus in Taurus is about saying ‘No!’ and also hearing ‘No!’ from others – or the world in general. Since 2018 people have rejected notes and coins in favour of cryptocurrency. Young home buyers have heard ‘No!’ from the banks.

Freedom Calls

Freedom always calls when Uranus is in Taurus. Independence beckons. That is the pay-off for the constant uncertainty of rejecting and being rejected, too. In fact, Uranus was discovered in the same year that America won her independence from Britain. Liberty and liberation, revolution and rejection are linked.

Uranus Aspects

Uranus aspects are signals for radical change in this cycle, with you until April 25th 2026. If an aspect hits your birth chart, something big will happen. You may reject your usual work/salary set-up and retire early. Countries have horoscopes too. Japan certainly does. This chart shows an aspect triggering a T-Square.

The Japan Crash

This is the day that Japan’s stocks plunged the most, since the beginning of the pandemic. You always watch Taurus (personal income) and Scorpio (collective income) when that happens. Sure enough, Panacea at 26 Scorpio in the Japan chart was in a T-Square with transiting Uranus at 26 Taurus and Venus at 26 Leo. (There is a spelling mistake in the Japan chart file in AstroGold; apologies as I can’t fix it).

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Sharemarket Predictions

People make the markets pessimistic or optimistic. Those people typically have stelliums (four, five, six or more factors) in the money signs, Taurus and Scorpio. When Uranus is in Taurus, making aspects, their Taurus side and/or Scorpio side is triggered. Cue millions of hands, moving billions, all at the same time.

Dates to Watch

Allow 24 hours either side, but expect sharemarket drama on August 18th 2024. Mercury 27 Leo square Uranus 27 Taurus. Do you have factors at 27 Scorpio and/or Taurus? You’ll be affected. August 19th sees the Sun at 27 Leo square Uranus at 27 Taurus. Same degree. That’s a two-day upheaval on the markets.

On August 27th Venus at 27 Virgo is trine Uranus at 27 Taurus. Same degree again. More lightning bolts. On August 31st, Mars at 27 Gemini is semi-sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus. This pulls in the Japan chart with Salacia at 27 Sagittarius, Apollo at 27 Gemini and Mercury at 27 Aries. This is a global chain-reaction.

Great Britain

The new Great Britain (post Brexit) has Hygiea at 27 Taurus. August 2024 is also economically stormy. (Chart set for 31st January 2020, 23.00, London). She has Aesculapia at 27 Gemini. This is about Europe as well. The neighbours. What we are seeing in August is a worldwide rejection dance. It’s very unsettled. If you use the 4th July chart for America, she has Pluto at 27 Capricorn.

Tax and Prices

Taurus rules values. Who or what is so precious to you, that it is priceless. What you will sell out for, and what you will never sell out for. Taxation and price tags – house prices – the cost of living – continues to be unstable in 2024, 2025, 2026. In response we radically change our value system. We shift our life budgets.

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In astrology, you tend to get a bear market, or bull market, when you see a lot of hits on the same degree, within the span of a few weeks. On September 7th 2024, Mercury at 27 Leo is square Uranus at 27 Taurus. The problem here is that Mercury is retrograde. This is classically a chaotic sharemarket. Buy! Sell! Buy! (Dreamstime/Diplikia).


There are a few charts for Australia, but if we use 26th January 1788 we find Uranus at 27 Cancer. If we use 1st January 1901, we find Neptune at 27 Gemini in opposition to Mercury at 27 Sagittarius. This makes sense. Australia is exposed to Asia – and Asia is led by Japan. August and September 2024 are stormy. There are clouds gathering in the big money city centres on the East Coast.

On September 19th the Sun at 27 Virgo is trine Uranus at 27 Taurus. On September 24th Mercury at 27 Virgo is trine Uranus at 27 Taurus. The story is not over as Uranus goes backwards, or retrograde. On October 14th Venus at 26 Scorpio (the other crucial money sign) is in opposition to Uranus at 26 Taurus.

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Photo by Hermann Wittekopf via Unsplash

Values and Taurus

Classic Uranus in Taurus questions are: “Is greed good?” This is quickly followed by more personal questions about, say, being bankrolled by your girlfriend – or betraying your husband when he pays half the mortgage.

These are really Scorpio issues. Scorpio is any sexual and financial relationship. It is also any extended family agreement about a house or apartment. So, an inheritance or a trust fund, for example. What happens when Uranus goes through Taurus, shifts the ground beneath our feet. We are forced to move our position, instantly. Taurus is always opposite Scorpio. When rents are high and wages low, sexual relationships are calculated.

China Shakes

If we accept that China was born on 21st September 1949 at 12.00 noon in Peking, she has the Sun at 27 Virgo. This makes sense. Virgo rules workers. Not surprisingly, China is drawn into the August-October drama swirling around the Nikkei and Japan. The 1st October 1949 chart for China, also shows 27 degree factors. Incredibly, so do the 1912 and 1947 charts. China shakes with economic lightning bolts, August-October, no matter which horoscope you use.

2024, 2025, 2026

If you have late-stage Taurus factors at 25, 27, 28, 29 – or Scorpio factors at those degrees – then 2024, 2025 and 2026 will challenge you, to change. Not just any old change, either. Uranus is about quite radical new directions. The kind of thing, financially, in business, with charity or property – that shocks your old self.

2025 Moyano Dreamstime 1 200x300 - Financial Astrology 2024-2026Again and again in these years (and particularly in August-October 2024, in certain countries) the question will be, ‘Is it worth it?’ This may be followed by ‘Is she worth it?’ or ‘Is he worth it?’ Classic Scorpio-Taurus. (Rawpixels).

Clusters in Taurus in 2025 show economic instability along with intense personal financial questions. So April 27th, May 1st, May 10th, May 12th are all turning points. June 1st is also important ahead of June 6th and 9th, two more dates with fate.

Allow 24 hours either side for world time zone differences for all these dates. September 22nd and October 6th also increase the tempo, in 2025.

November 20th, 2025 is a fresh start for couples, be they committing or splitting, financially. That is also important on a world scale as the New Moon in Scorpio on November 20th coincides with Neptune at 29 Pisces sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus. Big ructions out there in major economies like the US trickle down.

In 2026 we find Saturn at 27 Pisces sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus, on January 20th. So we are back to Japan and China again – and the slow revolution on their sharemarkets.

Uranus direct at 27 Taurus on February 3rd suggests an extreme start to the new year, 2026. Then, from April 25th the rolling drama of cryptocurrency, one world digital currency, blockchain and the rest (that started way back in 2018) is over. C’est finis. But what about a detailed look at Wall Street, in all this?

Wall Street in Astrology 2024-2026

The chart for Wall Street here is set for the grand opening of the New York Stock Exchange. We have an archival invitation, date and time-stamped. 

Taurus and Scorpio are always about the money.

Here we have the Sun at 1 Taurus, Mercury at 12 Taurus, Proserpina at 19 Taurus. We also have Psyche at 13 Scorpio. There is an almost exact opposition from Mercury at 12 Taurus to Psyche at 12 Scorpio. That’s a hotspot.

Any time you see slow-moving outer planet transits, or transits of the nodes, across these degrees, Wall Street moves in mysterious ways. If you want to see past evidence of this go here. 

My eyes are drawn to Pluto at 1 Aquarius square the Sun at 1 Taurus because it creates a Grand Cross in the chart, pulling in the Ds or Descendant at 1 Aquarius and As or Ascendant at 1 Leo. This is also picking up Neptune at 1 Cancer. In plain English this is about Wall Street’s financial fame (Sun shining brightly in Taurus in the Second House of money)  challenged by historic, brand new people power (Pluto in Aquarius) likely coming from a political party or a community social media movement like cryptocurrency.

At the same time, Wall Street experiences something simply not seen before; real control coming from women (Descendant in Aquarius) as part of the wider group. The old kings and queens of Wall Street (Leo Ascendant) are severely confronted.

The housing market, property bubble is shown by Neptune (always an escape from reality) at 1 Cancer in the Fourth House of property.

Now, as fate has it, the new American government lands at the White House in January 2025, just as Pluto goes to 1 Aquarius.

