The New Moon in Virgo 2022

The Virgo New Moon

This is a misleading New Moon on Saturday 27th August 2022, so although it feels like a new beginning – it is the beginning of delays, reversals and cancellations.

If you have Virgo factors in your natal chart, in your Sixth House of health and wellbeing, you may want to see a different doctor, or start a dental treatment program.

You need to know that Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, at the same time as the New Moon, will produce waiting games, u-turns or dead ends. Basically, this is ‘Spaghetti Season’ as you loop the loop. At the end of this feature I’ll wrap up the prediction for all 12 Sun Signs based on this New Moon.

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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

The New Moon falls at 4 Virgo on Saturday 27th August and Mercury Retrograde started on Sunday 21st August. Mercury goes forwards, backwards and forwards again from Saturday 24th September until Monday 10th October.

Mercury is retrograde like this:

Virgo 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Virgo 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24
Virgo 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

If you have factors at Virgo 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 then you can expect the usual problems with clear communication, paperwork, your computer, the telephone, the internet, commuting, the post office and short journeys. It will be specifically in the context of your health, but also work, unpaid work or study. Virgo and the Sixth House rule all these things.

Pfizer and the Virgo New Moon

You can see this playing out in the massive new legal battle against Pfizer. In your own life, if you have Virgo factors, be cautious and have Plan B, C and D.

If your health, medical, diet, fitness, mental health or alternative therapies plans are long-term, be aware that Saturn will be in opposition to Virgo, from Pisces, beginning March 8th 2023, starting at 0 Pisces in opposition to factors at 0 Virgo, and remaining there until May 25th, 2025, when he passes 29 Pisces, opposite 29 Virgo.

This will only be an issue if your plans involve (say) medical insurance in a binding agreement now through 2025, or you are also thinking about other long-term commitments.

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Best Wishes, The Virgo New Moon

If you have anything in your natal chart at 4 degrees, the Virgo New Moon will aspect that. A new beginning for other people, or a fresh start around you, will bring that story to life in a new way. So, best wishes from the Virgo New Moon.

So, you might have Jupiter at 4 Leo, and the New Moon at 4 Virgo may produce a pregnancy. You might have the Moon herself at 4 Aries and the New Moon at 4 Virgo will prompt a makeover.

What you set up on Saturday 27th August (allow a day either side for world time zone differences) is picked up beautifully by Jupiter at 4 Aries on September 17th to 24th and again by Jupiter at 4 Aries from Saturday 21st January 2023 until Wednesday 25th of January.

The Scramble of RETROGRADE

The story continues in a more fated way with the North Node at 4 Taurus and South Node at 4 Scorpio from the 8th March to 8th May 2023, so whatever planet, asteroid, angle or other factor you have at 4 degrees really is triggering a long episode.

edz norton Pt4wcNzDh5A unsplash 300x217 - The New Moon in Virgo 2022The sign and house will give you the ‘what’ of the story and you can find out more about that in your library here, if you are a Premium Member.

This is a peculiar New Moon. It’s misleading for many, but if you have anything at 4 degrees, of any sign, then it genuinely is a new beginning which will produce fantastic solutions or opportunities later. It’s the scramble of RETROGRADE (like jumbled Scrabble) for most.

You can allow a degree, in modern astrology, so this also applies to factors at 3 and 5 degrees, as well as 4. Whatever aspects being made by the New Moon, then Jupiter, then the lunar nodes will also pick up your chart with a one-degree orb, so look closely.

Your Sun Sign and the Virgo Story

Astrology works on two levels. Public and private. I’ve talked about the private impact on you and your personal birth chart. What about your public life? The areas listed below will give you a fake fresh start on Saturday 27th August 2022 (allow a day either side) which will go backwards and forwards until Monday 10th October, because of Mercury. Remember – get everything in writing and have Plan B, C and D if you are unable to avoid going ahead with Mercury matters now.

The Virgo e-card pictured here is one of a range available to Premium Members.

ARIES: Health, mental health, wellbeing, fitness, food, drink, doctors, medication, healers, work, unpaid work, academia.
TAURUS: Courtship, heirs, pretenders and spares to the throne. Pregnancy, babies, infants, children, teenagers, Millennials.
GEMINI: House, apartment, garden, council, country, home town, homeland, government, family, household, ancestors.
CANCER: The internet, computers, the media, the post office, domestic flights, commuting, the post, publishing, education.
LEO: Money, houses, apartments, valuables, charity, sales, purchases, assets, inheritance, insurance, taxation, finances.
VIRGO: Image, profile, reputation, brand, appearance, packaging, presentation, publicity, self-promotion, name, title.
LIBRA: Religion, Tarot, mediumship, Buddhism, spirituality, therapy, counselling, hypnosis, self-help, dream coaching.
SCORPIO: Friends, clubs, teams, groups, charities, political parties, trade unions, Twitter, your social life, social circles.
SAGITTARIUS: Professional life, unpaid vocation, study, ambition, social climbing, status, position, mission, levelling up.
CAPRICORN: Foreigners, foreign countries and cities, translated publications and websites, academia with foreign students.
AQUARIUS: Financial and sexual relationships, marriage and mortgage, wills, legacies, inheritance, divorce, family money.
PISCES: Professional partnerships, sexual partnerships, marriage, divorce, separation, duets, duels, opponents, enemies.

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95 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica – hope you are doing well. Your timing is uncanny as usual. I am in the middle of a job search, binding health and disability insurance, switching a doctor after decades because of a botched Rx and poor pandemic safety, focussing on mental and physical health, and perhaps starting a new phase in a sexual relationship. High fun, high volume! If you have time, please, any insights re my below placements? While I was headhunted for two (2) positions before Mercury retrograde shadow that I am in the application/interview stage for, I am quite wary about accepting/starting a new position before Mercury retrograde is done. Especially given how my current position – started during Mercury retrograde as I could not delay the start date– has turned out. Also concerned about Mars retrograde, given the male egos and politricks in my current office. Meditation helps! As always, thanks for all you do. Stay safe.

    Venus 05° Pisces
    Diana 04° Aries
    Bacchus 03° Capricorn
    Panacea 04° Taurus
    Proserpina 05° Aries

    1. Thank you. Work shows up in your public chart as a Pisces and private chart too. You are about to spend September negotiating with staff, clients, colleagues and/or employers and will finalise the last small detail by September 29th. This is really a healthy appreciation of all the issues, both intensely personal, but also more general, that arose since the end of July and you will both/all figure out a new deal. This is really the most intense phase of it all and there is nothing in either chart to show much more drama than that. I should imagine the application/interview stage will hinge on hours; control; power – the three big Ceres questions.

  2. Hi Jessica!!

    I am always so excited to see your blogs posted!

    I have to ask two questions.. sorry. So first I want to point out what I have a 4 degrees in my chart and ask if these factors will be hit by the Virgo full moon as well as the N & S Nodes in 2023. I have Fortuna at 4 degrees Sag and S Node 4 deg Sag as well and my N Node is in Gemini at 4 deg. I also have some 3 and 5 degree factors but will ignore those unless you say otherwise.

    Now you say what we start today (27 Aug) will have an impact. Meaning launch a site or something? The way I read my daily Capricorn scope for Sunday (28 Aug) sounds like I should be launching something but I thought that Mars retro should have me wait until next year. Can you please clarify for me??

