What happens when you have Saturn in Pisces on your plate? What changes on the menu for you, and the world, 2023-2026?
What happens when you have Saturn in Pisces on your plate? What changes on the menu for you, and the world, 2023-2026? This photograph by Gregor Moser shows us the bare facts about Pisces, the sign of the two fish. Sometimes you get a heavy serve. And yet from this, you can cook something new in your life. In a moment, I’ll look at the new Saturn in Pisces cycle and what is possible with COVID-19, work, health, travel and transport.
The Crisis for Christianity
Every time Saturn (difficult days, long life lessons) passes through Pisces (Christianity) we always see a crisis for the Christian church. This is coming back in 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. Here are the dates, below. This is not just about the Anglican or Roman Catholic church, though. Pisces rules all faiths. So we are very much talking about religion in India, and these cycles starting in 2023 clearly show that we are still in a massive global health risk zone.
Religion is a deeply personal thing. So is spirituality. You are either a believer, or unsure, or firmly against. Pisces has always ruled the soul. We can talk about non-mainstream beliefs, which we find in the New Age – but history shows us, Saturn in Pisces is always about the billion-strong congregations. (Image: Elia Pellegrini, Unsplash).
Generation Virgo and Saturn in Pisces
Each Saturn in Pisces cycle triggers the generation born with the slow-moving outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in particular zodiac signs. It is always about a religious crisis and necessary progress, improvements and reform. However, the particular kind of crisis is shown by the people alive at the time, and their mass shared horoscope.
In 2023-2026 the Virgo Generation born in the 1960s with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo (health) will all collectively go through the opposition of Saturn in Pisces to their natal planets. This is the only clue you need, to see that the Corona Virus (as we called it back in January 2020) is not going away.
Neptune transiting Pisces until 2026 is the other clue. From an astrological point of view, COVID-19 is as much about religion as it is about public health.
Vaccines and Human Sourced Laboratory Experiments
We might also speculate that new vaccines or treatments in 2023-2026 might involve human sources (abortions) and so that is another crisis for the Roman Catholic church. Birth control, contraception and abortion were also huge issues for the Vatican in the late 1960s as The Pill was under development. Saturn in Pisces ruled 1964 to 1967.
In Tasmania, which is Zero Covid as I write this, the local newspaper has a 12-page liftout – our ULTIMATE VAX GUIDE. Beyond the question of the Pope’s view on human-sourced medical research, we also have a fundamental question about Pfizer and Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and the rest.
When is a vaccine not a vaccine, if Israel (a strongly religious country) is showing us that two injections of Pfizer will not stop you spreading COVID-19 to other people, or becoming ill yourself? Pfizer is excellent at keeping people in Israel out of hospital, and preventing death, but the reality is: Israel is heavily vaccinated and yet its COVID-19 cases in September 2021 have never been so high. So where is Israel’s God in all this? Saturn in Pisces is not just about Christianity.
The Public Failure of Prayer
We will also see the public failure of prayer to control COVID-19 and other public health crises. This is also a crisis for religion, as some of the public can only tolerate that for so long. Believers will argue that God has a plan too great for them to see.
Yet, religion depends on mass gatherings – and COVID-19 is airborne – so the fact that we are seeing a problem for the church in 2023-2026 is again, another really strong clue that COVID-19 persists.
The previous cycles of Saturn in Pisces have delivered extremely heavy tests of faith and belief for the big, organised religions as well as churches with smaller numbers. If we begin by looking at the 20th century, and the arrival of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, the questions begin immediately – for the Jews. Saturn in Pisces was not just a late 1930’s threat for the Vatican (the Roman Catholic church had serious questions about its own soul) but also the Jewish people. So although the two fish of Pisces are linked to Christianity, it’s actually about all religion and its tests, under Saturn in Pisces.
Saturn in Pisces Dates
February 14th 1935, to April 25th 1937
October 17th 1937, to January 14th, 1938
March 23rd, 1964, to September 16th, 1964
December 16th, 1964, to March 3rd, 1967
May 21st, 1993, to June 30th, 1993
January 28th, 1994, to April 7th, 1996
March 7th, 2023, to May 24th, 2025
September 1st, 2025, to February 13th, 2026
Saturn in Pisces and Reform in Religion
Saturn always brings trials and tests, but reform is always the result. Long overdue improvements. Why do we associate religion with Pisces? The Age of Pisces according to many astrologers, began c. AD 1 and will end c. AD 2150. Jesus Christ was born then and the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fishes, tallies with the twelve apostles as the “fishers of men,” and of course early Christians called themselves “little fishes,”with the code word for Jesus also being the Greek word for fish, “Ikhthus.” This stained glass window in Chartres Cathedral, below, shows the symbolism of a zodiac sign, above the heads of Christians in France. I have seen zodiac signs in churches and cathedrals all over the world, and not too far away, in Canterbury Cathedral, you can also see them in the flagstones. Drive behind any line of traffic in America and you will probably see the Christian fish (not the astrological fish) in stickers on the rear window.
Hitler and Christianity During Saturn in Pisces
When Hitler obtained power in 1933, 98% of Germans were Christian, with 66% being Protestant and 32% being Catholic. The Nazi policy of Kirchenkampf was about the eradication of the churches. The Salvation Army and the Seventh-Day Adventists both disappeared from Germany during Hitler’s rule.
The Vatican and Saturn in Pisces
The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was a massive period of reform for the Roman Catholic religion, opened on 11th October 1962 and closed on 8th December 1965, during Saturn in Pisces. Interfaith dialogue with other religions resulted, among other changes called under Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
Women Priests and Saturn in Pisces
The Church of England ordained its first women priests in March 1994 during the last Saturn in Pisces cycle. Thirty-two deaconesses were ordained at Bristol Cathedral in a service led by Bishop Barry Rogerson. The Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, appealed for church unity, during protests.
Do You Have a Pisces Stellium?
Do you have Pisces chart factors?
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Jessica Adams BA is the author of the #1 Amazon USA and Australia bestseller Your Birthday, with Rachel Wells. She is also the consulting astrologer on The Aries Billionaire (Audible UK) with Wells. Jessica hosts The Astrology Show, a #1 spirituality podcast in Britain and Australia.
Join this unique Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out. Included are the exact dates of the Neptune ingress in Aries, Saturn ingress in Aries and North Node ingress in Aquarius.
Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
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35 Responses
Hi Jessica, Hope you are well. I would be most appreciative of any comments you could make re my chart, with Saturn, Chiron, Vulcano, and Venus all placed there. Saturn in Pisces to me seems solitary, and a little sad if truth be told. But darkness and lightness equally enrich the soul, and it must be time to move on from the rampant Capitalism that dominated the society in which I have lived. That friction of forcing vaccines as the only means to – fix – the pandemic, will perhaps move to the more intuitive energy of Pisces, a growing understanding of how we are a part of nature (air quality), and renewed interest in the spiritual, tarot, whatever gods/faith we respectively believe in, as we face our loss of the global world where we once packed airports and 737’s! Probably about time as we did the earth no favours, sadly. Thanking you, Veronica
Thank you Veronica. Saturn in Pisces will limit, restrict and test spirituality, religion, the Tarot, faith and God. Pisces rules all those things and Saturn will deliver very heavy obstacles and learning experiences not seen in 29 years. You are strongly Pisces, understand the invisible world, probably have powerful psychic ability and will be affected quite strongly by your Saturn Return, as this famous event in astrology will also involve a transit of your Twelfth House placements. The Twelfth House is ruled by Pisces and Neptune, and belongs to all that is hidden, below the surface, in the subconscious, and mysterious. Neptune was found in 1846 during the first use of anaesthetic, and it raised questions about where the man on the table went to, if he was neither ‘alive’ nor dead. His heart was beating but he was not conscious. So where had he gone and who was he? This brought in questions about the spirit and soul at the same time that Spiritualism came in with the Fox sisters, in the late 1800’s. So that should give you an idea of your Twelfth House. It is about your subconscious mind and dreams. Possibly hypnosis and its impact on the subconscious. It is also about your soul and spirit, and the souls and spirits of those around you, be they dead or alive. Your Saturn Return here will be a useful burden, but it will still be a burden, especially as Saturn will form conjunctions with other Pisces factors – and particularly as you have had Neptune in Pisces for years. Maybe you have become used to this other reality, but Saturn will test it. As a general rule of thumb, turn down the religion, Tarot, mediumship, dream therapy and so on – during this transit. The less Saturn has to do, the easier your life is. This is very much the case with Venus and Vulcano in Pisces, too, as they were lovers and any subconscious attraction may be rather hard work when Saturn comes along. It would classically involve someone who is tied into your other reality, so, for example, a Tarot class colleague or your local priest.
