Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Eclipse Secrets, Horoscopes and Astrology

An eclipse always leaves us in the dark. We can't see what's going on. It can take a long time before light is shed on the truth.

Eclipses in Astrology and Your Horoscope

An eclipse always leaves us in the dark. We can’t see what’s going on. It can take a long time before light is shed on the truth.  There is a blackout. There is sometimes a cover-up. Classic eclipse astrology.

In general, try not to take a fork in the road, or a new path, on an eclipse. If an eclipse falls on the same degree and zodiac sign as anything in your chart, double that message. It’s only a day or two, but it can save you a lot of trouble later.

Lance Armstrong and the 1999 Eclipse Cover-Up

In France on August 11th 1999 we saw (or rather we didn’t see) a doping scandal in world cycling affecting the Tour de France. Lance Armstrong and the deceit rocked the world some time later. Here’s more if you’re curious.

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Princess Diana and the 1999 Eclipse Cover-Up

Diana married Prince Charles within three days of an eclipse on July 29th 1981. That was the first cover-up. Nobody knew Charles was in love with Camilla. Years later another eclipse fell and triggered her birth chart. My friends Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton worked as her astrologers.

On 18th August 1999, charges against photographers and motorcylists in the Paris crash that killed Diana, Dodi and their driver were dismissed. It happened in France. Right on the eclipse path. Eclipses can be solar or lunar, total or partial, but they conceal. They never reveal.

History and astrology tell us to skip the day of an eclipse for big judgement calls or action plans (and allow a day before and afterwards for the world to catch up with itself). The zodiac sign, or signs, involved, tell you where the information black out is at the time. The entire world is usually duped on an eclipse in astrology.

Predicted – North Carolina and South Carolina Cover-Ups

If an eclipse falls over a region or country (it is visible) then that part of the world will be at the centre of a cover-up. North Carolina and South Carolina were in shadow on Great American Eclipse Day, 21st August 2017. Is this #TrumpRussia?

Watergate Repeats in September – Predicted February 2017

The American horoscope was clear. September 2017 was a repeat of Watergate 1974. You can read my old prediction about this here, made some years ago. It will take years for us to realise what we were blind to, at the time.


On a New Moon Eclipse there is a new beginning, but it’s made in the dark. You cannot see, and do not know, the facts. It’s better to wait until the Moon goes into the next zodiac sign along (say, from Aries into Taurus) to make clear choices.

Give it a couple of days. Twitter is a good source during an eclipse because you’ll see it unfolding in real time, on your time zone. Should you start a relationship on an eclipse? Get married? End a relationship? No. Why not? Because you won’t have all the facts.


Full Moon Eclipses find the Sun opposite the Moon. It’s a tug of war anyway, either on the inside (you or others are conflicted) or there may be a big different, or gap, taking place between yourself and others.

So, give yourself and the world around you a good 48 hours to let the eclipse pass. In astrology we use synchronicity (when events are in synch with astrology) to define what an eclipse is.

History tells us that whenever we see one, there is a cover-up. If you’ve ever watched an eclipse (my first was in 1999 as part of a Channel Four television program in London) it’s unusually dramatic. Things go dark. You are left in the dark. Queen’s Brian May talked about the astronomy as we broadcast live from Glastonbury Tor. I was talking about the astrology, but only so much can be explained. Eclipses obscure things.

Types of Eclipses

Do the types of eclipses matter? No. They are all tricky.

A Lunar Eclipse can be Appulse, Partial or Total. A Solar Eclipse can be Partial or Total – perhaps Annular. Really, it’s like taking an eye test at the optometrist. Each time the prescription on the test glasses is changed, the eye chart becomes fuzzier or clearer by degree. Sometime’s it’s completely fuzzy. Sometimes it’s almost clear.

In any case you can’t read the signs, can you? And that’s what an eclipse does.

Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

Astrology is not complicated. The zodiac sign of an eclipse, tells you where the cover-up is. We had two eclipses in August 2017 at the height of the cover-up involving Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Leo rules royalty. Leo the King of the Jungle.

