Your 2021 Horoscope
What matters most about 2021? In astrology it is always what we think of as rare, unusual, historic. That just has to be the presence of Jupiter (expansion, opportunity, improvement) and Saturn (rules, lessons, patience) in just one sign. Aquarius. In solar chart or Sun Sign astrology that puts this dynamic combination of factors in just one house or chart zone. At the Conscious Café we discussed these cycles and how they affect you.
The Second Secret
There is a second secret, though. If you are a Premium Member, maybe you already know it. Aquarius factors in your personal birth chart. This photograph by Raamin Ka (Unsplash) shows the protection of astrology. The umbrella shelters you with its constellations. In her hands, the woman holds one of the many Full Moons of 2021. Just knowing that you have Aquarius factors (you find your expression in groups of friends) can help you through. In fact, if you have anything in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of your personal birth chart, it will be the connections going across your local area and across the world, which shield you and shelter you in 2021. Friends.
Aquarius Factors
If you have anything in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of your chart, then 2021 is Year of the Group. It is also Year of Friendship, as I’ve mentioned. Clues and signs there on 21st December when Jupiter and Saturn make the ingress into Aquarius will take you further into the most educational, life-changing, remarkable circles and – special bonds with friends – in the year ahead. This is all about pooling resources in a world where power works horizontally, not vertically, because the Age of Capricorn dies on December 18th 2020, as Saturn leaves. The New Age of Aquarius begins on December 21st, and you’ll really feel it. What Gina Lazenby and Judy Piatkus are doing at The Conscious Cafe is a really great example of this way of thinking. Large global groups, and smaller groups within, to meet online, and then – hopefully – one day in the real world.
International Allies and Friends
The ideas of allies and friends extends to nations in 2021. The International Criminal Court, that sits in The Hague, Netherlands, was formed in 2002 and is therefore having its North Node and South Node Return, in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius (foreign places and people).
I mentioned that we consider rare patterns in astrology. This is one of them. Not only do we have the International Criminal Court in a karmic loop in 2020-2021, we also have this Aquarius weather (community, diversity, equality) which is coming through with Jupiter and Saturn there, ahead of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023.
So this looks like and feels like a circle of nations coming for those who have committed genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. That karmic loop is here again. The world is about to open its books, going all the way back to 2002 and karma will turn the pages. What goes around comes around.
Watch Vladimir Putin. I predicted he would go down in October 2020, back in February. He was reported to be resigning in 2021 because of a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. Russia has denied it. Keep tracking this. And of course he is not the only politician who could go down, because of 2002 karma from this International Criminal Court.
The Eclipse of the Year
The eclipse of the year is on 14th December 2020 and will be a sweeping cover-up as the Sun moves to 23 Sagittarius and the Moon goes to 23 Sagittarius – with all the usual light being blocked. Eclipses conceal they never reveal. We associate them with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
That timeline of missing information and deliberate concealment is back. The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer) reveals so many national or country charts, featuring factors at 23 degrees. Syria. the United States. Bangladesh. Japan. Russia. The United Kingdom. Brazil. France, Ukraine. Singapore. Germany. Most of all – the United Nations has Mars at 23 Cancer.
What we never saw, and did not know, on December 14th 2020 will be a mystery for all time, but it will be behind one of the biggest dramas of the year 2021 and it will be global in its implications.
No Magic Dolly Parton Vaccine
Much as I would love to tell you that the astrology suggests there is a magic Dolly Parton vaccine, or some other miracle breakthrough, the astrology suggests years of struggle with COVID-19 and its mutations.
It’s a quest which could make some corporations very rich, and of course it increases shares and helps the Dow, while it goes on. Yet, the mutable sign weather we are seeing suggests a 100% effective, safe, vaccine preventing Covid-19 (or even a cure) is really not worth banking on. Though of course many bankers will encourage that.
The fact is, Generation Virgo (all born in the 1960s with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in the Sixth House of health) are dealing with their second crisis, since HIV-AIDS.
It’s called mutable sign weather and it does not let up for years. Certainly not in 2021 which is particularly critical in the final week of January. The slow-moving outer planets and Nodes go through the mutable signs. Pisces. Gemini. Sagittarius. And they all create squares or oppositions, sometimes T-Squares (very difficult patterns) with Generation Virgo. Not to mention, every single one of you who has Virgo chart factors.
The Truth About Vaccines
Without a vaccine (and remember there is still no silver bullet vaccine for HIV-AIDS despite the millions poured in by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, among others) – we have to eliminate.
The new world will have strict travel restrictions, bridges and bubbles and each part of the world will have its own rules on acceptable airports. And not.
Mink and Mutation
Covid-19 mink variants have been found in humans in seven countries. On 19th November The Guardian reported that Denmark had launched a nationwide cull of its farmed mink.
The search for a vaccine is dominated by Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces work as a tag team until 2026. Uranus is about the unpredictable, uncertain, erratic nature of the sharemarkets. In 2020 we have seen ‘sharemarket action by press release’ as untested, unknown quantity ‘vaccines’ have been rushed onto newspaper front pages.
Every time there is fresh hope there will be a fresh bump in share prices until 2026. Yet, at the same time, Neptune in Pisces is about mystery, enigma, guesswork. It is about the unfathomable. And this planet is right opposite the Virgo placements (public health, immunity) of billions – for years. This is a search for something that may not exist. There is a really good story about this at The Conversation.
What Science Tells Astrology
A leading infectious diseases expert at the University of Sydney says it is possible a COVID-19 vaccine will never be found. Professor David Isaacs told Today that developing a vaccine was not an easy task and would take some time.
The WHO – World Health Organisation agreed, in the early months of 2020. No silver bullet.
“The World Health Organization has warned that, despite strong hopes for a vaccine, there might never be a “silver bullet” for COVID-19, and the road ahead back to normality would be long.”
HIV and AIDS – Still No Vaccine
From The Guardian: “Vaccines are simple in principle but complex in practice. The ideal vaccine protects against infection, prevents its spread, and does so safely. But none of this is easily achieved, as vaccine timelines show.
More than 30 years after scientists isolated HIV, the virus that causes Aids, we have no vaccine. The dengue fever virus was identified in 1943, but the first vaccine was approved only last year, and even then amid concerns it made the infection worse in some people. The fastest vaccine ever developed was for mumps. It took four years.
Some viruses, such as influenza, mutate so rapidly that vaccine developers have to release new formulations each year. The rapid evolution of HIV is a major reason we have no vaccine for the disease.
Coronavirus patients pass the virus on to three others, on average, but if two or more are immune, the outbreak will fizzle out. That is the best-case scenario.
More likely is we will end up with a vaccine, or a number of vaccines, that are only partially effective.
Larry Brilliant, who worked on the WHO’s smallpox eradication programme told The Guardian,
“It will be harder to get rid of Covid than smallpox.”
This is why I told The Daily Mail and all of you at the Conscious Cafe to be extremely careful about 2020 headlines regarding ‘silver bullet’ miracles like the Dolly Parton Solution or The Oxford Miracle. Never mind, the Donald Trump ‘treatment.’
The New World Order in Astrology
Brexit is part of the new world order as we discussed, at the Conscious Cafe. So is Covid, as I told the Daily Mail – back on 19th October, borders will go up in Scotland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will separate into four or five nations.
Whenever we see the planet Uranus make an ingress in astrology, the world turns upside-down in relation to the sign it enters. This idea of ‘world turned upside down’ as a key phrase for Uranus is referenced by Nicholas Campion in Astrology in the Year Zero by Garry Phillipson.