Oh Jessica what a fascinating insight – I have 14 planets in Sagittarius Virgo Gemini and Pisces. I have always loved long haul flights to Cape Town where I have a flat but not been abroad since Feb last year and have been very patient but does this mean I have to rethink everything I had planned to do (be like a swallow and follow the sun)?
Thank you. I always feel like such a bore, passing on all this information about the new world – but you are not alone. I gave up travel in March 2020 and have resigned myself to the fact that it will be years before I even contemplate going back to London (where I was born). Much as we would all love to go back to normal, perhaps, the astrology tells us that the old world is finished. This is not just about Saturn in Pisces. It is also about Uranus in Gemini, and further ahead in time (beyond 2025) the arrival of the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo (Virgo rules pandemics) and then the North Node going into Sagittarius and South Node going into Gemini (they both rule travel and tourism, immigration and business trips). This virus is here to stay and there may be others. The problem, as astrology has told us since The Black Death in the 14th century, is the mutable sign clash between public health (Virgo) and foreign travel (Sagittarius) as well as local travel (Gemini). The fourth corner of the mutable sign Grand Cross is of course Pisces, and the way that religion is a natural hub for infectious disease spread. This is just common-sense. Mass gatherings, be they sport or religion, or anything else (a Gorillaz concert) trigger outbreaks. Your long-haul flights to Cape Town may have to be put alongside the facts of the future, and they are that we will be living with historic, planet-changing travel trends for years. Some airlines and cruise companies will collapse. The virus is not being stopped by Pfizer, as Israel has proven. In fact, cases have skyrocketed even though most of the country has received two injections. India has shown us how quickly the virus can mutate into something like Delta, which has just closed down New Zealand with one case. Rather than depress you any further, what I can tell you is that Uranus in Gemini after 2025 will bring the new travel, and it will be exhilarating, liberating, regional and local. The mode of transport will be a new invention unlike anything you have ever seen. Long-term, though, the old days of dual citizenship and two-home living are pretty much history, unless you actually want to spend your life with endless vaccinations, quarantine, surveillance, testing and the new expense of travel. So – think differently about how you want to experience the world – these are historic transits which sweep up billions of people born with the outer planets in Virgo and Sagittarius, the signs of health and travel.
Hi Jessica!
Thank you for another wonderful, fascinating article. I have 19 factors combined in Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces-Virgo.
That explains a lot. 🙂 I certainly have felt the weight of this Grand Cross to bear! Sometimes I feel that ours is the “crossroads” generation — making sure to not toss the baby with the bathwater and, in fact, trying to find a practical use for the bathwater instead of just tossing it! Win-win!
Could you perhaps explain how my (Sun) Capricorn stellium factors would or could be impacting (mitigating or contributing) to all of this? Am I getting any help from Fortuna/Aesculapia/Diana in Libra, or Jupiter in Taurus in my chart? I am leaning quite heavily on common sense, but a little love and luck are most welcome!
Thank you again for being a bright spot in my day, and I’m so happy to learn from you! Stay well.
Thank you. The mutable signs are well and truly dominating your chart. And yes, you are now carrying the ‘cross to bear’ of this cross-current climate, with the Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius transits. Your Capricorn Sun in the Tenth House of success, social climbing (social mountaineering), ambition, status and rank is not so much concerned with the health aspect of Virgo, but it is certainly associated with the service, duty and work ethic that we link to this sign. So the issue for you for many years to come (the mutable sign weather goes on past 2025) is how to work in a pandemic. How to work in an economic shock (which we will see in 2022 and 2023). How can you do your job, or your part-time job/s and also fulfil your dearest ambitions? There is usually a challenge with Capricorn/Virgo types and it involves waiting. It’s like The Smiths’ song: You Just Haven’t Earned It Yet, Baby. Capricorn has to patiently play the waiting game and plod away to make it, professionally or socially, but can sometimes long to just take a giant leap to get up there – faster. Doing that doesn’t really work. Virgo, meanwhile, is the dutiful workhorse, who perfects her skills, talents, abilities, professional expertise in order to do what is required, in great detail. She is not ambitious because she is a wheel in the machine. She helps others run the machine. So there are two conflicting sides to you, both linked to your job. This is really the biggest story of the next few years. How do you make it, in the new world? What do people want and need from you? How can you serve them but also serve your own ambition, which if you are a true Capricorn, will be pretty big?
Very intriguing post. Religion must end at some point as it is based on belief, and belief is personal not universal. Pisces says, “I believe” but Aquarius says, “I know” and as we move toward the age of Aquarius we move toward an age of great enlightenment for the human consciousness. New York has banned all gas powered cars as of 2031 (i think its 2031). It will be very interesting to see what is coming in 2026. Maybe some of the atlantean wisdom on travel.
I do have a stellium in Pisces. Never realized or even thought to look at that before. I have gone through so much with religion. From absolutely not believing, to having children and my first born telling me when she was two that she was up in heaven with Jesus and she saw daddy and I get married and decided to be born.
I’ve also always dreamt of people at the exact moment of their death. This had happened since I was a child. Is this part of that Stellium in pisces? I have Saturn in Pisces. Wonder if this will bring on another radical shift in my views of religion/spirituality. I became a reiki practitioner early in the year. Didn’t think much of it but now my hands are always buzzing, A LOT. OH and I just realized when my daughter told me about Jesus when she was only 2, Saturn was in Pisces. Wow.
These are the planets I have in Pisces. What can I expect or prepare for?
Saturn 12 deg
Chiron 18 deg
Ceres 26 deg
Ops 01 deg
Your stellium in Pisces has taken you on a journey with religion, and you have also had the classic Pisces stellium experience of mediumship. Reiki is also common with heavily Pisces people. (It was inspired, of course, by a religious seeker). Saturn, Chiron, Ceres and Ops in Pisces in the Twelfth House suggest your Saturn Return will be profound and alter your relationship with the spirit world and with your God. Or, perhaps, with the universe. It really depends on what you believe, or who you believe, when Saturn in Pisces comes around. As you say, Pisces is the phrase “I believe.” Typically the Twelfth House, Neptune (which it rules) and Pisces (its sign) are about all that is slippery, elusive, hard to catch, hard to define. Just like fish and just like the sea itself. Things wriggle away. There is also a separate reality. The ocean is its own world. It has its own rules. It is no less real than the city, but it is confusing and confused, for most landlubbers. Your Twelfth House is like this. Reiki is hard to explain to outsiders. It sometimes fails. I have seen it fail twice with COVID-19, myself. Yet I have also seen it work for other conditions. Given that you have Chiron in Pisces in the Twelfth House, and he is associated with herbal medicine, I would imagine that what you go through on your Saturn Return is relate to healing and health, Reiki itself, and perhaps other kinds of healing. What unfolds will be a hard lesson and so you may want to minimise the involvement until you have given yourself enough time and space to experience the Saturn Return. Saturn’s conjunction to your Chiron will be a stretch, and it will involve your invisible world. Your other reality. Similarly, the conjunctions with Ceres, which is always a tough compromise and Ops (Ops was Saturn’s wife). The common sense view of Saturn Returns is to clear the decks, as Robert Hand always advised. Before the transit even begins get your Twelfth House in order. Do not overload it, so you are exaggerating mediumship, Reiki, spiritual healing, religion, Buddhism, spirituality, Tarot and the rest – try to streamline it so that Saturn has less to teach you about. Logic says this is going to be about COVID-19 given the timing, but of course it may be something entirely different. Sometimes people find their children become born-again Christians on this transit and they disagree. Or – they struggle with God for other reasons. It’s on that level. It just takes awareness to manage it, but you are ahead of the game here, as you can see what is coming.