The first one was a Full Moon Eclipse on 7th August. The second was a New Moon Eclipse on 21st August. Leo rules the White House in America, which does not have a monarchy. The President, First Lady and their children are royalty, thus pass for Leo. Remember, Donald Trump and his often-photographed friendship with Epstein? Eclipse.

Eclipses Hide Things Forever

Eclipses hide things forever. The truth can come out later, partially, but the entire picture is never known. We will never know the full truth about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales – for example.

Full Moons and New Moons Show You

People have been tracking the lunar cycle before writing was invented. Stonehenge and Avebury are two good examples. So they judged the Moon with their eyes and it showed them, exactly what it was.

Children who have not yet learned to read or write, can still identify the moon. It tells you what it is. In astrology it shows you what it’s doing, by the way it appears. Big and full, or starting in a small way. Even with complicated software and techniques today, the moon is still child’s play.

Fit To Burst – Coming Full Circle

A Full Moon is something coming to completion; coming full circle. It grows, the way a pregnant woman’s stomach grows, and then it can grow no more. This is basic, ancient, astrology. Even a woman’s period lines up with a lunar period of around one ‘moonth’ or month. So, 28 or 29 days. Simple stuff. This children’s book, here, illustrates it well.

When you see a Full Moon eclipse, and it reaches its peak, you’ll be watching a situation or person ‘fit to burst’ and yet it will be covered up or concealed in some way. There is something nobody knows about the story unfolding.

A New Moon looks like the beginning of something. The first step towards ‘a growing concern.’ It’s a start. On a New Moon Eclipse that’s also true, but do not trust the situation because it’s unclear. You’re flying blind.

Eclipses Move With the North Node and South Node

Eclipses move through the same zodiac signs as the North Node and South Node. So, for example, in 2022 the North Node is in Taurus and the South Node is in Scorpio, the money signs.

On 30th April 2022 we saw a New Moon Eclipse in Taurus, when the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, announced he was buying Twitter. The second eclipse was 16th May with a Full Moon in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus as cryptocurrency crashed. As an astrologer you can see straight through it – even though you obviously can’t see the hidden story.

Astrology helps you cut through the noise to detect what is being concealed. Obscured. Blacked out. Don’t be left in the dark during an eclipse – let it go through its sign/signs over a couple of days, then look again.

Looking Back 18-19 Years For Clues

In 2022, with the South Node in Scorpio and North Node in Taurus, the next eclipse in the sequence is October 25th with a New Moon in Scorpio. Then we come to November 8th 2022 and the Full Moon eclipse at 16 Taurus opposite the Sun at 16 Scorpio. These eclipses will relate to Wall Street as it was 18 or 19 years prior. Taurus rules Wall Street. The charging bull.

The nodes describe karma from 18 or 19 years before. Every eclipse will bring a cover-up or blind spot that relates to the need for closure, spiritually, going back almost a couple of decades. So in your own life, if you have an eclipse at the same degree and sign as anything in your chart, go back 18-19 years to see the theme. What is unfinished karmic business?

Case Studies – Eclipses and My Readers

I answer a lot of questions in the Comments section on this website (today, at a glance, there are 14,205 in the queue). This is real-world astrology and over the years I’ve found some good case studies of eclipses and how they work.

*The woman who was rejected by a new lover on an eclipse, who ‘decided’ she would fall in love with someone else, the same day. He turned out to be in a religious cult that banned sex. He was celibate. It took her years to find out. Wrong pathway!

*The man who had identity theft occur and was completely hoodwinked until he realised (a year later) that his name and profile were being used by an anonymous person on Facebook.

*The reader who kept on trying to book the same international flight on eclipse days, during the pandemic, in the belief that she could ‘trust’ the country in question to maintain safe COVID-19 rules. The country in question reversed its policy and she lost her money when she cancelled.

*The man who moved cities on an eclipse, assuming that he could go between both of them. What he didn’t know, but the astrology did, was that a pandemic was on the way and train travel would become high risk.

If you are a Premium Member you can pick up the flipbook Stonehenge Eclipse Astrology from your library on this website, and see how people have been using eclipses for thousands of years.

