Conscious Cafe 2023 Predictions

2023 Psychic Astrology Predictions – The Conscious Cafe

The Conscious Cafe in London (via Zoom) has kindly hosted my regular Astrology and Tarot 2023 event. What’s in store for the world – and you? And what came true in 2022?

Ukraine and Russia

 Ukraine drama was predicted at The Conscious Cafe on 24th November 2020 in a recorded Zoom session. Watch on YouTube from 35 minutes in. Economic sanctions against Russia ahead were forecast. A dated cover-up too. What will 2023 bring? Victory for Ukraine, partly because of her air force or allies’ air force.


The December protests were predicted on 4th January 2022. 

“This country is primed to explode. This is what happened at Tiananmen Square and it’s going to happen again. The comfort of astrology is that we know when, why and how.  You can either have a small explosion or a big one.
You can read more China predictions here, as far back as 20th April 2018. Expect new female leadership to rise in China.

The Queen, the Pound and UK Currency

QUEEN 23rd July 2020 - Conscious Cafe 2023 Predictions

The 2022 Pound Crash Predicted in 2020

Predicted on 23rd July 2020 in a free astrology lesson, of all things. Do you remember this? 

“Predicting the UK Economy in 2022”

We could speculate that the pound would be devalued, replaced or challenged. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). The Nodes take us backwards in time, in 19-year loops, so we can learn lessons from the past. The Node at 15, 16, 17 Taurus appears in August and September 2022.”

Elizabeth II Coin shutterstock 537883915 300x300 - Conscious Cafe 2023 PredictionsThe Royal Family

Astrology does not, cannot and should never predict death. Yet, it was clear that Queen Elizabeth II’s profile would be overturned on currency, and the month of September 2022 was on the list. This was predicted on 23rd July 2020.

“The Queen’s head on the notes and coins would no doubt be overturned. You might expect new currency to be minted, or (most likely) cryptocurrency to be launched…The Nodes take us backwards in time, in 19-year loops, so we can learn lessons from the past. The Node at 15, 16, 17 Taurus appears in August and September 2022.”

This is a great photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge on the cover of Marie Claire, which has run with my prediction that she would have a far easier time as Queen than Camilla!

Boris Johnson

Well, he went. This was predicted on 9th May 2021 a year before it happened. The Conservative party  lost hundreds of seats to Labour in Local Elections, on 5th May 2022 and then in July, PM Boris Johnson quit.

“In the historic year of 2022 – Uranus (the shock, the revolution, the world turning upside-down) – goes to 15 Taurus. The last thing anybody expected to happen, will happen. The future will come rocketing into the present and the world will turn upside-down.”

“PM Boris Johnson and Tory Transformation”

“This is a transformation within the Conservative party, currently led by PM Boris Johnson as I write this on Sunday 9th May 2021.  This is as striking and unusual as (say) the Second World War, in terms of its impact on the Tories, their business ties, their political donors and their values. In fact, the last time we saw this was March 1939.”

“The Uranus-Pluto Conjunction”

“This is a direct hit on Pluto (control) at 15 Taurus (big business, party donors, the economy, values) in the Tory chart. It is that rare thing; a Uranus-Pluto conjunction. This is a shock to those in control.”

British Politics in 2023

Watch for a man in his twenties to become a central figure in British politics in 2023. His manifesto will appeal to his generation, born with the outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, in Aquarius. He may come from the Green party. He is the right person, in the wrong place, at the right time. His manifesto and message, if handled correctly, could be huge in years.

We will see a new UK voting system replace the old two-party system. It means fairer representation for the Liberal Democrats, Nigel Farage, the Greens – all stripes of left and right. You’ll see independent candidates overturning safe seats. The push for this begins March-June 2023 and is a reality from 2026. Hung parliaments are a sign that everybody is sick of only having Labour or the Conservatives to choose from.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

This was predicted on 2nd June 2021 about 8th November 2022. A date-stamped astrology prediction using the Taurus and Scorpio cycles, which always rule finance. Bitcoin made a new bear market low. 

“Uranus, the symbol of all that is unpredictable, unusual, and full of upheavals – is at 16 Taurus, in a rare line-up with that eclipse Full Moon at 16 Taurus, right on Tuesday 8th November. This is likely to be about cryptocurrency.”

TRUSS 10th January 2020 - Conscious Cafe 2023 Predictions

Liz Truss

The blonde star who rose and fell, like a falling star. Predicted on 23rd March 2019. Do you remember this?

“More Female Prime Ministers by 2050”

“The two Sun Libra female Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom – Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May – were ‘written’ into the future of the UK thanks to the old Roman horoscope. In fact, even back in 55 B.C. the astrological chart set for the arrival of Julius Caesar was showing the rise of a woman. She turned out to be Boadicea or Boudicca.

“There will be more female Prime Ministers in the British Isles by 2050 and there will also be a double-act: both the leader and her deputy will be women.”

Therese Coffey and Liz Truss made the prediction come true. This other prediction ran in a separate feature. I was using an astrology chart for the British pound (currency has a horoscope too) to see turmoil, two years before it happened.

Predicted 23rd July 2020

“The Treasurer will be a revolutionary in 2022 and there will be shock, new freedom, and untethered, untied currency. We would expect May, June, August, September, November, December 2022 to be ‘mad money months’ when the piggy banks will shake.”

The End of Covid is the Start of Ultraviolet Light

Most of you know I predicted a virus, twice, back in 2019 that would change the world. In case you missed it, the Daily Mail picked it up and ran with it, on their front page. Then ITV showed millions of viewers.

So what’s next with Covid?

The Helix Nebula in Aquarius, sends out Ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light kills Covid. The historic Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020, saw Tel Aviv University being the first to prove that UV-C eliminates the virus. 

Astrology can be a strange thing. What are the chances of UV-C light, proven to eliminate Covid in minutes, safely, being proven in the same month that Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction in Aquarius? As Saturn goes out of Aquarius and Pluto goes into Aquarius in March 2023, the ‘Aquarian’ solution of UV-C light will start to take hold.

Charles Won’t be King

Since 1949, when Charles III was just a toddler, astrologers have been speculating he would not be king. Charles E.O.Carter, the Editor of Astrology, the Astrologer’s Quarterly, at The Astrological Lodge of London made it his front page story in March-May 1949.  I agree. And I’m also a member of the same organisation.  In fact I told the Daily Express, Charles would not be King.  The forecast is here.

Destiny Takes Camilla off the Throne

Marie Claire magazine ran my prediction that Camilla was not destined to be Queen. What do you think?

2023 and Your Money and Lifestyle

One world currency will become widely accepted from May 2023 until May 2024, when Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus bring the revolution. You can still use your own regular country currency but the new marketplace is very exciting.

Trade unions will be revived, relaunched, rebranded and become enormously powerful, from March 2023. If you’re not in a union, you’ll likely join one. If a union does not exist for your profession, it will be created. This is a long transit, which runs for around 20 years. We’ll see strike action, resignations and people power beating the men in suits at the top.

The new weekend and new fortnight will also become commonplace in 2023-2024. Why? Billions of people with factors in Virgo, the sign ruling lifestyle and workload, will find they can get what they want, even if it means salary sacrifice, as transiting Jupiter trines their Virgo factors. Does this mean you? Have a look at your birth chart.

Main Image: Planet Volumes, Unsplash.
Image: Shutterstock

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Zoom Event – New Pisces Cycles 2025-2026

Join this unique Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out. Included are the exact dates of the Neptune ingress in Aries, Saturn ingress in Aries and North Node ingress in Aquarius.

Read More »

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458 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica Thank you for another brilliant post as we look forward to 2023 and putting 2022 firmly behind us! Thank you also for your new book which I’m really enjoying and learning from. I am a sun Capricorn with stelliums in Aries, Sagitarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. If you have time, I’d love to hear what you might see for me for 2023 as I try to move forward from a very difficult few years. I would like to re-launch myself next year as I feel I hardly recognise myself after so much challenge and change over the last ten years; some good, some very difficult changes. I want to make improvements to my appearance (diet, exercise, health, wellbeing) and profile (career and further study) but I’ve found this very hard over the last few years. I worry a lot about my 12 year old daughter too as she seems so anxious and withdrawn at the moment and as a single mum working full time in the NHS I’m frightened I’m I missing/ not able to reach her on some important things. I feel I have been dealing with blockages both internal and external and I’d be so grateful to hear what you may see for me/us for 2023 and the future.

    With much gratitude Alexia

    1. I have answered you elsewhere, Alexia, but just realised your daughter is twelve. Find out her Jupiter sign at birth as she is going through a Jupiter Return and has natural protection, luck and help in the sign/house where Jupiter resided, when she arrived.

  2. Jessica, thank you for your interesting post. Your predictions are awesome. And how about the climate crisis? What can still be done? I wish you lively festive days

    1. Thank you. The Climate Emergency ends in 2026 as Uranus goes out of Taurus and the world economy (Taurus) finishes its revolution (Clean and Green Money) and the bad old days of fossil fuels for fossil fools are over. We move into purely electric transport, but also other kinds of power, for the new kind of car, plane, bus and train – from Uranus in Gemini, also from 2026. When you realise that the Climate Emergency is caused by Wall Street and other sharemarkets backing dirty coal, and so on, you see it’s a Taurus issue. Taurus rules what makes money. So, Uranus (rebellion, new inventions, radical change) suggests we’ll be over the worst by 2026 when it’s done its job.

  3. Hi Jessica, thanks for the Conscious Café, as always it was very rewarding and interesting. If I may, I’d like to ask you about my current job in investment. I’m struggling with some people and I’ve got my probationary period extended until 1st Feb. I can’t wonder if I made the right decision by joining this company. I love the job but I don’t want to feel like this. Do you see if I finally keep the job and it gets any better? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. I am sorry you are having a rotten time with your job. Okay, so take a deep breath and think about life until 2026. From 2022 to 2026 you will have an unpredictable, exciting, liberating way of working. If you are struggling with people then please open your mind to all the other roads you could take. If you love the job but the people are unacceptable, it may be that you could keep the role and lose them. You have a terrific work chart from May 2023 to May 2024, when opportunities, solutions and win-win outcomes not possible for decades appear. So even though it’s difficult now, be like the Alice in Wonderland story and imagine impossible things before breakfast. Be truthful with yourself about what you want, what you can offer, and write it down. Leave it next to your bed for a couple of nights, say it out loud and ask for help. Prepare for amazement if you follow the obvious sign posts. It’s that kind of astro-cycle.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    Your predictions and their accuracy is very impressive. For me your prediction (and others) that Charles will not be king and Camilla will not be Queen is intriguing. I know you have mentioned before that Charles will abdicate for Camilla. Since this needs to happen before May I wonder if Harry’s upcoming memoir may in some way be a catalyst for his decision. I feel that Harry may play some part in his father’s decision to protect Camilla, and abdicate. I think it is going to be very interesting to see events unfold between now and May.
    Also I never thought I would see a female leader in China in my lifetime. Can’t wait!
    Kind regards

    1. I’ve not said Charles will abdicate for Camilla, just for the record. I do not know why he will not be King. The first prediction about this was when he was a toddler. Charles Carter from the Astrological Lodge of London forecast it, and put it in writing. My alarm bells rang when Charles III was signing himself into history on Mercury Retrograde. I agree with you; Harry’s autobiography is likely one of the reasons for plans being scuppered. And too much fun about a female leader in China, Julie. She may lead a rebellion against all those men in suits, perhaps.

  5. Hi Jessica, what do you predict for Capricorn who drew the personal tarot card of the World in 2023? Thank you!

    1. You have so many choices about the worldwide web in 2023. Maybe actual travel, though it’s risky. Let’s just say that you will be drawn by Europe, the United Kingdom, America and Australia/Asia. All at the same time. Please focus, ground yourself, settle and choose. Otherwise nothing will happen.

  6. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for the great post this morning. You mention that this one world world currency will be accepted for 2023 and 2024. I was wondering if there is a problem with this currency after 2024 or is this the future? Will we still be using cash till 2024? I had thought with Covid that we may see the end of cash transactions.
    I have also read this morning that sadly the UK has lost its 7th child with strep throat recently. May I ask if this is the new strain of covid or another awful virus?
    My heart goes out to these families.
    Sending Best Wishes

    1. Thanks so much. The one world digital currency takes off, is good news for us, and booms – May 2023 to May 2024. After that, it’s unpredictable stuff. In that window, though, it expands and boosts our relationship with money and with what is actually valuable. That whole question of values is integral to 2023 as what is ‘valuable’ or precious/priceless/costly/profitable has to date ruined the planet, as we all know. I saw the strep news about children too. Good question – is it related to Covid? Better, perhaps, to look at the science on ultraviolet light, also known as Far-UV, UV-C and UV-222. Let’s see what it can do with strep throat.

  7. Thank you for the Zoom presentation and insights. Glad I stayed up, 2:30AM in California. Re question of What 2023 holds and what to do, I drew the Seven of Wands. I’m Sun Pisces with Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini stellium. Desc 14, Fortuna 15, Venus 21 in Aries and Asc 14, Moon 24 in Libra. My NNode in Sagittarius with Saturn 02, Cupido Cupid. SNode in Gemini stellium. Would appreciate if you’ll look into what holds for me and what I should do. Thank you!

    1. I am very flattered that you stayed up for a 2.30am session in California. Okay so you drew the Seven of Wands. Let’s see how it translates in your chart. This is a big Aquarius story. You have Chiron and Mercury in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of ‘the individual and the group’. March 2023 is really important as we have Aquarius traffic then. There will be a situation where all concerned need to unite. It’s hard work. That’s okay. As you’re a member, have a look at Mercury in Aquarius, because that will be the story (hit search). This is the full Tarot interpretation for you.

      If you are going to go in to bat for your ideas, opinions, plans or cause, then you need to be grounded. Unless you are firmly on terra firma, you are not in a particularly strong or stable position, when it comes to defending yourself against others or their concepts or thoughts. There is one against the many here. The irony is, the actual views are rather similar, or the projects or concepts are quite samey. You have to wonder why people are at odds with each other. The solution is for the ungrounded person (yourself?) to stablise, centre, focus, find a solid position and perhaps move, physically, so that some kind of unity can be achieved. There is potential for unity, here.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is what happens when someone is living in their head (Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius live in a world of theories and ideas). Look for those signs prominent in your chart, or the person who is at the heart of this conflict.

      This person is not grounded and practically being pulled apart, with one foot East and one foot West. So there may be a lack of earth signs in the chart (Taurus, Virgo and/or Capricorn). There’s nothing settled about this position, it’s quite precarious and geographically split, or intellectually/emotionally divided.
This card can appear if someone does not know where he or she stands, or there is no fixed address, or there are two business or work centres on opposite sides of the country, or town, or the world. It’s divisive.

      Without a centre to work from, how can any opinion, plan or concept ever hope to get off the ground, still less hold its own against the ideas of the wider group? The irony is that the words or ideas are all pretty much the same, as I’ve said.

      The Golden Dawn, illustrator Pamela Colman Smiths’s magical society, was similarly split down the middle and it must often have felt like ‘one against the many’ even though all the ideas were similar – based around astrology, the Tarot and so on.

      You can see the remedy here. The person doing battle with others’ points of view needs to come back down to earth, stop reacting or imagining, and actually put faces to names, and faces and names, to opinions. This is a classic internet fight card. You have a face on your Twitter feed, but ‘the many’ are anonymous and call themselves numbers, and use cartoon heads!

      This situation is untenable and depending on the state of mind of the person being pulled in two, it can be quite difficult and even risky. My issue here with this card is the land under the feet. What happens if there is an earthquake or earthquake? Not literally, perhaps, but thematically and symbolically? A leadership split can split the ground beneath your feet, but if you don’t have a leg to stand on and do not have your feet firmly on the ground, you can fall into the abyss or fall off the edge. Fall between the cracks.

      This card sometimes turns up when a person has become distracted by the debate, which can be on social media as well as in the real world, and forgotten it is just about words. This card is literally about what is on paper, in the newspapers (particularly the disgraceful, unethical kind) or online. And the internet, as we know, can be a real quagmire. There is nothing physically going on here, and sticks and stones can impact bones, but words can never hurt, unless you let them.

      He or she at the centre of this war of words, or intellectual opposition, does not realise that the lack of stability or agreement stems partly from his/her own position, which is temporary, unstable and split between two places, or two camps. The answer often lies in fixing oneself and one’s situation. From there, negotiation and agreement is possible as I’ve mentioned.

      This can be a man coming back into the fold, as David Beckham came back into the fold in football, despite being persona non grata for a time. This card tells us, rifts can close, balance can be achieved, unity can be found, harmony can be achieved. It takes a lot of work on both sides, but mostly on the part of the person who is so divided and also quite divisive.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    Loved this Zoom chat and also loved your previous chat. I have the following stelliums: SAGITTARIUS (7) libra – My Birth Chart LIBRA (7) aries – My Birth Chart ARIES (6) capricorn – My Birth Chart CAPRICORN (5). The tarot card I pulled is the 7 of Pentacles. Will that relate only to money or can it also refer to health? Will the Libra- Aries shift in nodes affect me much?

    Thank you, Isabel.

    1. Thanks Isabel. You pulled the 7 of Pentacles/Coins for 2023. This isn’t about health, it’s about making money slowly. This make sense as you are a Sun Sagittarius with major transits in your solar Second House of finance, property, business, charity. March 2023 is important. I don’t think you can do this alone. See if you can get a good business brain or financial professional to help you. It’s good; it’s promising; yet on a psychic level I think you need an outside opinion. This is the full interpretation.

      Money grows on trees with this card. It is about ‘life gardening’ in terms of asset management and the slow and steady cultivation of resources. This can literally be about growing fruit, vegetables or herbs to sell at a local market. More commonly, it is about nursing a number of projects to recycle small profits into something more ambitious and perhaps hugely rewarding. It’s a spread of investments. It’s a host of ‘nice little earners.’ The trick is in the approach!

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?

      This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too. 

So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.

      There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.

      Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.

      It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?

      This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
      This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.

      I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).

You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.

  9. Hi Jessica. I have loved being a part of todays Concious Cafe Zoom. I’m a Virgo (born in 1961) living in the south of England. I have stelliums in Leo (8), Libra (5) and Scorpio (5). While I was waiting for my on-line card I drew the Ace of cups from my own deck and then the 9 of Swords came up on the website. The messages of the 2 cards seems to be so different, I would be so pleased if you could help me to make sense of them. I am tying myself in knots regarding my job at the moment (should I find a new job or even retire)? which seems to be reflected in the 9 of swords. In a previous question that I posted, you replied “You are a Leo-Scorpio-Libra type and so are married with children and grandchildren, and also work in childcare, so you have fulfilled your Libra mission (marriage) Scorpio mission (marriage, property and money) and Leo mission too (the younger generation). The most important karmic cycle in 19 years begins in July 2023 as the South Node goes into Libra and your Seventh House of marriage, so from that point forward it’s all about balancing the scales with your husband, karmically, and life as it was 18 or 19 years before will play its part”. Do the cards I have drawn today relate to this? Thank you so much. Martine x

    1. Thank you for coming along and helping to hold the space. I’m glad you had your own deck at the session. Your Ace of Cups is familiar to you so let’s start there. This is about children, or other people’s children. Sometimes the children are grown-up. Martine, nothing has changed since my last note to you about that. March 2023 will show you how the younger generation is to feature in your life. You then got the Nine of Swords on the website. It’s completely unrelated. It’s about finding a way to get some proper sleep. You say your job is tying you in knots. That’s the issue. So separate the first card (it’s about those younger faces and it’s terrific) and the second card (it’s about work) and treat them differently. I will give you the full text of the interpretation for the second card. If you are looking for good people to get you to peace of mind, I recommend Glenn Harrold and Paul McKenna and Matthew Manning. They all have samples of their amazing work, free to try. This is the second card:

      This is insomnia, or a nightmare. It may also be worrying in bed, no matter what time of day or night it happens to be. This is all in the person’s mind. Figments of the imagination or memories, interpreted in a negative way. The answer here is meditation, mindfulness, healing, cognitive therapy, relaxation techniques and perhaps astrology. Look at the quilt.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
The person with insomnia or even illness is using the first position in Reiki. This Japanese healing discipline asks people to put their hands in one of a sequence of poses. This is the first. This card is a very good example of Pamela Colman Smith’s intuitive grasp of quantum mechanics. There is no single, objective reality. We find reality when we measure it. Every sword is in this person’s head. It is all a memory, construed in a particular way, or a fear of what is to come. Swords are painful, sharp, threatening. So can the imagination be, or the memory, but nothing is real. The whole point of Pamela’s cards, guided by Arthur E. Waite, was to empower people to take control.

      The bed is comfortable, even luxurious. It’s shabby chic. The bed itself (the wooden panel below the mattress) shows past conflict or a complicated relationship. That is what underlies everything. So, this is a case of ‘making one’s bed and lying it it’ and the figures in the decoration are at odds with each other. One has to face the past, to get on with the present and the future. There is no point in ‘sleeping on it’ if there is something troublesome in the past. It never really goes away and here, it is at the foundation of what keeps someone awake at night or gives them nightmares. Thus, this card suggests it might be useful to face what one has ‘laid to rest’ but is still very much there. Counselling can help, or a good friend or family member. Sometimes it helps to just pick up the phone and call The Samaritans.

      Look closely and you will see zodiac signs on the bedspread. Pamela Colman Smith was required to learn astrology as part of her Golden Dawn training. You can see the glyph for the Sun here, but also Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and more. Astrology here is a comfort; that is the suggestion. This is what Americans call a ‘comforter’ and elsewhere it is called a quilt. I find it interesting that the zodiac signs are so blatantly illustrated on what would normally be a piece of patchwork. How is astrology a comfort?

      The greatest comfort of astrology is this: the cycles of time have an end point. Even if you are worried about your past, present or possible future, the challenging cycles of Saturn, for example, can be timed with a clear end date. And it helps to have astrology’s wisdom and ancient knowledge, as a tool to handle life. Just knowing your chart, in the eyes of an astrologer, gives you protection and comfort. Like a good quilt.

      The swords are memories or perhaps imagined attacks, as has been mentioned. There may be psychic attack. It is worth considering that, particularly if you do work in the field of astrology, Tarot and so on.

      Nothing is real; it is all in the person’s mind. That is the key to this card. Turning grey with worry is not something anyone wants to do – this person has grey hair and perhaps stress is responsible as stem cells can be affected by anxiety . The solution is Reiki, which uses the palms-on-face pose you see here, as the First Position – that is an amazing synchronicity, unless Pamela drew it deliberately.

      We might also talk about spiritual healing, hypnosis (Paul McKenna has generously given his talents free on YouTube) or an appointment with the doctor (of course) or a relaxation technique to make sleep better. There are more options, of course, and everyone has her or his road to a good night’s rest. Without the floating imaginary swords this person would actually enjoy a good night’s sleep in what appears to be quite a cosy sanctuary. It is so important to understand that Pamela’s cards worked as a stage set, to be directed by you, the reader. Remove the floating, imaginary weapons, bring a candle into the room, a cup of herbal tea, perhaps a friendly cat or dog – and this is the very picture of domestic harmony and a good night’s sleep.

  10. thank you for the zoom meeting. I am a double Aquarius and drew the Queen of Swords card. When you read the Star Card, I started crying. I’ve not had a great few years. I’m looking at making changes to my life and have started steps then got hit with covid. I hope I am on the right track.
    My heart needs to mend, as does my mind.
    thanks again.

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. Tears are healing, aren’t they. I’m sorry Covid arrived in your life. The cards you have drawn suggest full recovery, which I am sure you know, but also your rebirth. You will look different, feel different and be treated differently in 2023. Your Star card is your Sun Aquarius mission. The group, circle or community which is there in March 2023 is really important. It’s like Yoko Ono meeting The Beatles. You won’t be on the inside, but you will be crucial to the people who are. You will be reborn, as I said, and the Queen of Swords is you setting boundaries. For whatever reason, you need to become far firmer, stronger and more uncompromising with those who cross the line. You will become that person. In fact you’ll become quite powerful over the next 20 years.

  11. Hi Jessica, I was watching your live on the Conscious Cafe today. Really interesting session!
    I’m a cancer with a libra ascendent. I was born in Lisbon, in July 7th, 1984.
    During the session I picked the 5 of spades and the ace of pentacles. Can you give me more insights about my career for next year? That’s what I asked when I picked these cards.
    Thanks so much! All the best for you

    1. Thank you very much. You’re in luck in 2023 and will be offered a huge lump sum of money. If you believe you deserve it, you trust the situation, you have faith and want to use the money for your home or local travel – it will arrive. You probably have Taurus and/or Scorpio factors in your birth chart, as well as being a Sun Cancer. March 2023 will be a crucial month for finance.

  12. Thank you for the amazing talk on Conscious Cafe in the wee hours of this morning!
    During the tarot reading for the signs I was having the strongest Deja Vu. It suprised and overtook me. I always get anxious and scared when I have deja vu. Not sure why. I haven’t had it in years but I always wonder when I do have it what the heck it is. I”ve heard theories but nothing that really resonates with me.

    The cards for Aries and Libra were shocking to me as my daughters are Libra and Aries and both have been married about 12 years. They have nice, drama free marriages so I just wonder what else this could mean for them other than possiblity of a break in the relationship. I love both my son-in-laws so much and can’t imagine them not being around. I am hoping this is more figurative or spiritual in nature and not a physical issue with either of their marriages. My Aries daughter is married to a Leo man and my Libra daughter is married to a Sag man.

    Thanks again Jessica. You are the only person I’d get on Zoom at 5:30am for!


    1. Thank you so much for waking at 5.30am, I really appreciate you being at the Zoom as we held the space, as a group. Everybody’s good wishes, for everybody else, really helped with the readings. You are concerned about Aries and Libra daughters and their relationship and marriage cards. All I can say is; they have choices about their partners. The cards are not always dramatic. They do not show separation and divorce as givens; those are among the possibilities. Counselling is another. A big choice between husband and wife (involving the children, say) is quite another. So don’t worry. But your Aries daughter’s Leo husband has to change the marriage; it has to transform; March-June 2023 is clear on that. Best you leave them to it, I suspect.

  13. My tarot card was 10 of Wands, can you tell me what that means for me? and how long is the time frame.
    My husband passed away this last year and I am contemplating a move, so what is in store for me.

