

The End of Pluto in Capricorn

Plutocrats come down when Pluto slowly exits Capricorn, finally departing in 2024.

The End of Pluto in Capricorn and Plutocrats

Pluto rules Plutocrats. Men at the top of the system who have all the money and power. Capricorn describes the top 1% who climb to the peak of that system. So we’re talking Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg – just to name a famous few. The end of Pluto in Capricorn is the end of days, for the mountain goats who made it to the top.

Pluto lands in Aquarius with a thud in March 2023.

I’ll look at what is going to happen when Pluto quits Capricorn – and when. We can do that partly by looking at January 1777.

Pluto Steve HeapDreamstime 300x184 - The End of Pluto in Capricorn2022-2023 – Gates and Zuckerberg

In 2022 and 2023 both the men and the mountain are hit hard by the slow downfall of Pluto in Capricorn. We have dates. In fact, very specific dates. The plutocrats whose faces appear on the cover of magazines and on bestselling books are on the calendar in 2022-2023.

In the case of Time magazine, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, you might say time is literally up. Sometimes the goats retire or resign. Sometimes greater dramas befall them. But history and astrology always tell us the same thing. When Pluto in Capricorn is in his final full year (as he is in 2022) the mountain and the goats come down. (Main image: Unsplash).

    What Astrologers Say About Pluto in Capricorn

Alan Oken wrote As Above, So Below (Bantam, USA) in 1973, about ten years before Mark Zuckerberg was even born in 1984. Zuckerberg is a Taurus, not a Capricorn, but as a highly successful money-maker and powerbroker, he is a good Capricorn archetype.

Alan Oken: “Capricorn must be in the position of the breadwinner, or more accurately, the baker. In the game of Monopoly he will want to be the banker; in roulette, the “house”; in blackjack, the dealer. But his game is not a gamble. In these games the odds favour the backer. This he knows, for he has studied and mastered the rules of the game he plays.” Is there any better description of life from 2008-2022 with Pluto in Capricorn? The game is the internet and Facebook, along with Microsoft, Apple and Google are just some of the masters.

How 1777 Repeats

In January 1777, we found Pluto at 27 Capricorn, the Sun at 27 Capricorn, Mercury at 27 Capricorn, Neptune at 27 Virgo and the True South Node at 27 Capricorn. This was the beginning of the end of British rule over America. The end of King George III and the colonial system – and the slave trade.  It was the Princeton victory for the American rebels, and the start of the slow collapse of His Majesty the King (likely, from mental illness) but also the whole system.

Parker’s Ephemeris for 1777, below, showed astrologers then, what was to come. What is remarkable about 2022 and the line-up at 27 Capricorn is that it also triggers the natal chart of Prince Andrew. He has Mars at 27 Capricorn. From this we can predict the future, which I’ll look at in a moment. But, yes, this is history repeating itself.

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Felix Lyle, Astrologer to Diana, Princess of Wales

Felix Lyle was one of three astrologers (my friends Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton being the other two) who counted Diana, the Princess of Wales, as a client. He wrote The Instant Astrologer with Bryan Aspland in 1998 – again, years before Mark Zuckerberg was even thought of. In astrology we stand on the shoulders of giants, to define what a planet means.

This is Lyle’s verdict on Pluto: “He represents the hidden power that eats away at the fabric of society” and “We often find him under cover as the corrupt politician, the underworld criminal, the subversive terrorist or the scheming power broker.” Whatever you might think of Prince Andrew,  Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, Richard Branson or Bill Gates, there is no doubt that astrology confirms we are living in the age of Pluto in Capricorn. But here’s the thing. Key dates tell us it’s going, going, gone. This is more than just ‘royal influence’ or ‘the age of celebrity, wealth and power.’ It’s really about white men at the very top. We don’t have King George III any more, but we do have corporate kings – and the brother of a future king, too.

            Robert Hand on Capricorn

Writing in Horoscope Symbols (Whitford Press, 1981) Robert Hand noted “Capricorn’s grubby materialism” and “Capricorn the businessman”. He talks about the father-complex and also authority figures, and it’s quite true that Capricorn is about patriarchy. Men not women. Especially, older men/old men.

The mountain or pyramid system is about old white men. But not for much longer. There may be another sharemarket crash; criminal sentences; heavy new taxes – or other factors we cannot possibly know – but the goats at the top of the mountain are standing on a crumbling precipice in 2022.

February 12th, 2022, and Bezos, Branson, Gates and Zuckerberg

A very unusual thing happens on Saturday, February 12th 2022. (You can allow Friday 11th February for the gaps in world time zones). We find Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Mercury Retrograde Shadow at 27 Capricorn. The True North Node at 27 Taurus. The True South Node at 27 Scorpio. A few days later, on Wednesday February 16th, the Sun goes to 27 Aquarius.

This is a deep change in the balance of power at the top, but also in the system – that being, corporate America. Taurus rules cryptocurrency and the sharemarket. Scorpio rules the banks. Mercury describes chaos. No other word for it.

If we go back to January 1777 and that key moment for the Americans against the British – the Princeton victory – we find an exact astrological mirror in February 2022, on the 11th, 12th and/or 13th.

PlutoLotsafichukDreamstime 300x274 - The End of Pluto in CapricornThe 27 Capricorn Factor and the United States of America

There are many, many astrological charts for the United States of America in The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer 2004).  My preferred chart for the USA  is not even in there, but there are at least seven version of America, popularly used by astrologers – showing Capricorn 27 factors – including Pluto himself.

The Pluto Return at 27 Capricorn has been written about, and spoken about, for years by American astrologers. Michael Lutin, then writing for Vanity Fair, was the first to blow the whistle.

Pulled into this pattern within one degree is Russia (the Romanov Dynasty chart) which brings us back to Donald Trump. Now, that’s really interesting.  As we’ll see in a moment, the end of Pluto in Capricorn is also about the South Node in Scorpio. The sign which rules sex, death and money. Trump’s biography shows all three.

What Happened Last Time? The Astrology of Boris

The last time we saw the end of Pluto in Capricorn, we saw the end of British rule of America, and the end of ‘mad’ King George III, who had manic episodes which resulted in him not only losing America, but also losing the throne. The end of Pluto in Capricorn was also the beginning of the end of the slave trade.

In 2022, as I write this, PM Boris Johnson does not have much say over America at all, but as I predicted on Twitter a long time ago, May 2022 is a crossroads for him

Watch March 2nd and 3rd, 2022

Venus moves very close to that 27 Capricorn degree, going retrograde shadow to 26 Capricorn, on Wednesday 2nd March, and is actually at 27 Capricorn on Thursday 3rd March. Crucially, in the same time-frame, Mars is at 27 Capricorn on Thursday 3rd March. The whole time, Pluto hovers at 27 Capricorn, so this is a second chapter, of a dramatic story for both the system, and the men at the top of the system. The mountain shakes. The goats stumble. Mars tends to speed things up. This is rapid.

Rare and Historic Astrology Cycles

When slow-moving factors like the North Node and South Node (they take 18-19 years to go through the whole zodiac) and extremely slow-moving planets like Pluto (every 248 years) line up, we see history made.

What is really striking about 2022 is the fact that Pluto turns retrograde at 27 Capricorn, on June 22nd and so the tide of time also turns. It’s a perfect storm of economic shock, economic karma from the last war – and the end of the American system.

You’d be narrowing your focus about these plutocrats like Richard Branson on Sunday July 17th, Monday July 18th and Tuesday July 19th because Ceres (again, about huge power shifts) is at 27 Cancer, the sign of property and real-estate, right opposite Pluto at 27 Capricorn. We also have a quarter-Moon at 27 Aries on Wednesday 20th July, so this is quite a week.

PLUTOSOLARSYSTEMDREAMSTIME 300x200 - The End of Pluto in CapricornWatching July and August 2022

The other reason our eyes should be on July and August 2022 is the striking, historic conjunction between Uranus at 18 Taurus and the True North Node at 18 Taurus – the sign which rules the global economy. This starts on Sunday 31st July and runs until Wednesday 10th August. This perfect storm is about seriously stormy economic weather, then.

Property and Real-Estate July, August 2022

We can narrow down the dates to Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd August 2022, for economic shock (and old war karma) on the share markets, with the plutocrats, big politics and big business – because Mars is at 18 Taurus both days. Incredibly, on Tuesday 2nd August, Venus is at 18 Cancer. Again this is the sign ruling property and real-estate. Whatever is set to happen to the plutocrats and to the economy from 31st July until 2nd August 2022 will be fast, because Mars always speeds things up.

What Brings the Mountain Down?

The famous illustration, The Pyramid of the Capitalist System (Wikimedia Commons) is a very good symbol for the Capricorn mountain. By its nature, it forces most of the climbing goats down the bottom. There is only room for a tiny number of goats at the top. The top 1%. We are now well and truly in End Times for that system.

The dying days of Pluto (absolute power, corrupting absolutely) in the sign of ambition, Capricorn, takes place in October 2022, at the same time as an unforgiving square from Uranus at 18 Taurus (the economic shock) to Saturn at 18 Aquarius (the reality of group trading – for example, the twinned use of social media and cryptocurrency).

Facebook Down

Saturn in Aquarius is the heavy reality check for anyone who is on Facebook, or has shares in Facebook. Aquarius always has, always will, rule friendships and groups. This really does feel like a whole mix of astrological factors in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn, conspiring to crash a system – and the plutocrats who stand over it.

This slow end, happens partly on Saturday 1st October until Wednesday 12th October. October 2022 is also really important because of an eclipse at 2 Scorpio, on Tuesday 25th October. It is possible that Tether is tied into that eclipse, and of course Tether is tied to Bitcoin. I am sure you know any eclipse is always a cover-up and blind spot. Something big is up then.

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Sex, Death, Money and Scorpio

The background music to this dramatic 2022 soundtrack is the South Node in Scorpio. Scorpio rules sex, death and money. So while our eyes are on the plutocrats and the Pluto in Capricorn system coming down (it’s over by 2023 and history from 2024) we cannot ignore the under-age sex traffic of Jeffrey Epstein (deceased) and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. In mythology and astrology he is a dark sexual obsessive. He literally inhabits Hell.

This dramatic artwork, so brilliantly painted, shows a little of the brooding atmosphere of 2022 and 2023 as the world turns its eyes on Pluto in Capricorn, in his dying days, but also the True South Node of karma in Scorpio. Sex and sin are Scorpio territory at their most devilish and nobody will escape the karmic sentencing by 2023. Prince Andrew will experience transiting Pluto in conjunction with his natal Mars in his Tenth House of success, status, position. That can only happen once every 248 years and it is happening in a strange echo of 1777.

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn ends 2022 as he moves 8-24 degrees of the sign, from shadow to shadow, from Tuesday 13th December until Tuesday 7th February.

This is a classic indicator of political turmoil for Prime Ministers, Presidents and Premiers when we see resignations, leadership contents and reshuffles. It always affects the share markets.

December 13th 2022 until February 7th 2023

This period, December 13th, 2022, until February 7th, 2023, is also very much about the CEO of any corporation. The man at the top – and the chaos.  At this time Pluto is slowly creeping 27, 28, 28 Capricorn – he finishes his stay at 29 Capricorn, the last possible degree of that ambitious sign, on Thursday the 23rd of March.

You’d be watching the semi-sextile from Saturn at 29 Aquarius to Pluto at 29 Capricorn for more issues with social media cryptocurrency (the YouTube Robinhood collective) but also Facebook, pure and simple. That is exact from Tuesday 28th February 2023 until Tuesday 7th March, so about a week. At this point we may also be looking at Twitter and finding out why its CEO left the building. Twitter, as a group website for friends, is also described by Saturn in Aquarius.

Pluto Header 229x300 - The End of Pluto in CapricornPluto’s Encore in 2023 and 2024

Pluto returns for the occasional encore in 2023 as he retrogrades to 29, 28, 27 Capricorn (that degree again – remember early 2022?) but after that he’s gone forever.

Pluto in Aquarius – The Rich Don’t Always Win

He’s finished in 2022, then history in 2024. Pluto in Aquarius (people power based on community, diversity and equality) succeeds from that point on. As we’ve seen, it may be criminal charges, heavy new wealth taxes and/or share market crashes which bring down the system and the plutocrats. Perhaps, even more extraordinary events – yet one way or another – the plutocrats who partied during Pluto in Capricorn are standing on a very shaky mountain indeed. You will see it wobble within days of my publishing this, on February 4th 2022.

Watch this space. Sam Pizzigati wrote The Rich Don’t Always Win (about the invention of the American middle class and the end of plutocrats) long before we astrologers were actively talking about Pluto in Aquarius. But that is exactly what is going to happen. America is in line for a whole new class system, but that’s another story. If you are curious about the Aquarius weather and the new Aquarius climate change, have a look at some predictions about that, dating from 2018-2019 on this website.

Images updated on 31st August 2024 from Rawpixel/Dreamstime/iStock/Shutterstock.








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187 Responses

  1. This sounds like good news Jessica. Do these transits also portend the end of Trump/Trumpism? Does Putin also fall from power?

    1. Yes, I think we all feel the same way the Americans felt in 1776, 1777, along with the African-Americans. We have had enough of the abuse of power. The good news is certainly on the way; there is literally no long cycle in Capricorn (the top 1%) to take us past 2024. We are heading towards the end of Donald Trump. I would expect Jared Kushner to go. The Republican party may well turn on the Trumps in 2022 to save themselves. Vladimir Putin will no longer have power from March 2023. It may flicker on and off but from 2024 his fantasy that he can rule Russia for as long as he likes, is history. You can’t do Pluto and not be Plutoed. Nostradamus called him ‘Butin’ in his predictions and had a lot to say about his downfall.

  2. Yay!! Down with those terrible old goats!!! It has been a very rough Pluto in Capricorn period these last few years and I am so ready for it to be over. PEOPLE POWER!! I have Jupiter 18 Aries. Anything I should know? Thanks so much, Jessica!!

    1. Too funny about the old goats. You will enjoy Jupiter in Aries in your First House of self-promotion and “Me first” when he arrives in May 2022 and he is with you until October. He then reappears January-May 2023. Jupiter will form a conjunction with your Aries chart signature, expanding your presence, perhaps making you far more well-known in new territories, certainly offering you a chance to enhance your look, presence, appearance, style, reputation. It will happen very quickly as Mars goes into Aries in May, June 2022 so mid-year is a rocket-powered relaunch for you.

  3. Hi there Jessica, thank you for an interesting article.
    My chart has many factors around the degrees of 25 – 29. What can I expect from Pluto’s transit over the said degrees?