In Taurus, the world turns upside down economically. And it is literally so, as New Zealand and Australia have either eliminated COVID-19 (28 days without a new case) or are close to it, as I write this feature in November 2020.
That’s gold. It’s more golden than gold, actually. It is priceless status and flips the planet, so that New Zealand is in a superior position to the United States of America. Who could have predicted that? (Well, maybe, an astrologer).
The New Local – Goodbye Globalisation
In Victoria, Australia, where I sometimes work and live, COVID-19 was overcome with an extreme home stay order and curfew. As I write this, there are zero new cases for over two weeks. She is on her way to elimination (four weeks without a new case).
Victoria has 6 million people. Manhattan has 2 million people. The future is local elimination. Islands in particular are favoured. The island of Manhattan could use the Melbourne, Victoria model – shut Newark, shut JFK, shut the ports, bring in the police and military and enforce a slow-down.
What is missing is a huge shift in thinking and funding at the top of power in Washington and the Senate, but the astrology suggests that is coming.
We’re going to see a push back against ‘global’ (Generation Sagittarius, born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in the sign of travel, export, immigration are under pressure) in favour of local. Why local? Gemini rules the neighbourhood, and from 2026, Uranus (the revolution) is in Gemini.
It is foreshadowed by the North Node in Gemini in the year 2021.
The Royal Family in 2021
Finally, a key part of our discussion at The Conscious Cafe. Did we really think that Maxwell and Epstein had gone away? Jeffrey Epstein (rhymes with teen) and Ghislaine Maxwell (rhymes with Gi-laine – insane, if you like) have gone precisely nowhere since the chain of Leo eclipses in 2017-2019.
As you read on this website, long before it became news, those Leo eclipses were a royal concealment, and we did in fact see a cover-up involving Prince Andrew, (Leo being the sign of royalty). Read my original prediction from 2017 here
This Is Not Going Away
As so many members of the Royal family have Leo chart signatures, the oppositions from Saturn, Jupiter and finally Pluto in Aquarius, beginning on December 21st, suggest years of challenges with this issue. Remember, too, that the media have also pointed the finger at Bill Clinton (a Leo) and of course Donald Trump, as close connections of Epstein’s. The Epstein ‘little black book’ is still here. And the rest.
I have already written extensively about my concerns for the mental health of Donald and Melania Trump and I won’t say any more here.
The Royal Finances
The other crucial issue about the Royal Family is financial. Prince Charles has the Moon at 0 Taurus. The Queen has the Sun at 0 Taurus. On 21st December and the days either side, we find Saturn at 0 Aquarius and Jupiter at 0 Aquarius in a rare square. This is a highly unusual Christmas for the House of Windsor.
This is about the royal accountants. It is about taxation. And it is about where the royal money is invested – and how to budget – even from Buckingham Palace in a pandemic. It is a huge and dramatic crossroads and it will affect the public purse and the monarchy for some time.

If you thought 2020 was dramatic, just wait for 2021. But, as we all agreed at The Conscious Cafe in November 2020, we can and should be so optimistic about our replacement world.
American flag: Unsplash
80 Responses
Thank you Jessica for Astrology 2021!
It was really interesting. You said the past is going to come back from the year 2002.
That was the year I moved from one country to another. Moved back to my home country. Then again I moved back after several years and I’ve been living in US since then. Is that mean I will move back to my home country? Or another country?
Thanks again!
I apologise for not replying to your question earlier. For some reason it vanished at the bottom of the page, because you wrote the very first comment. You have karma from 2002 when you emigrated, so you are ‘owed’ by other people from that time, or just after it, who have never really made amends with you. Perhaps you have forgotten all about it, but by 2022, they will have the chance to apologise to you, or to make a strong decision which favours you, realising that they were in the wrong. At the same time, others will make it up to you, or make amends, by doing you a favour of some kind – again it will take you back to 2002 and all you did. Having said that, you will also come to know behaviour which is payback – others will give to you, what you doled out to them, in 2002! So you get to see what it feels like when the boot is on the other foot. You’ll find a way to make amends or make good, too, and balance will be restored. What you get by 2022 is a feeling that everything is harmonious and restored. Sometimes the karma can be with a whole region or country, so you may be ‘owed’ by that place, or perhaps you owe it something. There is a reckoning up.
Hi, Jessica.
This is my second question but personal one. As you mentioned to me before that I might relocate to foreign place while nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius. Now that theme is coming up. It is quite difficult to say yes to this opportunity as you predict that we have to marry with the place. So I would say no to this right now. However, will 2021 make it easier for me to decide either relocate or not? When will I be able to decide? Or if I relocate to a foreign place now, can I come back in a few years time, say 1-3 years?
Thank you,
You will have until January 2022 to decide if you are going to move and ‘marry’ a particular place. The South Node in Sagittarius (relocation, emigration) is with you until then. Use your Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards to help you make a decision if you like.
Hi Jessica,
I have a question about the nodes. I have my sun in scorpio and a 5 planet stellium in Scorpio all in my 8th house including my North node.
What is the best way I can begin to prepare now for the shift in the collective north node in scorpio in 2023?
Thank You,
Good question, Claire. You are strongly Scorpio and ‘live’ in your Eighth House of superannuation and pensions, life and health insurance, marriages and mortgage, inheritance and legacy, and so on. We are going to see supply shortages and rationed shopping when the Nodes go into Taurus and Scorpio, as we go back to the same cycle as the Second World War. This time it is not war, but of course the Climate Emergency and travel/trade/tourism restrictions triggered by the pandemic, ongoing. The best thing you can do is get out of debt. Easier said than done. Yet, if you can downsize and cut your losses, simplify and streamline your lifestyle and budget, you will be so much better off. If you can do so, grow your own food, keep a chicken and keep a well-stocked pantry. If you cannot bottle and can your own preserves, make sure you have canned tomato (Italy needs the business, if you are near Italy). There is no need to be fearful about the Nodes, but they do take place with Uranus in Taurus too, so this is a revolution in the world economy. The less clutter and baggage you have, the better. You’ll need to be light on your feet and ready to meet change with change. You have done this before. You may even have a past life from the last war, when handling economy, money, food, art, property was your game.
Hi Jessica
I love all of your events and unfortunately was not able to attend this one but did watch on youTube. It was really great! You picked a tarot card for my sign that was the Ace of Pentacles. I was wondering if this could mean one could end up having to pay a lot of money? I have been going thru this somewhat bogus hearing and it was ruled not in my favor. I have appealed the ruling as I don’t even think the judge looked at the facts and just sided with the big corporation. I have appealed this decision but since this is administrative (and they don’t like to disagree with each other), I feel I could end up having in an unfavorable decision. I am estimating the decision to come anywhere from March-June 2021. It has been a challenging few years for us with those in power just being relentless. It is why we sold our successful business for a song because we couldn’t take the constant harassment. The current owner of the business is not facing the same pushback and we were told it was intended to destroy our business. We still do not know why. I also believe (actually I am sure)that is why this hearing issue was suddenly thrust upon me, because they are all related in the good ole’ boy network. .Besides that, my husband and I have just moved from a a tropical island to a beautiful ski town for his employment and although we are in a gorgeous location, I am not a huge fan of snow or cold weather. I told him I could do about 5years here but eventually would rather be in a more temperate climate. Could you take a look at my chart as well as use your wonderful psychic abilities to give me some idea of what I may be up against or if, things may start to change direction in a positive way (or negative so I can be prepared). I feel like I am living in a constant state of “don’t relax because the next shoe is set to drop”. Thank you for everything you do to keep us all “in the know”
This has appeared twice, and by now you will know the answer is – money is most certainly coming your way – and it will enable you to renovate your home or move.