    And I Love the stellium key at the bottom of our chart. Is that new or something I just have been missing?



    1. Thank you GV. The New Moon has moved on now, but you would have known the one or two developments that look so promising, as soon as it reached 4 degrees and perhaps realised that what feels good now, could be huge later on. Gemini-Sagittarius is the worldwide web, foreigners and foreign places – incorporating media, publishing, education and academia. Mars is retrograde in Gemini but from 8 to 25 degrees, not 4 degrees, so it will not affect any new direction you took up, or accepted, in the last day or two. I’ll pass on the note on the stellium to Asporea who came up with it; I love it too though there are teething problems as it launched on Mercury Retrograde.

  3. Hello Jessica,
    New member here and hoping it’s ok to post here. I have been reading/learning about interpreting my chart and I saw where you said to pay attention to stelliums. I have 8 in Sagittarius, 4 in Capricorn and 3 each in Libra and Scorpio. What I “see” from this is everything seems to be in one sector. What does this mean for me? I think 8 in my Sun Sign probably has some significance?? Thank you for this website.

    1. Thank you for taking out membership and yes, this is the right place to leave a question. You have a Sagittarius stellium so we could start with that and explain your personality and destiny to you. You were born with an unusually high number of Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House of your natal chart. Sagittarius is the explorer, student of life, knowledge source for others, and ‘foreign exchange and diplomatic corps’ – so your involvements with people from other countries and nationalities is central to your existence. You may be British, move to Australia, but work for Americans, for example. This is the sign of the traveller and migrant, which has become dangerous since the pandemic, so heavily Sagittarian people find other ways to explore; through Zoom online workshops for example, or by expanding their minds while travelling locally, on foot – or on horseback. Sagittarius is also the sign that rules the worldwide web and publishing, both traditional and digital, so you could make your way through that jungle for years into the future, always making new discoveries and finding ‘the road less travelled.’ You will always find this part of your life and personality comes alive every November, December when the Sun goes through Sagittarius.

  4. Just wanted to say I love the addition of the stelliums on the birth chart. Makes it easy to read.

    Also I have to go back through the blog but remember a prediction around lawsuits and Covid. I wonder if this Pfizer situation is what was being referenced.


    1. Thank you. I should have a look at class action lawsuits, legal action, Pfizer and big pharmaceutical companies again, too. The earliest prediction was published in 2019, of course before anyone had heard of Covid, and I need to find it. I will pass that remark on about stelliums to Asporea who just started dropping that into your personal chart. Thank you!

  5. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you again for the wonderful insight that you have provided. I have a stellium in Virgo and also Fortuna at 4 degrees in Aries and Neptune at 4 degrees in Scorpio and several factors at 3 and 5 degrees. What do you see for me in the coming months regarding a physical and mental healthy new start after the final settling of a years long civil litigation? The litigation hasn’t settled yet, however we are negotiating the final terms and it should become final within the next week or two.
    Will I finally find peace and a release of stress?
    Warm regards,

    1. Thank you Scarlett. You have Virgo factors at 3 through 24 degrees and mention stress, physical and mental health. You have been through one of the toughest cycles of your life, coming out of the T-Square from the lunar nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, and also some years of transiting Neptune in Pisces, in opposition to your Virgo factors. I am glad you are settling the litigation; even if the last dot on the i and cross on the t takes you until October, that’s useful. As you are so strongly Virgo and ‘live’ in your Sixth House of daily routine, hard work, dedicated service, health challenges and mental health, it is very important that you make that the number one priority, not just now, but particularly 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 during the long years of Saturn oppositions from Pisces. Whatever it takes and whomever it takes, to make the wheels go round with paid work, housework, unpaid work, study – do and pursue. It may mean a completely different approach; it often does on this cycle.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this sharing blog. You are so generous with your knowledge. And so thank you for helping us understand a bit more about the patterns in our lives. Can you please expand on what happens with a stellium in Virgo? In my natal chat, I have a situation with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Juno, Apollo, Fortuna, and MC in Virgo. Might be something, could be nothing. My worry is financial with mortgage rates fast increases. How can astrology help forecast financial planning? This is singularly a sleepless issue for me.

    1. You have the Sun in Leo with two large stelliums in Taurus and Scorpio, the bank, property, mortgage and business signs. So this shows up in your public chart (Leo) and private chart. Allow for things to go back and forth, in flux, until Mercury is finally out of the loop on 10th October 2022. This may be negotiating income; paying tax; dealing with the bank. Treating this period as a rehearsal and process, with final numbers in October, will save you a lot of time and trouble, astrologically speaking. You will also save or make money when Jupiter re-enters Pisces from Halloween to Christmas. Use that as much as you can to shore yourself up for the future. 2023 is the big change year. In your public chart Saturn goes into Pisces from March and so you will have to shoulder a burden from that point forward. You can be well off and do that. You can inherit and do that, or have financial responsibility for other people because you are rich enough to employ them. I say this because I do think you will benefit from quite rare solutions and opportunities from May 2023 through May 2024, as the lunar nodes finally move off Taurus and Scorpio in July (the stretch disappears) and you also have Jupiter himself moving in a slow chain of conjunctions to Taurus factors in your second house. You will have more, or make more, in quite an abundant way. So take a deep breath. There are many, many different ways this is going to sort itself out for you, far beyond the increase in mortgage interest rates. In fact you have a ton of options, but the stretched feeling is quite normal, for people who are heavily Taurus-Scorpio, and as I said, it ends next July.

  7. Hello Jessica, thank you for this article! As a Virgo Sun with a Virgo stellium, I read your predictions with some trepidation. I have a few factors at 3 degrees, though nothing at 4 degrees. Could you tell me what this New Moon will bring for me? I’ve been struggling with my health for the last 4 years or so and I’m trying to make some much-needed changes in order to heal. Thank you very much!

    1. Thank you. Health is Virgo and Sixth House and you have a stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House at 14, 18, 22, 29 degrees. Four years is a long time to struggle with your wellbeing and it’s no surprise to find transiting Neptune in Pisces in opposition at 14 through 22 degrees (now). It is very important to know that transiting Neptune in opposition is ‘the challenge to change’ and in your case that is your lifestyle and your workload, your daily routine and your ‘daily details.’ Also, perhaps, doctors, dentists, healers, fitness resources, drugs, food, drink more specifically. Pisces is the unconscious. Check if you are unconsciously contributing to a situation which will reduce your work and housework, or even remove it. In astrology we don’t separate health from work. You also went through the transiting North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius, which formed a slow T-Square with your Virgo factors. I see this a lot in readers presenting with one health issue after another and they’ve usually not changed enough in their lives – and they usually admit it. This is easy for me to say and hard for you to do, but as you are so strongly Virgo it may be that you are still trying to ‘do’ your habitual routine or approach when something bigger is called for. Working from home, for example, or working half-time, or job-sharing. Figuring out a different way to do the housework or the chores, right down to the dog or cat. Rethinking your habitual way of seeing the medical profession. I bet you want to heal after all you have been through. It is very important that you make your wellbeing the number one priority now and for the years ahead. Not number two or three; number one.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this post – really interesting because September always feels to me more like the start of a new year than 1st January does – not sure if there is any astrological significance? I have Venus at 4 Cancer, Jupiter at 3 Libra, ASC at 5 Scorpio and DESC at 5 Taurus – how will the New Moon at 4 Virgo impact me in relation to these factors? Thank you and have a lovely day, Dawn

    1. Thank you. September is of course Autumn in Britain and Spring in Australia and is one of the four great astrological turning points of the year. No wonder it feels like a fresh start.The New Moon is well on her way by now but Venus at 4 Cancer was the main story; your relationship with your home town, local region, house, apartment, garden, family and/or household. I am sure you can see where the fresh start was. It’s well-starred and will grow and grow, for months to come, with some really welcome turning points later on.