    1. Good question. Pluto aspecting the late-degree placements in your natal chart suggests people presenting as Pluto. They may be quite powerful, close to other powerful people, have great influence, clout or ‘say’ in the way things work – usually on a business, professional or political level. Sometimes socially. Of course the issue with Pluto people is that they can abuse power. You only have to look at PM Boris Johnson assuming the rules on social distancing and COVID-19 were not made to include him; having a party when Her Majesty the Queen was in solitary mourning at the Duke’s funeral is a good example of Pluto gone too far. Anyway, never mind him, but do think about the Pluto types around you in 2022, 2023. How close do you actually want to get? And how do you handle your own power? A very good rule with Pluto is to recognise the power and share it. Empower others. That’s the point of these transits for you…

  4. Very interesting to read your article abour Pluto in Capricorn. Happenings around the World certainly point to massive changes – hopefully for the better. I have Pluto sextile natal Jupiter and Pluto semi-sextile my natal Sun on and off throughout this year. Not the strongest of transits, I know, but hopefully bringing some beneficial changes.

    1. Thank you. Your Pluto transits will usher in powerful people and organisations and you will have a glimpse of how serious people politics works, at a decent distance. You may of course become wrapped up with those individuals or groups, too. It will be an interesting year for you, as their mountain is coming down!

  5. Hi Jessica – thanks for the insight!

    I have a question. You’ve written a lot about the coming global economic upheaval, and what sounds like a wealth transfer from the 1% to the 99%. Do you see this potentially as an expansion of the welfare state, where governments takes on more responsibility in terms of providing basic needs for their citizens? Is the market economy still going to be a thing that people participate in?

    As a solopreneur, I’m re-imagining how to best market my services, but I often wonder if the way in which I’m preparing to set up my work (and life) is going to be relevant or possible in the future.

    Appreciate all the work you do.

    1. Thank you. As we are basically in 1776, 1777 heading towards a new America, and thus a new world, we have to glance back at what history tells us. What is radically different about this particular Pluto transit into Aquarius is the presence of Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus (income). The USA will move towards a far more extreme kind of leadership from the next election, as that first new term is accompanied by Pluto in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus and you will see the rich, taxed. There has been no trickle-down benefit from the top 1% and so we’ll see the Capricorn mountain with its ‘trickling from the top’ (which never happened) replaced by what looks like a large lake. In the lake, we find the poor alongside the rich. All pooling resources. This is not just the USA it is the world as a whole. So there may be Universal Income. There will certainly be an end to corporate political donation on such a vast (and often secret) scale. You are strongly Leo-Aquarius which is highly unusual. You are both King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table at the same time. You will find this new age of Aquarius, with Pluto going through, life-changing in every way and I suspect become involved in politics or in grassroots organisations, or more deeply involved, and more empowered by that. You’ll be involved with some quite powerful people from 2023/2024 for a number of years.

  6. Hi Jessica . As I have Jupiter in Capricorn at 28 opposite Venus 27 Cancer and Juno 28 in Pisces and Nodes at 27 Leo north and Aquarius south I am worried that Pluto when it lines up with my Capricorn factors is trouble There have been so many deaths in my circle of older men 64 to 83 older brothers father figures and friends since 2019 I feel that world conditions overtake and are outside any planets we have as individuals that might be beneficial I think its all about the collective now and not the individual and so our personal planets are a minor concern really and have little consequence compared to all the chaos that has erupted in the world . natural disasters . threats of War secrets of sex and money groups being manhandled and mandated for the jab . work is not an option for the unvaccinated or little choice my friend a nurse has been dismissed as not vaccinated as have countless others in the caring professions or emergency services Drs I know have said its an experiment not a vaccine we are guinea Pigs and another cardiac specialist has said do not have the vaccine .Tsunamis floods .fire and toppling of economy and bosses its like the Tower card in the Tarot so what planets I have would have little effect on any of that . I would think . against Global chaos but I am ever hopeful that I will manage .As a Virgo I like to control my life I have Pluto in Virgo at 7 and Minerva at 8 which is being hit by Fortuna at 8 retrograde . When will Fortuna go forward again do you think And how long will Psyche be in Virgo because it seems that they might be a clue to the Virus and its path? Much thanks for your insight and knowledge in what seems like dark times hope the light is coming .Thank you Jessica you are a blessing

    1. You are a Sun Virgo with a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of sex, death and money. So never mind the Capricorn factors, this entire period was/is about understanding the legacies made to you, and the legacies you make to others. Nothing like Uranus opposite the Scorpio factors in our lives to remind us of our mortality. I am very sorry that so many older men in your life have passed away since 2019. That tallies with the cycle. Astrology does not show death. It does show major questions about whom we value most after we are gone, and how we have been valued by those who pass on. That’s Scorpio under opposition. You are also talking about a lethal virus in the same question – and of course since 2020, we have been reminded to update our legacies and get real about our life insurance. Everyone has an opinion on Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and the rest. I am an astrologer not an epidemiologist or a scientist, but I also know doctors who insist on vaccination. So it divides people, doesn’t it. As an astrologer I can tell you the whole problem is tourism, business travel and emigration. It’s very simple. If the airlines, airports and hotels were under global control we would have no pandemic. It’s not rocket science. We will get there eventually as elections come around in each country, or leaders are replaced, and policies change. Until then we do what we must – but given your chart – this is a very, very good year for you to meditate, do yoga or use self-hypnosis to help your body, mind and spirit. You will seldom have such a fantastic opportunity again.

  7. I just bought the book “The Rich Don’t Always Win” you referenced and am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for your work and warnings which bring hope to me (and probably many).

  8. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for this interesting article. I would like to ask you what 12th of February could mean for me. I have nothing in Capricorn but I have some planets in 26deg and 27deg: Sun 26deg Virgo, Moon 26deg Pisces and Chiron in 27deg in Aries.

    Thank you for your insight.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Virgo with a Gemini stellium in your Third House of internet, media, publishing, information technology and communication. Born to connect. As you have nothing in Capricorn, there is really nothing to say about this climate change – but you will be affected by the long transit of Ceres in Gemini February-May and by Mars Retrograde in Gemini, August until March 2023. This is a prolonged period of compromise and deal-making, likely over the internet, followed by a long period of delayed action. This shows up in both charts. Figure out the logistics of a course, project, book, website, plan – long before you commit. Allow for delays, reversals, repetition along the way. Do not assume it’s on a normal time-frame. You have the South Node in Scorpio in your solar Third House while all this is going on. Same story. Life as it was 18-19 years ago will strongly affect your projects, plans, ideas in 2022-2023 so look back at that.

  9. Hi Jessica. Fascinating article – impressed by providing such specific dates to watch. Thank you for your work. I’m not on the top of mountain but have 4 Capricorn factors including Salacia at 28 Capricone. Would this cycle affect me any personal ways?

    1. Thank you. Yes, Salacia at 28 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement suggests you make it in two worlds, neither of them real. This is like succeeding in, say, showbusiness but also in spiritual healing. I don’t know what you do, as unpaid or paid work, or even in terms of an academic career, but it involves dual escapes. Salacia lived in the sea and on the seashore. That was a very, very different reality full of strange creatures, different temperatures and peculiar tides and currents. So that is where you are professionally as Pluto goes over Salacia. By 2023 you will realise that people or organisations which tried to control the agenda, and actually control you as well (let’s be honest) trained you to use sheer willpower to push back. And in the end that is the making of you.

  10. Horoscope Capricorn today 5th February – look to May – October. Will do.. while wondering what today and tomorrow will bring.

    1. Hard to say without a natal chart here, but you can always use the Tarot, which is free on this website.

  11. 2022 is going to be a big year for my career and finances I think.

    I also wonder about Pluto in Aquarius and the danger of group think. In the States, there’s been talk of more community policing over the government having sole control.

    1. Your finances take off in 2023 and 2024, actually, so you are a little too early for that now. Yes, Pluto in Aquarius can be dangerous if mob mentality takes over. It also gives far too much power to groups like the Freemasons. This happened in America in 1776, 1777 the last time we saw Pluto depart Capricorn and go into Aquarius. So we need to beware ‘the brotherhood’ or even ‘the sisterhood’ this time around. We have seen a little of this with the Harry Potter actors. They turned against their own benefactor didn’t, they, J.K.Rowling. Group think and the hive mind can go too far with this transit. You are right; we need to watch it.

  12. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for all your recent articles and for my 2022 Capricorn report. It feels quite monumental to be approaching the end of Pluto in Capricorn, as you write, and I’m hopeful for some of the global re-balancing you predict, especially as regards the environment/climate. As a Capricorn Sun with a big Cap stellium, may I ask whether there’s anything of particular note you see in my chart regarding these patterns? In terms of the 27 degree hotspot, I have some nearby factors: Minerva @ 28 Cap, Ops @ 29 Sag, Moon @ 26 Aqua. My Capricorn climb is the mountain of publishing and I seem to be getting closer to signing off on a book with my agent. My Sagittarius husband and I are also planning to move later this year. (We’re both also having our nodal return. My nodes are 5 degrees, his are at 27.)
    Thanks as always for any wisdom,

    1. Yes, you will have your book deal in 2022, or a deal in another media/medium if you wish. You just need to clear this Venus and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, first. It is holding up a great many people and the most irritating complications have stalled many professionals since it all began in December last year. Slowly but surely you are working your way through and it’s over from March 2nd. I think March-April is take-off time for you.

  13. Hi Jess,

    I have so much happening in my second house / Scorpio. I feel like I have been threw the ringer over the last 6 months – emotionally and financially. My financial world has been turned upside down after a relationship split after 30years. The duel/duet with my partner finally came to and end, and that Karma cycle ended. I have high hopes that we will reunite in 2023. It was all about poor communication and in a way the spilt had to happen to allow a total rebalancing of karma, perceptions, stories and leave nothing untouched expect that under pinning love. I feel 2022 is a rebalancing of me and my partner as we find away into healing.

    Things that seemed important before the split (financially) Now make no sense. So the goal posts have really moved and things have gotten much simpler.

    Am i out of the woods with all these financial changes? I feel like I just cant turn a trick and im really feeling like its time to do nothing and just hold on until 2023 comes. Thoughts?

    1. You are heavily Scorpio and also a Sun Scorpio. I am very sorry you broke up with your partner after 30 years and I can see why you want to get back together. You also have financial changes. Same-same, as Scorpio rules sex, death and money. Commonly the marriage and mortgage. Also sharing the rent when living with a lover. The ‘death’ part of it is usually that your partner names you in a legacy and you name your partners in yours. Uranus is in opposition to your Scorpio factors until the mid-2020’s and asks you to completely change the way you used to think about relationships, houses, apartments, partnerships, marriage, bank accounts and budgets. I mean – radically, radically change. This is hard as you are a very fixed person and Scorpio is a fixed sign. Yet, the pay-off will be a chance to make or save money under your own steam, in 2023 and 2024. That’s the big shift for you, very much in your favour, as Jupiter (opportunity, solution-finding) comes into your Second House of personal banking and income then, and even the opposition to your Scorpio factors will help. If you two are really going to get back together, it will be 2023 and/or 2024. Ask the Tarot closer to the time. It’s an excellent tool for guidance. Ask The Garden Oracle what you need to let go of (weeding, pruning, even cutting down) and what can grow in its place.

  14. Very intresting blog Jessica,
    Looking forward to some of the dates specified in this one.

    Anything that could affect myself during Oktober and onwards, from a horoskop point of view? dangers that may lie ahead or perhaps even some luck shining my way. If you could be so kind go give me your opinion.


    1. The biggest story for you in 2022, which shows up in both charts I use for you, is the very long Gemini transit in your solar Second House, at the same time as the North Node and Uranus in your natal Second House. You will be cutting a deal and making a compromise with people or organisations from February-May with Ceres in Gemini, and then in the second half of 2022, into the first quarter of 2023, having a circular, protracted cycle with finance, property, business, charity, valuables – which suggests you may want to ask for professional advice if the stakes are very high. Buying or selling will take longer than you thought, as your Second House rules all that you own, earn and owe and Mars the action planet is going backwards. In your natal chart we also find this rather stuck, circular, backwards flow, so whatever you navigate financially this year, and early next year, make sure you have made allowances for it to take you sideways and back to the start, before you set out again. These are unusual waters to sail, and the more you can arm yourself with information the better.

  15. Hello Jessica, aren’t we living in interesting times! Very curious to see what will happen to a lot of leaders in the coming year(s). Very glad this whole Pluto cycle is over soon since it hasn’t sat well with my Aries stellium at all and the last 10 years have been increasingly difficult. I have Fortuna at 27 Aries and Venus in Taurus at 18 degrees so looks like this year will be another year with tension points. How do these factors sit with the ones mentioned in the article? Have a nice weekend and thank you for the interesting read.

    1. Thank you. Your Moon at 19 Capricorn has been more the issue, as a symbol of your tremendous ‘need to be needed’ by employers, staff, colleagues or by others in your social world/the system. Sometimes the mountain is academic, strictly social or non-profit. Strongly Aries people have obviously been blocked and stopped by this very long transit, which began in 2008. The individual and her self-promotion versus the establishment is a good way of putting it. We have seen identity politics and identity politicians run foul of the system – Donald Trump being a good example. You are over the worst; Pluto left 19 Capricorn a long time ago. You will see more thorny questions about who/what has the power (assuming you work; you don’t say if you do) and who/what is in control of your career in 2022, but from March 2023 it is virtually over and from 2024, simple history.

  16. Sun in Virgo. Rising Capricorn. Moon in Scorpio. North node Libra. I feel like I have a very scattered natal chart and not really sure how to prep for the major shifts coming on our way.

    Thank you for everything you do, you are awesome!!!! ❤️

    1. Ignore the rising sign, it’s just your image and most people get the time wrong, so they are out by a sign or two. I can’t see a chart here, so all I can do is tell you about the Sun in Virgo. You will make or save a lot of money May-October 2022 and again, January-May 2023.

  17. Fascinating article, thanks Jessica. I’m a little nervous as to how all these transits might impact me as I am a sun Taurus. The only Capricorn factors I have are IC at 12 degrees and Salacia at 27 degrees. I’m relatively new to astrology, although it absolutely fascinates me, so any guidance you are able to offer would be greatly appreciated.

    1. You are strongly Aries-Libra which is unusual. So you are the individual who is front-and-centre and always upfront, flying the flag for what/who matters to you. You are not backwards about coming forwards and you cannot afford to hang around at the back. Ruled by Mars, Aries is the sign we associate with the soldier, sailor or pilot who wears the uniform, the medals, the hat or helmet, and is in the front line. However you play that in your life, you embody that archetype. We sometimes find hairdressers whose hair is their business and who are right across Twitter with it. Libra is the duet and the duel. Strongly Libran people have a history of partnerships (big, important marriages but also big, important professional duets) as well as feuds, divorces and disputes. So you are right in the zone with ‘me’ versus ‘you’ but also ‘us’ versus ‘the world.’ Libra-Aries likes a stoush but strangely is to be found with ‘another’ and doesn’t really function alone. You have been through the mill with all this for years, as transiting Pluto was square to both signs, while in Capricorn, but you are at the end now. In fact, your Libra-Aries side will rise again, and ride again, from May-October and again January-May next year in a way that utterly satisfies you.

