Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Full Moon August 2022

The Full Moon of August 11th and 12th 2022

A Full Moon is always a full stop. Your story is paused. We have one on the 11th of August 2022 at 9.35pm in New York, with the Sun at 19 Leo opposite the Moon at 19 Aquarius. This is just one degree away from a T-Square with Uranus at 18 Taurus.

In astrology, T stands for tension. So this is a tense pause. If you are a Premium Member you’ll see your chart here now. If you have factors at 18, 19 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio give yourself more time and space on August 11th . If you live in Australia then it’s August 12th.

In a moment I will look at how the 12 Sun Signs are affected. I’ll also examine how a prediction I made about Donald Trump over one year ago (date-stamped to August 12th) is coming true, as the FBI raid his property. The Full Moon August 2022 has been a long time coming.

Your Time Zone and the August 2022 Full Moon

The Full Moon in Aquarius is set for 11.35am on Friday, August 12th, 2022, in Sydney and 9.35pm in New York the previous day, Thursday, August 11th. Maybe you are in a European or New Zealand time zone. For exact timing,  so you can see when the full stop is likely to pause you – use the website Time and Date.

Screen Shot 2022 08 10 at 02.14.11 - Full Moon August 2022

Screen Shot 2022 08 10 at 02.14.33 - Full Moon August 2022

The Sun Signs and the Full Moon in Aquarius

It’s really important to remember that Saturn (hard work) has been in Aquarius since Christmas 2020. So this Full Moon in August 2022 (the full stop) ends a chapter, in relation to that part of your chart. And your life.

For Aries it’s about friends and groups. For Taurus it’s about unpaid work, work and academia. For Gemini it’s about foreigners and foreign countries. For Cancer it’s about finance or property. For Leo it’s about duets or duels. For Virgo it’s about workload and wellbeing. For Libra, it’s about heirs and pretenders to the throne – and courtship.

For Scorpio it’s about household, family, house or apartment. Home town and homeland, too. For Sagittarius it’s about siblings and cousins, short journeys and the internet. For Capricorn it’s about finance or property. For Aquarius it’s about image or reputation. For Pisces it’s about religion, spirituality, psychic life or psychology.

The Donald Trump Drama


As I said, I published an astrology prediction about Donald Trump, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and the ongoing drama, over a year ago. I forecast that this Full Moon (on my time zone, Friday, August 12th) would be important in the Trump saga.

This goes on longer than the Full Moon. It runs until September 29th, 2022. Yet, it is Friday the 12th of August (Thursday the 11th of August in America) which will bring in what I called “a huge crossroads in the jigsaw puzzle that is the British royal family; the Trumps; the Clintons; Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, because it triggers an old eclipse.” There is an extract of that prediction below, which was headed Will the Truth Ever Come Out? 

Everyone is talking about the FBI raid and the purpose. As an astrologer, I know it will be a Leo matter. So it’s going to be about the Trump children (the heirs and pretenders to the throne) but also his courtships, to put it politely. His sex life. This photo shoot/media coverage of Donald Trump staring at the eclipse without glasses was widely shared on Twitter, which is my favourite space for real-time astrology. The Full Moon of August 2022 is certainly under discussion there on my account.


The Full Moon and Leo, Aquarius Patterns

In your own world, and in the news, we will see some classic Leo-Aquarius patterns on the August 2022 Full Moon. The conflict between the President and the Democrats, or the former President and the Democrats, as well as the former President and the Republicans. That’s Leo (the leader) and Aquarius (the group).


Closer to home, this will be about your association, society, club, team, charity, trade union, rock band, book group, Twitter account or similar (Aquarius rules the circle of people) versus the president, leader, head and so on. Classic Leo-Aquarius.

Another way to think about this is King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur (whomever that is) will be going one way, and the knights – the other way.

Leo has always ruled the royal family. So these patterns trigger Prince Andrew. Her Majesty the Queen. The Special Relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

In your own life, the Leo-Aquarius polarity may be obvious if you have factors in both signs. So, there may be questions about the group versus the leader of that group. The King or Queen and the courtiers. It will all become very much easier once the Full Moon has passed, but sometimes delaying tactics are smart. If someone wants to force a decision on Thursday, Friday, suggest Monday. Can it wait?

Skipping the Full Moon

Always skip a Full Moon for dramatic decisions or action plans if you can. I mentioned it’s a full stop. It’s also when things come full circle. Sometimes you cannot avoid being forced to go ahead. I’m sure you know that D-Day happened on a Full Moon, because the allies had no choice.

If you can select any time at all to go ahead with major choices, though, you may prefer to skip the 9th, 10th of August 2022. This is even more so, if your personal chart shows placements at 19 Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and/or Scorpio.

I allow one degree’s difference (or orb) so you could allow for an 18 or 20 degree placement and the astrology would kick in. These are fixed signs. So, what is fixed in your life may be challenged. This is ‘the challenge to change’.

Patterns at 18, 19, 20 Degrees of Fixed Signs

Leo placements are in your Fifth House of courtship, heirs and pretenders to the throne. Classically, marriage and children, but sometimes godchildren, nieces, nephews and dating. Aquarius placements are in your Eleventh House of friends and groups, so typically Twitter, grassroots environmental organisations, hiking clubs, university reunion committees and so on.

Taurus is your income. Your possessions, your house or apartment, your values, your charity, your income and bank account. Scorpio is joint finance, property, assets and possessions. So – a mortgage and marriage. A separation or divorce and the division of the house or apartment. It can be your legacy, that names other people, and any will which also names you.

What a Full Moon in Aquarius Means

In the fullness of time, what goes around comes around. If you have your fill of a situation, you may act now. Feeling full of emotion is typical. Being filled in, on the truth of a situation, is also a Full Moon outcome. If your heart is full, this may reflect the Full Moon. I hope you can see why it’s a full stop, not a new beginning.

If you are curious about the many years I have been predicting the Leo cycles of eclipses and lunations for Donald Trump, just go to Search. The very first cover-ups involving him, Bill Clinton and the Royal Family were obvious in astrology 6 years ago.

This Aquarius Full Moon, right opposite the Sun in Leo, will show us the extent of the cover-ups. Unfortunately there are some things we are never going to know.

Main image: Unsplash


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215 Responses

    1. Thank you. I didn’t realise the judge was linked to Epstein. I’m very grateful you have seen this and sent it on!

  1. Riveting information and fascinatingly accurate predictions as always, thank you Jessica. Your premium membership is worth its weight/cost in gold.

    I have the moon in Aquarius at 20 degrees in my birth chart. Would you be kind enough to share your thoughts on how the upcoming full moon is likely to affect me please, more specifically, my endeavours to find a fulfilling and inspiring job.

    Merci d’avance.

    1. Thank you. Your Sagittarius Sun gives you transiting Uranus in the Sixth House of work. You also have Virgo ruling your Tenth House of career. Try to sign off on job applications, course applications or changes in an existing job before Mercury in Virgo goes retrograde. You can still go ahead of course but you will go backwards and forwards in September, October, if you start when Mercury spins backwards. I gave all the specific dates and times a year or two ago, if you want to hit Search. The Full Moon has nothing to do with work. It will be solely about your social life, friendships and any group you belong to. A difficult decision is best put off. See if you can postpone choices until next week when the mood has changed.

  2. Very interesting, but being an Aquarius full moon for a Gemini like Trump it is a trine, so it should be a positive full stop.. the cover-ups are more in the Biden side, since his son’s activities are widely spread from depending on substances, sex, microbes research with Metabiota and prewar activities with ukrainian gas company (Burisma). So maybe your interpretation of the astrology points to the wrong direction this time and the full moon outcome will be optimal for Trump and make America great again…. Scorpio Biden has already been hit by covid, maybe this full moon will bring closure on him with Lilith black moon working on his destiny !

    1. Who said Donald was a Sun Gemini? He has given two completely different dates of birth to the authorities. One in June, one in July. Too funny.

  3. Dear Jessica,
    I was scared about this Full moon. I have factors in all of these fixed signs at: NN at 19 Taurus, Pluto at 19 Leo, Psyche at 18 Scorpio and Sun at near 17 Aquarius. It looks like a Grand cross or T square. I was scared about this aspect and I postponed a short driving business trip scheduled on August 11. What’s more I have to be careful or to avoid? What outcome is waiting for me?
    Thanks for your help, as always.

    1. Don’t be scared by a Full Moon just use your common sense and don’t act or judge on it. You have a T-Square. The Sun is too wide. The T-Square involves courtship, heirs and pretenders to the throne (Pluto in Leo). It also involves finance, property, valuables, business or charity (Taurus, Scorpio). So it’s those matters, and those matters only. A really common example is the daughter who is involved in your tax avoidance. Or, her husband, who is involved in business affairs with you. You will have your own story. Ask the Tarot to clarify then sidestep.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Zikes – this right on my south node/north node axis of Leo 19 NN and Aq 19 SS – is this about opportunities and also coming to terms with past?
    Kind regards

    1. Thanks Anna. Not sure where you get opportunities from. The nodes are about karma from 18 or 19 years ago. You have it with that King Arthur/Round Table scenario I described. Perhaps you were the head of a group. Maybe someone else was the manager, leader, captain of the circle. What happened then, is triggered now, thematically or symbolically. Don’t act or judge on the Full Moon. Friends may be the other story. Not so much the group per se, even though the friend was inside it. It’s actually the friendship.

  5. Thank you for this article Jessica!

    I have Pluto at 18 Scorpio and Vesta at 18 Leo – can you please tell me what it would mean for me?

    1. Pluto is in your Eighth House of joint finance, business, valuables and property. The Full Moon creates a T-Square with that. So don’t act or judge about those matters while it is here. It’s too hard. Your need to control everything will not sit well with what is going on out there. Do this later.

  6. Thank you, Jessica! It is amaZing watching how things unfold. It is exciting as well. I have Bacchus and Fortuna at 18 Taurus and I can feel some changes in my way of thinking about money and the future. Thank you, always

  7. Oh boy! I’ve been involved with an Aquarian, 18degrees sun. We both have Leo moons. I think I blew things up by asking for a status on the relationship 2 days ago. He asked for a few days to respond. It seems like full moon Thursday would be perfect timing for this relationship to be officially over. Seem accurate to you? Thanks much Jessica. What a week! Going to continue to buckle up.

    1. You are pre-empting the Full Moon in spectacular style. Your boyfriend asked for days to respond and will do so, of course, on the Full Moon across his Seventh House of girlfriends. Give this time and space. He’ll be caught between a rock and a hard place. You two will compromise over a new deal with each other by the end of September. Could be separation, could be sex without commitment, could be lots of things – but it will work out, somehow.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    This upcoming financial cycle you mentioned this week for Scorpio, can you clarify please is this when Mars goes into Gemini? Many of us are waiting for Biden to finalize the college loan cancellation or loan forgiveness and it is supposed to be this month.


    1. You can find Mars in the Planetary Positions section of my website any time. Its entry into Gemini is based on location and I don’t know where you are. If you don’t get your loan forgiveness by September 3rd, it will be held up by stop-start management or delays until 2023. Gemini rules college. Mars is action. Mars in Gemini retrograde is backward action on colleges. At the same time this is in your solar Eight House of finance, as a Scorpio, so you can see how this is rolling. Cross your fingers this happens by 1st, 2nd September. Otherwise be philosophical and wait.

  9. Jessica, I immediately thought of you when I saw the fbi search roll across twitter! Brilliant! I have an Aquarius moon at 18° with a large Aries and Virgo stellium – I have been feeling like a much needed, huge shift is coming for a while, is this the event that will end this holding pattern I have been in? Thank you for your work!

    1. Thank you. I expect the contents of Donald’s safe contain his internet passwords. Don’t you? That will be interesting. Okay so the Full Moon is not a shift. The Full Moon is a really hard ask and you should avoid decisions/actions about friends and groups if your Moon is 18 Aquarius. It’s only a day or two. Others will want to get the ball rolling. Put that off if you can. You don’t need the hassle.

  10. Thank you Jessica . It will be an interesting weekend in the news. Should I have concerns with Pluto 19 deg Leo & Venus 19 deg Gemini .We are moving again permanently finally to be near family the following week on the 17th. Although a few issues from the past between us, perhaps I will know the truth then too? Going back to 2005 & 2017. My partner is an Aries but time of birth unknown.

    1. You have a textbook chart, as Leo rules younger family members and Gemini rules siblings and cousins. You are moving to be near your family. The following week is easier than Thursday, Friday. You will reach a new deal and compromise with/through the younger faces by the end of September.

  11. Dear Jessica, I had a much sought after writing assignment that involved travel on the 12th of August for four days. All the long-held plans fell through when I realised that the arrangements I’d expected, such as safe accommodation (that followed Covid protocols) was not in place. This was to have been a big break for my writing career and all the signs (including the Tarot!) seemed to be positive. So earlier today, I pulled the plug because of the shabby arrangements. I was deeply disappointed with this unexpected turn of events and then I read your blog on the full moon. I was stunned by your predictions. I have the following factors:
    Vesta 19 degrees Scorpio
    Fortuna 20 degrees Taurus
    Bacchus 19 degrees Scorpio
    Ops 18 degrees Leo
    Is this why such long held plans fell through? The timing was just not right to resume any travel or take on any new assignments? I’ll be continuing to stay at home while trying to get work – but that doesn’t seem a bad thing after reading your prediction that this full moon is a big stop sign. Have I got that right? Thank you!!

    1. Covid-19 is with us forever, like AIDS-HIV and it will get worse from March 2023, with a new variant which Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna are powerless to fend off. Many more are going to die or get Long Covid. You did very well to cancel your trip. Not so much because this was going to infect you – you may have been lucky – but your willpower will save you from infection long-term because you have strong Covid protection habits. The Full Moon hasn’t happened yet. So it was nothing to do with the Full Moon. You have a huge Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of work, study, health and wellbeing. That is your entire issue. Mercury is now in Virgo, slowly crossing through your Sixth House, before going retrograde, or backwards. So you are being asked to protect your health so that you can work long-term without being slowed down by Long Covid or stopped by serious illness. I’m sorry it happened but if you are habitually strong-willed and push back against weak handling of the pandemic, you will insure yourself for years against what is a rapidly mutating virus which takes no prisoners. Oh. And Monkeypox.

  12. Hi Jessica, thank you for the insight as ever. As soon as I saw the news yesterday I thought of you and what you had said in the past about Trump, his connections and the outcomes for him. Very interesting. His story certainly does not appear to have reached its conclusion yet!
    On a personal note, I am an Aries (09/04/66) born 30 minutes passed midnight and I really would like a new challenge workwise, bored! But also mindful that my place of work, and job has served me well all the time I have been there. Not just financially but on terms of personal growth, success (my professional success has been their business success) and a lot of autonomy. Autonomy may not be something I get elsewhere so readily? and doing my own thing is something I like best. It is time for change, I know it, but I do not know what I want to do. I have two acquaintances that have just upped and spun their careers on their head, one of them acquiring a wedding business in the middle of planning her own daughters wedding! I envy and admire the journey that they are undertaking and I wish I could find something like that for myself. This indecisiveness when it comes to work is very unlike me….I am usually very sure. Will or can the “full moon August changes” bring a positive career change for me?

    1. Thank you. The Full Moon has nothing to do with career and it’s never positive; it’s always a challenge. Your career issues will end in March 2023 when you realise you can put 2008-2022 behind you. From that point you will be offered a new role or goal which is empowering but requires huge willpower. You will either take it or reject it by May 2023 but that’s a pointer to the future. Long-term, beyond 2030, you could be involved with powerful people, so politicians or C.E.O.figures. You would also take quite a controlling role with them.

  13. Hi Jessica! Looking at my chart I have Mercury at 19 sag, Pluto at 18 Libra and Minerva at 18 Cancer can you please take a look at my chart and see how this full moon may effect me? Thank you so much for your time.

    1. There will be a knock-on effect from this Full Moon hitting the airlines (Sagittarius) so find another time to complain to them about lost baggage, cancellation and the rest. That is if you are even flying during a pandemic! Foreigners and foreign countries are also Sagittarius-ruled, so skip the Full Moon for important choices about them, or those. Pluto in Libra is about your need to control a duet or duel. Minerva in Cancer is about your house, apartment, family, household, town, country. Perhaps all these things will cross over. They may be separate stories. Find another time to act.

  14. Thank you yet again Jessica. I’m curious about how cover-ups during other, much older, Leo-Aquarius eclipses and weather may be revealed? I have Leo moon 12 and Venus Aquarius 4. My partner has Jupiter Taurus 17, Neptune Scorpio 18, Psyche Aquarius 20 and Cupido Leo 27. Thank you again for your sharing your talents and I am continuing to learn.

    1. The cover-up sequence of the Leo eclipses, and also the Leo-Aquarius eclipse axis, is here forever. So you will never know. You will know that something is a mystery – that’s about it. I know it can be frustrating. I use 0-1 degree orbs so the only thing that matters here is Neptune at 18 Scorpio and Psyche at 20 Aquarius. Those Leo-Aquarius eclipses would have been about a friend and a group. To give you an example I had a reader who had friends in a charity and then discovered that the ‘good cause’ had been misusing funds she had raised, and a friend had covered it up by destroying evidence. She still doesn’t know the full truth and never will. At a certain point you have to let things go. Just skip the Full Moon for choices or actions about finance, property, business, charity, valuables (Scorpio) especially involving partners or family (Scorpio, again). Similarly, actions and judgements about friends and groups (Aquarius).

  15. Dear Jessica

    Thank you for your update, always fascinating to see what’s going to happen on a micro and macro level.

    Since 2017 there have been cover ups with an adult child of mine. We both have stelliums in Leo and I have Taurus and Scorpio placements around that degree.

    I’d appreciate if you could read the tea leaves for me and see what this full moon might bring.