  9. Thank you for this Jessica! I have 4 degrees in Uranus (Libra) and Hygiea (Cancer). And a LOT of 3 and 5 degrees – Venus, MC, IC, Ops and both North and South Node. I am in the process of making a decision about a move, after some life changing events the past two years and a bit with family, unexpected moves, major disruption. This will either take me to another city in Australia (Perth to Melbourne) or back to the US. And likely a major change in my career direction and focus. I have been wanting to put aside this weekend to go deeply inward to think about all of this, which makes sense about set up during the new moon phase.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Gemini who wants to move to Perth, Melbourne or back to America. You also want a new career. In your solar chart, you have two retrogrades going on, in your home and career zone. Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (job) and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (home). The Tarot can give you more personal guidance on that, but in general the tides of time are moving backwards, not forwards. The home situation should be more solid once Mercury (which rules both Virgo and Gemini) is out of the loop from Monday 10th October.

  10. Hi Jessica. Thank you for your article. I have a bit of a handful of 3-5 degree placements starting with my Sun at 3 degrees in Gemini, Vesta in Gemini 5, Ceres in Capricorn 3, MC in Cancer 3, IC in Capricorn 3, Proserpina in Libra 3, Vulcano in Libra 5, Psyche in Virgo 5. Not sure if this is a doomsday or if something good will come out of this? I am travelling overseas to see my family in a few weeks, as I haven’t seen them since the pandemic started. Also, all the changes in my business are happening so fast that I can barely catch up. For the last three months, I was feeling like in a washing machine that spins very fast all the time as the speed of everything happening around me was extraordinary. I have accomplished a lot, but I wish it would slow down.

    1. Thank you. Mars at 8 through 25 degrees of Gemini is picking up your mutable sign factors at 8 through 25 degrees too. Mutable signs are changeable. Mars is fast. He’s going backwards so your washing machine atmosphere is partly down to that. You are ‘strongly mutable’ so you are also picking up Neptune transiting Pisces, another mutable sign. That adds to the spin cycle (he rules foam and currents). You also have Mercury Retrograde in a mutable sign, Virgo, going from 24 to 25 degrees, also picking up your chart. So that explains what is going on. The standard advice is to do less of the mutable sign activities, so Gemini (short journeys) and Sagittarius (foreign journeys) are on the list, but you say you are flying overseas. In general always check for retrogrades in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo (mutables) in future as you are so highly changeable anyway.

  11. Hi Jessica. I find this fascinating, thank you. I can see I have Virgo in Pluto at 27 degrees. I am very unhappy in my job at the moment and trying to find something else. I’m also looking to self publish some of my writings this year, but having read this wonder if I shouldn’t push this back until after Ocotober 10th. I’d be grateful for any insight – at the moment it all feels a bit Groundhog Day …

    1. You will have an opportunity to find a better job or retrain for a new skill, until Halloween. Then from Boxing Day to May 2023. Take it and run with it. The publishing opportunities are there for a brief period; now through Halloween. Best crack on with it, then!

  12. Hi I have a lot of Virgo factors, and possibly my Pluto at 4 Libra was triggered by the new moon(controlling disrespectful spouse) I have some concerns with one of my tenants, and investment concerns due to the ongoing situation in the financial world. There is indeed a lot of back and forth in all areas of life. My health too is a question mark post covid with niggling body aches and respiratory issues, though I try my best with fitness and nutrition. I am worried about how I will come out the other side of 2025! What do you see? Thank you and much regards

    1. You are a Sun Taurus with the South Node in Scorpio in your solar Seventh House of marriage until July 2023. You have karma to complete with this person. The tenant compromise will be reached by the last day of September; you both have to give way. Investments will go back and forth until March 2023 when Mars is out of the retrograde shadow. Health questions are in flux, as is scheduling, until Mercury Retrograde is out of Libra and your solar Sixth House on Monday 17th October.

  13. Hi Jessica! Thank you for your articles and replies, I always try to understand the most from them. Now, I am feeling myself called up, because I have a super Virgo stellium and September is coming too. Like so many Virgo posters before me, I have some health issues for a few years, but the start of this year was a super hard kick to the stomach, and I try to do the necessary changes. It goes slow, but I am worrying about the next year, Saturn in Pisces. I know everything relates to the other, and since I have a few 4 degree placements, my finances with work and marriage were also not a super smooth ride. Actually, I have asked about my marriage earlier, and I am feeling a big change is coming toward me, but I am not sure it is whether divorce, or some magical resurrection (I really doubt it) (my husband’s date is 07/Oct/1977). We are on the step to sell our two real estates, and I am very concerned that it is the good time for it, and do I want to buy another house together at all or to invest together? My work slowly developed in the last few years, and some big money is on the horizon next year, but what if it is just a mirage? Thank you for your thoughts.

    1. Okay so you and your husband will make or save a lot of money, May 2023 to May 2024. If you sell on Mercury Retrograde and Mars Retrograde you can expect delays, cancellations, changes. Yet, whatever paths you two take, you’ll be quids in, May 2023 to May 2024 when Jupiter goes into Taurus and the lunar nodes go off Taurus and Scorpio from July. Health and wellbeing in astrology cannot be separated from paid work, unpaid work, housework and/or study. How you feel in your heart about the latter, dictates how things are with the former. Ask the Tarot to describe details about your health issue. Read the card intuitively. Then ask the Tarot what is causing the health issue, invisibly or unconsciously. This time you can also read the interpretation as well as the visual clues. It can be very useful.

  14. When I read the 2022 Capricorn horoscope – it said it was going to be all about karma – with a group from 29 or so years ago. I thought to myself that it just didn’t make sense. By early March (it lasted into June), sure enough, I was thrust back to three decades ago and dealing with a group from them and there was…… you guessed it – KARMA. I could not believe it. It was good to have that settled. Thanks again for your wonderfully accurate forecasts.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the system of astrology I use can be amazingly accurate – I appreciate your letting me know what happened next.

  15. Hi Jessica – just wanted to share some good news with you. If you remember, my Dad who is 90 wanted to come and stay with me and we were house hunting and lost first few bids in spring. As you told me…we moved into a beautiful home this summer and my parents flew out to be with me last week. Dad is so happy to be with family and it makes my heart so warm. The winds of change are still gusting strong around me, but I think I have to learn to fly with these gusts – like a kite, and worry less (easier said than done – ha!). Home & work fronts are in a strange swirl (wish it would stop).
    But thank you ….thank you for being the ever-constant beacon of hope to us all. Your work is amazing!