2025 and Wall Street Astrology

Pluto goes to 1 Aquarius on December 30th 2024 and remains on that degree until January 30th 2025. So this is right across inauguration. New Year’s Eve seems particularly intense, as the North Node is at 1 Aries and South Node is at 1 Libra. That’s quite a pile-up around Wall Street as a global economic force, but also its ties to the property market, house prices and mortgage interest rates.

These nodes simply cannot make these patterns outside an 18-19 year cycle so something rare is happening. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that Wall Street insiders had been privately talking about New Year’s Eve and New Year as ‘the time’ for some major moves.

Mars is at 1 Leo on January 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2025 which heats up the pattern and speeds it up too. This is a Mars-Pluto opposition. Fast, furious and about the new power in New York, which is with the people, including women – and not the men at the top.

For Wall Street shifts (made under historic pressure) you might look at all the dates where the inner planets hit 1 degree, so that’s the aforementioned January 1st-3rd, but we also see 1 degree patterns near Sunday 5th January, Thursday 9th January,  Tuesday 21st January.

Pluto on Wall Street in 2025

We then see Pluto retrograde, or reversing back to – 1 degree of Aquarius. This happens from 21st August 2025 through to December 5th 2025.

What is highly unusual about this period is transiting Neptune going to 1 Aries at the same time. This will be a confusing and confused period for Wall Street. Neptune square Neptune in the house price zone! We can narrow it down to August 21st until September 14th 2025.

Incredibly, we also see Uranus at 1 Gemini in the same time-frame. These three slow-moving giants of astrology are all picking up the Wall Street Sun at 1 Taurus and her property pattern at 1 Cancer.

August 21st to September 14th 2025 can be further timed by faster-moving inner planets landing on 1 degree. So this happens around Sunday 24th August, Wednesday 27th August.

From August 21st until September 14th 2025, Wall Street will be in the spotlight as ‘the new people power’ brings great pressure to bear on the traditional way of running economies. This will have an immediate impact on the housing market. There will also be shocks, too, which Uranus always brings.

Learning From the Past

What happened when Pluto (aside from the other planets) moved to 1 degree Aquarius before? We’re watching a long retrograde cycle here. Well, it made its debut at 1 Aquarius on February 23rd 2024 and on 29th February, Wall Street closed at all-time highs. It remained there at 1 Aquarius in March, when on 21st March its three stock indexes also saw record closing highs.

Pluto went back to 1 Aquarius again from May 25th until July 17th 2024. Again, all-time highs appeared on 10th July.

You do you, when it comes to your money. What you read here is for entertainment, and your own research. I can’t tell you what to do (and never do, anyway). As an astrologer I can talk to you about extremely unusual chart patterns and also show you how history has been made, on those patterns. Study your own chart, check these transits and if you have anything at 1 degree, prepare for historic new trends.


Wall Street Astrology Chart - Financial Astrology 2024-2026


Main Image/Shutterstock






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100 Responses

  1. Thank you for another fascinating article Jessica! As a Scorpio Sun with stelliums in Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius, I’m sure I will be referring to this guide for the next couple of years! I did have quite unsettled and eventful times financially since 2018. My husband and I bought our new home together, and acquired a large mortgage, something I hadn’t dealt with in the past. The new to us home turned out to be a time and money pit once we knew how we needed to renovate it. In February this year I sold my rental property to get rid off the mortgage and liberate us financially. In the process I shared all my finances with my husband, thus changing my own prior value of keeping finances separate.

    I have nothing in the late degrees of Taurus, but I have a few factors at the late degrees in other signs. I thrive on having stability and financial security in my life. The last few years have been nothing but that, and looking at another 2 years of the same makes me highly anxious! I wonder if you could please have a look at my chart and tell me what to look out for. Thank you so much for all your guidance you share with us, it’s been invaluable!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you bought a money pit. You have seen first-hand how the Uranus in Taurus transit works, with your husband. Juno at 28 Scorpio in the Eighth House is your marriage and money signature. Juno is about commitment. Who or what you wed yourself to. Scorpio is sex and money, and also the legacies/inheritance paperwork made between partners, as well as any legacy they receive from their own families. Scorpio is about the bedroom contract and the banking contract. Uranus in opposition to Juno from 28 Taurus is ‘the challenge to change’ and you can’t really avoid a total transformation of the marriage at such times. It does end, with regular breaks from it along the way, as Uranus goes in and out of 29 Taurus. You do in fact see liberation through it, and you ditched your mortgage. Something quite spiritual, not financial, is the full tilt experience of being free from (that/them/him/her) on this transit or free through (that/them/him/her) and that level of liberty can’t be bought any other way, except going through the radical Uranus opposition.

  2. Interesting read Jessica, my relationship with money is that if I have it I m better off always in life.

    Every astrology website I read it shows August is a bit of a bad month and you can just feel it in the air.

    Hoping for stronger and solid months ahead

    1. August is Mercury Retrograde at full pelt and I would be surprised if any astrologer was toasting it with a bottle of Moet. We are in an odd phase with our horoscopes. The end of things and the transition to the beginning of things!

  3. This is a post I am going to read again and again. So good, Jessica your synthesis is so enjoyable to read – thank you!

  4. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for yet another interesting article.
    I happen to have Minerva at 28° Taurus (and Diana 24° Scorpio, but I’m not sure 24° matters in that context).
    In my mind, Minerva is a rather wise asteroid, what kind of ‘lightning bolts’ should I expect, especially during that next Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th ?
    Would you have any ‘lightning arresters’ to advise me please?
    My financial situation is always precarious and I’m planning to resume working part-time and giving private tuitions as of September and I really hope the money will be enough.
    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards

    1. Thank you. Minerva at 28 Taurus is most important. Pluto is also close to a trine when he moves to 29 Capricorn, September to November. Minerva is a symbol of feminine wisdom. She was born fully formed from her father Jupiter’s brain. She beat Neptune in a battle of wits. In Taurus, you are blessed with deep and intuitive knowledge about the right answers, to questions about money, property, valuables, business and charity. This becomes empowering on the Pluto trine in particular. At the same time, Uranus moving across Minerva is the revolution that sets you free. It may be a radically different way of handling money, your house or apartment, for example. Uranus is unconventional, unique, wholly unexpected and usually involves a massive u-turn.

  5. Hi Jessica, I thought having Uranus in Taurus from 2018 would be transformational in a good way for me. Especially with the massively hyped Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 2024. I have Jupiter and Uranus both at 24 Cancer in the 4th House. But, in my experience, it has been a total shit show. Nothing happened. Especially nothing good. Every astrologer – including you – talked about opportunity for massive growth all year 2023/24 – opportunity and expansion.
    Is this the end of astrology? If so, you probably won’t post this.
    Emma x

    1. You may have rejected the opportunity you were given, Emma. It happens. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April 2024 did in fact deliver for the world (never mind you and your own decisions). $95 billion went from the US to Ukraine as part of an international aid package. That is a lot of money being pumped into the world economy. You have a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 24 Cancer in the Fourth House of property and family, town and country. You’ve missed the fact that it is also in opposition to Ceres at 25 Capricorn in your Tenth House of mission, ambition and position. So there is a lifelong obstacle there which occasionally is triggered by transits where you get in your own way. Venus at 25 Aries and Neptune at 26 Libra make this a Grand Cross, by a degree or two. Whatever you were offered (and it was definitely offered) may have instead triggered inner conflicts about the same, as a Grand Cross is a highly unusual point of tension in the chart. It’s worth knowing about.

  6. Thanks for posting this Jessica! Today was rough day for investments for sure, and looks like there’s more chaos to come. As I’m in the U.S. my financial advisor told me to expect unpredictable conditions in the Stockmarket until after the November election. Hopefully the markets will stabilize after that. I have Aesculapia at 29 Taurus. Any advice on dealing with this transit?

