December 4th Eclipse Astrology

A total solar eclipse with the Sun and Moon at 12 Sagittarius  sweeps across Antarctica on December 4, 2021.

tam warner minton 0eYHcCrcFNM unsplash 218x300 - December 4th Eclipse AstrologyThe Total Eclipse December 2021

A total solar eclipse with the Sun and Moon at 12 Sagittarius  sweeps across Antarctica on December 4, 2021.

There will be a cover-up about the region on that day, likely because of Climate Emergency, possibly because of disputed territory desired by foreign countries like Russia and of course China.

The Antarctic Treaty

The Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959 by a group of nations in an international partnership is absolutely at the heart of an eclipse cover-up.

Which Countries Have 12 Sagittarius Hotspots?

Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries so it makes sense to look at individual nations to see which of them are part of the cover-up. My reference is The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2004).

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70 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, i have a cluster of planeys in saggitarius. I am moving back to home town with family wrapping up in foreign land after 6 years. How does this eclipse affect my decision? I am trying my best to make it a success.


    1. Your timing is a little early. Your best cycle in your solar chart (Sun Leo) in terms of foreigners and foreign countries doesn’t start until May 2022. It’s good, though, as Jupiter in Aries will go through your solar Ninth House with Chiron then, expanding your horizons, and removing obstacles. The actual eclipse is about children, teenagers and/or Millennials (they may feature in your family) and also friends and groups. Skip the 4th for big choices about that.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    I have my natal moon at 12 degree Aquarius (the same as Britney Spears as you mentioned!). I live in Melbourne and am planning a trip back to my homeland New Zealand in January 2022. I am desperate to get there. Do you see any issues connected with my travel due to this particular December eclipse?

    Thanks Jessica!

    1. I also had a trip to New Zealand planned (from Zero Covid Tasmania) and learned a lot about astrology when I had to postpone it. New Zealand received one COVID-19 infected person on a flight from Sydney and the rest is history. The eclipse on 4th December is about career, at one end, and yes – your home town, homeland, family, house, apartment at the other. So judge or act another time. Allow a day before and after to allow for the world to catch up with itself. You’ll have a blind spot then, or there will just be a story going on that you cannot even see. I would be very wary of anything connected with the trip, then.

  3. Hi Jessica, i’ve had a long spell of things going wrong, not working out, and particularly last three trying to support mum with Alzheimers. I’m pretty much on my own with this and trying to make the best decisions has been horrendous. I feel like I’m losing my mind. Currently trying to make a decision about her longterm care. I need to make decision soon but am concerned about making a bad decision due to the hidden facts you mention above. You talk a lot about karma and a cycle ending in Jan 2022. Is all the bad luck and stress of the past several years part of this and should I try not to make any decisions about mum until after that time? I’m not really part of a group, which the Aquarius horoscope seems to emphasise at the moment. It’s all family issues for me and lack of support. Your covid predictions have been really impressive by the way.

    1. This is a really hard thing to go through, even with someone else helping you, but you are doing it by yourself. Yes, you have to decide about long-term care for your mum with Alzheimers. Just skip December 4th. It’s not about her, it’s about friends and groups in your life, and eclipses are very simple. If any choices come up regarding them/that – sort it out later. To return to the central question of your mum, by 2026 there will be more than one change involving her, and also your home, that sets you free and makes you more independent. So breathe out and know that you are in a cycle when quite radical changes come, which give you space. This can’t and won’t go on forever. In fact, when Jupiter goes into Taurus and your Fourth House of family and property, at the same time as Uranus in Taurus (also family and property) you will find things fall into place without you having to try so hard. This is 2023 and 2024 so not that far off. If you want to look up the cycle now, it’s transiting Uranus in your solar Fourth House. In 2023/2024, transiting Jupiter in your solar Fourth House. That’s your usual Sun Sign horoscope and it works. In your personal, natal birth chart we find the North Node at 29 Cancer, again in your Fourth House of family and property. So this is karma. You owe your mother, and she owes you on some level. It’s deep and goes back into previous lives. Again, you can look up ‘natal North Node in Cancer’ or ‘North Node in Fourth House’ and see it all there. The reason this is so challenging at the moment is Pluto moving slowly up to 29 Capricorn, where he will oppose your North Node at 29 Cancer and form a conjunction with your South Node at 29 Capricorn. In plain English, that can only happen once in your life, and it transforms your home life, family life, often the town you reside in – and also brings about a real change in your position, status and often your career or unpaid work. Same time-frame, as Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn in 2023/2024. Of course, right now, you need a break. You are very lucky to be born with Jupiter in Pisces in the Twelfth House of your birth (natal) chart. Jupiter is about growth, hope, good fortune, expansion, benefits and – the best. Pisces and the Twelfth House rule religion, meditation, hypnosis, counselling, mediumship, Tarot, dream interpretation and spirituality. Something on that list will come through for you after Boxing Day and be a fantastic source of good things, right through to May, then again from October until December. You will be helped and supported by fate, if you like, to turn inwards and gain so much.