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Eclipses are Neither Good Nor Bad

Eclipses are neither good nor bad, they just cover up, block out, obscure and can conceal what/who is the main story. To judge if something is difficult in your life, you need to look at the other transits.

A Full Moon is hard work anyway as the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, clashing. So as a general rule, if it’s a Full Moon Eclipse, leave big choices alone. There are easier times in the year to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

So there’s no question about eclipses – they do what you’d expect. People wear special glasses to stare at them in broad daylight, because – something the ancients never knew – eclipses can damage your vision.

Lee Harvey Oswald and John F. Kennedy

That should tell you all you need to know. If we stumble into an eclipse blindly without knowing/seeing/understanding then something we’re just not aware of, can affect us.

Eclipses can take place when there are shadowy figures doing dark deeds. That is absolutely true. The most famous example of this is the Lee Harvey Oswald career move – which took him to Dallas, Texas where he would allegedly assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Classic eclipse astrology.

Lee Harvey Oswald left his job on the day of a famous American eclipse in the Sixties. In common with all eclipses, we will never know the complete story and will always be guessing.

Eclipse Myths in Astrology

An eclipse is not a good time to start anything important. If you have 365 days in any year to begin a job, relationship, property move (and so on) why would you do it on an eclipse?

There are no ‘energies’ there is just timing. An eclipse is ancient lunar timing and rather like the hands on a clock, or the dates on a calendar, the moon shows us – what not to do.

This famous film clip of Melania Trump, Donald Trump and Barron Trump is a good example of an eclipse. This was the Eclipse of the Century according to some.

In a moment I will explain why an eclipse is a diversion or distraction. When you look at this photograph, you are looking at Donald Trump. He is the star of the show, because he is the President, but he is also staring directly at the eclipse and risking vision damage. Everyone was talking about this at the time, if you will remember.

Next, your eyes go to Melania, in dark glasses. Are you even seeing their son? Time will prove he was/is the main event in the Donald Trump story, but it will take years for the truth to come out. Standard eclipse astrology.

Eclipse Facts in Astrology

The zodiac sign, or signs, of the eclipse show global cover-ups. When we had a chain of eclipses in Sagittarius and/or Gemini when the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, we undoubtedly saw (or failed to see) airline and airport, cruise ship and other tourism/travel industry cover-ups.

When there are transits in the same signs, involving the Sun (which sheds light), Mercury (which supplies facts) and so on, we are usually shown how blind we were, to the truth. It can take months or years for the wake-up call. We’ll find out eventually – what we did not know.

There is often a diversion or distraction on an eclipse. You’re looking the wrong way. When Lady Diana Spencer married Charles, Prince of Wales, she was the main event. The star. Nobody was looking at Camilla Parker-Bowles in the congregation at the wedding. She was hidden in plain sight.

There is no need to worry about an eclipse. Just use your common sense. Assume you don’t know/cannot see the clear and complete picture, and suspend important judgements or action plans, for the day or two that the eclipse is there.

Images: Rawpixel/Wikimedia Commons/Dreamstime/Shutterstock/iStock




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36 Responses

  1. The election hacking was shown to be an inside job. The story never made sense anyway, it just sold loads of newspapers.

  2. Always read your horoscope but a bit of good luck always misses me. Cheap therapy helps to carry on.

    1. I’m not sure why you would read an eclipse story for luck! Search ‘Jupiter’ and use to find out your Jupiter sign. That is your natural luck.

  3. Hello Jessica,
    I was just wondering what is the effect of the eclipse when it aspects natal planets. Natal saturn is at 0 degrees Virgo, a near conjunction with 29 degrees of Leo eclipse. Eclipse also trines my natal mercury. What should I expect? Fighting on many fronts at the moment: have relocated with my two young children, husband long distance commuting between two countries, have opened my own business & trying to see how to resolve unforeseen/unexpected issues with taxman…
    Thank you