    Thank you

    1. Sharlene, the cover-ups involving your child will never be fully uncovered. You are about to discover (until the end of September) exactly what you will never know. I’ve had readers present with secretly gay or bisexual nephews (their mothers hid the truth) but also one reader with a daughter who had a cannabis use problem, and hid it. I have also seen bipolar depression/suicidal teenagers with that Leo sequence. Avoid the Full Moon please. It’s too hard to decide/talk/act/plan and next week will give everyone the breathing space of the weekend that they need. In September you can strike a deal or compromise with/about your child. It will be a trade-off on your side and theirs, or with the other parent (for example). Agree to differ.

  16. Thanks for this post Jessica. My Descendant is at 15 Leo and I’ve a stellium in Aquarius including my Ascendant at 15 degrees. I also have my Moon at 18 Capricorn, Vulcano at 18 Cancer and Hygeia at 20 Gemini. I drew The Emperor when reflecting on what I need to know for this Full Moon. I read your Tarot interpretation and thought it could represent an Arian executive I work with. I’m due to apply for my own role when it’s advertised in the next week, and am also looking to buy a home. Can you please share your interpretation? Thank you.

    1. I’m glad you used the Tarot with the Full Moon. You can see Capricorn the mountain goat on the Emperor’s throne. He is the man at the top. A boss, grandfather, father, senior partner or similar. So this Full Moon is catching your Moon at 18 Capricorn. The horned beast on the throne can also be interpreted as Aries so it works both ways. It’s the executive you work with. Skip the Full Moon to apply for your role or discuss it. Wait until next week. Read The Emperor at length in the Tarot flipbooks in your library.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    Another very interesting blog, I always look forward to a new subject!

    This full moon is in my 4th house, I have lots of challenges and problems. My IC is in 20 Taurus, MC 20 Scorpio and Diana 20 Aquarius. I am going through a divorce, I have a new partner we are not properly together yet., but I take 2 steps forward and 3 back. Any ideas what this full stop could mean for me please.

    Thanks Jessica.

    1. Thank you. Yes, as a Sun Scorpio, the Full Moon in Aquarius transits your Fourth House of home, family, house, apartment, town and country. You also have personal factors (the angles and Diana) just one degree away from the T-Square. I am not surprised you are in the middle of a divorce. Just avoid decisions or action plans regarding the above, on the Full Moon. Give it Thursday, Friday. If you can have the discussion any time, do it next week. This may be either man, your own family, or an issue about how to live together/where to live together. The entire situation with your accommodation, any mortgage or rent, the family circle – is less onerous from March 2023. That is the month everything changes.

  18. Very helpful, Jessica, many thanks. I have Saturn in Leo 16, and cerera 20, virgo. does it mean this full moon is to challenge me?
    Your insight regarding Ukraine atomic plant threat and full/fool moon would be really helpful .

    1. This Full Moon is really about your family, household, house, apartment, home town and/or homeland. It just reminds you that sometimes there is no perfect solution or ideal answer. You can make life easier though by refusing to embark on any dramatic new action plans or decisions while the Full Moon is here. The burden lifts in March 2023. No more heavy lifting. From March 2023 you will be shown a glimpse of the long-term future with relatives, flatmates/roommates/live-in partners, your property rental or ownership, your place in the world. By May 2023 you will realise that if you want to be powerful in all those spheres you will have to use tremendous willpower, far beyond 2030. Ukraine atomic plant threat? Putin loves frightening people. Ignore him. He’s a dinosaur standing on the edge of a crumbling cliff.

  19. Hi Jessica I have my moon at 02 Aquarius – how will this full moon affect me? My sun is at 18 Capricorn is this a trine to the full moon?

    1. The Full Moon at 19 Aquarius is not going to transit your Moon at 2 Aquarius. Not a chance. It will pick up your Sun at 18 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. So, other people’s issues with their groups and their leadership, will have a ripple effect on your job. It may be a rival company for example who realise their old boss who still has shares in the company is a liability so there is a rebellion in the ranks; this trickles down to your firm.

  20. Hi Jessica, thank you for your helpful advice regarding the Full Moon. I am a Sun 20 Sagittarius with Mars 19 Aquarius, MC 19 Virgo, IC 19 Pisces, ASC 18 Sag, DESC 18 Gemini, Aesculapia 20 Pisces, Hygeia 19 Aquarius and Panacea 19 Sag. I am expecting to attend a foreign university for a postgrad course in September and the university is in the middle of processing the documents necessary to apply for my visa. I understand as a Sun Sag this full moon would affect siblings and cousins, short journeys and the internet. Given my other factors, would it also affect my potential educational plans in any way? Many thanks in advance.

    1. Thank you. You are hoping for a visa ahead of a postgraduate course at a foreign university. This is all Sagittarius stuff in your Ninth House of foreigners and academia. Try to finalise this before Mars goes retrograde in Sagittarius from September 4th 2022 as he retrogrades from 8 to 25 degrees of Gemini and will thus oppose your Sun and Ascendant in the Ninth House, not to mention Panacea. If you do hit obstacles, which is quite normal on transiting Mars oppositions, these will go backwards and forwards until the end of the retrograde cycle on March 17th 2023. The Full Moon in your solar chart as a Sun Sagittarius is about the same thing; it opposes the transiting Sun in Leo in your solar Ninth House so let it pass. You will have to make a compromise, cut a deal, give way and back down regarding academia, foreigners and foreign countries until September 29th. As I said, long-term, there is an obstacle course with the Mars oppositions but it’s rather like running an obstacle course backwards. You just do it.

  21. Hi Jessica,

    I hope you are well.

    In my current planetary positions chart I have:

    Uranus – 18° Taurus 50′ 09″
    Juno – 20° Pisces 36′ 26″ R
    MC – 20° Pisces 36′ 26″ R
    IC – 20° Virgo 36′ 26″
    Minerva – 18° Capricorn 19′ 57″ R
    Apollo -18° Leo 38′ 03″
    Cupido 18° Virgo 55′ 18″
    Vulcano 18° Virgo 03′ 41″
    NorthNode 18° Taurus 05′ 55″ R
    SouthNode 18° Scorpio 05′ 55″ R

    In my Birthchart I have:

    Pluto 18° Scorpio 14′ 02″ R
    Ceres 20° Libra 32′ 02″
    Diana 18° Sagittarius 08′ 37″ R
    NorthNode 19° Capricorn 24′ 34″ R
    SouthNode 19° Cancer 24′ 34″ R

    I have a lot of challenges in terms of where my job is taking me. There seems to be an ultimatum for the team that if we don’t perform then in the next few months we will be facing lay offs. They had already begun the layoffs as of last week. At this point, I keep questioning myself if I am meant to be living paycheck to paycheck? I am also considering start a small business of my own but everytime i get the thought i get very excited, by the time i have finished doing the research i panic and back out and this happens to me all the time.

    My self doubt always kicks in everytime I think of a new venture in terms of how will i do this? am i the right person? what if i fail? how do i do this? the how is always the killer in the ideas.

    I have also been applying to other jobs and got interviewed for 1 but there is no feedback from them yet. I am waiting for a few more interviews to come through..

    Looking forward to your reading on my career and entrepreneurship.

    1. Thank you. The key here is your Gemini Sun but also the lunar nodes at 19 Capricorn and 19 Cancer. No wonder you want a new job. Okay, so you will be offered professional and business opportunities and solutions from October 29th until December 20th. Take these with the long-term in mind as you need to find out what will be required of you in 2023, 2024, 2025 with any new role/s. Are you in a trade union? Are you all (the team) united? That is where your good fortune is until the end of October. You don’t say what your own business would be so it’s hard to comment further on that, as opposed to (say) a job working for another company. Pluto at 18 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, valuables and business is the whole story. You have this earth-shaking opposition from Uranus at 18 Taurus and it is very important that you use your willpower and self-control to push back and really run your own life budget. This goes beyond the salary into issues like the big ticket items in your legacy, and the big ticket items left to you in other people’s legacies. It runs into areas like any mortgage with a marriage (again I have no idea if you are single or with a partner). In general if you want to start a business, you don’t do it on a Uranus opposition to natal Pluto, because it’s far too stressful. This transit is there beyond 2022 so just be aware of the stormy economic weather out there. Yet, you should be happy with the professional, unpaid work or academic career option offered from late October to late December, so lock it in, bearing in mind it has to get you through 2023 and 2024. The Tarot can enlighten you further about that.

  22. Hi Jessica:
    Thank you for your fascinating post. I am currently living in the states, and the tension is unbelievable with news and media – it is too much at times.
    My family and work life is very chaotic too. Very tense with my personal relationships, and especially worried that I am not present enough with my children, even though they are now (cancer daughter) 20 and (capricorn son) 23 – feel like someone needs guidance, but am spending too much time working or caring for elderly parents, and my love life of 4 years feels stagnant. I want to switch gears but do not know how or where, or even when – but feel it’s necessary.
    I do have the following factors – can you please tell me what I can expect with the full moon:
    Jupiter 19° Scorpio 29′ 39″
    Saturn”18° Taurus 14′ 14″
    Juno 19° Taurus 14′ 43″

    Always, thank you Jessica.

    1. Thank you. America is working her way through the same cycle as the War of Independence and Declaration of Independence; it takes time but March 2023 will let you know a new era is coming. Much better! You have your hands full with your family. The Full Moon at 19 Aquarius asks you to stop (full stop, Full Moon) as you need to make a new life budget. Time is money. Some things are priceless. Make a list and try to rethink the way you are seeing your daughter and son, your elderly parents and your relationship. You are having a classic Full Moon moment and as this is a T-Square in your chart it feels tense and tight. Relief and release will come once it has passed into Pisces, but give yourself time and space Thursday, Friday (and other people). You can have major discussions or make big action plans another time. A rough list is a good idea; you can adjust it later; you don’t have to do anything now. There is a big gap between your life budget and that of your partner, say, or your parents or children. You come first. Your peace of mind comes first. So be honest with yourself about the money, the home, the valuables, the legacies and so on and try to figure out something that serves you.

  23. Hi Jessica,
    We have had an offer of a house accepted. We are working out finance options this this week, does the full moon have any affect on these events? I have Minerva in Capricorn at 17 and Bacchus in Aquarius at 17.

    Thank you.


    1. Congratulations on the acceptance. You are in the right cycle to save or make money until October 29th. Try to finalise everything if you possibly can by September 4th. If you are renovating or repairing after that date, make allowances for delays or reversals; read the fine print on agreements and have Plan B until March 17th 2023. This may also be the case if there are questions about the council, say, or the surrounding area. The Full Moon is too wide, at 19 Aquarius, to trigger your chart. So this is really the Taurus-Scorpio axis of your natal chart F.

  24. Hi Jessica i am at a critical point with a soon to be ex he is capricon born 1/01/1966 i have supported him for 4 years over and beyond and found him to be narcistic and deciteful i have an option thorugh law to take whats rightfully mine and will expose him ( he wouldbe so angry) i do not want to use this as i am in a foreign country and i want to live peacefully, i am hoping he will do the right and moral thing and go and sign over whats rightfully mine, I am taking note not to force any decision over next few days with the full moon can you give me any insight in this situation

    1. Please do avoid the Full Moon if you want to get justice with your Sun Capricorn ex-boyfriend. There are easier times to sort this out. He is a deceitful narcissist and you are hoping he will sign over what is yours. I advise against. Why? You have Mars (anger, battles, fights) retrograde, or stuck, going backwards, in Gemini which rules your money, possessions, house or apartment. It starts around September 4th, takes you past Christmas and is still hanging around in the first quarter of 2023. You have better things to do than grind your gears. Can I suggest you put a price on peace of mind? Sometimes you have to ‘take’ a price or ‘pay’ in order to get an easier life. Were you to engage, legally, he would drag it out. What you need to remember is that the way he treated you, is the way he has treated other people or even large organisations – perhaps society as a whole – and he will pay. He will pay and go on paying, for the next 20 years. So if your concern is justice, then it is coming. He’s in that kind of cycle. The entire problem with him, according to that birthdate, was a parent who raised him incorrectly. He is dysfunctional as a result of that parent. That is not your problem. It’s his entire lifetime problem. Use the Tarot to validate the timing I have given you here. I have had many readers over the years who have realised that once they add up the value in euros, pounds or dollars of (say) the furniture or the split bills, or even the lent money – they realise they would happily write it off in order to get rid of the vain man living rent-free in their head. Just a suggestion.

  25. Thank you Jessica. My moon is at 21 deg aquarius with venus and jupiter in aquarius too.
    I am also leo rising. How does this new moon in leo affect me. Short and long term?
    Thank you so much for your insights and openness. And also I read you are a Leo too? Happy Birthday.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I am a Sun Leo. This Full Moon in Aquarius falls in your natal Eleventh House of friends and groups. You have already been living with Saturn in Aquarius in your Eleventh House since Christmas 2020. This is a test of friendship. Only true friends will last. Saturn also tests groups in your life. Are the groups in tune with you? This can be a very long and drawn-out process, but the circles of people, the communities and the friendships which are still there from March 2023 are really strong and in fact, will be a powerful part of your life from that month, for many years into the future. Just don’t act or judge Thursday, Friday as it’s all too hard.

  26. Hi Jessica love your posts. I have been waiting since Xmas 2020 wishing a job I started in 2017 to expose someone for thier lies and for some truth to be revealed in my work place but it just keeps getting buried by people higher and higher up. Fed up

    1. You are too early. Pluto takes time to leave Capricorn. This does not happen until March 2023 and it’s really not until June 2023 that corruption by the man or woman at the top, is enough to bring about their downfall. Yet, if you have been putting up with ‘top people’ abusing their power and trying to dominate everything and everybody, they are already on a downhill slope. Get on with other things. But the cycle does end.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for another amazing, well researched & written feature! I’m a Sun Taurus with natal Ops 18 Scorpio & Minerva 20 Leo.
    Here in Scotland, we have warm sunny weather for the next few days. So I’ll be spending them outside in my garden, just pottering around & maybe some sunbathing! I will not make any dramatic decisions or action plans, but rather give myself more time & space!

    I’m intrigued that this Full Moon will end a chapter in my life regarding Saturn in Aquarius. I think several of the new-ish neighbouring households here, are starting to realise that what they may have been told about me is complete rubbish. You previously responded to my comment about my neighbour (who had harassed me since February 2017) disturbing me during the early hours of the first Covid-19 lockdown here in the UK in April 2020. I called the Police then for the first time. They gave her a Verbal Warning. The harassment continued until May 2021 (& the Police are aware of those occasions too). But I strongly suspect I have been badmouthed ever since.

    If I’ve understood this correctly, I’m hoping that this chapter (Aquarius – the group – my neighbours) ends now. Could you please provide an interpretation of my placements?
    All the best to you & your team. JT1605

    1. Thank you. Aquarius is the group involving friends. Not the neighbours. The neighbours are Gemini. Your neighbourhood is Cancer. So these are different issues. The Full Moon does not end issues with the neighbours. The Full Moon is a warning to pause and avoid any more actions/judgements about your home, your home town and the local area on Thursday, Friday. So it’s really simple. You need to energetically disconnect from the neighbours. They may have corded you; you have certainly corded them. There are usually exercises for cord-cutting on YouTube; the College of Psychic Studies in Kensington (online) can also be a good resource. You set up boundaries by using the police, which was wise. You now need to change the energetic, invisible threads in the situation. Wait until after the Full Moon.

  28. Hello Jessica,

    Your articles on this blog are great. I am a Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Rising. When will I get a new job and what are the best time periods for me to push for a new job in 2022 and 2023? Is it possible for me to have a personal consultation with you (on Skype or Zoom or MS Teams) as my wife is suffering from severe health issues for the last few years and there isn’t much help from the various doctors that we have consulted.

    Many thanks,

    1. Thank you. You will have a new job by October, or set up future success by October, and gain the new job January-May 2023 as a result of what you did in August, September, October 2022. One or the other. I don’t give personal consultations unless for a charity auction and the last one was about $4000 for 45 minutes so that is not always in a regular budget. Your wife needs help with her health. You can both join as trial members for a month for around $7 and use all the resources on this website, particularly the Tarot and Oracles, to start the search. I hope that helps.

  29. Hi Jessica,
    This is brilliant! I have my NN and SN at 18 degrees, Tauras 19 cupido, venus 17 Gemini saturn 17 Leo. I’m heading right into a custody evaluation, that started in 2020. It feels it is coming full circle for me as well… Thank you for this article!

  30. Hi Jessica Thank you for another great blog post. My husband feels this latest event will start a civil war vmbecause die hard Trump fans cannot will see him as Victim of a corrupt government. On another note, both ny husband and I are having a challenging week. He is annoyed at work being kept in limbo due to shuffles that are taking forever and working him extra hard. He is losing patience and waiting for the position which he was promised as the boss but is currently working like a new hire and is exhausted. His birthday (8/22/73) exact birthplace as me at 12:22pm. I am just extremely tired and awaiting a medical procedure to diagnose a health problem I have been having and of course, my mind is going crazy and I have to wait until the end of the month for the appointment. Meanwhile, I have started a fitness regime again as I have always been on top top shape but have let myself go and just feel so tired and worn down. Financially it has been difficult as well. I sometimes just want to give up but then other days have a lot of hope for better times. Today no so much and I feel like I can’t liste. To my husband’s frequent negativity and complaining. Can you take a look at our charts and tell us what may come of this full moon and if things will eventually change direction. I keep hanging on until March 2023.