  4. Thanks for the warning! I’m a Gemini Sun w my NN at 13 Gemini, SN Sagittarius. (Also Pluto and Vulcan both at 13 Virgo. Panacea 12 Taurus.) I’m definitely going through the nodal karma cycle with my partner currently. (Mr Aries. I moved across the globe to be together). Does that mean the blind spot will also be in that area of my life?! Thank you!

    1. I work with the solar and natal chart, so you have a couple of stories going on here and they meet in the middle. Your Gemini/Sagittarius lunar nodes are about travel, foreigners, foreign countries. That is your Aries partner across the globe. Your natal chart is telling you there is a blind spot or cover-up on December 4th, and I would expect it to be passport/visa/airline related, given the new variant Omicron is resulting in border control clamp downs. Your solar chart, of course, is about the Seventh House of partners (ruled by Sagittarius) so it’s the same thing again. Your partner. Just skip the eclipse, and maybe a day either side, for judging or acting about these matters. I would say the chances of an airline, airport or political cover-up are very, very high. We’ve already seen a lot of that, haven’t we – the truth and the facts – lots of epidemiologists have an opinion on that. Then again they may be upfront, but you would have a blind spot about it, for whatever reason.

  5. Thank you for this article, Jessica. I have been spending my weekend reading your blog and learning a lot. As Jupiter still has not arrived in Pisces, I am travelling in the mind in true Sagittarius style. The subscription is incredible value for money as you have given us access to so much knowledge on astrology. I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating and making all these resources available for us. Thank you. Now, I have a few questions on my studies. 🙂 My fourth house is empty. I was wondering if that’s why I’ve never been able to relate to my home country or family of origin and feel disconnected from it? With my packed 11th, 8th and 9th houses, I’m more defined by a foreign country/culture, family finances and friendships. My Jupiter and Neptune are both in Capricorn. I have difficulty sticking to a job. There have been many and most have lasted for less than a year. Is this because my Neptune in Capricorn is making me want to escape from a stable professional life? It is a bit similar with my love life. I have had less than a handful of relationships and never had one for longer than a year. I couldn’t figure out why or when it will get better from my chart. In 2021, Jupiter in Pisces trining my Scorpio stellium has not brought about any significant lovers into my life. Is that because the south node in Sagittarius is hitting my Sag sun? I understand that it will trine factors in Taurus and Capricorn as well. Does this mean I can expect a stable job with a good salary in 2022? After reading your Conscious Cafe article, I’m really excited for April 2022. I have Saturn in 22 Scorpio, Proserpina 23 Pisces, Fortuna 23 Scorpio and Psyche 23 Aquarius. I’ve used your guidebooks to figure out that possibly means I’ll have to deal with karma related to other people’s money, be a link between the spiritual and material worlds, experience a change in fortune related to other people’s money and achieve immortality through friendships. Is that correct? 🙂 My final question: As the transiting south node in Scorpio in 2022 will be conjuncting my south node in Scorpio and hitting my Scorpio stellium, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Thank you so much in advance. Apologies for the many questions!

    1. Thank you. I appreciate all you say and it’s a pleasure for me to pass on the astrology. You have an empty Fourth House, nothing in Cancer, so feel unable to relate to your homeland or birth family. That’s pretty common. It does not define you. And yes – Neptune in Capricorn seeks escapism and alternatives from the real world, though career. This does not always work in reality and the holiday from the everyday can’t generally be taken through a job, unless you wind up being an astronaut, or a ballerina, or (insert escapist role here). You also want love. Scorpio and the Eighth House are actually about sex and money, rather than love, but the trine from Jupiter at 22 Pisces to your Scorpio Saturn at 22 Pisces will help you sort out the walls you have put up; the defences you have built – or the denial. Saturn in Scorpio in the Eighth House is where you have felt unsafe or insecure so often that you have done a nice job of constructing something that makes you feel reassured, but you have to find out what that is. Jupiter’s trine from 22 Pisces will certainly help. You do have quite a lot of questions, but I think you can get your answers by going back to the articles and flipbooks on this website (especially about the South Node, Scorpio and the Eighth House). Then do what the professionals do, and use Tarot/oracles for validation. Your Christmas present this year is The Garden Oracle, released to you as a member on 1st December so do use that, along with your chart. It will really help.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this post – really fascinated to see the synchronicity of Antarctica emerge – I have been reading quite a bit about it lately 🙂
    I don’t have anything at 12 degrees exactly, though I have Vulcano at 11 Cancer, Panacea 13 Aries and Ops 13 Scorpio.
    As for Sagittarius, mine is at 9 Neptune.
    It really is the season for shifting of information and narratives and goalposts, even without the Eclipses.
    I had a very strange and almost lucid dream last night – I was helping someone who wasn’t home (but it was actually me I think) move house. I didn’t recognise any of the household things or the layout of the house, but I was trying to coordinate removalists (who kept yelling at me) people who were meant to be helping (everyone was distracted – going out on errands, not focused on packing up) and my partner, was sitting with a woman from a band and they were painting lewd pictures of one another. I wasn’t even annoyed about that, I was annoyed that he was sitting in a beanbag instead of helping me pack the house up! I asked him for help, but he said he needed to keep talking to whatever her name was. I don’t really get angry in dreams, ever, but I said right in her face “Do you care about what happens to us?” (meaning my partner & I) And she shrugged and kind of laughed. And my partner didn’t intervene, or saying anything.
    I walked away, because I was too busy for this nonsense. Then stopped, paused, and walked back and told him – we are separating. No more discussion, or mucking around. Pack your own things. My dreams are not usually that literal. Very weird.
    Anyway, sorry – I started out talking about the eclipse, and this just popped into my memory.
    Hope you’re well 🙂
    DinP. xxx