    Also I pulled a second card which was an Ace of Sword

    Would like your prediction

    1. Your time-frame was 2023, so January 1st until December 31st 2023 covers you for the Ten of Wands. I am very sorry your husband passed to spirit this year, although this isn’t actually the story in the Tarot. Adjusting to that is a separate story. Really, the cards want to talk to you about work. You drew the Ace of Swords too, which is changes at the top of work. It can also apply to unpaid work or academia. I will give you the full interpretation about your card, the Ten of Wands, and leave it with you. Something has to give. Instead of just stumbling forwards with an overload of e-mails, books, projects, ideas, Zoom meetings, telephone messages, exams, blogs, articles and the rest – stop and offload. Get rid, perhaps. Delegate, if you can. Reschedule the timing if possible. The goal here is obviously the house, apartment or holiday home in the distance. Paying the rent, saving up for renovations or funding a vacation. What is the point, though, if getting there is so punishing for mind, body and spirit? Pause and plan.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is one of Pamela Colman Smiths’ easiest cards to understand and interpret. Overload! Stop and delegate, reschedule, or jettison what is there, or there will be a physical toll, as the human body is not a machine, a robot or a computer. There may even be back issues.

      Too many projects, ideas, emails, websites, social media messages. Too much to carry. The person here is stumbling blindly forward towards what he/she assumes is the goal.

      As I’ve mentioned and you can see, this may be a house or apartment to be purchased or paid off one day. To be renovated. Perhaps, a hotel or holiday home. You have to wonder what the point is, when the journey is so difficult. Is the destination worth the struggle?

      This card is about the need to delegate or ditch and quite urgently so. How on earth did it even get this far? Talk about ignoring your better instincts, or even ignoring your body.

      Nothing is going to work if the person just ends up stopping halfway or dropping everything. Time to pause and look for a strategy. Time to ask for help, perhaps, or offload. This is a Sixth House and Virgo card (life-work balance), but also a Tenth House and Capricorn Card (ambition). It is also a Fourth House card (Cancer, the house or apartment, or premises, up ahead).

      It is quite clearly a portrait of the person who is overworking and risking his/her physical health. This is backbreaking burden and of course, the back is always the first to suffer when somebody is overloaded.

      Apart from anything else, if you sit hunched in a chair over a computer all day, your spine will not thank you. The solution here as we have seen is to stop, rest up, review, rethink, ditch, delegate and strategise.

      When the internet was first launched this card would turn up a lot for clients who were shouldering the new burden of too many emails and not enough hours in the day. You also see it when a person is psychologically and emotionally overloaded with too many mental or spiritual burdens. This is the Prime Minister who has a new baby, and a new term, and one or more crises to load onto his back. It is also the student who has taken on a part-time job, a relationship, exams and God knows what else.

      You tend to find people with difficult aspects or transits in their Sixth House drawing this card. Maybe you are one of them, but you know the solution. There are some big decisions to be made here about weighing the value of the house, holiday home or apartment, against the price tag you need to fix on actually having a life before you reach your goal. This card can be stage-managed like all Pamela Colman Smith’s cards. Bring in people to help. Perhaps, bring in a caravan or tent so this person can take a break for the weekend. Maybe bring in wild winds, to blow away some of the rods/staves/wands in the collection. Does one really need to throw so much mud at a wall, in order to get some of it to stick? Maybe that approach is quite wrong.

  14. Hi Jessica, thank you for your predictions today. I am Libra rising and I drew the 3 of cups. I would be grateful for any predictions you may have for 2023 and beyond. Gilly

    1. Gilly this is a terrific card. You must have Aquarius factors in your birth chart, as March 2023 sees Saturn go out of Aquarius (groups of allies and friends) and Pluto goes in (together you are all powerful). I think this is all female but it may be you, another woman and a man in touch with his female side. You have a tremendous amount of abundance to work with; lots of resources to share and use. This is a classic card to see when you embark on a really strong project or plan with your mates. There is celebration ahead.

  15. Hi Jessica, I only managed to log on for the end of the webinar but looking forward to listening to the recording. I was to late to pick a card unfortunately. My question is about health, I am having problems with both shoulders – the consultant says I need a shoulder replacement but I would prefer to try other things first – the latest is PRP (Plasma replacement protein) I like this because it is my own blood that is used to get the plasma and re-inject. My question is whether I should continue with trying less invasive treatments or should I bite the bullet and go for the surgery. Thanks a million and wishing you a lovely Christmas and New Year and lots of good karma. Deirdre

    1. I am sorry you need a shoulder replacement. You want to try PRP instead, Deirdre. Should you go for surgery or not? That is a second question for the Tarot, so take a deep breath, follow the steps on this website and take your time. Unrelated to this, you have too much on your shoulders. You have taken too much on your shoulders. You may have the weight of the world on your shoulders. This is not that unusual in women who obligingly do what is kind, and handle burdens for others. It may be at work, in your family and/or in a relationship or marriage. Ask the Tarot about the story behind your shoulder issue and see what comes. You can also ask your dreams; your subconscious mind may tell you. I hope you fix this. And Merry Christmas to you too.

  16. Hi Jessica, i just attended the Conscious Cafe event. It was really great. I am a Capricorn and we drew the Devil card. I am single, so understand what could be related to this, in terms of an old flame, married person etc – which i would never entertain. My question is how does this card relate to the 3 or Wands, which I drew for 2023. Blessings – Heather

    1. Thanks Heather. You will be tempted by a lover who comes with questions about what is right or wrong. You say you would never have an affair or go back to an old flame, granted, but The Devil suggests sex is the story, and the subplot is your own conscience. It’s a Major Arcana card so it’s major in your life. How does this relate to the Three of Wands, for 2023? Not directly. It may even have nothing to do with the card you drew; it could be an episode of its own. If it does relate, it’s because you find this relationship, connected to the place and the project.

  17. Hi Jessica I loved the webinar today thank you! I am curious about drawing the Ace of Pentacles. The image shows what I would describe as heading up Glastonbury to the Tor and that is exactly what I am doing in 2023 I realize this card is about money but can it also be about creating/manifesting this new dream of abundance and or foriegn lands as I am a Saggie and living in USA but so drawn to UK. I had an experience in June of 2022 at the Glastonbury Tor and found the image of this card quite extrodinary. Also may I please ask I am a Gemini Rising should I be considering my rising sign as well in this wonderful hour and half webinar and the info you provided? I LOVE being a member of your site you are my “go to” and I think you are just amazing. Thank you what you provide for us subcribers is above and beyond. Peace and Blessings Elizabeth : )

    1. The Ace of Coins does look like Glastonbury Tor gates. Pamela Colman Smith may even have had it in her mind when she created that card in 1909. There is no manifesting or creating to be done; you are in a position to gain a lump sum in 2023. You could be offered one huge deal; one enormous amount or one payoff. This makes sense as Pluto leaves your Second House of money in March 2023, returns in June 2023 and hovers for a while. Should you count your Rising Sign? No. It’s actually the least important part of your chart.

  18. Thank you Jessica for this mornings meet up. I picked the fool. I’m ready to leap but not sure into which direction. Sag sun, rising, Scorpio moon. Making this decision is the most important one I will ever make, I really need help.

    1. Thank you. The Fool is a Major Arcana card so this is a major decision for you about 2023. Can I suggest you take another route? You are full of the optimism, high hopes and energy that is required to make a leap, but you are in a risky situation with the ground crumbling beneath the Fool’s feet. The little dog is a symbol of a warning you must heed. Find another way. This way is too risky. You can take your big journey without stumbling; you just have to slow down, do your research and fine a safer alternative.

  19. Hi Jessica, I was in the zoom event today, a big thank you to you and everyone at Conscious Cafe for organising. I am trying to save to buy my first house and wanted to get your thoughts on this. The idea of having my own home and more importantly a garden is something I would really love to achieve in 2023.

    1. Thank you. As a Sun Aries your best cycle for saving money, or making it, in 12 years is coming in May 2023 and by May 2024 you may well have bought a house, or seen another twist, which enables you to get what you want from property. Never say never; Jupiter in Taurus in your Second House in your public Aries chart, is about the biggest and best, but in your private birth chart too, we find Scorpio and Taurus stelliums, so 2023 is your year. You will find you are thrown one opportunity after another financially from May 2023 through May 2024. Any stretching or straining with finance, property, business ends July 2023.

  20. Dear Jessica,

    First of all, a big thank you for a very insightful Conscious Cafe session.

    I am Virgo with stalliums in Scorpio and Aries (I am a member).
    For context, I am currently looking for my next big role (CMO), and I would like to understand what will be going on career and financially wise in my chart in 2023. My partner (Sun in Sagittarius) and I relocated due to my work in Switerland in August 2021, we live in Zurich and are really enjoying the lifestyle. I ideally woud like to find this next role in Swizterland, but it might be abroad.

    You mentioned that as a Virgo man, relocation and abroad were on the cards in 2023, but as a virgo woman, it was a man on his way to me. With my stallium in Aries, it seems that is is break up or marriage time, so I am interprating what you said as a new man is entering my life?

    Given my situation (carreer and potentially having to move abraod for this role): I am more inclined to think that what you mentioned for a Virgo man is for me instead? Am I correct?

    Many thanks for your guidance as always.

    Kind regards, Pascale

    1. Thank you so much for coming along, and also for subscribing to Premium Membership. The card for Virgo was about a man (if you are a woman) coming to meet you halfway. He may be family, friend or possibly a new lover. He will be travelling or relocating and he is sincere with a lot to give. If you get the job and move abroad, that would still apply. This is a male.

  21. Hello Jessica.
    Thank you for a great session with Conscious Café. I have two questions.
    I drew the Knight of Wands card for 2023. Can you possibly share a bit more about the meaning of this card?
    My second question is actually related to your NYSE prediction mid-December 2022 and if crypto is part of that narrative?
    Thank you so much 🙂
    Kind regards – Mounia

    1. Thank you Mounia. Sure. This is a man in a hurry with a project, concept, qualification or brainwave. Too much of a hurry; you can help by suggesting he slows down and concentrates on what he’s doing. He needs to plant this in the right place or it will never happen. He is unfocussed. This is quite handy for you; if you can assist him, then you could be part of the slow growth of this idea, once it’s in the right place. Is crypto part of the New York Stock Exchange drama? Yes, very much so.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    I loved the zoom session this evening. Wow… wish we could have more sessions like that with you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
    I am a cancer the card you pull was 4 of wands and the card I pull for 2023 is 3 of cups.
    Looking at my chart. How do you see that play out for me. Financial, work, ect.
    Thank you again,
    Have a safe week. ❤️

    1. Thank you. I’ve been chatting to Alicia Fulton at The Astrology Show about options for 2023 and I’d like to organise a salon with Premium Members where you draw from the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle and I show you how to use all three cards to answer one big question. You are set for a terrific year. Friends feature twice, or perhaps sisters. This is one big event which brings you all together, with possible meaningful outcomes, but also unity and solidarity in a small circle. Together you can do something powerful. First clues, March-May 2023.

  23. Thank you Jessica for an excellent (2am PST Victoria BC) Tarot insights and reading. I picked Tarot cards in my 20’s and in 2000 only recently. It has given me insights and view greater than logic alone. The first card I picked up in your session was 10 Swords concerning my tribe – then later 4 of Staves and finally 9 of Pentacles – all from my personal deck as you were speaking and sharing your wisdom – thank you Jessica. Can you add any insight about these cards, please and thank you Jessica.
    As always thank you for being you and for the great work you do,

  24. Hi Jessica, I love your work. Thank you for all that you do. I have my
    • 8th house in Virgo
    • Planet Mercury is 8 degrees in my 7th house.
    • VIrgo 1 degree – 16 degree 7th house

    What should I expect from these transits?

    Thank you !

    1. Your Eighth House is Scorpio, not Virgo, in the Natural House system which I use throughout this website, and actually – for over a decade now. Virgo is your Sixth House, not your Seventh House. I don’t see a chart here, so can’t spin it for you. There is a lot of free content for beginners here, so have a look at the lessons section. Thank you.

  25. Hi Jessica, tonight’s webinar was amazing as always. I drew the Six of Cups tonight. Can you tell me what this means for me please? Many thanks

    1. Thank you for buying a ticket for our Conscious Cafe event. We hope to see you again next year too. This is the Six of Cups in detail:

      This is one of Pamela’s ‘children’ cards, The Sun being the other one that people know best.

      Here we have the innocent exchange of feelings – not sex, just emotion – and done with pure charm and trust. It’s child’s play, as I’ve mentioned. Children like to go to birthday parties and give each other presents, but also to swap objects. When I was at Mowbray Heights Primary School we swapped playing cards, but also our Christmas presents. The idea here is “One for you and one for me.”

      In your horoscope, or that of another key person, we find something familiar. This card represents Leo and the Fifth House. The Fifth House describes the entertainment, education and activities which bind the generations together. Young and old. This is where might find theatre, music, riding, or a particular kind of book, like Harry Potter, which can be read by all the generations.

      As I’ve said, this card is usually about children in a literal way. So we might be talking about your niece and nephew here, or two children in your class. It sometimes turns up if there is a childish adult relationship. So, for example, if two people are all about little presents and innocent friendship, even though the cups are involved (and cups are always about stronger emotions – being linked to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). This card can turn up if a woman wants a man sexually but he wants to play at being pals.

      If we take this card purely as a child’s world, or a teenager’s universe, then we can see the escapism of a youthful reality. This is a bubble for these two younger faces. They are completely removed from the adult real world, with all their flowers and cups, in this little corner of the garden in what appears to be a very grown-up estate.

      This might be the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Buckingham Palace in the 1950s or 1960s, left to their own devices, getting on with childish or adolescent pursuits while the adults are involved in the very serious business of managing the royal property and business.

      Look at the man with his spear striding off to the left. Why is he leaving the scene? Your answer to that will be quite important as this card is open to such personal interpretation. Is this the father of your children who has dropped them off to you, for the weekend? Perhaps you get from the children what you do not get from the man. This card tells you to really relish and appreciate the children here, because they are not young forever.

      Take into account the blossoming flowers in the cups at the front of the card. What is growing? How can growth be encouraged? There is something so promising about all that you see before you, here. The two young souls, who look as if they have escaped from a fairy story. The trust between them. The solid gold cups, which always show precious and valuable relationships. The rather impressive surroundings – is this a school, or a house, or a future university?

      There is a coat of arms here and perhaps it means something to you. I have seen people take it as a symbol for Scotland.

      As I’ve said, if children or teenagers do not ring a bell with you, then this may be about the inner child in you, and another. There is nothing adult here at all – no grown-up intimacy, no money, no mortgage, no mature dialogue. No sex at all! It’s playful, naïve, heart-to-heart contact.

      This can sometimes show the Second House or Eighth House. Exchange. What one gives to another, just as one sibling leaves to another, or swaps with another. Most of all, the signs here are Cancer (the property and perhaps the siblings in the family) or Leo (children, or teenagers, as a whole). What is it telling you? There is so much here to enjoy, if you are an adult who is watching the children or teenagers from a distance. With appropriate timing and care, you could ask to be included in their game. Their child’s play.

  26. Thank you Jessica for an excellent (2am PST Victoria BC) Tarot insights and reading. I picked Tarot cards in my 20’s and in 2000 only recently. It has given me insights and view greater than logic alone. The first card I picked up in your session was 10 Swords concerning my tribe – then later 4 of Staves and finally 9 of Pentacles – all from my personal deck as you were speaking and sharing your wisdom – thank you Jessica. Can you add any insight about these cards, please and thank you Jessica.
    As always thank you for being you and for the great work you do,

    1. Thank you. The Ten of Swords is the one to watch. A couple of factors in Aquarius in the Eleventh House is about the group. This may be a bushwalking club; a political party; a grassroots organisation. Saturn there until March 2023 and Pluto entering, from March 2023, suggests you need to avoid this now; steer away from this outcome if you can.

      One of Pamela’s bleakest images. We might think of ‘the many against the one’ with this picture. It can be a classic illustration of a peer group engaged in bullying at a school, or a political party which turns against its own leader and forces a spill for leadership. This is also the footballer whose team becomes critical, en masse, of their captain. It can be a symbol of mutiny. However, it can also be a picture of the odds being stacked against one, from a situation where the numbers are unfair.

      It is important to remember that Pamela Colman Smith created this deck, on Arthur Waite’s instruction, with perhaps – posterity – in mind. It was to be a deck for the ages. Thus, it had to see Tarot readers through two world wars. This may have been a picture of a lone soldier, pilot or sailor, trying to survive a collective attack by the enemy.

      Look at the new day dawning in the background. This person is not finished yet. The hands show crossed fingers (perhaps luck is with them) or the Buddhist Vitarka Mudra symbol, which means debate, or discussion. Will this person rise again and walk away? It’s up for debate.

      Crucially you need to look at the group of aggressors who stabbed, not from the front, but the back.

      The Golden Dawn is literally seen over the mountains. As a magical group it was notorious for its in-fighting and some of the people in Pamela and Arthur’s circle did feel a sense of betrayal.

      Look to the Eleventh House of the astrological chart here. It rules the collective. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare may be referenced here. Pamela’s life in theatre saw her moving in Shakespearean circles. Et tu, Brute? is a Latin phrase literally meaning ‘and you, Brutus?’ or ‘also you, Brutus?’, often translated as ‘You as well, Brutus?’ or ‘Even you, Brutus?’.

      Caesar utters it at the moment of his assassination (stabbed in the back) by his so-called friend Marcus Junius Brutus, recognising him as one of the pack.

      The choice belongs to the figure on the ground. A new day will dawn. The sun will rise again. The landscape will look brighter, lighter and clearer, and there is a chance to get up and walk away; to begin a new life. There is also the sea – perhaps a boat can arrive and transport the survivor to a new existence. The choice is very much with the prone figure. Are these ‘flesh wounds’ to quote Monty Python and is this much worse than it looks? So much depends on the person who is crossing his/her fingers or striking a meditation pose. It’s really about willpower, the capacity to heal oneself, or request healing (the prone figure can always yell for help and hope someone comes).

      It can also go the other way. Faced with such a mammoth task ahead, rather than revive, recover and relaunch – the victim of this group effort may decide to just give up and call it a day. This card holds a very clear choice.

  27. Hi Jessica,

    I picked Two of Cups in the Tarot. But Aquarius got the Star and I have Capricorn rising, Libra moon, both got Devil card.

    What does this mean to me? :O

    Thank you, nice to be in the Conscious Cafe event.

    1. Three cards confuses the Tarot so let’s stick to your Two of Cups. It tallies with The Devil which is about a sexual relationship with a man.

      We all recognise this moment between lovers in the card (or potential lovers). A couple who have argued are about to make up, if she agrees. Two people who are dating and attracted need to cross the bridge between each other, to find intimacy and trust. This is about unspoken communication, as much as it is about finding the right words. Yet, there is so much potential for happiness in this card. An engagement or marriage. A child. Perhaps just an amicable split if the relationship is on the rocks and needs a decision. Agreeing to differ, can be one outcome of this Two of Cups card. Getting together is another! It really depends on what your question is and where your life stands, when you pull the card.

      Leo the lion is overhead with his rulership of the Fifth House, which in turn describes pregnancy, stepchildren, shared godchildren, nieces and nephews – adoption – and parenting. You should look to Leo and the Fifth House in your chart, or the other person’s.

      Leo the lion is about sexual relationships which might produce babies, or lead to step-parenting. It is also about decisions made not to have children, but to adopt nieces, nephews or godchildren as one’s own. The pretenders to the throne, as well as the heirs to the throne, are shown by Leo. Thus, this card can appear when a couple are deciding to spend money on I.V.F. treatment, or if child custody in a separation is a key question. Then there is the matter of having babies at all, and making the commitment of marriage. The lion hovers over the couple, impossible to ignore.

      Leo the lion and the Fifth House are also associated with unplanned pregnancy and abortion. The sign and the house are equally linked to infertility. You have to remember Leo is the King of beasts and the imagery of the sign in this card is quite powerful. The King can have children out of wedlock. The king’s heirs and spares are integral to any marriage. We also associate kings with court, and thus courtship – and being courted.

      This is a card of courtship, as one person tries to pay court to the other. Just look at the body language. There is tremendous hesitation here, but also the sense that something/someone bigger than both of you, is dictating what will happen. The entire situation is surrounded by a Leo and Fifth House question; who succeeds either or both of you on the throne and how is that to happen? Will it be a godchild or your own sons and daughters?

      A characteristic Kent cottage (Pamela created her deck in the countryside there) is in the background, representing a lovely home. Background details always matter in these cards. The question of property is part and parcel of what must be discussed or agreed. Thus, the association of this card with two people moving in together, or breaking up and selling the apartment.

      The asteroid Aesculapius is shown by the snakes entwined on the rod which also looks like a DNA symbol – the double helix. You might look for that in the charts. This asteroid is about what comes back from the brink. Who or what has been written off, but comes to life again, rather miraculously. Thus, this card can show reconciliation. Two people have parted company but, amazingly, given all that has been said and done – they are now ready to talk about making up. A child may have been involved, or the question of pregnancy may be unavoidable.

      Cups are sex and emotion in the Tarot. They represent the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the tradition of the Tarot cards. What deal are these two making? You might want to look at Cancer and the Fourth House (family and property), Scorpio and the Eighth House (legacies and finances) but also Pisces (spiritual beliefs and religious convictions).

      This card also works as a Gemini symbol (the glyph is the Gemini sign) and all pairs of ‘twins’ or twin souls are Gemini. One person stands firm. The other is hesitant. It really depends on your personal situation. Gemini is a pair, just as Libra (below) is a pair. The difference here is that Gemini is about communication, or a lack of it! You can see the faltering, hesitant attempts to speak a language that can be understood by both sides, in the Two of Cups. It is about listening properly and hearing correctly. Also, allowing the other person to say his or her piece without judgement or interruption. Perhaps it is Gemini-based, Third House communication issues between both parties that got us here in the first place.

      This card also symbolises the Seventh House and Libra – couples who have to negotiate having a child, moving in together, separating or reconciling. Libra is about the scales (literally the two cups or bowls held on a single chain or stand) and how to make them symmetrical. This brings us back to the idea of deal-making, no matter if the deal is to come together at last, or part company. Using one or both horoscopes can really help if you are looking for zodiac sign or house clues. Is this a Libra question about equality and the law, or a Gemini question about communication? Perhaps it is both. You would certainly be looking at Leo and the Fifth House in either or both charts to see what the bigger story is. There may be a transit to a Leo placement, or there may be a transit in Leo. As with all Pamela’s cards, the illustration is a stage set with props, actors and a supplied script. You are free to direct your own life by moving all these elements around until you get what you want and need.

  28. Thank you for such a fast response! I will definitely leave things to my daughter and her husband. I never get in their business but I do pray for all four of them all the time. I know we’ve all chosen are Karma and the wheel keeps turning!
    Much Love

  29. Hi Jessica. I was on the zoom meeting today. Was really great and insightful. Thank you so much! You drew the Devil for Capricorn. I pulled 9 of swords for career in 2023 and I pulled The Emperor for a house to buy with my Husband in 2023 (he’s a Gemini). I’m studying to be a counsellor at the moment and the fees for next year are £4,200. I’m thinking my cards don’t look all that brilliant for the house move or career lol. With rising costs, I’m wondering how I pay/work for/win next year’s fees (for September)? Thanks xx

    1. The Devil is your husband and the marriage; The Emperor again talks about your husband. So the Tarot is talking to you about the marriage, not the house or the money. This will chime with the Full Moon on 6th January 2023, but until 2026, you two must sort out the issues of freedom, in the context of the bedroom, and perhaps existing children, or future pregnancy. Your financial barricades and obstacles disappear next March 2023 when you realise you have a new game to play financially if you have the willpower.

  30. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for a great session!
    I drew out 2023 the Empress – Last couple of months I had upcoming really great paid creative job that all fell through. What does this mean for 2023 job, relationship? Sun Capricorn – raising Pisces- moon Cancer

    1. This is The Empress.

      Here we have the very image of domestic bliss. The Domestic Goddess, perhaps a Nigella Lawson type, or Vita Sackville-West, is immortalised in a lush Kent or Sussex garden. This is a Bohemian who has dropped out of big city life. It is a Hippie who has decided to redefine success as life on holiday.

      The stars on the crown worn by The Empress will have special meaning for you. Perhaps astrology is her crowning glory. This may also be an old wedding tiara – The Empress still wears the triumph of her big day on her head. Maybe it is astronomy which rules her, intellectually, not astrology. Everything in Pamela’s cards has a meaning, but it is usually there to be defined by you, in an intensely personal way.

      The Venus symbol is on the heart ( a strange concrete heart) wedged under this woman’s chaise longue. We also see Ceres, the dwarf planet, symbolised by the corn at her feet. There is plenty of astrology here.

      Ceres was the goddess of Roman agriculture who ruled the four seasons. In fact, she was discovered in 1801 when The Four Seasons made its debut. This composition reflects the synchronicity of the year. Ceres was in charge of spring, summer, autumn and winter. She ruled the harvest of corn and wheat, which depended on regular seasons.

      The Empress is more than just a woman of leisure with stars on her crown and a Venus (desire) symbol in stone at her elbow. She is also reminding us of Ceres and the need to reap what you sow from a rich harvest, so that you can prepare for the future.

      Summer does not last. It turns to Autumn and then Winter. The Empress is a reminder that you can live for the moment, but you also have to prepare for the future.

      In the original story of Ceres, Pluto and Proserpina, it was accepted that whenever Proserpina (the beloved daughter of Ceres) was on her annual six-month departure from Hades, and her husband Pluto – the earth laughed in flowers. Ceres was overjoyed to have her daughter Proserpina back with her, and so Autum and Winter were left behind, along with the lonely dark days of sole motherhood, to be replaced by sunshine, warm weather and the harvest.

      The Empress is a cautionary tale, as well as a delight. Unless you leave the sofa and get to work, cutting the wheat and corn, and grinding it for flour – you may find there is precious little to feed you when the seasons change. You can literally interpret this card that way, thinking three months into the future, or six months into the future. A symbolic autumn or winter.

      The Empress has the stars in her crown as we have seen (perhaps the stars are celebrities – it depends on your line of work) and she is holding a golden spoon, which is open to your interpretation. For some people this is a symbol of Wales, land of the giant and elaborate wooden spoons. For other people, the spoon is a nod to The Who and their song Substitute. (‘I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.’) Other people do not see a spoon at all. They see a microphone. The Empress is a podcaster.

      The cushions are beautiful and expensive – probably velvet. You can see the Venus symbol repeated on the final black-and-yellow cushion. As we have spoken about Ceres, it is only fair to mention the other Roman goddess, Venus. Both Venus and Ceres were intensely feminine archetypes.

      Venus was beautiful and vain. Her symbol in astrology is a truncated hand-mirror. For some people, the spoon in the card is actually a strange little looking-glass for a dressing-table.

