Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, Twitter and Astrology
When the world’s richest man offers $44 billion to buy Twitter, the world’s most powerful website, astrologers gather. When The New York Post sends a Twitter message saying Jack Dorsey endorses Elon Musk, everyone looks at the horoscope for Musk. This post was updated on Saturday 30th September 2023 to include the new astrology chart for Elon Musk, based on fresh information about his birth time.
Per Aspera Ad Astra
The sale was met with tweets from Elon Musk, writing “Per aspera ad astra!” (“Our aspirations take us to the stars”) and Jack Dorsey commenting, “I’m so happy Twitter will continue to serve the public conversation. Around the world, and into the stars!” Musk’s Space X is dedicated to rockets and spacecraft, of course.
And yet…the more you look at the astrology charts for Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk and Bitcoin – the more you wonder if this isn’t some inside joke about the stars – in those particular horoscopes.
Here’s the thing. The astrological charts for Elon Musk, his Twitter takeover, Bitcoin and Jack Dorsey chime in highly unusual ways. So this is either astrology working, or there is something else going on. How do we test? Prediction. I’ll post some predictions based on these charts here, and look at the future of Twitter and Bitcoin.

The Elon Musk Horoscope
The birth chart data for Elon Musk was originally rated X (Data with no birth time) but we know it is largely an accurate horoscope, because it was possible to predict a Bitcoin drama with it – one year before it happened – and give a date.
It’s worth showing you the original astrology forecasts about Bitcoin below. The Elon Musk astrology chart showed historic patterns on January 1st to 12th 2022 and I asked, “Are you going to make your fortune with Bitcoin or regret the day you ever heard about it? It depends entirely on your personal birth chart.” Within the time frame, Bitcoin sank…
The February 9th 2021 Prediction
On February 9th 2021, on this website, you read this, about Bitcoin:
“Dates to watch next on this bumpy ride? Specifically, January 1st to 12th in 2022.” I added, “The Elon Musk astrology chart fits the pattern for Bitcoin.”

The 8th January 2022 Bitcoin Crash
The longest losing streak since 2018 took place right on the dates astrology predicted. This is useful, as we now know that the Elon Musk chart and also the Bitcoin chart are validated. You can read the whole original prediction here, which goes into some detail about the Elon Musk and Bitcoin horoscopes, although it is Premium Member access only.
Per Aspera Ad Astra
Often, it is the lunar cycles which pull in the timing for predictions about Bitcoin. Yet, using basic astrology, it is also possible to predict (to the day) when both Bitcoin and Elon Musk will make headlines. A year before it happens. On January 9th 2022, in that window of January 1st-12th, Coindesk reported that Bitcoin was falling towards $40,000.
Elon Musk in January 2022
Elon Musk quietly began buying Twitter shares on January 31st. The same month astrology predicted a Bitcoin drama. So again, we have to wonder – is he using horoscope software – or being advised by an astrologer? Or is this all just a stunning coincidence? Per aspera ad astra indeed.
Twitter Astrology – Jack’s First Tweet
Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sold as an NFT for $2.9 million. It also marks the birth of Twitter. Jack Dorsey, published the immortal words, “just setting up my twttr” in Los Angeles, at 12.50pm on March 21st 2006, PST (Pacific Standard Time). So that’s the birth chart. Most financial astrologers use a completely different system, for stocks and shares, but in the general horoscope world, we go by the first moment something comes to life. Just like a baby. And Jack Dorsey was the father, or godfather, of a website with a phenomenal astrology chart.
The Twitter Chart
You would expect to see a Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius accent in the Twitter chart. It’s about messages (Gemini) and people power (Aquarius) on a global scale (Sagittarius). The most striking aspect is an exact conjunction from Chiron at 8 Aquarius to Ceres at 8 Aquarius. This is about the community, diversity and equality on Twitter. It also lets us know that Twitter is a major part of the new world, up ahead. So – not just about otters and cats sleeping together.
The Jack Dorsey-Elon Musk story is woven into that. Jack Dorsey was born with Uranus at 8 Scorpio. A perfect square. Musk was born with the Moon at 8 Virgo. A perfect quincunx. From this we can make predictions.
Elon Musk has an exact opposition from Jupiter at 27 Scorpio (huge financial gains and luck with others) to Fortuna at 27 Taurus (his own money). Pluto is at 27 Virgo. Thus – the world’s richest man.
Between May 14th and 17th 2024, Elon Musk gains enormously from the most complicated situation affecting Twitter, Tesla or another investment. Why? Transiting Jupiter goes to 27 Taurus.