    1. Dreams are like a word guessing game, Din P, as you probably know. The beanbag is interesting. Why a beanbag? It sounds intense. The anger and the statement that you are separating. As a Sun Cancer woman you have Pluto (power issues, politics with partners) in your solar Seventh House of boyfriends, husbands, love rivals, partners. Pluto is in Capricorn and as December and January draw closer, so does the Capricorn weather, also in your solar Seventh House. Pluto is the main player and in mythology he was the ruler of Hades, as you probably know, and tried to take over the world by taking Proserpina. Jupiter set him to rights and he was forced back to where he came from. And he lost Proserpina for half the year. So you tend to get quite intense questions about who/what is in control, as a Cancerian, at this time of year. It can be professional partners, too, or professional rivals. Always the duet and the duel. Your dream is expressing that. You were empowered at the end. Have a look at beanbags there.

  7. Dear Jessica l have Ceres 12 Leo and Proserpina 12 Aries will this eclipse effect me at all. Best wishes Selina

    1. Just skip December 4th, Selina, and the days either side. You won’t be able to see/know what you need to, regarding the world of intimate relationships, children, teenagers, Millennials – and also yourself, actually. Don’t drive without headlights. Do it later.

  8. Dear Jessica sorry to comment again. But having read through the comments l had to say how l very much relate to the comment made by PMA. I also in a family situation regarding my father who had an accident 15/09/2006 he has aquired brain injury. He has been in care since and l have had to deal with looking after my mother also since as he made he quite reliant. Consequently l have been feeling trapped and frustrated for a number of years wondering if it will ever change. The similarities between the comment made and the fact that I’m a Pisces. You talk of karma ending and property situations being difficult. Which l also relate to. The astrology is almost writing a story it’s remarkable. Thanks so much for all your valuable time and effort
    Best wishes Selina

    1. Selina, I am so sorry about your dad and of course you are responsible for your mum. No wonder you feel trapped and frustrated. You were born right on 0 Pisces, and as a result also have the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fourth House of family. This is karmic, as you know, and the karma ends on January 19th 2022. The North Node leaves Gemini and reverses into Taurus. There is no other transit at all in your family zone until 2026, which begins a long period of radical change, new freedom, revolution and independence for you. It won’t just be within the family circle, it will be about the house or apartment you end up with, very likely moving, if not dramatically renovating. Looking to your natal chart for similar clues, we find Panacea at 26 Cancer in your Fourth House of family. That’s huge. For the first time in about 248 years, you have transiting Pluto at 26 Capricorn, right opposite. To find out more about yourself in 2021, 2022 (Pluto leaves Capricorn in 2023) do look at Panacea in Cancer in your birth chart and what it means. Essentially an opposition is what you would expect – someone or something opposing what you want and need at home or with the family. If you want to look this up, it’s transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Panacea in the Fourth House. It ends. It may not feel like it, but it really does end, and I think for you it will go in stages – 19th January 2022 being one stage – then over the biggest pressures from 2023. From 2026 you will be in an entirely new situation and quite free.

  9. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all the work you do on the site. It seems to be expanding. I have a question about the upcoming eclipse. Although I have nothing at 12 Sagittarius – which is my rising sign – I do have my sun at 13 Gemini. The minor players in my chart are Psyche at 11 Cancer and Proserpina at 11 Capricorn. There are no travel plans for me in the near or distant future, as I have resigned myself to the impending doom coming our way due to the new variant! All I can glean from my own interpretation is that I have to be alert to any opposition, or hidden enemies posing as friends. If you have any other insight to my chart, it would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we are adding The Garden Oracle flipbook and online card deck for Christmas, as a present for Premium Members. Just skip the 4th, and I would include the 3rd/5th too as the world is 24 hours these days and the eclipse is in the sign ruling foreigners and foreign countries. You can bet your bottom dollar the cover-up will involve airlines, airports, residency, visas, cruise ships, passports and/or border control. This was predicted an awfully long time ago, far in advance of the Omicron COVID-19 variant announcement. (You can trust your astrology). For you personally, you can interpret it as follows. A global blind spot about a cover-up involving Sagittarius things – foreigners and foreign countries – will fall on or close to December 4th. Nobody will know or realise until months or years later. This will have an impact on anything you do regarding self-promotion (Ascendant), local travel, transport and the web (Gemini), your home or family (Cancer) and career (Capricorn). So avoid judging or acting dramatically at that time. Don’t be left in the dark.

