With the South Node moving in Sagittarius & North Node moving in Gemini this week it’s time to make the most of this momentous combination.
PART I by Alicia Fulton
In our lifetime, we will most likely experience each individual node combination a total of four to five times. This is because it takes 19.5 years for each cycle of the south and north nodes to return to the position they were in when you were born.
The south and north nodes go slowly backwards, and each time a new nodal combination arrives, it brings with it chapters from the past. These chapters are from the same time the nodes were in that exact combination and may have been ones lived in our current lifetime, or experiences from or decisions made in past lives, when the node were found in the exact same signs.
Each combination of the nodes will feel familiar. And this is not just if you are over the age of nineteen and have lived with the nodes in each sign already, but also because the south node brings with it jammed karma, waiting out to be set free.
“Always with the nodes, regardless of the signs involved, the underlying idea is as follows. The south node represents unresolved karma – dead-end patterns that get us nowhere and yet tend to keep repeating. ‘There are lessons I have learned hundreds of times’ – that kind of thing.
Meanwhile, the north node seems very foreign and unnatural – but if we make a little effort to break our bad habits and instead try on the north node attitudes and behaviours, they work wonders. They leave us astonished, sort of like a doctor’s medicine that actually cures us.” Forrest then adds the simple summary, “Think of the south node as a bad habit and the north node as its remedy.”
Settling Karma Debts & Building Up Positive Karmic Points
To those wanting to maximise the potential of each node cycle, look back to lessons learnt (or experience that you wish you’d learnt from) when the South Node was last in Sagittarius 19 years ago. As 2020-21 is your opportunity to acknowledge and resolve the negative karma or bad habits that have stuck with you since that time.
Plus, it’s a wonderful opportunity create new positive karmic patterns for the future. To do this, spend a little time studying both your own life to date, reviewing what your history – along with the world’s history – has demonstrated with this particular node combination.
If you know you don’t want to simply slip into routine responses, or know you want a clean break with negative patterns you’ve developed over the years, work out in advance how you can address in a more North Node in Gemini manner will be empowering.
But know too that embracing a “new” north node type of response instead of the old familiar south node auto-pilot reaction, you could (or in fact should) expect it to feel uncomfortable on some level.
Basic Life Lessons
Expert on nodes, esteemed astrologer Jan Spiller wrote in Astrology For The Soul how “In examining the position of your North Node you are looking at the basic lesson underlying this entire lifetime. Therefore, the changes may not happen all at once. Keep in mind that as you take steps in a new direction, you’re going against habits that have become deeply ingrained over many incarnations. That’s why you need to keep remembering to remember to do things in a new way and keep moving toward resolution of the past life imbalances you’ve inherited.”
Learning the Right Lyrics
Ever been singing along to a song on the radio you thought you knew off by heart only to realise the lyrics were completely different to those you’ve been singing for years and year? The south node could be compared to the lyrics you thought were right for the last 19 years (or 38, 57, 76 or 95 years!), the north node is the realisation you’ve had the words wrong all along, making the effort to learn the new words & ultimately appreciating and enjoy the song on a whole new level.
Jessica Adams explains in an earlier blog on North Node and South Node Meanings, “The whole point of all of this (node cycles) is to assist you in learning, developing, evolving and moving yourself on, spiritually. Sometimes you need a stuck record in your life to learn the song.
The Nodal cycles are about healing and closure if you are patient enough to deal with them. We all hope for an astrological cycle that H-E-A-L-S. This applies no matter if you are Sagittarius-affected or Gemini-affected.”
What Themes Will the South Node in Sagittarius & North Node in Gemini Deliver in 2020-21?
In Part II of this feature (for Premium Members), Jessica Adams will explain how the South Node in Sagittarius in astrology affects your life, bringing back karma for you, from the period October 14th, 2001 through April 12th, 2003. Learn what to expect and most importantly how to get the best outcome.
About the Author: Alicia Fulton is a lifestyle writer currently based in Sydney with more than twenty years’ experience working with titles and firms in New York and Sydney, including ELLE US and Australia, The Knot Magazine, John Brown Publishing, Bloomingdales, Williams Sonoma, Westfield and MoëtHennessy. Alicia devotes her life to her two beautiful sons and family, with whom she has travelled extensively on adventures throughout Europe, Asia and the US, and to her life-long passions – astrology, travel and music. Alicia’s current projects include websites Jessica Adams, Holiday Goddess & AMMP.tv.
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Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomingdale’s and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins).
Geoffrey Cornelius wrote the greatest book in the history of horoscopes, The Moment of Astrology. Jessica Adams examines a real moment of astrology in a rare first edition of the book, in a tribute to the great man.
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 18th 2024 is also a partial lunar eclipse. How is your sign affected? How are you affected if you have factors in Pisces in your birth chart? What’s in store for the world’s big religious conflicts?
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60 Responses
Hello Jessica, hope things are going well for you
Been very lucky to previously get a reply re: Sth Node; need clarification what you actually mean please. To refresh your memory, your original reply:
“You should keep writing and think about joining an existing series of blogs/websites/forums or create your own and then link to others. You are going into the new Gemini North Node-Sagittarius South Node cycle from May 2020 until January 2022 and that picks up your Third House of computers and Ninth House of authorship.”
“The Sun and Moon… has made you a natural writer. Your chart is loaded with Sagittarius-Gemini which is the hallmark of writing, diaries, letters, the worldwide web, blogs, social media and so on. Also good books and poetry and organisations like Goodreads. You’ll obviously be tempted to write or perhaps go into public speaking, multimedia and so on – maybe the book world. If you were to bring in this Taurus-Aquarius-Aries pattern, which lends itself to making money, saving it or fundraising it, life could become very interesting!”
My reply:
– I’ve written replies on forums/entered writing competitions etc, nothing.
– I’ve no family, friends, contacts = social media not relevant to me.
– Extremely hard to get through whole books = can’t be a book reviewer, market flooded anyway.
– Don’t understand poetry.
– Don’t know multimedia, don’t have time/money to learn it (live in poverty & have time consuming unpaid family work for another couple yrs). Got 4 qualifications, nearly killed me to get, came to nothing, don’t want anymore study.
– Entering the bk world/public speaking (not possible -I’m unknown).
My question:
The only thing can think of to ‘use’ writing is to start a blog, like a diary, talking about my unusually extremely difficult life, hopefully help others. Been told by all sorts of medical professionals over 20+ yrs it’s a wonder I’m still alive.
What do you think of this idea? (I’ve previously spent yrs working on things came to nothing, & it will be really hard finding time, hence need to know if this is a waste or time or not). Can’t think of anything else.
All domain names I can think of, over yrs, are taken. What do you think of something like ultramarineviolet, or quasi? (racked my brains for literally yrs, can’t think of anything). Are you getting anything?
– What do you mean ‘bring in this Taurus-Acqua-Aries pattern’? Done charity work – do not want anymore. Does not work out for me (Nearly collapsed, replaced by 4 people working for what was Aust’s largest charity. Abused. Also did unpaid strategy work for a famous person’s charity – made them millions, didn’t even get thankyou letter. (psychic told me eventually I will but who cares – no jobs for me there). Never earnt enough to live above the poverty line.
– My other question is, re: living situation. Here’s what you said:
“What you wrote down and left out overnight will work. You meant it, and it has been seen by family and guides in spirit. The three psychics who told you about help from the universe were correct. What it means is – you get signs. Little, obvious guideposts or funny coincidences or twists of fate. None of that is an accident.Just follow what you are being given. You need a candle, peace and quiet, intention and trust. And it takes time but you will find signs, I promise, eventually.”
– NO signs. NOTHING! Leaving things out for yrs does not help. Needing help from the universe is now urgent. Health being seriously damaged from enduring abuse whilst waiting for the help. (yes I know Saturn etc in Cancer).
Breathing ex’s before sleep does not help. Sensitive to light, can’t look at candle. Tried for yrs, but am not spiritual enough to connect to spirit guides. (Spiritual churches were cruel so can’t learn there. Don’t have time anyway). I’ve literally tried everything. Psychics you suggested not suitable, they only do video calls (can’t afford own internet = can’t use video calls).
ps in case you were going to suggest it: I do not have depression, medically proven. Also medicially proven: my shyness is the best it can be – nothing further can be done after 20+ yrs of working on it (was going to write about it, already been done many times). It’s also medically proven, ‘talking things over’ does not help me. Usually makes things worse. Unusual I know, but there’s others of us out there!
Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Sorry message is so long (needed to explain everything tried so far).
This is really answered in two parts. The first part – writing – you need to know the cycle only just began today. It goes until January 2022. So if nothing has happened, it’s because this has not even started. We’re on day one and you have a long time. I’m sorry you didn’t see any messages or signs from your family, friends and guides in spirit. It’s not because an attempt wasn’t made – they are here for you. Do you know about the work of Gordon Smith the most tested and trusted medium we have today? It’s free on YouTube. Try his healing meditation.
Dear Jessica,
Ever since reading about the nodes changing this year I have been wondering how it affects people who have the nodes in their birth chart the other way around like me. So I have my north node in sagitarrius and south node in gemini. Really curious if that has a particular significance. Warmest wishes, S
The flip of the Nodes by sign is not unusual. Starting right now, lasting until January 2022, you will be in a position to finish what you started in another country. You made inroads there but nothing ever really took you further. Now, it can. It’s the same with the locals from that place. You made tentative beginnings or even real headway, perhaps 19 years ago, and yet it’s been left hanging. You may not even be aware of how much, who, what, when or why! This will resolve. There are also skills, talents, abilities connected with your Third House (internet) and Ninth House (broad communication) which must now be recalled and revived. You will need a translator or translation by 2022.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for so much content on your site to keep us all occupied. I am learning so much!
I have north node in Sag and South node in Gem. I already have some similar situations coming up in my life as I make decisions as to the best way forward for work and lifestyle. Does this reverse order of the nodes throw up anything else I should be aware of?
Thank you again, stay safe and prolific
Thank you. These Nodes have really landed with a bang, haven’t they? We’re seeing such dramatic developments already with travel, tourism, airlines, residency, visas, passports and so on. Try to make your choices in May if you can. Mercury, which rules Gemini and also travel, is retrograde for most of June and July. August is your next window. If you want second opinions, or third opinions, use The Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook, and also Your Oracle guidebook. You could also draw a Tarot card for a fourth opinion. You are your own best judge.
The last time we had this Gemini-Sag weather, we experienced the 9-11 terror attacks on the twin towers (Gemini twins + monstrous fire and ash).
