The Sun Sign School in 2023

Relaunching The Sun Sign School in 2023

The Sun Sign School is relaunching with new tutors, Tarot and Natal Chart Astrology tutorials and pop-up Zoom sessions, in 2023.

How to Attend the Zoom Pop-Up Workshops

The weekend online one-hour sessions will be recorded. They run in April and May 2023 and you can obtain the link for Zoom registration (Zoom then sends you another link to get in) by going to the ZOOM category at The Sun Sign School.

Weekends Online in April and May 2023

Hosted by Alicia Fulton from The Astrology Show, each one-hour Zoom on Saturday in London and New York (Sunday in Australia) these tutorials teach you to predict your future for the next seven days. You will use Sun Sign astrology, Natal astrology and Tarot. You can also add to the experience by tuning into The Astrology Show Podcast on Apple, if you want to subscribe.

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New Faces and Familiar Faces in 2023

New and familiar Tarot and astrology professionals will be on board in 2023 to coach you .

Tara Buffington (left to right) has plenty of real-world, Substack and YouTube experience with the Tarot.

Deborah Houlding is familiar to all from Astrology and Tarot Meetups, with 4000+ members worldwide in New York, Sydney and London. Natalie Delahaye is the astrologer who you may know from CNN or The Daily Express. Israel Ajose is President of The Astrological Lodge of London. Author Zane Stein is now teaching at The Astrology Collective.

Over the next few months we will also introduce you, again, to author and Hello astrologer, Debbie Frank who will also be familiar to you from TV. Tarot tutorials from Katie-Ellen Hazeldene will take you through the 78 cards with one eye on history and folklore. Insights on financial astrology from Olga Morales and Kate Silas will help those of you with an interest in Wall Street. Penny Thornton’s wisdom from a lifetime of television forecasting and publishing will also be back for 2023. Like Debbie Frank, Penny’s client list featured the late Diana, Princess of Wales.

You will hear from Tarot expert and bestselling author Daisy Waugh; media astrologer, AstroGold and Solar Fire expert and lecturer Stephanie Johnson – and Australia’s well-known astrologer, author and publisher, Victoria Davis. I will be adding new experts to The Sun Sign School as the year goes on, but wanted to let you know what was in store, as we go into my first pop-up Zoom sessions from the weekend of Saturday 1st April.

Real World Astrology and Tarot on Substack

Once you feel confident enough with your Sun Sign astrology, birth chart astrology and Tarot to begin writing or podcasting on Substack, I will see you there. Substack is an easy, affordable way to begin a column; to start a newsletter; to record your words; to start building a base of readers and listeners. Substack is also where you can begin a paid residency. 

Subscriptions for 12 months’ access to The Sun Sign School have been frozen at their 2022 price: US $100.

I’ve kept classic content from professional psychics and Tarot experts including Kyra Oser (left) but you’ll also gain new insights from  astrology tutors including Moses Siregar III (right).  People who want to use their Sun Sign School training on Substack are always my first choice for new tutors too.

Jessica Adams

Kyra Oser MA San Francisco State University  300x278 - The Sun Sign School in 2023


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73 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica
    It all sounds fascinating and perhaps someday when my technical skills are up to it, I’d like to try. Since I made a mash up of joining meet ups, I’ll wait a bit more.
    What’s really on my mind is the gun violence in America, where three more teachers and children ( 9 years of age), were gunned down in a place that is supposed to be a nurturing environment for them. As a former Kindergarten teacher, I can’t stand to turn of the television.
    With these recent changes of major planets, can you see any hope that this ridiculous culture of gun violence in America will cease? Will the gun lobby politics finally be broken open and lobbyists/ politicians held accountable? Joe Biden has had so much to clean up, and yet Ron DeSantis seems to be making his charge forward to 2024.
    Sorry to go off topic.
    And my condolences on the passing of your beloved Aunt. When those who loved us from birth pass on, the pain can be intolerable. Even when we can feel they’re still around. I want to you to know that your website and the the opportunity you give for self education, in addition to your interesting articles and predictions have helped me and dare I say a multitude of others find their way through tremendous difficulties, including loss of such cherished ones.
    Hope you and Tess have some lovely walks today.

    1. Don’t worry too much about Meetups, I find it very hard to use myself. I am lucky to work with friends who understand it. Guns are ruled by Aries and Mars. Mars is the Roman god of war and he has rulership over Aries, the battering ram. We won’t see anything improve until Neptune goes into Aries from 2026-2039 when violence becomes a virtual reality, immersive experience. At the moment Facebook Live is still hugely appealing to these people. Technology will offer men like this recent killer (who pretended to be female) a fix. Neptune is the escape from reality. It is a comfortably numb ‘holiday’ from the real world. With Uranus (new inventions) in Gemini (the internet) at the same time, I expect these killers will eventually be captured in bubbles of non-reality, digitally. You’ve passed on such kind words here, thank you very much. Tess waves a paw.

  2. How great! I will try to finish this time. I had started the sun sign school a few years ago and was never able to finish as life got in the way. Hopefully, I can muster up the funds for it again this time and complete it. What an exciting group of tutors!

    1. Thank you, I am really looking forward to this weekend’s Zoom and depending on demand, will add more pop-up weekend events for other time zones.

  3. Jessica, I’m so excited about this! I’m already a sun sign member and can’t wait!

    1. That’s great. I am really looking forward to meeting you on the weekend, online. We’ll predict the week ahead, then you can drop by the following weekend, to report back.