    1. Yes, there are a few American readers here and on Twitter who worry that Trump fans will get their guns out and start a civil war. The sentiment is there but I think they will find President Biden is 100 steps in front of them. You really don’t mess with Biden; he has a formidable chart. You and your husband are both going through tough times. The Full Moon won’t fix that. Your husband was born on 22nd August 1973 so he is a Sun Leo going through transiting Pluto in Capricorn in his solar Sixth House of work and health. He is being asked to find the willpower and self-control to own his own power. Other people or organisations which are extremely powerful and dominating are taking over. He should let them do whatever they want to do, but continue to run his own world and trust his own potency and influence; his own clout. The politics ends in March 2023 and from that point will never be as challenging as it has been. In fact from 2025 he will never again go through these questions about who or what is in charge. 2023 to 2024 will be one of his best years on record, professionally, so I would assume the promotion to boss appears by then, or he is offered a superior position elsewhere. You are a Sun Cancer with a huge Virgo stellium and should rethink your work-life balance. Easy for me to write and hard for you to do, but it is the problem. An overload of Virgo factors in the Sixth House suggests it is the tiny details of your lifestyle and housework (housework being extremely important), as well as your paid work, and any voluntary efforts, which counts. Keep a diary of the way you use your time for a week. You can shred it or drag it into the rubbish bin on your computer and press empty. But – do look at where your time and energy is going. You could even count worrying in that. Are you worrying for half an hour every day, for example, when you could be meditating or enjoying hypnosis free from Dr. Paul McKenna on YouTube? (He is the hypnotist most recommended by readers). Sort out your routine. If a fitness regime is not helping then find something that does. That is basically the story here; Virgo placements in your chart being triggered by Mercury in Virgo and some transits in Gemini and Pisces around that, for quite some time. You will be extremely successful if you take opportunities and solutions being handed to you until October. Even if they are all potential and no delivery, they will deliver January-May 2023.

  31. Thanks as always Jessica ❤️ I have a few placements, hopefully it’s nothing too worrying!
    Best wishes Lesley

    1. Astrology is here to help you avoid worry; the Full Moon is the full stop in the sky. It is also the bottom of an exclamation mark. And it is the start of dot, dot dot…So you rewrite your own story and avoid a chapter you do not want. It’s that simple.

  32. Thanks, Jessica, for your insights. I always read the news and remember your predictions!

    I have:
    Chiron at 18 Taurus
    Fortuna at 18 Aquarius

    Can you help me understand what this full moon will mean for me? I’m having a spate of home repair issues at the moment and also working on a book but finding everything else is taking over and I’m struggling with energy just now – is this related to these placements?

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you Jillian. You are strongly Scorpio and Aquarius and the Full Moon is in Aquarius up against the Sun in Leo. These are all fixed signs and you are struggling with energy because you are fixed in nature – and being asked to unfix, what is fixed about yourself and your life. This can feel like wrenching the wheel and so being tired is quite normal. In fact, you are going through historic cycles in the fixed signs; Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius. At the heart of all this is your life budget. Home repairs cost. Working on a book costs time, and time is money. Skip the Full Moon itself for dramatic decisions or actions, as it’s too hard – but later on think about creating a life budget based around costs, prices and ‘time is money’. It may be that you are still stuck with your old way of thinking and that is out of synch with what is actually going on, hence the push-pull.

  33. Hi Jessica, In reading this blog post you say that for Taurus it’s about unpaid work, work and academia. I have been feeling really down about my career in the legal field (which I used to love) among other things. Now I’m really itchy to do something more creative and have really started disliking my current path. It’s a bit of restlessness. Do you see anything in my chart that would be a good idea, fit or time to make something happen? If it’s a good idea. My cancer husband is mostly supportive of this but is worried about finances and we’ve been butting heads a bit lately too on other matters; maybe it’s just me being scared to make a leap. I do have 2 factors at 19 in Taurus and Leo. I’m new at this but have learned so much with my membership, so thank you for that! Cheers, Rachel

    1. Rachel, I am not surprised you feel your legal career is not what you want. The burden will lift in March 2023, either because you leave then, or because conditions change around you (personnel, environment). It is also possible that you will have left long before, but March is the month you are given a new role or project within that changed situation. March 2023 is also the start of a transformation in your long-term career which takes you into the 2030s. So all you are feeling is written in the stars. The Full Moon is picking up your financial situation (Taurus) and so of course your husband is concerned about income. Unless you want a long, drawn-out conflict about the money, you would avoid acting in September as Mars turns backwards or retrograde in your salary zone, September 4th 2022 until March 2023. That is a really long time to be different over the bills. If you want to follow the astrological timing you will either allow for long, drawn-out stalemates over the money (or even delays in payments to you) and budget around that, or avoid the Mars Retrograde altogether and wait until March 2023 to make your move. I don’t have your husband’s chart though so that is only half the story. I suggest you both use the Tarot to validate this timing and suggestion. But long-term, it’s a new career. And a very powerful one around intensely powerful people and organisations.

  34. Hello Jessica,

    I have Moon at 18-19 degrees Aquarius in my birth chart, being a Sun Scorpio at 4 degrees. You mention in the article that this Full Moon ends a chapter in the family, homeland, house and I would like to understand better if this part of my live it will end for starting a new chapter in this area as from the moment Saturn entered in December 2020 in Aquarius my family was changed due to the fact that I have divorced last year. Also, on Aug 12th I will have to travel for a scheduled business trip -any idea what this travel will represent for me or any impact?

    Best regards and thank you very much for all your wonderful and interesting posts.

    1. The Full Moon in Aquarius transits your solar Fourth House of family, household, house and apartment. You divorced last year and your family changed. Just skip Thursday, Friday for choices about that or action plans. It’s too hard. Once you are starting afresh next week you can make easier choices. The burden goes in March 2023. From March 2023 there is no more endless waiting in a stuck situation; you will see everything start to loosen up and reshape, in terms of the family circle, but I would also guess, home improvements, repairs, renovations or even a new home by June 2023. As for the business trip, I assume it’s essential and you will have an N95 mask on from airport in transit, to airport and have all the windows open in the hotel room before you arrive? In a perfect world you would have a portable UV-C light you plug into the hotel room.

  35. Thanks Jessica! This is so fascinating! I’ve been following your blogs and tweets pretty closely. Being a Scorpio, I’m always intrigued by all the suspense and everything that is hidden. I have a few placements but not all of them are at 18, 19 degrees. I have a couple before and after. Would those count? What does this mean for me?
    Mars 17° Leo
    Uranus 20° Scorpio
    Ops 19° Aquarius
    Venus 17° Scorpio
    Thank you for sharing your gift so freely!

    1. Thank you. Ops at 19 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups is the most important factor here. The Full Moon will form a conjunction with natal Ops and oppose the transiting Sun. Ever since Christmas 2020 you have faced tests and trials with friends and groups. Ops is a symbol of resistance, resourcefulness and patience. The pandemic may have separated you from friends in other states or countries. You may have differed with friends who have strong views on masks, vaccination or just politics (say) that mean you are no longer close. You may have been invited to make new friends or join new groups, but they are Covid-unsafe and want you to gather indoors without open windows, HEPA filters or UV-C so you have felt at risk and cancelled. You have a stellium in Aquarius, not just Ops, so you are the person who supplies your allies and networks with all they require, even though you are always an outsider. That role has been very difficult since Christmas 2020. The Full Moon is going to accent that for you and is best avoided for dramatic decisions or action plans. Yet from March 2023 the heaviest, slowest, most onerous cycle in 29 years has gone. From March 2023 you will be invited to take up a far more powerful and influential role, around groups and with new or old friends.

  36. Dear Jessica, watching you for quite a time, still having problems understanding the chart though 🙂 Turning 40 soon, I feel like standing on the crossroads. Having the job I thought was my dream, but doubting now. Doubting my personal life, worrying about my child and the overall future. Do you happen to see any bright spots for me? 🙂

    1. You are strongly Scorpio and have a large stellium in Scorpio in the Eighth House. Doubts are normal when you go through oppositions from transiting Uranus in Taurus; oppositions from the transiting North Node in Taurus; conjunctions from the transiting South Node in Scorpio; squares from the transit of Saturn in Aquarius. This is a T-Square in astrology. Tense and tight, like a T-Junction with three lanes of traffic meeting head-on. It would be astonishing if you were not questioning everything you had built in your life: the house or apartment; parenthood; sexual relationships; your salary; bank account. All these are Scorpio matters. Scorpio rules the reality of marriage, common-law marriage or even fleeting sexual encounters. It is always the fiscal reality and the question of what happens if you are left solo, or worse. Scorpions inspired the ancient astrologers to pin that constellation to a species which results in coupling with a risk; it can result in only one scorpion surviving! Scorpio is also a fixed sign. It dislikes change. You are now being asked to ‘unfix the fixed’ in relation to all these matters and yet you don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water. Adjusting and adapting is required; reshaping. The pressure is off in two stages. March 2023 when Saturn leaves Aquarius and then July 2023 (the big one) when the lunar nodes depart Taurus and Scorpio. Until then the Tarot can help with necessary changes.

  37. Hi. The full moon is on my sun at 19 just before my birthday. I’m looking at a property in a more laid back area near the beach on Friday. This opportunity came out of nowhere. I drew tarot cards Justice and then the 6 of wands. It’s feeling momentous, but I also don’t want to be too excited. Any insights you can share from your view of my chart?

    1. As someone with the Sun at 19 Leo, you have your Solar Return (Many Happy Returns comes from this astrological phase) but also a Full Moon in opposition. You want to move near the beach. You don’t say if you have children or a lover, which Leo rules – or if the decision affects your social life and friendships, which Aquarius rules. That is essentially what this Full Moon is about. Justice is a lawyer, barrister, solicitor or judge deciding what is scrupulously fair. This may be the person you hire for the deal, of course.

  38. Hi Jessica. Very insightful post. I have Vulcan at 19 degrees in Taurus. It’s been a rough few days for me, dealing with one problem after another, regarding closing a bank loan for my new business. Will this moon put a full stop to some of the unexpected and unfair legal issues I’m facing in the process of getting this loan? Thank you for all that you do!

    1. Thank you. I am sure you know the Full Moon rules the tides. You have been swimming against the tide. The Full Moon wants you to stop. It’s a full stop. You are trying to close a bank loan for a new business. If you can press pause then do so. You are being slowed down by a T-Square from the Sun and Moon to natal Vulcano in your Second House of finance. It’s like three cars meeting at a T-Junction. You can’t ram the traffic. This weekend will be a lot easier and from next Monday you can put all this in perspective. Long-term you will make or save a small fortune; Jupiter will go to 19 Taurus eventually. The cycle begins in May 2023 and extends to May 2024.

  39. Hi Jessica, as always, thanks for the fantastic post. Fingers crossed Justice prevails in the Epstein and Trump cases. I have the below 18 to 20 degree placements. If you have time, any insights, please? I assume this relates to my home, any romantic relationships, and health. I have a job interview in the Eastern time zone on August 11; I didn’t realize it was on the day of the full moon! Will avoid making any decisions until Monday. Thank you, and stay safe and healthy. Cheers.

    Moon 20 degrees Scorpio
    Aesculapia 18 degrees Vir

    1. Thank you. Trump is rather like the last of the dinosaurs along with Putin and they are stumbling into oblivion from March 2023. Your chart shows the job interview on the Full Moon. Your Moon is in Scorpio (your bank account, your proposed salary) and Aesculapia is in Virgo (work and lifestyle). The Full Moon creates a T-Square with the former. So there is no perfection. You will have to do a deal with yourself (or not). If you are asked to work on something very demanding that is not really you – will you do it for the money? And if you are unsure about one or two of the people, will you just take the money and run anyway? Of course you may not get the job. There is then a similar challenge; could you still use the same skills and talents for something else? The Tarot can be a good guide by your side at such times.

  40. Hi, The full moon is conjunct my natal moon (sun) which has an almost exact square to Chiron at 19* Taurus. At this same time Saturn and the full moon will be making a square to Uranus conjunction to my natal Chiron and Bacchae. Aquarium signatures are more difficult for me to interpret, however I am scared. Fearful as so much is being impacted at the same time. Slow moving planets affected my own natal planets almost exactly. Please help me interpret this full moon signature in my chart. Thank you very much. 😉

    1. Thank you. Chiron at 19 Taurus is square the Moon at 19 Leo in your natal chart so there is a lifelong conflict between the need to look after your own and other people’s children (Moon in Leo) and the maverick approach you need to take to money, business, charity, valuables, property (Chiron in Taurus). The Second House rules your income, and the Fifth House rules courtship, heirs and pretenders to the throne. There may also be lifelong conflicts between your love life and sex life (short-term or long-term) and how things sit with you financially, or with your values. The Full Moon will accent this, because it forms a T-Square in your chart. I expect you already know about it. A classic example is feeling you have to put a price on something, or hang a tag on someone, and evaluate it. There is often a squeeze on with a T-Square. It disappears once the Full Moon is into Pisces; so, around the world, from this weekend. I just had a reader with Juno at 19 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and business, which is similar. For her the issue was doing what she did not want to do, professionally, and selling out for a company she did not respect. Yet, the money was good and she knew it would generate more business. Whatever situation you are going through, the Tarot can help with guidance. No need to be fearful; it will be obvious to you now and it will involve courtship, heirs or pretenders to your throne. If you have a son or daughter that is, as Basil Fawlty used to say, ‘special subject, the bleeding obvious’!

  41. Wonderful information on this site! I’m going to start my membership!

    My natal Mars is at 19 Aquarius in my 3H (also conjunct my North Node), squaring transiting Uranus/Node in my 6H. The pressure has been intense, I left a new job last month to take a leave of absence for mental health reasons and I’m not sure of the future of my job/career. I can’t bear to continue going down the same path. I really have no idea what my future holds, I’ve never been in this position before and it’s very uncomfortable and scary!

    1. Mars is in Aquarius in your Eleventh House, not your Third House and I suspect the aspects you mention may also be wrong unless you use 0-1 orbs. Transiting Uranus is in Taurus in your Second House, not your Sixth House. Can I suggest you use the Tarot on this website to reassure yourself? It is free.

  42. Thank you for your comment, Jessica. “you are the person who supplies your allies and networks with all they require, even though you are always an outsider.” This brought tears to my eyes. The pandemic has been a very isolating experience for me and continues to be for the exact reasons you’ve indicated.
    If I may, I’d like to ask you one more question. We had enrolled our little one in Pre-K thinking things would be OK considering there are vaccines now for the younger ones in the US. But I’m terrified to send him to school because of COVID. I will feel like I’ve failed him if he ended up getting it, but a part of me also feels like I’m holding him back from the rest of the world. Do you have any guidance for me?

    1. The pandemic arrived with Saturn in Aquarius. The first man died on January 10th 2020 and by Christmas 2020, Saturn was here, dominating 2021, 2022 and finally out of your life in March 2023. Father Time is another representation of Saturn and – you have to wait. The sands go through the hourglass with your social life, friends and groups. It really is an endurance test but you are well over the halfway mark and you will have.a completely different social life after March 2023 for many years into the future as Pluto in Aquarius will take up residence in your Eleventh House of brotherhood and sisterhood. You are quite right to be concerned about your child. Every scientist, doctor and epidemiologist I follow on Twitter is extremely concerned about Covid in schools. What parents are finding collectively is that they can mobilise together and organise ventilation (open windows and heater on) and HEPA filters in classrooms. Pre-kindergarten should be a safe space. You will not be the only parent thinking this way. The other issue is of course that children bring Covid home and infect the whole family, as you know. I strongly recommend you organise.

  43. I’m Born July 14,1975 my husband is October 20,1982 just went through chapter 7 bankruptcy and our money situation is not got I am not working I used to be a real estate agent but never really had clients and my husband has been at the same job for 10 years without a promotion any advice with things get better? From California USA

    1. I am so sorry you are bankrupt but you are not alone and it is not your fault. The worst financial cycle in 29 years for you ends in March 2023. That month is a turning point as you will be in a brand new situation when you realise you could use willpower to become empowered. Not short-term but long-term. The burden will lift March-June 2023 and then by 2025 you slowly move into a new position, perhaps with real estate again, maybe with some other aspect of business, retail, charity, finance – and could be quite powerful from 2030. The Tarot is free to use on this website and can validate this.

  44. You were born with Pluto at 29 Libra in your Seventh House of marriage. You have transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn square natal Pluto. This is historic, transformative, intense and quite a slow process. Pluto will hover on and off the 29 degree mark for some time. Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto is about your willpower and self-control within the marriage. It is also about the balance of power with your husband. It sounds as if you are having a Talking Heads moment. Once In A Lifetime as David Byrne sang. Take heart; you are allowed to feel as if everything has to change. This is quite normal on this cycle. Unusually, you were also born with Neptune at 29 Sagittarius in the Ninth House. So, transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn is semi-sextile natal Neptune. Two massive cycles at the same time. Neptune is notorious for confusion. It is quite normal to feel all at sea, on these cycles. This one is about your Ninth House which rules foreigners, foreign countries, foreign cultures, academia, education, publishing and the worldwide web. You can read more about these planets in your library. The marriage is about empowerment, disempowerment and how to either balance the scales or throw them out and replace them with new scales!

  45. Thank you as always Jessica. It is always comforting to read the words of soneone who can see the bigger picture.

  46. Thanks for this Jessica. I have an 18 degree placement in Taurus and some others in Scorpio and Capricorn. How shall I navigate this moon, please? Thanks for any insights!

    1. The Full Moon will ask you to make a deal with yourself, based on imperfect situations which are hard to reconcile. So you will have to figure out who or what matters most to you. Is it the money (or related matters, like a house or apartment) or is it something else you find extremely valuable, like your free time, or your self-respect, or your integrity? Taurus-Scorpio is always about values. Who or what is so precious to you, that you find it priceless and (also) what you will sell your soul for, because it’s worth it to you financially. Time to stroke the chin thoughtfully and ponder, but the weekend will be a relief and release.

  47. Hi Jessica,
    OMG! You are so gifted and we can’t thank you enough for your insights. Reading this article makes me think of the haps of this week. I was asked to proceed with a project in May and when I did and we were at a milestone, the boss outed me that he did not give that direction leaving me in a most vulnerable stage with senior executives. I spent hours in spite of having Covid recently to be transparent and go above and beyond and feel so knocked down and disrespected. Huge credibility issue – I wonder if this is a full stop of this job and time to pause and reflect what to do. Please can you view my chart and see the factors and let me know how this moon affects me. Thank you, as always.