Correct, there is karma from Gemini-Sagittarius cycles during the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. When we think about Gemini, that’s really about domestic flights. All those planes crossing America were grounded. We also think about Sagittarius – foreign religion. In this case, fanatical beliefs. There is a huge amount to be resolved about that day and that year, karmically. It is typical of astrology that Gemini rules twins and they were Twin Towers (which I saw, before my eyes, in Greenwich Village) which came down. There would seem to be the hope of closure ahead in 2020, 2021, 2022. I hope so.
I just ordered “Astrology for the Soul” to better understand the nodes. I had asked this before but It may have gotten lost in the tons of comments. If i remember back all those years. 19 years ago and 38 years ago I believe I was in college at both times. I now have just started another course to be completed in 2.5 years. I had never done anything with the other education experiences the first two times(Quit first time and finished a degree second) so let’s hope this time I put it to use. I have another question regarding nodes. Interestingly enough, my north node is 20 Cancer and south node is 20 Capricorn and My husband (August 22, 1973, 12:22pm, Syosset NY)is opposite (north node 06 Capricorn and south node 06Cancer). We were born in the same hospital 10 years apart which is very unusual under the circumstances of both of Families lives at the time. He was adopted. We met after both of us had 2 other failed marriages and each had just experienced traumatic events in our lives that occurred within 2 years before we met. Any thoughts on that and what we may have upcoming? Thanks!
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer your question the first time round. We have 9,837 in the Comments queue today. Your college experience 19 years and 30 years ago, is completely in synch with your course now. You quit the first time and then finished a degree, and that is absolutely in line with what you are doing now. The North Node and South Node in transit, through your Third House of internet and Ninth House of academia, are here to return you to some kind of closure. I expect you will finish your degree, in a manner of speaking, or just study further informally so you feel that you’ve closed that book. The birth position of your own North Node and South Node, and that of your husband, is a firm indicator of past life karma. You two have met in your ‘life between lives’ and made a soul contract to return together, to finish unfinished business, but also – very likely – to enjoy rewards. The fact that you both had marriages before, and considerable stress in your lives, suggests a really strong bond. We often see old soldiers doing this. They go through hell together and in a spirit of enduring friendship, promise they will never let each other down – and always come back for each other. You would be amazed to know how often that happens when people fall in love and marry. The Cancer placement is often the clue: Cancer rules ‘my town and country’ and ‘my homeland and family’ and of course, patriotism. It is also possible there is a professional karmic connection, going the other way, as Capricorn rules career.
Hi Jessica
What question can I frame for the north-south node tarot reading.
The question is, how can past life experience help now…
north node in capricorns to fade away .especially capricorn ones
Not sure of your question there. The South Node in Capricorn is on the way out, yes. Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn remain.
I have a nodes return, what does it mean for me?
A Node Return (when the transiting North Node and South Node go back into the signs they occupied at your birth) is exact for you at 24 Gemini and 24 Sagittarius, in September 2020. The pull of the past will influence September. You owe, or are owed, spiritually – regarding travel, foreign countries and people, publishing, the worldwide web, education or academia. We could go all the way back to February 2002 actually. And then back into past lives, as you have been here before – so many times – and always as a traveller, migrant, teacher, student, publisher, writer. When I say you are owed, or owe, I am talking about settlements with people, places or organisations you may not have ever been aware of – as those you are very much mindful of. The Nodes slowly but surely go through your Third House and Ninth House, until January 2022, during which time you will meet with a great deal of repetition and familiarity, designed to show you the past, in a way that helps you develop your best qualities for the future.
Hi Jessica,
I hope your well and keeping safe.
Can you tell me what the north and south nodes mean for my chart?
Thank you.
It will pay you to stay updated on the latest news about travel, borders, international trade agreements, passports, airlines, visas and tourism in 2020, 2021 and early 2022. There are advantages for you ahead. The North Node in Gemini is crossing your Third House of short journeys and commuting – by bicycle, taxi, bus, train or car – by boat and tram. The South Node is crossing your Ninth House of exploration and adventure. Once Jupiter moves into Aquarius at the end of 2020, he will begin to form stunning patterns with both these Nodes. Saturn is also forming useful supporting patterns and Chiron too. So starting right now, the wheels are in motion for you to travel, or just get around, in new ways – that will make you really feel as if you’re progressing in this world!
– Thanks. I know Nodes just started, but I’d’ve thought if going to do the blog, would need to start asap to have the force of the Nodes behind me? (Due to my extreme difficulty in getting work of any kind/being paid, need all the help from universe can get). My idea was, with the Nodes’ help, build a following which in time, eventually, get something paid out of it). Or do you honestly think blog idea should be scrapped? The name is critical; can’t think of any.
Was told at school my writing is better than average person, not good enough to make a career, tend to agree. There’s thousands of other better writers out there than me, including you. Market is covered, saturated. Even though Nodes have just started, no contacts, as an unknown, don’t see any way of using writing?
Been told in interviews I’m not suited to working and should just stay home. Former colleagues thought when I left the charity, never work again. True so far. Would give anything to have a top career. Working guts out, intelligence, qualifications, still doesn’t do it. Don’t understand it.
– Also with the Nodes, you say it’s a return from the past – worked for the charity from Nov 00-Dec 07. Have no contact with them (only wanted to know you if they could use you. They’ve used me up, hence they don’t want to know me now). Could my ‘return to the past’ be a reminder of not to let this happen again?
– You previously mentioned Monica Dickens books – any in particular? Making it through whole books is hard, rare for me. Don’t understand literature.
– Carried a guy (7/9/77) through uni. Friends for 10yrs, nearly got together, never happened. Devastated. Was the purpose of this a karmic debt and/or the realisation my path is a solo one?
You can write for pure enjoyment rather than for money, to get limbered up. Yet if you find yourself in the flow, then I recommend you look at Fiverr.com and also Guru.com as good websites for finding all sorts of work. This will take time. Be kind to yourself and be patient with the Node cycle which requires until January 2022 to achieve full flow. Writing is a versatile thing. People are sometimes hired as ghostwriters. They can also be paid as part-time researchers. You have the kind of chart where slowing down, being kind to yourself, giving yourself space and so on, is essential. There is also the old story about bread-and-butter and cake. You work for bread-and-butter, and have your cake when you get home, which might be blogging, or writing podcast scripts, or whatever you genuinely enjoy. What you actually end up doing for income might be very different to what you luxuriate in for pure enjoyment, and that’s perfectly fine. We are not all Dick King-Smith, Monica Dickens (who is wonderful – read her books on nursing) or Stephen King! You will find your way with work and money. Use the journal that comes with membership. Just write a diary for your own private interest, too. You use ‘block’ words a lot. So words like difficulty, scrapped, critical, unknown, not, never, used me up, hard, carried, never happened, devastated…I mention words because you they influence everything so much. Do you know about cognitive therapy? Spike Milligan used it. It’s an old technique but a good one. You rewrite your daily diary removing the blocks with something that opens things up instead. Space does not allow me to go into that here, but I think it’s worth looking at. You need to write, to feel better – because you have a yen to find the words – and because you get something from it. It’s also rather powerful. You can shut your own doors in life by using block words. And also by remembering the rejections or criticisms and over-focussing on them. We have to live in the real world but look at the words you use to describe your world. They shape what you experience, what you feel and what happens. Astrology is a wonderful alternative, because you can look yourself up, and your chart, and get an outsider’s view on yourself and your life. That can set you free. There are so many resources on here for Premium Members and I’d love it if you could use everything and get started. Your return to the past, is about the years 2001-2002 and very specifically about what you learned or taught, formally or informally. This does not sound like your charity. But is is there to be found again.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for all the information about this new nodes cycle. I listened to the podcast on youtube three times and fell asleep on three occasions. I don’t know precisely why, but it had a hypnotic effect on me.
In the previous nodes cycle, you accurately and recurrently predicted that the story around my nodes concerned children. You could not have been more right, and I could not be more grateful for the guidance you shared as it helped me to manage my expectations and take action at the right moments. Now with this new period, I am hoping to know how it would affect the specific factors in my chart considering that aspects in Sagittarius and powerful Psyche in Gemini. I would be thankful for any insight, and Thank you in advance for your guidance.
Thank you. I’m glad you fell asleep! Sleep is good. However it comes…Thank you for confirming my prediction for you about children. Okay, so the next year or two aren’t really about parenthood. Often we find that life is what happens to us when we make other plans. The Sagittarius-Gemini weather, at most, is about teaching younger people. Not really being a parent as such. In 2020, 2021, early 2022 you’ll find yourself in a position to take someone aside and show them the ropes. This is open to you now, actually. It just takes the first move from you. You would be amazed at how many parents are hoping that someone will take on Skype education or Zoom learning duties with their children! It’s very early days yet, as the cycle only just began, but by January 2022 you will have been encouraged to pass on your wisdom, skills, talents or abilities either to a much younger relative, or to a younger generation as a whole. There is a very special role there for you.
I just signed up Sun Sign School and ready for a new astrology journey! My node return will happen in less than two years I wonder how can I use this cycle to help me get ready for a longer future? I’m glad that I’ve been reading your articles and preparing for changes, investing in myself with different knowledge and new ways to make a living. Although I have not to expect the dramatic changes we are experiencing at the moment but still, I’m at a much better position than a few years ago. This year with all these transit pushes me to work and think harder for the future not just a few years but long term hence I decided to sign up Sun Sign School after over 20 years of being an astrology believer. I have 3 factors in Germini and I really hope I can overcome whatever challenges I have to face in this cycle.
Welcome to The Sun Sign School – you are about to learn from the very best – I feel lucky to have colleagues who have played their part in history, advising Diana, Princess of Wales, during her time here – and being given privileged access to royal birth times, more recently at the wedding of Prince William and Kate. These are astrologers who are at the very peak of our profession and I hope you love what they have to show you about this thing we call ‘the horoscope.’ People with a strong Gemini chart are here to translate and communicate information. You are now going through a cycle not possible in 19 years, when you will discover the best way to do that. It may be writing for the internet. It may be writing for the paper game – newspapers, magazines and books. It may be scriptwriting for radio or speechwriting for other people to step up to a microphone. You may prefer to go on YouTube and present what you know on a film clip. Perhaps you’d rather podcast. Over the next 2-3 years you are going to be astonished by the options. The person who can make it happen is you, by training and practising your Gemini-heavy communication abilities so that you really, really get through to people. And of course, finding the right medium. If you are going to invest time and energy in becoming a channel people want to read, listen to or watch – it will pay off by 2022. The trick is finding the right way that suits you, but also finding something you can commit to. Animation and cartoons are another way to communicate. So is acting. It’s all about ‘the voice’ and how you interpret that.
