Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Astrology Predictions for the NHS

The NHS was founded on 5th July 1948 in London with an astrological chart that shows a complete replacement in 2022 and 2023. The horoscope for the National Health Service reveals a perfect storm that will affect nurses, doctors and patients.

Why Time’s Up for the Old NHS in 2022

The NHS found itself on the cover of Grazia during the COVID-19 pandemic as hospital staff replaced actresses and models for the first time in the magazine’s history. Clapping the NHS was a feature of British life in 2020, as we honoured the sacrifices of frontline staff. Yet – the astrology says – the NHS is not going to last in its current form. So, what does the future hold, as the NHS reaches its birthday again, in July 2021?

Just one look at the horoscope and it’s clear that the old NHS will be replaced by a new model, perhaps because the waiting lists are now topping 5 million people, for the first time (reported by The Guardian on 10th June, 2021). In fact, 5, 122, 017 people were waiting for their free NHS treatment in the United Kingdom, back in April 2021.

The Virgo Factors in the NHS Astrology Chart

Virgo rules hospitals, doctors, nurses, private health insurance and also taxpayer funded free healthcare. The NHS has a Virgo Descendant at 25 degrees. Apollo at 15 Virgo. Mars at 23 Virgo. These, and other key chart factors, show the beginning of the end, for the old NHS. In fact, we can pinpoint dates. This looks like a huge increase in taxes to pay for the system and/or an open health care marketplace for people who can afford private health cover. Perhaps there will be an even more radical change. The NHS astrology chart shows a shock and a revolution ahead.

The Grazia frontline NHS models (below) were the difference between life and death for people battling COVID-19, but the reality of the astrological chart, shows rapid change at a speed which will leave the United Kingdom in a very different place.

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Watching the NHS With Astrology in 2022 and 2023

March 19th to 31st, 2022

Neptune 23 Pisces
North Node 23 Taurus
South Node 23 Scorpio

There is a two-step transformation of the NHS in early 2022, with phase one in the second half of March, and phase two, in the first half of April. Mars at 23 Virgo in the NHS astrology chart is literally ‘a battle over health’ and it’s been there since the post-war period when the National Health Service was created. That hotspot in the chart is well and truly hit in 2022.

March 19th to 31st 2022, also shows Pluto, the big transformer of astrology, at 28 Capricorn. This is the first of two occasions (January 2023 is the other) when health tourism looks certain to end. Again, this looks like a two-step process.

Pluto at 28 Capricorn is a reshuffle at the top, so politicians or NHS chiefs will be moved around, or off the scene. Pluto at 28 Capricorn picks up the factors at 28 Gemini and Sagittarius (travel and tourism) in the original chart. On another level, Gemini rules transport, so we might be talking about ambulances and a sweeping transformation of emergency transport. Covid again?

Free For All Healthcare Is Over

The economic shock of Uranus at 12 Taurus on March 19th to 31st, hits the NHS chart precisely. Uranus will be in conjunction with the NHS North Node at 12 Taurus, and in opposition to its South Node at 12 Scorpio. Uranus is associated with a world turning upside down, and undoubtedly due to public demand, the old model of waiting rooms and waiting lists is set to flip. March 2022 is a revolution. It may be, that if you can pay for it, your health care is same-day. The word ‘free’ is associated with Uranus transits. Are we about to see a free market health care system in the United Kingdom? If so it will land with a bang. Uranus is associated with new inventions so this may also involve the internet (for example) or innovations we have not even seen yet. The NHS just won’t be the same from March 2022.

Changes at 10 Downing Street at Easter 2022

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has many ‘birth’ charts, each one showing a different stage in her history. The latest is set for the time that the U.K. was officially free of the E.U. and it’s here.

It ties in with the NHS chart from 1948, which tells you about Brexit. The new United Kingdom has Pluto at 23 Capricorn, the Midheaven at 23 Cancer and Immum Coeli at 23 Capricorn. This hits Mars at 23 Virgo (public health) in the NHS chart.

We associate Capricorn with the Prime Minister, but also Her Majesty the Queen. It’s about the man or woman at the top. So, it’s not hard to see that when the N.H.S. is transformed (more likely, replaced) in March and April 2022, we are also going to see a reshuffle at 10 Downing Street. Perhaps, too, at Buckingham Palace. You can see the dates below. It will be April 9th to 12th, 2022 in patterns that are not possible more than once in all our lives.