The Future of Twitter in 2029
The astrology tells us Twitter will be transformed when Pluto goes to 8 Aquarius, for the first time in over 240 years, starting in January and February 2029. Seven years into the future as you read this. The year 2029 will completely change Twitter. The technology. The purpose. The power (above all the shared power). These are the key Twitter astrology chart patterns to watch.
Perhaps your own chart chimes with these Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini patterns. In which case, maybe Twitter is already a substantial part of your life or work. I’ll run the full data for Twitter at the end of the feature, using the Family and Friends astrology software on this website.
The Twitter Astrology Patterns
Moon 19 Sagittarius
Mars 16 Sagittarius
Pluto 26 Sagittarius
Venus 14 Aquarius
Neptune 18 Aquarius
Chiron 8 Aquarius
Ceres 8 Aquarius
Aesculapia 21 Aquarius
Juno 27 Gemini
Fortuna 5 Gemini
Minerva 10 Gemini
Apollo 22 Gemini
Psyche 18 Gemini

The Musk and Dorsey Natal Charts
The most interesting thing about the combined astrology charts for Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk is the opposition from Neptune at 0 Sagittarius in Musk’s horoscope to Saturn at 1 Gemini in Dorsey’s horoscope.
This ties in with the Bitcoin hotspot at 1 degree. From this we can also make another prediction. March 24th, 2023 is the start of a powerful new phase in the Dorsey-Musk friendship. Pluto moves to 0 Aquarius that day and will eventually move to 1 Aquarius in February 2024.
February 2024, Musk and Dorsey
The bigger picture in this Pluto in Aquarius transit, not seen in over 240 years, is that people power begins. This is about diversity, equality and community with financial and political control, too. What happens from January 22nd 2024 until April 11th that year will dramatically change the Dorsey-Musk friendship and it will play its part, according to the horoscopes. If they both still have an interest in Twitter (or another website) they will turn their attention to language translation. Also, to the empowerment of people around the world.
The Sagittarius-Gemini signatures in both mens’ horoscopes and in the original Twitter horoscope, show that. And this is an internet accessible to everybody, in every country. Very new.
Twitter Translated in 2024
The empowerment of countries which lack access to the web and to global communication is coming, along with this new kind of translation. It will be very exciting. Uranus in Gemini is exhilarating; as the famous Robert Hughes art series had it, The Shock of the New. All the obstacles to understanding and being understood, between nationalities, will disappear at the stroke of a key.
Gemini rules translation. Yet, it also rules the local scene; the neighbourhood, village, town or city. What emerges two years into the future as I publish this may be – a split Twitter: half local, half global. It may be that you pay for your global Twitter) and receive the local version free. All of this is suggested by the astrology of 2024.

Tension Between Musk and Dorsey
The tension between the two men will be obvious in 2024 as the opposition is triggered. Dorsey is global. Musk is local. Dorsey is academia. Musk is the media. Dorsey is world travel. Musk is Tesla. That’s the weather these two titans travel under. What they do with it, of course, is up to them. That we cannot predict!
Jack Dorsey in 2024? Well, he was born with Jupiter in Taurus, a classic symbol of the philanthropist and generous charity donor, just one degree away from a perfect quincunx with the Moon at 24 Libra, the sign of partnership.
It also makes him very lucky with money. Dorsey will make or save a fortune, which he may give away in his greatest donation yet, as shown by his Jupiter Return at 25 Taurus (triggering the Moon) in May 2024.
That’s two years away as I publish this. This may reboot the Musk partnership or he may find another duet. A Libra Moon is all about ‘the two of us’ so of course this may be romantic and/or strictly business. But it’s about two people. Two people and his fortune.
Jack Dorsey and the 2024 Revolution
Uranus, the revolution, also takes place in Taurus (money) for Jack Dorsey in May 2024 as it slowly moves closer to that 25 Taurus spot in his chart. The Dorsey business or financial announcement could come in May 2024 and the shock, in June, straight after that. What kind of shock? Well, you know, the KLF burned a million quid once!
This Dorsey drama is going to be about the internet, though, plain and simple.
May and June 2024 suggest a massive gain for Jack Dorsey but also a liberating, exhilarating revolution for him – and the internet as a whole, gains. Jupiter goes into Gemini on May 26th, 2024.
And, he really means it. On 8th April 2020, Dorsey moved $1 billion (or 28% of his wealth) to fund COVID-19 relief. So, he means it. Whatever he does with his brilliance and his money or cryptocurrency in May and June 2024 is (according to astrology) a great leap forward for the worldwide web too. This is the chart of a world citizen.