    1. Thank you. Aesculapia at 29 Taurus in your Second House of personal income, property, charity and valuables describes a person who can pull anything and anybody back from the brink. That includes a house which may be on its last legs, or an investment which is considered to be virtually over. Aesculapia was the miraculous god of healing, revival and resurrection to the Romans. It’s a symbol of ‘The Eleventh Hour’ in finance, when in Taurus. Pluto will trine this at 29 Capricorn just before the US election.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Taurus. How will that affect me financially. I have always wanted to be financially independent. Do you see that in my chart at all.
    Thank you

    1. You have Taurus-Scorpio factors at 4 through 21 degrees, including the lunar nodes. The biggest changes are behind you as Uranus has finished his transit of 4 through 21 Taurus, in conjunction and opposition. The radical changes, shocks and rotating revolutions of the last few years are now history. Being financially independent of others is difficult with a Scorpio-Taurus opposition like this. You incarnated to be repaid, or to pay back, spiritually – classically with a partner or family member you were involved with, before.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    My North and South Node will make me to take action or will make me be stuck and watch what will unfold? I feel I need to take some actions related to finance, and also job, but they are definitely out of my comfort zone and the equilibrium that I always tried to have up to now. I’ll use the tarot for more insights, but what is the meaning of my south and north node during this period and to you see anything else that is worthy to mention?

    Thank you very much! lots of blessings!

    1. Your North Node at 26 Taurus in the Second House of personal finance is in opposition to your South Node at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of shared finance and property. You have at least one past life dealing with the gap in your values with a husband, wife, parent or family member. Classically there would have been an issue with an inheritance in a prior incarnation or perhaps a divorce settlement. You are here to share rewards and also lessons with particular partners or relatives. You may even have had your last past life during the Wall Street Crash of the Twenties, for example. Transits to 26 Taurus and/or Scorpio will always trigger the karma. It will really be about what you owe, or what you are owed, spiritually. Uranus going over 26 Taurus is of course quite radical change – a slow revolution. It shouldn’t take you very long to figure out who is tied to you karmically in terms of a house, apartment, bank account, business, legacy and so on.

  9. Yes, it has been pretty crazy since 2018!I have a couple 27 factors but also 28 and 26 if that matters, They are not in Taurus or Scorpio. I am kind of relieved about that lol. Will my 27 factors (or anything) be impacted by this? Thank you!

    1. Anybody with factors at 27 degrees will experience those transits. It will be at a distance. Rather like a Butterfly Effect. A big story in the Japanese economy will affect your friend in New Zealand, whose boyfriend makes a decision about postponing a trip, which in turn means your home becomes free for a relative to stay in, which in turn means…dot dot dot.

  10. Thanks for this post Jessica. The world landscape is freaking this lil Aquarian out most days. Have felt stuck in mud for years now especially with career which is inturn is linked to $$$. I know I have inched forward… but do you see anything in my chart that gives hope!!?? Also what do you mean crypto is over? You have written about this before…do you think governments bann it world wide? Thanks again, always appreciate your insightfulness.

    1. Being stuck is usually Capricorn, which does not put a foot wrong and moves cautiously and slowly up the corporate ladder; up the social ladder; up the profession. You have a Capricorn stellium and are wedged in mud, on one ledge or another on the towering mountain of ambition. The situation ends when Pluto is out of Capricorn and Ceres too, so that’s December. Why do I think cryptocurrency is over when Uranus leaves Taurus? Because Taurus is currency and Uranus is new invention. There is nothing else going through Taurus after that of any consequence. The exhilaration, the liberation and the lack of predictability is with AI in future, not currency. It is possible it may be banned, yes.

  11. Hi Jessica, this is very interesting thank you. Am I reading my chart correctly to see at t-square at 26/27 degrees across Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius? I have Scorpio placements at 25 (Psyche) and 27 (Bacchus) degrees. Wondering if this affects my business. Thank you.

    1. You have a T-Square across 26, 27 degrees of the mutable signs, correct. The T is for tense, troublesome (temporarily) and tight. The mutables here concern health and wellbeing (Virgo) and your workload (also Virgo). These clash with all that is foreign, both abroad and in your own country (Sagittarius). A really basic example is Covid infection when travelling or imported Covid variants. The Pisces corner of the T is about your religion or your psychic; your therapist or your hypnotist; your meditation or your self-help. It’s internal. Rather like a pinball machine, transits ping around these three mutable corners every so often and you find situations impossible to square. Health issues may block full and proper work, for example, or your therapist may tell you to stop working so hard. I am sure you can see how varied the outcomes can be. They also pull in your finances and property (Scorpio) in terms of sexual and economic relationships – and family agreements, like an inheritance. Any time you see transits over 26, 27 it pays to pull back on judgements and actions, as what is written down or agreed to, then, will always be a reflection of the tension at the time. Sometimes you can’t avoid these things, but if you can (for example) take out new health insurance; book an overseas trip; start a new work project – at any time – why choose that transit?

  12. I have a Taurus ascendant and on 19th August, my moon at 17 Sagittarius completes a grand cross with Saturn, Jupiter and Venus. Any thoughts or advice on this, especially regarding property?

    1. Yes, in order, Virgo, Gemini and Pisces patterns at 17 degrees will complete a Grand Cross with your Moon at 17 Sagittarius on 19th August. The Taurus Ascendant is not important. Nor is this to do with property unless it’s foreign, or involves foreigners. (In which case, steer clear of decisions and actions that day). You need to be needed, when you travel – if you emigrate or relocate – when you engage with foreigners and foreign cultures. Your maternal instinct goes towards people with different languages and cultural or religious backgrounds. You mother the world on the worldwide web, even if they do speak your language. So this is squeezed by the Grand Cross. It is squeezed again, much later, when the lunar nodes go to 17 Virgo and Pisces. Ongoing this does rather suggest you may want to keep the stakes low abroad; with other nationalities in your country; in academia (especially with foreign lecturers or students) within publishing (particularly in translation). This is just common sense astrology. The less heavily entwined you are, the less of a cross to bear.

  13. Hi Jessica, thanks for another fascinating read. There’s been a lot of “no” for me around finance over the past few years – in both directions – so that was very insightful. I want to sell my own flat in to the buy-to-let company I jointly own with my parents in the next eighteen months (if they agree to the deal) as my current mortgage rate will expire in January 2026 and it’s likely to get much more expensive, possibly unaffordable. Do you have any insights you can share based on my chart?

    1. Thank you. Property is Cancer and family money is Scorpio. You have a stellium in both and Uranus at 27 Scorpio. Ceres is at 26 Cancer, so pretty close. Stay loosey-goosey about all this in 2024 and 2025, into 2026. You have Uranus at 27 Taurus in opposition to natal Uranus, so the last thing you expected is the first thing that will happen. Try not to assume or guess with these transits. Uranus is a symbol of quite sudden, radical change and the world turns upside-down. It liberates, grants us independence, shears away the past and throws us into a very different future. Thus the need to be highly adaptable, rather than fixed in your expectations. You do gain through property and family in the mid 2020’s as Jupiter goes into Cancer, but you also need to go through this Uranus transit. Thus the advice not to project too far, or anticipate too much. Keep it very, very flexible.

  14. Hi Jessica,
    I am a Capricorn retired and relying partly on the stock market. It looks as if we will have a financially challenging period this autumn. Any advise for me having so much at 29˚? MC and Vulcano at Capricorn 29˚, Aesculapia 29˚ Taurus, IC 29˚ Cancer, Jupiter 29˚ Libra, Mercury 29˚ Sagittarius.
    Best regards

    1. The MC (Midheaven) and the IC (Immum Coeli) depend on a strictly accurate birth time. If you feel you have it, then this is a large stellium. Even if you don’t, you still have major factors at 29 degrees. Pluto is going to 29 Capricorn for the last time in 248 years in September, October, November. This picks up your career, unpaid work or academic career; your personal income; your professional or sexual partnerships; any conflict; foreigners and foreign countries. Whatever ends at this time also means a big new beginning. In fact it will be a simultaneous closing of the book of your life, and the opening of another. This shows up in your solar chart, too. It looks as though the end of this year and start of the next is about ending some agreements and starting others, with Pluto also in Aquarius in your Second House of personal banking. You are always protected by Jupiter in astrology (he is basically the cavalry) and in Libra, during this period of major endings and beginnings, it will be your sexual or professional partner; perhaps a platonic ‘other half’ you share with – who is such good news for you. Pluto at 29 Capricorn is the end of an era and start of a new one. This is global and also personal and as you are retired and rely on the markets, it is in your best interests to update yourself; watch the trends; watch the political realities in particular, where you live.