    1. I am thrilled the prediction about your father coming true for you. Thank you for letting me know.

  16. Hi Jessica – thank you for this incredible platform to learn and find support. Even after years of maintaining a membership I still find so much comfort when you post and am still learning. Usually around this time of year (Virgo season) I begin my annual life inventory, just prior to my birthday. This year is no different, except I’ll be 40 in October, so a bit of a milestone that has prompted a different kind of self-inquiry. I think at this point all I am wanting is for life to feel light and enjoyable. I feel absolutely exhausted and depleted most days. I wonder if you would shed some additional light on what astrological aspects are currently affecting me during this Virgo season, I have one Virgo aspect at 29 and and three aspects between 3-5. Are clearer skies anywhere in sight. Thank you, Jessica and Team, I appreciate you!

    1. Thank you. Exhaustion is a Virgo problem, traceable to the Sixth House. Hygiea and Proserpina there. They have been doing it tough, these two goddesses, because they have been squared by the lunar nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, then opposed by Neptune at 22 Pisces. He’s still on his way to oppose Proserpina. Astrology provides solutions when you work with the symbols. Hygiea is about protection; hygiene; self-care; forewarned is forearmed, prevention is better than cure. This has to be about Covid. Proserpina is about operating as a go-between, straddling two powerful organisations, people or places. As Virgo is work as well as health, I suspect the latter has more to do with your job. The former is to do with your immunity and health insurance; how safeguarded you are against Covid. Dig into this with your library and the Tarot; answers will be forthcoming. You may already know them. The time to sort this out is now so you have a good system in place for 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for the article!

    Well I quit my job – just could not taking the bullying any more. Hopefully there are good things ahead for this Cappy who has had a very hard time for a very long time. Thank you!

    1. Well done. Venus at 27 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career has had quite enough of Pluto at 27 Capricorn. You have learned about your own power. There will be a new vacancy or course, unpaid work or other offer at the end of 2022 into January 2023. Use all you learned to find your own control, by using self-control. What you are offered will reflect the person you have become.

  18. Dear Jessica,

    I pray for your great blessing.

    Couples of things worries me

    Huge, Huge money flows into the Republican.

    -Barre Seid – 95 year old, Anti-Abortion, Anti Muslim Billionaire
    -Barre Seid – Donates $$$$ 1.6 bilions to Leonard Leo

    -Leonard Leo: Catholic, Co-Chair Federalist Society
    -Leonard Leo: Trump Whisperer, successfully pushing Amy Coney Barrett into US Supreme Court


    Trump re-surges after the FBI raid and even collects more money donors:

    I pray hard for Trump to go to jail for taking US top secret.

    I pray hard for US to remain as one NATION.

    Thank you

    1. Thank you. Please stop worrying. The rule with Pluto in Capricorn, into Aquarius, is that Plutocrats go down. They go down in stages. Trump was infected with COVID-19 then was wiped out in the election. Now he is facing FBI investigation. He will go further down when Pluto goes into Aquarius March 2023 to June 2023, then keep falling. Slow plunge. Same for Vladimir Putin who schemed to get Trump into power so that he could split America on abortion. Putin will also try to split America on gay marriage. It’s all rather dull and obvious, but in any case, neither of this pair of lumbering dinosaurs will last with Pluto in Aquarius. Will the US remain one nation? No. But that’s okay; Americans will figure out ‘the new USA’ to their advantage from 2026.

    Slightly unrelated question. Have you ever seen or can you imagine someone actually heal during a Saturn in 6th house cycle? Because I was dreading this when it started but I’m actually uncovering how to heal some physical & mental health issues. Thoughts? Thanks as always!

    1. Yes, Saturn transiting Virgo and your Sixth House can assist with healing, if you are patient and prepared to do it tough. As a Sun Virgo you have Saturn in your solar Sixth House, but you also have some rather useful aspects to your IC from Uranus (an exact trine from 16 Taurus, back and forth) so there is more to this than meets the eye. Publicly and privately this is the time to figure out how you serve yourself as well as those who need your work, unpaid work, housework or academic work. How do you serve your own health on every level?

  20. Dear Jessica,
    I always have a delightful little yessss when I see a new blog post and I love the addition of the stelliums at the end of the birth charts.
    A question in relation to the line up on September 3rd: North Node at 15 Taurus, South Node at 16 Scorpio and Chiron at 15 Aries.
    I have Mars at 14 Aries and Ceres at 14 Taurus. Last Saturday 27th August I was completely struck by a chance meeting with a famous reporter, I have a story she might be interested in which could be a game-changer but also very revealing/personal for me and an unraveling of past secrets and institutions. I don’t know whether to jump in but with all the retrograde Mars and Mercury activity is it better to wait? Thank you again for all your attentiveness, insight and work.

    1. Beware the famous reporter who turns up on Mars in Gemini, about to go retrograde. Don’t do it. That is my opinion but you make your own decisions, so please validate with the Tarot. Avoid.

  21. Hi Jessica, wow there’s so much going on here. Please can you help me unscramble? I have 04 Saturn in Gemini and 04 Neptune in Sag. At 03 I have Ops in Aquarius, and in 05 mercury in Aries. In Virgo I have 14 Cupido, 02 Psyche & 29 Pluto. In Jupiter 08 Capricorn. Thank you.

  22. I should add for context that I am editing my novel to be ready to show to an agent. Also on Saturday 27/8 I set up a plan to pay an ex back money I owed him.

    1. Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Third House is good for editing, second, third drafts and so on. This will likely go back and forth until March 2023 even if you get a book deal; your editor would want more changes and edits. The New Moon is behind you now but Mars rolls on. Getting rid of debt is a very smart move now, you really want to try and lighten your debts before you go into 2023 on the final round of the lunar node cycles in Taurus and Scorpio.

  23. Hello Jessica, thanks for the new post. For quite a long now I feel stuck in many areas of my life. Over the last years, each time I have tried to reboot things something unpredictable would happen a few months after and break the process taking me back each time to square 1. Maybe my old “recipes” don’t work anymore or I am going through some karmic cleansing …
    I have Pluto at 29 Virgo and also Jupiter at 4 sagittarius and Ceres at 4 taurus. I was wondering if and how having 2 factors at 4 degrees could help unlocking things.


    1. The New Moon is long past and you were given an opportunity to do so much more and make a fresh start with foreigners or foreign places; similarly, money, charity, property, business or possessions. I hope you picked up the ball and ran with it. The game if so will continue and deliver for you, again and again.

  24. Hello Jessica , I follow with pleasure from Romania.

    I am an Aquarius Sun with mars in Taururs at 9 degrees ( 5 house – whole signs) . I have MC in Scorpio at 20 degrees and NN at 24 degrees 27 . Mars square venus at 9 degrees aquarius , (mutual reception ) with venus fifth house lord.
    What is talking about this transit ? Mars in this position brought me sometimes communication problems with my children and not only.
    Thanks a lot and best wishes

    1. You are using a different house system to me so I need to spin your chart to the correct one. Mars is not in your Fifth House. You are using some system I honestly have never heard of – it may date from the Middle Ages, perhaps. I strongly recommend you use modern astrology and the natural house system.