The Elon Musk Chart
Musk has his own Jupiter at 27 Scorpio, a little too wide for a perfect line-up with Dorsey’s Jupiter: yet it is exactly in conjunction with Dorsey’s Sun at 27 Scorpio. That is extraordinary.
It means Jack shines and Elon gains. And Elon gains and Jack shines. There is quite an historic financial story, for both men, beginning in May 2024. It will peak for them as Uranus (radical change, shock, revolution) lands at 27 Taurus, right opposite 27 Scorpio – and that is August 8th-September 26th, 2024. This is the next stage for cryptocurrency. The world will turn upside down, thanks to either Jack Dorsey and/or Elon Musk, in August and September 2024.
Twitter in 2022 and 2023
If you’re on Twitter like me, your main concern will be what happens to it in Musk’s hands (will he let Donald Trump back on?) and hope for a better website. Twitter has become part of our lives. Well, unfortunately, we have to expect chaos on Twitter in May and June 2022. Elon Musk bought Twitter on Mercury Retrograde. Bizarrely, right on the minute but just hours out. He may yet pull out of the deal.
Elon Musk bought Twitter at 43 minutes past the hour – of whatever time zone you were reading Twitter on. For me in Hobart, Australia it was 5.43am on April 26th 2022. That was when he sent a tweet saying “Yesss!!!” with two rockets, two hearts and two stars. At first glance that seems so random. Until you look at the astrology.
Mercury Retrograde Timing
Horoscapps @horoscapps confirmed to me, 6.42am GMT on April 26th 2022, as the exact moment Mercury went to 26 Taurus, ahead of its long backward slide through Taurus and Gemini.
What makes this announcement even stranger is that Mercury at 26 Taurus turned, in synch with Elon Musk’s astrological chart. Musk was born with Pluto at 27 Virgo and Jupiter at 27 Scorpio and Ceres at 26 Gemini. He is either using astrology, or – it’s just typical astrology. Yet, from this, we can see the mess to come in May and June for Twitter users. This is how Mercury rolls (with thanks to @horoscapps).
Mercury in Taurus 6.42am GMT
April 26th
Mercury in Gemini 11.47am GMT
May 10th
Mercury in Taurus 8.00am GMT
June 3rd – he will repeat his 26 Taurus original position from April 26th.
Mercury in Gemini at 10.34pm GMT
June 18th- he will repeat his 4 Gemini original position from May 10th.
Musk and Astrology – Tracking Dates
If Musk is deliberately using the Mercury Retrograde cycle to manipulate Bitcoin, Twitter and/or Tesla it should be evident, if he makes his moves at these times and dates (above). Track the calendar and clock for clues.
Trump and Twitter Chaos
If there is a Baldrick-style cunning plan by Musk, to wheel Donald Trump back onto Twitter, you would expect it to happen near these dates. And you would also expect Trump to depart as quickly as he had arrived. That would be typical of Mercury Retrograde. Naturally the stock/share price of Twitter would wander accordingly. This very muddled Mercury in Gemini is in a conjunction with the Sun on May 21st at 7.17pm GMT. That might be the day we see Trump back. And yet we would see the back of him, yet again.
Backtracking on Twitter in May and June 2022
Backtracking! Mercury Retrograde goes back into Taurus 1.15am GMT, May 23rd
Standstills! Mercury Stationary Direct in Taurus at 8.00am GMT, June 3rd
More backtracking! Mercury re-enters Gemini 3.26pm GMT, June 13th.
Finally! Mercury remains in Gemini until 6.25am GMT on July 5th.
Even if we don’t see a Trump Cunning Plan, these times and dates above will show significant chaos on Twitter. Musk may even withdraw or be shown the door. There may be technical changes or possibly, hacking, on these dates.

Elon Musk and Pluto
Oh look, maybe that cartoon on Musk’s Twitter feed was just random again, but 2008 is the year Pluto entered Capricorn and astrologers predicted the historic arrival of power at the top of the system.
Musk’s diagram of American Liberals and Conservatives also pulls in 2012. What’s so special about 2012? The famous Pluto-Uranus square. He’s either throwing darts into a horoscope dartboard and getting random hits, or he’s at astrology conferences wearing dark sunglasses.
