Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Taurus New Moon Zoom – May 2023

The Taurus New Moon Zoom on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th May

Join me and host Alicia Fulton from The Astrology Show on Twitter, for a free New Moon Zoom on Friday 19th May and Saturday 20th May 2023 in London, Sydney or New York. Bring a notebook along and remember, we always break for a Tarot reading using my website at these sessions, so you can ask a personal question using the deck on my site – how will the Taurus New Moon affect you?

alicia fulton - Taurus New Moon Zoom - May 2023This is the luckiest New Moon of 2023, particularly if you have anything in Taurus in your birth chart.

If so, this will be about saving or making money for you. Yet, everyone can gain from this New Moon with the Sun at 28 Taurus and Moon at 28 Taurus.

Your personal horoscope may chime with this New Moon, or with Jupiter in Taurus in general.  Taurus is the sign which rules everything that is valuable, precious or priceless in your life. We’ll break for wine or tea on your appropriate time zone. Alicia (pictured) will be at Bondi Beach to welcome you online, with me in Hobart for these two sessions.

Join Free at Astrology and Tarot Meetups

If you are not already a member of Astrology and Tarot Meetups in New York, London or Sydney – then it’s free to join.

Just use your full name and a clear photograph of your face.  Here are the details for the New Moon Zoom, below. Just remember, you need to click on the Zoom link to register, ahead of time, then Zoom emails you a second link, to join. It’s two steps. Figure out your time zone within Australia or in New Zealand by using Time and Date or skip to the handy look-up guide at the end of this feature.

Australia – Friday 19th May @ 8pm AEST

Meetup Link

Zoom Link 

Time and Date

London – Friday 19th May @ 11am BST  (combined event with Australia event above)

Zoom Link

Meetup Link 

Time and Date

New York – Friday 19th May @ 8:30pm EDT

Zoom Link

Meetup Link

Time and Date

What To Expect From the Taurus New Moon Zoom

This is a big, big new beginning. It is like planting an acorn which you know has a fantastic chance of becoming a mighty oak. I’ll take questions in Live Chat during the Zoom, for those of you with anything at 28 degrees in your chart, so we can see how it is personally affecting you.

By all the laws of astrology, anything you begin which is brand new, on the New Moon at 28 Taurus, will reward you when Jupiter, the planet of breakthroughs, solutions, hope, growth and expansion, moves to 28 Taurus in May 2024. The exact dates for that are May 18th to 21st. Even if you don’t have factors at 28 Taurus, anything in Taurus in your birth chart at all will show solutions or big options.

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If You Have Taurus Factors

If you have Taurus factors in your Second House of finance, possessions, houses, land, apartments, investments, charity, business, shares – then you stand to gain between May 17th 2023 and May 25th 2024. You may inherit money. You may start small with a product and find it grows enormously, even by 2024.

You may find that an NFT investment pays off, for example. You may be offered something for nothing – a fantastic house-sitting opportunity or the use of a yacht. Maybe your government has a new budget in mind which will benefit you in lower taxes or allowances. You may inherit or win. It happens.

Bargains (the big kind of bargain) are also common on this cycle. You’ll have noticed that the world’s second-richest man, Elon Musk, is offering Twitter users the chance to charge followers for access to special events, coming off their accounts. That’s really good example of something for nothing on Jupiter in Taurus.

So, for example, if you are a great cook you can now offer your Twitter followers access to your best recipes. If you are a musician you can use your Twitter account to show people your new song, as part of a subscription. At last social media is paying you. 

Over the next 12 months, obvious at that New Moon on 19th May – we will see all kinds of good news about the world economy and about your own country’s economy too. In a moment I’ll look at the ‘forever’ brands which began on this cycle and how you can gain. People often make a simple mistake with Jupiter in Taurus. They launch a startup or kick off a business without thinking beyond the first 12 months. Jupiter in Taurus is about approximate 12-year cycles so you should be thinking about the years 2035 and 2036. Jupiter likes to grow.

Jupiter in Taurus Success Stories

Allow a day either side for world time zone changes, but these are the Jupiter in Taurus periods, previous to the one you are in now, starting in May 2023.

May 16th 1940 until May 26th 1941
April 28th 1952 until May 9th 1953
April 12th 1964 until April 22nd 1965
March 26th 1976 until August 23rd 1976
October 16th 1976 until April 3rd 1977
March 8th 1988 until July 22nd 1988
November 30th 1988 until March 11th 1989

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The Secret – Plan to Expand and Think Long-Term

The secret with Jupiter is to plan to expand and to think long-term, as I’ve mentioned. Jupiter comes back into Taurus every 12 years, so it’s wise to start with something that lets you think big, and allows you to embrace more from every angle. These are just a few of the brands or arrivals from previous Jupiter in Taurus cycles, below.

McDonalds (15th May 1940), Holiday Inn (1st August 1952), Television in Canada (6th September 1952), The Flower Pot Men (BBC TV) (December 15th 1952), the James Bond Books (13th April 1953), Pop-Tarts (September 14th 1964), The Addams Family (ABC TV) (September 18th 1964), Diet Pepsi (December 28th 1964) the Die Hard Series (July 15th 1988). These brands expanded into different territory or different mediums and grew.

Kentucky Fried Chicken was born with Jupiter in Taurus too, as were M&M’s and Cheerios breakfast cereal. Big, number one food brands come out of Jupiter in Taurus. Of course, it helps to have other great transits too, but in 2023 we have them. Uranus is in Taurus, which lends itself to new inventions. Here is another tip. Have an expanding menu with a vision to eventually offering vast, multiple choices. Would you like fries with that?

This old advertisement for McDonalds from various sources on Twitter (it has gone viral over the decades) shows you how you can begin with a hamburger and expand.

McDonalds has branched out into chicken and vegetarian burgers. Fish burgers – and ice-cream. Cafes. Drive-in collection. Free gifts for children. McDonalds has gone into Communist countries and it did so, for the first time, on its Jupiter in Taurus return.

Think roughly 12, 24, 36, 48 years into the future because that is how often Jupiter returns to Taurus. Ongoing growth. My favourite example of a Jupiter in Taurus winner is the thing you are looking at now. The Worldwide Web was launched with Jupiter in Taurus. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible to set goals, pick up good 2023-2024 timing secrets and start your success.




Images: Rawpixel

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Zoom Event – New Pisces Cycles 2025-2026

Join this unique Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out. Included are the exact dates of the Neptune ingress in Aries, Saturn ingress in Aries and North Node ingress in Aquarius.

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124 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica

    Thank you for the good news.

    I won’t be able to attend your online sessions about the may new moon so could I request the that my concern be addressed here in comments.

    I have Taurus factors at 23 and 26. Also I have vulcano in 28 Capricorn and Pluto passes over it this year which indicates a crossroads in career as well as a steely resolve to do well even as Pluto tends to dominate. However, I have been out of a job since march and I can only hope the Taurus new moon provides a respite. However, this is a 1 year period so is it possible to know from my chart any timeline that a new job seems feasible?

    Also you had mentioned in an earlier comment that I have some karma to settle with my parents from July 2023 until 2025 after which I should be able to buy my own apartment- again is it possible to know from my chart if there is a certainty and timeline when I will be able to buy my own place- this is especially pinching now that I don’t have a job as also that I don’t have the kind of savings to be able to buy an apartment.

    I’m really hoping some miracle happens and I’m willing to work hard for it. Hoping you can show some way.

    Thank you so much

    1. Thank you. You have the Sun in Cancer and stelliums in Cancer, Libra, Gemini and Scorpio.I am sorry you’ve had no job since March. You have been given opportunities to take paid work, study, or take unpaid work but you may have turned these down or ignored them. There is a window left until 16th May, four days away now, with Jupiter (solutions) in Aries in your solar Tenth House of career, academia and volunteering. In your personal chart, you obviously have Pluto moving to a conjunction with Vulcano which is always about a test of your willpower and self-control. This may be in the context of a new position or because you have to upskill. You will feel far more optimistic about life once Jupiter moves to Taurus on May 17th and slowly begins to form a sextile to your Cancer stellium (that is home and family). You should also feel life is easier after July when the lunar nodes leave Scorpio and Taurus and the big stretch financially is over. Long-term the most important thing about your chart is your Gemini stellium. You were born for digital. This takes off next year and will change your life from 2026.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you are having a wonderful week .
    It’s so great and reassuring to hear the good news from a professional Astrologer like YOU Jessica .

    May I please ask what it mean to me when I have Diana in Aries at 28 degrees ? Uranus in Scorpio at 27 degrees ( if that counted ) ?

    I have Apollo in Taurus at 9 degrees and my daughter A Leo has Jupiter in Scorpio at 9 degrees also .
    We are business partners .
    For what I have learned from you over the years , I want to launch our business Soon once Jupiter at 9 degrees in Taurus ( when it will be , please ? )
    I would love to hear your insight on our launch date Jessica ?
    In your website we got access to see the Currently Planetary position .
    Thank you so much for that Jessica , it’s very simple and helpful .
    Although where can I find out the Planets position in advance , I need to know when Jupiter exactly at 9 degrees for example , so I can make better plans .
    As you already know through your own predictions Jessica,
    I desperately need a financial revolution of a lifetime . I am so STUCK and so sick of the situation I am in – powerless !! Which is not who I am .
    I let Pluto take over me for years – to the point I lost my drive and confidence in ability to make cash like I used to .

    Thank YOU so much for your time Jessica . You are a great Astrologer .
    Wish you have a beautiful day .
    I hope to hear from you soon .

    1. Thank you. Diana at 28 Aries quincunx Uranus at 27 Scorpio is your need to be free, when it comes to your reputation, appearance and title. You are a feminist at heart who wants to be her own woman. This always brings in questions about marriage and mortgage; sharing an apartment with a lover; your parents’ finances or property and your situation. Every time this pattern in your chart is triggered there is always an upheaval (so for example you walk out of a relationship and have to move, or you have issues with your daughter, who is also your business partner). You and your daughter have an opposition or basic clash between your life budgets or values. So bear that in mind. Jupiter is involved so the pair of you usually gain, or at least you don’t lose financially, as Jupiter protects and helps. Yet – an opposition is a conflict or stretch. If you want to make money or save it, 9, 14 and 25 degrees of Taurus is the Jupiter position to use. So early July, August are good months to begin, end of September, November, restart in February and so on until May next year. Much of the challenge you are feeling ends in July when the lunar nodes leave Taurus-Scorpio and move off your own Taurus-Scorpio patterns.

  3. Hi Jessica
    Here in the United States. The Government needs to raise the Dept ceiling/ pay their bills. Otherwise, on June 1, 2023, everything from what I heard, will crash pensions/401Ks/stock market etc. Do you see the market crashing in the US?

    1. Nancy, I posted my prediction about Wall Street quite a long time ago – if you hit Search you will find it. Thank you.

  4. Looking forward to the event Jessica. Please consider what might be active in my chart. I see that I have NN 28º 59′ Taurus right in the line of fire.
    Looking forward to a breakthrough, that’s for sure. A court ruling that I’m tangentially linked to is due in the near future.

    Cheers and thank you.

    1. Thank you. Well, this is karmic in nature as you likely know, going back to your last incarnation, when you were very rich, or very poor. The New Moon at 28 Taurus will form a conjunction with your natal North Node at 28 Taurus and oppose your South Node at 28 Scorpio. This is a very useful and rare new beginning for you with the bank, your house or apartment, charity, valuables, shopping, sales and so on. It foreshadows a terrific moment when Jupiter is at 28 Taurus, May 18th to 21st 2024, when the seeds you plant at the New Moon grow into something special, by all the laws of astrology.

  5. Coming over here from Twitter! I have my Sun at 29 degrees of Pisces!
    Hoping the moon ushers something in because i have felt stagnant in all areas lately!

    1. Thank you for following me @jessicacadams as I rely on Twitter for real-time astrology. Your Sun at 29 Pisces will allow you to shine at your brilliant best with religion, Tarot, self-help, spirituality, mediumship, therapy, Buddhism, psychics or hypnosis. Use the New Moon at 28 Taurus, which is just one degree from a transiting sextile, to start something important. You could easily collect, 18th to 21st May 2024.

  6. Hi Jessica.I can’t join the Zoom Meeting due to poor reception. Hoping you can answer my question here please. l have Sun at 27° Aries.
    Jupiter 29° Pisces and Fortuna 29°Capricorn.
    What advice can you give me please.
    Thank you.
    love what you do for us.

    1. Thank you. Well, the New Moon has come and gone. So I hope you made a start with what was obviously a new beginning for you. It may have tied in with religion, Tarot, self-help, Buddhism, mediumship, hypnosis or counselling (Pisces) or be doing that, this weekend. Jupiter sextile Jupiter takes place in May 2024 with just those aspects of your life delivering.

  7. Hello Jessica, I hope you are doing great ahead of the new moon. Thank you very much for your insights. I also have North Node in Taurus at 28°29’ and my sun is Scorpio at 6°27’. Would it still mean a new beginning in relation to finances? As being a single person for a while now, I was actually rather expecting a new beginning in relationships since Jupiter is now in Taurus. Cheers <3

    1. Not sure why you’d expect a new sexual relationship with Jupiter in Taurus; Taurus is about money not partnerships. Your North Node at 28 Taurus and South Node at 28 Scorpio suggest a new beginning with your finances, house, apartment, charity, business and/or valuables. It’s off and running now so I hope you used it. If so, it will reward you in May 2024 when Jupiter goes to 28 Taurus, following the New Moon all those months later.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    Looking forward to the call! I recently moved to Hobart in April, we exchanged a question and answer on another post on the topic and you said I would start to really enjoy my new home as Jupiter moves into Taurus and lucky to have a Cancer stellium. I’m extremely happy here in Hobart so far. Although there was a cover up at the Eclipse (which I thought I had avoided) concerning the apartment I rented, sight unseen from Perth, in that the lady who owns leased to me knowing she would have to re-finance. (Also, incidentally a fellow Sun Gemini, they seem to be a theme for me). That refinance fell through, and the property is now being listed for sale. A big disappointment for me. However, I only signed an initial six-month lease, so this may not inconvenience me too much as the sale, either to an investor or unconditional sale, will take time. It is a bit of a pattern that seems to be following me for nearly 3 years with regards to home, property, leases etc. Would I be right that this is my Aries stellium playing up?

    Meanwhile, I saw your Twitter post about “if you have astrology factors at 27, 28, 29 degrees in any sign, push them on the New Moon and see what comes”. I have aspects at Moon in Sag 27, Neptune in Scorpio 28, Panacea in Aries 29, Salacia in Cap 29 degrees. Yay! I got busy yesterday and started to do a lot of research into each aspect. I’m gathering some very helpful information, a lot from your website. I have career and work opportunities the next few weeks, and that’s very important to me to be on the right path. I work in communications, PR, media, and have some background in non-profit. I will either work for a company here or start my own business. I do feel called more to doing what my soul wants this time around and incorporating my passions in food and experience. That seems to speak to my Moon. I got a haircut and a makeover this week for a work event, but have been re-thinking my wardrobe and a looser more sexy styles. Panacea in Aries perhaps? Neptune in Scorpio feels dreamy and right up my inner world alley of interest in developing my intuitive and psychic sensitivity, and creative potential. Your article on Neptune Astrology really spoke to me. And with Salacia in Capricorn, this would be about career and work and “success in two alternate realities, usually professionally, sometimes academically, or in the non-profit sector,” (from the website). So, this definitely seems to track.

    I would love some guidance as I set goals for this New Moon. Look forward to hearing more on the call. Best and thank you, LJ

    1. Thank you LJ and I hope you are enjoying life in Hobart through to summer too, when the city transforms. You saw what the eclipse did. You also have Mercury Retrograde until 1st June so that may explain what just happened. It’s not your Aries stellium, you are just going against the timing. You will be thrilled to have made the new start though as the New Moon at 28 Taurus does pick up your chart so you are on track professionally and with your relaunch. Everything seeded now grows to reward you in May 2024 when Jupiter goes to 28 Taurus and life takes off.

  9. Hi Jessica

    I cannot attend the Zoom event. Please can you draw cards for me and provide some prediction on my current situation.

    I am unemployed and need a home as I live in a tiny apartment that cannot accommodate my family.

    Is there perhaps a chance that you can respond as I know that you are very busy with so many readers needing guidance.

    Thank you in advance

    1. I am sorry you are between jobs and the apartment is too small. You can draw a card for yourself. Just follow the steps. And you have a free copy of Pamela’s Tarot to guide you. I’ve said this to you before, but you will have an opportunity to be in a bigger and better space with the family by May 2024 at the very latest. And the stuck situation with work ends from July.

  10. Hi Jessica I have my sun at 28 cancer and several factors at 26 degrees, including Chiron 26 Taurus, Proserpina 26 Leo, Vulcano 27 Cap, Cupido 26 Virgo. I am hoping there will be some opportunity to get on the property ladder and and new opportunity was work.

    I also have venus and scorpio at 1 degree and you mentioned on the zoom a transit at 0 degree. How will this add to the story.

    I drew 3 of swords for the jupiter transit and am concerned on what this may mean!

    Many Thanks

    1. Thank you. Jupiter in Taurus will oppose your Scorpio factors, which rule sexual relationships, and sometimes the family too. So this can be a marriage with a child. It can also be a marriage with adultery. You will know what the story is for yourself.

      Three can be very difficult when the heart is involved. A love triangle, usually, with two partners in a painful situation with a third person. Perhaps an ex who will not go away, a mistress, or a romantic rival.