Lightning Strike Change

The old ‘free for all’ healthcare which began in 1948 looks finished, just before Easter 2022. You tend to get a lightning strike with Uranus transits, so what comes, does so suddenly. The evidence for this increases when you see what happens to the NHS, immediately afterwards, from April 9th to 12th. It may be that free health care remains for those on low incomes, but everyone else has to reach into his or her pocket, beyond the usual taxes. The Taurus/Scorpio themes in the chart are about funding. They are also about salaries for staff and the price of the pandemic. It is no longer enough for hard-working hospital staff to be celebrated by the public, by Easter 2022. This is a salary revolution. Perhaps – strike action.

Grazia NHS Model - Astrology Predictions for the NHS

April 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 2022 and the NHS Chart

Jupiter 23 Pisces
Neptune 23 Pisces
North Node 23 Taurus
South Node 23 Scorpio

Here we have not just one, but four cycles all picking up Mars at 23 Virgo in the NHS chart. The money signs, Taurus and Scorpio are again, prominent. The NHS was also founded with the North Node at 12 Taurus and South Node at 12 Scorpio. On April 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th 2022, we find Chiron at 12 Aries. These transits are working both ways.

On April 9th-12th 2022 the NHS will be restructured financially. These are historic cycles and they pick up the two signs associated with taxation and insurance.

Watching the NHS Horoscope in January 2023

By the time we reach January 2023, Saturn is at 23 Aquarius and Neptune is at 23 Pisces, again picking up Mars at 23 Virgo (the sign ruling public health) in the NHS horoscope. Transiting Chiron at 12 Aries picks up the North Node at 12 Taurus and South Node at 12 Scorpio again, too. This feels like a government deadline has been set for massive changes to NHS funding and structure for January – the very start of 2023. The changes to the NHS horoscope are so extreme, that this looks like a backflip from the old model – waiting lists of 5 million people – and everything free. In fact, it’s a radical somersault. The focus on Aries suggests the face, or head, which Aries rules. This looks like a proposed new identity card and/or vaccine passport. When waiting lists top 5 million people (The Guardian) but you see these kinds of astrology cycles – that’s extreme change.

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The End of Health Tourism

The other red flag for change in January 2023, is transiting Pluto at 28 Capricorn, picking up Mercury at 28 Gemini (the sign ruling short journeys by coach, train or ferry) in the NHS chart. Pluto at 28 Capricorn also hits the MC at 28 Sagittarius (the sign ruling foreign people and countries) and the IC at 28 Gemini (again, short-haul transport). Putting all this together, it’s a statement about health tourism on the NHS. It’s genuinely finished, in January 2023.

Zoom Appointments

Pluto transits are final, because they are so rare. This may be the end of the reciprocal health care agreement between the United Kingdom and other countries, too. We associate Gemini and Sagittarius with Zoom on the Worldwide Web, so this also looks like remote, at-home, computer medical care becomes the norm, by January 2023. Of course, I am writing this two years into the future, so Zoom may have several rivals or replacement by then.

Vaccine Passports

There is more to say about this chart (below) as the virus continues, along with its many variants, and the several attempts at vaccines. The transits are rare. Then again, so is this pandemic, so it makes sense that it should be 2022 and 2023 which reveal the biggest transformation and reform of the old NHS in its history. That’s what these charts are telling us. The NHS has never experienced a Uranus in Taurus transit. This looks like some of those old waiting room walls are going to shake in March and April 2022, and subsequently, January 2023. Uranus is very much about freedom of choice. It will land with a wallop.

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22 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica, I started to work for my city NHS hospital last December (on the day of my birthday to be exact!). I work as admin clerk to doctors and nurses who care for cancer patients. Despite it being highly stressful I feel more compelled to stay rather than look for a less stressful job. Please do you have any insights as to how what you say in the article is going to impact on my job? As you can see some of my natal planets are bang on “those degrees”‘, i.e. Moon 23 Leo and Venus 28 Capricorn the ones that spring to mind. Many thanks.

    1. Your birth chart tallies with the NHS chart and of course you work there, in a hugely important support role. I am sure it is very stressful and everyone in your local area owes you a big debt of thanks, as you help the staff care for cancer patients. You will in fact change your job, or your job will change around you, more than once between now and 2023. It will happen suddenly and each time it will set you free and make you more independent. New technology will often be involved, so (for example) you may be offered a position at home as well as in the workforce using Zoom and so on. There is a large hint of the unpredictable in your chart, though, so that’s not the whole answer. Unexpected, exciting and quite revolutionary situations will land with a lightning bolt, every other year for the next five years and either in one position, or quite a difference one, you will end up doing the last thing your old self would have expected, years ago.

