Uranus in Taurus

Astrology Bank Predictions 2018

Uranus rules shock, electricity, revolution, radical change, upheaval and liberation. Now he is in Taurus, we will see a series of shockwaves hit the banks, Bitcoin, credit card companies like American Express and even the world’s largest oil company, Exxon Mobil. Why? Strangely, they all share the same pattern in their ‘birth’ horoscopes.

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Horoscope Perfect Storm Predictions

Major events in your life are predicted by ‘perfect storm’ conditions when a number of patterns in your horoscope all unfold on the same day. If you think about it, this makes sense. A new job, for example, can result in changes to your finances, to your house or apartment (you might move) and thus to your household or family.

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The Facebook Astrology Chart

Facebook has two birth charts. One for its humble beginnings on Mark Zuckerberg’s computer – and the other for the first trade it ever made.

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China Astrology Predictions 2018

What will happen to China when Uranus (the shock, the revolution, the new world) moves into the sign of Taurus? I am writing this on Friday 20th April 2018, and Uranus will make his historic move on Tuesday 15th May, so this is just under three weeks away now.

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Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

I’m going to give you some dates for the Global Financial Crisis 2 which is coming in 2018 and 2019, based on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, FTSE and also the Ireland chart as the latter is home to tax-avoidance tech companies.

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Uranus in Taurus Predictions

Money is ruled by Taurus in the horoscope and also by Scorpio. Using those two signs it is possible to make accurate, dated predictions about the sharemarkets.

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Cancer Predictions and Uranus in Taurus

Were you born with the Sun in the zodiac sign of Cancer? If you are a late June or July baby, then both your one-on-one partnerships and your friendships are going to change enormously.

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Spring Equinox Astrology Ritual

The Spring Equinox is about Sun and Moon. Day and Night. It is also the right time for a ritual to welcome in the new and farewell the old. Using astrology we can zero in on the two big areas of your life where you need to get ready to change (radically) but also to leave behind instability.

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America? Capricorn!

America has a birth chart for 4th July and most astrologers believe she’s a Cancer country. That’s certainly one version of this proud, patriotic, wonderful country. I have proof she’s probably a Capricorn.

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How May 2018 Changes Everything

In the space of just a few days, starting on Sunday 13th May, we will be thrown into the biggest revolution of our lives. It will affect taxation. It will affect currency. It will affect the sharemarkets.

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