  10. Thank you so much for your time and really helpful reply, Jessica. You are so accurate in your readings. Looking forward to using The Garden Oracle in a few days! Thank you. Stay safe x

  11. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks so much for your reply. This dream has really stuck in my consciousness for a few days. It hasn’t faded. I guess the Capricorn weather is keeping it relevant. And the Eclipses of course. I was re-reading your previous post about the 19th November Eclipse and realised that Id posted about another dream in your comments. Apologies. I understand that you’re very busy, and it must taken a monumental level of energy to respond to so many queries and questions that all require your unique skills of interpretation.
    I’ve been thinking a lot about the Beanbag 😀 It makes sense now. This whole dream makes sense – thanks so much for your guidance and time, I really appreciate it.

  12. Hi Jessica
    I have so many things at 12 degrees, what does this mean for me? Can’t be good.
    Thanks Lisa

    1. Eclipses are a doddle, Lisa. You just use astrology to avoid judging/acting on the day, in any major way. I’d give it the day before, and after, as well, as we live in a global village, don’t we! Just assume it’s like being given a map in the dark, with a broken Sat Nav, and a faulty torch. You wouldn’t take the journey would you? You’d wait. Well, just do that.

    1. Yes, the opposition from the Eclipse is really about Gemini matters in your Third House, so – local travel, short journeys, commuting, the media, the internet and all communication. It is sometimes about siblings or cousins. Assume you cannot see, what you would normally be able to see, and suspend judgement and action on December 4th. On the most common-sense level, the arrival of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is obviously going to result in a direct impact on public transport, domestic flight, border control and the rest.

  13. Hello Jessica.
    I posted the same comment previously. I think you may have missed it since there were so many comments. It is very important for me personally. I have Saturn on 12 sag. What does the new moon and eclipse mean for a Sagittarius sun man?
    In addition, I also read somewhere that the conjunction of a solar eclipse and Saturn signifies a higher position at work. Several companies approached me to be their CEO this year. None of them materialized. The cancellations were for strange reasons not related to me. Will I be able to get such a position next year? I had an extremely difficult financial situation the two previous years, as you can imagine. Which I think is related to my job position. Could you please check my chart for these issues for more details?

    Thank you

    1. An eclipse is a cover-up job, and we are usually blind to who/what is being concealed. Avoid December 4th for dramatic judgements or decisions which would put you on a new path, with foreigners or foreign countries, which Sagittarius rules. I would allow the day before and after as well, because of world time zone differences. The information about an eclipse is wrong (higher position at work). It’s nonsense. Please look up ‘Eclipse’ on Search for full information about this in astrology. You want a new job or promotion, which I understand. You are a Sun Sagittarius person going through a stuck situation which ends on January 19th, with your career. The repetition will stop. At about the same time, in early 2022, your many Capricorn factors in the Tenth House of professional life, are triggered. There will be a new offer or opportunity for you in January 2022.

  14. Hello Jessica
    Can you please tell me how this cycle will affect me on a financial level? I have new nannying clients that have mentioned they were keen to take me on…and I could really use the money right now…we have struggled as a family for well over 20 years now, without a word of exaggeration. Thank you

    1. Skip December 4th for financial, property decisions as the eclipse falls in your solar Eighth House of joint finances (you are a Sun Taurus). Allow a day either side to be on the safe side. Astrology is just about awareness, so do not judge or act on that eclipse – there are easier times. Use The Garden Oracle, released today, to give yourself a three-way reading: you can use the Smith-Waite Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle from today.

  15. Hi Jessica, thanks for the post. All of your blogs are so inspiring and gets me to do research all the time. I have 11 degree Sagittarius ascendant. So the sun moon Mercury are transiting my ascendant. Along with south node transiting my Pluto in 2degree Sagittarius. It looks big deal to me. If you could explain it to me.


    1. Thanks so much Tam. If you were really born at 1.50pm then yes, your Ascendant is 12 Sagittarius. The eclipse will cover up what/who you need to know about most, in relation to your title, appearance, profile, reputation. Avoid that day and allow 24 hours either side. Sagittarius Ascendant people project and self-promote, via foreigners, foreign countries, foreign cultures, publishing or education. They typically have a well-stamped passport, a world citizen approach, a degree, perhaps their name in print online or on paper. Now, your Pluto at 2 Sagittarius is also in the Ninth House of your natal chart which rules all of the above. Tam, there will be an issue, possibly about airlines, airports, cruise ships, or border control matters/visa/passport on 4th December. Organisations or governments will embed the truth which we simply do not notice, because we are not looking for it. There will be a huge distraction on the day. All our attention goes there when it should go to what is buried. So skip that, as your South Node-Pluto conjunction is connected, and that does not need a strictly accurate birth time. Essentially you aim for as much control as you possibly can when it comes to travel or foreigners coming in. You can be a bit hung up on it actually. Now, along comes something outside your control (Omicron Variant) which affects how empowered you do or do not feel. Standard astrological advice would be to find an easier time to make bold moves – for example, trusting very new information on Omicron. Or – the countries in question.