  18. Thank you so much for all you do. I have some money in bitcoin, and you nailed it on that January 7-9 shakeup. Nicely done.
    I don’t have anything at 27 Capricorn, but the North and South node transits happening right now are almost conjunct my north and south node natal placements at 27 Taurus and Scorpio. I feel like I’m just pulling out of a couple of decades of volatile finances. I’m hoping this isn’t going to shake things up again, but wanted to ask how I can best prepare. More importantly, I have a screenplay that’s being circulated with some big studios in Hollywood. I feel like I’m so close to a deal, but afraid of that Neptune in Scorpio (in my natal chart), which can make me overly optimistic. One big studio has asked me to write a script for them, but it is a very Pluto in Capricorn story. So maybe the timing will be right, but it feels like a very sensitive topic as it deals with the trauma a group experienced from a few very Plutocrat-type men. They asked me to write this script based on the other one that is circulating, so that feels like great news. I’m just worried about handling the topic with care and sensitivity. Anyway, I guess my question is I feel like I’m at a breakthrough point on my writing career, but wondering if this is an illusion, or if the Node transits have other plans. And the only other 27 I have is my sun at 27 Pisces. Thoughts?

    1. Thank you. Bitcoin so far has been simple to predict, which is very odd, as it is by its nature unpredictable! You’ve had two decades of volatile finances. You also have a screenplay in Hollywood. A studio wants you to write a script, too but the topic is difficult. Your Capricorn transits are over. You are a strongly Aquarius-Aries person with a Taurus-Scorpio story taking place financially. Start with Aquarius-Aries. Your script (“the trauma of a group”) is a picture of Saturn in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of groups until March 2023. Pluto then takes over. So you are quite right to be concerned. Were you to write the script, the group itself, whatever that is, would go with you – for years. It would not just be another gig. I have no idea what you are writing about, but it would feel very heavy, and then be intensely political, in terms of the people politics/the power plays, from March 2023. So look at your Tarot with that. You are obviously a great writer; there may be other gigs. You become more than a writer in May-October; you become a star in that world, or perhaps another. It’s the same, January-May 2023. You will relaunch, use a second name for one project, spend on a new look or image and gain a much higher profile. The Taurus-Scorpio weather is not about your own income. It is about the joint finances you share with a partner (you do not say if you are single or with someone) or the family. That story has not yet started, but it will do so, in 2022-2023 and you must figure out your value system in contrast to his/her/their value system, which is very different. A professional outsider can help as they are not emotionally involved.

  19. Dear Jessica
    With Saturn return in Capricorn in 2018 this period of Pluto was unusually tough to me. With Jupiter 28 Scorpio and Venus, Hygeia 27 Gemini do you see the end of this period of challenges from the stuff at the work and any rebuilding of friendship at the working environment?

    1. You are strongly Aries, Taurus, Scorpio so although the Saturn Return was important, as are the late degree patterns, it is the transits in Aries, Taurus and Scorpio in 2022-2023 which will change your life. You will relaunch yourself May-October and again January-May 2023. You will look different (you may lose weight or switch your wardrobe) perhaps get letters after your name (a degree) or acquire a new role and title, professionally. This will work very nicely for you. At the same time you also have a budget reshape. This may be because you inherit money or property, or because you start a new financial/sexual relationship. It can also be because you acquire a second income from a new source. That is also very common. So it’s all change. The pressure you feel about friends is down to Saturn in Aquarius and that ends, March 2023. Until then it’s very difficult, as Saturn in the Eleventh House can show you the reality of ‘friends’ and not the quaint memory! It doesn’t last. And in fact the friendships will be reshaped or replaced from March 2023.

  20. Hello Jessica.
    Thank you for your tremendous clear guidance!

    I have Saturn28° Neptune 28° Pluto 27° Chiron 28° Fortuna 27° Venus 18°

    On one hand I am so pleased to hear that the top will crumble. On the other hand I am freaked out. I had 3 unbelievable misfortune years. I have been Pluto-ed so much I feel like a land after colonization. I am now focusing to recover and restore my mindset and physical health.
    Unfortunate the rule of 27-29 capricorn doesn’t apply only on old rich man?

    Thank you so much for looking into this so I can navigate through this!

    1. Thank you. You are strongly Sagittarius-Gemini and ‘live’ in your Ninth House and Third House. So, if you owned a country estate, and we visited, we would find your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries absolutely packed with passports, tickets, foreign language books, academic certificates, libraries (some perhaps with your name inside a journal or paperback) and a globe. Wandering over to your Third House, we would find brothers, sisters, cousins inside – either very close to you, or choosing a different floor to be on. We would find your computer, microphone, telephone. Piles of newspapers and magazines. The radio and television. We would find your car, bicycle or taxi-driver; your train or bus timetable; your domestic flight schedule (pre-pandemic). So this is where you live and who you are. You have been through a very difficult two years, as the nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, but also Neptune in Pisces, have pummelled these two houses. In fact they have been flattened by the cyclone at times. Now, you have to re-invent them. This is not the same world. How are you going to ‘do’ Gemini and Sagittarius in the new world? It goes for years, as globalisation is going, going gone as the Gemini cycles begin. They oppose Sagittarius and there will be opposing forces ending the old planet as we knew it.

  21. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for your wonderful article about Pluto in Capricorn, which I have been wondering throughout as He passed past on Ops at 23 and Panacea at 24 on my chart.
    Now Pluto conjuncts exactly on Uranus in Capricorn (it’s on the chart of my subordinate). As Uranus is rather a slow planet, I estimate all in this age bracket will encounter this conjunction and they all are still young enough to replace out of their power. Or, in reverse, will they make a revolution to get power?
    My concern is what will happen when Pluto enters Aquarius. I have Juno at 8 and Sun at 16. On the calendar, tomorrow is my birthday but astrologically it was yesterday (Sun at 16 Aquarius). I noticed this difference for the first time, thanks for the current planetary positions you provide on your site.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Aquarius with a Libra stellium. So you shine brightly, attract attention, sometimes admiration – when you are around groups – but can also feel very exposed by that. You are never inside these groups – you are always the outsider. In your heart, though, you want to be in a pair, couple or partnership and in fact, always will be. This is the new story of your life in 2022, 2023 and beyond as Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius slowly trigger your Eleventh House of friends and groups, and begin to form trines with your Libra stellium in the Seventh House of duets. Pluto moves terribly slowly so nothing will happen all at once; it’s gradual and evolves in the Twenties. The point you make about transiting Pluto in conjunction with Uranus in Capricorn in the charts of an entire generation is quite correct. If you search The Capricorn Weather you will find a very old prediction I made about the year 2020 and that generation. It turned out to be COVID-19 and the massive hit on employment.

  22. Thank you for sharing your deep insights and practical way of explaining the astrology Jessica, much appreciated

    I have a stellium in Scorpio including Psyche at 27 , can you tell me what this means for 2022 / 23 with the south node in Scorpio?
    Also if you have any thoughts on the Irish republic I’d love to hear that too

    Thanks again & many Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Thank you. You are a very Scorpio-Taurus kind of Libra. As you say, you have a stellium in Scorpio. Basically 2022-2023 is a complete reshape of your life budget, starting with your will, which you may rewrite, or add to (new purchases or sales, say, of property, jewellery, art). You are not going to get through the nodal cycle and Uranus on the finance axis of your chart without huge change. Look at your superannuation/pension more closely. What is in your name, where is it, and who runs it? You don’t say if you are married or not. A sexual/financial relationship in 2022, 2023 will begin, end or transform as you figure out the difference between your life budget, and that of your other half. It will be a real compromise, or you may decide to differ over money, a house, an apartment, a car, and so on. Taurus is your income and your bank account or debt. Your possessions or home. Scorpio is what you share, or are given, by family or spouses. These oppositions are just what you would expect. Me opposite you, or you opposing decisions made around you, which affect (say) your tax. This brings me to the Irish Republic. Ireland is part of the separation of the United Kingdom into new local territories with new local borders, which begins slowly in 2022 and is real from 2026. This is the same cycle as the post-war period, also with Uranus in Gemini (it starts in 2026) when Europe was carved up very differently with new names and borders. It’s coming.

  23. As I was reading this post about Pluto – Mark Zuckerberg lost $29 billion in net worth on Thursday as Meta Platforms Inc’s (FB.O) stock marked a record one-day plunge, while fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos was set to add $20 billion to his personal valuation after Amazon’s blockbuster earnings. Feb 3 (Reuters)

    Brilliant writingJessica, thank you Geoffrey

    1. Thank you Geoffrey. Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg will be unrecognisable eventually. This has not even started. (Have a look at Facebook on Search as I wrote a long prediction about the corporation quite some time ago. From memory, the true downfall is much later). As for Bezos, you can’t be a plutocrat during Pluto in Capricorn without having the system change around you, so you lose the power, or turning your back on the system, and changing your ways. I will be very, very interested to see what Bezos does. So far he’s looking like history. Let’s see!

  24. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for another amazing article…
    I’m Sun Aries but Moon Capricorn. Career wise, I had horrific time from end 2017, through 2018, and first half of 2019 when I walked away from everything I built and decided to start afresh, but my way. A very slow start followed and now I’m flying high again and hoping to fly even higher.
    Please could you have a look at my chart and reassure me there won’t be a repetition of 2017/18/19 for me.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. You are strongly Aquarius-Aries. The Sid Vicious version of the Frank Sinatra song, My Way, is your theme tune. You won’t repeat the past. Those cycles are history. You are moving into a relaunch May-October and again January-May 2023, with a new look, possibly a new title or letters after your name, definitely a new profile online. It’s rather like Yoko Ono deciding she has had quite enough of being the creative catalyst for The Beatles’ White Album and becoming a New York musician/artist in her own right. Complete with a new haircut. You are here to feed groups. You supply groups. You are also here to be yourself, so there is a classic Aries-Aquarius story here about being upfront, front-and-centre, but also playing your part with the collective. Always outside the circle, but necessary to the circle. Self-actualising but also identified with the gang. A bit like Ned Kelly! All this will come to pass in 2022, 2023.

  25. Never felt the same in my career! I feel settled and on top. Now when I feel stable, my project manager shochekd me with a news of mg roll off from the project. I checked with others or my team people, having no clue for my roll off trigger. No one else at all knows about. Even the resource allocation team has no idea. I am confused if I should move on, take this news seriously as its coming from a reliable and reasonable person. Boss told me you have one and a half month to search next role, everyone else suggests to keep quiet and keep working. What do you suggest as per my natal chart? I really wany to stay but I cant force them. Should I move on and look for next role?

    Thanks lot!
    Your fan for life

    1. You are a Sun Leo who was never going to be settled with your career, project manager, project, team, boss – because you are in a cycle of radical change leading to one revolution after another. It goes until 2026. So you have 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 itself to either add a second job and second income stream, to what you already have, or actually walk away and do something else. This currently feels like Venus and Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn to me, in your Sixth House of work. So you have been told you have six weeks to find a new job, but your colleagues say, keep quiet and keep working. It’s really up to you. Retrogrades usually show up as mess, and in Capricorn, mess at work. So you end up with people who can’t do their jobs properly; issues with the internet; general muddle. You are seeing that now. People are either fudging the truth or you are dealing with systems with huge flaws. So actually, you could just keep working and see what comes when the final retrograde ends, in March. Long-term, though, you need to add another string to your bow so you can actually have a life. You need to do something very different; that’s a rule with Uranus in Taurus. You need not worry long-term as once Jupiter goes into Taurus you will have a huge hit; incredible success; skyrocketing achievement.

  26. Hi Jessica

    Another fascinating article with very specific dates. Thank you.

    Any insights you would be able to kindly provide me as I have some factors near 27 degrees although none in Capricorn.

    Thank you.

    1. Pluto in transit, aspecting your factors at the very end of the signs (27, 28, 29 degrees is always the end) suggests 2022-2023 are really about power. Who has it, who wants it, and how do you play your part in becoming empowered, but also enabling others who want more control? This may be about politics. It may be about your profession. Sometimes it can be about the family or a marriage, but it is usually bigger than that. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and immediately became at the centre of a power struggle by astronomers for naming rights. The power struggle was resolved by giving responsibility for his naming, to a schoolgirl, Venetia Burney, in Oxford. This is a faithful reflection of the Pluto myth, as it was a maiden or young woman, Proserpina, who resolved the power struggle between Pluto and Ceres. You will be swept up in those battles to be ‘top dog’ in 2022, 2023. Pluto also had a dog, Cerberus, so we associate canine symbolism with Pluto as well. Dog eat dog, and top dogs, and leaders of the pack and so on. You will learn a great deal about people politics and how it works. You won’t forget it. Try to balance your life, though, as there is more to your existence than just getting caught up in these issues! Your Tarot can help you with that.

  27. Jessica

    Thank you for such a fascinating read. I’m in the United States so naturally I hangon your every word about the trumps. I pray karma finds him and the GOP for supporting his lies. My question in 2022 elections will the democrats gain seats so the can pass Biden’s agenda or will the Republicans take over like the news outlets predict?. Also. Will the republican house members who helped the terrorists on January 6th be punished? You do give me hope


    1. Thank you. I predicted Donald Trump would go down in October, just before the November election and he did. He became infected with COVID-19 as did his wife. I also predicted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would win. They did. It is in the nature of the Republican party (which really once was the Grand Old Party, before it forgot its original ideology) to fail every so often. They are in a failure cycle now, because they are out of step with the Pluto cycles that created America. There is a huge, unpaid, spiritual and karmic debt to women of colour from 1776, 1777 and also, crucially, to Native Americans. That is the Democrats. Not Donald Trump. Those debts will be settled from 2023. You really don’t get Pluto in Aquarius without history repeating, and 1776, 1777, 1778 were the years that Americans began system change. Trump is part of a system that is already crumbling.

  28. Hello Jessica,
    What an interesting blog ,once again .Leaving in a…rollercoaster since 2012..cannot help but wondering what will happen to my life after the whole Pluto cycle is over.,
    Also if my son, born on the 15/04/2004 inAthens,Greece with. [Sun Aries 25 , Asc Libra 6 , IC Capricorn 7 , Moon Pisc 9 , Mercury Aries 28 , VEnus Gemini 10 , Marș Gemini 16 , Jupiter Virgo 9 , Saturn cancer 7 , Uranus Pisces 5 , Neptune in Aquarius 15 , Pluto Sag 22 , True Node Taurus 11.] will see his efforts about studying in medicine, ( he wants in Melbourne ,-our friends and family are there,- )come to fruition..
    Thank you, for all those openminded articles, of yours!
    Kind regards M.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Cancer with a Cancer-Leo-Aquarius pattern, which is pretty unusual, M. Like all Cancer-Leo women you need to sort out your responsibility to children, godchildren, or the world of children en masse, during your time on earth. Will you be a proud mother, or are you here to save younger people on a larger level, perhaps by teaching them, or raising money for them? Your son wants to be a doctor in Melbourne. You need to let go, according to this chart. You have Saturn and then Pluto about to cross that Leo-Aquarius axis and it may be time to let him be whatever he is going to be, and do whatever he is going to do. That’s the message in your chart.

  29. Hello!

    I so enjoy your work! This article is intriguing!