  4. Super excited about this Jessica, cannot wait! I hope the times will work for GMT +2, I’m in South Africa, same as Central European time (CET), but even if not, I will do my best to join as many as I can. I’m very excited to learn from you and the tutors you bring on board.
    Thank you

    1. That’s great. You are in South Africa, Marls, so once we have more Sun Sign School Zoom attendees on board, it may be possible to create a second session, same weekend, to suit you better. It depends on numbers, so let’s see where we’re at this weekend. Thank you.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    Just had to share this with you.
    I listened to “Your Astrology and Tarot for 2023 with Jessica Adams on Conscious Cafe “earlier today. Which was great and being a Leo , listened to to this part twice all about the Ten of Pentacles and how this will unfold with family and how you see a disconnect ( which in my family is true). Anyway toward the end you also talked about using Tarot and the wording of a question , which I wrote down and thought I must do this later.
    Well later was a few minutes ago and I said” What is going on for me in my life right now” ? and as they say blown me down there was the Ten of Pentacles yet again this time on your website.
    Twice in in one day within a few hours. It obviously means something and a I feel a strong message is being sent my way.
    It is all so very amazing I just had to share it with you and the readers of your blog’s.
    Many thanks as always for sharing so much with so many.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    Just had to share this with you.
    I listened to “Your Astrology and Tarot for 2023 with Jessica Adams on Conscious Cafe “earlier today. Which was great and being a Leo , listened to to this part twice all about the Ten of Pentacles and how this will unfold with family and how you see a disconnect ( which in my family is true). Anyway, toward the end you also talked about using Tarot and the wording of a question , which I wrote down and thought I must do this later.
    Well later was a few minutes ago and I said,” What is going on for me in my life right now” ? and as they say blown me down there was the Ten of Pentacles yet again this time on your website.
    Twice in in one day within a few hours. It obviously means something and a I feel a strong message is being sent my way.
    It is all so very amazing I just had to share it with you and the readers of your blog’s.
    Many thanks as always for sharing so much with so many.

    1. Thank you very much. The Ten of Pentacles (Coins) in the Leo chart holds until July 2023 so it’s quite a long cycle. Yet, it’s current for you now, as the Tarot has told you twice.

      This is the Eighth House, Scorpio and/or Fourth House, Cancer card. It shows family money. There is a legacy here. Property and money to be shared between three generations (and two dogs). Like all Pamela Colman Smith’s illustrations of floating money, the cash to be saved or made is hypothetical. It is all potential until the moment comes, or the people in the card notice what is there, reach for it and claim it.

      It may be useful to take each person in the card as a separate entity and reach the face and body language, the attitude and mindset, individually. The child is grasping the dog. Is this a symbol of a greedy child, teenager or Millennial in the dynasty? This may be the RSPCA making an appearance. Perhaps this youngest family member wants to make sure the family pets or livestock is included in the financial sharing-out. So, not grasping, but trying to be inclusive. It really depends on the family or assorted household, or group of family and friends, you are dealing with. Think about the personalities and the issues.

      The dogs may be a symbol of Diana, the asteroid goddess who raises issues about marriage and children – and the rejection of the same in favour of freedom. There are many astrological associations with this card, including Diana by transit, or transits to natal Diana. Her dog was indeed the greyhound. Diana never married or had children so her money had to be left to…whom or what? This card turned up once when I read for a dear friend who had not made a will, nor ever did. She had no dog, but liked them, and was certainly a Diana type. She had nieces and nephews but no offspring of her own, and the boyfriend she lived with, departed.

      Is that a sales graph or a yacht repeated twice on the left-hand column? This is one of those highly detailed cards that speak volumes, once you peer into all the fine pen-and-ink work and personalise the message for yourself. The buildings in the card may speak to you. Perhaps the child does, or the dog just mentioned.

      The old man may be ‘my old man’ (my father) or a symbol for Saturn, who is the bearded, white-haired god shown with a scythe or sickle. Saturn is associated with old age, defences, protection, vulnerability, caution and the realities of life beyond a certain age. We do not live forever. Wills and legacies must be made. Saturn by transit, or transits to natal Saturn, may be an issue for you or a key person in this reading.

      The family members in this card are oblivious to the money (the couple in particular seem to be ignoring it, or quite blind to it) but it is abundant – £10,000, £100,000 or more, in Pamela’s day, when she created this card. The digit 10 may be significant to you as part of an overall sum in this card.

      The money goes around in this Tarot card as I noted earlier, even though the people concerned cannot see it. They could in fact reach for it and make it real at any time. Perhaps this is a legacy and nobody wants to face it, or deal with the reality, which is that older family members will eventually pass. I have seen this card turn up when the grandfather in a family has passed but his widow remains. She is ‘out of sight, out of mind’ in a care home but he remains as a spiritual presence, concerned about her – while his son and daughter-in-law only have eyes for each other – and the children are too busy playing with the dog.

      This card can be (and should be) read in a personal way, unique to you, as it will reflect what is truthful for you or the people around you and nobody else. This may not be the case at all for you – perhaps we are talking about a couple who are highly engaged together, because they have literally just become engaged, and the grandfather is part of a branch of an extended step-family.

      This is a card symbolising the old-age pension or superannuation, but also the last will and testament, as we have seen, or dowry.