The Tesla and Musk Charts
Tesla was ‘born’ on 21st December 2020 at 9.30am in Manhattan. This was when Tesla joined Wall Street. It’s a perfect chart for an electric car. You would expect to see Gemini here, which rules short journeys (as well as the internet) and here it is. The chart shows the North Node at 19 Gemini and South Node at 19 Sagittarius. Elon Musk was born with Venus at 19 Gemini. Again, is he using astrology, or is astrology just working as we expect it to? This is a perfect match. The Tesla chart also ties in with the Bitcoin chart. Mercury at 1 Capricorn, together with the the lunar nodes at 19 Gemini/Sagittarius fits the pattern.

Elon Musk, Twitter and Tesla
Elon Musk has Saturn at 1 Gemini and Venus at 19 Gemini, with Ceres at 26 Gemini. Gemini rules commuting (Tesla) and communication (Twitter). He was born to replace petrol/gas with electricity and to bring the planet together online to unite and fight Climate Emergency. That’s what his chart says.
What he says is usually quite different. Half his Twitter account is composed of jokes. But we can trust the astrology here. Musk’s chart also shows what makes him the world’s richest man. Jupiter at 27 Scorpio is quincunx Ceres at 26 Gemini.
That is a perfect piece of astrological poetry describing great wealth and also the electric car, and the internet. He’s ahead of his time. It will not be until May and June in the year 2032 (ten years from now) that the world truly gets Tesla.
X Holdings – Musk’s Super Company
Elon Musk’s mega-corporation X Holdings was born on 20th April 2022 at 12.00pm (a nominal time) in Delaware City. Thanks to former Wall Street astrologer Kate Silas for the data here.
The North Node at 22 Taurus, South Node at 22 Scorpio and Mercury at 18 Taurus show a classic finance signature. There’s that Bitcoin hotspot again. Whatever falls on 18 degrees or 17, 19 (close enough) is a hotspot.
The astrology with Tesla is also remarkable. Tesla was born with Pluto at 23 Capricorn and Mars at 23 Aries, very close to 22 degrees. So Tesla is always tied into the x-tremes of X Holdings. If Musk is randomly choosing start times for his business interests, he’s doing a great job.
Watching Twitter Retrograde
Watching Twitter Retrograde in April-June 2022 means we are all watching the planet of information, communication and transportation go backwards and forwards for weeks. Mercury is Twitter. And Mercury is out of sorts by June. From 26 Taurus to 4 Gemini, Mercury spins his wheels. This goes very close to Jack Dorsey’s Jupiter at 25 Taurus and it crosses Musk’s difficult Saturn at 1 Gemini.
Elon Musk on 20th May
Because Gemini rules Twitter and Tesla together, you would expect drama for both, and Elon Musk, when Mercury goes over his difficult Saturn placement at Gemini. Depending on your time zone (Auckland or Los Angeles) this began on Saturday April 30th, continued on Sunday May 1st, 2022 – and resumes:
Friday 20th May
Saturday 21st May
Wednesday 15th June
Thursday 16th June
This is also on the 1 degree Bitcoin hotspot so you would predict drama for that cryptocurrency on those days.
This affects us all. But from this muddle, will eventually come New Twitter, years into the future.
The New Web 1st September 2025
Watch New Twitter. It’s actually the New Web. This unfolds on 1st September 2025 with Pluto at 1 Aquarius, Neptune at 1 Aries and Uranus at 1 Gemini. Forget about huge corporations like Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook owning the web and to some extent owning you. This is a clear signal of a different future. For the people, by the people. We have not had this cycle in our lifetimes. It’s historic.
Bitcoin, Musk and 2025
This 2025 pattern picks up Saturn at 1 Gemini in Elon Musk’s chart. So it’s very much about him. And as the world’s richest man in 2022, this is about all of us too. And our web. And our commuting. And, thanks to either a genuine quirk of fate or the secret use of astrology by Musk, it’s about Bitcoin too.
For the best data library on the web with Rodden Ratings please visit astro.com.
Jack Dorsey
19th November 1976 1.43am
St. Louis, Missouri
Rodden Rating A
Elon Musk
28th June 1971 – 7.30am
(Chart here guessed for 9.00am).
Pretoria, South Africa
Rodden Rating B
Bitcoin (Wikipedia)
April 5th 1975.
No time or place.
Tokyo 12 Noon
Rodden Rating X
Thanks to Kate Silas (Profit With the Planets) for the Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk combined chart.
The Twitter Horoscope – The Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius Phenomenon
Feature posted May 3rd, 2022. Photographs updated on 14th June 2024. Main image: Marcel Grabowski/UK Government/Creative Commons.