Hi Jessica! I have quite the lineup in the late degrees of Sagittarius which I have always felt the impact of strongly (my birth time is accurate to the minute). Could you please share any insight you may have on how the nodes will impact this for me?! Sincerely appreciate it!! Thank you 🙂
People with a strong Sagittarius chart signature in the Ninth House do feel it and tend to have a lifelong pattern – exploring their own country and the world, either with luggage, or just on the other end of a computer or bookshelf. You are also typically going to be a student of life, so you never stop learning, even if there is no piece of paper at the end of it. This new South Node in Sagittarius cycle is going to draw you back to a country and its culture/history one more time. There will already be strong clues and signs about this country, or perhaps a particular city within it. There may even be two countries which are slowly starting to show on the radar. By January 2022, no matter how the world looks now, you will have been shown a way to get back there, or just to firm up a new connection online with the people and the place. You would already have been there, perhaps more than once, or have found this country/culture/region becoming surprisingly important to you a few years ago. The last thing you expected, actually. There may be some karmic ties with this place, so you could have lived there in another lifetime, or even been involved in military conflict with this place, and made some kind of soul contract to ‘make good’ in this lifetime. See what comes to you. Past lives are fascinating and well-proven. There may be really good reasons in 2020, 2021, 2022 – why you go through, what you go through. I have done past life regression and it is astonishing to see how many people living and working between Australia and Great Britain, have a past life on the convict ships and have come back to ‘make good’. We’ll go into past lives more on this website another time, but even if the jury is out on all that, for you, at the very least you will have a pin on the map by June that you want to keep adding to.
Hi Jessica
I have my ascendent & descendant in Sagittarius & Gemini. Also Venus in Gemini. How will this effect me?
Helen, if your birth time is strictly accurate, then your Ascendant and Descendant will be too. Assuming this is the case, then you’re going to find that a travel route you had never thought about before, opens up to you by 2022. This could be the start of a completely different approach to holidays, but also (perhaps) your work and personal life. You are also going to discover new ways of commuting or getting around. New ways to be heard and read, embracing the latest and greatest in technology, are also coming. It’s a really good time for you to ask ‘How can I best get my message across?’ There will be tremendous reforms and radical changes coming online with social media. I don’t know if you bother with Facebook and What’s App or not, but Mark Zuckerberg and the people behind him are very unlikely to survive this transit without massive transformation. That will also have an impact on your own use of the web, if only because it affects others around you too, and the way they communicate. You’ll be kept fully occupied with a project, idea or concept (like a blog or spoken word plan) as Venus retrogrades through Gemini, which takes you right through mid-2020. It will go backwards and forwards, but if you want the relationship involved to become more intricate, richer, more nuanced, more collaborative, more passionate – then it is worth your time and energy to make it your priority. In fact the actual two-way relationship here, which could so easily be with a colleague, will be just as important as the end product itself. Look up Venus and also the Third House after you finish reading this, because that is what you will be dealing with.
Jessica, I have a question… my north node is Gemini, and my south is Sagittarius. What could the nodes moving into these same signs mean for me? Seems like it may be a notable time in my life?
Thank you very much for your time.
Sometimes the changes in your country, or around the world, affect you personally. This is the case when we get an historic cycle like the North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius occurring. Some headlines are already filtering through. The BBC report that bicycle sales have skyrocketed in Britain. (Gemini rules bicycles, motorbikes and all transport we commute with). We are also seeing the airlines talking about $19 fares (Qantas). Once you put all that together with the Third House of your chart, ruled by Gemini and the Ninth House of your chart, ruled by Sagittarius, you end up with a completely new future, which you will be part of, and contribute to. It’s a little bit micro-macro. By 2022 you will be fully engaged with ‘the new travel’ and ‘the new commute’ and you’ll find that you contribute to the wave. This may be for work or personal reasons. I am always being asked when life will return to normal. It won’t. Not in terms of how we get around and take our breaks. So we’re going to see a complete overhaul of the vacation scheduling with public holidays (like a Bank Holiday weekend in Britain) and Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Lunar New Year in Asia and so on. People will be encouraged to take breaks at different times. Traffic jams will vanish. Everyone will have their own personal schedule. The end of petrol fuelled cars is here by 2026 and so is the idea of one car, one person (or one family). We’re also going to see aeroplanes physically restructured with more space inside and different air flow. I don’t know how central commuting, travel, transport, tourism are to your life personally or professionally, but they will be really high on your agenda as the Nodes go through your Third House and Ninth House all the way to January 2022. At the moment, the mindset out there is that we will find a cure for COVID-19 and that gradually the world will go back to normal. The astrology says, we will never go back. It will be really exciting for you to see how the new inventions have a direct impact on your life – solar and wind power, for example, but even creations we haven’t dreamed of yet, which will land by January 2022. You are also going to see flight paths radically alter, so the old criss-cross maps of the globe for different airlines will be thrown out. The new flight paths, airlines and also the new cruises will all start to take shape after the critical crossroads of January 2021, when we see a T-Square between Neptune in Pisces (cruises, boats, sailing, shipping, ferries) and the Nodes in the travel and tourism signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. Nothing will be the same again after that. Yet, for you, there are some amazing journeys ahead and some really astonishing new ways to get around!
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for another informative article! I’m especially excited to read your blog posts about karma. I feel like I’ve been living out a long period of paying off karmic debt.
Are you able to help me understand what this period means for me? I noticed for the first time that I don’t have any Gemini factors! But I do have a few in Sagittarius.
Thank you so much for your insights. Stay safe!
The Sagittarius South Node cycle, upon us now, is personal to you, AJ, because it moves through your Ninth House of emigration, travel, publishing, academia, education, teaching, the internet, foreign people and places and exploration. In the Middle Ages this was the house of long sea journeys and monasteries where monks illuminated manuscripts. Today we associate this house in your chart (the Ninth House is worth looking up on Search) with different sorts of exploration. The worldwide web can be explored with a computer mouse. You are (even now, today) being returned to the past, both in terms of a prior incarnation, and also more recently, the years 2001-2002. This will become more obvious to you by 2021, actually. You are going to be very tempted by quite radically different new vacation, working holiday or similar arrangements. There will be some astonishing choices. Airlines will fly between cities they never crossed before. The conditions, terms, prices will vary so much. It won’t just be airlines. You will be presented with ‘the new travel’ which covers trains, buses, coaches and more inventive ways of exploring, even by car, boat, bicycle. Wrapped around all this is the simple fact that you are not just another tourist, you tend to want the deepest and most spiritually fulfilling experiences from the places you go to. Some people go to Rome to buy the gelato and say they’ve been. You would go to Rome only if you knew for a fact you could see history come alive and pack a ton of ebooks with you, so you could check your own research. This example is one of many I could give you, but you already have a particular country and its people at the back of your mind. It seems so far away now – not realistic at all. Yet this place has been coming up repeatedly in April and in fact, has been woven in and out of your life story for many years. And yes, as you might have guessed, you have past life connections with this place on the world map, too. It’s calling you, and the call will be hard to resist, by the middle of 2021.
Hi Jessica, back in 2001-2003, my ex tricked me into signing quit claim deed for a apartment building that I had owned with him. I thought I was signing quit claim for another property but I was slipped another piece of paper right after. My daughter was under 1, I was holding her when I was signing and didn’t even notice. When I found out, it was too late. I never contested it even after divorce because I was afraid my ex. Does it mean I have a chance to get it back? Statue of limitations already passed do I can’t do anything legally. Maybe karma will do the work?
I am so sorry about your ex partner. You were even holding your child when the deception took place. And fear has stopped you challenging him, which is also a very tough situation to live with. He will live with the ripple effect of that for his entire life, and also in subsequent lifetimes. What he did involved both of you, karmically, and that sets up recurring patterns. A very important thing to remember about now, May 2020, is that we are going to see rebirth, recovery and resurrection all over the place. A brand new day is dawning even if it’s darkest before the dawn. This affects you quite powerfully. Nobody should be fooled by what appears to be ‘the end’ or ‘the beginning of the end.’ Actually, it’s the start of a completely new existence in a totally different world. We are currently living with Saturn in Aquarius, which is all about groups of people. Communities of friends online, perhaps, or real networks, like football teams or political parties. The reality of groups is that they can spell serious issues for the one person outside them, or against them. The reality of groups is also that they can be almost faceless. They act as a kind of hive mind, not as one individual. I mention this because it may be affecting you, your former partner, or your daughter. Perhaps – just someone who is important in your life now, but not connected to this story with your ex. As a general comment on May, though, the time has come to accept that with enough healing, anyone can start again. And the time is coming, when starting again, in a bigger, brighter world, is so irresistible that no matter what has gone down, and how dark or difficult that has been, the new day dawning will convert even the biggest pessimist.
Thank you, Jessica! I am going through exactly what it is that you’ve said. Both education wise to help me with emigration and a country that I’ve kept going back to for the past few years over and over again. No surprise this where I’m trying to emigrate but I’m lacking in points to make the cut hence the education to boost me a little.
I appreciate your confirmation. Best wishes!
Thank you for confirming the prediction. You are on the right path – this cycle ends in January 2022.
I have a few planets in Sag. How will I be affected? Thank you.
It will take time for the South Node in Sagittarius to reach this stellium in your chart, but by January 2022 you will well and truly have been taken back to the future. The years 2001 and 2002 are significant, either because of the trips you took then, or the moves you made. You may be owed, spiritually, or owe others in some way. There is a balance sheet that needs to be organised, in terms of your soul and your own past. It can be really easy to forget things with the passage of time, but as you make your way through this new cycle, specifically dealing with people and places where there are huge gaps in cultural experience, language and so on – you will realise that you are being asked to close a circle. With Saturn there, none of this was every easy, but Saturn is also about the satisfaction that comes with final settlement and you are about to learn so much as the South Node goes to Saturn first at 7 Sagittarius, then straight onto Diana (a symbol of freedom and independence). Your Tarot cards will reveal the choices. And you have some pretty amazing choices by January 2022.
Hi Jessica,
I have Sagittarius chart signature. How this new cycle might affect me personally? Is this about work opportunities in foreign countries, or journey back to my roots?Perhaps better option would be to return back to the country I have just left. A place both foreign and familiar. Due to current situation worldwide options seems to be limited now. I am trying to make changes, but still feel stuck. My life feels like a sea at the moment, aimless wandering.
Any insight would be great.