      There is a fundamental emotional disconnection between the generations who seem set apart from each other. That could be changed. The relationships could become closer and literally richer, but it may take an understanding of the financial story here, to make it happen. The finances are obscuring the family. That is quite deliberate. They need to be organised. The individuals in this household or clan should and could be closer. There is another explanation for this card and that is, the spirit world has ‘many mansions’ and it is possible for some of the characters in this card to have passed away, already. That may explain why there are so many bubbles here. Nobody can see or hear anybody else. The idea of a ‘bubble’ as I finish writing this at Christmas 2020, is also relevant as we go into the Twenties, and so there may be questions here about family and friends, and the realities of the pandemic, and the serious issue of greater vulnerability among much older people, to health care issues. There is a huge amount in this card which is important because it pulls in three generations and two species.

  7. Hey Jessica!!!

    This is SO exciting!!! I cannot wait for Saturday and look forward very much to learning everything I possibly can from all these wonderful tutors, your good self included 🙂 I would dearly love to set myself up with a Substack column – that would be an amazing astrological evolution for me!!!

    Thank-you in advance for creating such a treasure trove of talent and wisdom for us to draw on.

    Susan ❤️

    1. Thank you Susan. I’m glad you can join us on Zoom this weekend, for the first Sun Sign School pop-up. I also hope you’ll gather enough wisdom from our tutors to be able to start a Substack. That’s good news.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    This is really exciting! I was a Sun Sign member previously, but found it just wasn’t the right time for me.
    I’m loving the new format/offerings and how this great work is to be reinvigorated.
    Looking forward to Launch Day!
    Thank you 🙂
    DinP xx

    1. Thank you. We already launched, Din P, as I confirmed the very last tutor on March 28th, but the updated website is yet to appear on Friday. In 2023 we will be welcoming the President of the Astrological Lodge of London and a Top 10 Spirituality Chart podcaster; Australian astrology publishers and one of British Tarot’s best-known names. More soon.

  9. Hi J,
    I have a very basic knowledge of astrology is this enough to get me started? No tarot experience… keen though.
    How does it work, I see zoom pop ups… I think these will be great, are there lessons that need to be completed weekly or do you work at your own pace with direction.
    What tools would I need.

    1. Thank you A. Absolute beginner is fine. You learn at your own pace and can pick and choose who/what to learn. The Pop-Up Zooms run every weekend (Sunday mornings in Australia) from 2nd April through 27th May. When you feel ready, you can go onto Substack, if you want to reach an audience, or just focus on your own chart, for personal reading.

  10. Hi Jessica
    I have been contemplating about learning astrology for a while now. I listen to a number of astrologers from different parts of the world and enjoy their styles and perspectives however, form me, the pull has been to learn closer to home. ( Sydney) I am keen to join the Sun Sign School as I absolutely love your style, your immense talent together with your colleagues/ tutors who are of such high quality. So today I asked the Tarot is this the right course and right time for me. I pulled “The World Card”.

    Cannot wait to become a Sun Sign Member!!

    Linda x

    1. That’s perfect. You’ll be learning from a global array of tutors and be in touch with other students worldwide at the pop-up Zooms in April and May. I look forward to seeing you with a cup of tea on Sunday morning from Hobart.

  11. Hi Jessica, Hope you are well. I have always wanted to join the Sun School and this format is quite exciting. Are the Zoom sessions able to be watched later at all? I am struggling severely with time commitments at the moment (much like your weekly horoscope write up for Taurus, I have a young adult in the household who is drawing down my time at the moment to the exclusion of everything else, and I am having trouble convincing him that mums are not always superheroes!). Regards Veronica

    1. Thanks Veronica. I hear you. Let me talk to Alicia Fulton about this, so we can figure out how best to help with recordings, or other options.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    You’re so generous with your talents, insights and time on this blog, and podcasts. I’m learning so much. Big Thankyou.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Kate, I am actually having a wonderful weekend. Found a good hat shop. Just had some amazing sushi for lunch. So it’s working!

  13. Dear Jessica,
    In A few weeks Every critic will agree publicly with your observations about “SPARE”, the way things are going.

    I have been working on a mini report.

    Here is an excerpt.
    Rank of Jessica Adam’s blog articles either search terms Ceres, Vesta, Juno , Chiron, Diana and Fortuna :

    Ceres in Google : 7th
    ( Ceres and depression)
    Vesta in Google : 7-8th
    Diana : 3rd -5th
    Chiron : in Top 15
    Juno : Top 20
    Fortuna ….

    Since you have a very unique take on Chiron, this was a surprise.

    Thank you for this post and for Pluto in Aquarius.

    This is the third time I have gotten the Ace of Pentacles in three months.

    What, when where and how are the questions, given my Virgo and Libra Stellium, and Jupiter conjunct my Chiron in Aries.

    So grateful to you for answering my previous questions.

    My best to Tess. ( Can’t resist pets.)

    1. Well, thank you very much for that information. The Ace of Pentacles three times suggests the money is there. You have to believe you deserve it, see that it could be yours and reach for it. I should have thought Jupiter entering Taurus in May 2023 begins the process. I will pass on your regards to Tess. Cheers Jo.

  14. Hi Jessica,
    It all sounds wonderful. I’ve logged back in to my account, but I have not been active for some time, so as a previous but lapsed Student, it looks as if I can’t access the pop-up Zoom signups?
    I’ll keep an eye on the site, crossing fingers, but if not, there is a huge amount of content that I have yet to properly absorb from the Complimentary Additional Learning and Blogs that are included.
    Either way, thank you for all your hard work 🙂
    DinP xx

    1. DinP, you are welcome to this Zoom session. We have had issues with the website so please just e-mail the co-ordinator Alicia Fulton at the address on the home page, or using Astrology and Tarot Meetups for your nearest city. She can then send you the registration link. Thank you.