    My 8H Venus and Hygeia are at 18 Taurus opposite Neptune. Is there anything I should do to plan?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Pluma, you are using a different house system, so I need to pivot your chart to the Natural House System. Neptune at 17 Scorpio in your Eighth House is opposite Venus and Hygiea in an exact conjunction at 18 Taurus in your Second House. You have a lifetime pattern of huge differences with family members (like your parents) and also lovers/partners (your exes and current partner, perhaps) where your own values, life budget, financial tastes and preferences are very different to theirs. So, you may be a spendthrift and your parents miserly with money. Or your last partner may have been a hoarder and you were an environmentalist. It’s on that level. Taurus-Scorpio oppositions are always about the difference between your shopping list, your views on tax (and thus politics) and those of the family or lovers. Sometimes children or godchildren, of course. Normally this isn’t really an issue, but as the lunar nodes cross 18 Taurus-Scorpio and later on, Uranus crosses 18 Taurus, you will really notice the gap. It pays to go over paperwork now and to get any verbal agreements really well thought out, then committed to paper. Perhaps you want to change your will at some point. It is very common for people to have made up their minds about a legacy, then for whatever reason, have an about-turn and cut some people out, but suddenly include individuals or organisations which were not on the radar before. You have time.

    1. Have a look at Facebook and ask yourself if there was a foreign enemy lurking behind the faces, which foreign enemy would that be? Who has the most vested interest in manipulating elections, especially in the United States? I left Facebook years ago and am probably not the person to ask. Most professional psychics left it.

  30. Hi Jessica,
    Brilliant as usual and want to add I have loved your new website since you updated it. I have a few planets/ asteroids in the higher degrees. How does this coming period portend for me. I feel like last year I started gaining some ground with my business and have been optimistic about this coming year with new opportunities. How are these transits going to affect me and how do I navigate them best.

    1. Thank you. I will pass that compliment on to Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin at Asporea. You are Sagittarius-Aquarius dominant. You tend to do well on fire and air cycles, so any transits in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Your chart is really about supplying groups of friends, and communities of allies, with what they need. You stoke the group, for whatever reason. You are also an explorer of other cultures and countries, even if you are an armchair explorer during a pandemic. So it’s not really about the end of Pluto in Capricorn, for you. It is about the start of Pluto in Aquarius (from March 2023) and also the chain of oppositions to your Sagittarius factors in Gemini. You don’t say what business you are in. All I can really tell you is that what happened in 1776, 1777 is about to repeat. We will see the end of the economic system which gave rise to the plutocrats, which is globalisation and tax havens, and the beginning of The New Local, which starts with Ceres and Mars Retrograde in Gemini in 2022 and then escalates with Jupiter in Gemini, then Uranus in Gemini. That means the groups/communities/associations/societies/social circles around you become ever more important and your own role with them, ever more powerful, against a shift background of local interests usurping globalisation. There is a great deal of wishful thinking and also outright deception about COVID-19 by politicians and businessmen. It’s going nowhere. Rather like AIDS-HIV and the massive change that brought about for gay men (equal marriage) we will see huge social change as a result of this particular virus, now. Whatever business you are in, it pays to be across geopolitics in the Twenties.

  31. Hi Jessica,
    thank you for your fantastic articles. Is this a good year to change job or profession, I currently work in IT? I have had a lot of years now with boring jobs and feels like I need a change. As I have a lot of factors in Scorpio, should I stop investing in shared markets? Should I invest in property or crypto currency instead?

    1. Thank you. You are Virgo, Libra, Scorpio dominant. Your Sun is in Libra so we start with your solar chart, because it shows the general weather forecast for 2022. Yes, this is a fantastic year to change job or profession. Jupiter and Neptune in your solar Sixth House of work offer solutions, opportunities and an escape from the real world. Your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of workload in your natal chart will be beautifully supported by the True North Node in Taurus and True South Node in Scorpio on the way through, so 2022 (until May, then again from October to December) is the time to pursue new roles, if you are bored with IT. That last point, the transit of the South Node in Scorpio, is about joint finances. It’s your own choice to choose shared markets, property or cryptocurrency, but the same story is told in both charts I use for you. 2022-2026 is unpredictable, changes suddenly (as swiftly as the world economy slumped when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020) and will rise and fall rapidly. You will see this most intensely in 2022, 2023 with the lunar nodes in Taurus-Scorpio and everything depends on ‘where’ not ‘what.’ It is your location and the location of all you invest in, which matters most – so look at that. The future is local and the end of globalisation is coming. That will absolutely affect, say, the property market.

  32. Hi Jessica!

    Thank you so much for your latest batch of most fascinating blog topics! Could you please shed some light on the Pluto/Venus/Mars dance as it relates to my chart? It seems to me that there are some competing energies with my natal moon at 27 Gem and natal Mars at 26 Virgo, with quite a few 25 degree placements (including Sun and Ascendant) thrown in for good measure. Pluto in Capricorn has left me exhausted. I am a M.o.the.r (Middle of the Roader), and walk the unbeaten path of common ground, compromise and collaboration, which definitely feels the road less travelled these days. I feel that the (mostly silent), rational, reasonable majority has grown quite weary of taking the slings and arrows from both sides. Is the middle collapsing, or just going underground until the battle dust has settled? Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and here I am … 🙂

    Thank you so much, as always, for your time and talents!


    1. You are a strongly Capricorn person, as well as a Sun Capricorn, as you say. The long Pluto transit in Capricorn in your Tenth House since 2008 is nearly over, but you are entitled to feel as if you have been on marathon. When you look back at your career and social status, it is unrecognisable these days. You assumed so much, then, about particular employers or companies, and your own path in life – and now look. Along the way, if you used sheer willpower, you have become quite powerful. If you didn’t take that path, you will be less powerful in many ways, but there is still a chance to become empowered by March 2023 when the cycle ends. Pluto, discovered in 1930, has long been a symbol for attempted domination; necessary compromise; new deals and new worlds. 13 or 14 years on, you’ve seen mergers, departures and a sweeping transformation of the one or two professions you call your own. This last year, 2022, the final full year of Pluto in Capricorn, will bring you full circle if you are willing to try. Anyone who tried to pull rank on you, though, will have lost his/her job by now, or gone gurgling down the grille of life for other reasons. It’s a rule with this cycle.

  33. Thank you so much for the reply! I am a photographer and last year started photographing horseshows ( something I was very resistant to do for a long time but financial necessity dictated that I add something new to my business) I surprised myself and love it and loved making all the new connections I have made.

  34. Dear Jessica,

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply. So accurate about the difference in values! My mothers sun is at 19 Scorpio. Perhaps that adds to the pot.

    I used your three divination tools to “read” how I should handle whatever comes up in this transit. Aescupula [sic] came up twice. I’ll keep in mind that I can rebuild as well.

    Thanks again!

  35. Thank you so much! That makes a lot of sense. The script/story is a true crime story that involves some very wealthy (read 1% wealth) men ransoming children for even more money. It’s bizarre story, but I can’t give too many revealing details. I worry about re-traumatizing the children who are now adults. The only way it would work for me personally is if the story were somehow healing for them. The tarot card I drew is the 9 of Wands, which seems wholly appropriate. The real wound on the head is like a mental trauma, which this is. Now, can I heal it? Then it’s worth it. If I make it worse, that will be a horrible outcome. As far as money and joint finances, I am single and don’t really have joint finances except maybe with my grown children. My parents and brother have all passed away over 10 years ago, so that’s all settled by now. I’ve been divorced for almost two decades, so that’s also settled as far as I can tell. Maybe it’s a new business partnership coming. That’s all I can think of, but we shall see. Thanks for the guidance!

  36. Hello Jessica
    Could you please check my chart to see what influences the Pluto transit may have on me? I see it is sextile with my mercury on Scorpio.

    1. You have an Aries stellium in your First House which is far more important. You will enjoy a relaunch, renaissance, reboot and rebirth from May-October and again in early 2023, as Jupiter joins Chiron in Aries for the first time in 12 years. You will take up more space on the internet, improve or radically overhaul your appearance, fix up any issues about your reputation, gain letters after your name or a new title, achieve the kind of ‘second debut’ you always wanted. Aries is very good at pushing forward and standing out; being centre-stage and ahead of the game. That is all waiting for you.

  37. Thanks for the fabulous read Jessica! Wow, lots of changes to watch for! May I ask if anything I should be on the lookout for? I noticed a few dates either line exactly in the same sign or within a degree but nothing in Taurus!

    Hope all is well with you and your awesome group that keeps this site going!

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Leo with a Leo stellium. Saturn in Aquarius will oppose that by transit, ongoing, so the issues with godchildren, sexual relationships, younger people (old enough to be your son or daughter) are also ongoing. You don’t say if you have a son or daughter. That would be the first concern. Saturn tests. Saturn puts those relationships to the test, say, with a niece or nephew. If you have a professional or unpaid work involvement with children, teenagers, younger people that will also be prodded and poked by Saturn. What you end up with, and who you are left with, from March 2023 is there for the duration. In fact, those relationships (especially as children grow older) become transformed, and far more powerful, with yourself taking a far more pivotal role, after 2023.

  38. Hi Jessica!

    This is fascinating. I have a lot of Capricorn factors, but I am mostly cautious about that 18 degree Taurus placement I have. You mentioned this degree twice in your blog. Would you have any advice for me please?

    Thanks a lot for any insights!

    1. You are strongly Scorpio-Capricorn but are over the most intense professional changes, or the transformation with your academic career or unpaid role. Your C.V. has been utterly changed. Now, the next stage is financial. You know who you are in terms of your position, mission and ambition and have been through departures, takeovers, mergers or individual politics with the staff, your employer, colleagues and so on. The financial challenge is to change. To meet change with change. You will see this in 2022, 2023 as the lunar nodes go through Scorpio-Taurus and Uranus continues in Taurus. Get yourself as much wiggle room as you can, so that you are not stuck with a fixed situation when the unpredictable occurs. Scorpio is a fixed sign and you ‘live’ in your Eighth House of sex, death and money. So the legacy you make which names others, as well as the legacy they make which names you, will be rewritten once or twice by 2023, or the contents will shift because market forces zig-zag. A classic example is the impact of global economic flux on your superannuation or pension; your shares; the price of a house or apartment. Wiggle room is essential; a financial advisor can help you.

  39. Hi Jess – amazing article! So deeply researched. A lot to consider!
    Can you tell me what I should take on board with my love Mr Aries?
    His Pluto is at 29 Leo, exact my Prosperina. His ascendant (Cancer)/Descendant are almost exact same degree as mine, opposite. A lot to work through! Yes we need some rebalancing of the scales. Sexual intimacy is an issue. It’s been quite a journey the last four years but we’ve kept going…

    1. Thank you. Yes, he has a sex, death and money cycle in 2022, 2023 which is karmic in nature so it takes him back 18-19 years, and possibly 18-19 years before that, if he is old enough to have Pluto in Leo. Sex and money is usually marriage and mortgage. It can also be divorce and financial division. Death is always th legacy you make/he makes and the legacies which name yourself and him (so, a parent’s will). The lunar node in Scorpio in his Eighth House, in his natal and solar chart, is with him long enough for him to spin his wheels as he puts a price on the sexual relationship with you. He owes you, or he is owed on some level, karmically. You can find out more about the South Node, Eighth House and Scorpio in your flipbooks and on Search.

  40. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for another interesting read. I would love some some insight as to how Pluto aspects and affects my chart for the remainder of the transit through Capricorn.

    Thank you once again x

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Gemini with an Aquarius stellium. So, it’s not the end of Pluto in Capricorn that triggers your chart. It is the internet, the media, education and/or publishing. You will cut a deal over that and make a huge compromise by mid-year. You then have a long, circular process of reverse/restart with a project until early 2023. This is not just about 2022-2023, though, it is really the foundation for what will be a long and exciting revolution from 2026 which hands you new technology that has not been invented yet, so you can connect and communicate in exhilarating new ways. It’s all about your way with words. A group, team, club, community or circle will be very much involved, and from 2023 onwards, you will play a very powerful role with these faces.

  41. Hi Jessica,
    My hobby is photography I am thinking of making some of my images into NFT’s this week on the long term goal is to be a full time successful artist rather than my current jobs that I feel tied down and stuck in. Would this be a good day? I’m sun Capricorn and can you look to see if NFT,s are comparable in my chart please?

    1. You can always experiment. You have Saturn (slow, stuck, serious situations) in your solar Second House of income in 2022 so it’s not exactly a torrent of gold. He remains there until March 2023. From that point, though, Pluto takes over, which can be financially empowering if you have the willpower. So you may as well try. NFT’s will be around until 2026 until the excitement stops or the technology wanes. Uranus in Taurus usually brings radical new art, because Taurus rules the art market, and we last saw this cycle in the Thirties – in fact it was there as the war began. Picasso was not understood or liked at the start and now look. That is the NFT market for a lot of people. So, you may as well try and see where it takes you, but Saturn does not promote fast bucks in your solar chart, and Uranus in Taurus in your natal chart suggests you should be looking long-term to 2026.

  42. Hello Jessica,

    I’ve only just read your article and I’ve been thinking about this cycle as I took a new job in August last year that turned out to not be a very good fit because of the culture and people I had to work with. The same day you posted this article I had a call with my boss saying that on Monday I was going to be told I didn’t pass my probation period (three weeks early) and that I would be better off the quit so I could change the narrative and leave on my own terms. My boss didn’t want me to leave but was getting pressure from people who had taken a dislike to me. I had been looking for new jobs already so I knew it wasn’t a good fit, but I hadn’t lined anything up so I’m a little stressed.

    I had a dream over the weekend that I was constantly being pitted against people who were either terrible at their jobs but protected by the right people, or seriously conniving individuals that looked after their own interests first – and I always lost. This is when I started thinking about the Capricorn cycle and where I might fit into it. I was hoping you could look into whether or not the next job would be a better fit and what to look out for? I did do my Tarot but that seemed to suggest that February was more focused children and sexual relationships resulting in children – I have a daughter and I’m dating someone new so that makes sense – but I’m still responsible for providing for a small human and I really do want to land in a job that is rewarding and a good fit. Just not sure I have the kind of personality that fits in anywhere in particular.

    Appreciate your looking into this for me and thank you as always for your wonderfully detailed and insightful articles.

    1. Thank you. You will get another job (or jobs, plural) by May and enjoy the new role far more. Was the issue younger people or an age gap? Strongly Leo people often have huge problems with Millennials, say, or those who are old enough to be their children. Knowing that can sometimes help. The Tarot was right about your love life, but go back and look at your work again. This does end well for you and you’ll find wheels turn from March once this Venus Retrograde is over.

  43. Hi Jessica, great read, crazy times! Trying to navigate new beginnings with soon to being single, starting a business and relocating to a new state in 2022. Need all the insight I can get. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you. Starting a business with Uranus in Taurus is brave, but if you are hugely flexible and can drop everything to make changes, you will never be bored. In fact you will save or make a lot of money when Jupiter goes into Taurus, so think about the first 2-3 years as your initial focus. Despite this, life will be wildly unpredictable and it will be the customers or clients whose sudden peaks and troughs, financially, affect you most. You cannot count on a reliable customer base with reliable income on Uranus in Taurus. Being single is part of this. You are now being shown what it is like to be financially independent and will realise you would pay a lot of money just to be free of the other person and constant joint financial or joint property questions. Moving is less important than the transport or commuting issues; make sure you have Plan B or C with the train, bus, car and so on, when you go. Obviously with domestic flight, if you are even doing that during the pandemic.