Hello Jessica!
I am a fan of your passion and capabilities!
After attending your session I am left with a curiosity question. Many actually, but I will narrow it down! I live Colorado, USA near Denver International Airport. There is a lot of conspiracy theories around airport, The New World Order, the painted murals on walls, and Au Ag written on the floor. (To some Au Ag is suspeted to mean virus and to others elements).
After experiencing 2020 and all its glory, I now have a different perspective of the murals and theories. Hearing your predictions, I am curious if you feel the murals are refencing our current events or is our area in for another form of natural disaster? My sister practices, theta meditation and is having strong affirmations of water events in our area. She discribes it as events as the earths crust erupting liquid/white liquid (not lava)…shifting us to a ‘tropical climate’. (I intuitively feel this will happen around 2026.) I would love to hear your interpretation!
Stay Well!
Thank you Rachael. The murals sound intriguing. Time will tell if the virus was an act of war, or an act of manipulation – or just Mother Nature doing what she always does, when there are too many people, living in too crowded a space. We have had plagues for centuries and they always take place on the same astrological cycles. The Nodes are in Cancer-Capricorn then shift to Gemini-Sagittarius. Your sister is correct about flooding in America. The Climate Emergency will end by 2026 partly because of strong leadership from the Democrats, but unfortunately Colorado will not be immune from extreme weather.
Hi Jessica, i enjoy reading your insights, Saturn in Aquarius is obviously going to be my focus in the near future, I have been preparing for my Saturn return, but it may be more intense than first thought, cheers
Well, you get Jupiter as well as Saturn, in Aquarius, in your Eleventh House. This is really about the group(s) you are already involved with, as well as those you join, or rejoin. Within those circles there are friends, and the idea of friendship (no agenda, no complication) is central to what these circles of people are all about. In fact, it is why they work so well, and 2021 will be a triumph for you, as you put your time and energy into people who want to make a difference, for each other, for themselves and their community. You’ll have a little acorn near Christmas which becomes a mighty oak in 2021 and you all nurture it together.
Hi Jessica, I loved your conscious cafe chat and sorry for missing that and your recent borders one. Please provide any comments, if possible, about the canada and China horoscopes. More personally, I would like to travel from us to Canada in January (before Jan 24, trying to avoid your warning about that week)- hope that is ok. And any insights about how Jupiter on Aquarius could affect me (hopefully positively ) given that I have many Virgo planets and few Aquarius. Thank you so much for your insights and hope you’re staying well!!
I’m sorry you missed those sessions. Please do not travel. Even if you drive across the border, you may be carrying the virus with you, and have no symptoms. In general, Mercury Retrograde in January-March is unsuitable for travel, and particularly airports. This is an invisible plague and it fools everybody. I doubt you will even be allowed to go, actually, by the time 2021 comes around. More happily, Jupiter in Aquarius will transit your Eleventh House of groups in 2021 and you will make fantastic new friendships online and either join or rejoin at least one circle of people which changes your life for the better.
Hi Jessica
I’m feeling so torn right now. I want to study, I feel like the only way I can get ahead is to study. But my low self worth is really holding me back! I’m selling myself a story that I’m not smart enough to see it through and I’m (likely) rightly concerned about managing my home duties which I actually relish as a home based mama, as I have very little support with this. If I choose to undertake formal study in 2021, what sort of impact will this have in my life?
Thank you x
You’ll cheer up in 2021 when you realise the new home education is bite-sized. For example, in France at the moment they are matchmaking lonely older people, to help us learn French on Zoom conversation. These are brief, regular sessions which benefit both sides. The new home education will be astonishing next year and you will be spoiled for choice. Low self-esteem is a separate issue you can sort out with hypnosis, healing and/or meditation – there are some brilliant professionals offering their services free on YouTube. You may have a low self opinion because of what you were told, repeatedly, in childhood. It worked like hypnosis on your developing brain. The good news is, you can change your brain, but it takes repetition and commitment. You’ll do it.
Hi Jessica hope you are well, me and the fam all good here in Aberdeen . Thank you for another fantastic article really interesting. I am particularly interested in the part regarding Aquarius factors in my chart as I have 7. Do you think this means 2021 will entirely be about friends and groups for me, as there is another bigger situation I was hoping would be important next year? Thanking you in advance for any response Jessica, Jill xx
Thank you. Yes, the bigger part of your destiny is about the group, involving one or more friends (and there may be several groups). It begins just before Christmas Eve and this cycle dominates the Twenties. It’s rather like writing a film script about a group, then making the film with a group and winning an Oscar nomination. You will have your own version of that, Jill. I don’t know what your bigger situation is. Children? Lovers? (There is karma there which ends in January 2022 as old soul debts from the year 2002 must be repaid and spiritual rewards or settlements collected). If it’s financial, you have a deal to sort out, with a major compromise by February 21st. Try to set boundaries or put them back in, if that is the case. If it’s about property, you will have quite radical new choices about a house or apartment, your town or country, by 2026 and could easily relocate once or twice.
Hi Jessica, I loved the conscious cafe webinar. Thank you for all that you teach and share. You are so inspiring, knowledgeable and kind. I will embrace my Aquarius factors going into 2021.
Included in my chart I have three mutable stelliums and feel as though I can go with the changes that are on offer. Any tips on how to best navigate 2021, especially regarding technology please? Namaste, Melanie
Thanks so much Melanie, and for the compliments. Your Aquarius factors are your passport, bridge and breakthrough for the whole of the Twenties and your ability to feel or supply a group, perhaps more than one group, rests with your natural detachment. You never get too emotionally involved or run an agenda. There is no politics. The trick is finding the right bunch of people, but you may already have done that, or be about to do so, this Christmas. Being strongly mutable suits you in the Twenties, as we go through a chain of mutable transits. Change meets change. Get yourself into a position where you are light on your feet and can pivot and twist with very little notice. For example, bird flu has broken in Britain. If you were British now, you would join a group to crowdfund some land and run rescue chickens there, and organise egg collection and sale. Why? Bird flu is about to end battery farming. That kind of choice has to be organised in a weekend, online, with a big address book and some people who are very quick off the mark. That is the kind of weather we are in. News when it comes in the Twenties will demand that we turn on our heel in a few days. Get yourself there and you’ll be surfing this wave.
Hi Jessica
I have reading your tweets about 0 degree patterns in both December and upcoming January. Can you please tell me what this would mean for me as I have Mars at 0 degrees in aries. (solar 6th house, personal 1st house).
Should I also take into account my sacred geometry in natal chart from 26 to 29 degrees. Anyhow with pluto in last degrees of cap and jupiter quickening through aqua and pisces this fixed sign is getting the message loud and clear: move with the times!
Thank you for the wonderful work you do for all your readers.
Thank you. Mars 0 Aries in the First House is about you being the front engine or ‘face’ or something you must push, either to attack or defend. You are the ram inside the battering ram. It is hard to say more without the rest of the chart, which I cannot see here, but the sextiles from transiting Jupiter at 0 Aquarius and Saturn at 0 Aquarius on 21st December give you lift-off with your image, name, brand, or exterior self. You use that as a way of flying the flag or making a statement and at that point you realise your online self is doing an amazing amount of work for you.
