Psychic Astrology – Australian Election Prediction
Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The Year of the Ox – From Friday, February 12th, 2021 until Tuesday, February 1st, 2022.
Look up your Asian zodiac sign to see what the year holds.
Did you know that Lunar New Year is based on the 12-year cycles of Jupiter, as well as the Moon? Jupiter is known as Guru to Indians and in Asia, centuries ago, the Chinese called it the Year Star.
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Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out.
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20 Responses
Hi Jessica, thanks for the 2021 Chinese Zodiac overview. I’m a tiger with The Sun in Aquarius. It seems that the personality of both are very much in sync!
I am indeed considering to review the relationship with my ex, however, I’m also considering to immigrate to another country too. It’s truly a really big decision to make yet I cannot decide at the moment. Do you have any tips to share please?
If you want to emigrate, be aware that you may not be able to go back, or even to travel around, as you once used to. Yet, you will move by 2026 and feel incredibly free, independent and liberated by relocating. I suspect June 9th, 10th will show you the pros and cons of the choice you make. You’re also thinking about your ex. With this person or another, decision time (again) looks like June, specifically from the 28th and certainly into the Full Moon of July 24th with a final outcome about this person or another, August 8th.
is year of ox for a natal ox, a particularly good as well challenging year? I’ve been waiting on my Aquarian love interest to get past his issues to establish a relationship with me, is that ever going to happen? thanks so much for all the astro content and knowledge. Your predictions are so impressive. best,
Thank you. You wonder if Aquarius will have a relationship with you. On January 28th this person had to choose a fork in the road – single, with you, or perhaps with another. The conversation you need to have, or the question which will be answered, comes after June 12th. In fact, May 26th, June 10th (eclipses) seem like key dates for this person although Aquarius will not see or know about the facts, particularly regarding pregnancy, growing children, adult children, other people’s sons or daughters, termination, adoption, miscarriage and the rest. This entire delay is really about parenthood and karma going back to 2002 for this person. I don’t know how long you are prepared to wait for a firm answer. July 2021 will really put a bit full stop on the sentence at the end of your story, either way, particularly at the Full Moon near 24th July.
Hi Jessica!
Love this post. I am year of the ox and am a hard core born and raised New Yorker! I definitely feel the patriotism toward nyc as my home and I love my extended family here. But lately I’ve been feeling my time in Brooklyn expiring and we’re selling our family home in late feb. it’s a huge loss but also seems well timed as I’m ready for life outside nyc. My mid heaven is in Sagittarius where Pluto also is in the 9th so The current node positions are really affecting me. I also graduated from university last summer so am really starting a new chapter. I have my Jupiter return in the 12th house as of the 20th, and have a lot of planetary movement In my 12th house at the moment so I’m really* thinking* about these transitions. Uranus and mars are also transiting my second house where I have mercury and the moon in Taurus. I’m looking to relocate upstate for a bit as a transition from home and then perhaps to California which is a place that gives me full body butterflies! Any thoughts about these transitions/ and timing in the year of the ox, mutable weather and the changing landscape of the US // travel with Covid? Being away from family is a bit of a scary thought rn. Thanks!!
Thank you so much. You want to relocate upstate and maybe move to California from Brooklyn. You would be away from your family but you feel it’s time to leave New York. The choice you make will be purely financial and what you see or hear near June 12th, 13th will influence what you do. It looks like a June 2021 decision to stay or go, but give yourself some time as we have issues about domestic flights and other internal transportation within America coming and if your intention was to fly NY-LA in future that may not be as easy or as affordable as it once was. Try to do the serious talking July 12th through 28th when Mercury is in Cancer, the sign of home and family. Just before that, July 10th, you have a New Moon in your home zone and that may be the new start. I do feel you need to be across the issue of driving/flying/bus/coach quite seriously, though, when you are speculating about a move. We have eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius in your Third House and Ninth House in June so you will not see/cannot possibly know, what is actually going on with the US travel/car situation long-term.
Hi there! Thank you for all the info.
I am a Rooster 🙂
My question is what do you mean by “both parties”? I personally have so much healing to do (about the Pisces man) and I kind of don’t know where to start but know I’ll get there eventually. Could you clarify a bit what this means for me?
Thanks again, and as always a great read.
Well, if you consider the Pisces man to be the other party (and there’s no third party – so no other woman in his life, or a third man in your life) then it’s about him. It does take time to heal, but you will do it, and eventually you will move on. Later on you will realise that you were being put on the right path and coaxed off the wrong one, which long-term would not have got you to where you deserve to be.
Hi Jessica,
Myself a rooster has met a rabbit in November 2020….through online. We haven’t met but feels a deep healing connection. Yes indeed there’s healing for both of us, but we live in 2 countries. There’s a plan of joining hands in a venture, please let me know if it will work out or 2021 is an ideal time ?
Well FA there is some karma here with the other country, as you might guess, and there is a past life connection to that place, or there may be a familiar theme in your life from 2002 which hooks up with this particular part of the map. You are in a really unpredictable cycle for finance, so if your ‘joining hands’ is going to involve your money, be really aware of that and get a professional second opinion from a financial expert, please.