Justina, you have time to figure this out. The rules on migration, visas and passports, residency and so on are going to change enormously, right around the world, in 2020, 2021 and January 2022. You may want to make your moves well away from June and July 2020, though, as Mercury Retrograde in Cancer in your Fourth House (property, home, home town, homeland) is not particularly helpful. Essentially the South Node in Sagittarius in your Ninth House is about looking back to life in 2001 and 2002, which may provide clues for you. This is particularly true of any relocation or important vacation in those years, or an involvement with people form a different nationality or culture. That has left karmic traces and the next couple of years will be about balancing that karma. This more than anything else describes where you are likely to end up – or choose to remain.
Hi Jessica,
I’m so grateful for this time as I’m really enjoying reading all your wonderful teachings and content. I think I’m able to apply your teachings at times to make sense of past events but I’m still learning how to understand and how to apply your teachings in a proactive, positive way moving forward. Does the NN in Gemini, SN in Sagittarius affect home and work (paid/unpaid) for me, or for something else? If I refer back 19 years – I was exhausted with babies, work, and workaholic husband. If I refer back to two 19 year cycles (38 years, gasp), I was entering college and remember feeling happy, independent, and excited to leave home. I’m single now and my kids (both independent but important part of my life) will graduate over the next year. I feel at peace and, dare I say, free right now. Where to live, how to live, where to work and how to work seem to be at the top of my mind these days. If this makes any sense, appreciate your guidance.
You’re rotating your Sagittarius node cycles. These occur in your Ninth House, which is about study and teaching, education and learning, academia and knowledge. You gave birth to two future graduates and sacrificed for them. Nineteen years ago you were putting them first so they could grow up to attend university. They were tiny babies but you were their springboard to academia. Nineteen years before that, another Ninth House transit, you were going into college yourself. Now the children are going to fly the nest. You know exactly what is going to happen next, don’t you? They owe you (or the universe does, via them) and you will be able to learn as you wish, when you wish, at a level your younger self would have shaken her head at. Good karma is coming your way. It’s very likely you have several lifetimes of these issues about universities, colleges, helping others to learn, learning yourself and so on. Very interesting!
If I’m reading my chart right, I have the nodes return on this cycle…my birth time is accurate, and seem to have a lot going on in Sagittarius. The last time this cycle occured I was working in media, which I ungraciously left (after sleeping in one too many times for breakfast radio) as an 18yo. I then was offered an opportunity in Hospo in a town near Canberra requiring me to move. I despised the town, which motivated me to drive for 4 hours every Saturday to explore Sydney, and drive back, ready for work again Monday morning. It was a very exciting yet depressing period as I thought I would be in radio my entire life, my inability to relate to those small country town locals I met, and the excitement and “feeling of home” Sydney provided really provided a very conflicting time in my life that I don’t feel I really recovered from.
Do you have any insight as to the way this return will play out for me?
Thank you in advance for any response!
You do have that North Node and South Node signature across Gemini-Sagittarius and everything you describe here will come back, literally or symbolically. Gemini rules radio. Gemini also rules commuting – a four hour drive. Regional differences? Sagittarius. There is clearly some karma here with Canberra-Sydney or maybe just ACT-NSW. The hotspot here is 15, 16, 17 degrees as you have quite a cluster of horoscope factors around that. That means we can time the return experience, though in 2020 it may go past radio into podcasting or even Zoomcasting. It’s February, March 2021 quite specifically. Don’t be surprise if people from around the year 2001-2002 come back then. It’s going to be good for you. Lucky Jupiter goes across 15, 16, 17 in those two months again, February and March. But don’t sit around waiting for this. Do what you would do anyway. But there are some rewards here. A group will be involved. Within the group, a true friend. Clairvoyantly I am seeing a VW Beetle car. That may, of course, be a pun on ‘Beatle’! Let’s see.
Dear Jessica I received the following answers for the question- how can past life experience help now?
Tarot- ten of swords
Astrology oracle- pluto and ninth house
Kindly give me insights here. Thank you.
I wrote a guidebook called Pamela’s Tarot for Premium Members which has information about the swords suit. In a past life you experienced major challenges with a group. Now, Saturn is in Aquarius, in your Eleventh House of groups, so ancient karma returns. What you learned before, is that groups have their own psychology. Peer group pressure is well known. So is ‘the hive mind’. The individual is lost and must do what everyone else is doing! If there is anyone seen as an outsider, that person is sometimes completely unacceptable. It is up to you to figure out if you were one of the many, who rejected someone outside – or if you were actually the individual who became a target of that particular society, association, unit, regiment, cult, trade union, political party, band and so on. Pluto and the Ninth House suggests survival and then travel or emigration. In this past life story of yours, the person who made it through (despite the force of so many people together) went onwards and upwards and relocated to a brand new life. I am going into some very deep stuff here. If you feel you need to talk to someone, please do so. Astrology can only take you so far. Yet, you can also learn from the Node cycle and gain so much from it, if you use your astrology correctly.
Hi Jessica,
I have no Gemini at all but Sag in Bacchus 05° Sagittarius 41′ 15″ and Ops 02° Sagittarius 17′ 48″.
What South node experiences I should let go, how can they help now and next two years? What North node areas/ideas I should adopt ?
I’m in US for last 30yrs, with roots and parents in India. ~19yrs back I bought my first home in US, blessed with my first daughter, my parents, in-laws visiting us, and I was doing well in my career.
It’s interesting that you are Indian-American in terms of your background as we have to wonder what is foreign to you! Is it India these days or America? Your chart shows you ‘chime’ with the Node cycle. Indeed 19 years ago you moved to America and had your daughter. Perhaps because you have two homes, it is time to find a ‘home’ which does not depend on either. That home is your own soul. Your own spirit. Also, your body. You can have the most comfortable bedroom in the world but if you are not at home within yourself, then nothing really feels settled. Your chart reveals fantastic potential for you to learn meditation, or to deepen your existing meditation practise. This nods to both your homes, actually, as India is the home of meditation and yoga, but America is where ‘mindfulness’ was born, as a huge current trend. Borrow from both. You are your best home and you must look after it – which means looking after Mind, Body, Spirit.
Hi Jessica,
It would seem I’m going to have my nodes return to where they were when I was born. Back in 2001 I travelled to Australia with my partner and returned In late September of that year to the UK as I found out I was expecting my first child. She was born in May of 2002. What can I personally expect form my return?
Thanks in advance.
Kat, you will have the Nodes return at 15 Gemini and 15 Sagittarius, and as you’ve seen, the loop is coming back to you from 2001 when you went to Australia with your partner (Sagittarius rules foreign people and places) and then welcomed a baby. In fact, your teenager (now) is a past life karmic connection for you, and it is very likely that in your ‘life between lives’ as it’s called, you two souls agreed that you would settle something about Great Britain, but also Australia. I have seen this before with some clients and it’s often about a personal involvement in the history of those two countries, together. You also have Neptune in Sagittarius, in your Ninth House, along with the Node. So for the first time in 19 years, the South Node in Sagittarius at 29 degrees, is lining up exactly with Neptune in your chart. Jupiter is really close at 28 Sagittarius. You could have the property situation of your dreams, wealth and success. Yet, you need to make it real. Neptune can make everything seem like a fantasy. It’s not a fantasy. There is often a fair bit of confusion with this cycle, so I strongly recommend you get real with yourself. Face yourself in the mirror and have a chat. Make some notes in a journal. Meet yourself again! Then you can be far more centred, grounded and proactive about reaching for the apartment, house, holiday home, success and abundance that is there – potentially. You also need to address two or three fears you have. These are not real either. You could make them real by grasping at them, but why do that? I’m talking here about toxic people or poisonous organisations or situations that also seem weirdly real, yet not real. Eliminate those. It’s like being a small child frightened of ghosts in the dark. Find a way to dismiss who or what you fear, or are repulsed by (even!) Focus on property, abundance, success, achievement. Own it and bring it down to earth for yourself. Most of all, know yourself, before you even begin. Neptune transits like this are rare but important. Disneyland was just a figment of Walt’s imagination until he believed in the drawings and himself and made it concrete. Now look!
Hi Jessica, I have Gemini in the north node and sagittarius in the south, plus I have 6 planets in Gemini and 6 in Sagittarius so this is a big time for me, any help would be appreciated, thank you
Yes, of course. This is an amazing period for you, until January 2022, with the North Node in Gemini transiting your Third House of multi-tasking, juggling, writing, ideas, and the internet. Microphones, white boards, telephones and fountain pens. Simultaneously you have the South Node in Sagittarius transiting your Ninth House of international connections, travel, travel in the mind, and even relocation. It is very important that you centre and ground. You are living off your Gemini side now so you are on your feet, easily distracted, trying to take in everything and everybody but not really getting very far. I think you will have to decide where your time and energy is best spent. Britain and the British? Europe and the Europeans? America and the Americans? What about Australasia, from Sydney to Tokyo? This is a hugely important period for you, and it’s just started. It may in fact be possible for you to benefit from all four corners of the world and their residents, but it would take a hell of a plan and a massive master strategy. This is personal. It’s about your most intimate relationships until January 2022. So there is that side of it, because – forget being a world citizen – you are also a woman! At the same time you are a conductor. Many strongly Gemini people are. You ‘conduct’ the ‘orchestra’ of voices online, or on the other end of Zoom, or the telephone. You are also conducting Uranus in Taurus, which is also transiting your chart and that can feel like being plugged into the mains. So please ground and centre. Focus. Multi-tasking is okay, but I would not want you to miss out on any of these fascinating, potential options by being so distracted or confused by the multiplicity of choices that you never do any of them. Gemini can be very scattered. Jack of all trades and master of none, the old astrologers used to say. I also need you to look at the block or barrier to your thinking. What part of great success or victory seems like some kind of wall? Take it firmly in hand and wrap yourself in it. You need to own your laurels, the way that Grand Prix drivers own their wreaths and champagne. You have masses of work to do, but you can do it. You have time. Take a deep breath and begin to ‘fly’ or literally fly. Take flight towards the proof of success that is just waiting for you to use, and then reach for those people, from those countries. One at a time. Maybe two at once. Maybe you can do Barcelona and London! I think one basic yoga pose that connects the base of your spine (base chakra) to the earth would really help.
If only I could tell you all the details of what you have told me in respect of this reading- how can past life experience help now?
Tarot- ten of swords
Astrology oracle- pluto and ninth house
“In this past life story of yours, the person who made it through (despite the force of so many people together) went onwards and upwards and relocated to a brand new life.”
There is a mentor in my life who I have told you a number of times by now that I walked away from. All that you have mentioned is the core story of this person in this lifetime. Last year when I had drawn jupiter and ninth house oracle for month of september you had told me that my connection with this person of foreign background was karmic.