Hi Jessica,
I am a sun sign Scorpio, a staunch Hindu, and have no factors in Pisces. Curious how will this weather effect me personally since there are no Piscean factors in my chart? Thanks
An empty Twelfth House, ruled by Pisces, does not mean that religion is not important, but it reveals that the person in question is not defined by his or her faith. You can be a Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jew and have nothing in Pisces, and all it really shows is that your personality and destiny is not governed by your religion. What you are more likely to find, is that Saturn transiting Pisces will bring new limitations, restrictions and rules for Hindus (just as it does for every faith) because Saturn is a symbol of difficult obstacles and Pisces is of course, Christianity first and foremost. The logical prediction is – the continued mutation of COVID-19, particularly in mass gatherings like congregations or religious festivals – means that rules will be imposed. Beyond that, there is the more delicate question of how religious authorities explain the tragedy of the pandemic. All this is cyclical so we have seen it before and of course the Hindu faith has survived and thrived, throughout. Saturn will extract a heavy price, though – it always does.
Wow, Wow…How beautiful the future is explained is unbelievable!!! Thank you again. Just wondering how Saturn in Pisces will affect my life. I have been waiting to read this article for long.
Born 01 of September 1970 at 5:30am in Malindi-Kenya.
Just be aware of potential new work partners or relationship partners during the Saturn in Pisces cycle, as Saturn goes through your Seventh House of love, sex and marriage – and it is an ancient symbol of life lessons, limitation and restriction. Be careful about who you get into bed with. Literally.
Hi Jessica, interesting article once again. Covid 19 doesn’t seem to be going away and I for one am reluctant to embrace back to normal (in Uk). The message seems to be coming across that you have to be vaccinated and then you can do whatever you want. And it is the vulnerable who are going to suffer in all this. I do think Covid is here to stay unfortunately and this saturn in Pisces transit seems to show more difficulty ahead for a number of years! Do you see the UK continuing with this “back to normal” or do you think there might be a turnaround where they make the rules stricter (and safer) again? I have a stellium in Pisces and Pluto in Virgo, how is this influencing me at this time?
Science, medicine and epidemiology all support what you are saying. In the United Kingdom, people who have two injections of Pfizer or AstraZeneca can still infect others, and become ill themselves (Israel is the latest country to have dramatic proof of this, with a record high in COVID-19 cases despite a majority being vaccinated). So, people who have had the needle twice, can still pass on COVID-19 to those who have conditions that make them more likely to end up with serious illness, or the risk of death. The astrology is clear that the virus is here to stay. It will be with us after 2025. As a strongly Virgo-Pisces person you are obviously caught up in it all. In fact you tick the boxes for all the mutable signs: Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces. The current British policy of living with COVID-19 will last as long as PM Boris Johnson lasts, and a crisis is coming. He is a Gemini too and caught up in all of this. The collapse and replacement of the NHS is the turning point and eventually you will see a new system of border control, testing, quarantine, vaccine passports come in. If I was going to be cynical I would say that something or someone was behind all of this particular way of handling of the virus (with so many deaths and so many threats to the hospital system) with the sole intention of seeing quite radical overhaul of the NHS and – crucially – relations between Britain and the European Union. What we are seeing is going to change. You don’t really get Saturn in Pisces, and then Uranus in Gemini (from 2025) without a revolution.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for this article. There is an aspect of Gemini that I am particularly interested in: education. What changes do you foresee for elementary school children? Many places are pushing a “return to normal,” while others continue to be remote. Do you think that by 2026, there may be a completely new system for elementary education?
I began volunteer work in education in my local Brooklyn community right before the pandemic began. Things moved quickly to my having taken on significant roles and responsibilities, and now I am thinking of applying for a doctorate in education in order to one day have a seat at the decision-making table.
Thank you,
Thank you Nancy. Yes, Gemini rules education, and particularly English, Languages and Speech and Drama, as well as Computer Studies. Congratulations on your success in volunteering in Brooklyn – if you want your doctorate, the stars are aligned. In fact the doors will swing open after Boxing Day and stay open in the first half of 2022. Uranus in Gemini is an education revolution, and it begins in 2025. There are inventions we have not even dreamed of, likely involving language translation, which will be on our computers, cell phones and other devices (again, new technological innovations) in around four years from now. The cycle continues beyond 2030 and is about seven years long, so your role as a teacher, principal, lecturer and so on will be dramatically different after 2025. Uranus is a symbol of freedom, independence, radical change, revolution and ‘the shock of the new’ and in Gemini, the sign we associate with vocabulary, literacy and translation, we would have to expect something as important as the emphasis on foreign language education was, in the Forties. The last time Uranus was in Gemini, we saw the end of the war, and its aftermath. The United Nations arrived, and with it, all the headphones translators. What we will see in the education system after 2025 will be on that level.
Hi Jessica! I’ve been waiting for this post from you, knowing that Saturn in Pisces would have something to do with Covid. I’m currently living in NZ to be near my daughters. One daughter still in lockdown in Auckland trying to complete med school (try learning medicine using Zoom!). My daughter is struggling emotionally with isolation and there’s little I can do for her. Both of us are dual citizens and while we love NZ, we desperately miss family and friends in the US. With the dramas happening there, it’s certainly prudent to remain here, but we do want to be able to go back at some stage. Do you foresee international travel as completely infeasible from now on? I’ve already given up on my (former) career in international environmental management and am hoping to be able to find a job here in NZ soon. We were hoping to go back to the US for xmas, and as I’m writing this the new NZ MIQ system “lobby” is rolling out this morning. It’s supposed to make entry into this country easier, but obviously it’s hugely expensive. I guess I’m just feeling so homesick and wanting to know if we can and should visit the US in the near future. It’s a big commitment of time and money and we need to know we can get back into NZ.
Thank you! Kris
Thank you Kris. You are a long way from America, in New Zealand and even further away with our new world. You want to be in America for Christmas and of course prices will rise for travellers. With the Moon in Sagittarius you have an emotional pull towards foreign countries and foreigners, and always will. The mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo) are behind the pandemic and so you need to look at all those, to see if you are going to be affected long-term. You have 13 factors there, so that’s high. For you and both daughters, the next few years are about deciding where to live. Gemini rules domestic flights. Sagittarius rules international flights. Virgo rules the pandemic. (Pisces rules religion, which has played its part in the pandemic, as the Delta variant of COVID-19 spread during Indian religious festivals and was exported by tourists and business travellers, as well as dual nationals like yourself. We are going to see these cycles hold well past 2030 so at some point you will have to choose, I’m afraid. Either choose, perhaps, or create a lifestyle change which is pretty dramatic, as COVID-19 will go on mutating (it arrived on mutable sign weather in 2020) and those Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo patterns go on spinning for years. The arrival of new variants and the possible weakness of Pfizer and AstraZeneca against them – in terms of minimising the risk of hospital and death – is a real factor. We already know Pfizer is not stopping infection and illness in Israel, one of the most heavily dual-vaccinated nations on earth. So the facts are meeting the astrology. What we would expect to see, we are seeing. Dramatic lifestyle change, to meet the new world, could well mean that there is paid quarantine at both destinations; much higher air fares; certainly vaccine passports; repeated testing; higher travel insurance – just what you might expect. I do feel for you, as I am British, also a dual citizen of Australia, and know I will not go back for years – but it is extremely unlikely you will secure an America-New Zealand round trip any time soon. The problem for New Zealand in particular, as I am sure you know, is that the whole nation has shut down because of one person, who flew from Sydney Airport into Auckland. So there is hyper-sensitivity to travellers now and politically, the PM. has to be equally hypersensitive to how voters feel. You have a Leo PM here who is unlikely to really get the smooth traction she needs with foreign travel until Jupiter (the opportunity) goes into her Ninth House of foreign relations in the second half of 2022. Then, you may seem easier progress, but long-term if you want both America and New Zealand you will have to make huge, expensive and time-consuming shifts, I’m afraid.