    1. Thank you. You have the South Node at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. So, like a few people replying to this feature, you are not being triggered by the Full Moon. You are being triggered by transiting Pluto hovering around 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. This is the beginning of the end of feeling disempowered by employers, colleagues, staff, clients, customers, senior executives and so on. It will take you now through 2023, 2024 to fully finish the cycle but you will use your willpower and self-control to gain self-respect and self-mastery. It may involve a new job; it frequently does. It will be more of an issue for you in December 2022, January 2023 because the Sun will also transit 29 Capricorn and make everything obvious to you. This is of course the time of year when companies reshuffle people. It is common to feel undermined and disrespected when Pluto transits Capricorn and the Tenth House of career, because other people make petty political plays, trying to up their own position at the expense of your own. This is a waste of time and energy on their part as you are clearly quite powerful. Don’t forget that. You have earned your powerful skills, talents, abilities, experience, kudos, clout – over many years. Just continue to trust yourself and know that the right projects, roles and goals are there for you long-term. The Full Moon isn’t really behind any of this, it’s the usual culprit; Pluto.

  48. Thank you, always. I wonder what this full moon and coming time in general mean for my finances? I am invested with a manager whom I believe to be of high integrity and intelligence. Like many good economists he sees that our markets and economy in the USA are on very precarious ground. I am poised to in essence make money when the markets go down. It feels as if this is never going to happen! Am I looking in the wrong direction? Be well.

    1. Thank you. Saturn at 28 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity, valuables and business is your whole story. Your life is subject to regular restructuring because you are periodically so vulnerable to who or what you see as a threat to your security. And it’s all real. You have very good reason for being extremely cautious, nay pessimistic, about anything from a mortgage to a pension or superannuation fund. The Eighth House describes marriage and joint bank accounts, but also the legacy left to you by your parents, as well as the will you make, which names others. It is the house of sex, death and money. Saturn is very hard work. You now have transiting Pluto hovering around 28 Capricorn (transiting Pluto sextile natal Saturn) and that can feel like concrete being shifted. Pluto takes a long time to move right off 28 Capricorn but you will have a taste of that in early 2023; March through June that year will show you what America might look like in the future. May 2023 also helps America out of a stuck economic situation as Jupiter (solutions) goes into Taurus (trade and currency) and then from July 2023 the nodes change sign, so that will give you reasons to be hopeful. Jupiter going to 28 Taurus in 2024 will oppose your natal Saturn so that’s a positive restructuring of all the walls, moats, barricades and defences you have in place financially.

  49. Hello Jessica,

    Reading through the comments, I understand that March 2023 is a turnaround time for many. I have been going through a financial crunch for a long time, and you had mentioned that mid-year 2022 would be a turn around time. I have Bacchus in Taurus, 20 deg. The full moon is making me uneasy. Looking forward to your advice.

    Thanks so much.

    1. Yes, we are all caught up in cycles that astrology predicted many years ago; North Node in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio. That is why so many professional astrologers sold up and streamlined to prepare. We now have inflation, which was also there the last time we saw this cycle mirrored in the heavens in 1939, 1940 and of course supply shortages, very similar to rationing. The good news is, the cycle ends in July 2023. The nodes move out of Taurus and Scorpio, the two money signs, never to return for 18 years. The other good news is that Jupiter goes into Taurus from May 2023 until May 2024, so if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring into Summer 2023 really does feel glorious. Jupiter will eventually go to 20 Taurus and you should make or save a small fortune. One of the reasons for the economic turnaround and the pain now, is the end of fossil fuel and the rise of solar, wind and electricity. That’s a boom. The other huge boom will be in UV-C light to destroy Covid, Monkeypox and other viruses. So, new production of new solutions generates new economies.

  50. I have been feeling this full moon quite intensely, these past days the pressure has been a lot and I almost wanted to quit my job (something I would have never thought of before, as I thought this was the job of my dreams).
    On the other hand I also had a bad experience regarding romance (false hopes and expectations). Does my chart show this aspect in some way? Thank you in advance! Kind regards from Spain 🙂

    1. Nothing to do with the Full Moon (which only starts ticking over as I write this) but everything to do with your 28, 29 degree patterns. You have a chain of horoscope factors in the final degrees of their zodiac signs. Transiting Pluto is circling 28, 29 and so aspecting that in your chart. Pluto transforms. It is a rare, historic cycle not seen in 248 years as Pluto goes through 28, 29 Capricorn and much wider changes in politics, government and big business have a ripple effect on your own life – so your career, for example, or your finances. Something has to change with your job, if not now, then later. You are in a cycle when powerful people and powerful organisations are pressuring you to find your own willpower and empowerment. It will be more obvious at the end of 2022 when the faster-moving planets also go across 28, 29 Capricorn and by early 2023 you will have decided your career direction at a crossroads. As for romance, I am sorry you had a bad experience, but you have Leo weather transiting your Fifth House, in your solar chart – and the underlying issue was parenthood (yes, no or maybe). Not so much the romance as the reality of having children (or not). You will have more answers about that by the end of September when Ceres finally finishes her transit of Leo. Have a look at the Leo Weather post.

  51. Hi Jessica,

    The UK seems to be sleepwalking into a state of collapse with a massive energy crisis and probably the most twisted and out of touch government in living memory.

    What is in our future over here? Will we have a breakthrough before March 2023 or will we have to ride it out? Are we heading for a revolution? There seems to be lots of mounting problems and no answers. Any advice?

    1. The United Kingdom economy was always going to take the nation back to the war (same cycle) but it ends in July 2023. The lunar nodes; the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio – change signs. As Taurus rules your household budget and Scorpio rules the bank and the taxman, you can see why the current cycle, including Uranus in Taurus, is so tough. The good news is, Jupiter (solutions) enters Taurus in May 2023, so there is a sea-change here, across Spring-Summer 2023. The end of the two-party system is coming in slow stages. 2023, 2024 farewell the old and from 2025 the United Kingdom will firmly be in a more representative, diverse and equal phase of government in common with so many other nations. The Mixed Bunch sums it up.

  52. Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for your insightful blogs. I truly appreciate your talent that you so kindly share with us. I have a few natal placements making aspects to this full moon. Please share your thoughts on how this can impact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you

    1. The Full Moon is passing now but as she goes, will square your huge Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of joint finance, valuables, business and property. There is tension there anyway as Uranus in Taurus is in opposition to Scorpio factors in your chart until 2026 (and has been there since 2018). You are also going through the tug of war created by the lunar nodes in Taurus-Scorpio. So, the personal is being expressed through the financial or material. You are being stretched. The stretch ends in July 2023 when the nodes leave Taurus and Scorpio, and in fact May 2023-May 2024 when Jupiter is in Taurus, suggests beneficial outcomes, no matter how challenged you feel. It is worth understanding your Scorpio side better and taking the time to go over your will, as well as the time to consider how others might favour you in their own legacy. Scorpio rules husbands and boyfriends; it also rules former lovers and partners; it certainly rules your family. It’s rather Roman in nature; very much like the Claudius dynasty, for example, but without the poisonings and togas! Yet, Scorpio placements can feel like a Robert Graves book – the old astrologers believed the constellation behind the Sun at that time of year resembled a creature well-known for passion and risk. Scorpions can sting each other to death or cannibalise each other when mating; the stargazers centuries ago had a dark sense of humour. Scorpions also commonly his (and still do hide) in bedrooms. In Rome, where modern astrology comes from, marriage and adultery did indeed carry a risk of death. If we even go to the era of HIV-AIDS we find Pluto transiting Scorpio; at one point in the early 1990s when this transit was operating, sex killed more young Americans than anything else. So your Scorpio side is not to be trifled with. As it will be very much on your mind in 2022, 2023 (until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio) you will need to come up with a new and different way of handling all that you own, earn or owe in relation to other people. Ongoing, until 2026, Uranus will continue to oppose the Moon in Scorpio every 28 days or so. The most extreme decisions will be made by July 2023 but the ripple effect is there in a subtle way for a further three or four years, so take your time. I don’t need to tell you that.

  53. Hi Jessica, Thanks for another fascinating post. For me – a Cancer – this full moon seems to be about shared/family versus personal finances. I live in my husband’s apartment (on which there is no mortgage) after selling my own to move in with him but don’t feel secure since at 50 I do not own either part of our home or a place of my own. My husband is a wonderful, loving and generous man but not always easy to live with since he is also an alcoholic. He has two adult children from a previous marriage to whom he wants to leave an inheritance. I worry about what would happen to me if we split up due to his drinking or he dies so I have been thinking of spending my life savings on a small house in a beautiful but remote area, which I might barely be able to afford but which is also not very practical since I can’t drive. To maintain it, I would have to live there at least half the year possibly apart from my husband. He has also offered to let me buy part of his apartment (even though that scares him since he was left homeless in his divorce) and/or to change his will to let me stay in the apartment as long as I live, after which it would pass to his sons. Its hard to see any course of action which is fair to all. Any advice would be appreciated.



    1. Thank you Ciara. Your husband is an alcoholic with two children from his first marriage. You have life savings and want to buy a house in a remote area, despite not driving. You’d have to live apart from your husband to do it. Your other option is buying part of his apartment or for him to change his will, regarding yourself and his sons. You have a Leo stellium in your Fifth House of courtship and parenthood; also step-parenthood. You are also a Sun Cancer who has the transiting South Node going through Scorpio in the Fifth House, too. So it’s the same story told twice in your public and private chart. This is about his sons, as much as it appears to be about your money and property. Deep breath. In your public chart, as a Sun Cancer woman, you are in the toughest financial cycle for 29 years. Saturn in Aquarius in your Eighth House of joint finance. Saturn is a symbol of tests and trials; the endurance test. Fortunately this ends in March 2023. Until then be extremely careful with buying a property as it may turn out to be a burden. Validate that with the Tarot for yourself but in astrology, purchasing a home with Saturn in the Eighth House means it will always be a hard ask for you. The home may require repairs, or the public transport you do have there may be cut, or (insert issue here). The good news is, March 2023 finds Pluto entering Aquarius and your solar Eighth House, so that is a massive change and a possible way to become empowered in a situation where you are currently powerless. March-June is the first stage of this new cycle, which runs past 2030. I don’t know what you plan or what will happen March-June but it looks like the crossroads with your husband and the start of control over your security. March is also the end of that heavy, rather dull situation timed by Saturn. You were born with Hygiea at 4 Scorpio in your natal Eighth House of joint finances and property and in March, April and May we find the transiting South Node at 4 Scorpio and North Node at 4 Taurus. So, a conjunction and opposition. That can only happen every 19 years so again, in both charts, public and private, we have the same timing. The nodes are karmic in nature and you are owed, then, or you owe – and so there will be a reckoning up or a settling up. This comes back to his sons. I am assuming you don’t have children of course! Look at the three-way Oracle/Tarot reading system on this website to personalise this as there will be issues here you’ve not mentioned. There are solutions here and you have come up with the not-bad idea of a separate home, but there are others. The Tarot in particular can be very good at showing you things you hadn’t thought of, but March, April, May 2023 is the end of what has been an extraordinary difficult time.

  54. Fascinating read, Jessica. As you pointed out, lots of Americans are reading and are worried sick about the whole Trump saga. You foresaw that today would bring some clarity; the DOJ is asking for the FBI search warrant to be unsealed by the court that signed on it; not that we will know much from it, but the address from Merrick Garland to the nation immediately made me think of you, it just so happens to be August 11 here!

    What I’m having a hard time understanding is how this will end for Trump with the level of support we’re seeing from his party-members, all rallying behind him like lunatics, threatening of disbanding our institutions if they retake control after the midterms, likely to hand him a victory in 2024 after changing so many election laws locally for the last year and a half. What needs to happen for Republicans to open their eyes to what they’re singlehandedly doing to our country? They seem to live in an alternative universe where truth or evidence no longer matters. Everything as of late feels anxiety-inducing.

    Your insight is valuable as always!

    1. Thank you. Yes, the Full Moon in Aquarius has come for Donald Trump. As it opposes the Sun in Leo, this is really about his children and their partners. The prediction was made with the Leo transits in mind; Leo rules courtship, the bedchamber, the pretenders and heirs to the throne. I know the FBI have offered the nuclear security issue to Americans as the story here, but as an astrologer I believe that is a diversion from the truth, which is that the raid concerned Epstein, Maxwell and the fall-out from that. The nuclear excuse is true, of course, but it will pacify his fans, who are militaristic in nature. I filed a prediction elsewhere that the Midterms would see a blue wave. In fact, America will split along state lines from 2026, as Uranus (the revolution) goes into Gemini (your neighbours) and some parts of America will also twin with Canada. It’s what Putin always wanted, but he is not an astrologer. You can divide America but you can’t conquer America. She’s too clever for that old trick! California and New York, for example, will figure out their own way of operating without Texas. It may even feel quite liberating. For the moment, just watch the old order collapse and the new order (much better) come in; this is the crumbling cliff.

  55. Hi Jessica,
    Every time there are big news in the world, my first thought is…Jessica was right again! 🙂

    On a personal note, I am an Aries born March 23, 1978 in Lima Peru at 10:15 pm. Could you please tell me if my life will improve anytime soon? I’ve been divorced for seven years. Four years ago I dated a Capricorn who suffered from PTSD and BPD and unfortunately I spent the last two trying to end the relationship and I’m finally done for good. My career is all over the place as I am a single mom, with three part time jobs and thanks to Pluto it feels like not much works out for me. My teenage daughter has been suffering from anxiety and depression and it’s been a challenge to get her help as the waiting list is 1 to 2 years. Trying to buy a house for the last 2.5 years has been another challenge and we are staying one more year in our apartment that gets smaller by the minute.

    I’m looking forward to March 2023 to see if anything finally improves but which area? Relationships, career, my children, my home?
    I read the Leo Weather article and it fits me to a T and all I want to do is wake up in seven months.

    1. Too funny. I’m really a secretary for astrology though; I just read the notes and then type it up for you. The ‘shock’ Donald Trump search by the FBI on the exact day of the Full Moon is a good example of why astrology means you are never really shocked by anything! You are yet another reader who has suffered with a Capricorn Sun person and have finally moved on. I have been looking at this pattern and suspect the issue with you, is the same as the issue with them – Cancer factors in the Fourth House of home, household or family. Capricorn is automatically opposing that in the zodiac and it is possible that you found yourself with someone whose Capricorn factors hit your Cancer factors. I don’t have a chart here so I can’t confirm that but it was the case with other readers. He attacked your home or challenged your home life or confronted you in terms of the garden or house, for example – or with a daughter. You are doing it tough as a single mother with three part-time jobs and your daughter has depression and anxiety with a long waiting list for help. You have an apartment that feels too small. I am sure you have had quite enough. There are things that can be done, though. The first thing to know is that the Full Moon is fading now and so any unresolved questions or tensions around/for your daughter are easing up. You will have to make a compromise with or around your daughter by the end of September; it may be that she has to spend more time with her father (perhaps) or with another family member on your side, or her father’s side. The compromise may be about time spent with a friend, or a boyfriend (not at home) but it is very commonly about the division of time. That is the Leo Weather/Aquarius Full Moon out of the way. You will be given opportunities to change your look; relaunch yourself online (say, Twitter) and repackage your profile, brand, title – now through October – and again from January to May 2023. This will work out really well for you. If you have a phone camera or computer camera then a new portrait is free. You will make or save a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 although the source of that is not clear; it’s coming. You will also find yourself with a very important group of people in March 2023, ongoing. This may be a club, team, society, association and so on. They are powerful or there are movers and shakers within the group. It may change your life if you accept the challenge. You will be in another important relationship, possibly even a future marriage, in the years ahead. The door will open to that and it would begin with a welcome turning point for your daughter. The financial stretch at the moment is karmic in nature and has to be completed; you have to do your karmic time, or receive your karmic reward – and yet the loop ends in July 2023. You will also find the intensity of the three jobs ends in March 2023, for reasons we don’t know. Long-term you will never again have such a relentless situation with work. Some things you can do immediately which do not cost a cent, begin with space clearing your home. You can’t make your daughter space clear unless she wants to – but you can certainly de-clutter and reorganise your space. I like the work of Karen Kingston, but Denise Linn is also fantastic, and of course Marie Kondo. Find your best inspiration on YouTube or on a website. People who are in trouble often benefit hugely from space clearing. Even clearing out a chest of drawers begins the process. If your daughter has anxiety and depression then the work of Dr. Paul McKenna on YouTube is also free. He is a superb hypnotist; the biggest-selling non-fiction author in the United Kingdom and he has generously offered his sessions for nothing. This can and does get better.

  56. Hi Jessica,

    These blogs are like bolts of electricity. It prompts so many questions and reflections. Thank you for what you do.