      The perfect cure is in the extraction of all three swords, at once, to promote heart healing. This is the marriage of Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles with various third parties. Camilla Parker-Bowles was the most famous face in the painful saga, but of course Diana also had lovers.

      It is unusual for three people to all simultaneously resign from a painful situation for the human heart. Yet, if you are the questioner here, it is clearly you who is the third sword and you can act alone if you must. Perhaps, encourage at least another person to leave with you!

      Closer in time to 1909 when Pamela Colman Smith illustrated this card, Alice Keppel was the most famous mistress of King Edward VII.

      This card can also describe two parents and a child in a bad marriage. I have seen just that, with a father whose wife and daughter gang up on him.

      The trick, yes, is all three antagonists withdrawing their weapons at once – but to reach that point involves tremendous communication breakthroughs, trust, and transformation. Much as we would wish that were the case it is not always humanly possible.

      Time is of the essence here, so the card invokes Mars. Have a look for that in any of the three astrological charts, either by transit, or by aspects to natal Mars. Mars is the god of war and the phrase ‘All’s fair in love and war’ springs to mind, though it frequently feels so painful it can be like heart surgery.

      Unless ‘surgery’ is actually performed – emotionally, spiritually, psychologically – this heart will fall or fail. It’s really just a matter of time, isn’t it? We also think about ‘bleeding hearts’ with this card and sometimes there can be one of the three people begging for sympathy and wringing things out emotionally. That has to be said. It can happen.

      The Seventh House is the house of marriage but also divorce and separation – and is suggested by the card. I have seen this card appear when three people are stubbornly fixed in a toxic three-way situation and nobody will withdraw (withdraw his or her sword).

      Sometimes that can happen partly because people are terrified that the heart (representing all three of them) will suffer. Yet, if all three would withdraw collectively from this unhealthy emotional situation, at least the wounds could be healed. Life could move on. If that is not possible the onus is on you, to be a realist about this drama. Ask yourself how you contribute to it. How do you enable the second and third person to continue?

      You might also look at Vesta in the charts, or Vesta by transit, as in astrology she frequently turns up when one man plays two females off against each other, so he can stroke his ego or gain some kind of power. This card is often a sign that Vesta is around. She is an astrological symbol (an asteroid) of the Temple of the Vestales in the Forum, where one man, the Pontifex Maximus, controlled all the virginal females. The gender politics was quite toxic.

      The word ‘withdrawal’ comes with this card. Withdraw your sword. Withdraw the swords, plural. You really have to step back and look at the wounds and the potential for healing. Healing is going to take time for this heart, isn’t it? But whose heart is it? Yours, or the second person’s, or the third person’s involved?

      One thing is sure. This is not a happy heart. It is not a healthy heart. There is something utterly doomed about this if all three continue. The only hope is extensive healing, and that will take time. Nothing and nobody can heal until one, two or all three of you remove the aggression, the attack or defence from the situation. Swords are a symbol of a battle; a fight; a war. That can be as engaging as love, can’t it?

      Yet, once you step back from this card and look at it dispassionately, you should be able to gain the detachment that tells you; this is never going to function. It is utterly dysfunctional in every way, and even though what you three have is the stuff of rock ballads, operas, soap operas and French literature, it is hardly what you want in your lives, day in and day out.

  11. Hi Jessica, great Zoom session. I drew the Judgement card. I have a Pisces stellium. Would you be able to see what this means for me? I’m really hoping to make a new change in career and life direction.
    Thanks so much

    1. Judgement is about the family in spirit and perhaps ancestors. They are evolving and going to the next level spiritually. This is because of you, perhaps, or it will affect you – you should see signs, as to why. You have a couple of Scorpio factors at 20 and 24 degrees and Jupiter moving to 20 and 24 degrees will show you this clearly by 2024. Here is the full reading.

      This card confuses Tarot readers who don’t accept mediumship and life after so-called death, because to understand it, you have to accept that we don’t die! Perhaps you know this to be true already, in which case Judgement lets you know that there is a huge shift taking place with your family or friends (perhaps partners) in the spirit world. There may be a transition taking place, so someone has just passed away, or crossed over – to quote my friend John Edward.
      What you see is what you get with this card.

      Two families rise from their coffins to embrace an angel, judging them from heaven. This card is linked to the Eighth House, home of the last will and testament, legacies and any inheritance.

      The trumpet was often used by mediums in the early 20th century to communicate with the spirit world. This card is a powerful symbol of transformation, redemption and rebirth. The asteroid Aesculapius may also tie in here. He is a symbol of what lasts forever – what resurrects and returns.

      Psyche is another zodiac symbol who was given immortality. This is a card of the next stage in a soul’s development as part of a family group of souls – perhaps two of them – and thus suggests people who incarnate and reincarnate together as family groups.

      Judgement can sometimes be quite literal as a card, revealing a judgement to be made. Perhaps a spiritual, ethical or moral judgement, rather like being ‘assessed’ at the pearly gates. Your soul is weighed as you rise from the coffin – you are measured by a greater force. Note the red cross here too. That may have personal meaning for you.

      It can be seen as the Red Cross aid organisation or the St. George’s flag of England. You have to return to the people rising from the coffins, though. This is about new life from old. And it’s about families. Ancestors are very important when Judgement appears. You come from a long line, but a long line of what and whom? That lineage is now having an impact on your life here in the real world, as substantial transformation takes place with those who came before.

      As you can imagine, there are sometimes really heavy karmic stories played out with Judgement. It may be the case that a whole generation of souls tied to a particular religious group, or family tree, or business organisation, or similar, now goes to the next level – because events on earth make it possible for them to ascend.

      Purgatory is the holding zone for souls but here we have a large group of them rising from their coffins and going to the next spiritual dimension, perhaps. I have seen this card associated with haunting (earthbound spirits) because it has been impossible for a large number of people affected by one tragedy to accept it is time to move on.

      Judgement is a dramatic card which will have intensely personal meaning for you. I am sure you can see how it might turn up in situations when a great many people have lost their lives in one single tragedy (thus connecting all of them) and have been waiting for an event here on earth to set them free. This all sounds rather morbid but actually Judgment is about liberation. The angelic realms are calling. Heaven is ahead and on high and at last the signal has come. The idea of release and relief is close to this card. Depending on your belief system, reincarnation, too.

  12. Hi Jessica

    Thanks for a great session tonight. A business name I registered on 18/5/18 has Jupiter 17 Scorpio, Uranus 0 Taurus, Mars 0 Aquarius.

    I did this with no real Astro knowledge but feel that it’s very auspicious with this new moon and also my chart. The business is about teaching vulnerable groups about money.

    Could you kindly share what you see?


    1. Thank you. Your business had Uranus square Mars and will always be unpredictable and rather hot to handle, even if you only revive it once. Jupiter in Scorpio is good; it can potentially make money, but the Uranus-Mars square is unsettled, volatile and not easy for what you want to do. You’d be better off starting again, to be honest, and with those Cancer and Leo placements it would be about rent/housing but also parenthood. It all feels very natural from a chart point of view; you could time this at any point from now, firming up the details in June and be happy with outcomes by May.

  13. Hi Jessica. I pulled the World Card. How does this correlate with my birth chart to create direction for the Jupiter in Taurus transit over the next 12 months?

    1. Thank you. The World shows you spoiled for choice with Europe, the United Kingdom, Australasia, America. Try to focus and ground so you settle on one option, even if you have to discard the others. You have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and are being pulled into a cycle with Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, in a chain of quincunx aspects with all you have there. So this is good. And it’s big. But try to make your selection and come up with a strategy by May 2024.

  14. Tonight was wonderful ! I look forward to them so much. I drew Justice for the card of how Jupiter in Taurus will affect me most during this transit and am keen to buy a new home. Do you see this happening for us? I have stelliums in Capricorn, Libra and Cancer. 28 Mars Cap, 28 Uranus Scorpio, 28 Diana Aries, 29 Juno Libra and 29 Cupids Pisces. Thankyou again

    1. Ah, thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia. Justice is you and your partner figuring out a perfectly fair arrangement with the money and ownership of the property, as you are in a great position with Jupiter in Taurus sextile your Cancer stellium in the Fourth House, which rules apartments, lands and houses. You also have that Libra placement and of course Libra rules the scales. This looks like a classic case of two totally different people bringing completely different things to the deal but it all being symmetrical; you may bring legal advice in.

  15. Thank you for the session, really interesting. I have a Taurus stellium and am excited for the next year! I drew the Seven of Cups – how does this effect me? I have felt that I’m going around in circles with what to do work/career so i can see the confusion in my mind! I can see the snake, which i think refers to my Chinese horoscope, as i was born in the year of the snake. I had some health issues back in 2011/2012 should I be aware of this again on this cycle? Thanks

    1. I’m glad you were able to come along. The Seven of Cups is worth a longer explanation so here it is. Nothing to do with your Chinese horoscope unless you believe that is behind your confusion. The thing is, you could be rich. You could have your dream property. And yet nothing will happen if you don’t make the unreal, real.

      This is the most important card in the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. This surprises some professional Tarot readers, because it is a Minor Arcana card. It is also less striking, say, than cards like the Two of Cups, or the Ten of Staves.

      The card shows a person in silhouette, in the shadows (that is the first clue: everything and everybody is a shadow projected on a wall) who is confused by a billowing cloud of rich symbols, ranging from diamonds and pearls, to a skull and snake.

      It took me several visits to Dublin before I understood this card. Pamela Colman Smith, who created it, was mentored by W. B. Yeats. Both were involved in magic. Magic spells and their outcomes are expressions of quantum reality. In other words, there is no single, objective reality. Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in at least two states at once, and logically, many more. It’s like Doctor Who. Many words. Many universes.

      What you measure with, defines what you find. What you measure with, is in your head. This is how astrology works. So many people do not understand that astrology is science. Quantum mechanics. The multiverse theory, which proposes that what we get, is what we see. A flipped version of the famous saying.

      Astrology which rests on angles and aspects, divided from a circle of 360 degrees, is a yardstick for a particular sort of reality. A certain kind of universe. It’s quantum uncertainty writ large. No wonder astrology has not just survived, but thrived, over the last 2000 years or so. It’s a beautiful fit for multiverse theory.

      The realisation of dreams, wishes and hopes by supernatural means is one way of defining magic. W.B. Yeats (very likely, the third man who worked on the Smith-Waite Tarot) lived a few doors away from – not a magician – but an outstanding scientist whose emerging 20th century field of quantum mechanics was also about mystery. Quantum uncertainty.

      Across the square, Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin, there is a plaque to Oscar Wilde, whose wife Constance was a magical acquaintance of Yeats in The Golden Dawn.

      Across Dublin itself was the theatre impresario Annie Horniman, who founded her company on the back of a Tarot card reading – more magic and mystery. The Golden Dawn members had extraordinary lives. It could be said that W.B. Yeats used magic to win a Nobel Prize. Who knows? Only Yeats.

      This is a card dominated by a cloud. Unpopped possibilities. Competing parallel universes. A multiverse full of ghosts, poisonous people (snakes), palaces, diamonds and pearls, victory and dangerous dragons. None of it is real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of someone living in a quantum world. Time to pop what you want in favour of what you don’t want. Nothing is real until you look for it, and measure it. It is the act of measuring that decides which universe you get, and so the measurements you use (astrology, perhaps?) become extremely important. The most obvious measuring device non-astrologers use is memory, based on apparent years or months; birthdays; old calendar dates. Time is a construct. There is nothing real about it.

      So, if you really want to get into this card, which for me is the most important in the entire deck, you’ll begin by considering what you assume to be true about the past. Your past measurements of time. It is on this that you base your projections of the present and future so it’s worth a much closer look, if you are projecting all these rich fantasies and horrid visions!

      The person in silhouette here is nothing to herself/himself. Just a slide projector whirring in the dark while the ‘show’ takes place on the facing wall. The trick with this card is ‘Know thyself’ and to understand that nothing is real. There are only realities to find. You may want to use measurements that serve you, when judging what is ‘there’ for you.

  16. Hi Jessica, would love to see what you see in my chart. 12 years ago I started a blog and it really kicked off in that time but kind of fizzled out. It was a time pre-influencer and almost too soon to ride the wave. I’ve been playing with ideas to generate passive income through digitial ideas online. Would love to get your thoughts!

    1. That blog will come back to you in some way. The trick this time is to expand from it. At 17 Sagittarius and 17 Taurus, you have an exact quincunx from the Second House of income to the Ninth House of the worldwide web, foreigners, academia and publishing. That will work again for you by May 2024 and you can use what you learned last time to help you this time. You could do very nicely from that.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    Great insightful talk tonight!
    I have Uranus 28 Virgo, but also Juno 29 Libra, Hygeia 29 Capricorn and Cupid 27 Gemini.
    The tarot card I pulled out was 9 of Cups from your site and them 6 of Swords from my deck.
    My Taurean husband and I are owed a large sum of money from an insurance claim. Will that come through and should we buy our first home with it or wait until next year to buy?
    Looking forward to the next Meetup.

    1. Thank you Fran, much appreciated. The Nine of Cups from my website is chatting to you about Pluto in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of groups. Either you or another must share the balance of power and not hog it; people are individuals even if they are all part of quite a samey sort of network or circle, and must be treated as such. The controls have to be divided among everyone so everyone is important. This is a big message about Jupiter in Taurus which will square your Aquarius factors at 5, 7, 8. The Six of Swords from your deck is about moving to get away from a difficult situation. This is you and your husband relocating and getting right away from the past into a future which can be painted like a blank canvas. Neither card talked to you about the claim or a home, though obliquely the Six of Swords is suggesting you emigrate (perhaps) or just shift cities.

  18. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you for the great zoom session ! I am still learning about astrology and love listening to your explanations !
    If I may, I would love to ask you a question. My professional life has been really challenging since 2020, I was on a roll before that in big companies with global responsibilities. I have never settled with anyone either. Now I really feel like something must change. I am restless, like I am waiting for something to happen. I am interviewing for new jobs, but struggling to land an amazing position like I’ve had (interestingly my careeer had really taken off in January 2011). I also feel like I’ve reconnected with an old friend from 1999, this time with an emotional and physical connection, and I keep wondering whether he could finally be the one … any help or guidance would be really appreciated. Thank you again Jessica !

    1. Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. You are being interviewed for jobs and want a change. You have also reconnected with a possible lover. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. You will find out where you stand with this potential partner from July, as either he or a second man will be part of quite a long cycle when you must gain karmic closure with each other. The child you had or never had will be part of the karma. So it may be that July is the start of something with him, or a springboard to a second person later. You have the nodes going into Aries and Libra so in your public chart and private chart, relationship karma is triggered. You are in a terrific phase for quite revolutionary new ways of working and living, looking after your wellbeing, and reshaping your idea of what work should be. From 1st June when Mercury is back to normal you should be on a straight road to something very special.

  19. Today I looked on your site to see what time the new moon begins and saw your meeting was just beginning and joined.It was brilliant thank you. I did not think I could attend-so glad I did.I took up art/ photography 2011-12 -thank you for again for picking up and your comment.I drew the ace of pentacles too. I am just undergoing interviews for a job as leaving my current one asap.I feel like the eclipses we have been through have hit my career negatively. Can you look at my chart please and see if art is linked to me please as I’m thinking of launching a page on social media at the same time as the new moon begins.

    1. Thank you for coming along to the New Moon Zoom. The Ace of Pentacles suggests a large amount of money is there for the picking. You are having job interviews so this works out for you. You are interested in putting your art on social media and in fact 12 years ago you picked it up, with Jupiter in Taurus. So you already have your answer. Have a look at Substack and what artists are doing there.

  20. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another great Zoom event, which was really interesting and informative as usual.
    I pulled the Two of Cups tarot card which is quite apt considering the transits in my chart at the moment, but I was thinking and seeking guidance about my career when I was shuffling the deck, as this is the area of life I am more focussed on at the moment. I’m overworked and underpaid! I am recently divorced and have no one in my life right now and am quite happy that way. Is there a possibility I will meet someone through work? Your take on this would be really helpful. Thank you.

    1. The Tarot bypassed you to talk to you about love. You are recently divorced and will have ‘the moment’ with somebody new – or find a way to exchange feelings and words with your former husband in a way that changes everything. One or the other. It shows in your chart too. Here is the card –

      We all recognise this moment between lovers in the card (or potential lovers). A couple who have argued are about to make up, if she agrees. Two people who are dating and attracted need to cross the bridge between each other, to find intimacy and trust. This is about unspoken communication, as much as it is about finding the right words. Yet, there is so much potential for happiness in this card. An engagement or marriage. A child. Perhaps just an amicable split if the relationship is on the rocks and needs a decision. Agreeing to differ, can be one outcome of this Two of Cups card. Getting together is another! It really depends on what your question is and where your life stands, when you pull the card.

      Leo the lion is overhead with his rulership of the Fifth House, which in turn describes pregnancy, stepchildren, shared godchildren, nieces and nephews – adoption – and parenting. You should look to Leo and the Fifth House in your chart, or the other person’s.

      Leo the lion is about sexual relationships which might produce babies, or lead to step-parenting. It is also about decisions made not to have children, but to adopt nieces, nephews or godchildren as one’s own. The pretenders to the throne, as well as the heirs to the throne, are shown by Leo. Thus, this card can appear when a couple are deciding to spend money on I.V.F. treatment, or if child custody in a separation is a key question. Then there is the matter of having babies at all, and making the commitment of marriage. The lion hovers over the couple, impossible to ignore.