Thank you Jessica. I always enjoy reading your blogs.
Thank you!
Hi Jessica
Thanks for another great post, you are so solid with your balance of history and astrology. Makes it a very positive and somehow reassuring place to come to for astrology forecasts.
Being of the Virgo generation I’ve been feeling this work / life / health issue for years now. Have gone back to study but still questioning myself and the path I’m on, if it’s right, if not time is not on my side for another career change…either way I think the big issue is my financial lack and the feeling that I’ll never be able to build it enough to be financially independent.
These Saturn in Pisces years are crucial for me to get on my feet, I would love your insights on my chart – or anything else !
Thank you
Thank you. Virgo and Sixth House factors are always about the quest for a work-life balance (health, lifestyle, mental health, job) and it’s become more intense since we began to see mutable sign weather, opposite and square Virgo – Neptune in Pisces, North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius. The more mutable sign placements you have in those four signs, the greater the grit in the oyster, to become the pearl. So how gritty is your chart? Moon 7 Virgo square Venus 7 Gemini is there, for a start. So because you have a great need to be needed, by being of service (by doing your duty) but it conflicts with your internet relationships, you are the sort of person who needs to set a timer on your online time, or watch carefully the kinds of connections (family, love, sex, parental – which Venus all rules) online. It basically means that every time the Moon goes to 7 Gemini and then a few days later 7 Virgo, the square is triggered. You could actually just start with that square and then slowly work your way around the rest of the chart. Gemini rules siblings and cousins so perhaps that is one of the issues. Virgo of course rules housework, as well as work, unpaid work and study.
Hi Jessica,
I am wondering whether New Zealand will open up to Australia early next year in 2022? I live in Melbourne and need to get back to NZ to sort out my mother’s estate. Do you see this happening in my chart? My husband and I are also seriously contemplating moving there with our kids to live a more peaceful life (I am a Kiwi). I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Many thanks
Thank you Astrid. I am sure you would like to move back to NZ permanently with the children and you have your passport ready. You also want to sort out your mother’s estate. You are a Sun Pisces going though rather a stuck cycle in your family and home zone, when the past constantly seems to repeat, or you try to change things and hit a brick wall (like constant flight bans). This cycle ends in January 2022, and from that point forwards we are doing to see NZ and Australia, as well os other nations, figure out a more logical and combined approach. You will be in a strong financial position in the second half of 2022 as Jupiter (expansion) goes into your solar Second House of money and property.
Hi Jessica,
What a fantastic article, with very interesting comments too. After reading, I checked my chart, and I don’t have any Gemini or Sagittarius factors! Pluto, Diana and IC in Virgo, MC and Bacchus in Pisces. I am a nurse – a covid vaccinator in fact, for the last six months. I did my immuniser’s certificate as soon as they started talking about a vaccine in 2020, as I thought there would be the demand for nurses in that sector. I also had overseas travel finally planned for 2020, but of course that didn’t happen 🙁 We have a small house in a rural area, and sometimes I do think we should just pack up and hide away from the rest of the world there, but would we (hubby + I) just end up bored and broke?
Thanks, Suzy
Thank you Suzy. You know how they say ‘Never read the comments’ for most of the internet? On this website, people always read the comments because I have such interesting readers with so many intriguing questions! I learn a lot from the feedback and I am glad you do too. Thank you for your work with COVID-19 vaccination. You are taking your nursing into the most important area of medicine we’ve seen in decades. You tick all the Virgo and Sixth House boxes, which is standard. Now you are wondering if you should stay put and hide away with your husband. I guess you would be the expert on vaccine variants and know that the problem for the world is that the virus keeps mutating and that the international borders remain open in far too many countries. So, unless you are lucky enough to be in Tasmania (like me) or New Zealand, or Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory of Australia – COVID-19 is not under control and never will be. You are a Sun Aquarius who will make or save a lot of money when Jupiter goes into your solar Second House on December 30th 2021. He remains there until Mqy 10th 2022 which is a nice amount of time to pursue some solutions. No, you will not be broke. He is back in your Second House of income, windfalls, houses, apartments, valuables, charity and business – from October 29th to December 20th, so that’s a useful visit from Father Christmas. Jupiter does in fact resemble him, being fat, jolly (jovial) and a source of abundance. You also have Uranus in Taurus in your natal Second House too, while all this is going on, so 2022 is one of the most important years this decade, for saving money or making it. Uranus offers freedom and independence. You can’t buy that but you can have it. I suspect the story may be about a house or apartment, actually, or land.
I’m thinking I have a massive Pisces stellium if you count the asteroids etc – is that right for me? I feel like the Capricorn people kind of benefited from all the Saturn Uranus crazy and the all Pisces ‘Dreamy Daniels’ have been a bit left behind in the world for the past decade. Is this our time to shine? I would love to know what you see for us little fish and more specifically me and all the turbulence.
[Just on the religious aspect. I personally had a moment when I was 11 years old that I saw auras and I felt some kind of voice spoke to me and recently have begun rituals of prayer again in the more tradition sense whereas before was much much more drawn to angel/Wicca/new age. Right now I feel very shocked by how covid has effected my new age groups because all old my spiritual habits, beliefs and channellers I listened to (Pleidians etc) have gone very much into anti vax area and I am pro vax / had vax so just an angle for your article is this massive devision of what was in the past pretty harmless new age spiritual stuff and is now it’s all for super doooer divided out there in that world]
Yes, strongly Pisces people have not liked Pluto in Capricorn much (nobody has enjoyed it much, by the way, except the men in suits who had a brief moment at the top of the mountain). Some are still hanging on but it will not last beyond 2023 when Pluto goes out of Capricorn. You are typically Piscean with your spirituality and interest in channelling. Neptune in Pisces in your Twelfth House is part of that and when Jupiter goes into Pisces and your Twelfth House just after Boxing Day 2021, you have 2022 to look forward to, which will bring an expansion of your mediumship – the ability to see auras is part of that – and likely, a very good teacher.
Hi Jessica, Thanks for another great post. I have few aspects in Pisces (Hygeia 10 deg), Gemini (Mars 14 deg, Ops 10 deg, Psyche 19 deg) and Virgo (Ceres 28 deg, Apollo 27 deg) and I am a water sun sign (Scorpio 4 deg) however I am curious how this transit will affect me or bring into my attention and if having other water aspects will help me or make the things easier, especially in terms of children as I would like to become a mother. Best regards.
Thank you. Okay, to start at the end of your question, children are indicated by Leo factors in your Fifth House of parenthood. You have a nice chart pattern there including Jupiter at 11 Leo, which is a classic indicator of babies, stepchildren, nieces, nephews, godchildren – either with a huge impact (just one younger face takes up a lot of space in your life) or in large numbers. In February and March 2023, transiting Jupiter trines natal Jupiter, so that’s a huge window. Earlier, March-April 2022 finds Chiron trine natal Jupiter and Uranus square, so that’s an earlier window – if not quite as sensational as the 2023 opportunity. The Saturn transit in Pisces in your Twelfth House will challenge you to restructure religion, spirituality, self-help, hypnosis, counselling, the psychic world – in your life. You have built up various walls, barriers, defences and safeguards over the years to help you with what/who makes you feel so vulnerable. Those will be put to the test on this transit. It is usually the relationship you have with your God. Right at the end of the cycle you have a Saturn opposition to your Virgo factors so you may want to keep your lifestyle, workload and basic health rules very simple and easy then. Don’t over-egg the pudding or over-complicate your life with heavy situations then, as you will have enough work to do. Saturn’s oppositions here suggest clearing the decks with work or health matters well before the opposition is a smart idea: don’t wait until May 2025 to sort things out. The less you have to deal with, the less Saturn has to challenge you with.