  15. Dear Jessica, first of all a huge huge thank you, as I finally found a new job starting 1st September. Hooray. Last minute actually, phew. Your advice helped me through this challenging time, to just continue and it worked out. A few helping hands are so important and I am very grateful. The Job is going to be quite a challenge it seems and seems to have chosen me. It is quite far away, many hours, quite a challenging company, I hope very much I can navigate with my back/ spine issues and it works out, being 60 I really feel these – start all over again – quite intense. Therefore it is also for me quite important to see if I will be able to build a stable workbase for the next years, actually so much needed after these many challenging years. What I also have in mind is my North Node topic, you once wrote about it. Does it in my case mean once my North Node hits 7° and the slow moving planets, or one of them hits 7° I have to have an eye on family, job issues (like in the past, where I had to do with male dominance, mobbing, power and naturally lost and had to start all over again?). As I have so little knowledge I am not sure if I understood correct. Thank you again and many greetings

    1. Thank you, for your thank you. You begin a new job on 1st September. You asked about the North Node. You have your North Node at 7 Cancer and South Node at 7 Capricorn. The North Node is in your Fourth House of home, home town, homeland, family and household. It is in opposition to your South Node in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. The lifelong conflict is between your ambition to be at the top of your profession, with top people and companies – and your family, town, country. It works both ways. Sometimes you travel or move to do better in life, where there are more opportunities and have to give up where you come from and where you belong. At other times you will find you are pulled home, to your people and your place, and have to give up ‘Bright Lights, Big City’. You will have an enjoyable choice about this in 2025 when Jupiter goes into Cancer and slowly moves towards 8 degrees, triggering the usual see-saw. You will be offered an opportunity for a bigger, better home life then and it may be that you feel you want a different kind of job situation, to go with it.

  16. Hi Jessica, thank you for an interesting article. I have several factors at 27 degrees in my chart, including my nodes (Scorpio-Taurus) and Mars in Capricorn.

    I got a bit worried when I read the article as I have a significant amount of money in stocks with plans to retire in about 6 years.

    Can you please tell me how this astrological phenomenon you wrote about will affect me? Should I take any action or remain passive and keep my investments as they are? I would be very grateful for your response.

    Many thanks in advance.

    1. Astrology is about steering and navigating, not worrying. You have the North Node at 27 Taurus in opposition to the South Node at 27 Scorpio so have already been through the shock of a radical change. Uranus went to 27 Taurus and triggered this, which describes your personal income, joint banking, shared property, inheritance, mortgages with others and so on. This can only happen once in your adult life and Uranus is now heading back to 27 degrees, so you need to be flexible enough, that you can change direction when the world around you, also changes direction. The North Node is your karma. Your previous life involved important financial, charity, business and property episodes, tying in the family and a partner. The South Node is connected to this (the nodes work in a loop or circuit) and suggests that in this lifetime, you are re-meeting your relatives or partner from the previous incarnation. So that is what this is all about. Uranus is here to challenge you to change the arrangements. This is why being flexible is very wise. The lighter you are on your feet, the more prepared you are to switch direction, the more adaptable you are, the better. This is a very good time to update yourself regularly on what is altering out there, not only on the markets, but also in terms of government directives on retirement, taxation, your inheritance naming others, any inheritance they have naming you and so on. Be bendy.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you so much for this fascinating post.
    I would appreciate if you can please help me understand if there is any light in terms of my health. I have been undergoing a very , very difficult treatment for already a year and it was once a month but now unfortunately will be every two weeks. I am kind of loosing hope and would like to near from you.
    Would appreciate very much your time!
    Thank you!

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this. Virgo rules your health and is in charge of your Sixth House of treatments, both conventional and alternative. Let’s see what is going on. You have Pluto at 8 Virgo in an exact conjunction with the North Node at 8 Virgo, in opposition to the South Node at 8 Pisces. This is being triggered in stages. It’s still a journey for you, not a destination, as in 2025, the transiting North Node goes to Pisces and the transiting South Node goes to Virgo. Please do not lose hope. I can see why you feel really stretched, but one of the reasons you reincarnated, was to deal with health issues. In your last life you could not come to terms with your religion (Pisces) or the religion of the family (same thing – Pisces) together with your own wellbeing. We don’t know what that issue was, but in this lifetime you have returned to deal with your body, mind and spirit in a new way. You have great willpower. You are now being asked to find it again. Willpower is Pluto and it is also your own control. If you dig deeper into this, there are major questions about your paid work, housework, unpaid work and the amount of empowerment or disempowerment there. This would be 2023, 2024. In astrology we look at the body, but then look at the unconscious mind, to see if you are unwittingly setting up a situation where you must take time off work, housework, unpaid work – or even leave it altogether. There may be some clues there for you. To make yourself feel better about what is going on, it is very important that you find different ways to feel as if you hold the reins. You are the boss of you, not the medical profession, not fate, not anything else. For example, you may want to research alternatives and complementary methods which are free, which have worked for others, and which give you the steering wheel, so that you can drive your progress forward. This is quite separate to the actual treatment. Pluto in conjunction with the node is about finding who/what gives you the upper hand again. I suggest you start researching on YouTube, on Google Scholar and of course in your local library and on Amazon. You may not know everything you could know, or should know, about the different ways you can give yourself ‘hand’ in this. And you need it.

  18. Hello Jessica…. I’m currently selling a property I inherited, had a fabulous offer come through which I accepted and then suddenly today, 8/4, the buyer backed out mysteriously. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly

    1. I am sorry to hear that. We are in Mercury Retrograde territory, and Mercury rules paperwork, handshake agreements, negotiations and contracts. Mercury is going backwards in Leo and Virgo, aspecting your financial zones on the way. The buyer will come back by September, or you will find the process of selling restarts in September. Once more with feeling.

  19. Hi Jessica, Could you tell me what having North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo will mean in 2025? Thank you.

    1. You are part of a soul group who went through a massive public health issue (possibly the Black Death or the Great Plague) and Cholera would also be high on the list. Splinters of one soul from that time have gone into many people born with the South Node in Virgo, the sign ruling vaccination, cures, the medical profession and epidemics. I am sure you won’t be surprised to know that you incarnated to live through AIDS and Covid for a reason. That reason is to find your way through, using quite intuitive knowledge from your last lifetime, together with others who also remember. The lunar nodes going back into Virgo and Pisces, the opposite sign, also remind you that in your last lifetime, religion played a part in your being either ill, or being cured. This time around you use what you know, instinctively, to make sure that you steer your own path to better health and wellbeing, in your own way.

  20. Hi Jessica, I have Aesculapia at 27 Taurus and Cupido at 27 Scorpio (also a moon in Libra at 27). Was wondering what it could mean for me as I’m hoping to actually stabilize my rocky finances soon. Maybe having Aesculapia could help some? Thanks!

    1. Rocky finances stabilise far more easily when Uranus is out of Taurus, so that’s July 2025. Short-term you may want to stay flexible, keep moving and be light on your feet. Aesculapia is useful for financial comebacks (all your life) but Uranus at 27 Taurus in conjunction with Aesculapia suggests a shock that you have to adapt to. A classic example is a large bill from your accountant you were not expecting, or a large tax bill. As always with these things, it helps to stand well back and take a philosophical view. You will be offered freedom and independence. You can’t buy that. Yet, stability will return from next year.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    I have Venus at 28 Taurus and Diana at 27 Scorpio.
    Venus and Diana were somewhat opposite and at odds with each other in mythology, Taurus and Scorpio are opposed as well.
    Does it mean my heart and money would oppose my head and money during this cycle?
    Best wishes, L

    1. The opposition from Taurus to Scorpio is always about your personal income, versus the income of a husband (for example) or your mother (say). It’s dormant much of the time but particular transits will bring it out. Uranus in Taurus, for example, asks you to meet quite radical change, with your own radical changes. Taurus is what you raise yourself, be it capital, or a bed of vegetables to save you money at the supermarket. Scorpio is any sexual relationship which involves a legacy from you to a partner, or their will to you. Classically this is marriage but it can also be a de facto situation. Venus and Diana are quite opposite so your love life will have reflected this over the years. One half of you wants extremely complicated relationships where jealousy is often a factor. The other half can’t be bothered and would rather be single, child-free and more inclined towards alpha female/passive male relationships. That’s Venus and Diana. You do have some epic decisions to make as 2024 ends and 2025 begins, L.