  25. Dear jessica, thank you for this wonderful blog and all infos that you provide generously to us! I have two questions once is I passed an interview on the 18 august(Geneva,swiss) And a second one will be on 2 september. Should I interpret that it will not be positive? The start date should be for january 2023. And my big question is my baby(4month) has been sick since end of july and beginning of august we start running several times to the hospital but no ones discovered until the 23 of august. He was operated urgently (intestins was twisted two times) and he almost died! We will go on holiday on the 18 september until 2 october to punta cana. We were thinking to cancel our trip but the doctor said to keep it! As everything will be fine And it will be good for us after all of these difficult Times…but i am scare that we have to deal with more health issues… And with the mars rétrograde it happen again…or we have travel issues. We will be very gratteful if you could advise us on this. Your reading on our Maps for these questions would be Good. Many Thanks!! (my son 16.04.2022, 1:31, 46,19118199999999 & 6,146247999999999) he have been running to see doctors with him since june 2022 for other suspected health issue but now all seems ok. Thanks for your time.

    1. Thank you. I’m really sorry to hear about your baby. With no chart for him or your husband, it’s best to work broadly with the solar chart. Your son is a Sun Aries. He was only just born in April 2022 so is a very new arrival. He has Mercury Retrograde in Virgo in his Sixth House of health which began Sunday 21st August and ends Monday 10th October. Mercury rules messages, information, letters, e-mails and plans as I am sure you know. Retrograde, you put ‘re’ in front of everything so he may be part of a reschedule, rethink, retracted statement. Your doctor says travel. I’ll leave this with you as I am sure you have read all my many, many warnings about travel in a global pandemic.

  26. Sorry,
    Indeed i’m using medieval astrology.

    Using modern astrology , according to the birth chart from this site, I am an Aquarius Sun , stellium in Aquarius (7) , 11 house in the natural house system.
    I have mars in Taururs at 9 degrees ( 2 house ) , IC also there.
    Venus eleventh house lord, at 9 degrees aquarius, square Mars ( reception ). Indeed I am involved in big groups , related to my profession. And my finances where made through this professional group (big projects) , an was a continue struggle.
    This transit is talking about , for me ?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Your Sun and Nodes are in a T-Square involving Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius so – joint finance (Scorpio) your own income (Taurus) and big groups (Aquarius). Ignoring the Middle Ages for the moment, you are struggling with money made from the group, so the chart I can see here is accurate. This T-Square is there your whole life. The golden rule with this is to minimise what you enter into, and lower the stakes. So you may want to look at another profession, or another way of working. You are actually ‘doing’ your T-Square and it can be tense, troublesome, taught and tight. I don’t see that becoming any easier with Pluto eventually going to the head of the T-Square so think about reducing the potential for ‘all that you cannot square’ as you are in a double square situation here. The Tarot can help you figure that out in a more personal way.

  27. Hi Jessica, I have a few 4 degree factors: Sun 4 Libra Moon 4 Scorpio Jupiter 4 Capricorn Hygeia 4 Aquarius And some 5 degree factors also: Asc 5 Libra Desc 5 Aries Psyche 5 Aquarius I also have a stellium in Virgo (Minerva – at 29 degrees, plus Vesta, Mercury, Juno) Around the new moon I had some chats ideating on a new business venture, and also a legal matter that I am hoping will come to a resolution soon– would love that to have some positive outcomes. Are there any glaring things to watch out for here? The “karma” element from 19 years ago is mentioned alot on the site but I struggle to understand what that means for me, if I am honest. As always, thanks for your thoughtful insights – so appreciated

    1. You were born with the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio in your Second House of personal income and Eighth House of joint finance. That is far more important than a fleeting New Moon. Your legal matter and the business venture are solely about your nodal axis. You are having a nodal return, and that brings in karma from 18 or 19 years ago, to complete by July 2023. These cycles work backwards in time every 18 or 19 years and so you owe, or are owed, going all the way back into prior incarnations. Whomever you are dealing with may have been involved with you before in a previous life and you have agreed to incarnate to tackle a situation which is all about your values. These nodes are known as dragon’s head and dragon’s tail and you can see them on any astrolabe; Chaucer knew them well. Around and around you go with what you think is a 2022 issue about the law, or business, and you are actually cycling through some very old debts and credits, which are spiritual in nature but revealed as (say) a bank account matter. These ancient Scorpio-Taurus patterns go back to the last war. You may have a prior incarnation in the Forties, for example. They can also take you back to feudal Britain, or even the Romans in Ancient Britain. There are often clues about that or you may dream the clues. As I said, the cycle ends in July 2023, but as the transiting nodes in Taurus and Scorpio work backwards, you’ll find that life repeats itself, until the karma is resolved. There will be a feeling of a chapter closing in July – a door closing – and hopefully you will have reckoned up or settled up, fully.

  28. Hi Jessica, thanks for yor insightful comments. It seems that my question, which was one of the firsts, was forgotten, but no worries. If you can have a look on my chart ( Mercury 5°, Mars 5° in Libra, Uranus 4°, North Node 5° in Scorpio, Panacea 5° in Cancer, South Node 5° in Taurus) related to new moon in Virgo and “the new beginnings”, I would be grateful. Thanks a lot, best.

    1. When I have a lot of questions I answer those which are relevant to everybody else, first. The New Moon has now passed, but your factors at 5 degrees are important, because you will experience transiting Pluto at 5 Aquarius in the years ahead, which will transform your entire existence. From March 2023, when Pluto moves to 0 Aquarius, you will feel a bump – even a bang and thud – as the world is a different place from that point on. Power moves away from the men at the top (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, the US President, Vladimir Putin, Mark Zuckerberg) and it moves to the people, including women, who hold up half the sky. Later on this becomes entrenched and by 2030 we realise that ‘form one planet’ is the only way, because of Climate Emergency and Covid. Along the way your own life changes; marriage; common-law marriage; property and finance. So the bigger impact globally has a trickle-down effect. You don’t say anything about yourself so I can’t say more than that. This seems very likely to be about marriage and mortgage, though. Pluto is the challenge to change.

  29. Hi there! I really am so grateful for your help! Thank you!
    I have 4 Leo in Fortuna and 4 Gemini in ceres. What might this mean for me? I’m trying to get ahead at work and pay off debts with hopefully another pay rise. Thank you!! Naomi

    1. You are a Sun Pisces so will make or save a small fortune by Halloween, with Jupiter in Aries in your solar Second House of personal income. Jupiter brings solutions and growth. You are then lucky enough to have Jupiter go back into Aries from Christmas 2022 until May 2023, so there will be even more chances to make or save money (or cash in kind, as they say).

  30. Hello and best to you!

    My grown kids have been trying to get me to adopt a dog—and since my next door neighbor got one (a little cutie!) I feel ready BUT…might as well see what would be the best timing. I’m not in any rush.
    Also…I am retired but still do some work–it’s a project farmed out to a big publishing company. The pay is okay (not fantastic). It’s work from home & no set hours.
    I’m a member – bd: 5/10/1959 (yeah-I’m 63!) 1:48 a.m. in Los Angeles (west L.A.).

    I noticed the family stuff mentioned in various horoscopes–I have 2 grown sons, both in relationships, 2 sisters who live far away, a cousin who I reconnected with a few years ago and a father who will be 90 on the Sept. 5- (born in Fresno, CA…don’t know the time.) with whom I’m basically estranged. (Struggling to decide if I’m even going to mail a B-day card. I usually do not but 90 is a big deal. He was bad dad–but I’ve known many, many people who’ve experienced their own versions of that. My solution is just to stay away from hurtful people if I can–and he is #1 on that list.) My ex-husband is taking care of his wife who is being treated for pancreatic cancer. We have very little contact/interaction, but I’ve been checking in with my kids about him because he doesn’t handle emotions well & I know it’s difficult and sad (his wife is only 55. His b-day 10/18/52, Marysville Tenn. around 6a.m.)