Hi Jessica,
loved reading this one. Heavy Sagittarius/Scorpio person here (with Gemini moon) and married to an Aries sun man, with loads of Virgo placements (moon 8′, Jupiter 29′, Pluto 23′). I have Saturn at 0 degrees Virgo myself. We have been living in two different countries for the last 4 years, but now it is time for husband to relocate permanently where I live, planning to do so around March next year. Reading this article, makes me think that it is probably a good idea…for both of us to be in one country given that old world travel has gone..(well, we have seen this with Covid, but looks like this came to stay…).
What other aspects should I be cautious about (e.g. transiting Saturn opposing natal Saturn, and all the Virgo placements of my husband)…looks like we should be prepared for a complete transformation of our lives.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. As a Sun Sagittarius you are at your brilliant best when you travel or set up a new life in a new country – or build your life around foreigners in your own country. Now you are dealing with mutable sign weather for many years, which began with the North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces from May 6th 2020, just two months after the WHO declared the pandemic. That mutable sign weather picks up the Virgo (health) placements of both you and your husband and once Saturn goes into Pisces, it becomes a harder challenge. Astrology is ancient and was consulted in the 14th century on matters of plague. Back then, astrologers were in the universities, and French academics told the King, that the Aquarius cycles were to blame. Well, nothing causes anything in astrology, but we are seeing a weird repetition of the Aquarius transits (it’s about the groups; the communities) and the mutable sign transits of any plague (you always have foreign travel, globalisation, foreign trade, migration as the problem, as Sagittarius-Gemini forms a T-Square with Virgo). The old world travel has gone, you are correct. Given that Virgo rules work and lifestyle, both you and your husband might want to relocate with capital L lifestyle in mind. The food available locally. The space for daily exercise. The quality of health and medical professionals nearby. This would be wise advice given your Virgo factors are there in both charts and you have Sagittarius/Gemini mutable factors too. You can look at property values, and affordable homes and all the rest, but actually, the smart money would be on a place to be, and a space to be, which protects your gold immunity.
Hey Jessica
I have Saturn in pisces along with Chiron the moon and asc for sun leo. What does next year hold for me please? I’m thinking of studying too but don’t know? I am working in early childcare. TY Athina NSW
You are not logged in, so I cannot see your natal chart, but if you are a Sun Leo with Saturn in Pisces, you will be tempted to study after May 2022 and if you agree, will race into a course by July. Exceptional outcomes are possible with stunning results, a happier new life or a superior career as a result of it, by May 2023 and Easter 2023 would be a highlight.
The word “Ikhthus” is the ancient Greek word for fish and interestingly, the word used for the sign of Pisces in Greek is “Ιχθύες”, also my sign.
35 Responses
Hi Jessica, Hope you are well. I would be most appreciative of any comments you could make re my chart, with Saturn, Chiron, Vulcano, and Venus all placed there. Saturn in Pisces to me seems solitary, and a little sad if truth be told. But darkness and lightness equally enrich the soul, and it must be time to move on from the rampant Capitalism that dominated the society in which I have lived. That friction of forcing vaccines as the only means to – fix – the pandemic, will perhaps move to the more intuitive energy of Pisces, a growing understanding of how we are a part of nature (air quality), and renewed interest in the spiritual, tarot, whatever gods/faith we respectively believe in, as we face our loss of the global world where we once packed airports and 737’s! Probably about time as we did the earth no favours, sadly. Thanking you, Veronica
Thank you Veronica. Saturn in Pisces will limit, restrict and test spirituality, religion, the Tarot, faith and God. Pisces rules all those things and Saturn will deliver very heavy obstacles and learning experiences not seen in 29 years. You are strongly Pisces, understand the invisible world, probably have powerful psychic ability and will be affected quite strongly by your Saturn Return, as this famous event in astrology will also involve a transit of your Twelfth House placements. The Twelfth House is ruled by Pisces and Neptune, and belongs to all that is hidden, below the surface, in the subconscious, and mysterious. Neptune was found in 1846 during the first use of anaesthetic, and it raised questions about where the man on the table went to, if he was neither ‘alive’ nor dead. His heart was beating but he was not conscious. So where had he gone and who was he? This brought in questions about the spirit and soul at the same time that Spiritualism came in with the Fox sisters, in the late 1800’s. So that should give you an idea of your Twelfth House. It is about your subconscious mind and dreams. Possibly hypnosis and its impact on the subconscious. It is also about your soul and spirit, and the souls and spirits of those around you, be they dead or alive. Your Saturn Return here will be a useful burden, but it will still be a burden, especially as Saturn will form conjunctions with other Pisces factors – and particularly as you have had Neptune in Pisces for years. Maybe you have become used to this other reality, but Saturn will test it. As a general rule of thumb, turn down the religion, Tarot, mediumship, dream therapy and so on – during this transit. The less Saturn has to do, the easier your life is. This is very much the case with Venus and Vulcano in Pisces, too, as they were lovers and any subconscious attraction may be rather hard work when Saturn comes along. It would classically involve someone who is tied into your other reality, so, for example, a Tarot class colleague or your local priest.
Oh Jessica what a fascinating insight – I have 14 planets in Sagittarius Virgo Gemini and Pisces. I have always loved long haul flights to Cape Town where I have a flat but not been abroad since Feb last year and have been very patient but does this mean I have to rethink everything I had planned to do (be like a swallow and follow the sun)?
Thank you. I always feel like such a bore, passing on all this information about the new world – but you are not alone. I gave up travel in March 2020 and have resigned myself to the fact that it will be years before I even contemplate going back to London (where I was born). Much as we would all love to go back to normal, perhaps, the astrology tells us that the old world is finished. This is not just about Saturn in Pisces. It is also about Uranus in Gemini, and further ahead in time (beyond 2025) the arrival of the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo (Virgo rules pandemics) and then the North Node going into Sagittarius and South Node going into Gemini (they both rule travel and tourism, immigration and business trips). This virus is here to stay and there may be others. The problem, as astrology has told us since The Black Death in the 14th century, is the mutable sign clash between public health (Virgo) and foreign travel (Sagittarius) as well as local travel (Gemini). The fourth corner of the mutable sign Grand Cross is of course Pisces, and the way that religion is a natural hub for infectious disease spread. This is just common-sense. Mass gatherings, be they sport or religion, or anything else (a Gorillaz concert) trigger outbreaks. Your long-haul flights to Cape Town may have to be put alongside the facts of the future, and they are that we will be living with historic, planet-changing travel trends for years. Some airlines and cruise companies will collapse. The virus is not being stopped by Pfizer, as Israel has proven. In fact, cases have skyrocketed even though most of the country has received two injections. India has shown us how quickly the virus can mutate into something like Delta, which has just closed down New Zealand with one case. Rather than depress you any further, what I can tell you is that Uranus in Gemini after 2025 will bring the new travel, and it will be exhilarating, liberating, regional and local. The mode of transport will be a new invention unlike anything you have ever seen. Long-term, though, the old days of dual citizenship and two-home living are pretty much history, unless you actually want to spend your life with endless vaccinations, quarantine, surveillance, testing and the new expense of travel. So – think differently about how you want to experience the world – these are historic transits which sweep up billions of people born with the outer planets in Virgo and Sagittarius, the signs of health and travel.
Hi Jessica!
Thank you for another wonderful, fascinating article. I have 19 factors combined in Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces-Virgo.