      Leo the lion and the Fifth House are also associated with unplanned pregnancy and abortion. The sign and the house are equally linked to infertility. You have to remember Leo is the King of beasts and the imagery of the sign in this card is quite powerful. The King can have children out of wedlock. The king’s heirs and spares are integral to any marriage. We also associate kings with court, and thus courtship – and being courted.

      This is a card of courtship, as one person tries to pay court to the other. Just look at the body language. There is tremendous hesitation here, but also the sense that something/someone bigger than both of you, is dictating what will happen. The entire situation is surrounded by a Leo and Fifth House question; who succeeds either or both of you on the throne and how is that to happen? Will it be a godchild or your own sons and daughters?

      A characteristic Kent cottage (Pamela created her deck in the countryside there) is in the background, representing a lovely home. Background details always matter in these cards. The question of property is part and parcel of what must be discussed or agreed. Thus, the association of this card with two people moving in together, or breaking up and selling the apartment.

      The asteroid Aesculapius is shown by the snakes entwined on the rod which also looks like a DNA symbol – the double helix. You might look for that in the charts. This asteroid is about what comes back from the brink. Who or what has been written off, but comes to life again, rather miraculously. Thus, this card can show reconciliation. Two people have parted company but, amazingly, given all that has been said and done – they are now ready to talk about making up. A child may have been involved, or the question of pregnancy may be unavoidable.

      Cups are sex and emotion in the Tarot. They represent the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the tradition of the Tarot cards. What deal are these two making? You might want to look at Cancer and the Fourth House (family and property), Scorpio and the Eighth House (legacies and finances) but also Pisces (spiritual beliefs and religious convictions).

      This card also works as a Gemini symbol (the glyph is the Gemini sign) and all pairs of ‘twins’ or twin souls are Gemini. One person stands firm. The other is hesitant. It really depends on your personal situation. Gemini is a pair, just as Libra (below) is a pair. The difference here is that Gemini is about communication, or a lack of it! You can see the faltering, hesitant attempts to speak a language that can be understood by both sides, in the Two of Cups. It is about listening properly and hearing correctly. Also, allowing the other person to say his or her piece without judgement or interruption. Perhaps it is Gemini-based, Third House communication issues between both parties that got us here in the first place.

      This card also symbolises the Seventh House and Libra – couples who have to negotiate having a child, moving in together, separating or reconciling. Libra is about the scales (literally the two cups or bowls held on a single chain or stand) and how to make them symmetrical. This brings us back to the idea of deal-making, no matter if the deal is to come together at last, or part company. Using one or both horoscopes can really help if you are looking for zodiac sign or house clues. Is this a Libra question about equality and the law, or a Gemini question about communication? Perhaps it is both. You would certainly be looking at Leo and the Fifth House in either or both charts to see what the bigger story is. There may be a transit to a Leo placement, or there may be a transit in Leo. As with all Pamela’s cards, the illustration is a stage set with props, actors and a supplied script. You are free to direct your own life by moving all these elements around until you get what you want and need.

  21. Hi Jessica. I have 3 planets in Taurus – Vesta, Minerva & Aesculapia. Also at 27 degrees I have Mars in Scorpio and Salacia in Capricorn. We were lucky bidders in an auction for a property on the coast lately, (a doer-upperer) and I am planning on taking leave or retiring soon, probably end of June as we settle on 8 June. Hoping these placements mean it’s a good time to do this? Thanks for all you do!

    1. Congratulations on your new property. You want to retire. All these matters are earthy. Taurus/Virgo in particular – and you have factors in both which will benefit from Jupiter as he passes through. You already used the New Moon to make your start as it aspected your Mars in Scorpio, in the Eighth House of joint finance and property. That is you and your partner winning the bid.

  22. Thanks Jessica for the call tonight – so interesting and insightful.

    I pulled the Knight of Pentacles from my own deck, and the Emperor from your website. I have stelliums in Sagittarius, Taurus, Scorpio and Libra, plus Uranus at 27 Scorpio; ASC at 29 Scorpio; DESC at 29 Taurus and Diana at 28 Aries, so I feel like this new moon and the year to come will affect me.

    Twelve years ago on Jupiter in Taurus, I took a very good redundancy package from a permanent job, and have worked consistently as a contractor in the corporate world every since. For some time I have been looking at moving away from the time-for-money paradigm to one that is much more flexible, location-independent and with unlimited potential to scale, so what you said about the shift in the comin year resonated very strongly. Is there anything else that you see in this pattern?

    Thanks again for an excellent event. K

    1. Thank you for coming along to The New Moon Zoom, K. You will use the acorns you planted 12 years ago to develop the oak trees in your life, giving you financial stability. Both decks showed you why. I can only comment on The Emperor, but here he is – Jupiter in Taurus will trine your Virgo and Capricorn factors so this is about work. If you want a new way to work and earn, you will have to negotiate with him first, but he may be open to it.

      This is a boss, senior official, corporate male or perhaps your father or husband. It may be you, if you have risen to the top of your profession and are senior (this is a grey or white-haired man). Capricorn and Aries are both shown here. Two masculine signs to be reckoned with. Capricorn the mountain goat climbs to the top and is a social mountaineer but also King of the Mountain (usually a skyscraper).

      Aries the ram decorates the throne. The red colour suggests Mars, the aggressive ruler of Aries. The mountains are pure Capricorn the mountain goat as we’ve seen, but Aries the ram butts heads and canb e a battering ram on the way to the top. This card is really telling you to look deeply into the soul, heart and mind of this man to figure him out and strike a deal. He is obviously receptive even though he is intimidating. And if this is you? Ask yourself if you want to stay at the top and why. And how you intend to do that.

      Some people think The Emperor is holding what might be a Christmas bauble in his hand which also suggests Christmas, thus the Sun in Capricorn.

      Other readers over the years have seen his golden helmet as a propeller head. Is this the C.E.O. or Manager in a high-tech company? Are we talking Steve Jobs here, or Bill Gates? The Emperor is on that level. A propeller-head is an old nickname for a geek, of course. Perhaps it takes that level of detachment and obsession to get to the top of a particular business, corporation or institution. If you’re the Dean of a university, you don’t get there by having picnics and going surfing.

      Intimidating, powerful, influential and forbidding, The Emperor is an older man who is quite alone. He’s made it to the top, but what can you do for him? What can he do for you? He seems uncomfortable in his position, so ready to give it or share it. Perhaps. If you strike the right chord or make the right approach. This card can turn up when you are seeking a promotion, or an extension on your exams. It can turn up when you have to talk to your father about a loan, or your girlfriend’s father about her hand in marriage. There is a suggestion of the job interview about this card.

      In old China The Emperor was the supreme ruler and was surrounded by all kinds of walls, gates, doors and locks. All kinds of protection. There is something so foreboding about men represented by this card. They are inaccessible. And yet, here we have the old man at the top, who seems available to you, primarily because nobody else is there. The question is, do you have what it takes to get up to him – onto his level – to begin the conversation?

      This card is about classic male power, in that it can feel quite isolating to the man who has it, and in turn he can be very hard to reach – as inaccessible as the old Chinese emperors or only partly accessible, like an American CEO – to those in middle management.

      Whenever we talk about Capricorn types we are looking at some kind of system, structure, traditional pyramid-tiered hierarchy or towering organisation. It frequently occurs when the headquarters is multi-storey, because The Emperor makes it to the top and can often literally be found in the penthouse office.

      There is a great deal to be gained here by reading this man’s mind, as has been suggested. Put yourself in his shoes. Does absolute power, corrupt absolutely? Is it a long way to the top, as AC/DC thought? Is it lonely at the top?

      Of course this may be you! If so, you need to ask yourself what success means to you, what is has delivered and what it has denied you. What might success be like after this and what would it take to bring it to your door? Maybe you need another new mountain to climb or you’d rather like to retire or resign from this one, or delegate – or restructure, perhaps, so that authority is not so isolating.

      The Mars/Aries and Saturn/Capricorn combination clearly seen in the symbolism of the mountain, but also the rams’ heads, and the blazing scarlet robes, suggests someone tough, determined, stoic, rather aggressive, fearless and persistent. This is a man to be reckoned with, but the reality of these kinds of structures or organisations is that there is always some young blood, pushing his or her way up from the ground floor, past middle management and on to the upper corridors of power. Perhaps this is what is so lonely about being The Emperor. You know that the system you have served for so long, and supported, and ascended – is the same system which encourages your replacement.

      This is an older man. A man nearing retirement, perhaps, or even with one foot in the grave, as the saying goes (and the television series). How does that feel and why does it affect you so much, too? You could have picked any of the 78 cards at all but something about you, your personality and your current situation has leaned towards this man. If The Emperor does happen to be you, then you have a great deal of deep thinking to do about next steps.

      Here we have the very picture of a patriarch like Rupert Murdoch and his media and entertainment dynasty, or Prince Phillip. The mountain here has been built up over time. It is strong and sturdy, virtually concrete and as firm as Stonehenge. Even in stormy weather the mountain remains basically the same. It takes a great deal to want to be at the pinnacle. Understanding the psychology of power and ambition is part and parcel of understanding The Emperor.

  23. Hi Jessica, thank you for your insights. I pulled the Magician card. I have no Taurus factors in my chart but a number of factors in Scorpio. In addition, I have Cancer/Capricorn at 29 in my North and South Node plus other factors at 25 to 29. Can you please provide your input looking at my chart and the card I pulled. Thank you!

    1. The Magician is a terrific card and suggests you will be training, guiding, mentoring or tutoring as Jupiter trines your Capricorn factors in the Tenth House of status and position, mission and goals.

      A famous card in Pamela and Arthur’s deck and one that seldom turns up. There is so much power in The Magician. The musician Steve Kilbey has painted himself as The Magician in his own, illustrated deck.

      It really depends on what you mean by magic. Magic is about measuring reality and watching it unfold. Quantum mechanics tells us that. There is no single reality. There is no ‘correct’ or ‘real’ universe. It is only when we observe and take a measurement, that we find out where we are. The process of doing that necessarily means all other contending universes fall away from us.

      This person, The Magician, is a multi-tasking, magical, powerful Renaissance man or woman. There is a lot going on in this card! Pentacles, cups, swords and wands are on the table so this person is across money, relationships, people politics and big ideas.

      Perhaps this is the magic. The Magician is measuring reality with both arms (not unlike William Blake and his compass images. S/he is powerful. All-powerful, actually, because the entire known Tarot world of Cups, Staves/Rods/Wands, Swords and Coins is laid out on the table.

      Using his/her arms as the yardstick, The Magician judges what is there to choose from, and with full concentration, expects and selects. The rest is reality.

      You can see the dove of peace etched into the wood on the table. Red roses and white lilies surround the frame. Perhaps these symbols mean something to you.

      The Magician is either burning the candle at both ends or channelling something divine, with that curious object in the left hand. The right hand points down to earth, grounding the magic.

      This is Harry Potter, with his glasses hovering (at enormous size) a few centimetres above his head. The bandage hides his lightning scar. There is something magical about the J.K.Rowling story. Single mother, writing in an Edinburgh café, inspired by visions on a train, sets out on the path to fame and great wealth.

      There is magic in the air or concentrated quantum selection of one’s chosen universe, when this card appears. It takes tremendous self-confidence and certainty to be able to reach for what is there and discard all other known parallel universes.

      The Magician is also a picture of infinity. The figure eight is of course – known to scientists. The snake biting its own tail on the belt also suggests eternal time here. No beginning and no end. Everything is possible in this card, once someone harnesses his/her energy and gets down to work.

      The Golden Dawn, the secret society where Pamela learned astrology, and where Arthur, her partner in the cards, pursued his dreams – was genuinely magical. In fact, its most famous member, W.B. Yeats (who inducted Pamela) got everything we might assume he wanted, from it. His love rival was executed. Yeats himself won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Was that mere coincidence or was it Magic, capital M?

      Like all Pamela’s cards, you have to read every detail to get the full picture for yourself. Even the titles or names in her cards can reveal a hidden message. Magician = Magic Ian.

      I once read for a woman whose husband’s name was Ian, though nobody else knew that (he had changed his name). He was a politician who managed to not only survive adversity but also triumph over it, becoming ever-more powerful.

      A great truth about this card is that so much depends on the state of mind of the person asking the question (which might be you) – or the person at the heart of the action. If one is focussed, certain, clear, confident and fully aware of the way parallel universes (The Multiverse) works, then it’s just a question of trusting, believing, knowing, measuring and receiving.

      The ‘measuring’ comes to us from the famous Double Slit experiment, but actually in astrology it is done with geometry. Astrology is a numbers game, based on a 360-degree circle, 12 zodiac signs, 12 houses and so on. The measuring is real. Aspects are geometrical patterns, like a sextile, square, trine and so on.

      The Magician’s arms form an opposition. S/he is illustrating two opposite signs of the zodiac, perhaps, or the MC (Midheaven) in opposition to the IC (Immum Coeli). This may be a clue if you are looking at an astrological chart.

      The Magician could be a man or a woman. Pamela Colman Smith was friends with lesbians and quite possibly was one herself. She was certainly a feminist. The bobbed hair of so many of her Tarot figures is a nod to equality. It is not only men who are magicians. Of course not.

      What is also interesting about this card (a Major Arcana card, so it is of major importance) is the fact that money has no more importance than sex. Coins are money, cups are sexuality. Staves/Rods/Wands are ideas. Swords are actions. Both are also similarly equal.

      The Magician has all of these laid out ready for use, it is just a question of getting the measure of what is possible, and as science proves to us some 100 years after Pamela first had this vision, by measuring something, The Observer Effect comes to pass. Or, ‘you get what you expect’ as some people say.

      The Magician is channelling. Perhaps, channelling information or wisdom, from the spirit world. S/he may also be a lightning conductor, taking tremendous energy from the atmosphere and bringing it down to earth where it can be used in a practical way.

      The snake belt is similar to The Dragon’s Head and The Dragon’s Tail on astrolabes, beloved of Geoffrey Chaucer among others. This is the North Node (head) and South Node (tail) which go in a constant loop. This may be another astrological clue.

      The asteroid in your personal birth chart, shown by a snake (coiled on a staff) known to the Romans as Aesculapius/Aesculapia is also here. The snake belt is a hint of that symbol in your chart, which is about miraculous resurrection and rebirth.

  24. Thank you Jessica for taking the time to answer me ! Amazing. Crossing fingers I leave behind this 3-4 years that haven’t been too good !

  25. Hi Jessica,
    I was really sorry I could not joint your session and hope that either Alicia or yourself will post it, as your sessions are always so interesting!

    I was wondering how this New Moon will affect me and in which area(s). I have the following signs in Taurus: Sun at 20 degrees, Minerva at 22 and Diana at 9 degrees. I also have Psyche at 28 degrees in Aries. I feel like I am stuck in the same rut for the last 12 years.
    So looking forward to your response!
    Many thanks,

    1. Thank you Marianne. We don’t record the Zoom events owing to the personal nature of some comments. The New Moon at 28 Taurus was semi-sextile Psyche in your sector of image, title and appearance, so I hope you took the passing opportunity there. In general you will be given several chances to save or make quite a lot of money, between now and May 2024. April 2024 could set you free and deliver Independence Day as Uranus and Jupiter go to 22 Taurus and form a rare, historic conjunction with Minerva. Owls will be omens for you about that. She always carries an owl.

  26. Tomorrow with Mars at 0 degree is opposite Pluto at 0 degrees… it will sextile/trine my natal Jupiter in libra 0 degrees. What does this mean for me? Will it effect my 1st, 3rd, & 7th houses or my 2nd, 4th, & 8th houses??

    Thanks, Jessica

    1. The Mars-Pluto opposition is critical for some other people and large organisations but it benefits you. It picks up natal Jupiter at 0 Libra, so Mars will sextile Jupiter and Pluto will trine Jupiter. It is about your sexual or professional partnership. Perhaps a duel or battle. You stand to gain. So, for example, if you have been at war with a man, that man will be a weak opponent or even vanish.

  27. Hi Jessica, This morning when I opened my email to my company’s weekly internal blog, I saw a big picture of an astronaet ut standing on the moon, looking back at the earth, with the title “Moonshot”. Under it was the quote from Buzz Aldrin, “The sky is not the limit, because there are footprints on the moon!”, and the author of the blog went on to talk about moonshots, longshots ambitious projects and big the little things we do on a daily basis and the big ideas. At this point I have a Police Soundtrack running through my mind … “Walking on the Moon”.. “Everything little thing you do is magic …” “Synchronicity” .. I smiled because I thought of today’s new moon your New Moon Zoom . Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend, but I do want to thank you for hosting and posting these topics. I did go to your tarot section, asked about the new moon and I pulled the Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords is interesting because as a Pisces I do have boundary issues, yet at the same time, the description fits. What came to mind was something you mentioned about those typical Aires factors can sometimes get muted.I was wondering what you see in my chart with the new moon, my Taurus factors, my factors at 28 degrees, along with my partner. I don’t know his time of birth, but using the family charts through your website, he is a sun acquarius with a moon / Virgo 28, and Jupiter /Taurus 16. For me there is a change at work, team member left the company, in between the eclipses. I choose to stay for various reasons, but that also brings both decrease in income for the moment, not sure of future opportunities. I also was wondering of any opportunities for my partner as far as employment , income and home. Actually as i write this I am getting a call from my mother regarding my Dad — so the family issues are here too

    1. Thank you. It is possible the author of the company blog knew about the New Moon but maybe not. That would be synchronicity, pure and simple. You are likely on the receiving end of synchronicity (Sting was a client of the astrologer Steven Forrest). The Queen of Swords is shown in your chart. You were born with Jupiter at 22 Aries in your First House of title, reputation and appearance. Your reputation precedes you and your image works for you in terms of keeping people at bay or being firm about boundaries. Transiting Jupiter will go to 22 Taurus in a rare conjunction with Uranus at 22 Taurus in April 2024. This pattern will semi-sextile your own Jupiter. So there is more to this than family. It is about a relaunch, perhaps a new title or job, where you rule. Where you are in charge and where your firm hand and steady gaze does all the work for you, no matter what you feel on the inside!