  2. Hi Jessica, How does this effect my chart in terms of my career in a healing profession? Thank you kindly.

    1. The NHS will be dismantled and replaced with a new organisation that offers freedom of choice with the healing professions, in terms of private health insurance and complementary therapists will find their own path. There are billions of people born with Virgo factors who are either wanting to heal, or looking for healing (Virgo obviously rules the Sixth House of health) and with Ceres and Diana in Virgo, you are one of them. The years 2022 and 2023 find the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, making perfect trines and sextiles to Virgo in the charts of millions, so you will find the restructuring of the health industry in the United Kingdom falls into line with what people want and what you want – at a price.

  3. Jessica, I’m grateful to explore astrology through your insight. I was also impressed the post that in 2019, you analyzed the astrology charts between Hong Kong and the UK, your prediction saying Hong Kong would return to her Mother land, the UK. For the first timing you mentioned, “The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the Hong Kong chart will turn the world upside-down for this remarkable island. At the same time, when Jupiter moves to 8 Aquarius from January 23rd to 27th, there is a strong sense of Hong Kong’s British colonial past returning.”, this was absolutely accurate. This was the period that the UK government started to offer BNO visa to let Hong Kong people who were born under old British rule to stay in the UK. Plus, you also mentioned the border policy of various countries would be changed by 2021-2022, as i remember, this would influence by the north node in Gemini and the south node in Sagittarius. And lately, people guess as after G7 global summit, Lithuania now also decides to offer Visa for Hong Kong people. And perhaps not long, other countries may also do so. This is quite strange for Hong Kong people as the languages and the cultures are not familiar to Hong Kong, wonder would it be a save boat, and there would be an emergent incident later or soon.

    Saturn is coming to its natal Uranus in Aquarius, and it looks like there would be a restriction of internet in Hong Kong. Besides, you have mentioned South node will pass its natal Pluto in Sagittarius on Jan, 2022. “You have to remember that the United Kingdom, born on 1st January 1801 at 00.00am in London, has her Chiron at 4 Sagittarius. As we go from 2021 to 2022 this looks like a jaw-dropping, so-called ‘impossible’, outrageous and audacious new strategy involving both countries.”, this literally makes me imagine, out of the blue, would the Queen Elizabeth ship come to fetch Hong Kong people to the UK.

    2022 June, Jupiter will pass its natal Ascendant, would it be a new chapter for Hong Kong. For now, under the first-ever Chine’s real dictatorship’s rule, some people leave, some people stay, but still, if someone ask if we are confused, yes, everyone, as the government seems bit psychotic and we have never faced something like this to choose whether to leave or stay before.

    By any chance, would you please give out any insight again of Hong Kong chart. I would be absolutely grateful.
    Perhaps at the end of the day, the destiny just wants to tell us something we didn’t understand.

    Thank you for being an astrologer.

    1. Thank you so much. The Hong Kong prediction I made was unpopular with some people but the astrology was really clear. She can and will go back to the Mother Country, the United Kingdom (and that is already starting to take place, with the residency offer). I didn’t know about the Lithuania offer -that is fascinating. The Hong Kong chart shows that the economy will change everything in 2022, 2023 and then you will find it is possible for other countries to negotiate with the Chinese, or negotiate around them, to strike a deal which helps. Watch New Zealand as she may become involved.

  4. That’s what happens when you shut down a national service for one illness. The NHS will never recover from the backlog, it was on its last legs as it was. Current % of total NHS beds occupied by Covid patients is less than 2%. 40-60% of total Covid deaths in the UK went on in care settings. Millions wasted on fake Nightingale hospitals that were never used. Zoom medical appointments are literally deadly. You’re damn right it will be reformed. People have seen the tiktok dancing nurses propaganda and they are sickened. We have 20 years to the Gemini conjunction. By the time we get there you will see a parallel society which will grow exponentially. On the one hand the medical-techno tyranny and those who embrace it and on the other those sovereign autonomous beings who reject the coming “human augmentation” and look back to the future with alternative healing.

  5. Hi Jessica

    Great article, thank you.