Thank you so much for this write-up and event, Jessica. I’m looking forward to improvements for our planet in 2021. I did sign-up for the event but had to have an early night so missed the live version and hoped to ask a question here instead.
I’m wondering what you see for my mental health next year? I’ve lived with debilitating OCD since childhood and have finally this year been making some stop-start progress in recovery, but it’s been very hard. I’m hoping to make a complete recovery and start properly enjoying my blessings in this life. I know my Virgo factors are involved (Diana at 22 Virgo conjunct my Cap Sun, and Ceres at 15 Virgo). As a socially anxious introvert who shuns social media, I’ve never really understood my Aquarius factors, but I do have a stellium there (Moon 26, Jupiter 20, Salacia 19, Fortuna 7) and I know they’ll be relevant for next year.
Thank you as always.
OCD is Virgo and Sixth House, which you know. Ceres at 15 Virgo hooks into your chart making exact patterns. Ceres is a symbol of control, depression, rage and ultimately deal-making and empowerment. She is likely your whole issue. Look at the paintings of Ceres. That may trigger something for you; a useful dream or perhaps a Eureka moment. To fix Ceres in the chart, accept life is highs and lows, seasonal rhythms (look up the feature on Ceres and depression here on this website) and also half/half. So it may be that you are going to have to accept some kind of compromise or share agreement about the OCD, or with it. I have very little knowledge about the condition, but I do know about Ceres and what always works with this dwarf planet is accepting she is that part of you that wants total control, but must accept a trade-off. Yet, when she is in command, she is very much the owner of the space. Do find out more about her. You have had Neptune at 15 Pisces right opposite Ceres which was very hard work but he will never go back. You will have a real moment of understanding when transiting Ceres goes to 15 Pisces opposite natal Ceres at 15 Virgo from January 11th to 13th. That is when you should turn to a support group or counsellor who understands.
Hi Jessica,
You said that the end of January 2021 will be hard for people with Virgo chart factors.
I have Mars Virgo 11; Uranus Virgo 2; Pluto Virgo 9; Ceres Virgo 17; Vesta Virgo 27; and Juno Virgo 19. In addition I have my Moon Leo 23; M/C Libra 23 and Saturn Aquarius 22 and Acsending Aquarius 3
I am a sun Cancer and I thought things were going to improve in 2021 but now I am not so sure.
There is a T-Square of the mutable signs, including Virgo, at 19 degrees. You have Juno at 19 Virgo. Astrology is about avoidance. Avoid judgements or action plans January 24th to 28th, on that T-Square. Specifically involving your mental and physical health, your workload, your lifestyle (Virgo) but also pulling in foreign people and places (Sagittarius) or regional differences – and of course the worldwide web. You are a Sun Cancer? The path to financial empowerment begins on 21st December and if you can allow for one situation with your money, house, apartment, business or charity to go back and forth January 16th to March 13th you will be on the road to breakthrough solutions and from 2023 amazing new control.
The American Electoral College votes on December 14th. As of right now, Biden has the votes to win. Will there be something that changes that and then ‘covered-up’ say you speak of?
No, the cover-up will involve Vladimir Putin and Trump Russia. We will look back on December 14th in 2021 and realise that was the missing piece of the jigsaw.
Hi Jessica,
This was a good read for the upcoming year.
I have 4 factors in Aquarius in my birth chart. Mars 08° Aquarius 02′ 07″. Hygeia 14° Aquarius 42′ 11″. Salacia 16° Aquarius 49′ 44″. Psyche 17° Aquarius 36′ 20″.
Could you help me figure out what this means for me, personally?
Thanks much,
Thanks for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. Yes, Pri, you will see a rapid turnaround with the group that involves one or more friends, starting December 21st, and continuing into 2021. Allow for one situation to go back and forth, January 16th to March 13th, with these people as decisions will be reversed. It is best to treat it as a dress rehearsal. Eventually Jupiter (expansion, growth, hope, solutions, improvements) will pass your Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House so you finish 2021 with a life-changing period when it is the circle you ‘feed’ that becomes the cornerstone of your new life.
I would like to travel around Feb 12 from us to Canada, please let me know if that is ok. Understand there will be risks… thank you and hope you are staying well in Tasmania,
Thank you so much. I doubt you will be allowed to travel at all. I strongly advise against – you would be going on a cycle that is chaotic at best, and at worst you may find yourself not really feeling like you’re on vacation at all. The choice is yours not mine, though, so use your Astrology Oracle and Tarot cards to see.
Hi Jessica
I love all of your events and unfortunately was not able to attend this one but did watch on youTube. It was really great! You picked a tarot card for my sign that was the Ace of Pentacles. I was wondering if this could mean one could end up having to pay a lot of money? I have been going thru this somewhat bogus hearing and it was ruled not in my favor. I have appealed the ruling as I don’t even think the judge looked at the facts and just sided with the big corporation. I have appealed this decision but since this is administrative (and they don’t like to disagree with each other), I feel I could end up having in an unfavorable decision. I am estimating the decision to come anywhere from March-June 2021. It has been a challenging few years for us with those in power just being relentless. It is why we sold our successful business for a song because we couldn’t take the constant harassment. The current owner of the business is not facing the same pushback and we were told it was intended to destroy our business. We still do not know why. I also believe (actually I am sure)that is why this hearing issue was suddenly thrust upon me, because they are all related in the good ole’ boy network. .Besides that, my husband and I have just moved from a a tropical island to a beautiful ski town for his employment and although we are in a gorgeous location, I am not a huge fan of snow or cold weather. I told him I could do about 5years here but eventually would rather be in a more temperate climate. Could you take a look at my chart as well as use your wonderful psychic abilities to give me some idea of what I may be up against or if, things may start to change direction in a positive way (or negative so I can be prepared). I feel like I am living in a constant state of “don’t relax because the next shoe is set to drop”. Thank you for everything you do to keep us all “in the know”
Thank you so much. You will not be paying money, but it will be available to you, if you believe in it, know that you deserve it, want it and reach for it. The Ace of Pentacles or Ace of Coins is an abundant promise to you. I don’t know if this money is a payout or compensation from your legal case, unfortunately, as that requires a long reading. I am sorry about the appalling harassment from that unethical business, towards you. The old boy network has been a horrid reality since Christmas 2017 because of the Capricorn cycles we have been dealing with (the men in suits and ties at the top). You are also in a freezing atmosphere in a ski town which you find hard to deal with. Well, with money you can do anything. You can move, if you want to, or upgrade the place where you live, so it is warmer and less sterile to you. You will hear good news that gives you hope about finances, business, property just near Christmas and on several occasions in 2021 be put in a terrific position to save or make money. So it’s coming. The worst is over with these people from December 18th.
Thank You Jessica,
I loss my mum at the end of 2019 and then COVID in 2020 and I felt like my world was turned upside down. I was looking for award to a change of fortune in 2021. I do feel I have reason for hope after reading your reply
Kind regards
I am so sorry you lost your mum, though of course as a medium, I can reassure you she has passed to spirit and is just on the other side of life. When the time is right, if it has not already happened, she will find a way to reassure you she is okay and that her spirit has passed safely to that particular other world. There is definitely hope for the future and rather a lot of it, for you. Spirit tends to draw closer at Christmas so look for a sign or dream around that time. Together with your other family and friends on that side of life, she will find a way to make sure you have as happy a time, as it is possible to have. And in fact, in that whole Christmas week, there will be good news that is a turning point for you. I am being told ‘car’ for you.
Dear Jessica,
You educate so many. I pray that you win so many ways, You are the Oracle.