  16. I have 12 degrees at Capricorn, my sun. I have just obtained my real estate license and am looking to join a team. I have a meeting with a team leader on Dec. 1st. I also have a lot of Sag factors in my chart. Should I wait to make decisions, or make one right away prior to the eclipse. Thank you.

    1. After the meeting you may find December 3rd, 4th, 5th brings a new career choice/project option which you may want to skip. Put it forward. The Sun at 12 Capricorn is in your natal Tenth House of career and you are on the brink of real estate work commitments. Eclipses are not negative nor positive, they just hide what/who you really, really need to see to get an accurate picture. So wait, if you can. You can use The Garden Oracle (new for Christmas) to give you more insights; just use the Single Card option. Thank you.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    I commented on your post “Fixed signs” and your response was absolutely amazing, and I can already see it unfolding the way you explained. I want to thank you greatly (I almost fell out of my seat when I read your response).

    Since my last question was very specific in what I asked, I was wondering if there was anything important I should know or watch out for that you see. I have Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and my south node in Sagittarius. Also my son is a Sagittarius (12/14/16 5:23am, Houston, TX). He has a very rare genetic condition (only 100k people in the world have it) Is there anything he will be going through? I know he is only 4 (almost 5) but I still thought I would ask. His birth signs are below. Thank you in advance as always

    I grew up with my mom who has been studying/doing astrology since she was a teenager, and you are the only one we both follow. Anytime I bring up astrology to her she just says “see if Jessica has anything to say”. So again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    My Son:

    Sun Saggitarius 22° 54′ in house 1
    Moon Gemini 29° 31′ in house 8
    Mercury Capricorn 13° 9′ in house 2
    Venus Aquarius 7° 54′ in house 3
    Mars Aquarius 26° 17′ in house 3
    Jupiter Libra 18° 56′ in house 11
    Saturn Saggitarius 19° 19′ in house 1
    Uranus Aries 20° 39′ in house 5
    Neptune Pisces 9° 24′ in house 4
    Pluto Capricorn 16° 21′ in house 2
    Ascendant Scorpio 29° 9′ in house 1
    Medium Coeli Virgo 7° 14′ in house 10
    North Node true Virgo 6° 20′ in house 9
    2 Saggitarius 29° 25′ in hou

    1. Thank you, that’s very flattering. Okay, so the eclipse is not about your son’s health unless his condition affects his appearance – the eclipse falls in his solar First House of appearances. His face, shape, body and so on. If so, skip the 4th as there is no information there to use – in fact crucial facts would be missing from view. If it’s not an appearance issue, then that eclipse won’t really register on any medical level. For the doctors/hospitals side of the story always look to Virgo and his natal Sixth House. He has the North Node in Virgo opposite the South Node in Pisces. You are using a chart with a house system I don’t use at all. If you get a Family and Friends chart for your son you will quickly see he has past life stories about health coming with him into this incarnation. True North Node in Virgo at 6 degrees in the Sixth House of medical concerns. In general, though, just skip that eclipse day, though I doubt very much it’s about his medical condition at all.

  18. Thank you. I consulted the Garden Oracle and received the “Happy Family.” This is the most powerful card I could have pulled, in my opinion. This group is about ‘food’, ‘family,’ and helping others. Thank you, again.

  19. Hey Jessica, I have Juno at 13 Sag and a cluster of planets in Sagittarius. I’ve been in a relationship with repeating story lines coming up that I wish would end. Any insight, as I know Juno represent your partner and I’m also a Sag rising? Thanks!

    1. You are a Sun Pisces so we start with your Pisces solar chart. If you live with the other person, then this would make sense; you have the transiting True North Node in Gemini in your solar Fourth House, which rules the apartment, the house and those sharing it with you. If so, the repeating story lines end on 19th January when the True North Node vanishes from that area of your chart, moving backwards into Taurus. So, nothing to do with the eclipse (which falls in your career zone in your Pisces chart and your ‘foreigners and foreign countries’ zone in your natal chart). But January 19th should bring the change you need, if this person is tied up with your home.

  20. Hi Jessica,
    I have mercury in 12 degrees Aquarius…how will the eclipse effect my chart?
    Thank you for all the wonderful work that you do 🙂

    1. It’s about the group and your friends. Perhaps, Twitter. A foreign person, place or foreign matter is a total cover-up so just be aware of that; it may influence what happens with your inner circle and your pals.

