Eclipses in Astrology 2023

Eclipses, Charles, Diana and Prince Andrew - how do eclipses pan out in 2023?

2023 and 2024 Eclipses in Astrology

Eclipses are best avoided. In this feature I will show you the eclipse dates in astrology for 2023 so you can plan ahead. They are neither good, nor bad, in themselves. Yet, they obscure the truth and cover up the facts.

Eclipses hide what would normally be obvious. You are left in the dark. There is often a distraction or diversion so you are looking the wrong way. It’s no surprise to find out that if people want to conceal something/someone, it happens on an eclipse.

In a moment I will show you how they work, using Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, but also the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. You can also find out when eclipses are personal for you. Another reason to avoid them.

Shakespeare and Christopher Columbus

Shakespeare was inspired by eclipses. “These late eclipses in the sun and moon” happened over England in late September and early October 1605, when Shakespeare was involved with King Lear. This Royal Shakespeare Company magazine shows it well.

These eclipses have been used to help date the play to 1605 or 1606.

Christopher Columbus used his astronomical tables for the year 1504 to predict an eclipse and thus secure supplies for his expedition, fooling local people into thinking he had special powers.

The Arawak have probably never forgiven him, but Columbus’s trick is a good example of a classic eclipse deception.

You tend to find eclipses loom large in the lives of members of the British royal family, because their lives are so public, and in order to retain privacy, they must cover themselves. This idea of covering yourself to avoid media coverage is close to the movements of the sun and moon, when an eclipse takes place.

Charles, Diana and Eclipses

On July 31st 1981, after their wedding, Prince Charles and Princess Diana flew to Gibraltar to start their honeymoon. A Mediterranean cruise. It was the day of an eclipse which fell on the New Moon at 7 Leo.

On 16th June 1992, 11 years later, Jupiter moved to 7 Virgo and soon after, there was an eclipse at 8 Cancer, just one degree away. Andrew Morton published the truth about Charles, Camilla and Diana in Diana – Her True Story.

This YouTube clip shows what we were supposed to see – the happy couple on honeymoon. The eclipse covered up the truth.

The 2017 Eclipse, Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein

On August 21st 2017, a total solar eclipse plunged us into darkness – we were left in the dark – and the Moon’s shadow, overshadowed the truth.

The Sun was blocked, along with our ability to see the truth about Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein. It would not be until August 2021, four years later, that People magazine began running stories on Virginia Giuffre and a lawsuit (below).

It can take years for light to dawn. The interview with Prince Andrew on BBC Newsnight took place on November 17th 2019 with these cycles nearby: Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius and Ceres at 28 Sagittarius.

The eclipse on 21st August 2017 had taken place at 28 Leo. Commonly, the patterns line up in the charts.

You usually get a distraction or diversion during an eclipse, no matter if it is deliberate or not. All eyes were on Prince Philip on August 3rd 2017, who announced his retirement. It was front page in the Daily Express which often features my royal predictions.

If it’s a really big cover-up you tend to get two eclipses, close to each other. The August 21st 2017 eclipse was preceded by a second eclipse on 7th August, so four days after Prince Philip’s front-page news.

That other eclipse in August 2017, took place at 15 Aquarius and 15 Leo. Again, the Prince Andrew interview about Jeffrey Epstein on Newsnight took place with Neptune at 15 Pisces and Saturn at 15 Capricorn, nearby.

It’s always the degrees that line up, even years later, that point back to the original distraction.

The other clincher, of course, is that the person in question also has horoscope factors at the same degree.

Prince Andrew was born on 19th February 1960 at 3.30pm in London, with Proserpina at 15 Gemini, Salacia at 15 Capricorn and Fortuna at 28 Aries,  Ceres at 28 Capricorn – and Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius. This brings me to the very important point that eclipse degrees matter most. Do they chime with your chart? These tables below were created by Zane Stein using AstroGold software. They feature in my latest book, Modern Astrology 2050.