    I would like to ask for your interpretation of the upcoming careerbuilding opportunities. Currently, I hold a paid fellowship that ends March 31, 2023 to develop a feature documentary. I feel I could benefit from taking the next eight months to finalize the script and post-production, and develop more fundraising proposals. However, the said project just got awarded the full budget by the same organization and I cannot hold two awards at the same time. This new grant can start as early as October 1, 2022 and start as late as April 1, 2023. Do I start the film project early (October), somewhere in the middle (January), or late (April)? This exciting opportunity is very important to me to get the timing right as my husband, the other source of household income is on a serious health journey (born August 2, 1976). I would like to hear your thoughts about how this could unfold. Much appreciation for your kindness and generosity. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. You are wondering about timing with a documentary and your options are 1st October 2022, January or April 1st 2023. Your husband has health issues so your salary or grant is important. Well, for a start, you have Mercury Retrograde in October. He is stuck at 24-29 Virgo from 21st August until around 10th October so you may prefer to avoid that. Virgo rules your Sixth House of work and wellbeing. You also have Juno at 28 Virgo, so your commitments (Juno) to work (Virgo) are taken backwards and forwards (Mercury Retrograde in conjunction with natal Juno). If we move to January you hit another Mercury Retrograde at 8 through 24 degrees of Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. The planet which represents negotiation, transportation and information (Mercury) appears to be stuck and reversing, then retracing his steps, from around 13th December until to the 7th of February. April 1st 2023 catches you just before the next Mercury Retrograde (for some reason you are picking the times he appears to be moving backwards) as this does not happen until around 7th April. These periods are very good for rewriting, rethinking, recasting, reformatting. Anything with ‘re’ in fact. That may suit your purposes depending on how much you want to keep going back over the same plan. You have to factor in other people having the retrograde too; they may be in chaos, cancelling, taking time off, affected by transport issues and so on. As I am not sure what your purpose is with this, or your way of working, I suggest you give yourself a reading with The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and The Tarot to check those dates I just gave you and see your options. You will be in a splendid success cycle from May 2023 until May 2024 so we can assume whatever you end up doing, it works very nicely for you, with possible awards; a big hit; acclaim; a further project in the can. The situation with your husband is very heavy and hard to shoulder, but the sense of burden will vanish in March 2023, as Saturn changes signs. A quantum shift in the marriage will arrive from March 2023 that asks you to reshape the way you both balance the scales with each other.

  57. Hi Jessica,

    Once again, your depth of knowledge for astrology never ceases to amaze me. I would love some insight please. I have Salacia Aquarius 18° – Ascendant Sagittarius 18° – Descendant Gemini 18° – Proserpina Pisces 20°.

    Thank you once again, have a great day x

    1. Thank you. Salacia at 18 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups is the story here; as I look out of my office window I can see this very bright Full Moon/Supermoon over Hobart as I finish work for the day on Friday evening. It is already slipping out of exact fullness and soon will be out of Aquarius too, but you have been going through a ‘full stop’ moment involving a group whom you are not immersed in, but are crucial to, on some level. It may be three women you have just been asked to work with, for example, who are all friends – and certainly your ally – but there are issues there. Another good example is the very old friend who is caught up in a project with you that isn’t succeeding – or the friend who introduces her friend to you – hoping you’ll get along, with an important goal. Raiding even more real-world examples today, there is the friend in the group who wants you to take a leading role in the circle, but who is uncomfortably involved with a major loss for you that needs investigation. Or we could look at Donald Trump and the Mar-a-Lago club and his ideas (Rolling Stone) that someone has been a turncoat among his circle. As I said, this is fading fast, but it has raised something difficult and important for you, with friends, or around a group. That is why a Full Moon is best avoided for anything new and dramatic.

  58. Hello Jessica, I have just recently been made redundant after 22 years working for the same company. I am 3 months in to a new job but not sure if it’s the right job for me. I am new to your website and astrology and would appreciate if you could let me know what the full moon means to me, thank you

    1. I am sorry to hear you were made redundant but can reassure you that this is all about becoming far more free and independent, even if this particular new job is’t right. You were born with Apollo at 14 Virgo and Ops at 15 Virgo in the Sixth House of work. Uranus (shock, radical change, liberation) moved to 14, 15 degrees Taurus making an exact trine, starting in April 2022 and peaking in May 2022. The other key factor is your natal Pluto at 29 Virgo, also in the Sixth House of work. Transiting Pluto is slowly approaching a trine at 29 Capricorn and that becomes exact in February, March 2023 then again in June, July 2023, returning in December 2023, January 2024 and again in September, through November 2024. Basically you are reshaping your lifestyle and workload between now and the end of 2024 and this embraces your health, fitness, day-to-day existence as well as your ideas about serving other people. If it feels unusual that’s because it is. You just have the kind of birth chart which is being triggered by a perfect storm of factors, all designed to empower you, give you control (Pluto) but also challenge you to change (Uranus) the way you function. Apollo, Ops and Pluto all in Virgo suggest you are a leader by example and often imitated by those who see how you work and want to emulate you. You are also a problem-solver. Finally, you are a powerhouse and can summon up huge amounts of willpower to take control of the details which make the difference, in terms of your work performance. All of this is now in the mix, not just now, but for the next couple of years too. The Full Moon isn’t really the story here; it’s the other transits in your chart. Transiting Pluto trine natal Pluto is historic, moves quite slowly and will hand you the reins so that you can ride out this job, or another job, by mastering the situation. It can feel quite relentless as if you do nothing, you may feel you are being pushed and pulled around by other people, or an organisation, or by destiny itself. So you have to push back. There is more to this entire situation than meets the eye; it’s not just about work, it’s also about health and wellbeing inside and out, and it’s also about understanding that your first service and duty is to your own mind, body and spirit – not to other people. Strongly Virgo people often have to realise that and then make changes.

  59. Goodness Jessica, I am thinking about refit- I was going to wait until next year but I am feeling I should go now. My natal Saturn is at 12 Aquarius- where I have 4 planets, and 5 in Leo. I would me most grateful to get your take on this….

    1. You have a stellium in Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and lifestyle. The Full Moon has nothing to do with work (unless you work with babies, infants, children, teenagers or young adults). You don’t say what you do, so I can’t comment on retirement. Yet, you will have to meet change, with change, starting in March 2023 anyway as Saturn will slowly begin to oppose your Virgo placements and the time has come to – reconsider work hours, work part-time, give up paid work, take up unpaid work, give up bad health habits, take up good health habits and so on. It’s nearly time.

  60. Thanks Jessica. Since you posted about Trump and Epstein, I’ve been dying to see it all unfold especially with all of the eclipses we had last year. Fascinating to watch exactly what you wrote play out. I don’t know how you do it (well I do) but it is amazing to see it all unfold as you predicted! Not that I should be surprised!

    It’s funny that you say Aquarians are focusing on self image and reputation. Before I wrote this question I was pouring over a job application for promotion. I’ve been doing the hard work, studying, really pushing hard at work to show my value, slowly transforming my identity.

    I wonder if I should apply for this promotion? Applications open once a year. And It looks like applications will be considered from sept-Nov. I’m just thinking that maybe I might be better waiting til next years round to apply?

    Another layer of complexity is my boss is a white male who likes to assert his authority, he can be quite rude and short in his communication style, and he does not seem to particularly like me, although we have never met due to Covid.

    Am I better off waiting? Any insight would be appreciated!

    1. Thank you. The real story with the FBI search of Trump’s storage – is Epstein, Maxwell and France – of course Epstein had an apartment in Paris on Avenue Foch. Thus the bizarre mention of the French President on the list. Jean-Luc Brunel, who was part of the Epstein and Maxwell circle, was ‘found hanged in his cell’ as they say, in Paris. Near Saturday 17th September there is a huge attempt at a cover-up so keep peering through the mist. You are hoping for a promotion and considering your identity and branding. You don’t know if you should apply this year or the next. You also have a toxic white male in charge of you. Start the process. Even if you find it difficult, jumping the hoops with relaunching your brand will educate you and help you forever. If you know that your organisation does not shun people who apply more than once, and in fact there is proof that people are hired for trying, then go for it. I suspect March 2023 is the month for major change in this situation or another, though, as Saturn leaves Aquarius then and Pluto enters. So it’s about how you are seen and how you appear and the road to relaunch, long-term. You will ultimately realise by 2030 that image and appearance, title and reputation is your super power. Your exterior will serve your interior. If you know successive applications for promotion won’t hurt, then get going. Start the process as transforming your identity needs a strong first step. If you believe it would work against you then wait – but ask the Tarot to validate that for yourself.

  61. Thank you so much Jessica, I’m not settled at all. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated

  62. Hi Jessica,

    Another amazing blog post and thank you so much for the in depth analysis! These last moths has been a bit strange for my husband (Libra Sun, Taurus Rising & Virgo Moon) and myself. We have been really focusing in reassessing our budget (re-prioritizing) and being more intentional with out money, diversifying etc. We notice as we are more focused on money coming in and out this year our performance bonuses were non-existent (first year this has ever happened to us), we’ve been getting random old bills (little ones thankfully) at home which it feels a bit strange, I have an online shop that is not selling at all (which is understandable given the state of the world) and just in general like it almost feel as our usual money flow is blocked. To the point that besides my main career I usually go on temporary assignments for humanitarian efforts and I normally get paid overtime for them as well (which I’m thankful for) and this year I found myself in another of these temporary assignments but this time my supervisor didn’t want me doing overtime and almost making sure I remain in the shadows and not in the spotlight ( I very good at these) so being the scorpio moon than I am I investigated since it was so strange and I notice this person is pretty much hoarding the work in order to get paid more overtime and also is much more lower ranking (position wise) than me. This has never happened before and I’ve done quite a few of these assignments. This last experience has been so frustrating to me, that as this person that loves to give to others, that loves to volunteer and loves to do these assignments it feels like I will be taking a long break from doing these in the near future which is a big deal for me.

    In the friendship arena, there has been so many changes specially people disappearing from our lives ( moving countries, states,, having more caregiving responsibilities) so it’s been hard to maintain consistent friendships. Our friend circle feels drain, depressed and just with no energy to meet or prioritize friendship which is something that is sooo important for us). It feels very one sided right now.

    All of that to say, from these themes showing up for us is it something that will get better in the upcoming months or is there anything you think we should focus on so things can flow more easily?

    As always thank again for your wisdom! You are truly a star shining bright between all the darkness happening in the world!

    You give me hope 🙂

    1. Thank you. Friendship is an Aquarian matter and finance is Taurus-Scorpio. When you say that friends have disappeared and it’s hard to keep friendships up, and mention ‘depressed’ – you are talking about Saturn in Aquarius. That cycle ends on March 8th 2023 and will come as a relief and release. Pluto then enters Aquarius on March 24th, so there is a fortnight between the old barriers, restrictions and limitations – and the new power. In fact, you will have a glimpse of the future in your social life, friendships and communities until June 11th 2023 as Pluto makes his historic debut in Aquarius and your Eleventh House of brotherhood and sisterhood, allies and teams. The financial side of life is down to the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. That is a huge stretch. It ends on July 18th 2023 and in fact you will see the light at the end of the tunnel a little earlier; from May 17th 2023 Jupiter with all his sweeping solutions and vast opportunities enters Taurus. He remains there until May 25th 2024 when you will have made or saved a small fortune. You can validate this timing with the Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle and they will show you more natal chart insights.

  63. Dating is definitely a Leo matter and you have Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Fortuna in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship. You are seeing other people but your former partner is on your mind. You will reach a decision by the final week of September and it will involve a compromise. A deal with the other person and yourself. Long-term, your destiny is to become a parent, step-parent, or a partner who embraces godchildren, nieces, nephews or your lover’s younger extended family as your own.

  64. Thanks for this insight as it was helpful to not respond yesterday. Question, you mentioned that this full moon has ended a long cycle that began a while back in 2017 at the “Trump eclipse” lol. I found that ironic and eerie! How did you determine that this exact full moon ended that cycle as there were many other full moons between that time. Did it have something to do with similar alignments or degree points. I think back at that time and there were things hidden that have come full circle in terms of my journey and where it was all leading up to now. I find that fascinating because I’m beginning a new journey soon and launching next week (most likely). I’m always interested in how to determine each eclipse, especially the most recent ones since these are my nodes. And a lot has shifted and changed (and things hidden) so it will be interesting to be able to determine when those will culminate as well.

    1. Thank you. I predicted Trump, Lolita (the nickname given to Epstein’s dreadful plane) Clinton, Prince Andrew all in one feature on this website, many years ago. I was writing about the Leo eclipses at the time. I had no idea that they would all end up in the same drama. Lolita by Nabokov was just on the list of Leo references. Leo is of course the sign of the heirs and pretenders to the throne, courtship and the royal bedchamber. It also rules British royalty and American royalty (the White House). You could see cover-ups coming, because of eclipses. They always leave us in the dark. As the next big Leo cycle far in the future was the Leo Weather of August 2022, it was pretty easy to pinpoint Friday August 12th (Full Moon in Aquarius opposite the Sun in Leo) as dramatic. That is when the news about the FBI capture of the Donald Trump material broke. Our problem is that we will never know the full truth. Eclipses are forever and what is not known, or not seen, at the time – is a permanent mystery. The Leo Weather of August 2022 was the reason that Full Moon stood out; it fell in the middle of it. This is why I gave a Zoom event about it. It was important. In your own life, you have nothing in Leo whatsoever. So you are not personally affected. The people most affected have Leo patterns and so for them it has been about the pretenders to the throne (godchildren, younger cousins) or the heirs to the throne (past pregnancies or children) and courtship as a whole (former and current lovers). Your main story is the huge Sagittarius-Gemini pattern in your chart about to be transited by Mars Retrograde in Gemini from September 4th 2022 until March 17th 2023 so when you say ‘a new journey’ I hope it’s not literal. Travel is rather fraught anyway in a pandemic, but travel on Mars Retrograde triggering that axis in your chart, from the Third House of local trips to the Ninth House of foreign trips, is a stretch.

  65. Hi Jessica, with the increasing tension between saturn and uranus in coming weeks, can you please offer any guidance to those of us with an eighth house neptune in scorpio caught up in the tension … I have neptune very close to my asc. Much appreciated.

    1. Yes, there is a square from Saturn at 18 Aquarius to Uranus at 18 Taurus from October 1st until 12th. So there is a clash in the heavens between the current tests and trials involving our social lives, friends, groups, clubs, teams, associations, political parties, trade unions, bands (and so on) – and ongoing economic shock. People will be unable to square what is happening with the community and upheaval with finance. It will happen on a micro personal level for those with Aquarius, Taurus and/or Scorpio factors at 18 degrees (Scorpio also rules finance and property) and on a macro, global level for whole nations and the world in general. You have Neptune at 19 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint assets, debts and ownership and so you are just one degree away from a T-Square on October 1st-12th. In general, you are going to feel squeezed anyway as eventually Saturn at 19 Aquarius will square your natal Neptune and of course Uranus at 19 Taurus will oppose Neptune. Neptune rules bubbles. Vacations from the real world. In Scorpio that is usually the value of a house or apartment (it appears to have a price tag on it, though of course we all know that can change). It is usually about the bubble of a credit card (you think the shoes you bought are yours, but they belong to the bank) and naturally a mortgage (same thing; the apartment isn’t actually yours!) There is also the bubble of a superannuation or pension account, which is worth X but is tied to what people think is currently valuable, which cannot be seen or touched. It’s all very Neptune. So one way or another you are going to have your bubbles blown around, or even burst, perhaps. It’s not just you. Neptune in Scorpio is generational. So we’d have to suspect a sharemarket or property pressure point from October 1st to 12th. And of course these planets return to 19 degrees at separate times. Saturn is at 19 Aquarius from 15th November to 3rd December and Uranus is at 19 Taurus from May 11th until 28th 2023. He then returns to 19 Taurus from December 11th 2023 until March 13th 2024. So your insulation against reality is challenged. It’s the challenge to change. It is just common sense to reduce the amount you borrow, if you can afford to do that. If you are in a position to try and pay off debts and minimise the bubble, the oppositions to natal Neptune will be less of a come-down. Neptune in Scorpio is very much about partnership finance and property, and also any big-ticket items you leave to others in your legacy, as well as any will which names you. This seems as likely as anything else to be the source of popped bubbles. None of this lasts. However, while the transits are ongoing, and especially that T-Square, you may want to avoid plunging into some kind of alternative financial reality! Resist the hot air balloon ride. Ask the Tarot how your Neptune position has shown up, in your life, to date: where is the bubble and what is it? Who or what does it involve? There may be more than one. Then you can be far more aware of what is at stake. As I said, this is generational. So it’s not just you. Given that the world economy is in transition away from coal, gas and petrol and towards solar, wind and electricity nobody is going to get away with things remaining the same. Even if you never invested there, the domino effect from others’ bubbles bursting might reach your world. Has your Neptune been ‘afflicted’ as they say, before? Of course. Many, many times. And you’re still here. But getting real about what is not real, is a smart idea.

  66. Hi Jessica! I wrote to you earlier this summer when my husband and I were planning to sell our house in the city and move to the country. Unfortunately the market is not in our favor and it seems like we may have to put the sale on hold. I am worried about the timing, though, and would be grateful if you could give some guidance. My husband (born 15 july 1978) is a Sun Cancer, 22 degrees, with his natal Jupiter in Cancer, 19 degrees. In the birthday-horoscope for Cancer you said that what needs to change should be done before Pluto moves into Aquarius (march 2023), not to get stuck financially. I am a Sun Taurus, 0 degrees, and when Jupiter goes into Taurus (may 2023), Pluto will square my natal Sun, which worries me a lot. When would be the best time for us to go through with the housesale? Is it wise to get it done as soon as possibly, no matter what, or is it better to wait (and if so, until when)? Thank you so much!

    1. You are a Sun Taurus with a huge Taurus stellium and Taurus-Scorpio signature. So, you live in your Second House of personal income and possessions, but are also stretched by joint income and property – and shared possessions. Those two signs are obviously always opposite. You are trying to sell your home during the lunar node opposition in Taurus-Scorpio which is there until July 2023. I suspect the issue is (or will be) the difference in opinion between yourself and your husband about the correct price for the sale and the right price for the next purchase. You may have to agree to differ eventually or negotiate a compromise. You should be pretty happy from May 2023 until May 2024 with Jupiter in Taurus transiting your Second House as he will form a conjunction with everything you have in the sign of the bull; gold bullion; bull markets. He is the astrological symbol of hope, growth, abundance, solutions and opportunities as you know. Have a look at the Tarot. You may want to delay the sale until next year; May 2023 is the Jupiter arrival in your Second House; July 2023 is the end of the stuck lunar node cycle in your Second House. From March 2023 your husband exits the notoriously stuck, slow, difficult Saturn transit in Aquarius of his solar Eighth House. The Tarot can be incredibly helpful at times like these and you may want to use that, here, to validate the timing I am talking about. As for the Pluto square to your Sun, it will produce a situation you ‘cannot square’ involving your values, money, business, house, charity, possession or apartment. Taurus matters. It’s not that huge a deal in astrology and it may be as basic as a charity you fundraise for, deciding to pour money into an event you disapprove of. I’ve seen that before!