    1. Please send your father the birthday card, even if it is belated. I am sure he was a bad father, but send the card. You also have a former husband. Same thing. Send the card. You can send free e-cards from my website, for their Sun Sign. Did you know? You’ll thank me later.

  31. Hello Jessica, I have a stellium in Virgo plus a few more stelliums in my chart. I have just applied for a new position and have a second interview tomorrow. Reading your article has confused me sorry, brain fog. Is this a good thing for me or not? I am also looking at downsizing house size but bigger land hopefully enabling me to retire or semi retire in the next 6 – 8mths. Any help much appreciated thank you, you are a blessing

    1. The New Moon has now passed but Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is still in your Sixth House of work. You also have Venus at 28 Capricorn natally in your Tenth House of career. That’s a bigger deal, which I will explain in a minute. Throughout September and October you need to allow for the wheels to spin backwards and forwards with job applications. You live in your Sixth House. Mercury in your Sixth House is like a tenant or house guest who arrives with a lot of paperwork, a laptop under his arm, talking non-stop to you about how things will be with your job and lifestyle, your health and wellbeing – and then he leaves. Then he comes back in again. Then he gets stuck in the door. Then he changes his mind about what he told you the first time. It’s not a huge deal long-term but you do need to allow for Mercury. Much more important is Pluto at 28 Capricorn in conjunction with Venus (transiting Pluto conjunct Venus) for the first time in 248 years. You tend to seduce employers, colleagues, clients, staff and so on. Venus charms and also tends to sexually entice. You may want to pull back on that, because the more you ‘do’ Venus, the more intense and challenging Pluto will be. This applies to the end of the cycle until March 2023, but Pluto then retrogrades back into Capricorn from May 2023 so do not start a story you do not want to be going over, much later, again and again. Even if you want to retire or semi-retire, that applies. Pluto can show up as a dominating man, or a company or organisation which takes over. The trick with this transit is to own your power. Run your own self and life. Take back control. Pluto will make you very much stronger and more resilient if you have the self-discipline.

  32. Hello Jessica. Thanks so much for the new post and all of the other blog posts that you write. I have a couple of questions about my career and family. There have been a number of issues and conflicts that have been ongoing, and I was wondering if any of these clear up at all? I have a number of planets in Virgo and in my 6th house in my chart. Also curious how all of this affects the pandemic and political situations globally as well.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Libra with a Virgo stellium which is quite common as people are often born with stelliums in the sign before or after their Sun sign. So in your natal chart we find you dealing with long-term questions about work and lifestyle, health and wellbeing – and in your solar chart we find transiting Neptune and Jupiter, in the same horoscope zone. The Sixth House. Starting with that question first, you will benefit from solutions and opportunities to assist with your job, from Halloween until Christmas. Do all you can to protect the future and make your health the number one priority. Not your job. That comes second. You will go through the opposition transit of Saturn in Pisces from March 2023 until the mid 2020’s so need to use the useful Jupiter in Pisces transit of Halloween-Christmas to shore yourself up. From March 2023 when Saturn enters Pisces your own self-care and wellbeing has to supersede what an employer wants (say) or what a client or customer wants. The family situation will no longer challenge you from March 2023; Pluto leaves Capricorn and your solar Fourth House. Minerva at 22 Cancer is in your natal Fourth House, so you have been through the Pluto opposition to Minerva and can put some issues behind you, in terms of who/what dominates and who/what is in control. March 2023, for whatever reason, removes the constant question about top dog and pack leader in your family. As for the pandemic, the fantasy and denial is over from March 2023. Fortunately the solution is here. It’s UV light. Also known as Far-UV or UV-C and sometimes UV-22. It eliminates Covid and also the common cold, flu and Monkeypox. Columbia University have known about this since 2020 and it is a huge threat to pharmaceutical companies. You might say it is the gift of Covid. Safe ultraviolet light.

  33. Jessica, you’ve reiterated above that next year is a bad year for plutocrats. Right now Putin is still on the offensive in the Ukraine and one worries how Ukrainians will manage in winter. And we’re headed for a tough winter in the UK and Europe. How bad do you expect the recession to get? And possibly another covid surge for the winter on top of it? The news is looking pretty pessimistic. Thank you for your insights and advice, MRK.

    1. Vladimir Putin is history from March 2023 until June 2023 when Pluto leaves Capricorn and Decline and Fall really becomes his story from July 2023, as Pluto can only retrograde or go backwards in Capricorn. He has been a kind of cartoon Pluto in Capricorn, making himself ruler of Russia forever; setting up Donald Trump and the Republican Party; engineering biological warfare. Like all Plutocrats he will die, be defeated, surrender, resign and so on. This is the rule with Pluto cycles. The winter ahead for Europe will be tough, but also a good lesson taught to everybody by former British PM Margaret Thatcher. She warned Europe about fossil fuel decades ago. From hard times will come solutions for the future. Necessity being the mother of invention, the innovations Europe needs to get rid of Climate Emergency will come from a hard lesson about the stupidity of relying on gas and coal. There will be hope for the recession in May 2023 when Jupiter goes into Taurus and the worst of it will be gone from July 2023 when the lunar nodes leave Taurus and Scorpio. COVID-19 is on the planet for years, like HIV-AIDS and will get worse I’m afraid. It is very important that you either build yourself a Rosenthal box for home and work, or buy a HEPA Filter and/or UV light. Twitter is an excellent resource for that.

  34. Another brilliant post, Jessica which could not have come at a better time for me. I am a Virgo (29 degrees) with 04 degrees in Salacia (Aquarius) and Cupido (Libra) will this prove to be fortunate for me? I have a job interview lined up on the 7th September and two others the following week, should I proceed with caution? Many thanks again, you have no idea how refreshing your insights are to me.

    1. By now you will be in full Mercury Retrograde in Virgo swing; the planet of information, communication, transportation and negotiation is on a circuit so it may be some time before you find out where you stand with the job interviews. It’s always a good idea to have Plan B and C at such times. You tend to find people who don’t understand or use astrology barrel into negotiations and discussions, assuming they will land in a week or two. They never do. There is nothing inherently negative about Mercury Retrograde in Virgo; the New Moon has long gone now and you are basically looking at people spinning their wheels over work issues, or even workplace health issues like COVID-19. You have an Aries stellium in your First House of title and reputation, appearance and profile, which is far more important. You will relaunch yourself, presumably with a new business card, by Halloween – or between Christmas 2022 and May 2023. You will be required to be upfront, front-and-centre, which suits you very well.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your posts and insights, really appreciate.
    I am going through a tough period in my professional and personal life. Professionally, I am struggling to find a job within my company although it’s a huge corporation and seems like there are a lot of opportunities. The situation in my current team is unbearable (sometimes feel discriminated but as you might know it’s not always easy to fight that). On a personal level I have been alone for a long time, last year I met someone but turned out to be a very deceitful person. It just made everything worse and I lost my confidence. Also, in my group of friends seems like there is a power struggle and a lot of debates. I feel like I’m being kicked out.
    Your New moon post triggered me as I have some planets at 3 or 4 degrees; Sun in Leo, Saturn in Sag, Neptune in Cap all at 3 degrees and have Pluto in Scorpio at 4 degrees.
    Could you please have a look at my chart and give me some hints what that means for me?
    I just want to get back on my feet and be the sunny and confident Leo I always were.
    I really hope you find some time to answer this. Many thanks in advance