Eclipses in 2023  in Astrology

At a glance, you can see if the New Moon or Full Moon in 2023, 2024 is an eclipse. If it falls at the same degree as anything in your chart, avoid judging or acting that day. If it’s the same sign and degree, double that message. The diversion, distraction or blind spot will concern the sign/house in question.

So, for example, if you were born with Mercury at 29 Aries in your First House of image, the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 20th 2023 would involve you being left in the dark about your photo shoot. They might cover up hidden costs, for example. Why? Because on that day the New Moon eclipse is at 29 Aries.

Eclipses 2023 - Eclipses in Astrology 2023

Eclipses Make History and Your Life History

Eclipses tend to make history. Really big events in a country’s past (complicated events which involve a lot of subterfuge) tend to happen when there is a visible eclipse across the nation. On Wednesday 29th June 1927, an eclipse covered Ireland. It covered London too.

This total eclipse of the Sun happened in the year that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was renamed, to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, recognising the independence of the Irish Free State. The Science Museum Group on Twitter is a good source for tracking the history of eclipses (left).

Eclipses on Your Birthday

I am sometimes asked if an eclipse on your birthday is bad or good. There is no ‘bad’ nor ‘good’ about eclipses, they just cover you up. They hide you away.

They usually put someone or something else in the spotlight, while you are eclipsed. Yet, the truth is, you are the star of the show. Camilla Parker-Bowles, as she was then, was born on 17th July 1947.

When Charles married Diana, the eclipse of July 17th 1981 fell on her birthday. The wedding took place on July 29th, a few days after she turned 34 years old.

Eclipses Until the Year 2050

If you like planning ahead, then my ebook Modern Astrology 2050 has all the eclipses until that year, listed with their degree, sign and the nature of the eclipse (solar or lunar). It’s easy to refer to this on your iPad if you’re on the move.

A solar eclipse is a New Moon. It’s a new beginning, but in the dark. A Book ONE 300x200 - Eclipses in Astrology 2023lunar eclipse is a Full Moon. It’s about things coming full circle, but you can’t see.

Practical Reasons for Eclipse Issues

There are practical reasons for eclipse issues too. These events cause massive travel and traffic problems, don’t they?

A New Moon or solar eclipse, literally leaves us in the dark. Centuries ago, dark deeds were done at such times. Conversely, the bright light of the Full Moon on a lunar eclipse, has historically been used for battles. D-Day took place on a Full Moon, sometimes called the Bomber’s Moon. The old ideas about lunacy and lunatics reveal the world lunar. But why?

Skipping Eclipses – Simple Rules

People who have mental health issues related to sleep disturbance may find they are triggered by a Full Moon coming through the window. A Full Moon can shine brightly for successive nights, disrupting people who react to insomnia.

None of this is astrological, but it is logical. Yet, the astrology can’t be denied, either. For a simple life, skip the eclipse for new paths and forks in the road. Allow the day before and after, for all time zones and global schedules. Think of it as driving without headlights, on a street with no lighting either.

Main image: Science Museum Group, Twitter.

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41 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    Honestly, I truly love your posts and insights. I have stopped watching the news. Prefer your ‘take’.
    So far, there are no comments on this blog post about eclipses in 2023 as I write this. I feel that this is significant. I take eclipses seriously and I think that your readers do too. I feel that we are all so overwhelmed by what is going on in real time now that we have little energy to confront the possibility of more heaviness up ahead. It’s like living through a skirmish, that translates as a potential attack and a possible war up ahead. On many fronts. We are exhausted. Before the battle.
    What can you tell us about eclipse periods in the past, in relatively similar geopolitical and economic situations that can help us face what is up ahead. This time hopefully with the help of AI.