    1. You have a lot going on. Let’s take a look. The key issue here is your Vesta at 28 Libra in the Seventh House, which rules the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps you know about Vesta. She was worshipped by the Vestal Virgins who were not allowed to have sex with any man. If they did, both they and the man would be killed! Clearly this is about your husband, unless either of you has a lover you are not telling me about. In general, you are in the dark – don’t have the visibility you need – until this eclipse has passed. I don’t just mean once you are into August 22nd. I mean, when we have a long, long overdue discussion or piece of information, which will occur in September, as Mercury (knowledge) goes right over that same eclipse degree. Did you know that both the man and woman in this situation can break free? There is nothing stopping she (or he) from wriggling out of what is an unhealthy situation holding both of them back. Don’t do this on the eclipse though. All you’re going to feel on the eclipse is ‘Can’t see/don’t know’ and there is way too much mystery. You may even literally feel as if you’re in the dark. Yet – once you are into September start talking. Start asking yourself how you could so easily shake off the ties that bind or the chains that hold you, psychologically, sexually or spiritually. If you both want freedom at the same time, you’ll both do this together. Big choice. Good luck.

  4. Hi Jessica, thank you for writing these blog posts.
    You have called it the Great American Eclipse, a country I share my birthday with.
    Also, it is said to be in Leo at 28° 53’ and Venus to square Uranus RX in Aries at 28° after. I also seem to have a lot of planets & asteroids at or near 28°.
    How do you think all of this will play out for me? Regards.

    1. You’ll note that an eclipse is about a blind spot. In your case this is ‘can’t see/don’t know it’s there’ about a couple of projects, qualifications or ideas. You are totally focussed on transporting one (for career or academic reasons) as you are ambitious. That’s fine and you do need to export this to another place – even another part of your country or the world. Just be aware that you need to be aware you’re skipping/missing some equally valid achievements and unless you nurture them they may not grow as they should.

      1. Thank you Jessica. I have been very focussed on a project for the last 2 years, in the business side of the creative industry, in which I became active only in 2012 end (2013 February officially). But I had another skill I have been a professional in since 2002, as an artist.
        I have lately been wondering if I need to find a way to go back to that somehow, but there has been a huge time/ money investment in the current project, and don’t want to give this up either. Could that be it?
        A big part of this is also connected to a man I really believed was the one, and met when I was seeking to do more than just be a cog in the wheel, who then offered me a project for just that. And we have had a very complicated & tenuous history, as he’s a man who loves his secrets, with questionably destructive tendencies at the time. I had felt very betrayed, disrespected professionally and personally.
        But somehow, and almost unbelievably to my own self, our fondness in hearts remains. We are not together in any aspect for more than 2 years, but have occasionally been in touch or met 4 times in that time, with the air always being heavy. We are also on different continents. And he showed up on 7th August (eclipse). This time with another project he would like me to do with him as an artist (just when I started thinking about that last 30-45 days).
        I would really appreciate your insight on that, on it’s implication personally and professionally.

        1. You will have a large amount of money to use, which is great news, as Jupiter (abundance) goes through Scorpio (finance, business) from October 2017 and spends most of 2018 in that sign, in your Eighth House of cash and company. You have Scorpio chart factors which will be picked up by Jupiter very nicely. Don’t just sit there looking at the money. Put it to good use and make it work hard for you. You are asking me about love and sex as well. Sex on the side is available to you if that’s what you want! In astrology we go through cycles when it’s all about partnership, or marriage, or parenthod – and cycles when it’s all about putting money and ambition first, so that we can have a lover when we feel like it – rather than having a man become the whole centre of our existence. That is where I see you over the next 12 months. Please dedicate yourself to ambition and money because you could change your corner of the world and create growth for others too. I feel you would do it ethically so you would handle with care and not trash/ruin anything or anybody. You would respect the need to conserve and preserve, while also ‘growing’ something big.

  5. Hey Jessica. Im a leo sun n leo rising. Ive been facing challenge after challenge in my love life with a certain individual . This eclipse is bringing up emotions and feelings im ready to act on.. my Birthday is 8-17-86 Do you have any advice for me? Also i need to Thank you thus far for your work. You have been very helpful with there horoscopes. Thanku in advance

    1. Thank you. So you were born on 17th August and your Sun is in Leo in the Fifth House, which describes sexual relationships (from one-night stands to marriage) and also pregnancy (unwanted and wanted) and particularly the relationship you have with the world of children and younger people, which becomes more important as you grow older, into your forties and fifties. This area of your life is where you can truly shine and star! It is also where you can feel exposed, vulnerable or wide open to judgement from other people. We have a lot of Leo weather now through January 2019 and you do have decisions to make. Hit Search for Leo Weather and read on. It’s a very long explainer article.