  15. Hey Jessica!!
    I’m having trouble finding the zoom link on the Sun Sign School site (I am currently a member) … would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction??? I’m hoping to tune in from Sydney on Sunday morning April 2 anytime from 9am.


    Susan Xx

    1. I’m sorry about this Susan. Best e-mail Alicia Fulton who is co-ordinating The Sun Sign School. She can send you the Zoom registration link and we look forward to seeing you at 7.00am on Sunday morning in Sydney on Zoom. You will find Alicia’s email on Astrology and Tarot Meetups Australia, and also on The Sun Sign School website home page. Thank you.

  16. Hi Jessica, just signed up and very much looking forward to the zoom this weekend. In May I will be away training and wanted to check that if we can’t attend, there will be access to a recording as wouldn’t want to miss an of the tutorials. I have found Natural House to be so accurate and delving so much deeper, will be wonderful to learn more. Thank you so much x

    1. Thank you. I’ll chat to Alicia Fulton about recording these weekend Sun Sign School tutorials. Sometimes people talk about private and personal issues, or ask questions in the chat, and so we prefer not to record this.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    Could you please explain the difference between the Placidus system for houses and the whole sign system? Does the first house start with the rising/ascendant or with the sun sign?

    Thank you!

    1. There are over 30 house systems, using software today. The Placidus House System will put your Ascendant (AC) also known as your Rising Sign, on the cusp of the First House. The Solar Chart system, used in basic media sun sign astrology, puts the Sun Sign on the cusp of the First House. The Natural House System always has Aries 0 degrees on the cusp of the First House.

  18. Hi Jessica, I have just signed up the Sun Sign School. However I would also ask for your re-consideration to record the tutorials so we can watch back.

    First reason is that, I am at GMT +8 Hong Kong time zone. Attending lesson by 4:00 am local time seemed not the best way to learn.

    Secondly I am not a native English speaker. Playing back can help me re-listen to some contents and keywords.

    Considering privacy issue, will it be possible the record can only last for a limited time slot, like 2 weeks or 1 month?

    Thank you so much and your works are always amazing.

    1. Thank you. We will be able to record subsequent weekend Zoom sessions for Sun Sign School students. I know that the Hong Kong time zone is really tough and of course English is not your first language. The Sun Sign School has no privacy issues as I control what is discussed, so unlike other Zoom sessions I do, it does not have to be deleted after broadcast. I hope we can record next weekend’s session for you and post. I will summarise what was discussed in a feature on The Sun Sign School website next week, for people who missed it, or were unable to log in. Thank you.

  19. Hi Jessica
    Have you spoken anywhere about astrological predictions on the rise and dangers of AI? It would be great to see them or to open up this conversation that feels so vital at this time.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, Artificial Intelligence is Uranus in Gemini. The new invention on the internet, in exact translation. This hasn’t even started as we need to get to 2026 for the ingress, but there are immediate concerns for the work force (Virgo) and also for religion and God (Pisces) as Gemini squares both. Then there are issues with foreign travel (Sagittarius). Uranus will square a lot, when he goes through Gemini, so we will also find AI hard to square. On the plus side AI in Gemini is good for groups – people power – making the world a better place with the global community. That’s the trine to Aquarius. It will be an issue for psychics as of course AI will be used to churn out robotic prediction. And it may work. That would be very odd, without a human behind it.

  20. Really enjoyed our first ZOOM session with the new Sun Sign Astrology school. I have been an intuitive tarot/astrologer for many years but your work has opened up many new ways to think about things and I am enjoying refreshing my knowledge, as well as learning many new things..i hope you will address the various Gods and goddesses you work with.. that is all new to me, and adds so much to the readings.. thanks for all you give us! I will be also appreciative to learn about substack.. so many nice tutorials on the school site! Wow, our prediction (the tarot card we drew ) for trump’s week ahead.,.something to ponder for sure.

    1. Thank you. It’s good to have experienced Tarot readers and astrologers at The Sun Sign School. My webmaster James Williams has promised a series of Substack tutorials which will be very useful for you to expand your audience online. I have to say, drawing Death reversed was not on my mind when we looked at Trump this week. I never reverse the cards and have no idea why it was upside-down in the deck. But that’s Tarot. Something’s up. We’ll discuss next weekend.

  21. Thank You Jessica, for the invitation for this class I’m a beginner, and really enjoy astrology. Having stelliums in Libra and the full moon and I am having troubles with my older sister who is Libra should I stay away from her for now? Lol
    Thank you Jessica

    1. Thank you. Sisters are Gemini/Third House. You have Fortuna at 18 Gemini square the Moon at 17 Pisces, so this is what you cannot square about being her sister. A square aspect is always uncomfortable. You were born with this. The Moon is your ‘need to be needed’ subconsciously, psychically, spiritually. You may or may not be aware of how much you want to mother others. This does not work so easily with your relationship with her, and in fact you control what happens to her, quite randomly, without having any idea about what you are doing. (Fortuna is always blindfolded). Your online library can tell you more. Any time you have transits at 17, 18 degrees they will trigger the square, especially if they are in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo. If you download an ephemeris from for 2023 you can see that at a glance. I’ve also provided ephemerides at The Sun Sign School; I just need to check they have been uploaded. If not I will make sure they are loaded on Monday, tomorrow. Thank you.