  44. Dear Jessica, thank you for your insights. Always grateful for your talents and time. Reading some of the questions and responses, I too feel like a middle of the roader – and have paid my dues since 2008 as a woman is a man’s world in a profession that gives the men the power and authority. I have many factors in Cap – Mercury at 25, Sun at 7, Fortuna at 22, Minerva at 11, Salacia at 18, and South Node at 29. I retired back in 2017 and entered the workforce again with fulltime role. As a “middle of the roader” I am tied heavily to the top who make all the decisions. 2022 will be hard work building the team to bring about efficiencies and I play a role in leading, establishing the foundation and enabling technology to sustain. I would very much appreciate your interpretation of my chart and how it will affect me through this cycle. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. You’re strongly Capricorn-Aquarius as you know with the nodal axis at the final degree of Capricorn and Cancer. The team will be hard work until March 2023. Even friends on the team will require huge patience if you want to keep the friendship. Groups as a whole will stretch you, possibly because some faces in the group just don’t function very well, or others are never there, or still more have neuroses. Saturn can deliver all of that but if you see the long game, you will put your head down and put up with it – the Tarot can help you. Pluto over the final degree of Capricorn triggers the Cancer-Capricorn nodes in your chart, so this is karmic in nature, goes back 18-19 years, and perhaps 18-19 years before that, and so on. Cancer-Capricorn is very common in the charts of people with past lives in the armed forces or the services, because Cancer is patriotism (King and Country/Queen and Country) and Capricorn is career. Pluto suggests a takeover or merger at work, or a dominating person, as you go into 2023. The simultaneous issue will be your home town, local area, country and so on. Perhaps, the family – which Cancer also rules. Huge crossroads choices about where to live, where you belong, to what/whom you belong are coming, along with game-changing new professional crossroads too. Again, the Tarot can help you through.

  45. Hello Jessica, thank you for yet another eye opening blog post. Your thoughts on leaders toppling from the top led me to look at Joe Biden’s chart… lots of Scorpio placements at late degrees. North node and Chiron in late degree Leo. So given Capricorn Pluto is sextile all those Scorpio planets now, but Saturn In Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus willing be heading to a square later, what do you see happening for him and is there an affect on the US as a result?

    1. Thank you. Pluto is an interesting one, because it’s really not about politics at all, or even Presidents. It’s about the abuse of power by a few, at the top of a system which disadvantages the majority. That’s Pluto in Capricorn. In 1776, 1777 that was King George III and the British tax system (“No taxation without representation” was the cry in America of course) and it was the cotton and sugar industrialists who ran the African slave trade. They were all toppled, some immediately, others in stages. There is no evidence of President Joe Biden running that kind of system, but the Democrats have inherited the Plutocrats – Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg – and they will go, or the system will. I would watch Kamala Harris long-term as she is a good symbol of Aquarius power, and of course Pluto goes into Aquarius next, as you know. Biden’s transits are difficult, but the difficulties are within his own party.

  46. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for this amazing website..I am just learning about astrology. I have a few factors at 27 degrees. What does this mean for me? Thanks

    1. Late degree factors in the chart are picked up by Pluto, a symbol of power. So you tend to find quite powerful and influential people turning up, or you realise you have a tremendous amount of power (say) through your job. When you realise you are in a powerful position, the best thing to do is hand the power back to people. Don’t take over or manipulate the strings as if you were a puppeteer. You will see this play out by March 2023, and on-off throughout 2023, but it’s over from 2024. Pluto transits are always pretty obvious; you can see the politics with other people a mile off; you can also spot Pluto people really easily. They take over. The gift of Pluto transits is a firmer grasp of your own potency and self-control, your own strong will and self-mastery.

  47. Hi Jessica,

    I’m a long time follower/reader. I am fascinated by astrology.
    Bear with me, I’m hoping I’m using the right terminology.
    I don’t have anything at 27 in Capricorn but my ascendant and Proserpina is at 16 degree Capricorn and I have a stellium in Scorpio. Does the end of Pluto in Capricorn affect any placements in Scorpio given the role of Pluto.

    Sun 01° scorpio
    mercury 24° scorpio
    venus 17° scorpio
    Uranus 20° scorpio

    1. You are a Sun Scorpio with just enough Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus to suggest a lifestyle change, work shift and budget reshape in 2022, 2023. It will work to your total advantage May-October 2022 and January-May 2023. It’s not just about a new way of working; it’s also about your health, wellbeing, mental health, fitness and day-to-day routine. This is the Sixth House of your chart in your solar horoscope but in your natal chart we also find the Virgo factors in your Sixth House receiving good aspects. For more on this cycle, look up the Sixth House in your flipbooks and in features here.

  48. Hello Jessica,

    I am very fascinated by your readings regarding the GOP and Trump.
    What do the stars say about those in the GOP who are blindly devoted to Trump?
    Especially those GOP-ers in southern states like Florida and Texas, I feel that they are doing all they can to impress this man. Hopefully, this blind devotion will cost them politically.

    Thanks for all you do .

    1. It’s not even about politics, so much as too much power and money concentrated among a few hands. And also in just one interest group – older white men. Whenever we see that kind of lopsided situation on this Pluto in Capricorn cycle, the system crashes but so do the people who run it. So that’s Trump and his voters, and his investors and Republican backers. I made some predictions a long time ago about the GOP if you want to search ‘Republican party’ on this website. Thank you.

  49. Hello Jessica,

    Thanks for such an insightful article on what to expect with Pluto in Aquarius. It will be interesting to see what happens to the world economy in this cycle. I would like your help and advice on my financial situation. It’s been tough for a couple of years now with my husband being unemployed and me starting an e-commerce store selling skincare products I make myself.

    I am heavily dependent on Facebook and other social media sources to bring in customers so I am nervous about what is going to happen there.

    Can you please shed some light on the financial instability I’ve been facing for the past two years? My husband (Sun, Mercury and Moon Capricorn) has been unemployed for 2 years and has just now got a contract but it doesn’t pay much. My business is growing but very slowly. What aspects of astrology is causing this and when will it end? Will we be able to buy a house in 2022? I’ve got so many other issues sorted in the past 2-3 years – being able to return to a city where the family lives, getting closer to my birth family, my kids are doing well in this city and country, I’ve seen myself maturing as a person and so is my husband. This adversity has made us go through a lot of growth. It’s just the everyday sadness of the financial instability that is affecting us. I did not let this affect my annual membership to your site though! I appreciate your insight into my situation.

    1. You are strongly Libra and also have an Aries pattern, so live in your Seventh House of marriage and First House of self-promotion. You sell skincare product on Facebook and your husband has been out of work for two years and now has a low salary for you to budget with. Have you considered a business partner? Strongly Libra women do very well with another person. Anita Roddick had a chart a little like yours. Her partner was her husband. The Body Shop obviously became a global success story. You will relaunch May-October, very successfully and your face will become your brand. Financial stability, a house purchase and debt eradication is easier in 2023, 2024, but 2022 is hard work and you’re not going to get stability with Uranus in Taurus. Not until 2026 anyway. Learning to live with constant surprises and chopping/changing with your life budget is something you’ll do well, once you let go of old ideas and old expectations and attitudes about houses, money and apartments. Look at a partner, though. Maybe someone has a home-made perfume business. Borrow Anita’s book from the library: Body and Soul. It’s many businesswomen’s bible. I met her once and she changed my life.

  50. Thank you Jessica. Insightful as usual.

    At the moment, Canada seems to be having a Pluto reckoning of sorts. A grassroots movement of working class truckers against government overreach – regarding emergency measures, mandates and freedom of movement. With amazing cross-cultural support.

    Despite the best efforts to taint the group, the smears continue to be debunked and the authorities end up looking worse for their efforts. Legacy media is clearly discounting the movement, if not outright sneering. To make up for that their absence, fascinating content being generated by average Canadians.

    This chimes so well with some of the changes you’ve been writing about for some time. Nicely done.

    Kind regards,


    1. Thank you, Patrick. I have friends in Canada, and cousins too, so I have been watching that situation from Australia. It is amazing how so many countries show the same patterns. People power that pulls in groups who normally lack power, pulling down the power base of the men at the top. It will continue and from March 2023, when we have that historic shift with Pluto in Aquarius, those faces at the top, and the system itself, will end. It hangs around for part of 2023 as Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, but from 2024 it is a different world. Aquarius is horizontal power spread across all classes, genders, ages, races. Capricorn is power from the top down, but the top is only there, because of the system that supports it. The other issue here (trucks) is purely Gemini and actually the long, long Mars Retrograde in Gemini in 2022-2023 will see a prolonged period of strike action so just be aware of that.

  51. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for this article. As always I appreciate all that you do for all of us on this site. Stay blessed!

    Jessica I have read this article with some trepidation – primarily because of the “hot spots” – 18 degrees of Taurus ( my IC is 18 Tauras; my MC is 18 Scorpio) & 27 degree capricorn – which is in an exact trine to my north node and panacea at 27 degree Virgo.

    Given I am in the midst of looking for a job, am financially wiped out, broke up for good last year with a toxic BF & have a terrible relationship with my parents who I am staying with ( & want to move out as soon as I get a job) – I certainly don’t need any more bad news! The upside is that this year I feel I have finally conquered my anxiety and mild depression & am ready to really move forward with my life!

    Is there anyway these alignments could be positive for me? What can I do to prepare ?

    Your guidance would be really appreciated; I don’t need any more shocks in my life!

    Thank as always

    1. Thank you. You are a strongly Virgo sort of Leo, who lives in the Sixth House (daily routine, lifestyle, daily exercise, workload, the housework, any dogs or cats at home, paid work, unpaid work, an academic career). You will find a new line of work if you are prepared to listen to who/what excites you. Not what you used to think or know. You will also save a lot of money, or make it, in 2022. The anxiety and mild depression are classic Virgo/Sixth House indicators. It’s good that you have beaten them. You could do a lot by looking up Virgo, Sixth House as this defines you – use Search and consult your flipbooks. The break-up was the right move, and you don’t need another partner for a while, though the partner who emerges later in 2023 or 2024 will change your life, and you will be part of a power couple if you can handle this person correctly. It sounds to me as if you are going around in circles – can’t get a job, don’t have any money, have to put up with the parents, this makes you feel worse, so it is harder to find the energy to get a job – and so on. Redefine what work means. It may be two jobs. It may be some unpaid work that gets you paid work later. It may be one paid gig, and a course that gives you higher market value in the workplace. There are answers there for you. The Tarot can help you. Part of the reason you are stuck with your parents is karmic; you have the South Node in Scorpio in your solar chart in the Fourth House of family in 2022, 2023. You owe them. Or they owe you. This goes back about 18-19 years and the karma has to be repaid. Once the karma has been settled, it will no longer be necessary for you to live with them. Again, the Tarot can help explain what the karma is.

  52. Thanks for your comment! Fascinating. I had never considered myself as a Virgo. Your comment is very spot on with the current events in my (work) life. Thanks again!

  53. Hello Jessica I have Mercury at 27 Capricorn. What does this mean for me work wise? I’m not too happy at the moment working for a boss who is very demanding. I have had a few health issues following Covid and want to move on but am wary of putting myself under more stress. What does my chart say around this? Great article again.

    1. You are strongly Capricorn and Aquarius so live in your Tenth House of ambition, status, success and achievement, but also your Eleventh House of friends and groups. Mercury at 27 Capricorn in your Tenth House describes how you communicate and connect, within the system, or the establishment/hierarchy; usually a corporation, sometimes another sort of structure. You are the messenger girl who links people, organisations or departments. Pluto in conjunction with that shows up as your demanding boss. This does not last but while it is there, your self-control and willpower will see you through. The boss is temporary; you and your health are permanent. If you have been through Covid-19 and still have health issues it is also illegal in many countries to force you to put your health at risk. Aquarius rules trade unions and professional associations; are you a member of yours, or eligible? It also rules support groups and you may want to join one online of other Covid survivors. Long-term your life will actually be with a group, team, society, association or club of some sort. In fact from March 2023 it will make you quite powerful.

  54. Hi Jessica, that makes very interesting reading thank you. I don’t have anything at 27 Capricorn but have Salacia at 28, mercury at 7 and ASC at 2, what does this mean for me? Had an awful time in a job in 2020 and it’s still hanging over me, I am hoping it will resolve in my favour.

    1. You are a Sun Sagittarius with a Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus chart signature so far more on terra firma than most Sagittarians, who prefer to live in other cultures or countries (or just do so, in their heads). The dodgy job experience is down to transiting Uranus in Taurus in your solar Sixth House of work, which entered in May 2018 and remains until 2026. You will find the universe compensates you for an awful time in 2020 once you get to 2023, 2024 and have stunning success, tempting offers or big promotions. The whole point of what happened, and what will continue to happen, is that you re-evaluate your salary or financial goals (rent, mortgage, investment, business) with new eyes and put a price on what money cannot buy. This ironically makes your life richer. So, for example, you cannot purchase self-respect or integrity, but you can earn them by refusing to put up with particular work situations. Over time you become ‘golden’ because of that and do in fact realise it was worth it, in the end. Yet, you also like money. You’ll make it or save it in 2023-2024.

  55. Thank you for this post, I have been looking for clues what the end of Pluto in Capricorn may bring to my life. Pluto is currently transiting my Moon in Capricorn at 26° in the 8th house. It’s been a growing experience alright, as soon as Pluto entered the 8th I had my first child and my Dad died within weeks.
    I’m about to start a new life as a single mum (but that could have something to do with my Uranus opposition), and am fretting about money and feeling safe, and playing the lottery like my life depends on it. In Scorpio I have Uranus at 13°in the 6th house but that’s too wide for the Pluto (and the conjunction with Mars and Venus happening soon) to affect it?

    1. Pluto is in your natal Tenth House, using the Natural House system, not your Eighth House (that is Scorpio) and you have five factors in Scorpio in the Eighth House, which Pluto picked up by sextile along the way. It should be a relief to know that the Eighth House does not bring death, though it can bring a legacy, or a new legacy that you make to others. This would be logical given your father passed away and you became a mother. You are now a single parent, worried about money, playing the lottery (why?) and should be happy to know you will make or save a lot of money May-October. This shows up in both charts I use for you.

  56. Am a Virgo Sun with Mercury @ 27 Virgo, …….Pluto@ 26 Virgo….. Neptune@28 Scorpio…..Mars @ 28 Leo Hygiea @ 27 Cancer and midheaven @ 29 Taurus… what to expect as pluto goes to his finishing line and for the 27 degrees stellium in Capricorn?