Hi Jessica
I have relocated back to the UK,from Canada,very recently.I am a libra Oct 4/ 1953.a snake in Asian astrology.I have been divorced 2 years, my ex a pisces bornMarch 11th / 1966 is .a horse in Asian astrology.I still love him and am looking to reconcile,Any insight you can offer would be very helpful.After several years of turmoil,upset,and moving countries.I am hopeful and looking for some positive outcomes.Thank you so much.Marilyn
Marilyn, I am sorry you still love the man you divorced – that is very tough. You don’t say if you have children or not, or if he does (now) but that is actually the whole answer to every question. You want a happier future and it’s possible in 2021, with a new date who has grown-up children or nieces, nephews, godchildren in his life. Even if you go back and forth with the options until March 13th, stick with the process and a door could easily open for a new romance.
Hi Jessica, I’m a Pisces wood tiger. This year I’m thinking of committing full time to abstract painting and selling that work pumping up my insta profile and/or creating a cool T-shirt brand too or maybe all of the above! (I’ve got qualifications in both areas textiles fashion and art) I’d love some guidance if you have any – I often seem to waste career energy but heading in the wrong direction. Thanks!
There is a senior male at the top of the profession who would see it your way, if you could offer him what he wants and needs. He may be at the top of a T-shirt business, for example, or own an art gallery. You would need to persuade him. It’s lonely at the top and he may be rather isolated. If you meet him halfway that could be interesting for you, but I think part of you also questions ‘the business’ and the whole establishment, be it fashion or art. So you also have another choice, which is to leave that alone, and pursue art for art’s sake rather than professional ambition.
Hi Jessica,
As a chinese i normally will buy and read several chinese guides every year. This year is the first time i read details on your site, I find your materials very interesting and just have some public holiday down time to read your 2021 astrology reports. I have to say it is very interesting and straight to the point about the stellium as I always feel more Taurus as I have Sun and Saturn in Taurus, but i just note that I have stellium in Aries and Gemini, hahaha, and I guess that is why I find myself having lots of internal split all the time. Anyway, just drop a note to say thank you for the wonderful job you have done.
Just a quick question: I am born in the Year of the Dog and in my 50 already. I have seen a job in China which i find interesting but my current job is very stable as I have a great working and spiritual connection with my boss and i feel very blessed. So given the current economy situation, I am not sure if it is a good time to try a new job and move to a new place (out of my birthplace) this year. As you know, haha, I am torn within myself again, Sun and Saturn in Taurus in conjunction same degree, but I have 7 aries and 6 geminis in my chart.
Many thanks Jess.
Thank you so much, that’s really kind. You have seen a job you want in China but you are in a stable job now with a good boss. You don’t know if you should move, or not. The decision is up to you, not me, but even if you found the new job and new home delivered what you wanted in 2021, it would be so much tougher in 2022 and from 2023 really intense with many issues about power and control in your career then. You would also find the house or apartment situation tougher in 2022. The choice is yours, not mine, but use the Tarot, Your Oracle and The Astrology Oracle on this website to get some more angles on the situation. Happy Lunar New Year.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks again for the amazing work.
I am a Pig (and a Libra) who dated a much younger than me Rooster (Pisces) and we broke up several months ago, but somehow I still can’t forget him. I am not sure why, but reading your prediction about the Pig in the year of the Ox somehow made me think about him again….
Reading about the Pig in general how sometimes we tend to pick younger partners made me ask you the question…Is there any chance that I reunite with my Rooster again or I should move on?
Many, many thanks for your time!
Emilia, you want to get back together with your Rooster and you are a Pig. The answer to every question you have about love and sex in 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond is parenthood. You don’t say if you are a mother or not. Or if you want to be a mother, or stepmother – or not! You have opportunities and solutions with the whole broad area of babies, children, teenagers and Millennials in 2021. Every obstacle brings an answer. It really depends on the path that is right for you. If your soul does not want children, you will be taken away from men who want to become fathers in quite a different direction. If you do want children, you will be put on a path towards men who have them, or want to adopt, or want to stepfather yours – or possibly pursue pregnancy with you, depending on fertility. 2021 is the year to sort all this out, because there are answers this year. A long, honest conversation with yourself in the mirror, and in a journal, about motherhood is a really good place to begin. It is very important that you do this, actually, as the world of children, stepchildren, godchildren, no children and so on is the dominant theme for you, for some years to come. The choices you make in 2021 about this are your fork in the road to destiny so choose carefully and slowly.
Hi Jessica
I have been following you now for nearly 10 years and now a Premium member. You are my first go to person when I need clarification about life’s journey.
I am a Rabbit in Chinese astrology and an Aries Sun with Taurus rising.
I have made up my mind to leave Australia and relocate to Europe in 2021, with a long term dream of owning a Chateau in France to create
a Spiritual Wellness centre in collaboration with other healers.
Can you shed on any light about timing for this move.
Much gratitude
Gregory Charles
Thank you, Gregory Charles. You want to leave Australia and open a healing chateau in France, in 2021. You have karma from the year 2002 about France, or perhaps another country or nationality, and the karma from 2002 will be settled by January 18th, 2022. That may explain why you feel this pull to go from Australia to Europe. The choice is yours, but if you are a Premium Member, please use the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Your Oracle to give yourself a three-way reading. It goes without saying that if you leave this country, if you are even able to do so in 2021, it may be very difficult to return.