      Venus was jealous of women who were as beautiful (or more beautiful) than she was. Venus seduced men, but was also seduced by them. She was married to Vulcan the blacksmith, but had sex on the side with Mars the warrior. Venus is very 20th Century Fox. You will see her in a lot of Hollywood films.

      So, The Empress is not Venus, but she leans on her. Venus is on her cushion. Venus is also part of the furniture – the grey slab. Perhaps The Empress owes the garden to her marriage, her common-law marriage, her divorce or her separation. It supports her.

      A river is pouring in. This is abundance! But it needs to be harnessed, used, managed and not left to fall away. This, together with the wheat which must be cut and ground into flour, is the second cautionary symbol in the card. This is a beautiful river and it will supply the garden all summer, but what if it floods? This is not the first time in this deck Pamela will create a waterway which is in danger of being all over the place, all the time, everywhere.

      The Empress is a delightful symbol of a woman who has tremendous comfort, luxury, peace, quiet, solitude and harmony.

      She is not feeling remotely alone, though, as she has that rather interesting symbol of love, sex and seduction (Venus) which is evergreen. Clearly a relationship, or a phase in a marriage, is there to be revived and recycled, if she wants to do it!

      The only thing to say about this card is that like so many of Pamela’s illustrations of fertile times and ‘the good life’ there is a need to stop lounging around, roll up the sleeves and get to grips with what needs to be harvested and set aside for the future. You should look at both Ceres and Venus if examining an astrological chart.

  31. Thank you for this morning. I drew the king of wands…does the king of wands need help /should delegate or are they destined to be alone? I am gemini.

    1. Ask him, when he goes centre-stage, between late December 2022 (now) and May 2023. As a Sun Gemini you can speak his language and help him do something with this project.

  32. Hi Jessica! Thank you for all your work. My alarm did not wake me at 4:30am for the zoom and I was only able to log in for the end of the webinar but looking forward to listening to the recording. My chart has stelliums are in – Scorpio, Aquarius, SAGITTARIUS and TAURUS. I’ve had a lot of life changes these past years. I my 2023missed the tarot picking but would appreciate your perspective of what 2023 may hold for me.

    1. Unfortunately this Tarot prediction is linked to the event, but if you join as a Premium Member you can read an extended Tarot deck and also pick up the books from your library on here. Thank you.

  33. Hi Jessica, thank you for a very insightful session earlier today. I drew Ace of Cups. I am ready for a positive change in 2023 but would love to get more insight on what this card means for me (single sun libra). Would it be possible to get some insight if it is good to dip into property market for me in 2023? Whenever it is a purchase or switching a career into this sector, or both? Thanks so much.

    1. This isn’t about the property market, but it is about something potentially more valuable:

      This is one of those cards which makes every heart leap because at first glance it transmits so much joy and energy. It is a terrific Tarot card to see if you have been going through a hard time. It often turns up before a baby is Christened, but it can also appear when there is a relationship phase, a friendship phase, or a brand new involvement which is the gift that goes on giving.

      There are many symbols here. The letter W is on the cup. The Christian cross is on the Holy Communion wafer. The dove of peace flies overhead. The Tibetan Buddhist lotus flower floats on the water. As always with Pamela’s cards you should interpret the symbols in a personal way. Perhaps you know a William or a Williams, so the letter W is significant. Maybe the ‘W’ in Pamela’s 1909 illustration stands for WWW today and this card is about a website venture which is emotionally and creatively rewarding.

      The Holy Grail is certainly hidden in the cup symbolism so perhaps you are involved with Arthurian mythology or even Monty Python! As I said, this card is rich with symbols which are best interpreted in a highly personal way. The lotus flowers which are dotted on the water may have particular meaning for you if you are involved with Tibet, or Thailand.

      The cup itself is about emotional or sometimes sexual fulfilment and this one is overflowing as we’ve seen. There is no end to what pours forth. Your cup runneth over and the cups were associated with water signs in the original Tarot, so this is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

      It’s all potential, certainly, and unrealised to date. You have to make this happen, by trusting the Tarot card and believing that the time is right to take what is on offer. It is yours to enjoy and time is of the essence as it’s not certain how long the offer will remain.

      The cloud is classic quantum uncertainty and Pamela Colman Smiths’ cards are full of it. Billowing clouds of potential delivery and hypothetical reality. Nothing can happen until this is made real. This is really part of the Tarot experience; there is no point drawing cards in a cynical way, as the trick with quantum reality is to accept, trust and ‘know’ things to be true. When you step into Pamela and Arthur’s world of Tarot, you have to enter completely. There is no point distrusting the experience or being sceptical about what is there. This card is about buying into what and who is on offer.

      At the moment, for all that this card is so joyful, it is an unpopped universe. Christenings are often suggested by this card, as I’ve mentioned, or there is a spiritually fulfilling and emotionally rewarding passage in a relationship or family situation which feels as if something has been ‘Christened’ or blessed and brought into being. It’s a lovely image. Refreshing, promising, deep and complex. Reach for what you see.

      Something sacred is on offer here but it must be brought down to earth and integrated into your life. The imagery of water suggests the water signs, as well as the cup; Cancer is mother’s milk. Scorpio is the blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids) of a passionate marriage. Pisces is just tears.

      The tremendous emotional and spiritual surge of the Ace of Cups is profoundly moving, because it describes something that is so deeply felt between two or more people. This is the stuff of great music or poetry; great art or spiritual experiences. It is also of tremendous religious importance to some Roman Catholics, as this imagery ties in with Sunday Mass.

      On a more basic note, a gold cup is a gold cup. This can be the sportsman’s victory, held aloft, no matter if we’re talking The World Cup in football or The Grand Prix. The winner of The Melbourne Cup or any other cup is suggested here, depending on who you are, and what your question is. This is so much more than a win on the board, though. It transcends the metal in the hand, and becomes so much more than it is, spiritually. You might say England’s 1966 World Cup, in Bobby Moore’s hands, with Her Majesty the Queen in attendance, on British soil – against Germany, twenty years or so after the war – had that kind of resonance.

  34. Thank you for the conscious cafe event. Wondering if you can shed any light on my 2023 & beyond. I’m pondering big life changes – whether to have a baby on my own using a donor (I’m 41 & single), which would also mean moving out of my sharehouse rented apartment that I absolutely adore but has perhaps been keeping me stuck energetically…in terms of a partner, I feel like I never seem to meet anyone at all. Definitely enjoying freedom of singledom but yearning for connection nonetheless. Career however is fabulous, investments not so much. Any insights would be so appreciated!
    (I drew 7 of pentacles for next year!)

    1. Huge questions here about becoming a single mother with a donor. There is karma here going back 18 or 19 years until July 2023, so I don’t know if you had an abortion then, or had a boyfriend, with the chance to become pregnant or adopt (or become a stepmother) – it is often on that level. The Tarot has leapfrogged your question as it would like you to think about something else in 2023. So here it is:

      This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?

      This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.

      So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.

      There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.

      Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.

      It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?

      This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
      This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.

      I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).

      You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.

  35. Dear Jessica!
    Appreciate our work!. My alarm did not wake me at 4:30AM but I did manage to log in for the end of the zoom session. Looking forward to viewing the full recording. I am a sun Scorpio and Aquarius moon and rising. My chart has stelliums SCORPIO, AQUARIUS, SAGITTARIUS and TAURUS. Would love your perspective on what 2023 holds for me. Thank YOU

    1. Thank you. Alicia and I are talking about separate American-Canadian events for 2023 to keep you on a more civilised time zone with me in Hobart. Okay, so you will have the best opportunity in 12 years to make so much more of a professional partnership, marriage or sexual relationship, from May 2023 to May 2024. If your partnership is on the rocks, a terrific solution will appear after May 2023, with counselling or an amicable split.

  36. I had to drop out early and can’t wait for the recording. You’ve already told me via a previous comment that I will have to continue enduring until at least March and I drew the hanged man which seems to confirm it.

    1. Yes, The Hanged Man suggests dangling, likely until March, which is what we are all waiting for. It may also be February (a bit sooner) as Mercury Retrograde ends then. Here is the full interpretation:

      Dangling upside down, stuck (for the moment) and going nowhere fast, The Hanged Man is a symbol of any retrograde planet. Retrograde means that normal motion is obstructed; the planet appears to stand still and go backwards. Mars Retrograde means action is reversed. Mercury Retrograde means communication is reversed. Do check your astrological chart if you see this classic symbol of a standstill.

      When the time is right things move on, but first of all that has to be illumination and enlightenment. The Eureka moment of truth is suggested here. So is the Sun (Sun Sign) or aspects to the Sun as the human head here is radiating golden light.

      This is rather like being forced to wait for an outcome with property or family (say) or citizenship. The roots and branches of the foliage above The Hanged Man’s head suggest where he has come from (either side of the family tree) or where he is going to. This is one of the ‘absolutely male’ cards in Pamela Colman Smith’s deck. Unlike some of the more ambiguous people illustrated, this is quite clearly a man.

      I always think of the phrase ‘cooling-off period’ when The Hanged Man appears, as sometimes a house or apartment purchase comes with that option, should the purchaser change his mind. The enlightenment can be a brilliant breakthrough or realisation which changes the original plan.

      On a more serious note, I read for a woman whose boyfriend had disappeared, when this card turned up. She feared he had hung himself – taken his own life – but none of Pamela’s cards ever show death, unless it is a known factor already. In fact, he was just ‘dangling’ and had no fixed address. He had lost his telephone. (The Hanged Man is upside-down so things fall out of his pockets). Eventually, he turned up.

      The family tree on either side is suggested (Cancer, Fourth House) and the T shape of the tree may be a classic T-Square, which in astrology is a point of tension when three factors form 90 degree squares to each other.

      When the time is ready, this person will untangle himself, reach up, and start moving. The whole purpose of the waiting game would appear to be a spiritual or mental wake-up call.

      Look beyond the title. Look at the actual figure, who is all tangled up. This card reminds me of Bono and U2, and their song about being stuck in a situation you can’t get out of. It takes the most tremendous effort to do so, but it can be done. This card is also rather like Shakespeare’s expression ‘hoist by your own petard.’ You can be your own worst enemy here (or someone else is) self-sabotaging and stuck as a result of it.

      The planet Uranus is associated with the world turning upside-down. In mythology, Uranus was thrown off his wife, Gaia (the earth) having sex with her. He turned her upside-down. The shock of hair on The Hanged Man and the suggestion of electrocution, with hair standing on end, is a good pointer to a recent or current Uranus transit.

      Uranus is the symbol of a world turning upside-down, and electricity (he was the father of electricity, and consequently shock). He is also the symbol of independence and liberation. At some point The Hanged Man will stop this state of suspended animation, and find the strength and willpower to free himself. The sense of space and autonomy after such a long time spent trapped in mid-air will probably feel quite Uranian. A revolution. A revelation. Liberation!

  37. Dear Jessica, thank for your contribution. I would to ask what do I need to do in order to prepare adequately for the fact that Jupiter will around in my Sixth House until May 16th, 2023. Following your previous comments I am 100% dedicated to the tasks need to undertake. Thank you

  38. Hi Jessica, I bought a ticket to the event but I didn’t manage to stay up until 2:30 am. I’m hoping ill get to watch the recording in the next couple of days.
    I’m a sun Capricorn, with a stellium in Capricorn, Libra, and Sagittarius. It’s been pretty tough since 2008. I’ve felt like whatever I’ve done work-wise or in my personal life hasn’t turned out right. I’ve also been trying to heal from PTSD (from childhood trauma) and depression.
    I started a new job on Oct 24, it’s still early days but, I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake. However, when I asked the Tarot about 2023 and this company, I got The Wheel of Fortune card. I also asked the Tarot about what 2023 will mean for me, I got the Strength card.
    I’m not looking to get rich or excel to the top of my field, I’m looking for some job security and peace.
    Based on my birth chart do you see 2023 being a better year for me?

    1. The time zones from Hobart to London and across the pond don’t quite work, do they, and 2.30am is bed time. The recording is up and some readers have kindly shown time-stamps, so you can fast-forward to your Sun sign Tarot reading. I am sorry you have been depressed and hope you have found a way through. The Wheel of Fortune accurately shows you a change in the balance of power in the organisation. Swings and roundabouts. It may happen once or twice, actually, by March 2023 and that month itself may see people at the top of influence or control, relinquishing it. Pluto leaves Capricorn and your Tenth House of career then, until June. There may be a replay or rewind of events after June, as he retrogrades. What you will likely see is reshuffling and you may want to stay philosophical about it. The Wheel of Fortune is not the security you want, professionally, as your new job (since October) seems tied to a company where nothing is fixed. See what you have to gain, though. You may want to ask again, and find out what the positives are. The Strength card is about healing. This will be successful, and there may be a procedure. A dentist, for example, or surgeon. Going back to the start of your question, if you’ve been feeling challenged since 2008, your answer is a series of cycles in the Cardinal signs – Capricorn, Aries – triggering your own Cardinal stelliums in Capricorn and Libra. This draws to a close as Pluto goes out of Capricorn so you will in fact find life a lot easier. Babies, children or teenagers play a surprising and very welcome part in your life, May 2023 to May 2024 and you’ll find freedom through that. This takes us back to the Sun card which was for everyone at the session.

  39. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for another wonderful event hosted through Conscious Cafe, I’m a Leo sun, sag moon, Capricorn rising and stelliums in Virgo, cancer, libra and Capricorn. I was very interested in your mention of a new Leo cycle/change. I am currently going through a nasty divorce and put all my money into the family home, paying for the bulk of the house and costs, the divorce is due to happen in April, we bought it in 2003 and my ex still owes half of the mortgage he took out for his 1/2 share, so can you tell whether I would be owed this money back and therefore will get a good outcome in the court? I have 5 children who are my world and truly need to know whether I can look forward to continuing stability for them to stay in their family home? Also how will my finances look for the future and career if you’ve time. Many thanks love your work K, I’m a member xxx

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. Yes, Leo has that ‘share’ finance card in the Tarot for 2023 and it chimes exactly with Saturn going into Leo’s Eighth House of joint property, assets, banking and security. I am sorry about your divorce. That’s also something that many Leo women are dealing with, unfortunately, as you go through Saturn with all his obstacles and barriers, in your Seventh House of marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. The cycle ends in March 2023. You have five children to look after and of course you can see a small child in the Tarot card, representing them. If the divorce is due in April, that makes sense. You’ve not mentioned your parent/s or his. The senior figure in the card has a role here, and this chimes with the astrology too. It’s not just about you two and the children, their grandparent/s must be part of the discussion. The good news is, there is more than enough to go around, in this money-go-round, so it’s down to communication and participation, from all the players.

  40. Hi Jessica
    As a new member I very much enjoyed the Conscious Cafe today and was pleased to hear about Ukraine which is always to the forefront. Had a bad connection so could not do the Tarot but I have stelliums in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius and have had a bruising past two years. I have now inherited from my mother who died last year and would like to know if the thoughts I have about what to do with it are on the right track. Move, help adult children, whether it is safely invested in these uncertain times, etc.
    Very best wishes and hope to join in in the future. Love and light to all for Christmas – Wendy

    1. Thank you. The Sun card was quite explicit about Ukraine with its sunflowers and blue/yellow colours, for 2023. I’m sorry your internet connection would not enable you to draw a Tarot card at the event. The loss of your mother shows up in your birth chart, Wendy, as the South Node is currently passing through Scorpio in your Eighth House of legacies, and so you are dealing with the inheritance, as well as the ongoing adjustment to your sad loss. You have your South Node in Scorpio, and so are going through your South Node Return, as this is exactly where the travelling, or transiting, South Node will end up. The cycle ends in July and then you can truly move on. If you like, you can give yourself a three-way reading for guidance about this inheritance. Just follow the steps with the Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to see.

  41. Hi Jessica,
    Am sorry I missed your zoom meeting it sounded so interesting. I sent in a question on the Aries astrology cycle blog and you mentioned my question would be discussed more at the meeting. I just wondered what the outcome was please.
    Thank you.

  42. Hi Jessica,
    thank you so much for your beautiful insights.
    I am an Aries with Aries and Taurus stellium (I am a member).
    Actually I’m in trouble with the taxman thanks to my accountant, and I feel the need to make a total change in my professional life.
    As you could imagine, I’m experiencing a great anxiety about my future.
    My card for 2023 was the Hierophant.
    Will I find the right direction in my life?
    A big hug.

    1. Thank you Mary. You are not logged in so I can’t see your chart. The Hierophant is not about your tax and accountant, it is about spirituality, religion, faith and belief. The Hierophant is the Pope. Are you laying down the law and reciting the ‘bible’ you follow, or is a higher authority doing that, and you (and others) figuring out the rest? Pick up your Tarot content from the library on here, which is free to Premium Members and find out more about this card. It is a Major Arcana card of major importance.

  43. It was a great session, glad to wake up for it. I drew the ten of Pentacles. As a widow, with no family to inherit from, I think it was about my money. I am Cancer sun and Scorpio rising and moon, so I listened to both cards you drew. They really helped me. My young Libra daughter is in a relationship, and I think the Devil fit her for the current year. Just wanted your interpretation of ten of pentacles for me if there isn’t any chance of inherited money. Non, nada.

    1. Thank you so much. The Ten of Pentacles (coins) is indeed about your money. March 2023 is a big month of decisions about the legacy you leave, or a living will, perhaps. Maybe lending or just giving money, or cash in kind – access to a house or apartment. I expect it is about your daughter and she will save or make a lot of money from May 2023, which would fit.

  44. Hi Jessica! I was up at 5.30am to listen to your session. Thank you so much for your generosity, it was insightful as always!

    I drew the page of pentacles. My question was about my glamping venture which is launching March 21st 2023. There’s a lot going on in the world and I have been wallowing in the usual anxiety of whether it will be successful or not. Would love your insight!

    Thank you!

    1. I am flattered you woke up at 5.30am, but I have replied to you elsewhere. Thank you.

    1. That’s fascinating. I must go back to my Rupert Murdoch prediction. I made it quite a long time ago, so I can’t remember the dates, but I do remember the original forecast tallied with the Fox story. Let’s see. Full Moon in Gemini and all that. Thank you.

  45. Good morning Jessica,
    Thank-you for your session last night, I really enjoyed it. I am a premium member of your site and it has so much informative content – it is such great value for money.
    I am a cancer sun, Capricorn moon and I have felt very “stuck” in what career I want to Pursue next. I have been a Nurse for the past 15years but left in October 2021. I’m hoping the astrology might boost my career next year. Thank you

    1. Thank you very much, I will pass that on to Asporea who run this website. You will have terrific new opportunities for success, just before Christmas Eve, extending to May 2023 and should snap them up. There will be more than one. You left nursing and now the world is your oyster for a few months. It may be that you are asked to step in to replace someone who took a job (a very good one) but now finds himself/herself unable or unwilling. That can happen. Your Capricorn Moon will be relieved from March 2023 when you can put all the game-playing, one-upmanship and petty politics behind you. That’s history in your career now.

  46. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for another great Conscious Café session. I have recently subscribed as a Premium Member and I am grateful for all the information you share.
    I am a Sun Aries with stelliums in Sagittarius (5), Aries (4), Virgo (4) and Gemini (4). I drew the Ten of Pentacles.
    I quit one of my jobs (draining and negative) last week and will be pursuing a new business idea in publishing (bilingual newspaper/newsletter). Apparently my career path will change once again but it seems like either in business or love, things never work out for me and/or I manage to mess things up. Is there a reason for that?
    Thank you, Jessica! ET

    1. Thank you very much. The bilingual newsletter will hit delays, changes and cancellations until March, but don’t be put off. The core of the idea is there and it will resurface in a bigger better way May 2024-June 2025 and if you persist, will change your life and change a small corner of the world from the year 2025 too, well past 2030. What you have now is a ‘goer’ which keeps getting stuck, delayed or stopped because of Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Third House of publishing newspapers and newsletters. You need to ask yourself if the goer is a grower, long-term. Is there a vision taking you past 2030 when new technology is invented? The Tarot can help with your question about failures in business and love. Follow the steps. Use the library on here. Ask ‘Why?’ and ‘What can I do?’ Yet, long-term, even if you do nothing with your translation idea, when Jupiter and then Uranus go into Gemini and trigger your Gemini and Sagittarius stelliums (literally media and foreigners) your entire life will undergo the most exciting revolution that liberates you, changes you and profoundly alters a corner of the world, as I’ve said.

  47. Firstly, I think you are a brilliant star, as is your website. I study it daily. It has been life changing. I hope to know whats coming in career, finances and marriage. I hold premium membership – my chart is Sun Virgo, Moon Pisces, Stelliums Leo[9], Virgo[5]. For 2023 I pulled the King of Swords which looked like my brother the quintessential property developer ugh, or my son. The 2nd card I pulled was The Moon. I have Satur,n MC, Vesta, in Scorpio. Merci.

  48. Hi Jessica, I really enjoyed the Jupiter & Chiron in Aries event and today’s Conscious cafe event. Insightful and super interesting as always. A five of coins card popped out for me during the Conscious Cafe event, I then pulled the Knight of Wands. Could you please expand on what this could mean related to my chart? Could there be issues / changes with finances, career or home? Thank you.

    1. Just pull one card please. The Tarot is muddled and you are muddled, when you get one for the event, and another later. Going back to the Five of Coins,Two people in a very bad way are in the freezing cold, one on crutches with a head wound and the other depressed with a downcast head. We think about feeling down with depression, be it mild or severe. Feeling downcast, being down in the dumps and so on. The other person is crippled by something, or someone. It is very important to interpret the two people in terms of your own situation, or that of a person you are concerned about. Are they co-dependent? Perhaps they are strangers thrown together by their situation. They may be two homeless people who have met on the road. Yet, this card can also show a long-married couple whose partnership rests on one being ill or having chronic conditions, and the other being burdened with mental health problems – depression or anxiety, for example. They go together, because they feed or supply each other with the necessary attitude, mindset and psychological loop.

      Both are desperately poor, because in freezing conditions, surely you should have a car to travel in, or at least be indoors? This is the Britain of 1909, when Pamela Colman Smith created her card, and there was no modern welfare state. Winter is also a metaphor for being out in the cold, being left in the cold, finding cold comfort, being frozen out by society – or other people.

      And yet, and yet there are five glowing, brilliant gold coins or pentacles in the stained glass window of the church they cannot see, or will not see. Then as now, the Roman Catholic church was a huge source of wealth, abundance and also charity. No matter if the source of potential donations, handouts or benefits is a religious institution or a bank (which also has its high priests and following) there is shelter here, at least. Beyond shelter or sanctuary, there may also be money.

      This is about a blind spot so an eclipse may be involved. Eclipses are very common when something or someone is hidden in plain sight. These two people are walking straight past the obvious; the church with its collection plate for the poor and its central creed, which is the care of Jesus Christ for the impoverished. The Good Samaritan ethos.

      Neptune also distorts vision as well as eclipses, if you are looking at astrological charts. Money is Taurus and/or Scorpio and the Second House and Eighth House of the chart. We may be looking at Virgo and the Sixth House, too, which rules illness, injury, chronic conditions – but also depression and anxiety. Virgo also rules the remedy and cure for all this, too.

      The solution is for these two poor souls to step inside the church and ask for charity, which it is there to provide. To get there, they will have to come up with a different strategy.

      The depressed person is the prime mover here. You might think about the crutch you see in the card. Is someone acting as a crutch to lean on? 

This card turns up when two people are in a co-dependent relationship with both believing suffering is a way of life and there is no way out. One person is able to walk, at least, and there is no physical complaint – but there is depression or anxiety. The other person depends upon him/her just to keep going. You would assume the person on crutches has been helped along, here, but is now trying to go it alone. Both are so embedded in their drama that they are putting one foot in front of the other, not very successfully, and completely ignoring (but perhaps, just not seeing) the obvious, glittering, source of warmth and potential financial support under their very noses.

      The truth is, both could help each other. The person on crutches is a symbol of a human being who ‘needs a crutch’ which may be alcohol, drugs or the companion, here. Some marriages can function like this. The chronic invalid married to the person with depression. There is loyalty here, self-sacrifice and love, which is priceless (you cannot put a ‘coin’ price on compassion and allegiance) and we are reminded of the marriage vows. Until death do us part. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. For better, for worse. Perhaps the church is a reminder of the wedding ceremony of the past, when these two were joined in the eyes of God. Now, the stained glass windows are here with a reminder. This card can certainly be taken in that direction, if it suits your situation.

      The person with hunched posture is in a better position to act on the option of sanctuary, assistance, financial support, comfort – perhaps immediate accommodation or emergency help – although anxiety or depression will need to be tackled, first.

      The brilliant, beautiful coins or pentacles in the stained-glass window symbolise a building, home or organisation which is not just rich, secure and constructed with a spiritiual purpose – it is wondrous to behold. There is glory here, and ‘the light’ as well. Pamela was a Roman Catholic later in life and in her day, as now, nuns were the backbone of the church, giving all they had to support those in need.

      This may or may not be a message about, say, the work of St. Vincent de Paul, or Buddhist monasteries which feed the poor, but whatever institution, organisation or person is represented by the church or cathedral windows, emits light. Amazing Grace is a hymn that springs to mind here. Lost and found.

      I visited Bude, where Pamela Colman Smith spent the last years of her life, and found the church where she may have been laid to rest. On a chilly Autumn night, when all around was dark and cold, the church doors were open and inside, candles were lit, wooden pews were warm and there were messages of hope.

      The stained glass windows could also symbolise a government department or benevolent family here. If you think about windows of opportunity, that may help with your interpretation.

      The message with this card is – change your attitude – look up and you will see an answer to your financial prayers – work on your attitudes – get moving – make help happen. On a purely practical note, you’d have to say the key is the lead figure, literally leading the way, and his/her mental health. If that can be tackled, then all else is possible.

      I sometimes have readers drawing this card who have no money, no job and no hope. They are living with a dependent family member who cannot afford proper health care and have drawn a blank. I suggest free YouTube healing and hypnosis sessions from generous professionals like Paul McKenna and Reiki Grand Master Sandip Jain, because although there are no guarantees that every expert will work for every reader, there is hope that one might.

      This is very much a card about hope and also about generosity of spirit. People can and do seek meditation, distant healing, hypnotherapy or counselling to help with depression and anxiety or even get rid of it. Thanks to the internet, a great deal of it is free of charge and might just be the key that turns the lock in the door, that lets these two into a dazzling and promising sanctuary.