    I have just read Helen’s comment above. I had never heard of human augmentation, but the UK and German Ministries of Defence have released a paper on it in May this year. It’s on the UK gov website, see link below. Personally I find it chilling. I am sure others will find it exciting. Like those perhaps who are happy to wear microchips to pay bills etc. But this goes much further, and it’s always worth remembering who has released the document.

    Well I suppose putting this out in the open leads the governments to assume they have made it acceptable, normalised it a bit, or at least, it’s a step. A bit like the regularity with which I see our politicians publishing an opinion saying “we need to do something about…” , in advance of the decision they had already taken to do something the electorate would not agree with. As if having written their ill thought out blurb means they have automatic consent and approval, but regardless they are doing it anyway, and tough.

    It seems it’s the general approach these days: an “any thing goes” tone applied to the most damaging and hideous schemes whilst blasting it out into the open. Put it out there and it’s approved of (even if it is not). Dissent is to be ignored or punished, and we have seen plenty of that.

    For me there is an issue missing from the report, and I cannot help but feel it is deliberate. Put out lots of written blurb, some of it already disturbing, and miss out the worst, most chilling questions of all, and the third rate politicians and Whitehall blob, plus the compliant media will applaud the blurb. Because some of it is disturbing, the paper perhaps appears complete. Once this part is digested and accepted and normalised, it paves the way for the worst, that is not addressed in the paper. That is how I feel about this.

    I now suspect Helen is correct, though I disagreed with her at first. It actually looks like human augmentation is rolling forward. In the longer term, this will have consequences and cause a split between those who accept it and those who don’t, with greater “reward” and access to societal structures for those who comply. But at what cost? We humans are souls, spirit beings. There is no such thing as death.

    I have also read previously some documentation about the mixing of animal genes with humans to create humans with increased powers like night vision and extra sensory awareness. This is fact, although I have forgotten what it is called. It’s already happening. No regard for the rights and existence of other creatures with whom we share this planet. Where does this end?

    Perhaps humanity will go too far and God will step in. Then again, perhaps this world is not the real world. The spirit goes on, so what is this existence?

    The UK govt document is here:

    And here you can read about human machine teaming, another government doc:

    What is this really all for? The vast majority of humans just want to get on with their lives. What would the world be like without the tiny minority of power wielding psychopaths?

    1. This sounds like a Pluto and Uranus in Virgo issue to me. I don’t know your chart, but if you were born in the Sixties (or the other reader was) then what is taking place with the NHS, public health, government, big business and politics would fit. Owing to a quirk of astrology, everybody born in the 1960s has Pluto in Virgo and Uranus in Virgo, in his/her natal chart. That is a massive demographic of people worldwide who wish to control (Pluto) health (Virgo). They also tend to be catalysts for radical change (Uranus) in medicine (Virgo). All that you are talking about is typical of this generation and of course PM Johnson also has Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. Given the age of senior authorities in and out of the NHS you would also expect them to have the same chart signature. Pushing back the other way, are individuals who also have this Virgo/Sixth House chart pattern and have no desire to be controlled by big pharmaceutical companies or governments, when it comes to their own health. Again, this is the generation of women who marched for abortion rights as they refused to have their bodies controlled by politicians. On a lighter note, this is the generation who buy bottled Evian and Perrier water (because it’s pure) and who pursue yoga, meditation, vitamins, gluten-free diets, personal trainers and the rest. Madonna Ciccone is arguably the poster girl for Generation Virgo. Michael Jackson certainly was and manifested it through hypochondria. What you are going to see, as we move deeper into Pisces transits, and then Gemini transits (at odds with Virgo) is mass resistance to being controlled. In fact, what the future holds, particularly after Jupiter and then Saturn have gone through Pisces and opposed Virgo in the charts of the millions, is a new self-reliance, where the individual stops relying on free health care at the NHS (although it’s a moot point – given the waiting list and history of failures) and instead takes full responsibility for his/her own wellbeing. Uranus is a symbol of independence. We’ll likely see more of this. Looking at your comment you appear to be articulating what so many are feeling, or will be feeling, which is revolutionary.

  6. Jessica,

    Thank you very much again for replying me. That means a lot for me.
    From the news, there are more fleets of US coming to the South China sea. Perhaps there might be a war between Taiwan/US and China very soon.
    Some of the people think that Taiwan’s birth time would be 1912 Oct 10, 11:08pm, in Nanjing, China. It seems it fits some of the events of Taiwan.
    This may be a very vital warfare leading the communist started to collapse. If so, this would be a historical moment.
    May the force be with the people.