HIV, malaria, CJD (prions) and Dengue evade vaccines.
Cruel animal practices will see a decline.
Panacea will conjunct Uranus for a close relative. Diana will oppose her Minerva.
On Dec 24-28, Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct her natal Ops.
What do these transits indicate ?
Thank you for being such a genius with these patterns.
You are too kind! Yes, HIV-AIDS famously evaded vaccines. We have been told there is ‘the vaccine’ with the Pfizer arrival, but of course we don’t know how much protection it offers, to whom or for how long. It has not been tested on pregnant women or children under 12. We don’t know what happens when the virus mutates again (it has already done so, notoriously, on a mink farm in Denmark). We still don’t know if the Pfizer vaccine stops people catching and transmitting the virus. All of this is typical of the mutable sign ‘weather’ we are having in Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. And of course it affects two vast generations, Generation Sagittarius (who will no longer be able to travel and emigrate as they did) and Generation Virgo (whose health is very directly threatened). Your close relative will have an unforgettable Christmas as she was born with Ops in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups and friends, which she supplies, helps, nurtures and supports – though she is also a little apart. Jupiter was the son of Ops and Saturn her wife, so the Great Conjunction of 21st December, and the actual conjunction to her chart on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day suggest a get-together which will change her life. In fact her destiny with this circle of people will be decided then.
Hi Jessica,
I loved the last Conscious Caffe webinar. Thank you for all that you share with us, you are so kind and inspiring for all of us.
Regarding the Aquarius factors, in my chart I have only 1 factor – Salacia 06° 43′ 50″ R (a minor planet and Neptune’s wife).
Could you tell me please what is/will be her role in my life in the following years, taking in consideration all these changes?
Also, a question (which I asked during the webinar) and a personal concern about my country: What about Romania and its role in the New World, which will be shaped in the next period of time?
Because knowing that history repeats itself, and now we are in the same astrological pattern as in World War II (1939-1940), I wonder what can happen to Romania, taking into account the fact that in those years, for example, Romania lost territory both in the east and in the west: to the Soviet Union, Hungary and Bulgaria (some of them remain permanently lost, after WW II was over in 1944).
Thank you so much for your kindness and patience!
Thank you Cristina. I loved the audience at the Conscious Cafe with Gina Lazenby, for both the times we’ve met people around the world. You were concerned about Romania and rightly so, as we are back in the same Uranus in Taurus cycle we saw in 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942 – the first four years of the war. We have five astrological charts for Romania, in The Book of World Horoscopes (Nicholas Campion, The Wessex Astrologer, 2004). Each chart reflects a different face of your country and of course the architecture survives from 1859, 1877, 1878 and 1947 to give you the country you have today; along with the laws and constitutional changes. The chart set for Communist Romania on 30th December 1947 at 12.00 in Bucharest shows Mars at 7 Virgo trine the Sun at 7 Capricorn. This is the perfect balance between the working class man and the boss at the top. When transiting Uranus goes to 7 Taurus between February 9th and March 10th 2021, and when Saturn goes to 7 Aquarius from February 16th to 24th 2021, you will see historic, rare changes affecting employment, companies, corporations, the trade unions, the government and the work force. The Full Moon at 8 Virgo on Saturday 27th February is very close, just a degree away, and that weekend is volatile. Stay away from protests, please. Romania will experience Uranus in Taurus as an economic revolution, not possible in your adult life. Uranus will trine Mars and the Sun in a Grand Trine, which suggests the rebirth of the boss-worker relationship and certainly of the elite politicians and the work force – also the military. Mars is an old Roman soldier after all. The presence of Saturn at 7 Aquarius is repeated from September 4th to 29th in 2021 and again from October 24th to November 16th. That is difficulty with the European Union (the group – Aquarius) but also a time of test and trial with trade unions or political groups and organisations. This will be the leverage that forces change. Uranus is the prime mover here. You can look up this planet on Search or in your guides, but essentially we are seeing the most important and radical u-turn with the world economy and Romania’s currency, economy and budget – for decades. It is as substantial as the end of slavery and British taxation in America from 1781 or the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. Take a deep breath and go with it. It’s going to be quite a year and you were picking up on it intuitively. We see the 21st May 1877 chart showing Mercury at 8 Gemini, which is very close (this is your media, your internet but also the languages you speak) and in the 1859 chart we find Saturn at 8 Leo, again very close, describing your teenagers and Millennials. The faster people can let the past go, Cristina, the better. By the way, as so many buildings must have gone up in these years, you may well find they are renovated or restored; renewed.
Hi Jessica,
I loved the last Conscious Caffe webinar!!!
Thank you for your wisdom and efforts, I really appreciate what you are doing.
Regarding the Aquarius factors, in my chart I have only 1 factor – Salacia 09° 03′ 01″ R.
Could you tell me, please, what is / will be her role in my life in the coming years, considering all these changes that will follow for all of us?
Between us, I took all these new changes as something interesting and challenging, especially now when I am looking for a new job and, why not, even a new homeland. I hope in the end, everything will turn out good for me and my wife (no children) in the next 10-20 years!!!
Thank you so much and take care of you!
Thank you Iulian, that is very kind of you. There will be two big turning points for you in December. From Friday 18th, a difficult challenge for/with your wife will be gone for good, having been very hard to deal with in 2018, 2019 and some of 2020. After that, from Monday 21st December, you begin the most important financial, business, charity and property cycle of your life, taking you through three stages. In 2021, you have the question and the answer. In 2022, you have the work. From 2023, you have the power and control, if you are prepared to compromise. This may be just one matter, for many years (like a company) or you may find there is a chain ahead, involving (say) a home, then a question about salary, then a commitment to a good cause. It is the reshaping of your attitude towards money and the marriage, or the possessions/property involved with your wife. Along the way you will discover what it feels like to be much more potent, influential and effective and what you achieve after 2023 will stand the test of time. In regards to finding a new homeland, be extremely careful. We are going to see a crossroads not possible in years, from January 24th to 27th 2021, which will have a lasting impact on visas, emigration, passports, border control and travel. It will involve the collapse of more than one airline or cruise company and new rules around the world. You need to be a realist about the new planet which we see from that point and it may be that you change your mind about where you think you may belong, long-term.
Hi Jessica, unfortunately I wasn’t able to make the conscious cafe event – however I really enjoyed the Sagittarius meetup and BDTB sessions. I was hoping you might have time to have a look at my chart for 2021? I know I have a big Aquarius stellium with 5 factors, however I’m not really a part of a group (your online community is probably the closest thing I have to a like-minded group!?) and have very few friends I can rely on at this point of my life. I’m in the early years of motherhood which makes achieving anything difficult but are there some transits that may assist in me getting back to ‘me’ and recommending and expanding my work (intuitive reading and healings – I’m just about to complete my course on the Australian Bush Flower Essences and absolutely loving them!)? Thank you so much, I really appreciate the work you do and your generosity in sharing your knowledge 🙂
Thank you. We have another Meetup for The Great Conjunction on 21st December, and it would be great to have you along. The Australian Bush Flower Essences are world famous, aren’t they, and associated with spiritual healing, Reiki and the invisible world of the Sixth Sense – the psychic. This is ruled by Pisces and the TWelfth House in your chart. Your Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are in Pisces so you are obviously a natural medium or healer. You are strongly Aquarian too and supply the group. Aquarius is often not actually in the circle but outside it. The circle depends on Aquarius types but there may not be much merging or even interaction of any close kind. It’s just that way, with this sign. You often find Aquarius types staunchly declaring they don’t do groups and then you discover they are part of a fan movement for a band. The difference is, the Aquarian type stays outside and doesn’t get inside. Your entire life is going to change in 2021 so take a deep breath on December 21st and get ready for the most incredible expansion, growth, hope, problem-solving and serious commitment. Yes, it will be with a community of people and perhaps more than one. I suspect the issue for you is partly that you find it so easy to enter into another person’s aura or to be overshadowed by spirit, that you try to keep away from large numbers of people because you end up feeling confused, or physically affected, or drained. You are a true sensitive. Of course the essences will help you work with that. Once you get the balance right and the boundaries in place, with your chakras and aura, you will find it easier to dip in and out of particular circles of people and come to see why your contribution is integral to a tremendous people power effort which brings together all ages, genders, colours, nationalities, classes, sexual preferences as one, to achieve a common goal. This goes on beyond 2023 when Pluto enters Aquarius so it’s long term and powerful.