  67. Good day. Born 10 18 1938 Manchester England
    First I thank you for your responses after my beloved son passed, I am still struggling and have not been able to wrap up his estate, paperwork and bill paying but I see the light. I read and re read your responses, and extract kernels of knowledge each time. After reading a daily I am confused about your astrological statement “Next karmic subject: death, property, finance, valuables and dying.” I hope to have every thing wrapped up by January 2023 will this affect me before then .do I need to turn the situation over to someone else or will I complete it. I have busied myself learning during this difficult time(for me) studied Crypto. Rather fascinating but originally a little scary. Trying to build some semblance of structure , so often go with the flow….Husband remains in Nursing home quite content does not want to leave and have holiday visits with family .prefers that they visit him , does not participate in activities born 3 14 1934 Michigan
    Thank you for your astrological knowledge

    1. Thank you. Your North Node at 17 Scorpio describes your son’s estate. It is in the Eighth House of legacies and wills. You just had your nodal return. Not possible in 18 or 19 years. The South Node moved to 17 Scorpio from August 11th and is there until the 22nd. So your personal chart and public chart agree; it is time to sort out the karma with the paperwork. The atmosphere will lift and the future will seem lighter and brighter after March 7th 2023 when Saturn leaves Aquarius and your solar Fifth House of parenthood. If you feel you need to hire a professional to help you with the estate try to do that and finish off before Mercury Retrograde from Sunday 21st August. If it goes on after that date then you may be back and forth with the discussion or paperwork until the loop finishes on October 10th.

  68. Jessica,
    You are so accurate! Cancer with Neptune in Scorpio 19 degrees. Electrical in the house went kablooey and is going to cost some $$!

  69. Hi Jessica,

    Your predictions always blow my mind!! When I looked at my chart I didn’t feel like there were any factors being triggered by this full moon. However, I just saw that my company has posted a job opening to replace me. And they did this on a weekend, which I find suspicious. It feels like they pulled the rug under my feet. I’m in a financially tight situation. It might take them a couple of months to find someone so I am not panicking, yet.

    For Sun Aries people you have said that the chances of getting a new job are higher in January 2023. And after March 2023 things will improve at work due to Pluto exiting Capricorn. What do you recommend I do? Should I stick around until January? Could you please have a look at my chart and see if I have a chance to find a good job in the next couple of months?


    1. Thank you SMV. I am sorry your company advertised to replace you. You have Ops at 19 Virgo in the Sixth House of work and the Full Moon fell at 19 Aquarius opposite the Sun at 19 Leo. Textbook astrology. Ops is a symbol of your inner Margaret Thatcher (Ops was found in 1979 when Thatcher came to power). So there is willpower there, stamina, endurance and stoicism. This does work out for you long-term, however you play it. Why? Because you were due for a change anyway. Uranus (freedom, independence) is hovering around 19 Taurus (currently at 18 Taurus) making a stunning trine to Ops. Have a look at Ops in Virgo in the Sixth House in your library. As you are also a Sun Aries it’s the same story told twice; you have Pluto in Capricorn transiting your Tenth House of career until March 2023. That is the big turning point professionally when politics in your life ends. Right at the start of April, Jupiter goes to 19 Aries to make another exact aspect to Ops at 19 Virgo, so I suspect that’s the big moment. In your public and private chart that is showing up as an opportunity not possible in years.

  70. Hi Jessica – I was approached about a promotion opportunity at my current employer several weeks ago but the process has been dreadfully slow and is making me feel a bit uneasy. I believe I have a stellium in Leo so but I’m not sure how the Leo weather and the eclipse are affecting the process. I’m not sure if I should wait for this to play out or begin looking for other opportunities. Can you offer any guidance?

    Thanks so much!

    1. You are a Sun Pisces going through Leo weather in your Sixth House of work until 29th September. You were asked if you would be up for promotion several weeks ago, so I would assume, after Mercury (discussion) entered your Sixth House on 20th July. This is a long, drawn-out reshuffle at your workplace. It’s not just you, it’s a number of people within the organisation. Musical chairs. You will cut a deal or make a compromise by 29th September and then that’s the end of it. Even if these people don’t actually change position, leave or get promoted – they will switch the controls psychologically or shift the power base through talk. That affects you which is why it’s taking so long. Whatever happens you will save or make money by October 29th.

    1. Thank you. So Judge Reinhart was neither Democrat nor Republican. But he did defend some Jeffrey Epstein employees. For all that the headlines were about nuclear issues in the FBI Trump drama, the astrology always pointed to Epstein.

  71. Hi Jessica – I read about your one-world digital currency prediction. I was shocked to learn that its not Bitcoin.
    Can you look at my chart and tell me if I can make a fortune investing in Bitcoin, since I invested a lot in Bitcoin since last 2 years.


    1. You have that Taurus-Scorpio signature which is common in Bitcoin investors. Bitcoin is not the one-world digital currency, because it was not invented at the right time to become that. One-world currency appears at some point after March 2023 when Pluto (the power) goes into Aquarius (the people). Bitcoin is the province of very rich people and so not really what Pluto in Aquarius has in mind. Will you make a fortune from Bitcoin? It depends when you bought it. But you will make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024, for any number of reasons.

  72. 10/18/1938 Manchester England
    Thank you for your response it certainly helped , my concern was the” death and dying factor “am I to believe this is tied up with my son, and not the family that is left, I apologies for my paranoia. Blessings

  73. Hi Jessica,

    I was offered a part-time job that I thought would go through. Something happened so they ended up not being able to use me. They had sought me out and I didn’t know I wanted until I was offered. My birthday is 20-11-1970, I’m finally at a peaceful place in life. Is this a dead end or is something else going to come from this. If so what? What is ahead of me?

    1. You are a Scorpio with Salacia at 28 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. I am sorry this part-time job didn’t work out, but you will find that it spurs you on to pursue something much better, than you would not have bothered chasing, had you not gone through the disappointment. Alternatively it will come back to you. One or the other. You will either see the opportunity, take it and succeed by October 28th or take the first steps with something extremely promising, then pick up the rest from January to May 2023, when you will finally be able to say you are happy and content with your lifestyle and your workload. You were born to work in two jobs, or two professions, actually. Neither of them are real-world. That will come about in quite a powerful way as Pluto goes over Salacia for the first time in 248 years in 2022, 2023.

  74. Hi Jessica, I’ve been reading your website since I found it in 2020. I was impressed that you moved to Tasmania when you saw Covid coming. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge.

    I’m born 24/06/77 in Australia and my husband 12/05/80 in Ireland. We have been looking to move house for 2+ years but can’t find a house or area we both love. We really need to move soon, when will it all align?

    1. Thank you. Yes, I moved to Tasmania and it was indeed Zero Covid for almost a year. Then the Liberal government (not very liberal) blew it and allowed tourists and business travellers to bring the virus onto the island. Most of us having these kinds of transits have Cancer factors in our charts in the Fourth House of home town, homeland and also property. You do too. You can’t figure out where or when to move. If you are prepared to cycle backwards and forwards in August, September, October then it will be then. Just get it all in writing and read the fine print. You and your husband will reach the big compromise by 29th September and both give way. If you emerge from October 2022 without having moved at all, the next window is the Full Moon on February 5th.

  75. Dear Jessica,
    Hope you’re well. I’ve had the most potent full moon t-square Uranus activating South Node experience. Which to be honest, hit me like a truck I didn’t see coming. Would you believe it was other people’s activated charts please? Or could it have been my Juno, Salacia, Prosperina, Juno connections from 18’52” – 15’58” please?

    I put in my resignation on the 9th, leading to really rough conversations with the COO and MD of the company on Wed – Thurs in London. I’ve always believed the COO and I have mutual respect, who offered me to think and share by Monday, 16th about what would it take for me to stay 6 or ideally 12 months, including how they could help me to get the skillset for or even the job I’d actually want. The MD is a bully to me, or in the least, tends to gaslight, so Thurs – Fri were not so humbling or flattering.

    I read your substack article re the full moon and was in awe in how true to experience it was for me. I wonder if I’ve ‘had the fill’, and the ‘the period’ in final. Or if I should share ‘my ask’ on Monday (I’d schedule email Sunday night really for Mon 7.30 am) to start the final chapter here (which would hopefully finish March ’23), and could be financially lucrative. I’d also get to know if I’ve always had the COO’s advocacy and he actually means to help me land the role I wish for, in a streaming platform in Mumbai in ≈6 months or so. I guess there’s only one way to find out 🙂 but curious for your thoughts after these posts on aspects, if you have a few moments to spare please.

    Also, happy birthday! I believe it’s in this season for you. xx

    1. Thank you. There is a perfect storm in your chart as the Full Moon triggered you at 19 degrees, close to 18 degrees. You have Aesculapia at 27 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career too. That is more important; transiting Pluto is going over 27 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. You are a miracle worker with your career and can bring back situations, companies, products, roles – from the apparent point of no return. This is going to happen either with this COO and the current company, or another one, in 2022, 2023. Have a look at Aesculapia in your library. He is a symbol of ‘the comeback’ and ‘the resurrection’ in astrology and you were born to turn this kind of trick. Pluto is dominating, pressuring, sometimes overpowering. It can manifest as your COO, a business or the whole profession. The art of pushing back involves owning your own power (remembering you are actually pretty powerful) and using willpower to empower yourself. That will work.

  76. Heya dearest Jessica & team, thank you so much for this, and all the articles. Such a wordless comfort to find it is not all “in your head”, or imagined!?? As astrology so routinely suggests, and as super-fluent Star Language Expert Jessica so patiently interprets for us, yep: Pluto is showing us the darker sides of institutional power; Saturn is making us work really hard at pre-existing friendships (if they withstand his mettle); and yep! Lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio are bringing all sorts of value judgements to the fore re personal vs public wellbeing, climate change, and political leanings. Such a relief to hear Pluto will move on from Capricorn soon, and Saturn stop grinding gears in Aquarius. I am awaiting a less fraught time, geopolitically!
    The Aqua FM didn’t affect me personally (no planets at 18-20 degrees), but it was such a “stretch” (as Jessica aptly says) regardless – and square Uranus and the nodes; super-sensitive-me has picked up on how people’s values (mask or maskless; active or complacent on climate change/pollution; or trying to redistribute wealth more fairly, for e.g.) are driving lifelong friends and acquaintances, and it is a big question mark. Perhaps that is Saturn in Aqua too.
    Jessica I hope you achieved or completed something spectacular with your Sun 7th house?? Am not sure if the full moon affected you personally, but will light a candle and wave a cup of tea of good blessings, looking south/southeast from WA! XOO

    1. Thank you very much. We saw a huge stretch in America on the Full Moon as Donald Trump and the FBI met head-on and the country was once again stretched by this man. I’m curious that you think I have the Sun in the Seventh House, or transiting the Seventh House. I don’t. I do however drink tea and I’m just putting the kettle on now. Waving to WA.

  77. Dear Jessica,
    Thanks for an insightful article.
    I have so many factors at 18°. Can you tell me how this would affect me? Will it be short term or will the effects resonate well into the future?

    1. Anyone with factors at 18 degrees just had the Full Moon catch them, with a one-degree orb. So you are just past this, but you were conflicted. Others were too. What is uncomfortable makes for solutions, and those solutions have to be chased. As we are seeing Saturn go over 18, 19 Aquarius in September, October, November – I suspect what you decided, privately, will have a long-term impact in those three months. You may walk away from who or what felt like a big compromise to you, or they/he/she may do the walking. It is possible that what was under discussion will not happen at all – but the spark of an idea is there. In any case you need to be a realist about September-November. Saturn slows things down; makes you wait; makes you do the hard yards. The Tarot can help you in a more personal way.

  78. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for the articles you write. I’m fascinated by your insights. I’m from Stevenage near London 16.9.63. 21:43 I’m looking for a job. I’ve been taking temp roles for a few years in the hope of finding something better within the companies I’m temping for without luck. I’m generally doing jobs that are well within my capabilities. I paid my mortgage off in 2006 luckily so I can flit between roles. My history is in leading operational teams and I’ve been taking roles that bore me. Can you see anything better for me work wise or maybe I’d be better off self employed? I’ve been thinking about self employment but can’t really think of what to do.

    I am also wondering about the fraud and corruption that is coming to light within the uk government including the massive transfer of tax payer money to private individuals during the covid crisis. Is this going to stop? Is anyone going to be held to account? The House of Lords in my view should be reviewed and reduced in size dramatically. Can you see an end to the House of Lords? It seems the current government are using the British taxpayer money as their own money pot that they are using to pay to their friends.

    1. You will study, and retrain for a life-changing new career, when an irresistible opportunity arises, May 2023 to May 2024. The life-changing career will involve new inventions and cutting-edge technology and appear in its first form in 2024 then be a new commitment from 2025. I am sure you are bored; what happens will be sudden, exhilarating and feel like the electrical storm you have to dance in. By 2025 you are thanking your lucky stars. The corruption in the United Kingdom will be stamped out, for reasons we don’t know, from March 2023 until June 2023, in the first wave, and then in successive waves, until the old system has collapsed for good, from November 2024. This is an ancient cycle which runs every 248 years. Will it get rid of the House of Lords? If anything can, this will, but it will take another couple of decades to happen, until at least 2043. The phenomenon of absolute power and wealth, corrupting absolutely, will vanish, though. Have a look at the piece I filed on the end of Pluto in Capricorn and start of Pluto in Aquarius. This is the same transition that saw King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette crowned, then arrested and beheaded. It’s dramatic.

  79. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for all you do. Can you offer any insight or any hope of the end to the corruption of the uk government and the house or lords?

    I’m wondering if there will be a chance of a job for me anytime soon. 16.9.63 21:43 Stevenage near London. I have Saturn at 17 aquarius. I haven’t been able to find a permanent role since the end of my last perm role in 2008. I’m temping in roles that are well within my capabilities. I feel the main issue is that the interviewers don’t like me on first impression. Once employed they like my work. I presume both issues are down to my Virgo placements.

  80. Hello Jessica,
    As I turn 61 today, I realize that retirement is only a few years away. I am a Leo with Aries rising and a full house in Leo: sun, mercury, Uranus, Apollo, Panacea, Cupido, and Psyche. I am considering starting a PhD – but is this too late in life? And as I think about the future, climate change is strongly on my mind. Is astrology for that or some aspects of that possible?
    As always, since I live in the US, I am following the developing Trump saga and the accuracy of your predictions with baited breath.

    1. You will begin the PhD or a similar academic challenge by October, or failing that, feel inspired by a new opportunity in January-May 2023 which is irresistible. Long-term, you will be whisked away by transiting Neptune with all his escapism, in your solar Ninth House, in Aries. This transit will trine every factor you have in Leo so you will be teaching, mentoring, guiding, tutoring – using your existing or new knowledge. That cycle begins in 2026 and is with you until 2039 and you will be travelling (airports and airlines will have transformed to be virus-proofed with UV-C light by then). Your full house in Leo suggests you were born to be the guiding light for younger faces and whatever subjects you choose, you will pass on. The Donald Trump question is fascinating. The astrology did give a date-stamped prediction; I wrote about the Full Moon on Friday 12th August and the FBI chose that timing. It was always about Epstein and Maxwell. So though the breaking news was about nuclear codes, my eyes were on the pedophile racket. The judge obviously defended Epstein staff some years ago. That’s a klaxon. The other klaxon is the fact that the FBI paired Roger Stone and the President of France as items. Stone wrote extensively about the Epstein and Maxwell racket in his book; Epstein had an apartment in Paris and died in jail, apparently from suicide – and his accomplice, another Frenchman, died in a Paris jail, apparently from suicide.

  81. Thank you so much for this forum. I have sun vertex at 19° Leo
    Pluto 19°Virgo and
    Moon at 20° Scorpio
    What do you think?

    1. Thank you. I don’t work with the vertex. By now the Full Moon will have passed and created a T-Square with your natal Moon at 20 Scorpio, by just one degree. Pluto in Virgo suggests a side story about paid work, unpaid work or academia. Perhaps – your health, wellbeing and ‘fitness for duty.’ The real question is how much you would pay to be in charge, though (with the group, or a friend) and how much money you would expect to give that pure leading role away – or to share it. Classic Leo-Aquarius-Scorpio questions. Perhaps you thought the compromise would be worth it. I suspect Saturn going over 20, 19 Aquarius (retrograde) in September will hammer the point home again. Time is money. Your time is precious. So if you can pull something off without entirely selling your soul and it really is pretty fast for you, why wouldn’t you take the money? Then again there is a question here about making even more money by walking away from that group. Questions, questions, as Spandau Ballet once suggested. The Tarot can help shed light.

  82. Hey Jessica, curious to know what the full moon will mean for me with:
    Venus 19 Scorpio
    MC 18 Leo
    IC 18 Aquarius
    Salacia 19 Aquarius
    Uranus 19 Sagittarius

    1. The Full Moon has now passed, but if your birth time was strictly accurate (the MC and IC depend on that) then this was about a friendship – or a group. Perhaps both at the same time. Issues about who or what takes the lead, within the friendship (testing it) arose. Questions about group chemistry and teamwork, in the context of ‘the brilliant, leading light’ (the definition of the Sun in Leo) were also there. Hopefully you compromised. Or someone else did. From these things, come new discoveries about who and what matters most, and from there – the right long-term decisions for you.