  28. Hi Jessica
    I run a family business and it’s been extremely turbulent these past few weeks… well years if I include covid. I set the company up 6th April 2018 and registered 10th march 2020. I have 28 Mercury Sagittarius and 28 Neptune Sagittarius. I also have 29 Chiron in Taurus. I’ve drawn page of wands.

    1. The family business is about the younger man in the ranks and this is your main task/challenge/reward until May 2024. I will give you the full interpretation of the Page of Wands. This may be a son, nephew or younger male intern.

      This younger man is lost in his own self-admiration, or perhaps it’s just the beauty of a good idea (not a great idea; a good idea) which entrances him. If it was great, then it would be flowering, blossoming and blooming. It’s just good. It has potential greatness in it, but time will tell. It’s rather like planting a gum tree in Australia. You just never know and it really depends where it goes, when it goes in and how you manage it.

      If he doesn’t get a move on and plant this concept, theory or project on fertile ground, it will die. He is in the wrong place for it to grow, that is for sure. Pyramids suggest trines (a trine is in the birth chart or emerging) and that will help. Sometimes trines involving Neptune can result in too much ‘ease’ or flow, though. One goes with the flow so much that one does nothing at all. There is no action. No effort.

      Yet, this Page with his rod/wand/stave is on sandy ground and nothing will grow, thrive, flourish and prosper until he stops daydreaming and starts moving in the direction of the right town, city, region or country. Research required, as I mentioned. He needs to find out rather than just imagine, or even worse, get distracted by his simply marvellous on-screen plan, to the point where he forgets the real world exists as well.

      He has a feather in his cap. What is it for? We talk about having ‘a feather in the cap’ when there is some achievement, qualification or award to wear proudly.

      This fellow may be you or another you know. It may be a younger student, for example, or a student of life who is below you in years. If so, you may be the one to lead the way – to show why it’s not enough to be in love with an idea or a talent. It has to be planted somewhere it can actually succeed. It is really clear that this wand – shown by a branch – will not thrive or grow unless something is done quickly in terms of bringing other people into the card, and thus the situation. It may dry up and fade to nothing in that arid environment unless you work the card with your active imagination and bring in allies; friends; colleagues; helpers.

      Movement is required, most of all, because those are not hospitable conditions. Something or someone around the situation is dry. A dry personality perhaps? Or just barren, arid conditions. A hostile environment for anything to grow. This page needs to take this somewhere else, fast.

  29. Hi Jessica..Thank you very much for the Zoom meeting today..My Scorpio son has Jupiter 26,juno 27,Pluto 28,Sun 29 Scorpio..Diana 26 libra,For next may 2024 he has Minerva 22 Sagittarius, Mars 23 leo, Neptune 21 Capricorn, Uranus 23 Capricorn, South node 14 Taurus and IC 20 taurus..He took the first step today to get a design for his logo for his own company, it did cost him money to organise it and the logo company said it will take couple of days to complete then its review time ..We are hoping that he was right to do it today with the New moon..but he’s worried about the Scorpio stellium opposite the new moon..Next may 2023 is the time that hes hoping he can officially be certified to sign off his work (electrician),At the moment he is limited on what he can do..he has to go through inspections..Will this work out for him? Your predictions were right for my Son..renewable energy is all he wants to do..Your were also right about my health,last year you said about medical conditions which I didnt think I had,but this year blood tests have showed inflamed heart,and teeth problems..that maybe connected..teeth are being looked after next month,costing more than half my wages,and take time of work for gums to heal,it feels like never ending roads the last couple of years..if its not 1 thing its another..and its always money that I dont have..will it get any better?..Thanks Jessica

    1. Thank you for coming along to The New Moon Zoom. I am glad your son got his logo today. This is the cycle when Anita Roddick did the same with The Body Shop. She paid an art student in Brighton and the logo is still in use today. There is Mercury Retrograde in Taurus with us so the logo may need revisions or be held up, but all is well from 1st June. Thank you for validating the predictions about your son and also your health. I am sorry your medical test showed that news but I am glad astrology warned you. For healing, please see ‘Healing’ on Search and find what works for you. It will help with the conventional treatment.

  30. Thank you so very much for this zoom event. I drew the King of Pentacles.

    1. Thank you for coming along. This is the money man you must negotiate with to gain or save, but luck is with you.

      This is an established Taurus type and the card is a symbol for this sign of the zodiac (you can see the bulls hidden on the throne). Look to Taurus and the Second House in this card. Investments, shares, property or cash has given this man a certain position. He is hard to get to, rather intimidating and also ‘surrounded’ by all that he has. To be honest it has entombed him, alive. There is not much freedom or space in this card.

      Taurus is a fixed, earthy, stubborn sign which finds it hard to budge. This man (older than you, or your age, if you are older!) is stuck.

      The grape vines are keeping him trapped and although Bacchus the asteroid of self-indulgence is suggested here (he rules grapes) and there is pleasure on his face, at all that he possesses, he is trapped by his wealth to the point where problems may begin.

      There is a fine property in the background but he cannot see it. He is either ignoring it or has become quite blind to what is there. For this reason you might also look to an eclipse, which always delivers a blind spot. Neptune might also be a clue in the chart, natally or by transit, as it distorts vision. You cannot see what is in front of your face in certain Neptune situations.

      He holds a gold spoon, magnifying glass or mirror (depending on your point of view). Maybe, to quote The Who, he was born with a plastic spoon in his mouth (Substitute). For some people this is a Welsh spoon. For others it is a cocaine spoon. For some, it is not a spoon at all, but a magnifying glass, and this man collects valuable stamps. What is this card telling you?

      His garden needs weeding and he needs to start moving. We can see the Second House, Eighth House and/or Fourth House of property and land here, which often turn up in Pamela Colman Smith’s Tarot cards, as so many people in the troubled 20th century had questions about finance, security and property. She created this picture in 1909 and 20 years later, the markets crashed.

      This card must have turned up over and over again, between 1909 and the Wall Street Crash of 1929 as a warning to a particular sort of man to get a life, have a life and start living – by spending, not hoarding. By getting rid of who/what has grown up all around him, to the point where he is only living half a life, because of it. There are tremendous questions here about self-worth, tied to monetary worth, but also the value of ‘valuable’ shares if the market crashes and the apparently precious product or substance is worth less.

      This man is ripe and ready to negotiate with the right person at the right time. He actually needs to or he will become choked by those vines and slowly lose all power to move. This is where the card becomes most interesting because it is about power. It can be empowering to part with money over the right deal, with the right person or organisation.

      With a little imagination you can see a rich businessman like this, hiring Marie Kondo to ‘Spark Joy’ in his life by getting rid of the clutter. The key to this card is to direct it like a stage set. Create a script, in particular. What needs to be said, here? Communication is terribly important. Being heard, read, understood and paid attention to – and swaying, persuading and converting another – is central to its potential. Why on earth should this man give you some or all of his money? What is it about you and your life that is somehow shown by this King?

  31. Thank you for the Zoom session, Jessica. I am Sun Leo. M tarot card is the Sun. Stellium in Leo, Libra and Taurus. Work has thinned out and returning to work has tired me out at time while juggling raising a baby and familial relations. Investing seems the most promising option in the long run. Been wanting to be part of a group or community/ies but never felt that experience have happened in my life yet. Could you give me more insights?

    1. Thank you for coming along. The Sun shows your baby. So the hard work pays off. Jupiter in Taurus will square your Leo stellium in the Fifth House, and even a square with Jupiter is good news.

      Whenever this card turns up it puts a smile on your face, or your Tarot reader’s, because it is a shot of pure joy, delivered by Pamela Colman Smith all the way from 1909. So much energy is poured into this illustration it radiates years later. It is, of course, about a child. It can also be about someone old enough to be your own child. So, you could be 60 and this younger person may be 40! This is unusual, though. Mostly, we have a message here about welcome turning points and celebratory moments involving children or teenagers. Sometimes – a pregnancy.

      This is pure Leo and Fifth House symbolism. Leo is ruled by the Sun – which shines here among sunflowers. The play on words here is also evident. The Sun can be ‘the son’ and so, the son and heir. It is amazing how often this card will turn up when a couple are going through IVF treatment and hoping for good news. The son and heir is on the way, even if this is an adoption.

      We also associate sunflowers with ‘son flowering’ and the blossoming of youth. This card appears when children do well at school, or a girl becomes the captain of her netball team. It can be quite literal, in that a nephew does well at the local gymkhana.

      This sign rules the next generation. Sons, daughters, godchildren, young relatives or just younger faces to be mentored, guided or entertained.

      It dazzles with its radiance and happiness. Look at the horse, the flowing red fabric (right) and the wall behind for clues. Look also to the face inside the Sun and the child’s headpiece. Pamela’s cards work best when they are used as psychic triggers and just sitting with the imagery here and letting it speak to you can be useful.

      Leo is associated by rulership with The Fifth House which rules the heirs to the throne. The son or daughter who inherits the ‘kingdom’ or influence, insight and inspiration of a parent, godparent, grandparent, step-parent, aunt, uncle and so on. The Sun rules Leo the lion, in the zodiac, and it is interesting that both J.K.Rowling (Harry Potter) and Beatrix Potter were born under this sign. I mentioned the play on words with Sun/son and the idea of a son and heir. The Royal Family has a high Leo count.

      This card has traditionally been associated with a ‘yes’ answer if the question is about pregnancy or adoption, as I’ve mentioned – particularly with IVF. It can also turn up when a branch of the family tree turns up again. This card has a summery, celebratory feel.

      Children can make everything seem new and different – exciting – and there is such joy oozing from this card. Pamela Colman Smith never had children, but she had a flair for communicating in a childlike way and a gift for understanding folk stories and myths.

      This card is also ‘the golden girl’ or ‘the golden boy.’ The sign of Sagittarius is hinted at too, with the horse. In fact, all the horses in Pamela’s cards can reveal a Sagittarian theme – exploring and having adventures – learning and growing. Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of the chart, which is associated with education and academia, books and libraries, websites and the expansion of the mind. Perhaps you have factors in Sagittarius under transit now, or you may be experiencing a Sagittarius transit.

  32. Thank you Jessica for the zoom on meet up tonight. You are wonderful! I pulled knight of swords. I am 28 degrees aries sun. Have so much aquarius in my chart too. Any thought on this? Thank you Heather

    1. Thank you, Heather. This is the main story of this transit for you –

      The Knight of Swords is a younger man, who drives fast on his motorbike, or in his car. In his speed boat or on his jet ski. In Ancient Rome he would have been galloping on his horse, of course. He lives for the moment and responds in the heat of the moment, too.

      He is a symbol of Mars and Aries in astrology. An energetic, fierce, fast and furious man wearing red (the Aries/Mars colour) hurtling at breakneck speed towards some kind of attack, or defence. I mentioned circumstances and context. You have to fill in the rest of the picture, here. Is he part of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force? Is he ‘the enemy’ as far as you are concerned?

      Very occasionally this card can be you. You will know immediately if this is the case. You will recognise your fast and furious intention and the impact that adrenaline is having on you. There is not a great deal of thought or contemplation here. Just pure heat.

      The trees on the left-hand side of the card are being bent backwards. This may be a comment on a family in the picture (family tree). Perhaps that is part of the issue. The Knight of Swords is charging in to defend a family member, or perhaps attack one. There may be strife in the clan. You can see Braveheart in the Knight of Swords.

      The family tree may not be a directly connected part of the story here; it may be pure background or history. Perhaps the Knight of Swords comes from a troubled background where male aggression was the norm. This is really for you to interpret. Maybe he has ancestors who fought in the First World War; the Second World War. That legacy stays with him in the background.

      The horse cannot see; flying blind, all it can do is try to keep up. Who or what is the vehicle for the Knight of Swords’ energy? Perhaps he has attached himself to a cause. It may be a ‘blind’ cause and so those involved may lack awareness or insight. They cannot see what you can see. That happens too, in war. And in peace.

      There is a healthy warning here about driving too fast, or driving oneself or other people too hard. Accidents can happen as Elvis Costello noted. What we really get from this card is a sense of rushing, not thinking. Not seeing or understanding much, beyond the central, core mission. Or just the immediate reaction. That can lead to speeding fines or worse.

      The rider is also rather blind. Look at the eyes and you will see the Knight of Swords is in an altered state. You might call it frenzy. The heat of the moment. We talk about ‘seeing red’ when we are angry.

      Are there other ways to fight the good fight or seize the day than this? And what is the motivation here? What on earth is at stake? You can see the Aries glyph on the reins. Aries is a really good way into this card. Aries the ram is a symbol of male aggression where there is territory at stake, or the need to compete, fight and win. Aries the ram is linked to the idea of a battering ram – an ancient weapon.

      Aries is of course ruled by Mars, which Pamela Colman Smith would have known. She created this image a few years before the First World War but accurately portrayed the rush to the front, which of course involved horses as well as riders, which claimed the lives of so many young men of her generation. This card was dreamed up in 1909 under the guidance of Arthur Waite, Pamela’s mentor and employer, from The Golden Dawn.

      This is the Charge of the Light Brigade, but it is also the Vietnam War, which was there when Pamela and Arthur’s cards were popularly revived in the early Seventies by Stuart R. Kaplan.

      The idea of harnessing energy and controlling feelings is very close to this card. Even if you are racing into an emergency, there must be time – even a few minutes – to plot and plan. To pause and strategise. Not everything has to be done in a single streak of raw energy. There is a saying: “He who hesitates is lost” but in this case, I am sure you can see that even a modest amount of hesitation could help the Knight achieve what he wants in a more successful way. There is something so reckless about this flight of his.

      The rest of this card really has to be interpreted by you as it is so personal. Some of the Seventies readers of this card (popular among the hippies of California) would have been in the peace movement and strongly disapproved of Vietnam. Others may have had quite different feelings about the war and found the Knight of Swords to be a valiant force for good worth encouraging.

  33. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your time today. Exciting Zoom event, it is great when one can connect with people. I have a Taurus Asc, Chiron (24 Taurus) as well as Minerva at 28 Taurus that conjuncts the new moon today and also aspects Pluto (28) and Saturn (29) in Libra. The card I drew today is Ace of Cups. Could this relate to a new relationship?
    For the Pluto in Aquarius, I drew The Queen of Swords, and for Jupiter in Taurus period – The Knight of Wands.
    For April 25, 2024, Uranus/Taurus conjunction – I have Vesta (Aquarius) 22 and Prosperina (Libra) 22.
    Trying to figure out how this all could play out. Thank you again.

    1. Thank you. Yes, it was an exciting event. They both were, actually, as the people who gathered around the world were so focussed. The Ace of Cups is a new relationship, though we don’t know if it is sexual. It may be. It is certainly emotionally fulfilling and very important. Aquarius also shows up in the card as you will see – and there it is in your chart.

      This is one of those cards which makes every heart leap because at first glance it transmits so much joy and energy. It is a terrific Tarot card to see if you have been going through a hard time. It often turns up before a baby is Christened, but it can also appear when there is a relationship phase, a friendship phase, or a brand new involvement which is the gift that goes on giving.

      There are many symbols here. The letter W is on the cup. The Christian cross is on the Holy Communion wafer. The dove of peace flies overhead. The Tibetan Buddhist lotus flower floats on the water. As always with Pamela’s cards you should interpret the symbols in a personal way. Perhaps you know a William or a Williams, so the letter W is significant. Maybe the ‘W’ in Pamela’s 1909 illustration stands for WWW today and this card is about a website venture which is emotionally and creatively rewarding.

      The Holy Grail is certainly hidden in the cup symbolism so perhaps you are involved with Arthurian mythology or even Monty Python! As I said, this card is rich with symbols which are best interpreted in a highly personal way. The lotus flowers which are dotted on the water may have particular meaning for you if you are involved with Tibet, or Thailand.

      The cup itself is about emotional or sometimes sexual fulfilment and this one is overflowing as we’ve seen. There is no end to what pours forth. Your cup runneth over and the cups were associated with water signs in the original Tarot, so this is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

      It’s all potential, certainly, and unrealised to date. You have to make this happen, by trusting the Tarot card and believing that the time is right to take what is on offer. It is yours to enjoy and time is of the essence as it’s not certain how long the offer will remain.

      The cloud is classic quantum uncertainty and Pamela Colman Smiths’ cards are full of it. Billowing clouds of potential delivery and hypothetical reality. Nothing can happen until this is made real. This is really part of the Tarot experience; there is no point drawing cards in a cynical way, as the trick with quantum reality is to accept, trust and ‘know’ things to be true. When you step into Pamela and Arthur’s world of Tarot, you have to enter completely. There is no point distrusting the experience or being sceptical about what is there. This card is about buying into what and who is on offer.

      At the moment, for all that this card is so joyful, it is an unpopped universe. Christenings are often suggested by this card, as I’ve mentioned, or there is a spiritually fulfilling and emotionally rewarding passage in a relationship or family situation which feels as if something has been ‘Christened’ or blessed and brought into being. It’s a lovely image. Refreshing, promising, deep and complex. Reach for what you see.