  22. Are there any parallels with the sudden abrupt collapse of the USSR in the charts of the US and the UK. It looks like the UK is headed for all out civil war or at the very least such instability as to make it a place capital and investment flees, at the same time the US under president Harris will have an incredibly difficult -to put it mildly -economic mountain to climb. Interesting that the US debt hit $35 trillion and that there is $35 trillion invested in pension funds (401Ks etc) in the US at this very moment. A future IOU economy incoming?

    1. The end of Pluto in Capricorn is the end of male minority super power in a system built by men, for men. Any country where women are shut out of power fails on these cycles, and so it is with Russia and its ‘one bloke to rule them all’ policy. The United Kingdom is much better off and will rebound from the current riots over immigration. The United States, no matter who is in charge, is also far better off, as it has already found a place for women within the Democrats. This is a long, long cycle ahead (some 20 years) and female leaders take their countries to new heights on it, be it Elizabeth I or Catherine the Great.

  23. I keep making money and before I take out profits its gone in trading, also been without job since last year august, how is my chart looking like

    1. You have a couple of solar chart transits which are all about work and career. These end in two stages, firstly in November 2024, and secondly in July 2025. This is the end of being job-free for you. You will either return to full-time work, two part-time jobs, or study.

  24. Hi Jessica

    Thank you this is interesting. I have stelliums in Taurus and Scorpio but most of the degrees in those signs are lower figures except Vesta at 26 degrees in Scorpio. The only other high degrees I have 28 and 29 are in Bacchus and Pluto. Does this mean i wont be impacted?


    1. We are all impacted by these end-game transits in 2024, 2025, Julie. Pluto at 29 Capricorn is the end of elite male power and that has a massive effect on world economies, September-November. It trickles down to all of us. Uranus at 29 Taurus is another end game for cryptocurrency and again, that has global impact which has a domino effect, even if we don’t own any Bitcoin. Salacia and Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn and Virgo in your chart, are about your career, unpaid work or academic career. You will absolutely be affected by these transits from Pluto and Uranus, and reshape your lifestyle, schedule, work-wellbeing priorities, ambitions and definition of success, as 2024 ends and 2025 progresses. It will be quite unexpected and offer you new control.

  25. HI, Jessica

    Thanks for another insightful article. I have Neptune 27 degree in scorpio. from my past experience, I have always affected by any major events related to Taurus/Scorpio. Any thoughts on my natal chart especially with regards to investment. Thank you alway!

    1. I can’t see a chart here, so you are not logged in. Neptune at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, but also family agreements over property, suggests a lifetime of escapism. Escaping from the real world by (say) inheriting money from a relative, or being given discounted or free accommodation by a lover – even a friend – is a good example. The flipside of this is escaping from reality by borrowing money on a credit card that you cannot repay. Neptune is also about the absence of boundaries in any sexual and financial relationship, so there is typically confusion over what’s yours, his or hers. Uranus in Taurus in opposition to Neptune in Scorpio is exactly what you might think. It challenges you to change a lifetime of escapism.

  26. Hello Jessica, I’m actually posting about your weekly horoscope because of how accurate it was. I’m a Libran and my Capricorn daughter (1:37pm 28 Dec 2014 Sydney) recently lost her bunny while on an international holiday to Ireland from Australia with her father. That was over a month ago now and she’s still absolutely devastated. Out of curiousity, even though the bunny wasn’t lost during Mercury retrograde, could Mercury retrograde be a time when the bunny could make a reappearance? All the airports have been contacted, and I still keep chasing them. We have alternate bunnies, exact same kind, coming in the mail but my daughter feels an enormous amount of guilt that she let her bunny down by losing her.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Thank you. Funnily enough I was just watching an old episode of Would I Lie To You, and David Mitchell was talking about his daughter’s lost toy rabbit, on a train (they found it). Mercury Retrograde is the only cycle when things come back. If the rabbit does not, then this is good advice.

  27. Hello Jessica,
    I have a stellium in Taurus and Scorpio. Am interested in knowing how this will affect me financially.
    Many thanks for any information you can provide,

    1. At 0 through 28 degrees, you have Taurus factors and Scorpio factors in your Second House of personal income and Eighth House of shared assets, right across the spectrum. Thus, the entire Uranus in Taurus transit, which began in 2018, affects you right until the end. You have already learned how to be extremely flexible with everything you own, earn or owe – because you had to be. A basic example is the start of the pandemic in 2020 which devastated the world economy and your own pension/superannuation (for example). Uranus in Taurus is nearly over, but remaining adaptable and open to the unexpected is wise. This is not always on your own account; it can be because of what happens with a relative (say) or a partner (for example). The less locked in you are with agreements, especially in writing, the better. Once this transit has finished, and Uranus is out of Taurus for good (it begins next year) you will look back at 2018-2025 and realise how many times you were set free from people or situations which would have restricted you. Independence is what Uranus brings and you may have to hang a price tag on that, during this cycle. It is very common for women who are confined in unhappy marriages with big mortgages to pay the price of divorce, for example, and relish the liberty of being free.

  28. I just loved reading this post, but also your replies to comments which are always informative, optimistic and insightful. I have some Scorpio factors across the degrees you mention and yup, 2018 to now has pretty much been a doozy. A once in a lifetime shit show which has hopefully abated now. Am crossing my fingers we’re through the worst.
    I have Minerva 29 Scorpio, Cupido 25 Scorpio and my North and South nodes at 18 degrees Scorpio and Taurus.
    Is this a lifetime lesson/pattern or am I through the worst for now? I’d hate to think I build everything up again only for something to come through and sweep it all away again – that would be tiresome!

    1. Thank you. Anybody with a Scorpio stellium like you, in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships (but also family agreements over property) has been constantly challenged since 2018. Every 28 days, for example, the Moon in Scorpio is automatically opposed by Uranus in Taurus, with all its instability and upheaval. You incarnated to deal with money, real-estate, charity, business and ownership issues, as the North Node and South Node always show why you are here. You are from a soul group who likely went through a stockmarket crash, or even further back in time, a period of boom or bust. Saturn at 28 Cancer trine Minerva at 29 Scorpio is about ring-fenced, heavily restricted and quite limited property choices, over a lifetime, working with your wisdom about partnership or family inheritance or mutual interests. Every time you have transits at 28, 29 it appears in a new way. You are now at the end game of Pluto at 29 Capricorn (September-November) and Uranus at 28, 29 Taurus (somewhat longer) and so this is the sign-off period, for some years to come. Jupiter at 28, 29 Cancer will solve a lot for you. He enters Cancer in June 2025 and will be with you into 2026.

  29. Hi, currently living in Hobart, Indiana USA does the chart for Hobart, Australia have any impact on me?

  30. Wow. You mentioned the Black Death. Well, when I moved to London, I inexplicably made a beeline to Greenwich where I then lived for seven years. I loved it but always felt weird crossing the heath (which, as you’ll know, is where many victims of the Black Death were buried). Many years later, during the Covid lockdown, I did my father’s family tree and discovered that his ancestors were from Greenwich and Blackheath. In fact, my great uncle had lived in a house just round the corner from mine. After a lifetime of good health, I am now not at my best, but I’m hoping that meditation and tuning in to the Universe will get me back on track. Thank you very much for your reply.

    1. Thank you. You are one of those people who recognised your past life and actually found the place where it happened. Greenwich and Blackheath were where you gravitated to. You later found your ancestors were there. You have indeed incarnated to do what you could not do last time, which is survive and thrive in a plague. You have come through Covid 2020-2024. Your next challenge is to remember all you have learned about mind, body and spirit from the time you spent between lives, and to get yourself on track, as you say.