  22. I had a go at drawing a tarot card from your website asking ‘How do I shine’ as per your suggestion on this week’s podcast and I got Queen of Wands, the very card you mentioned that is very Leo. Scarily apt, not just as a Leo but also the symbols on that card are very very personal and relevant to me. It’s so interesting how apt the cards are as answers, whether I draw them from your website or the pack I bought a couple of months ago.

    Also, I saw this article today about “Boudicca returns as a 21st-century feminist” and am reminded of you writing on 2 January this year about Pluto in Aquarius, and how Aquarius being about strong women and referencing the rise of Boudicca during a previous Pluto in Aquarius cycle. How apt to see her name in the news as being relevant now!

    1. That’s great. The Tarot answered you on an astrological level, but also a personal one, which is as it should be. Having your own pack of Smith-Waite cards is ideal. And thanks for The Guardian tip. I will add this to the feature I am writing now, Astrology and the War On Women, which will cover the men who say they are women (trans) and their female backers.

  23. Thank you for an excellent and very informative Zoom session today Jessica, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience! I love astrology and Tarot, but am still a beginner with both, especially the natural house system. In my public/solar chart the full moon falls in to my 12th house and opposing my 6th house of work and routine and service to others. I have nothing at 15-17 degrees of Aries or Libra, though I have a Libra stellium, and my ascendant and descendant are at 15 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. Currently the pressure at work brings to light the heavy imbalance between my time at work, time I ‘serve’ others (both at home and at work), and time I have to myself. So I feel the emotions will run high, and I will be looking at solutions for bringing some balance to my life and finding more time for my private inner life.
    I’m really looking forward to the next Sunday as well as watching how this week unfolds. During the session I pulled the Page of wands using my own deck (Morgan-Greer). Can you please help me to interpret this card? Does it relate to my chart at all or to this full moon?
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you I will pass that on to Alicia Fulton. You sound like you’ve got the hang of astrology even though you are a beginner. You are a Sun Scorpio woman so in your public chart, you do indeed have the Full Moon in Libra in your solar Twelfth House opposite the Sun in Aries in your solar Sixth House. Publicly, the tug of war is about your Tarot (the Twelfth House) or perhaps your spirituality or self-help. It is also very much about your workload and wellbeing. You have interpreted this correctly. In your private chart we find the issues are about ‘Me’ versus ‘Us together’ or perhaps ‘Me’ versus ‘You against me’ as this is First House/Seventh House territory. The Page of Wands will tell you the story. This sounds like someone at work, or at home (a younger man or teenage boy) who is the Full Moon challenge. You can catch up with the rest next weekend on Zoom.

      This younger man is lost in his own self-admiration, or perhaps it’s just the beauty of a good idea (not a great idea; a good idea) which entrances him. If it was great, then it would be flowering, blossoming and blooming. It’s just good. It has potential greatness in it, but time will tell. It’s rather like planting a gum tree in Australia. You just never know and it really depends where it goes, when it goes in and how you manage it.

      If he doesn’t get a move on and plant this concept, theory or project on fertile ground, it will die. He is in the wrong place for it to grow, that is for sure. Pyramids suggest trines (a trine is in the birth chart or emerging) and that will help. Sometimes trines involving Neptune can result in too much ‘ease’ or flow, though. One goes with the flow so much that one does nothing at all. There is no action. No effort.

      Yet, this Page with his rod/wand/stave is on sandy ground and nothing will grow, thrive, flourish and prosper until he stops daydreaming and starts moving in the direction of the right town, city, region or country. Research required, as I mentioned. He needs to find out rather than just imagine, or even worse, get distracted by his simply marvellous on-screen plan, to the point where he forgets the real world exists as well.

      He has a feather in his cap. What is it for? We talk about having ‘a feather in the cap’ when there is some achievement, qualification or award to wear proudly.

      This fellow may be you or another you know. It may be a younger student, for example, or a student of life who is below you in years. If so, you may be the one to lead the way – to show why it’s not enough to be in love with an idea or a talent. It has to be planted somewhere it can actually succeed. It is really clear that this wand – shown by a branch – will not thrive or grow unless something is done quickly in terms of bringing other people into the card, and thus the situation. It may dry up and fade to nothing in that arid environment unless you work the card with your active imagination and bring in allies; friends; colleagues; helpers.

      Movement is required, most of all, because those are not hospitable conditions. Something or someone around the situation is dry. A dry personality perhaps? Or just barren, arid conditions. A hostile environment for anything to grow. This page needs to take this somewhere else, fast.

  24. Just became a member and I’m loving all the extra information this brings! Not yet ready for the Sun Sign school yet but maybe in the future.
    It’s off topic but I wondered if you have any helpful insight on a stressful situation. My husband was being made redundant but suddenly his work say they can just make him work elsewhere even if he doesn’t want to – as they are trying to avoid paying him off. He is very unwell as a result of their attitude to him. His birthdate is 27/11/1966 and he was born in Borough Green in Kent.

    1. Thank you. I am sure you are very concerned about your husband. He is being put through a rotten situation here by his employers. He will have a terrific solution from May 2023 and in fact his lifestyle, workload and wellbeing will benefit from that answer – whatever it is – for a full 12 months until May 2024. There will be a stuck, circular situation with this in April, May that ends in June and he should get everything in writing and keep the paper trail. For his own peace of mind, prepare for things to go round in circles, but he will end up in a much better situation from May and by May 2024 put this behind him.