Is it truly over?
Please use your Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook to answer that question.
Hi Jessica, After north and south code change signs, what aspect will be influenced in my life?thank you
This is really about the South Node in Sagittarius, which rules religion, faith, beliefs, philosophy. It may be Buddhism or astrology. The Roman Catholic church or the Anglican church. It may be something offbeat – a cult. There is always a big question about following a particular set of rules or laws, laid down by the leaders of a belief system. In astrology there are senior authors and academics who say ‘This is the way the horoscope works’ but we all know that, just as with religion, there is a regular questioning of the rules! You will find yourself dealing with big questions about who to believe, and what to believe, and why you believe it. The outcome is very important in terms of your life direction. We know how important Buddhism is to some countries – and it is the same with Hinduism in India. It is the bedrock of how the society works. As the South Node goes through your Ninth House in 2020, 2021 and early 2022 you will experience some karma about religion (perhaps) or some other way of seeing the world. For more information on this cycle, please look up ‘Ninth House’ on Search and in your guidebooks.
Good Morning Jessica
I hope that you’re well, in good health and good spirits.
I see that the South Node is at 29 Sagittarius. Well, my Sun is at 29 Sagittarius. What does this mean?
I’m still on furlough from work, facing redundancy and realise that I have a whole new working life starting for me. I don’t know where or when at the moment.
I’m spending a lot of time with my Dad, as he has a medical procedure booked in for next week and is in self isolation. I’m flitting between two homes and find it testing at times, torn between supporting my Dad and living my own life. I know that “this too shall pass”.
I’ve been doing Meditation for the first time ever, and take a lot of positivity from it.
What’s your take on the South Node at 29 Sagittarius in my chart? It’d be great if you could give me an insight.
Thanks Jessica.
All the best
Fate has a sense of timing and your father needs you, because he is isolated from the world and is in for a medical procedure. Cometh the hour, cometh the daughter. You will of course be back in work again, and have the choice of different kinds of work, actually, over the next 2-3 years. The South Node in Sagittarius and the Sun in Sagittarius are about education, training and academia. If you have not yet been tempted to pick up a new course you will find it comes your way shortly and feels very familiar.
Thank you for taking the time to answer,Jessica. I learn so much from your wisdom.
60 Responses
Hello Jessica, hope things are going well for you
Been very lucky to previously get a reply re: Sth Node; need clarification what you actually mean please. To refresh your memory, your original reply:
“You should keep writing and think about joining an existing series of blogs/websites/forums or create your own and then link to others. You are going into the new Gemini North Node-Sagittarius South Node cycle from May 2020 until January 2022 and that picks up your Third House of computers and Ninth House of authorship.”
“The Sun and Moon… has made you a natural writer. Your chart is loaded with Sagittarius-Gemini which is the hallmark of writing, diaries, letters, the worldwide web, blogs, social media and so on. Also good books and poetry and organisations like Goodreads. You’ll obviously be tempted to write or perhaps go into public speaking, multimedia and so on – maybe the book world. If you were to bring in this Taurus-Aquarius-Aries pattern, which lends itself to making money, saving it or fundraising it, life could become very interesting!”
My reply:
– I’ve written replies on forums/entered writing competitions etc, nothing.
– I’ve no family, friends, contacts = social media not relevant to me.
– Extremely hard to get through whole books = can’t be a book reviewer, market flooded anyway.
– Don’t understand poetry.
– Don’t know multimedia, don’t have time/money to learn it (live in poverty & have time consuming unpaid family work for another couple yrs). Got 4 qualifications, nearly killed me to get, came to nothing, don’t want anymore study.
– Entering the bk world/public speaking (not possible -I’m unknown).
My question:
The only thing can think of to ‘use’ writing is to start a blog, like a diary, talking about my unusually extremely difficult life, hopefully help others. Been told by all sorts of medical professionals over 20+ yrs it’s a wonder I’m still alive.
What do you think of this idea? (I’ve previously spent yrs working on things came to nothing, & it will be really hard finding time, hence need to know if this is a waste or time or not). Can’t think of anything else.
All domain names I can think of, over yrs, are taken. What do you think of something like ultramarineviolet, or quasi? (racked my brains for literally yrs, can’t think of anything). Are you getting anything?
– What do you mean ‘bring in this Taurus-Acqua-Aries pattern’? Done charity work – do not want anymore. Does not work out for me (Nearly collapsed, replaced by 4 people working for what was Aust’s largest charity. Abused. Also did unpaid strategy work for a famous person’s charity – made them millions, didn’t even get thankyou letter. (psychic told me eventually I will but who cares – no jobs for me there). Never earnt enough to live above the poverty line.
– My other question is, re: living situation. Here’s what you said:
“What you wrote down and left out overnight will work. You meant it, and it has been seen by family and guides in spirit. The three psychics who told you about help from the universe were correct. What it means is – you get signs. Little, obvious guideposts or funny coincidences or twists of fate. None of that is an accident.Just follow what you are being given. You need a candle, peace and quiet, intention and trust. And it takes time but you will find signs, I promise, eventually.”
– NO signs. NOTHING! Leaving things out for yrs does not help. Needing help from the universe is now urgent. Health being seriously damaged from enduring abuse whilst waiting for the help. (yes I know Saturn etc in Cancer).
Breathing ex’s before sleep does not help. Sensitive to light, can’t look at candle. Tried for yrs, but am not spiritual enough to connect to spirit guides. (Spiritual churches were cruel so can’t learn there. Don’t have time anyway). I’ve literally tried everything. Psychics you suggested not suitable, they only do video calls (can’t afford own internet = can’t use video calls).
ps in case you were going to suggest it: I do not have depression, medically proven. Also medicially proven: my shyness is the best it can be – nothing further can be done after 20+ yrs of working on it (was going to write about it, already been done many times). It’s also medically proven, ‘talking things over’ does not help me. Usually makes things worse. Unusual I know, but there’s others of us out there!
Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Sorry message is so long (needed to explain everything tried so far).
This is really answered in two parts. The first part – writing – you need to know the cycle only just began today. It goes until January 2022. So if nothing has happened, it’s because this has not even started. We’re on day one and you have a long time. I’m sorry you didn’t see any messages or signs from your family, friends and guides in spirit. It’s not because an attempt wasn’t made – they are here for you. Do you know about the work of Gordon Smith the most tested and trusted medium we have today? It’s free on YouTube. Try his healing meditation.
Dear Jessica,
Ever since reading about the nodes changing this year I have been wondering how it affects people who have the nodes in their birth chart the other way around like me. So I have my north node in sagitarrius and south node in gemini. Really curious if that has a particular significance. Warmest wishes, S
The flip of the Nodes by sign is not unusual. Starting right now, lasting until January 2022, you will be in a position to finish what you started in another country. You made inroads there but nothing ever really took you further. Now, it can. It’s the same with the locals from that place. You made tentative beginnings or even real headway, perhaps 19 years ago, and yet it’s been left hanging. You may not even be aware of how much, who, what, when or why! This will resolve. There are also skills, talents, abilities connected with your Third House (internet) and Ninth House (broad communication) which must now be recalled and revived. You will need a translator or translation by 2022.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for so much content on your site to keep us all occupied. I am learning so much!
I have north node in Sag and South node in Gem. I already have some similar situations coming up in my life as I make decisions as to the best way forward for work and lifestyle. Does this reverse order of the nodes throw up anything else I should be aware of?
Thank you again, stay safe and prolific
Thank you. These Nodes have really landed with a bang, haven’t they? We’re seeing such dramatic developments already with travel, tourism, airlines, residency, visas, passports and so on. Try to make your choices in May if you can. Mercury, which rules Gemini and also travel, is retrograde for most of June and July. August is your next window. If you want second opinions, or third opinions, use The Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook, and also Your Oracle guidebook. You could also draw a Tarot card for a fourth opinion. You are your own best judge.
The last time we had this Gemini-Sag weather, we experienced the 9-11 terror attacks on the twin towers (Gemini twins + monstrous fire and ash).
Correct, there is karma from Gemini-Sagittarius cycles during the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. When we think about Gemini, that’s really about domestic flights. All those planes crossing America were grounded. We also think about Sagittarius – foreign religion. In this case, fanatical beliefs. There is a huge amount to be resolved about that day and that year, karmically. It is typical of astrology that Gemini rules twins and they were Twin Towers (which I saw, before my eyes, in Greenwich Village) which came down. There would seem to be the hope of closure ahead in 2020, 2021, 2022. I hope so.
I just ordered “Astrology for the Soul” to better understand the nodes. I had asked this before but It may have gotten lost in the tons of comments. If i remember back all those years. 19 years ago and 38 years ago I believe I was in college at both times. I now have just started another course to be completed in 2.5 years. I had never done anything with the other education experiences the first two times(Quit first time and finished a degree second) so let’s hope this time I put it to use. I have another question regarding nodes. Interestingly enough, my north node is 20 Cancer and south node is 20 Capricorn and My husband (August 22, 1973, 12:22pm, Syosset NY)is opposite (north node 06 Capricorn and south node 06Cancer). We were born in the same hospital 10 years apart which is very unusual under the circumstances of both of Families lives at the time. He was adopted. We met after both of us had 2 other failed marriages and each had just experienced traumatic events in our lives that occurred within 2 years before we met. Any thoughts on that and what we may have upcoming? Thanks!
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer your question the first time round. We have 9,837 in the Comments queue today. Your college experience 19 years and 30 years ago, is completely in synch with your course now. You quit the first time and then finished a degree, and that is absolutely in line with what you are doing now. The North Node and South Node in transit, through your Third House of internet and Ninth House of academia, are here to return you to some kind of closure. I expect you will finish your degree, in a manner of speaking, or just study further informally so you feel that you’ve closed that book. The birth position of your own North Node and South Node, and that of your husband, is a firm indicator of past life karma. You two have met in your ‘life between lives’ and made a soul contract to return together, to finish unfinished business, but also – very likely – to enjoy rewards. The fact that you both had marriages before, and considerable stress in your lives, suggests a really strong bond. We often see old soldiers doing this. They go through hell together and in a spirit of enduring friendship, promise they will never let each other down – and always come back for each other. You would be amazed to know how often that happens when people fall in love and marry. The Cancer placement is often the clue: Cancer rules ‘my town and country’ and ‘my homeland and family’ and of course, patriotism. It is also possible there is a professional karmic connection, going the other way, as Capricorn rules career.
Hi Jessica
What question can I frame for the north-south node tarot reading.