    1. Thank you. Though Reuters is pretty good – it often matches the astrology – and cuts through the propaganda or downright deception we have been seeing with particular Prime Ministers and Presidents. Reuters and astrology agree about India, for example. I agree, we are all overwhelmed at the moment. Too much change in too short a space of time. And yet, light is beginning to show at the end of the tunnel. The eclipses are only relevant for a day or two. Much more important is the really huge cycle of Pluto out of Capricorn, into Aquarius. We have been going through a very strange time since 2008 when democracy (our right to vote and have control) has been taken away by a variety of different men. Prime Ministers and Presidents have all tried. Sometimes it’s been a woman, but it’s usually men. The ripple effect on your own life has been, to force you to change. To let go of the old set-up and invent something new. That’s really hard, but your chart suggests you are getting there. The right pieces are on the board, you just need the clock to tick around so you can play. And you will.

  2. Jessica – what’s your advice the timing on filing a law suit against a client who owes us a great deal of money? I’m guessing avoid the eclipse?

  3. Hi Jessica, I was reflecting on what you said in your post about the total eclipse of the Sun happened in the 1927, the year that the independence of the Irish Free State was recognised. I am from Northern Ireland and we have had no government since May this year, it was just announced today that we will not go back to the polls in December this year as the Secretary of State believes it will lead to a continuation of the current standoff between parties over Brexit and the NI protocol, an overwhelming sigh has been expressed by everyone here but honestly we have no idea what will happen next and with all of us worried about the cost of living etc, its hard to keep the faith that things will get better. I wanted to get your thoughts on what you see in the future for the country? I had a look at birthdate for both parts of the island, as far as can gather from a BBC article the birth date for Northern Ireland is 3 May 1921 no time unfortunately, the signing of the Anglo Irish Treaty is 2.15am on 6 December 1921(taken from the house of commons archive).

    1. This is really interesting, thank you. That 1927 eclipse put Northern Ireland on a path for decades which she could not see at the time. All Ireland, actually. At the moment, NI is heading for the Uranus in Gemini cycle from the year 2026 which will radically change the borders within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with a revolution ahead. The transport will change at around the same time, thanks to new inventions. It will get better. It will be liberating and liberated, as Uranus always brings freedom and independence. America will be involved, but also the EU, and digital currency too. It’s early days yet but Uranus in Gemini is coming and it will be quite exciting, though disruptive at the time.

  4. Dear Jessica, bought your modern astrology ebook and loving it sooo much! Would you be able to shed light on why I am so lost atm in my personal life…? Been in a long relationship with a cap man and past few years I have felt a quite unhappy at times. Now in a new job and completely confused about my feelings towars another cap man at the workplace-I can’t get him of my mind, not even if I wanted to. This is not the way I want to start in a new work enviroment, but I just can’t help it.

    1. Both Capricorn men want freedom from fatherhood, or freedom through fatherhood. This began in 2018 and ends in 2026. So they will fall in love with women, based on that. This may apply to both of these Capricorns. You don’t say if you have children or not, or want them (or not). I’ve had two Capricorn male readers who spring to mind, who are good examples of this. They both became drawn to women who were too old to have children, which was their excuse for getting out of parenthood. Their own mothers were not exactly thrilled (no grandchildren) but their passion for menopausal partners let them off the hook. So you see. You are in a similar cycle. They have Uranus in the Fifth House (liberated from/liberated by children) and you have Saturn in the Fifth House (barriers, barricades, restrictions, fences and walls – from children or through them). March 2023 will decide a huge amount for you. The Tarot can help you on a more personal level too.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    I’m celebrating my 50th on 13th sept 2023. I have Virgo sun at 20. Your table shows an eclipse 15th sept at Virgo 21. I’m not great on birthdays as it is and with family & friends pressuring me to organise a party, probably abroad, can you please advise me. I want good memories of reaching a milestone not misery! Thank you x

    1. An eclipse party abroad? What you don’t know and cannot see may well be Covid. Doctors and scientists would tell you not to fly into a spreader event anyway, never mind the astrology. You can have a great 50th birthday without doing anything dramatic. You are a Virgo. Your Sun is in the Sixth House of health. There’s a bit of a klaxon there. Put yourself first and do what makes you feel happy, relaxed and secure. The Tarot might give you a bit more information on this.