    1. Thank you. Sometimes the whole answer is just your Sun Sign. You are a Sun Leo and work is unbearable. You are going through the tail-end of Pluto in Capricorn in your Sixth House of work. It began in 2008. The cycle ends in March 2023. From March to June 2023 you will see what work can be like without questions regarding power and control. From that point on, Pluto can only go backwards in Capricorn and then he is gone forever. The best is yet to come with your success. From May 2023 until May 2024 Jupiter (solutions, good fortune, breakthroughs) is in Taurus in your Tenth House of professional and academic achievement and one opportunity after another will rise up to meet you. So this is temporary. Still on your Sun Leo chart, which all Leo people reading this can take as a prediction too – you had a rotten boyfriend. This is quite normal when Saturn goes through Aquarius and your Seventh House. That cycle ends – also – in March 2023. From that point forward Pluto goes into Aquarius. Choose carefully and slowly because your next boyfriend could be one half of a power couple with you. Yet there may also be issues about power with him. In any case you are not stuck and your life is already starting to change. Regarding the friends, with Mars Retrograde in Gemini from September to March 2023, do not begin a conflict with them and if you do join in a conflict with them, against others, make sure you can stand it for the long haul. If you can’t do that then don’t get involved in the first place.

  36. Dear Jessica , many thanks for your job, insights and advices. I wonder if new moon will bring me fresh start in work and money matters. I am struggling to get back in job market already for 3 years. I have Jupiter 4 in taurus and Mercury 4 in Pisces and some placements near 4. Thanks a lot for help.

    1. If you have been unemployed for three years there is more to it, than just a passing New Moon in Virgo, or even Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. This sounds like Pluto in Capricorn, a very slow-moving planet which has been inching across the sign of the mountain goat. Capricorn is associated with professional success, status, ambition and aspiration. Capricorn is the hierarchy of a corporation, government department and society itself. Looking at your chart, you have Salacia at 25 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, and of course Pluto has been going over 25 Capricorn. Pluto makes you stronger if you use your willpower to take control of the situation. That is his purpose. If you give in and let yourself be pushed and pulled around by other people; large organisations; the ‘situation’ which you think is bigger than you – nothing changes. In fact you can feel quite disempowered. Pluto will be out of Capricorn completely from March 2023 and you may well have a new job (at the very latest) by then; if not, you are likely to find March-June is the change. Even when he retrogrades in Capricorn after June, all that can happen is a delayed repeat of an old situation; Pluto will have lost his power to dominate your C.V. and career path. Use the Tarot and follow the steps as it works well with the astrology timing.

  37. Hi Jessica,

    So, at 4 degrees I have: Capricorn in panacea; Aquarius in ops; Sagittarius Descendant; Gemini ascendant and at 5 degrees have Jupiter in libra and 3 degrees Uranus in Libra!!
    Am in a much better place work wise than when I last ‘chatted’ to you, I actually went and got a new job! Still feel unsettled though and don’t know why….

    Love the new addition to the chart showing stelliums 🙂

    Best wishes

    1. Thank you. The stellium information has been popular. Feeling unsettled is very common when Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde are with us. The wheels spin backwards for everybody so people are unsure about what is going to happen next, because others will not or cannot commit. Pretty normal.

    1. I have answered you elsewhere. I always give priority to questions which relate to everybody, so they receive the first replies, because more people can relate to the information.

  38. Hi Jessica, thank you again for your incredible insights. Reading the article and looking at my chart, I have: Uranus at 5 Virgo ASC at 5 in Sagittarius DESC at 5 in Gemini Vulcano at 5 in Sagittrius Juno 25 in Virgo Vesta 27 in Virgo Can you please look at my chart and let me know how these factors and moon affect my chart.

    1. Thank you. The New Moon has long since gone, and unlikely to have done much more than show you what you already know about foreigners and foreign countries – Vulcano at 5 Sagittarius in your Ninth House being a symbol of pressure cooker situations. That’s not a huge surprise during a pandemic.
      The South Node at 29 Capricorn in your chart is far more important as Pluto can only land at 29 Capricorn once every 248 years and it is happening between now and the mid 2020’s. The North Node at 29 Cancer, opposite, describes home, home town, family, household, real estate and homeland. Pluto’s conjunction and opposition is transformative; slow; sweeping; irrevocable. You will need to meet Pluto with willpower and self-control, in order to find the empowerment he bestows. The strength, you might say. The nature of the nodal opposition is karmic. Cancer-Capricorn on the nodal axis suggests you have reincarnated with family members to explore the chance of spiritual settlement or closure. This will be more obvious to as Pluto slowly moves to 29 Capricorn which you can check on this website.

  39. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for your insights. I have Mercury @4 Pieces. No other factors at 4 in any other signs. My trusted subordinate, an Aquarius too, like me, has Ascendant @4 Sagittarius. He left my job 3 and a half years ago. What a coincidence! On that exact day of August he came to me and promised to work with me again, as a partner. Wonderful! But I sensed there will be more with our 4 degrees as business partners. May I get your outcome of this new moon on my business.

    1. You are a Sun Aquarius with a Taurus-Scorpio pattern across your business zone. Mercury in Pisces has nothing to do with your profession. What happened on the New Moon was about religion, Tarot, meditation, hypnosis, therapy and other inner work. The most demanding professional and financial cycle in 19 years ends in July 2023. Until then, work through the obstacles, but you will make or save a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 as Jupiter transits Taurus and your Second House of personal income. By that stage the opposition from the South Node in Scorpio in your Eighth House of shared finance, to the North Node in Taurus, will be history.

  40. Hi I have Gemini in Vesta at 4 degrees. Could you please have a look at my chart and give me some hints what that means for me. Hoping for a new beginning. Thanks jessica

    1. The New Moon at 4 Virgo precedes a range of transits at 4 degrees in 2022 and 2023 suggesting rolling progress and development. The ‘what’ of the story for each person depends on what is there at 4 degrees. Vesta at 4 Gemini describes a situation with siblings, neighbours, internet or short journeys (Gemini, Third House) where females outnumber a male.