  49. HI Jessica – thank you for your regular update on the worldly predictions. Can you please look at my chart. I have been based in UK for last 12 years or so. But since 2020, me and my wife have been contemplating moving back to our home country, where both of our families are based. But the decision is not coming easy , especially as we have career/kids school in UK. This contemplation has delayed the decision to buy our family house. We are really eager to decide soon and settle down in our family home. Can you please look at my chart and guide what is in store for me for next couple of years (career, house, relocation!). I could not attend the zoom call, but i drew “Four of wands” in the tarot while asking “what does 2023 has in store for me”. I have 7 stelliums in scorpio, 6 stelliums in Aquarius and 4 stelliums in Sagittarius. Thank you

  50. Hi Jessica.

    Thank you for today at the conscious cafe. I’d love a reading and birth chart. How do I go about this?.
    I got 8 of swords, and I’m a libra. What does this mean for wealth and relationships.

    1. Thank you. I don’t give readings unless they are at charity auction and BBC Children in Need just auctioned one for several thousand pounds, but in 2023 I will likely offer another one, as they have asked me to do this again. Until then, become a Premium Member and you will have access to the 2023-2024 Horoscope Reports, but they are limited in number and sell out very quickly. You are imposing wealth and love on the Tarot but the Tarot doesn’t want to talk to you about that. I will give you the interpretation for that card, I usually give members. Here you go –
      This woman who cannot see, and cannot move, is being trapped by her own inability to act. In fact, a new future is waiting. She could easily travel or move, to the promising accommodation in the distance, if she were to remove her blindfold. This means loosening what restricts or confines her and she needs to use the swords (past attacks or threats) psychologically, to do it.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
A blindfolded woman is surrounded by fallen swords, which create a jail for her. She is also tied up. A castle is in the background – not too far away. She could cry for help but that might take weeks. The damsel in distress is here but the answer is not always a distress call. She would be much better off using her initiative and sensing when she is out of danger – then using the swords to cut the fabric that binds her arms and hands. 

This card usually turns up when a woman (sometimes literally with dark hair) is trapped emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Don’t get too fixated on the hair colour or the gender, but in my experience as a hands-on Tarot reader in my twenties and thirties, it is often a wife in a bad marriage, or a career woman in a bad professional situation.

If you look closely at the card you will see the swords are only just lodged in the sand and mud of the receding tide. If she waits long enough the tide will come in and the swords will float away. That could be dangerous, though. If she cannot wriggle free, she risks drowning. So, even though these swords (representing the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune) are wobbling, she can’t afford to hang around.

      This is real Action Woman hero stuff. Once her hands are free she can take away her blindfold and see just how close the castle is – and other options, not seen in the landscape of the card. The castle is a symbol of a new house, apartment or work space. Perhaps, just a really good holiday – the kind that transports one. There is quite a distance to walk, climb or journey, but it is not so far that she cannot sense it.

This card encourages you or someone else to use intuition and the sixth sense, because when one cannot see (blindfolded, symbolically) there is only the inner, psychic sense to lean on.

      Use who or what hurt you to break free. That is the message of this card. It is a symbol of Mars (action) but also Uranus (the process of liberation). So, transiting Mars or Uranus may be involved, or there may be transits to your natal Mars or Uranus.

      It may be seen in the light of the Suffragette movement of 1909 which Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was involved with – or Women’s Liberation in the 1970s when her deck had its rebirth thanks to U.S. Games Systems. This is woman (‘hear me roar’ to quote Helen Reddy) but there is not much roaring going on. There is no point squeaking ‘Help! Help!’ because there is no evidence at all that there is any figure in the castle on the cliffs, or even just out of sight, beyond the margins of the card, to save one.

Instead, this woman must set about the determined task of using who/what hurt her, or threatened her, or encircled her, to break free. If this was an episode of Doctor Who, and we were looking at Sarah Jane Smith trapped by the antics of Daleks or Cybermen, we would be giving her stage directions. Shouting instructions at the television.

      If the woman in this card senses she is safe (and she should; we can see no further threats in the picture) it is time to wriggle over to the swords and use them to chafe the ties that bind, until they are broken. The blindfold can then be removed, and the woman will see just how secure she is. Just how non-threatening those swords, thrown a long time ago, actually are. Just how free she is to make her move. To leave the scene. To embark on the journey. To head for that new home or exhilarating holiday.

      This card advises planning, strategy, some caution, some persistence, determination and stamina. Yet, there is absolutely no reason why a woman who has been trapped in a miserable situation, psychologically, should not be liberated from all the restrictions and given the gift of clear vision, to make her way onwards and upwards. And far, far away from a mental prison.

  51. Hi Jessica,

    Many thanks for the wonderful zoom.

    I pulled the the Three of Wands as my card.

    I am worried about my career prospects. I feel am am constantly overlooked. It’s like I am always the bridesmaids…!

    My most recent boss a Libra totally took advantage of me and the job I am going to start in the new year is not much better. But I will add to my skills. I am really hoping that I will get something better early next year. I can’t get a role were I get paid anything close to my value. My peers all out earn me. No value is paid on my experience and I feel gender plays a role in this! I know career is not everything but the this situation has being starting to undermine my self esteem.

    I am an Aquarius with a stelliums in Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. And I did note your saying that next year aquarians would come in our own.

    Are there any better prospects for me and what are the best time for me to look for a great new role.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


    1. Thank you. That’s a great card. Use Christmas-May 2023 to go forward with your ideas, projects, concepts or qualifications. It’s your best cycle in 12 years. This may be about the new job. You sound hacked off with the sexism and the financial story, surrounding your career. I don’t blame you. Get this brainwave or plan to its most polished level possible then take it out to the big, wide world. It needs to find its place in the right space.

  52. Hi Jessica, How does action on climate change look to you in 2023? I write about this subject as a journalist and so was very interested to read in one of your previous posts that you see an end to the UN as we know it. How would that impact the global response to the climate crisis? I drew the High Priestess for my own future next year. Thank you.

    1. The United Nations was ‘born under a bad sign’ as the song goes, and the chart is about anything but idealism and vision for a united planet. I believe it will be reformed, reshaped and ultimately transformed once Pluto goes into Aquarius from March 2023. We’ve seen its total failure on the climate emergency to date, but also Covid, and you’ll find Millennials want a replacement. As they grow in age, power and seniority by 2044 it will be they who press for a different sort of organisation. Your card shows you lecturing, writing or teaching – or being trained by a superior female mind.

  53. Thank you Jessica and Conscious Cafe for today’s event. So glad I signed up, and look forward to the next one.

    My card was King of Wands. I have stelliums in Aquarius, Pisces and Capricorn. Been a few tough years on many fronts and just can’t seem to feel settled in life. I’m now recently single and living in a new city in South England, UK, having moved from Scotland 5 years ago with my partner at time (also an Aquarius sun). I’m now in a new job (for publishing/university company) and living in rented accommodation for now. Really struggling to decide on whether I should stay and trust things will work out, which would mean selling my house in Scotland, or go back home for good. It’s causing great upset and confusion, as I’m worried I take wrong road.

    You pulled The Star for us Aquarians, and the little bird keeps coming to my mind, like a ‘little bird told me a secret’ type message. Could it be linked?

    Thank you for your insights, most appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much. The King of Wands is the man who has a project or plan and cannot get started. You could help him. Publishing and academia sounds right. He’s senior or high up in his field; has the laptop or notebook in hand; seems paralysed by inaction. You may know who he is. Both the man and the concept arrive together and have huge potential for you – at any point from Christmas to May 2023. There could be more to this than meets the eye and it would have a bearing on the other choices you have to make. As you are a Premium Member you have the luxury of giving yourself a three-way reading about Scotland, returning home and so on. Just follow the steps.

  54. Hello Jessica,
    I did not take part at the zoom event, but hopefully it’s ok to join you in spirit . So I drew a card from my own deck, and it’s: the star !
    Funny, in January 2023 the local tv will be making a short film about me and my work as an upholsterer in my own workshop. Tv star ( at least local), or what else could be the story for me in 2023 ?

    1. The Star is you, starring in the short film on local television about your work. Just be aware of others in the group; this is a circle of friends, or a group of other upholsterers.

  55. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for your insightful zoom session last night. Without focusing on any particular area of my life, for 2023 I drew the king of cups on your site and the Magician from my cards, I’m a libran sun born at 2:14 pm on 2/10/71. Also, in the second half of this year I have been experiencing a lot of rheumatism etc type pain, which transits/aspects influence health? Thanks as always.

    1. Thank you. I expect you were seeing two sides of the same man. From my point of view, he is inaccessible, removed from the real world, fascinating, hard to contain or control; there is no room for you or anyone else in his world; the most you can hope for is that he makes a massive change and decides to come over to your world – or you both agree to make a new journey in life together. From your point of view, this man is brilliant; a Renaissance man; a multi-tasker; connected to a higher power. I suspect this person is your partner, former partner or partner-to-be and the story will unfold from Christmas to May 2023, and again from July 2023 into 2024. Rheumatism is Virgo and the Sixth House.

  56. which foreign languages that will be high in-demand for future …especially in this new world order and localism . best wishes

    1. The New Local which begins in 2026, with Uranus going into Gemini, is basically the world’s two most spoken and read ‘trading’ languages in new twin formats. Gemini is the twinning of anything. Uranus is new technology. So look again in 2026 to see what those two might be – and start working with the radical new technology. It will be very exciting.

  57. HI Jessica, thank you so much for last night’s webinar. I was amazing as always. I drew the Six of Cups for next year so I would love it if you could tell me what that would mean for me. I have stelluims in Virgo (7), Capricorn (5) Aquarius (4) and Sagittarius (4). I moved back to Sydney nearly two years ago and I am still trying to work out what I’m going to do career wise. I was a photographer in London but the industry is very different here and I’m very much lacking in inspiration as well. I’m also wondering about my love life which is non existent at the moment.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Capricorn with a terrific line-up in your solar Fifth House of heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne, in 2023. Uranus, Jupiter and the North Node, for a short time, all spend historic cycles here. You may become a godmother or aunt, for example, or date a man who has children from a previous marriage. The transits tie in with the card, from May 2023 until May 2024. Here is the full interpretation of the card.
One Minute Interpretation
This is about two children or teenagers and their own delightful, private world. You can enter, and learn from them, or play a more important role. Teacher, perhaps, or just more committed parent – or godparent. Child’s play is shown here and it has its own innocence and charm. This card is usually, literally, about the young.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
This is one of Pamela’s ‘children’ cards, The Sun being the other one that people know best.

      Here we have the innocent exchange of feelings – not sex, just emotion – and done with pure charm and trust. It’s child’s play, as I’ve mentioned. Children like to go to birthday parties and give each other presents, but also to swap objects. When I was at Mowbray Heights Primary School we swapped playing cards, but also our Christmas presents. The idea here is “One for you and one for me.”

      In your horoscope, or that of another key person, we find something familiar. This card represents Leo and the Fifth House. The Fifth House describes the entertainment, education and activities which bind the generations together. Young and old. This is where might find theatre, music, riding, or a particular kind of book, like Harry Potter, which can be read by all the generations.

As I’ve said, this card is usually about children in a literal way. So we might be talking about your niece and nephew here, or two children in your class. It sometimes turns up if there is a childish adult relationship. So, for example, if two people are all about little presents and innocent friendship, even though the cups are involved (and cups are always about stronger emotions – being linked to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). This card can turn up if a woman wants a man sexually but he wants to play at being pals.

      If we take this card purely as a child’s world, or a teenager’s universe, then we can see the escapism of a youthful reality. This is a bubble for these two younger faces. They are completely removed from the adult real world, with all their flowers and cups, in this little corner of the garden in what appears to be a very grown-up estate.

This might be the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Buckingham Palace in the 1950s or 1960s, left to their own devices, getting on with childish or adolescent pursuits while the adults are involved in the very serious business of managing the royal property and business.

      Look at the man with his spear striding off to the left. Why is he leaving the scene? Your answer to that will be quite important as this card is open to such personal interpretation. Is this the father of your children who has dropped them off to you, for the weekend? Perhaps you get from the children what you do not get from the man. This card tells you to really relish and appreciate the children here, because they are not young forever.

      Take into account the blossoming flowers in the cups at the front of the card. What is growing? How can growth be encouraged? There is something so promising about all that you see before you, here. The two young souls, who look as if they have escaped from a fairy story. The trust between them. The solid gold cups, which always show precious and valuable relationships. The rather impressive surroundings – is this a school, or a house, or a future university?

There is a coat of arms here and perhaps it means something to you. I have seen people take it as a symbol for Scotland.

      As I’ve said, if children or teenagers do not ring a bell with you, then this may be about the inner child in you, and another. There is nothing adult here at all – no grown-up intimacy, no money, no mortgage, no mature dialogue. No sex at all! It’s playful, naïve, heart-to-heart contact.

      This can sometimes show the Second House or Eighth House. Exchange. What one gives to another, just as one sibling leaves to another, or swaps with another. Most of all, the signs here are Cancer (the property and perhaps the siblings in the family) or Leo (children, or teenagers, as a whole). What is it telling you? There is so much here to enjoy, if you are an adult who is watching the children or teenagers from a distance. With appropriate timing and care, you could ask to be included in their game. Their child’s play.

  58. Hi Jessica,
    All areas of my area seems to be in a state of flux – job, being with my adult boys, buying a house – I feel like I am on a rocking horse when anything I do. Will 2023 bring clarity for me? I am a Sun Scorpio with Stellium in Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius and I pulled the Two of Swords – my sons are Sun Libra and Cancer and my ex husband is Sun Leo with whom the boys are, thanks

    1. Your natal chart and your Two of Swords Tarot card tally. Your ex-husband is obviously central to the story. I can understand why you feel defensive. You feel as if you have to be constantly on guard, given everything that has happened to you. Develop your intuition. Prime your senses, including your sixth sense and detect when it’s safe to let your guard down and quickly remove what has been blinding you to reality. We’ve had a sequence of eclipses across Scorpio recently and this has left you unable to see if you genuinely need to go on being this defensive. I suspect not. Something else you can do is call for help. Ask for support and practical assistance from people who could quickly sort out the situation. Once you can see clearly, you may realise you never needed those defences at all. You can become a different person. And you can join the group which will make an incredible difference to your future.

  59. Thank you very much for the Zoom session Jessica – I love watching you interpret the tarot as I’m working on honing in my skills on that. I drew two cards – Judgement for the zoom session after you drew the Star, and Ace of Swords for 2023. I was unclear on what Judgement meant as its a tough one to understand – I did a follow-up draw to ask for clarity on its meaning and got the Moon – both major arcana cards. I’m currently on the job market and really hope there will be good news for career, also noting all the transits you mentioned yesterday. If something came up now, is it advisable to even take it with Mars and Mercury retrograde?

    Please help me with your interpretation on these – thank you ever so much Jessica!

  60. Thank you very much for the Zoom session Jessica – I love watching you interpret the tarot as I’m working on honing in my skills on that. I drew two cards – Judgement for the zoom session after you drew the Star, and Ace of Swords for 2023. I was unclear on what Judgement meant as its a tough one to understand – I did a follow-up draw to ask for clarity on its meaning and got the Moon – both major arcana cards. I’m currently on the job market and really hope there will be good news for career, also noting all the transits you mentioned yesterday. If something came up now, is it advisable to even take it with Mars and Mercury retrograde?

    Please help me with your interpretation on these – thank you.

    1. Just pull one Tarot card, please. You muddle the Tarot if you keep drawing cards. I’ll stick to Judgement, which you drew at the session, while we were holding the space for the reading. 2023 will bring a South Node in Scorpio story in your Eighth House. You have a small Scorpio signature there in your chart. By July your family, extended family or friends in the spirit world will go to the next level. It will involve you, affect you and include you. If you are not aware of their presence in your life a dream may show you, or the actual event may be unmistakeable. Sometimes grandparents are involved, or great-grandparents. It’s the spiritual inheritance. What you do here, and what happens to you here, draws them in. They progress.

  61. Hi Jessica, I learn so much from your posts as well as the questions and answers with others here. Thank you.

    I asked the Tarot about 2023. I drew the High Priestess. I have outlined a book to write in 2023 and wonder if I am best placed to write, or learn, or do something else, to advance my personal and professional objectives next year in a meaningful way (for me and to make a contribution to matters that I care about in the world).

    From the High Priestess card:
    The High Priestess usually studies and gains qualifications. Or she is a writer. She may have a website or blog. There may be journals or books.

    With gratitude.

    1. You have a Sagittarius stellium in your Ninth House of academia, education, publishing and digital publishing. You are in a stunning position to learn from the best, or teach with great authority, starting just before Christmas Eve and going into May 2023. Have a look at Modern Astrology 2050 and the chapter on Sagittarius stelliums. That is your destiny. (The book is free to you as a Premium Member).

  62. Hi Jessica,
    And what about EU and Euro? You predicted that Euro currency will be reshaped and Italia and Greece will quit Eurozone. Will it happen in 2023?
    I have also to change USD in Euro to do investment. Should I wait? Thanks a lot, Fred

    1. The European Union will begin to reshape itself in March 2023 when Pluto goes into Aquarius and March-June will show us what’s in store with Italy and Greece, for the future. It may take until the mid 2020s but the old European Union cannot last in its current form. It’s the same with the Euro, as it was. There will be better alternatives when Jupiter goes into Taurus from May 2023 until May 2024. As for changing US dollars to the Euro, Fred, you need to cast your own Tarot and read for yourself about when. I can see you saving a lot of money, or bringing it in, from Christmas to May 2023 but I don’t know if the source is your USD-Euro investment or something else. So that’s a reading for you to pursue.

  63. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the webinar last night, I love hearing all your predictions….I love Astrology and have studied it since I was a teenager but I still cannot fathom how wonderful you are at it. So, I’m quite the fan!

    The 10 of swords fell from my deck last night, I’m new to tarot, but feel this isn’t something very positive for me? I’d love to know if this has to do with my career?

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for coming along. Falling cards are important in the Tarot. The Ten of Swords is about a situation you can avoid. There is a group that you are part of (like a club or team) and a person who may become the target of that group. This is not necessary and there are ways to stop it from happening, before it happens. Similarly, it may be that you are the person who is the target with this circle, community or network of people. Again, you can pre-empt this and stop it from coming to pass. You have a stellium in Aquarius, so to understand that better, read all about it in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you as a member. With transiting Saturn in Aquarius and your Eleventh House of groups, followed by Pluto in Aquarius from March 2023, you are clearly in a situation right now when there may be drama with these people. It doesn’t matter which side you are on, you really don’t need this, so ask the Tarot again – how can I avoid this? And perhaps, why is this situation building? Sidestep it.

  64. Hi Jessica, thank you for great session. I picked four of cups for 2023 and later five of pentacles for job. I am in state of life I need to decide if I have to move to another country which I like and have lived in my past but don’t enjoy the job or shall I study totally new career. Money always the issue. Will love find me? Thanks for advice, Jaana

    1. Thank you. You can pre-empt 2023 and the Four of Cups by addressing your state of mind now and trying to sort out what appears to be mild depression. It sounds as if you are feeling a lack at the moment as you want to move, you want a new job, you want money, you want love. The Four of Cups is about the woman whose state of mind is actually the issue. So before you even get to 2023 you may want to try what others have tried before you, to feel more content in general. You also need to remember your roots in the family tree. Have a look at your mother’s or father’s side because there is an answer there. Getting grounded is sometimes fixed by yoga; sometimes fixed by walking. Unless you take steps now, you may be removed from the real world in 2023, and as a result of that, disconnected from enjoying your life. You have good, if not great people around you, but unless you sort out how you feel on the inside, you won’t be impressed with them. You’ll feel as if they are not enough for you. Over to the job. The Five of Pentacles (Coins) is similar. There is a big message here about finding peace of mind; a more contented state of mind. This is all about health. So the cards are sending you there, rather than answering your question. It may take some effort, but the time has come to find a way to normalise your emotions. To balance mind, body and spirit. You can always ask ‘How?’ with the Tarot again and it will chat to you about that. You have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House and these kinds of issues are really common. Have a look at Virgo Stellium in your free copy of Modern Astrology 2050.

  65. Hi Jessica, i am obsessed with your art in the form of how you articulate Astrology & Tarot, it’s helped me find
    a style i related too as i am not about sending love and light, if you know what i mean. I had a dream on the 6th of January, about the King taking the heat for something the Prince done, through meditation i had predicted the queens passing in 2021, so as it plays out i agree with Charles not being around long when it comes to the throne!

    P.s long time reader, first time poster.

    1. Thank you. You dreamed the King took the blame for a Prince’s wrongdoing. That is really interesting. Let’s see.

  66. Hi Jessica, thank you for the webinar, I am sorry for my muddled remarks and questions. I apologize as it was when I got up, here in Victoria BC Canada when the webinar started and I had surgery on the Thursday before and the pain medications really gave me a very fuzzy head. My challenge has been my health all year, the card I got on the break was the 10 of swords. I will watch the recording when it is posted, again thank you Geoffrey

    1. No problem at all, Geoffrey. I am very flattered that you woke up at 2.00am in Canada, and on pain medication too. Thank you for coming along. Okay let’s look at your health, in detail. That’s ruled by Virgo and the Sixth House in your chart. At 19, 23 and 29 Virgo, you have Cupido, Jupiter and Chiron. So you’re actually in a really good position, your whole life, to get the protection you need. Your issue at the moment is transiting Neptune at 23 Pisces, right opposite Jupiter at 23 Virgo. Temporary situations which do in fact muddle you or make you fuzzy, are around. However, as I said, born with Jupiter (always a symbol of safety nets) in Virgo, you will always be cushioned. There is always a way out and through. The answer is partly about your work, unpaid work or academic career. As you rethink your approach to your wellbeing, you also need to rethink how you do your duty by other people; how you serve. It’s all of a piece and it may include rethinking (say) the hours you put in or the approach you take. The Ten of Swords is about one person, against a group of people. You are a Cancerian with a couple of Aquarius factors. Are you involved with a community, team, club, society, band and so on? If so, it doesn’t matter if you are the outsider, or the insider who takes action against one person; you really don’t want this in your life in 2023. Have a think about the politics involved in groups, the hive mind and so on – and see what you come up with. Then pull another Tarot card for a very different sort of 2023. The whole point of Tarot is to avoid what you really don’t need.

  67. Hi Jessica, Thanks so much for your interesting talk at Conscious Cafe and congratulations on the accuracy of your predictions for 2022! Good to see what your UV-C purifier looks like – I think it’s time to start looking for one. I am a virgo sun with stelliums: in virgo, leo, pisces, sagittarius and capricorn. I drew the 4 of pentacles and am somewhat confused as to what this means for me in 2023. I would appreciate any light you can shed. Thanks so much.

    PS: Please don’t use my full name in responding (Lynn or LL is prefered please)

    1. Thank you. No need to worry about your name, LL. You are private and anonymous. You drew the Four of Pentacles or Coins which is exactly what I would expect. Starting on 20th December you have a terrific cycle for finance and property, ending in May 2023. Jupiter, the symbol of abundance, solutions, opportunities and optimism, moves into Aries, into your solar Eighth House of security, stability and wealth. However – keep an eye on the property market as you’re not seeing it. You’ll be in a very comfortable position with money in 2023, but don’t ignore what’s happening out there.

  68. Thank You Jessica,
    I was part of the zoom meeting on the 4th. Astrology always amazes me . I was one of the California ones there was a couple of us. I really enjoyed it. I am Scorpio sun and rising. I got the Ten of Cups on my pick. Wasn’t focused in any area of my life but I’m really ready to make a big decision with my relationship I think we had a good run and it’s time to turn the page. I am a little nervous can you tell me if the card is a yes to go head and take the next step?
    Thank you

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Conscious Cafe. I was amazed to see people from California there, considering our time zones. The Ten of Cups is a terrific card. This sounds as if you repair the relationship, or – you leave it and find somebody new. What do you think?
      One Minute Interpretation
The absolute best outcome, with two parents and two children, the rainbow and the pot of gold, the beautiful surroundings and the family home. It seems too good to be true, but it happens every day. I’ve drawn it once, for a reader, who had divorced a drug addict husband. She went on to marry a real-estate agent. She’s a mum.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Cups are sex or emotion and here we have ten, forming a rainbow (‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and ‘The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow’). A rainbow is a peculiar thing; a beautiful illusion. Walk to the apparent end and it vanishes out of your grasp. There is a nice message here from Pamela, who created this vision (even though she never married, nor had children). Basically, keep it real. The rainbow is too much. At the end of the day, the children need to be fed and have their laundry put in the washing-machine. Husband and wife will grow older and have to deal with the realities of long-term marriage. Houses need repairs and rivers flood. And yet…

      The couple are close, the children are happy. The house looks like a dream British 1909 cosy cottage. There is celebration here. The couple throw their hands in the air, the children are dancing happily.

      This is a classic card for family and property joy. I have drawn it very rarely in readings for clients, but every time, the woman concerned has gone on to marry, have children and establish a happy home and garden. As I mentioned at the start, I read for a woman who had divorced a drug addict and she went on to meet the man of her domesticated dreams, settle down, enjoy a stunning house and in fact had three children, not two. The rest of the story is private and hers to tell, but remember a rainbow is an illusion. The rest is real.

      In astrology we associate this card with the Fourth House of property and clan. Thus ‘My people and my place.’ You might also find the Fifth House here (children), the Seventh House (partnership and marriage) or the Eighth House (property as family legacy). Perhaps you, the other person or the children are going through transits to all these houses.

Cancer is the crab who carries the home on her back. Taurus is the valuable real estate. Leo is the children. Scorpio is ‘Until death do us part.’

This card is fascinating because it’s all about the space. The environment, rented or owned, lent or mortgaged, is part of the family. You cannot separate husband and wife, or children, from the garden, the local area and/or the home. It’s a part of them. It has an emotional presence. So, we’d have to say that the zodiac sign of Cancer and the Fourth House really matters. This goes beyond falling in love with a husband or wife, or giving birth to sons and daughters. The ecstatic response of the couple to the home, and the joyous children, suggests the material world is a really big part of the relationships between all four of them. You cannot do this without taking into account Mother Nature but also priceless (or expensive) security and beauty.

      This card is ‘beginning’ and not midway or end. It is the very start of moving in together, buying a property, inheriting a property, or finding a dream space to rent. The rest comes later and is ongoing. The children will become teenagers and young adults. The couple who are so tied to being parents, will find different roles in 20 years or so, and that could mean massive shifts in the marriage, as the whole point and purpose of them coming together in the first place was a son, daughter, or ‘two to start’ and then more.

Let us not be cynics, though, and say that all good things come to an end, but that does not mean life becomes less than it was; it just becomes different. The celebration, radiance and joy of the very start of married life is here. The rest is a journey, to be sure, but ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ is not just Judy Garland in full flight. Eventually it becomes the memory of something so precious, rare and unforgettable that it helps create the bedrock on which the future emotional life of this couple rests. Into old age, with a little luck, they will never forget the start.