  6. Dear Jessica,
    I find myself very worried about the upcoming eclipse on November 8 and its impact on my life, as well as about the solar eclipse in April which falls almost exactly on my birthday. Do you have any insights? Everyone seems to be very alarmed about November 8th, all doom and gloom. I think this November eclipse falls on my 5th house, and the one on my birthday on my 4th.
    With many thanks

    1. Eclipses don’t affect your life if you don’t act or judge on them. It’s that simple. President Biden has unavoidably been put on eclipse timing for the Midterms. He’s done nothing to change it – and can’t change it. So he cannot know, and does not see, what is up ahead. It’s in Scorpio, his own sign. So that’s his issue, really, and not yours. For you personally, just skip the choices. Your birthday eclipse is similar. Give it a miss. There are easier times to commit to this, that or the other. Reserve judgement is a good policy.

  7. Good morning! I agree with what EmmaK said.. I’ve stopped watching the news and read your posts instead. Thank you
    I see there are 3 new moons at the exact same degree in my horoscope in 2023 if I have looked correctly. What does it mean to me?

    1. Thank you, but maybe read the BBC, Reuters and the astrology! The New Moons are births of the new. There may be a baby in 2023 in your world. Less literally, there will be a conception of some sort, three times. The Sun is father and the Moon is mother in astrology. Put them in conjunction and they ‘conceive’ something.

  8. This is spooky, you are amazing Jessica…I have a child with my partner and it has not been an easy ride…The other cap is younger than me and has no children, don’t know if he wants or not.

  9. Hi Jessica
    I am currently studying a uni pathway course with a view to studying paralegal. What do you see with regards to my success in this area?
    Thank you

    1. University is the Ninth House ruled by Sagittarius. You have your North Node in Sagittarius so have been both a student and academic in other lives. This augurs well for your success, but it will take Pluto at 0 Aquarius (from March 2023) forming a useful sextile to the node, to show you how powerful academia can be.

  10. Added to the premium members weekly readings is the highlighting in our charts any astrology factors based what you tell us!
    Thank you.
    Again, another blog post with gorgeous graphics.

    1. Thank you Cecelia. This groundbreaking work is all created for us by Asporea, so I will pass your compliment onto them.

  11. Hi Jessica ~
    My 50th birthday is this November 9th and my sun is 17 degrees Scorpio. I have been having major issues with my insurance company over rain/hail/storm/ice damage that created a problem where water got under the roof and damaged walls, floors, windows, etc. Insurance denied the claim so we are going to have to file a lawsuit. What do you think? All my best, CC

    1. I am sorry about the wretched insurance company. They really take the Michael, don’t they? (As they say in London). Your Sun at 17 Scorpio is firmly in the Eighth House of joint finance, which includes insurance. You say “we are going to file a lawsuit” and that is also an Eighth House matter; the other partner. I suggest you both use the Tarot, free on this website, and follow the steps. I can’t help you with just your Scorpio Sun, and I don’t have the other person’s details and he/she is crucial to the outcome. In general, as a Scorpio, you have back-and-forth friction until March 2023, when it all stops, for whatever reason. If you are going to sue, be prepared for this to be longer than you thought, with a possible reversal or cancellation as Mars goes retrograde in Gemini in your solar Eighth House, until March next year. The burden associated with this is down to Saturn transiting your solar Fourth House of property, which also lifts in March 2023. That month is important.

  12. I have to say I am totally impressed by you astrological posts. Yuo have great insight and intution! Unfortunately you seem to have problems with political theory and do mix up lots of terms into wrong association and their basic meanings. You use political terms like daily languague, but daily language differs from academic theory. That is tainting your astrological interpretation, maybe not by outcome (it really reads fantastic!) but by comment. I will keep reading your insights, but you political decoration is quite hazardous. Nowaday everybody thinks eveybody talk about everything, but the real wise man knows when to stay silent. Also you have a quite aggressive stance on politics, that I do not really understand. Politics is for everyone and inclusive. USA is though really making a bad impact on the world. A lot of people have and are suffering because of the imperialism of US, and probably that comes from mixing up terms and definition even in the public sphere. The US Justice System seems to be ailing, and will cause citizens a lot of pain. Never should there be so many lawyers sitting in parliaments as it is in the US and Europe and who knows where else. That points to a deep intellectual decline. great regards!

