Mercury Retrograde 2025
All the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025, their signs – and what to expect.
All the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025, their signs – and what to expect.
The Virgo New Moon falls on September 2nd and 3rd 2024, around the world. It also falls on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Where is the fresh start in your life and why is it delayed until September 11th?
Wall Street predictions based on a Mercury-influenced ‘birth’ chart.
Almost Everything is Retrograde – September, October 2022 A cycle that began on Sunday 21st August 2022 and ends on Monday 17th October explains why
Mercury Retrograde, Mars Retrograde and the Rest When a heavenly body appears to travel forwards through a zodiac sign, then run on the spot at
The Taurus New Moon Eclipse of 2022 I’m just going to recap an old prediction about this New Moon at 10 Taurus on Saturday 30th
Mercury Retrograde 2023 and 2024 If you are planning events far ahead, it helps to know when there will be rescheduling, cancellation or delay. My
To really understand Mercury, you must return to the Romans and understand the way they traded and did business, as they gave us the archetype for Mercury in the first place. Our modern astrology comes from them.
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer (your house, apartment, holiday accommodation, family, roommate/flatmate, tradesmen, mortgage, lease) needs management in June and July 2020. Here are the dates and details.
You know about Mercury Retrograde. What happens in 2020 when we see not only Mercury but also Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto Retrograde? As you might expect, it’s a life lived backwards. How do you gain from that? All the dates are here.
Forget Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Petrograde is the cat and dog version of the craziest human cycle in astrology, striking three times a year. A survey of 2000 pet owners confirms what you’ve always thought. Your animal friend does behave weirdly, when this planet goes backwards.
Astrology predicted the virus and financial crisis as far back as 2017. Date-stamped. Read on to find out why May 2020 is make or break.
In The Astrology Show news this week, we take a look the how the media in the UK went giddy over Mercury Petrograde, plus a collection of Mercury Retrograde stories that washed up, dug up or simply popped up on Twitter!
Even those who are fully in the know about Mercury Retrograde & its impact on communication are not immune to its effect, as astrology app Co-Star demonstrated last week.
It makes sense that when Mercury goes retrograde in the water sign of Pisces, we are more likely to see disruptions caused by water – forcing us to reschedule, rethink, research or revise.
The Astrology Show Podcast on Twitter @astrologyshow brings you the current Top 5 of what’s new in astrology this week.
True astrology predictions about Meghan, Harry and Archie in the year 2020 – made as far back as 17th July 2017. Why was travel always written in Archie’s stars and is he really the reincarnation of Princess Margaret? It’s Megxit!
The dates and details of Mercury Retrograde 2020 in depth, for you to plan far in advance and use this cycle to your advantage. How do you avoid the disruption? Includes personal chart specifics for Premium Members.
Mercury Retrograde from October 11th to December 7th 2019, always starts earlier and ends later than Google tells you. How will your horoscope be affected? Why is this astrology cycle so famous?
How astrology nailed Florida and North Carolina as trouble spots in the Trump election over 2 years before the Mueller enquiry into Trump Russia. What’s next?
For now, you just need to know the whole (fantastic) cycle begins with really strange weather. As in, Mercury Retrograde weather. In fact, from the moment that Jupiter breezes into this new sign, you hit Mercury Retrograde.
It’s Mercury Recovery time…were you personally affected by the strange Leo weather in July, August and early September? Mercury the planet of communication and information was going backwards – and the eclipses and Node did the rest. Now for the good news!
What is Mercury Retroshade, the term created by the Astro Twins which has gone viral? It’s Mercury Retrograde Shadow. How does it work in your personal birth horoscope? Read on. Mercury Retroshade 2018, 2019 is worth tracking!
Mercury Retrograde Shadow is the days before and after, when Mercury ‘loops the loop’ and it is often when the biggest problems occur.
Do you have Leo factors in your personal birth chart in the Fifth House? The more you have (over three is unusual) the more your life will be complicated by the events of July-September 2018.
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