Pisces Weather 2023

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Saturn and Neptune in Pisces 2023 to 2026

Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces together from around March 7th, 2023, until February 14th, 2026. This is an historic transit.

Neptune has been in Pisces and your natal Twelfth House for 12 years. Neptune entered Pisces on April 4th, 2011, so you have had plenty of experience with this cycle.

If you have factors in Pisces and the Twelfth House, then you can update yourself on the impact of Neptune in Pisces here.

In this feature, I will look at the addition of Saturn to Neptune in the Pisces cycle, which is rare and historic. We need to look at both cycles separately and together to see how you will be affected, publicly (your sun sign horoscope) and privately (your natal chart).

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352 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, another fascinating and insightful blog post, as always. I’m a Sun Cancer with Neptune in Scorpio and Saturn in Taurus, my husband and I have felt ‘stuck’ in our apartment for years, we really want to move to a different town and into a new property- will this transit help or hinder? Thank you

    1. I don’t have your husband’s chart but in March, two things happen. There is the end of a property, financial and business restriction which has kept you out, or kept you stuck in, since Christmas 2020. You will be offered a new deal in late March with him, or another person or organisation, where the balance of power is very clear; sharing or having the controls is an issue, then and later. It may help to call an expert at that point, yet if you can use willpower and sustain it, you could end up in a powerful position, financially. July 2023 is the start of karma with property and family, and if you are owed from 18-19 years ago you will be repaid by the universe by 2024.

  2. I will be attending the Zoom event the 18th. I have two factors in Pisces, Apollo at 9 degrees 45 minutes and Fortuna at 4 degrees 29 minutes. I don’t really know anything about Apollo and Fortuna, although Fortuna sounds beneficial. How will this Pisces weather beginning in March affect my life?

    1. Thank you. The new Pisces cycle is really about your house or apartment; your sense of belonging to your home town or homeland. It is very much about your family circle, any partner you live with (or dog) and how you feel about renting or owning property, as well as renovating. It’s rather a long cycle and begins with new restrictions which ask you to come up with a strategy; not just for March 2023, but for 2024 and 2025 too. Having drifted since 2011 you are now dealing with barriers and obstacles. It will help you structure life better but you may gain from asking a wise outsider for advice. Get into anything new involving family, house or apartment very cautiously and know what you’re letting yourself in for, please.

  3. Thank you, Jessica, i am looking forward to the event scheduled for America. I look forward to hearing what you see for my Pisces Sun as Saturn enters. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Saturn moving into your solar First House is a new set of restrictions about your title, reputation and appearance. Commonly women get grey hair or wrinkles, if they are older, and have to deal with the reality of being locked into seniority. That means a new rule book and new regime for many women and it can be quite demanding. We also see this transit when people lose weight. This lasts until early 2026 but with Neptune also in Pisces in the solar First House, it may be useful in terms of your name and reputation, because you have been floating and drifting since 2011 and occasionally all at sea. Saturn may not be a walk in the park, but it will help you structure this part of your life, which has been lacking in structure to date.

  4. Thank you for another fascinating article Jessica. It has been an amazing learning curve for me reading your blog and understanding my birth chart. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping us to navigate life better with your insight.
    I have just 2 bodies in Pisces: Chiron and Hygeia. But I have stelliums in Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. My life since 2011 has been very interesting indeed, and I’ve lived through huge changes, both happy and sad.
    I wonder about how Neptune and Saturn in Pisces would affect my Sagittarius and Virgo stelliums in particular, as they will have challenging aspects. And Chiron…. how conjunction with Neptune and Saturn would manifest?
    Warm regards, Olga.

    1. Olga, your Sagittarius and Virgo stelliums are about foreigners and travel (first) and your health (second) so you may prefer to do more research before you risk your health by flying to, say, a country with a recent spike in Covid cases, or lax Covid protections. That’s pretty basic astrology but with Saturn in Pisces making the sharp end of that pattern, 2023-2026 is not really the time to start plunging in without knowing what you’re up for. It will take a long time for you to experience the transiting conjunction of Saturn and Neptune to your natal Chiron in Pisces in the Twelfth House, but when it happens (in two stages) your religion, rejection of God, scientism, Tarot, mediumship, therapy, hypnosis, counselling – and so on – is tested. You get away with the so-called impossible or outrageous with the church, psychic work, self-help, psychologists, meditation and the rest. That is a lifelong pattern. Yet, this double transit will ask you to look more deeply at what you’re doing, and what you may need to change.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Amazing article, like always. I am separated. I had a boyfriend until 2017 that I really loved, but unfortunately didn’t work out. For the last 2 years I was trying to find someone but I am 59 years old and it’s incredibly hard. I hate dating sites….
    Could you, please take a look at my chart and let me know if this year is my year?

    Thank you very much,

    1. Thank you. You have Leo and Libra stelliums so live in your Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom – and in your Seventh House of marriage and partnership. Even when nothing is happening and you are blocked by a long Saturn transit (since Christmas 2020) you still ‘live’ there and tend to define yourself and your life by – separation – being single – being engaged – living with someone – falling in love. The good news is, Saturn moves out of your way from March 7th. The slightly more intense news is, Pluto then moves into a slow and long series of trines and oppositions, so forget being 59; you will have more than one choice, Alina, as Pluto passes 2, 3 Aquarius and makes the first of a series of triggers in your sixties. If you have dating sites then the right man for you won’t want to be there either. The only caveat with Pluto transits is that major issues about control and power arise. Have a look at that from the start. If anything has to be signed, have an impartial professional opinion – just to be on the safe side.

  6. Thanks Jessica! I’m looking forward to the event next weekend. I only have Diana in Pisces, and Neptune in Sagittarius. I definitely feel a sense of freedom and escape when I travel. I’ve dated a couple of foreign men, and one was “escape” but he was deceptive. I will travel briefly for work in March, and carefully take precautions. I pulled the Knight of Pentacles when asking about the Pisces Weather in March. I looked at the Pamela’s Tarot flipbook. If it doesn’t relate to a male, I thought it’d relate to my factors in Taurus and Scorpio including my nodes. What do you think? Thank you!

    1. The Knight of Pentacles is about negotiating over a decent amount of money, with a man who is usually younger than you, so your Taurus stellium and Scorpio signature in the Second House of personal income, business, shopping, selling, charity – and in the Eighth House of joint finance and property – will both be aspected by the Pisces transits. No surprises there. He’s a bit of a dark horse; you’ll have to see through the layers to negotiate to your advantage.

  7. Thank you, Jessica, I am looking forward to the event scheduled for London. I have Pisces in desc, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Capricorn would love to get your thoughts on my natal chart. Single for around 4 years I seem to meet men but nothing lasts or we date and I never hear back from them everything just seems complicated! I also work in property so would like to see how this benefits my career as that is all based on relationships as well.

    Thank you x

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I am looking forward to it, too. Deborah Houlding’s wisdom and experience in the astrology world is unparalleled, as they say. Her take on Pisces will be well worth hearing. Your chart shows you have the Sun in Virgo, with stelliums in Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo and Scorpio. I read both your public (solar) and private (natal) chart for accuracy. You are almost at the end of a cycle which is about pregnancy, abortion, stepchildren, motherhood, single parenting and related areas, like fostering and adoption. You have had Pluto transiting your solar Fifth House, which rules all these, since 2008. He finishes his stay on March 23rd and loses all his power to control your agenda from that point. In your natal chart, we find your Fifth House is full of Leo factors, which have also been key, as you had so many eclipses in Leo, and you also had the North Node in Leo too. So that explains being single for four years. Later on you will realise you were being put on this road for a very good reason, as eventually Jupiter will move into Leo and you will find yourself being Queen to a younger court. That younger court would not be there, had you not been firmly taken off the pregnancy or step-parenting path years before. How you ‘do’ your Leo stellium is up to you. Beatrix Potter was a Sun Leo and gave children Peter Rabbit and the children of Britain, the Lake District, in her will. She was also a mother figure to her husband’s younger family. So you see. The standout transit here is Jupiter in Gemini, then Uranus in Gemini, across your Third House of the neighbourhood, neighbours, the local region and the connections there, in transport and travel, but also with the local media, the ‘smoke signals’ of the internet and so on. You were really born for this, with your interest in property, and from the year 2024 will enter a terrific new cycle, taking you far beyond 2030, when new inventions, new technology and new ways of thinking will make you play your part in an emerging industry.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    I have almost no factors in Pisces, but have stelliums in both Scorpio and Sagittarius. What sort of effect might be expected from Saturn’s aspects to those clusters over the course of this transit?

    1. Saturn in Pisces will trine your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of joint finance and property – and square your Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. I read your solar and natal chart together for accuracy, so you are a Sun Libra going through an Eighth House transit publicly and privately. Starting on the New Moon on May 19th 2023, you enter a new era for accounting, both with your actual accountant, but with yourself, as you will need to put a price on what money cannot buy. You are in for a terrific period of great savings, or increased income, from May 2023 until May 2024. At the same time, the trine in your natal chart is asking you to accept a ‘gatekeeper’ figure (probably a rather Saturnine advisor) who keeps reminding you of where the buck stops. By 2026 you will not recognise your bank account or lifestyle, because you will have put the highest value on freedom, independence and space – for yourself but possibly for others too. Money can’t buy freedom, but you can figure it out. The square from Saturn to your Sagittarius stellium is basically the pandemic delaying or stopping travel and travellers, as the infection is obviously carried through airports and on cruise ships, and the astrology suggests this can’t go on, given the spiralling new variants.

  9. Hi Jessica

    I don’t have anything at all in Pisces does this mean I won’t be affected by Pisces weather?thank you xx

    1. Good question. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman who has no Pisces factors. So, you are not defined by God, or your rejection of God, or your questioning of God. People with a Pisces stellium usually are; sometimes because of a religious school in childhood, or because an important family member was religious. You will however be affected by the Pisces weather in your solar chart. Neptune and Saturn transiting your Fourth House of family, home town, homeland, household, heritage, history and culture will ask you to restructure your house or apartment (this may be literal) and to approach relatives very differently. There have been no boundaries to date. Everybody has been all over the place, everywhere, all the time. Scrambled egg. New recipes are coming and will require unbelievable hard work and patience but by 2026 you will have done what you need to do.

  10. Hello Jessica!
    I have Chiron 21 Pisces 40 and Saturn 22 Pisces 55.
    This is part of a Grand Trine in Water in my 4th, 8th & 12th Natural Houses, which also makes up a Kite in my chart:
    Ceres 4 Cancer 35 R
    Ops 14 Cancer 16 R
    Moon 15 Cancer 8
    Minerva 14 Scorpio 58
    IC 14 Scorpio 11
    South Node 16 Scorpio 3 R
    Mercury 18 Scorpio 39
    Neptune 22 Scorpio 30
    Chiron 21 Pisces 40 R
    Saturn 22 Pisces 55
    – Opposition to Pisces- top of Kite
    Psyche 12 Virgo 40
    Pluto 20 Virgo 30
    Uranus 24 Virgo 01
    Mars 28 Virgo
    My 2nd Saturn Return will be 19 March 2025 and my 3rd Saturn Return will be when I’m 89, I believe.
    I know what my strengths are: I excel in Water! I love water!! I know I have psychic abilities. I’m aware of things, I feel things, I hear things and I’ve seen things. My home growing up was haunted or should I say filled with interesting activity. I always had bad dreams in that house. My bedroom over looked the pool. There was a man who must of died in that pool (before we moved in)and I would see him in my dreams at a very young age. Also- My Great Grand-Mother’s dining room furniture (that my Mother inherited) would come alive at night. I would hear the chairs being moved out and sat on, but when I would open my bedroom door to look no one was there and the chairs were all pushed in. I learned to ignore the sounds! I’m very attuned spiritually. I have high intuition and know to listen to my inner-self. I have gifts. I’m a natural healer and Mother. It has always come naturally to me. My pets are just as important to me as my children. Sometimes my kids think I love them more! LOL. What can I say — I have always been drawn to animals. I’m sensitive to medication. I can drink like a fish, but I’m very careful if I have to take any painkillers. The least amount gives me the maximum affect. I have drug allergies to Vicodin, amongst other meds…. Found out when my wisdom teeth were surgically removed. I prefer pain over being drugged up on meds, even after surgery. No painkillers! I can’t do cannabis! It trips me out to bad!!! I haven’t tried it since I was in my 20’s. I have no desire for any of that, anyways. I’m happy with wine or an occasional Margarita. My recollection from being put under anesthesia, a few years back, was seeing the brightest, warmest orange light just as I was going under. I had a huge smile on my face and found comfort in that.

    1. You are strongly Neptune-Pisces and have some typical traits. You are a medium. You are a healer. You can drink a lot of alcohol but are sensitive to medication. Cannabis is out of the question. Saturn going through Pisces and your Twelfth House will ask you to restructure your mediumship, for whatever reason. It has been uncontrolled to date, with no boundaries between you and spirit. You may, for example, find yourself training or joining a circle in 2023-2026 as Saturn passes through. In the spirit world, the guide known as ‘the gatekeeper’ will become much more important as Saturn is a symbol of gates, fences and all that is contained, tightly and very securely. Don’t be surprised if your gatekeeper is more prominent, or you even acquire a different gatekeeper.

  11. Thank you for another amazing article.
    I am a bit uncertain how to analyze what to expect with Saturn and Neptune as I have Venus and Bacchus in Pisces, and stelliums in Aquarius and Libra. My husband is a Leo. What concerns me after reading the reports for both of our sun signs, and my stelliums, am I correct in my assumption that I should be very careful with my health? I know you say illness and death cannot and should not be predicted through astrology, but the fact my Leo husband will be forced by Saturn to focus on legacy at the same time my Libra stellium is focused on my health, makes me a little fearful.
    While Saturn will be in my second house but in his eighth house, will money be restricted all around?
    Can you clarify what you see for me/us during this time?
    Thank you!

    1. Astrology is about negotating with destiny. Your Leo husband will (should) update his will. I am a Leo and I am doing this. My old university college asked me to fund a scholarship, because I was a scholarship girl myself. From March 2023 until February 2026 it is quite true that Leo men will find it necessary to structure their finances, house, apartment, business, charity, bank account, valuables in a different way, because it has been all over the place, to date. In fact, it has been all over the place since 2011 when Neptune entered Pisces and his Eighth House of joint finance. Saturn moving into his solar Eighth House will be hard work, require great patience, but could actually be rather useful. If you picture Neptune as the great ocean, with all its random tides and flotsam and jetsam – and Saturn as the four high concrete walls that contain the pool on the beach, so people can swim safely – you see what Saturn can do. You are an Aquarius woman with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House of marriage which includes the North Node. You knew your husband in your last life. There are no particular indicators of health issues to watch in your chart. You will in fact participate in his financial re-take (a second or third take) and it will likely begin to reward you from May 2023, in terms of the security and ressurance you gain from him doing the maths differently. By May 2024 you should both be on a much clearer road; it goes without saying that a wise lawyer and/or accountant is your new best friend.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the amazing insightful article. My mother died by suicide in July 2021 and my stepfather is still keeper of her estate, and nothing has shifted so far — to my knowledge — or at least to me. I have a (half) sister and brother who both have children. I have a child too whom I gave up for adoption. I don’t want to press legacy issues further, but there is always the worry he will remarry, or forget about me in favor of my siblings. I am also still trying to reconcile the retirement account from my divorce, and the lawyer keeps doing the math incorrectly (this is the 3rd time). It forces me to revisit the divorce records and all that drama; and I procrastinate on doing something that is actually good for me. As a Libra, I have a lot of brain fogginess too that is affecting my work. So much Neptune. Thank you again for all these articles.

    1. Thank you. I am so sorry you lost your mother. In my experience as a medium, people who take their own lives receive special care and attention in the spirit world and are given tremendous healing and support. Your stepfather keeps the estate and you have half-siblings. You also have a post-divorce retirement account and a lawyer who can’t do the maths. So what’s going on? Well, you’d suspect Scorpio and Eighth House matters and an 8-28 degree stellium in Scorpio and Venus-Saturn opposition stand out in your chart. Scorpio rules sex, death and money (to put it bluntly) and is as much about divorce, as it is about inheritance. This is an ancient symbol going back to the Mesopotamians, who had a dark sense of humour. They knew scorpions could kill each other in the middle of the ‘promenade a deux’ or mating dance. So here we have the story of your mother, and her will, and her marriage to your stepfather – but also your own Venus at 22 Scorpio and Saturn at 21 Taurus under transits not seen in your adult lifetime. You experienced the South Node at 21, 22 Scorpio and North Node at 21, 22 Taurus last year, as karma came to call. Karma from 18-19 years prior suggests you are owed, or you owe, and it may not even be with these particular people. Your situation is complicated, which you know. We have Jupiter going across your Taurus stellium from May 2023 to May 2024, which is hugely beneficial financially; you will save money or make it then. The New Moon at 28 Taurus on May 19th 2023 is in an exact opposition to your Neptune at 28 Scorpio, however, so you may prefer to skip that day (allow a day either side) for decisions or discussions. As well as transiting Jupiter with all his sweeping answers and great benefits for you, you also have Uranus, the revolution – in Taurus. Stepping back from these transits until 2026 (Uranus in Taurus) the need for a new life budget is pressing. Life will be unpredictable, as it always is, when Uranus is across the Taurus-Scorpio axis of property, finance, business, possessions, charity and shares. Give yourself permission to change your mind and change your ways. You are heavily fixed (fixed sign dominant) but this cycle is about unfixing what is fixed. In this cycle, it is important to take a sheet of paper and put a price on what money cannot buy. What price would you pay for peace of mind, for example? This surprising cycle can surprise even you. The Uranus transit across your Venus-Saturn opposition is part of that. I am sure you know that Venus is complicated relationships. Often mother-son. Frequently husband-wife or wife-lover. Venus can also show up as in-laws issues. The eternal conflict with Saturn in your chart is about restrictions and limitations – barriers and obstacles – so that every time you go into a complex relationship, or buy heavily into one – you get Saturn. At your Saturn Return from age 28 to 30, for example, any oppositions tend to make themselves obvious. Again, stepping back from all this, the golden rule is to avoid (as much as possible) complicated financial or property based relationship, as you will aways meet Saturn and Saturn is very hard work. The other big, big takeaway from this Uranus transit is that you need to meet change, with change. The change will liberate you. Again, put a price tag on freedom, which you cannot buy at Tiffany’s. This new life budget part of your world will be exhilarating, eventually. Your brain fog is teaching you that when you cannot compute, or you struggle to do the numbers (so your lawyer does not get it wrong) you have to resort to feelings and intuition. This is very important. Ask your soul, psyche or spirit to do the calculations. The results will be completely different to all your habitual self is telling you. A dream may reveal it. It takes time.

  13. Good morning Jessica,
    I’ve registered for my first Zoom with you (Australia)… I always thought it’s be hard to get in as so many people would want to join… I am accepted! Very grateful.
    My question as a Sun Leo (we have the same birthday ) is how to remove the blinkers you reference. I can feel them.
    I’ve been a single mum of five glorious people who live all over the world now, and I have been part of house buying five times and forced sales. I am self employed in alternative health and it’s been tough financially for many years .

    I truly believe in the good hearts of humanity and I understand that we may have to go through some tough times to remove some of the heaviness and restrictions laid on us.
    I’d love to think I could feel secure in my living arrangements and financially, and help others ride whatever is to come.
    I’d be very grateful if you could guide me forward please.
    Stay healthy and happy

    1. Thank you for your RSVP for The Pisces Weather event with Deborah Houlding. We are heavily booked at the New York, London and Sydney Meetup pages, as Deborah is such a popular speaker, but glad you are coming along. We share Leo and Virgo stelliums and your Sun is just one degree away from my own Sun. You are Queen to a younger court and have five sons and daughters. You work in alternative health. So, classic Leo and Virgo. Long-term, the transit of Uranus in Taurus and then Uranus in Gemini (after 2026) will see you taking those parts of your personality and life and handling them in exciting new ways. So, for example, you may teach online (Leo) or begin new interests which involve you with your children, or their offspring, far more – perhaps a younger generation as a whole. Leo stellium women are the leaders, guides, mentors and unofficial tutors of a generation and they tend to do this through their profession, their personal lives or unpaid work. You had five children by yourself. I was part of a team editing five books for children (the Kids’ Night In series for HarperCollins and Puffin). Your Virgo stellium will be put to the test by the Saturn opposition from March, so your wellbeing on all levels should be your number one priority from that point. Nothing else comes close. It will mean reconsidering your workload and lifestyle to date, but can be done.

  14. Hi Jessica! Fascinating read once again, I always look forward to your blog posts!

    So question: I only have my IC in Pisces and although, if I’ve understood correctly, it is related to where we come from, our ancestors etc. I’ve always wondered what that means when it’s in Pisces? And what does this Pisces weather mean in regards to that, especially also since I have a huge stellium in Virgo, including Saturn at 0 degrees?

    My Neptune is in Sagittarius, where I also have a huge stellium. My nodes are in Libra/Aries which is also coming up for me this year, so all in all I’m having this feeling that I am somehow about to enter a major new chapter in life; one in which I am finally starting to “come into” my true self and realizing, what it is I came here to learn and do in this lifetime.

    I have no idea if my senses are correct or not, or what all of this means for me, or what I should be aware of. Once again, grateful for any insight you might be able to
    provide. Thank you!

    All the best, Kristina

    1. Thank you. Correct, the IC or Immum Coeli is your ancestors, family tree, culture, heritage and history. It depends on a strictly accurate birth time, Kristina, but if you have it, then you have inherited the DNA of religion (or the rejection of religion) from a family member. He or she may have been heavily involved with the church, or turned away from the church, in favour of – say – psychology, or science, or the occult. You have a huge stellium in Virgo, starting from 0 degrees, so from March, should make your wellbeing your number one priority. This is your health on all levels; Saturn will be in opposition to your Virgo stellium for some time, and this will ask you to look at all your habits and daily routines, from the pantry to the fridge, from the toothbrush to the medication on your shelf, from exercise to sleep. You are strongly Sagittarian, so what are you here to do? Pursue foreign culture, language and foreign people and places. The way you did this previously in your life will change hugely after 2024 and be quite revolutionary from 2026, as Uranus begins to oppose that stellium. You may in fact be part of a global change in the approach to travel, which makes sense given the pandemic is spread through airports and on cruise ships. Whatever comes from 2026 is radically different and you’ll play your part.

  15. Hi Jessica,

    This is a very interesting article, thank you.

    After reading this article it put me in mine to share my recent Neptune transit experience. I’ve been having my Neptune square Neptune transit recently. My natal Neptune is in my sixth house. I’ve been experiencing inner ear problems which are affecting my balance – leaving me feel like I’m at sea. How Neptunian is that! I’m kind of amazed at how literal and physical astrology can be sometimes.

    I’m seeing a new doctor recently and getting good results so hopefully I’m coming out the other side. A small bit nervous of the additional factor of Saturn turning up now. At least that transit is much shorter.

    Thanks again

    1. Thank you. Transiting Neptune square natal Neptune has left you unbalanced, because of inner ear issues. You have literally been swaying, as if you were on a ship in stormy sea. Transiting Neptune has been at 25 Pisces in your Twelfth House of the soul, spirit and psyche (your inner life) and this has left you finding it difficult to ‘square’ your need to escape from the real world through travel, foreigners, foreign countries, publishing, academia and/or the worldwide web. Even a Zoom session with international faces could be hard to manage, I would expect, with headphones on. The situation will sort itself out when Neptune has made his last pass at 25 Pisces, so 2024 will be far more stable and grounding for you. Saturn won’t really be an issue. But find out what the purpose of this period in your life is. Ask the Tarot ‘What is this producing for me?’

  16. Amazing insights Jessica as always. I just read my weekly Aries and am blown away by something you mention as it actually happened just a few days ago! I noticed quite a few changes slowing happening over the past few months in my professional career (music) so curious to hear what else can be expected and where it may be leading me to.

    In my natal chart I have three factors in Pisces. Saturn at 12 degrees Pisces, Chiron at 20 degrees Pisces and my Ascendant at 11 degrees Pisces.


    1. Thank you Rob. I am glad the astrology came true for you last week. You will have your Saturn Return in Pisces in the Twelfth House of spirituality, religion, meditation, self-help, hypnosis, therapy, counselling, psychic work, mediumship and so on – and by 2026 will have completed the restructure of your inner life. This is rather like taking the bits and pieces of Lego in your soul, spirit or psyche and putting them back together differently. When transiting Saturn moves to 12 Pisces it will also be in a conjunction with your Ascendant. If your birth time is strictly accurate, this will also be a Leo restructure of the outside too. You may get your teeth fixed, shave your head, lose weight and so on.

  17. Thank you, as ever! I have sun, chiron, Saturn, mars and Juno in Pisces. I am dealing with huge flux and change. Please would you explain how I will be affected? Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Pisces with a Gemini stellium in your Third House of siblings and cousins. You are in a cycle which began in September 2022 when all the chopping and changing with the family tree, brothers, sisters and other relatives is set to end in March, but until then finds you parking some matters in 2022 and preparing for quite a new phase from April 2023. This may or may not be the flux you are talking about, but it matters most of all, because this area of your life – the family on both sides – is a fantastic growth area from May 2024 and from 2026 it is exhilarating, liberating and life-changing.

  18. Hi Jessica, thank you for another fascinating article. I’m a bit confused as to whether this transit will effect me or not as I have nothing in Pisces. I drew the two of swords in the tarot though which I think must relate to having to make some kind of a choice about something quite big..? I would be really grateful if you could look at my chart and tell me what you see for me for this period please. With many thanks to you.

    1. If your Twelfth House is empty and you have no Pisces factors, we look to your solar (Sun Sign) chart. You are a Sun Capricorn, so the Pisces weather passes through your Third House. The Third House rules siblings, cousins, communication (usually the internet) and short journeys. The Two of Swords faithfully answers your question about how the Pisces transits of Saturn and Neptune will affect you. Saturn is boundaries. Neptune is the sea. Saturn is walls. Neptune is the ocean. Saturn is structure. Neptune is water. The woman in this card is you. She is surrounded by a fluid situation (the water behind her) and the two swords show how she is going to take strong, practical measures to restructure. From March 7th you will start to see why. This may be your use of the web, which is too random and uncontained. It may be the connection with a sibling or cousin, which is all over the place, all the time, everywhere (Neptune). It may be your use of public transport, your travel patterns or your car, which is also semi-chaotic much of the time. Saturn will come along and you will have to deal. Take off the blindfold before you do that, so you can see straight. I have seen this card recently for a Sun Capricorn man, who slept over at his cousin’s house a lot of the time; who was a habitual drunk driver; whose internet life was muddled and chaotic, so that it affected his relationship with his girlfriend (they mostly communicated online). He also has choices coming around March 7th and then repeatedly until 2026.

  19. Hi Jessica, I enjoyed this article and am looking forward to the pisces weather event!
    I have my sun, ops, Diana and Proserpina in pisces. I wish I could better understand how the sun and these asteroids in my 12th house (or 1st house?) manifest themselves. My Neptune is in Sagittarius, also a stellium, which is a couple of degrees off my sun but trine my Leo ascendant.
    I do work with people who struggle with their mental health, but have no foreign connection. I made a decision not to move abroad for a job back in 2004 (18/19 years ago) which I have often wondered about wistfully.
    Not a pressing question here, but it obviously helps to see the astrology through the lens of my own and other people’s charts. I do love reading people’s stories on these comments and imagine them, their lives and hopes.
    Thanks again for a great site.

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy this special event hosted by Alicia Fulton, with the amazing Deborah Houlding taking us through the core meaning of Pisces, the zodiac sign. Looking at your chart, let’s see if we can locate your job, dealing with mental health issues, and your choices to decline to emigrate in 2004. Minerva at 11 Sagittarius is square Juno at 10 Virgo, which explains the link. You are the wise woman (Minerva) rather like a wise old owl (Minerva’s bird) and your father may have contributed to your innate intelligence (Minerva was born fully formed from her father Jupiter’s brain). You use this expertise and insight with foreigners, foreign countries (Sagittarius and the Ninth House) but also in education, academia (ruled here too) and of course publishing and the world wide web. Every time you do that, though, you find it hard to square with your commitments to health and wellbeing – both your own and those of other people. That’s Virgo and the Sixth House. It’s hard to square with your job, unpaid work or study. It works the other way around too. Every time you work with people who struggle with their depression, anxiety and so on (Virgo) you can’t square it with your need to teach, guide, mentor, tutor and influence – at a far broader level, likely in higher education, or just abroad. Perhaps when you turned down the job overseas in 2004 that was one of the reasons. The solution for a square is to add people to the inner tug of war. Why? Because people have birth charts which entwine with your own and act like alchemy; a chemistry experiment which can change you, change the situation and help you to find another way through it. Sooner or later if you try different people to plug in, you will come across someone who has the sort of birth chart which forms terrific patterns with your own Juno-Minerva square. This will come to a head again for you when transiting Saturn goes to 10, 11 Pisces and forms a T-Square. If you want to know more about this idea of sorting out what you cannot square, have a look at Sacred Geometry on Search. Modern astrology, which only uses a 0-1 degree orb, is based on it.

  20. Good Morning Jessica,
    Registered and excited for zoom event.
    My question is how will the opposition to my natal Pluto and Uranus transits in Virgo play out.

    1. Thanks Amanda. I look forward to seeing you on Zoom. You have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in the Sixth House of duty, service, paid work, unpaid work, study – and your health, wellbeing, fitness, mental fitness and physical constitution. You are part of a generation profoundly affected by the contraceptive pill (which landed in 1969) proving that tiny things which go into our bodies have massive effects. You are also part of the ‘prevention’ generation who use science to protect themselves against having to see the doctor. Uranus and Pluto in Virgo people find that their job, their housework, their voluntary work – and their wellbeing – are all connected and this begins in childhood, as in the 1970s you were the generation sent home from school when you were sick. You learned that if you don’t really like the lessons, the other pupils or the teachers, you can generate a cold and have three days in bed watching television. This is a classic Uranus and Pluto in Virgo pattern, as in astrology the opposite sign, Pisces, rules the subconscious, the spirit, higher self and psyche and it is quite common for people who will not consciously allow themselves to leave their jobs, to ‘find’ some condition that necessitates time off, or just resignation. The last time you had Saturn in opposition to Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, Amanda, you were living through AIDS and cigarette warnings. On the last transit of Saturn in Pisces, opposing the Virgo placements of billions, AIDS became the biggest killer of younger Americans and the cigarette companies faced billion dollar class action lawsuits. So on the most obvious level, the pandemic is your ‘task to complete’ on this new cycle. You may have already thought you’d done that. This hasn’t even started. It is also possible that we have twin issues; not just Covid, but a second concern. If you think back to the years when smokers and cigarette companies were facing ‘the new reality’ (and it was very expensive) it affected everybody’s jobs. No more smoking at your desk. Smokers had to gather together outside. This is a classic example of what the transit achieves. What the pandemic will do, 2023 through 2026, is remind employers that working from home was not some temporary experiment; it is going to become a way of life for maybe half the population along with job-sharing and the four-day week. Your entire lifestyle will change 2023-2026, Amanda, even though you already changed it. AIDS resulted in lifestyle change; condoms and monogamy, equal marriage for gay men and so on. We are about to see something global of that nature which will affect you personally. On the intensely personal level, though, you have a health issue, or will have one, which requires a new strategy from March 2023. Take your time committing; do your research.

  21. Hi Jessica, I only have prosperina in Pisces, can you please tell me how this will manifest. Thanks so much
    Julie x

    1. Proserpina is the go-between. In Pisces and the Twelfth House you are piggy in the middle with religious people or organisations; spiritual people or organisations; psychics and mediums – therapists and counsellors – hypnotists and dream coaches. So all your life you will bridge the gap and please/appease both individuals or groups/institutions. This becomes more important and harder work once Saturn makes the conjunction to Proserpina, so take your time before you accept your regular role as The Go-Between, to quote L.P. Hartley.

  22. Hi Jessica
    My husband has just been made redundant 26/5/71 is there any advice you could give with him moving forward? Didn’t see that coming, funny 29 years he’s been there. Also is there anything l should be doing to help him?
    Thanks as always for all you do. This is a wonderful daily ritual coming to your sight.
    Kind wishes Selina

    1. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Selina. He was born on 26th May 1971 and is heading for that reality check of Saturn in Pisces in his solar Tenth House of career on March 7th. I expect that is when it will all become official or he will begin looking for work. How can you help? You can tell him this cycle only occurs every 29 years and there will be new restrictions with his career which were not there before. He could take a couple of jobs, job-share, study and mix it with paid work and so on; with Neptune in his solar Tenth too it is important that professional life is still an escape. A parallel universe. Another world. Not ‘real’ as other people would call it real! Yet, within that, he will need to accept that for 2-3 years life is going to be a strategy, not a walk in the park. So he’ll need a plan or two. A professional outsider could help him; someone who is across his industry or business, or the realities of (say) taxation.

  23. Hi Jessica – I have been struggling for 5 years since 2018 with smoking cigarettes and wanting to quite but using it as a crutch almost ritualistically if that makes sense – I don’t really enjoy it and hate the effects (smells awful and makes me feel awful, and its embarrassing). I have also used alcohol and marijuana as a default and it’s become a horrible cycle I cant seem to get out of. I feel the wear and tear on my body and wonder will I ever feel vibrant again. Work feels exhausting as – waking up daily with a stomach ache at the thought of facing the daily tasks which I tend to neglect causing more anxiety. I feel like so many people depend on me ( team of 51 at work, single mom to a daughter, aging mom living with me – I feel as though I am letting everyone down. Will this transit help me return or find my health again? The depression and anxiety are an extremely challenging side effect. Thank you.