Thanks so much for your reply Jessica. I will act on your advice! Blessings.
Thank you. Don’t forget to get your own second opinion by using The Astrology Oracle.
Thank you, Jessica. I wonder what will become of Trump? Also I have had some sense for a while that some of my family might come to live near me or visa versa. I wonder if you can see a potential physical move for me in the 2021 or 2022?
Love and Light to you.
Donald and Melania Trump need to allow their children to intervene in their mental health and put a stop to what has been happening. It is in their hands. Your family moving, or you moving? It will be easier from December 18th than it has been since Christmas 2017 actually, but the Full Moon ahead in Cancer (opposite the Sun in Capricorn) may find you seeing the obstacles not the easy bits. That takes place on Wednesday 30th December. It it happens at all, it will do so rapidly, from the time the Mars transit in Cancer begins, on Saturday 24th April until Friday 11th June, 2021.
Hi Jessica, another wonderful session – thank you for generously giving us your time.
I have a stellium in Aquarius (MC, Ceres, Aesculapia, Diana, Cupido, Salacia) and Pluto, Chiron, Diana and Aesculapia at 0 degrees.
I’ve got myself in a position to ride all the waves, I have been furiously zig zagging for the last few months to get myself in a flexible position as I’ve listened to all you’ve said in your tweets and sessions. Would you be so kind as to help me understand what all the 0 degrees and Aquarian factors might mean for me over the next 12 months?
I love, love camping, electric bikes, baking, and country walks with the dog so your session resonated with me of a simple life.
Much love
Thank you so much. I’m glad you like the sound of the 1950’s style holidays we’ll have, ahead of us – and you’re also a baker – perfect. It is amazing how many people are panicking about ‘losing’ McDonalds, cheap hotels with bed bugs, traffic jams, queues – and not even daydreaming about the possibilities of a completely new way of living. Your Aquarius stellium will change your life, starting on December 21st, picking up again January-March 2021 (although expect a long delay with the group, and your friend, and changes to the original plan). Later on, as you go further into 2021, you will realise you have come home to yourself. You will supply one or more circles of people, with what they need. Time, energy, care. Perhaps more than that. By 2023 you will realise people power in a group where the controls are shared fairly between those of all backgrounds, genders, nationalities, races, classes, sexualities – is real. In fact it will empower you too and as Pluto goes over your Aquarius stellium slowly but surely from 2023, past 2030, you will come to see why the family of humanity is your passport to the most incredible journey of your life.
Hi Jessica –
Loved the session last Monday, really appreciated all your perspective. (and frankly was astonished i got up so early!)
Would love to hear any insight on Canada? I moved last Jan (12-14) to a tiny island on the east coast – and so glad I got that nudge to do so!
Also I have a lot of aspects being high-lighted starting in December and quite curious your thoughts on it.
Neptune 9 in sagittarius
North node is 23 sagittarius
Sun is 0 aries
Have 7 aspects in Aquarius; 0 bacchus, 3 vulcano, 5 DESC, 5 salacia, 15 venus, 17 juno, 20 ceres
and a pisces stellium; 3 mercury, 3 jupiter, 6 moon
thanks so much!! take care
Thank you and I appreciate you getting up so early. I have a good friend, a well-known psychic, who left America to go to Canada some months before the pandemic. She followed her instincts. The tiny island you are on is likewise protecting you. Make sure you all defend it. Islands are doing well in this virus – I am on an island – and of course New Zealand and Australia are bigger islands. The trick is being tough with politicians and not putting up with any nonsense from them. Your Sun at 0 Aries in the First House of self-promotion, packaging, presentation and ‘Me’ is the key to your chart. An historic sextile from Jupiter at 0 Aquarius and Saturn at 0 Aquarius appears on 21st and 22nd December, around the world. This is The Great Conjunction. It is a rebirth and relaunch for you, as Christmas comes around. The Aquarius stellium in your chart suggests you will be supplying a group with what it needs, from that point forward. It will transform your world.
Hi Jessica – I am Aquarius strongly. Your blog is v fascinating. I think you predicted all the problems we are having with banks, the nhs, the virus and the royal family. It’s just incredible. The change in lifestyle is just incredible. I wonder what is in store for me in terms of change in appearance, opportunities and I’m curious if I already know the friend you refer to which changes things. I have already had an accolade from my case (Im a lawyer) featuring in a national newspaper. A good run of cases being reported and great feedback to my group (my team) from clients . What’s next and what can I be doing? Or not doing ? Thank you for your time and knowledge.
Congratulations on the accolade on your legal case. If you are strongly Aquarian then your team may be the centre of your life in 2021. It really depends on you, as you may have other groups you are drawn to. The clue will be there on the Great Conjunction on December 21st, 22nd when you realise one particular circle of people is calling you. It is both an opportunity and a challenge but in 2021 it will change your life.
Dear Jessica
I recently signed up as a premium member. I think I must be very dim but I cannot understand how to read my chart at all. I’ve looked at the ‘how to’ section and tips but am none the wiser. You talk about the sign being in a number I.e. 15 Virgo and refer to degrees but there are no numbers or degrees shown on the birth chart. I must be missing something somewhere. I feel I should be able to look at my chart for reference while reading the monthly chart but this is difficult to do unless I print my chart – is that what people do?
Sorry, I’m feel I am missing something.
Many thanks
No problem, Cathryn. This is how to read your chart in five minutes: I have copied and pasted all the horoscope factors so you can see how it’s done. The first thing to do, is look for a zodiac sign repeating a lot. There will typically be 1-3 signs which recur more than the rest. This shows you your ‘type’ as you are a blend of 2-3 signs which give you your personality and destiny. Sun, Jupiter, Apollo, Panacea and Proserpina are all in Virgo. That makes you strongly Virgo. You have the Sun, Jupiter, Apollo, Panacea and Proserpina in Virgo, in the Sixth House, which rules health and wellbeing, mental health, work ethic, unpaid work, service and duty. To interpret, imagine yourself as a country estate. There are 12 houses. In one house, the Sixth House, you open the door and find tenants inside. You also find furnishings, decor and objects related to the Sixth House. So, you might find a shelf of books on diet, health, medicine, herbs, yoga, and so on. You would find, perhaps, a room set aside for yoga, meditation, an exercise bike, a Pilates ball or swimming pool. A very large part of the house would be taken up with your study, computer and there would be a schedule on the wall. The ‘tenants’ are the planets and asteroids, which you can look up on Search, to find out how they deal with this space. The weather that affects the house, is just the cycle passing through or around, like wind or rain, or sunshine. You currently have quite a lot of astrological weather hitting your Sixth House – Uranus in Taurus, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn – have all been whirling around in 2020. No wonder you have been so focussed on how to be healthy and how to work. It just so happens we have a pandemic at the same time – typical astrology. The degrees (first number, don’t worry about the second one, that’s just minutes) show you if there are exact patterns with the ‘tenants’ and each other, or any other planets, asteroids, points or angles. If so, they are related. They are connected. They visit each other, in their houses. You have the North Node at 1 Sagittarius opposite the South Node at 1 Gemini. They are linked. They ‘visit’ each other in their houses – Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of foreign people and places. Gemini rules the Third House of internet, media, education and communication. Now, find another zodiac sign which appears several times, and repeat that formula. With time you will get into your chart and come to know it.