      Something sacred is on offer here but it must be brought down to earth and integrated into your life. The imagery of water suggests the water signs, as well as the cup; Cancer is mother’s milk. Scorpio is the blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids) of a passionate marriage. Pisces is just tears.

      The tremendous emotional and spiritual surge of the Ace of Cups is profoundly moving, because it describes something that is so deeply felt between two or more people. This is the stuff of great music or poetry; great art or spiritual experiences. It is also of tremendous religious importance to some Roman Catholics, as this imagery ties in with Sunday Mass.

      On a more basic note, a gold cup is a gold cup. This can be the sportsman’s victory, held aloft, no matter if we’re talking The World Cup in football or The Grand Prix. The winner of The Melbourne Cup or any other cup is suggested here, depending on who you are, and what your question is. This is so much more than a win on the board, though. It transcends the metal in the hand, and becomes so much more than it is, spiritually. You might say England’s 1966 World Cup, in Bobby Moore’s hands, with Her Majesty the Queen in attendance, on British soil – against Germany, twenty years or so after the war – had that kind of resonance.

  34. Thanks for the new moon zoom session. Was my first ever and it was such a delight to see you and hear about it all! Am overwhelmed but it was awesome and am so grateful you answered mine – Magician – Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus 🙂
    I tried my best to write down quickly what you said, but essentially it means that I act and channel what I can do – ive always felt like I am a master of none, as I do a lot and many and am good at most. Unfortunately, It’s been quite the challenge to nail one down to focus on. Please guide if you can.

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much. The Magician is an excellent card and you will be guiding, instructing, teaching or mentoring and channelling at the same time, even if you do not call it that. This is the traditional reading –

      A multi-tasking Renaissance man or woman who is channelling something greater than herself/himself. This is an impressive tutor, teacher, guide, mentor or leader. There is an even emphasis on money, ideas, relationships and action spread out before The Magician. Everything is possible once the magic rolls.

      This Tarot card is picking up Jupiter in Taurus trine your Virgo and Capricorn factors in the Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia and the Tenth House of status and success.

      A famous card in Pamela and Arthur’s deck and one that seldom turns up. There is so much power in The Magician. The musician Steve Kilbey has painted himself as The Magician in his own, illustrated deck.

      It really depends on what you mean by magic. Magic is about measuring reality and watching it unfold. Quantum mechanics tells us that. There is no single reality. There is no ‘correct’ or ‘real’ universe. It is only when we observe and take a measurement, that we find out where we are. The process of doing that necessarily means all other contending universes fall away from us.

      This person, The Magician, is a multi-tasking, magical, powerful Renaissance man or woman. There is a lot going on in this card! Pentacles, cups, swords and wands are on the table so this person is across money, relationships, people politics and big ideas.

      Perhaps this is the magic. The Magician is measuring reality with both arms (not unlike William Blake and his compass images. S/he is powerful. All-powerful, actually, because the entire known Tarot world of Cups, Staves/Rods/Wands, Swords and Coins is laid out on the table.

      Using his/her arms as the yardstick, The Magician judges what is there to choose from, and with full concentration, expects and selects. The rest is reality.

      You can see the dove of peace etched into the wood on the table. Red roses and white lilies surround the frame. Perhaps these symbols mean something to you.

      The Magician is either burning the candle at both ends or channelling something divine, with that curious object in the left hand. The right hand points down to earth, grounding the magic.

      This is Harry Potter, with his glasses hovering (at enormous size) a few centimetres above his head. The bandage hides his lightning scar. There is something magical about the J.K.Rowling story. Single mother, writing in an Edinburgh café, inspired by visions on a train, sets out on the path to fame and great wealth.

      There is magic in the air or concentrated quantum selection of one’s chosen universe, when this card appears. It takes tremendous self-confidence and certainty to be able to reach for what is there and discard all other known parallel universes.

      The Magician is also a picture of infinity. The figure eight is of course – known to scientists. The snake biting its own tail on the belt also suggests eternal time here. No beginning and no end. Everything is possible in this card, once someone harnesses his/her energy and gets down to work.

      The Golden Dawn, the secret society where Pamela learned astrology, and where Arthur, her partner in the cards, pursued his dreams – was genuinely magical. In fact, its most famous member, W.B. Yeats (who inducted Pamela) got everything we might assume he wanted, from it. His love rival was executed. Yeats himself won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Was that mere coincidence or was it Magic, capital M?

      Like all Pamela’s cards, you have to read every detail to get the full picture for yourself. Even the titles or names in her cards can reveal a hidden message. Magician = Magic Ian.

      I once read for a woman whose husband’s name was Ian, though nobody else knew that (he had changed his name). He was a politician who managed to not only survive adversity but also triumph over it, becoming ever-more powerful.

      A great truth about this card is that so much depends on the state of mind of the person asking the question (which might be you) – or the person at the heart of the action. If one is focussed, certain, clear, confident and fully aware of the way parallel universes (The Multiverse) works, then it’s just a question of trusting, believing, knowing, measuring and receiving.

      The ‘measuring’ comes to us from the famous Double Slit experiment, but actually in astrology it is done with geometry. Astrology is a numbers game, based on a 360-degree circle, 12 zodiac signs, 12 houses and so on. The measuring is real. Aspects are geometrical patterns, like a sextile, square, trine and so on.

      The Magician’s arms form an opposition. S/he is illustrating two opposite signs of the zodiac, perhaps, or the MC (Midheaven) in opposition to the IC (Immum Coeli). This may be a clue if you are looking at an astrological chart.

      The Magician could be a man or a woman. Pamela Colman Smith was friends with lesbians and quite possibly was one herself. She was certainly a feminist. The bobbed hair of so many of her Tarot figures is a nod to equality. It is not only men who are magicians. Of course not.

      What is also interesting about this card (a Major Arcana card, so it is of major importance) is the fact that money has no more importance than sex. Coins are money, cups are sexuality. Staves/Rods/Wands are ideas. Swords are actions. Both are also similarly equal.

      The Magician has all of these laid out ready for use, it is just a question of getting the measure of what is possible, and as science proves to us some 100 years after Pamela first had this vision, by measuring something, The Observer Effect comes to pass. Or, ‘you get what you expect’ as some people say.

      The Magician is channelling. Perhaps, channelling information or wisdom, from the spirit world. S/he may also be a lightning conductor, taking tremendous energy from the atmosphere and bringing it down to earth where it can be used in a practical way.

      The snake belt is similar to The Dragon’s Head and The Dragon’s Tail on astrolabes, beloved of Geoffrey Chaucer among others. This is the North Node (head) and South Node (tail) which go in a constant loop. This may be another astrological clue.

      The asteroid in your personal birth chart, shown by a snake (coiled on a staff) known to the Romans as Aesculapius/Aesculapia is also here. The snake belt is a hint of that symbol in your chart, which is about miraculous resurrection and rebirth.

  35. Thank you so much for the meetup tonight. Very interesting as usual. I much appreciate all of the extras included in your site. As a member, I am really enjoying a deeper dive into these topics.
    I pulled the page of cups during the break. I’m just curious if you have any additional insight beyond the flip book interpretation.
    Thanks again for everything!

    1. Thank you Jerry, much appreciated. This may be your son or nephew. Let’s see –

      Here we have a fascinating, original, interesting young man with Pisces and the Twelfth House emphasised in his horoscope. He may be spiritual, religious, interested in astrology, the Tarot, mediumship, Buddhism or some other ‘ism’ that is his personal belief system and philosophy.

      He floats through life, dancing with the moment, never really settling down or growing up (at least for now). In Tarot we traditionally accept the Pages as the most junior people in your world but sometimes you can enquire about a childish man (even a childish man in his senior years) and the Tarot will joke with you and show you a perpetual adolescent or schoolboy.

      Pages are always younger than you, so this boy/man is your junior. He is showing Pisces (the fish in the cup) and Neptune, the ruler of Pisces (the sea behind him). He is effeminate or in touch with his feminine side, thanks to the pink and blue outfit. He would understand the Blur song, Girls and Boys.

      He has something to give – sexually or emotionally – as Cups rule both. The fish itself is associated with the phrase ‘plenty more fish in the sea’ in respect of the dating game. There is something lacking in commitment here, and certainly seriousness. This is not someone to settle down with and have children with, because he is himself a child.

      He’s fun, never dull, not remotely in the real world and – you need to know what to do with him!

      This is a puzzling card but there are some clues. The sea behind him is also the usual Aquarius ‘pool’ and people pool resources in that pool. Yet here we also find Pisces (the other fish, of the pair in the zodiac sign) and all its spiritual depths. This may be Christianity, or it may be another philosophy he holds.

      This is not a suit and tie man, or schoolboy (no uniform for him). A creative dresser with a tremendous feeling for colour and style is in front of you. He may be musical, artistic or theatrical. He is inviting you to join in the dance of life, rather than make any proper attempt at harvesting abundance – yet the possibility of abundance is there – one fish may be part of a salmon source – perhaps a nod to Beluga caviar in the depths.

      You have to wonder if he cares at all about catching anything, as he seems more caught by the moment. It would be up to someone else to stride in and start talking seriously about a business. Perhaps John West is waiting in the wings, symbolically speaking.
      You may know men who are keen on fishing and who always throw their catch back. This page seems to be on the verge of doing just that; meanwhile the fish is gasping. There can be something cruel about playing with fish like this, or people – come to that. Not taking anything or anybody seriously can be an issue with strongly Pisces men who have not grown up in the real world, and it can be tricky in a sexual relationship.

      Within a family this is Peter Pan who never grows up. In fact, Pamela’s world was populated with people like J.M. Barrie and she certainly had her fair share of creatives and Bohemians around her in 1910 when this card was created.

      Escaping from the real world is what the Page is all about. He’s about the vacation from reality. The fish is ‘a fish out of water’ and needs to go back in. Ask yourself who or what the fish represents in this card. He could keep it and cook it, but you have to wonder if he has any interest at all in getting into a kitchen, or anywhere near a recipe book, come to that.

      With time, maturity, life lessons and the encouragement of other people, the Page of Cups can develop into someone who has so much to give. There can be a leaning towards conservation and the environment here; perhaps Sea Shepherd or Greenpeace. The Page of Cups is entertaining, but there is tremendous untapped potential here too. I am always reminded of Kurt Cobain (whom I interviewed) when I see the Page of Cups; not necessarily because he was younger than me (he wasn’t) but really because he was a Pisces who played with life. He was an incredible dresser, a musical genius but had no interest in the material world. The swimming pool on the cover of Nevermind with the baby is a variation on the theme you see with the Page of Cups.

      You would certainly look for Neptune transits to the astrological chart if this card appears, but also transits to natal Neptune. There is something not quite real about the world represented by the Page of Cups.

  36. Good evening! I’ve been waiting for this transit for a long time! Does this luck apply to love as well? You mentioned a while ago that this might be the best chance for me in 12 years to have a new beginning in love, and I was stunned when I got an invitation last week to a major business event on May 19, at almost the exact time of the new moon in my country! I was hoping to make potential business and personal connections that day — I did talk to some interesting people business-wise, at least.

    Also I have Saturn in Leo at 29 degrees and the moon in Capricorn at 27 degrees. Ceres at 27 Scorpio and Psyche in Libra at 27. What luck should I push today? I attended your Zoom for New York, and I pulled the Queen of Pentacles.

    Any insights on all of this? Thanks again for all you do!

    1. Yes, a lot of people have been waiting for this transit. Taurus is not love, of course, but I have answered you elsewhere with a longer reply.

  37. Hello Jessica, I am signing very important estate documents on May 20th, the day after the new moon. In the days and weeks that follow I will also be working with a new financial advisor. I have two choices between advisors, one is a woman and another is a man.
    How do you see this next very important cycle working out the best for me. Do you have any advice or spirit thoughts that you can see for me?
    Again, thank you for all your help.

    1. Thank you. You are signing on Mercury Retrograde so may have to go back and fix a detail or find there is a rescheduling or second take. It augurs well however as Jupiter is in Taurus as you know, alongside this pesky Mercury. Choose a card for either advisor here, Scarlett. Just follow the steps.

  38. Jessica – Thank you for the great session about New Moon and Jupiter in Taurus today. Please also thank Alicia for her great orchestration!

    I got the Nine of Pentacles. As I see the card, I see Jupiter (falcon) and Bacchus (grapes). I have Jupiter at 23 Cancer and Bacchus at 21 Sagittarius with Fortuna. So all that makes sense to me. BTW: My phone blinked with picture of my two sons when I drew the card…maybe referencing the house in the background?

    I have recently started a new company teaching young people how to cook, so this year is going to be big for me to succeed or fail. I am also seeing the snail at the bottom. Does that mean that things will move slowly or something else? Just want to understand what I should be doing differently. I also have Saturn at 28 Pisces and Mars at 27 Cancer. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you I will pass that on to Alicia. Your phone blinking is another terrific example of spirit world interference that happened at The New Moon Zoom sessions. You are correctly reading your chart and card together and you are likely a born psychic, which I am sure you know. You will be very successful as a cooking teacher and 2024 is your year. Here is the full reading:

      This is Lady Bountiful from The Beaux’ Stratagem or MacKenzie Scott, the wealthiest woman in the world. There is abundance here, but also the need to find the right timing, as the snail suggests someone or something moving extremely slowly. The reverie is observable but there is also a reminder to stay in touch with reality and remain grounded, alert and practical. You need to be mindful when there is all this at stake.

      This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.

      As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.

      Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.

      Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.

      Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.

      This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.

      This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.

      You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.

      There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.

  39. Hi Jessica,
    Drew the Queen of Pentacles during the zoom meeting. Reading the description on the flipbook, it links the success of Beatrix Potter with this card. Just read a fascinating article today that experts argue that Brer Rabbit tales inspired her Peter Rabbit stories. “The unacknowledged debt Potter owed to the Brer Rabbit stories told by enslaved Africans deserves to be recognized, says scholar”.
    I looked at my chart and wonder what I owe. How do we know if we are owed or need to repay karmic debt? Hoping you can tell me more about what Jupiter 28° in Taurus means for me. I also have Juno 28° in Virgo and Panacea 28° in Gemini. My DESC is 29° in Taurus. Any guidance would be great to understand how to prepare.

  40. Once again thank you for a very helpful session. You explain Everything so clearly but I’m still stuck. I have Neptune 28 And Mars 22 Scorpio, and Fortuna 22 Libra (also Salacia 27 Capricorn). Today I finally got the order of the plot to my novel worked out in my head. It’s taken since 2018. Should I pursue my writing or do you think it’s better to concentrate on my grown up children taking over my mortgage and settling up a business from home. I’m so torn. I drew two of pentacles

    1. Thank you. The two children are shown in the Two of Pentacles. You and they need to work out a better system for paying off your mortgage. The economy is unpredictable, so it is not your fault or theirs, but this does not mean juggling is the answer. An accountant can help, or perhaps a better accountant than the one you have. You should continue writing as you enjoy it and there will be a wealth of opportunities to find an audience, or a new audience, from May 2024 and from the year 2026 the internet will offer you new technology to explore the old novel idea in a new way. The home business is an option too but you need a new life budget that will take the uncertainty of your situation. Stop and look for one then proceed.

  41. Hi Jessica, thanks again to you and Alicia! The lights were so interesting! Anyway, I posted on the Jupiter in Taurus page as well, so ignore that one if you want (or this one). I have several things at 21 degrees (not quite the 22 you mentioned but hopefully that’s close enough)?
    I’m now thinking about things I can do to help solve the climate crisis, and also thinking of doing energetic healing work…torn between the two…trying to think bigger — maybe there’s a way to do both? I know I need to take action…just wondering if you have any insights or thoughts about either based on my chart? Thanks again!

    1. Thank you. Light interference but also sound and vision interference is a by-product of spirit communication, but I’ve not seen it before using Zoom. Special session. Yes, 21 degrees is close enough. April 2024 will change your life if you let it. It will be lightning fast, liberating and have a huge ‘wow’ factor for you, with the money, house, business, charity, valuables or apartment. You can help the climate emergency and become a healer, both. This is Virgo territory. Work for no money, but also paid work in a health field where you also get helped. You have Virgo factors at 2, 21, 27 so Jupiter will trine those, giving you three chances to do just that.

  42. Thanks to you and Alicia for hosting the Zoom session this evening. I have Jupiter at 28 Capricorn, in my 10th house of work and Venus at 22 in Cancer. I have multiple factors including my sun in Leo at 29 degrees in my chart. Not sure if I am supposed to look at a one degree orb. I pulled The Hierophant card during the Zoom meeting to what this Jupiter in Taurus cycle has in store for me. I work in government, so I am getting the impression that I should read this card as referring to my work environment rather than religious matters. Is that right?

    1. Thank you for joining us at The New Moon Zoom. The Hierophant is about your values. Your ethics, ideology and morals. This is at the core of Taurus as the sign is about what you stay true to and will not budge on price for. This is the card:

      The Roman Catholic church was important in the lives of both Pamela Colman Smith, the Tarot artist, and her mentor, Arthur Waite. He rejected it, she turned to it. This is the Pope with two monks. A symbol of Jupiter and the Ninth House, but also – perhaps – of Uranus, as the symbol in his right hand suggests the planetary symbol.

      I always think the monks have enormous Y-front underpant patterns sewn onto their garments. You can’t avoid thinking about sex when you see the Catholic church on a card and this is the Pope laying down the law about celibacy, and perhaps about the holy vows of matrimony.

      The two fingers may be about to make the famous V for Victory symbol of Winston Churchill, or perhaps the V peace sign which became popular in the Vietnam war. The crossed keys show the Vatican. There are lots of questions here about what is right and wrong, good and evil, ethical and unethical, moral and amoral. Who or what is in charge and who or what must obey?