    1. Cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana are your escape from work, where 51 people need you, and looking after your daughter by yourself, as well as your mother, who is elderly. No wonder you want to reach for whatever is to hand, to help you find a break. You are a Sun Libra with Proserpina and Hygiea in Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. In both charts I use for you, public and private, the same story shows up. Publicly, you have been all at sea with work since 2011, when Neptune entered your solar Sixth House. You may have been drifting, floating, unable to anchor yourself or feel as if you have a firm grasp. It sounds as if your job is not properly structured; otherwise you would not have a stomach ache at breakfast. In other words, it is not your fault – you have wandered into a work space where your employers are not properly organising the system. Deep breath. There are ways out and ways through. In your private birth chart you have these two very important asteroids (both goddesses) as part of your personality. Proserpina is the go-between who is powerful because she links two sides, two people or two organisations. That is you at home with your daughter and mother, but also you at work, with (say) your superior and a staff member. It may also be you with your daughter and her father, if he is still present in her life. Going between; being piggy in the middle; being a human bridge – is really hard work. It gives you huge clout and influence, but you need to step back at your Proserpina and figure out how to best handle her. The paintings of her and sculpture can be a clue. Proserpina went between her mother, Ceres, and her husband, Pluto, and straddled Hades (the Underworld) and then earth. In Spring and Summer she was with Ceres; in winter and autumn, with Pluto. So this sense of divided time, time-sharing and carefully monitored fairness/equality is central to who you are. At a certain point though you cannot function if you are stretched too far. So sit with paintings of Proserpina or draw a card from the Tarot deck here and see what comes. Ask your spirit guides to help you. Hygiea is about prevention, not cure. She was well-known to the Romans as one of the healing family members associated with their temples. Her symbol is the snake and bowl. Klimt painted here – have a look at the painting. You are preventing yourself from having a real crisis with your depression or anxiety by smoking cigarettes, drinking and getting stoned. You are shielding yourself by doing what is easy. Fair enough. Why not? Except you are now quite rightly worried about what you are doing to yourself. Hygiea in your character is too clever a goddess to be fobbed off by nicotine for long. She wants you (you want you) to do more to shield yourself from real health issues. As I realise you are tired, I suggest something very small you can do for yourself, and very easy, which could get you off on a better path out of all this. Use meditation audio or hypnosis audio on YouTube from experts like Dr. Paul McKenna, Michael Sealey, Matthew Manning, Glenn Harrold, to drift off to. Lots of people fall asleep. Schedule time for that. Your mom and daughter need to know, even if you put a sign on your door. It may be an hour, or an hour before bed. Read the testimonials from people like you who have found a way out, starting with this very small thing. You know the rest. You know exactly what to do, and you will have to make choices about that, but for now, just give yourself a different sort of shield against depression and anxiety. You should also quite deliberately use your time in the shower or bath as a spa experience. Lengthen the time and add something that is gloriously escapist; be it the radio tuned into music, or some essential oil.

  24. Hi Jessica, thank you for this post, I am so interested in the Pisces event! As a Cancer sun born with Saturn in Pisces I am also wondering if this predicts a more intense cycle? Thanks again.

    1. You will experience your Saturn Return in Pisces in the Twelfth House at 29 degrees, so right at the end of the cycle, for the last time, in May 2025. Saturn represents where you find it hard to access people or situations; it’s impossible to get in. It also shows where you are very much obstructed from ever getting out; how restricted and limited you are. As Saturn was in Pisces in your Twelfth House from childhood, you may have experienced this by being born into a religious family, for example, or going to a religious school. You could not get out of it, because you were too small. It manifests differently for different people. The Twelfth House is about your soul, spirit, psyche or subconscious. If you reject God it may be Buddha, or crystal healing, or Tarot, or therapy, or self-help. You can easily decode this for yourself by looking at life since 2008. Which aspects of your inner world have found you drifting, floating, cruising? Neptune in Pisces in your Twelfth House since 2008 has timed that for you. From March 7th, the bobbing along period ends, to be changed by new and rather heavy walls. Take you time as you get into a situation where you will find yourself really challenged to get out – or know that it will be so difficult to get in. A classic example would be committing to a therapist for long-term analysis, or entering into the church when you marry somebody from another religion.

  25. Hi Jessica,
    I am fairly new here, but truly enjoying your platform, and looking forward to Feb 18 seminar.
    I am Aries Sun with Mercury, Proserpina and Diana in 12th House. Neptune in Sagittarius and Saturn in Virgo. Where is my main focus during these transits? Or how will this mainly manifest?
    Thank you kindly for your advice, XX

    1. Thank you. I look forward to seeing you on Zoom this weekend. You are a Sun Aries woman, with stelliums in Aries, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. The two stories which are most important are nothing to do with Pisces or the Twelfth House; it’s the transit of Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node in May, June and July 2023 which offers you a rare opportunity to save so much more money, or make so much more money. It is liberating and long-term, as you have until May 2024 to do that. The other huge change here is friendship, your social life, any groups you join, or groups you are already a part of. The barricades come down on March 7th and from March 23rd you realise what a powerful part you can play with a community of people who could easily end up changing a small corner of their world – and yours. You will experience Saturn’s impact in your Twelfth House, as he moves slowly across your Pisces factors, but I’ll talk more about that, at the event.

  26. My apologies – I meant to add. I’m concerned about your comments about watching my health (virgo stellium, Pluto in virgo). I have a tonsillectomy scheduled for 1st March. Though doctors really don’t think there is anything serious underlying – I am worried about all your warnings of health matters meaning a change has to be made and that health must become a priority. How long will this be an issue astrologically? Thank you for your kind insights.

    1. You are having a tonsillectomy six days before Saturn enters Pisces and slowly begins to oppose your Virgo stellium, which is pretty textbook. You have Mercury (voice) at 0 Virgo and Saturn opposes that from 0 Pisces just as you are safely recovering. Saturn limits your vocal chords. Saturn is with you until February 14th 2026 as he is with everybody and opposes Pluto at 23 Virgo in your chart as late as March 2025, so you may want to use the tonsils procedure to tip yourself into research on healing, self-healing, immunity, your immune system, and the rest. It’s not a bad idea. Look at what you put into your body and what you expose your body to. Look at how you feel about work, unpaid work or study in the context of your wellbeing and health. Your tonsils could be doing you a favour here and long-term you could be protecting yourself by controlling your health. That is what Pluto in Virgo means; it is self-control and willpower, empowering you to become stronger. I’ve seen similar transits 29 years ago when a lot of people were switching to raw vegan.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    OMG so many things to tell you and questions! But I know your time is SO precious and you have lots of people needing your advice! The last few blog posts apply to me with a Pisces Moon (that drives me crazy) a Taurus Sun (I love this) and a Aries Stellium (That wants to GO). I have recently taken a break from a Healthcare position and am pondering what to do next. Can you enlighten me as to my true purpose please? Also how do I manage Saturn affecting my Pisces Moon? Thank you for such a Fab site Have a great 2023 Jane
    PS I have had 3 dreams starring you!
    I wish I could have a cup of tea with you and tell you about them!
    The last one I had we were walking under a building made of sandstone and you were telling me “We were Goddesses here in another lifetime”
    I woke from the dream saying “Thats ridiculous” and laughing out loud. Wow

    1. Thank you. I am in fact having a cup of tea as I sit down at my desk with your question. I’m flattered I have been in your dreams three times. (Although you woke up laughing; that’s good). Your true purpose is your stelliums. Aries, Scorpio and Taurus. You are here to invest in your title, appearance and reputation and ‘live’ through them – far more than other people do. It’s about your name, any letters after your name, or your job title. Your qualifications or moniker, if you have one. It’s about your wardrobe, perhaps your vehicle, certainly your body shape, type and height. We see Aries stelliums for people who are in the public eye, but who also are all about their shell or exterior; it does the work for them – I have had Aries stellium flight attendants, for example, who are all about the regulation hairdo, jacket, shoes, the boarding presentation and the rest of it. Taurus and Scorpio are simple. You are here to make money and to invest it in others who need it, without any expectation of reward or repayment. Charity and philanthropy, but also ‘Charity begins at home’ are the highest expressions of these signs. You are now in a nodal transit of those signs and will complete it by July, when you will have a strong sense of ‘first mission complete.’

  28. Thank you Jessica for the great information! I don’t have any Pisces factors (empty 12th house), and only 2 Virgo factors, but I’ll be interested to see what happens with the Saturn oppositions to the many people with Virgo factors. We’ve asked for better ventilation in the old buildings we work out of, UVC, and HEPA filters, and have basically been laughed at about this and told to prepare to be in the office more (where people come to work with all kinds of bugs). I’m a public health professional and it’s very disheartening the level of apathy in the U.S. over COVID precautions. People continue to come in to work sick on a daily basis in various industries without a mask and people barely bat an eye. Change is sorely needed around the world!

    1. The difference between public health in the work place in the US after the final week of March, and before, will be dramatic. We are going into a global era of people power for 20 years when trade unions, professional organisations and collective community effort will be more potent than any businessman or political party. You are just coming out of the tough Saturn in Aquarius cycle since December 2020, which has made any kind of group effort hard: you have been rejected when asking for better ventilation, UVC and HEPA. You personally have choices to make, coming from March 7th as Saturn moves into Pisces and begins a slow opposition to Virgo, eventually picking up your own Virgo factors (work and health). The bigger picture on this entire cycle, which astrology predicted twice in 2019 (I called a virus on this website and date-stamped two periods in 2020) is about work. People are going to have to choose between Long Covid and safe work – Long Covid for their partner who pays half the mortgage, say, or their children whom they will have to support. This is already the case but the huge amount of denial and fantasising is resulting in ‘no change.’ Charles III and Camilla have just been infected for the second time. People who are rich and powerful, who could protect themselves, clearly do not. So this is an interesting challenge for you. In astrology the big question about this entire pandemic is, “How much do you value your health, as opposed to your safe salary – and how far will you unite and campaign with others to get what you want?’ Because you could win. So easily.

  29. Another great read. Thank you Jessica. I only have MC in Pisces. Would you please let me know what this means for me please? I also draw Ace of cups when I asked what March bring for me as it’s been a very intense start of 2023 and I felt like Chiron in Taurus was a main focus if that makes sense. I am also thinking about many big changes in many major areas after evaluating what’s important to me recently. Would you please let me know what impact this weather and big transit in March has on me and if there is anything I should be aware of or what I should avoid. Thank you.

    1. Your MC or Midheaven depends on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have it, your highest achievement (pinnacle or peak accomplishment) will be religious, spiritual, psychic, occult, therapeutic, psychological or perhaps scientific, if you are drawn to quantum theory. Pisces rules dual realities, neither of them real. We associate Pisces with mediums (Two Worlds Collided, to quote Michael Hutchence) but also with the rather odd inner world of Einstein, who was visualising the speed of light at the same time that he was pondering God. Saturn in Pisces from March 7th makes it all terribly real and there will be new restrictions, boundaries and limitations. The Ace of Cups in March is about a terrific new period of great emotional reward (your cup overfloweth) and there is a group involved; this makes sense as Saturn leaves your Eleventh House of groups and Pluto enters your Eleventh House of groups, in March.

  30. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this blog and for the Sign-specific info.
    I will be attended the Zoom on the 19th for a more in-depth understanding. Thanks for allowing us all to be part of it.
    I only have Diana in Pisces. But its something that is (obviously) very resonant in my life and psyche.
    How might this play out with only one factor in Pisces?
    I have just started University online in Photography, a new mid-life career. Hoping that I can launch myself as an ’emerging photographer’ for work in March.

    1. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the Zoom. You can have just one factor in Pisces and the Twelfth House, like Diana, and find it is central. You have Diana at 5 Pisces and several factors at 6 degrees spaced around your chart, so Diana makes several aspects or patterns. That is why you identify and why important events take place; whenever Diana is triggered by transits, so are several other areas of your life and personality too. Diana was the daughter of Jupiter who begged to be released from motherhood and marriage. Jupiter made her goddess of the hunt and she never had children, nor married, but had a relationship with Endymion, a man who was always asleep. Diana is a symbol of feminism and freedom. In your Twelfth House of religion, hypnosis, Tarot, psychics, Buddhism, dreams, therapy, counselling, the inner Universe that shows the external universe – you are a solitary free spirit who goes her own way, resents restriction, and explores on the inside. The arrival of Saturn on March 7th will restrict aspects of this, as Saturn is about what or who limits life. Take your time getting into a situation then, or getting further in.

  31. Hi Jessica

    I am Pisces Descendant with Sun Sign Libra
    Can you please help me in understand that How this cycle impacts my health and career.


    1. HS, this cycle has nothing to do with your health or career, as it’s about your Twelfth House of God or your rejection of God. You are a Sun Libra with stelliums in Libra and Sagittarius so the most important story in 2023 and 2024 is about partnership. If you are in a sexual or professional partnership, it’s decision time, as you reshape the balance between the pair of you and figure out a new direction for the future. If you do not have a sexual or professional partner, you will be offered the choice to proceed in a duet from July 2023, right through 2024, and life as it was 18 or 19 years before will strongly affect what happens – it’s karma.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    I am a Scorpio Sun. I have only a north node in Pisces. I just learned from social media that my daughter-in-law is pregnant. Love life is not so clear. He is not committing. In and out energy. Neptune is 28 degrees Scorpio
    How will this cycle affect me?

    1. Right on cue, as a Scorpio Sun, you have Saturn entering your Fifth House of offspring, young relatives and children, on March 7th, joining Neptune, that symbol of ‘the unclear’ to make life a bit more real. You also have a huge Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House which rules the legacy you leave to your in-laws, grandchildren and so on. Until July 2023, you also have the South Node transiting that sector, so there is karma here. You owe, or are owed, from 18-19 years ago and that’s partly what this is about. If there is no commitment, there is no financial commitment. Enter yourself. Get the best advice you can afford on this and get it in writing, but expect March to be decision time. It is very important to lean on time-honoured, trusted, tried and true strategies for this situation and that’s where an impartial advisor can help.

  33. Hello dear Jessica, I’m registered and setting my alarm clock for 15 minutes before 6am, AWST !! XOO (Have used same email address as my membership email – and hopefully my purple hair streaks will be visible – Chiron just conjuncted my Aries Mercury-opposite-Pluto??)
    I feel like I have been away//intending (but not actually getting to) to attend your *INCREDIBLE* discussions for EVER – it was an intensely busy, busy year last year; and even just now, I am playing Florence Nightingale to my 15 year old son, who after only 2 weeks back at highschool, contracted Covid for the first time (the rest of us, including his little sister, are still negative, knock on wood..!)
    I cannot believe the quality of all your blog posts, comments, and references – apart from your Modern Astrology book just being a *divine* gift for us members, your Substack presence is also incredible, and if you collated all your article pieces here into a book, it would be an astrology (and divination) reference for generations (as the website already is!!!). So here is my long, long, overdue but heartfelt THANK YOU, Jessica & team – you are appreciated so much more than you could possibly know – at least, by conventional time and space tangents!!! 🙂
    Am so sorry for big rambling comment, but also, I cannot believe the accuracy (yet again) of this Pisces article. I have a Piscean stellium (also hosting my MC and Mars), and I can personally vouch for so much – the spiritual leanings, the absolute essential non-negotiable requirement for boundaries, discernment, purity of food/water/consumable items (including news!!) (am mostly teetotal – am an “ABC” (anniversaries/birthdays/Christmas) drinker – and even then, only a glass) and need for Saturn-containment – but also, in my case, I went overboard (ha! unintentional Neptune reference there!!) and went TOO Saturn-esque in my adult years and early worklife, and then I became a Mum (more routine), and I (personally, again) feel this (coincidentally??) Saturn focus resulted in (occasionally very painful) chronic autoimmune issues that have enforced a return to more Neptunian solitude, artistic and literary pastimes, and of course – an exploration of all that lies hidden behind this capitalist, materialist world – a renunciation of Saturn concerns, of a kind? In other words, (speaking in my case, only) a denial of natal Neptune heritage can also bring about unintended negativity – and I think I read somewhere (perhaps Lilley, on Skyscript..?) years ago, that those ruled by Pisces and Neptune can have blood disorders (which I do), in particular anaemia (which I do – it is ironic to me to have an Aries stellium, and not be able to sustain my blood ferritin. Just – ridiculous!) (Apologies for any misquotes – I have a read a lot of astrology trying to figure out the metaphysical angle of my autoimmune conditions, as well as taking conventional and Chinese medicine paths).
    IN SHORT – am so, so looking forward to this Piscean event; and am so grateful for your presence in the world, Jessica & team!! Much love, and cups of tea. From Across the Desert. XOO XOO

    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate you being there for 6.00am and look forward to seeing you at The Pisces Weather. I will pass those compliments onto my friends and colleagues at Asporea. You have autoimmune conditions and saw a quote from William Lilly on Skyscript about Pisces, Neptune and blood. A quick way into this is to look at Virgo and the Sixth House in your natal chart. The IC, Psyche and Hygiea are all in Virgo. The IC describes a family member or ancestor, from whom you have inherited either the actual condition, or the need to figure medical matters in this lifetime, either as patient or doctor. The IC or Immum Coeli is your heritage and roots. Psyche is a symbol of what lives forever; what is eternal about you. Perhaps your management of your condition will do that as others in the family (in future) see how you coped. Hygiea is a classic health placement; she rules prevention rather than cure. So hygiene, literally, is second nature to you, but you are also here to pre-empt and protect on a health level. Have a look at Hygiea in sculpture and art.

  34. Hello Jessica I have North node, descendant and Mars in Pisces and Neptune in Sagittarius. How will this transit affect me? Thank you.

    1. The North Node in Pisces in your Twelfth House describes your prior incarnation. You were religious, or anti-religious. You were a psychic or hypnotist, perhaps. You were a therapist or spent your life having therapy. The Twelfth House rules your inner life; your subconscious, soul or spirit. You automatically have the South Node in Virgo in your Sixth House, so your last incarnation involved a conflict between (say) being religious and looking after your health. Perhaps you were in a pilgrimage during the plague but you were infected in the church. Maybe you were dealing with more mysterious issues, where your subconscious mind directed your wellbeing. The Tarot can be useful here. Follow the steps. What was your last life? You will see Pisces and/or Virgo themes in the card. You can also read more about your North Node in Pisces cycles in the back of Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you as a Premium Member. If you spot a year that chimes with you, that may be the year you were last here. The transits to come in Pisces by Saturn, with Neptune, will show up as early as March 7th with a definite ‘bump’ in your life. Take your time as you get into a situation, or get further into it, if it involves God (or your rejection of God), dream interpretation, hypnotherapy, psychology and so on. The invisible inner world of alternative reality. You have been without an anchor or any flags since 2011 in this area of your life and may not even be aware of how far you have drifted out. Just being alone will have done that. Now, you have to accept some boundaries and parameters, as Saturn moves into your Twelfth.

  35. Hi Jessica,
    I have Chiron and Aesculapia in Pisces,what does this signify for me?
    I really feel ready to move on in life as it’s been stagnant too long,currently waiting to see if my daughter will be accepted for a mortgage then move to a smaller house myself if she does.Also feel I am ready for a romantic relationship as I have been single a long time but fear I may end up left on the shelf.Any insights into this greatly appreciated.Thank you x

    1. Well, the Pisces weather has nothing to do with your daughter, or being left on the shelf. It’s about everything you just saw here: religion, self-help, therapy, psychics, hypnosis and so on. You have a huge Leo stellium in your Fifth House of motherhood, courtship and the bedroom and will have the opportunity for a new relationship for years into the future (more than one actually) as Neptune in Aries trines your Leo stellium. First opportunity, 2024, then ongoing. You may want to keep things very simple with your daughter, any children she has (or will have), and so on. Clear understandings, in writing, with professional advice, on your legacy to her, any loans or gifts between you and so on. You’d probably do this anyway, but your chart is nudging you to do this.

  36. Hi Jessica, hoping to join your meetup (will there be a recording sent out to registrants?)
    I’m a Sun Pisces with MC and North Node in Pisces, but no stellium. I’m not religious at all and am only just new to exploring astrology/spirituality. I’m not at all enthused about Saturn coming near my Sun and MC, since my Capricorn and Aquarius stelliums has been pinging with difficult work situations in the last several years! Is there a silver lining in this, that I might find the type of work or work envIronment I’ve been hoping for? Thank you for your insight!

    1. Thank you. We have a waiting list now, but some cancellations will arrive closer to the weekend, I’m sure. There is no recording. Your Sun, MC and North Node in Pisces in your solar First House, along with an Aries stellium in your natal First House, tell a similar story twice. Life until May 2023 is about your title, reputation and appearance. The First House is where you are front-and-centre, upfront and very much judged by appearances. Neptune has been in your solar First House since 2011 which has occasionally confused you (about how you are seen) and confused others. The internet doesn’t exactly help, does it? Now, as Saturn arrives in your solar First House on 7th March, you must find a strategy; a response to new restrictions. In your natal chart, Jupiter and Chiron transit your First House at the same time, together until May 2023, giving you a terrific chance to relaunch yourself; make more of your title, reputation, appearance; get away with the so-called outrageous or impossible. This may be a new job, as a new job necessitates a new business card/title.

  37. What does it mean if I don’t have any stars in Pisces? How should I treat Pisces transit? Thanks Jessica

    1. An empty house means you are not defined by the matters of that house; your personality and destiny don’t depend on those things. So, religion, hypnosis, self-help, therapy, psychics, counselling, spirituality, and your inner invisible world. Your acceptance of God or rejection of God. It does not say who you are or what happens to you.

  38. Hi Jessica! I just got off the waitlist and into the zoom event for this weekend, and I am very excited to be apart of one of your live events!
    I have a concerning situation that happened to my husband last weekend and I don’t know if this is the right place to bring this up but I am wondering if there is any insight into how we should be managing or how concerned we should be.
    We randomly found an Apple GPS tracker on my husbands old beat up Toyota. We assume it’s been there for about a month, have notified the police, & they are looking into some possibilities of tracking down who or what this is all about.
    My husband is a Buddhist acupuncturist, with no known enemies, very small friend circle.. Our assumption is they are not after his car, but rather that he was randomly chosen to be followed for an attempted robbery… or who knows what?!. Whomever this was knows his routine and where he works and we live.
    The perpetrators must be aware that we went to the police because we deactivated the device there.
    My question is if this thing will or has blown over, or if we have some sort of karmic event coming our way, and need to take further precautions? It’s been a rather creepy and unsettling event.. and I guess I’m just looking for any advice.
    Ive attached my husbands chart for reference.

    16 Sco 24°30*
    25 Sco 14′ 5*
    5 Sco 21’58’г
    19 Sag 56’29*
    2 Lib 19’27”
    5 Lib 40’30*
    25 Sco 16°42*
    21 Sag 6’39*
    22 Lib 39’45*
    um 2047
    § Chiron
    15 Tau 47’45*r AC 11 Cap 1° 2:22 Aqu 52* 3: 4 Ari 15°
    MC 5 Sco 44′ 11: 29 Sco 31° 12: 19 Saq 57*

    Thank you for all your insights and what you do. I love following your work!

    1. Thanks Carrie, and I am glad you are off the waiting list. Your husband’s Apple GPS Tracker likely went on after September 2022 when Mars in Gemini went retrograde. The cycle ends in March. How awful. Mars rules men and particularly men who are against you. Gemini rules Apple GPS trackers and cars; short journeys. Retrograde is stuck, backwards. Carrie, Mars moved from 8 to 25 Gemini from 4th September and stops on March 17th, in that particular loop. Your husband has patterns at 19 Sagittarius and 21 Sagittarius so Mars would have opposed that – September 28th-30th; October 4th-7th in the first instance. This may have been when the device went on the Toyota so much earlier than a month *or* very importantly, this is when there was a plan set in motion, a purchase made of the GPS and so on. You have an 18 Sagittarius pattern so you and your husband are both tied into this. Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries so start there, Carrie. In any case, the ‘car’ and ‘Apple’ sector of his chart and yours, ruled by Gemini, is out of retrograde on March 17th and Mars leaves that zone altogether on March 25th.

  39. hi Jessica. are you able to take a peek at my husband’s chart below. (unsure of time). He is Aries sun & aries stellium with Pisces Saturn return coming up & chiron in Pisces. I am pisces sun, you have my chart. We are currently separated but having counselling to try & work things out. he is typically Aries & relationships not his priority it seems (only IC in Libra) whereas I have 5 planets in Libra. Do you see his Saturn return as a good time for him to be working on himself? he is determined to change & says he loves me & doesn’t want to lose me. thank you.

    11° Aries 22′ 27″
    26° Scorpio 11′ 33″
    28° Aries 32′ 04″
    26° Taurus 52′ 02″
    02° Aries 01′ 47″
    27° Aries 20′ 05″
    00° Pisces 49′ 34″
    06° Virgo 40′ 20″ R
    17° Scorpio 22′
    02″ R
    12° Virgo 13′ 13″ R
    16° Pisces 06′ 50″
    04° Sagittarius 52′
    18″ R
    16° Aquarius 09′
    04° Capricorn 27′
    06° Aries 23′ 29″
    06° Libra 23′ 29″
    19° Gemini 44′ 02″
    19° Sagittarius 44′
    28° Taurus 23′ 41″
    07° Gemini 14′ 42″
    28° Aries 46′ 27″
    15° Aquarius 27′
    10° Virgo 32′ 28″ R
    03° Cancer 13′ 32″
    21° Taurus 10′ 45″
    17° Aquarius 59′
    24° Leo 39′ 41″ R
    21° Capricorn 43′
    03° Gemini 55′ 51″
    27° Aries 02′ 56″
    07° Taurus 29′ 17″
    01° Aquarius 49′
    05° Cancer 47′
    56″ R

    1. I am sorry you are going through this. You are deep opposites; he has Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, MC, Minerva, Cupido in Aries in his First House of reputation, title and appearance. You have a Libra stellium in the Seventh House of partnership and also have the South Node there. You have done this before, probably with him, in your last incarnation. The South Node and its opposite, the North Node, reveals karma. You may even know the period in history because you are so drawn to it. From July 2023 the nodes change signs and the transiting North Node goes to Aries and transiting South Node goes to Libra. This is a huge period of karmic closure, and it takes time, taking you into 2024. The central issue is self-awareness (extreme ‘Me’ awareness) and the difficulty in figuring out two, instead of one. This kind of sign combination is not impossible, but it works best when one of you is the fighter who flies the flag for the other person, in a situation where there is conflict, competition, a contest or even a real battle. Aries needs to be first, upfront and front-and-centre and to win the day. You do see ‘Faint heart never won fair lady’ with this so if there is any suggestion of a love rival, the Aries type will be ever more compelled. He needs an outlet for his Aries overload; karate is quite good as it brings titles, a costume and a lot of biff. The Tarot can help you work out some solutions here but you are never going to get balanced scales with this one, as ‘Me’ is so hard to harmonise with “Us”. It’s great to hear he loves you and does not want to lose you. Now for some strategies. A professional may be able to help bring some impartial insights. It may be that he needs to separate parts of himself and his life, into compartments, so that he does not bring Aries into the relationship. Aries does incredibly well in the armed forces; in natural emergencies like earthquakes or floods; in sport; in politics – you may know all this. Most of all, though, the strongly Aries person needs a strategy, like pins on a map.

    1. Your South Node in Pisces in the Twelfth House is in automatic opposition to the North Node in Virgo in the Sixth House. You also have a stellium in Virgo so tend to live in your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload, much of the time. The tug-of-war within is really about doing the housework and escaping from the real world by meditating! Variations on this Virgo-Pisces theme include working five days a week and trying to get away from it with headphones, or (try to avoid this one) not admitting you dislike your job so that your subconscious puts you into a health situation where you have to take time off, or even leave. These sorts of patterns recur with this kind of nodal axis, together with a strong Virgo/Sixth House presence. You are coming up to a real crossroads with this as Saturn goes into Pisces, of course, from March 7th 2023. He is there until 2026 as you know and you are also going to come across the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo, in transit, eventually. Have a look at Modern Astrology 2050 which is free to you. Read about the Virgo stellium in your life, which J.K.Rowling also has. Have a look at the nodal tables in the back to see if any period in history rings true. In your last incarnation you found yourself trying to reconcile religion with your health. That’s a pretty common one with these nodes.

  40. Superb article yet again Jessica. Really looking forward to this event as I have many factors in Pisces. I have been drifting along for many years and as scary as Saturn can seem, I could do with some structure and do feel things are coming together already.

    1. Thank you so much. That’s a really good point. Saturn is about building the hard way; the long way; yet what is there afterwards stands the test of time. You have a huge stellium in Pisces and were born in 1967 with an exact Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces in your Twelfth House. Hard not to see either or both parents in this; 1967 was a year of mysticism filtered through George Harrison’s love of India, but also the impact of psychedelics on perception of reality. What they rejected or accepted (or perhaps what an influential aunt or uncle accepted or rejected) may have left traces even now. The long, long Neptune transit in Pisces which began for you in 2011 has removed the ground from under your feet. You have found occasional anchors but then they have dislodged! And it’s all been interior. The inner experience of your soul, spirit or psyche meeting Neptune in Pisces has been with you for such a long time you may not even notice just how much it’s crept forward. Neptune acts like the sea on the sand; before you know it, it’s lapping at your feet. Saturn is the new barrier. The person or situation which is so obvious near March 7th should be viewed as something that will make it hard to get out of or make it hard to get into! Take your time and take good advice as you approach this.

  41. Hi Jessica, Thank you for the great Pisces weather read, I’m looking forward to the event. Neptune in Pisces has been about self work, therapy and discovering how healing the sea is for me too. I’ve also spent that time studying for a new career although that was like wading through mud and quite a struggle much of the time. I haven’t made the transition to that work or any work. I’m really mindful of time ticking (the next Saturn return) and want to move forward on that front. The last time Saturn was in Pisces I was a young mum working part time jobs, I don’t recall 12th house matters. Having a child brought the usual restrictions to social/work life. So I’m not sure how this Saturn transit will be this time but I’m hoping it will help me make progress on a new career. I’m wondering how you see these transits with my chart? Many thanks as always.

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the event, which begins with Deborah Houlding talking about the historical meaning of Pisces. I’ve not heard that that the sea has been healing on a Neptune in Pisces transit before, but it fits. That’s another one for my files. You have been studying and want a new career. Pisces has nothing to do with that, but Virgo and your Sixth House (workload and wellbeing) and Capricorn and your Tenth House (ambition and achievement) certainly do. Salacia at 25 Capricorn is trine the Descendant at 25 Virgo in your chart. The Descendant depends on a strictly accurate birth time. If you have it, then your opposite number, or the opposition, will always strongly influence your job. If not, then your time is out. However Salacia will still be at 25 Capricorn. You have had transiting Pluto at 25 Capricorn in a conjunction with that, so your ability to operate in two worlds, neither of them particularly real, has been taken over by quite dominating people, trends or organisations which you may have experienced while studying. You tend to get obsessive men with Pluto who want to own everything and everybody, so my sympathies if you went through that. The good news is, Jupiter at 25 Taurus will trine Salacia at 25 Capricorn and the light at the end of the tunnel appears in May when Jupiter changes signs. By May 2024 you will have been given a terrific opportunity to pursue two jobs, or one job and one unpaid role, but both of them would feel like the ocean and the seashore, in terms of a holiday from the everyday. Have a look at the paintings of Salacia. She was Neptune’s wife. That’s part of you. You can find out more about Salacia in your online library here too.

  42. Dear Jessica,

    I am a sun Pisces and it’s been hard getting a promotion or a new job (in finance) since 2008. My bosses all have been promoted, but I have been overlooked and underpaid for years. I’ve been applying since 2021 without any success yet. I received good calls from recruiters but have not even passed that first call (before 2019 I got the jobs at first round).

    I need to see progress in my career (many years working, 2 masters, languages) and I also need real improvements in my financials (single mom). Please do you see me being offered a good job opportunity in these months? I feel I can touch the new job, but lately every time I received a call from a headhunter, it immediately disappears; this is very strange compared to my past experiences.

    Thank you and much love for your work to us,
    Pisces 29

    1. Thank you. You have Mars in Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, success, ambition, mission and position. Understanding Mars in your chart could be useful. He is a symbol of male-style aggression, competitiveness and ‘push/shove.’ He is the Roman god of war as you know. Red is the colour that rules Mars and so we associate him with fire engines and fire brigades, as well as the Red Cross in SOS situations. Some women overdo Mars and are too difficult for other people to work with. It’s like working with a Roman centurion. Other women have experiences as children or teenagers which make them too frightened to ‘do’ their Mars at all, so they beat a retreat, do not assert themselves and so on. I have no idea if this is ringing any bells with you, but it seems odd that. you have never been promoted. I am sorry you have been put through that, it must be very hard to go through. You are looking after your child by yourself, need a pay rise or better paid job and sound like you deserve it with your skills and qualifications. Have a look at the Tarot and ask ‘How do I use my Mars in Capricorn at work?’ and then step back from the card to see if there are any clues there. Sometimes you can be quite unconscious of being pushy if you have Mars in the Tenth House. You have no idea you are being, say, passive-aggressive. That can turn people off. If you immediately think that’s totally wrong, though, and know for a fact that you struggle with competing against others, or putting yourself forward – there are any number of books on assertiveness training and you just have to copy the lines, basically. You will definitely have a bigger, better way to save money (or make it) by May. We don’t know why yet. Your mention of languages is important; this is going to be a fantastic asset for you from mid 2024 to mid 2025 and from 2026 new technology will revolutionise translation and your skills will tilt you into an exciting new phase. You have that classic Gemini-Sagittarius chart pattern which is going to change your life with some exhilarating new global and regional connections ahead.

  43. Dear Jessica

    In 2018 one of my son’s was going through a difficult time. We read and followed the guidelines you gave in your daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes and my son made it through and is now thriving.

    Last year – 2022 – you predicted I would have karma from a group decades ago. The first dates you gave were in the early 2000s – but later you gave a second set of dates that took the dates back to the 1980s. As you predicted, there was a group of people, especially 1 person that had mistreated me very badly after my mother died. I had moved on eventually and had done well in my professional and personal life. However, I did hear about members of that group last year and there was karma- especially in regards to that 1 particular person. It allowed me so much peace.

    I am not writing to ask a question nor for a reading – I am writing to say thank you for what you do – I hope you know that you have helped and continue to help so many people each and every day and that we are so grateful. I just wanted you to know that.


    1. Elaine, thank you so much. It’s really kind of you to say. I am happy to hear your son is thriving. I am also glad you saw closure with that group I mentioned in your prediction. I am going to save this comment and keep it. There, just did it!

  44. Thank you! You are impressive you have so much knowledge from many areas plus the psychic part too! Definitely, I will check the books on assertiveness, and bring to conscious the passive-aggressiveness . I also pulled the page of swords, not sure if he is my boss (younger male aries) or my scorpio son with an stellium in aries (bought his chart). He needs a new school for next year but the search has been tough. Maybe, after he gets into the right one, my career improves.

    And about the languages/communication part, it is interesting that you mentioned it, at work I have always been complimented on the clarity of my emails and presentations. I will explore that route adding the technology part.

    Thank you again!

    1. I’m glad you also drew a Tarot card. The Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite is the perfect partner to astrology; they were trained astrologers in The Golden Dawn. The Page of Swords is likely your son and your boss! You have something to learn from both of them, but also something to show them, if they will listen. If you can pick up another language at any point, think about it, as you already have confirmation that you’re a great communicator and bilingual or trilingual skills will be gold, when Uranus goes into Gemini from 2026.