  69. Hi Jessica, Thanks for the awesome session last night. I drew the Empress card. I had a promising creative costume design paid job coming up, but it all fell through. What does this card mean for 2023? I am Capricorn – Sun, Pisces – Rasing, Cancer – moon, Stelliums in Scorpio 5, Gemini 5, Aries 4

    1. The Empress is a terrific card. This has nothing to do with your costume design job falling through – but it does suggest 2023 will be relaxing and comforting for you. Are you also an interior designer, or do you make your own cushions? That’s in the card. So is a very Laura Ashley inspired gown. It’s a heavily decorated card; Pamela Colman Smith spent a great deal of time and energy putting in the patterns. So it sounds as if it suits you on quite a personal level. Here is the full interpretation:
      One Minute Interpretation
Lying back and enjoying a rich harvest, shown by a lush garden, a luxuriously comfortable house or apartment, or money rolling in. There are some cautionary notes about not letting things spoil or be wasted. For all that The Empress is loving her space and her place in the world, gardening is required.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Here we have the very image of domestic bliss. The Domestic Goddess, perhaps a Nigella Lawson type, or Vita Sackville-West, is immortalised in a lush Kent or Sussex garden. This is a Bohemian who has dropped out of big city life. It is a Hippie who has decided to redefine success as life on holiday.

The stars on the crown worn by The Empress will have special meaning for you. Perhaps astrology is her crowning glory. This may also be an old wedding tiara – The Empress still wears the triumph of her big day on her head. Maybe it is astronomy which rules her, intellectually, not astrology. Everything in Pamela’s cards has a meaning, but it is usually there to be defined by you, in an intensely personal way.

      The Venus symbol is on the heart ( a strange concrete heart) wedged under this woman’s chaise longue. We also see Ceres, the dwarf planet, symbolised by the corn at her feet. There is plenty of astrology here.
Ceres was the goddess of Roman agriculture who ruled the four seasons. In fact, she was discovered in 1801 when The Four Seasons made its debut. This composition reflects the synchronicity of the year. Ceres was in charge of spring, summer, autumn and winter. She ruled the harvest of corn and wheat, which depended on regular seasons.

      The Empress is more than just a woman of leisure with stars on her crown and a Venus (desire) symbol in stone at her elbow. She is also reminding us of Ceres and the need to reap what you sow from a rich harvest, so that you can prepare for the future.

      Summer does not last. It turns to Autumn and then Winter. The Empress is a reminder that you can live for the moment, but you also have to prepare for the future.

      In the original story of Ceres, Pluto and Proserpina, it was accepted that whenever Proserpina (the beloved daughter of Ceres) was on her annual six-month departure from Hades, and her husband Pluto – the earth laughed in flowers. Ceres was overjoyed to have her daughter Proserpina back with her, and so Autum and Winter were left behind, along with the lonely dark days of sole motherhood, to be replaced by sunshine, warm weather and the harvest.

The Empress is a cautionary tale, as well as a delight. Unless you leave the sofa and get to work, cutting the wheat and corn, and grinding it for flour – you may find there is precious little to feed you when the seasons change. You can literally interpret this card that way, thinking three months into the future, or six months into the future. A symbolic autumn or winter.

      The Empress has the stars in her crown as we have seen (perhaps the stars are celebrities – it depends on your line of work) and she is holding a golden spoon, which is open to your interpretation. For some people this is a symbol of Wales, land of the giant and elaborate wooden spoons. For other people, the spoon is a nod to The Who and their song Substitute. (‘I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.’) Other people do not see a spoon at all. They see a microphone. The Empress is a podcaster.

      The cushions are beautiful and expensive – probably velvet. You can see the Venus symbol repeated on the final black-and-yellow cushion. As we have spoken about Ceres, it is only fair to mention the other Roman goddess, Venus. Both Venus and Ceres were intensely feminine archetypes.

Venus was beautiful and vain. Her symbol in astrology is a truncated hand-mirror. For some people, the spoon in the card is actually a strange little looking-glass for a dressing-table.

Venus was jealous of women who were as beautiful (or more beautiful) than she was. Venus seduced men, but was also seduced by them. She was married to Vulcan the blacksmith, but had sex on the side with Mars the warrior. Venus is very 20th Century Fox. You will see her in a lot of Hollywood films.

      So, The Empress is not Venus, but she leans on her. Venus is on her cushion. Venus is also part of the furniture – the grey slab. Perhaps The Empress owes the garden to her marriage, her common-law marriage, her divorce or her separation. It supports her.

      A river is pouring in. This is abundance! But it needs to be harnessed, used, managed and not left to fall away. This, together with the wheat which must be cut and ground into flour, is the second cautionary symbol in the card. This is a beautiful river and it will supply the garden all summer, but what if it floods? This is not the first time in this deck Pamela will create a waterway which is in danger of being all over the place, all the time, everywhere.

      The Empress is a delightful symbol of a woman who has tremendous comfort, luxury, peace, quiet, solitude and harmony.

      She is not feeling remotely alone, though, as she has that rather interesting symbol of love, sex and seduction (Venus) which is evergreen. Clearly a relationship, or a phase in a marriage, is there to be revived and recycled, if she wants to do it!

      The only thing to say about this card is that like so many of Pamela’s illustrations of fertile times and ‘the good life’ there is a need to stop lounging around, roll up the sleeves and get to grips with what needs to be harvested and set aside for the future. You should look at both Ceres and Venus if examining an astrological chart.

  70. Dear Jessica,

    I was one of the attendance of the Zoom session with Conscious Café. A a great session indeed.

    I drew a Nine of Swords card. I lost my job about three weeks ago. I got this job in early August but the pressure is too huge plus some internal coporate reshuffle so I was forced out. I’m now worrying about my work and hence financial situation. Could you please take a look at my birth chart and the tarot card and give me some hints on what should I do. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you for coming to the Conscious Cafe event. I am so sorry you lost your job, having only started in August. I understand why you feel worried. I hope I can help. First of all, you need to get a good night’s sleep and stop letting your imagination take over. Can I suggest you try the free online hypnosis of Glenn Harrold and Dr. Paul McKenna? If you prefer a different hypnotist, feel free. Dr. McKenna is well-known for getting people to sleep before the session on YouTube is even over. Nothing in your head is real. Everything can be dismissed. You are a Sun Gemini with Aquarius, Cancer and Libra stelliums. Use December (until the 20th) to take advantage of a good Jupiter cycle, which will help you find a new role, or roles, plural. This is a terrific cycle for problem-solving in your career; with study; with unpaid work. Even something you plant now, could help you later. So give it all you’ve got. If your next job involves lots of obstacles and requires patience and stamina, you can do it. Sometimes you just have to take that kind of work on, and I think you’ll do that with one project or role, from March 2023. Financially, you will see a huge lift in pressure from March to June 2023, so this sounds like either a new position which starts then, or a position you begin in December, which offers some kind of bonus tie (or a way to save money, perhaps) tied in. Also in March, we find you around a group, club, team, community and so on, which you realise could become quite powerful. You have your own special part to play with them. Long-term, for the next 20 years, you will come into your own as the person who gives groups what they need. Among those people you will find real friends and allies.

  71. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for your conscious Cafe session last night i really appreciate that you give your time to us as a guide to help us navigate this world on our journey. I loved the content and the sun signs.
    My tarot was 5 swords and I’m a sun Virgo and Aquarius rising.

    My partner is a French Sun Taurean and we live in Brisbane. After 4 years with me in Australia he is waiting his residency visa. His mother passed away during covid but couldn’t get back to France. He is desperate for us to visit his 90 year old father as soon as we can. He has been advised not to travel without his residency. What do you feel about our situation?

  72. Firstly, I think you are a brilliant star, as is your website. I study it daily. It has been life changing. I hope to know whats coming in career, finances and marriage. I hold premium membership – my chart is Sun Virgo, Moon Pisces, Stelliums Leo[9], Virgo[5]. For 2023 I pulled the King of Swords which looked like my brother aquintessential property developer , or my son. The 2nd card I pulled was The Moon. I have Satur,n MC, Vesta, in Scorpio. Merci.

  73. I posted a while ago but it has stalled waiting for moderstion, so im reposting. Firstly, I think you are a brilliant star, as is your website. I study it daily. It has been life changing. I hope to know whats coming in career, finances and marriage. I hold premium membership – my chart is Sun Virgo, Moon Pisces, Stelliums Leo[9], Virgo[5]. For 2023 I pulled the King of Swords which looked like my brother aquintessential property developer , or my son. The 2nd card I pulled was The Moon. I have Satur,n MC, Vesta, in Scorpio. Merci.

    1. Thank you. The comments aren’t being moderated by anyone; they just go into a queue and I can see I have 55 people on this post. Thank you for your patience. The King of Swords may in fact be your brother or son. The message with either (you will find out who it is in 2023) is that you need to find a way to negotiate on their terms. Unless you are prepared to be equally tough (like a Queen of Swords) you have to do it their way. And who wants a battle, anyway? Sometimes life’s too short, you just have to figure out what your brother or son wants; how they operate; how you can get what you want, by figuring out a strategy. You also pulled The Moon. This is about two people and two residences, or two locations on the map. They can choose to trot off together, and reject one destination in favour of the other. Or, they can part company and go their separate ways. There are also lateral thinking options. It doesn’t have to be binary; one of you could choose the road less travelled. You can see what looks like a scorpion in the card. This is a clear message about the South Node in Scorpio cycle which ends in July 2023. You have until then to sort this out, but time is of the essence. Perhaps this is because of a specific property, bank or work situation which simply cannot wait. Sometimes this card shows up if there is an apartment going to auction, for example. This feels like it’s you and another person, but of course you could be affected by a pair or couple who have choices to make. It’s very important with the Moon to communicate, get real, be straight-up and stop avoiding or evading each other! So that’s what the cards are talking to you about.

  74. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for a wonderful event as always best 1.5hrs I’ve spent in a while.
    I’m Leo sun, sag moon, cap rising, Venus in cancer and NN pisces.
    I’m going through a horrible divorce which will all hopefully end in April 2023, I read about what was given in 2003 should come back to me, a karmic cycle, I put all my money into our joint house but have 80% equity whereas my ex has only put in 10% since then, I’m praying I’ll be given a good outcome based on that and myself and my children will be able to remain in the home without having to worry about an unfair settlement. Karmically I’ve been badly treated and lost so much to this man, my health and money have suffered hugely, will it go ahead in April and will I get a favourable outcome based on the astrology.
    Thank you so much, also can you see any career changes. I drew the 2 of wands and with the SW tarot the page of cups. X

    1. That’s terrific to hear, thank you. The horrible divorce is actually now tilting in your favour; you are not out of there yet, but the worst is over, as Saturn is nearly at the end of his stay in Aquarius. March 2023 is the big bump. You say April but I think you’ll hear that the situation has been released in March. You will have to get good financial advice, also in March, and think about a plan to get you through 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026 in terms of your budget and banking. There will be some tight conditions to work with but you can do it. Your Tarot and astrology suggest the biggest and best career opportunities in 12 years and they begin in May 2023 with a stunning open door by May 2024.

  75. Sorry I’m only realising it’s says the message has gone to a moderator apologies for posting again didn’t notice that last time.
    I’m a Jessica Adams member x

  76. Jessica, I am seriously intrigued with your prediction on the ‘new weekend’ or ‘new fortnight’. I’ve long thought the standard 5 on 2 off is total BS; it’s a real shame that the economist John Maynard Keynes’s prediction of a 15h work week never came to pass (thanks to some greedy CEO’s at the top). Can you elaborate on your idea? I am hanging out for the end of this ‘live to work’ lifestyle! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The reason for this prediction is the huge number of people on the planet with Virgo and Sixth House factors. The sign and house rule lifestyle, workload and daily routine. Everyone born in the Sixties has Uranus and Pluto in Virgo and from May 2023 until May 2024, Jupiter will make the trine. That’s an enormous number of people ready to rebel (Uranus) and take back control (Pluto). Uranus himself is in Taurus and is also trine about half the population with Virgo factors. That is ‘invention’ and the invention of the new weekend and new fortnight is coming. Being at home during the pandemic proved productivity did not drop. In fact it rose. People do not want to use public transport or shared air if the authorities do not have HEPA and/or UVC light to protect them. Nor should they. You and others will vote with your feet and succeed; starts May 2023.

  77. Hi Jessica, I posted the comment but somehow it is not shown here. So re-posting.

    Firstly I want to say that the zoom event was amazing. Thank you for the insight and also the organizers. I am also a premium member.
    I am Aquarius, ascendant Aries and 2nd house in Taurus. I picked the Four of Pentacles in the tarot cards during the event. My burning questions from 2023 are related to my company. I have a small practice for 1.5 years and this year I want to scale up and start playing big. I’d appreciate it if I am supported by stars and if I should watch out for certain dates/transits.

    Warm regards,

    1. Thank you Asli. The comments are all here but the list is rather long which is why they don’t appear. Thank you so much – I am glad you liked the Zoom. You should have your answer by now; starting May 2023 until May 2024 when Jupiter (blessings) goes into Taurus and your solar Fourth House of property, you will be in a terrific position to consolidate and invest. Get the best advice you can afford.

  78. Thank you for your reply about the UN, Jessica. My young son had to design an image of climate change for a school project, and he drew a picture of a schoolboy carrying oxygen tanks to school, with the question, “My future?” So, you are right – the new generation will sort out the mess 🙂

  79. Thank you so much for yesterday Jessica, as always extremely insightful. On the call I picked the tarrot card 3 of wands and for my mum who is a sun but also highly Scorpio the emperor. Mum lives with me, hopefully she should have a procedure done before end of spring and then we wish to put the house on the market and finally move to Norfolk to a nice friendly village for both us. do these cards interact well with one another and give a combined story for us? when you said yesterday about scorpions living in their head its so true I am always trying to get mum to change her outlook and keep positive and calm, she is a terrible worrier.

    1. The Three of Wands is about the move to Norfolk, which came up yesterday for me in research on Rome. It was the heart of an ancient British tribe who pushed back against Nero. So that’s a sign; you will go. Your card is about your life. You have ideas, projects, plans to take to Norfolk but also other locations; no doubt online. Your mother’s card is The Emperor. This is your father, here or in spirit. It may be her father, here or in spirit. It may be her male boss, if she has one. The Emperor is the older man who is at the top of the tree, or was. It can also be her next boyfriend after you move. It’s hard to say more without knowing what your question was, and you were also asking for another person.

  80. Hello Jessica!

    Thank you (and the Conscious Cafe) for an illuminating session yesterday. I really enjoyed what I heard/saw – I was running a Piscean friend’s shop for her and customers started flooding in, so had to leave early but watched the replay. I’m a Leo living in the UK. The discussion about generational wealth was interesting, we do need to make plans in the family, plans I put in motion earlier this year but have been dormant for a few months.
    On a personal level, I have suffered a huge financial loss due to a business project that went wrong in Dec 2021 and I have been trying to regain ground all year. I just selected a tarot card from your site – the 6 of Swords. Reading it it does sound like my situation – needing to escape a dire financial situation. I can’t imagine I have enough money to go abroad although the fantasy is nice, I have started to wonder if living abroad would be better for me.
    Career-wise, I used to lead a community of artisan market traders IRL (this is the business that went wrong).That spoke to my Aquarian MC so have been licking my wounds all year and I guess do feel downcast about this failing. I lost my confidence. I’m working for a lifestyle website at the moment that is UK based (and I need to stay in the UK to work for that as I cover events local to where I am living). An opportunity has come up to potentially extend my days from 3 to 5 days if I throw my hat in the ring, although not sure I have impressed the boss enough yet. She seems like a hard taskmaster (she is Virgo).
    What I am wondering is what I do to get myself on a better course. A big part of me loves self-employment and online communities and I really admire what you have done with your business – you help people, you reach people, you use new tech and you sustain yourself. I’m looking for a community I could help and support to sustain myself in a similar way, but at the same time, thinking I should have some regular income to sustain myself too. Add to that this feeling about failure plus moving abroad or reaching a wider world and I think there are several factors here bubbling away – I just wonder if you can help me make sense of them. With very best wishes Catherine

    1. Catherine I am sorry your business failed. If you drew the Six of Swords, you will relocate, or people you know will relocate and it will affect you. I don’t know what your question was or what the time-frame was. That really matters. If you were to move or emigrate it would show up in your chart. There is a chance of you leaving, by July 2023, as the transiting South Node is in Scorpio, which rules your house or apartment. You also have Jupiter going into Aries, and your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, from Christmas to May 2023. So the timing fits. If people come to you, it will benefit you hugely. This may be friends living overseas, for example, who decide to come back to your town, and you all decide to share the rent on a room in a house that you split, for half a week each. It’s on that level. Start playing with the possibilities, but the card is correct and it fits your chart.

  81. Hi Jessica, I enjoyed the session with the Conscious Cafe. I drew the Knight of Wands for what 2023 would bring. I also pulled out Death at the Aries talk – all about transformation. I have had Pluto squaring my Moon/north Node conjunction in Aries for some time and he has wreaked havoc on my health. But I have had to re-evaluate things and he has forced two moves within twelve months due to flooding (I lived in a Pluto ruled house and he and his brothers had fun – lots of water and sewerage) meaning I was forced to downsize with lose of ‘stuff’, COVID making me decide I needed a new job which I got and really enjoy. But just as I was settling, four weeks ago I broke my ankle again – same spot. And then I had to go to emergency on Saturday with a gallbladder attack. I have been told it needs removing plus the scans revealed I have diverticulitis (holding onto the poo, thank you Pluto) too. However, moving forward, I have spoken with my GP to wean my system off anti depressants and I am reviewing my diet in preparation for getting off the prednisone for my sarcoidosis. I guess I am asking if there are going to be any other surprises in the offering.
    Mind you, I did a creative writing course before the new job and am thinking about the course to help me get my novel out of my head. Or should I wait until I know when I am having the gallbladder removed?
    In light of all this, I am definitely going to buy a UVC lamp! I don’t want to get COVID again!

    Thanks for an enjoyable talk and may 2023 bring you and everyone joy.

    1. Thank you. You have a lot of health issues and have had Covid which hasn’t helped. Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo in your Sixth House is a huge statement about your wellbeing in relation to your workload. That becomes the main story from March 2023 when Saturn enters Pisces and begins to slowly oppose these factors in turn. So a new lifestyle is required. A new way of working, doing the housework, carrying out daily routine and also looking after yourself. God is in the details with Virgo. You had the Knight of Wands for 2023 which has nothing to do with health, but shows a younger man who has a project, brainwave or concept you could help with. He needs to slow down and focus. He is quite unfocussed and does not seem to have a plan. You may be able to assist, in which case the success of the project would benefit you, potentially. The Death card is never about death unless you expect it, or somebody else expects it – an end of life scenario. It is usually about the death of a situation; the end of an era; the last chapter of something that has to take place before the journey (see the boat in the centre of the card) and then the new day dawning (literally The Golden Dawn at the back).

  82. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for the article and all the responses to the cards for each attendee who had questions. I got the 10 of pentacles and read the card of the three generations etc… I would be obliged if you can provide input on this card for my chart. As always, thank you for your insights.

    1. Thank you. The Ten of Pentacles or Coins is about inheritance, legacy and the will. It can also show a trust fund or loans/gifts within the family, as well as the generations financially supporting each other. It’s a Scorpio and Eighth House story and you have a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House. The South Node of karma crosses there until July 2023, so the first 7 months of this new year will involve figuring out who owes what, to whom. Read the Scorpio stellium section in Modern Astrology 2050 and look at the North Node in Taurus tables at the back, to see what years the karma comes from. The striking thing about this card is the lack of communication and connection between the generations. There is so much distance here even though they are all in the frame. There is a great deal of money here and property too, but there is something missing. That can be sorted out, once you move the money out of the way. As with all Pamela’s cards, you can direct the action with your mind and make room for other ways to ‘direct’ the play.

  83. Hi Jessica and thankyou so much for yesterday. I have a question. I have 8 planets in Aries and have been happily married for 20 years but you mention the ( seemingly huge ) chance of divorce next year. Is that more likely given I have so many planets in Aries? My birthdate is 27/03/1961 and my husbands is 05/07/1975. I would be so grateful for any insight Annie

    1. Annie, there is no seemingly huge change of divorce for Sun Aries women in 2023 so I hope I did not give that impression. What is happening to your chart is the arrival of the South Node of karma in Libra, in your Seventh House of marriage, engagement, divorce and separation. You also have the Two of Cups, which is about a man and woman having a crucial exchange and debate with each other. So it could be a second honeymoon or a decision about the children/children in general, or the home you see at the back of the card. It is about equality, fairness and justice. Some Aries will divorce if their marriage was on the rocks anyway. You have a happy marriage so this looks more like a crossroads between you which leads to a huge decision taking your marriage in a new direction. You’ll know more when the South Node goes into Libra from July 2023. You’ll find all the Libra transits oppose your Aries stellium in the First House of reputation, appearances, image, name, title and profile, so whatever this matter is, it’s about ‘Me’ versus ‘Us’ and ‘You’ and you do have something to sort out here.

  84. Hi Jessica,
    It is always reassuring hearing you speak. Thank you for the insights at the Conscious Cafe, the card I drew was eight of pentacles, I have read the long version reading here on your website – and the house at the distance is definitely part of my current goal although not entirely sure how or when would I get there. Another card that worries me and I keep getting is the 10 of swords but with that one I will focus on the sun on horizon.

    Would March 2023 be the month of change?

    Finally, I was listening to Steven Nobel on YouTube – he has an Ultraviolet Light Angelic Transmission that made me think of you.

  85. Hi Jessica,
    It is always reassuring hearing you speak. Thank you for the insights at the Conscious Cafe, the card I drew was eight of pentacles, I have read the long version reading here on your website – and the house at the distance is definitely part of my current goal although not entirely sure how or when would I get there. Another card that worries me and I keep getting is the 10 of swords but with that one I will focus on the sun on horizon.

    Would March 2023 be the month of change?

    I was listening to Steven Nobel on YouTube – he has an Ultraviolet Light Angelic Transmission that made me think of you.

    Thank you for all you do.

  86. Hi Jessica,
    It is always reassuring hearing you speak. Thank you for the insights at the Conscious Cafe, the card I drew was eight of pentacles, I have read the long version reading here on your website – and the house at the distance is definitely part of my current goal although not entirely sure how or when would I get there. Another card that worries me and I keep getting is the 10 of swords but with that one I will focus on the sun on horizon.

    I was listening to Steven Nobel on YouTube – he has an Ultraviolet Light Angelic Transmission that made me think of you.

    Thank you for all you do.

    1. Thank you very much. If you keep drawing the Ten of Swords it is a warning about yourself, with a group against you – or yourself, as part of a group, against another person. Nobody wants or needs the drama in this card, so sidestep the situation that would lead to it. There are other ways to sort out the hive mind, or group psychology. You are a Sun Capricorn with the South Node in Aquarius, in the Eleventh House of groups. The South Node is karmic in nature. Look to the club, team, charity, association, society or social circle there now, or prominent in March 2023. That’s where you need to be aware of what could happen – and avoid it. Tarot is about negotiating with fate, as is astrology. A typical example is the netball team where there’s a move against the captain. Rather than let it get that far, figure out the issue with the captain and find a peaceful way to resolve it, so you don’t end up with the full opera/soap opera of this card. The Eight of Coins is about the money that makes the home, and you can sit with this card to find out how.

  87. Dear Jessica. I really enjoyed the Conscious Cafe event and impressed by how you brought the Tarot and Astrology together by referring to astrological aspects and timing. During a crystal ball reading I was told I would move to a new house in the future but given no indication of when. I drew a tarot from your website which was the 8 of swords. May I ask if any aspects next year link to me escaping to the house (castle) on the rocks shown in that card? wishing you a lovely festive season and wonderful 2023.

    1. Thank you. I like seeing the astrology and Tarot line up, and a crystal ball is a good third method of divination. You were told you would move to a new house in the future. You have the Eight of Swords. Yes, that fits. Yet, you have to go through a transformation to make the journey with the removal van. This card is about being stuck or trapped, but also quite blind to the way out and way through. You are a Sun Aquarius woman and will have the choice to liberate yourself and move, more than once if you want, in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026. You have transiting Uranus in Taurus in your solar Fourth House of location and property all that time. Uranus has long been a symbol of independence, liberation, freedom and liberty. The issue is psychological. You’ve suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and are encircled by what has happened to you, but like the blindfolded woman in the card, you fail to see how easy it would be to leave. The swords are very loose in the mud and would fall over with the tides, but you don’t want to be stuck with rising tides. Use who or what has been against you, to loosen the ties that bind, take off your blindfold and see what is waiting for you. You can dig more deeply into this by using more Tarot cards to show you what, who and why. Happy New Year.

  88. Hi Jessica,
    I was listening to the Zoom session yesterday while driving so couldn’t draw a card. Today Monday I’ve gone onto your website and drawn 2 of Cups. I drew that also on Saturday before going to a meeting with a stranger (friend of friend needing some help, not a romantic date!)
    So I’m remembering your guidance about drawing twice. (Certainly don’t want reconciliation with the ex – want him to go away for good.)
    Also looking for new job, and money coming in would be good.
    Thanks always for so much.

    1. Oh, you drew the Two of Cups. Twice? That’s important. The odds are 77-1 you turn over that Tarot card. It is possible the stranger you met is the potential new other half in the card. However, the card itself is not explicitly romantic. This can be a man and woman who share a house in a platonic friendship, but have equality issues to sort out with each other (like, who does the housework). You’d like your ex-boyfriend to go away for good, Annie. He may well do, but he may also be the man in the card. This feels like the future not being fully formed; there is a lot swirling around. Your DSC (Descendant) is Libra. This is showing up in the astrology in 2023, 2024 as for the first time in 19 years the South Node moves into Libra. Ceres is also in Libra. One way or another, you will be drawn into a really important duet with a man who you need to balance the scales with, probably along gender equality lines, yet there would be a question here about a house or apartment (in the background of the card) and the hovering matter of the next generation; babies, children, teenagers, Millennials and the part they will or will not play. You have a lot of choices here. A lot is possible.

  89. Hi Jessica, I’ve just watched the recording of the event, which was brilliant as always. I couldn’t watch it live as I was with friends in Edinburgh – which leads me to my question. I currently live in Yorkshire, but I’d like to move to Edinburgh next spring/summer. I’m a sun cancer and was really pleased to see the four of wands pulled and the positive message associated with a move to a new place. I pulled the two of cups (and I’m single) so I don’t think they are related. I will ask further questions of the tarot myself, but I wondered if there was anything in my chart that lined up with Scotland and property? Oh and 19 years ago, I was on a working visa in Australia so struggling to find the link there too. Thank you so very much!