That explains a lot. 🙂 I certainly have felt the weight of this Grand Cross to bear! Sometimes I feel that ours is the “crossroads” generation — making sure to not toss the baby with the bathwater and, in fact, trying to find a practical use for the bathwater instead of just tossing it! Win-win!
Could you perhaps explain how my (Sun) Capricorn stellium factors would or could be impacting (mitigating or contributing) to all of this? Am I getting any help from Fortuna/Aesculapia/Diana in Libra, or Jupiter in Taurus in my chart? I am leaning quite heavily on common sense, but a little love and luck are most welcome!
Thank you again for being a bright spot in my day, and I’m so happy to learn from you! Stay well.
Thank you. The mutable signs are well and truly dominating your chart. And yes, you are now carrying the ‘cross to bear’ of this cross-current climate, with the Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius transits. Your Capricorn Sun in the Tenth House of success, social climbing (social mountaineering), ambition, status and rank is not so much concerned with the health aspect of Virgo, but it is certainly associated with the service, duty and work ethic that we link to this sign. So the issue for you for many years to come (the mutable sign weather goes on past 2025) is how to work in a pandemic. How to work in an economic shock (which we will see in 2022 and 2023). How can you do your job, or your part-time job/s and also fulfil your dearest ambitions? There is usually a challenge with Capricorn/Virgo types and it involves waiting. It’s like The Smiths’ song: You Just Haven’t Earned It Yet, Baby. Capricorn has to patiently play the waiting game and plod away to make it, professionally or socially, but can sometimes long to just take a giant leap to get up there – faster. Doing that doesn’t really work. Virgo, meanwhile, is the dutiful workhorse, who perfects her skills, talents, abilities, professional expertise in order to do what is required, in great detail. She is not ambitious because she is a wheel in the machine. She helps others run the machine. So there are two conflicting sides to you, both linked to your job. This is really the biggest story of the next few years. How do you make it, in the new world? What do people want and need from you? How can you serve them but also serve your own ambition, which if you are a true Capricorn, will be pretty big?
Very intriguing post. Religion must end at some point as it is based on belief, and belief is personal not universal. Pisces says, “I believe” but Aquarius says, “I know” and as we move toward the age of Aquarius we move toward an age of great enlightenment for the human consciousness. New York has banned all gas powered cars as of 2031 (i think its 2031). It will be very interesting to see what is coming in 2026. Maybe some of the atlantean wisdom on travel.
I do have a stellium in Pisces. Never realized or even thought to look at that before. I have gone through so much with religion. From absolutely not believing, to having children and my first born telling me when she was two that she was up in heaven with Jesus and she saw daddy and I get married and decided to be born.
I’ve also always dreamt of people at the exact moment of their death. This had happened since I was a child. Is this part of that Stellium in pisces? I have Saturn in Pisces. Wonder if this will bring on another radical shift in my views of religion/spirituality. I became a reiki practitioner early in the year. Didn’t think much of it but now my hands are always buzzing, A LOT. OH and I just realized when my daughter told me about Jesus when she was only 2, Saturn was in Pisces. Wow.
These are the planets I have in Pisces. What can I expect or prepare for?
Saturn 12 deg
Chiron 18 deg
Ceres 26 deg
Ops 01 deg
Your stellium in Pisces has taken you on a journey with religion, and you have also had the classic Pisces stellium experience of mediumship. Reiki is also common with heavily Pisces people. (It was inspired, of course, by a religious seeker). Saturn, Chiron, Ceres and Ops in Pisces in the Twelfth House suggest your Saturn Return will be profound and alter your relationship with the spirit world and with your God. Or, perhaps, with the universe. It really depends on what you believe, or who you believe, when Saturn in Pisces comes around. As you say, Pisces is the phrase “I believe.” Typically the Twelfth House, Neptune (which it rules) and Pisces (its sign) are about all that is slippery, elusive, hard to catch, hard to define. Just like fish and just like the sea itself. Things wriggle away. There is also a separate reality. The ocean is its own world. It has its own rules. It is no less real than the city, but it is confusing and confused, for most landlubbers. Your Twelfth House is like this. Reiki is hard to explain to outsiders. It sometimes fails. I have seen it fail twice with COVID-19, myself. Yet I have also seen it work for other conditions. Given that you have Chiron in Pisces in the Twelfth House, and he is associated with herbal medicine, I would imagine that what you go through on your Saturn Return is relate to healing and health, Reiki itself, and perhaps other kinds of healing. What unfolds will be a hard lesson and so you may want to minimise the involvement until you have given yourself enough time and space to experience the Saturn Return. Saturn’s conjunction to your Chiron will be a stretch, and it will involve your invisible world. Your other reality. Similarly, the conjunctions with Ceres, which is always a tough compromise and Ops (Ops was Saturn’s wife). The common sense view of Saturn Returns is to clear the decks, as Robert Hand always advised. Before the transit even begins get your Twelfth House in order. Do not overload it, so you are exaggerating mediumship, Reiki, spiritual healing, religion, Buddhism, spirituality, Tarot and the rest – try to streamline it so that Saturn has less to teach you about. Logic says this is going to be about COVID-19 given the timing, but of course it may be something entirely different. Sometimes people find their children become born-again Christians on this transit and they disagree. Or – they struggle with God for other reasons. It’s on that level. It just takes awareness to manage it, but you are ahead of the game here, as you can see what is coming.
Hi Jessica,
I am a sun sign Scorpio, a staunch Hindu, and have no factors in Pisces. Curious how will this weather effect me personally since there are no Piscean factors in my chart? Thanks
An empty Twelfth House, ruled by Pisces, does not mean that religion is not important, but it reveals that the person in question is not defined by his or her faith. You can be a Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jew and have nothing in Pisces, and all it really shows is that your personality and destiny is not governed by your religion. What you are more likely to find, is that Saturn transiting Pisces will bring new limitations, restrictions and rules for Hindus (just as it does for every faith) because Saturn is a symbol of difficult obstacles and Pisces is of course, Christianity first and foremost. The logical prediction is – the continued mutation of COVID-19, particularly in mass gatherings like congregations or religious festivals – means that rules will be imposed. Beyond that, there is the more delicate question of how religious authorities explain the tragedy of the pandemic. All this is cyclical so we have seen it before and of course the Hindu faith has survived and thrived, throughout. Saturn will extract a heavy price, though – it always does.
Wow, Wow…How beautiful the future is explained is unbelievable!!! Thank you again. Just wondering how Saturn in Pisces will affect my life. I have been waiting to read this article for long.
Born 01 of September 1970 at 5:30am in Malindi-Kenya.
Just be aware of potential new work partners or relationship partners during the Saturn in Pisces cycle, as Saturn goes through your Seventh House of love, sex and marriage – and it is an ancient symbol of life lessons, limitation and restriction. Be careful about who you get into bed with. Literally.
Hi Jessica, interesting article once again. Covid 19 doesn’t seem to be going away and I for one am reluctant to embrace back to normal (in Uk). The message seems to be coming across that you have to be vaccinated and then you can do whatever you want. And it is the vulnerable who are going to suffer in all this. I do think Covid is here to stay unfortunately and this saturn in Pisces transit seems to show more difficulty ahead for a number of years! Do you see the UK continuing with this “back to normal” or do you think there might be a turnaround where they make the rules stricter (and safer) again? I have a stellium in Pisces and Pluto in Virgo, how is this influencing me at this time?