  25. Thank you so much for the explanation Jessica! And let me tell you how strikingly accurate that card is for me!
    The Page you described is my step-son, 28year old sun Scorpio (with a huge stellium of 9 bodies in Scorpio). He moved in with us 5 months ago leaving Melbourne for the rural Victoria. He resigned from his job and is unemployed currently, looking for work from home (IT-related). He lives with us rent-free, the idea being he’d save up for a house deposit. He is still out of work, and there are no practical plans in place to achieve his goal of having his own house. There’s a nice saying that applies to him really well: champagne taste on a beer budget! The feather in his cap is a new motorcycle licence he got recently and purchasing his first bike. He was incredibly sensible and got a very cheap second-hand old ride, and didn’t get seduced by a shiny expensive toy!
    My concern, however, that there are no job opportunities for him in the country. He’s not a hard worker, and doesn’t have hands-on experience apart from some IT work. He needs to get back to the city for that. I’m afraid if he doesn’t realise this soon enough, he’ll be just another unemployed on benefits living with parents rent-free. We stopped our home renovation works and now have to stretch our budget to accommodate him. All this is fine provided we all have a time-limit for this arrangement. And I guess it’s still early days, but the fact that he has no firm plan for his future is concerning! Will be interesting to see if this full moon will bring illumination for him as well as my husband, so we all might have a clear path ahead.

    I’ve been keenly interested in astrology for as long as I remember, and particularly in the last 10 years. I found Tarot 10 years ago too. I am still learning a lot, as natural house system is different and so much more accurate than the Ascendant on the cusp of the 1st house. At the moment my 6th house commitments heavily outweigh any time I spend in the 12th house where I want to learn more. I’ve been feeling this disbalance since 2020 (working in a hospital through covid), but it’s getting stronger and harder to cope with. But now learning from you, listening to your brilliant weekly podcast I feel better prepared to what’s ahead and how to handle myself and others. For that I’m sincerely grateful!

    1. Aha, your Tarot card describes your stepson. He’s unemployed, living with you and is showing up in your public chart and private chart this week too. This is a good instant lesson in predicting your own future. The aspect we talked about at the Zoom tutorial on the weekend of Saturday 1st-Sunday 2nd April was the Full Moon at 16 Libra, coming on April 6th – right opposite the Sun at 16 Aries. You were born with the Ascendant (AC) at 15 Leo opposite the Descendant (DC) at 15 Aquarius. The Ascendant is your reputation, appearance, title, profile. I’m sure you know this very well. Your Descendant is usually your husband or partner. So, this Full Moon aspects your Leo Ascendant, in the Fifth House of children and stepchildren. It also picks up your husband. This gives you a deeper layer on your chart reading, beyond knowing that as a Scorpio you have a Twelfth House-Sixth House opposition from the Full Moon to the Sun. (The Sixth House rules housework, cooking and cleaning and it sounds as if you are working for him!) It must take time to do this; time you should be spending on your Tarot. When we go to your private, natal chart, we find that the issues are First House (similar to the Ascendant: reputation, image, appearance) and Seventh House (husband, again). So that is what you are working with, on this Full Moon. This sort of issue takes time and space to unravel but I hope you can do so.

  26. Thank you for clarifying Jessica. Big lesson for me to see other people in my chart, how their charts interact with mine, and of course, learning about asteroids! My step-son has Diana at 15 Libra, and husband has Mercury at 14 Libra. Hopefully the full Moon won’t bring up an emotional conversation about his plans for independence with me being stuck in the middle! Will be interesting to watch what will transpire.

    1. You’re doing astrology! Congratulations. You are flying through these lessons. Now you can negotiate with destiny, which is the next step.

  27. Hi Jessica, I signed up for the session this weekend but didn’t receive a link so not quite sure what happened. Could you please direct me where to check for future sessions and also whether you are still of the view not to record due to the privacy aspect, which I understand totally. However access to the a recording would be really helpful for those with time issues and also prior work commitments too. Many thanks x

    1. I’m sorry about the missing link, this weekend. Alicia Fulton and I have decided to record all the sessions and then give you the link at the Sun Sign School the following week. Owing to the usual technical fnar-fnar it wasn’t possible to record last weekend, but have a look next week and the session for Saturday 8th-9th will be up from the 10th of April. And it will be like that every week. Thanks you.

  28. Thank you for having taken the time to reply – your message is much appreciated. Together with your lovely website it’s helping me focus on a brighter future.

  29. Dear Jessica,
    Your predictions are so accurate that you would make a killing in the stock market.

    This is my plea to All editors.
    I wrote some, and here is what I have shared with ALLURE, because you deserve to be on their covers.

    Dear Editors,
    Jessica Adam’s forecasts are so accurate, it will give the average non believer chills.

    She predicted a Universal Currency taking shape in the near future.
    And Viola!

    World Currency is taking a strongfoot hold in the minds of the powerful and influential world leaders.

    She predicted Covid-19.
    The rest is history.

    She saw debacles in Hillary Clinton’s path.

    She works with Alicia Fulton and with Tara Buffginton for some events.

    Please subscribe to her, and sponsor her for more collaborative Zoom Meetings and podcasts.
    Your readers will flock to them, and then thank you.