31 Responses
Hello, Jessica. According to my understanding, Twitter has a lot of room for growth in three years. Is it a good time to buy Twitter shares based on my birth chart? Do I need to check the conjunction or trine of Twitter’s Mercury or Jupiter with my second or eighth house? What is your general procedure for proposing a share to people using their chart?
You are a Sun Sagittarian with a Taurus-Scorpio signature. The Second House and Eighth House are always the sectors to track when researching shares. In your solar chart, we find Pluto transiting your Second House now, into the first quarter of 2023, and intermittently in 2023, towards the mid-2020’s. That means quite powerful people and organisations tend to dominate (be it banks, corporations, billionaires or the taxman) and that has been the case since 2008, actually. That can be quite hard work and you may need to put a price on the constant challenge of pushing back or pulling away whenever Plutocrats or Pluto types try to take over. In your natal chart you have that Taurus Second House pattern, opposite Scorpio symbols in your Eighth House, so again there’s a fair bit of push and pull going on. The final stretching comes from the transiting nodes, also in Taurus and Scorpio (opposite signs) so there’s a tug-of-war there in general, in 2022 and 2023, with shares and stocks, money, houses and apartments, business interests and even charity. At about the same time that Twitter starts to change (seriously change) you come out of this rather demanding cycle and may find it easier to invest, on every level. You are waiting for Pluto to go into Aquarius, for good. You’ll have a taste of this from March 2023, just for a few months and that would be the moment to research your options. For reasons quite apart from Twitter or share purchasing, you may find you’ve got your work cut out for you, just managing basic questions about houses, apartments, taxation, insurance, pensions/superannuation, legacies, and the rest. 2022 and 2023 are intense years.
This is so juicy. Interestingly, I teach uni students and any reference to musk is met with an ‘ewwww’. I really think this next generation has had enough with generational wealth throwing their weight around. If Dorsey donates that will be really interesting. I instantly thought ‘Atlassian’ maybe he’ll go down a similar path democratizing energy or land ownership. Maybe renewable.
I’m wondering what you see in my chart for social media in those years? I had a successful blog in 2010-2016 but I found I hated being in the spotlight and the more it grew the more I dreaded being front and centre. I couldn’t stick with it, it drained me, and while I I totally enjoyed the attention, I just don’t have that ‘Leo’ craving for adoration. I would prefer to be known for my intellect. Would love your insights. Thanks AquaDog.
Thank you. The university students you teach were probably born with the outer planets, Uranus and/or Neptune in Aquarius, the sign of people power, diversity, community and equality. So, yes, as you say, they have had enough of wealthy heirs/heiresses throwing their weight around. Jack Dorsey has a philanthropist’s chart, and I agree with you. Your chart is Sagittarius-dominant and as a Sun Aquarius you may be tuning into your students more than most other teachers. The Sagittarius-ruled Ninth House has long been associated with the worldwide web and publishing, so your 2010-2016 blog picked that up. You may return to it when you realise you can be more anonymous online.
Dear Jessica, sorry if this message is not for this article, but I have a big question about Jupiter in Aries. I saw that, when the WW1 and WW2 started, Jupiter was in Aries. Because of what is going on world wide with Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Turkey-Greece, Jupiter in Aries could be the start of WW3? I know Aries means war, fire and I want to know what is different now and what was different then, and how 10th of May can be the start of WW3 or the preparing for it? I will really appreciate if you have the time and kindness to answer this question.
This is correct. Jupiter in Aries blesses the warmongers. Only for a time, though. Jupiter is out of Aries in October. Both world wars also involved slow-moving transits in Cancer, the sign of fierce nationalism and patriotism. We don’t have that now (thank goodness). The closest we have is Ceres in Cancer, which begins in mid-May and lasts until July. There may be a brief period when it feels as if the world is descending back into that, but this is not World War Three. The real war is economic and Russia and Belarus are in crisis. I believe Putin will retreat. I also believe he is ill and The New York Post confirms cancer. Other experts watching film footage of him suppose Parkinson’s Disease. I made a couple of predictions about Putin and illness on this website, some time ago, and feel that he was diagnosed with life-threatening or critical problems before he began his war on Ukraine.
Hi Jessica, Thanks for this, so interesting. Are you suggesting that if Musk doesn’t buy Twitter for many of the reasons stated due to Mercury Retrograde that he will essentially use the billions of money he has been raising for the Twitter purchase to buy more Bitcoin? Because that would crazy.