  83. Hi Jessica. The accuracy of your predictions is astounding. I have been having serious issues with my only sibling since early 2014 since his wife came into the picture. Prior to that we had a picture perfect relationship. After she entered his life, our relationship took 180 turn, which affected my relationship with my parents and my extended family. It’s been a web of heartache, health issues and never ending pain ever since. Your prediction about this full moon being a full stop had me pause because this weekend was supposed to be our annual family get together. I consulted the tarot and Tower came up. Yes!! My weekly horoscope mentioned siblings and cousins (Yes!) and heirs and heirs to the thrones (my children?). This is important. The past month my kids have made me understand how deeply this situation has impacted them. So yesterday was the family get together and I decided to go there with an open heart. However, on my way there a little voice inside me said that this was it. Sure enough, my mother created a situation and I had to put it all out to my father (a Gemini) in front of my brother, cousins and uncles/ aunts. When I was done, I knew I had burned a bridge. I knew I couldn’t go back. That’s how I wanted it. It was most definitely a full stop. I don’t know where this leads. But it’s the end of a long, painful and transformative 8 years for me. Whatever comes next will be the beginning of something new. Your astrology has been invaluable. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have ongoing issues with your brother. His wife has created heartache and health issues for you. You also just went through a family get-together on the Full Moon. And you drew The Tower in the Tarot. You feel you have burned a bridge after eight years of enduring the situation. Yes, something new will replace what was there. What was there was rather bleak. It probably felt to you as if it would be there forever, but now you have come across a perfect storm of astrological cycles, all reaching your personal birth chart at the same time. It may feel odd for a while, so be aware of that. You are walking away and starting on unknown territory. I am sure the others in your family are feeling the change! The challenge now is to look at what you found so grim about the old situation and to clarify exactly what you want, to replace that. Try to be very clear about that, because unless you are certain, you won’t have a map for all that is new. You need the destination so you can select the right path and that comes from a lot of soul-searching. Again, the Tarot can help with that.

  84. Hello Jessica,
    I know the full moon has passed, and but I hope to ask a question as your words have been such a comfort in the past. I’m trying to understand what’s going on in my chart, to sense whether there’s some hope, but can’t quite work it out. Since April, my agent has had my novel m.s. on submission to no avail. Despite our receiving much positive feedback, no one has wanted to take it on. My agent (an experienced New York agent and former editor) is perplexed but still trying, and I’ve been cycling between despair and trying to let go of all attachment and accept that the universe is teaching me another lesson about strength through failure. I had high hopes for this novel, and worked incredibly hard on it, following the failure of a previous m.s. that was courted by a publisher for a full year in 2017-2018 who constantly promised a contract that never came. I’ve worked towards this since childhood, but can’t seem to catch a break despite receiving some short story awards in the process. There’s nothing more I can do, so I’m trying to surrender to the universe, but I feel terribly sad and bewildered. Is there any clarity you can shed on this from my chart? Thank you so much. LT.

    1. Thank you. You have Pluto circling Minerva at 28 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, achievement and success – and a Gemini-Sagittarius pattern across the Third House of internet and Ninth House of publishing. Your book has not been taken up by a publisher and you have a history of difficulty with the book world despite short story success. Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom, usually seen with an owl. Pluto is of course the dominating man who seeks to take over and control. So your manuscript is locked in mythological conflict. The intensity stops in March. Pluto goes out of Capricorn. You will have a break from the despair in March-June 2023 when for the first time since 2008 Pluto is out of Capricorn and moves off Minerva, where he has been in 2022. That is interesting. Why the break? You don’t know yet. You may get a deal. You may give up on any idea of a book with a conventional publisher and no longer care. You may take the material and put it into a new medium. I am fairly sure I have told you this before, but you will have a new career as a writer or broadcaster from the momentous transits of Jupiter and then Uranus in Gemini in your Third House from the mid 2020’s. This takes you past 2030. The technology will advance and the new medium/s for your work will be exhilarating and liberating. Go with Gemini not Sagittarius. You are thinking: foreign translation rights, global sales, conventional publishing (Ninth House). That is being blocked all over the place by transits in Gemini itself; Pisces too. What works? Gemini! Short stories, the media, the internet, Tik-Tok, podcasting. You Tube, Twitter and all that is Mercurial. Mercury rules Gemini. You also need to get your head around your whopping Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House and understand how that is not always your best friend as a writer. The Tarot can show you more; the library on this website will show you the rest. Nancy Mitford was a Capricorn stellium writer. She produced her most famous bestselling novels when she stopped trying to be successful by copying the fashions of the day and sat on the sofa and wrote about her mad family to amuse herself. Have a look at Nancy too.

  85. Hi Jessica,

    I have been trying to get pregnant for the last couple of years, and have been seeking fertility help with a doctor along with an acupuncturist for the last 9 months or so. On Friday the 12th I found out once again that I am not pregnant and with my husbands support we are taking a month off of trying to take a bit of a break from the emotional rollercoaster that this has been. Is there a time coming up when it will be optimal to try again?

    Thank you so much for all you do!

    1. You are a Sun Taurus with Minerva and Vulcano in Leo in your Fifth House of parenthood. I am sorry about the emotional rollercoaster of trying for a baby. You were born in 1984 so will be 40 in 2024 and are no doubt thinking about your forties in terms of how children will, or will not, fit into your life. You were born to guide, lead, mentor, influence, train and inspire younger people. This is a lifelong pattern. Minerva is a symbol of female wisdom and in Leo you are essentially Queen to a younger court. This can be natural-born offspring; stepchildren; foster children; adopted children. Minerva in Leo also turns up with professors who steer entire generations into their degrees. We find aunts here and godmothers too. Take the pressure off. You always were going to rule the young and you absolutely will, in a successful way, when Jupiter goes into Leo in about five years from now. In fact, you’ll do that every 12 years thereafter, well into old age. Minerva was born fully formed from her father Jupiter’s brain. Vulcano is a symbol of great self-control and self-mastery in the face of huge emotion and passion. I am sure you feel quite volcanic emotion about the situation but are ‘managing’ it, which is what Vulcano does. He was cuckolded by Venus and Mars. He often turns up when there are IVF questions, because one has to think about surrogates, often. So, this is complicated. It’s more than a physical issue about acupuncture or fertility, it brings in marriage by its very nature. You have karma to complete with your husband and that is partly why the situation is there. The karma ends in July 2023 when you can sign off from it. You have a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. The South Node (karma) is transiting Scorpio until July 2023 so there is a loop here. A stuck situation. The ‘sex and death’ part is commonly the marriage vow ‘Til death do us part.’ It is also about the mortgage and the life insurance. We never like to think about these things, but if you have a Scorpio stellium and the South Node is there, you would gain from peering into the depths. That can sometimes unlock things emotionally and psychologically which need to flow. You are very watery; feelings, passion and emotion based. Sex is the other great Scorpio stellium concern, isn’t it! I am not giving you ‘best time to try’ because quite honestly, the best time to try was many years ago. I also don’t have your husband writing in with a birth chart, so any answer will be lopsided at best. Know that the intensity of the situation is over next July. Know that you can and will steer children and teenagers all your life, and if a baby is coming, that child will be the story. If not, another child will be. Or children, plural. Jupiter’s transit of Leo and then Virgo, in your mid forties, will make you very happy, in the light of that.

  86. Hi Jessica, Enjoying the insights of being a member, as I paid out my mortgage at the right time with your astrology prediction and the most important thing of all….. timing and when to make the move – bingo! done. I am Sun-Sagittarius, Taurus rising, Moon in Libra experiencing ‘ground hog day’ more so than ever with the many retrogrades appearing throughout my birth chart – Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Virgo and Pisces, need clarity and will I get it all done? also have: MC 06 Aquarius Pluto 19 Leo Apollo 18 Leo IC 06 Leo Panacea 25 Leo Aesculapia 04 Pisces. Blessings

    1. That is a great testimonial, thank you. You are a Sun Sagittarius with a Taurus stellium in your Second House of personal income; you also have transiting Pluto in your solar Second House of personal income, until March 2023. There will come a time when you no longer have to fixate on money, property, charity, business, shares, valuables – but not yet. You will have a break from that in March-June 2023 when Pluto is out of your Second House for the first time since 2008. That interval will teach you a lot about the next 20 years or so. The karma from 18 or 19 years ago with finances ends in July 2023, so it looks like the Spring-Summer of the Northern Hemisphere in 2023 is the watershed between the old life and the new one.

  87. Thank you so much Jessica, apologies that my post appeared more than once I had an error message an it didn’t look like my post had been submitted.

  88. Aaahh, apologies Jessica !! I meant the full moon in Aquarius, not the sun – I just remember you being a Leo, so perhaps Aquarius is your 7th house (using natal, not natural system)…?
    Very interesting about Donald Trump – and so much to unpack, domestically, too!
    Waving back with my cup of tea – trying not to cry about Freya the walrus, too. If you have never read Pablo Neruda’s poem about “The Mermaid and the Drunks” (in Spanish, La Sirena y Los Borrachos), I think it is a very moving elegy to the relationship between nature and humans, thus far. (There are some good English translations around). Xx

    1. Freya the walrus was a tragedy and the authorities should be held to account for letting the wrong sort of human being anywhere near her. There are two kinds of people on the planet. The Gerald Durrells and the rest. Be more Durrell.

  89. Hello Jessica, if you can guide me a bit about the effect of full moon to me.

    Juno 19 Virgo
    Aesculapia 19 Pisces
    Apollo 20 Leo
    Proserpina 20 Pisces

    I want to quit the current boring and hopeless job. I am starting a new joint business but now it is on hold from my partner. Don’t know whether I should quit the job to get rid of current hopeless situation. Or I need to wait something happening, say like March 2023?

    Thanks Jessica.

  90. Hello Jessica, if you can guide me a bit about the effect of full moon to me.

    Juno 19 Virgo
    Aesculapia 19 Pisces
    Apollo 20 Leo
    Proserpina 20 Pisces

    I want to quit the current boring and hopeless job. I am starting a new joint business but now it is on hold from my partner. Don’t know whether I should quit the job to get rid of current hopeless situation. Or I need to wait something happening, say like March 2023?

    Thanks Jessica.

    1. The Full Moon has now passed and it was in Aquarius, opposite the Sun in Leo, so nothing to do with work. None of your placements are connected with work either. You are a Sun Scorpio and will have an opportunity to resign by Halloween and move to a better option. Failing that you will have a second opportunity from Christmas until May 2023. A joint business is a Scorpio matter if it is with your sexual partner, of course. I assume you mean a sexual partner? Use the Tarot to see if and when you should quit your job, but that is the astrological timing.

  91. Hi Jess How are we feeling about Liz Truss or is she just a feather to be blown away come March 2023? Are we talking placeholder only? Hopefully the whole thing collapses….

    1. I don’t have an AA chart for Liz Truss to read, unfortunately. I predicted a third female Prime Minister a long time ago, on this website. The future of Britain is not the two-party system. The future of Britain is diversity, community and equality so the Conservative party is not there. Neither is the House of Lords. It will take a long time for Pluto (transformation, empowerment) to complete in Aquarius (brotherhood and sisterhood) but over the next 20 years or so, that will reshape British politics and power. You will see this dramatically in March 2023 to June 2023. If you search Boris Johnson and/or United Kingdom/Great Britain you can find my forecast that a third woman PM would arrive.

  92. Hi Jessica
    As always thanks for your insights. I have recently returned from the UK and I wasn’t aware of the date of the full moon this month.That’s until the passenger in front of me on the plane delightfully exclaimed how bright red and shiny it was as we were disembarking. It paused on my Ascendant in Aquarius 18° 31′ and was wondering what this means for me. Date and time of birth 2/10/1971 @ 2:14pm.

    1. Claire, the Ascendant is the least important part of the chart. It is usually the part that most people get wrong because mothers and fathers seldom get the time right, when the umbilical cord is cut and the baby becomes a separate entity. Even when the time is right, the Ascendant only ever describes the shopfront. It is the personal appearance, the persona, the profile and so a hologram really – not who you actually are. By now the Full Moon will have well and truly passed over your Ascendant if it really is at 18 Aquarius and so you would have had the familiar conflict between what the group wants and what the star wants. What the collective wants and what the leader of the pack wants. You tend to get this when there is (say) a work team and the arrival of a leading light. Or a work team with a boss, but a rival boss on the scene. It’s on that level. As I say, it’s not important, because it’s only your image. Not who you are.

  93. Thanks for this insightful article!
    As we are still in Leo season, can u tell me more about my leo placements of Apollo, Bacchus and Ops? I see Apollo as a teacher/mentor and Leo as more of a leader. What does this blend signify?

    1. Your library can tell you about those asteroids in your natal chart. I am not sure why you think Apollo is a teacher. Leo is certainly about leadership. Leo is the emblem of monarchy, royalty and aristocracy in the chart and the archetype is ancient; it describes the King or Queen, but also the Lord or Lady. Dukes and Earls are also ruled by Leo and the lion appears on several crests in many noble families. So you don’t have children, you rule them. And if you literally don’t have children, you find other people’s children to rule, so may in fact become an academic and lecture, for example, or an author and ‘teach’ that way. Ceres transiting Leo and your Fifth House until the end of September suggests a compromise in a leading role with the young. So you may accept a project where the demographic is half your age and the compromise is that you have to talk to them, when you have nothing in common with them. The path of Leo is to find the commonality to close the gap so there can be a genuine bond between the generations. Thus Sun Leo J.K. Rowling.

  94. I have been single for a long time, lost hope on finding a companion. Can you please guide me if I am able to find the one soon ?
    Please help!

    1. You have a Scorpio and Aquarius stellium. You are also a Sun Aquarius. When predicting the future I always use both your solar and natal chart. The public and private horoscope. First of all, there is no ‘one’ to end up with. Very few people have the kind of karma which means there is just one husband or just one wife. I don’t even know your gender as you are using a false name. You will be free to date one or more people from September when Mars goes into your solar Fifth House and that is the case until early 2023. The issue would be – they have children – or you have to discuss the fact that you do not/do want them. Mars is retrograde so the issue would be circular and rather slow. Later on from 2026 stepchildren or adopted children – bring liberation, excitement, exhilaration, shock, freedom, independence. Uranus in Gemini goes into your solar Fifth House. Again you don’t say if you have children and are a single parent so it’s rather hard to say. Why not use the Oracles and Tarot on this website?

  95. Dear Jessica,
    Looks like there was quite a pile up of factors near 19 degrees for me. I have been fascinated reading the comments and answers on all recent posts about the Leo weather, but please could you help clear up some confusion about my chart vis a vis Libra-Leo stelliums?
    I notice you have mentioned for others with stelliums in these signs that these are big stories in their lives, but also indicate they are destined for partnership (understanding this might not mean romantic) however difficult it may be. In previous advice for me you have kindly explained that Saturn and Leo in Libra would make partnership/living together very difficult for me. I do yearn for a committed life partner still however. Am I correct in understanding that the disappointment and difficulties will likely be greatest if I seek a partner based on the traditional patriarchal model of marriage, but marriage itself may be an endpoint if I seek someone whose outlook is more progressive? I do worry about ending up with someone whose ideas about loyalty and fidelity are opposed to my own though.
    Also, on 12th Aug the young Libra man I mentioned before contacted me with messages of a sexual nature. I am still struggling to get over him despite his showing his true intentions, so engaged briefly remembering the advice you gave before which indicated he is treating me as one of many options. I know you advised I have a tonne of other options, which I have yet to see (I realise I am probably being impatient). Should I even try and hope for anything more meaningful from him in my future? Should I find a way to completely let go and forget about him instead?
    Thank you again for everything.

    1. You are a Sun Libra with a Leo, Libra and Scorpio stellium so love, sex and marriage are central to your identity. You shine in partnership and feel exposed when the partnership is bad, or you are alone. The stellium in your Fifth House is about your courtships; heirs and pretenders to your throne. In Libra itself in the Seventh House, about marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. In Scorpio – about sex, death and money (commonly the mortgage and marriage, and the life insurance). At the moment you have the South Node of karma in Scorpio transiting your Eighth House until July 2023. You are owed, or owe, from 18 or 19 years ago – karmically. That stuck cycle has to complete by July 2023, which it will. There is nothing else of any importance in Leo, Libra or Scorpio until Jupiter moves into Leo. He is currently in Aries, so that’s about four years away. If you date now through July 2023 it will be about the money, house or apartment as much as the sex. So that’s your Libra date. He’s going through the same cycle! If you want to marry you’ll wait for Jupiter. Have a look at the Tarot to validate that.

  96. Dear Jessica,
    I’m feeling a bit tired with my current work and I feel like a change would do me some good. I’m thinking to look for a new opportunity. Also, I’m feeling a bit sensitive about the gossip and politics in the office. Can you please help take a look at my chart and see what it says about my career?
    Thank you so much!

    1. You have Psyche at 29 Capricorn and Pluto is circling 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. I’m sure you know what Psyche in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career means, as I’ve written about this extensively – if not your library on this website can tell you more. You will have the option to switch jobs or even careers in December 2022, January 2023 when the faster-moving horoscope factors, like the Sun, also pass through Capricorn and your Tenth House. The Tarot can validate.

  97. Thank you, Jessica, for being so kind and responding to people. I saw the daily forecast a few days ago and I was unsettled (very worried and stressed) by what it sounded like – and it looks like this is for a whole year. I’ve done research to try to unpack what this all means but I’m not having any luck finding an explanation. “Next karmic subject: death, property, finance, valuables and dying. (The North Node in your solar Eighth House is the king of curly cycles.) Libra, should the emotion and the strong, confronting feelings that emerge now be taken as the prime issue by July 2023 (when this cycle ends) or not? This applies to you, or to others. Is the issue behind all this valid by itself? If so, the cycles are there for it to go forward. If not, time for a few pertinent queries.”

