Free Astrology Lesson


Introduction to Astrology: Life On Mars

Mars challenges you to act on your own timetable, rather than just reacting in the heat of the moment. Doing this gives you time and space to contemplate before you take action.

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Introduction to Astrology: Dates With Destiny

We all have dates with destiny. Watch for the days when planets and other heavenly bodies line up at the same degrees in your chart. If they also happen to line up at the same sign, pay even more attention.

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Astrology and Your Body

If you are concerned with health, healing and your body, there are some tried and tested clues in your astrological birth chart.

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Introduction to Astrology Lessons

Introduction to Astrology: Love!

Lovers have charts which describes the relationship – what it’s for, and what kind of journey it will involve for both of you (hopefully The Love Boat rather than The Titanic).

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Introduction to Astrology: Murky Retrograde

To really understand Mercury, you must return to the Romans and understand the way they traded and did business, as they gave us the archetype for Mercury in the first place. Our modern astrology comes from them.

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Introduction to Astrology: Understanding Pluto

We associate Pluto with something very big becoming something rather small and the idea of downsizing, putting someone in their place, shrinking people’s positions, lowering their status, dwarfing their importance and so on, is tied to all Pluto transits.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Mod Astrology

Mod astrology is what we’ve ended up with since the Romans imported their gods and goddesses to London about 2000 years ago. This astrology was then shipped to America, Australia and beyond.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Your Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign reveals how you play mother. This applies to men too. The Moon goes through regular phases in the night sky where it grows, big and round, like a pregnant mother’s stomach. That’s synchronicity!

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Sun Signs – Part 2

You can see your choices and issues with brilliant clarity, when the Sun travels through your chart. It shows you people, projects, places, organisations and situations in detail. It’s like having a spotlight or microscope turned on one area of yourself and your life.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: All About Jupiter

Your Jupiter sign and house shows you where you are born lucky and can afford to be generous with other people. Even if you go through a hideous cycle in this same house of your chart, Jupiter will protect you.

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Free Weekly Astrology Lesson: Why Astrology Works

Astrology works. It predicted a 2020 virus and economic shock years ago. If you know your birth time, place and date – or even just your birthday – please use it. Could there be any more intriguing way to spend the coming days at home?

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: Wall Street

Your free astrology class this week is really hands-on. We’re moving towards a Full Moon in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus, on May 7th, 2020. It falls at 17 degrees of both signs.

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