    Sincere admirer

  30. Dear Jessica and Alicia, I cant attend the Sun Sign School this time as I am currently attending a course every Saturday for the entire day which finishes mid May and I am pretty tired by that evening. I will aim to join your school on the next round as it sounds amazing. I LOVE your podcast Jessica. LOVE it. I asked Tarot how do i shine and I got the Page of Pentacles! Can you interpret that for me if you have time Jessica. Also, I am definitely praying to do well in my course and hoping for a career/job opportunity with it. Much love and thanks.

    1. Thank you. That’s okay, we will record every weekly Zoom tutorial and post the link on The Sun Sign School (go to Zoom) after each weekend has passed in March and April. How do you shine? Well, through a younger man, likely your son, nephew, godson. Perhaps a whole generation of boys or young men. He/they are all about the money, charity or business. This makes sense as your Ascendant is Leo in the Fifth House, where you are Queen to a younger court. You can find out more about the Page of Pentacles in Pamela’s Tarot, in your library of flipbooks.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    I know you have said several times that the Jupiter in Aries cycle was good for Scorpio but I was miserable at my well paying job and now I have separated from my company after seeing clearly how dysfunctional it is and all the lying and gas lighting going on.

    Help me understand what is going on and how to go forward.

    Thank you,


    1. Well, you just did a Jupiter thing. Jupiter in your Sixth House is about lifestyle, workload and daily routine. Jupiter solves problems. You solved your own by leaving the company, CG. The Tarot can help you with more personal next steps.

  32. Hi Jessica, I’ve been reading quite a few of your current and recent blogs, including the End of Pluto in Capricorn. I know you’ve answered many queries around this subject, but thought I’d ask if my Capricorn Stellium, with 7 Capricorn factors in my tenth house, is unusual in your experience.Or are there many people, born in my year, but such a pattern? I’ve not noticed any loosening in Pluto’s hold yet.
    Thanks Bill

    1. It’s quite unusual Bill. Capricorn is the sign of ambition. Based on the mountain goat who climbs slowly from the bottom to the top, it is common in the charts of people who rise a class or two above their starting position in life, or who do very well in a corporation or similar, where they must ascend the ranks. This is the BA student who becomes a Professor, for example, or the daughter of party planners who becomes Queen. Living with Pluto in Capricorn for about 15 years, since 2008, has been transformative in terms of your career, unpaid work or academic career. You have been dealing with some quite powerful and fairly manipulative types along the way – or whole organisations/industries – and had to deal with being ignored, sidelined, or just dominated, at times. By pushing back, hopefully you found your power and in fact if you look at your emails from 2008 and compare them to 2023 you’ll see what a massive difference you made to your own life. From being a small cog in a big wheel, with lots of big wheels trying to run everything, you may have invented your own system and done very well with it. Pluto comes back in June, backwards (retrograde) but he has lost all his power and control. So you will see a repeat of what you went through with your career, academic career and/or unpaid work before, but it’s basically just like a truck going backwards on a crumbling track – losing its battery all the while. You’ve seen it before but that part of your life is over! Bill, you will be happy with May 2023 to May 2024, as Jupiter in Taurus trines your Capricorn stellium and your inner goat climbs again, with lots of support and help from friendly conditions.

  33. Hi Jessica,
    I really enjoyed the Zoom on Sunday (I’m in Queensland) and rolling out of bed early for a cup of tea and learning more about Astrology and Tarot is sheer bliss. Thanks to you and everyone involved.
    I pulled the Ace of Pentacles for myself, I’d love to know what you make of that, given the factors in my chart with this week’s Full Moon. Any insights would be gratefully received. Its feeling like a great week in many ways, but I’m having an issue with a Libra sister.
    I also asked a friend to pull a card for herself, and I am practicing on her 😀 She is happy to be a Guinea Pig for me, as we talk about Astrology together a lot.
    I’m also looking at the Card you pulled for Trump, and have used it as practice too, just for fun and for myself. I found the Rose of York connection really interesting and the implications/parallels with the War of the Roses. Also the idea of the Mystic Rose.
    I have been reading your site and insights for quite some time, as well as having a life-long fascination with Tarot and Astrology, but I’m still very much a beginner, just using my intuition and enjoying the synchronicities.
    While I was reading the Sun Sign School stuff today (instead of doing course work for uni…) a Pheasant Cuckoo basically walked up to my back door. I’ve never seen one in my life. A friend who passed away in Dec 2021 joked with me in a dream recently about ‘wearing my bird-watching pants’.

    1. Thanks for coming along to the Zoom Pop-Up for The Sun Sign School, DinP. Alicia and I look forward to these Sunday morning sessions (Saturdays in New York and London). I”m glad you have a friend to be a guinea pig. That will speed you up. And it sounds as if you are opening up to the spirit world too, as your friend is using birds to communicate. I’m about to start working on John Edwards’ amazing new web enterprise so mediumship will come into the astrology and Tarot more. Okay, so the Ace of Pentacles is a large sum of money available to you. You are a Sun Cancer woman and have transiting Pluto in Aquarius in your Eighth House at the moment – including of course this week. The Eighth House is joint finance. In your natal chart you will also see Taurus and Scorpio factors being aspected in your private Second House and Eighth House. If you don’t have Solar Fire or AstroGold software, download a free 2023 ephemeris from (it’s on the Sun Sign School website) and/or the 2023 Aspectarian on the school website. You will soon see why the Tarot is talking to you about possible financial gain .