    1. Thank you. You’d like to move to Edinburgh in 2023. The card for Sun Cancer people suggests a huge celebration with a very special residence involved, so this could easily be your housewarming. However we have to allow the Tarot to do its job. Your Two of Cups card is about a former, current or (new) partner in 2023. You can see a house in the background. So I think your choices to move, or not to move, will be influenced by a budding relationship; a reconciliation; a new phase in an existing partnership. It’s always in the details with Pamela’s illustrations in the Tarot. This story about your other half/the other side, but also where to live, continues in 2023 with Libra and Capricorn transits, and into 2024 as well.

  90. Hi Jessica,

    This was my first Conscious Café event, I was so happy to attend and hear your predictions live! Thank you for doing them, I am looking forward to my next one. I drew the Devil (I am Libra) card which you also drew for Libra. I thought that was such a sign that I was supposed to be at this event. I asked how this card would impact single Libras as I am single and now I am wondering if you could have a look at my birth chart and give me some more insight on how it may pan out in my life.

    I appreciate any information you give. Looking forward to the next event!

    1. Thank you. You drew The Devil for yourself, at our event, and I also drew The Devil for Libra. You will be tempted by a sexual relationship, starting just before Christmas 2022 and going into 2024, actually. There may be more than one. You have a stellium in Libra and Scorpio, in your Seventh House and Eighth House, so are inclined towards complicated relationships anyway. This may stay at attraction and flirtation and stop. It may become a fully involved affair. You do have choices. It is important to figure out who or what is sinful to you. Adultery? That’s just one example. That will be part of the story. As I explained at the event, it is very easy for you or the man in question to snap the chains and break the entrapment, be it psychological or actually sexual. The question then is, do you both do that together, or separately? Leaving one behind? And if you both go, where do you go to? What happens next? Have a look at your Libra and Scorpio stelliums in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you with membership as you know.

  91. Hi Jessica: Thank you so much for the Conscious Cafe session. As always, I always learn so much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I am a sun Sagittarius and drew the ten of wands. It is so accurate for what has been going on with some health issues that my jaw dropped. I have had an emergency lumbar fusion in May of 2020 (during Covid) and have been having ongoing issues with nerve damage in my legs. On top of that, I had Covid in August of 2022 and now suffering from long Covid and had to stop work as of August. There is the possibility that I may need another surgery to fix my back issues and scheduled for a nerve ablation at some point in 2023. Wondering if you can see if I will need another surgery and if you see me being able to return to work in the New Year. I am getting close to retirement (58) on this bday and wondering if I should retire as some of my health issues appear permanent.

    Thank you again for all that you do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your staff.

    1. Thank you. The Tarot can be jaw-dropping. You have really been put through it, with your lumbar fusion, nerve damage and Covid. If you are in your late fifties you have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo in your Sixth House of health and wellbeing. Retirement and a new lifestyle where your wellbeing comes first, suits the astrology. It may be that you decide to set up a completely different way of life, starting March 2023, and really maintaining that in 2024, 2025, 2026. That would also bring about different sorts of duties and tasks – those which don’t strain your back. Things you enjoy, which allow you to serve, without weighing you down. Ask the Tarot again about the options, regarding retirement. If you want to feel better until then, the Tarot is suggesting you delegate and ditch. Even housework. Unpaid work. All of that!

  92. Great session Jessica. I’ve been following you for years now and I try to attend your meetings as much as possible as I find everything you mention is so prescient. As a Virgo I pulled the world card. What are you seeing for me next year? Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you. Starting in May 2023 and there by May 2024, you have new choices to travel to (or travel on Zoom to) parts of Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australasia which have a huge impact on you with their culture, history and heritage. The issue is choosing. You may want to ground yourself and put both feet on terra firma before you select one destination online and not another. This tallies with your chart. As a Virgo you have Jupiter (opportunity) in Taurus in your solar Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, starting in May.

  93. Hello Jessica, thank you for all your wonderful insight. I am Sun Leo….just split up with husband Taurus (married 19 years ago) I drew the Four of Wands for next year…and I also have Venus in Virgo (you mentioned Virgo trine with Jupiter) I am apprehensive but excited about what is coming next year…..I know it’s going to be tricky (it already has been so hard this year) but are things going to get lighter?? Many thanks x

    1. The big change with your husband comes along in March 2023, when he makes decisions that alter the post-marriage relationship. There is a second phase to this, in July 2023, when the karma between you ends. You do indeed have the nodal cycle triggering your separation and divorce sector (the Seventh House) and of course it relates to life 19 years ago. So it becomes much, much easier in March, then July. It is possible you both attend a celebratory event with family or friends in 2023 which marks the change between you. That would fit the Four of Wands. Or, by then, you may have a new partner and this relationship between you is the gateway to something special – a housewarming, wedding, reunion or similar.

  94. Jessica – thank you for the amazing work you do. I find your writing clear, concise, and so very relevant to world events. I’m a member with Virgo Sun, Taurus Rising, and Sagittarius Moon. Jupiter is in my first house and I have stelliums in Virgo (5th), Leo (4th), and Cancer (3rd). I’m a 1964 Virgo, with Saturn opposing Pluto and Uranus. A lot has been said by you and others that the coming months for me will be about career change and partnerships. I’m unhappy where I am financially and unhappy where I’m working. I’ve got a couple of great side-hustles in the arts, but they could be bringing in more funds. Would love any advice you have to give as I move toward March, 2023. Thanks!

    1. Thank you very much. Work and money aren’t happy for you, and you like your side-hustles but they do not pay. You are a Virgo Sun with Virgo, Cancer, Leo stelliums. You will be able to save a lot of money, or make it, when Jupiter changes signs just before Christmas, until May 2023. Do you teach? Have you thought about Zoom tutoring? That could make a huge difference to how you feel. A foreign country and foreign people or cultures goes to the top of your list after May 2023 with fantastic results if you take all the options, by May 2024.

  95. Hi Jessica, I couldn’t make the Concious Cafe event, but have gone through your update and find it fascinating, I love your work. It seems like we’re all in for big changes in how the world works. it’s very exciting. Would you be able to provide some guidance for me. I started a new business in Nov 2019, though started trading on 14 Jan 22. Despite Covid, a major illness and now the energy crisis, it is now really profiting. I need a partner or some additional staff to help it reach it’s full potential and want to choose wisely. I also need to look after my health as I had a tough year , (thankfully fully recovered). And lastly, my relationship with my wife can be very toxic at times, we are very different people. Apologies for the length of my message.

    1. Thank you very much. You need help in your business. Your health is a concern. Your wife can be toxic company. Okay, so starting with the business: try to hire before December 20th if you can. Really think about the paperwork, though, as long-term there will be issues with and around colleagues that you have to take on board. You go from Jupiter (terrific options) in your work zone to Saturn (waiting games) in the same zone, 2023 to 2026. I’d rather you hired now than later. Your health must be number one, please. No compromises. Whatever it takes to put your health, mental health, fitness and wellbeing first, has to happen. Start now but step it up from March 2023. The situation with your wife will be solved, near Christmas onwards until May 2023. There is a huge solution there so take it and run with it.

  96. Hello Jessica! I just wanted to send more validation about the tarot. I have been snowed under at work in a job I’ve been in for a decade now. I asked the tarot about headlines for my job and career next year and I pulled the nine of pentacles. And for the briefest moment I saw the woman as myself in my doctoral robes many years ago. She seems quite relaxed and comfortable! I am not too sure what it all means but I take it as a very good card! Lots of well wishes to you and yours 🙂

  97. I am so sorry to have missed the meet-up. I thought I’d be able to stay up (like Breeze I’m in California–hi to Breeze!).

    I just pulled the 3 of Wands in asking what 2023 holds for me and I would say that that card is the story of my life in terms of my idea of work/career & my inability to be driven to accomplish anything in the area I thought would be my thing-writing-. (I went into teaching instead as my ex-husband needed my income to help pay the mortgage.)

    I’m retired from teaching. I do some work related to it and find myself wanting to support new teachers (I did some mentoring before I retired) BUT I think that that urge is related to taking care of others as a child–and it’s really been what distracted me from being a writer. It’s interesting to me-I used to resent it, but I’ve reached a state of acceptance which is really nice.

    In any case–just wanted to say hi! Sorry I missed the meet-up. My dog is doing great!

    I do wonder about my kids: My oldest son is finishing his PhD program and will move to Northern California where his wife’s family lives. His DOB is 10/18/1992 10:30 a.m., Pasadena CA. His wife is also a Libra as is his father (and this son was also born on my grandfather’s birthday too.) My other son is about to turn 25. He is in a relationship which is becoming serious. They bicker though, which bother’s me–but doesn’t seem to bother her. His DOB is 12/10/1996 4:08 p.m. in Pasadena CA. Also–their step-mother has Pancreatic cancer and is dying, their father is very stressed out (Libra, 10/18/1952, Marysville Tenn–around 6 a.m.).

    I didn’t grow up in a healthy loving family – that my kids even LIKE me, much less LOVE me constantly amazes me. They are wonderful people.

    I’m sorry that I tend to go on and on. I was hoping if I had been awake for the meet-up, to ask about how to use one’s own psychic abilities. I’ve had pre-cognitive dreams, lots of synchronicities (which have been delightful) and am sensitive to “vibes.” I’ve been wondering–it’s my learning style I suppose–how does one make these tendencies valuable and useful as you do?

    Thanks in advance–Happy Christmas & New Year!

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I’ve been in touch with the Conscious Cafe about two events in 2023, one on an American-friendly time zone. I hope that helps. You do have some quite promising ideas and should put them where they will work in 2023. The children are not showing up in your card, so the Tarot wants you to focus on your writing. That’s the main story. 
There is a strange mixture of haste and paralysis here, as the person with the three ideas, plans, projects or qualifications (suggested by Three Wands) is stuck fast on the cliff, looking out to sea, but has racing car checks on his/her cloak. Perhaps it is through lack of experience – the shawl is green. I have often seen this card in readings on my website when the person concerned has a ton of good ideas, a lot of nervous energy, some anxiety about losing an opportunity, but also anxiety about going out there and making something happen. You often get a red light, amber light, green light rapid rotation with this card. It is fixed by active imagination. Perhaps other people need to come into the scene. Maybe the position needs to be adjusted (the stance and attitude of the key person). What can be done with the actual three staves, rods or wands, which are symbols of something on paper, or on the computer?

      With ‘three’ we can get three drafts of the same script, or three competing ideas, or a trio of compatible products. Or we can get two versions of the same concept and a third, outlying idea. All should be taken as one, as the whole. It’s all part of a mixed bag but don’t forget or neglect one or two, to mono-task. Try to get the whole lot in front of you for assessment.

      This card is about mixed feelings regarding the export of ideas, and the distant shores of the worldwide web. That’s the Grand Prix checks you can see (faster, faster, break the record) but the rather stuck, planted, rooted nature of the pose. Wants to go, does not want to go!

      Nothing can grow in the current location. There may be much better odds somewhere else. There may even be a race on, or some kind of ‘Gold Rush’ as the three ships in the foreground are racing for a distant location. This may be about the need to compete and catch up, but the fear of losing or coming last. You see this card when there is a competition for, say, cryptocurrency or an attempt at a vaccine for a virus. 

There are any number of reasons for not joining the race or getting one’s feet wet. Fear of failure. Fear of success. A bit of analysis goes a long way with this card. Nobody doubts the potential of the idea or product but the issue is the location; the timing; the competition; the personality of you/the key person.

      If the person in question does not make up his/her mind, things may never grow. There is a need here to remember the one or two projects or qualifications not ‘held.’ The short trip is Gemini, the longer journey is Sagittarius. The Third House is the hop across to another city or region; The Ninth House is the foreign exploration. These can also show up in the chart. You may also get Saturn by transit or transits to natal Saturn as this is a symbol of delay, fear and sometimes self-sabotage in the chart.

  98. Hi Jessica, many thanks for the event on Sunday. I am an Aquarian and drew The Star as my tarot card. You had The Star for Aquarians in 2023. Is there any special significance having the Star twice?

    1. Yes, drawing twice is the Tarot shouting at you – very useful. 2023 will be exceptional for you. Thus – This is a terrific card to see if you are joining a group, rejoining a group, or launching a project with a group. If you were a member of Pussy Riot in Moscow a few years ago, wondering how your quest for world fame might go, The Star would have vindicated you. It’s the same, even with largely male organisations, like builders’ trade unions. The Star tells you – people power is a remarkable thing, once you all work out who the star of the show is (but you are all twinkling stars).

      Feeding a community with what it needs, is essentially the role of an Aquarius type. That sign is likely to dominate your chart in this reading, or perhaps somebody else in the community has an Aquarius chart signature. We think about Germaine Greer and the Women’s Liberation movement of the 1970’s for example, or Yoko Ono and her Plastic Ono Band (she is also an Aquarius Sun). John Lennon had an Aquarius Moon and The Star might just as easily be about The Beatles. 

The blonde figure in the centre of the card is often quite literally shown in your life. Again, using the above example, the flaxen-haired maiden might have been Linda McCartney and the circle of stars might have been Wings. It is amazing how often we see a fair-haired person play the star, with this card. I have seen it turn up in readings for members of the Conservative party and the blonde has been, hilariously, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson – or at least his sister Rachel.

      In Rome, this impressive maiden would have been an Aquarius (water-bearer) supplying the communal baths. Aquarius is very much the sign to associate with those who feed the needs of the group without ever actually getting too involved.

      There are questions here about who is the ‘star’ within the group and who are the satellites. Yet, with care, this collective can work together. Ask yourself what the bird in the tree represents. Pamela’s birds are always important. Perhaps this is Twitter (birds tweet) and the circle is purely online. Maybe ‘A little bird told me’ means something to you, with this group of friends. Birds have intensely personal meaning. Really look at this winged messenger in the tree and give it some thought.

      The naked woman (purely because she is naked) may also be meaningful for you here. This is one of Pamela’s sexualised cards. It really depends on you and your circumstances – perhaps there is your lover. Maybe you can see the potential sexualisation of a situation but it does not really matter. It is bypassed.

      The bird may be a guide or voice of wisdom if you let it speak to you. The Star is one of those cards you really have to decode for yourself, and it can defy any book of interpretations!

      The Star is also about how a group functions. One person must always be upfront, front-and-centre, like the brilliant star here, yet everybody shines together. This makes sense. England did not win the World Cup in 1966 without blonde captain Bobby Moore. So many groups need a leader. The Spice Girls might have tried for democracy but Geri Halliwell invariably ended up wearing the platform boots.

      This is a really encouraging card if you are in a team, association, society, club, ensemble cast or similar. It shows pooling resources, which is an Aquarian concept (in the pool) and in fact, there is abundant supply here of whatever the group needs.
      You can see both jugs flowing. Her cup runneth over. The dazzling, beautiful, bright, brilliant background must surely be a reflection of Pamela’s own joyous experiences with her friends (of whom she had many). The star in her firmament was future Nobel prize-winner W. B. Yeats, but some might say Pamela was the true star. The trick with this card is to understand that constellations depend on the individual stars within, to make any patterns at all. Everyone must shine, can shine – and does shine.

Accepting the Oscar, the sensible actor thanks the cast and crew. S/he knows there is more to this than just one voice or face. Kurt Cobain was the blonde star in Nirvana but he was a generous musician, writer and singer who shared the space with his bandmates. When you hear Nirvana you hear all three of them.
The water in this card is flooding the space. That is quite important, for as much as The Star is about Aquarius and the Eleventh House, it is also about Neptune. Neptune has no boundaries. It rules rivers, the ocean and the sea. It can also reveal floods and a lack of boundaries. 

Pamela’s cards are to be worked with, using active imagination and focussed intention. How could this water be managed better? How could the resources be saved? Perhaps the bird has some advice. It is not enough to keep pouring, at some point you have to start watching and acting. Pouring (time, energy, talent, money, goodwill, ability) into a shared pool is a wonderful thing to do, and it can be an oasis in the desert (or a band like Oasis in the music industry).

What about the waste, though? There is no point in this formidable maiden pouring herself and her resources into this overflowing pool, if she is seeing half of it run away into random outpourings. Have a look at the way Pamela has illustrated the water in this card and start to think about Neptune by transit, or transits to Neptune, as this is a clear message about dissolving boundaries, and that is very much the astrological territory with this planet.

  99. Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for your conscious cafe session. It was super interesting and I love your work. I’m here in the US and watching the political/trump story unfold….feels like slow motion.

    On a person note, I drew the Queen of Cups card and would appreciate knowing what that means for me.

    Thank you!


    1. Thank you Lauren. Yes, Donald’s Decline and Fall story is very slow. We have seen the impeachments; the wipeout in the election; the legal losses – and yet he remains. Not for much longer. Pluto is out of Capricorn in March 2023 and from the mid 2020’s, gone forever. The Queen of Cups requires a bit of work. This is the long interpretation:I have seen women change their lives when they draw this card, as they recognise that all their dithering is getting them nowhere and that something or someone must be physically moved to a space or place, where there is a purpose. Women who are affected by drugs and alcohol (even prescribed meditation) can sometimes feel quite spaced out, dazed and confused – and be vulnerable to the sort of scene we see here, where everything and everybody is ‘all at sea.’

You would look for a Neptune transit, but also a transit to natal Neptune. The sea is self-evident in this card and getting in over your head, is one outcome of wasting time puzzling over a particular person, without doing anything about him or her.

      This is clearly a woman worth our respect (a Queen) who has a precious, unique relationship she does not know what to do with. If it was on Antiques Roadshow it would be priceless.

      It is a cup, like all the cups in Pamela Colman Smith’s deck, but not any cup you have ever seen. It is fine, detailed, rather odd, and we would suspect a one-off. So, this person in the Queen of Cups’ life is not commonplace or everyday. Nor is this person particularly easy to get to grips with, but something must be done here, or the tide may turn.

      In her past we find pregnancies that did not come to term, or the baby phase of her grown-up children. She is unconscious of this but it is the foundation upon which she rests. These babies are above her and at her feet, cast in stone. This is a woman who is quite unconscious about her abortions, or miscarriages, or the stepchildren she never took on, or the orphans she never adopted. More commonly, it is a woman who has built her world on being a mother, but is quite unconscious of the fact that she has permanently parked her adult son or daughter in infancy, somewhere at the back of her mind.

      The Queen of Cups is all at sea, cast adrift, not living in the real world, far removed from what people back home would call normal living. This might be the late Elizabeth Taylor pondering Richard Burton, or the late Princess Diana wondering what on earth she is going to do about her latest admirer. 

Of course, the cup can be a friend; a family member; a colleague. Yet in all cases the person concerned would be about emotion and feeling, for this queen, who is herself likely to have the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and/or Pisces prominent in her birth chart.

      This is a picture of Kent with its beautiful white chalk cliffs, where Pamela Colman Smith created her card. Our Queen is drifting further into the English Channel as the water laps against her feet and she forgets about the real world.

      This is a card showing the Fifth House of parenthood and relationships, and also Neptune, that symbol of drifting unreality.

      The solution is to put the cup down and go back to the village or town with it tucked under one arm, where the relationship (a cup is always a relationship) can be found an appropriate place. At the moment it is a distraction from the real issue – babies that came/didn’t come, quite some time ago. The Queen would be happier with dry feet.

      This is a trophy or a collector’s item. It may be a ‘trophy’ boyfriend or husband who is good-looking, rich or successful. If it is the woman’s son or daughter, there is something here that is so hard for her to deal with, or come to terms with, but still very special.

      Actual movement – taking action – gives the cup a home somewhere in one of the villages or towns up on the cliffs. The Queen needs to gather up her skirts, hold the peculiar but golden relationship fast, and set about finding the right environment for what she has.

It may be a museum. Perhaps this is a former husband or live-in partner who belongs to the past, not the future, and until The Queen of Cups puts him behind a glass case she will never get on with her life.
Perhaps she needs to pass the cup on! Maybe there is someone in the nearest town who would make far better use of this than she ever would. Maybe it is time to let go of a valuable but puzzling friend who one never quite moves into sexual territory with; this sort of platonic pal might be the ideal wife for a single man out there, but until the Queen lets go, nobody will ever know. The trick with this card is to realise that it is about the environment not the cup itself. It is about finding the right place for such a person or relationship and that requires some common-sense, self-discipline and a bit of shoulder to the wheel.

  100. Wow Jessica. The Tarot is amazing. My question regarding 2023 drew the Nine of Cups which seems really positive – is it ok to be very optimistic or is there also something hidden to be aware of (considering everything else that lies ahead for the world!) Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite is amazing. If your question was nice and simple – a straightforward strong question – what does 2023 bring me? The deck would have told you. It’s about your Eleventh House of groups and friends. You have Chiron at 0 Aquarius in your Eleventh House and Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, in March 2023. So that’s it. Can you get away with the so-called outrageous or impossible, with a circle of people? Yes you can. In fact they will empower you. Just watch out for one person who may be about to leave, or fall out with the group. He or she could take another one along with them. Pay attention to the individual faces in the group.
      One Minute Interpretation
This is the solid backing of some solid gold people; friends or family. Perhaps, a political party lined up behind a beaming leader. Is the rather self-satisfied, well-fed character on the chair, you or somebody else? Pay attention to the semi-circle of cups. At the sharp right-hand side, one cup is slipping. Who needs help?

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This card is a warning. Given that all the cups cards are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (the emotional water signs) it may be that these signs are actually involved. There are many of them, and the cups all look the same. That’s a trap. If you regard people as a faceless mass, and make assumptions that they are backing you, sooner or later one of them may break apart from the group, and when he or she falls, the rest can topple sideways or off. Attention must be paid, to quote Arthur Miller. No matter how self-absorbed and self-congratulatory someone feels about ‘all this’ and ‘my people’ it really is time to get off the chair and pay singular, individual attention to each solid-gold person, behind. Treating people on a case-by-case basis, checking that they feel fulfilled, have all they need, are in a sturdy potion – averts what could be quite disastrous, at least at one end of the group, or the family.

      Let’s look at Pamela’s card from the outside looking in. A smug, rather fat man poses in front of his nine trophies. These are cups, which represent sexuality or emotions. Water signs, as I’ve mentioned.

      Look again at the cup in the right-hand corner which is about to fall off. This man is so wrapped up in his own achievement, he is not paying attention to the individual people who ‘have his back.’

      One of them does not! Like Ten Green Bottles, if one should accidentally fall, it means many of them might. The fabric can be pulled away and other cups, topple over. So much depends on just one person, but this one person is not even on the fat man’s radar!

      This card hints at Aquarius and the Eleventh House, with its emphasis on the group. This card reminds us of the phrase ‘He’s got your back’ or ‘She’s got your back’ or ‘They’ve got your back’ and is very much about being supported. The semi-circle reminds us of football supporters at a Chelsea game in the stands, with the rich Russian owner beaming for the television cameras. Sports teams do turn up with this card because there are so many players, substitutes or supporters and so often, the stands are circular or semi-circular. It’s the same with the theatre; if you think about the cast and crew, the seating and the director or star, you get a sense of this card.

      The key to success for the person at the front, who may be you or another, is to remember that such a wall of solid-gold support does not happen by itself.

      At some point you have to stop basking in the backing, and actually actively pursue each and every face as an individual. Put back into these people what they need. Try to enrich, expand and improve the separate relationships and people. Of course this may be a message for quite another person; not you! The ability to stop basking and start rolling the sleeves up, and pouring time, energy and attention into the individual is enough to turn this picture around. With care, with sensitivity, with time and effort, this impressive wall of support and backing can indeed become hard to topple.
The central character needs to remember that he or she is the first line of defence. The front line. “This far and no further” might be the message. Every group needs a leader, protector and defender. That is really the purpose of this person. Less smugness and more sharp awareness of this huge responsibility will also help turn the picture around. That wobbling cup on the far right-hand side of the picture can be stood upright again, and the whole, returned to completion.

Pamela and Arthur were in The Golden Dawn for long enough to see the membership fractured and divided. Pamela also worked with Dame Ellen Terry, and was familiar with Shakespeare. This card is not unlike Henry V, with its ‘few’ and band of brothers. It is an archetypal experience; how often have we seen Prime Ministers or Presidents get so lost in their own position and magnificence, that they forget about the individual? This is a great lesson for our times, as we go into Jupiter, Saturn and finally Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of group solidarity and the orchestra of community.

  101. Hi Jessica. I think I’ve just become a new regular to your CC zoom meetings. I’m catching up now that I have the link and I’m loving what I’m seeing so far!! It feels so personal, even though there’s 500 others watching!

    When you asked us to pick a card for 2023, I initially picked the 7 of Cups. I went back and drew a second card, being the 4 of Penticals. Could you give me your thoughts on that? I feel they both are very matched with the theme of the card drawn for Taurus at the beginning of the session…

    1. Thank you. That’s a quote to keep. Okay so wealth and security is there if you choose it. Otherwise it’s just a dream. You have to make a plan (a notebook is useful) and make it concrete. Otherwise it’s a projection. You can see the money and property in the Four of Pentacles, symbolically showing up in one of the floating cups in the cloud. There’s a palace. There’s jewels. Nothing can become real until you make it real, but as a Sun Taurus with Jupiter going into your natal Second House of prosperity and security, from May 2023 to May 2024, your odds are excellent.

  102. hey Jessica! what dies 2023 hold for me please 14/8/65 and my son 29/4/2001? thank you Ms Leo

    1. Do you have the Tarot card you drew from the Conscious Cafe event? I need to see that and also your chart, to reply properly. Thank you.

  103. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for a great event on the weekend! I’m a Pisces and pulled the three of wands as my card for 2023. Could I have some advice around career & salary?

    1. Thank you. You are in the best position to save or make money in 12 years, starting just before Christmas and ending in May 2023. Take the opportunities and solutions offered. The Three of Wands is as follows:

      The potential here is vast and the concepts, projects, ideas and/or qualifications are promising. Clearly all of this, and perhaps you, belong in a different and more suitable location. It’s like a great song. It is a hit in its home country but might do better as a football anthem in a foreign city. Pace and timing make the difference here as there is a real need to sort out paralysis versus haste. Research, homework, knowledge-gathering and thoughtful questioning can make all the different. One cannot hang around forever, though. This will not last as it should or thrive as it could without proper action.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
There is a strange mixture of haste and paralysis here, as the person with the three ideas, plans, projects or qualifications (suggested by Three Wands) is stuck fast on the cliff, looking out to sea, but has racing car checks on his/her cloak. Perhaps it is through lack of experience – the shawl is green. I have often seen this card in readings on my website when the person concerned has a ton of good ideas, a lot of nervous energy, some anxiety about losing an opportunity, but also anxiety about going out there and making something happen. You often get a red light, amber light, green light rapid rotation with this card. It is fixed by active imagination. Perhaps other people need to come into the scene. Maybe the position needs to be adjusted (the stance and attitude of the key person). What can be done with the actual three staves, rods or wands, which are symbols of something on paper, or on the computer?