Sun 23° Virgo 02′ 11″
Moon 05° Aquarius 57′ 14″
Mercury 11° Libra 53′ 10″ R
Venus 07° Leo 48′ 54″
Mars 16° Pisces 47′ 16″ R
Jupiter 14° Virgo 31′ 26″
Saturn 27° Scorpio 54′ 21″
Uranus 05° Leo 34′ 12″
Neptune 28° Libra 49′ 27″
Pluto 29° Leo 06′ 30″
Chiron 06° Aquarius 54′ 13″ R
Juno 07° Capricorn 36′ 12″
Vesta 26° Scorpio 35′ 09″
Ceres 18° Aries 20′ 44″ R
MC 26° Aquarius 57′ 36″
IC 26° Leo 57′ 36″
ASC 01° Cancer 58′ 56″
DESC 01° Capricorn 58′ 56″
Diana 07° Libra 44′ 34″
Fortuna 00° Leo 30′ 29″
Minerva 25° Leo 15′ 01″
Bacchus 26° Sagittarius 12′ 16″ R
Apollo 02° Virgo 34′ 58″
Aesculapia 01° Aries 09′ 51″ R
Hygeia 18° Capricorn 36′ 56″
Panacea 09° Virgo 35′ 11″
Ops 05° Leo 36′ 45″
Salacia 08° Capricorn 20′ 34″ R
Proserpina 19° Virgo 26′ 25″
Cupido 15° Sagittarius 05′ 40″
Vulcano 26° Leo 28′ 57″
Psyche 20° Leo 41′ 40″
NorthNode 01° Sagittarius 50′ 07″ R
SouthNode 01° Gemini 50′ 07″ R
Hi Jessica,
I was the first person to post a question and on another post too but there is no comment. I’m wondering if there is something weird on my end or your end that you can’t see my post.
I can see your post, and wonder what your question was – I will go back to the beginning of the session and see if I can find it. Thank you.
Wow – thank you so very much, I’m deeply grateful. That explanation makes so much sense particularly being involved with, but not necessarily inside the group – I’ve been wondering how I’d got it so wrong! I haven’t, just need to pivot my thinking a little. Ive been quietly dreading all the 12th house activity coming up as I already feel so isolated, but taking a positive view it’s a great opportunity to go deeper still and as you mentioned, tighten up my aura and set really firm energetic boundaries that work for me long term. Thank you again 🙂
Thank you. Don’t dread the Twelfth House transit of Neptune in Pisces at all – it will make you look for ways to feel less alone, and an online ‘relationship’ with a meditation teacher, healer, hypnotist, counsellor, astrologer, psychic, Tarot reader, therapist, dream coach, life coach, yoga teacher and so on, will supply that. Going inward will change your life and you will later realise that the pandemic brought you to it. You will learn a lot about your aura and chakra system as you go and again, it will change your life – until 2026.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for that wonderful session in the conscious cafe. I’m still processing all that information.
You mentioned in this article that if you have Aquarius factors, 2021 will be the year of the group. I have Moon, Saturn, Diana, Hygeia, Proserpina and the South Node in Aquarius.
I consider myself an introvert and I have never been inclined to belong to groups. I guess Aquarius shows up in my interest for technology.
Can you tell me how 2021 will affect me?
Thank you!
Thank you. Aquarius does not belong to groups – she supplies them. So your stellium in Aquarius is about always being outside from circles of people, yet giving them what they need. The worldwide web is the natural home of any strongly Aquarian person as it is remote, distanced (its time has certainly come), unemotional, not intimate, spacious and yet very much about a community coming together for a common cause. This is also where you would find you are required. What happens just before Christmas Eve is an historic turning point for you, as Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction in your Eleventh House of people power, friendships and groups of all kinds, and the path you take then will lead you on a rewarding, challenging, unforgettable journey in 2021.
Thank you Jessica for your insight and for sharing your knowledge.
I am very concerned about the hasty rollout of the vaccine for covid 19.
Your may already have read the open letter sent by the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to alert those with power of the dangers of a swift vaccine programme, especially for the elderly and vulnerable.
Astrologically I am wondering what is being ‘eclipsed’ – adverse reactions to the vaccine?
I have not seen the open letter, no. Many people on my Twitter timeline are concerned about the rapid Pfizer vaccine supply to the UK. And of course in America, Donald Trump called the vaccine research Operation Warp Speed. If you are an astrologer too, you will be aware of the eclipse cover-up to come (we already had one, and another is imminent in mid-December). You would also be looking at Mars Retrograde in Aries throughout this entire period. Mars is speed, retrograde is warped. Aries rules the head, not the upper arm (the injection site) but there may be something there. In general, the UK has sectioned off the vaccine to older age groups born with Uranus and Pluto – or Neptune – in Virgo in the Sixth House of health. That is something else to look at, as of course people born with Virgo factors in their Sixth House of wellbeing, are experiencing a T-Square from the Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, and an opposition from Neptune, in stages.
Dear Jessica, I discovered your site recently and now I’m completely hooked. I subscribed to you last Conscious Café and listened to the previous one too. I really appreciate your socio.economical insights from an astrological point of view. What I’m worried about these days is the future of our kids. Our present education systems will probably become obsolete very soon. I have a daughter (18/07/2014, 08h30, Brussels, Be). For these generations of kids and teens everything that’s connectivity seems innate, everything is easy and intuitive. In the same time, we are told to limit screen time fir the kids. I thought about finding tools to educate my child about internet, about the tools but also about the dangers of it, about fake news, etc, empower my child with knowledge instead of just limiting the access. However, this is difficult without school’s help. You said yourself, our kids will move so fast that it’ll be hard to follow them. Is it anything you would recommend to help educate my daughter/kids for a future that’ll be so different from ours? I often look at her and it’s like…she came with a lot of knowledge already, it’s just a matter of “updating” that knowledge.
Thank you!
Thank you for subscribing and coming along to the Conscious Cafe. Your daughter needs boundaries with the internet and television too, as she is experiencing Neptune transiting her solar Ninth House of education and that can make her confused about what is real and not real – she can also get lost inside the screen. You are picking up on this. The cycles of time suggest we are going back to university/school models first known hundreds of years ago, where students learn alone, in isolation, but gather together for tutorials with a handful of other pupils and a tutor for session in the latter’s rooms, chambers (or today, an apartment or perhaps the local park). We are going to see a radically different model of learning for her from 2026 when Uranus (the revolution) goes into Gemini (words and ideas, communication, college and school). Until then, she is awfully young at six to be taught about the web but Neptune also rules meditation, dreams, sleep, naps, yoga, swimming, baths and showers – the beach – so you have alternatives for her. Music is also great. For more on Neptune have a look on Search.