  6. Hi Jessica
    Should I be wary about discussions for a new job in the days around an eclipse?

    1. Yes. That unbelievable eclipse has now passed and the Moon is safely out of the Leo zone of your chart, but while it operated I am sure your radar was up. Sharlene, you may even want to wait until September, when Mercury goes over the same degree, to get the final and full story. It is always what we can’t see and don’t know that gets in the way on an eclipse. If you are around people who don’t give much away, are secretive by nature or overly ‘discreet’ then I would be aware of that. Men do this a lot – they withhold information or like to appear as if they are creatures of mystery, which gives them a certain power! At such times it is wise to ask more – and more questions.

  7. Hi Jessica! Do you look at composite charts? This eclipse falls on the composite ascendant @27Leo with my husband(April 10, 1974). I am following your advice about not jeopardizing domestic life since Pluto is opposing my IC. It is getting exceedingly tough to maintain status quo, but I am hanging on due to my special needs son(Aug 11, 2003).
    I did pay the final installment to buy a new house recently, so a lot of action on that front.
    If you have any visions on how I could move forward, it will be immensely helpful to a lost girl who is struggling to quell her silent screams.

    1. I have tried composite charts but they do not work when run through numerous tests for famous couples, so I don’t bother with them. You are obviously worried about your special needs son as well as your marriage. It is very important to set up a network outside the home. You need people who will watch your back for you and be there to help you. An army of good friends or supporters, or even other branches on the family tree, can help you so much. You also need to remember that you can always bounce back from anything in your life. You have that in your chart. No matter what comes your way you have what it takes to recover and will always be stronger and more powerful for it. Invincible, in fact. If you have serious issues about your husband for any reason in future please go straight to the right telephone number and call.

  8. Since my ex partner is a Leo and both of our predictions relate to past present or potential partners are they intertwined? We share children and were married for a long time and met during the last Leo/Aquarius nodes.

    1. Yes, you two share past life debts and credits and after you passed away last time, in your prior incarnation, you may have agreed to return for another attempt to take what you are owed from each other, but also repay what you owe. This is pretty typical with those Leo-Aquarius nodes and children would also be part of the reincarnation. This may have occurred quite a few lifetimes before.

  9. Hi Jess..

    Its great to read on..follow on..and of course to take care.of the puddles from.your daily,weekly,monthly post.
    I am a capri india on 15 jan 1977,
    Career is the main concern…this.eclipse happening,,,shall it get me near to practical real money??

    1. Puddles? I must tell James and Justin! As you’ve read, an eclipse is a cover-up or blind spot, so nothing to do with money coming your way – in fact if you look at your Capricorn horoscope you will see it’s about not knowing/not seeing. You’ll find out why in September.

  10. Yesterday my daughter left for college. After she and my husband left, I was overcome with a desire to know exactly what is going on with her. I went into her room, found a journal and read it, not something I would normally do. There was one page which described being raped as an 8 yr,old by 3 neighborhood boys. It explains some self destructiveness I have never understood. I haven’t told my husband because I’m afraid he can’t handle it. But then I feel he needs to know so we can both help her to heal. I also can’t decide when and how to approach my daughter with it. She is excited and happy to be starting this new venture and I don’t want to distract her with something painful she has never felt she could tell us, but at the same time I want to do what I can to let her know it wasn’t her fault so that it doesn’t continue to interfere with her happiness and success. I am not sure of her exact birth time, but it was around 5.30 a.m. July 27, 1999. I know she is angry with me, but I thought it was a combination of normal teenage rebellion and because last year I was finally able to move us to the country where I am struggling to build up a self sufficient life for all of us. Our lives have not been perfect, but I really thought I had her trust until she was about 13 and that I had given her a safe and protected childhood. I just want to figure out the right thing to do for everyone moving forward. Any insight would be so appreciated. I have been reading your site for years and have been amazed by your broad scope, patience, and generosity. Thank you.

