jessica adams


Your Soulmate in Astrology

Soulmates can last or not. They are shown in both astrology charts. Psychic and Tarot expert Paul Fenton-Smith is hosting an event and podcast, free to Premium Members, on July 28th with Jessica Adams.

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The Sun Sign School in 2023

Relaunching The Sun Sign School in 2023 The Sun Sign School is relaunching with new tutors, Tarot and Natal Chart Astrology tutorials and pop-up Zoom

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Time, Prediction and Dreams

Time, Prediction and Dreams with Jessica Adams, Jane Teresa Anderson, Tara Buffington and Dr. Maria Kempinska moves you forward with Tarot, Astrology and dreams. What are your questions? This special feature tied into the YouTube Premiere, Hobart live event and Zoom Meetup is your next step.

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smiling man using black and gray laptop computer

2021 Astrology Events With Jessica

2021 Astrology Events With Jessica Adams take place on Zoom, on YouTube and also in person, at selected venues in Australia. They are always free, although as a Premium Member you have preferential booking on the waiting list. Special guests in 2021 include Jane Teresa Anderson, Tara Buffington, Natalie Delahaye, Debbie Frank and Stephanie Johnson. Add these dates to your 2021 calendar now.

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Conscious Cafe 2021 Astrology

If you were a guest at The Conscious Cafe on Monday 23rd November, 2020, then you may have questions about some of the predictions I made, or want to follow up with your own chart.

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Meditation and Chakras

In this two-part feature (free and premium), we’ll look at the science behind meditation. Why it’s not as hard as some people think. And how to use The Beatles to tune your chakras.

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Teabag Reading

Tea leaf reading is a great way to enjoy your morning break. If you don’t have a teapot, tea-cosy and leaves, though – you can break open a bag.

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COVID-19: What Astrologers Know

The Astrology Show looks to some of the world’s leading astrologers to help shed some light on what astrological aspects were in place when the COVID-19 outbreak occurred and what to expect in the weeks, months and years ahead.

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Did Someone Say…Mercury Petrograde?

Forget Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Petrograde is the cat and dog version of the craziest human cycle in astrology, striking three times a year. A survey of 2000 pet owners confirms what you’ve always thought. Your animal friend does behave weirdly, when this planet goes backwards.

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The Light Side of Mercury Retrograde

In The Astrology Show news this week, we take a look the how the media in the UK went giddy over Mercury Petrograde, plus a collection of Mercury Retrograde stories that washed up, dug up or simply popped up on Twitter!

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Your 2020 Yearly Horoscope

Welcome to your annual astrology prediction for 2020. If you are a Premium Member, there is an extended psychic forecast for you – plus complimentary journals, horoscope guidebooks and Tarot cards, to help you plan your year.

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About Sun Sign Astrology

Learn how to become a Sun Sign astrologer with podcasts – and more. – from Jessica Adams, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Susan Miller, Joanne Madeline Moore and Penny Thornton. The Sun Sign School begins in April 2019.

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The Sun Sign School – Astrology Classes for 2019

Join Jessica Adams, Stephanie Johnson, Joanne Madeline Moore, Penny Thornton and other leading astrologers for online classes and live events for The Sun Sign School, coming in April 2019. Learn how to become a professional Sun Sign and personal astrologer – or just interpret your own chart.

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Best Astrology Books for Beginners

The best astrology books for beginners should be in your local library (ask if they don’t have them) or maybe you want to invest in a good starter shelf for life! These are my favourite astrology books if you’re starting out.

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New Novels With Tarot Magic

My friends Imogen Edwards-Jones and Daisy Waugh (a professional Tarot reader) have written fantastic new novels with Tarot magic woven into the plot. I packed these in my luggage from London to Dubai and couldn’t stop reading. If you are a Tarot reader yourself, or just fascinated by the cards, trust me – these two authors know what they are doing!

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The Third House

The Third House, at its core, is about being heard and read. Thus we go into areas like literacy, translation, speech impediments, deafness, public speaking, and of course vision, as one has to read, in order to translate and transmit.

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