  21. Hi Jessica – hope you’re well!
    Interesting stuff about Russia and China. Especially considering Putin’s Sun is 13 Libra conjunct Psyche in his 12H.
    My partner and I had some synchronicity happen the other day around Russia, too. He thought I called him Stalin and said that it’s “odd” because it was the 2nd time he’d thought someone had mentioned Stalin to him. Coincidentally, a week or so beforehand, upon observing my partner, I was compelled to open up an astrology book … to which I randomly landed on 1917 – the rebirth of Russia. I remember it vividly (even more so when my partner mistook my ‘darling’ for Stalin). Further, the day before his ‘darling’ error (so the 30th Nov) I also wrote in my notes that I think something will happen with Putin on his upcoming trip to India. I clearly wouldn’t have a clue … but it’s definitely piqued my interest now *reaches for the popcorn*
    Anyway, what I came here for was to ask about my Diana 12 Libra conjunct Apollo 11 Libra 8H, Salacia 13 Aquarius 12H and Panacea 14 Gemini 4H. Along with my partner’s Moon 11 Cancer 2H and MC 11 Pisces 10H. My stomach has been unusually irritated this evening – which I think is related to the moon but it flared up with the news/text of a missing 14yo girl in a neighbouring suburb 🙁 helicopters and overhead noises don’t help but all I keep thinking is that she took a bad turn into an underpass :(( I really hope they find her safely soon!

    1. I don’t use Putin’s data as we can’t prove it unfortunately, but synchronicity can be potent. Astrology is divination, based on synchronicity, and your 1917 ‘random’ Russia experience is interesting. Let’s watch Vladimir, shall we? You are living with a chart which the eclipse triggers; it’s on the way within hours, the Moon having just gone into Sagittarius, so your Cancer Moon in particular is worth tracking. Avoid judging/acting on Cancer matters, so – house, apartment, family, household, home town, homeland.

  22. Ah yes! Good news. It’s about moving in and working through the transition process to that. Thanks!

  23. Hi. I love your articles and predictions- your accuracy is provable.
    This 12 of Sag eclipse is conjunct my midheaven at 10 degrees of Sag.
    Due to unforseen circumstances I am now in a situation where I need to move house and possibly more than slightly out of the area, due to no rentals available at an affordable cost so I am seeing a new home as urgent. I am also starting a business online and need to step up into the public eye. Is this what the eclipse is pointing to? I am hoping so and that financially my income will improve after years of Neptune through my 12th and first house. I will receive a small inheritance March/ April 2022 nut not enough to buy a house.
    Interestingly then Pluto hits the T Square of my chart (5 planets and the nodes) in 2023. I am understandably a little unnerved by it all.

    1. Thank you very much. Relax as the eclipse is too wide for a conjunction to your MC. Yet, you have to move, are starting a business, have a little money and are looking for some direction. First rule; use your solar chart. You are an Aquarius who has Uranus (radical change, sudden freedom) in Taurus in your Fourth House of property. You’ll see action when the North Node enters Taurus (same chart zone) on 19th January 2022. In your natal (birth) chart Taurus is about your money, so the little you inherited, but also more that could be saved, or perhaps made. So we look to that, to see what is going on in January 2022 and sure enough, you have the South Node at 4 Taurus, in your Second House of money and property. You will experience the transiting North Node at 4 Taurus, in conjunction with that, at the very end of the cycle in 2023. Look up information on the nodes on this website, in your flipbooks – using your membership access. This is important. On the face of it, you’ll move, and save money by doing so in 2022, or perhaps make some elsewhere which helps you get what you want. Along the with information on the nodes, use your new Garden Oracle to fill in the gaps.

  24. Hello Jessica,

    Hope you are doing well. I have a lot of factors at 11,12, 13 degrees which appear to be significant in December.
    11 Degree NN/SN Leo/ Aquarius
    12 Moon in Sagi
    13 Sun Capricorn
    Looking at my natal chart could you shed some light what the story might be?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Well, the eclipse is today, and in conjunction with your natal Moon, which also hooks up to the lunar nodes and your Sun. You know what they say. If it’s important, don’t decide, act or judge. Do it later. You will be flying blind, essentially. Double that message if it involves foreigners.

  25. I have Mercury @11° in capricorn /pluto @25° in virgo and Vulcano 25° in capricorn -will the December astrology impact me as had an awful year so far, especially at work where there has been rivalry, jealously and backstabbing. And I have had to whistle blow about malpractice and been bullied for it. Would be grateful if you could look to see when/if things will improve.