    1. The last days of Pluto in Capricorn in your natal Tenth House of career, unpaid career or academic career are much easier than the rest of the cycle. You no longer have to put up with Saturn and the South Node also in the Tenth House. Who/what had so much power in an unfair situation has lost it, no matter if you know that or not. The power has shifted in your favour. Yet, you still have to work out the final dynamics in 2022, 2023. From March 2023 a new phase begins.

  57. This is a great article Jessica. Thank you. As a Sun Capricorn with a stellium in Capricorn and Scorpio I feel that the next couple years for us are going to be very interesting. I could not be happier that Pluto will be moving on from Capricorn as I can only say it’s been brutal. I have one Capricorn factor at 25….so hoping I’m removed enough from the 27 where I won’t feel too much impact on my life. But professionally the last 2 years I’ve been feeling the power struggle between me and my managers. Me trying to do the job I was hired to do and them abusing the power by asking me to do other peoples jobs as those people are not qualified. If frustrating. I’m trying to humble myself and find the balance. Not be a doormat and overload myself…taking back my power. It’s a struggle. Ultimately I think this will work out like you said. Those who abuse power will fall. But goodbye Pluto for sure.

  58. Hi Jessica,

    The fall of the plutocrats sounds like very good news… what do you think leadership will look like in this new community and diversity driven world? My North Node is at 25° Capricorn 59′ 51″ R so Pluto is very close. What does this mean for me and my life purpose which I have still not figured out at almost 50? I also have both Sun and Moon in Cancer at around 18 degrees and you mentioned that Tuesday 2nd August, Venus is at 18 Cancer. Is that date significant?

    Thanks for all your insights!

    1. Thank you. Based on every other Pluto in Capricorn cycle ending, and every new Pluto in Aquarius cycle beginning, we always see people power (for the majority of people, against the ruling elite, by the people) winning. A good example is Christianity in the year 312, which was made legal by Constantine. This is the slow shift from Capricorn (top down control) to Aquarius (level across control) so we’ll see that happen very, very slowly from 2023. Christianity was a religion for the poor and for women. So that’s not really the handful of white male Plutocrats we have today!

  59. Thanks for insightful article Jessica. It is fascinating watching history unfold astrologically with THE falling of this over-privileged minority. I see the likes of Facebook, Trump and that member of the royal family going through their swansongs. Can’t wait till Pluto goes into Aquarius. Hopefully those powerful climate change deniers and those Governments who mismanaged COVID by putting profit before people’s health will be a passé too.

  60. Hi, Jessica. I so enjoy your site and your work though I am often overwhelmed by how little I understand the foreign language that is astrology. I am heavily Aries with multiple stelliums. I have contemplated retirement but all your insights about the coming financial changes have me concerned, plus I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself! Need I be worried? Thanks so much!

  61. Hi Jessica- I am a Gemini Sun at 27 degrees..what could you this mean for this Pluto Mercury exact aspect to my Natal Sun?

    Thank you and all the work you do!

    1. Pluto tends to appear as Presidents, Prime Ministers, Premiers, businessmen and other Plutocrats so perhaps the quincunx to your natal Gemini Sun makes you feel as if you are being heavily controlled against your will. That can happen. So it may be Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon or Facebook – given that Gemini rules the internet. Or maybe you feel as if your daily commute or your travel agenda is being controlled – Gemini rules transportation and regional/local tourism and business trips. If it’s not political or corporate, the power you see may be personal, so this could be a boss, or colleague, or the local bus company. The main thing about Pluto in transit is – it doesn’t last. We also know the cycles really well, as they happen about every 248 years in history. So you find the Plutocracy falls away, either because there is some kind of conversion in policy, belief and attitudes, or because there is political defeat, disabling illness or even death. That can happen too. Plutocrats tend to get ‘Plutoed’ if they act out the drama. The Roman Empire began to crumble on one such cycle. So did particular Roman emperors. Often, they were done in by their own side!

  62. Dear Jessica, I see that Pluto is at 27 degrees in Capricorn in my current astrological chart – what does that mean for me?

    It’s been a strange month – despite taking every precaution possible, me, then my husband and older son – contracted Covid. After two years of dodging the virus, it’s been like a slap in the face for me personally. Apparently we’ve been lucky as our symptoms are little more than a regular cold but I’m in a very bad place emotionally as I feel I’ve never taken this virus lightly and have always stuck to Covid appropriate behavior.

    And strangely, at this difficult time, a house I’d inherited from my late father and which I’ve wanted to sell, has a buyer willing to take the deal as early as next week. I can’t seem to figure out if this is a good time or a bad time for me – would be very grateful for any pointers.

    On another note, I’m tracking the news in my country (India) and I’d love to send you some links which confirm your earlier predictions. Tensions between communities are being drummed up by a right-wing government intent on clinging to power. People are getting angry, fed up as they have little good news coming in. The young of our country are desperate for better days ahead. I watch my two sons serenely coping with all that has been thrown at them and bless their spirit. I hope, like you’d predicted earlier, that they will be at part of a group of young people who will help this country and world heal.

    1. I am sorry you, your son and husband all had Covid-19. At the same time your late father’s home has found a buyer. This all sounds like Cancer/Fourth House stuff and you have your Sun at 26 Cancer under opposition from transiting Pluto at 26, 27 Capricorn. That can only happen once every 248 years or so. I am not surprised you feel emotional. Cancer is an emotional water sign; your Sun is there, so your whole identity and public face is bound up with being a wife and mother, but also a daughter to your late father, and you are finding the most intense reminders of mortality, I guess. Thank goodness you all had mild symptoms, but Pluto is traditionally a symbol of the ruler of the underworld, where departed Roman souls went. It is very common in astrology for a Pluto opposition to confront us with the underworld, if you like. That is the way a Roman would have seen it. They had plagues too. Use your Garden Oracle to find the best way through this intense situation. You may also want to wait until Mercury Retrograde is over (late February) and perhaps Venus Retrograde (early March) until you can say you have thoroughly been over every detail of the house offer and give yourself enough time for all the variables that can occur. India is an interesting one. She is moving towards Aquarian weather with a heavily Aquarian generation, like your sons, but it is slow. Astrology doesn’t really do politics, but if you have all the power concentrated at the top, along with all the money, that is a take-down waiting to happen. One look at Roman history on the same cycle tells you that, actually. People power is rising and it will be evident in India as it is around the world from March 2023.

  63. Hello Jessica, all these years of this Pluto Transit have been so stressful but yet, at the same time (after overcoming each situation) I felt empowered and I’ve learned so much.
    I was told I live on a Pluto line.
    But after all this… I just want to move so bad!!!! My husband can retire in April (this year) after 25 years in the union but he insists on working one extra year. So now it’s 2023. Seems like an eternity. Can you look at my chart and tell me if we really will move then?
    My husband is a Virgo with Sagittarius rising and a Aries moon Venus in Cancer.
    This was his father’s house and we inherited it many many years ago but I’m afraid he’s very attached to it and on top of that he’s a workaholic and I’m afraid we may never move.

    1. You have a stellium in Gemini and Cancer, and the latter has been very tough for you, as Pluto has been in opposition to your Cancer stellium since 2008, as you know, and every 28 days Pluto is in an opposition with the Moon, which rules Cancer, actually in Cancer, in your Fourth House of home, household, home town, family, property and homeland. So this is not so much living on a Pluto line (I have never found astrocartography to work, to be honest) but dealing with years of regular challenges, even if it’s only for a few hours every 28/29 days. Your husband’s retirement tallies with the timing. As you know, Pluto is going. I would be astonished if you don’t move or completely change your household/family situation when Jupiter goes to Cancer in 2025, 2026. That does not mean you wait until then to shift, necessarily, but it does mean the most fantastic turnaround in your fortunes with a particular house or apartment, land, a garden, and also your family. Use the Tarot to validate that and see what your other options are in 2022.

  64. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jessica. I hope you are feeling much love. I am heavily Aries with multiple stelliums which confuse me. I have contemplated retirement but all your insights about the coming financial changes have me concerned. I seem to have buried my self in work finding solace in its altruistic impact, but sometimes I wonder if I use work as a shield to protect myself from doing the laborious and too often unsatisfying work of finding a true companion, if one exists. Any insights will be most helpful. Grateful, ALT

    1. Thank you. You want to retire and you wonder if you’ll find a lover. You are a Sun Aries, heavily Aries in fact, with a stellium in Libra. Of course you can retire on these financial cycles, you just have to surf, not stand firm in the sand and assume the tide won’t change. It will, until 2026, and you’ll gain in both 2023 and 2024, actually, as Jupiter (solutions, growth, expansion, good fortune) goes through Taurus in your Second House of money and property. Swings and roundabouts in 2022, 2023 nicely describes it. I expect you will retire or even find a different professional role/unpaid work role in 2022, 2023 as Jupiter goes through Aries first and your First House of branding, title, reputation, appearance. It wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see that. You will have opportunities to pair up and partner up all your life, with that Libra stellium, and any number of duets are possible. The transits will always sextile and trine those Libra placements of yours, so true companions, plural, are there for years stretching into the future. Not always sexual. Sometimes platonic. Sometimes pure friendship, but ‘two’ will always work for you and be available at regular intervals.

  65. Hi Jessica,
    I just came across your article and it is full of potentially Earth-shattering insights. How can I best navigate the coming months with Pluto in Leo? I used to think that Pluto was my rising sign but I understand that in your house system it seems to be in the 4th house. I am moving – to the other side of the world – in May this year. Any insights that you can provide about this, given the transits, would be so welcome. Thanks!

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Taurus with the Sun in the natal Second House of money with the North Node at 26 Sagittarius in the natal Ninth House of emigration. The South Node is in your natal Third House of local journeys, siblings and the worldwide web. You are emigrating in May. This shows up in your chart, as there is a huge and radical change with your income, currency, shopping, possessions, home in 2022. It doesn’t get more radical than a new country. You are going to have to research, in great detail, your car, public transport, domestic travel (if it exists in a pandemic for you) in your new destination. You have Ceres at 26 Gemini, right on that lunar node axis, on 6th, 7th May so there is karma here from another lifetime, actually. You have emigrated before. Do you have a brother, sister or cousin? That person may well be a past life connection which is more obvious at that time. Mars will retrograde very close to that 26 Gemini and 26 Sagittarius spot, which is why I raise the issue of thoroughly researching how you are going to commute, for a start. You may also want to research your internet provider, your telephone (all ruled by Gemini) and so on, in the new destination.

  66. Hi Jessica, hope you are well. Another great read…watching out for the given dates with intrigue.

    I am a capricorn…not sure that is a good thing right now. Currently living with parents after a relationship breakdown & what feels like starting all over again!!
    I am torn between which way to go next, I’m wanting new work, or to retrain but can’t afford to step back from full time work.
    I’m under pressure to move on & buy a house, but live in a place where housing is in short supply & prices are going through the roof (Anglesey, North Wales UK) Also as a singleton I find it now risky & possibly unaffordable…Do you see the housing market changing?
    I am trying to be positive moving forward & keep coming up against brickwalls. Is there a breakthrough?
    I am aware the current situation is affecting everyone & I do hope there is light at the end of the tunnel?
    Thank you

  67. Hi Jessica,
    I’m curious what you see for my partner, 21 Nov, 63. I believe he also has his moon in Capricorn.
    He’s an awfully greedy person who has been shaming and guilt tripping me from using his car “our family car” for work and instead has been using it for himself for a second source of income. One minute he says I need to work, the next he reassures me that he can make the same amount I am in half the time and tells me I’m depriving him of getting out there and working for the family. Long story short, I’ve found out that he has been saving thousands privately. Whilst he pays the essentials ‘rent/groceries, majority of bills’, everything else I cover to the point that I cannot afford to save…and he is…I can’t have a conversation with him, there’s no such thing. He gets angry, defensive and avoidant. I am trapped by my own poverty and don’t know what to do. I want to work a few days a week, but I have no car ‘of my own’, therefore I have to knock back jobs that I otherwise might have had the chance to build upon.
    In terms of transportation for myself and the ‘downfall of Plutonions’, where do you see him going with this? I’m trying to keep my head above water, but being denied the basics and the simplest of pleasures in life, has me feeling so utterly hopeless and helpless to navigate a way through.
    Thank you.

    1. You have a rocky marriage, remembering other questions, and always say you feel hopeless and helpless to find a way through or out. You are the only person who can get out, and it depends on your own income. You need a car so have to refuse jobs which would pay you, as he is controlling you via that vehicle. So we go back to the Second House (Taurus) and Eighth House (Scorpio) of finance. This will sort itself out one way or another in 2022, 2023 as the lunar nodes go across Taurus and Scorpio, and of course it may be him who walks. Uranus at 17 Taurus going over your Sun (transiting Uranus conjunction Sun) at 17 degrees is June 2022, very near tax time/end of the financial year – if you are in fact in Australia. I don’t know where you live. That is a sudden, unexpected, upheaval and it’s about the house, apartment, money or possessions – and it represents new freedom, independence and space. That is stage one. We then have Uranus back on your Sun in October 2022, another major financial period for him/you. The final pass is April 2023. If there is anything fixed, stuck, stubborn about your attitude towards money and property, try to release that and see what/who pops up in its place. You can use your Tarot here to help you analyse that. As I said, what comes will be (possibly) the last thing you thought you would ever find yourself doing, or the last thing you expected would ever happen, but Uranus in a rare conjunction with the natal Sun has a funny habit of flipping the known world. Freedom is always the result.

  68. Hi Jessica – would love your insight into a chance to buy our home soon?

    We have been living the nomad life, with our stuff in storage since 2018, and we lost a bid on a great home on February 8th. It has been a stressful month with health issues and my Dad in the hospital, mom was in an accident hit by a drunk driver – it seems never ending. Managed to bring Dad home from the hospital a day before his 90th birthday on the 7th, he is desperate to come and live with us (they live in Florida), so he can be with family. I am heartbroken to have lost the bid on the house that could accommodate my parents and feel like I am racing against time with Dad now in home hospice. The stress is starting to impact my health. I am trying to stay calm and practice gratitude, but my heart and mind cannot seem to settle.

    Your insights would help clear my head. The house situation is unbearable and the real estate market is out of control as we know.

    Thank you!

    1. I am so sorry about your father’s hospital stay and the drunk driver who hit your mother – how awful – I hope the police threw the book at that person. Your father is now in home hospice and they both want to live with you – in a dodgy real estate market.

      1. This is too odd. Mercury Retrograde and I am replying to my own question. Hang on everybody I will get back into this in a moment! Jessica.