  31. Dear Jessica,

    I have quite a few late degree factors. Could you please share your expert guidance.

    Thank you

    1. Your late degree factors are 29 Taurus, Aries and Scorpio. What happens as Uranus goes to 29 Taurus and Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn will transform your personal finances (Taurus) your title or profile (Aries) and your joint finances (Scorpio). Being open to change is difficult with the fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio, both involved in the transit. However, fixing the unfixed is smart. Once the usual upheaval of Uranus is subsiding, 2025 will feel like a brand new day – and it will be. The Pluto events will be confined to September, October, November and the most powerful people or organisations will reshape your life budget then, because they themselves are undergoing transformation.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    I have Psyche 27 degrees in Scorpio. With the current transits what impact will this have in my life.

    Also, in the last paragraph you say the crypto drama is c’est fini. Do you mean crypto is replaced or the drama is balanced and crypto is an established currency?

    1. Psyche is a symbol of your eternal self, who lives forever, immortalised for all sorts of reasons. In Scorpio in the Eighth House, it will be your financial or property legacy, any philanthropy or charity efforts, perhaps your business – which outlasts you. Psyche was granted immortality by the Gods after succeeding in various tests and trials placed in front of her by Venus. As Scorpio describes sexual and financial relationships (typically marriage and mortgage) but also family agreements about ownership (classically, inheritance) it is most likely this which will be affected by the opposition from Uranus at 27 Taurus. It’s a good time to be flexible, open and to adapt to change – meeting change with change, is wise on Uranus oppositions. Cryptocurrency will either become mainstream and accepted from the end of Uranus in Taurus (from 2025) losing its revolutionary shine, or actually be shown the door. Uranus in Taurus is so unpredictable it is impossible to know which, but as it was a function of this transit, which began in 2018, it is very unlikely to command the centre of the storm beyond this transit, ending in July 2025 in stops and starts.

  33. Hi Jessica, I’ve been an avid follower of your work for years now. Just hit a bit of a rough patch having lost my job (it wasn’t completely unexpected given the economy and flux, some of which were signaled through your posts). However, there’s been discussion of “radical change” in some of the posts and on mention of retirement (?). Shall I consider my last job my swan song? While home life is complicated, it’s slowly gotten to a better place and the time away from the office has actually helped with other responsibilities that otherwise would not have gotten my 100%. If returning to work are in the cards, could it be for a similar role – or should I be expecting the radical change in pay, industry, and/or both? I’ve also been dealing with an inheritance resolution for years now and wondering if that’s potentially going to finally conclude with family receiving their respective, entitled shares. Thanks

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have lost your job, even though you were not completely surprised. You’ve been through a classic Virgo/Sixth House experience in that you have realised you don’t mind so much. You have Pluto at 29 Virgo and are going through Uranus at 29 Taurus trine Pluto and also Pluto himself, in transit, at 29 Capricorn. So, if you want to look it up, that’s a 2024/2025 transit of Uranus trine Pluto and Pluto trine Pluto. The real action comes September-November when Pluto moves to 29 Capricorn and you will realise how much power and control you are being given, with your lifestyle, workload, paid work, unpaid work, health, wellbeing and daily life. Organisations or people which dominate, are centre-stage then. Uranus trines are different. They describe sudden, quite shocking, wholly unexpected, unusual and unconventional people, organisations and events which liberate you. No point in anticipating with Uranus trines. All you need to do is take a deep breath, and dance in the storm. You will come up in 2025 shaking your head at the changes but it really is time you ran your own self and your own life. Whatever it takes for that to happen, will happen. The family situation will reach its best possible outcome when Jupiter goes into Cancer and your Fourth House of relatives, from June 2025, with opportunities for resolution by 2026. Similar time frame.

  34. Fantastic article. Thank you! I am thinking that right now is the time to go for gold. Do you see Rental homes becoming more affordable in Australia due to this turmoil?

    1. Thank you. The one saving grace of Jupiter (opportunity) in Cancer (real estate) from June 2025 is the big, new, open doors for people in Australia and around the world, to purchase a home. Jupiter is an equal opportunity planet, however, and this transit will also benefit those who want to sell their house or apartment for a profit (Jupiter rules gain). How on earth does that tally with a city like Sydney? The answer is, a variable property market across all the states of Australia and in fact around the world, with huge reductions in property prices in some places (bargains galore) and in other select regions, the value of homes increasing. So we can’t generalise about an entire country, or even an entire global property market. What happens from June 2025 will be big, historic, good news (Jupiter always benefits us) but given what has to happen for everybody to feel fulfilled, you are going to see dramatic differences between particular towns, cities, regions and states.

    1. Astrology is based on observation and Uranus has been watched since 1781 when it was first discovered and eventually named. Uranus is a symbol of all that is unconventional, unusual, unique, unexpected. It is associated with new inventions and innovations. In Taurus, the sign which rules personal income, expenditure and savings – it was always going to produce something like Bitcoin. Uranus does not have the word ‘crash’ associated with it. It does have the word ‘shock’ very much linked to it, however, as electric shock is part of its symbolism. In the Roman mythology which is part of astrology’s synchronicity, Uranus was the father of forked and sheet lightning. The sudden and unpredictable nature of an electrical storm is what Uranus gives us. A period of tension builds and then everything is illuminated, although the risk of shock is real. All change. As we have Uranus in Taurus in opposition to a number of Scorpio factors (Scorpio ruling joint finance and marital mortgages) in October, November, just before the American election, and in its immediate aftermath, we can bank on shock. I am toying with the idea of running an update on the New York Stock Exchange which was ‘born’ on 22nd April 1903 at 11.00am in New York. I have my eyes on Mars at 29 Virgo, the sign of the working class, employment and the unions – in that chart. Transiting Uranus at 29 Taurus makes an exact trine and that is an electrical storm. Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn, also trine. This is absolute transformation for working people, including women and it will affect the sharemarkets in the context of the blue collar work force. You would also expect pharmaceutical stocks to be affected as Virgo rules not only those under union rule, but also health, the medical profession and the hospitals. I will see who else is interested and think about updating the old Wall Street prediction feature.

  35. Jessica – thank you. Your reading was exactly right. Extremely flexible with everything is correct – I relocated in 2016 to settle my parents’ estate which took far longer because of the pandemic and a stubborn uncle. However, I have also been extremely fortunate throughout the process. Learned a lot about my extended family and realized that once the estate closed, the only way to liberate myself was to remove myself and move away. Am now looking forward to a non-Uranus controlled chapter. Thank you again for the confirmation and information.

    1. Thank you for letting me know what happened. I am glad you liberated yourself. You can’t put a price on freedom on these transits!

  36. Intriguing as ever Jessica, thank you.

    I just have NN 28º59′ in Taurus, I’m not that familiar with the nodes or how they might be impacted by this upcoming Uranus weather.

    Am I in for a double whammy of sorts, considering the South Node is in the same degree of Scorpio too? Or is it too far out of orb?

    Cheers and thanks again.


    1. Thank you PC. The North Node shows your last incarnation. By sign and house it shows why you are here. In Taurus, this is about personal income, your own business interests, property, charity or ownership of valuables and possessions. The South Node is always the other half of the story and in Scorpio, it shows joint finance, family inheritance, marital budgets and the intensely personal side of money. Your last life may have been spent in a time of extreme change (the Great Depression or the Gold Rush). Now here you are again, and along comes Uranus at 28 Taurus as he heads out of the sign for another few decades. Fortunately you have some intuitive past life memory to help you through what will be an unpredictable, radically different, unprecedented time. Something you may have even been through before, if your last life was during the Second World War, for example. You are now heading for uncharted waters so rather than drop anchor and refuse to move, the trick with this cycle, which ends 2024 and opens 2025, is to have as little on board as possible so that you can move swiftly when you need to and not be weighed down. If you have to move your compass and map around, so be it. We are in for some stormy weather, no doubt about it.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    I was a finalist for a position that might have helped me considerably, but today I found out that I didn’t get it. I did the final interview as Mercury entered the retrograde zone, and then received the rejection news under Mercury retrograde. Of course, someone was successful even in a Mercury retrograde interview situation, but I’m wondering how it impacted me. I drew a card about why I didn’t get the job: drew the Empress. Not sure if that’s me or the head woman who might have rejected me. Do you see in my chart when a better time for me would be to find a new job? I have Saturn in Capricorn (Sun Sign Aries) and Jupiter in Aquarius.
    Thank you! I’ve been working on this for a year. I’m taking a deep breath and going back to some education and thinking.