    1. I’m not so sure about war. (But thank you for the Taiwan data). I’ve filed some predictions for China, further ahead in time, using her old Communist chart. She is certainly in crisis, though I suspect this will be trade sanctions or a further mutation of COVID-19. Perhaps another virus.

  7. Hi Jessica. I wanted to say thank you for your insights, you always end your articles on a lighter and positive note. Ever since the virus started, I feel like I live in a sci-fi movie every day and seems like the revolution is coming up. I am based in Sydney and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and astrological insights about Australia’s Medicare future. Certainly not relying on the government and strongly agree with your opinion that in a future everybody should be looking after themselves and take responsibility for what we put in our bodies and the consequences of that. Thank you again and look forward to reading more of your astrological articles.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you are going through the situation in Sydney at the moment. July was always going to be a new COVID-19 crisis for Australia (that prediction on this website has certainly sailed) but the issue is, how do you cope when you cannot rely on your Premier and Prime Minister? You are speaking astrology when you say we should take responsibility for our own bodies. That is an expression of Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, which millions have, but also many more people have other factors in Virgo in the Sixth House of body, mind and spirit. When you think about Medicare and the healthcare, wellness and fitness industries, you are really talking about revolution, as everyone born in the Sixties has Uranus in Virgo and is at the heart of independent health. Uranus translates as independence. In Virgo it is about doing it your way, separating yourself from the rest, finding the freedom to invent a new way to be well. In a pandemic that may well be deliberately distancing yourself from who/what does not work for you. So, if you find the official advice on masks in crowded shops like Ikea (say) weak, you just avoid Ikea or you at least get furniture delivered! More seriously, your chart suggests you are now on the road to a completely different lifestyle. You already started actually but by 2022 you will have set new priorities and made a difference to your own life.

  8. Hi,
    This is particularly exact !!
    Almost in an eerie manner.
    I find 12 degrees very interesting. May I ask about the transiting Chiron at 12 and my own Diana at 12?

    1. Thank you. Well, Diana is a symbol of freedom, space and independence. In Aries in the First House you project a Diana image. I am sure you have seen the statues of her. They abound worldwide. There is one next to Green Park Underground Station in London, pointing towards the real Diana (Buckingham Palace). That should also give you some clues. Even married and with children, Diana does not want commitment. She may divorce or be tempted by affairs. It is far more common for Diana to be single or, in a relationship, but with someone who is not fully involved. The Diana of mythology begged her father Jupiter to release her from the chains of motherhood and marriage. He made her a huntress instead and she is usually seen with a greyhound. She cavorted with nymphs, who swam with her (an allusion to possible bisexuality or lesbian tendencies) but of course Diana was also a straight goddess, who visited her lover Endymion at night, while he was asleep, and managed to become pregnant by him, according to some myths. So this is a non-committal image you project. Yet there is always space for sensuality or even love, as long as it is with someone who is not fully engaged with life. That allows you to be free, yourself. Chiron by transit will wake Diana up, though he will never wake Endymion up. You often see women who are feminists, free of children and free from marriage, with lovers who are unemployed, or on drugs, or who are heavy drinkers, or have other issues which keep them in bed, or out of work, or on the sofa, and so on. This gives them time and space to ‘hunt’ (usually for success).

  9. Dear Jessica,
    Will the nhs turn or uk turn to natural health, natural cures instead of prescribed drugs all time that are killing people?
    Will ivermectin ever be given to help the vunrable or as a treatment rather than the vaccine… will the vaccine ever become an actual vaccine and help people. Will the uk make it mandatory to have this vaccine or somehow make it that if people are not vaccinated they will have to pay for there healthcare and treatments. Will the world ever be free of covid? Will uk ever see 0 covid? Will we ever be safe as such again and will the truth ever come out and be corrected. Will nhs staff finally be able to speak freely and truthful about what’s going on snd what there forced to do and not worry about loosing there jobs. Also is Chris Whitty, a truthful man and telling us the hole truth or cover up as my intuition says not and unfortunately a lot of doctors and nurses follow this man protocol. Will lives be saved instead of lost and what about our innocent children vaccines and there health. The uk is shameful will we ever be bk and have a truthful leader maybe even female?