      With ‘three’ we can get three drafts of the same script, or three competing ideas, or a trio of compatible products. Or we can get two versions of the same concept and a third, outlying idea. All should be taken as one, as the whole. It’s all part of a mixed bag but don’t forget or neglect one or two, to mono-task. Try to get the whole lot in front of you for assessment.

      This card is about mixed feelings regarding the export of ideas, and the distant shores of the worldwide web. That’s the Grand Prix checks you can see (faster, faster, break the record) but the rather stuck, planted, rooted nature of the pose. Wants to go, does not want to go!

      Nothing can grow in the current location. There may be much better odds somewhere else. There may even be a race on, or some kind of ‘Gold Rush’ as the three ships in the foreground are racing for a distant location. This may be about the need to compete and catch up, but the fear of losing or coming last. You see this card when there is a competition for, say, cryptocurrency or an attempt at a vaccine for a virus. 

There are any number of reasons for not joining the race or getting one’s feet wet. Fear of failure. Fear of success. A bit of analysis goes a long way with this card. Nobody doubts the potential of the idea or product but the issue is the location; the timing; the competition; the personality of you/the key person.

      If the person in question does not make up his/her mind, things may never grow. There is a need here to remember the one or two projects or qualifications not ‘held.’ The short trip is Gemini, the longer journey is Sagittarius. The Third House is the hop across to another city or region; The Ninth House is the foreign exploration. These can also show up in the chart. You may also get Saturn by transit or transits to natal Saturn as this is a symbol of delay, fear and sometimes self-sabotage in the chart.

  104. Hey Jessica,

    Thank you & the team for organising the Conscious Cafe event to share the 2023 insights.
    I’m a Taurus sun with stelliums in Taurus, Aries, Aquarius, and Gemini (with four elements in each cluster).
    In the last two Zoom events, you drew Two of Pentacles and Two of Wands for Taurus, while I drew The Sun and Two of Swords as personal cards. “Twos” seems to be a pattern for 2023, and like many Taurians, it’s been a very challenging and taxing time.
    I’d appreciate it if you could share some insights about moving housing/residence either domestically or overseas. I hope the financials will improve from May.
    I appreciate any insights you can provide.

    1. Thank you. You have had Two of Pentacles, Two of Wands and now you have discovered the Two of Swords. Are you in a partnership? That’s the story here. The Taurus financial juggling ends in March 2023 when Mars stops being retrograde in Gemini in your Second House of cash flow. Until then try to invent a budget which allows for instability. You have tremendous potential with your Two of Wands card with Pluto in your Ninth House of foreign people and countries; a concept or idea can travel. I expect you’ll think seriously about overseas. The Two of Swords is left until last. This is the long interpretation. It relates to your need to move.
      A decision must be made to cut out someone or something, from this woman’s life. She is on the defensive. This is like the Stealer’s Wheel song, Stuck in the Middle With You. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. It’s also the Magazine song, Shot By Both Sides. Nothing can improve here until the woman is either rescued, or better still, takes off the blindfold.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Decisions, decisions. Is this woman right to be on guard, likely quite paranoid, about both sides in a situation where she is stuck in the middle? She has no idea because she cannot see. It may be that there is no threat at all, but she really needs to put down one or both swords, at least long enough to take off the blindfold so she can actually get the true measure of the perceived threats. 

We have to be realists here and say she may very well be at risk from people against her on either or both side of her life. If so, it is imperative that she is quick and clever. The blindfold needs to be whipped off, both swords handled swiftly and a battle plan followed. There is huge emphasis on plotting, planning and strategy with this card. Rather than just sitting there paralysed by inaction and trepidation, this woman would be far better off tuning into the situation with her remaining senses (including the sixth sense) and coming up with a game plan to get away, fight back or perhaps – put her swords down if there is no threat. She is also in a position to flee the scene.
      The lunar cycle is important here. This is a New Moon, emerging or just recently gone. Thus, it is a new beginning but things are on hold. Have a look at the moon’s transits to your chart, or transits to the Moon. The Moon is about maternal instinct, mothers, babies, and its root ‘mo’ can be found in mom and mother. 

It is not unusual for the quandary to be about having a baby (or not) or the role of motherhood with a particular son or daughter. The two sides, can be her side of the family, and her husband’s. 

Yet, the moon can also show ‘the mother of the nation’ or the mother figure in a corporation, business or company. This may be a caretaker or employer who finds herself in a very heavy and rather tense situation. There is always a sense of piggy-in-the-middle with this card. In some cases it can show Proserpina in the chart, or transits from Proserpina, as she was in danger of being ‘Shot By Both Sides’ – her husband Pluto and her mother-in-law Ceres, who had her in their lives for half the year, each.

      As discussed, this woman needs to take her blindfold off, so she can see where to head next. The rocks will give her a path to the promising landscape in the distance. She can leapfrog her way forward. Yet, nothing can happen while she cannot see.

      She is on the attack or defence, on both sides which is a very difficult position to be in, when you can’t see what is going on, if it is happening at all. Defending herself here, is not just about one threat, but two. Is she right or wrong? She won’t know until she can see.

      Pamela’s cards are all about action. Stage direct what is happening here. Work the script. Supply props or new characters. There are so many ways to alter what is going on and to introduce improvements.

      To see, the lady in the Two of Swords needs to come up with a strategy whereby she puts one sword down, defends herself with the other, and quickly takes her blindfold off. At least then she can move left, right, to the front or behind and protect herself or get away. She could even smite her opponent.

      The other fascinating part of this card is the potential for fantasy – illusion. Perhaps there is nothing and nobody there to threaten this woman at all. She is imagining or projecting a problem which does not exist. She will never know until she puts one sword down (leaves herself defenceless one one side) and takes away what/who is blinding her to the truth of her situation.

      This is a card of chopping and changing, so it suggests Saturn who castrated his father Uranus, or Uranus himself, who was chopped and changed. It is also a Libra card – Libra describes both sides of a situation. The scales on both sides.

      You can also see how heavy the swords are. She would be so much happier hurling them into the sea and going for a swim. There are so many options for relief, release and recovery in this card. What would happen if she called for help – yelled for assistance? Perhaps other people could fight her battle, if there are genuinely enemies on one or both sides of her life.

There is more empowerment in a silent strategy though, and this is the best way out of a very testing and difficult situation. She can’t sit there forever, weighed down by all that metalwork. At some point, acting has to be better than not acting at all. A woman who is embattled can sometimes find this Tarot card speaks to her about what to do, and when to do it.

      The large body of water behind her suggests Aquarius the water-bearer might be useful in her chart, or people with Aquarius planets could be of assistance. Here we have Her Majesty the Queen at the passing of Diana, Princess of Wales, with her media critics against her on one side, and members of Diana’s family against her, on the other. Flying blind or ‘feeling your way’ at such times isn’t really useful and it just prolongs a rather stuck and difficult situation. It is far better to have some kind of battle plan and be proactive. Then the guesswork can end and action can begin. The sort of action required really depends on staring the apparent opposition, threat or enemy in the face, on both sides, and understanding who and what is there.

  105. Great Zoom, btw.

    My 2023 card was The Star. Your thoughts? Am I to support and nurture this? Or will it just ‘happen?’

    I’m wanting to look at the chart for the cryptocurrency Ravencoin(RVN): “first introduced on the blogging platform Medium in November 2017” and “The open-source Ravencoin platform launched January 3, 2018” What should I chart with? Then what do I look for?

    I have purchased a few small NFTs in RVN and am thinking about converting some of my art into NFTs and placing them for sale on Ravenist, the NFT market that trades in Ravencoin. Am I heading in the right direction?

    I have contacted Dr. David J. Brenner at Columbia University and asked for input on the HEPA/UV-C article.

    I’m also looking to (eventually) establish a community-based economy and exchange token directory of local community goods and services.

    But I need to Tarot (verb) to prioritize these various efforts; I fell yesterday and wrenched my shoulder and may have cracked a rib trying to get everything done “right now.” Is there a way to prioritize various projects, using transits?

    Also, how can I look at future placements of the asteroids you track? Can I get access to the software you use? I’m assuming you have a customized/expanded version.

    Jessica, You are such a blessing to me and the world!

    1. The Star is your Aquarius Chiron at 2 degrees, as transiting Pluto approaches 2 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years. The group is powerful. It contains many stars and one superstar. You can also shine within the group. March 2023 will show you the start of what will be a major story in your life. The idea of pooling resources is central to this group of people. As for Ravencoin, I’ve never heard of it I’m afraid, and suggest you use the Tarot for yourself to figure out where that’s heading. I am sorry you’ve wrenched your shoulder. Hopefully you are on the mend. If you want something to do while you recover, you can order AstroGold from Esotech, from my friend Stephanie Johnson. That’s professional astrology sofware.

  106. Hi Jessica,

    This is way off topic, but I needed to share this with someone who will understand and to reach as many people as possible. My best friend passed away Feb2020. We use to speak nearly every day so the emptiness felt has been irreplaceable. Last night I dreamt about her, it was so deeply real I heard her call my name, I hugged her and even remember the feeling of her long black hair in my face as I held her and then fell to the ground crying from the shock of actually holding her again. I awoke with a start and sat up crying and thanking her for coming to see me. There’s a lot more detail which I wrote down to keep. The thing is it was so very very real. It took me 30 minutes just to compose myself. Our loved ones are always with us that is what she said “we are just so busy, it’s not until the quietest of moments that we see and feel them.
    Thank you for letting me share this and I hope this brings some of your reader’s comfort.

    1. Thank you. I am so sorry you lost your dear friend. You fell asleep and found yourself in a space where your etheric (light) body could travel to a compatible space, where your friend could spend time with you. I am sure you did hear her call your name. You may be clairaudient, naturally. The emotion must have been intense, so I hope you are feeling okay now. My friend Margaret Dent, one of Australia’s most famous mediums, wrote a great book called Love Never Dies which explains some of the afterlife and how it works. It’s just as your friend said, we’re all so busy, spirit finds it hard to communicate. Sleep is one way.

  107. aaa, I missed it. one world currency in 2023? how adaptable really we have to be. thinking of darwin’s quote…
    I am a Cancerian and looking to change my career in 2023. also relocate, for our son’s education system. maybe the UK or Germany? not a fan of toxic work environments anymore. more meaningful and impactful work. what do you think Jessica?
    Warm regards, Evan

    1. Thanks Evan. You will have a superior paid, unpaid or academic work opportunity in your sights from December 20th and by Easter 2023 have likely snapped up a position or project which is a huge breakthrough. You will move by 2024 though have to compromise to do it. Have a look at the Tarot on this website for a more personal insight on that information.

  108. Hi Jessica, just love the wonderful information for 2023 and all of your insights on the zoom meeting. I have a stellium in Aquarius and Leo and drew the Page of Cups. I also have some important Virgo factors you were mentioning too. Could you possibly suggest how this card may playout for me in the coming months. Many thanks x

    1. The Page of Cups is a younger man who is all over the place. He is appealing, a colourful dresser, gifted (blessed) with something quite special, but he does not know what to do with it, or has not got the common sense to make a plan. There is plenty more where that blessing or gift comes from, but unless he grows up and gets back down to earth he will waste the opportunity. Slippery, elusive, creative, evasive, intriguing – he may have Neptune or Pisces dominant in his chart. Your role is up to you. As you have a stellium in Leo you tend to attract children, teenagers or young adults who need a mentor, guide, teacher, mother substitute, nanny, granny, godmother, aunt and so on. That’s your calling in 2023.

  109. Hi Jessica, I really enjoyed the Zoom event! I drew the 2 of pentacles on your website and the 6 of Pentacles from my personal deck. I’m wondering what 2023 will bring, especially in terms of my relationship with my estranged adult children. Do you see any improvements? I am a sun Cancer with stelliums in Capricorn, Cancer and Libra, my son is a sun Leo with Virgo rising Venus in Virgo Aquarius moon and Leo/Virgo stelliums, my daughter is sun Sagittarius Virgo rising and Taurus moon with Sagittarius and Scorpio stelliums. Thanks!

    1. Thank you. You need a new budget which can absorb the uncertainty of the economy. Instead of juggling and wobbling, create a flexible new budget which can ‘take’ any highs and lows, as 2023 is unstable either where you live, or in your chosen field or industry. You also pulled the card from your own deck, which may be the issue with the juggling. You are giving or receiving and it’s keeping you on the back foot. The long interpretation followed. The children who don’t speak to you are part of a karmic transit called the South Node in Scorpio in your solar Fifth House of motherhood. It ends in July, you will be pleased to hear. What happened 18 or 19 years ago? That’s the clue. Maybe they were born then. You owe, or are owed, and have to work through the karma, but as I said, it ends in July. I would expect there to be a breakthrough with one of the children, July 2023 through the year 2024 with a deal being done. Let’s hope it’s both of them. The son may be easier than the daughter.

  110. Dear Jessica, Wonderful Readers,

    Both the answers and the questions here are so great.

    Don’t know who you write so much.

    I held off investing in crypto, because of your predictions and am kicking myself for not handling the drop in the British Pound properly.

    Ceres will conjunct my Pluto, and Jupiter Opposes it.
    I keep drawing the Ace of wands, lovers, and even the Ace of PENTACLES. Can’t make sense.

    I do know this my from text and data analysis :
    You are the only one to show Chiron in a new light to us..a Maverick .
    You alone get the horoscopes of the nations.
    Now, others are saying the same.

    Are you reading this Instyle , Vanity Fair ?
    If prayer works, I pray that the rulers and astrologers recognize you.
    Had I had the power, I would have you on TV Every month.

    Deeply grateful and very respectful of your generosity and psychic powers.

    1. Thank you. Yes, anyone who took that free astrology lesson about the British pound in 2020 would have done well in 2022. That’s not what it’s about but we also have to be practical. Your Tarot suggests a lump sum of money, a big new idea which needs to be planted and yes, a very important relationship.

  111. Hi Jessica, I just listened to the recording of the 2023 predictions – thank you! I have Sun in Aries so the 2 of Cups is the theme pulled for the new year. During the break, the card I picked was the Tower. Just over a week ago, Mauna Loa the active, firey volcano on the island where I live began erupting after 38 years. My boyfriend and I had the conversation of “Where would we go?” if the lava found its way closer to our home or impacted life here significantly. Three days later we received an email from the owners of the home we have been renting and caretaking for the past 6-1/2 yrs saying they want the house back for year-round use starting March 2023. It is one of 3 homes they own and live in throughout the year. I had been growing increasingly restless with the arrangement of needing to move out each year for 1 month while they came to enjoy the house, living on top of their furnishings had become cramped, and we have been unable to have pets. Otherwise, it has been a wonderful sanctuary to live in albeit one we’ve outgrown.

    I could relate to the following description for the Tower card:

    “Yes, the inhabitants of this uninviting, sterile building are falling. They are reeling in horror as they are thrown out of what used to be their castle. (An Englishman’s home is his castle). Lightning has struck the peak and the crown has come off. Everything is on fire.
    What if the characters here, one of whom represents you, or the people in your world, fall safely on the ground? What then? They can go back later and rebuild what they had, or walk away and start again. It is amazing how often The Tower appears when people realise, with a start, that they have no desire at all to go back to what was there, and relish the chance to break free, and create completely new worlds of their own. This would be action set in another card!”

    We see the positives of breaking free from this situation and moving forward to create something new but last week definitely presented some shocks to our foundation! A foundation we did not own. We’ve longed for the freedom to no longer live under someone else’s rules while also being aware home ownership comes with its own responsibilities. It is an outrageous housing market here for our current finances with very little to choose from so we are trying to think of creative ways we may stay in the area or on the island near our community of friends and family. This shock brings a greater sense of urgency to find more income opportunities too. I already work from home so I have some flexibility. Though the past couple of years I have been working on my inner landscape and less on making sustainable amounts of money.

    Do any other points of focus appear in the chart regarding the move or direction to take? I thought their choice of March 2023 as our move-out time was fascinating. Perhaps Jupiter in Aries will bring some needed opportunities. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for coming along to our event. Your volcano eruption and the end of the old home life go together. You had The Tower, to the life. This is a lesson for me, after 30 years of reading Tarot. Sometimes the flames in the card can be literal. As you have seen from the interpretation, the choice is to go back and try again, patching things back up and fixing them as best you can – or walking away. Almost as if you were leaving the card and walking into another card. Use The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle on my website to go further as The Tower is a shock and you need help. Think about May 2023-May 2024 as the time to save a lot of money, or make it. You’ve been through a classic Uranus in Taurus experience, in your Second House of money, property, business and possessions. Uranus rules lightning and you have the lightning bolt illustrated in The Tower card. The golden rule is, accept you have been liberated from someone or something that would have confined you, perhaps for years. If you walk away and start again, you will need guidance so go back to The Tarot and follow the steps. The astrology makes it clear that May 2023 is the turning point, so start thinking laterally and dreaming bigger. Write down what you want and need so it’s clear to you. Call a timeline in. Years later you will realise that had this situation never happened, along with the volcano (!) you would never had had the unbelievable, exciting, life-changing experiences up ahead.

  112. Hi Jessica. I attended the Zoom talk above, where you mentioned those with Virgo factors would bring changes to the way we work moving forward. As an uber virgo (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, Ceres, and Juno), I find it interesting that I quit my job in August with no job to go to – which I would never have felt safe/brave enough doing a year ago. I have just sold my house too, which was essentially my nest (moon in Cancer) so I can buy another one debt-free, which was also a big emotional step forward for me. I feel less inclined to define myself by my career now at 55 and assume this is all in alignment with the assessment you made. But do you think these changes occurred a little earlier for me due to the virgo focus in my chart, or have I been influenced earlier by the energies? Thanks.

    1. Thank you. You are an uber Virgo, as you say. You have been experiencing transiting Uranus (the revolution) at 0-15 Taurus, so trine anything at 0-15 Virgo and assisting a revolution. Quitting your job, selling your house, ditching debt, rejecting career as a definition of who you are – all suggests that Uranus trine, triggering liberation. Just be aware of the Saturn in Pisces transit, which will be in opposition to your Virgo stellium, starting March 2023. That’s going to require a new approach and not just to housework, paid work, study, unpaid work – but also your lifestyle, health, fitness and wellbeing. You may want to start the homework on all this now.

  113. Hello Jessica
    Unfortunately I had to miss the Zoom session and I just finished watching the recorder version on YouTube.
    I drew the 4 of Cups for myself as my tarot card for 2023.
    Interestingly a few weeks back, I had drawn the Ace of Cups when I had asked the Tarot about Pluto leaving Capricorn from March 2023 (I am a Sun Cancer).
    Even more interesting, you drew the 4 of Wands for Cancer! which I am so very happy about.
    Do you think that it means that I will have a new ”offer”? Since my 20s to present (late 40s) I have had 3 serious relationships that were very emotionally draining.
    I will really love to know what you see for me.
    Thank you for such amazing work that you do.

    1. Oh, I’m glad it’s on YouTube. The Four of Cups and Ace of Cups are about emotional relationships and feeling full, and fulfilled or empty. You want a new relationship that doesn’t drain you. The Four of Cups is about mild depression or malaise; melancholy. So it’s not about the people. You have good people around you but nothing and nobody fulfils, when you feel generally ‘off’. So there is some work to do to get yourself back to normal. Either side of the family tree may give you clues about this. Yoga can help, so can walking. Anything which grounds you in the real world and releases you from feeling/being physically stuck. Once you feel better about life you will come to see that there are three relationships there with something still to offer you. You said three drained you and there are three cups in front of you in the card. A fourth is possibly on offer but you have to believe in it and reach for it. This fourth cup is actually the Ace of Cups. If you can do the work on yourself, which I realise is easy for me to say, and hard for you to do – you could take a completely different approach and angle with the three people who seem so empty to you. And just changing yourself makes a new relationship possible. The Ace.

  114. Hello Jessica
    Thank you for taking the time to and set me. Yes, I should have told you the question – basically will I get out of debt next year!
    Best wishes


    1. Best you ask that, Catherine. In fact you can follow a three-way reading just by using both oracles and the Tarot on this website.

  115. Hi Jessica, thanks for the Conscious Cafe 2023 predictions. It looks like some very interesting things are going to happen in the near future. I would like to ask a question…. I work full time with people that I like and get along with, but the work has become very boring. Unfortunately for me there is no other job where I work that I can move to make things interesting again. I was wondering if I should leave and go somewhere else or just stay and put up with it.

    1. Thank you for coming along. Work is Virgo/Sixth House and career is Capricorn/Tenth House. So if you are bored we’d expect there to be transits to anything there. Sure enough your MC or Midheaven is 26 Virgo, the sign of duty, service and routine – in the Sixth House of jobs. Transiting Pluto is now at 26 Capricorn, trine your Midheaven. So you are being pushed to change. Pluto goes back and forth over 26 degrees in late August 2023, just for a short time, but otherwise leaves you in peace. You also have transiting Neptune at 22 Pisces opposite Juno at 22 Virgo, so again, this is about realising that you are a bird in a gilded cage. Neptune soon moves off. If you can possibly wait until March 2023, ask yourself the same question then, when Pluto is out of Capricorn altogether. The Tarot can help you with the timing above and show you a more personal angle. Just follow the steps on this website.

  116. Thanks Jessica, I have said to mum I feel Norfolk is the place for us. Mum is asking if she will be happy in Norfolk and make friends and have a social life? Mum is not interested in a boyfriend as yes dad is in spirit and she always says ‘ I had the best and love of my life for 25 years no one else could compare.” And I know as he is around us here all the time she always says ” he will come with us won’t he?” Maybe one day to have a love like they had!

  117. Jessica, hello. Thank you for your predictions. I have been following you for over a year)

    My tarot card for 2023 is the Queen of Pentacles. Can you tell me what’s in store for me next year. Date of birth: 06/14/1984

    1. Thank you. March 2023 is a huge turning point for you as a Sun Gemini in relation to your money. Pluto leaves Capricorn and your solar Eighth House of joint finance and property then, and for the first time since 2008 you will be able to take a more relaxed approach to what you earned or own. There is a suggestion here of a sexual relationship or the lure of one, which seems less important than the actual finance, but it is there. You have a fair bit to think about in March. The ultimate question is, what do you do with the money in your account? Take your time choosing. You do have time.

  118. Hi Jessica, I am posting for the third time – sorry if it will be repetitive but somehow, it does not get posted since 4 December.

    Hi Jessica, I posted the comment but somehow it is not shown here. So re-posting. Firstly I want to say that the zoom event was amazing. Thank you for the insight and also the organizers. I am also a premium member. I am Aquarius, ascendant Aries and 2nd house in Taurus. I picked the Four of Pentacles in the tarot cards during the event. My burning questions from 2023 are related to my company. I have a small practice for 1.5 years and this year I want to scale up and start playing big. I’d appreciate it if stars support me and if I should watch out for certain dates/transits. Warm regards, Asli

    1. Thank you. The comments are in a queue and because of the way WordPress works, I can only see the latest comments first. Those of you who posted early are actually last. So that is why it’s back to front. Anyway, I will go to every question by the end of the week. Asli, your priorities in 2023 are property and money. You need a strategy so could do with professional advice. There is huge potential here. Yet there is a real need to get the measure of the house or apartment market accurately, and get a better idea of when to save, when to spend, when to buy or sell. March 2023 will be a turning point in that regard. You have a big decision to make.

  119. Thank you so much Jessica! I am in awe of your astrology &tarot skills and have sent so many of my friends all over the world to follow your predictions! I am Libra sun, Scorpio asc and Virgo moon, 4 stelliums, in these 3 plus Leo. My card was Knight of Pentacles. I would very much appreciate your comments. I am hoping to make major shifts in my life next year, find a buyer for my main business, have a second home in a warm country, possibly Spain and step into my healer, girl roots for good, teaching meditation and breathing, instead of working in the corporate world. These changes have been long time coming. Would you please give your comments, on these hopes and plans?

    1. Thank you very much. You will find a buyer for your business and be very pleased, at any point from May 2023. The Knight of Pentacles is the man who you will be negotiating with. You will make or save quite a lot of money after May 2023 and by May 2024 have figured out how to spend it. Or stash it.

  120. Dear Jessica, I missed the event on Sunday morning because I forgot to set my alarm clock. I won’t miss the next one. However I did enjoy the Aries zoom event the week before and many thanks to you and your colleagues for organising. I drew the Knight of Pentacles for 2023. I was wondering if you have time can you tell me your interpretation for me? Im looking forward to pluto moving into aquarius and a hopefully more positive world for us all. Best wishes to you and your team for Christmas and I hope you get a rest, put your feet up and chill out. Thank you for sharing your gift with us all.

    1. So many alarm clocks were set for the Conscious Cafe event…I am wondering if we can’t do two events in 2023, about the Tarot. I’ll find out. Then we can run the Zoom on friendlier time zones for everybody. I’m glad you liked our Aries weather event previously. You’ll be negotiating about money in 2023 and need to figure out the terms. You’ll be doing this with someone who is a dark horse, but he is open to your discussion. What comes out of this may well be a payment, or a deal, and your next task is to figure out where the priorities will be.

  121. Hi Jessica, many thanks for all you’re doing… I wondering what I will have in store of me for the next year and did draw ace of swords, I am pisces and I hope to relocate. Thanks your insights

    1. Thank you. You will move by March 2023 if you’re going to do it at all, but read the fine print on the removalists, the exit from one home and arrival at another, as there will be delays and reversals, possibly a cancellation involved. Make sure you are covered for flux. Your Ace of Swords for 2023 has nothing to do with moving, but is about the group around you scattering. This may be a charity (say) or a social circle on Twitter. When that happens, it will do so because of a change in the balance of power, in the group or around it. It’s rather like the chief resigning, or somebody who challenges for top dog position. Maybe it’s you. But in any case the hive mind and group psychology becomes really important then. You’ll have to act quickly, so get the measure of these people before that occurs.

  122. Hi Jessica, many thanks for the event on Sunday. I am an Aquarian and drew The Star as my tarot card. You had The Star for Aquarians in 2023. Is there any special significance having the Star twice?