    1. I am truly sorry you didn’t get the job. The Empress told you why you were not successful this time. This is the woman who was hired, or the other female…hiring. Very probably the head woman who rejected you. Going to your chart, you are an Aries woman going through Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Ceres is compromise, deal-making, negotiating and bargaining. Retrograde is stuck, stop-start and slow. Capricorn is ambition. The Tenth House, as I’ve mentioned, is your job. This cycle does not last. Keep going. You will be amazed at how much easier, lighter and brighter 2025 is. When we go to your natal chart, there is Saturn at 28 Capricorn, right in the zone – again the Tenth House of career – and of course Pluto is going very close at 29 Capricorn from September-November (backwards again) and Ceres will in fact go to 28 Capricorn before signing off in early December. If you can proceed in a philosophical way, allowing for the wheels to spin backwards and forwards until early December, you can keep your sense of humour, your perspective and also your long-term goals. Two steps forward and one step back is likely, particularly as there will be reshuffles in your field, September-November with promotions, mergers, demotions or departures and that deal-making I was talking about. You will very much be affected by that. From December 7th 2024 you are in the clear and with Pluto and the North Node both at 5 Virgo in your Sixth House of work (natally) will find power comes from serving and control comes from doing your detailed, daily duty – for others – once Jupiter goes to 5 Cancer and is sextile. So that’s the second half of 2025. Progress can come much sooner than that, but for a stand-out project, winning performance and so on, it’s worth waiting for Jupiter to give you a huge booster soon after he changes signs to Cancer, from June next year. I am being told ‘recipe’ and shown a recipe card for you, so I will pass that on.

  38. Hi Jessica interesting to see all thats happening in the stock market and thank you for all your responses to all of us, they are very helpful. I have some factors in Taurus and Scorpio stellium with Fortuna, Ceres at 27 and Juno at 28 as well as Uranus. I’ve left a long term career and am slowly in the process of putting down roots, which is unusual for me. However, i’m now back to looking for a new job and wondering how these transits might help. I pulled the Tower for what kind of job, and the Queen of Swords for how I can get that job, which I assume will be some formidable woman that can help? Thank you!

    1. The Tarot card has shown you a company or corporation set to change, with one or two sackings, resignations or redundancies. This means the organisation either restructures and hires you, or starts all over again (and hires you). This would fit with your chart. How can you get the job? As you suspect, by appealing to a tough cookie who is firm but fair. She will be your new employer.

  39. Hi Jessica, My birth chart shows Moon in Scorpio and Minerva in Taurus at 28°. What does it mean for me? Thanks.

    1. Minerva in Taurus in your Second House of banking, sales, shopping, collecting, charity, shares, property and business describes your wisdom, regarding the same. You can be a source of advice for others, because you demonstrably know the answers here. Minerva is usually shown with an owl and has a particular kind of feminine intelligence; low-key, deep and clever, with it. The conjunction from Uranus will bring ‘the challenge to change’ and meeting change, with change, is the best way forward. Pluto will be close to a trine from 29 Capricorn, in September-November so again, your financial savvy will be centre-stage in times of great change.

  40. Hi Jessica. I’ve made money through my writing, but mostly through advances and not that much royalties. Money is very much an out of the blue thing for me. Last year, end of May, I had a huge advance from foreign audiobook sales, and hope that will be profitable in the long run. I have Aesculapia at 28 Aries, Hygeia 29 Aquarius and Vulcan at 29 Virgo. Any chance my earning power will improve? Making more on royalties than advances would be nice. Thank you 😀

    1. Money is always Taurus and Scorpio in the chart. You have Ops at 0 Taurus in the Second House of personal income and are a can-do optimist about saving or making money, all your life. She is very close to an exact trine to Uranus at 1 Virgo in your Sixth House of work. This plays out until your senior years, hence ‘out of the blue’ because Uranus rules sudden lightning bolts, both liberating and exhilarating. You will find you do very nicely when transiting Jupiter goes to 0, 1 Cancer from the middle of next year. Jupiter will sextile Ops (actually his mother) and also sextile Uranus, so there are quite rare opportunities here.

  41. Hello Jessica
    I have my north node in Taurus at 27• What does this mean for me?
    I’ve had and having a difficult life. I am trying extremely hard to rebuild my life , so that I am independent and have freedom.

    I am truly worried for the T square and 27• effects.

    1. You were born with the North Node at 27 Taurus in the Second House of personal income. The South Node is at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and shared property. You reincarnated to use your experience of being rich or poor, to handle money, valuables, possessions, charity, a house or apartment – differently. In fact you may be part of a soul group who have gone through boom or bust together. This inner knowing, based on a prior incarnation, will be useful for you. Uranus will be in a conjunction with the North Node and in opposition to your South Node. The Full Moon opposite the Sun will create a Grand Cross with both your nodes. For you, your partner (if you have one) or a family member, this is ‘the challenge to change.’ To make life simple don’t add new decisions or judgements at the Full Moon, as you will have enough to deal with, regarding paperwork or commitments already in place. As this transit is global and bigger than you are, it is most likely to pan out in the sharemarkets or with interest rates, all of which has an immediate impact. Something really basic like your pension or superannuation may be affected. This too shall pass. Uranus moves on and is gone from Taurus in 2025. In 2027, Jupiter with all his solutions and opportunities goes to 27 Cancer making terrific aspects to your chart. In the interim, the golden rule with Uranus transits is that even though they come out of the blue, are highly unusual and unexpected (and force a u-turn from yourself or others) they also set you free. They make you independent of, and liberate you from, people, organisations or situations which would otherwise have locked you down for years.

  42. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you again for a very important and timely article. I read it along with Kate {profitwithplanets} articles recently about the Saros eclipses. Luckily I sold most of my crypto and missed the meltdown and so preserved capital. To all intents and purposes this looks like the beginning of some severe market “turbulence” – so I may only go back into the market once the turbulence has settled.

    As you say I have been very flexible. I have made some profits with crypto. {Not as much as I had the opportunity to with Jupiter in Taurus} – I think I had some squares recently that impeded me however it has still been very helpful}.

    I have Jupiter in Gemini in 8th House until June. I’m wondering whether this still has to do with the investments – i.e. once this turbulence is over – or with my wife’s inheritance from her father which has been the subject of a family feud since 2020. {Further we are heading back to Malaysia as her mother is very ill}.

    As you can see from my chart I have both Scorpio and Taurus stelliums {some from earlier on in the taurus cycle} -including the North and South Nodes. I have tons of stuff it seems around this 27 degrees. However there seem to be hits across other signs also on my birth chart? Thank you again for everything you do.

    27°  Taurus 41′ 45″ R

    28°  Aries 53′ 59″ R

    29°  Libra 43′ 05″

    Vesta  25°  Cancer 33′ 40″

    24°  Libra 47′ 53″

    Proserpina  28° Taurus 28′ 18″ R

    Cupido  26°  Sagittarius 15′ 38″

    1. Kate is very good at what she does, having had real world experience on Wall Street. We use completely different systems but often arrive at the same conclusion. My eyes are on your Jupiter at 27 Taurus in the Second House of personal income, valuables, property, business interests, charity and assets or debts. You were born lucky. People with Jupiter in Taurus experience sudden gains from childhood and it can happen in all kinds of ways. Winning contests and competitions with prizes in the teenage years, or inheriting from an aunt. Being awarded scholarships worth a small fortune or having talents and abilities which command a high market price. There is also the knack of finding bargains in property or purchasing collectors’ items which shoot up in value. So this is where the Uranus opposition lands at 27 Taurus and with the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius in opposition to the Sun at 27 Leo, this is a Grand Cross. You are always protected by Jupiter. Jupiter was himself protected in myth and later on came back to ensure everything and everybody was also protected. So despite the usual shock of Uranus and the challenge to change, you will be in a good position. Proserpina is very close by at 28 Taurus so your usual role as go-between, middle person or human bridge (with two powerful people, organisations or groups) will be radically changed, a few days later. Market turbulence is here and ongoing to 2025 as Uranus in Taurus continues. We have seen the last thing anybody expected on a regular basis and this is not over. If you can picture Jupiter and Uranus (who are grandson and grandfather in mythology) facing off you will get a picture of what is to unfold. However it is in the nature of Uranus to be quite unpredictable, unprecedented, unique and to trigger quite revolutionary new innovation and invention. Make sure you are in a position to do just that.