    Thank you for your insight and everything you do for the world you are an amazing inspiration and I admire you. X

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. The answer to your question is Generation Virgo. They were born in the Sixties and unlike anybody else on the planet, are here to control their own health and wellbeing rather than feel like victims of random poor health to be saved by a doctor. So, yes, for some people (because everybody’s body is different) it will be naturopathy not big pharmaceutical companies that works. The trick about Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, which all Sixties babies have, is that it represents a radical rebellion; a revolution and a dramatic push for independence – as well as a compromise over control. It’s very much about self-control and willpower. Thus we have a gym on every high street and tremendous amounts of denial. Denial of sugar, cigarettes, meat and so on. I hope you are getting a feeling for what this generation is all about. They are of course in charge of the United Kingdom (PM Boris Johnson and his peers are Sixties babies). Now, for the first time since HIV-AIDS, this generation is facing what astrologers call ‘severe mutable transits’. The mutable signs are Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini. We have years of them. So Generation Virgo, who control the NHS and the supermarkets too, will be pushed to change. In the same way that gay men were forced to use their power and willpower to survive AIDS, we will see a massive transformation in the way people live their lives over the next few years. What people are buying now is not going to work. You cannot be injected with a substance like AstraZeneca or Pfizer and go back to normal. The first nation to strive for Zero Covid will probably be Scotland. And yes, Britain will have a third female Prime Minister.

  10. Hi Jessica,
    Please could you tell me what you mean by cannot go back to normal after having the Astra Zeneca or Pfizer jabs, I am double jabbed, Astra Zeneca and do not feel abnormal, even though times are. I was born in 1947 (so a bit long in the tooth) and since the eighties always turn to alternative medicine first, Doctor is a last resort. Think we all will have to do this as it is getting more difficult to get GP appointments (plus the ever lengthening waiting lists for NHS treatment) and we will have to help ourselves first. What are the chances of Liz Truss being the next female Prime Minister? She is doing a sterling job with trade. Thanks for all your information and for your generosity in sharing

    1. Thank you. I have been injected with Pfizer twice, and I am not going back to life as it was in 2019 and earlier. Nobody can. People die with Pfizer and they also pass the COVID-19 virus on to others. So, the only answer is actually a combination of injections (which at least reduce the severity of the illness) and most importantly, the end of globalisation. That last one terrifies big business and politics, which is why they are so sloppy with border control and quarantine. Yet the astrology is really clear – the problem is travel and travellers. This can all seem so overwhelming if it’s just you, trying to live your life, having been injected with AstraZeneca (which is about the same as Pfizer when it comes to effectiveness; they are both only about 60% effective against the variants of COVID-19). How are you to live and be happy? Actually the trick is to adopt a new lifestyle and work style and stick to it. Cases can rise or fall but you will always have your core basics. This might be wild swimming, hypnosis, yoga, meditation, a diet high in raw fruit and vegetables (excellent for immunity), job-sharing, home study, a safe friendship circle (you always follow the same rules together and avoid air travel) and so on. For all that this is a miserable pandemic and many of us know people who have died, we still have to look at the astrology of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus trine the Virgo placements of billions, and say it also happens to be the most empowering and rewarding cycle in years, for people who have Virgo factors and want to switch lifestyles. I’d also like to know what’s so wrong about the end of personal supermarket shopping (you spend less, don’t you, when you’re not being aisle distracted?) and shopping centres like Westfield as recreational hobbies. Consumption is killing the planet and needs to stop. That is Uranus in Taurus. The revolution in the world economy.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    thank you for your answer, I now have no qualms about having a booster jab different from the Astrazeneca, I agree that life for a lot of people has not gone back to normal, however I do know people who have not had any jabs, but have jetted off to Spain etc, testing and isolating in their return, I think some people are going to struggle with extreme changes in their life when they are so used to going wherever they fancy whenever they want to. I see what you mean about supermarket shopping, I have been having home deliveries and certainly seem to spend less! I will be so happy to see the back of Pluto in Capricorn! Thank you again

    1. Yes, the denial about the injections of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and the rest will go on for years, which is unfortunately why COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide until at least 2026 when we might see a change, given the departure of Uranus (randomness, shocks, uncertainty) from Taurus (retail, shopping, salary) and Neptune (confusion) from Pisces (religion). The ‘sleeper’ in all this is religion and it is so typical of Neptune in Pisces that people are not seeing what is going on. The virus is spread in mass religious gatherings, on a regular weekly basis. It looks like a denial of God to hold these gatherings on Zoom and so little by little, Covid creeps. Pisces has always ruled religion. Neptune has always ruled subtle and invisible ‘mist’ spreading! Just keep on doing your own thing and keeping your own self and world secure. You control that.

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