The question is, how can past life experience help now…
north node in capricorns to fade away .especially capricorn ones
Not sure of your question there. The South Node in Capricorn is on the way out, yes. Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn remain.
I have a nodes return, what does it mean for me?
A Node Return (when the transiting North Node and South Node go back into the signs they occupied at your birth) is exact for you at 24 Gemini and 24 Sagittarius, in September 2020. The pull of the past will influence September. You owe, or are owed, spiritually – regarding travel, foreign countries and people, publishing, the worldwide web, education or academia. We could go all the way back to February 2002 actually. And then back into past lives, as you have been here before – so many times – and always as a traveller, migrant, teacher, student, publisher, writer. When I say you are owed, or owe, I am talking about settlements with people, places or organisations you may not have ever been aware of – as those you are very much mindful of. The Nodes slowly but surely go through your Third House and Ninth House, until January 2022, during which time you will meet with a great deal of repetition and familiarity, designed to show you the past, in a way that helps you develop your best qualities for the future.
Hi Jessica,
I hope your well and keeping safe.
Can you tell me what the north and south nodes mean for my chart?
Thank you.
It will pay you to stay updated on the latest news about travel, borders, international trade agreements, passports, airlines, visas and tourism in 2020, 2021 and early 2022. There are advantages for you ahead. The North Node in Gemini is crossing your Third House of short journeys and commuting – by bicycle, taxi, bus, train or car – by boat and tram. The South Node is crossing your Ninth House of exploration and adventure. Once Jupiter moves into Aquarius at the end of 2020, he will begin to form stunning patterns with both these Nodes. Saturn is also forming useful supporting patterns and Chiron too. So starting right now, the wheels are in motion for you to travel, or just get around, in new ways – that will make you really feel as if you’re progressing in this world!
– Thanks. I know Nodes just started, but I’d’ve thought if going to do the blog, would need to start asap to have the force of the Nodes behind me? (Due to my extreme difficulty in getting work of any kind/being paid, need all the help from universe can get). My idea was, with the Nodes’ help, build a following which in time, eventually, get something paid out of it). Or do you honestly think blog idea should be scrapped? The name is critical; can’t think of any.
Was told at school my writing is better than average person, not good enough to make a career, tend to agree. There’s thousands of other better writers out there than me, including you. Market is covered, saturated. Even though Nodes have just started, no contacts, as an unknown, don’t see any way of using writing?
Been told in interviews I’m not suited to working and should just stay home. Former colleagues thought when I left the charity, never work again. True so far. Would give anything to have a top career. Working guts out, intelligence, qualifications, still doesn’t do it. Don’t understand it.
– Also with the Nodes, you say it’s a return from the past – worked for the charity from Nov 00-Dec 07. Have no contact with them (only wanted to know you if they could use you. They’ve used me up, hence they don’t want to know me now). Could my ‘return to the past’ be a reminder of not to let this happen again?
– You previously mentioned Monica Dickens books – any in particular? Making it through whole books is hard, rare for me. Don’t understand literature.
– Carried a guy (7/9/77) through uni. Friends for 10yrs, nearly got together, never happened. Devastated. Was the purpose of this a karmic debt and/or the realisation my path is a solo one?
You can write for pure enjoyment rather than for money, to get limbered up. Yet if you find yourself in the flow, then I recommend you look at Fiverr.com and also Guru.com as good websites for finding all sorts of work. This will take time. Be kind to yourself and be patient with the Node cycle which requires until January 2022 to achieve full flow. Writing is a versatile thing. People are sometimes hired as ghostwriters. They can also be paid as part-time researchers. You have the kind of chart where slowing down, being kind to yourself, giving yourself space and so on, is essential. There is also the old story about bread-and-butter and cake. You work for bread-and-butter, and have your cake when you get home, which might be blogging, or writing podcast scripts, or whatever you genuinely enjoy. What you actually end up doing for income might be very different to what you luxuriate in for pure enjoyment, and that’s perfectly fine. We are not all Dick King-Smith, Monica Dickens (who is wonderful – read her books on nursing) or Stephen King! You will find your way with work and money. Use the journal that comes with membership. Just write a diary for your own private interest, too. You use ‘block’ words a lot. So words like difficulty, scrapped, critical, unknown, not, never, used me up, hard, carried, never happened, devastated…I mention words because you they influence everything so much. Do you know about cognitive therapy? Spike Milligan used it. It’s an old technique but a good one. You rewrite your daily diary removing the blocks with something that opens things up instead. Space does not allow me to go into that here, but I think it’s worth looking at. You need to write, to feel better – because you have a yen to find the words – and because you get something from it. It’s also rather powerful. You can shut your own doors in life by using block words. And also by remembering the rejections or criticisms and over-focussing on them. We have to live in the real world but look at the words you use to describe your world. They shape what you experience, what you feel and what happens. Astrology is a wonderful alternative, because you can look yourself up, and your chart, and get an outsider’s view on yourself and your life. That can set you free. There are so many resources on here for Premium Members and I’d love it if you could use everything and get started. Your return to the past, is about the years 2001-2002 and very specifically about what you learned or taught, formally or informally. This does not sound like your charity. But is is there to be found again.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for all the information about this new nodes cycle. I listened to the podcast on youtube three times and fell asleep on three occasions. I don’t know precisely why, but it had a hypnotic effect on me.
In the previous nodes cycle, you accurately and recurrently predicted that the story around my nodes concerned children. You could not have been more right, and I could not be more grateful for the guidance you shared as it helped me to manage my expectations and take action at the right moments. Now with this new period, I am hoping to know how it would affect the specific factors in my chart considering that aspects in Sagittarius and powerful Psyche in Gemini. I would be thankful for any insight, and Thank you in advance for your guidance.
Thank you. I’m glad you fell asleep! Sleep is good. However it comes…Thank you for confirming my prediction for you about children. Okay, so the next year or two aren’t really about parenthood. Often we find that life is what happens to us when we make other plans. The Sagittarius-Gemini weather, at most, is about teaching younger people. Not really being a parent as such. In 2020, 2021, early 2022 you’ll find yourself in a position to take someone aside and show them the ropes. This is open to you now, actually. It just takes the first move from you. You would be amazed at how many parents are hoping that someone will take on Skype education or Zoom learning duties with their children! It’s very early days yet, as the cycle only just began, but by January 2022 you will have been encouraged to pass on your wisdom, skills, talents or abilities either to a much younger relative, or to a younger generation as a whole. There is a very special role there for you.
I just signed up Sun Sign School and ready for a new astrology journey! My node return will happen in less than two years I wonder how can I use this cycle to help me get ready for a longer future? I’m glad that I’ve been reading your articles and preparing for changes, investing in myself with different knowledge and new ways to make a living. Although I have not to expect the dramatic changes we are experiencing at the moment but still, I’m at a much better position than a few years ago. This year with all these transit pushes me to work and think harder for the future not just a few years but long term hence I decided to sign up Sun Sign School after over 20 years of being an astrology believer. I have 3 factors in Germini and I really hope I can overcome whatever challenges I have to face in this cycle.
Welcome to The Sun Sign School – you are about to learn from the very best – I feel lucky to have colleagues who have played their part in history, advising Diana, Princess of Wales, during her time here – and being given privileged access to royal birth times, more recently at the wedding of Prince William and Kate. These are astrologers who are at the very peak of our profession and I hope you love what they have to show you about this thing we call ‘the horoscope.’ People with a strong Gemini chart are here to translate and communicate information. You are now going through a cycle not possible in 19 years, when you will discover the best way to do that. It may be writing for the internet. It may be writing for the paper game – newspapers, magazines and books. It may be scriptwriting for radio or speechwriting for other people to step up to a microphone. You may prefer to go on YouTube and present what you know on a film clip. Perhaps you’d rather podcast. Over the next 2-3 years you are going to be astonished by the options. The person who can make it happen is you, by training and practising your Gemini-heavy communication abilities so that you really, really get through to people. And of course, finding the right medium. If you are going to invest time and energy in becoming a channel people want to read, listen to or watch – it will pay off by 2022. The trick is finding the right way that suits you, but also finding something you can commit to. Animation and cartoons are another way to communicate. So is acting. It’s all about ‘the voice’ and how you interpret that.
Hi Jessica! I have quite the lineup in the late degrees of Sagittarius which I have always felt the impact of strongly (my birth time is accurate to the minute). Could you please share any insight you may have on how the nodes will impact this for me?! Sincerely appreciate it!! Thank you 🙂
People with a strong Sagittarius chart signature in the Ninth House do feel it and tend to have a lifelong pattern – exploring their own country and the world, either with luggage, or just on the other end of a computer or bookshelf. You are also typically going to be a student of life, so you never stop learning, even if there is no piece of paper at the end of it. This new South Node in Sagittarius cycle is going to draw you back to a country and its culture/history one more time. There will already be strong clues and signs about this country, or perhaps a particular city within it. There may even be two countries which are slowly starting to show on the radar. By January 2022, no matter how the world looks now, you will have been shown a way to get back there, or just to firm up a new connection online with the people and the place. You would already have been there, perhaps more than once, or have found this country/culture/region becoming surprisingly important to you a few years ago. The last thing you expected, actually. There may be some karmic ties with this place, so you could have lived there in another lifetime, or even been involved in military conflict with this place, and made some kind of soul contract to ‘make good’ in this lifetime. See what comes to you. Past lives are fascinating and well-proven. There may be really good reasons in 2020, 2021, 2022 – why you go through, what you go through. I have done past life regression and it is astonishing to see how many people living and working between Australia and Great Britain, have a past life on the convict ships and have come back to ‘make good’. We’ll go into past lives more on this website another time, but even if the jury is out on all that, for you, at the very least you will have a pin on the map by June that you want to keep adding to.
Hi Jessica
I have my ascendent & descendant in Sagittarius & Gemini. Also Venus in Gemini. How will this effect me?
Helen, if your birth time is strictly accurate, then your Ascendant and Descendant will be too. Assuming this is the case, then you’re going to find that a travel route you had never thought about before, opens up to you by 2022. This could be the start of a completely different approach to holidays, but also (perhaps) your work and personal life. You are also going to discover new ways of commuting or getting around. New ways to be heard and read, embracing the latest and greatest in technology, are also coming. It’s a really good time for you to ask ‘How can I best get my message across?’ There will be tremendous reforms and radical changes coming online with social media. I don’t know if you bother with Facebook and What’s App or not, but Mark Zuckerberg and the people behind him are very unlikely to survive this transit without massive transformation. That will also have an impact on your own use of the web, if only because it affects others around you too, and the way they communicate. You’ll be kept fully occupied with a project, idea or concept (like a blog or spoken word plan) as Venus retrogrades through Gemini, which takes you right through mid-2020. It will go backwards and forwards, but if you want the relationship involved to become more intricate, richer, more nuanced, more collaborative, more passionate – then it is worth your time and energy to make it your priority. In fact the actual two-way relationship here, which could so easily be with a colleague, will be just as important as the end product itself. Look up Venus and also the Third House after you finish reading this, because that is what you will be dealing with.