  45. Hi Jessica,

    Curious how the Pisces weather will affect me since I have no factors there. I have 2 adult sons not with me – the elder one has Pisces Asc (Sun Libra born in 2002) and the younger son has a Pisces stellium -Uranus, Vesta, Salacia, Vulcano and Minerva (Sun Cancer born in 2004). Please let me know, thanks

    1. Yes, you have an empty Twelfth House, with nothing in Pisces in your chart. You are not defined by Twelfth House matters (religion, the rejection of God, therapy, hypnosis and the world of dream interpretation, meditation, therapy, counselling and so on). They don’t change your life. They don’t describe your personality. Your younger son, on the other hand, has a whopping stellium in Pisces including Salacia, who is Neptune’s wife (Neptune rules Pisces). She inhabits two realities, neither of them particularly real, like the ocean and the sea shore. A holiday from reality is part of his approach to life. Uranus in Pisces is generational, and Saturn going over Uranus for him and everyone in his circle of friends/class will throw up barriers and boundaries where there was only turmoil before; this is the chop-and-change generation in regard to all inner pursuits, be it Tarot, God or yoga. So around March 7th he has a choice and it will be an important choice. It really depends on what he/they all have been experimenting with, in terms of their souls, psyches or psychology. Your elder son only has a Pisces Ascendant or Rising Sign. That’s his shop window and nothing more. Saturn going over his Ascendant (transiting Saturn in conjunction with the Ascendant) will restrict and limit his title, appearance, reputation even though he has spent the years since 2011 being out of focus for people. There may even be fuzzy films or photographs to attest to that. He may find himself in uniform, for example, in a new job, or having to get a regulation haircut, or even a serious new pair of specs. It’s on that level.

    1. Thank you. The event is for Premium Members and it looks like you’re just visiting from Meetups.

  46. Hi Jessica. I’m really looking forward to your Zoom event this weekend. I have Saturn in Pisces along with Chiron. I have a Pluto and Uranus 1 degree away from each other in Virgo. This will be my second Saturn return and I am wondering how this time around will effect me. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you. You are a Pisces-Virgo person who will see the pendulum swing between both, in 2023-2026; you are also up for the Pisces-Virgo nodal transit, so it’s all showing up early, in March, actually. Pisces is escaping from the real world. Getting away from the everyday and into an alternative universe, like being hypnotised, or praying, or having an analyst interpret dreams. Pisces is faith, essentially, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a mystical kind of astrology or humanism (because rejection of God is in itself a faith he does not exist). You are quite familiar with this and in fact were probably raised with one religious parent or relative so you could either accept or reject. Now, you have your second Saturn Return in Pisces in the Twelfth House and you are also dealing with that Virgo-Pisces polarity. Virgo is very much about your daily routine, lifestyle, workload, wellbeing, housework, health on all levels. Finding the balance between taking a holiday from reality, but also having to deal with it, is the new challenge. You will need space in your day to get away, but you will also need to be quite practical about the new demands of Saturn in opposition to Pluto and Uranus.

  47. Hi Jessica, thank-you – yet again – for your insights. As my moniker suggests, I am a Sun Pisces – born with Saturn and Chiron also in Pisces. Not exactly a stellium, but I feel that it is pretty influential. (And I have Neptune in Scorpio). I separated from my husband in mid-2012, but the trouble was all there since 2010, I can see why the entrance of Neptune into Pisces in April 2011 was so significant, as since then, I have had a lot of turbulence, but also great happiness. Money is a huge concern, I lost my house, and everything else in the separation, and will never be able to buy one at my age (almost 57, about to experience Saturn return) – so I’m not sure where my Neptune in Scorpio fits in (except in a terribly negative way). And what about Chiron in my birth chart?
    It’s true – my image, reputation, etc, has definitely been through the wringer, and I have also had serious therapy, counseling etc – that I am still doing, 11 years later. So there’s the 12th (natal) House and the 1st (solar) house well and truly activated! This is why I love reading your insights so much – it makes sense in my life!
    What I would love to know is whether my finances will somehow miraculously improve (I work, but am always on the look out for a higher paying job – am I likely to get one?) – what will Neptune bring in that regard? And also – I still don’t know where my image, etc is heading – so given my own birth chart what does the Pisces weather mean for me?
    Again – many thanks xx

    1. Thank you. You find what happens in Pisces in your Twelfth House is always pretty public (even if it’s just a solitary matter) and it’s also where you find it harder to deal with life’s realities. That’s Saturn. I am sorry you had such a difficult separation. Chiron in Pisces as well as Saturn is an odd mix. When it comes to religion, hypnosis, Tarot, psychics, meditation, Buddhism, therapy, counselling and all the interior matters, you go it alone, but you also see what you can get away with. It’s where you experiment and push the boundaries of what is accepted. Saturn there is contrary, as it tends to lock you into situations once you’re committed and it’s rather hard to get out of them. Take your time as you make choices when Saturn goes into Pisces on March 7th. In your solar chart, your title, reputation, appearance has been adrift for years, since 2011 actually, as you know. From March you need to come up with a strategy for the way you are seen; that’s very new and very necessary, for whatever reason. You will make or save a lot of money by May if you take the opportunities.

  48. Thank you Jessica for the article on Pisces Weather. I’m looking forward to the event on the 19th.
    I have felt all at sea for a few years and now experiencing my second Saturn return.
    Over the past few years, my partner and I have housed family members from both sides, all ages, when needed and for years/months at a time.
    We laugh and say “surely that’s end of it” but then someone turns up going through a traumatic life event needing a home/support
    I’m considering giving up work, make do with less and to have time to spend with my older partner(Aquarius), granddaughters and on my health.
    With parts of my chart about to be triggered, I feel that helping out family won’t end yet, neither will retirement maybe after 2026?

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Sagittarius who has seen the whole aquarium at home since 2011. Now things will stabilise with the family members coming to stay, because they must. You have a couple of cycles, actually, one about a more structured life with the family from March 7th – and then your own siblings or cousins, and perhaps their children, suggests a tremendous change, around the same date (March 7th) and a further about-turn near March 23rd when Pluto changes signs. You are quite right, the family story hasn’t finished yet. In fact it takes a new direction. Retirement is going to work beautifully for you (or hybrid retirement) from May 2023 until May 2024.

  49. Hi Jessica , I am so looking forward to attending this event from England on Saturday . I have three plants in Pisces , Venus at 4 degrees , Sun at 15 degrees and Mars at 17 degrees. Saturn will enter Pisces the day after my birthday and quickly go on to oppose my natal Saturn at 1 degree of Virgo . Could you shed some light on this for me please ?

    1. You are welcome; Deborah Houlding will also be joining us from England, though I know it’s quite late for you. Your chart shows Aesculapia at 2 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, academia and unpaid work – trine Saturn at 1 Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. Saturn goes to 1, 2 Pisces for the first time in 28 years and brings new gatekeepers or gates, from March 7th. The first half of 2023 is about a strategy to deal with that, as you may find yourself stuck with an inaccessible situation, or perhaps fenced in, unable to get out. Taking the aspect apart, you habitually have job, university or non-profit roles and projects where you revive or resurrect; you bring situations back from the brink. Aesculapia was the god the Romans turned to, when all hope had gone. In fact, he got them through the plague. Sound familiar? Saturn in your Sixth House natally is the same as Saturn in transit; barricades and obstacles, heavy structuring and a rather ‘gated’ feeling. The Sixth House is about overall wellbeing as well as your paid work, housework, unpaid work or study. How this pans out you are yet to see, but get in slowly and do your homework as any new or rebooted situation on this transit tends to take tons of work to undo later. Saturn in opposition to natal Saturn usually shows up as TINA (There Is No Alternative) but you can choose to respond any way you like. A good strategy is very precious and in fact by 2026 will be worth its weight in gold to you, having trained you or changed you.

  50. Hi Jessica
    I’m joining the Sat 18th event, with my ‘L’ plates on – so many inputs to synthesise, RESPECT to you! I am trying to piece my story together, hoping that after too many years feeling stuck and unseen, especially in my career, I am hoping March will bring positive change and momentum. Same description for relationships can be added too. I want to sell my home in 2023 (it’s been a difficult property since the day I bought it Aug 2009), and I am even considering moving to another country in the 12-24 months. Curious if you see interning drivers/influences?

    1. Thank you. I look forward to seeing you. L plates are always welcome. None of this is Pisces stuff, but spirit said ‘Happy Birthday’ to you, which I am passing on. I don’t know who told you that. You will relaunch your title, appearance and reputation by May if you take the terrific chance to do so, more obvious in March, April. Your career has been dominated by controlling people who want to own the situation and it can be relentless. That situation ends in the final week of March. They lose their power actually. They may pull back, or step down, or be rebuffed or removed. You will have the chance to form a partnership or strike a new sort of relationship with a former partner, from July 2023 when the South Node goes to Libra. Life as it was 18-19 years prior will come back to you for karmic settlement and you will recognise that the universe is evening things up. You are strongly Aquarius with a stellium there and your real mission in life is to be in and around groups, with various friends and allies who confirm to you that a diverse bunch of humans, is a good bunch of humans. Together you can pull off all kinds of miracles. This is evident from the final week of March, ongoing for 20 years actually. Any barriers in your social life vanish from 7th March.

  51. Hi Jessica
    There are clearly interesting times ahead for lots of people you have kindly responded to.
    I have 4 stelliums in my chart one of which is pisces my twin born 17 minutes after me has 5 but not a pisces one. We have had very similar issues both marrying older Libra men mine 14 years older and staying despite not having a lot in common and me ending up feeling my life had been a lie. We have been cheated and let down emotionally by men and I wonder if either of us will experience a truly equal relationship or are we better off on our own? Since 2006 my life has been a constant roller coaster with family/health issues . My Leo daughter emigrated to Australia and I now have 2 grandchildren there. I feel so at home in Australia is a move there possible?
    Will the astrological weather changes brewing eventually bring in some sunshine?
    Also I am intrigued as Some astrologers maintain that the ascendent is more pertinent than sun sign what is your take on this?
    Love and Light Jenny

    1. Thank you Jenny. To get to the last bit first, I disagree that the Ascendant is more important than the Sun Sign. Many people get it wrong anyway as mothers classically don’t remember the birth time. The sign rising when they cut the umbilical cord is really about who you appear to be, to your parents and grandparents, and siblings. The first thing is – boy or girl. From that comes an immediate ‘take’ on you in relation to the females in the family if you are a girl. Then they look at how much you weigh, what colour your hair is, and what sort of name seems to suit you. So right from the get-go, you are seeing the Rising Sign or Ascendant at work; superficial judgements on the exterior! You and your twin both married older Libra men. The two of you have been let down. I am sorry about that – though at least you have each other to talk to about it. You wonder if you can emigrate to Australia to join your family. You are a Sun Taurus with that Taurus-Cancer pattern that says yes, slowly, slowly. (Softly, Softly). Your position is terrific from May 2023 though and by May 2024 when Pluto has left Capricorn and you’ve saved or made a lot of money for yourself, you’ll have your answer.

  52. Hi Jessica, I’m really looking forward to Sunday morning and will have a coffee in hand while we discuss Pisces 🙂
    I have a question which I hope isn’t too off topic but I wanted to ask about a property I am thinking of selling. It’s an investment, solely in my name – an apartment purchased in central Brisbane Nov 2013 to live in originally and has really been a ball and chain in terms of repayments/flooding/market changes etc. I just got it on a positive track and then the rates skyrocketed. We’re back where we were 5 years ago now. I could use the potential sale funds (although not enormous) to pay down our current mortgage a little, or put a small pool in. I asked the oracle and got Ceres and 4th house! Is my ‘summer and spring’ from selling or waiting!? Haha. Does my chart signal anything one way or the other? I do have quite a bit of 4th house goings on… Thanks so much and I will see you on Sunday morning 🙂

    1. Thank you. We have quite a few people coming on Sunday and I am looking forward to it. Thank you for making the time. You want to sell a property, which is not Pisces territory at all, but you want to dent your mortgage. Ceres and the Fourth House just answered your question. You will have to negotiate a bargain with yourself and the buyer. Ceres is about half-and-half so it may be a 50-50 agreement. If not with them, then with the bank. You say ‘we’ so even though it’s in your name, you will likely have to sort out something with your partner about another financial matter. Do it by May if possible as Jupiter with all his luck factors is on your side. Doors may even be open now.

    1. Anybody having a Saturn Return should look at Saturn by sign and house, and the aspects it makes, first of all. You have Saturn at 10 Pisces in the Twelfth House trine Fortuna at 10 Scorpio in the Eighth House. Without realising what you do, you habitually affect the fate and fortune of partners or family members, in regard to finance, the house, business, valuables or apartment. Fortuna is blindfolded and steers the ship of fate for others. In Scorpio and your Eighth House she navigates legacies, wills, trust funds, marriages and mortgages, common-law marriages and so on. Every time this happens you find yourself dealing with religion, psychics, hypnosis, self-help, therapy, your rejection of God in favour of other beliefs and so on. Saturn produces situations which are hard to get out of, or impossible to access. A typical example is a woman who lives with her boyfriend, sells him her house, goes through depression, turns to a Tarot reader – who then strongly influences the relationship with his predictions and advice and sets up issues about the joint bank account.

  53. Hi Jessica,
    This comment is a little off topic, but previously you have indicated that COVID would enter its worst phase from early March 2023.
    Lately I have noticed a lot of talk about Avian Flu, jumping from birds to mammals in many countries around the world. Could the astrology also relate to Avian Flu from March. While bird flu has not been transmitted between humans before and scientists don’t have evidence of transmission between mammals, some scientists now believe it may be possible if not now on the near future. Could the warnings about COVID from March onwards also relate to bird flu?
    Kind regards

    1. Thank you Julie. Yes, I was looking at bird flu and thinking about March and the new opposition to Virgo from Saturn (we’ve not seen it in 29 years). I note China has trumpeted that it’s beaten Covid. Red flag. I completely agree; Saturn in opposition may be about a jump from animals to humans. If so, that would combine with bird flu as a global public health issue. Have to say, apart from Saturn in Pisces opposing the Virgo (health) placements of billions, including the Chinese, we also have this really long Uranus in Taurus cycle until 2026 which is about an unpredictable world economy and sudden shocks to the economic system. We’re not out of the woods yet. Not by a country mile.

  54. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another fascinating article. I have my sun in pisces and from reading my chart I believe it is conjunct hygeia I’d be very interested for any insights you’re able to provide. Dreading the Saturn visit. The current Ceres transit has been enough misery for the beginning of the year. Yeesh!
    With warm thanks, Fishie

    1. Thank you Fishie. Yes, you have a Sun-Hygiea conjunction in Pisces in your Twelfth House of religion, psychics, psychologists, self-help and your inner life. The subconscious and the spirit. You become well-known (the Sun) on a regular basis (regular transits to the Sun) for your protective attitude (Hygiea) to all those matters. You shield and safeguard against the church, for example, or you use the church to help you shield and safeguard. The rejection of God is as important as the acceptance of God; people with this placement may turn against him, say, and find that they are far more interested in ‘the universe’ as experienced via the Tarot, or Buddhism. Saturn going through here is the new structuring of that inner world. For example in astrology, which can be quasi religious for some people, we are currently seeing all the old cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, where astrology began, being translated using artificial intelligence. Whatever they discover will force a lot of traditional astrologers to accept new realities about what they believe.

  55. Hi Jessica another very insightful and enjoyable article thank you. I can say I am just starting to feel like I am a bit more grounded. Have been retired since the end of 2019 and have been drifting a bit during the whole lockdown period although I must admit it gave me time to expand my mind through reading, research and listening to various podcasts and perspectives. Hubby ( sun Sagittarius) has just retired and we are almost ready to move to the south coast of NSW. Have had 3 weddings 5 grandchildren and 3 passings of parents since 2011 so really ready to undertake some travel and change of scenery to a quieter less hectic lifestyle. I have Neptune in Scorpio and I have 3 factors in Pisces. How are things looking?

    Thank You and looking forward to seeing you on the 19th.

    Warmest Regards

    1. Thank you Linda. Neptune is the holiday from reality as you know and the sea is never far from you on the South Coast of New South Wales. For some people Pisces transits are about meditation; for others it’s less formal – you just zone out more often. Saturn in Pisces will ask you to structure that a bit more from 7th March, though, for whatever reason.Your husband as a Sun Sagittarius has this cycle in his Fourth House of family and property so this may be quite literally structuring or restructuring the new home.

  56. Hi Jessica,
    Firstly thanks so much for the Pluto in Aquarius live session, I took away so much from it and have been mulliing over new perspectives since.
    As for the Saturn transit of Pisces I can see it will make squares to my Gemini stellium and oppose the Virgo bunch in my house of wellbeing and health. Generally I am looking forward to this, I think. I’ve been paying more attention and taking action on hygiene and health in my social, social media and domestic environment, sleep and morning routines etc and the impact is already felt: increasing space, relaxing tension and freeing up time for creativity. But I have this slightly ominous feeling that I am clearing the decks as something is coming in March/ April. I will consult the tarot for specificity on what Saturn changes signs will bring.
    Reading all the watery associations for Pisces reminded me of a lyric I penned in later 2011 about heading out in a small boat, the waves lapping a lullaby and being sure that the tides would carry my boat. Well, by now I feel that initial trust came with a big hidden risk of getting lost at sea, which I have felt in terms of losing a career I haven’t been able to find a replacement for.. In late 2021 I’ve moved to beside the sea on north west Tasmania, and smelling the seagrass on the air, spending more time on the rocks of the shores, and learning the seabird’s life, sometimes doing tai Qi alone there has some given me solid grounding on a daily basis and helped me appreciate the abundance of joy in my life, and motivates me to creative action, otherwise I really could wile away a lot of my days in wondering where I am going.

    1. Thank you. The Astrology Collective is well worth keeping in mind for future events. Yes, you have a mutable sign transit, with Saturn in Pisces in square to mutable Gemini and in opposition to mutable Virgo. You are part of a new wave of Covid (although you will avoid it, we hope) which is coming in March and will severely curtail local travel (Gemini) on public transport (Gemini) until the authorities pay for UVC lighting protection. This Saturn transit will also square the charts of billions with Sagittarius factors who cannot stop flying or cruising, even in a pandemic. You’d suspect that China is the problem again as it was the first time. The ominous feeling is probably just that; bird flu may be another global concern. Until human beings use UVC light to eliminate Covid in the air nothing will change. Until they stop treating animals and birds as factory fodder, nothing will change. Lecture over. Okay, so you are affected by the broader, global, general trends of 2023-2026. In Tasmania, where I also live, we will be touched by that even down here on this little island. You are strongly Gemini and have a long and exciting future as a lyricist ahead of you, or perhaps a poet or novelist; that begins in 2024 and from 2026 it involves exciting new digital inventions.

  57. Hi Jessica, I am asking for my daughter 24.8.88 11.45pm. She is certainly going through chaotic confusion at the moment as you described . Will these conditions change for her soon. Pls

    1. Your daughter was born on 24th August 1988 and is a Sun Virgo woman who needs to get her own daily routine going. This will involve putting the details of the current routine under a microscope. What does she eat for breakfast and when does she wake up? What about the bathroom? Any medication? (Because that will profoundly affect her). What is the track record of that medication? Any recreational drugs or alcohol over-use? What about her approach to housework, paid work, academic work or unpaid work? That one is crucial as she has to feel content with her duty and service to others – even the family dog or cat – and she has to feel satisfied that she is serving – or she may subconsciously produce some ailment or condition that gets her time off, or gets her permanently out. The subconscious is Pisces and Twelfth House in astrology and always opposite Virgo and Sixth House. With Virgo, even just the Sun in Virgo, you can never be too pedantic about the small details. Even a pill can affect these people – change their lives – but the other issue is working. Being working class, perhaps, or accepting that work is actually the road to happiness for many, many people.

  58. Hello Jessica! It’s my birthday exactly of the 8th of March. It’s also international woman’s day. Anything you could mention about my chart? Thank you ☺️

    1. Happy Birthday. You have a Pisces stellium in the Twelfth House and live there a lot of the time. Open the door to that house and you will find the computer permanently on, showing you Tarot, dreams, psychics, mediums, nuns, monks, vicars, therapists, counsellors, crystals, hypnosis and everything else that nobody else can see or understand. You have been wafting around since 2011 and may occasionally get lost in your own house, not knowing entirely where you are. It’s a muddle in there with everything mixed up. This changes from March and we don’t know why yet. There’s a bump. This makes you search for strategies and solutions and that’s a good idea; do a lot of research before you commit to a way of managing new rules.

  59. Hello Jessica

    Thank you for the great article. What does Pisces weather mean for me as a Sun Aquarian.

    I would appreciate your feedback should time allow.

    Many thanks…have a lovely weekend

    1. Thank you. Like all Aquarian women you have been living with Neptune in Pisces in your Second House of money, property, charity and business since the year 2011 and now Saturn is about to join Neptune from March 7th until early 2026. Neptune describes floating, drifting, cruising and the rather random, sometimes chaotic nature of banking when confusion reigns. This has been a really long transit so there have been issues about boundaries with (say) a landlady, or a flatmate. Perhaps with a boyfriend. Neptune shows up as fuzzy and blurred lines. That is why it’s a really good idea to set terms and get it in writing so it’s all clear. Crossing the line over (for example) shared possessions or bills is almost normal on this transit, as it muddle over a legacy you make to others, or a legacy which names you. Neptune does not go away in 2023, but Saturn moving in on March 7th suggests you will have to deal with new restrictions. How you do that is up to you, but you will need a good, tried, tested and trusted plan that has worked for others – so a bit of research is required.

  60. Hello Jessica! I’ve been trying to get my driving license but I haven’t passed 2/3 tests now and it’s so weird I missed only 1 answer. I lost motivation to do it now. When do you think would be the best time for me to try getting my license again? Thank you ☺️

    1. This is classic astrology. Mars (action) retrograde (backwards, stuck) in Gemini (driving) has been with you since September. He is out of retrograde in March, you will be happy to know, when you will have your motivation (Mars) back again and long-term you will pass. In fact you will be driving an electric car from 2026 or driving through a group local-own electric car hire scheme.

  61. Dear Jessica
    I asked you a question on 13th February when I thought I would be unable to attend the Zoom event and have enjoyed reading your answers to other people’s questions.
    I have managed to change things around and stay up late so that I can attend the Zoom event after all on Saturday night in London and am looking forward to it.
    I wondered if you can still answer my question set out below:
    I am a Sun Leo who has only one factor in Pisces – my MC at Pisces 8 degrees – and am wondering how the Pisces weather will affect me, please? In my birth chart both Neptune and Saturn are in Libra. I feel as if I have been in a complete muddle or fog for the past few years and worry about the effect of Neptune on my perception of reality. It will be very important for me to understand what is real as I hope to move house this year or next. I worry about making any mistakes about where to move to during this cycle.
    Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    1. I’m glad you are enjoying the Comments section as the exchanges with readers are half the story. Real world astrology! I am glad you are now able to come along to the Zoom in London; Deborah Houlding will join you on local time in England so lots of us will be up late. If your birth time is strictly accurate your MC (Midheaven) is at 8 Pisces, and so your peak achievements will be Piscean in nature: religious, psychic, psychological, spiritual, scientific (if quantum theory) and not remotely tied to regular reality. Perhaps you have been trying to get there in recent years, swimming upwards to try and find the horizon. Your IC at 8 Virgo is the other side of the story of course (the Immum Coeli) and this is where you come from, in terms of the family, roots, heritage, history, ancestry and culture. Virgo suggests a relative who was a doctor, nurse, surgeon, healer – or maybe an invalid, as Virgo rules both the healer and the healed. The two signs are very different and there will always be an inner conflict there as you try to figure it out. If you have been muddled or in a fog, and you worry about your perception of reality, we need to go to Neptune transits as you suggest. Transiting Neptune has been in opposition to your Virgo stellium. To have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House means you belong to the world of wellness, wellbeing and also work, work, work. Paid work, unpaid work or academic work. The Neptune opposition will feel more discombobulating if you are on medication, taking drugs or drinking heavily. Neptune in opposition can also emerge through people who destabilise you; confused and confusing types who have a huge impact on, say, you even doing the housework. Finally, Neptune can be quite subtle, operating the way that the tides do, as they creep up the sand. You don’t notice your feet are wet until they are. So, something that has been drip, drip, drip since 2011 may have left you all at sea. The internet can do that. Neptune in Pisces in the Twelfth House is a transit everyone has shared with you since 2011 and the solitary world of ‘me and the screen’ may have had a bigger impact than you realise, as you lose yourself in Tarot, God, angels, meditation, Buddha, dream interpretation, psychics and the like. Certain kinds of astrology belong to that too; quasi-religious in nature, some types of astrological thought are more like a belief than anything else. So that’s what is going on. Saturn in Pisces will feel like a bump, on March 7th, as he enters your Twelfth House. Saturn will want strategies, plans, patience, acceptance and above all, stoicism as he will be with you until 2026. They call him the teacher and that’s true. Later on you appreciate new wisdom.

  62. Hi Jessica
    I am a sun Pisces my birthday the day of your meet up. unfortunately I was to late to book as been rather wrapped up with my husbands issues. Is it possible to look at my chart and see what this might mean for me. Thanks so much for your valuable advice.
    kind regards Selina

    1. Happy Birthday. You have the Sun at 0 Pisces and Mercury at 2 Pisces so will experience transiting Saturn in conjunction with natal Sun, and transiting Saturn in conjunction with natal Mercury, very early on. It will be evident from March 7th. Pluto will also semi-sextile the Sun on March 23rd and following, and this matters quite as much as any other aspect in astrology. So it’s about how you identify with God (or not) and how you are identified by others, in terms of your inner world – so religion, therapy, counselling, angels, Tarot, mediumship, hypnotherapy and so on. You will need a new approach to this hidden part of yourself, as it is so much a part of who you are. Transiting Saturn in conjunction with natal Mercury will make it necessary to think in new ways about what is invisible to others but really central to yourself. There may be new restrictions or limitations placed on you; a classic example would be, having spent 2011-2023 online lost in a digital world of meditation or Tarot, Hellenistic Astrology or Buddhism, you must now restrict your online time. Another classic example is going into counselling or therapy and knowing it will be long-haul.

  63. So looking forward to this talk! This is my 2nd Saturn return, I also have Ceres and Chiron in Pisces. How can I make this return work to my advantage? Thank you for all you do!

    1. Thank you. Saturn, Chiron and Ceres in Pisces in your Twelfth House is notable and you are coming up for your second Saturn Return. Well, you’ve been here before. It seems that when you are alone with your computer (and you have to be alone, only room for two heads) you surf the net (a Neptune term) and find yourself with all sorts of currents, cross-currents and tides of information where you can get lost in God, or Tarot, or hypnosis, or dream interpretation, or healing, crystals, angels and the like. Maybe quantum theory. It’s the invisible world of your own soul or subconscious mind. It’s been like this since 2011 when Neptune went into Pisces. Digitally, and particularly when you were at home with the Covid rules of 2020, you have been experiencing what a nun in the Middle Ages would have experienced when cloistered. For her it was about the saints, for you it is about whatever you feel is most important, when you are alone. Saturn’s transit in Pisces, joining Neptune, will be evident immediately as there will be new restrictions that were not there before. We don’t know why. These restrictions will make you think harder about what to do, how to do it, and how to do it long-term – just to deal with things. Therapy and counselling are also Twelfth House matters. A good way to deal with this is to go back to the last Saturn Return to see what or who was on the Pisces agenda as this is often what comes up. I just had a reader who was in group therapy on her last return; she was there because of a family situation which is coming around again 29 years later. Saturn is best handled the way men used to handle conscription during the last war. Accept it, get used to it, make it work for you and know it will end in 3 years or so. Get fit, and the obstacles will be easier to get through on the course. Fit in this case means, mentally fit for a transit which is all about playing a long game.

  64. Dear Jessica, thank you for this wonderful article and im registered for tomorrow and look forward to our time on zoom with all your astrology community and friends. i have only Hygiea in Pisces at zero degrees and im wondering if you have time to look at my chart how you think I will be affected. Especially as I have other zero degree placements too. Many thanks amazing Jessica.

    1. Thank you. The zero degree patterns are important as Saturn goes to 0 Pisces and Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius in March. You were born, unusually, with Mercury at 0 Capricorn, Saturn at 0 Cancer, the Ascendant (Rising Sign) at 0 Leo, Descendant at 0 Aquarius and Hygiea at 0 Pisces. This will be about your career, unpaid work or academic career (Capricorn) and the paperwork and communication (Mercury) regarding your ambitions and current position (Tenth House). It will pull in your family, household, house or apartment (Cancer) and the usual obstacles or barriers there (Saturn) regarding the people or the place you call home (Fourth House). If your birth time is strictly accurate, then it is also about your public face (Ascendant) and your partner, or anyone in conflict with you (Descendant). So this sounds important. There would be a two-step with Saturn on 7th March and Pluto on 23rd March. This sounds like work to me, or perhaps your status and position in life in general. You were born with a Mercury-Saturn opposition which has been there since you were very small and challenges you to come up with strategies for communication. It would have been there at school so English (say) or Speech and Drama, speaking up in class, debating and whatnot may have been quite difficult. At the same time, you had issues at home, or with the family. What takes hold in childhood or adolescence is often a pattern for life, because we create all sorts of strategies – denial is one of them – and then a transit comes around and we have the chance to unlock old patterns and change them to create new and better ones. This is about to happen to you. Pluto is a great transformer and will empower you if you use your willpower. Transiting Saturn is hard work but nothing you can’t handle.

      00° Capricorn 11′ 27″
      00° Cancer 48′ 23″ R
      00° Leo 29′ 02″
      00° Aquarius 29′ 02″
      00° Pisces 10′ 19″

  65. Jessica. A dear cousin. I ordered his chart on your website. It came back. 6th house stellium in Virgo. I told him this year was one of concentrating on his health. Today he was diagnosed with cancer. Metastasis. I’m hoping with the treatment he will be receiving that he will recover. How does this look. Please I would appreciate any feedback. I’m also a premium member. I love reading all the posts every morning while drinking my coffee. DOB for cousin is sept 15 1963. 12:51 am. Maracaibo Venezuela. Thank you so very much for your website.

    1. Thank you for providing your cousin’s details; he has cancer and is experiencing Saturn in opposition to his Virgo stellium from March 2023, and has just had the diagnosis. It’s very important that he is supported by alternative and complementary help so if you want to assist, perhaps gift him a one-month trial use of Matthew Manning’s website. Matthew has been dealing with cancer survivors for a long time and the testimonials speak for themselves, with his online program of meditation, music and distance healing. The issue for your cousin is his service and duty through paid work, unpaid work or study; he will find it really helps to question who gives him work and why he is doing it; how he can best be of service; what it means to balance his first loyalty (to his health) with the next loyalties, which may revolve around everyone else and the dog and cat too. I wish him well in his journey and you will be a terrific and powerful help, specifically from late March through June, and ongoing from 2024. Thank you.

  66. Dear Jessica,

    I cannot find the Zoom link to be at the meeting tomorrow, Saturday 18 February from Sonoma, California. Is there a link you can provide that will take me directly to the meeting tomorrow? I also sent you a message with a question. I am a Premium member: this is me:
    “Your chart has stelliums in libra – My Birth Chart LIBRA (8) scorpio – My Birth Chart SCORPIO (6) cancer – My Birth Chart CANCER (5)”
    Of course my question messaged to you has to do with love (I mean really, look at my Stelliums…what else could it be?) and also importantly about location of where best to call “home base” in California: in Sonoma (northern California wine country) where I live now or the second house in Palm Desert (southern California). I feel this year it is important for me to decide on which place should be where the new beginnings happen and which one lacks that energy. The best of the two is also where love can thrive best. Love your work!!! Anya Ushakova

    1. Thank you Anya. The link has been posted on the Meetup page for your registered city. Pisces has nothing to do with love or location, actually, but your chart shows Libra, Scorpio and Cancer stelliums (you are also a Sun Libra) so you are going to find most of your choices in 2023, 2024 as the South Node goes out of Scorpio in July and enters Libra, remaining there for some time. You are already being affected by karma from 18-19 years ago as sexual and financial relationships then, bring soul journeys now. You owe, or are owed, from that time and will be until July. What happens is a reflection of that. It’s similar from July 2023 as the South Node goes into Libra and again, by 2024, life as it was 18-19 years prior affects what happens now. You will find March 23rd helps make up your mind about where to live.

  67. I had an awful time I
    in my life during 1993 to 1996. I hope this isn’t going to be a repeat.
    I barely made it through.
    I’ve been trying to make changes and don’t want to fail.

    1. You are a Sun Aquarius woman with stelliums in Aquarius and Pisces. Your last Saturn in Pisces transit taught you a lot about being alone. It also taught you about your soul, psyche, spirit or subconscious. You take those lessons into 2023, which will be completely different, as you also have Neptune in Pisces this time. March is a turning point for you, when you realise that (around 7th March when Saturn changes signs) you can farewell a really tough 2021, 2022 and 2023 period when your social life, friendships and group involvement were a real test of your patience and stamina. This particularly affected you, because ever since you were small, and in, out or around gangs of friends, you have realised it says so much to you about who you really are! From March 23rd you realise a particular circle of faces in front of you (or maybe more than one) is a new power source. It’s like being plugged in again in a way you have not seen in your lifetime. It will take time to get this right but March-June will remind you – you are an Aquarius stellium female. Your Pisces side has led to some confusion since 2011 as you have been left all at sea so many times with self-help, Tarot, hypnosis, religion, Buddhism, spirituality and the like. Even some kinds of astrology. March is a real eye-opener as you realise ‘That was then, this is now.’ Long term by 2044 you will be empowered, formidably strong and have real clout and influence with at least one group of allies and friends, possibly more.

  68. Dear Jessica,
    Please would you look at my Pisces/Virgo oppositions. I went through my second Saturn return last year. I am also being walloped by Pluto as it continues to oppose , moving forward and then retrograde over my Cancer sun (at 27.5). It probably does something whacky to my Uranus too!
    I lost my mum in 2021. I think I’m finally getting over the devastation I felt. My dad is still alive, and, whilst he lives 300 miles away he is pretty demanding.
    I brought my daughter up on my own. Her teenage and early 20s were punctuated with mental health problems, but I think she has exited that dark tunnel and now has a relationship, a good job and stable moods. I am so proud of her.
    I have my own health problems which are physical. I damaged my back nearly 20 years ago and live with chronic pain and decreasing mobility. A far cry from the dolly bird I used to be!!
    My pain levels have made less and less social. I WFH and since the pandemic my life has been near conducted on Teams. I have no partner in my life and I doubt I ever will. I’m okay with that now.
    How do I move forward, Jessica? I’m back in hospital on Monday for another procedure. I am an optimistic person but I know this won’t work. It’s the same procedure I have every year and every year the result is the same. I know the waiting lists in the NHS would drive a sane person to distraction, but surely doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result is not the way forward for me, or any other person struggling with chronic pain.