    1. I am so very sorry you read your daughter’s journal and found out she had been raped as a child by three boys. You must be devastated and shocked. You obviously need to speak to people who can specifically support you and I hope by now you have spoken to a counsellor or found a support group. In general, your daughter will always benefit from knowing you are there for her – even if she does not always each out. Just being aware that there is a strong helping hand in the background, offering endless emotional support, can be a tremendous gift. Sometimes we also need to remember that we were babies at the Christening font once and that that sacred bond between parent and small baby is just as important in our teens, twenties and middle age as it ever was. This is a general comment on the relationship you have with this young woman born July 27th 1999. There may be a search for faith or belief on her part at some point – be it Christianity, Buddhism or something else. Again, you can support her, by supporting her search for answers. You should not have read the journal, but you did – and you did it on an eclipse. I am again terribly sorry for all of you in this situation but urge you to go to people nearby who can specifically support you now, as there are obviously huge legal issues, but also personal issues for the whole family. Others will have been down this road before you and they can assist. Do it now.

  11. Dear Jessica, I been follow your blog, thanks for so many insights and do you realise that ( that the warnings about the “blinds spots” of eclipse has been spot on with my natal chart. Firstly I tracked the movements of the Sun and ‘Moon on late Monday 21 into wee hours of Tuesday 22 for the eclipse Australia. My natal Pluto is 28 deg Leo, 8 house followed by natal Jupiter 0 Virgo 8 house / With my natal Saturn 29 in Scop square off at Pluto/Virgo.natally.

    Let alone all the transit plants angles off at the eclipse plants and Astro.
    What a electrical shock I had at 12.30am 22/8/17..the sky lit up with lightening and cracks of thunder shock our area. ( so out of the norm wearpthwr pattern for August qld Aussie). Any way as I was awake I checked my e mail and had an opportunity from Thailand to teach and to come asap. Well for these few days after the eclipse the blind spots have started to show up. Hidden agendas, lack of information about visa conditions. Hidden cost to set up accommodation. And lack of contract details re wages methods of payments. I was asked to jump to it and come over in 5 days. Now, I kept say, but I need a visa. Well at least this Capricorn has Saturn saying. Stop go slower , get the facts, trust the Thai Australia visa consultant and follow protocol. Do not just get on a plane and wait for a stamp at Thai immigration.

    Then my vehicle was broken into, so I asked for the cvs footage, avoidance and other excuses to give it to me. So now I had go downother processes to have a access to the camera evidence.

    So I had a fairly us setting and stressful 22/ 23/24 business days in August all due to eclipse on my natal Pluto in Leo. ( do you realise that Thai is (royal Thailand Consulant) just notice this.
    Will this teaching job sort it self out to be my job. ( I like to have the job, I think it has potential just have to find out if the visa will come my way to work. Have to,have employment visa. Not tourist.
    So. Jessica. How would you explain I am a Capricorn 1956 with Natal Pluto in Leo 28 deg followed closely with natal Jupiter in Virgo at 0 degree.
    No job so far, age 61 years. And so lost as Uranus been hitting me hard for 3 years with home repairs and lost my partner to another woman
    Thanks for any feed back I do appreciate your time and Wilson. (Wish other blogs would warm of blind spots around eclipse, not many do tell you this info.

    1. I am really pleased you took your time with the decision about Thailand. An eclipse is always, always a blind spot – and yes, there are way too many internet astrologers who haven’t researched the history of eclipses enough. I am very sorry your vehicle was broken into. I have to say, though, this may be part of a kindly set-up by the universe, trying to slow you down, so you don’t just pack your bags and race off! Thailand has a lot of Leo/lion imagery and mythology, from memory. I am enough of a believer in synchronicity to think a Leo eclipse is a bit of an omen for you.