Science, medicine and epidemiology all support what you are saying. In the United Kingdom, people who have two injections of Pfizer or AstraZeneca can still infect others, and become ill themselves (Israel is the latest country to have dramatic proof of this, with a record high in COVID-19 cases despite a majority being vaccinated). So, people who have had the needle twice, can still pass on COVID-19 to those who have conditions that make them more likely to end up with serious illness, or the risk of death. The astrology is clear that the virus is here to stay. It will be with us after 2025. As a strongly Virgo-Pisces person you are obviously caught up in it all. In fact you tick the boxes for all the mutable signs: Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces. The current British policy of living with COVID-19 will last as long as PM Boris Johnson lasts, and a crisis is coming. He is a Gemini too and caught up in all of this. The collapse and replacement of the NHS is the turning point and eventually you will see a new system of border control, testing, quarantine, vaccine passports come in. If I was going to be cynical I would say that something or someone was behind all of this particular way of handling of the virus (with so many deaths and so many threats to the hospital system) with the sole intention of seeing quite radical overhaul of the NHS and – crucially – relations between Britain and the European Union. What we are seeing is going to change. You don’t really get Saturn in Pisces, and then Uranus in Gemini (from 2025) without a revolution.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for this article. There is an aspect of Gemini that I am particularly interested in: education. What changes do you foresee for elementary school children? Many places are pushing a “return to normal,” while others continue to be remote. Do you think that by 2026, there may be a completely new system for elementary education?
I began volunteer work in education in my local Brooklyn community right before the pandemic began. Things moved quickly to my having taken on significant roles and responsibilities, and now I am thinking of applying for a doctorate in education in order to one day have a seat at the decision-making table.
Thank you,
Thank you Nancy. Yes, Gemini rules education, and particularly English, Languages and Speech and Drama, as well as Computer Studies. Congratulations on your success in volunteering in Brooklyn – if you want your doctorate, the stars are aligned. In fact the doors will swing open after Boxing Day and stay open in the first half of 2022. Uranus in Gemini is an education revolution, and it begins in 2025. There are inventions we have not even dreamed of, likely involving language translation, which will be on our computers, cell phones and other devices (again, new technological innovations) in around four years from now. The cycle continues beyond 2030 and is about seven years long, so your role as a teacher, principal, lecturer and so on will be dramatically different after 2025. Uranus is a symbol of freedom, independence, radical change, revolution and ‘the shock of the new’ and in Gemini, the sign we associate with vocabulary, literacy and translation, we would have to expect something as important as the emphasis on foreign language education was, in the Forties. The last time Uranus was in Gemini, we saw the end of the war, and its aftermath. The United Nations arrived, and with it, all the headphones translators. What we will see in the education system after 2025 will be on that level.
Hi Jessica! I’ve been waiting for this post from you, knowing that Saturn in Pisces would have something to do with Covid. I’m currently living in NZ to be near my daughters. One daughter still in lockdown in Auckland trying to complete med school (try learning medicine using Zoom!). My daughter is struggling emotionally with isolation and there’s little I can do for her. Both of us are dual citizens and while we love NZ, we desperately miss family and friends in the US. With the dramas happening there, it’s certainly prudent to remain here, but we do want to be able to go back at some stage. Do you foresee international travel as completely infeasible from now on? I’ve already given up on my (former) career in international environmental management and am hoping to be able to find a job here in NZ soon. We were hoping to go back to the US for xmas, and as I’m writing this the new NZ MIQ system “lobby” is rolling out this morning. It’s supposed to make entry into this country easier, but obviously it’s hugely expensive. I guess I’m just feeling so homesick and wanting to know if we can and should visit the US in the near future. It’s a big commitment of time and money and we need to know we can get back into NZ.
Thank you! Kris
Thank you Kris. You are a long way from America, in New Zealand and even further away with our new world. You want to be in America for Christmas and of course prices will rise for travellers. With the Moon in Sagittarius you have an emotional pull towards foreign countries and foreigners, and always will. The mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo) are behind the pandemic and so you need to look at all those, to see if you are going to be affected long-term. You have 13 factors there, so that’s high. For you and both daughters, the next few years are about deciding where to live. Gemini rules domestic flights. Sagittarius rules international flights. Virgo rules the pandemic. (Pisces rules religion, which has played its part in the pandemic, as the Delta variant of COVID-19 spread during Indian religious festivals and was exported by tourists and business travellers, as well as dual nationals like yourself. We are going to see these cycles hold well past 2030 so at some point you will have to choose, I’m afraid. Either choose, perhaps, or create a lifestyle change which is pretty dramatic, as COVID-19 will go on mutating (it arrived on mutable sign weather in 2020) and those Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo patterns go on spinning for years. The arrival of new variants and the possible weakness of Pfizer and AstraZeneca against them – in terms of minimising the risk of hospital and death – is a real factor. We already know Pfizer is not stopping infection and illness in Israel, one of the most heavily dual-vaccinated nations on earth. So the facts are meeting the astrology. What we would expect to see, we are seeing. Dramatic lifestyle change, to meet the new world, could well mean that there is paid quarantine at both destinations; much higher air fares; certainly vaccine passports; repeated testing; higher travel insurance – just what you might expect. I do feel for you, as I am British, also a dual citizen of Australia, and know I will not go back for years – but it is extremely unlikely you will secure an America-New Zealand round trip any time soon. The problem for New Zealand in particular, as I am sure you know, is that the whole nation has shut down because of one person, who flew from Sydney Airport into Auckland. So there is hyper-sensitivity to travellers now and politically, the PM. has to be equally hypersensitive to how voters feel. You have a Leo PM here who is unlikely to really get the smooth traction she needs with foreign travel until Jupiter (the opportunity) goes into her Ninth House of foreign relations in the second half of 2022. Then, you may seem easier progress, but long-term if you want both America and New Zealand you will have to make huge, expensive and time-consuming shifts, I’m afraid.
Thank you Jessica. I always enjoy reading your blogs.
Thank you!
Hi Jessica
Thanks for another great post, you are so solid with your balance of history and astrology. Makes it a very positive and somehow reassuring place to come to for astrology forecasts.
Being of the Virgo generation I’ve been feeling this work / life / health issue for years now. Have gone back to study but still questioning myself and the path I’m on, if it’s right, if not time is not on my side for another career change…either way I think the big issue is my financial lack and the feeling that I’ll never be able to build it enough to be financially independent.
These Saturn in Pisces years are crucial for me to get on my feet, I would love your insights on my chart – or anything else !
Thank you
Thank you. Virgo and Sixth House factors are always about the quest for a work-life balance (health, lifestyle, mental health, job) and it’s become more intense since we began to see mutable sign weather, opposite and square Virgo – Neptune in Pisces, North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius. The more mutable sign placements you have in those four signs, the greater the grit in the oyster, to become the pearl. So how gritty is your chart? Moon 7 Virgo square Venus 7 Gemini is there, for a start. So because you have a great need to be needed, by being of service (by doing your duty) but it conflicts with your internet relationships, you are the sort of person who needs to set a timer on your online time, or watch carefully the kinds of connections (family, love, sex, parental – which Venus all rules) online. It basically means that every time the Moon goes to 7 Gemini and then a few days later 7 Virgo, the square is triggered. You could actually just start with that square and then slowly work your way around the rest of the chart. Gemini rules siblings and cousins so perhaps that is one of the issues. Virgo of course rules housework, as well as work, unpaid work and study.
Hi Jessica,
I am wondering whether New Zealand will open up to Australia early next year in 2022? I live in Melbourne and need to get back to NZ to sort out my mother’s estate. Do you see this happening in my chart? My husband and I are also seriously contemplating moving there with our kids to live a more peaceful life (I am a Kiwi). I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Many thanks
Thank you Astrid. I am sure you would like to move back to NZ permanently with the children and you have your passport ready. You also want to sort out your mother’s estate. You are a Sun Pisces going though rather a stuck cycle in your family and home zone, when the past constantly seems to repeat, or you try to change things and hit a brick wall (like constant flight bans). This cycle ends in January 2022, and from that point forwards we are doing to see NZ and Australia, as well os other nations, figure out a more logical and combined approach. You will be in a strong financial position in the second half of 2022 as Jupiter (expansion) goes into your solar Second House of money and property.