    1. This sounds like Pluto transiting Capricorn and your Tenth House, so we look to your chart to see what’s going on there. The Vulcano-Salacia conjunction is the culprit. You are ambitious, born to be successful (will be successful again) and patient for achievement, thanks to your steady, grounded, cautious Capricorn stellium. As you spotted, you have Vulcano at 25 and Salacia is one degree away. This is a signature of somebody who is powerful because she shuts down her feelings publicly and controls herself. It is also the signature of someone who will make it in two different professions, or two different fields – both of them a holiday from the real world. Along comes transiting Pluto hovering at 25, 26, before he finally gets out of your life in 2023. It gets better in stages, but use 2022 to summon up all your willpower and nail the situation, or any other situation. You will win, long-term, and from 2023 increasingly life since 2008 will start to look like an ancient history book. Go into your Vulcano and Salacia in Capricorn and use them. Your flipbooks will help, along with articles already on here, but do use The Garden Oracle and The Tarot as well. Ask for strategies and remember to set a time limit.

  26. Hi Jessica – since you mentioned a travel industry cover up related to this eclipse, two (2) observations from today. (1) Today, American Express Global Business Travel announced today a merger with a SPAC backed by Apollo Global Management – whose co-founder and former CEO Leon Black was reported to have paid more than $150 million USD to Jeffrey Epstein. (2) A tweet from a trusted recent PhD in immunology… the black swan event is not the virus, it is travel. And one does not need to be a PhD in any sort of science to see the link. Stay safe.

    1. Oh, that’s very good. Leon Black. Maybe the clue is in the name, as we prepare for our black eclipse. And that is so interesting about the black swan event being travel. Just amazing. Thank you.

  27. Thank you Jessica. I have always used placidus house system and I will definitely start using a solar chart. It definitely paints a happier picture. You have just improved my day. Happy eclipse to you.

  28. Hi Jessica, thank you for your eclipse articles – I’m quite fascinated by eclipses as when they’ve hit my chart in the past big changes and experiences have taken place. This eclipse is close to my juno and a few degrees from my ascendant. How do you see this impacting me? BW, Aquarius Dreamer

    1. The eclipse has now been and gone, and classically, the cover-up is revealed when other planets or horoscope factors transit the same sign and degree where the blackout occurred. You have a pile-up of Juno, Vesta, Ceres on or close to 12 degrees and of course the Sun and Moon blocked each other at 12 Sagittarius. I’m fairly sure that your own smaller world of foreigners, foreign countries, travel, will be affected by a much bigger macro world cover-up involving the airlines, which took place on or very close to 4th December. You won’t realise what happened until you reach 31st December, New Year’s Eve, when we find Mars at 12 Sagittarius. Cue the long backward look.

  29. Thank you re his Moon. Keeping my distance for extra measure. Too, just looking at Ukraine with transit Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Pluto all aspecting natal Mars and MC. Am unsure if Uranus indicates change for them as well but GULP!!

    1. Yes, I was just glancing at the Ukraine astrology chart – but Russia’s (several) charts suggest serious problems ahead. That’s interesting.

  30. Thank you so so much for the reply and time . I’d love to be successful at something – fingers crossed

  31. This eclipse hit me really hard! I know so I was careful but still….
    First, a new start professionally that wasn’t what it seemed.
    Second, I found out by Facebook that a dear friend of mine,a healthy beautiful young lady passed away the night of the eclipse due to Covid. She was working from home with a very limited social life.
    It was so fast, I’m wondering what happened exactly….Mystery of the eclipse. It’s gonna take me years to recover from that one.

    1. Yes, life is not what it seems on an eclipse – that is why the standard advice is to avoid any new path, and that would include your career. I am sorry your friend has passed away. That is an absolute tragedy. If it happened on December 4th, then it is very likely that you are still in the dark about why she died, how she died and so on. This will be brought to light at the end of December when Mars goes to 12 Sagittarius, the same spot where that New Moon Eclipse fell. Unfortunately with eclipses, what tends to happen is that we wake up and realise how much we didn’t know – yet the mystery remains.

  32. Hi Jessica, hope the eclipse has been good to you. The eclipse has only brought an unexpected ending of something I really wanted and expected. Now I’m struggling to make an alternative work. While I understand that every life has obstacles, I feel like my life has always had a never ending number of obstacles and everything I’ve really wanted in life has always been met with one obstacle after another and I’m required to really struggle to get things that make me happy or I never get them at all. I feel exhausted. Is there something in my chart that reflects this hyperactive obstacle course and a way to remedy it, please? Many thanks. Compliments of the season.