    2. I am so sorry about your father’s hospital stay and the drunk driver who hit your mother – how awful – I hope the police threw the book at that person. Your father is now in home hospice and they both want to live with you – in a dodgy real estate market. You are a Sun Libra who has two retrograde cycles (backwards, stuck) in her solar Fourth House of parents and property. That ends on March 2nd when wheels will go around. The end of the bigger overall cycle with Pluto (total change) is March 23rd 2023, when you get a break, and from 2024 it is completely over. So don’t sweat the interim. This is long-haul change and your grandparents and great-grandparents on both sides are also involved – in spirit. Light a candle and ask them for help. Your father’s father, and mother, for example. This affects the whole family. I would say you were given a lucky break by losing the house bid. There is a superior option for you, given the long-term picture of 2023, 2024 and that will appear after March 2nd – with a likely decision at the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16th. These awful episodes have made you all closer, emotionally, and the core of the family relationships has been deepened and intensified. This is necessary before the big sign-off for all of you, which much as we’d love to avoid, has to come by the 123rd birthday! (The world’s oldest person). So the deeper reason for the drunk-driver hit and the lost bid is that you collectively experience richer emotional truths about each other and that is what you will all remember long after questions about actual houses or apartments have vanished. This does work out. Find meditation techniques on YouTube that release your anxiety; the physical condition known as anxiety always colours your thoughts and it does not help. It can be removed with technique.

  69. I’m impressed- but got a little confused. You’ve mention Facebook will change permanently, their Libra coin and that they will make a lot of money- but also that Facebook is going down- will it be permanent damage for shareholders? All my moms savings there

    1. Why on earth has your mother put her life’s savings into Facebook? I’m afraid I can’t see your birth chart here and all financial questions are relevant to the person. Some will gain when Facebook dives (cheap shares or secret bets). Some will lose. It’s really about your own chart and how it’s tied in.

  70. Hi Jessica,
    Such an interesting read, it is February the 15th as I read this and I have heard of Zuckerberg turning up for meetings after the crash- red eyed.
    I have 5-6 planets in Capricorn, what can I expect from this season.


    1. Thank you. We have to thank George Orwell for creating a book about sinister screens that put the population under surveillance, with 1984 – Mark Zuckerberg’s year of birth. Just knowing that, we know the rest. Joanne, Venus right at the end of Capricorn suggests a big finish to this career, academic career or unpaid work cycle for you, as transiting Pluto (the transformation, the end of the known world, the start of the new world) is at 27, 28, 29 Capricorn until March next year, and will flip back there frequently in 2023. Venus has complicated relationships with her employer, staff, clients, professors, fellow students or volunteers. They are mother-son based, or husband-wife, or sexual and illicit. This is how Venus relates: she keeps her lingerie at work, as she inhabits your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission. She relates better to males than females and is never bored, nor boring, but seduction in all its forms is not always best suited to strictly professional life. Pluto across that suggests you will be taken over and dominated by people or organisations, for a short time. Use your willpower to find empowerment and your self-control to take back control. Sometimes the Tenth House is about trophy marriage (Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch) and not work. So, Venus there can also suggest power plays.

  71. Hi Jessica, hope you are well. Another great read…watching out for the given dates with intrigue.

    I am a capricorn…not sure that is a good thing right now. I am currently living with parents & in a frustrating situation that feels like I’m starting all over again!!
    I am torn between which way to go next, I’m unhappy in my current job & wanting new work or to retrain for a new career but can’t afford to step back from full time work.
    I’m also under pressure to move on & buy a house, but live in a place where housing is in short supply & prices are going through the roof (Anglesey, UK)
    Also as a singleton I’m worried that may be risky & possibly unaffordable…Do you see this changing?
    I am trying to be positive moving forward, keeping my options open but keep coming up against brickwalls. Is there a breakthrough? I Would be very grateful for your insight. I am aware the current situation is affecting everyone & I do hope there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you. As a Sun Capricorn you have Chiron in Aries in your Fourth House of parents and property, waiting for Jupiter to enter Aries on May 11th 2022 which will solve all your problems until October 28th, then again (second wave of solutions, opportunities) from December 21st, just before Christmas, until May 16th 2023, next year. This gets better in stages. For whatever reason, there will be answers about a place to live, and also your Mum and Dad, during those time-frames. It’s not going to take away the financial obstacle course, just yet, but that vanishes on March 7th 2023 when Saturn leaves Aquarius. There are many, many different ways this could improve for you. Have a look at The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle, the Smith-Waite Tarot on this website and follow the steps. These cards will validate and expand on those dates for you. The work situation will involve promotions, compromises over the control you have, demotions, new deals on hours/days or mergers for you by May 15th this year as Ceres goes through Gemini and your solar Sixth House. So nothing is stuck here; it’s all about changes.

  72. Hello Jessica,

    I wasn’t sure where to post this as it’s part Capricorn / Pluto and part Garden Oracle. I did ask earlier about what I could expect from Pluto on my Sun 27 Cap. Well, I’m starting to find out. I wonder if this is what I can expect for the rest of the year?

    I joined a new project at work in Jan and have experienced some really dispiriting situations with some males. A supplier has clearly tried to play God with me and some male colleagues have unwittingly, I believe, facilitated this by not sufficiently challenging the male in question. The amount of “in his defence”, “to be fair”, “I always got along fine with him”, and the classic “did you ask your questions aggressively” Arrrrgh! After 6 weeks of navigating this group dynamic, and 3 weeks of enduring a joy sapping put down whereby I’m sidelined and marginalized I pushed back.
    So, with a meeting coming up today with chief facilitator and others I thought to draw a card. Too my amazement I drew ‘I am Woman’ “This answer usually turns up when you’re put in a situation which reminds you of the Helen Reddy anthem A Am Woman….you will now confront an archetypal issue about equality in a very personal way……there may be concerns about your voice as a woman being heard”. In essence, stop hiding your light and bl@@dy well shine. So, for starters I roared.
    Amazing eh!! I’m quite liking the Garden cards.

    I feel very uncomfortable in the glare, but glad I pushed back.

    T x

    1. The Garden Oracle is about planting and growing, as much as anything else, so when you pulled I Am Woman, you were shown a message to nurture and develop your femininity, but without forgetting feminism. You have been put in a patriarchy at work with someone playing God (oh dear) and the men backing him. Have a look at what the Tarot says, on top of that, and also The Astrology Oracle. If it’s any comfort you are in the final full year of Pluto in Capricorn and of course the dinosaurs tend to hang on tighter when they know extinction is imminent. Pluto in Aquarius brings women into power, from March 2023 – and you’ll be one of them – when you find the right people and place in the world.

  73. Hi Jessica,

    I have a Leo moon at 18 degrees so would have a T square when Uranus in Taurus has the square with Saturn in Aquarius in October. I’m a Gemini sun. What could this mean for me? I’m a bit uneasy about Saturn opposing my moon as it is. I don’t know if you take rising signs into account but if you do mine is Cancer.

    Warm Wishes


    1. Thanks Lesley, I have answered you elsewhere. Rising Signs are so unimportant in astrology. I am always amazed when teenage Tik-Tok astrologers bang on about them so much. It’s basically like talking about a wig, or a pair of shoes. The Moon is far more important, of course – but see the answer in another post.

  74. Dear Jessica, Pluto in Aquarius sounds much better! I have my sun @ 27 Aquarius- how do you see the Pluto transit effecting me? Also Jupiter close by @29 Aquarius

    1. It will take years for Pluto to form a conjunction with your natal Sun and Jupiter so 2040 and the early 2040’s – I will be a very old astrologer by then, but come back to me. We may be talking in holograms (the early 2040’s will relaunch your name and reputation).

  75. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for writing this post. As an American, it gives me hope for the future.

    I do have a question about my chart. My MC is 18 degrees Taurus; I don’t have any planets in Taurus or aspecting my MC. How will I fare in July- August of this year?

    Many thanks for all you do!

    1. Thank you. You’re not logged in, so I can’t see the full chart, but if you do have the MC at 18 Taurus and your birth time is correct, Uranus at 18 Taurus will radically change your role, goals, position, mission and ambition. This will be tied to the salary you have, any unpaid or voluntary efforts, or the actual career, if it is in finance, property, philanthropy, retail, business, trade. Uranus liberates. What happens will turn your world upside-down and there is no point in predicting it. Uranus is literally unpredictable. Yet it will give you space, independence and a dramatic new beginning. As I said, this depends on your birth time being accurate.

  76. Hi Jessica
    I am a sun cancer which opposes Capricorn. I am struggling with work right now and am wondering when i will be successful in finding a new job? I was offered a new position two weeks ago however, the location required a long commute.
    I would be grateful if you advise any time periods which may assist in me finding a new job and how long this struggle with work is likely to last.
    Thanking you greatly!

    1. You will be offered a new role May-October. It will happen very quickly and you’ll likely snap it up. You could take a new job before then but see a promotion or superior offer elsewhere after May, or if you are still looking, at least know that mid-year changes your fortunes for the better. The Garden Oracle on here can help you with that.

  77. I am a Capricorn Sun. I remember when Pluto moved into Capricorn because a friend was learning/practicing astrology. I wasn’t into it at that point but she made such a big deal about it I decided to do some research and see if anything panned out. Not personally but globally. It seems the minute Pluto went into Capricorn poop hit the fan. We had the huge BAIL OUT in USA, the Catholic priests were being called out for sexual transgression and so much more. I never really thought about how it applied to me personally as a Cap Sun. I have to reflect back on these past 14 years to see how and where I’ve changed in my life and my thinking. Some changes are so subtle we don’t notice until we do some serious reflection or someone else points it out to us. So now that Pluto will be going into my natal 2nd house, how does that augur for my financial situation? Thanks Jessica!

    1. For you and all Sun Capricorns, Pluto’s ingress into your Second House of finance in March 2023 suggests the start of a very long money and property cycle, taking you to 2043, so about 20 years, when you must look at the legacy which names you, left to you by a parent (say) or other relative. There are huge questions here about who or what is in control. This is the cycle when sometimes mothers will cut children out of a will, if they feel that the money would be spent on alcohol or drugs, for example, or spent on in-laws she does not approve of. This is just one case that springs to mind. This obviously is quite different to you. It can also happen when there is a new sexual/financial relationship on offer, but all the power is with the other person. This can lead to a very difficult marriage, divorce and sometimes sole parenthood. Thus, it’s a really smart move to be aware of who/what is on the landscape before the transit begins. Especially if things go in writing. And to be aware of that, just for the first few years that Pluto is in Aquarius. Money is power.

  78. Hi Jessica,
    I drew Five of Wands – I’m searching for like minds and may have found one. And
    Pluto and second house – I’m being honest about my concerns of returning to an office environment that I’m not certain is safe and this is now highlighting me as a ‘problem’ . Gawd – where is that duvet?
    T x

  79. PS to add on to my initial comment. So Pluto will be going into Aquarius, my natal second house in March 2023. This will be in the natal 2nd house, I know the second house is values, money, etc. But isn’t also about our mouth, what we take in and what comes out? I am wondering if this will be start of an evolution in the way I speak, communicate, what I choose to or not to eat, etc. Globally, in the 11th house of groups and friends. Maybe we start learning to broaden our acceptance of each other and our group becomes more global. Pluto always breaks down foundations, does away with what doesn’t work and builds new foundations. I think we are seeing a preview of what’s to come with global outcry against corrupt governments, like Belarus for example. Aquarius is about the group, the common good. I always thought of Aq as a water sign because of the glyph but now realize that is water pouring out for all. Spiritually and in the bible water also represents consciouness so maybe this glyph also represents mass consciouness, I don’t know. I am no astrologer I am just throwing my thoughts out here. I really am going to be more cognizant of Pluto in my 2nd house and see what pesonal changes happen as well as in the global 11th house. I didn’t really pay attention while it was in my sun sign but it will come back for a bit in 2023, maybe to remind me what I forgot, or show me what I missed? I still feel, maybe intuitively for me, this will be more about what I say and how I say it and what I choose to eat or not eat. Cheers!

    1. Yes, as a Sun Capricorn you have Pluto entering your Second House (Solar Chart) of money, business, charity, property, possessions in March 2023. At the same time you have Uranus in your natal (birth) chart in the Second House, slowly but surely opposing all your Scorpio factors in the natal Eighth House of joint finance. This is not about food. It is about family or partners, and the financial paperwork with them. Before you get to this transit in 2023 you may want to go over what has been put in writing.

  80. Hi. I’m Gemini but have moon at 18 degrees Leo so in October the Uranus square with Saturn will directly square and oppose my moon. I’m nervous.

    Love your blogs by the way

    1. Thank you. Saturn at 18 Aquarius and Uranus at 18 Taurus will aspect your Moon at 18 Leo in the Fifth House of parenthood, substitute parenthood, and the generation gap with those younger than yourself. Sexual relationships which may produce babies, or result in marriage (and stepchildren) are also Fifth House matters. You don’t say if you are a mother or not. As a general rule, reduce and streamline the role that babies, children, teenagers, young adults have in your life, in 2022. The less you have to deal with in October, the more simple life will be. You wouldn’t make that the month you fell pregnant, for example, or tried to get custody of a child, or accepted a role as the teacher in a school. It’s hard to say more without a chart or without you telling me anything about yourself; use the Tarot to validate and negotiate your destiny. There is no reason to be nervous – that is what astrology and Tarot are for!

  81. Hello,
    I am in a big turning point in my career, and I keep pulling The Wheel of Fortune as a tarot indicator. Absolutely no idea how to turn this into practical action in terms of where to go with my career. I sold my events company in 2020 and wanting to do something completely different. Don’t have an idea of how to action this. I have north node in taurus, sun pisces, venus pisces, jupiter pisces, mercury pisces, neptune in capricorn lots of aroha from new zealand

    1. The Wheel of Fortune points to academia, education, publishing, the book world, libraries and so on – surrounding the situation. At the centre is a constant merry-go-round of uncertainty. I don’t really think you want that. You are being shown a really unpredictable life (for whatever time frame you chose) based on your state of mind when you gave yourself the readings. So you need to alter your state of mind. That’s huge. It takes time and a lot of questioning. Once you have a new angle and attitude, read again. At the moment, I would say you were headed for some kind of study or training, with an eye on a new career, yet you were doing it at the wrong time, or in such a way, that everything was constantly topsy-turvy. You may want to settle, focus and go with a new angle and see where it takes you. Waving to New Zealand from Tasmania.

  82. Jessica, First of all thank you very much for your articles, for your feedback and thank you God for your existence. I have these below factors in my birth chart: Moon 29° Gemini 24′ 53″ Uranus 28° Libra 57′ 12″ Pluto 07° Libra 58′ 33″ Jupiter 07° Pisces 59′ 14″ Panacea 10° Capricorn 18′ 05″ How this builds up: A very strong 6 planet Conjunction will build up in the sign of Capricorn all through February 2022 culminating into a 6 planet conjunction on 28th February & 1st March 2022. The planets involved are: 1. Saturn 2. Venus re-entered Capricorn 3. Mars – in close conjunction with Venus 4. Mercury 5. Moon 6. Pluto – the karmic planet whose participation makes this 6 planet conjunction so important. What do you see how will the End of Pluto in Capricorn and 6 planets effect me my home, my finance, my health as I feel stress of the universe and feel as I can only wake up go to work come back however stress and trauma are present and anexiety from what is going to happen next in the world and in my universe where I reside in USA and will I be able to hold on to this current job? What else is coming towards me this year. Thank you very much

    1. Thank you. You are living with anxiety which is a challenge. Anxiety is an illness which can make anything seem a bigger deal than it really is. If you have not seen a doctor or alternative healer about anxiety now is the time. Clinical studies show walking is excellent for the condition but so is meditation. So never mind astrology, start with your actual physical constitution and understand that your parasympathetic nervous system does influence how you think – what your mind does – and it can be hard work unless you find a way to get the balance back. Looking at your chart, you have transiting Pluto at 28, 29 Capricorn making aspects to your natal Moon in Gemini and Uranus in Libra. That is what to focus on. This is a powerful employer or boss/superior who challenges you. Pure and simple. How do you cope? You use your self-discipline and self-control to find the willpower to become powerful within yourself. Resistance is very important. It doesn’t last long. Yet it will change you and you will develop a potent sense of identity and certainty about yourself that will never go away. These people or organisations never last.