Dear Genius Jessica,
I believe you can predict to the second. Out of the 16+ sites I analyze, yours is the most reliable….world over.
I could not believe how spot on you are about the balance of power between USA and China!! #ORACLEJESSICA
The day I discovered your site, transit Mercury was making very positive aspects to my natal Jupiter!!
You say that the group of people my pal meets/ helps /nurtures will change her life. ( Dec 24 28 Just Sat Conj Ops in Aquarius )
Did she already meet anyone in Aug 4- 30 Sep? There may have been rumblings! I have to dig a little. Jupiter and Saturn are trine her Pluto, and she won’t listen to astrologists. ( Smiles sadly)
I hear you about the mink. About the eclipse and the warp speed of incomplete information spreading. SO CORRECT.
I pray that queens and Kings seek you out for your wise counsel.
Do teach us how to uncover the truth after an eclipse via Mercury.
The cover-up about the vaccines may be associated with one aspect: These are RNA vaccines. 99% immunogenicity takes time. Not buying Pfizer stock!!
You said it best: No. of days free of cases is the best bet
Also, this bug mutates.
I believe you can predict to the second. What you said about obstacles to earning and career being removed when Saturn leaves
Certain houses is so true.
Your site is run on a great server. You alone predicted an escape from reality via a partner due to Neptune.
Left me reeling!
Do work on accepting crypto currency someday.
( What will Panacea conj Uranus Bring ? )
I pray that queens and Kings seek you out for your wise counsel.
So grateful.
Thank you so much Tillie. You are obviously psychic, so I appreciate some of your messages here, which make perfect sense to me. The virus and the vaccines are enormous challenges for us, as there is so much denial out there. There is a lot of wishing and hoping and much denying of reality. What we know absolutely works, is the Victoria, Australia model. So far, anyway. Foreign arrivals are flooding into Melbourne, Victoria and Australia has to wait until March to see if the politicians were right, and they can control quarantine so that the virus is not spread back into the city by tourists. If they succeed (by March) they will change the world, as they will have proven it is possible to issue curfew, stay-at-home orders, and so on – and then return to a normal economy with enforced quarantine for all people flying in. The astrology suggests this is exactly what is going to happen. Much as I’d love to say that all those billions of people with Virgo factors in the Sixth House of health are experiencing nothing but trines and sextiles from the transits for years – they just aren’t. Instead, they are experiencing Uranus trines, and Pluto trines, but also oppositions from Neptune, and T-Squares from the Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius. That does not suggest a silver bullet vaccine.
Re: Ops,
Dear Jessica,
I forgot to show my gratitude.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reply and your general attitude towards Karma, Jessica!!
I feel that you are deeply psychic.
When the spirit moves you, please let me know about my #Biffl, who died a few years ago. I want to apologise to her. I should have been braver. I begged her to come over so I could nurse her back to who she was! They wouldn’t let her.
I pray that you are recognized for how much you teach, and how far you see.
SINCERE gratitude.
Thank you, that’s wonderful to hear. Yes, I am a medium as well as an astrologer. I am sorry that you had that loss. You are the best hotline, so please find a quiet space in the day, light a candle (even a little tea light candle will do) focus on the flame and say, aloud, what you need to say. Your spirit guides will connect you and there may be a sign, some time later, that you got through. Merry Christmas.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for your reply. I can’t express in words what your reply meant. I cared for my mum as she battled dementia for ten years at home. We were very close and I miss her terribly every day, so your reply bought feelings of relief that she was okay and tears as her passing is still quiet raw. You don’t need to reply to this I just wanted express my thanks.
So amazing. Thank you. Find ‘Love Never Dies’ by my old friend, the medium Margaret Dent if you can. It specifically addresses the spirit of people with dementia. The soul or spirit, just as you would expect, never went anywhere and her beat goes on, on that side of life.
Thank you so much for your thourough thoughtful reply. I have my fingers crossed!
A word to your spirit guides and helpers – family, friends and others – can also be really helpful. They obviously want to assist, but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask, before they can intervene.
Dear Jessica:
The YouTube video is great. Rewatching it soon.
You are the authority on Neptune.
When my angel left, Neptune was in harsh aspect to her Sun, Moon and Mars.
Transit Neptune in Pisces (7th house) will square my natal Saturn at 20 degrees in Gemini in Feb. I am terrified of it. The unreal squares the solid structural foundation. What am I going to lose?
I tried dream journals and what you told me.. I suppose I have too much emotion to pick up signs from the spirits.
Thought this might interest you
( I see honey, honeybees when I think of you. Can’t explain it. Also see plantations with white mist.)
Shape shifters evading recognition seems lime a very Neptunian effect. Slippery and etherial. ( HIV, dengue. Malaria, Mad Cow )
My sincerest thanks and prayer
Thank you Tillie. And I will pass that on to Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby at The Conscious Cafe. Transiting Neptune in Pisces is in your Twelfth House of religion, spirituality, mediumship and psychic experience. It will square your natal Saturn at 20 Gemini in the Third House of writing, media, and internet. No need for fear. You are being asked to examine what you do to make yourself feel protected online, but also with the world of words, images and ideas in general. How good are the structures you have built with that? Education and academia also fall in the Third House. You may want to avoid channelling or Tarot cards then, or indeed your dream journals, as an exact square is very hard work. My godchild’s second name is Bea (bee) so you are correct and I am staying in a part of the world with white mist covering the mountain. You are obviously a natural psychic, if not actually a medium. What you say about malaria, HIV and the rest is really interesting to me, thank you.
Dear Jessica
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post in such detail. Very kind of you and I realise I really need to do some homework and background reading – there is so much more to this than just your sun sign!! I know we weren’t supposed to make any decisions today but I’ve turned down a low offer on our home today. We’ve been trying to sell for a few years (it was my parents home and we’ve been living here for 4 years). I’m now wondering if I did the right thing. There are some other people interested apart from the ones who made the offer so I’m hoping they will come through with a better one.
Anyhow, thank you so much again. (I tried to reply with thanks on your reply but the reply button takes me nowhere).
Cathryn x
Cathryn, thanks very much. The eclipse has now passed. It takes months and sometimes years to look back and realise what you did not know or could not see at the time, which is why astrologers like myself and the late, great Debbi Kempton-Smith advise avoiding any dramatic decisions or actions actually on the eclipse, as the fork in the road taken then tends to put us on a blind path for many years.
Dear Jessica,
I Have been right about you for years now.
“Where news happens first… even before it happens. Hope you give yourself a big thumbs up and say “Yay me”, Jessica ”
When you said that Hillary Clinton can win if she overcomes two B’s :
Bill and Bengazhi, I thought..she won the popular vote….
Yours is the cleanest site. No ads. If you have a sister site with ads, your fans will not mind.
Thanks you for clarifying Pisces.
12th house is secrets. Confinement?
I know it sounds silly, but even as I type this, with fragrant tea here, Oracle’s Eliis moved to Hawaii. I felt moved to mention Oracle. Now on an Island like you. Heeding the Universe’s warning to isolate.
I signed Tillie: Hope your Tills overflow with cash, fans. #headsofstates, and love. Hope #BillieEilish listens to you.
Maybe You and your friends at YouTube are United by the asteroid Urania (?). Powerful.
Sincere gratitude, wishes for your YouTube channel by DailyMail.
Thanks Tillie – the Twelfth House is really the unconscious mind; the spirit; the soul; the psyche. Sometimes it is necessarily secret. It’s not really confinement and it should not be scary. Merry Christmas.