    Thank you, Jessica. I think I still have a copy of New Astrology for Women in my bookshelves. Thank you for all you do.

    1. I am sorry your mother passed away and you are still absorbing her loss; she must have been so important to you when you raised your daughter. You have pain to live with and dealing with NHS lists. Something to try for a month is Matthew Manning. It’s an affordable subscription. He is likely the world’s greatest distance healer. I also suggest trying the hypnotist Glenn Harrold on YouTube to see if he speaks to you. He specialises in pain. Your chart shows a huge stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and wellbeing including Pluto. You need and want total control of work and also your wellbeing but you have to compromise and trade. It is very important to know you can’t have it all your way. Yet, you can have it half your way! The trick is in figuring out how to do that, not just with the hospital, but with your job, housework, study, unpaid work. You work from home, which is good (you run this) but you may want to figure out that very complicated Virgo pattern and how you play it. Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024 will trine your Virgo factors in a stunning pattern not seen for 12 years. For all that Saturn will oppose your Virgo stellium, Jupiter will elevate it and point you in a superior direction, not possible in over a decade. You can go a very long way with the Tarot and your chart to really excavate what happened, what is happening now, and where you might be looking for some proper solutions. Go to Members/My Account/My Flipbooks to download Pamela’s Tarot and of course the deck is on this site. If you’ve not picked up Modern Astrology 2050, do that too and read about Virgo stelliums. Lots of interesting new pathways for your Virgo side to explore as you go into this new Jupiter cycle.

  69. Hi Jessica
    Look forward to tuning in this evening.

    Another super popular post! I have a very Pisces Virgo chart and am coming into my 2nd Saturn return in Pisces over the next couple of years. The first coincided with chronic fatigue and a journey into natural health approaches coupled with opening to a spiritual awareness. Now at nearly 57 coming toward retirement I do easily slip into daydreams and escapism and have lost focus somewhat. With my natal Neptune at 22 Scorpio due to be triggered in trine will this intensify or does the Saturn return help nudge me in a new direction? Appreciate if you spot anything that stands out. Cheers. Mike

    1. Thank you. Yes, there are 85 comments more, today, so there is a lot of interest in Saturn moving into Pisces to join Neptune. You also have your Saturn Return in Pisces, Mike. You were born with Uranus and Pluto in an exact conjunction at 17 Virgo in your Sixth House of health. When Saturn returned before, he opposed that, before moving on to form a conjunction with – himself. So they are quite tightly tied in your chart. I don’t need to tell you that Uranus reveals how you attract upheaval with work and health. This goes way back, so to your chronic fatigue, but possibly other issues. It’s good to become conscious of your patterns with work, unpaid work and study (even now) as being more aware, honest and proactive can help you to make choices about that, rather than have your subconscious make them for you. The more free you are with work and the more freedom you can extend to others, the less need there is for a typical Uranus event, which usually involves the apple cart being upset. Pluto is about control, of course. Your need to completely control your work and also your wellbeing, which comes down to food and drink so often. It can be even more complicated than that. Saturn will oppose Pluto just as he did the last time and again you have to look at a compromise deal, as Pluto must always back down and trade off. Bargaining with yourself, the universe or other people will be a function of this Saturn opposition to Pluto, just before he returns to his own place in your chart. The trine from Saturn to Neptune in Scorpio is more likely to be about finance, property and business and will help you to structure what has not been structured to date.

  70. Hi Jessica, I am so glad I found you and became a premium member last year. Your articles and insights are fascinating and you do so much good. I have Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio stelliums. I am very active but these past two years I been having major bone aches on my left side despite being an avid yogi and seeking holistic healing (acupuncture, herbs, acupressure). I’ve also felt hindered and unrecognized in my unpaid work area which I believe should lift in March? Can you tell me what Saturn’s transition to Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius and the other outer planets positions will affect me this year. I’ve feel I been bogged down in a cycle of daily mundane tasks, hindrances in my volunteer work ( I left the organizations or been back stabbed by board members), and left side body ( hip, low back, teeth, nerve issues) aches. I am also trying to sell property abroad that been abandoned for years and remain in my parents names who since passed. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Humbly thankful.

    1. Thank you for becoming a Premium Member. Your Virgo stellium is talking to you. You are a yogi with painful bones and healing has not worked. You dislike your unpaid work. Virgo and the Sixth House are about workload and your fitness for service (or not). This is an ancient connection in astrology and no matter if you were a slave or a housemaid in the distant past, the only way you could obtain time off, was to become ill. It’s the same these days. If you will not consciously give yourself permission to resign or go part-time, you may be subconsciously giving yourself a condition that forces you to do that. In astrology as you know Pisces is opposite Virgo so the Twelfth House of the subconscious mind is always opposite the Sixth House of duty, service, daily routine and lifestyle. You do have decisions to make as transiting Saturn will oppose your Virgo stellium 2023-2026 and when you say ‘back stabbed’ by board members in your volunteer role, you are articulating your subconscious. You mention nerve issues – who or what gets on your nerves? You can use the Tarot or dream interpretation to assist your subconscious in telling you more. Dreams are very good. March 7th will bring a new approach by necessity, though. You will probably sell your parents’ home by July at the latest when the South Node of karma leaves your solar Fourth House of parents and property.

  71. Hi Jessica,

    How can I use this cycle to create stability? Last year was challenging with me trying to move forward with my business and caring for my Cancer sun sign children that were dealing with new health issues. My daughter started experiencing some unexpected challenges last May. She has no earth signs in her entire natal chart, so will Saturn in Piceses help her with grounding during this cycle? Also, we had to put off her dental work last year, so are there any particular times that would be optimal times this or next month to have her wisdom teeth extracted? I provided her chart below.

    Thank you!

    Cancer 15°08′
    5th House”

    Libra 10°24′
    8th House”

    Pisces 18°53′
    1st House”

    Sagittarius 22°36′
    10th House”

    Cancer 22°18′
    5th House”

    Cancer 28°48′
    5th House”

    Sagittarius 23°54′
    10th House”

    Leo 11°18′
    6th House”

    Pisces 10°34′
    1st House”

    “North Node
    Aries 18°30′
    2nd House”

    Leo 10°48′
    6th House”

    Aquarius 17°02′
    12th House”

    Aries 16°56′
    2nd House”

    1. Thank you. Questions about teeth are the kind of thing horary astrologers do really well. Deborah Houlding would have something to say about that, using the work of William Lilly. Your daughter is a Sun Cancer whose wisdom teeth need to go. Wisdom is the clue here. This is as much about her education as anything else. Of course you need all your teeth to speak up in class, debate, use languages and so on. I think you’ll know a date from March 2023 as Saturn goes into Pisces and her Ninth House of student life. The teeth are connected with the new cycle, which is all about slow, steady, patient strategies for particular lessons and classes. Saturn is the great teacher. He’s moving into her sector of serious learning and the two are connected. What she comes out of this with in early 2026 is with her for life and stands her in great stead.

  72. Thanks again Jessica. Just thinking about the Aries stellium – I can see the whole “me” versus “us” with my husband. But I also have Aries stellium (8 planets) and I don’t feel like I am like this – is this due to my Pisces sun & Libra planets?

    1. You have a large Aries stellium in your First House of title, reputation and appearance. What happened when you were two years old? Mars rules Aries and that was your first Mars Return. Sometimes small children are told not to be angry or have tantrums (they do call it the Terrible Twos) but they are just expressing their Aries stellium. It’s unusual for people not to identify with their Aries stellium. Aries is ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war, and much of the Roman army’s success was down to their reputation: it preceded them, and so surrender often came before there was even a need to attack. Armour is today’s wardrobe. Chariot is today’s car. Somewhere in there, there you are.

  73. Hi Jessica,

    thanks you and Alicia and Deborah for the zoom event.
    I drew the Eight of Pentacles during the session.
    thank you all.

    1. Thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. You have a big Virgo stellium and Saturn will oppose that. Meanwhile Jupiter will trine it. This is such a crucial period for your workload. but the work-life balance has to be sorted out with the money. This is the long interpretation:

      This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.

      The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.

      Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.

      The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’

      Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.

      There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’

  74. Hi there!
    Thanks for the event. Sorry it went by so quickly and business calls coming in so I was a bit distracted. I pulled the ace of pentacles and during this even my husband got a good job offer. We have been waiting for one and this one was a bit miraculous as it was from place we used to be and my husband really loved. I pulled the Ace of Pentacles. I also recently had a motor vehicle accident and am in a vulnerable health position but am looking into a lawsuit for that as well. Hopefully means good money coming lol. Thank you, Jessica.

    1. You drew the Ace of Coins and during our event your husband got a good job offer. Huge amount of money, incoming, if he takes it. This will help you with your mental and emotional recovery from the accident, which you need. I am sorry you have gone through it. But if he accepts this large offer there will be a holiday ahead.

  75. Jessica, thank you covering so much in the short time during the Pisces weather zoom. For the tarot I drew Four of Swords.
    Sun Pisces with Aesculapia conjunct Ceres in Pisces. With transit Saturn square Natal Saturn, with N. Node there as well. What does the Neptune & Saturn mean for me.

    1. Thank you. So the Four of Swords is about Aesculapia in Pisces – the healer – he resurrects and revives who/what is apparently on the point of no return. It’s usually miraculous. The Romans used his temples to bring people back from the brink. You will have transits right through your Twelfth House for long enough to also come back to life in a new way. Ceres is a mother, you know, with a daughter. This may be you or your own mother. She’s in the frame; literally in the window. This is the long interpretation.

      With enough time, everything and everybody can heal and that is what this card is all about. There needs to be a long period of rejuvenation before life can begin again. This is not unlike Dr. Who between incarnations, is it? Waiting for Jon Pertwee to become Tom Baker. There is also a bright message of hope and renewal coming from the mother and child in the stained-glass window, as I’ve mentioned. That is where the light is getting in through the cracks.

      Now, this might be you as a child with your mother. It may be you, one day having a child of your own, or teaching an infant or teenager. The Fifth House is implicated here, ruled by Leo and the Sun in your chart. The Fifth House is about your own and other people’s offspring, from babies to young adults – Millennials who are old enough to be your own children if you are the right age.

      Rest, repair, recovery, recuperation and resurrection are the rules now. This card also tallies with the Twelfth House in astrology, which is ruled by Neptune, discovered in the same year that anaesthetic was first used in public. Have a look at Neptune, Pisces and the Twelfth House in your chart, as religion, spirituality, Reiki, meditation, Buddhism, Christianity and so on, often link to this card. ‘I am the life and the resurrection’ is a phrase that springs to mind. In Buddhism, reincarnation is of course suggested by this sleeping survivor.

      The swords are heavy and hang all round the sleeping person. There have been attacks here. Perhaps an attack on the immune system. Perhaps surgery, as a surgeon goes in with knives, to remove what ails you. The attacks may have been from critics, or opponents, or even on the level of psychic attack.

      It’s all a memory. It’s all been turned to stone. Like memories of battles past in Westminster Abbey or St. Paul’s Cathedral, here we have memories of long-ago feuds and conflicts.

      The Fifth House is also shown here, as I’ve mentioned, as the stained glass window streaming these brilliant primary colours reveals a mother and child. The phrase ‘primary school’ links to these primary colours for some readers.

      I have seen this card turn up when a woman has had an abortion, must recover, and the chance of one day becoming a godmother is there, thanks to a female friend. As I mentioned, it is intensely personal and to be read for yourself and nobody else. What you see in the card is about you and may be unique.

      All the Mars (the swords of conflict or aggression) rests in the past so you may be looking at past Mars transits to the natal chart, or transits to natal Mars which are now behind you. Now it is time for a rebirth.

      The stained glass window holds the potential for a rich and colourful adult-child relationship. Teacher and pupil. Mother and son. Godmother and goddaughter, and so on. Yet, nothing can be made real until the transition is complete. The image is like all Pamela Colman Smith’s glass and light – here to be actualised and made real. Prayer can be powerful with this card. She did, in fact, create the deck within walking distance of a tiny local church at Smallhythe and later in life, became a convert to Roman Catholicism.

      The Fifth House and Leo, shining in the window, remind you about this part of the horoscope as home to the teacher, mentor and guide – who sets an example – and leads – a younger generation. Nothing can happen unless there is a deep and powerful turnaround for the sleeping or resting figure, though.

      Aesculapius, which is an astrological symbol of resurrection, can sometimes be implicated with this card too. The Romans took people on the brink of no return to his temples and overnight, those who were in desperate need of healing found recovery, resurrection and the miracle required for restoration. This asteroid may also be worth checking in your chart, by natal placement under transit, or by actual transit.

  76. Hi Jessica, I love attending the Zoom meeting, thank you. My card was The Emperor. I’m single, at work we’re all women. Could it be a future partner,that I have to meet? What this great transit has for me with Pisces stellum? Thank you a lot ❤️

    1. Thanks so much. The Emperor shows up as your Salacia at 29 Capricorn (Salacia is Neptune’s wife) in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement. Salacia at 29 Capricorn is being crossed by transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. This is about your career, academic career or unpaid work. Saturn will also go to 29 Pisces and sextile your Salacia at the later stages of the cycle. So not a partner. A top dog, top man, ‘King’ of the mountain. What do you want from him and how will you approach him? You have to talk his language and appreciate his position. It’s lonely at the top. But with his blessing you could ascend. Lots of questions!

  77. HI Jessica, thank you for the great zoom meeting this morning. I drew the 5 of Wands. Can you please tell me what that would mean for me. Many thanks

    1. Thank you for coming along. Well, by early 2026 at the latest your Aquarius and Pisces patterns will both be triggered by historic transits. Pluto in Aquarius is rare and starts March 23rd 2023. Saturn in Pisces is also pretty rare and arrives on March 7th. From the very start with a particular team, club, network, circle, community – try to lower the stakes and keep the differences really low between people. Then when it all works out and you join together you’ll move mountains.

      This is the band about to split because of musical differences. It reminds of every fractured rock band in history, from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. It is any group, actually, because all groups have to deal with the central problem of who is the leader/the star (look at the shouty person on the left) and who is so wildly different to everybody else that he/she is on the outer (the person in the blue patterned tunic).

      If you read the history of The Beatles you find creativity and brilliance born from individual eccentricity and difference. The fifth Beatle was Sir George Martin. At other times the fifth Beatle was Yoko Ono or a passing presence like Magic Alex. It is only when the four/the five found common ground that they were able to raise an album. The albums reflect what was going on at the time: productive tension.

      You Never Give Me Your Money, Nowhere Man, The Two of Us, all tell the story of The Fab Four, but within a group of four, plus one, you can get pairs and solo acts. It’s all rather hard to manage.

      This is why bands have managers and it is amazing how often this card comes up with musicians and their tour manager, or business manager. Or, in Spinal Tap style, you may find yourself with the odd ‘creative’ girlfriend or dodgy A&R man to deal with. There is something funny about this card. Perhaps Pamela Colman Smith saw the humour in the frankly bonkers behaviour of some members of The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society she belonged to with Arthur E. Waite, her co-creator in the Smith Waite Tarot.

      We also have someone rather angry or overheated in red, in the centre. There is real potential for a split here. This is Mars the red planet if you are looking to the astrological chart, and of course the group itself is the Eleventh House, ruled by Aquarius. Some or all of this may show up in the transits, so at least you can tell when the end point is, and what the potential for resolution is. The sensible answer, as mentioned, is for two pairs to form, who co-operate, then the pairs to unite, and an accommodation of sorts, for the fifth person. A great deal comes down to communication of the tactful but truthful sort. Someone here looks like he/she wants to be loudest, upfront and central. Is that really the case, though?

      The ideas, theories, concepts or plans are all similar. That’s the giddy joke of this card. The actual notions or brainwaves are virtually the same. The rods/wands/staves look so much alike. Everyone wants to be a musician. Everyone wants to be a politician. Everyone wants to make a film. The individual personalities are really different, but what they are talking about, or putting on paper, or online, is very samey and so the potential is there for unity.

      Nothing can be built until people set their differences aside, along with their narcissism or anger, and co-operate. One person here has a spotted or polka-dotted costume. A leopard never changes its spots, or does it?
      Together these people will raise a barn or make a great album. Like this, they are a shambles and those ideas are not going to last long. They need to be planted. The potential is vast here but the problems are real. Without a secure place for what is on paper, or online, nothing will ever grow and the whole thing will fall over sideways. This is The Troggs in the studio on a famous bootleg tape, or the state of Australian politics for quite a few years, with leadership spills disrupting both the main parties. Look to Mercury in the chart too, as Mercury rules communication. Listening skills. Hearing as well as talking, or shouting. Negotiation!

    1. Thank you so much for coming along. You have a huge Aquarius stellium including Jupiter which is your natural luck and abundance. Your card shows Aquarius the water bearer. That is you. You may even be blonde (or go blonde later). The stars behind you are the ‘star team’ or shining circle of allies in a club, team and so on. A network. What happens with the Pisces transits picks up on that; you can see the flooding water and abundance of flow – it is spilling everywhere. This tells you that when you all pool resources by early 2026 at the latest, it’s good to control what’s there.

  78. Hi Jessica,
    I love the zoom sessions. I drew the 4 of pentacles, which is my least favorite card. I don’t like it because it does seem that they are bot so depressed and/or myopic that they cannot see a solution. I’m not sure how Pisces weather effects it?


    1. Thank you so much. The Four of Pentacles or Coins is quite different to the card you mention. As astrology is divination I am going to go with your happy mistake and tell you that it ties into your chart. You have a huge Scorpio (finance, property, business, charity) stellium which Saturn will trine until early 2026 giving you stability. Here is the interpretation:

      Wealth and security. There is not just one gold coin or pentacle here, but two to ground the person here (and perhaps pay for designer shoes) and two more in hand. Yet, the property market behind is a reminder that if houses, apartments, land or other premises are the background story with the money, that it is worth knowing the ever-changing property market very well.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Sitting pretty or looking greedy? It really depends on your point of view. The Cancer symbol is hidden in this man’s encircled arms. He is hugging the money, standing on the money and it even adorns his crown. As with all Pamela’s illustrations, this man can be you, even if you are a woman. Here we have a picture of the Trump family, don’t we? Those must be Trump towers in the distance and the clinging to cash is characteristic. Perhaps you see quite a different symbolic message. This card is for personal interpretation on the deepest level. Is this Scrooge? Perhaps it is you, with four sources of income, wondering who to pay, or where to donate profits.

      Behind this character, as we’ve seen is property. The fact is, if you don’t let go, release and invest (or spend) you can find that the cash value of what you have and hold is irrelevant, compared to the rising value of houses or apartments – or business towers. That is one message about this card. Bitcoin is all very well, but what about the skyrocketing value of particular towns or nations, or specific listed buildings?

      This man is grounded, yet also not grounded – he is floating in the air, if you look carefully. He’s Eight Miles High, to quote The Byrds, or Ten Feet Tall, to quote XTC. A great deal of money can be a high point; it makes us high; we hit the heights of success; we gain from investing in high-rise (spreadsheets in the sky) or perhaps we speculate on investing there. This could be any of the four Beatles at the height of their wealth. As Ringo Starr observed, he got high with a little help from his friends.

      The grounding comes from the feet on the coins/pentacles and the astrological association with Taurus, an earth sign, and money. Capricorn, another earth sign, is associated with high-rise apartments and the penthouse suite or top floor. (The mountain goat who climbs to the top of the mountain). This is a mixed message. One is grounded in money like any good, materialistic, practical earth sign – Taurus is typical. Yet, here we also have someone whose feet do not touch the ground.

      This card is also a symbol of the Fourth House ruled by Cancer (property) the Second House ruled by Taurus (cash flow) and the Eighth House ruled by Scorpio (assets) too. You can see the zodiac sign Cancer hidden in the curled arms. They resemble the Cancer the crab glyph.

      Money can make us grasping, of course. The metaphor in this card is ‘To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer’ (he is holding on tightly, isn’t he?) We think about clutching our money, or hanging on to our values, perhaps. Safeguarding, protecting – but also grabbing – are suggested here. We talk about ‘money-grubbing’ and maybe that is also here!

      Happiness is here, though. This wealthy man seems satisfied, full, secure, abundant – you would have to say it’s a rich symbol of someone who is really well set-up.

      The trick with this card is to ask yourself how best money can be managed. Hanging on and holding on is one strategy, but the buildings behind hint at the possibility of an investment in property or premises, as we’ve seen. You also have to wonder at what holding on to money so tightly, does to a person’s life and character. Somewhere in that far-off city behind him is poverty. In Pamela Colman Smiths’s day, especially (in the Thirties, which she lived through) the towns were full of the poor. Perhaps this person is on the verge of transforming his attitude towards money and will give one of the four coins or 25% away. Maybe all of it.

      The two big features in this card to interpret are the tightly folded arms and the feet on the ground/not on the ground. What are you being shown here and where can you take the card, in terms of directing the action or adding props, characters and backdrops?

  79. Hi there Jessica & team, Deborah Houlding and Alicia Fulton – thank you ever so, so much for that fantastic seminar. It was my first ever astrology talk, and I took almost as many notes as I did for university lectures – incredible. Absolutely incredible. Also for all the information in these comments, Jessica – you make such a big effort on all our behalfs, and are so appreciated.
    No need to reply to my comments if too busy – just wanted to put my hand up and say I was there (as ‘P Patterson’), and I pulled the Two of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles for upcoming Piscean transits. Goodness me, what an educational experience. Thank you!! (And stay safe in the storm, Deborah!) XOO

    1. Thank you so much, I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia. Your first ever astrology talk too; I’m very flattered. Your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House is behind those two Tarot cards. Pentacles are always coins and Scorpio is the house, apartment, business, finance, charity, valuables and so on. It’s very commonly marriage and mortgage, or the legacy left to you by relatives. You are going to see Saturn trine every single one of your Scorpio factors on the way through, so by early 2026, you will have seen the full meaning of those two cards. Here is the long interpretation of them to keep.


      This card is exactly what it looks like. Someone juggling incomings and outgoings. Trying to balance profit and loss, expenditure and income. In the background you can see ships being tossed around on the ocean – all at sea. This is a metaphor for your local, national or even the global economy, which is volatile and unpredictable. Yet, there is a way out of this. It depends on tactics and strategy for the ‘juggler’ here.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Some years ago I went to Bude, in Cornwall, where Pamela Colman Smith spent her last years. I visited the pub where she lived upstairs, and saw a stunning painting of a famous shipwreck which is part of the history of the town. This was an astonishing piece of synchronicity as Pamela frequently painted ships in her work, both inside and outside her Tarot deck. Her own life was occasionally financially stormy or insecure.

      This is Scorpio and/or Taurus in astrology and the Eighth House of other people’s money, but also the Second House of personal budgets. This man (as a symbol of yourself, or someone you know) needs to focus, centre and ground himself.

      The money going out and coming in keeps him off-balance. The ships in the background show you Neptune. The economy is all at sea, tossing and turning, in his city, country or perhaps between nations. Rather than jig around, expending enormous amounts of energy trying to shuffle money from one hand to another, this person needs to breathe, pause and take control. To stop reacting to uncertainty and insecurity in the moment and to actually have a plan.

      The hat looks rather like a condom. Is someone being a dickhead? A fine Australian word, but also represented in America as LOMBARD (‘Lots Of Money But A Real Dickhead.’) You get the impression from this illustration that Pamela knew one or two such men. The fact is, adopting this stance, where money is never really controlled, but always in motion, tends to make it the centre of one’s existence. There is nothing else to do but think about it, talk about it, focus on it.

      As with all Pamela’s cards, created under the guidance of Arthur E. Waite, there is tremendous scope for personal interpretation. I will give you an example. The Mobius Strip shape (the figure 8) also resembles Elton John glasses, at a distance. Who or what is being blind about money here? Elton John’s relationship with money, shopping and charity is well-known. Perhaps you are seeing something completely different, though. As with all the cards, you can step back from the computer screen, or the telephone, and see it from a slight distance. Reading things into the card is exactly what you are meant to do with it.

      Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer and you can direct this image as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet and instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a budget. A proper budget with more coming in, than going out, might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life, than making the money-go-round.

      The tossing ships in the background can be representative of world economic trade. Have a look at that when you interpret this card, too. Storms do not last forever. The ships will perhaps be wrecked here, but there is also a chance the weather will settle and the journeys will continue. This card raises so many questions for you about what is possible; what will happen; what you can see happening; what you can make happen. Two gold coins or pentacles, might show two sources of profit (even) but a temporary inability to manage the same. Or, taxes to be paid, which is a very common scenario. Does a professional need to be brought into this picture?

      This is Lady Bountiful from The Beaux’ Stratagem or MacKenzie Scott, the wealthiest woman in the world. There is abundance here, but also the need to find the right timing, as the snail suggests someone or something moving extremely slowly. The reverie is observable but there is also a reminder to stay in touch with reality and remain grounded, alert and practical. You need to be mindful when there is all this at stake.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.

      As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.

      Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.

      Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.

      Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.

      This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.

      This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.

      You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.

      There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.


  80. Thanks for the informative session Jessica, Deborah and Alicia! You drew 6 of wands for Cancerians, and I drew the 3 of cups when asking about Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. I have a Cancer stellium and Diana in Pisces. I feel under the pump in terms of work and home, so am looking forward to the future.

    1. Thank you. The Tarot is talking to you about your Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House of groups. March is huge for you. Restrictions, limitations, barriers and waiting games stop, socially. In the final week you begin a new cycle of 20 years’ duration when unity, harmony, diversity, solidarity are powerful things. You understand that because you are strongly Aquarian. You will be so tempted by a group project or goal and have excellent chances of making it, as the card reveals. This works in your solar chart too. As a Sun Cancer woman you have Uranus, Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus in your Eleventh House of friends in May-July and that looks like take-off or reward.

  81. Hi! I loved seeing you and hearing your voice! Thank you for the cool Zoom feature. I pulled the 3 of cups! So interesting because it is now my mom and sister and me! My father has left us after his passing. It looks like a celebration- hope there is more of that with this card. I also have been wanting to get into shape again (I’ve had so much stress and w COVID it has been difficult). I know you pulled the emperor card for libra too. Can you fill in the blanks? I have 3 Pisces factors – 0 descendant, 26 south node and 08 Fortuna – what can I expect on this cycle?

    1. Thank you. I am glad you saw yourself, your mother and sister in the Three of Cups. It’s a terrific card and good things are coming from this, even though you’ve lost your father – you are being shown great happiness and unity, but also a real harvest. There is something there to really make more of, use and profit from. If you want to lose weight, remember you have a Virgo stellium and the North Node in Virgo. You may have starved in a previous life or scraped to find nutritious food, even if you were just borderline poor. Have a look at the North Node in Virgo and Virgo stelliums in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you as a member. Dreams can sometimes reveal past lives. The Tarot can show you. Ask ‘Who was I, and what was my last life about?’ In this life you have come back to see what it feels like to have abundant choice with food and drink. Once you figure it out you can easily go the other way: Virgo stellium types sometimes overdo the focus on diet, though, and the solution is actually a dog. Virgo rules small animals. Two big walks a day, even of a dog from a shelter, and you’ll see a different angle. The Emperor is your boss, husband or a senior man, like an uncle or grandfather. He’s made it to the top. It’s lonely at the top. You have a stellium in Capricorn in the Tenth House which is all about the people at the top, and Pluto is triggering that on his way out of the sign. Pluto is power. So you find yourself closer to somebody in a powerful position (drawing closer to a husband, or in greater contact with the boss). Yet you have the power too.

  82. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for the lovely Zoom session. You and Deborah are always fantastic.
    I pulled Two of Pentacles (more like it jumped out of the stack!) – any insight would be great 🙂

    Thank you for your time and appreciate all you do.

    1. That’s very kind of you to say and I will pass that on to Deborah, who will focus on Taurus at the next Taurus Weather event. The Two of Pentacles jumped out for you and is always about Taurus and/or Scorpio transits. You have a huge Scorpio stellium and your lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. Spirit told me ‘Debit’ is the word for you. Get a debit card. You will find the stretch is over in July; the transiting nodes in Taurus and Scorpio are done by then. You need a new budget which will ‘take’ the inner conflicts you have about money, but also ‘take’ the constant push and pull of what’s going on in the larger economy. So debit card it is.

  83. Hi Jessica
    Thank you so much for the Pisces Weather. I pulled the Hanged Man which made me chuckle when you pulled The Fool for Sagitarius. I am chaffing at the bit to move, but know I need to wait. So hoping it is not going to be a long wait as have been ready for a good year or 2 now.
    Looking at joining the Sun Sign School as really wanting to delve more into Astrology.
    Again thank you for all that you contribute

    1. Thank you so much Karen. You’d be very welcome at the Sun Sign School – we are relaunching this year with new tutors and subjects. The Fool is your little dog warning about relocating – I am glad you have taken the message. I bet you are absolutely longing to go, but question the obvious path. There are other ways of doing it, and other places than the one you have in mind today. Your Hanged Man card tells you that suspended animation is an education. Dangling is frustrating but illuminating. When you do finally move it may be in the direction of your father’s family tree or mother’s.

  84. Thank you to you and your team for the fabulous zoom session this morning. It was so informative I learnt a lot about my sister who passed who was a Pisces.
    I am a Sun cancer and wonder who the card you pulled interacts with 2 of cups which I pulled. Interestingly I am widowed and in your explanation of card you mention Kent Cottage my husbands name was Kent.
    Can you enlighten me further.
    Many thanks

    1. Thanks so much Amanda, I will pass that on to Deborah Houlding. The Two of Cups suggests a possible new romance for you by early 2026 at the latest. You are widowed and your husband is with you in spirit which I am sure you know. I have him here now. The path is open for something very gentle and so romantic to begin with another man. You have a huge stellium in Leo in your Fifth House of courtship and that is just what this card shows. The transits to Leo by early 2026 suggest the start of something. You can even see a lion over the heads of yourself and the gentleman in question.

  85. Edit to my comment last night (sorry if this is annoying Jessica!) post Zoom just now…
    I also have Ceres at 02 degree Capricorn
    Pluto, Aesculapia and Hygeia all within 1 degree either side of Chiron in Pisces
    Sun, IC, Apollo and Salacia all within 1 degree either side of MC in Pisces
    Thanks again to yourself, Deborah and Alicia for another fun, informative/educational session.
    I am finally starting to understand how this all works and your article on Vesta both work me up and scared the hell out of me because it was WAY too accurate! – thankfully, I worked that out myself years back but not without a lot of pain and heartache before hand! – what lessons!! but I have been able to pass them along ‘let’s lift each other UP Ladies! 🙂
    Sandie xx

    1. Thank you Sandie. It’s so interesting you mention Vesta. A light just went on in my head. As you know, Vesta is about one male with a harem of females dancing to his tune. Women often fall for it, and men lap it up, because it helps them hang on to the controls. Women are far better off uniting in solidarity at his expense. Vestales in Rome were controlled by the Pontifex Maximus and the only way to manage is to join forces. It’s very interesting. You mention early degree patterns in your chart. March is important as it’s a compass switch. The needle turns on two or three directions you were taking. It all changes. Once that happens the Tarot will help you see what’s what. Then you can choose the new voyage.

  86. Very grateful for the opportunity to partake in the zoom event this morning, thank you Jessica. By sharing your vast knowledge and exceptional gift, you empower us to make informed decisions. Would greatly appreciate your thoughts on my plan to purchase an investment property in the coming months and rent it out to my daughter (DOB 12.07.92) and her husband, given the Pisces weather in my solar 4th house. The transaction will be formally executed with a legal contract for taxation purposes. We started the process at the start of 2022 but put the matter on hold after my position was made redundant in February 2022. Although I received a substantial redundancy package, I am yet to find another job. Therefore I intend to proceed with the investment property purchase only if I find suitable employment. I drew the Temperance card during the zoom meeting. Much obliged for your guidance.

    1. That’s a really kind compliment, thank you. You want to buy an investment property and rent it to your daughter, which sounds very Taurus and/or Scorpio. You have a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of joint finance and a Taurus MC or Midheaven, so your highest achievement in this lifetime is philanthropy. This will sort itself out by July at the latest when the South Node is out of Scorpio. You are going through karma from 18-19 years prior and are owed, or owe, and so there must be closure which is why you have lost your salary, want to buy a home, then rent it to her and her husband. Classic Scorpio: family finance is all that. By July any stretching you are doing regarding this will be history. The Temperance card is about your stellium in Aquarius. Nothing to do with money or family. Pluto entering Aquarius will change your life for 20 years ahead, from March 23rd, and empower you to supply the community with what it needs. It’s very special and quite spiritual. The group, or groups (plural) will take you higher on every level and you can see the Aquarius logo, the wavy lines of pouring water, in the card. Huge shift for you.

  87. Hi Jessica,
    I always enjoy your presentations as it gives me good insights as well as an astrology fix. Can never get enough – thanks Depeche Mode.
    Anyway, I drew Judgement as my card for the Saturn/Neptune transit through Pisces. I felt it had to do with my finding the right housing and day programs for my Taurean son (with autism and finishing school this year). I felt it was about letting go, trusting my ‘judgement’ and possibly reclaiming my own life once he is comfortable.
    I also resonated with what you mentioned above for Sagittarius as our home life has been chaotic and moves due to flooding/water. We have thought to wait until my son has housing before trying to find a home of our own to buy. And someone suggested looking near where my son has housing and look at buying near him. There are possibilities for him on Sydney’s northern beaches, so you never know. It would mean returning home as I born and grew up there.
    I look forward to reading everyone else’s comments and insights. Now to check out your podcast!
    Have a great day,

    1. Ha. I love Depeche Mode, how did you know? Judgement is actually your family in spirit, Fran. They care about your Taurus son as much as you do. It looks as if this Pisces transit in your Twelfth House of mediumship, the spirit world, Buddhism, religion and so on is really about the relatives or friends who have passed away. What you do, helps them. Thanks so much Fran.

  88. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the wonderful Zoom just now. I apologize – I just asked this question on another blog on this site.
    I pulled the 3 of Cups. It reminds me of the triangle of people Pluto can bring…maybe just adding that cause I am a Sun Aquarius.
    May I ask what do you think?
    Thanks again for the hour live!

    1. The Three of Cups is a terrific outcome for a group of women; sometimes women and an effeminate man, or a man using a women’s name. It can change a small corner of your world. Group projects are like that, Cecelia.