    1. Thank you. I’m not sure why you would be worried by that message (you should not be). Basically Sun Libra people have the North Node and Uranus transiting Taurus, in their Eighth House of sex, death and money. This is commonly the marriage and mortgage, which is covered with life insurance. Everyday stuff. The more unusual variations on this theme are couples in a common-law marriage who share the rent on a house and break up – she then writes him, out of her will to inherit the dog. The cycle ends in July 2023 when the North Node reverses into Aries. The karma comes from the fact that the North Node takes you back about 19 years in time and a further 19 years before that; you owe, or are owed. The feelings should be parked at the door because emotions aren’t useful when you’re thinking about your valuables, house, business, insurance, superannuation, apartment, charity, shares, debts, assets. All the big-ticket items which should be in your legacy, or are in legacies naming you. You can organise that on this cycle with an elderly family member aged around 90 or 100 in mind because statistics tell you they won’t be around forever; on this cycle you have to attend to that sort of thing.

  98. Hello Jessica,Thank you so much always for the insightful articles. Me ( 05/14/1975) and my husband (01/27/1972) and our 10 year old daughter are finding ourselves in a hard situation. We live in a small apartment in New York and the landlord is going to do a major renovation soon in the next door apartment. Needless to say I am worried. We are not sure what to do when this happens as we have no means to move out to another place if need be, specially with the super high rents out there. As we are both freelancing that makes moving and finding a place almost impossible. For me personally home base is beyond important and I do hope we can find ourselves in a safe and better place in the future. We were also hoping to buy a place but that is now also out of our range. Obviously if I can secure a fulltime job I like that would help tremendously but until then! I would be grateful for any insights you might have regarding our home and beyond! Thanks so much.

    1. You’re a Sun Taurus and your husband is a Sun Aquarius so just knowing that – this means you and your daughter will benefit from his Jupiter cycle, Halloween through Christmas, when he has the opportunity to save or make a lot of money. It looks as though October, November is the key period for decisions about where to live and how to live. Even if you stay put, you will be offered a terrific new option (through him, again) from May 2023 until May 2023 and the home would be bigger or better than your current space. The Tarot is free to use on this website. Have a look at that to validate this timing. It’s through him that the superior options emerge.

  99. Thank you very much for your earlier answer, Jessica. This subscription membership has been immensely helpful in my day to day life. For instance, my daily horoscope reads “These digital journeys will introduce you to people, ideas and concepts which are so foreign to you, that you may feel vastly inexperienced and under-informed. It doesn’t matter. This is a revolution. It’s a liberating rejection of the past” … and I can confirm resonance with EVERY word here. (1) digital – on Zoom calls all day (2) foreign people – I work mostly with non-Indian while I am Indian (3) foreign concepts – recent career switch (4) inexperienced – have been feeling incompetent in my new job. Now imagine if I went through my day without reading the next line – “liberating”. Being the critical Virgo I would’ve slept beating myself up for the job change & feeling like I know nothing. But now I sleep knowing that this is a learning phase for a new “better” life. Many thanks again.

    1. That is great validation of the daily horoscope, thank you. Remember you can always use the Tarot for more personal and in-depth readings too.

  100. Hi Jessica – I am a straight male in early 40s (no kids from previous relationship). Please look at my chart and tell me if its possible to have a relationship. I have been single for a long time, losing hope on finding a companion.


    1. Saturn in Leo and Pluto with the North Node in Libra tell you the story here. Saturn is in your Fifth House of fatherhood. Whatever happened at age 28, 29 left you exposed and vulnerable and so the defences came up. You have structured your life, romantically and sexually, to protect yourself. Very wise. But sometimes you can be over-defended so there is no relationship at all. Saturn in Leo/Fifth House people can fall in love with women they will never have, which means they never have the difficulty of ever becoming fathers. There can also be perfectionism (no woman is good enough) or just paralysis; not acting or making a move out of resistance to being vulnerable. Pluto in Libra wants to control the marriage or dominate the partnership. This is generational; your entire generation was born that way. The North Node in Libra suggests that there is karma with previous lovers or partners; they were karmically involved with you. So that’s a really complex load in your chart. You have been single for years, want a companion and are losing hope. Don’t lose hope. Why? Because ‘companion’ is the right idea. You have a fantastic stellium in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. You were made to plug into societies, clubs, teams, communities, charities and associations. All groups. You have a light, airy, detached approach to people which works extremely well in and around (say) bands or other circles of people. It’s not sexual. It can be platonic. You are currently in a rotten cycle when your social life and friendships have been obstructed, delayed or even severely tested by Saturn in Aquarius. This cycle finishes in March 2023. March 2023 will change your life. For reasons not yet clear, in March, April, May and part of June you will find you are able to plug into a powerful community of allies and friends and make a difference. They will also make a difference for you. Can a friendship be romantic? Yes. Can it be intimate? Also yes, but with rules. This suits you much better than marriage and children, according to your chart. So think about it. Use the Tarot and Garden Oracle to validate. This can and does get better and you can and will have one or more good female companions. Do you watch Dr. Who? He had that in his life too; the difference is yours will involve togetherness. He never did get together with Sarah Jane Smith but you will find your own Sarah Jane and do so.

  101. Thank you so much for your reply, Jessica. I feel so much better with the benefit of your insight and your words as always make a kind of sense that would be difficult for me to access on my own. Blessings to you.

  102. Thank you so much, Jessica, for your response which really helps clarify. I am relatively new to astrology. So this might relate to a beloved grandparent who died about a year and half ago (she was in her 90s). Or if this could relate to an older friend who recently told me, out of the blue, that I’m named in their will. I was worried it might have to do with the health of my kids, my sibs, me, or my elderly parents.

    1. I hope this clears it up for you. Sometimes I file the copy for the daily column without properly checking it (when I have a lot of work on) and it can be interpreted far more negatively than I ever intended. Thank you so much for raising this. I hope you are reassured. This kind of transit very commonly results in a sensible update of the will, by you, or others. And we all need to do that in times like this, don’t we.

  103. Jessica, thanks for the reply first. Sorry for accidentally entering same message twice.

    Before I did have a sexual partner but we broke up this May.

    What I mean now is potential business partner. We came up to build a new business starting from June. Things are starting to going to details for startup. But in July and this month he (potential business partner) starts to hold and rethink the business.

    Can this business be materialized to start and have good prospect?

    1. Okay, so you have a business partner in mind here. Are you happy to live with an unpredictable two-way existence, here? Because it will be prone to sudden upheaval until 2026. You have transiting Uranus in Taurus in your solar Seventh House of partnership, that long. Until July 2023 you also have the North Node in Taurus, again in your solar Seventh House. So there may be a backwards loop here, taking you back to karma from 18 or 19 years ago, either with this individual or quite another. It’s complicated. Can you take on the partnership at any time at all? The astrology would say, May 2023. Or subsequent months until May 2024. Why? Jupiter with all his benefits is then in your solar Seventh House. Use the Tarot to validate this for yourself, but that’s the timing.

  104. Hi Jessica, what an amazing blog and rich comments section! Wow! ( I’m new here )
    Indeed the full moon has now passed. I found it quite daunting in the leadup, feeling quite aware of where my life has felt ‘ lost ‘, and once I recognised I could surrender to that, and just mull around in the 12th house in a bit of excess solitude for the period of the full moon, wow, I ended up having such catharsis and basic trust in life restored. From the panic of the isolation of the 12th house to a real appreciation of the endings of things and the comfort of the unfathomable. Not in a drunken sort of way but just really putting the mind and it’s limits into perspective and clearing out a lot of detritus.
    My Taurean mum is about to undergo surgery, not major, but she’s in ridiculously good health for 79 and has only needed hospital once since giving birth. Knowing that Mars is incoming to my fourth house, I actually feel it’s more to do with the family I have created, and unpacking and re- creating aafter the move of house to Tasmania last December, but, is a transit like that any indication of the mother’s life? Or maybe the retro Mars later in the year?
    Of course I am feeling a tad guilty for moving farther away and then she has a health problem.

    1. Thank you. The situation with your mother will go back and forth from August 21st, throughout September and into October. By that I mean the diary arrangements, the discussion on the phone and any paperwork. I am glad your mother is in good health and only has minor surgery. You have Mercury Retrograde transiting your solar Fourth House of mothers and family, and I am sure you know this is a symbol of stuck, reversing and replayed messages. So just be aware of that. It may be as simple as double-checking the fine print on her health insurance, say, or trying to get everything in writing so it’s nicely understood by everyone. This is the whole family not just your mother. In your natal chart, we find you have the South Node at 26 Cancer, also in the Fourth House of family, and of course Pluto at 26 Capricorn has been circling that in opposition. This is the sort of transit that only happens once in your life. You moved to Tasmania which is one facet of it. So a similar story is being told twice in your public and private chart. You can find out more about those transits in the online library. I wish her a successful operation and speedy recovery, and hope that Mercury’s usual backward cycling is about trivia for you.

  105. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for an amazing post! Im a 13th Jan Capricorn with Gemini ascendant and aquarius venus, how is this full moon going to play out for me , should I expect major changes?

    Thanks a lot

    1. Well, the Full Moon has now well and truly gone. Reham, if you are asking about change, then you are asking about the exit of planets from signs. That happens just before Halloween, when Jupiter exits Aries and re-enters Pisces. Halloween to Christmas benefits you with excellent timing and opportunities to gain and benefit through the internet; the media; education; publishing. The next big change is the exit of Jupiter from Pisces at Christmas and the re-entry into Aries, suggesting that January-May 2023 is your time to pursue the biggest and best with a house, block of land, apartment or other residence (like a house boat). For more people it is usually property; there will be a chance to gain through your place or space. Bigger changes come in March 2023 when Saturn exits Aquarius and enters Pisces, and Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius. March 2023 is the most important shift in your attitude towards money in many years and ‘the challenge to change’ with your life budget will be unavoidable then.

  106. My Dear Jessica, I would like to ask you something very important to me. I have been following your blog for months and I cannot have enough, it is really fascinating and maybe the best source of information I have found since the beginning of the pandemic. You also got me back to Twitter to see how the History unfolds before my eyes. You really get what is going to happen. Trump’s case is just unbelievable, I hope they clarify everything! Ok, so, after thinking about it for months, I decided to talk about you to my family and closest friends. I felt like it is my duty as I can see how accurate your predictions are. My people doesn’t know or like Astrology. It was a conscious decision of mine. But now I have a problem. My ex husband and I are very close friends and have a wonderful relationship, but I know how skeptical he’s always been, it took me a while to talk to him about it. Well, now he is freaking out. He just renewed his touristic restaurant and invested an incredible amount of money on it. So I swear to him I would buy his chart and would directly write to you, and ask for your advice. I did, I bought his chart here in your website but I am not sure that you can see it, so I will give you the info below and ask: would you please give him some advice – he also have money in the stock market –
    he is reaaally scared about another period of isolation, another period without tourists…. I will tell you his chart + the one from his restaurant, just reopened on the 29th of June. Any word from you would be really apreciatted, as always. Thank you so so so much.

    Luis Chart / Sun 22 Cancer / Moon 17 Libra / Mercury 4 Cancer / Venus 4 Virgo / Mars 10 Taurus / Jupiter 23 Aries / Saturn 22 Cancer / Uranus 28 Libra / Neptune 9 Sagittarius / Pluto 6 Libra / Chiron 29 Aries / Juno 10 Cancer / Vesta 1 Aries / Ceres 26 Taurus / MC 26 Geminis / IC 26 Sagitarius / AS 27 Virgo / Desc 27 Pisces / Diana 5 Pisces / Fortuna 23 Gemini / Minerva 8 Virgo/ Bacchus 16 Aquarius / Apollo 22 Gemini / Aesculapia 25 Cancer / Hygeia 18 Geminis / Panacea 14 Aries / Ops 13 Scorpio / Salacia 6 Aquarius / Proserpina 25 Aquarius / Cupido 5 Virgo / Vulcanóloga 16 cancer / psycque 26 Taurus / NorthNode 29 Scorpio /. SouthN 29 Taurus.

    The restaurant, opened the 29th June 22 at 9PM in Malaga Spain is Sun 8Cancer /Moon 15 Cancer / Mercury 19 Geminis / Venus 8 GEminis / Marte 26 Aries / Jupiter 7 Aries /Saturn 24 Aquarius /Uranus 17 Taurus / Neptune 25 Piscis / Pluto 27 Capricórnio/ Kyron 16 Aries

    Thank you in advance and always. God bless your life!

    1. Thank you very much. Okay so your ex-husband Luis is a Sun Cancer and his restaurant in Spain is also Sun Cancer. Between now and March 2023 both Luis and his restaurant will find conditions are slow and stuck. This Saturn cycle can only happen every 29 years and it is happening in 2022 and January, February, early March 2023. For some reason we don’t yet know, there is a huge change in March 2023 when he will also have to change direction with the restaurant and his business. From May 2023 things improve and by May 2024 he will have found a new way to make or save money, either through the restaurant, or by quite a different source. I hope that helps.

  107. Hi Jessica ! Any thoughts on the Christmas season? I know people will probably spend less on non essentials! But it seems like rich people are still rich and buying art for their walls …I make everything myself- so I don’t really on China for my goods -but I do rely on the post system and ups which is run on gas!

    1. Christmas doesn’t really change anything. We’re not seeing any major shifts along the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and that rules the economy. We are still cycling through the lunar nodes in opposition to each other, thus the tug-of-war in the global situation – inflation and recession. This is all pretty normal and it ends in July 2023. Rich people do invest in art, it’s true. Your chart shows a shift in March 2023, though, not Christmas. From March 2023 you are relieved of the usual Saturn burdens (the weight lifts, the restrictions vanish) financially, and then have a huge decision to make, in time for April, about the new life budget you must take on, if you want financial empowerment in 2023, 2024, 2025 and so on.

  108. Dear Jessica, sharing my happy news that my baby girl (conceived through IVF at an overseas clinic where donor technology is more advanced) has been born during a C section on 11 August 2022 at 4.50pm after admitting myself to the maternity ward on Wednesday night and awaiting over 12 hours to have my c section procedure in the delivery theatre.
    A drama related to her birth…Within the first two hours of her birth, she had a code blue mishap due to a male nurse’s negligence (or lack of thought) and a CPR performed to resuscitate her. I sensed a cover up happening as there was little explanation to me on the day of the incident, and the following day. The Head of OB at the hospital visited me on Saturday to assure me in person there would be a team review and safety practices in place when I emphasized that it was a traumatic event that should never have happened to any newborn or new mum.
    Earlier I highlighted to a few medical staff who were attending to me on Thursday night / Friday early morning shift that I wanted the incident to be taken seriously and my concern to be conveyed to the paediatric team monitoring and assessing my newborn that her lungs, heart and brain were not affected by the loss of oxygen for a few minutes before discharging her. One medical staff attending to me on Thursday night had a lack of insight and told me I was worrying too much and upsetting myself which was affecting my sleep and rest. Not giving up, I raised my concern again to a more emphatic nurse who came to my room at a later time on Friday morning about my sentiments.
    Before leaving the hospital on Sunday afternoon with my child, I was assured by a paediatric doctor that all the necessary testing and assessments have been completed and results were positive showing a good recovery from the trauma. I hope that when my baby girl is growing, her physical development would be like a normal child.

    1. Fantastic, well done. You have your little Leo girl. But not without drama. Well done on calling out the staff. What you did will help other mothers as you know. She had a loss of oxygen but has passed tests showing she recovered. As you know, Leo rules children. At 8, 9, 18, 19 Leo you have a pattern that brings in that recent Full Moon at 19 Aquarius, opposite the Sun at 19 Leo and so right on your chart. I am sure you know transiting Uranus is also at 18 Taurus square your 18, 19 factors. The Full Moon happened on 12th August one day after she was born, as you know, and Uranus was square on the same day. The good news is, this child has arrived without anything major in Virgo and the Sixth House of health, to concern you. Mercury is in Virgo which is useful. This must have been so worrying for you when the male nurse was negligent or thoughtless and CPR had to be performed. I am sorry you had to go through this. Have a look at your daughter’s chart, but Mercury in Virgo in the Sixth House of wellbeing is quite useful to have, as an adult and perhaps the fact that she arrived surrounded by hospital staff whom you forced to take her seriously, is a hint about a future career for her.

  109. Dear Jessica
    Thank you for your generous insight! I may have activated my Diana in this situation, also at the exact same placement as Aesculapia. I’ve ‘pushed back’ and walked away from a ‘generous’ offer that came with chains, ie. more bullying from the MD. Now serving notice.
    However, I’ve just given a first interview for a job at Netflix. The hiring manager is in Singapore and the job in Mumbai. He may be American but much like me has also lived in London, New York and Netherlands. Perhaps I’ll just be able to resurrect life in India and entertainment and arts, professionally and personally, thus channeling Aesculapia? No idea yet though about getting a second interview.
    And perhaps, tracks in timelines with Jupiter going back to Pisces in 2 months? In response to a comment on another post, you had both mentioned “The solution to your issue is your dual country experience and bilingual abilities” and “you may have to choose between ambition and location “. The latter’s funny cause the role was levelled down once I applied. I really don’t mind, on balance, as I feel it aligns with going back to my authentic self.
    Worth noting that I was meant to have the first interview on Friday (close to the new moon) and I have Panacea at 4 Virgo, Mars 3 Cancer and Mercury 5 Cancer. Got rescheduled for today (Retroshade?). I wouldn’t know how to place Cupid at 4’56” Cap or Uranus at 5 Sag. South Node also just went past my Prosperina. But also amused I’ve learnt whatever above might add up, just reading your posts. ‍♀

    1. You are the second person commenting here, who just quit a role because of bullying. Pluto is often made flesh in the shape of a male bully. You are now in the interview zone. Remember Mercury is retrograde; Mars is retrograde; everything is under discussion and debate and you will not know where you end up until the middle of October (in final tiny detail). I always post the retrograde dates a year or two in advance; you should be able to find them on Search. You’re living it now.

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