    1. I’m sorry you are dealing with an obstacle course. The eclipse would not have been about an ending; it’s just a cover-up and blind spot (not seeing or realising what is concealed). Obstacles in the chart usually show up as oppositions or squares, or aspects involving hard work planets like Saturn or Pluto. You have Saturn at 22 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sex, death and money. Saturn is about the long journey to real progress but it is always difficult. Sex, death and money usually shows up as marriage and mortgage, or a family inheritance. Saturn is square Psyche at 23 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. It’s just one degree away from being exact. Mixing friendship and clubs, teams, associations, societies and so on, with finance or property – would always be a big stretch. Proserpina is at 23 Pisces. There is usually a side story going on with the financial, business, charity or property side of your existence and it typically involves religion, spirituality, therapy, or the psychic world. Fortuna is at 23 Scorpio, just one degree away from an exact conjunction with Saturn. Fortuna was known to Shakespeare: a symbol of highs and lows, ups and downs, random fickle fate and fortune. This suggests that you have no insight, but unwittingly spin the wheel of fortune for others with money, houses, apartments, companies, shares and so on. This is a really big part of your chart so you may want to use The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle to find out how it manifests; what to do about it; how to reckon with the past. I’ve not even looked at the rest of the chart, but you could absolutely start with Saturn in Scorpio in your Eighth House. I suspect this will be a bigger deal in 2022 as the South Node will move to Scorpio and form a conjunction to Saturn and Fortuna, actually, and that’s karmic in nature and needs to be resolved. You can find out more about that in 2022 as I’ll be commenting a lot on this new South Node in Scorpio cycle. You can also look up the Eighth House, Saturn and Scorpio in the features on this website and in your flipbooks.

  33. Thank you very much Jessica. I’m feeling exactly how you described. As we say in french « Avec le temps… »

  34. Many thanks for your time, Jessica. Your answers are always very illuminating and leave me with food for thought. I will use the tarot and oracle as you suggested. The illustrations of The Garden Oracle cards are stunning and the sunflowers radiate such joy. I feel happy just looking at it. Thanks again for your reply.

    1. Thank you so much. I’ll pass that compliment on to Justin Tabari who designed the cards and flipbook.

  35. Thanks so much for this. I have my ascendant at 12.58 Cancer and also Neptune at 13 Sag. This one was big. I spoke in a public hearing re: abuse that I experienced in an effort to change laws protecting child predators. This was the first time so it felt like a big deal. Nothing wound up in the papers even though I used my full name and other details that would make ID’ing the abuser easy. I know I’m not the only person he abused and I suspect that there are more than I know. It crossed my mind that his lawyers would have been keeping an eye on this hearing but logically, that seems unlikely. Regardless of outcomes, this is something I felt compelled to do for the service aspect. It may not help me but knowing that it could potentially help others is what made it worth it to me.

    1. Goodness. You are a survivor of child abuse and spoke in a public hearing during eclipse season. You are ‘doing’ your Aquarius Sun, as they say. The brilliance of Aquarius is her investment in the community. Aquarius at her best feeds or supplies the group. Your words were (and will be) for the other survivors out there, who are possibly in support groups. So, having taken on the burden of Saturn in Aquarius in your First House of profile, identity, publicity, reputation – you now have the satisfaction of knowing you did all this, when you also had Jupiter in Saturn helping you. I’m not sure how deeply into astrology you wish to go, but the transits you experienced as a child or teenager can sometimes be life-changing, when you realise what was going on. What was happening. And sometimes you just want to move on. In any case, 2021 is a milestone for you and let’s hope it will be for people you can help.

  36. Dear Jessica,
    The last time I wrote I was looking for a job (several years without employment) and yes, I signed. The project office is in a small historical village close to the river Elbe, lots of space. My London Leo man planned to give up his rented house and move to Germany, each month he tried but couldn’t.
    Then I found a real treasure, view to the Elbe, my man loved it but didn’t give up his house. I told him that I will not move with his clothes, most of his stuff, he has a lot, is in Germany. I want to live with the man not with his clothes. The last 2 months he got more and more confused when in London, in Germany he seemed much more clear.
    At Dec. 2nd he came to collect his stuff, brought it to his Hamburg storage, told me that he will stay in London to make a therapy and separated from me. He left on Dec. 6. We spent the time together, laying in each other arms and wept.
    We talked a few times on the phone, he seems very confused and at our last Zoom I could see that he looks horrible.
    In summer 2002 he moved from Canada to London, with his ex and 3 small children, at January 13 she left him because of another man. Since then he was single dad.
    In May 2003 I moved out of my house (I stood surety for my ex husband) into a flat at a litte River. I felt secure, the place was a real home for me. In 1986 after separation from the same Leo man I moved into a flat I loved very much, a real home as well.
    My Leo man (30.07.1960) and I have both 2 Gemini in our chart. Is this the South/North Node in our chart making us so very sad and unhappy?
    Do you have some explanation and advice?

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards

    1. I am really sorry you are going through this Christiane. My advice would be to avoid him if you want an easy life. It really depends. If you are prepared to spend 2022, both of you, with the most difficult cycle in 29 years, because you believe that is what love should be, then pursue him. The mother of his children is a massive issue for him and very, very difficult ongoing. It’s not the nodes so much as the cycles of Saturn and then Pluto in Aquarius, but also the South Node in Scorpio – alongside. So that is 2022, 2023 and it’s not easy and would complicate your life for years. Use the Tarot to validate this for yourself but, no, if there are other fish in the sea, you may want to try catching those instead.

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