  89. You are incredible Jessica & team, and I will most definitely be attending many more !! XOO I feel like a part of me that has been missing has been re-discovered, at long last. I mean, your Tarot reads alone are just incredible (in addition to the superb astrology)!! I will look at the Scorpio legacy as you have so wisely advised – thank you!! – and also “use” the Saturn transit through Pisces, as Deb Houlding also suggested. Also I had no idea I was * so * Piscean until you told me about my Pisces stellium in your book, Jessica ! (And then, Deb confirmed it in this seminar!) Wow – looks like I needed all the structures I’ve instinctively placed around myself since teenhood – but maybe, just maybe, continue to follow disciplined practice of any arty/spiritual practices with help from Saturn.. THANK YOU !!! XOO (Am also going to finally change my member name to real name – I feel my grandmother(s) would approve… (speaking of legacies, lol). ) xxxx

    1. Thank you. And thank you for changing your name. I’ve noticed that in astrology, people often use fake names or just their first name, and a photograph of something not even human (noodles was the last one). We work in an intensely personal space where we need to know who we all are. You know who I am. You know who Deborah Houlding is. So that’s why I ask that we are all on the same level. I’m not entirely sure why people need to cover up their identity in an astrology discussion. It’s different on this forum; The questions are often intensely private and so are anonymous and strictly confidential.

  90. Hello, again! I am looking at the Knight of Swords as my cards for how Neptune and Saturn in Pisces will impact me personally. I’m racing like a demon into a headwind with my white horse’s mane dancing like flames. My sword is drawn and my body language is full speed ahead. But my horse is looking back at me and his front legs, while in an acceptable place for a gallop, look to be breaking for an immediate stop. The terrain, while not desert pyramids, is certainly barren with a few spare loblolly pines. There are even buzzards flying overhead. I haven’t even looked at the traditional interpretation of this card yet but this card is having an immediate effect on me. I spent most of today doing research for a complicated painting that addresses deep psychological issues–ghosts if you will–and how they under-shadow traditional culture here in the US South. But it is an old issue for me involving trickery and betrayal of Indigenous people to move them out and replace their village with a slave-built plantation on their ancestral lands. And then the betrayal of the students at Clemson University in 2020, who engaged in a moving peaceful protest. As a native of Charleston, SC, who grew up among Black people, I am deeply committed to expose and acknowledge these ghosts. But, I suspect the Knight of Swords is telling me that I am jousting at windmills. You don’t usually respond to this type of comment from me but I wish you would at least give me a sense of whether you think I’m way off base or not. Would you say so through Twitter, if I asked?

    1. The Tarot is to be interpreted personally and in fact the card you drew was created by a woman with mixed race parents. Pamela Colman Smith was also a feminist. What you say about the US South would have made sense to her. You are reading the card psychically and have tapped into Pamela. Literally, the card is about a man on a mission who needs to slow down as he is going too fast, too far. He is far younger than you and will be central by the time this transit is over. He may very well be in your family.

  91. Hi Jessica, I really enjoyed todays zoom event, Thankyou. I drew the 6 wands, I have a legal case this year as I am owed money from a greedy company and unethical dealings with me. I am an Aquarian with 5 placements in Aquarius and 5 placements in Pisces.
    Sun 27 Aquarius, Mercury 29 Aquarius, Chiron 22 Aquarius, Fortuna 3 Aquarius
    Venus 20 Pisces, Ops 20 Pisces, Diana 20 Pisces, Ascendant 2 Pisces
    I would appreciate a brief overview. Thankyou Candy

    1. Candy, you’ve not drawn a Tarot card which makes it more difficult to predict for you, but the Tarot card for Aquarius until early 2026 is the Knight of Wands, who shows you the project, plan or concept to ground in the real world so it can grow. Thank you for coming to the event.

  92. Hello Jessica, I am a new member and today attended your first zoom session. I am thoroughly impressed by your detailed work. My question is about April 20th 2023 solar eclipse, which is on my natal venus. How will it impact me? I am so worried, as it involves pluto.
    Thanks again for your insight. From Rupal Tamboli

    1. Thank you so much, Rupal. Let’s look at this solar eclipse. It falls at 29 Aries on 20th April. You were born with Venus and Apollo in a conjunction at 29 Aries in your First House of title, appearance and reputation. I don’t count Pluto at 0 Aquarius in this, but you absolutely have a blind spot to be wary of, on that date. Allow a day either side. You would not choose that time to have your portrait painted, accept a new title, cut all your hair off, or start a weight loss program. Aries and the First House is how you front up, front-and-centre and how you charge into life. Your reputation precedes you. Appearances matter. So does your name or title. You are quite formidable and present as seductive (Venus) and complex (Venus) and perhaps rather vain (also Venus: her symbol is the hand mirror). Apollo is about leadership. In fact, in Rome, he had a cult following. So it’s all about the internet, is my guess, because that is where you project and where you judge. An eclipse is always a cover-up or blind spot. It conceals it never reveals. The trick is to avoid anything major on it or near it, involving your First House concerns. Astrology is about swerving to avoid. Why take a path when you can’t see? Don’t take any path about your image near the eclipse. That’s not the time to go on YouTube, for example, launching yourself as the star of some epic messaging! Tip: ask the Tarot “What is this about?” closer to the time and then you can just navigate.

  93. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for another great event, I pulled two cards 1st card being the wheel of fortune & then the page of wands, I only have pieces in my descendent, Virgo sun, with a Leo stellium, which could translate to the wheel of fortune card, would love to know your thoughts on this.
    Also, when you have multiple stelliums should you read their horoscopes or your moon sign, or stick to your sun sign?


    1. If you pulled two cards you have muddled the Tarot so need to go back and follow the steps: just one card for life until early 2026 on the Saturn and Neptune transit in Pisces. The horoscopes on this website are based on your Sun Sign and the solar chart system. Thank you.

  94. Hi Jessica, fantastic seminar today, so big thank you for that!

    I pulled very perplexing Queen Of Pentacles, as you pulled Two Of Swords for Aries (I have been thinking great deal about cutting some thing off or “cleaning the house” if you would like, so quite accurate) I am Aries Sun, with stellium in Aries, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius, at the moment there is no Wealth to ponder upon, but most importantly the Rabbit, can it represent someone from the past? or is it an idea.

    Thank you!

    1. Many thanks. The Aries card, the Two of Swords, was specifically about Pisces, the Twelfth House of the solar chart, and the world of psychics, God, angels, saints, spirituality, Buddha, therapy, counselling, dreams, hypnosis and the like. The inner world. Cutting that – editing it – chopping and changing it – is a crucial part of your path to 2026. The Queen of Pentacles is purely financial. You will have a nice sum of money to spend or invest. You have a huge stellium in Taurus in your Second House and from May 2023 to May 2024 will make or save a small fortune.

  95. Hi Jessica, I attended the Zoom event and very much enjoyed all of the information you provided. I pulled the Two of Pentacles. How does this correlate with my Aries chart (8 stelliums in Pisces)? Thank you

    1. Thank you. The Two of Pentacles (Coins) is about juggling money in an erratic economy. You have your nodes in Scorpio and Taurus and we have the transiting nodes in Scorpio and Taurus, ruling your Eighth House of joint finance and property – and your Second House of personal income. Saturn will aspect those nodes as he passes through helping to ground you, stabilise you, and put in some strategies and plans. Your push-pull is shown in the card and in the chart. You are either split in two about money (say, being a spendthrift but needing to save) or split between yourself and a partner. This eases after July when the nodes leave those signs. However, you still have Saturn aspecting the nodes, so ongoing, it’s time to create a system that works for you, far better than the one of hopping around and trying to balance things on the fly.

  96. Thank you for a lovely session on Saturn moving into Pisces. It was very interesting to attend. If I read my chart right I will have my Saturn return in Pisces, until the year 2026. I also have Ceres, Chiron and MC in Pisces. Doesn’t seem like an easy transit. When I asked the tarot about my Saturn return, I was given the card “Three of cups”. Always a highlight to attend your Zoom sessions and very excited to listen to your new Astrology Show Podcast. Many Thanks

    1. Thank you! Your Saturn Return is the Three of Cups according to the Tarot. You were born with Saturn at 11 Pisces so he returns in March 2024. You also have Bacchus at 2 Aquarius. The Tarot has ducked your Saturn Return and talked to you about Pluto going to 2 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, to form a transiting conjunction with your natal Bacchus at 2 Aquarius. Bacchanalia is celebration; good food, wine and good times. That shows up in the card. Something very, very powerful is coming and it’s really about the power that women, in particular, generate in a group.
      Here we have an archetypal experience of feminine triumph known to Bananarama, The Supremes, The Slits and other all-female bands. This reminds me of the days when our anthology of short stories, Girls’ Night In, beat both J.K.Rowling and The Beatles in the bestseller lists. It was edited by myself, Chris Manby and Fiona Walker – three women who liked a glass of wine or two. We did in fact use our harvest and the books kept on coming for years. This card has personal meaning for me, but it will also have intensely personal meaning for you. Which group of women is this?

      Tarot designer Pamela Colman Smith was close to the theatre world suffragette and lesbian Edith Craig, who from 1916 was in a menage a trois with Christabel Marshall and Clare ‘Tony’ Atwood. The three women here may well be feminists or lesbian lovers.

      This is also an image of female solidarity so it may bring in the Eleventh House. Cups are related to sex and feelings so this may be a solid bond of sisterly friendship or something more.

      Halloween is suggested by the pumpkin. Perhaps these are witches. This card is suggestive of A Dance to the Music of Time (Poussin) and astrology itself as the women could dance in either direction, hinting at Retrogrades in the chart. The mood here is happy, celebratory.

      The Eleventh House is of course ruled by Aquarius and Pamela herself was a Sun Aquarian. She created illustrations for the nascent Suffragette movement at the turn of last century and of course, her sister did indeed win the vote. This zodiac sign is associated with community, equality and diversity. Also asexuality!
      It is possible that not every person in this circle of three is female. There may be room for a man here, with his back to us, but with feminine locks. We may be talking about Boy George in Culture Club celebrating fame and fortune with female friends, after the success of Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

      Pamela’s card is quite pure, here. There is nothing lurking. The harvest has been picked, and this might be the C.W.A. (Countrywomen’s Association) in Australia enjoying a Good Year for the Roses. There is no competition between these women. There is no secret agenda; just honest solidarity and sisterhood.

      Cups are emotions in the Tarot and describe the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as well. The three women make three sides of a Grand Trine; in astrology these three signs are always automatically part of this aspect together. It shows ease, flow and natural harmony. This is a delightful card to see if you are hoping for a good outcome with an all-female project.

      Just remember that if the champagne is to keep flowing, there has to be continuity. That pumpkin should be made into scones, perhaps, or soup – but the seeds should be carefully replanted so that the harvest is ongoing. It really can be, as I found out for myself, all the way back in 1999 when Girls’ Night In first appeared. It was an exclusively female venture with writers who went on to become very famous, like Marian Keyes. Today, past the year 2020, it survives as a series for children (a spin-off) called Kids’ Night In, but the ebook goes on making money for the children’s charity War Child.

      This is a Minor Arcana card so it may not transform your life, but its impact can be substantial, all the same. Our series made $3 million for War Child. There is abundance here, a sense of ‘there’s more where that came from’ and the fruits of the women’s labour, spread out all around them, suggests that what is gained could become the first step towards something that returns, every season. Minor is not always minor. What starts small in Pamela’s Tarot can grow, with care and attention, and tremendous patience, into something really big.

      These are three bridesmaids at a wedding banquet who have something special; loyalty, friendship, trust. From that, could come anything at all, in the years ahead. It’s the Matildas, the Australian women’s football team, celebrating an early win. Cups are so often trophies in these cards and this may be a netball team too.

      So many of Pamela’s cards are agricultural in nature, perhaps because she created them (partly or wholly) at Smallhythe in The Garden of England – Kent.

      This card is about planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Life gardening is very important, though, as it’s not enough to just celebrate and move on. What a waste of vast potential that would be; what is all around these three women should become the basis of something much more. Using the astrological charts could be useful here if you are watching the transits of Jupiter, which is associated with abundance, reward and happy endings.

      He moves in 12-year cycles so perhaps this is a twelve-year program. Maybe it is just the conjunctions, sextiles or trines of transiting Jupiter which you need to watch here. The chart itself will give the clue. Has there just been an exact aspect involving Jupiter? If so, you can set your watch by it, as this planet will move around the horoscope, always referring to the original harvest.

      The Romans associated Jupiter with the oak tree and the acorn. From little acorns, mighty oaks do grow. There is a suggestion of this about the pumpkin that comes from the seed. To really work with the potential in this group, look at the Jupiter placements.

  97. Afternoon from the soggy land to your east. The Sun was the card i chose from the tarot pack.
    Thanks for the enlightenment, cheers,

    1. You have a huge Leo stellium in the Fifth House, which rules heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. Sons and daughters. Nieces and nephews. Godchildren and grandchildren. Children, teenagers or people old enough to be your own children, whom you mentor, tutor, guide or support. The Saturn quincunx to that from Pisces has a spiritual edge. What is to come connects you to something greater than yourself and renews your faith or belief. Children can do that. So can the young.

  98. Hi Jessica..Thanks so much for the zoom meeting..I picked the Two of cups..It said about reconciliation with someone or a separation.. I’m not with anyone,and it’s being a long time since I was.,Does this mean someone is coming back?..Not sure how I’d feel about that,I like my space,and have gotten used to my own company..I liked the Scorpio card you had for my Scorpio son,who’s still living with me,He went out on his own last week,hes climbing the ladder with career now,which is what he always wanted..So here’s hoping himself and his pisces girlfriend will financially be able to get their home in a year or two..but he is coming up to his Saturn return at 5 pisces,which also happened to be my north node..he has ic and south node in Taurus, which I’m hoping will bring a bit of good news when Jupiter goes into do you think the next couple of years will affect us..Thanks Jessica

    1. You have until early 2026 to find out about the other person. It may be closure with a former partner, or getting back together. It is just as likely to be a new potential romance. You are alone and prefer it, so it’s really up to you, but this person will be parked in front of you. You have Jupiter at 26 Libra in the Seventh House of partnership and the South Node will move to 26 Libra, for the first time in about two decades. This may be your son’s father or a new husband. It can happen.

  99. Before anything else, Thank You and Deborah for doing these zoom presentations and especially addressing Pisces. I hadn’t paid much attention to my MC placement in Pisces until recently and Deborah’s description of how Pisces functions in the world and in relationships (manipulative out of fear of an angry response) felt very familiar! So I’m looking at my natal Neptune placement in Libra now. It is sextile my natal Pluto very closely and my North Node as well. I’m asking for your input because now that I know more about Neptune, I personally feel under Neptune’s influence more than I would have thought. Also with Pluto trine my North Node, will Pluto’s move into Aquarius have an impact on what directions I take (North Node)? Regardless, you are priceless!

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Deborah Houlding. You have the Sun at 28 Cancer and Uranus at 28 Cancer in a conjunction so for my money, the most important transit is Pluto at 28 Capricorn for the last time in 248 years, in opposition. Ever since childhood your pattern with the family has been rather unpredictable, prone to sudden upheaval and frequently quite liberating, though we are not supposed to talk about being set free from relatives, or the family itself. She’s Leaving Home is often the song that describes it. Pluto’s opposition is ‘the challenge to change’ yet again and it will necessitate looking back at the family tree, the ancestors, the past, what used to be home – and rethinking your roots, heritage, culture, history and the family as it stands today. A stronger sense of who you are in terms of where you come from, results.

  100. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for that wonderful zoom meeting.
    I pulled The Tower card and you spoke on that during the call. I’ve had a think about what it could mean for me. I’ve decided that this is indeed positive for me. I have already taken the hit of the lightning bolt and have been in the long fall for a while. Long and slow enough that I can change the way I land and do so safely. One thing about falling so slowly is the time I have had to observe the layers as I fell and how it affects others as well.
    I already know that I have unsteady foundation and that the tower of isolation that was my life is over and is beyond redeeming. It’s time to lay down a new base and build something stronger and more resilient.
    So I drew a second card about where to from here and pulled the Seven of Swords. Can you please give me an insight in to this card?
    Thank you once again.

    1. Okay so you read backwards and then forwards. The Seven of Swords is about life from the ingress of Saturn in Pisces on March 7th 2023, where he co-transits with Neptune until he bows out on February 14th 2026.

      A blindfolded woman is surrounded by fallen swords, which create a jail for her. She is also tied up. A castle is in the background – not too far away. She could cry for help but that might take weeks. The damsel in distress is here but the answer is not always a distress call. She would be much better off using her initiative and sensing when she is out of danger – then using the swords to cut the fabric that binds her arms and hands.

      This card usually turns up when a woman (sometimes literally with dark hair) is trapped emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Don’t get too fixated on the hair colour or the gender, but in my experience as a hands-on Tarot reader in my twenties and thirties, it is often a wife in a bad marriage, or a career woman in a bad professional situation.

      If you look closely at the card you will see the swords are only just lodged in the sand and mud of the receding tide. If she waits long enough the tide will come in and the swords will float away. That could be dangerous, though. If she cannot wriggle free, she risks drowning. So, even though these swords (representing the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune) are wobbling, she can’t afford to hang around.

      This is real Action Woman hero stuff. Once her hands are free she can take away her blindfold and see just how close the castle is – and other options, not seen in the landscape of the card. The castle is a symbol of a new house, apartment or work space. Perhaps, just a really good holiday – the kind that transports one. There is quite a distance to walk, climb or journey, but it is not so far that she cannot sense it.

      This card encourages you or someone else to use intuition and the sixth sense, because when one cannot see (blindfolded, symbolically) there is only the inner, psychic sense to lean on.

      Use who or what hurt you to break free. That is the message of this card. It is a symbol of Mars (action) but also Uranus (the process of liberation). So, transiting Mars or Uranus may be involved, or there may be transits to your natal Mars or Uranus.

      It may be seen in the light of the Suffragette movement of 1909 which Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was involved with – or Women’s Liberation in the 1970s when her deck had its rebirth thanks to U.S. Games Systems. This is woman (‘hear me roar’ to quote Helen Reddy) but there is not much roaring going on. There is no point squeaking ‘Help! Help!’ because there is no evidence at all that there is any figure in the castle on the cliffs, or even just out of sight, beyond the margins of the card, to save one.

      Instead, this woman must set about the determined task of using who/what hurt her, or threatened her, or encircled her, to break free. If this was an episode of Doctor Who, and we were looking at Sarah Jane Smith trapped by the antics of Daleks or Cybermen, we would be giving her stage directions. Shouting instructions at the television.

      If the woman in this card senses she is safe (and she should; we can see no further threats in the picture) it is time to wriggle over to the swords and use them to chafe the ties that bind, until they are broken. The blindfold can then be removed, and the woman will see just how secure she is. Just how non-threatening those swords, thrown a long time ago, actually are. Just how free she is to make her move. To leave the scene. To embark on the journey. To head for that new home or exhilarating holiday.

      This card advises planning, strategy, some caution, some persistence, determination and stamina. Yet, there is absolutely no reason why a woman who has been trapped in a miserable situation, psychologically, should not be liberated from all the restrictions and given the gift of clear vision, to make her way onwards and upwards. And far, far away from a mental prison.

  101. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the zoom session today. You are very kind with your time.

    I drew the wheel of fortune card during the session. Any advice for this pisces weather? My life right now is about changing jobs or home location, maybe both.

    Thank you

    1. So the Wheel of Fortune until early 2026 is about dealing with flux and change, involving the world of education, academia, publishing, the worldwide web on the periphery. You are going to see a constant cycle of ups and downs for others, which also affects you. You have a large Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work, unpaid work and study. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and he in turn is associated with paperbacks and websites, theses and ‘the word.’ The highs and lows come from Saturn in opposition to Virgo which will result in some people losing their foothold, but the trine from Jupiter will put them back up again. If you do happen to be one of the people who goes from high to low, for whatever reason, just keep going. Keep your sense of humour and remember the Consolation of Philosophy. It’s the cycle that makes a Buddhist or comedian out of people.

  102. Thank you, Jessica, Deborah and Alicia, for awesome zoom meeting, I am a premium member so look at my birth chart please… thanks.
    I drew out the Eight of Swords upcoming Pisces transits. As a Sun Capricorn, Pisces raising & Cancer moon, it took me a long time to get in my creative arts career. At first when you pulled out Tower for Capricorn, I was a bit shocked, then quickly realised a new direction may be happening. I am intrigued, does this mean that there will be a new pathway to arts? change where I am living at? new friends/community? relationship? money? concentrate more on meditation? Many thanks for advice

    1. I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia, many thanks. You are a Sun Capricorn and I drew The Tower for all Sun Capricorn people. This is the need to challenge your old ideas about security, comfort and happiness as an old structure will fall apart. It may literally be a house, apartment or office block. It may be a system that takes place with people – at work or home. Pluto’s exit from Capricorn is system change, on March 23rd. Jupiter’s terrific influence in Aries until May, is your chance to walk away and start again. You can go back and rebuild; restructure – but be honest with yourself about the old life. Your Eight of Swords card will work with this and also with your natal chart.

      So this is you (you may be a brunette, even) blind to the fact that she can break free of who/what restricts her, and relocate. This is usually work or home. This is tied to The Tower. The figures falling will land, and can start again – they have to leave the scene though. The structure confined them more than they could see. A new life is calling. Same thing with this card too. When we look at your chart, we find Saturn at 29 Cancer. Pluto is in opposition to natal Saturn for the first time in 248 years. Saturn is the ringed planet. It rules what binds, restricts and confines. Look at the woman in the card. A circle of swords surrounds her. Once Pluto leaves 29 Capricorn for good, around March 23rd, you will be free to go by 2024. So figure out how to do that. You will need to be highly strategic.

      A blindfolded woman is surrounded by fallen swords, which create a jail for her. She is also tied up. A castle is in the background – not too far away. She could cry for help but that might take weeks. The damsel in distress is here but the answer is not always a distress call. She would be much better off using her initiative and sensing when she is out of danger – then using the swords to cut the fabric that binds her arms and hands.

      This card usually turns up when a woman (sometimes literally with dark hair) is trapped emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Don’t get too fixated on the hair colour or the gender, but in my experience as a hands-on Tarot reader in my twenties and thirties, it is often a wife in a bad marriage, or a career woman in a bad professional situation.

      If you look closely at the card you will see the swords are only just lodged in the sand and mud of the receding tide. If she waits long enough the tide will come in and the swords will float away. That could be dangerous, though. If she cannot wriggle free, she risks drowning. So, even though these swords (representing the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune) are wobbling, she can’t afford to hang around.

      This is real Action Woman hero stuff. Once her hands are free she can take away her blindfold and see just how close the castle is – and other options, not seen in the landscape of the card. The castle is a symbol of a new house, apartment or work space. Perhaps, just a really good holiday – the kind that transports one. There is quite a distance to walk, climb or journey, but it is not so far that she cannot sense it.

      This card encourages you or someone else to use intuition and the sixth sense, because when one cannot see (blindfolded, symbolically) there is only the inner, psychic sense to lean on.

      Use who or what hurt you to break free. That is the message of this card. It is a symbol of Mars (action) but also Uranus (the process of liberation). So, transiting Mars or Uranus may be involved, or there may be transits to your natal Mars or Uranus.

      It may be seen in the light of the Suffragette movement of 1909 which Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was involved with – or Women’s Liberation in the 1970s when her deck had its rebirth thanks to U.S. Games Systems. This is woman (‘hear me roar’ to quote Helen Reddy) but there is not much roaring going on. There is no point squeaking ‘Help! Help!’ because there is no evidence at all that there is any figure in the castle on the cliffs, or even just out of sight, beyond the margins of the card, to save one.

      Instead, this woman must set about the determined task of using who/what hurt her, or threatened her, or encircled her, to break free. If this was an episode of Doctor Who, and we were looking at Sarah Jane Smith trapped by the antics of Daleks or Cybermen, we would be giving her stage directions. Shouting instructions at the television.

      If the woman in this card senses she is safe (and she should; we can see no further threats in the picture) it is time to wriggle over to the swords and use them to chafe the ties that bind, until they are broken. The blindfold can then be removed, and the woman will see just how secure she is. Just how non-threatening those swords, thrown a long time ago, actually are. Just how free she is to make her move. To leave the scene. To embark on the journey. To head for that new home or exhilarating holiday.

      This card advises planning, strategy, some caution, some persistence, determination and stamina. Yet, there is absolutely no reason why a woman who has been trapped in a miserable situation, psychologically, should not be liberated from all the restrictions and given the gift of clear vision, to make her way onwards and upwards. And far, far away from a mental prison.

  103. Thank for the video presentation today Jessica.
    As you can see I’ve got quite the stellium in Pisces, and no – I’m not a drinker. Much more than a glass of wine with a meal will leave me rather worse for wear. I’m quite sensitive to any food intake as well. Oddly enough, a bowl of oatmeal, a glass of water or freshly made pasta always works wonders as far as contentment and well being. Likewise heavily processed food is a challenge both physically and mentally.

    The card I drew for myself was wheel of fortune. I don’t want to burden you with the gory details but it’s safe to say that most areas of my life have definite room for improvement.

    Would you please offer your insight into the card I drew or my chart?
    Kind regards,

    1. Thanks for coming along today, Patrick. You have a Pisces stellium and Virgo stellium in opposition, so are living in your Sixth House, ruled by Virgo, and have food sensitivity and alcohol sensitivity too. Your card is really about the world of books, publishing, academia, the worldwide web, the media and – words. In come your other stelliums in Sagittarius and Gemini. You will experience Saturn square both of those on this transit, so need to get real about the giddy, hurdy-gurdy nature of (say) the internet. As if that wasn’t enough, you have Jupiter into Gemini from mid 2024 and Uranus in Gemini from 2026 so you will see reshuffles, demotions, promotions, falls from grace and ‘rising without trace’. All of which makes you a philosopher or comedian. Go with it. Every high is a low, a few months later, and every low is a high, months later.

  104. Hi Jessica. I really enjoyed the Zoom. Thank you to all three of you. I won’t miss the next ones now.

    You said in response to another question I had, (Pluto in Aquarius) that this Saturn transit would mean change. In 94 and 95 I had my first short story published, then my first novel. It was also a long period of some very heavy personal relationship issues. I’m think I’m in a better place now, at least I hope so. When Saturn enters Pisces, it will oppose my Virgo Stellium at once; first Uranus, then Sun, Pluto and Moon, and then finally, my MC at 21 degrees, and also Bacchus and Vulcan which are new to me. And finally, when it leaves, it will oppose my Mercury at 1 degree Libra. That’s an awful lot of oppositions. There’s also Jupiter and Chiron together in Pisces at 7 degrees, so I’m guessing when Saturn meets up with my natal Jupiter it will be a big deal. I understand that Saturn means restricions, but it can also mean stability? Could you take a look and see how I can make the most out of this period? In November last year, I had a hip replacement (very Saturn, and I had to wait until the end of lockdown to have it done), and I’m in a great place for change now that I’m almost painfree and can move around again.
    I pulled the Star today and hope that’s positive. I’ve had a manuscript out on submission since November, and still no takers. It’s been really close, but alas, not close enough. Would be really nice to get a new UK publisher. Thank you 😀

    1. The Star is important. It is the card which shows Aquarius. You have a stellium in Aquarius and Pluto will pass through there from March 23rd 2023 until 2044. So we are back to your Pluto in Aquarius question from the last session. The focus is the group. You empower the group to pool resources from March, and there may be more than one group. For example, a writing team on a television series or The Society of Authors. The Tarot is bypassing your concerns about the oppositions in your chart and telling you that 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026 are about team spirit. There may be an anthology you are involved with, for example, where you all take turns at being in the limelight. Saturn in Pisces will semi-sextile your Aquarius factors as he passes through, reminding you that although it’s a delightful phase in your life, you still need to set boundaries, be organised and really marshall what is going on.

  105. Thank you to you Deborah, Alicia and the team for putting on this Meet Up event. I feel the whole world is on edge and the move of Saturn into Pisces will be a wake-up call. Thank goodness in that Neptune will be ringed with reality in his travels of Pisces. So necessary if painful. I drew the Justice card when asking what this meant for me specifically as a Virgo. My last Saturn transit 29 years ago opened my eyes to my life partner. We actually separated and never ever reunited although we had 4 children together. I never had another serious relationship after this. I drew the Justice card in our session today. What could thus mean for me?

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia. Justice is of course Libra as you can see in the card – the scales. This is about closure with and for your partner and also the potential for a new partnership. The new partnership may be sexual or it may be professional. Even platonic. You have a stellium in Libra in your Seventh House of equality, harmony, legally binding relationships like marriage, and legally decided separations too. The South Node goes into Libra again for the first time in 18-19 years from July 2023 until January 2025. The karma with him is back. You are owed, perhaps, or you owe. The karma will be closed through him or quite a different person who you realise is helping you sort it all out. Saturn in Pisces is rather heavy – Saturn rules lead – it rules heavy people and heavy situations – and Saturn’s quincunx to your Libra stellium is what sets the stage here, but it is the South Node in Libra which will seal the deal. You move on from January 2025.

  106. Hi Jessica , thank you to you , Alicia and Deborah for a great meet up, I always enjoy these events.

    I got the King of Swords and have been thinking about my life since June last year. I started a new job and there has been so much confusion, lack of boundaries and changes of process, its been a hectic time after being out of work for almost eighteen months due to covid . Any insights on my chart and the card are greatly appreciated. I have Neptune conjunct my moon and I read somewhere that can feel very similar to Pisces energy
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Thanks for coming along again. The King of Swords in your life in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026 (when the dual Saturn-Neptune cycle finishes) is about the aspects made by Saturn in Neptune to your stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House of work and health. You already had Covid so know all about your Virgo side. You also started a new job – similar thing – that’s Virgo territory. You will be negotiating terms with a powerful man, likely your boss, or a very strong-minded male colleague or rival. This teaches you how to be just as strong. It’s good training. Don’t just front up without preparation. Read the books the men read, because this is a very traditional male who probably likes spectator sport as an outlet and in real life is a very tough cookie in business or career. So figure him out. Then go and get what you want.

  107. Thank you so much for the event today Jessica. It’s always a pleasure to see you.
    This comment section is very rich, a lot of useful informations I can’t believe the amount of time you giving us. I really appreciate it.
    So I have a stellium in Pisces and also in Virgo, I know that the next years gonna be about work-life balance. And I’m writing that after a crazy busy work week coupled with a bad cold. I hate how my body (usually pretty strong) is now automatically rejecting any heavy workload sometimes even right before it happen.
    The card that I got is Seven of pentacles, so it means some work right?
    As a Leo, you mentioned 5th house and I’m really thinking about having a baby…It’s gonna be challenging because of health condition and being single but I’m confident. What do you think?

    1. Thank you. This is my time to work, so I am concentrating on writing about astrology and Tarot. You have a Leo stellium in the Fifth House of parenthood, but this also rules being a foster mother, aunt, godmother and teacher or mentor to the young. Astrology does not specify pregnancy but it shows very clearly that by early 2026 a child or person old enough to be your son or daughter, is centre-stage for all the best reasons. Your Pisces-Virgo combination is a classic one for the subconscious steering of the body so it pays to be aware of it.

  108. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great webinar today.

    I don’t have any Pisces factors and neither does my husband (DoB June 10, 1983 – whose solar chart I’ve also purchased on your website).

    So what can we expect (individually and together) from this Pisces weather?

    Many thanks as always and best regards.

    1. Thanks so much. You are a Scorpio with a Capricorn stellium in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and study. Your public and private chart both show the end of an era in March as you farewell 15 years of people politics. There will be a final reshuffle in your work place or chosen field at that time, and although it may take a year or two to complete, you will then be free of a system which was pretty relentless. In fact you will look back and be amazed at how invisible you were to some people who wanted to run the joint. Or run the industry! It was quite deliberate because these men (very likely men) were threatened by your power. Never mind, you are entering a brand new phase of success soon. This tallies with a general improvement in your lifestyle, workload, unpaid work, housework and so on – by May. Terrific opportunities if you want to look after your lifestyle and wellbeing as well as your actual job or course. Your husband also has career choices which put him at an important crossroads in March 2023 so maybe you work in the same area – I don’t know. He will be able to draw some new lines and make some new rules.

  109. Hello Jessica
    Thank you and Deborah for a wonderful session today. I found it very enlightening.
    Before pulling a card from my tarot deck, the 9 of swords popped out. I then pulled the King of Pentacles. I am a premium member and my birth chart have been created. I have stelliums in Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Virgo.
    I am wondering if there is anything I need to focus on with the large mix I have. Also, Pisces is at 19 degrees in IC. I have Aquarius at 8 degrees in Salacia.

    1. Thank you very much, I will pass that on to Deborah. The pop out card is the one – sometimes the Tarot jumps. So the Nine of Swords is as you saw, about changing the way you think about yourself and your life, by finding a technique to use. You have the IC and MC in Virgo and Pisces, the two signs we associate with general health and wellbeing, on all levels (Virgo) and the quality of sleep (also Virgo) but particularly the soul or spirit (Pisces) the subconscious mind and the psyche (also Pisces). They go together. So this transit across Virgo and Pisces, which is emphasised even more when the nodes go into Virgo-Pisces after January 2025, is about transforming the way you think. It will be with you for life when you do that: this is the long read.

      The person with insomnia or even illness is using the first position in Reiki. This Japanese healing discipline asks people to put their hands in one of a sequence of poses. This is the first. This card is a very good example of Pamela Colman Smith’s intuitive grasp of quantum mechanics. There is no single, objective reality. We find reality when we measure it. Every sword is in this person’s head. It is all a memory, construed in a particular way, or a fear of what is to come. Swords are painful, sharp, threatening. So can the imagination be, or the memory, but nothing is real. The whole point of Pamela’s cards, guided by Arthur E. Waite, was to empower people to take control.

      The bed is comfortable, even luxurious. It’s shabby chic. The bed itself (the wooden panel below the mattress) shows past conflict or a complicated relationship. That is what underlies everything. So, this is a case of ‘making one’s bed and lying it it’ and the figures in the decoration are at odds with each other. One has to face the past, to get on with the present and the future. There is no point in ‘sleeping on it’ if there is something troublesome in the past. It never really goes away and here, it is at the foundation of what keeps someone awake at night or gives them nightmares. Thus, this card suggests it might be useful to face what one has ‘laid to rest’ but is still very much there. Counselling can help, or a good friend or family member. Sometimes it helps to just pick up the phone and call The Samaritans.

      Look closely and you will see zodiac signs on the bedspread. Pamela Colman Smith was required to learn astrology as part of her Golden Dawn training. You can see the glyph for the Sun here, but also Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and more. Astrology here is a comfort; that is the suggestion. This is what Americans call a ‘comforter’ and elsewhere it is called a quilt. I find it interesting that the zodiac signs are so blatantly illustrated on what would normally be a piece of patchwork. How is astrology a comfort?