Jessica, I have a question… my north node is Gemini, and my south is Sagittarius. What could the nodes moving into these same signs mean for me? Seems like it may be a notable time in my life?
Thank you very much for your time.
Sometimes the changes in your country, or around the world, affect you personally. This is the case when we get an historic cycle like the North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius occurring. Some headlines are already filtering through. The BBC report that bicycle sales have skyrocketed in Britain. (Gemini rules bicycles, motorbikes and all transport we commute with). We are also seeing the airlines talking about $19 fares (Qantas). Once you put all that together with the Third House of your chart, ruled by Gemini and the Ninth House of your chart, ruled by Sagittarius, you end up with a completely new future, which you will be part of, and contribute to. It’s a little bit micro-macro. By 2022 you will be fully engaged with ‘the new travel’ and ‘the new commute’ and you’ll find that you contribute to the wave. This may be for work or personal reasons. I am always being asked when life will return to normal. It won’t. Not in terms of how we get around and take our breaks. So we’re going to see a complete overhaul of the vacation scheduling with public holidays (like a Bank Holiday weekend in Britain) and Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Lunar New Year in Asia and so on. People will be encouraged to take breaks at different times. Traffic jams will vanish. Everyone will have their own personal schedule. The end of petrol fuelled cars is here by 2026 and so is the idea of one car, one person (or one family). We’re also going to see aeroplanes physically restructured with more space inside and different air flow. I don’t know how central commuting, travel, transport, tourism are to your life personally or professionally, but they will be really high on your agenda as the Nodes go through your Third House and Ninth House all the way to January 2022. At the moment, the mindset out there is that we will find a cure for COVID-19 and that gradually the world will go back to normal. The astrology says, we will never go back. It will be really exciting for you to see how the new inventions have a direct impact on your life – solar and wind power, for example, but even creations we haven’t dreamed of yet, which will land by January 2022. You are also going to see flight paths radically alter, so the old criss-cross maps of the globe for different airlines will be thrown out. The new flight paths, airlines and also the new cruises will all start to take shape after the critical crossroads of January 2021, when we see a T-Square between Neptune in Pisces (cruises, boats, sailing, shipping, ferries) and the Nodes in the travel and tourism signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. Nothing will be the same again after that. Yet, for you, there are some amazing journeys ahead and some really astonishing new ways to get around!
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for another informative article! I’m especially excited to read your blog posts about karma. I feel like I’ve been living out a long period of paying off karmic debt.
Are you able to help me understand what this period means for me? I noticed for the first time that I don’t have any Gemini factors! But I do have a few in Sagittarius.
Thank you so much for your insights. Stay safe!
The Sagittarius South Node cycle, upon us now, is personal to you, AJ, because it moves through your Ninth House of emigration, travel, publishing, academia, education, teaching, the internet, foreign people and places and exploration. In the Middle Ages this was the house of long sea journeys and monasteries where monks illuminated manuscripts. Today we associate this house in your chart (the Ninth House is worth looking up on Search) with different sorts of exploration. The worldwide web can be explored with a computer mouse. You are (even now, today) being returned to the past, both in terms of a prior incarnation, and also more recently, the years 2001-2002. This will become more obvious to you by 2021, actually. You are going to be very tempted by quite radically different new vacation, working holiday or similar arrangements. There will be some astonishing choices. Airlines will fly between cities they never crossed before. The conditions, terms, prices will vary so much. It won’t just be airlines. You will be presented with ‘the new travel’ which covers trains, buses, coaches and more inventive ways of exploring, even by car, boat, bicycle. Wrapped around all this is the simple fact that you are not just another tourist, you tend to want the deepest and most spiritually fulfilling experiences from the places you go to. Some people go to Rome to buy the gelato and say they’ve been. You would go to Rome only if you knew for a fact you could see history come alive and pack a ton of ebooks with you, so you could check your own research. This example is one of many I could give you, but you already have a particular country and its people at the back of your mind. It seems so far away now – not realistic at all. Yet this place has been coming up repeatedly in April and in fact, has been woven in and out of your life story for many years. And yes, as you might have guessed, you have past life connections with this place on the world map, too. It’s calling you, and the call will be hard to resist, by the middle of 2021.
Hi Jessica, back in 2001-2003, my ex tricked me into signing quit claim deed for a apartment building that I had owned with him. I thought I was signing quit claim for another property but I was slipped another piece of paper right after. My daughter was under 1, I was holding her when I was signing and didn’t even notice. When I found out, it was too late. I never contested it even after divorce because I was afraid my ex. Does it mean I have a chance to get it back? Statue of limitations already passed do I can’t do anything legally. Maybe karma will do the work?
I am so sorry about your ex partner. You were even holding your child when the deception took place. And fear has stopped you challenging him, which is also a very tough situation to live with. He will live with the ripple effect of that for his entire life, and also in subsequent lifetimes. What he did involved both of you, karmically, and that sets up recurring patterns. A very important thing to remember about now, May 2020, is that we are going to see rebirth, recovery and resurrection all over the place. A brand new day is dawning even if it’s darkest before the dawn. This affects you quite powerfully. Nobody should be fooled by what appears to be ‘the end’ or ‘the beginning of the end.’ Actually, it’s the start of a completely new existence in a totally different world. We are currently living with Saturn in Aquarius, which is all about groups of people. Communities of friends online, perhaps, or real networks, like football teams or political parties. The reality of groups is that they can spell serious issues for the one person outside them, or against them. The reality of groups is also that they can be almost faceless. They act as a kind of hive mind, not as one individual. I mention this because it may be affecting you, your former partner, or your daughter. Perhaps – just someone who is important in your life now, but not connected to this story with your ex. As a general comment on May, though, the time has come to accept that with enough healing, anyone can start again. And the time is coming, when starting again, in a bigger, brighter world, is so irresistible that no matter what has gone down, and how dark or difficult that has been, the new day dawning will convert even the biggest pessimist.
Thank you, Jessica! I am going through exactly what it is that you’ve said. Both education wise to help me with emigration and a country that I’ve kept going back to for the past few years over and over again. No surprise this where I’m trying to emigrate but I’m lacking in points to make the cut hence the education to boost me a little.
I appreciate your confirmation. Best wishes!
Thank you for confirming the prediction. You are on the right path – this cycle ends in January 2022.
I have a few planets in Sag. How will I be affected? Thank you.
07° Sagittarius 43′ 09″
10° Sagittarius 42′ 52″
08° Sagittarius 51′ 38″
09° Sagittarius 24′ 12″
It will take time for the South Node in Sagittarius to reach this stellium in your chart, but by January 2022 you will well and truly have been taken back to the future. The years 2001 and 2002 are significant, either because of the trips you took then, or the moves you made. You may be owed, spiritually, or owe others in some way. There is a balance sheet that needs to be organised, in terms of your soul and your own past. It can be really easy to forget things with the passage of time, but as you make your way through this new cycle, specifically dealing with people and places where there are huge gaps in cultural experience, language and so on – you will realise that you are being asked to close a circle. With Saturn there, none of this was every easy, but Saturn is also about the satisfaction that comes with final settlement and you are about to learn so much as the South Node goes to Saturn first at 7 Sagittarius, then straight onto Diana (a symbol of freedom and independence). Your Tarot cards will reveal the choices. And you have some pretty amazing choices by January 2022.
Hi Jessica,
I have Sagittarius chart signature. How this new cycle might affect me personally? Is this about work opportunities in foreign countries, or journey back to my roots?Perhaps better option would be to return back to the country I have just left. A place both foreign and familiar. Due to current situation worldwide options seems to be limited now. I am trying to make changes, but still feel stuck. My life feels like a sea at the moment, aimless wandering.
Any insight would be great.
Justina, you have time to figure this out. The rules on migration, visas and passports, residency and so on are going to change enormously, right around the world, in 2020, 2021 and January 2022. You may want to make your moves well away from June and July 2020, though, as Mercury Retrograde in Cancer in your Fourth House (property, home, home town, homeland) is not particularly helpful. Essentially the South Node in Sagittarius in your Ninth House is about looking back to life in 2001 and 2002, which may provide clues for you. This is particularly true of any relocation or important vacation in those years, or an involvement with people form a different nationality or culture. That has left karmic traces and the next couple of years will be about balancing that karma. This more than anything else describes where you are likely to end up – or choose to remain.
Hi Jessica,
I’m so grateful for this time as I’m really enjoying reading all your wonderful teachings and content. I think I’m able to apply your teachings at times to make sense of past events but I’m still learning how to understand and how to apply your teachings in a proactive, positive way moving forward. Does the NN in Gemini, SN in Sagittarius affect home and work (paid/unpaid) for me, or for something else? If I refer back 19 years – I was exhausted with babies, work, and workaholic husband. If I refer back to two 19 year cycles (38 years, gasp), I was entering college and remember feeling happy, independent, and excited to leave home. I’m single now and my kids (both independent but important part of my life) will graduate over the next year. I feel at peace and, dare I say, free right now. Where to live, how to live, where to work and how to work seem to be at the top of my mind these days. If this makes any sense, appreciate your guidance.
You’re rotating your Sagittarius node cycles. These occur in your Ninth House, which is about study and teaching, education and learning, academia and knowledge. You gave birth to two future graduates and sacrificed for them. Nineteen years ago you were putting them first so they could grow up to attend university. They were tiny babies but you were their springboard to academia. Nineteen years before that, another Ninth House transit, you were going into college yourself. Now the children are going to fly the nest. You know exactly what is going to happen next, don’t you? They owe you (or the universe does, via them) and you will be able to learn as you wish, when you wish, at a level your younger self would have shaken her head at. Good karma is coming your way. It’s very likely you have several lifetimes of these issues about universities, colleges, helping others to learn, learning yourself and so on. Very interesting!
If I’m reading my chart right, I have the nodes return on this cycle…my birth time is accurate, and seem to have a lot going on in Sagittarius. The last time this cycle occured I was working in media, which I ungraciously left (after sleeping in one too many times for breakfast radio) as an 18yo. I then was offered an opportunity in Hospo in a town near Canberra requiring me to move. I despised the town, which motivated me to drive for 4 hours every Saturday to explore Sydney, and drive back, ready for work again Monday morning. It was a very exciting yet depressing period as I thought I would be in radio my entire life, my inability to relate to those small country town locals I met, and the excitement and “feeling of home” Sydney provided really provided a very conflicting time in my life that I don’t feel I really recovered from.