  41. Hi Jessica
    Your article is much appreciated as always. I’m really trying to decipher my work situation and know if I am on the correct trajectory. I think I have clues. I have recently been promoted and experienced Jupiter on my Sun and I am in the spotlight as I work on improving my branding. I work in a team that is not harmonious with two directors although the director I report to is very supportive. I am aware that this situation could change very quickly. The underhand criticism by the other director affects all team members and an event occurred recently when they weren’t even in the meeting. I was attacked in a leadership meeting by a colleague whom thought they were calling out inconsistent practice amongst my team with a direction I had given. Unfortunately they were so persistent in the discussion and didn’t stop discussing their issue, at the suggestion by leaders in the meeting and my offer to take it offline, that I called out flaw in their work practice related to the situation. I realise humiliation is what this colleague was trying to make me feel because they assumed I had humiliated them prior to the meeting. It was so public and I handled it really well with support from management and the colleague later apologised. This has just occurred as Saturn in Aquarius squares my natal Uranus in my 8th house. Several colleagues (Aquarius friends) rang me after the event in support of my actions which was surprising. So wham! I am feeling that square and it will occur again in December in this reframing by Saturn. I am in the process of considering applying for leadership roles. I am thinking taking on leadership needs to occur for me because I feel for others experiencing bad leadership which creates stress about work. I have great feedback from my team and their development is constant hard work but worth the rewards. I have been held back in previous roles and worked hard to be recognised over the years. I have Saturn 8 Virgo. Juno 5 Aries and Aesculapia 3 Aries which have been aspected by Jupiter. I only see next year the aspects for 4 degrees between March and May. I am motivated by seeking leadership to protect my health as well because then I will have less directive about where I work from. We being asked to have our team members work in offices and I am struggling as they are not protected and I wear an N95 mask in the office and I suggest they do the same. I am thinking of excuses for them to not work in dangerous work conditions as every day counts away from the exposure. I am asking for air filtration and lighting from the union and work health safety. We are in union bargaining for our agreement and so afraid safe work conditions and flexible work will not be secured. It feels like it is falling on deaf ears as the battle between profit and health continues. I can see that this is how Virgo is playing out for me.

    1. You are describing a Virgo and Sixth House situation, ongoing, because you were born with Saturn and the North Node in Virgo, also in the Sixth House, and so this is not only a lifetime theme for you (your health and wellbeing must come first, before your service and duty) but also ties into one or more past lives. It is possible you were a servant, in the armed forces or worked in a factory – or as a labourer – in another life. You may have become ill because of your employers or clients. This time, you have also been born with Saturn (the karmic challenge) in Virgo one more time. It is very important that you carefully select a lifestyle, a way of working, living and looking after yourself – for the long term. If you are being told to work with people who are not wearing an N95 that is your number one priority. Union bargaining is part of your path. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo will stall, change or delay negotiations. Once it is over, see what you have learned and create a strategy for 2022, 2023, 2024. You come first. Your health on every level comes first. That’s it. That’s the astrology.

  42. Jessica,

    Excellent again. I was looking forward to the first day of spring but it turn out to be a day of many tears. I always look forward to a full, or new moon, but with the retrograde on the same day. This could be tricky, or not.
    Looking at my chart, any advice for the month of September.
    Or is my winter still ongoing or any easier days or things. Any offers, any advice.

    Thank you.

    1. When feeling low, or even at rock bottom, the natal chart always offers hope. The golden rule is to look for Jupiter, because Jupiter never stops working. You were born with Jupiter in Leo in the Fifth House of your natal chart. This planet is a symbol of ‘hope springs eternal’ but also the growing solution or evolving opportunity, as well as the future vindication, reward and breakthrough. Leo rules courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. So this never goes away and was there on the day you were born. Your relationship with a younger generation is central and where good things come from. Jupiter was known as the Greater Benefic to the old astrologers. Going further back in time he was Jupiter Optimus Maximus to the Romans; optimism, maximised. To astronomers he is a gas giant. He was known on the Silk Road to Asian and Indian astrologers and reveals remarkably similar associations in those cultures as well as in the West. Indian astrologers call him Guru which is where the idea of a great teacher or source of wisdom comes from. Jupiter, most of all, is about growth. Leo is the sign of monarchy and royalty which is why we associate it with ‘paying court’ – so suitors, romantic ritual and also the royal bedchamber. It is very much about sons and daughters, but also godchildren, nieces and nephews – sometimes younger cousins. It is also about younger faces in general. So you have a lot to use here. There are no important transits in Leo after the end of September, but until then, you have Ceres there and she is empowering, if you are prepared to cut deals and make compromises. She can offer a whole new world actually, with yourself and others repositioned in that world. The territory will need to be carved up quite differently by the final day of this month but all would gain from that. And you would be ‘doing’ your Jupiter so experiencing the hope, optimism and ‘joviality’ (Jupiter is also known as Jove) that you need to give you perspective on life. Jupiter is your secret weapon.

  43. Dear Jessica,

    This is so apt for me at the moment after a long and very messy divorce, 3 years ago, I am finally in court on September 5th for my financial hearing.

    I’m concerned about you referring to not making any big decisions or signing anything and was wondering if you could offer any specific insight to my journey.

    Also is there any suggestions of this finally ending so I can have closure and move forward.

    Thank you

    31-Aug-1971, 15:15 (51.5175,0.10040)

    stelliums in virgo VIRGO (6) LEO (4) LIBRA (4)

    1. Mercury Retrograde in Libra in your chart is ‘discussion backwards, negotiations in flux’ in your Seventh House of divorce. So naturally you have been given September 5th for a financial hearing. I am sure you do want this to be over; it will be, in a circuit or loop, until October. You need to complete Mercury’s stop-start pinball machine game, to get to the end. You have a Libra stellium so you ‘live’ in your Seventh House, where we find every partnership you ever had, and every duel as well. Once Mercury has cleared his circuit in October and the Sun continues on his way into the third week of October, you can shut the door and open the windows and breathe more easily. Just pay attention to the little things; emails that end up in your spam filter; post that may go astray; couriers who may not deliver and so on. You would obviously get everything in writing and have a professional look over it. This will see you through.

  44. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for your post. I wonder if Pfizer legal battles are related to covid…. In my place recently government is pushing kids to get the vaccines.Parents including me heard stories about vaccine side effects and are sceptical in letting kids to get jabbed.

    Do vaccines have charts? Is it possible to check from a person’s chart if that particular person gets bad side effects from getting jabbed? Long covid is bad, but side effects from vaccine is bad as well so I would like to ask if it is possible to get info on whether to get jabbed from charts and may be choosing which vaccine to get (besides Pfizer we have sino vac as well). Thanks.

    1. Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and the rest (and Covid in general) is best tackled with your own Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle reading. The Pfizer battle is actually against another vaccine manufacturer. Vaccines do in fact have charts. So do children and their parents. Always look at Virgo and the Sixth House. Parents and teachers should insist that their school instals HEPA filters and/or UV-C lighting. Proven to get rid of Covid. Have a look at Google Scholar if you want to see the evidence. But use the cards to figure things out for yourself; I can’t see your child’s chart and that’s the whole issue here.

  45. Hi Jessica. I am writing to you from Italy. I have been following your various publications for about a year. Kindly I wanted to ask you these three questions from an astrological point of view: 1) If we are close to a third world war and nuclear war because of Putin’s Russia and China or if this horror will be averted, I have not been able to rest for over 6 months the night quietly for fear of this possible catastrophe. 2) Who will win the next government elections in Italy if a man and a woman and 3) What will the next months and next year be like for Italy from an economic and social point of view? Thank you so much for the replies right now.

    1. No world war. Just China and Russia pairing up and making war gestures. Italy will move against the European Union so your new leader will reflect that. From 2026 Europe redraws her internal borders and Italy will be involved directly or at a gap of 2 countries, separating her. You will also find Lambretta and Vespa, or another scooter company, goes beyond electric into a radically different, very exciting new form of vroom-vroom. Please do not worry about nuclear war.

  46. Thanks a lot for your answer Jessica! And also for your Virgo Birthday Horoscope. I had the impression that it was specially written for me 🙂 Thanks and best

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