Please look what Buffet and his partner Munger repeated this weekend that Bitcoin is worthless, likely going to $0 because there is no value or asset tied too it.
Musk and Dorsey both hyping Bitcoin and Crypto currencies is not moving their Tesla or Twitter or Square forward, it is moving it backwards. It’s like this Mercury Retrograde part of their brain is sabotaging them and the world on this backward focus.
Also, if Twitter deal with Musk doesn’t go through then isn’t that good as it will proved to the current management that they need to make big changes? Which is what Musk was after all along. He wasn’t interested in running a company saddled with debt, which would happen if the deal with Musk closes.
I agree with you that in the weeks to come, we will see Trump and his friends show up and show Musk’s cards and that’s when Twitter’s Board will have to step in and stop it entirely.
Thank you. I don’t know the way Elon Musk’s mind works (too funny – who does!) and that is why this saga with the astrology is so fascinating. We don’t know if he is just blundering around, and the astrology is confirming that, or if he has some secret reason for wanting things to go wrong at Twitter – and it involves Tesla and/or Bitcoin. The secret part of it could be real. We just had an eclipse in Taurus, which rules Wall Street (the charging bull in New York) and of course, bull markets. The eclipse happened just as Mercury Retrograde was on the turn in Taurus, and just as Musk made his purchase. The classic outcome with an eclipse like that is a big diversion tactic or distraction while the real story is in plain sight but not seen. The issue about Bitcoin (and all the cryptocurrencies, and the NFT market) being worthless is typical of this Uranus in Taurus cycle until 2026. The rebels are turning their back on what traditional banking and art says is valuable and dreaming up their own values. Their own life budget. It is built on hype, as you say. The generation swept up in this were all born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio (joint finance) and they will be vulnerable to economic shocks until 2026, as Uranus opposes their Scorpio patterns, one after another. This has already happened since 2018, of course, when Uranus went into Taurus. I think the eclipse is telling us that the distraction was Elon Musk and the real story was either Trump or Dorsey. Let’s see.
Hi Jessica, I have been subjected to stalking and even worse stuff over the past 10+ years. I am a virgo and wanted to see if this going to change and are these people are going to finally stop and get caught? These people unfortunately work for the biggest banks and corporations. Any insight would help. Thanks!
I am very sorry about this. If your personal safety is an issue, you would of course have gone to the police by now. There is no chart here for me to look at. If you continue to feel vulnerable then I strongly recommend you give the Samaritans, or their equivalent where you live, a call.
Very interesting info on Twitter! Thank you for sharing your insight with all of us. I’ve always been a saver and hate debt so I’m always chasing that debt free lifestyle but with a balance approach. Since the Wall street game stop event happened I started to slowly get my eyes on stocks and diversification. Learning as I go but also feel very invested in learning how to do this right. I know all of us have different chart signatures etc so my question is do you have any advice for us that want to be more competent in the art of trading, investing? What we should look in our chart transit wise if we want to buy twitter shares, invest in crypto etc?
Any advice will be great! Thanks again, Jessica! Love your blog.
These are all good questions and prove why astrology prediction about Bitcoin works. Everyone is different and some people have charts inclined to saving or making money, and some really do not. A Bitcoin crash can be great if you want to buy cheaply and sell later, but obviously a disaster if it happens when you were hoping to cash in (or have to). You have a big Taurus and Scorpio chart pattern and many of those factors are in opposition. They are at the same degree, or number, but in opposite signs. That is really hard work for an investor and you would be doing this during an actual Taurus-Scorpio opposition in the skies; the nodes are in those signs in 2022. Something you can do for yourself as a test is to make hypothetical investments in a notebook and see what happens when the Moon goes through Taurus and Scorpio every 29 days or so. If you find yourself banking on the wrong investment, with a price dip on those lunar transits, you are being shown (safely) what can happen when you have oppositions from your Second House of personal income to your Eighth House of joint finance (classically, other people’s money). Uranus is also in Taurus until 2026 so things are unpredictable. When Jupiter goes into Taurus, once you are heading towards the mid 2020’s, you are at your best advantage in 12 years, and could learn a lot from what happened the previous time that happened, 12 years prior. If you are into this stuff, it may be fun to download a free PDF Ephemeris from Astro.com for 2022, 2023, 2024 and track not only the Moon in Taurus and Scorpio, but Jupiter in Taurus, and the days he arrives at exactly the same degree as your own Taurus placements. `
Fascinating article, dear Jessica. The personalities out here are super influential. So look forward to the duet that you suggest.