  13. Hello Jessica,
    Isn’t it interesting that the biggest PowerBall Drawing, nearly two billion dollars, being drawn on the night of the eclipse has been delayed due to “technical and security issues”? I don’t think the drawing has ever been delayed in its history. Seems like a cover up to me.


  14. Hello Jessica,

    If King Charles is using an astrologer, one has to wonder why they chose to put his upcoming coronation so close to a 95% eclipse that has tough aspects to his natal chart and is an eclipse with some oppositions to this massive 8 November eclipse. Maybe he feels confident enough that he doesn’t care about the effect of eclipses. Heredity, institution and tradition seems it will look different by mid next yr. Obviously we cannot know for sure what he is thinking or thinks of astrology. But there are many fated and negative things/associations that have already set his reign on a difficult footing. From a historic perspective it certainly makes for interesting history watching. Popcorn at the ready. Thanks

    1. It’s an interesting question about Charles III. Is he using the services of an astrologer to select his date for coronation? Of course it may just be chance. Astrology can visit you, even if you avoid using it at all. The date could not be worse. A Full Moon and eclipse across Scorpio-Taurus on Friday 5th May for a man who is a Sun Scorpio replacing a woman who was Sun Taurus (and still is, in spirit). Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, which rules the monarch’s head on the currency. And of course it is Archie’s birthday. Elizabeth I asked Dr. John Dee to elect a date for her coronation. Charles II asked William Lilly, another astrologer, to assist in his escape. It seems odd to me that a natural historian like Charles III would not at least take an interest in the horoscope. To say the least.

  15. Oh My Goodness Jessica!!! I just read that Virginia Guiffree and Alan Dershowitz have both agreed to permanently drop their respective defamation cases against each ohter. With the caveat being she may have “made a mistake” in her memory. Wow. Guessing because of the eclispe we will never know what went on behind closed doors between them. But I wonder what the astrology is on this for Prince Andrew as Ms. Guiffree’s accountability will now be called into question. What a mess.

    1. Yes, this was the Scorpio eclipse Midterm. It may be that classic example of a diversion/distraction while the real story is hidden in plain sight. That would fit. Scorpio rules sex, death and money which is why I used a photograph of Virginia Guiffre in the Midterm prediction back in May this year. Her face was back in the news as the eclipse broke. The whole thing is so peculiar. We will never know the full story with her and Dershowitz. That is the eclipse rule, sadly.

  16. Hello Jessica, I will try you one time and hope you see my message and have time to reply to me :). The eclipses in 2023 – I have just realised I have A LOT in the same sign and degree! Feb 5: 15 Leo Sun, Feb 20: 01 Pisces Diana, Mar 7: 16 Virgo Minerva, Apr 6: 15 Leo Sun, May 19: 27 Taurus South node, June 18: 25 Gemini Hygeia, July 17: 25 Cancer Saturn and also 23 Cancer Juno, Aug 16: 22 Leo Mercury, Sep 29: 7 Aries IC, Oct 14: 22 Leo mercury, Nov 27: 4 Gemini Ceres. I am wondering if this is usual in a horoscope? Should I expect 2023 to be a year for the memory books? Thank you for everything you do!

    1. The eclipses are dancing around your chart. 2023 is about the need to not act or judge during the days they are there. Wait a few days then look. There are some Gemini patterns there which indicate the internet. That is an obvious place to suspect a cover-up as so many people are anonymous. Eclipses can hoodwink us in trivial ways or in life-changing ways. Captain Cook was an eclipse chaser. He saw more eclipses than any other Englishman of the age. He was hoodwinked into thinking he was an explorer. He was a coloniser for George III and caused historic damage to native people. So eclipses can fool us about ourselves, and also other people. Elon Musk is damaging Twitter on an eclipse. Why? Wise people know to circle back to the same question later.