      So that’s that. Here is the card:

      A huge amount of money is on offer if you bring it down to earth and make it real. This is money saved or money made. Much depends on the question, but if this card is a general snapshot of the present, you are potentially in line for a bonus; an inheritance; a pay rise; an advance; a commission; a generous bank loan.

      This card just came up yesterday when a friend of mine generously waved her usual fee for a charity project – she will potentially save us several thousand dollars. It can translate into ‘money saved’ as well as gained. As with so many of Pamela’s cards, this is a cloud of possibility. It exists, but only if you make it real. Money presents all sorts of mixed feelings, despite what you might think. Perhaps it should be obvious that a lot of money is a good thing; a welcome thing. This is surprisingly not the case for many people, and the way that you talk about money is revealing. Do you see reaching for savings or profits as grasping or grabbing, for example? Do you associate greed with money?

      This point of view or mindset is important. Developing a healthy relationship with abundance is the start. It is quite true that some corporations and individuals give a lot of money a bad name. However, if you think about responsible business, ethical investment, generous philanthropy and so on, you can remove any mental obstacles to trusting and accepting what is possible. If you go back into your family’s experiences with money, wealth, poverty, business, recessions and depressions, boom and bust (right through the family history on your mother’s side or father’s side) you can often uncover where family attitudes towards finance come from. This card alone can prompt you to do that.

      This card is usually about a bonus, tax refund, legacy, pay rise or profit as I’ve mentioned. It can be used to improve the garden, perhaps build a shed or conservatory, or fund a trip away to the mountains. It can be nice to daydream, but then to actually set goals. If you have asked about the outcome of a particular professional plan, this card gives it to you straight. It could potentially deliver a great deal to you, financially.

      The trick is believing in it, knowing you deserve it, and doing the work to make it happen. Until then it remains a tantalising unpopped quantum possibility. You have ended up in a universe where you could gain, and not just a little, but a lot. This universe is as real as any of them and the next step is pulling down the lump sum to save or make, from the cloud of hypothetical reward. Yet – why shouldn’t you do that? Why couldn’t you do that? Money is, after all, the road to freedom. In this card it makes all things possible, no matter if you want to explore ahead, or stay put and use it at home.

  34. Hi Jessica, I have joined the Sun Sign School and am excited to learn from you and the other experts. I’m currently having my Psyche return (25 degrees Scorpio). Is there anything to pay attention to or expect at this time? Thank you.

    1. Good question. A Psyche Return in Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity, valuables and business – will be the return of a familiar issue to you, over the years. That is – the tests and trials which precede a ‘forever’ arrangement. This is usually a will or legacy. It can be a marriage and mortgage, or a more complex version of a close, complicated contractual or semi-contractual agreement. Psyche is explained in the books in your online library too.

  35. Hello Jessica,

    I came onboard to the class a bit late. Is there anywhere to post questions or have a dialouge on this site for the students?

    I am trying to comment on the card, Two of Cups, and my predictions for the week regarding that card.

    I see so much more than Harry & Meghan. There seems to be more than Leo here. The II at the top of the card could be Gemini, The Caduceus was the staff of Mercury (Gemini). The Card is drenched in the number 2, relationships and balance. The Man and Woman in the card look equal to me, not lovers, but equal. I think there will be some balancing of men and women or masculine and feminine, caduceus was also the dissolution of quarrels. There are two snakes, two goblets, two wings on the lion, two people and of course the number two of the card. To me it appears the man and woman are calling some sort of truce, and seeing eachother as equals, seeing eye to eye, finding a peace and balance. The background is a lush, peaceful, and tranquil setting which is the result of peaceful relationships. The Cacedus is also a symbol for commerce and for peace. I think this eclipse might be the start of peaceful resolutions in many areas, particularly the equality of men and women but more overarching than that and globally. Medicine and pharmacueticals might factor in as well, maybe prices will lower? Maybe women will finally be seen as equal to men and really start earning the same wages?

    Just my thought. I still want to meditate on it a bit more. I got the Queen of Wands for my card and still meditating on that. I am a mother and grandmother but I also “mother” many other people, family and otherwise. I also work with special needs children and have a special needs grandson. I think this eclipse might be an end to the darkness that I’ve encountered in helping my grandson and a new solution that will be made evident soon. I know its in 4th house sun chart but it is trining my Leo MC.


    1. Thanks GV. You can now post comments and questions at The Sun Sign School and I’ll go there next, with my cup of tea. Thank you for your detailed interpretation of the Two of Cups, which I drew to answer the question, ‘How will the eclipse show itself this week in the news?’ You are correct about the deeper interpretation. Your task, if you should accept it, is to write that up into a 100-word edit. You can check back with the news on Sunday to see how correct you were. Your Queen of Wands is yourself, and it is your special needs children and grandson. It won’t be an end to any darkness. That is not what an eclipse is. Go back to your library and also this website and look up eclipses. You are being told something is screened off, in the background – see the panel/screen behind the Queen? That’s why you skip the eclipse for judgements or actions on the day.

  36. Hi Jessica,

    I am getting back about my earlier post and my interpretation. I said that I thought the eclipse would bring help for my grandson out of the darkness. Not sure if it was the eclipse or something else BUT; big news. We registered him for a program that has a 2 year wait. They said that they might be able to get him in November, a year earlier than anticipated. This is a world renowned facility. Anway, NOW they called back and he can start in June!!! Right when school ends! We could not have planned this!


    1. That’s great your grandson can go into this special facility for his needs. Thank you.

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