BTW, the “local” that you suggest for currencies and for Twitter could well be “national”. The strains for both are visible already. Close to 80+ countries are looking at CBDCs. And the way the global tech media just misses the local context in content, I will not be surprised if Twitter boxes itself into more rigid national boundaries. So global goes local. It is not one version of liberalism. It is each country’s version of liberalism.
I find this interesting from a personal perspective too. Uranus will methodically go oppose a large bunch of my horoscope factors in Scorpio and Sag in the years to come and it crosses my Saturn in Gemini too. And Pluto will square Scorpio and oppose Leo factors. Sounds like an interesting ride!
Thank you. This Uranus in Taurus cycle may well prove you right and a national cryptocurrency emerges for each country (like Britcoin in Britain). Money is certainly wholly digital by 2026 when the cycle ends – if you want it. The first legal acceptance of Bitcoin by any nation, took place on a Uranus-Ceres conjunction in Taurus (predicted on video: The Taurus Weather on YouTube). You will be part of the story with that heavily Scorpio, Sagittarius chart but the real game-changer will be Uranus in conjunction with natal Saturn in Gemini. On a more personal note that will also make a difference to a relationship with a brother, sister or cousin. Liberated, is the word.
hi Jessica could you look and see in my chart if there is any teeny weeny chance I would end up a £1 behind Elon Musk lol -heres hoping !
Hmmm, so do you have a millionaire’s or billionaire’s chart? No. Sorry about that. But you do have your IC/MC in Taurus and Scorpio which tells you a lot about your life purpose. Someone in your family tree was deeply concerned with money, business, charity or property. It may have been his/her career, or just been a big life theme. That is your IC or astrological DNA. (Of course your birth time has to be absolutely accurate to judge the IC). The MC shows where you are going in life – your highest achievement. This may well be ethical business (say) or philanthropy. Charity or fundraising. You were born with this, if your birth time is correct, and it will be there your entire life. It is more pointed at the moment and in 2023 as the lunar nodes are actually transiting Scorpio-Taurus so it’s bringing back karma from 18 or 19 years ago for you. You owe, or are owed.
Oh my! I nearly screamed when I saw “language translation” because guess who used to manage this for them? :))) (outsourced to my then-employer).
Twitter was very much run on a frayed shoestring back in my day. They could only actively support around 15-20 languages and they used community volunteers to save costs. I sometimes had to deal with market managers who didn’t speak the language of the country they were responsible for. If they have someone willing to invest, then it sounds like the sky is the limit.
Due to the colloquial nature of tweets, and lack of context if a tweet is read in isolation, tweet translation does not yet lend itself well to the full range of translation technology. Even if they never translated another word, there are plenty of digitalisation opportunities within English linguistics: automating context suggestions for users, finding a way to leverage their audio content in Twitter Spaces, natural language processing, and goodness knows what else. They phased out their video functionality last year, but maybe they’ll bring it back in some other form.
Considering Twitter’s relatively small size, its impact on language has been substantial. Nobody paired hashtags with words until Twitter. It is impossible to get through a day online without seeing a hashtagged slogan now. 🙂
Well, this is interesting. You used to manage language translation for Twitter when it was run on a shoestring. Now it is (almost) owned by the richest man in the world. You likely have Gemini/Sagittarius in your chart, as together they rule short-form communication, with #hashtags and global translation. The earliest we’re going to see the revolution is May 26th 2024, but from that point on, New Twitter is here. Likely with astonishing new technology and budgets, and of course, different levels of subscription. Maybe we’ll be talking in Gaelic at some point.
Good Evening Jessica;
2 Questions: First, I have been waiting for an elective surgery procedure for 2 years now put off by covid restrictions-do yo see my being schedule anytime soon?
2. Is this a good time to buy Twitter stock based on my birth chart?
You are a Sun Scorpio with a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of joint finance – so, the big-ticket items that you normally put in your legacy, like stock, property, large sums or other treasures. You are in for a really complicated time if you buy Twitter stock in 2022. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is the reason, then Mars Retrograde in Gemini. This involves rescheduling, waiting games and an endless loop for you, based on your solar chart. This holds May, June, early July and then resumes September-December. If we look at your natal chart as well as your solar chart, it’s a similar tale of complication. You have the lunar nodes in a Taurus-Scorpio tug-of-war and Uranus opposing your Scorpio factors. So, the short answer is, how much do you value your time, peace of mind and energy? Were you to embark on this journey, the astrology says it would eat up a lot of it and you may wonder where the gain is. Use the Smith-Waite Tarot to validate this please and follow the steps, as I can only give guidance and you have to make the decisions. There is nothing like giving yourself a personal Tarot reading. You might do the same with your surgery question; you could use The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle together and be clearer. The astrology confirms at last the time is right and you will find an opportunity to pursue your elective surgery from May-October and again January-May 2023 and this solution has been a long time coming – yet it’s close.