Hi Jessica,
What a fantastic article, with very interesting comments too. After reading, I checked my chart, and I don’t have any Gemini or Sagittarius factors! Pluto, Diana and IC in Virgo, MC and Bacchus in Pisces. I am a nurse – a covid vaccinator in fact, for the last six months. I did my immuniser’s certificate as soon as they started talking about a vaccine in 2020, as I thought there would be the demand for nurses in that sector. I also had overseas travel finally planned for 2020, but of course that didn’t happen 🙁 We have a small house in a rural area, and sometimes I do think we should just pack up and hide away from the rest of the world there, but would we (hubby + I) just end up bored and broke?
Thanks, Suzy
Thank you Suzy. You know how they say ‘Never read the comments’ for most of the internet? On this website, people always read the comments because I have such interesting readers with so many intriguing questions! I learn a lot from the feedback and I am glad you do too. Thank you for your work with COVID-19 vaccination. You are taking your nursing into the most important area of medicine we’ve seen in decades. You tick all the Virgo and Sixth House boxes, which is standard. Now you are wondering if you should stay put and hide away with your husband. I guess you would be the expert on vaccine variants and know that the problem for the world is that the virus keeps mutating and that the international borders remain open in far too many countries. So, unless you are lucky enough to be in Tasmania (like me) or New Zealand, or Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory of Australia – COVID-19 is not under control and never will be. You are a Sun Aquarius who will make or save a lot of money when Jupiter goes into your solar Second House on December 30th 2021. He remains there until Mqy 10th 2022 which is a nice amount of time to pursue some solutions. No, you will not be broke. He is back in your Second House of income, windfalls, houses, apartments, valuables, charity and business – from October 29th to December 20th, so that’s a useful visit from Father Christmas. Jupiter does in fact resemble him, being fat, jolly (jovial) and a source of abundance. You also have Uranus in Taurus in your natal Second House too, while all this is going on, so 2022 is one of the most important years this decade, for saving money or making it. Uranus offers freedom and independence. You can’t buy that but you can have it. I suspect the story may be about a house or apartment, actually, or land.
I’m thinking I have a massive Pisces stellium if you count the asteroids etc – is that right for me? I feel like the Capricorn people kind of benefited from all the Saturn Uranus crazy and the all Pisces ‘Dreamy Daniels’ have been a bit left behind in the world for the past decade. Is this our time to shine? I would love to know what you see for us little fish and more specifically me and all the turbulence.
[Just on the religious aspect. I personally had a moment when I was 11 years old that I saw auras and I felt some kind of voice spoke to me and recently have begun rituals of prayer again in the more tradition sense whereas before was much much more drawn to angel/Wicca/new age. Right now I feel very shocked by how covid has effected my new age groups because all old my spiritual habits, beliefs and channellers I listened to (Pleidians etc) have gone very much into anti vax area and I am pro vax / had vax so just an angle for your article is this massive devision of what was in the past pretty harmless new age spiritual stuff and is now it’s all for super doooer divided out there in that world]
Yes, strongly Pisces people have not liked Pluto in Capricorn much (nobody has enjoyed it much, by the way, except the men in suits who had a brief moment at the top of the mountain). Some are still hanging on but it will not last beyond 2023 when Pluto goes out of Capricorn. You are typically Piscean with your spirituality and interest in channelling. Neptune in Pisces in your Twelfth House is part of that and when Jupiter goes into Pisces and your Twelfth House just after Boxing Day 2021, you have 2022 to look forward to, which will bring an expansion of your mediumship – the ability to see auras is part of that – and likely, a very good teacher.
Hi Jessica, Thanks for another great post. I have few aspects in Pisces (Hygeia 10 deg), Gemini (Mars 14 deg, Ops 10 deg, Psyche 19 deg) and Virgo (Ceres 28 deg, Apollo 27 deg) and I am a water sun sign (Scorpio 4 deg) however I am curious how this transit will affect me or bring into my attention and if having other water aspects will help me or make the things easier, especially in terms of children as I would like to become a mother. Best regards.
Thank you. Okay, to start at the end of your question, children are indicated by Leo factors in your Fifth House of parenthood. You have a nice chart pattern there including Jupiter at 11 Leo, which is a classic indicator of babies, stepchildren, nieces, nephews, godchildren – either with a huge impact (just one younger face takes up a lot of space in your life) or in large numbers. In February and March 2023, transiting Jupiter trines natal Jupiter, so that’s a huge window. Earlier, March-April 2022 finds Chiron trine natal Jupiter and Uranus square, so that’s an earlier window – if not quite as sensational as the 2023 opportunity. The Saturn transit in Pisces in your Twelfth House will challenge you to restructure religion, spirituality, self-help, hypnosis, counselling, the psychic world – in your life. You have built up various walls, barriers, defences and safeguards over the years to help you with what/who makes you feel so vulnerable. Those will be put to the test on this transit. It is usually the relationship you have with your God. Right at the end of the cycle you have a Saturn opposition to your Virgo factors so you may want to keep your lifestyle, workload and basic health rules very simple and easy then. Don’t over-egg the pudding or over-complicate your life with heavy situations then, as you will have enough work to do. Saturn’s oppositions here suggest clearing the decks with work or health matters well before the opposition is a smart idea: don’t wait until May 2025 to sort things out. The less you have to deal with, the less Saturn has to challenge you with.
Hi Jessica,
loved reading this one. Heavy Sagittarius/Scorpio person here (with Gemini moon) and married to an Aries sun man, with loads of Virgo placements (moon 8′, Jupiter 29′, Pluto 23′). I have Saturn at 0 degrees Virgo myself. We have been living in two different countries for the last 4 years, but now it is time for husband to relocate permanently where I live, planning to do so around March next year. Reading this article, makes me think that it is probably a good idea…for both of us to be in one country given that old world travel has gone..(well, we have seen this with Covid, but looks like this came to stay…).
What other aspects should I be cautious about (e.g. transiting Saturn opposing natal Saturn, and all the Virgo placements of my husband)…looks like we should be prepared for a complete transformation of our lives.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. As a Sun Sagittarius you are at your brilliant best when you travel or set up a new life in a new country – or build your life around foreigners in your own country. Now you are dealing with mutable sign weather for many years, which began with the North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces from May 6th 2020, just two months after the WHO declared the pandemic. That mutable sign weather picks up the Virgo (health) placements of both you and your husband and once Saturn goes into Pisces, it becomes a harder challenge. Astrology is ancient and was consulted in the 14th century on matters of plague. Back then, astrologers were in the universities, and French academics told the King, that the Aquarius cycles were to blame. Well, nothing causes anything in astrology, but we are seeing a weird repetition of the Aquarius transits (it’s about the groups; the communities) and the mutable sign transits of any plague (you always have foreign travel, globalisation, foreign trade, migration as the problem, as Sagittarius-Gemini forms a T-Square with Virgo). The old world travel has gone, you are correct. Given that Virgo rules work and lifestyle, both you and your husband might want to relocate with capital L lifestyle in mind. The food available locally. The space for daily exercise. The quality of health and medical professionals nearby. This would be wise advice given your Virgo factors are there in both charts and you have Sagittarius/Gemini mutable factors too. You can look at property values, and affordable homes and all the rest, but actually, the smart money would be on a place to be, and a space to be, which protects your gold immunity.
Hey Jessica
I have Saturn in pisces along with Chiron the moon and asc for sun leo. What does next year hold for me please? I’m thinking of studying too but don’t know? I am working in early childcare. TY Athina NSW
You are not logged in, so I cannot see your natal chart, but if you are a Sun Leo with Saturn in Pisces, you will be tempted to study after May 2022 and if you agree, will race into a course by July. Exceptional outcomes are possible with stunning results, a happier new life or a superior career as a result of it, by May 2023 and Easter 2023 would be a highlight.
The word “Ikhthus” is the ancient Greek word for fish and interestingly, the word used for the sign of Pisces in Greek is “Ιχθύες”, also my sign.