      The word is the law here. Yet, Uranus is a symbol of a rebellion; a revolution; a rejection of the old order in favour of the new.

      The Hierophant has been seen by Tarot author and expert Sasha Fenton as a symbol of conventional marriage, as opposed to living together. This is true. After all, this is the Pope we are talking about! In general, this card is a symbol of any orthodoxy or ‘system’ which represents the establishment, with the man at the top, and the rest at the bottom.

      Pamela was friends with G.K. Chesterton, who created Father Brown and this card reminds us that priests can sometimes get into trouble with the church if they don’t follow the rules. You have to ask yourself about ‘the system’ with this one. The monks are below the Pope, but they are also powerful, because without his monasteries, he is nothing. Neither is the Vatican.

      The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society where Pamela Colman Smith was inducted by W.B. Yeats, had a rigid set of rules and its own leadership. Arthur Waite was one of its leading lights.

      In this card we also see patriarchy. Male leader, male followers. Not a nun to be seen anywhere! So this card is very much about orthodoxy. The establishment, the system, the hierarchy. It all hinges on faith and belief, and perhaps pledges or commitments. Holy vows for holy orders. This card can be applied to a corporation or government as much as the church.

      This may be a long-established university where the rules are laid down quite formally and heavily, and the students are obliged to obey. Or not. The way Pamela has drawn the Papal ferula (or rod), the pastoral staff carried by the Pope, nods to that.

      Uranus is symbolised by a very similar glyph and it is a symbol of the revolution that leads to freedom and independence. There is an established order in this card, a tremendous emphasis on belief and trust, but also a question about loyalty, or disloyalty. In the end it comes down to faith, but perhaps it’s also about practical reasons. Can one afford a departure or break with the leadership and the system? Can one afford to go out on one’s own?

      Given the strict rules of most religions on sex, drugs, alcohol (and even particular kinds of food) The Hierophant always comes with a message about temptation and freedom. There is a choice here, either immediately or eventually. It is principally for the ‘monks’ in the situation, but it is also true that The Hierophant himself can have a crisis of faith. What happens when, to quote Michael Stipe in R.E.M. you are losing your religion?

  43. Resending only because I forgot to add my Taurus factors: Chiron in Taurus at 2 degrees, Vulcano and ASC at 14 degrees. Good evening! I’ve been waiting for this transit for a long time! Does this luck apply to love as well? You mentioned a while ago that this might be the best chance for me in 12 years to have a new beginning in love, and I was stunned when I got an invitation last week to a major business event on May 19, at almost the exact time of the new moon in my country! I was hoping to make potential business and personal connections that day — I did talk to some interesting people business-wise, at least. Also I have Saturn in Leo at 29 degrees and the moon in Capricorn at 27 degrees. Ceres at 27 Scorpio and Psyche in Libra at 27. What luck should I push today? I attended your Zoom for New York, and I pulled the Queen of Pentacles. Any insights on all of this? Thanks again for all you do!

    1. Thank you. Taurus is not love. It is the Second House and money. The reason this is the best chance in 12 years to find love is, you are a Scorpio Sun. So this has just started and ends in May 2024. You have Jupiter in your solar Seventh House of sexual relationships all that time. In your natal chart we find your Seventh House ruled by Libra and the South Node of karma enters there in July 2023 and stays in 2024. So publicly and privately you will be given the chance for a new relationship. The business event on 19th May was auspicious and contacts there will save or make you money long-term. You will negotiate with a rich woman or become one. Thus –

      Note the rabbit in the corner. Beatrix Potter was 43 years old, when Pamela Colman Smith, also a gifted illustrator and artist, created her famous Tarot cards: what would later become known as The Smith-Waite.

      The Tale of Peter Rabbit had come out in 1902, four years previously and even today, thanks to the film, it makes money for the Beatrix Potter estate.

      The rabbit is also a reminder that you can have money, but perhaps you also need sex. (Rabbits can produce a litter a month, though, so be careful). Playboy bunnies, so sex again, are associated with rabbits. Being ‘at it like rabbits’ is associated with frequent sex and we can also associate this creature with vegans. Rabbit food is a nickname for a classic vegan diet. It really depends on where you locate the rabbit or bunny in your consciousness. It can be quite literal. I have known more than one well-off woman with a rabbit and I’m sure you have too!

      Sometimes this Queen turns up if there is a wealthy single woman enjoying her garden or the local wilderness, parkland or woods – but sex won’t go away. In fact sex keeps nagging at her until she does something about it. The issue with ‘just sex’ though (rabbit impulses) is that it’s not really about making a good marriage, or finding a soulmate, and the rest. It’s just about the physical side of life. She may have to pay attention to that, sooner or later. Unless the rabbit hops away, of course. Yet – what if it jumps into her lap? That rabbit holds a key to this entire card.

      Some women I have read for (readers on my website) identify with the rabbit as a sign of divorce, because they gain a divorce settlement and sex ‘goes away’ and runs off. Down the rabbit hole. Alice in Wonderland sometimes holds meaning for people reading this card because of the White Rabbit and his pocket watch. Being late, for a very important date, can be another hint that one can be well-off, financially (everything in the garden is literally lovely here) but also miss out on dating. For some people, the rabbit/bunny is ‘a bun in the oven’ or pregnancy, and single women with enough money to have a child by themselves, can pull this card. In fact, the bun in the oven is the next step, after she has counted her pennies.

      This is a contented woman gazing at her wealth, to be sure. This is a Taurus, Second House, Scorpio and/or Eighth House card. Capricorn the goat is hidden on her throne, so have a look at that. Perhaps her career (Capricorn) has made her secure.

      A baby’s face peers out from the stone. Again, this is a hint about sex, in the background, in one’s history (a pregnancy that did or did not happen) and nods to the rabbit. There are a curious amount of cherubic heads in the stonework in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot deck, the Smith-Waite. In astrology this can be the asteroid Cupido, or Cupid, but over the years I have found women relate to the idea of historic pregnancies, abortions or miscarriages. They are always unseen by the Queens in these cards. Forgotten, suppressed, ignored. Adult children and their babyhood sometimes show up in this Queen’s past. That was then, this is now. She’s moved on and she’s interested in the money instead.

      Romantic roses surround her and she has, unusually, a bright green cloak. The colour of conservation and the environment. What is this woman going to do with her money, why and when? You will find more tiny details and clues, personal to you, here. She may work for Greenpeace. She may want to donate to The Wilderness Society or The Bob Brown Foundation. Nature is very close here and she is at home in it.

      The Queen of Pentacles is one of many figures in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot who is pondering money. Lost in daydreams. Basking in the moment, which is financially secure. Yet – this needs to be invested or put to good use. Something has to be done with this money; one cannot sit gazing at it forever. And of course you cannot handle the cash and the rabbit at the same time. You will have to put the money in a safe place, or spend it, or donate it – so you can be liberated enough to catch the rabbit before it hops away. Time is very much of the essence in the card if this woman does want to start a sexual relationship or even have a one-night-stand.

  44. Dear Jessica, thank you to you and Alicia for the great event tonight. As usual, I learned a lot. If you have time, please, I would appreciate your insights on my chart. I pulled The Empress card during the session. For context – I learned a work contract I was relying on would not be extended a few hours after this transit started. On Thursday, a wonderfulTaurus friend (whose birthday this week was at start of this transit) told me about a position at his company that, while not “wrapped up in a tidy package”, could be a great opportunity for me to reorient my career for the long term. I am very wary, as I made a bad career move last year (the mental and self-esteem effects from which I am still dealing with), and do not want to look unstable if this potential new position does not work out. Thank you.

    1. The Empress is not strictly speaking about career. However she can show you sitting pretty from money made. You had a career knock already and are wary. Use the Tarot in a more personal way to find out about that, yet The Empress is good news in terms of lifestyle, happiness, and most of all, home. This is about being at home in the world, which is a Cancer matter. Jupiter in Taurus will sextile your Cancer factors several times giving you opportunities to expand and improve your lifestyle.

      Here we have the very image of domestic bliss. The Domestic Goddess, perhaps a Nigella Lawson type, or Vita Sackville-West, is immortalised in a lush Kent or Sussex garden. This is a Bohemian who has dropped out of big city life. It is a Hippie who has decided to redefine success as life on holiday.

      The stars on the crown worn by The Empress will have special meaning for you. Perhaps astrology is her crowning glory. This may also be an old wedding tiara – The Empress still wears the triumph of her big day on her head. Maybe it is astronomy which rules her, intellectually, not astrology. Everything in Pamela’s cards has a meaning, but it is usually there to be defined by you, in an intensely personal way.

      The Venus symbol is on the heart ( a strange concrete heart) wedged under this woman’s chaise longue. We also see Ceres, the dwarf planet, symbolised by the corn at her feet. There is plenty of astrology here.

      Ceres was the goddess of Roman agriculture who ruled the four seasons. In fact, she was discovered in 1801 when The Four Seasons made its debut. This composition reflects the synchronicity of the year. Ceres was in charge of spring, summer, autumn and winter. She ruled the harvest of corn and wheat, which depended on regular seasons.

      The Empress is more than just a woman of leisure with stars on her crown and a Venus (desire) symbol in stone at her elbow. She is also reminding us of Ceres and the need to reap what you sow from a rich harvest, so that you can prepare for the future.

      Summer does not last. It turns to Autumn and then Winter. The Empress is a reminder that you can live for the moment, but you also have to prepare for the future.

      In the original story of Ceres, Pluto and Proserpina, it was accepted that whenever Proserpina (the beloved daughter of Ceres) was on her annual six-month departure from Hades, and her husband Pluto – the earth laughed in flowers. Ceres was overjoyed to have her daughter Proserpina back with her, and so Autum and Winter were left behind, along with the lonely dark days of sole motherhood, to be replaced by sunshine, warm weather and the harvest.

      The Empress is a cautionary tale, as well as a delight. Unless you leave the sofa and get to work, cutting the wheat and corn, and grinding it for flour – you may find there is precious little to feed you when the seasons change. You can literally interpret this card that way, thinking three months into the future, or six months into the future. A symbolic autumn or winter.

      The Empress has the stars in her crown as we have seen (perhaps the stars are celebrities – it depends on your line of work) and she is holding a golden spoon, which is open to your interpretation. For some people this is a symbol of Wales, land of the giant and elaborate wooden spoons. For other people, the spoon is a nod to The Who and their song Substitute. (‘I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.’) Other people do not see a spoon at all. They see a microphone. The Empress is a podcaster.

      The cushions are beautiful and expensive – probably velvet. You can see the Venus symbol repeated on the final black-and-yellow cushion. As we have spoken about Ceres, it is only fair to mention the other Roman goddess, Venus. Both Venus and Ceres were intensely feminine archetypes.

      Venus was beautiful and vain. Her symbol in astrology is a truncated hand-mirror. For some people, the spoon in the card is actually a strange little looking-glass for a dressing-table.

      Venus was jealous of women who were as beautiful (or more beautiful) than she was. Venus seduced men, but was also seduced by them. She was married to Vulcan the blacksmith, but had sex on the side with Mars the warrior. Venus is very 20th Century Fox. You will see her in a lot of Hollywood films.

      So, The Empress is not Venus, but she leans on her. Venus is on her cushion. Venus is also part of the furniture – the grey slab. Perhaps The Empress owes the garden to her marriage, her common-law marriage, her divorce or her separation. It supports her.

      A river is pouring in. This is abundance! But it needs to be harnessed, used, managed and not left to fall away. This, together with the wheat which must be cut and ground into flour, is the second cautionary symbol in the card. This is a beautiful river and it will supply the garden all summer, but what if it floods? This is not the first time in this deck Pamela will create a waterway which is in danger of being all over the place, all the time, everywhere.

      The Empress is a delightful symbol of a woman who has tremendous comfort, luxury, peace, quiet, solitude and harmony.

      She is not feeling remotely alone, though, as she has that rather interesting symbol of love, sex and seduction (Venus) which is evergreen. Clearly a relationship, or a phase in a marriage, is there to be revived and recycled, if she wants to do it!

      The only thing to say about this card is that like so many of Pamela’s illustrations of fertile times and ‘the good life’ there is a need to stop lounging around, roll up the sleeves and get to grips with what needs to be harvested and set aside for the future. You should look at both Ceres and Venus if examining an astrological chart.

  45. Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for the New Moon Zoom tonight. It was nothing like I thought it would be! I know a bit about astrology, and nothing about the Tarot. So I’m not sure how my card the Queen of Swords connects to my chart. My Sun and Ascendant are in Capricorn, my Moon, Mercury and Venus are all in Aquarius, Jupiter is at 0 degrees Virgo and Pluto is at 28 degrees Leo. I would truly like to make a career change (I have been “stuck” in a job working for a photographer for 9 years) and refocus on my graphic design and art. I also enjoy writing and have been wondering if there is an avenue I could pursue, or a business to start, that connects all three. Could you offer a bit of insight as to how I can interpret, or find, a link to my chart with my card that could open a new direction? Thanks again!

    1. Thank you. You will be in a position of strength in this transit, enabling you to be Queen of all you survey, so we look to Capricorn and/or Virgo in your chart and the Tenth House of position and ambition, but also the Sixth House of duty and service in the name of work. You have both.

      Is this you, or someone else? If it is yourself you will have instant recognition; you are clearly a tough cookie, or currently forced to be on guard, keeping people or situations at bay. This is a formidable woman who is immediately recognisable in history as well as modern politics. Strong boundaries. An intimidating presence. The colouring is red/orange so here we have someone who has the zodiac fire signs – Aries, Leo and/or Sagittarius – emphasised in her horoscope.

      What is really interesting about the Queen of Swords is that she is also spiritual. Are those rosary beads on her wrist, or a traditional Tibetan Buddhist bracelet? And how can you be tough but spiritual or religious at the same time? This is the interesting conundrum about this particular queen. She is open, inviting the world in, but also defensive, keeping people at arm’s length.

      As mentioned earlier, the butterflies of Psyche, the Roman goddess of immortality, are hidden on the Queen’s throne and in her crown. This asteroid (Psyche) in your astrological chart is a symbol of what or who lasts forever, despite tests and trials. In mythology, Psyche was put to tests and trials by Venus, her jealous mother-in-law. Psyche passed them all and was rewarded with immortality by the Gods.

      If we take Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II as archetypes for the Queen of Swords, we can see some of this enduring power. Good Queen Bess goes on in art, in history, in literature, in film, in television. Like her modern namesake, she was a religious woman. The current Queen will go on forever, if only because her features are on the currency of Commonwealth nations – not to mention the legacy she will leave.

      This, then, is no ordinary woman. No matter what happens to her, the beat goes on. She is also a survivor. Psyche put up with all kinds of torments from Venus, who resented her great beauty. You get the impression that the Queen of Swords has made it through various conflicts or battles, feuds or spats. No wonder she is so determined to maintain her defences, with her mighty sword. She has been tested. Now, she puts others to the test. She decides who comes into her space.

      The baby’s face hidden in the stonework reminds us of the zodiac sign Leo (the Queen to a younger court) and the Fifth House of pregnancy, babies and childhood. She may have transits in Leo; horoscope factors in Leo; cycles which were/are important in the Fifth House. A great deal of who this woman is, rests on the babies and infants from her past – or the pregnancies. Perhaps, the godchildren or stepchildren, the small nieces or nephews – as well as her own son or daughter. We can also see the ghost of lost pregnancies hidden in the throne. It really depends on who this person is, or who you are, but it all forms the foundation this woman rests on, even if she is entirely unconscious of it.

      The sword is pure Mars. This is a posture of defence. You can approach Her Majesty but only so far. She will smite you if she wants to. She will put the sword down, but only if she wishes. There is a strong message here about turf and territory.

      On the left, the family tree is blowing sideways – the winds of change. This has happened and is still affecting her, or is taking place now. Relatives may be displaced, for example, or there could be separations, departures, arrivals within the clan. Differences or difficult episodes, showing some kind of turmoil. It’s very much in the background but it adds to the picture and expands the information about this woman. Again, we are reminded of both Queen Elizabeth I and her sister Mary, and the current monarch and her family dramas.

      Our Queen of Swords wears either a Roman Catholic rosary, a Tibetan Buddhist piece of jewellery – or perhaps a red string bracelet, which is a sacred Hindu piece of jewellery which wards off evil. The idea of being protected, is strong with this card. Here is a woman who cares deeply about feeling safe and being safe, too, on the spiritual plane as well as the earthly one. So, with this card, you really have to look at her tactics, tools and strategy.

      Pamela’s quantum clouds are on her robes and in the sky and a single bird flies over her head. The clouds may also be smoke, a symbol for the planet Neptune. This card, thus, lends itself to stage direction, conscious creation and deliberate choice. All Pamela’s cards are examples of quantum uncertainty and the reality of parallel universes.

      The Queen of Swords can be adjusted. Her props can change. Others can come into the card. Her furniture can be altered. Everything about this picture suggests there are many, many ways to feel protected and be defended. Perhaps that big, heavy sword is a burden and there are other possibilities? And who or what is unseen, beyond the margins or the card, to confront this woman so much, that her entire being is devoted to filtering who can come in, and who must stay away?