  17. Wow! Well you nailed this one. Look at FTX… once considered the biggest and safest crypto exchange. Went under in the blink of an eye on the eclipse and now SBF and his other company Alameda research are being investigated for potential sex “cult” issues in the Bahamas. Sounds familiar

    1. Oh, I’m very grateful for that. I didn’t know about the sex cult allegations. That is classic Scorpio. I must have a look at this, because we are going to discuss all the astrology predictions which came true in 2022, at The Conscious Cafe event on Zoom in December. How interesting!

    1. This is very useful thank you. I have a few readers following this and I’ll catch up with these links once I’ve had my tea.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    I have been following your website for about 8 years now and I am always amazed at how everything you predict unfolds on global and personal level. It was about the time when I got separated and then divorced so it helped me understand a lot of what was going on.
    I have been reading your new book recently and it has learned more about my personality. I identify with Sagittarius the best and work teaching languages and do translations so Gemini makes sense too, the Virgo part not so much. I love what you said about boots….I own several pairs and I have been raising eyebrows since I was a child (growing up in a South American city that wasn’t the norm.)
    One thing that I have been struggling with for the last 23 years is that when I moved to America I developed an enormous fear of driving on highways, so much that I get panic attacks, even looking at the signs triggers my anxiety. I have tried driving lessons, therapy and just recently QHHT but nothing has helped. I feel stuck, and like my wings have been broken since I can’t move, drive too far for leisure or work, or even date.

    A couple of months ago I met this wonderful Sagittarius man online, he understood the problem and came to meet me twice. A few days ago was our third date and he asked me to meet him halfway, unfortunately there was a highway involved and no way around it, I tried compromising and asked to meet a little closer but he canceled. I realized then that it would keep happening so I ended our wonderful connection. He has blocked me from every form of communication since and needless to say I am heartbroken. Funny thing is that, that morning I drew the Knight of Cups and the expression “meet him halfway” made me cried…because God knows I wanted but I can’t.

    Could you please take a look at my chart and see if there’s anything triggering that? or how to fix it? Also, is there any hope for Aries’ romantic relationships at all?
    Thank you, Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. You have the most interesting problem of the day. When you moved to America 23 years ago you started getting panic attacks when you drive. You’ve met a wonderful Sagittarius man online and he cancelled your third date, because of it. He’s now blocked you. You also drew the Knight of Cups which is really helpful to know. I am really sorry you have been put through this. You have stelliums in Sagittarius and Gemini and you teach foreign languages, which is a perfect use of this combination. However Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign places (for you, America, even now) and Gemini rules driving. You get anxious even looking at road signs. This is a phobia and you have tried everything, but I don’t think you have tried Dr. Claire Weekes or Glenn Harrold. The former is the author of the famous Self Help For Your Nerves books and she made her name fixing anxiety disorder for people – using a DIY method. This includes stopping panic attacks. Glenn Harrold is a British hypnotist. I would also suggest Dr. Paul McKenna, another British hypnotist. Dr. Weekes was Australian. All these are free to sample and of course you can borrow the books from your local library. Look at the testimonials for all of them on YouTube, Goodreads, Amazon and so on. I suspect that the issue is linked to emigrating to America 23 years ago. It’s about that first huge challenge and your brain has linked it to highways. Your parasympathetic nervous system is the issue here; Dr. Weekes explains it far better than me. This Sagittarius man did you a favour. He showed you the reality of your phobia. How on earth can you have a relationship with someone who comes with these kinds of conditions and rules? You can’t. You can have a Zoom and Twitter friendship, but that’s just about it. Could it ever work again with him? Yes, if you fixed your phobia. Even just as friends. The Knight of Cups is always on the move, you see, and if you meet him halfway, which is exactly what the card explained, there’s nothing stopping him from doubling back. There is no rush with any of this. Take your time. Check those three options please. There may be another hypnotist or doctor who turns up, as you surf around those names, whom you even prefer. I really sympathise with you as I have fear of heights, which is very common, and had to be taken down from Big Ben by security. Can you imagine? Your Gemini-Sagittarius stelliums are behind your gift for teaching foreign language and translation but they have also panned out in this extremely unusual way. Your anxiety about America and Americans when you arrived was channelled into fear of the highways and signs. That can be fixed. Even now.