  12. Dear Jessica, Some really great articles lately, I’m very impressed, how do you do it?? On 21st August I booked a holiday to “escape” my fire trine that happens in my very watery chart that happens on 28th Sept. Really need a short respite(I thought). To find I will be meeting someone with Pluto on my moon, Neptune on my N.node, Saturn on my Mercury opposite Juno, and with everything touching my chart (and his) that day, my little escape looks like a date with destiny. I really feel like cancelling, honestly. Please take a look if you have any time. Thank you so much.. I really do appreciate it.

    1. Thank you. Never cancel a holiday because of astrology (though you might want to book it with your chart by your elbow, next time). You will be delighted to know that your holiday will bring you to an important decision with your former, current or potential partner and the Leo transits (the Leo weather) will rule. The children you had, or did not have – the children your potential lover had, or did not have – are a prevailing issue. It would not take much for the two of you to fall in love and commit. However, there will be a fair amount of negotiation and exchange before that.

  13. Dear Jessica

    I have just received a e mail from Bangkok, the administrative have just inform me they had to go to other applicant and that person has taken the position. So much for eclipse and the mix. Up of plants


  14. Hi Jessica,
    I have a natal planet at 28 degrees in Leo. I’m interested to know how this eclipse will affect me

    1. It will be through all the things that Leo rules – lovers, children, your lover’s children, the babies you had or did not have – and also, very much, any unpaid or paid work involving children and young people which matters to you as much as being a parent, might. You don’t know the full story yet but you certainly will in September. You may prefer not to make far-reaching decisions until everything is out in the open.

  15. Dear Jessica

    Please could I ask if the degree of 28 or 29 have to be exact for an effect or impact, for instance, I have a MC and IC, Capricorn and Cancer are at 29 degrees respectively but my sun sign is 27 degrees? If so, any hint of what to expect with these degrees will be much appreciated.
    27° Aries 48′ 48″
    18° Virgo 12′ 30″
    Mercury Venus
    17° Taurus 31′ 56″
    29° Taurus 38′ 33″
    18° Taurus 16′ 27″
    01° Scorpio 31′ 35″ R
    Saturn Uranus
    10° Taurus 14′ 49″
    05° Libra 51′ 37″ R
    Neptune Pluto
    00° Sagittarius 21′ 02″ R
    25° Virgo 14′ 39″ R
    Chiron Juno
    07° Aries 33′ 34″
    12° Leo 45′ 59″
    23° Pisces 29′ 52″
    02° Aries 26′ 10″

    MC IC
    29° Capricorn Cancer 24′ 50″ 24′ 50″ 29°
    03° Gemini 17′ 44″ 03° 44″
    Sagittarius 17′

  16. Nishant, this is not so much about the eclipse, as about the Libra-Scorpio signature in your chart, which is about being one half of a couple, and focussing on the house, apartment or land that two can share. You will be delighted with a huge opportunity to expand and increase your partnership with someone by August 2018. Jupiter (abundance) only passes over Libra (relationship, marriage) and then Scorpio (sex and property, perhaps children) every 12 years.

  17. dear Jessica, on eclipse day I recieved a really unpleasant piece of news. I am a free-lance teacher and they cut down my hours. I like my job. Though I dislike my boss, the work conditions and the lousy pay, I am surprised and angry. I am furthermore financially and emotionally dependent on my mother (Virgo) who has started becoming very hostile towards me. We currently share the flat and she wants me to move out. Is there any chance that there will be peace again?
    I must decide until 1st of September if I continue working there or should I regard it as a chance for a completely different and a clearance? I’d be more than grateful for advice. I am desperate. Do you see any chance to improve my current situation? Will there ever be a permanent job I can live on? I even think of leaving my hometown/country. Is it time for a totally new field? Thank you very much in advance! My DOB 15/10/74 Germany.

    1. I am sorry you are in such a difficult situation. I can’t see a chart but if you are a Sun Libran the good news is that from October you enter your best financial cycle in 12 years and by 2018 will have had a chain of opportunities to save or make money. You are asking very big questions here so I suggest you do try Premium Membership for a month (the price of a cup of coffee) and begin slowly with The Astrology Oracle where you can ask specific questions and get specific answers.

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