Do you have any insight as to the way this return will play out for me?
Thank you in advance for any response!
You do have that North Node and South Node signature across Gemini-Sagittarius and everything you describe here will come back, literally or symbolically. Gemini rules radio. Gemini also rules commuting – a four hour drive. Regional differences? Sagittarius. There is clearly some karma here with Canberra-Sydney or maybe just ACT-NSW. The hotspot here is 15, 16, 17 degrees as you have quite a cluster of horoscope factors around that. That means we can time the return experience, though in 2020 it may go past radio into podcasting or even Zoomcasting. It’s February, March 2021 quite specifically. Don’t be surprise if people from around the year 2001-2002 come back then. It’s going to be good for you. Lucky Jupiter goes across 15, 16, 17 in those two months again, February and March. But don’t sit around waiting for this. Do what you would do anyway. But there are some rewards here. A group will be involved. Within the group, a true friend. Clairvoyantly I am seeing a VW Beetle car. That may, of course, be a pun on ‘Beatle’! Let’s see.
Dear Jessica I received the following answers for the question- how can past life experience help now?
Tarot- ten of swords
Astrology oracle- pluto and ninth house
Kindly give me insights here. Thank you.
I wrote a guidebook called Pamela’s Tarot for Premium Members which has information about the swords suit. In a past life you experienced major challenges with a group. Now, Saturn is in Aquarius, in your Eleventh House of groups, so ancient karma returns. What you learned before, is that groups have their own psychology. Peer group pressure is well known. So is ‘the hive mind’. The individual is lost and must do what everyone else is doing! If there is anyone seen as an outsider, that person is sometimes completely unacceptable. It is up to you to figure out if you were one of the many, who rejected someone outside – or if you were actually the individual who became a target of that particular society, association, unit, regiment, cult, trade union, political party, band and so on. Pluto and the Ninth House suggests survival and then travel or emigration. In this past life story of yours, the person who made it through (despite the force of so many people together) went onwards and upwards and relocated to a brand new life. I am going into some very deep stuff here. If you feel you need to talk to someone, please do so. Astrology can only take you so far. Yet, you can also learn from the Node cycle and gain so much from it, if you use your astrology correctly.
Hi Jessica,
I have no Gemini at all but Sag in Bacchus 05° Sagittarius 41′ 15″ and Ops 02° Sagittarius 17′ 48″.
What South node experiences I should let go, how can they help now and next two years? What North node areas/ideas I should adopt ?
I’m in US for last 30yrs, with roots and parents in India. ~19yrs back I bought my first home in US, blessed with my first daughter, my parents, in-laws visiting us, and I was doing well in my career.
It’s interesting that you are Indian-American in terms of your background as we have to wonder what is foreign to you! Is it India these days or America? Your chart shows you ‘chime’ with the Node cycle. Indeed 19 years ago you moved to America and had your daughter. Perhaps because you have two homes, it is time to find a ‘home’ which does not depend on either. That home is your own soul. Your own spirit. Also, your body. You can have the most comfortable bedroom in the world but if you are not at home within yourself, then nothing really feels settled. Your chart reveals fantastic potential for you to learn meditation, or to deepen your existing meditation practise. This nods to both your homes, actually, as India is the home of meditation and yoga, but America is where ‘mindfulness’ was born, as a huge current trend. Borrow from both. You are your best home and you must look after it – which means looking after Mind, Body, Spirit.
Hi Jessica,
It would seem I’m going to have my nodes return to where they were when I was born. Back in 2001 I travelled to Australia with my partner and returned In late September of that year to the UK as I found out I was expecting my first child. She was born in May of 2002. What can I personally expect form my return?
Thanks in advance.
Kat, you will have the Nodes return at 15 Gemini and 15 Sagittarius, and as you’ve seen, the loop is coming back to you from 2001 when you went to Australia with your partner (Sagittarius rules foreign people and places) and then welcomed a baby. In fact, your teenager (now) is a past life karmic connection for you, and it is very likely that in your ‘life between lives’ as it’s called, you two souls agreed that you would settle something about Great Britain, but also Australia. I have seen this before with some clients and it’s often about a personal involvement in the history of those two countries, together. You also have Neptune in Sagittarius, in your Ninth House, along with the Node. So for the first time in 19 years, the South Node in Sagittarius at 29 degrees, is lining up exactly with Neptune in your chart. Jupiter is really close at 28 Sagittarius. You could have the property situation of your dreams, wealth and success. Yet, you need to make it real. Neptune can make everything seem like a fantasy. It’s not a fantasy. There is often a fair bit of confusion with this cycle, so I strongly recommend you get real with yourself. Face yourself in the mirror and have a chat. Make some notes in a journal. Meet yourself again! Then you can be far more centred, grounded and proactive about reaching for the apartment, house, holiday home, success and abundance that is there – potentially. You also need to address two or three fears you have. These are not real either. You could make them real by grasping at them, but why do that? I’m talking here about toxic people or poisonous organisations or situations that also seem weirdly real, yet not real. Eliminate those. It’s like being a small child frightened of ghosts in the dark. Find a way to dismiss who or what you fear, or are repulsed by (even!) Focus on property, abundance, success, achievement. Own it and bring it down to earth for yourself. Most of all, know yourself, before you even begin. Neptune transits like this are rare but important. Disneyland was just a figment of Walt’s imagination until he believed in the drawings and himself and made it concrete. Now look!
Hi Jessica, I have Gemini in the north node and sagittarius in the south, plus I have 6 planets in Gemini and 6 in Sagittarius so this is a big time for me, any help would be appreciated, thank you
Yes, of course. This is an amazing period for you, until January 2022, with the North Node in Gemini transiting your Third House of multi-tasking, juggling, writing, ideas, and the internet. Microphones, white boards, telephones and fountain pens. Simultaneously you have the South Node in Sagittarius transiting your Ninth House of international connections, travel, travel in the mind, and even relocation. It is very important that you centre and ground. You are living off your Gemini side now so you are on your feet, easily distracted, trying to take in everything and everybody but not really getting very far. I think you will have to decide where your time and energy is best spent. Britain and the British? Europe and the Europeans? America and the Americans? What about Australasia, from Sydney to Tokyo? This is a hugely important period for you, and it’s just started. It may in fact be possible for you to benefit from all four corners of the world and their residents, but it would take a hell of a plan and a massive master strategy. This is personal. It’s about your most intimate relationships until January 2022. So there is that side of it, because – forget being a world citizen – you are also a woman! At the same time you are a conductor. Many strongly Gemini people are. You ‘conduct’ the ‘orchestra’ of voices online, or on the other end of Zoom, or the telephone. You are also conducting Uranus in Taurus, which is also transiting your chart and that can feel like being plugged into the mains. So please ground and centre. Focus. Multi-tasking is okay, but I would not want you to miss out on any of these fascinating, potential options by being so distracted or confused by the multiplicity of choices that you never do any of them. Gemini can be very scattered. Jack of all trades and master of none, the old astrologers used to say. I also need you to look at the block or barrier to your thinking. What part of great success or victory seems like some kind of wall? Take it firmly in hand and wrap yourself in it. You need to own your laurels, the way that Grand Prix drivers own their wreaths and champagne. You have masses of work to do, but you can do it. You have time. Take a deep breath and begin to ‘fly’ or literally fly. Take flight towards the proof of success that is just waiting for you to use, and then reach for those people, from those countries. One at a time. Maybe two at once. Maybe you can do Barcelona and London! I think one basic yoga pose that connects the base of your spine (base chakra) to the earth would really help.
If only I could tell you all the details of what you have told me in respect of this reading- how can past life experience help now?
Tarot- ten of swords
Astrology oracle- pluto and ninth house
“In this past life story of yours, the person who made it through (despite the force of so many people together) went onwards and upwards and relocated to a brand new life.”
There is a mentor in my life who I have told you a number of times by now that I walked away from. All that you have mentioned is the core story of this person in this lifetime. Last year when I had drawn jupiter and ninth house oracle for month of september you had told me that my connection with this person of foreign background was karmic.
Is it truly over?
Please use your Astrology Oracle cards and guidebook to answer that question.
Hi Jessica, After north and south code change signs, what aspect will be influenced in my life?thank you
This is really about the South Node in Sagittarius, which rules religion, faith, beliefs, philosophy. It may be Buddhism or astrology. The Roman Catholic church or the Anglican church. It may be something offbeat – a cult. There is always a big question about following a particular set of rules or laws, laid down by the leaders of a belief system. In astrology there are senior authors and academics who say ‘This is the way the horoscope works’ but we all know that, just as with religion, there is a regular questioning of the rules! You will find yourself dealing with big questions about who to believe, and what to believe, and why you believe it. The outcome is very important in terms of your life direction. We know how important Buddhism is to some countries – and it is the same with Hinduism in India. It is the bedrock of how the society works. As the South Node goes through your Ninth House in 2020, 2021 and early 2022 you will experience some karma about religion (perhaps) or some other way of seeing the world. For more information on this cycle, please look up ‘Ninth House’ on Search and in your guidebooks.
Good Morning Jessica
I hope that you’re well, in good health and good spirits.
I see that the South Node is at 29 Sagittarius. Well, my Sun is at 29 Sagittarius. What does this mean?
I’m still on furlough from work, facing redundancy and realise that I have a whole new working life starting for me. I don’t know where or when at the moment.
I’m spending a lot of time with my Dad, as he has a medical procedure booked in for next week and is in self isolation. I’m flitting between two homes and find it testing at times, torn between supporting my Dad and living my own life. I know that “this too shall pass”.
I’ve been doing Meditation for the first time ever, and take a lot of positivity from it.
What’s your take on the South Node at 29 Sagittarius in my chart? It’d be great if you could give me an insight.
Thanks Jessica.
All the best
Fate has a sense of timing and your father needs you, because he is isolated from the world and is in for a medical procedure. Cometh the hour, cometh the daughter. You will of course be back in work again, and have the choice of different kinds of work, actually, over the next 2-3 years. The South Node in Sagittarius and the Sun in Sagittarius are about education, training and academia. If you have not yet been tempted to pick up a new course you will find it comes your way shortly and feels very familiar.
Thank you for taking the time to answer,Jessica. I learn so much from your wisdom.
Happy Summer Solstice.
Thank you!