      The greatest comfort of astrology is this: the cycles of time have an end point. Even if you are worried about your past, present or possible future, the challenging cycles of Saturn, for example, can be timed with a clear end date. And it helps to have astrology’s wisdom and ancient knowledge, as a tool to handle life. Just knowing your chart, in the eyes of an astrologer, gives you protection and comfort. Like a good quilt.

      The swords are memories or perhaps imagined attacks, as has been mentioned. There may be psychic attack. It is worth considering that, particularly if you do work in the field of astrology, Tarot and so on.

      Nothing is real; it is all in the person’s mind. That is the key to this card. Turning grey with worry is not something anyone wants to do – this person has grey hair and perhaps stress is responsible as stem cells can be affected by anxiety . The solution is Reiki, which uses the palms-on-face pose you see here, as the First Position – that is an amazing synchronicity, unless Pamela drew it deliberately.

      We might also talk about spiritual healing, hypnosis (Paul McKenna has generously given his talents free on YouTube) or an appointment with the doctor (of course) or a relaxation technique to make sleep better. There are more options, of course, and everyone has her or his road to a good night’s rest. Without the floating imaginary swords this person would actually enjoy a good night’s sleep in what appears to be quite a cosy sanctuary. It is so important to understand that Pamela’s cards worked as a stage set, to be directed by you, the reader. Remove the floating, imaginary weapons, bring a candle into the room, a cup of herbal tea, perhaps a friendly cat or dog – and this is the very picture of domestic harmony and a good night’s sleep.


  110. Jessica. Thank you so very much to your reply to my post. No need to post this. Your website would not let me reply. Cecilia

  111. Hello Jessica. I attended the Pisces Xoom meeting last night. Very interesting, thank you. I drew The Emperor card which you said referred to my husband who is Aries (30th March 1955). I am Capricorn and have nothing in Pisces, so not sure of significance. He is trying to sort things for our future at the moment by selling some land and we are hoping to build a house on a plot we are saving.Thanks so much for your time.

    1. The Tarot is chatting to you about your husband who is selling land and building a house. Very much The Emperor given that every emperor has a palace. You have the Sun at 27 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, mission and position, roles and goals. You are The Empress, in effect. Transiting Pluto will be in conjunction with your natal Sun at 27 Capricorn in a cycle not seen in 248 years for the last time in October 2023. Saturn will sextile natal Sun, so it’s really about your roles and goals in respect of him. You have to meet him on his own terms, as the Emperor can really only relate to a woman who reads him – and gets him.

  112. Hi Jessica
    Unfortunately I couldn’t join the zoom meeting today. You are so very generous with your knowledge and time.
    Im wondering if you could provide any insights for what these transits might reflect in my chart.
    I have a seriously ill child who has been seriously ill since 2009. They have survived the somewhat unsurvivable, and continue to outlive expectations. But, so very little is known about their disease. It has felt so very neptunian – it really has felt like we have lived in a very nebulous , foggy, hazy world of hospitals and emergencies and radical surgeries and medicines on a daily/ weekly / monthly ongoing basis.
    Would love your thoughts, if not on the above, then on the general influence these transits may have for my chart.

    Have a great day

    1. I am sorry you couldn’t join us, but hopefully you can be there for The Taurus Weather. I am so sorry you are going through this with your child. There is nothing worse than being a parent with a child who is in and out of hospital, particularly when you don’t know what the diagnosis is. You have Proserpina at 0 Leo and the Descendant at 20 Leo. Leo rules the Fifth House of motherhood. Proserpina, oddly enough, is the piggy in the middle. That’s the name you use. Proserpina went between her husband Pluto and the underworld of Hades, up to earth, and her mother Ceres. She was commanded to spend half the year with Pluto, when it was winter and autumn, and half the year with Ceres, her mother, when it was spring and summer. You are the go-between or bridge, very possibly between the doctor and your child, but perhaps between the other parent and a doctor. The Descendant is the father – your partner in this. Sometimes Proserpina can also feel as if you are literally going between worlds – two powerful organisations or two powerful spheres. Saturn going to 0 Pisces in March and Pluto going to 0 Aquarius will pick that up in your chart. Your usual role as Proserpina is overdue for change, and March will alter the way you try to please both people, both sides or both organisations. It is very important that you realise how much hard work is involved in being Proserpina, the Mother. It is not unusual for a mother-in-law to be involved too. Feeling stretched is pretty common. There has to be a limit to the extent in which you are Kate Bush’s ‘Rubber Band Girl’ in this situation even if I know that survival has been on the line. Proserpina is also powerful. She holds all the cards. It’s such a cliche, but what you have gone through has made you very, very strong – and also a potent force to be reckoned with. That is partly your child’s gift to you.

  113. Hi Jessica, Thankyou for the very informative zoom session this am. I drew 6 pentacles. I am an Aquarian with:
    Sun 27 degrees Aquarius, Mercury 29 Aquarius, Chiron 22 Aquarius, Fortuna 3 Aquarius. Venus, Ops and Diana all at 20 Pisces and Ascendant 2 Pisces and Minerva 15 Pisces. I also have a stellium of 4 planets in Scorpio and Gemini. I am hoping you could share what impact the impending transits will have for me? Candy

    1. Thank you. The Six of Pentacles (Coins) is your Scorpio stellium, showing up as big financial decisions ahead. Saturn will trine every Scorpio factor you have, and Jupiter will oppose them too.

      This is a symbol of Taurus and the Second House and/or Scorpio and the Eighth House. It is also very much a symbol of Libra (the scales in the rich man’s hand). It’s Robin Hood, isn’t it? Or Mackenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, donating billions to people suffering in the 2020 Pandemic.

      When you give money away you create a power-based relationship. When you beg for money you also create chemistry based on powerful feelings. Beyond the simple truth that money will be given away here (or perhaps lent; this could arguably be a banker) there is a big question about what money does to the soul.

      There is a principle at stake with this card. Justice or fairness (the scales) and perhaps a legal ruling. Pamela Colman Smith quite deliberately put those meticulously balanced scales into the image. Libra rules the Seventh House of astrology, which describes former, current and potential partners. The partnerships can be personal (marriage) or professional (business). Who are the two recipients of generosity? Is there a partnership here and what does it count for?

      Beyond Libra and the association with former, current and potential partners, we find Venus, the ruler of Libra, and thus the scales, in the picture. Venus is about the cost of marriage and the price of adultery. It is also about the value of beauty and the ‘reckoning up’ or settlement that comes with issues about justice. Fair play. Sometimes, legal rulings.

      The gap between rich and poor here is extreme. What will the beggars do when they have their cash? Is begging a lifelong pattern? Would the rich man let go of his wealth if it meant the extreme gap between rich/poor was less so?

      I have seen this card turn up both when someone is in the wonderful position of being able to pay others, in a less fortunate position, or even donate to them, or lend them money. It also turns up when people are down on their luck and are about to enjoy the relief and release of someone helping them out, with a hand-out. The only issue, as I say, is the motivation of the giver. There is also the common-sense question – when people get back on their feet, as you hope they will, how can they sensibly repay the original benefactor? Will there ever be a repayment?

      Here you have a neat picture of capitalism. The rich, who are excessively rich, because they are at the sharp, top, pointy end of the system – and the huddled masses down the bottom who have almost nothing. These are coins being handed out, not notes. And the poor are not being covered in coins, they are receiving just a few. Given that the millionaire, multi-millionaire or billionaire (perhaps multi-billionaire) in question has so much, one has to wonder why those in rags are being given just a little.

      There are more questions here to ask. Perhaps if those with nothing get too much (too much ‘something for nothing’) they will never know the value of money. As with all the Coins/Pentacles cards we are led back to Taurus, the sign which rules values. Your moral, ethical and philosophical value system is intensely personal and bound to be triggered by this card. Not everyone likes taking charity. Look at the expressions on the faces of the recipients. Then again, some people live on benefits and quite deliberately play the system, according to some.

      Look at the face of the donor. Look at the attitude and body language. There is a tremendous message in this card, behind the mere fact of giving or lending. As with all Pamela’s cards, you also need to see if you can add stage directions. How could you direct this scene, add or remove actors or props? How could you turn it to your satisfaction, if indeed you have issues with what is being shown? This is Live Aid and Band Aid, isn’t it? As always with this card, you also have to wonder – what happens next?

  114. Hi Jessica, Thank you for your explanations. I enjoyed my first meetup with you. I drew the Queen of Swords and as a Sun Aries with stelliums in Scorpio (ascendant), libra, Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius and Capricorn; I don’t really understand how I should be reading the daily/weekly or even the annual horoscopes. I run two businesses and the past 3 years have caused me grief. Am I seeing some light at the end of the tunnel? Appreciate your time with us.

    1. The horoscopes are just for your Sun sign; they are solar chart. Read Aries. It will ring true about your three years of difficulty with business. Business and finance are ruled by Taurus in the Aries basic sun sign chart. You’ve had instability there since 2018 actually when Uranus (shocks to the system) entered Taurus. You’ll make or save a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024. The Queen of Swords is you, until early 2026, relaunching yourself, your reputation, perhaps your title, your photographs or clips – your image. You are becoming a more formidable version of who you really are and it will work very, very well for you in tough professional and business situations. Nobody messes with the Queen of Swords. Slay, Queen.

  115. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for another zoom event, it’s informative and thanks for sharing your insights.

    I drew a Five of Pentacles. As a Sun Libra with Pancera and Cupido in Pisces, what can I expect from this Pisces weather? I’ve moved to London from Toronto in September last year and I have been taking a break from work. Last week I started to apply for jobs, since this cycle will affect my health and well-being and my working life. Is there something I should look out for? Also is there indication I will relocate to another city this year/next year? Thanks again 🙂

    1. The Five of Coins is below: download Pamela’s Tarot from Members/My Account/My Flipbook to go into more detail. You asked how the Pisces transits to 2026 would affect you: This is what is forming in the future. To avoid this, focus on yourself and your health (if you identify with one of those in the card) or on the couple who need so much help, if you locate this as two people in your life. Draw another card to ask “How can I make this better/minimise it/stop it?”

      Two people in a very bad way are in the freezing cold, one on crutches with a head wound and the other depressed with a downcast head. We think about feeling down with depression, be it mild or severe. Feeling downcast, being down in the dumps and so on. The other person is crippled by something, or someone. It is very important to interpret the two people in terms of your own situation, or that of a person you are concerned about. Are they co-dependent? Perhaps they are strangers thrown together by their situation. They may be two homeless people who have met on the road. Yet, this card can also show a long-married couple whose partnership rests on one being ill or having chronic conditions, and the other being burdened with mental health problems – depression or anxiety, for example. They go together, because they feed or supply each other with the necessary attitude, mindset and psychological loop.

      Both are desperately poor, because in freezing conditions, surely you should have a car to travel in, or at least be indoors? This is the Britain of 1909, when Pamela Colman Smith created her card, and there was no modern welfare state. Winter is also a metaphor for being out in the cold, being left in the cold, finding cold comfort, being frozen out by society – or other people.

      And yet, and yet there are five glowing, brilliant gold coins or pentacles in the stained glass window of the church they cannot see, or will not see. Then as now, the Roman Catholic church was a huge source of wealth, abundance and also charity. No matter if the source of potential donations, handouts or benefits is a religious institution or a bank (which also has its high priests and following) there is shelter here, at least. Beyond shelter or sanctuary, there may also be money.

      This is about a blind spot so an eclipse may be involved. Eclipses are very common when something or someone is hidden in plain sight. These two people are walking straight past the obvious; the church with its collection plate for the poor and its central creed, which is the care of Jesus Christ for the impoverished. The Good Samaritan ethos.

      Neptune also distorts vision as well as eclipses, if you are looking at astrological charts. Money is Taurus and/or Scorpio and the Second House and Eighth House of the chart. We may be looking at Virgo and the Sixth House, too, which rules illness, injury, chronic conditions – but also depression and anxiety. Virgo also rules the remedy and cure for all this, too.

      The solution is for these two poor souls to step inside the church and ask for charity, which it is there to provide. To get there, they will have to come up with a different strategy.

      The depressed person is the prime mover here. You might think about the crutch you see in the card. Is someone acting as a crutch to lean on?

      This card turns up when two people are in a co-dependent relationship with both believing suffering is a way of life and there is no way out. One person is able to walk, at least, and there is no physical complaint – but there is depression or anxiety. The other person depends upon him/her just to keep going. You would assume the person on crutches has been helped along, here, but is now trying to go it alone. Both are so embedded in their drama that they are putting one foot in front of the other, not very successfully, and completely ignoring (but perhaps, just not seeing) the obvious, glittering, source of warmth and potential financial support under their very noses.

      The truth is, both could help each other. The person on crutches is a symbol of a human being who ‘needs a crutch’ which may be alcohol, drugs or the companion, here. Some marriages can function like this. The chronic invalid married to the person with depression. There is loyalty here, self-sacrifice and love, which is priceless (you cannot put a ‘coin’ price on compassion and allegiance) and we are reminded of the marriage vows. Until death do us part. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. For better, for worse. Perhaps the church is a reminder of the wedding ceremony of the past, when these two were joined in the eyes of God. Now, the stained glass windows are here with a reminder. This card can certainly be taken in that direction, if it suits your situation.

      The person with hunched posture is in a better position to act on the option of sanctuary, assistance, financial support, comfort – perhaps immediate accommodation or emergency help – although anxiety or depression will need to be tackled, first.

      The brilliant, beautiful coins or pentacles in the stained-glass window symbolise a building, home or organisation which is not just rich, secure and constructed with a spiritiual purpose – it is wondrous to behold. There is glory here, and ‘the light’ as well. Pamela was a Roman Catholic later in life and in her day, as now, nuns were the backbone of the church, giving all they had to support those in need.

      This may or may not be a message about, say, the work of St. Vincent de Paul, or Buddhist monasteries which feed the poor, but whatever institution, organisation or person is represented by the church or cathedral windows, emits light. Amazing Grace is a hymn that springs to mind here. Lost and found.

      I visited Bude, where Pamela Colman Smith spent the last years of her life, and found the church where she may have been laid to rest. On a chilly Autumn night, when all around was dark and cold, the church doors were open and inside, candles were lit, wooden pews were warm and there were messages of hope.

      The stained glass windows could also symbolise a government department or benevolent family here. If you think about windows of opportunity, that may help with your interpretation.

      The message with this card is – change your attitude – look up and you will see an answer to your financial prayers – work on your attitudes – get moving – make help happen. On a purely practical note, you’d have to say the key is the lead figure, literally leading the way, and his/her mental health. If that can be tackled, then all else is possible.

      I sometimes have readers drawing this card who have no money, no job and no hope. They are living with a dependent family member who cannot afford proper health care and have drawn a blank. I suggest free YouTube healing and hypnosis sessions from generous professionals like Paul McKenna and Reiki Grand Master Sandip Jain, because although there are no guarantees that every expert will work for every reader, there is hope that one might.

      This is very much a card about hope and also about generosity of spirit. People can and do seek meditation, distant healing, hypnotherapy or counselling to help with depression and anxiety or even get rid of it. Thanks to the internet, a great deal of it is free of charge and might just be the key that turns the lock in the door, that lets these two into a dazzling and promising sanctuary.

  116. Hi Jessica, thank you for an interesting zoom event last night! Thank you also to Deborah and to Alicia for hosting!

    I drew the Nine of Swords. I took on a new job at the beginning of January and find it difficult to get along with my new team lead, unfortunately. Could he be the isolated person you talked about for Sun Libras like me? At the moment, I’m not sure if I took the right decision to change jobs. What does it mean that I have my moon and Minerva in Pisces?

    Thank you!

    1. Your Moon and Minerva in Pisces describe your need for religion, or spirituality, or the Tarot, self-help, therapy and hypnosis (the invisible world) to sustain you and enable you to help others too. You have been drifting since 2011 never really getting a firm foothold on the invisible world – be it meditation or psychics. Saturn going into Pisces will ask you to really confront your psyche, soul or spirit and firmly find a new technique which will help your sleep quality; your peace of mind; your essence. Once you find it and use it, it will change your life.

      This is the Nine of Swords in long-form:

      The person with insomnia or even illness is using the first position in Reiki. This Japanese healing discipline asks people to put their hands in one of a sequence of poses. This is the first. This card is a very good example of Pamela Colman Smith’s intuitive grasp of quantum mechanics. There is no single, objective reality. We find reality when we measure it. Every sword is in this person’s head. It is all a memory, construed in a particular way, or a fear of what is to come. Swords are painful, sharp, threatening. So can the imagination be, or the memory, but nothing is real. The whole point of Pamela’s cards, guided by Arthur E. Waite, was to empower people to take control.

      The bed is comfortable, even luxurious. It’s shabby chic. The bed itself (the wooden panel below the mattress) shows past conflict or a complicated relationship. That is what underlies everything. So, this is a case of ‘making one’s bed and lying it it’ and the figures in the decoration are at odds with each other. One has to face the past, to get on with the present and the future. There is no point in ‘sleeping on it’ if there is something troublesome in the past. It never really goes away and here, it is at the foundation of what keeps someone awake at night or gives them nightmares. Thus, this card suggests it might be useful to face what one has ‘laid to rest’ but is still very much there. Counselling can help, or a good friend or family member. Sometimes it helps to just pick up the phone and call The Samaritans.

      Look closely and you will see zodiac signs on the bedspread. Pamela Colman Smith was required to learn astrology as part of her Golden Dawn training. You can see the glyph for the Sun here, but also Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and more. Astrology here is a comfort; that is the suggestion. This is what Americans call a ‘comforter’ and elsewhere it is called a quilt. I find it interesting that the zodiac signs are so blatantly illustrated on what would normally be a piece of patchwork. How is astrology a comfort?

      The greatest comfort of astrology is this: the cycles of time have an end point. Even if you are worried about your past, present or possible future, the challenging cycles of Saturn, for example, can be timed with a clear end date. And it helps to have astrology’s wisdom and ancient knowledge, as a tool to handle life. Just knowing your chart, in the eyes of an astrologer, gives you protection and comfort. Like a good quilt.

      The swords are memories or perhaps imagined attacks, as has been mentioned. There may be psychic attack. It is worth considering that, particularly if you do work in the field of astrology, Tarot and so on.

      Nothing is real; it is all in the person’s mind. That is the key to this card. Turning grey with worry is not something anyone wants to do – this person has grey hair and perhaps stress is responsible as stem cells can be affected by anxiety . The solution is Reiki, which uses the palms-on-face pose you see here, as the First Position – that is an amazing synchronicity, unless Pamela drew it deliberately.

      We might also talk about spiritual healing, hypnosis (Paul McKenna has generously given his talents free on YouTube) or an appointment with the doctor (of course) or a relaxation technique to make sleep better. There are more options, of course, and everyone has her or his road to a good night’s rest. Without the floating imaginary swords this person would actually enjoy a good night’s sleep in what appears to be quite a cosy sanctuary. It is so important to understand that Pamela’s cards worked as a stage set, to be directed by you, the reader. Remove the floating, imaginary weapons, bring a candle into the room, a cup of herbal tea, perhaps a friendly cat or dog – and this is the very picture of domestic harmony and a good night’s sleep.

  117. Hi Jessica,
    A big Thank you for the zoom session this morning and also to Alicia and Deborah.
    I enjoyed Deborah’s talk on Pisces, explained so many little things about myself (Sun Sagittarius with Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo, Scorpio stelliums)
    I drew “The Tower” this morning as I heard you say “Major Changes” in your talk. Timing plus!
    Not my favorite card (for a particular past reason) but I understand it allows for removing the outdated or known and allows rebirth/rebuilding/re-orientation
    I have sensed major change will happen this year, will The Tower be a manageable bolt out of the blue?

    1. The Tower is an odd card because we draw it and are being told: “You know this is likely going to happen anyway, because the house/apartment/household/business/office is vulnerable anyway. It’s not going to last forever.” And so we adjust our expectations of life, allowing for that. There is usually a feeling of – “This can’t go on.” This is the long interpretation:

      The Tower confronts people because it looks like a disaster striking. It is a great deal more than that. Yet, if you are asking ‘Will my business succeed within 12 months if I launch it today?’ the card is unequivocal. Avoid!

      The Tower is useful as a portent of doom if you are asking about, say, a forthcoming engagement or the purchase of a property. For more on practical and intelligent ways to work with a difficult card like this, please see my guide, Pamela’s Tarot.

      Yet, it can also be so useful if you ask about an event after it has happened, seeking meaning or guidance. I am sure you realise how often The Tower might turn up in a year like 2020, for example, when we are all confronted with COVID-19 for the first time and its sudden, shocking impact on our lives. In 2020 we have seen the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson contract the virus. The American President Donald Trump and his wife Melania both contract the virus. Prince Charles…it is one shock after another, in a year of many such shocks.

      So what are we to do with The Tower? If you look closely you will see the actual tower is a grey, depressing, heavy, bleak structure. Sure, it represents The Known World to its falling inhabitants, one of whom has a crown (the head, or the leader, of the family or business) but – is it really so bad?

      Pamela had a great gift of drawing figures halfway through a scene. It’s rather like a play which is interrupted when you enter your seat left. Yes, the inhabitants of this uninviting, sterile building are falling. They are reeling in horror as they are thrown out of what used to be their castle. (An Englishman’s home is his castle). Lightning has struck the peak and the crown has come off. Everything is on fire.

      What if the characters here, one of whom represents you, or the people in your world, fall safely on the ground? What then? They can go back later and rebuild what they had, or walk away and start again. It is amazing how often The Tower appears when people realise, with a start, that they have no desire at all to go back to what was there, and relish the chance to break free, and create completely new worlds of their own. This would be action set in another card!

      This is the card so many Tarot readers claim to have seen before the dreadful events of 9/11.

      Of course, it could describe any of the destruction of both world wars which came after Pamela created this vision in 1909. Moving away from the literal to the symbolic, the lightning bolt or thunderbolt suggests both Jupiter (who threw thunderbolts and is a symbol of great opportunity) and Uranus, his grandfather, who is linked to electricity and lightning. It is terribly important that you check your astrological chart for Uranus in particular, either by transit, or in terms of transits to the natal placement. Shock is his calling card and it can feel like a jolt, or a thunderbolt.

      We have both planets in this card, as Jupiter is the thunderous sky and Uranus is the jagged bolt of electrical phenomena – so there is shock, upheaval and quite revolutionary change (Uranus) but also an opportunity to go back and rebuild a bigger, better structure, or walk right away and commence something new and superior.

      If the characters do return to the tower and start again, perhaps they might paint it a more cheerful colour. Maybe they will add greenery; solar panels; Sanderson curtains and a waterfall. Maybe they will fill it with interesting new people.

      And then – there is the option for the ejected residents to just turn their backs and leave the scene. Maybe they were never particularly happy in the old world. Those towers can be fortresses which imprison as well as concrete affirmation of success. We all know very successful families with impressive homes who have never felt free, the whole time they have been under lock and key. We all know about rich corporations with miserable staff.

      Uranus is a symbol of the song ‘And the World Turned Upside Down’ and the person on the right is inverted. This is a flip. A dive. People often ‘flip’ during a Tower card experience, or find themselves diving for cover. Once the blood has stopped pumping so fast, though, and there has been time to calm down, it is clearly the moment to start again. That is actually the really interesting question here. What comes next?

      The other obvious issue here is that whatever ‘towers’ in one’s life has to be built to last. This situation, place, organisation or person could not take the forces of nature. It was inherently unsound and was just not built to last. The message of hope here is – rebuild, repair, improve – or move on, build again. This structure was just far too vulnerable to the vagaries of fate and fortune and so it was never really secure at all. What seemed to be watertight and cast-iron never really was – this is a moment whose time has come – so look to the astrological chart to see what is transiting Uranus, or how Uranus is transiting. That will give you an enormous wealth of information to work with as you make the choice to go back and rebuild, or just walk away and invent something quite new. Something better.

      British Vogue published its COVID-19 edition with the word ‘Reset’ in August 2020 with a soothing photograph of Carbost, on the Isle of Skye, on the cover. This is a really good example of the kind of thing the Tower represents (especially as Scotland is full of them).

      Do you reset, rebuild, recycle, restart? Perhaps – if you think the original structure is worth the massive effort involved. It is just as valid to reject what was there before, though, and instead of a Reset, think about a Revolution. I find it really interesting that so many of my readers swept up in the drama of COVID-19 in the year 2020, wanted a radical new beginning. They wanted no part of the old system at all!

  118. Thank you all for a fascinating event. I drew the King of Wands. Interesting as having drifted for many years with nothing quite working in the way I wanted, I now have options within the holistic field but realise I need to have a steady plan.

  119. Great event Jessica! I got the Magician. After our zoom call I was talking to one of my friends and he suggested me to go for a Masters degree. Which would only perhaps start in September and take a whole year. I’d obviously would prefer to start working first and start earning but since I have been in a kind of stuck loop. What do you think of a masters in my case. I also draw a card and asked for this matter and I got The High priestess. What you think about it Jessica? ☺️

    1. The Tarot is talking to you and the universe is colluding; your friend had a part to play. Go for the MA please. You will be a brilliant success.

    1. The Knight of Wands is showing up as Saturn will square your Sagittarius patterns in the Ninth House, pointing to the worldwide web:

      This knight has a blazing, brilliant idea. It’s hot, this project, concept, brainwave or qualification. It has ‘heat’ as they say in Hollywood. Unfortunately he cannot see where he is going. Look at his eyes and you will see he is unfocussed. He is also on a horse with a lack of focussed vision. Thus, his vehicle is not what it could be. Quite clearly, the notion, the plan or the letters after his name need to be taken somewhere hospitable and accommodating. The environment of the moment is quite wrong. This needs a strategy.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is all about preparation, focus, clarity, vision and direction. Navigation and thought. This man on a mission (who may be you, female or male, but it is probably a man) cannot see properly – look at the eyes and you will see they are a little milky. Yes, he is a man on a mission and God knows there is a lot to admire here, with all the heat and blazing brilliance. Yet, he could fall off. What he is carrying could be dropped, or get lost on the way. His vehicle may not carry him.

      For example, a Hollywood film may be the vehicle for a song, but if the songwriter is on drugs and does not know what he is doing, the project could fall sideways. That is extreme but it has happened with this card.

      Perhaps contact lenses or glasses need to be found, or this may be a metaphor for someone who is not seeing straight. Look for Neptune by transit or transits to natal Neptune. I have worked in magazine and book publishing long enough to meet a few characters like this, who are impressive, passionate, on their way and all the rest, but on closer inspection you realise they have really confused vision. And crucially, what/who they are ‘riding on’ to take them ‘somewhere’ (they don’t know where) is equally unfocussed. So, this can be a publisher who is also lacking direction, for example, with an author who has not taken the time to have a good long self-talk in the mirror.

      This is actually part of the solution. Both what/who this idea is ‘riding on’ and the person in question, need to talk to themselves in the mirror, or write things down honestly in a journal or have a cracking meditation session. Quite honestly, sitting down with the Tarot and a notebook to really analyse the project, concept, qualification, plan or brainwave (and oneself) could save a great deal of time and trouble and even save a film, or a book, or a website, or an invention, or an application.

      The big idea, message or campaign is firmly in hand. It must be planted in the right place (the desert sands of Egypt are not useful) or it will wither on the vine, like so many of Pamela Colman Smith’s wands, or staves, or branches showing budding leaves. Phrases like ‘branching out’ and ‘flowering’ and ‘bursting open’ and ‘seeding’ and ‘seed money’ and ‘protecting’ are appropriate with this card. Also, of course, ‘vision.’

      The horse is a symbol of Sagittarius and the Knight may be a symbol for Chiron. Sagittarius also suits the idea of exploring foreign lands. Chiron was of course a music teacher and the Knight is holding a baton.

      The fire signs Aries and Leo are also hinted at here along with Sagittarius, thanks to the flaming orange and gold colouring. So many of her wands cards about about ‘from little acorns, mighty oaks do grow’ and here we have an acorn which has turned into what might become an oak tree one day, if only it could be planted, nurtured and carefully tended. Acorns and oaks are ruled by Jupiter, another horoscope symbol and of course Sagittarius (the marksman on the horse) is ruled by Jupiter too. There’s a fair bit of Sagittarius/Jupiter about this card. The luck is with this person, as the image is impressive, the energy and drive are there, and the possible success really is hypothetically…possible. Yet it’s all down to approach.

      You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the person on the mission with it, but it’s not enough to be bold, daring, energetic and charismatic. You have to do the work. You do see this card when Jupiter is around as everything is really big-picture and wow-factor but Jupiter by transit and natally can also be a big fizzer. Big start and small finish is not what this rather magnificent human being deserves. And it may be you.

  120. Hi Jessica
    I was so glad to have made it to the Zoom session last night. Thank you and thanks to Deborah for your interesting and informative session.
    In the tea break when I asked what the message for me was from the upcoming Neptune into Pisces transit I drew the Temperance card. I am excited to know what that will mean for me as the description for the what this card means sounds very hopeful and I have been through a difficult period for some time, including feeling all at sea and having difficulty in making important decisions.
    Will these issues be coming to an end for me and how do I make the most of the transit from 8th March please?

    1. This is Temperance for you and you should also pick up Pamela’s Tarot from Members/My Account/My Flipbooks for further Tarot readings. This looks like your North Node at 3 Aquarius to me, as Pluto goes to 3 Aquarius some time after Saturn has gone to 3 Pisces. You were born to shine with groups and communities and a very special period in your life is coming up where you will assist the flow and be an agent for the most wonderful changes.

      Good mental and physical health. Temperance in Pamela’s day was abstinence from alcohol. Temperance ‘societies’ remind us of Aquarius and the wavy-line logo of the sign is hidden in the card pattern. This is a terrific card to see. Pamela was also a Sun Aquarius, fond of groups devoted to good causes, and here it is.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      If you are looking at your astrological chart you will be focussed on Aquarius and the Eleventh House of societies, groups, communities, clubs, teams and associations.

      This is a pure Aquarius symbol as we have a water-bearer with the wavy Aquarius logo being poured from cup to cup. The pool below shows ‘pooled resources’ and the Roman Baths which gave the whole community a place to swim and was fed by an Aquarius – literally a water-bearer of the time.

      This is also a Virgo and Sixth House card as it shows healing. This is mental or physical health, balance and harmony and it’s a wonderful card to see.

      This may be a doctor, surgeon, Reiki master, nurse or dentist. The yellow Iris in the picture is also known as Yellow Flag or Water Flag. That may be another clue for you. The crown above the mountains shows potential victory or special status and position above Capricorn the goat’s Tenth House peak of achievement, but it has to be reached after a long journey. With Temperance, you begin right now, with help from a friend or group (one which helps your good health, mental health, peace of mind, wellbeing or happiness on some level) – then you set forth. You can’t conquer the world unless you are in good shape.

      Note the yellow triangle, or Grand Trine shape, on the angel’s robe. This is another astrological symbol, as a trine is ‘flow’ in astrology and this whole card is about flowing. A trine connects Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).

      Perhaps there are others born under your element, in this group, or perhaps the friendship shown by the Aquarius symbolism is also joining you with someone born under a compatible element. The Fire signs and Air signs flow. The Earth signs and Water signs flow.

      So, for example, you may be looking at a group of friends and acquaintances in Fire-Air, which helps your fire sign self go with the flow. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius may all be involved, or perhaps just some of those signs involved – but there is a feeling of everybody pooling their resources.

      Look carefully at the feathered wings for more typical Pamela clues and signs tucked away in the folds. I really recommend that you go to these cards with a magnifying glass if you have one. I also recommend to students in particular that they hold the cards sideways and upside-down for a better look. Obviously you can only go so far with this, using a computer, but if you have invested in a deck of Pamela and Arthur’s cards, you can do this at home. What is tucked away in the dense, inky illustrations?

      The phrases ‘testing the water’ and ‘getting your feet wet’ may also apply here. Temperance is of course the old-fashioned word for abstinence from alcohol as I mentioned at the beginning of the interpretation. This is another really rich and complex card and you may find your answers in the tiniest details on it.

      It frequently turns up when people are asking about a year off work, or time to recuperate. You also see it when people are coming off alcohol and joining Alcoholics Anonymous. It can turn up if someone has been through an awful period of mental or physical health problems and is a lovely sign that they are now in calmer waters. Less dramatically, Temperance turns up when you are detoxing or doing Dry July.

  121. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the meetup yesterday. If I understand correctly, I drew the Eight of Pentacles and it perfectly speaks to a new 18 month contract that my documentary film production signs next month. From this blog it also accurately forecasts that Saturn in Pisces means I now need to create with teams of professionals, rather than be a one women show (like the 8 of pentacles Tarot card). I have one placement in Pisces which seems opposite of the stelliums in my chart. How do I create a chart for a film or project? Do I start with date of first funders or when total budget gets signed? Can you please tell me more about what it all means? Thank you kindly

    1. Thank you for coming along to The Pisces Weather. The Eight of Pentacles (Coins) is talking to you about the documentary. To create a chart for the project, go for the naming. When did you register/will you register the domain and/or copyright the title? Save the time, date and place and you could actually order a Family and Friends chart for the ‘new baby.’ You can also draw a Tarot card specifically for this project. This is the extended interpretation of the Eight of Pentacles, below:

      Working hard for the money – churning out gold records for EMI, or Wedgwood china, a hit BBC series on DVD or a range of meat-free burgers. This is a card which might describe the creation of this Tarot deck itself, as Pamela Colman Smith famously wrote in a letter to a friend that she was doing a big job for a small amount of money. Money does not grow on trees but you can work for it, and plant for the future, too. There is a house or holiday home in the background.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.

      The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.

      Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.

      The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’

      Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.

      There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’

  122. Good morning Jessica, I so enjoyed the Zoom yesterday, thanks to you, Alicia and Deborah for hosting us. I am looking forward to the change with this transit…I don’t have Pisces factors directly but glad to get Pluto and Saturn moving along (as well as those plutocrats moving out of power!). In the Zoom yesterday I pulled the Ace of Pentacles in tarot regarding the Pisces weather. Whatever insight you have is most welcome.

    1. Thank you. You have a huge Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of finance and a strong Taurus pattern in your Second House of personal income. Jupiter moves into Taurus from May 2023 until May 2024 and gives you a sensational opportunity which will enable you to travel, move or just enjoy a large lump sum, saved or made. Saturn in Pisces will trine your Scorpio stellium and sextile your Taurus pattern, so you’re quids in, if you want to be.

  123. Hi Jessica
    Back in August (12th) we (my partner and I) bought a home at the beach (with inheritance/legacy money), which we are going to remodel and move into as soon as that project is complete, probably next year. We’ve had some trouble with our current living situation, a renter has moved next to us who uses cannabis all the time. We have decided to sell and move. We’ll be moving in March to a rental (signed lease Feb 17) and listing this condo for sale. Today I pulled tarot – The Lovers. Any thoughts on how to navigate this craziness around housing?