  83. Hi Jessica,

    Sorry my previous message got cut off in places. My chart has the following factors between the degrees of 25-29:

    Saturn 25° Aries
    Uranus 27° Virgo
    ASC 25° Aries
    DESC 25° Libra
    Salacia 25° Capricorn
    Cupido 28° Leo

    Are you able to tell me how this affects me? Thank you so much.

    1. Saturn is square Salacia, exactly, so you were born with the need to protect your reputation and safeguard your appearance, but it’s hard to square with the need to escape from the real world professionally, or in your academic career, or with unpaid work. It’s a productive tension and trying to make it work, all your life, will lead to some creative solutions. It’s been more intense lately because transiting Pluto has been going over 25 Capricorn, but that cycle is going, going, gone as you’ve seen.

  84. Dear Jessica,
    It seems that the madness in Ukraine is not stopping, on the contrary, an even worse action is planned. When and how could this messy job end?


    1. Martin, all the evidence points to continued global economic damage for Russia and for Russians and that will be the deciding factor. This is going to be about the money – literally the bottom line – and The Magnitsky Act will be used in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. It’s only a matter of time. You’d have to suspect at any point after April 13th actually when Mercury (the paperwork) goes into Taurus (finances, trade, currency).

  85. Thanks Jessica, I was wondering haw the end of Pluto in Cap will pan out, it all makes sense. My 9th house Venus is at 29 Cap with Sun/Mercury/ Lilith between 19 and 22 deg Aqua on my MC, Taurus rising at 18 degrees so it looks like I will be in for an interesting ride as well, bit scary though.

    1. You use a different house system to me and also use Lilith, which is not in the Roman family tree of astrology. However, Venus at 29 Capricorn can be interpreted. It’s in your Tenth House and she is about complicated relationships. The Tenth House is your career, academic career or unpaid work, so you tend to have family or marital style bonds with, say, the boss, the staff, your professor, your classmates and so on. Venus is a symbol of seduction, but also intense complication – mother and son among them. When Pluto comes along your old patterns of relating professionally, academically or with the non-profit sector are challenged to change. Self-control will give you control, then.

  86. Hi Jessica,
    I have been struggling with a chronic allergy problem for the past nine years which has had an impact on every part of my life and although I have been trying to read my birth chart I find it difficult to understand. I just wondered if you could tell me if I would ever recover completely from this issue or if my health would at least improve anytime soon? I’m sorry to focus on something so trivial when there are so many serious issues on a global scale but it is impacting on my family life and I am desperate to put my health issues behind me so that I can focus completely on supporting other family members instead. Thank you very much!

    1. I am sorry about your allergy problem which must be so hard for you to live with. Vesta, Proserpina and Bacchus are in Virgo in your Sixth House of health. Vesta describes situations, affecting your health and wellbeing, where there is one male, and two or more females. So often, a husband and father with daughters. Or, a man with an ex-wife who lets her stay in his life, along with his new girlfriend. You get the picture. For whatever reason, this has an impact on your health and wellbeing. More obviously, Proserpina is a symbol of the go-between who goes between one rather powerful persona and organisation, and another, in the health or medical sphere. You are a human bridge for two individuals, or perhaps two institutions or groups. Finally, Bacchus is about food and wine. So that is a good clue. I assume you have checked out every aspect of everything you eat and drink, in your quest to eliminate the sources of your allergy? I’m sure you know Bacchus ruled the grape in Rome, but he also ruled Bacchanalia, which was hedonistic feasting on all kinds of food, but also hedonistic sex. So we might include sex in there too, which seems fair. In astrology you line everything up to try and find the cause, or the reason, for a health issue. You’ve mentioned family quite a bit. Vesta does turn up in families where one male has the power and control, and the females dance around him – a harem political situation. Proserpina was the daughter of a controlling mother, and the wife of a controlling husband. In the end she went between both of them. Sometimes astrology can be pure synchronicity, which is why I mention it. Have a look at the Tarot and see what it tells you. In astrology the issue is never the body by itself. It is always the soul and spirit, and what your inner, core self wants or needs – and how an allergy can help you get it. That may sound peculiar and I hope it’s not annoying to read, but if you have had allergies for nine years, they must be serving you on some level. The Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle can also help you decode it. Then solutions come – I hope they do for you.

  87. Hi Jessica!

    If I’m 29 cancer sun with 27 cap moon 9 cap rising should I read your cancer horoscopes or Leo ? I’ve always read the Capricorn horoscope because I have so much Capricorn , but I’ve seen you have said the rising sign is not important. What if one is almost a Leo though … I’m very cuspy in my entire chart ! I guess I identify more with Capricorn than cancer …. Maybe though it’s just because Capricorn gives me focus on my art business.
    If 27 Pluto cap is bringing down capricorns …. Do you think my house will fall down in a Los Angeles earthquake ?

    1. Just read your Sun Sign as these are Solar House charts. You’re a Cancerian. And Pluto at 27 Capricorn in conjunction with your Moon at 27 Capricorn is about your profession, unpaid vocation or academic career. You have an emotional need – to be needed – in those spheres. That will transform under this transit.

  88. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your insights. Me and my husband have a company together, (several different locations as franchise last 12 years). I could write an essay about what has been happening the last year (New franchisor) and with that and all the stress with covid (for company). I want to know what you can read in my companys future since we are waiting for new agreements with franchisor? And will it be a profitable cooperation?

    On the side I want to look for a new job in HR since I have been working from home last seven years and I want to have colleagues. Is it a good time for me to search for a new job? I feel very nervous if I am attractive on todays labor market or if it will be a stretch searching/going to job interviews. When is a good time?

    Thank you

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Aquarian with a Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House of career and professional life, so what happens with your company strongly affects your happiness and peace of mind. You will make or save a lot of money in 2022, until May, and then again from October to December. As I don’t have the chart for your husband or the franchise, it’s impossible to say if the profits or huge savings come from that, or from another different source. Your own career will be strongly influenced by life as it was 18-19 years ago. You are owed, karmically, from that time – or you owe other people, karmically, or the universe. Often the karma on this cycle is played out spiritually, with the universe. So, for example, if you worked in Human Resources 18-19 years ago and helped interns, or worked as a mentor, you may have piled up the good karma and are now due ‘payment’. If, on the other hand, you need to settle the karmic scoresheet with the universe, that will happen too. The years 2022 and 2023 are the most complex for you in terms of your career, but you will be pleased to know that from 2024 and for years into the future, work will never be such hard work again, for whatever reason.

  89. Hi Jessica,
    I wasn’t sure where to ask this question, so I will try here.
    I am in California at the moment – the mask mandates are gone, companies are opening up shortly. I’ve been working from home during the pandemic, but will be expected to go to the office in April. This is stressing me out because I think we are being overly optimistic. Also, based on your prediction – I do believe the virus isn’t magically going to disappear. I have had a bad reaction to the 2nd dose of Pfizer (couldn’t walk for months without losing breath, heart palpitations, etc) and have been putting off getting the booster shot, but I think I can no longer get away with it. Do you see another wave of a dangerous Covid-19 strain coming in anytime soon? I intend to wear the N-95 mask to work everyday, but considering every one else will be without a mask – I am not sure that will be enough to protect me.

    1. You are a Cancerian with Ceres in Virgo in the Sixth House, so work and health are areas where you must compromise all your life. However, you do not have to compromise over COVID-19. Are you seeking to negotiate working from home with your employer, or looking for a new job where they let you do that? Your chances of getting what you want are excellent May-October and again in the first quarter of 2023 when you have Jupiter (solutions) in Aries in your solar Tenth House (career) for the first time in 12 years. I see President Biden has made masks mandatory again on flights. This is in response to the new BA.2 variant of COVID-19 which infects people as fast as measles. You are in a really good position to get what you want from an employer who is intelligent enough to see this virus needs tight management. May is not far off. You’ll see a lot of professional astrologers talking to Cancerians about career solutions from that point forward. Go for what you need. With Ceres in Virgo you would never be satisfied by giving in to what other people want. You’ve been very ill with Pfizer. You need to work from home, and in fact, can.

  90. Hi Jessica,
    I’m temporarily acting as a manager and two employees separately burst into tears when I asked them how they were today. I was supportive, and in general aim to empower staff so came away feeling proud of myself. (My confidence was shaken after having an underperforming staff member-remember the one who disappeared for hours at a time? He was asked not to reapply for his role by another manager so it wasn’t just me!) Anyway I noticed Pluto has just gone into 28 Capricorn. My Sun and Aesculpia are 28 Cancer, Uranus is 28 Libra and Chiron at 28 Aries plus I’ve lots of factors including my nodes at 29 degrees. I feel like this is the start of something so would be grateful if you could share your astrological and psychic insights with me. All the best.

    1. You are a Cancerian with a Mercury-Moon opposition from Cancer to Capricorn so that family feeling most people get with relatives, is something you get from work. Acting as a manager does suggest staff will cry – and also that lazy or incompetent staff will affect you emotionally. Because the opposition is so tight, just one degree from being exact, you’ll find this is a lifetime pattern. You may want to find another way of dealing with employees, managers, and so on – the Cancer-Capricorn oppositions in any chart can be quite a stretch unless you avoid familial patterns. If you present as a mother figure, for example (Cancer) it will create tension within the workplace system (Capricorn). Use The Garden Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot to help you with that. Any time transits go over the opposition (and the transiting Moon herself does that every 28 days) you’ll find there is a familiar question about playing mum/sister/aunt in the work place versus adhering to a hierarchy or structure which has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with business. So, as a lifetime approach, you may need to find solutions.

  91. Wow Jessica! Thank you! I did not consider the Mercury-Moon conjunction’s effect yesterday. I ended up being supportive whilst following the hierarchical requirements of my organisation, but to be honest that was an accident because they didn’t want to proceed with the issues they raised so I’ll need to ensure it’
    I’m more intentional in the future. I drew the Hierophant and the interpretation mentioned the choice about following “the system” – which generally I do unless I think people are being treated unfairly. I also drew Inspiration and Perspiration which in terms of success mentioned doing my best with the available time and resources – which is what I do and have literally had to say in meetings because our team is understaffed. It also mentions learning from successful people which I try to do. My work area is pretty dysfunctional in terms of its culture so I’m hoping my Jupiter return from May will coincide with an opportunity to get an ongoing manager role in another area of the organisation. Do you think that will eventuate? Thanks again!

    1. The cards have told you exactly what you needed to know. Your Jupiter Return in Aries in May is a relaunch, so it could easily be title, business card and photograph online. It’s entirely possible.

  92. Hi Jessica, thank you for giving all your astrological insights in these terrible times. Every time when I think ‘I can’t handle anymore’ I read your thoughts about Russia and Putin and then I feel calmer.
    On a personal note: I feel very uncertain about the future (but who doesn’t). I’m a sun Scorpio with 8 factors in Scorpio. Since 2007 life has been very difficult: I lost my 2 beloved Irish Setters and gained one, but she is very ill and won’t recover, lost friends, lost jobs. So did my partner (a sun Libra) whose left hand doesn’t function anymore due to too much hard working. This week I had a job interview. What will the future bring, can you see something good during these Uranus in Taurus years? Thank you very much, I very much appreciate your insights. Greetings from the Netherlands, Suzanne

    1. Thank you. You live in your Eighth House, as you know, and were born with a huge Scorpio stellium. This is the house where we find your last will and testament, which for practical reasons has to include your partner, of course, but also your Irish Setters. It is also where we find your own insurance as well as any insurance which covers him, and your dogs. You are applying for a job in the middle of all this change. The first thing to say is that 2022-2023 is the most extreme weather you have to go through. It stops on July 18th 2023. The reason it has all been so intense/continues to be intense is Uranus in Taurus in opposition to your Scorpio stellium, as you say, but also (new) the lunar nodes in Taurus-Scorpio triggering more oppositions. What is the point of all this? To get you to deepen your appreciation of who and what you value most. To transform your life budget so that you obtain far more pleasure, reward and enrichment from what/who becomes so much greater in value for you. This may be something you cannot buy, like love. It may be unobtainable in any catalogue – like freedom. Integrity. Lost friends, lost jobs, potentially lost dogs and a partner who has lost the use of his hand, has given you a lot of subtractions. This is typical of this transit and you are not alone. You added, but have now been forced to subtract. You must also divide. This can’t be done with numbers alone so the big lesson of 2023-2023 is to feel everything in your heart and soul and then recalculate. If you get this job the benefits, projects and possible promotions will be stunning May-October. If you don’t get it, it will either be re-offered to you after May or there will be a vastly superior new job for you May-October.

  93. Hello Jessica, you posted this article more than one month ago and with the current dramatic events all your analysis strongly resonates.
    I have multiple factors at 27 degrees and Venus in Capricorn . How all these transit may affect me ? Since 2018 things have not been easy on all levels so I am trying to see if things will ease or if I need to be more patient .
    Thank you .

    1. Thank you. You are strongly Aquarius-Taurus and going through Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus and North Node in Taurus weather. It began at Christmas 2020, increased in 2021 and won’t really ease up until 2024. You also have Pluto in Capricorn moving into conjunction with Venus in Capricorn. This is about friends and groups, social media and your social life (Aquarius). It is also about your money, home, business and/or charity (Taurus). It’s very much about your career, academic career or unpaid work (Capricorn). So, you are quite right to feel life’s not been easy. What is going on is partly because of COVID-19 when you step back and look at it. This is an isolating pandemic, isn’t it. It separates you from friends and your old social life, but among friends (or within the groups that affect you) there may also be differences in basic things like mask etiquette or vaccination that put up walls. This doesn’t last, but you need to try and move through it in 2022, knowing that the hard part is over from March 2023. Your new social life begins from that time. The Taurus side of the equation is best expressed as “Differences in values creating issues with friends.” So, for example, you may want to go into fundraising for Ukraine but your friends won’t help. Or, you find you have friends on the payroll and that’s difficult. Aquarius is friendship and the impact of groups, clubs, teams and the rest. Taurus is your values, your life budget, the bank account and so on. No wonder you feel stretched. I expect this dovetails with what is going on in terms of complicated relationships in your career, academic career or unpaid work. You will be amazed at how useful the Tarot is, along with The Garden Oracle, in helping you figure things out. Do reach for them. But this doesn’t last. And in fact you will make or save a lot of money in 2023, 2024 and by that stage, the new style friendships and social life will be here.

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