  43. I don’t have any factors in late Taurus or Scorpio but have Neptune at 28. How would this directly impact me?

    I dabble a little in stock trading but not really good at it but for some reason I am feeling “compelled” to do so atm. A bit strange.

    Also heard some comments around impacts to the entire banking system and not just the stock markets. If you end up updating the Wall Street prediction feature or doing a NYSE article, would love to have you insights into the banking system as well.

    1. You have Neptune at 28 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners, foreign countries, the worldwide web, export and emigration as well as publishing and academia. In 2025, this is the focus of Uranus at 28 Taurus, Neptune at 28 Pisces and Saturn at 28 Pisces too. You may want to look at the escape from the real world you have with all this, as the holiday from reality will be hit and any vacation from what others would say is real life, will also be affected. I doubt many astrologers would tell you to book a long trip abroad, enrol in a foreign university or relocate on this transit, as it’s extremely hard work. Banking, Wall Street and the markets? Uranus in Taurus rules until July 2025, then returns which a shock in November, remaining until April 2026. March and April look like a carve-up on the markets as Ceres is also in Taurus then and she describes compromise and deal making. I will have a look at this later, when I’ve walked the dog. Even Tess has to come before Wall Street!

  44. Hi Jessica,
    what does this mean in my chart where I see I have Neptune in 27 Scorpio and Panacea in 27 Capricorn? Thank you for this excellent blog.

    1. Neptune at 27 Scorpio in the Eighth House is the most important factor here. You have a lifetime pattern of escaping from the real world through finance, charity, business and property. Bubble after bubble sums it up. It can happen because of the exchange rate; you earn in one currency and convert it to another. It’s not quite real. It can happen because you inherit which insulates you from everything your friends are going through. Neptune in the Eighth House is also sharing a house, apartment, expenses with a partner and again, being in a bubble (until the bubble bursts, which can also take place). A holiday from reality and a vacation from the everyday, is about to be challenged. Events which are unexpected, unusual, unique and unprecedented are coming along, and in fact you’ll have a Grand Cross with the Full Moon. This will have an impact on your career, or it may come your career, but impact your life budget, as Panacea is in your Tenth House of work, unpaid work and academia. It’s rather like an electrical storm hitting the ocean; it shakes everything up and reveals things you never knew were there. From this comes a new beginning. Try to go with it, as swimming against the tide of change will just hold you up.

  45. Hi Jessica,
    You are a light and a blessing, you are so special! Thank you for your beautiful wise words, they brought me peace and hope. Thank you for sharing your gift, I appreciate you!

  46. Hi Jessica,

    I had to quit my job last year due to work stress caused by mismanagement of the project I was working on. I got pregnant right away, and it was a successful pregnancy after many miscarriages – which I attributed to the work stress!! I’ve had my baby and am looking for jobs but the economy is pretty bad right now. I am particularly concerned about lack of income, and have Fortuna and Panacea in Taurus, and a stellium in Scorpio (Moon, Pluto, Bacchus, Cupido). What does this mean about my finances in the coming year? When will I have good career opportunities next? Thanks in Advance.

    1. Congratulations on your baby. You need money, though – and a career that pays. You are a Sun Cancer woman, with a stellium in Cancer, Scorpio, Aries. You would make a good real-estate agent or mortgage consultant, but a baby in the pram is a factor there. Working from home is an obvious answer and in fact you are in the best home, property and family cycle in 12 years, starting in June 2025. You are suited to self-promotion and know how to use your face, name, reputation and image to great effect. Cancer also rules the decoration of the home; the kitchen; cooking; motherhood; matriarchy; the family tree, heritage, history, home town and homeland. All of this is who you are and it takes off in 2025-2026. Scorpio is the sexual and financial relationship at the heart of this, so your partner with the child. It is also about family agreements about property and money; classically a trust fund, legacy or will. All of this starts to work for you next year as Jupiter will trine your Scorpio factors too. I suspect Mumsnet may have an answer for you in terms of working from home.

  47. hello Jessica,
    This read, including the forum, has been so educational, thank you. i marvel at your energy levels and guess your Virgo stellium must help a bit!

    I have been sheltered from financial hardship with new work in September 2018 but always creating an environment where i feel oppressed. A sense of superiority which must come from my upbringing and North Node in Leo rears its head every now and then but I bite my tongue as a migrant who has much to learn about local customs and business models.. Is there some way through where finances and career satisfaction finally come together? I checked your Tarot deck about a new job – and I received the chariot – i wondered if the timing might be right in “2 new moons”. I have Mercury, Ops and Salacia at 28/29 degrees. Do you see an end date when I will achieve financial freedom? Thank you,

    1. Thank you. Yes, a Virgo stellium is useful if you work for a living, true. The Chariot shows you a new job going between two cities, regions or countries. This is always shown with Gemini and/or Sagittarius in the chart as Gemini rules the Third House of local commutes and connections; Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. You have oppositions between both and a large Sagittarius stellium; this is of course the sign of the migrant. Timing on this is Uranus in Gemini, which slowly starts to trigger that opposition from 2025 for many years into the future. Uranus rules new inventions; this may be the screen indicated on the charioteer’s armour; computer, television, phone or something yet to appear? You’ll find out later on. Your financial freedom question is separate so it is to the Tarot you must return.

  48. Hi Jessica,
    I just read via someone else’s comments that you have a Virgo stellium. I do, too!

    I can confirm that this Uranus in Taurus has gotten challenging. I have a home mortgage which is getting out of control as the salaries simply do not keep up with inflation etc. And, so here I am, always looking for little tax savings here and there, always looking for that second income and always searching for ways to reduce living costs. Keep pushing income up – keep pushing expenses down. One month I focus on raising the income and next month I study tax breaks. Unless I see it as education or see it as a life-long game, the constant push-pull becomes exhausting. Anyway, so much for complaining!

    Could you shed more light on my Taurus north Node at 29 – I would like to hear more about North node specifically? Meaning, are we subscribing to North Node being *always* good and this is where the cup runeth over. And, South Node is basically malevolent? If not, then, what are your thoughts about Taurus NN at 29 with regards to this Uranus Cycle? What am I revolutionizing (to borrow the word often used for Uranus)?

    Thanks as always,
    From Diagonally Opposite side of the planet,
    From the Northern Hemisphere,
    From the Western Hemisphere,
    From New Jersey!

    1. Thank you. If you have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House, you will know that this long transit by Uranus (the trine) is about rethinking your career and doing things very differently, which is liberating. You are focussed on money, but the story is actually about workload on this transit and how to make it work for you, which is priceless. The financial situation you are in is national and global, not personal, and you are swept up in the most erratic, unpredictable, stop-start cycle since the war. It ends in 2025 when the push-pull stops for everybody. Your Taurus North Node and Scorpio South Node describe your last incarnation during a period of extreme economic change. So, for example, this may well have been the war with its rationing – or the Wall Street Crash of the Twenties. You may go even further back to the invention of the stock exchange in New York. In this lifetime old knowledge comes back to help you navigate. The Pluto aspects from 29 Capricorn show the intensity of this but it ends in November. The Uranus aspects at 29 Taurus take a little longer, but either way, by 2025, this is a sign-off from some karma. As for the nodes, it’s just nonsense to say one is good and the other bad. They are neutral and work as a pair, feeding each other. Honestly, there is so much claptrap calling itself astrology on the internet…

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