    1. I am sorry about your dope-smoking neighbour. The Tarot is avoiding your question about housing and talking to you about your partnership instead. For all that the lease is an issue, you two have major questions to answer about commitment, as the South Node goes into Libra from July 2023 and your Seventh House of duets and marriage. You will need to make a milestone decision by early 2025 at the very latest, together. To address the specific issues about housing, follow the steps in the Tarot section and do it methodically. Make sure you have Pamela’s Tarot to use too. Go to Members/My Account/Flipbooks.

  124. Hi Jessica,

    I couldn’t reply to your reply.. but no. I meant the 5 of pentacles.

    And, yes, I am a premium member but still learning. However, my housing/property aspect of my life has been very complicated over the last few years.

    1. This is the Five of Pentacles, also known as the Five of Coins. Thank you. Your card is talking to you, about all you have just described. The good news is, from May 2023 to May 2024 there is a brilliant solution.

      Two people in a very bad way are in the freezing cold, one on crutches with a head wound and the other depressed with a downcast head. We think about feeling down with depression, be it mild or severe. Feeling downcast, being down in the dumps and so on. The other person is crippled by something, or someone. It is very important to interpret the two people in terms of your own situation, or that of a person you are concerned about. Are they co-dependent? Perhaps they are strangers thrown together by their situation. They may be two homeless people who have met on the road. Yet, this card can also show a long-married couple whose partnership rests on one being ill or having chronic conditions, and the other being burdened with mental health problems – depression or anxiety, for example. They go together, because they feed or supply each other with the necessary attitude, mindset and psychological loop.

      Both are desperately poor, because in freezing conditions, surely you should have a car to travel in, or at least be indoors? This is the Britain of 1909, when Pamela Colman Smith created her card, and there was no modern welfare state. Winter is also a metaphor for being out in the cold, being left in the cold, finding cold comfort, being frozen out by society – or other people.

      And yet, and yet there are five glowing, brilliant gold coins or pentacles in the stained glass window of the church they cannot see, or will not see. Then as now, the Roman Catholic church was a huge source of wealth, abundance and also charity. No matter if the source of potential donations, handouts or benefits is a religious institution or a bank (which also has its high priests and following) there is shelter here, at least. Beyond shelter or sanctuary, there may also be money.

      This is about a blind spot so an eclipse may be involved. Eclipses are very common when something or someone is hidden in plain sight. These two people are walking straight past the obvious; the church with its collection plate for the poor and its central creed, which is the care of Jesus Christ for the impoverished. The Good Samaritan ethos.

      Neptune also distorts vision as well as eclipses, if you are looking at astrological charts. Money is Taurus and/or Scorpio and the Second House and Eighth House of the chart. We may be looking at Virgo and the Sixth House, too, which rules illness, injury, chronic conditions – but also depression and anxiety. Virgo also rules the remedy and cure for all this, too.

      The solution is for these two poor souls to step inside the church and ask for charity, which it is there to provide. To get there, they will have to come up with a different strategy.

      The depressed person is the prime mover here. You might think about the crutch you see in the card. Is someone acting as a crutch to lean on?

      This card turns up when two people are in a co-dependent relationship with both believing suffering is a way of life and there is no way out. One person is able to walk, at least, and there is no physical complaint – but there is depression or anxiety. The other person depends upon him/her just to keep going. You would assume the person on crutches has been helped along, here, but is now trying to go it alone. Both are so embedded in their drama that they are putting one foot in front of the other, not very successfully, and completely ignoring (but perhaps, just not seeing) the obvious, glittering, source of warmth and potential financial support under their very noses.

      The truth is, both could help each other. The person on crutches is a symbol of a human being who ‘needs a crutch’ which may be alcohol, drugs or the companion, here. Some marriages can function like this. The chronic invalid married to the person with depression. There is loyalty here, self-sacrifice and love, which is priceless (you cannot put a ‘coin’ price on compassion and allegiance) and we are reminded of the marriage vows. Until death do us part. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. For better, for worse. Perhaps the church is a reminder of the wedding ceremony of the past, when these two were joined in the eyes of God. Now, the stained glass windows are here with a reminder. This card can certainly be taken in that direction, if it suits your situation.

      The person with hunched posture is in a better position to act on the option of sanctuary, assistance, financial support, comfort – perhaps immediate accommodation or emergency help – although anxiety or depression will need to be tackled, first.

      The brilliant, beautiful coins or pentacles in the stained-glass window symbolise a building, home or organisation which is not just rich, secure and constructed with a spiritiual purpose – it is wondrous to behold. There is glory here, and ‘the light’ as well. Pamela was a Roman Catholic later in life and in her day, as now, nuns were the backbone of the church, giving all they had to support those in need.

      This may or may not be a message about, say, the work of St. Vincent de Paul, or Buddhist monasteries which feed the poor, but whatever institution, organisation or person is represented by the church or cathedral windows, emits light. Amazing Grace is a hymn that springs to mind here. Lost and found.

      I visited Bude, where Pamela Colman Smith spent the last years of her life, and found the church where she may have been laid to rest. On a chilly Autumn night, when all around was dark and cold, the church doors were open and inside, candles were lit, wooden pews were warm and there were messages of hope.

      The stained glass windows could also symbolise a government department or benevolent family here. If you think about windows of opportunity, that may help with your interpretation.

      The message with this card is – change your attitude – look up and you will see an answer to your financial prayers – work on your attitudes – get moving – make help happen. On a purely practical note, you’d have to say the key is the lead figure, literally leading the way, and his/her mental health. If that can be tackled, then all else is possible.

      I sometimes have readers drawing this card who have no money, no job and no hope. They are living with a dependent family member who cannot afford proper health care and have drawn a blank. I suggest free YouTube healing and hypnosis sessions from generous professionals like Paul McKenna and Reiki Grand Master Sandip Jain, because although there are no guarantees that every expert will work for every reader, there is hope that one might.

      This is very much a card about hope and also about generosity of spirit. People can and do seek meditation, distant healing, hypnotherapy or counselling to help with depression and anxiety or even get rid of it. Thanks to the internet, a great deal of it is free of charge and might just be the key that turns the lock in the door, that lets these two into a dazzling and promising sanctuary.

  125. Hi Jessica, I was unable to attend the event but I pulled a Tarot and got the Six of Pentacles. Any guidance would be much appreciated. I’m very much looking forward to listening to your podcast going forward!

    1. Thank you. This is the in-depth reading of the Six of Coins.

      This is a symbol of Taurus and the Second House and/or Scorpio and the Eighth House. It is also very much a symbol of Libra (the scales in the rich man’s hand). It’s Robin Hood, isn’t it? Or Mackenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, donating billions to people suffering in the 2020 Pandemic.

      When you give money away you create a power-based relationship. When you beg for money you also create chemistry based on powerful feelings. Beyond the simple truth that money will be given away here (or perhaps lent; this could arguably be a banker) there is a big question about what money does to the soul.

      There is a principle at stake with this card. Justice or fairness (the scales) and perhaps a legal ruling. Pamela Colman Smith quite deliberately put those meticulously balanced scales into the image. Libra rules the Seventh House of astrology, which describes former, current and potential partners. The partnerships can be personal (marriage) or professional (business). Who are the two recipients of generosity? Is there a partnership here and what does it count for?

      Beyond Libra and the association with former, current and potential partners, we find Venus, the ruler of Libra, and thus the scales, in the picture. Venus is about the cost of marriage and the price of adultery. It is also about the value of beauty and the ‘reckoning up’ or settlement that comes with issues about justice. Fair play. Sometimes, legal rulings.

      The gap between rich and poor here is extreme. What will the beggars do when they have their cash? Is begging a lifelong pattern? Would the rich man let go of his wealth if it meant the extreme gap between rich/poor was less so?

      I have seen this card turn up both when someone is in the wonderful position of being able to pay others, in a less fortunate position, or even donate to them, or lend them money. It also turns up when people are down on their luck and are about to enjoy the relief and release of someone helping them out, with a hand-out. The only issue, as I say, is the motivation of the giver. There is also the common-sense question – when people get back on their feet, as you hope they will, how can they sensibly repay the original benefactor? Will there ever be a repayment?

      Here you have a neat picture of capitalism. The rich, who are excessively rich, because they are at the sharp, top, pointy end of the system – and the huddled masses down the bottom who have almost nothing. These are coins being handed out, not notes. And the poor are not being covered in coins, they are receiving just a few. Given that the millionaire, multi-millionaire or billionaire (perhaps multi-billionaire) in question has so much, one has to wonder why those in rags are being given just a little.

      There are more questions here to ask. Perhaps if those with nothing get too much (too much ‘something for nothing’) they will never know the value of money. As with all the Coins/Pentacles cards we are led back to Taurus, the sign which rules values. Your moral, ethical and philosophical value system is intensely personal and bound to be triggered by this card. Not everyone likes taking charity. Look at the expressions on the faces of the recipients. Then again, some people live on benefits and quite deliberately play the system, according to some.

      Look at the face of the donor. Look at the attitude and body language. There is a tremendous message in this card, behind the mere fact of giving or lending. As with all Pamela’s cards, you also need to see if you can add stage directions. How could you direct this scene, add or remove actors or props? How could you turn it to your satisfaction, if indeed you have issues with what is being shown? This is Live Aid and Band Aid, isn’t it? As always have to wonder what comes next.

  126. Hi Jessica. I pulled the two of pentacles. I am a sun Pisces with stelliums in Aquarius, Pisces, Leo and Virgo. I have been feeling stuck for a number of years and wondering if I will this year will allow me to move on – socially, financially and in terms of location – either moving homes or moving countries (or both). Thank you.

    1. The Two of Coins is about juggling your finances against an erratic world economy. Rather than juggle you may want to stop and co-ordinate your budget in a more even way. You were asking about life until February 2026 and how the Pisces transits would show up. You have Neptune at 13 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and Saturn will move to 13 Pisces and make an historic aspect to that. Feeling all at sea, all over the place, is pretty normal with finance when Neptune is in Scorpio, but this Saturn trine will help you to ground yourself and stabilise. That should be the priority before you think about moving or emigrating.

  127. Hi Jessica! Unfortunately I could not attend the event as I was not feeling well (I registered). Can you please look at my chart and tell what the Pisces weather means for me? Thank you!

    1. I am sorry you were ill. Take your time around March 7th with your duet or duel, as you need to get into the situation (or out of it) slowly and carefully. This may be your husband, or it may be your professional partner. It may be a ‘war’ with your brother. However it is showing up, around that date, you may prefer to take your time and get a wise second opinion. You will need to get a new strategy in any case, with this person, or about them, as there will be some new obstacles to deal with in 2023, 2024 and 2025 and the tried, trusted and tested approach is the right one.

  128. Hi Jessica, was so disappointed to miss the event yesterday morning! I did do a card reading though, and drew the Three of Wands. The procrastination and fear has been an ongoing theme in my life explained recently by adhd diagnosis. Very hard to see a way out of that loop although always hopeful!

    1. ADHD is best sorted out with reference to your Virgo stellium. Have a look at that in Modern Astrology 2050 which is free to you. Your question was about the way that Saturn and Neptune in Pisces would affect your life until February 2026. The answer is in your Third House, ruled by Gemini, where you will find Saturn is square and thus spurs you on.

      There is a strange mixture of haste and paralysis here, as the person with the three ideas, plans, projects or qualifications (suggested by Three Wands) is stuck fast on the cliff, looking out to sea, but has racing car checks on his/her cloak. Perhaps it is through lack of experience – the shawl is green. I have often seen this card in readings on my website when the person concerned has a ton of good ideas, a lot of nervous energy, some anxiety about losing an opportunity, but also anxiety about going out there and making something happen. You often get a red light, amber light, green light rapid rotation with this card. It is fixed by active imagination. Perhaps other people need to come into the scene. Maybe the position needs to be adjusted (the stance and attitude of the key person). What can be done with the actual three staves, rods or wands, which are symbols of something on paper, or on the computer?

      With ‘three’ we can get three drafts of the same script, or three competing ideas, or a trio of compatible products. Or we can get two versions of the same concept and a third, outlying idea. All should be taken as one, as the whole. It’s all part of a mixed bag but don’t forget or neglect one or two, to mono-task. Try to get the whole lot in front of you for assessment.

      This card is about mixed feelings regarding the export of ideas, and the distant shores of the worldwide web. That’s the Grand Prix checks you can see (faster, faster, break the record) but the rather stuck, planted, rooted nature of the pose. Wants to go, does not want to go!

      Nothing can grow in the current location. There may be much better odds somewhere else. There may even be a race on, or some kind of ‘Gold Rush’ as the three ships in the foreground are racing for a distant location. This may be about the need to compete and catch up, but the fear of losing or coming last. You see this card when there is a competition for, say, cryptocurrency or an attempt at a vaccine for a virus.

      There are any number of reasons for not joining the race or getting one’s feet wet. Fear of failure. Fear of success. A bit of analysis goes a long way with this card. Nobody doubts the potential of the idea or product but the issue is the location; the timing; the competition; the personality of you/the key person.

      If the person in question does not make up his/her mind, things may never grow. There is a need here to remember the one or two projects or qualifications not ‘held.’ The short trip is Gemini, the longer journey is Sagittarius. The Third House is the hop across to another city or region; The Ninth House is the foreign exploration. These can also show up in the chart. You may also get Saturn by transit or transits to natal Saturn as this is a symbol of delay, fear and sometimes self-sabotage in the chart.

  129. Thanks, Jessica, I did what you said and pulled another card it was the Hermit, I have felt lonely lately in my career being self-employed and in relationships does this mean I’m meant to be by myself until 2026, as I have already been single for 4 years now, and wanting to find my soul mate and start a family.

    1. The Saturn and Neptune transit in Pisces of your Twelfth House will involve you being alone, yes. This does not mean you cannot date men. All the cycles of astrology talk about different areas of life. This particular event was about your Twelfth House and your inner life. Searching for answers means you need to be by yourself. What you find will show you something which is spiritually extremely important. That is the lantern in the card. If you want to get married and have children, you need to be a realist about what that means in 2023, 2024, 2025 as the pursuit of love may be heavier than you reckoned with and require more patience. Of course you can form a pair on this transit as in your solar chart we find Saturn and Neptune in your Seventh House of partnership. It’s not likely to be particularly fast or simple, though, so being alone and looking for deeper answers can help you.

  130. Hi Jessica!
    The talk was so amazing. Thank you for sharing all your wisdom.
    I drew the 10 of wands but it felt really positive. I have Chrion in Pisces. Any advice? Many thanks for any insights.

    1. Thank you. You have a Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia. Saturn will oppose that from March 7th 2023 and even the regular four-week oppositions of Saturn to the transiting Moon in Virgo will test you, until February 14th 2026. Delegate the tasks. You may already feel this. Make sure you get rid of what is not crucial and pass on the rest. I know your goal is ultimately property, and it’s worth it, but you have to look after your health and wellbeing, please. This is the long read of the card.

      This is one of Pamela Colman Smiths’ easiest cards to understand and interpret. Overload! Stop and delegate, reschedule, or jettison what is there, or there will be a physical toll, as the human body is not a machine, a robot or a computer. There may even be back issues.

      Too many projects, ideas, emails, websites, social media messages. Too much to carry. The person here is stumbling blindly forward towards what he/she assumes is the goal.

      As I’ve mentioned and you can see, this may be a house or apartment to be purchased or paid off one day. To be renovated. Perhaps, a hotel or holiday home. You have to wonder what the point is, when the journey is so difficult. Is the destination worth the struggle?

      This card is about the need to delegate or ditch and quite urgently so. How on earth did it even get this far? Talk about ignoring your better instincts, or even ignoring your body.

      Nothing is going to work if the person just ends up stopping halfway or dropping everything. Time to pause and look for a strategy. Time to ask for help, perhaps, or offload. This is a Sixth House and Virgo card (life-work balance), but also a Tenth House and Capricorn Card (ambition). It is also a Fourth House card (Cancer, the house or apartment, or premises, up ahead).

      It is quite clearly a portrait of the person who is overworking and risking his/her physical health. This is backbreaking burden and of course, the back is always the first to suffer when somebody is overloaded.

      Apart from anything else, if you sit hunched in a chair over a computer all day, your spine will not thank you. The solution here as we have seen is to stop, rest up, review, rethink, ditch, delegate and strategise.

      When the internet was first launched this card would turn up a lot for clients who were shouldering the new burden of too many emails and not enough hours in the day. You also see it when a person is psychologically and emotionally overloaded with too many mental or spiritual burdens. This is the Prime Minister who has a new baby, and a new term, and one or more crises to load onto his back. It is also the student who has taken on a part-time job, a relationship, exams and God knows what else.

      You tend to find people with difficult aspects or transits in their Sixth House drawing this card. Maybe you are one of them, but you know the solution. There are some big decisions to be made here about weighing the value of the house, holiday home or apartment, against the price tag you need to fix on actually having a life before you reach your goal. This card can be stage-managed like all Pamela Colman Smith’s cards. Bring in people to help. Perhaps, bring in a caravan or tent so this person can take a break for the weekend. Maybe bring in wild winds, to blow away some of the rods/staves/wands in the collection. Does one really need to throw so much mud at a wall, in order to get some of it to stick? Maybe that approach is quite wrong.

  131. Hi Jessica- thank you ALL for the zoom session. Very informative as always. I am comfortably familiar with astrology but fairly new to tarot. I pulled the 3 of wands during the session, but felt a little rushed and so decided to pull another when I had less distractions. That card was The Empress. I thought I would include both as I know you will weigh in on what you think is most fitting. I am looking forward to your insight and guidance as the last few years have been topsy turvy for myself, as I’m sure it has been for all of us. Long term I have struggled on and off with my adult health- prone to fatigue and high levels of inflammation that manifest as injuries and seemingly prevent me from doing more of the life I would like to do (being active, working more, putting more of myself out into the world, etc.). Thank you- any support is very appreciated!

    1. Thank you. Health is something best tackled through Virgo in your chart. You have a big stellium in Virgo and your North Node there too. The North Node in Virgo in opposition to the South Node in Pisces usually suggests a past life where religion was at odds with your wellbeing. You may have come from a religious family who frowned on contraception, for example, and become pregnant. Sometimes the past life involved being a nun and being a midwife and putting your own health on the front line. A dream can sometimes reveal it. It’s very important to look at your paid work, unpaid work, housework, academic career and service to others. Pisces rules the subconscious and the nodal opposition suggests you can unconsciously set up situations which get you out of a job (say) or get you an excuse not to do the washing up and cleaning (for example). Chat to your subconscious and find out what’s going on. You may think you’re steering the ship here but some part of you down below is actually controlling the engines. Your card here is The Empress as you rejected the first one. This long Pisces transit for you is about finding your own space, your own happy surroundings, being by yourself, enjoying your environment and luxuriating in nature. You have enough Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio in your chart to make that possible las Saturn sextiles and trines – and Jupiter in Taurus makes terrific patterns, May 2023 to May 2024.

  132. Hi Jessica, I attended your Zoom event yesterday. Thank you for taking time out of your day to educate people. I pulled the Five of Cups during the session. I wondered if this was a signal for me to stop focusing on the past and start living in the present. Would this message align with my birth chart?
    You said something during the event about Capricorns walking away from jobs during this transit, and it resonated with me. I could see myself walking away from my current profession, but since I’m the primary wage earner, I can’t see it happening.

    Thank you for all you do!

    1. Thank you Kim. You can pick up Pamela’s Tarot free from Members/My Account/My Flipbooks. Here is the detailed interpretation of the Five of Cups. You will in fact walk away from the job from mid 2024 if you still dislike it.

      The cups describe love and sex, and sometimes bodily fluids. Here we have three fallen over, maybe kicked to the ground, and we can see toxic green fluid (poisonous emotion or bile perhaps) on the ground along with blood.

      This might be a woman getting over the end of a marriage (one person) and a complicated situation with two children. It might be a man who has been let down by three former friends. Pamela did not randomly create these cards. Here we have blood, which is a dramatic symbol of ‘that bloody man’ or ‘that bloody woman’.

      It can sometimes show bereavement so you have to take that into account as well. This may be an accident which has taken someone, or more than one person.

      This card has an awful lot encoded in the illustration, from the relief and release of the river, which might wash the cups (clean up the relationships) and return them, like new, sparkling and solid gold. There is also the option to just get rid of what remains. To turn one’s back on what did not work out, emotionally, no matter if it is love, children, family or friends. This character in black could kick the cups into the water so they sink to the bottom, forgotten.

      The cloaked figure is downcast, hidden and apparently in mourning – or a vampire! Pamela Colman Smith knew Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, well and he may have been in The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society which also included Pamela’s collaborator Arthur Waite.

      Vampires feast on blood. Emotional vampires feast on other substances. Perhaps you feel you are one of the solid gold people here, kicked to one side, or waiting (ignored) in the background, while some kind of human Count Dracula prepares for the next victim. This card can really be open to wide interpretation. Maybe you feel like a bit of a vampire! Do you eat people up? Chew them up and spit them out?

      Look at the green fluid which has spilled. What does this mean to you? This is Chartreuse, perhaps, or Absinthe. Maybe it is poison. Sometimes poison is released when a relationship falls over. Maybe it is Crème de Menthe.

      Two cups, glittering gold (solid gold, precious) are still upright and intact as we’ve discussed, but the brooding figure cannot see them.

      The bridge and castle are important, as I’ve also mentioned, for their sheer potential. So is the river. The cups are just waiting to be cleaned in the water – or – will this figure walk away altogether and cross the bridge to a new life?

      There is strong visualisation potential in this card, which can be ‘directed’ like all of Pamela’s work. She was a set designer as well as a powerful psychic. Much of what she was picking up in 1909 would become the new science of quantum mechanics. Everything is a cloud of potential until we enter into the experiment and make it become, what it will be. These cards are interactive. Move the character, the cups, with your mind. Enter into the new potential home; cross the bridge.

      There is emptiness here. The cups contain nothing, though they once did. There is also a sense of someone just waiting to shed a skin. To get rid of an outer layer of depression or grief. Dark thoughts, perhaps. The sense of self has gone. We cannot even see this person’s face – all we see is the black robe.

      Aquarius is the sign we associate with rivers (the water-bearer) but also Pisces (ruled by Neptune). A bridge is Libra, because it connects two sides. The blood might be Scorpio, associated with death and sex. The waiting castle is Cancer. Take the card apart and see what it means to you, as each of the signs will have very particular meaning, depending on your chart, and perhaps the charts of the other people involved.

      This process of mourning, adjustment and ‘the journey’ will take time. It may take months or even years. There is no schedule for any human being and the response to loss can only be dealt with individually. In this card, we might see someone who acts very quickly, hurling the stained cups into the water, pulling off the robe of mourning, turning to gather the two remaining cups (solid gold people) behind – and racing across the bridge – pelting towards a new future.

      Some people can stay stuck in the mourning, grief or loss stage for a very long time indeed, but that seems like a waste, when everything one could possibly want to make good and start again, is right there. This is one of Pamela’s cards which just cries out to be worked with. Whatever/whomever is therapeutic and healing could be the difference here, as it can be hard to shed the dark, heavy, robes of grief by oneself. A counsellor might be really useful here, or perhaps a Reiki master or yoga teacher.

    1. It might be useful to download your free copy of Pamela’s Tarot from going to Members, then My Account, then My Flipbooks. Then you can go into a more in-depth reading.

  133. Hi Jessica,

    I didn’t attend the zoom session so I hope it’s ok to post a question; if not, that’s fine just ignore
    I drew a card (Mar this year until early 2026) – 7 Pentacles. Could you please comment upon this.

    Just reading through your responses to other people gives me glimmers of insight too.

    I’m quite tired now, of so much, especially of not being listened to at work and expected to go into covid unsafe situations. I feel frustrated and angry. I’m whingeing – soz. I’m on the verge of handing in my notice and taking my chances. It’s like some safe prison where I get a roof over my head and regular meals while I do the hard labour every day. The card spoke to me “There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work”. That’s me, completely k-knackered
    Your responses are very therapeutic but just writing things down also helps. Thanks for everything.

    1. Yes of course it’s fine to ask a question. You have Pluto at 3 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and wellbeing. You want and need total control over your lifestyle, health and workload. The rules of Pluto are – you always have to compromise and accept a deal or bargain with other people, or the universe itself. So there is a way through for you, but it will involve a trade-off either with your current employer who is putting you in harm’s way (let’s face it) or your next employer. I daresay Saturn at 3 Pisces in opposition for the first time in 29 years will put you on the crossroads. That’s April 2003. Jupiter at 3 Taurus forms a superb trine to your Pluto in late May, June so this looks like positive change to me. This is the long interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles or Coins.

      Money grows on trees with this card. It is about ‘life gardening’ in terms of asset management and the slow and steady cultivation of resources. This can literally be about growing fruit, vegetables or herbs to sell at a local market. More commonly, it is about nursing a number of projects to recycle small profits into something more ambitious and perhaps hugely rewarding. It’s a spread of investments. It’s a host of ‘nice little earners.’ The trick is in the approach!

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?

      This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.

      So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.

      There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.

      Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.

      It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?

      This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
      This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.

      I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).

      You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.

  134. Many thanks Jessica.
    I was going to say you’re something of a ‘national treasure’, but in fact you’re an international one! 🙂

  135. Hi Jessica, firstly i love your ‘no nonsense’ tone and ultra detailed approach and the members’ offering. Thank you. I am Leo sun & moon & venus, scorpio rising & mars in Scorpio, and 2021/2 put me through the emotional wringer re everything I thought I wanted from a relationship. In long term / safe partnership but weird connection found me deepening a friendship with someone else who blew what I thought I knew and wanted out of the water. No action taken yet (feeling a bit Hanged Man) but left me lost, feeling stuck and considering big changes (but too scared too, in an Eight of Swords manner). Having read way too much I am confused about what Saturn’s transition in March and end of Taurus / Scorpio eclipse season in May will help / hinder. Was this a phase or the right time to ‘Tower’ and bring my world crashing down to rebuild. Thank you!

    1. Cheers for that. You are a Sun Leo with Virgo and Sagittarius stelliums, which matter most now. In both house systems I use for you, public and private, the big stories are your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing – and your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. To start with the Sixth House, from the final week of March 2023 you farewell 15 years of having to find the willpower and self-control to deal with whatever challenges you. It is amazing how many Leo readers report having medical issues which require pants of steel. Having to to on a confined diet; having to drastically change their lifestyle to avoid getting Covid; giving up smoking and so on. For whatever reason, late March ends that. You experience your body, March-June, without the relentless pressure. This shows up in your natal chart too; you have this sea change in March, with Saturn moving into opposition with your Virgo stellium, demanding a new approach, and then from May 2023, Jupiter goes into Taurus so until May 2024 he will trine your Virgo factors and coax and enable terrific, long overdue new directions with your health on all fronts. Needless to say this tallies with work, unpaid work and university life (which Virgo rules) at the same time. The other big trend here is your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. You have massive opportunities here until May 2023 so run don’t walk. This shows up in both charts I use for you.

  136. Dear Jessica,

    I came to the Zoom session and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was my first time joining and I’ll definitely be at more!

    I don’t have any factors in Pisces, but I picked the Seven of Pentacles as my card for the next few years. Any thoughts on that for me? I haven’t really been able to grasp what to expect with Pisces weather since it doesn’t seem to have much influence on my life (and I don’t have many Pisces stellium people in my family or close circles either). Maybe it’s a break for me? Which would be nice after these last few years!

    1. Thank you. You are very welcome to the Taurus Weather event with Deborah Houlding and Alicia Fulton, next.

      Well, you have a huge Scorpio (finance and property stellium) in your Eighth House of shared banking or assets. Saturn in Pisces will trine that or create strong, supportive patterns for you. You also have Taurus factors in your Second House of personal income. Here, Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024 will help you save or make money. This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?

      This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.

      So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.

      There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.

      Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.

      It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?

      This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
      This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.

      I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).

      You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.

  137. Hi and Happy New Moon in Pisces ..! ♓
    Of course you are absolutely right about being “who” we are (just literally heard the song “Who Are You?” by The Who in my head, as I wrote that!) in such an intense and yet, mostly anonymous space – and this is most certainly my most favourite space to be personal in!
    But I guess as the song (literally just! popped into my head) by The Who asks, I didn’t know who I was – or rather, in relation to The World at large. I don’t feel I am an expert at anything, rather a student novice at everything, and people need something to “hang their coat and hat on” about you, don’t they, when you get into a community space? I don’t know, but thank you so much for creating this platform, Jessica – and I so wish I could discuss astrology (and all the spiritual traditions) over a cup of tea and chocolate. Thanks for bearing with me while I find my Aries courage again – Paulina.

    1. Thank you Paulina. Aries will bounce back with Jupiter in Aries, especially with the Sun there too, from late March to late April.

    1. Thank you so much, I will take a look. Just putting the kettle on and going through your comment.

  138. Hello Jessica – life has descended into horrible disarray since 2008, and I feel like I am and have been spinning out of control. I have to make decisions on work (whether to get a job or focus on my investing), and address the lack of intimacy with everyone in my home. I feel adrift, deeply sad, and for the first time in my life, without purpose. How will this Pisces weather beginning in March affect my life? Can I put things right? Thank you Jessica.

    1. 2008-2023 is a long time to be in horrible disarray. This sounds like you are living with depression. A good first port of call is The Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue. You are not alone and you can be helped. You have a Virgo stellium. Virgo rules the Sixth House of mental and physical health. Depression and anxiety are the common colds of mental health. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. So begin with the various options for depression. Deep sadness is a symptom. Some people do well, walking in a group. Others do well with yoga. Some benefit from hypnosis. You have stelliums in Pisces, Virgo and Gemini (three mutable signs) and so live in your head. Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. Cognitive therapy may help you; keeping a diary. Certainly writing it down, and using a diary or journal as your own self-help. Best of all, a professional can assist you. Not everyone can afford the time and money, though, but start giving yourself a break, every day. Try the free sample audio hypnosis of Dr. Paul McKenna, Glenn Harrold or the distance healing of Matthew Manning. Do it daily. Walking has proven itself in repeated studies. You can do this today. Start small. Break the pattern. On a larger scale, when Jupiter goes into Taurus from May 2023 and trines your Virgo stellium and is sextile your Pisces stellium, you will have huge opportunities to turn your mental health around. Jupiter will bring the right people, organisations or options you need on a grand scale. That is also when you need to look at your investments. You need to get a job, by the way. You absolutely need to work at something that is rewarding, absorbing, important and regular. You can be paid or not, but get thee to a role and a goal. A tip: divide a sheet of paper into two. On one side write down what you can afford the world. On the other, write down what you want and need from work. Read it aloud and ask your spirit guides to assist. When you see an obvious sign, take it.

  139. Hi Jessica !!
    My moon sign in Pisces and I have Stelliums in Pisces, Aries, Libra , Virgo and Cancer Neptune is also in Pisces
    Could you please help in understand,
    how this cycle will impact me


    1. Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces will go through your Twelfth House, Saini, so you are going to structure, manage and rethink what was so confusing and confused for 12 years. I am talking about Neptune in Pisces transiting your Twelfth House, as you have been muddled about religion, spirituality, therapy, self-help, dreams, psychics, Tarot, astrology, hypnosis and so on. You have spent a long time alone with your computer or phone if you are typical of Pisces stellium people on this cycle but as surfing the net is so chaotic, may have found life escapist (Neptune rules escapism) but also rather random. Chaotic, even. All this flotsam and jetsam we call the Worldwide Web will be sorted out for you from March 7th. We don’t know why. I can tell you what is happening in astrology as an example. What we call astrology has become a broad church since 2011 and there are over 30 house systems to consult; likely as many techniques; fake astrologers who don’t know what they’re talking about – and public rows over house systems too. Now, for the first time, the very origins of astrology will be uncovered as artificial intelligence decodes ancient texts from Babylon in cuneiform. We are going to see barriers, obstacles and very high walls and gates in what used to be ‘anything goes’ as a result of our new understanding as astrologers. I think our profession may also undergo a thorough shake-up, which it desperately needs. So you see Saini, as a strongly Pisces person, your inner world and inner life is about to become far more structured!

  140. On November 25, 2022, my whole life changed dramatically due to a sudden illness. Because of my work and relationships in the family – the relationship with my sister, which affects my parents. I would like to change my current life, both professional and private. Can you advise me please?

    1. On November 25th 2022 your natal opposition from Vesta at 12 Gemini in the Third House of sisters, to Mars at 12 Sagittarius in the Ninth House, was triggered. This pattern had not happened for around 18 years and involved the transiting North Node at 13 Taurus and South Node at 13 Scorpio, alongside transiting Mercury at 12 Sagittarius. So your chart was spun like a wheel and your life changed in many different areas at once. If you want to change everything, then start with your opposition. Look up Vesta and Mars, understand the conflict within yourself about your sister and any time you find yourself competing with her (or any other female) for male approval, be sure to understand the man in the situation (possibly your father) is manipulating both/all of you in order to have the upper hand. Vesta is notorious for this and women fall for it every time. It has just happened to a friend of mine dragged into an international drama by a man who is playing his ‘harem’ of followers against her. Very dodgy. The solution is sometimes so fast it seems miraculous; you join sides with the women, or women. Vesta stops operating. To be happy in life, live out your stelliums. You are a Sun Gemini with stelliums in Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius. You have a free copy of Modern Astrology 2050 which will explain these to you. Do your Aries stellium now through May; you are in the luckiest relaunch cycle in 12 years for your title, appearance and reputation. Make the most of it. You will then go to Jupiter in Gemini in your Third House of sisters, but also the internet/languages/media/publishing/education from May 2024 and is there are still any issues with siblings, you can fix them. You should also start a digital or paper project or course then, no later than June 2025, as it will change your life for all the right reasons from July 2025.