  46. Hi Jessica,
    I logged in to your New Moon Zoom, during a quick lunch break, from Rome. So glad I did! Wonderful!
    I didn’t get a chance to write my question to you until now. I pulled the Three of Cups during the tarot section.
    I spent the day launching my new business (a relocation agency for foreigners looking to move to Italy) that I started together with my daughter. She is Pisces moon in Cancer ascendant Gemini. Fingers crossed!
    I am Cancer with ascendant at 22 degrees in Sagittarius. Aesculapia 12 in Taurus. Minerva 03 in Taurus.
    I feel that June 2nd this year will bring something big and also the coming Libra in south node (my daughter was born during the last one). Can you give me some more insight on what to expect?
    Thank you so much in advance!

    1. Thanks Kim. This is really about your Virgo stellium, which includes natal Jupiter, in the Sixth House of work, productivity, harvesting and labour. It can and should be fun and celebratory and that is coming to you, perhaps because of the new business, maybe because of a second business. Jupiter will trine everything in your Sixth House, including Jupiter itself.

      Here we have an archetypal experience of feminine triumph known to Bananarama, The Supremes, The Slits and other all-female bands. This reminds me of the days when our anthology of short stories, Girls’ Night In, beat both J.K.Rowling and The Beatles in the bestseller lists. It was edited by myself, Chris Manby and Fiona Walker – three women who liked a glass of wine or two. We did in fact use our harvest and the books kept on coming for years. This card has personal meaning for me, but it will also have intensely personal meaning for you. Which group of women is this?

      Tarot designer Pamela Colman Smith was close to the theatre world suffragette and lesbian Edith Craig, who from 1916 was in a menage a trois with Christabel Marshall and Clare ‘Tony’ Atwood. The three women here may well be feminists or lesbian lovers.

      This is also an image of female solidarity so it may bring in the Eleventh House. Cups are related to sex and feelings so this may be a solid bond of sisterly friendship or something more.

      Halloween is suggested by the pumpkin. Perhaps these are witches. This card is suggestive of A Dance to the Music of Time (Poussin) and astrology itself as the women could dance in either direction, hinting at Retrogrades in the chart. The mood here is happy, celebratory.

      The Eleventh House is of course ruled by Aquarius and Pamela herself was a Sun Aquarian. She created illustrations for the nascent Suffragette movement at the turn of last century and of course, her sister did indeed win the vote. This zodiac sign is associated with community, equality and diversity. Also asexuality!
      It is possible that not every person in this circle of three is female. There may be room for a man here, with his back to us, but with feminine locks. We may be talking about Boy George in Culture Club celebrating fame and fortune with female friends, after the success of Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

      Pamela’s card is quite pure, here. There is nothing lurking. The harvest has been picked, and this might be the C.W.A. (Countrywomen’s Association) in Australia enjoying a Good Year for the Roses. There is no competition between these women. There is no secret agenda; just honest solidarity and sisterhood.

      Cups are emotions in the Tarot and describe the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as well. The three women make three sides of a Grand Trine; in astrology these three signs are always automatically part of this aspect together. It shows ease, flow and natural harmony. This is a delightful card to see if you are hoping for a good outcome with an all-female project.

      Just remember that if the champagne is to keep flowing, there has to be continuity. That pumpkin should be made into scones, perhaps, or soup – but the seeds should be carefully replanted so that the harvest is ongoing. It really can be, as I found out for myself, all the way back in 1999 when Girls’ Night In first appeared. It was an exclusively female venture with writers who went on to become very famous, like Marian Keyes. Today, past the year 2020, it survives as a series for children (a spin-off) called Kids’ Night In, but the ebook goes on making money for the children’s charity War Child.

      This is a Minor Arcana card so it may not transform your life, but its impact can be substantial, all the same. Our series made $3 million for War Child. There is abundance here, a sense of ‘there’s more where that came from’ and the fruits of the women’s labour, spread out all around them, suggests that what is gained could become the first step towards something that returns, every season. Minor is not always minor. What starts small in Pamela’s Tarot can grow, with care and attention, and tremendous patience, into something really big.

      These are three bridesmaids at a wedding banquet who have something special; loyalty, friendship, trust. From that, could come anything at all, in the years ahead. It’s the Matildas, the Australian women’s football team, celebrating an early win. Cups are so often trophies in these cards and this may be a netball team too.

      So many of Pamela’s cards are agricultural in nature, perhaps because she created them (partly or wholly) at Smallhythe in The Garden of England – Kent.

      This card is about planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Life gardening is very important, though, as it’s not enough to just celebrate and move on. What a waste of vast potential that would be; what is all around these three women should become the basis of something much more. Using the astrological charts could be useful here if you are watching the transits of Jupiter, which is associated with abundance, reward and happy endings.

      He moves in 12-year cycles so perhaps this is a twelve-year program. Maybe it is just the conjunctions, sextiles or trines of transiting Jupiter which you need to watch here. The chart itself will give the clue. Has there just been an exact aspect involving Jupiter? If so, you can set your watch by it, as this planet will move around the horoscope, always referring to the original harvest.

      The Romans associated Jupiter with the oak tree and the acorn. From little acorns, mighty oaks do grow. There is a suggestion of this about the pumpkin that comes from the seed. To really work with the potential in this group, look at the Jupiter placements.

  47. Hello! Thanks for the zoom event, Jessica. That was awesome. I drew the 9 of pentacles. I have 2 Taurus factors and Proserpina 28 in Libra. My father who passed was a Taurus and so is my mom (but she doesn’t know her bday – lol (old Greece farmers; I think she was born in the field lol). Anyway, my sis was born w the Taurus genes more so, (13/12/76) and has Jupiter in Taurus, I think retrograde? Anyway- we’re both trying to get back at life while grieving. I know I have to start dating and moving on, but is there anything else psychically you can share. I feel like you were there w spirits – maybe it was someone I know 😉

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you lost your father to spirit. Both Zoom sessions had spirit world presence – perhaps it is this apartment – we have the third Zoom session here tomorrow so let’s see. While you are trying to get back to normal with your lives, there are things you can look forward to. Your Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn stelliums are picked up by Jupiter. A huge stretch about the inheritance and other financial or property matters will end in July. Jupiter in Taurus will trine your Sixth House of workload and lifestyle and Tenth House of ambition and achievement, so you will be eased into beneficial situations where you can do what comes naturally for success and fulfilment at work in this job or another. The Nine of Pentacles is a purely financial card of course. This is you by May 2024 or another woman you can negotiate with – perhaps your sister.

      This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.

      As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.

      Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.

      Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.

      Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.

      This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.

      This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.

      You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.

      There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.

  48. Hi Jessica,
    I am glad I managed to make it to the zoom meeting yesterday. Thank you so much, I am still at early days of learning astrology and I love your reading and listening your knowledge. I signed up to the Sun Sign School as well as you suggested to me at the last post so I am really looking forward to learn more. Looking at my birth chart here, I have many placements in 27,28 and 29 degrees, including south and north node and Uranus and Mercury. I also have Taurus exactly at 22 degrees at the 2nd house! Tarot card I got at the zoom session yesterday was The Empress (Description of Venus – ruler of my sign amazed me). Please, would you give me more understanding of what I can expect in next 12 months. I also had a good feeling about the tarot card but it wasn’t like a wow and it felt more steady and like patience is required. One thing that stood out as well was the golden spoon and mention of Wales when I read the card explanation. I have been dealing with Welsh person recently and after having ‘the talk’ and going separate ways, I still feel like our paths will cross again at unexpected time. I am currently going through some big changes and I would like to start completely new business in different field to what I do now and possibly even something to do with writing which surprised me as it’s not the area I ever thought I would dip into.
    Thanks so much and thank you for your amazing knowledge. I love reading your website and I am looking forward to learn more.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for coming to The New Moon Zoom. Thank you also for signing up for The Sun Sign School. I hope you can join us tomorrow for that too. You are going to enjoy the next 12 months as Jupiter with all his growth, expansion and good fortune triggers your chart. The rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 22 degrees in April 2024 makes it a very happy Easter. You are reading your card psychically when you picked up Wales. Yes, the love could be revived there. It’s evergreen affection. My take on the card for you is the vintage Laura Ashley dress you are wearing: Ashley was Welsh. Here is the traditional reading of the card:

      Here we have the very image of domestic bliss. The Domestic Goddess, perhaps a Nigella Lawson type, or Vita Sackville-West, is immortalised in a lush Kent or Sussex garden. This is a Bohemian who has dropped out of big city life. It is a Hippie who has decided to redefine success as life on holiday.

      The stars on the crown worn by The Empress will have special meaning for you. Perhaps astrology is her crowning glory. This may also be an old wedding tiara – The Empress still wears the triumph of her big day on her head. Maybe it is astronomy which rules her, intellectually, not astrology. Everything in Pamela’s cards has a meaning, but it is usually there to be defined by you, in an intensely personal way.

      The Venus symbol is on the heart ( a strange concrete heart) wedged under this woman’s chaise longue. We also see Ceres, the dwarf planet, symbolised by the corn at her feet. There is plenty of astrology here.

      Ceres was the goddess of Roman agriculture who ruled the four seasons. In fact, she was discovered in 1801 when The Four Seasons made its debut. This composition reflects the synchronicity of the year. Ceres was in charge of spring, summer, autumn and winter. She ruled the harvest of corn and wheat, which depended on regular seasons.

      The Empress is more than just a woman of leisure with stars on her crown and a Venus (desire) symbol in stone at her elbow. She is also reminding us of Ceres and the need to reap what you sow from a rich harvest, so that you can prepare for the future.

      Summer does not last. It turns to Autumn and then Winter. The Empress is a reminder that you can live for the moment, but you also have to prepare for the future.

      In the original story of Ceres, Pluto and Proserpina, it was accepted that whenever Proserpina (the beloved daughter of Ceres) was on her annual six-month departure from Hades, and her husband Pluto – the earth laughed in flowers. Ceres was overjoyed to have her daughter Proserpina back with her, and so Autum and Winter were left behind, along with the lonely dark days of sole motherhood, to be replaced by sunshine, warm weather and the harvest.

      The Empress is a cautionary tale, as well as a delight. Unless you leave the sofa and get to work, cutting the wheat and corn, and grinding it for flour – you may find there is precious little to feed you when the seasons change. You can literally interpret this card that way, thinking three months into the future, or six months into the future. A symbolic autumn or winter.

      The Empress has the stars in her crown as we have seen (perhaps the stars are celebrities – it depends on your line of work) and she is holding a golden spoon, which is open to your interpretation. For some people this is a symbol of Wales, land of the giant and elaborate wooden spoons. For other people, the spoon is a nod to The Who and their song Substitute. (‘I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.’) Other people do not see a spoon at all. They see a microphone. The Empress is a podcaster.

      The cushions are beautiful and expensive – probably velvet. You can see the Venus symbol repeated on the final black-and-yellow cushion. As we have spoken about Ceres, it is only fair to mention the other Roman goddess, Venus. Both Venus and Ceres were intensely feminine archetypes.

      Venus was beautiful and vain. Her symbol in astrology is a truncated hand-mirror. For some people, the spoon in the card is actually a strange little looking-glass for a dressing-table.

      Venus was jealous of women who were as beautiful (or more beautiful) than she was. Venus seduced men, but was also seduced by them. She was married to Vulcan the blacksmith, but had sex on the side with Mars the warrior. Venus is very 20th Century Fox. You will see her in a lot of Hollywood films.

      So, The Empress is not Venus, but she leans on her. Venus is on her cushion. Venus is also part of the furniture – the grey slab. Perhaps The Empress owes the garden to her marriage, her common-law marriage, her divorce or her separation. It supports her.

      A river is pouring in. This is abundance! But it needs to be harnessed, used, managed and not left to fall away. This, together with the wheat which must be cut and ground into flour, is the second cautionary symbol in the card. This is a beautiful river and it will supply the garden all summer, but what if it floods? This is not the first time in this deck Pamela will create a waterway which is in danger of being all over the place, all the time, everywhere.

      The Empress is a delightful symbol of a woman who has tremendous comfort, luxury, peace, quiet, solitude and harmony.

      She is not feeling remotely alone, though, as she has that rather interesting symbol of love, sex and seduction (Venus) which is evergreen. Clearly a relationship, or a phase in a marriage, is there to be revived and recycled, if she wants to do it!

      The only thing to say about this card is that like so many of Pamela’s illustrations of fertile times and ‘the good life’ there is a need to stop lounging around, roll up the sleeves and get to grips with what needs to be harvested and set aside for the future. You should look at both Ceres and Venus if examining an astrological chart.

  49. Jessica,

    As always you are a wealth of information. I learned so much from the Zoom event. Also, thank you for providing the explanation on the King of Pentacles. I know this man. Wealthy beyond measure; powerful; intelligent; well-connected. But also extremely lonely, unable to trust most, in a world of his making. We have been communicating via messenger, on and off, for over six years but have never met. He is a 67 year old Leo who lives in the US. I am in Canada. However, almost a year later, communication has very recently rekindled. This time different. Serious. Desperate? As much as he intrigues me; he also scares me.

    1. Thank you very much. You know the King of Pentacles because he has been in your life for six years. Amazing. Draw a second card to answer your main question about him. Give yourself a time limit.

  50. Hi Jessica,
    Enjoyed the Zoom event yesterday. I am a Sun Scorpio with stellium in Scorpio, Aquarius and Sagittarius and have Mars at 28 Aries. Can you tell me how Jupiter in Taurus will work for me? Will it affect my personal relationships or my career? Thanks

    1. This is the Page of Swords who shows up in your public Scorpio chart as you go through Saturn and Neptune transiting Pisces in your Fifth House of parenthood; godchildren; young relatives; interns.

      Pages were young male servants in the theatre of Pamela’s day. This is a younger male, with the red boots of Aries (its colour is red) and the sword of Mars, the ruler of Aries. Of course girls and young women can dress up as young men. Who is this person? Perhaps it is a youthful and energetic part of your own personality, as much as a real person, as I’ve mentioned. Perhaps look to Mars in your chart, natally or by transit. Mars Retrograde, or Mars in square or opposition to other chart factors, can result in this kind of green light/amber light mixed signal.

      We might associate this card with ‘Up and atom’ or ‘Up and at ‘em’ depending on how you read it. There is a certain amount of testosterone here, if the person in question is a young man or boy. The weather depicted by Pamela in this card is significant. This is not a calm, quiet, sunny day. It is really a day of tremendous gusts of wind, blowing us around, in search of a new direction. West, East, North or South? The page is unsure.

      The family tree to the left is blown sideaways. This may be significant, if relatives or close family members are switching direction, or if there is some kind of disruption. Perhaps someone has come home to stay, or there is a departure. Maybe there is family politics, so the tree of one’s ancestors is being shaken. This seems to be part of the story, although it is in the background. It may be a background issue, or belong to the past, thus influencing the drive, personality and mixed feelings of this Page of Swords.

      The group of birds, symbolising the Eleventh House, is scattering. In Pamela’s cards, read every detail. She knew groups very well, having been in The Golden Dawn (which indeed scattered its membership) and also involved in the Suffragette movement of early last century. She was quite sensitive to the hive mind, or group mind, and it shows up in quite a few of her cards. Here we see it as a flock, disrupted by the winds of change. This is another background feature, so it may belong to the past, or be an element of the situation approaching from the future.

      Note that yellow, the colour of fear, is here too. The colours in Pamela’s cards really matter.

      Saturn is a pale yellow colour and symbolises delays. This page is hesitating. Stay or go? Thrust and parry or head back? The winds of change are urging the page East but one foot is still turning West. This idea of turning on one’s heel, is really important if you are looking at the astrological chart, because we may be seeing a retrograde planet somewhere; likely Mars, but possibly Saturn (yellow) or even Mercury. There is a feeling of ‘Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?’ here, like The Clash anthem. If he goes there will be trouble, but if he stays it will be doubled…

  51. Thank you Jessica. Loverly reading and a number of things for me to be cognizant about. Really appreciate your time.

  52. Hi Dear Jessica !

    How NFT work? Do I have to purchase one to invest? I’m really interested in. What is « Elementals »?
    Txs a lot

    1. Thank you. Once the website is complete (we are doing this on a terrific New Moon in Taurus but also Mercury Retrograde in Taurus) I will post a feature on NFT for beginners, what you can gain, why it matters and how to do it! Stay tuned. Thank you.

  53. Hello Jessica, Unfortunately I’m unable to attend this event as I absolutely love diving deeper into Tarot. I’m hoping for some insight please as I’ve been trying to sell my property with no luck for 18 months. Everyone that comes to my property via agent or visitors say they absolutely love the property but no one has put their words into purchase. I’m generally an upbeat, positive individual who adapts to the good, bad and not so good stuff life shows us but have started to feel flat about it. I’ve adjusted pricing but I honestly don’t feel this will affect the right buyer. Confused and frustrated is my energy space currently. I want to downsize and move closer to my family but seem to be in a stalled field. The Tarot I received today was Six of Wands and last week Seven of Pentacles.
    I have stelliums in Cancer 7, Gemini 6,Virgo 4 & Pisces 4. Any insights Jessica are greatly appreciated. Lee

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you can’t sell your property. You took the price down and still nothing. Seven of Pentacles (coins) is talking to you directly about the sale, Lee. This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?

      This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.

      So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.

      There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.

      Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.

      It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?

      This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
      This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.

      I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).

      You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.

  54. Thank you for the New Moon in Taurus zoom meeting yesterday. I always look forward to attend. I am so happy and hopeful that the New Moon in Taurus and Jupiter in Taurus will bring something good. I have my natal Moon and natal Jupiter in Taurus. I am also married to a Taurus husband and have a Taurus mother. The card I drew yesterday was The Empress. The stars in her crown has special meanings to me. So does the garden, the hart, the dress, cushions and the river. I am not sure of the golden thing in her hand or the corn (Ceres). I have Ceres in Pisces in my natal chart. During the Zoom meeting I noticed the sunbeams around you and the movement behind the curtains. I also noticed you beautiful scarf. I used to have one that look exactly the same. Thank you, and your team for a fantastic evening.

