The Astrology Show

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The Astrology Show – June 2020

Avebury is the less famous stone circle after Stonehenge, even though they are within long walking distance.

As we approach the June Solstice, when the Sun appears to stand still in the zodiac sign of Cancer, what can Avebury tell you about your horoscope?

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The Gemini Season with Kyra Oser, Penny Thornton and Jessica Adams - a Special Youtube Event

The Gemini Season – Premiere YouTube Event

On Wednesday, May 20th, 2020, you can attend a YouTube Premiere of a special event – Gemini Season – with Jessica Adams, Kyra Oser and Penny Thornton. This will draw on some of the issues about this Gemini New Moon and the high count of Gemini factors.

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The Astrology Show – May 2020

We have a New Moon in Gemini on Friday 22nd May, alongside the North Node in Gemini, for the first time in 19 long years; Natalie Delahaye talks about the Moon and relationships.

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The South Node in Sagittarius

With the South Node moving in Sagittarius & North Node moving in Gemini this week it’s time to make the most of this momentous combination.

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Meditation and Chakras

In this two-part feature (free and premium), we’ll look at the science behind meditation. Why it’s not as hard as some people think. And how to use The Beatles to tune your chakras.

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The Astrology Show – Financial Astrology

Financial astrology – with Kate Silas (ex Wall Street) and Olga Morales (W.D.Gann expert). In 2020 what can astrological financial charts tell us about the future? Jessica Adams saw four years into the global economy headlines in her book 2020 Astrology, too. Read on and listen to these exclusive podcasts – at The Astrology Show.

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Gardening Astrology – New Moons

Interested in planting on a New Moon (new birth, new beginnings) in Taurus (food, money) this year? You might have wheatgrass in the kitchen, or alfalfa sprouts. Maybe you’re lucky enough to have a garden. Plant on April 23rd or 24th, 2020, for results. This Astrology Show Gardening Special features Stephanie Johnson, Jennifer Matthews and Louise Moran.

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Teabag Reading

Tea leaf reading is a great way to enjoy your morning break. If you don’t have a teapot, tea-cosy and leaves, though – you can break open a bag.

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