  141. Hi dear Jessica & team, just me here again to say how much I marvel at the sheer work you undertake for us, Jessica; in individually replying to as many of our comments as possible, AND writing incredibly researched, in-depth astrology articles (with ancient history refs!), AND organising/holding podcasts, AND posting horoscopes/general astrology information AS WELL (and I am not on social media, but I occasionally peek on your Twitter account from web-browser/non-member status, and you also keep that full of great links/re-tweets/commentary!)
    So, take it from me – thank you, thank you, and thank you!! I glean so much helpful information from the comments alone, let alone anything else, so bear with me if I take a while catching up (just got back from my 3 monthly iron (Mars..?) transfusions – Pisces season seems to be all about activating my Virgo health check-ups, through opposition, for some reason..!??)
    I so look forward to the structuring of Piscean Saturn, and also (re)sourcing my First House visage avec la soleil. Keep up the beautiful work – but please, also rest… XOO
    (Also no pressure to reply to this – just had to say thank you! <3 <3)

  142. Hi dear Jessica & team, just me here again to say how much I marvel at the sheer work you undertake for us, Jessica; in individually replying to as many of our comments as possible, AND writing incredibly researched, in-depth astrology articles (with ancient history refs!), AND organising/holding podcasts, AND posting horoscopes/general astrology information AS WELL (and I am not on social media, but I occasionally peek on your Twitter account from web-browser/non-member status, and you also keep that full of great links/re-tweets/commentary!)
    So, take it from me – thank you, thank you, and thank you!! I glean so much helpful information from the comments alone, let alone anything else, so bear with me if I take a while catching up (just got back from my 3 monthly iron (Mars..?) transfusions – Pisces season seems to be all about activating my Virgo health check-ups, through opposition, for some reason..!??)
    I so look forward to the structuring of Piscean Saturn, and also (re)sourcing my First House visage avec la soleil.
    Thanks again, Jessica (& team). xx

    1. Thank you so much. I will pass that on to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin. Yes, the Saturn ingress in Pisces will trigger health as the number one priority, from March 8th, as he slowly opposes your Virgo factors in the Sixth House. You also have Venus in Pisces at the moment, also in opposition, as February rolls on.

  143. Hope this is the correct place to put this question..this is new to me…

    Hello Jessica, I wanted to ask a question, 20 of November is my birthday and I am having terrible anxiety. This is not normal for me it started last Wednesday, could this be linked to whats going on with Pisces? And how long will it take for me to feel normal again.

    1. I am really sorry you have anxiety symptoms. Many of my readers find the books and recordings of Dr. Claire Weekes cures the anxiety. Have a look on GoodReads, YouTube, Amazon and so on, to see the testimonials and then see if you can try online, or borrow a library book. Anxiety is Saturn, and he is in fact entering Pisces on March 8th. The anxiety comes from not being able to get into a situation, or not being able to get out of it. Yet, anxiety is just a physical symptom, like any other, and is really your parasympathetic nervous system at work. If Dr. Weekes is not for you, readers also get huge benefits from Glenn Harrold. I believe he’s free to try online at YouTube. It’s a good idea to train yourself with methods/techniques that help you float past anxiety as they will be with you for life and always serve you, helping you feel completely secure.

  144. Hello Jessica, Thank You for the Zoom event. I thought I had summited a question but don’t see it. I got Eight of Wands on my card pick..I also wanted to know what will this Pluto in Aquarius bring me?
    Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. You can find out more about the Eight of Wands in Pamela’s Tarot, the flipbook which is free to you. Partnerships are the biggest story of 2023, 2024, as you have a huge Libra stellium in the Seventh House of duets and double acts. Pluto will slowly start to trine that, and the South Node will be in Libra from July 2023. So, life as it was 18-19 years prior will begin to affect you and by 2024 you will realise one partnership situation harks back to karma from that time. You owe, or are owed, and there will be karmic settlement.

  145. Good morning Jessica! The last 6 months have been difficult for me on a number of levels – my marriage, work & health. Feeling exhausted by it all & seriously thinking about retirement. Maybe March is a good time to make this change? I feel like something needs to happen in my life to make it better. I have been looking to astrology & tarot for answers, hoping it will become clear to me as to what I should do in regard to retirement. we are financially OK. Are you able to check my chart & provide any insights? thanks for all you do, it is so appreciated.

    1. You have Pluto at 24 Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. In astrology we do not separate them. You need a lot of energy to do really well at the job you enjoy and so need ‘what works for me’ to power your career. If you don’t particularly like your work, then your body may sometimes intervene by offering up reasons to quit or go part-time. That is happening to you now. You have transiting Neptune at 24 Pisces right opposite Pluto (transiting Neptune in opposition to natal Pluto) and that is notorious in astrology for challenging your usual control, power and command of both your health and your career. The good news is, Jupiter moves to 24 Taurus in May 2024 alongside Uranus at 24 Taurus, so that is a revolution and an opportunity as never before. Of course you can quit before then, but May 2024 is an historic line-up to benefit you. Transiting Jupiter and transiting Uranus trine natal Pluto. Empowering. Transformative. The Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle will likely back that up.

  146. Hello Jessica,
    Could I find out which tarot cards you drew for Virgo and Aquarius for Saturn and Neptune in Pisces? Also, thanks so much for a recent reply that has made a world of difference. I wish you all the very best during these transits.

  147. Hi Jessica,
    I am a Pisces born in the 12th house with Aries rising and a stellium in Aries. It feels like a conflict between the 12th and 1st, Pisces and Aries. Two forces pulling into two directions. I am changing in my physical appearance for a fresh look, and I am looking into new handles/names for my social media. On the other hand, Pisces in the 12th makes (with Neptune, my planet) me get deeper into astrology and intuitive studies. Will it be a new career for me? Will all these transits and changes be aligned or not? Tarot card I picked: 8 of Wands.
    Thank you,

    1. Correct. You are managing your chart exactly. Aries is the relaunch of title, appearance, reputation and Pisces is the inner self which makes the exterior changes more authentic and soul-satisfying. It’s rather like becoming a priest; you gain a new wardrobe and title, but there is no point unless you actually became a Roman Catholic on the inside! Your Eight of Wands card is explained in Pamela’s Tarot, free to you on this website, Thei.

  148. HI Jessica – thanks again to you, Alicia, and Deborah for a fantastic webinar last weekend. Thanks to Deborah, I realized my Aries and Pisces stelliums are probably the reason why I identify so strongly with the phrase “life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think.” If its not too late, I pulled the Four of Cups as my tarot card this week. Why my post is late and if this context is useful – my ADHD, anxiety, and depression have been horrible over the last week, and I got into a massive, likely friendship ending fight earlier this week with my lover (3/13/69, Joburg, birth time unknown) when he decided to try “tough love” on me especially as his daughter has more severe mental health issues than I do. I was so upset with (what felt like) his lack of empathy and weaponization of my vulnerabilities that I said something very unkind in return. Would appreciate any insights you have on the card I pulled. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Ah, thanks. I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. We’re now over 400 comments here so the session resonated with a lot of people. The Four of Cups is the card you pulled to ask about the impact of Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces, both in your Twelfth House of inner life and the mind – the soul, spirit, psyche and subconscious. If you look at the figure in the card (yourself) you will see s/he is floating in a yoga pose. Do you do yoga? Perhaps you would gain from looking at grounding poses, or yoga which connects your base chakra to the earth. Yoga of course has been well documented in terms of its impact on depression and other mental health issues. I am very sorry you are in a stoush with your lover, over his daughter. The Tarot is chatting to you about March 2023 through February 2026 as a whole, but this is really about your Pisces stellium under transit right now. The Sun is turning its spotlight on your subconscious mind – the part of you which exists outside sleep, outside normal life – we could also call it the astral body or etheric/light body. So yoga or just grounding is one clue. There is nothing wrong with the relationships on offer. You are not satisfied with them, because you are not in the right frame of mind to richly appreciate anybody – the issue is with how you are on the inside, not the lack of ‘solid gold’ and ‘deeply fulfilling’ people around you. One is hypothetical – it’s hovering – you’re not interested. The other three include your lover and two other people. Go back to Pamela’s Tarot and walk yourself through it – it’s in your online library. You can see the tree there. The family tree, and your roots, are a big clue. Have a look at that. The good news is, this is all something that can be fixed. It can be turned around.

  149. Dear Jessica .. thank you as always for your time and work that you do ..As a Sun Pisces I am feeling the Pisces / Neptune weather and the 9 of wands was the appropriate tarot card. As March 7 and 8 get closer, it does seem to get harder to stay focused. March 7 is my Moms birthday, she will be 85. March 8 is my birthday and I will be 59. I am leaving my Saturn return in Aquarius and entering my solar return of all that is Pisces and Neptune.. every time I think I make some headway, I feel stuck concerns right now are the health of my parents – most immediate one this week has been my Dad – Virgo .. will also be 85 Aug 26, who was in hospital and just released, and by extension the health of Mom and myself and my partner …feeling stretched. I also have financial concerns , as my partner is out of work ( Jan 21 ), and at 58 yrs of age concerned of employment. Our finances are stretched and a home needs repairs. I feel like I am always at odds with home and job ( cancer /Capricorn) and can never serve either one appropriately, and as I get older it is getting harder. And I feel like that many opportunities that would be available to improve one area, and take advantage of another area ( like Jupiter in Aires, are countered by circumstances ( minor example – cancelling hair cut and dental appointment to pick up Dad from hospital , obviously Dad is more important. Broader example..taking advantage of or missing out on work opportunities while working on hybrid in office/ remote from home schedule. I thought I previously read that my Capricorn stelliums put a damper on certain Aires characteristics-which rings true for me. There are many questions , but what do you see / any guidance for me going into this season.. health /home/ job/ finance.. many thanks as always.. and all the best to you .. Donna

    1. There is a lot going on here, isn’t there, Donna. You drew the Nine of Wands to reflect Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces, March 2023 to February 2026. I will run the full forecast at the end of this message. You will experience Saturn semi-sextile your Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. Lower the stakes now, between yourself and the group. You may all be together dealing with one person, or you may be that person who feels on the outside. Minimise the issues and shrink the outcome. Ask the Tarot “How can I avoid this?” closer to the time when it is really obvious what is unfolding. So that’s out of the way. Your parents’ health is an issue as they wind down, which we all do of course. This is about that long period when you all have to sort out the financial side of things with each other; their legacy to you and each other; your legacy to the next generation. The spiritual reason why it takes time, is because these things take a very long time to process and absorb so we really go through them, as we are meant to. This process for you begins in July 2023 with the arrival of the South Node in Libra in your solar Eighth House of inheritance – and that means on every level – spiritual, as well as practical. The cycle ends, 11th January 2025. You are a Sun Pisces with a stellium in Taurus and will save a lot of money in 2023-2024 or make it. Take the opportunities and solutions as they appear. May 2023 is very important in this regard. With your chart showing terrific Jupiter transits in both house systems I use for you, you really should not be worrying about stretched finances or home repairs. Again, you can nip in and use the Tarot to sort through specific issues, but astrologically, we’d expect you to be on the up – for whatever reason.

      A wounded, suspicious and annoyed (perhaps angry) man holds his wand (a symbol of communication) tightly to himself. Rods, wands or staves show what is on paper or online. Words. Sometimes images. This is a card of rejection, because he has rejected them, or they have rejected him. The planet Uranus is a symbol of rejection so you might look for it natally or by transit. I think we can all relate to the man with the headache. Haven’t we all been there, with a group of people? This can be peer group pressure or mob rule. It can also be the disenfranchised position of someone with former friends, or former allies, who finds himself in disagreement with them.
      This card turned up repeatedly during the Brexit Civil War 2016 to 2020, and in the same period, the Donald Trump Resistance. You can see why my readers frequently saw it appearing; these were times when people really did feel as if they were on the outside, and everybody else was against them. Polarised situations are often shown by polar opposites, so in astrology this is any opposition by transit, or natal opposition under transit. A Full Moon, with the Sun opposite the Moon, can often bring push to shove, in such a situation.

      This man has been hurt. He looks hurt. His head hurts – and the head is where the ideas begin and opinions are formed.

      Ironically the others in the group, or community, have remarkably similar thoughts to him. Those wands, rods or staves are rather similar. Wands are tree branches, symbols of paper mills, which in Pamela Colman Smith’s day, produced newspapers, posters and journals. Books and scripts. What is interesting about this card, compared to others in the same suit, is that it shows physical outcomes of cerebral differences. In so many other cards nothing really physically affects people; it is just ideas, or words, or views. Here, we have someone who is bandaged.

      This brings to mind words like ‘injured feelings’, and ‘head not heart’ and ‘losing my mind’ and the rest. I am sure some will come to mind – and that in itself is a phrase you might use with this card. Mind over matter. Aries rules the head, brain, and in fact the ram’s charge: head down, horns forward. You might look to Aries and perhaps Mars, which rules Aries, and the First House (appearances, reputation) too.

      Everything depends on this person putting strong emotions and wounds to one side and focussing on the ideas. Collectively those ideas could unite everybody and together, these people could build something good.

      As I’ve mentioned, there is a tremendous need for healing and recovery time here. You can see the pain and also the frustration on the main character’s face. This may be you, or another you recognise immediately.

      Resentment grows and festers. People quit the scene or split completely or they can hang around for years, feeling worse as time goes on.

      Someone has to speak up and speak out – and reach out – from the group. Then at least some kind of negotiation or peace agreement can be reached. Maybe even a reconciliation. This card is Winston Churchill in The Wilderness Years with the Conservative Party in Great Britain, as I’ve said and long after they had lent their names to this Tarot deck, Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith saw it all. James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause is reminiscent of this card. The bruised outsider, cruising for an intellectual bruising, is an archetype seen here quite clearly. Yet, imagine what power there would be, should this person go back into the fold. And imagine how much more productive each individual (represented by an idea) would be, if they were to learn from this other person.

      What is interesting is that this card is so redolent of the internet itself. You have a face, or the protagonist has a face, but everyone else is faceless. These are just words. These are just a queue of laptop computers, filed sideways, or a stack of pamphlets. Look for Mercury-Mars patterns with this card, too. Mars-Mercury translates as ‘War of Words’.

  150. Thanks so much, Jessica. I figured out who the 3 of the 4 people are, and the 4th is actually possibly my current lover. I used to do yoga, fell in love with Pilates, then stopped with the pandemic. Time to get cracking! Thanks again.

  151. Thanks for your reply Jessica. You are amazing. I am feeling more hopeful last couple of days, all areas of my life seems to be improving. I am looking forward to May 2024 🙂

  152. Hi Jessica

    I have 8 factors in Virgo ( incl north node, Venus, mars, propseprina, Saturn (), mercury ) – also 3 factor in Picses.

    I know I need to be carful on my Health with the opposition – & I am not worried on legacies of my parents /don’t have a husband – since I need to be financially independent- will this have a negative impact on finding a job/work – I need steady income & would like a routine after having gone on sabbatical cause of burn out in 2020 ( currently consulting but not much income).

    Also I have struggled with depression & anxiety but feel I am now in a manageable state – would Saturn oppositions mean I am again more susceptible?

    Thanks in advance for your advice, you have no idea how bang on accurate & useful it always is – I have learned every word is carefully thought through & crafted !

    Love & Gratitude

    1. Thank you. It’s pretty common to deal with anxiety and depression if you are heavily Virgo, as Mercury (the mind) rules Virgo, and Virgo itself inhabits the Sixth House of physical and mental health and wellbeing. I am sorry you have been put through it. Work is also of course a Virgo matter, as is study and unpaid work. Your physical state decides the sort of work you can and cannot do, and of course the body and mind affect each other in a circle. At 0 through 28 of Virgo, you have key placements including Saturn and the North Node. This issue was there in your last life. The North Node shows a prior incarnation. So you have come back to do what you did not do, last time. It is not unusual for Virgo North Node/Pisces South Node people to have been in domestic service, or in the army, navy or air force (service, again, which Virgo rules). The only thing that could get you out of that, once upon a time, was being ill on any level. Unfit for duty. The broad meaning of Pisces-Virgo is being very good at your work; enjoying your work; finding a lifestyle which empowers that work, by making you ‘peak performance’. That has to be sorted out individually as you are unique. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for energy, say, as some people thrive on a raw vegan diet and others feel tired with it. Some people respond well to anti-depressants and others find they don’t work. All of this will be brought to your attention as transiting Saturn opposes natal Virgo placements (transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Saturn is one example) and we also have the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo transit from January 12th 2025 until July 27th 2026. So your own nodes are picked up for most of the time you also have the Saturn transit. There has to be a different way of doing things, and a different way of juggling work-life balance. The oppositions are the challenge to change. You will be greatly helped in this by transiting Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024, which will trine your Virgo factors in the Sixth House. The key to Virgo stelliums is remembering that if you dislike your work, you need to find a way to change that, or leave it behind. There are always ways, but they take time and trouble. That’s okay. Astrology is ancient, as we all know. The archetype of Virgo is the young, unmarried, virgin in the household who had to earn her keep. She was the cook, cleaner, carer and so on for the family. One way out was to become a nun. That’s another Virgo archetype: the Bride of Christ. Another way out was to become a chronic invalid. These ideas are centuries old. In modern life, we have choices those women would only have dreamed of, in terms of rethinking the way we live and work.

  153. Jessica – I had posted a question on 18 February but it is still awaiting moderation. I was wondering if there is anymore information I can provide. Feeling like I am at major life crossroads and would like some clarity.

    By the way I pulled the Empress card during the session. I am hoping that means well for the business I just started a few months ago. Thank you so much!

    1. You pulled The Empress card in response to your question “How will Saturn and Neptune in Pisces affect me until February 2026?” You have a stellium in Cancer, the sign which rules the house and garden, or apartment and local environment. Saturn will trine your Cancer stellium slowly but surely, and has nothing to do with business (unless you run a hotel or Air BnB) but everything to do with your property, surroundings, Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Cancer also rules ‘earth mothers’ and women who luxuriate in their own space, but also enjoy the countryside surroundings. This is a terrific card to see. Enjoy your Cancer stellium.

  154. Thank you so much Jessica. Your insights are always appreciated, and most helpful. Kindest regards, Donna.

  155. My business is related to cooking and the younger generation, so maternal themes related to Cancer. Thanks for your insight!

  156. Hi Jessica, thank you for your Pisces weather blog its extremely interesting your astrological knowledge is very inspiring. I was born with 5 plants plus the north node in my 12th house, and currently have a stellium in the 7th house coming up early March. My birth time is 5:09am not 5:16am. I have tried to fixed it but to no avail. Could you let me know what is instore for me ? I have been single for many years, by choice, embarking on a path of self development, hardcore meditation plus a myriad of other spiritual activities. I feel I am now ready for a new chapter in my life, maybe a move, new job ? a partner ? who knows ? Thanks Jessica

    1. Please do fix your birth time by enlisting Support – just click the button on this website. Let’s have a quick look at your chart. You are a Sun Libra woman, with stelliums in Scorpio, Virgo and Leo. The most important transit involves the South Node in Scorpio (now through July) The South Node is about karma from life as it was 18-19 years prior. So look back. Right now until July it is about sexual and financial relationships and past themes – or family and property/financial relationships – again, past themes. You owe, or are owed. It has to be settled, spiritually, and so it will be, by July. The transit of the South Node in Scorpio goes through your Eighth House for the first time in 18-19 years in order to bring you cyclical, repetitive, stuck situations which make you change on the inside. So it may be your mother and her legacy to you. It may be the memory of a date you had, who immediately make you think about your money or home. Have a look at your Scorpio stellium in Modern Astrology 2050, free to you as a member. That is where the work is and the results are by July.

  157. Hi Jessica,
    I have Pisces MC 0, Ops 28 and NorthNode 29, please advise and guide me please, thanks a ton for all the amazing articles.

    1. Thank you. Well you have a past life involving religion, that’s for sure. It also involved your health. You have come back to use what you learned last time. As the sick were traditionally cared for, by religious people, you may have been a carer. The North Node in Pisces is opposite the South Node in Virgo, so Pisces-Virgo is a big theme from March 2023 onwards, right through the 2025 cycle of the transiting North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo cycle, continuing to 2026. It’s a very good idea to update yourself on what you believe. Do you believe in God/gods or not? How conscious are you of your real feelings about work, unpaid work or academia and how content you are with serving other people and doing your duty? These things matter more on the cycle you are about to enter. If you are not reconciled with your job and housework, for example, it may be that your body produces a reason to have time off, or even quit. So the more sharply aware you are of these questions, the better.

  158. Thank you, everything you say is relevant to my situation and to choices I feel I’ll have to finally make during 2023-26. I hope this time around that Saturn on my Sun will feel more constructive and less daunting than last time! I hope Saturn will bring semi-permeable boundaries on the Neptune stuff, but not limit creativity.

  159. Thank you so much Jessica I appreciate you taking the time to look at my chart, sounds like life is about to get interesting . . thanks again.

  160. Hi Jessica, your insights and blog posts are always so interesting. I have the following in Pisces: Diana at 5 degrees, my IC at 6, and Vesta at 23. I am looking forward to the big planetary shifts happening in March and as a Gemini you say that Saturn moving out of Aquarius will lift restrictions regarding foreign people/places. In 2021 a person who committed crimes against me (and charged by police) fled to a foreign country and no one knows where he is. Will the Saturn and Pluto changes transform this situation? Many thanks again for all the work you do.

    1. In 2021 a man you had arrested, charged by police, fled abroad and has vanished. Will he turn up? You are a Sun Gemini with stelliums in Gemini and Aries. In 2021 you had the South Node in Sagittarius in your Seventh House of enemies, opponents and the scales of justice. That’s purely in your public Gemini chart. Well, see if you can recall October 2001 to April 2003, as that was the previous South Node in Sagittarius cycle. Putting the search to one side, for the moment, a recognisable theme from 2001-2003 should be there with what happened to you in 2021. That may help you decode the situation a little more. It would have involved quite a different person, of course, but he/she would have been a Seventh House story or chapter: boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, wife, professional partner – or a person against you, perhaps in a legal matter. The key question about the Aquarius transits in your solar chart is: would he qualify as foreign to you? Has he emigrated, and thus become a foreigner, in terms of citizenship? If so, then the final week of March will increase the stakes. Think very carefully about pursuing him as Pluto is there for 20 years and you may not want to put your precious time and energy into him, or this. If he does not qualify as foreign in any sense, then this transit will not be about him at all. Going back to the Seventh House, though, as the original problem appeared with the South Node in Sagittarius, you would be waiting for another slow-moving cycle in Sagittarius for him to re-emerge. That takes yonks. I’m going to focus you on something quite different. You have a great internet, publishing or educational idea or course showing up in 2024, and it would be exhilarating and life-changing from 2026, for years into the future. So get thee to a notepad and pencil.

  161. Hi Jessica, I found your site last year and have learned so much. Thank you. In true Piscean fashion (March 8, 1957), I have pursued/practiced the Tarot, psychic mediumship, astrology, energy work, et al from a very young age. Learning that I have stelliums in Pisces, Leo, and Libra, with a Gemini moon and Libra ascendant, I’m wondering what I can look forward to at this stage of my life, and what I’d do well to steer away from, especially in regards to our home, finances, and a possible new career for me as a childrens’ author of rhyming stories. (They have been deemed “very good” by 2 childrens’ book editors, but does that make it a “calling”?)
    After living in our house for almost 18 years, for the 1st time in my life I’m finally feeling a genuine sense of “home”. (The “search” has been a long and often painful one that had less to do with the house and more to do with the heart.) Unfortunately this old house is in desperate need of a very expensive rehab that has already waited too long. Of course. Still, it’s probably cheaper to stay and fix it right now than to sell and buy someplace in better repair. Yet my husband Dennis (March 31, 1952, 3:35 PM, Boston, MA) and I are newly retired. We should be okay financially but I worry that we are just investing in a money pit?? Damned if you do, am I right? My empty 4th House of Cancer makes great sense, on so many levels, now!
    In terms of my stories, writing is hardly a passion for me. (The medial arts will always be my true love!) But is it in my chart that I should, in fact, be pursuing it just the same? For reasons I’ve yet to figure out? The sheer joy of writing? (More like some of the hardest work I’ve ever done!) A karmic bill come due? The kids?! If so, then “As above,so below”, and I will find my pencil and journal and get to it.
    Thank you again, Jessica. Everytime I read your blog my hope is renewed that we’re all going to be okay. sk

    1. Thank you very much. You are using your Pisces stellium in the Twelfth House to explore the invisible world, over the course of your lifetime. You want to write childrens’ books, so the first step is an agent or independent publishing. You have until 2026 and should be open to what/who comes from May 2023 to May 2024 which is a rare period of expansion, good luck and growth with the internet, media, podcasts and so on. Uranus in Taurus will deliver the last thing you expected as a writer or broadcaster; Jupiter in Taurus will supply the good fortune. Your Leo stellium in the Fifth House of children’s entertainment, leadership and education will receive a terrific sextile from Jupiter in Gemini, 2024-2025, so the story rolls on.

  162. Jessica, I am so thankful for you and your work. I am learning to have a respectful relationship with the divining arts, especially the Tarot. Saturn’s upcoming ingress into Pisces will oppose my natal Saturn in Virgo. I have been conscious of your warnings about the possibility of a worsening of the covid epidemic or similar, especially in March. I made significant changes to my health routines in 2020 and have stuck with a now-much enjoyed workout routine. So I asked the tarot tonight what the Saturn opposition had in store for me and I drew the card Strength. To read your interpretation of it as the Virgo card of the six house of health has rendered me deeply humbled by the accuracy of the question vs the response. Truly again, thank you for all you do.

    1. Thank you very much. The Strength card is pure Virgo – healing or being healed. Your Saturn opposition from Pisces to your natal Saturn in Virgo will see a major episode (Strength is the Major Arcana in Tarot) where you set aside who or what intimidates you, or confronts you, to offer help, better health and healing. If you happen to need some repair work done on this transit, on whatever level, there will be a commitment involved (to your healer) and a serious exchange of trust. This is in keeping with Saturn which is always rather heavy and serious.

  163. Hi Jessica,

    I am an avid follower, and find astrology just so fascinating (I too have been glued to the H&M saga)
    I am feeling rather apprehensive at what’s ahead. I’m a Sun Virgo plus a major stellium in Virgo – Venus, Pluto, Apollo, Diana, Ops, North Node . . . I feel like the proverbial rabbit in the spot light!
    And I’ve just been listening to your weekly Astrology Show and realise the full moon this week is a degree off my north./south nodes . . . aghhhhh ……any tips ??

    Kind regards

    1. MM, thank you. You have the North Node at 15 Virgo in a conjunction with Apollo at 15 Virgo, so you are a natural leader, influential person and inspirational figure in your field of paid work, unpaid work or academia. You have done this before in your last incarnation. Virgo is about service and duty, so you may have been (say) an army captain or a butler running a large household. Apollo was often imitated in Rome, and looked up to as a kind of wunderkind and Renaissance Man, all at the same time. The North Node moves backwards through the zodiac and is always about your last past life. The Full Moon touches on this, so there is an inner conflict about salaried employment, voluntary efforts or study. As a rule of thumb, allow time and space: if you can make choices at any time, you might rather make them later, instead of sooner.

  164. Hi Jessica,

    First, excellent on the podcast. I am so happy that you have decided to join the podcast family. Anything you touch will definitely turn into gold. You never have to think about whether should I or Should I not? Just Go for it. As you have found your life calling and purpose and the rest will just follow.
    Jessica, my life keeps falling apart. I honestly hoped to be in March now things would start to change but it does not look like it. Money was, career wise. I have nothing left anymore. please look at my chart and give me some good advise. as i do not now how long my health is going to last.
    sending you lost of love.

    1. Thank you so much. Let’s see what is going on in your public and private chart at the same time. This is an unusual map. You were born at 00.00 hours with the Sun at 0 Cancer. You have stelliums in Aquarius and Gemini, which is important, but first things first. Saturn just moved to 0 Pisces. Pluto is pending a move to 0 Aquarius on March 23rd. You have Minerva at 0 Leo in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. When you say things are falling apart and you have nothing left, that is not so unusual. This month is the beginning of the end of the old life and the start of something very, very new. So the baggage goes. Saturn trine your natal Sun brings you back to your house, apartment, family, household, town, country. This is how you shine – how you should shine – how you can be at your brilliant best. Pluto will later on form a quincunx around March 23rd and following, so by June 2023 you will redefine what it means to belong to your particular tribe or clan and rethink what it means to belong to a place. This is central to everything else. Sort that out and the rest follows. If you feel stuck, write down what you want and need from your home and your extended family. Read it aloud and ask your relatives in spirit to help you. When you get an obvious sign follow it. Minerva in Leo is aspected by Saturn and Pluto too. I am beginning to wonder if you have children or teenagers in the frame here, either as offspring or at a distance (as a godmother or aunt, say). Minerva is your wisdom, cleverness and female intelligence. The wise old owl of womanhood. You will be quite sure of what to do, here. In fact, the chart suggests the family and the younger generation join the dots for you. I mentioned your Aquarius and Gemini stelliums. Rejoin the group or join the group, from late March, and recognise the power you can bring to their own ideas about shared or collective achievement. You were born to do this. You will be delighted by a project, course or plan which takes off in 2024 with Jupiter in Gemini, likely online, and changes your life from 2026. I know you feel you are at the end of things, but you actually are – that’s what the zero degree is.

  165. Hi Jessica, Your evaluation above for sun libras here is spot on for me, I have recently been using hypnosis for my health. Thank you. I wondered how you see this transit affecting the north node, as mine is in Pisces. Would this be a good time to start my Shamanic practice? (I really want to work with Mothers and their children, especially teens)

    1. Thanks so much for validating the astrology. Your North Node in Pisces in the Twelfth House of hypnosis suggests you have done this before, either as a hypnotist or long-term subject. Your South Node in Virgo, opposite, is in the Sixth House of health, wellbeing and healing. You are a Sun Libra woman, with stelliums in Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio. Your ambitions will change from the final week of March, as Pluto leaves Capricorn after 15 long years in your Tenth House of success, achievement, status and your highest goals. Conditions will shift around you, enabling you to take a different approach, likely outside ‘the system’ or the establishment which was there before, either with hypnosis or quite another profession of yours. So you may want to wait for the last week to test the water and see how you feel about the details. Libra is of course about professional partnership. Were you considering that? It might consider you, after July 2023, when the South Node enters Libra and your Seventh House of double acts. Children and teenagers are a Fifth House matter and again, you may want to wait for the final week of March to make up your mind, as Pluto enters your solar Fifth House for the first time in your adult life and power is in the room. From that point until June you will realise exactly what could unfold, not just in 2023, but for years into the future. Take your time with it. Have someone else check over the agreements too, as long-term Pluto will oppose your Leo (natal Fifth House) placements and you don’t need complications with, say, a parent – or a teenager. I’m sure you would sort this out anyway but keep on updating and checking with a legal advisor as you go. It’s a long transit.

  166. Hi Jessica,
    My second saturn return starts today – gulp – how long will it last? Would love your thoughts?
    I look back to 93/94 and remember just wanting to run run run away.
    I did make some of my still closest friends around this time from that running.
    I also had an abortion – I have long regretted.

    1. The Saturn Return is famous, even to non-astrologers, and it is the Ascendant, Descendant, Juno aspects to your Saturn (at 0 Pisces) which challenged you last time. Whenever you get a Saturn Return triggering not just Saturn, but other horoscope factors tied in, it tends to be a complex story. That does not mean, and will not mean, it is a replay of 1993-1994 for you. Saturn at 0 Pisces in the Twelfth House of religion, spirituality, therapy, self-help, psychics, hypnosis, meditation and so on, suggests that even as a small child you were stuck with a situation, either unable to get out, or denied access, getting in. This is quite common with children who are born into a family with religious parents or grandparents, godparents and so on. They have no choice in the matter, but are Christened/Baptised (for example) and then perhaps sent to a religious school. There are variations on this theme, but every Saturn in Pisces/Twelfth House person grows up with a particular image of God, or may reject God – actually. We associate the soul, spirit and psyche with Saturn in Pisces and also the subconscious mind. It is relevant with mediumship, but also with the inner universe of the quantum scientist who trusts in the multiverse, not God at all. Last time this general theme in your chart was triggered, you had the classic experience of being barricaded, made to wait, stuck, rather weighed down by multiple gates/walls/fences – regarding your invisible inner life. It pulled in other parts of your chart, and thus other parts of your life too – and yourself. The abortion was your Descendant at 0 Cancer, in a trine with transiting Saturn. Your partner is your Descendant or DC. Cancer is motherhood. He was the wrong man for the job. It was, in fact, all about him being an unsuitable ‘mother’ and you would have needed that. Now, Saturn comes back and trines the original DC placement in your chart so there will be reminders. Rather like an old film remade by a different director with a different cast and crew. Ask the Tarot more about what happened to you and see what comes to you; there will be answers in the card. One of the nice things about 2023 is that Jupiter goes to 0 Taurus in May and will sextile your natal Saturn but also pick up those other patterns. Expect people, organisations or situations which are larger than life, benevolent, good for you, rather rare and somewhat blessed. That’s really going to help you.

  167. Hi Jessica, I have pisces stellium and psyche in Aquarius. What can it mean..
    Thanks, Jaana

    1. By now you would have picked up your copy of Modern Astrology 2050, Jaana, which was free to Premium Members for several weeks. In there you will find the Pisces stellium. Psyche in Aquarius? The friendships and group project that outlives you. It lasts forever. It may be online.

  168. Hi Jessica,

    Today my membership renewed and i realised I hadn’t been on your website in weeks which is so abnormal!
    I am a Pisces Sun/ Mercury and this full moon and Saturn transit has me in a choke hold. My partner and I are trying to find a house to buy with no luck, our current rental is going up for auction, my calendar is full and feels like I haven’t had time to scratch myself lately… I am hopeful relief is on the way or some form of good news… I am off to catch up on all your blogs i’ve missed!

    1. No worries. You went through the house purchase process on Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Fourth House of property. In plain English, that is backwards action since September 4th last year, and the loop ends on March 17th. So in about a week from now the stop-start, actually stops. That’s your Pisces chart. Good news. You have a huge Cancer stellium in your birth chart, also in the Fourth House of property, and having idled for so long, you now speed up, March 26th through May 20th. Lucky Jupiter moves into Taurus, into your Second House of cash flow and savings, from May 17th, and begins to form nice ‘flow’ sextiles with all your Cancer/Roof Over My Head/Shell On My Back patterns, not just from May, but until May 2024. So right time, right place, at last. I hope you and your partner get what you want and more.

  169. Hi Jessica
    Just read an article about how reachers in New York have discovered that rats can carry COVID 19. Apparently they were carrying Alpha, Delta and Omicron variants. They are not sure if they can transmit the Covid that they carry to humans but it immediately reminded me of the “Black Death”.
    Just thought it was interesting.

  170. Hi Jessica am curious about the predicted COVID crisis? It was written that this was going to be the worst month yet but halfway through and there’s no apparent indications of anything. I was delaying travel in anticipation of a crisis. Thanks for any clarification.

    1. Unfortunately Covid-19 cases are up 20% in Australia with new variants of the virus at 17th March 2023. The pandemic in India has now been joined to an epidemic of influenza which has led to Xi’an in China planning a lockdown should the flu hit. It arrived on the Full Moon as predicted and is thought to be the same flu strain as the 1968-1970 Hong Kong Flu which killed 1-4 million people.

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