    1. Thank you I will pass that on to Alicia Fulton, our host for these events at Astrology and Tarot Meetups. You have personalised The Empress for yourself which is good. You will be in a wonderful position by May 2024 at the very latest, both in your environment locally and at home. You will have your Jupiter Return so will find beautiful clothes and home furnishings and delightful surroundings are yours to enjoy. You saw movement behind the curtains on the Zoom? But that’s impossible. We’ll have to go back and look at the footage; we did have spirit interference.

  55. Hi Jessica, I’m really sorry I wasn’t able to attend the new moon meetup as scheduled – my daughter (born 6 Sep 2017 at 3:02pm in Canberra) was hospitalised on Friday with some scary symptoms and it turns out she has Influenza B. I was in hospital on the full moon eclipse 2 weeks ago with meningitis so we’re not having the best run currently 🙁 Thank you for the heads up about the portable air purifier with UV – I purchased for my recovery but then took it into the hospital and now we are home, we’re running it in our small lounge room.
    May I please ask a question or ask for a card about the Taurus new moon? I guess as a family we are restructuring our priorities in terms of lifestyle – particularly in light of our recent health concerns and our other young child’s chronic disease diagnosis 7 months ago. My Taurus partner is hoping to sell his share of a business in the next 12 months to free up some cash flow and drop our debt level. We have been in 6 years in October but it’s been very tough going and we think it might be time to call it a day. He has also formed a partnership with 2 others in the last 6 months offering an innovative health service that he hopes may lead to a freer lifestyle and additional revenue stream. I have a 1 day/week job, am studying a new modality and also have a healing/intuitive business on the side that I would like to expand as my health improves. Are these the areas that we may find some positive growth in? To be honest it’s been plain survival mode lately and cancelling all plans for the future to focus on today. I’m trying to stay positive but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Thank you so much and I hope to catch the next meetup online 🙂

    1. I am so sorry your daughter had to go to hospital. I am really pleased you could take the HEPA filter into the hospital. Your partnership has been under strain partly because of these issues with both children. Just surviving is not enough, though, and here comes Jupiter in a completely new position in your chart (and his) which will help enormously as he sells his business share and you start thinking about your own business. At 5 through 28 degrees of Taurus, you have Second House patterns which will reward you and fulfil you right to the end of the cycle in May 2024. Your partner is actually a Taurus so he is part of that story, of course. What you will be able to do is create a new life budget. This means evaluating what cannot be bought or sold. Your wellbeing. Your children’s wellbeing. A peaceful relationship with your partner, no matter if you separate. This will come down to actual money on paper, of course, but you will be calculating how to earn what doesn’t have a price tag and find you can pay for it.

  56. Hi Jessica
    I was able to join the Zoom session from my summer home in a small Himalayan village in India. It was fantastic to listen and understand along with you .
    During the session I drew the Ace of Cups . How does this resonate with my chart ?
    Thank you .

    1. Thank you for attending from India – I am glad we had a good internet connection. The Ace of Cups is about an abundance of spiritual and emotional fulfilment. The cup overfloweth. At the bottom of the card you can see the Aquarius logo, expanded. The wavy lines of water. The lotuses floating may be personal to you. This may be about a monastery, for example, or local Buddhists. Perhaps the lotus is related to the Hindu religion. Here is the full reading. You have two factors in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups, networks, circles, friends, allies and pooled resources. The Taurus weather will square that and set it off, next week.

      This is one of those cards which makes every heart leap because at first glance it transmits so much joy and energy. It is a terrific Tarot card to see if you have been going through a hard time. It often turns up before a baby is Christened, but it can also appear when there is a relationship phase, a friendship phase, or a brand new involvement which is the gift that goes on giving.

      There are many symbols here. The letter W is on the cup. The Christian cross is on the Holy Communion wafer. The dove of peace flies overhead. The Tibetan Buddhist lotus flower floats on the water. As always with Pamela’s cards you should interpret the symbols in a personal way. Perhaps you know a William or a Williams, so the letter W is significant. Maybe the ‘W’ in Pamela’s 1909 illustration stands for WWW today and this card is about a website venture which is emotionally and creatively rewarding.

      The Holy Grail is certainly hidden in the cup symbolism so perhaps you are involved with Arthurian mythology or even Monty Python! As I said, this card is rich with symbols which are best interpreted in a highly personal way. The lotus flowers which are dotted on the water may have particular meaning for you if you are involved with Tibet, or Thailand.

      The cup itself is about emotional or sometimes sexual fulfilment and this one is overflowing as we’ve seen. There is no end to what pours forth. Your cup runneth over and the cups were associated with water signs in the original Tarot, so this is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

      It’s all potential, certainly, and unrealised to date. You have to make this happen, by trusting the Tarot card and believing that the time is right to take what is on offer. It is yours to enjoy and time is of the essence as it’s not certain how long the offer will remain.

      The cloud is classic quantum uncertainty and Pamela Colman Smiths’ cards are full of it. Billowing clouds of potential delivery and hypothetical reality. Nothing can happen until this is made real. This is really part of the Tarot experience; there is no point drawing cards in a cynical way, as the trick with quantum reality is to accept, trust and ‘know’ things to be true. When you step into Pamela and Arthur’s world of Tarot, you have to enter completely. There is no point distrusting the experience or being sceptical about what is there. This card is about buying into what and who is on offer.

      At the moment, for all that this card is so joyful, it is an unpopped universe. Christenings are often suggested by this card, as I’ve mentioned, or there is a spiritually fulfilling and emotionally rewarding passage in a relationship or family situation which feels as if something has been ‘Christened’ or blessed and brought into being. It’s a lovely image. Refreshing, promising, deep and complex. Reach for what you see.

      Something sacred is on offer here but it must be brought down to earth and integrated into your life. The imagery of water suggests the water signs, as well as the cup; Cancer is mother’s milk. Scorpio is the blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids) of a passionate marriage. Pisces is just tears.

      The tremendous emotional and spiritual surge of the Ace of Cups is profoundly moving, because it describes something that is so deeply felt between two or more people. This is the stuff of great music or poetry; great art or spiritual experiences. It is also of tremendous religious importance to some Roman Catholics, as this imagery ties in with Sunday Mass.

      On a more basic note, a gold cup is a gold cup. This can be the sportsman’s victory, held aloft, no matter if we’re talking The World Cup in football or The Grand Prix. The winner of The Melbourne Cup or any other cup is suggested here, depending on who you are, and what your question is. This is so much more than a win on the board, though. It transcends the metal in the hand, and becomes so much more than it is, spiritually. You might say England’s 1966 World Cup, in Bobby Moore’s hands, with Her Majesty the Queen in attendance, on British soil – against Germany, twenty years or so after the war – had that kind of resonance.

  57. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to join the zoom for this I had a clash with another meeting at work unfortunately. I drew a card for ‘How will the New Moon in Taurus affect me?’ and I drew Justice and I am hoping that and Jupiter in Taurus my Mars, Ascendant and South Node in Taurus. I am hopeful after some very hard years that have been unfair and unkind to me that something positive might happen one way or another. I’m seeing little glimmers of hope after some dark times, this and your Jupiter in Taurus article are good reading.

    1. It’s good to know other people work on the weekends too! This is Justice. Jupiter will aspect your Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House of balance.

      Sometimes the law, in terms of karma (ancient justice) or the legal profession, is bigger than you are. There is something comforting here about these meticulously balanced scales.

      This is a potent symbol of Libra the Scales as they rule the Seventh House of partnership, separation and divorce and are in turn ruled by Venus. (Scales can also be seen in the Six of Coins as a symbol of Venus in her rulership of Taurus and the Second House of money). It is very common for this card to appear when there are transits in the Seventh House, or aspects to natal factors in the Seventh House.

      The scales seen here are almost exactly aligned. The judge, lawyer, barrister or mediator is threatening anyone who dares to challenge the outcome.

      There are some curious little symbols here, typical of Pamela’s odd details. Is that a computer screen or hidden camera in the crown? Is that the Japanese flag on the gown? Why is only one shoe showing and why is it white? What is behind the brown curtain?

      You will interpret these for yourself, and perhaps in different ways. It is one of Pamela’s richest symbolic cards and it will say something different to every person who reads it.

      Of course it turns up when a legal process is ahead and if so, one has to bow down to the power of Justice herself. Look at the tiny details to see what you are being shown or told. Arthur Waite, who guided Pamela Colman Smith to create her cards and commissioned the project, successfully taking it to Rider, was a Sun Libra man.

      In the Tarot, we see art imitating life. It is fascinating to note that this most famous of all Tarot decks, the Smith-Waite, was a two-person endeavour, but for many years Pamela was never credited on the deck, even though it was her vision which dominates the cards we see today.
      Well, in the 21st century justice prevails and Stuart R. Kaplan and U.S. Games Systems who produce the many variations of her deck, have ensured that Pamela Colman Smith is properly recognised.

      Sexism is an expression of the Justice card and Pamela had to deal with sexism at the start of last century, which put her very much in second place on this Tarot project despite her doing the lion’s share of the work. She was involved in the Suffragette movement, volunteering her talents for their publicity campaign. She was also of mixed race parentage and so we need to talk about racism with Justice as well as sexism.

      This card operates on two levels. Lawyers, barristers, juries and judges – in which case justice will be served, fair and square. Those scales are so finely tuned. It can also operate when you are going through a situation which is patently, blatantly unfair. I once read for a woman, many years ago, whose ‘friend’ had slept with her former boyfriend, just weeks after the break-up. This card, Justice, turned up and she yelled out in triumph when she saw it. The friend was shed by both of them, and actually her whole social circle, and never darkened anybody’s door again!

      There is a strong message here to respect the law in all its forms. When Justice arrives, imbalance is corrected. Injustice is repaired. Unfairness is dismissed. If there is/was a marriage, professional partnership or two-way sporting contest (tennis at Wimbledon for example), then here we have an umpire or referee’s verdict. Justice often turns up when a verdict is close. Would anybody argue with the crowned figure who presides over proceedings? I think not.

  58. Dear Jessica, thank you for your wonderful blog. I read my horoscope daily to get a sense of what might be in store. However, I have to admit I do not know much about astrology and I did not manage to join the Zoom call. I have Vesta at 28 Capricorn as well as the South Node at 27 in Taurus. Times have been extremely challenging for me personally. Will I see an improvement with finances and my life path in general? I would be grateful for your insight. Thank you.

    1. The South Node at 27 Taurus and North Node at 27 Scorpio show your last past life was spent being rich or poor – extremely so. You have reincarnated to experience Bitcoin but also bank failures in America – and what it is like to have the world shut down for a time. Your past life gave you particular wisdom but you also wanted to return to pursue what you are owed karmically and settle up, if you still owe others. That is what 2022 and 2023 have been all about, as the transiting nodes have also been in Taurus and Scorpio. The cycle ends in July when you will be out of the loop. You will make or save a lot of money in 2024 if you use the opportunity that is coming.

  59. Jessica and Alicia, In the second Zoom Meetup event for the Americas I wrote in the live chat (along with a couple others) that there was an amazing amount of movement of the curtain behind you (to your right) and the shadow the curtain movement created kept shifting….yes, this was in addition to the two white lines with rainbow colors glowing in them in front of your body. I attended the Australian Meetup too, and you had that amazing white light in front of your face also. Amazing and chilling. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. As I was talking about Chrissy Amphlett in one session, it may have been her – or the other two people I mentioned, Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. I didn’t have time to check and of course I don’t look at the footage – and we don’t record it. It may happen again in future sessions, let’s see.

  60. Jessica,

    Thank you for suggesting I pick another card with regard to the King of Pentacles. Death. I was almost relieved. His life is complicated. Everything about him is complicated. His work is all consuming. His family is complex. He isn’t moving. If there were to be anything in the future – it would be upon me to relocate. I am at a point where I want simplicity. With him that wouldn’t be achievable. Thank you for your wisdom.

  61. Hi Jessica! Wonderful call, as usual. Thank you for all that you give to us during these calls and more. I am fairly new to Tarot, but recently bought my first deck and used it for our call this weekend. The King of Swords literally jumped out and it definitely was the card that was supposed to come up. I have heard of some readers checking the card next to it along with the back of the deck. Well, since it popped out from I don’t know where, I checked the back of the deck. The Hanged Man!! The card you drew for all of us on the US call. I thought that was very cooI. I would love to hear you interpretation of how this card relates to my chart and the Jupiter transit in Taurus. I sat with the King of Swords for a bit as you suggested and then read the interpretation, but would love more clarity. I don’t think this represents a man in my life, so perhaps it is me?

    1. Thank you. Just use one card at these sessions. This is a man in your world, who is the main story by May 2024.

      This man can axe people (sack them) or make budget cuts. That is what his sword is for. He is powerful, intimidating and confronting. There are quite a few cards in Pamela’s deck which suggest Mars in astrology and this is one of them. There is cold and controlled anger here. This man is a coiled spring. He is the kind of human being who populated the war that arrived in Pamela’s lifetime, but also the Second World War too. We talk about ‘bloodless anger’ and the pallor of the King’s face suggests that this is someone who has felt all the emotion but tightly marshalled it. What we are left with is someone who is potentially lethal.

      Of course, in civilised modern life (and we would hope you and he have a civilised modern life!) the King is just the tough former husband; the difficult partner; the intimidating boss; the hard taskmaster father. It is unusual to find the armed services here, although it can happen. The brutal businessman is a good example of the King of Swords today. The property developer who does not care who or what he destroys.

      The butterflies on the King’s throne suggest Psyche, a horoscope symbol of what lasts forever. Psyche’s representation, the butterfly, can also be found on the Queen of Swords card, too. Perhaps it is the strongest and most formidable people who leave behind, the longest legacies. This is certainly true if you think about military figures past; The Duke of Wellington sculpted in stone and lending his name to a New Zealand city as well as a famous kind of boot!

      The Queen and King of Swords, with their butterflies, remind us that what is carved out, endures. Like his female counterpart, the King of Swords hacks out a reputation, or cuts his legacy.

      The story of Cupid and Psyche is being told on his throne and perhaps the asteroid Cupido in astrology is also part of his past. To the Romans, Cupido was the lover of Psyche, who was put to tests and trials by his mother Venus, and rewarded with immortality. This intensely romantic story has been captured in sculpture and it’s there in his background. Part of his back story involves a love that never died, or never dies. The King of Swords is not conscious of it, no, not at all – but it is there, forming part of his background.

      You can see another couple (a pair of love birds) to the right of him. It’s interesting that someone so apparently cut off from human emotions, should be surrounded by so many symbols of past or potential future romance. Perhaps that is what has made him, the way he is. The King of Swords may be divorced and angry, deep down. He may have been disappointed in love, or just married and entered into family life, but lost the passion that began it all. Thus, the feelings have gone, to be replaced by this classically old-school masculine pose of control and strength.

      The family trees of both his mother and father are shown to his left and right. This is interesting, if you know the story of either family, as it suggests that there is an explanation from either or both sides, as to his character and life to date. The family trees are there for a reason, even if the King is not fully aware of them. Perhaps he is descended from the Army, Air Force or Navy on one or both sides.

      Note the clenched fist and furious, yet restrained, expression. A good man to have on your side when things are difficult and you need a champion or hero. A terrifying man to have against you unless you can persuade him to negotiate peacefully.

      This, like all of Pamela’s cards, is there to be ‘worked’ although it is rather more difficult than some of her other Tarot theatre sets. How do you change this character? You cannot. But you can introduce people, or new props, which make it less important for this intimidating king to hang on quite so tightly to that enormous lethal weapon. You get the impression this king would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the therapist’s couch, and yet any psychologist would have a field day with his psyche. This brings us back to Psyche (capital P) and the question about who or what lives forever – endures – about the King of Swords or his life.

  62. Hello Jessica, I have Juno at 28 Scorpio. How will this come into play being opposite Taurus? Also, I have Mercury at 11 Taurus. When I asked the tarot about the new moon, I received the King of Pentacles. Any insights you can provide relating to new employment or business opportunities would be great. Is there an ideal time to register a business name or start an online presence for each person according to their chart, or is any time between now and May 2024 favourable? Thanks.

    1. Thank you. Uranus at 10 Scorpio is in opposition to Mercury at 11 Taurus in your chart, and this is lifelong, so there is a permanent tug of war within you, relating to your own values, life budget and income – and typically that of a partner, parent or close relative. You talk the language of finance, charity, property or business, but every time you do that, or put pen to paper with it, you run up against so many differences with (say) your live-in spouse, or your father. As a general rule, you’d want pretty flexible agreements and arrangements your whole life, as Uranus in Scorpio is notorious for unexpected, sudden, upheaval with financial or property affairs. So you’d not want to be too tightly locked in with other people. The King of Pentacles is a message about male ownership and male guarding of money, assets, investments and property and why it’s a good idea to let go occasionally and tidy it all up. If one is too entrenched in ownership and possessiveness, the weeds can grow. A bit of gardening is required. The New Moon has been and gone now, so you no doubt got the memo, either about you or another man. As for a business name registration or website, any time from 1st June is great for you.

  63. A random person walking in house and slips and falls on the laptop and accidentally types some comment in jessicaadams comment section will get a promt response but my questions will forever be under

    and this is not the 1st time or even 3nd time .

    what a waste .

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