  19. Thank you so much Jessica, for your insight, this makes perfect sense and gives me tremendous hope to know that there’s still something else to try and that I might be able to overcome this phobia.

    I had asked in prayer for answers to be able to see the purpose of this particular man in my life and you gave me those answers. I am grateful for your gift.

    I will report back and share with you my progress and how I was able to beat it, like a true Aries. 😉

  20. Hello Jessica,

    How right you are about Elon Musk being in the dark about Twitter. Looks like he is rethinking a few actions. Eclipse on as always.

    You moderate 15k+ comments.
    I feel selfish.

    I take months and years before posting.
    Still I do apologize. I thank you for answering the questions with compassion and brilliance.

    A Taurus baby ( 30th April 2005 ) is very headstrong. She neglects her health. I haven’t slept well in days because of her. I have no factors in Taurus but some in Virgo, libra, Capricorn.

    The ten of cups, nine of cups, two of cups and Ace of Wands (3 times!!!) Keep showing up but I merely want everyone to be safe.

    All I want for Christmas is for everyone to be safe.

    I do so pray that you will get a million+ subscribers and the world’s best tea. My best wishes to your fur babies.
    IN MY VISION BOARD FOR YOU, I want you to teach a Master Class on The Nodes and Neptune.


    Your predictions about advances in Science and Medicine have coincided with artificial blood and fungus based insulation for sustainability. Sudden freedom from previous constraints. You must feel powerful!

    Wish you a vision filled, enriching Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
    Ardent fan,

    1. Thank you. Elon Musk is emerging as a champion of women, particularly in Spain and Scotland, as we know Twitter makes or breaks politicians. Sturgeon must be very concerned now that Rowling has her allies back alongside ‘the people’s media’ which of course Twitter is. No need to apologise and you are not being remotely selfish. You have a Taurus child who neglects her health. She is just going into the Ceres in Libra transit of her Sixth House. Ceres is about the compromise between mother and daughter, and so a deal will be agreed from this point forward, into January. Is there a boyfriend or girlfriend involved? Sometimes that is the issue behind (say) dieting or sudden drug use. Have a look at Ceres, Pluto’s mother-in-law and mother of Proserpina, the maiden. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, TJ.

  21. Dear Kind Jessica, Amazing readers, Glamour and Shape magazine,
    I am humbled by your compassionate response.

    You have asked the Million dollar question.

    She is secretive…so no Idea about a boyfriend although her Tarot showed Lovers. Ugh. Told her not to date.

    Adding to that, she recently aced two very tough exams, leaving her mates far behind.

    So now, I cannot ask about her progress.

    You understand Taurus and Ceres. The compromise. The deal. It’s all very difficult.

    She Refused to wear the masks at school.

    Now she has a sore throat that won’t go away.

    I am close to tears about her.

    I do appreciate every question you answer. This response made me feel grateful and your Compassion shines through.

    My regards to ALL your other readers, especially ET78, Susan, Sandokan, Marls, GoodVibes, Ms.Judson, Cecelia and ALL of your team. Also your Agent!!

    Conscious Cafe response is off the charts. As it should be.
    Investors should get that hint.

    Looks like Nvidia and AMD will bounce back, stocks outlook is not to bad. I will be careful.

    Thanks for letting us know about Elon and Rowling. Money to be made by those who know how.

    Wish you many billionaire clients, Premieres and heads of states by New Year.


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