Hello, Jessica!
I am a freelance journalist. I have 6 factors in Gemini, 7 in Capricorn and 5 in Cancer. Freedom is the most important thing in my life, and I feel best when I publish. Do I have to wait for Uranus and 2026 for big things? This year, I am publishing my first book, which I have been writing for a full six years, and I am also producing some TV documentaries after a long time. Is 2022 a happy year for that? And when will finances finally improve?
You are on a roll and this has not even started. Your Gemini stellium is about journalism, of course, and also documentaries. You will go back and forth on the two Gemini retrogrades, dealing with rewrites, rescheduling and perhaps more. That’s May through June 19th. You then go into the second retrograde, which is good for rehearsal and re-takes, reshoots and so on – from September into March 2023. Either that idea, or another/others, is huge from May 2024 when Jupiter goes through Gemini and by June 2025 you should be delighted with the outcome. This (again) fuels further development of the concept, or more exciting projects, this time with cutting-edge, emerging technology, when Uranus goes into Gemini from July 2025. By 2032 what you communicate to a watching, listening world will have radically changed a corner of the map where you are, and also changed you.
Hello Jessica,
I recall that Elon Musk has said (probably on Twitter) that Vladimir Putin is much richer than he is.
I have also read/heard (probably from Bill Browder) that if a Russian Oligarch has, say, $20 Billion, Putin owns half of it, outside
Russia, aligning with what you have said about money laundering world-wide.
It is all relative of course, & reminds me of the biblical quote to the effect of “What does it profit a man to own the whole world &
lose his soul”. Particularly a man with a terminal disease or two.
Bill Browder has been right all along, hasn’t he? I remember when Uranus moved into Taurus, the landmark event back in May 2018 was his success in pushing for the United Kingdom to adopt his Magnitsky Amendment to Her Majesty the Queen’s assented Money Laundering Act. And here we are. The laundromat cannot possibly survive Uranus in Taurus; that much we know. Given that it is part of an old 20th century system, milked by Vladimir Putin, it’s going to blow up, repeatedly, or perhaps with one big ending. I agree about the quote on the human soul. What happened to Putin’s?
Thank you Jessica for your response and advice. Ironically in meditation yesterday (5-4-22) I was shown an upside down Blue Twitter Bird so I received an answer from another higher source. I am working on scheduling the surgery. Hopefully it will be scheduled after Mercury goes direct.
So I’ve been trying to compare my chart to Bitcoin and I just can’t make sense of it all 🙁
I was buying Bitcoin pretty regularly but the last time I purchased any was 24 JAN 2022.
I have just been sitting since then because I have no idea what to do. Typically I will at least have a gut feeling but NOTHING.
Any pointers?
Thank you so very much
I have answered you elsewhere, thank you.
So I’ve been trying to compare my chart to Bitcoin and I just can’t make sense of it all 🙁
I was buying Bitcoin pretty regularly but the last time I purchased any was 24 JAN 2022.
I have just been sitting since then because I have no idea what to do. Typically I will at least have a gut feeling but NOTHING.
Any pointers?
Thank you so very much
You have factors at 19 Scorpio, the finance sign, so close to the hotspot in the Bitcoin chart. Scorpio rules joint finance. You’re in a cycle of clashing financial weather; the North Node at 19 Taurus opposes those factors for you, as it passes through. Uranus at 19 Taurus does the same thing. Any opposition in astrology is what you might expect. Something or someone pushes back hard against what you set up. This does not last, but while it is there, you are likely to find it all quite hard work, GV. Working with your chart is the best way to figure it out; track the lunar cycles in Taurus and Scorpio in particular – the money signs. The Smith-Waite Tarot can also help you as this is personal, and the guidance can only take you so far; you have to calculate this personally, for yourself, which is where the cards come in, on this site.
Thank you so much for the reply. I LOVE THE CARDS on this site. They are always spot on. Just like you! You are right I am dealing with so many financial road blocks now. And they are all tied to 2006 but you’ve explained to me why in another post. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
I will incorporate my finances into my tarot readings as well. Thanks again Jessica!
Thank you so much. I’ll pass that on to Justin Tabari who designed the decks.