    1. Yes, The Star is very important and you will be involved with a group (say, a political party or a union, a band or a book group) in 2023 where there are many ‘stars’ but all must accept that only one can shine at this time. It’s a very Aquarian set-up, in that the group itself is about pooling resources and someone must supply that pool. If it is you, you have a big task on your hands. If it’s another, you need to support her. (It will be a woman). If you are a blonde woman, it is very likely you. The only caveat with The Star is that things can become messy and disorganised – wasteful actually – unless there is a plan, a system and some deliberate strategy to call in sensible assistance. So put that in your notes about 2023.

  123. Hi Jessica, I’m so sorry I missed Dec 4 event, can’t always count on the Internet lol. I’m Sun Cancer and Leo Rising, the Tarot card I drew is the 8 of cups, can you elaborate on what this card could mean for me. Thank you very very much.

  124. Thank you so much for the wonderful edition of Conscious Cafe .May I ask I am a Taurean , Capricorn moon and Leo rising and I picked The Magician for my card of the year .Praying for better times !

    1. Lucky you. The Magician suggests a powerful year with you both learning and teaching, either formally or informally.

  125. Hi, sorry I’m missed Dec 4, can’t always count on internet working. I was able to see recording with your predictions , and I’d like to thank you very much.
    The tarot card I drew was 8 of cups, I’m Sun Cancer and Leo Rising, can you help me with what this card may mean for me?

    1. Sure. The Eight of Cups is about the lunar cycle and its impact on your life and the need to get away from unfulfilling relationships. You asked about 2023 and the Tarot is reflecting your chart. This may be a Full Moon or New Moon, but it’s your signal to go. You need to find yourself again. The issue is the group, the circle, the community. There’s nothing there. So you wisely decide to beat a retreat. When you return everything and everybody will look quite different. Less empty and less heavy. The key to this whole thing is – you need to change. So that you can take a different approach to these relationships. The group of cups, is rather like the groups zone of your chart – the Eleventh House. You have a stellium in the Eleventh House in Aquarius, but in your public chart (Cancer) you have major transits, also in your Eleventh House. This is a huge turning point for you. A very common example is the woman who realises her old friends don’t have much to give her. So she finally turns her back, puts energy into herself – changing, using self-help, hypnosis, astrology, Tarot, counselling – and after a sabbatical, returns to try again. With far more success. The ultimate outcome of this group could be so powerful, partly because of the journey you take.

  126. Hi Jessica, the strangest thing ever to happen in my professional life took place on a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. I was wondering if something similar might be ahead in the future. I consulted your Modern Astrology 2050 book. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse was on 27 July 2018, with Aquarius at 4 degrees. My moon is at 4 degrees Leo (so I wonder if that’s why it hit me so directly?). According to your new book, the next Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius is on … 27 July 2037. My mind is blown! The exact same date, 19 years in the future. Wow!

    1. Thank you. The Lunar Eclipse (which you read about in Modern Astrology 2050) was and is a mystery. Some of the mystery is clearer now, but not much. What this achieves, long-term, is a ‘work around’ response. And actually it’s quite good for you. So, because you can’t do anything about who/what remains so baffling and cloudy, you have to trigger another plan. It helps. And you should have pursued it ages ago, actually.

  127. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for the Conscious Cafe talk, it was my first event with them and so interesting! It was the first time I had heard of you, I’m not usually drawn to year ahead predictions, but felt called to attend this… I’m glad I did, I particularly appreciate your down-to-earth style, your predictions, and the way you present them, it was so insightful to understand that side of astrology, thank you again 🙂 I’m a Gemini (sun, moon and rising), I drew the Knight of Cups card, and I have a question re career. I’m currently unemployed with no real finances and I’m wanting to start a integrated spiritual coaching/mentoring and healing business. I’ve been back in the UK for 2 years, due to the pandemic, after having lived in India for 2 1/2 years and I’m getting the strong call to travel again, and I know I will in 2023, but at the moment my financial situation doesn’t permit it. I wanted to know if it would be better to take a full-time employed role before setting up a business in order to get an income and travel, or to just take the plunge and start the business asap and rely on that to provide an income? If so, what would be a good date/month to launch the business in 2023 for it to be successful? Any insight you can provide would be most appreciated. In peace and gratitude, Donna.

    1. Thanks Donna that’s really kind. Your Knight of Cups card is not about career; it is about a man who is part of the family; a possible lover (or a returning lover); potentially a very close, good friend. He will be moving or travelling in 2023 and you will meet him halfway. Will he stay? It’s not certain but there is absolute certainty about his character and intentions. He’s straight-up, sincere, well-intentioned and has a huge amount to give. You are unemployed and have little money. Should you travel? Well, most readers of my website know how I feel about travel in a pandemic. You’ll have a decision to make about a career, unpaid work or study in March 2023. Take your time as it comes with all sorts of walls and obstacles, but if you can deal with that reality, it will teach you a lot. This may be a project as part of the role, which you would take before March – or a new role itself. March is the big one. Have a look at what the Tarot tells you about that, on my website.

  128. Thank you for the wonderful event, I unfortunately had to leave early, but have since listened to the recording. I posted a comment on the day in a rush before logging off and it is still pending, whilst I know that you have a massive queue of people waiting, I have also re-read it and realised it makes absolutely no sense ! So here goes again, hopefully with more clarity.

    I am a premium member who finds your posts and webinars outstanding. On a different blog message I asked a question and you confirmed that I was currently in an endurance phase that would last until March when the brakes would start coming off before finally being fully released in July.

    My question for 2023 is relating to my work. I am self-employed and struggling with direction and momentum. During Conscious Cafe I drew the Hanged Man for my 2023 card and would love to have a little more insight on what this might mean.

    Thank you for all you do.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, there are 87 comments here, so it is taking a little time to get to them all. The Hanged Man is telling you that there will be a period of waiting, or dangling, ahead. This is about your need to get insight and awakening. You cannot do that without a forced period of inaction or procrastination. This sounds like your self-employment, doesn’t it? When the time is right you will sort yourself out, pull yourself up, and heave yourself into a decision. I am wondering about a T-Square in your chart as this card clearly shows a T shape. Sure enough you have one at 26 Aries, Cancer, Capricorn. Aries rules self-promotion. Cancer rules your house or apartment, but also your home town and homeland. Capricorn rules your career. So the Tarot backs the astrology. This is a deadlock or stalemate within yourself, for a time, but you will then make a choice. Will you go West or East, so to speak? The choice will very much involve location, location, location.

  129. Dear Jessica!
    Appreciate your work!. My alarm did not wake me at 4:30AM but I did manage to log in for the end of the zoom session. Just watched the full recording. My family is in Ukraine, looking forward to the end of the war!
    I picked the Ace of Wands.
    I am a sun Scorpio and Aquarius moon and rising. My chart has stelliums SCORPIO, AQUARIUS, SAGITTARIUS and TAURUS.
    Would love your perspective on what 2023 holds for me.

    Thank YOU 🙂

    1. I’m glad you could join us. The time differences remind me to ask the Conscious Cafe for two sessions in 2023, to suit all time zones, so you are not setting alarms for 4.30am. I am glad that Ukraine will win the war in 2023 and your family will be thrilled. There is a project which could take off for you in 2023. A huge, brilliant idea, concept or brainwave. You need to put it somewhere it can thrive. It’s just in the air at the moment. It may go back and forth if you start now but use this as beta testing. Pluto transiting your solar Third House now through 2023, gives you the potential.

  130. Hi
    Reposting this after a mishap on my end with my original post, I needed to update my screen name.

    Hi Jessica!! Thanks for sharing with us this morning (5:30am my time in the U.S). I am a 44yr old Aquarius with Capricorn, Sag, Aquarius, and Virgo Seleniums. How should I look at the 7 of Swords I drew for 2023 in combination with the Star you drew for the collective? Career wise the 7 of swords makes sense as I am working with groups in 2 geographic regions and there are certain those outside of my group at a distance that aren’t happy or very cooperative with my program. They see something wrong with everything.
    Also curious if any relationship info can be gleaned from these cards as I also drew the Sun and 10 of Penticles. I would say I’ve been in a duet/duel with a special Scorpio since the spring. I have a young son, my father is widowed, and my dog recently passed away. Thanks for any insight you can provide.

    1. Thank you for waking up at 5.30am to come to The Conscious Cafe event. You have drawn three cards in addition to the first one, so are muddling the Tarot. Let’s just stick to the Seven of Swords, about 2023, for now. It is very important that you pre-empt an issue before it becomes a problem. Remove the possibility of a battle, or a second battle, with these people who are at a distance. They are plotting and may be nefarious. You need to be quick, but also careful. Take away any potential whatsoever for an argey bargey please.

  131. Hello Jessica,
    I missed your Zoom session as we just got back from a family Holiday and now dealing with half my household sick with the flu… – thankfully not covid!
    So as soon as I logged on here – I went to the Tarot and pulled a “Four of Pentacles”…
    I’m really trying to get a feel for the meaning of this card and how it speaks to me.
    I’m a Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo Ascendant.
    I have a Taurus MC and North Node, Scorpio IC and South Node
    Plus stelliums in Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo and Virgo
    Any insight into what I can expect for 2023 would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you so kindly…

    1. You are a Premium Member so can find the interpretation of the Four of Coins in your Tarot flipbooks in the library. You will find your financial and property situation changes completely in March 2023 and a new era begins. You have new decisions to make then about the house, apartment, income, bank account. Take your time deciding.

  132. Hi Jessica. I did not join the session but I set the mind for 2023 and drew one card in Tarot. I drew queen of cups.

    My mind is going to career and money more when I think of 2023. I have read your tarot explanation but seemed this card is talking more about relationship and love.

    Could I have more insight from you about this card, especially in terms of career and finance? Thanks a lot in advance, Jessica.

    1. Okay, so if you want to know about your job and money, you need to use the Tarot on this website and follow the steps. The Tarot was honest with you about 2023 and told you about yourself (if you are a woman) or a woman in your life (if you are a man). A full interpretation of the Queen of Cups is in your library, on this website.

  133. “Your volcano eruption and the end of the old home life go together. You had The Tower, to the life. This is a lesson for me, after 30 years of reading Tarot. Sometimes the flames in the card can be literal. As you have seen from the interpretation, the choice is to go back and try again, patching things back up and fixing them as best you can – or walking away. ”

    Genius question and answer.

    Thank you Jessica, amf and Fiona for the questions and answers.
    Thank you for telling me about the Tarot, Ceres and Pluto. I will never even scratch the surface of what you teach us.
    Dear Sally Holmes, Editor, Marie Claire USA,
    Please get our Psychic to write about Tarot and the asteroids for Marie Claire’s readers, because she does astrology for it’s own sake. No ads. Just her deep dedication.

    She writes So much So fast that it’s giving ME aches.

    Much gratitude.
    You are so right about Jupiter square Jupiter,’s a gift I don’t know what to do with, and it’s at Cross purposes with my ability to use it!


  134. Hi Jessica,

    I asked the tarot what does 2023 look like for me, I pulled the King of Wands I would love your interpretation of this. Just to give you a bit of context, I changed my career in 2021 (due to redundancy) set up my own business in property rental arbitrage, there is a male figure in my life Libra 20th October who I met through my new career he is also in property older is married & has kids nothing has happened but there is chemistry and we enjoy each others company however I’m thinking he might relate to the lizard in the card some how?! Prior to meeting him in March this year I have been single for 3/4 years now no kids & not married. The two important things for 2023 is how my career will progress and will I finally meet my soulmate that I can’t start my own family with and does this man in my life have any part to play in either of them?

    1. Okay, so the King of Wands (or Staves) is procrastinating over a project, concept or plan which could involve you. He is not focussed on love or sex. He is caught in his own inability to do something concrete with the brainwave. This tallies with your chart. Until 2026, with terrific potential from May 2023 to May 2024, you have the freedom and excitement of the worldwide web, publishing or academia to experiment with. He may increase his presence in your life in May, June 2023 near the New Moon in Taurus. Or – if you have not met this man yet – he will appear then. It sounds as if you want to get married and have children. So you asked the Tarot the wrong question. You asked about 2023 and it told you. For love, sex, marriage and motherhood you need to use all three decks on this website and follow the steps. Be cautious about any new man in your life after March 2023 and until the year 2026 as Saturn is in your solar Seventh House of partnership and Saturn always brings barriers and obstacles. So if you do decide to begin a relationship after March 2023, take your time researching the man and be a realist about what comes with the relationship.

  135. Jessica, thank you very much! What does the Queen of Pentacles mean? I did not find your comment about this card in this thread.

    1. Here you go.
A woman in the most beautiful and abundant garden is sitting in a position of great contentment and good cheer, nursing a decent amount of money. This is one of Pamela Colman Smith’s ‘rich women’ cards and although there is none of the huge abundance of some other illustrations, there is more than enough here to make this Queen happy. Note the rabbit. It matters.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
Note the rabbit in the corner. Beatrix Potter was 43 years old, when Pamela Colman Smith, also a gifted illustrator and artist, created her famous Tarot cards: what would later become known as The Smith-Waite.

      The Tale of Peter Rabbit had come out in 1902, four years previously and even today, thanks to the film, it makes money for the Beatrix Potter estate.

      The rabbit is also a reminder that you can have money, but perhaps you also need sex. (Rabbits can produce a litter a month, though, so be careful). Playboy bunnies, so sex again, are associated with rabbits. Being ‘at it like rabbits’ is associated with frequent sex and we can also associate this creature with vegans. Rabbit food is a nickname for a classic vegan diet. It really depends on where you locate the rabbit or bunny in your consciousness. It can be quite literal. I have known more than one well-off woman with a rabbit and I’m sure you have too!

Sometimes this Queen turns up if there is a wealthy single woman enjoying her garden or the local wilderness, parkland or woods – but sex won’t go away. In fact sex keeps nagging at her until she does something about it. The issue with ‘just sex’ though (rabbit impulses) is that it’s not really about making a good marriage, or finding a soulmate, and the rest. It’s just about the physical side of life. She may have to pay attention to that, sooner or later. Unless the rabbit hops away, of course. Yet – what if it jumps into her lap? That rabbit holds a key to this entire card.
Some women I have read for (readers on my website) identify with the rabbit as a sign of divorce, because they gain a divorce settlement and sex ‘goes away’ and runs off. Down the rabbit hole. Alice in Wonderland sometimes holds meaning for people reading this card because of the White Rabbit and his pocket watch. Being late, for a very important date, can be another hint that one can be well-off, financially (everything in the garden is literally lovely here) but also miss out on dating. For some people, the rabbit/bunny is ‘a bun in the oven’ or pregnancy, and single women with enough money to have a child by themselves, can pull this card. In fact, the bun in the oven is the next step, after she has counted her pennies.

      This is a contented woman gazing at her wealth, to be sure. This is a Taurus, Second House, Scorpio and/or Eighth House card. Capricorn the goat is hidden on her throne, so have a look at that. Perhaps her career (Capricorn) has made her secure.

      A baby’s face peers out from the stone. Again, this is a hint about sex, in the background, in one’s history (a pregnancy that did or did not happen) and nods to the rabbit. There are a curious amount of cherubic heads in the stonework in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot deck, the Smith-Waite. In astrology this can be the asteroid Cupido, or Cupid, but over the years I have found women relate to the idea of historic pregnancies, abortions or miscarriages. They are always unseen by the Queens in these cards. Forgotten, suppressed, ignored. Adult children and their babyhood sometimes show up in this Queen’s past. That was then, this is now. She’s moved on and she’s interested in the money instead.

      Romantic roses surround her and she has, unusually, a bright green cloak. The colour of conservation and the environment. What is this woman going to do with her money, why and when? You will find more tiny details and clues, personal to you, here. She may work for Greenpeace. She may want to donate to The Wilderness Society or The Bob Brown Foundation. Nature is very close here and she is at home in it.

      The Queen of Pentacles is one of many figures in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot who is pondering money. Lost in daydreams. Basking in the moment, which is financially secure. Yet – this needs to be invested or put to good use. Something has to be done with this money; one cannot sit gazing at it forever. And of course you cannot handle the cash and the rabbit at the same time. You will have to put the money in a safe place, or spend it, or donate it – so you can be liberated enough to catch the rabbit before it hops away. Time is very much of the essence in the card if this woman does want to start a sexual relationship or even have a one-night-stand.

  136. Thanks, Jessica. I did pursue it, or at least pursue a related pathway that opened up and it is thriving.

  137. Hi Jessica, thank you for the great zoom, I have just finished watching the recording and so much information. Love the depth of the tarot and the astrology that can be seen in Pamela’s cards. I am Capricorn Sun and The Devil is very accurate right now. I have Moon and Venus among my Aquarian stellium that Pluto is about to embark on. You mentioned a Libran man I have just started seeing one who is an artist and very Boho in nature, I also have an Arian guy in my life and it is complicated as he is getting out of a relationship so not ideal. We keep getting drawn together but like The Devil card, the chains are loose and so there is the choice to be free. I drew the Page of Cups when asking about 2023 and wondered whether you have any insights into how this may all play out. Many thanks and you have helped make sense of a year of upheaval.

    1. Thank you. The Devil is giving you a choice about being free, but also keeping the man (or the men). The Page of Cups in 2023 shows a younger man, not in touch with the real world, in touch with his female side, gifted, rather impractical, who needs guidance to make the most of what he catches in life. The last time I read for someone with this card she had a flakey godson who was talented, had amazing connections, had no inkling about the real world, dressed in a flamboyant way, thought he might be gay or bisexual, couldn’t get it together. She didn’t intervene because it wasn’t her boy. In this situation though you may want to have a quiet word or offer some help. Of course if your artist boyfriend is younger, it’s him.

  138. Hi Jessica,
    Please ignor my previous question when you get to it. You have answered it in another post ( I just found it) – thank you
    I pulled the hierophant on the webinar and I’m not sure if it’s meaning. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  139. Hi Jessica, I hope you don’t mind me posting here ( I didn’t attend your event) but I drew some cards that I’d really welcome your input on. Basically, our Director has issued an ultimatum about back to the office for so many days each week and my Manager, previously understanding about my reluctance ( vulnerable family member) to return to a huge open plan environment without COVID mitigation like HEPA ( they refused) has now withdrawn support and even pretended he didn’t know the reason for my reluctance! Ok mate, got your measure. When I asked for a headline in my life I drew Saturn and 10th house, twice! When I asked the tarot about a way forward with this issue I then drew the Emperor “ This is the old man at the top of the business, firm, company or organisation. He is grey/white haired so over fifty. Perhaps he is nearing retirement or has stubbornly continued to operate past that age…….He’s hard work.” Exact description and so true. I asked for a reading for the next three months and got the 10 Swords and I do feel isolated. Actually we have two groups emerging: one wishing to work from home, for many different reasons; and the other wishing to be back and acting as if the past two years never happened. Interestingly, the latter group seem unable to accept any divergence from their view. I do feel pressured and bullied almost. The 10 Swords card states “ A closer look will reveal that this person is a survivor who is going to get up and live to see another day…… this is a card which shows the chance of a comeback…….It can also go the other way. Faced with such a mammoth task ahead, rather than revive, recover and relaunch – the victim of this group effort may decide to just give up and call it a day.“ This is where I am, trying to decide if it’s better to just go, or to stay and succumb to the pressure. A large part of me just wants to say “ I deserve better than this. I can do better than this” and just go. A few days later I did another ‘headline’ reading and drew Chiron and 10th, TWICE in succession. I noted from the card “Other people or organisations may channel Chiron now. They will also try to see what they can get away with. The real question, though, is about your own audacity.” Can you please help me make sense of this? Thank you so much and I quite understand if you’re unable to answer. Best wishes.

    1. I’m sorry your Director and Manager and doing this. If they’re not bright enough to look at the science and not caring enough to put your health first, you have choices to make. Saturn and the Tenth House is the barricade and the barrier in your career. So your cards are spot on. The Emperor, is the man you have to negotiate with. He is aloof and hard to reach. Hard work, in fact, though he may have a listening ear. You don’t know until you try. The Ten of Swords is a card you can avoid. It has shown you what may come to pass. Do not get yourself into a position where you would be the object of a group move, against you. The Tarot shows you what is forming at the moment. It does not have to form. You have also drawn Chiron and the Tenth. Much better. Can you get away with the so-called impossible in your career? Yes you can. You need a bit of order and clarity in your Tarot though. Get your journal, follow the steps and use the library which comes with membership. Don’t just keep pulling cards with vague worries in your mind; try to put timelines on things, follow a logical flow; if you want to avoid X then what is the solution? And so on. But the bottom line is, why would you work for people who would put you at risk of being disabled with Long Covid?

  140. Hi Jessica,

    I think my first comment didn’t come through but I loved the event the other day and I’m a Pisces and pulled a three of wands for next year. Over the last couple of years I’ve been in a new country re-studying to change career and am now at some decision points about job, location and career. I’m a little anxious about negotiating work terms and salaries especially in a somewhat new field.

    1. Thank you. As a Sun Pisces you have transiting Jupiter, Uranus in the Third House of ‘ideas which travel’ and that’s terrific news. The cycle begins in May 2023 and lasts until May 2024. That’s your public chart. In your private birth chart you have Aesculapia in Gemini in the Third House. That’s ideas which are resurrected. Projects and plans which you thought were finished, come back to life. This is the full interpretation:
      The potential here is vast and the concepts, projects, ideas and/or qualifications are promising. Clearly all of this, and perhaps you, belong in a different and more suitable location. It’s like a great song. It is a hit in its home country but might do better as a football anthem in a foreign city. Pace and timing make the difference here as there is a real need to sort out paralysis versus haste. Research, homework, knowledge-gathering and thoughtful questioning can make all the different. One cannot hang around forever, though. This will not last as it should or thrive as it could without proper action.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
There is a strange mixture of haste and paralysis here, as the person with the three ideas, plans, projects or qualifications (suggested by Three Wands) is stuck fast on the cliff, looking out to sea, but has racing car checks on his/her cloak. Perhaps it is through lack of experience – the shawl is green. I have often seen this card in readings on my website when the person concerned has a ton of good ideas, a lot of nervous energy, some anxiety about losing an opportunity, but also anxiety about going out there and making something happen. You often get a red light, amber light, green light rapid rotation with this card. It is fixed by active imagination. Perhaps other people need to come into the scene. Maybe the position needs to be adjusted (the stance and attitude of the key person). What can be done with the actual three staves, rods or wands, which are symbols of something on paper, or on the computer?

      With ‘three’ we can get three drafts of the same script, or three competing ideas, or a trio of compatible products. Or we can get two versions of the same concept and a third, outlying idea. All should be taken as one, as the whole. It’s all part of a mixed bag but don’t forget or neglect one or two, to mono-task. Try to get the whole lot in front of you for assessment.

      This card is about mixed feelings regarding the export of ideas, and the distant shores of the worldwide web. That’s the Grand Prix checks you can see (faster, faster, break the record) but the rather stuck, planted, rooted nature of the pose. Wants to go, does not want to go!

      Nothing can grow in the current location. There may be much better odds somewhere else. There may even be a race on, or some kind of ‘Gold Rush’ as the three ships in the foreground are racing for a distant location. This may be about the need to compete and catch up, but the fear of losing or coming last. You see this card when there is a competition for, say, cryptocurrency or an attempt at a vaccine for a virus. 

There are any number of reasons for not joining the race or getting one’s feet wet. Fear of failure. Fear of success. A bit of analysis goes a long way with this card. Nobody doubts the potential of the idea or product but the issue is the location; the timing; the competition; the personality of you/the key person.

      If the person in question does not make up his/her mind, things may never grow. There is a need here to remember the one or two projects or qualifications not ‘held.’ The short trip is Gemini, the longer journey is Sagittarius. The Third House is the hop across to another city or region; The Ninth House is the foreign exploration. These can also show up in the chart. You may also get Saturn by transit or transits to natal Saturn as this is a symbol of delay, fear and sometimes self-sabotage in the chart.

  141. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for posting and responding to my comment. I sincerely appreciate you asking if “I am feeling okay now”. And yes better but you are right the emotion was very intense.
    I am also grateful to you for explaining the process of how this experience may occur and for also mentioning the book by Margaret Dent “Love Never Dies” which I will endeavour to track down.
    Many thanks once again

  142. Hi Jessica,

    The last few years have been trying. I am a Scorpio with an Aries ascendant with 12th house mars and moon both in Aries. I almost afraid to ask what 2023 will bring with these Aries transits.

    Many thanks,


    1. Scorpio Sun people have been up against Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus in opposition; Saturn in Aquarius in a square aspect too. You are in the best position in 12 years to find solutions for your workload, lifestyle, housework, unpaid work, health, academia, wellbeing, Leigh. It begins just before Christmas when you see the light through the doorway, then the door is open more than once by May 2023 so do go through it.

  143. Dearest Jessica, what a treat you are for us all! thank you
    I shuffled the Queen of Wands while listening to your replay( I was asleep at 11.30 pm xxx)
    I have a fabulous Tsquare in my natal chart …with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in my first house with Sun/Moon/Venus in Sagg in the 4th…and Saturn/Chiron in Pisces in the 7th. my north node is at 15 in Taurus.
    please help. with love Lisa

    1. Thank you. You have a Leo stellium in the Fifth House led by Jupiter. The year 2023 brings that to life for you. You will be Queen to a younger court. Perhaps as a teacher, godmother, mother, aunt, children’s author, children’s mentor. It can be teenagers too. The sunflowers show the Sun, Leo’s ruling planet. The lions in the card show you the rest. Plant whatever you can in young lives as it will grow for many years.

  144. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for all your insights on Sunday night and your guidance through these strange times. I really enjoyed Conscious Cafe and would love a hint for 2023. I’m a sun Virgo and Aquarius rising and my card was 5 swords. I wondered if you could give me some clarity on work/retirement, home location and visiting family in Europe for 2023

  145. Hi Jessica
    Please could you check if something has happened to my comments? The last several comments I made on your last four or five blogs haven’t made it out of the queue. I’m pasting my last one below. Thanks so much.


    Hi Jessica Thank you for another brilliant post as we look forward to 2023 and putting 2022 firmly behind us! Thank you also for your new book which I’m really enjoying and learning from. I am a sun Capricorn with stelliums in Aries, Sagitarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. If you have time, I’d love to hear what you might see for me for 2023 as I try to move forward from a very difficult few years. I would like to re-launch myself next year as I feel I hardly recognise myself after so much challenge and change over the last ten years; some good, some very difficult changes. I want to make improvements to my appearance (diet, exercise, health, wellbeing) and profile (career and further study) but I’ve found this very hard over the last few years. I worry a lot about my 12 year old daughter too as she seems so anxious and withdrawn at the moment and as a single mum working full time in the NHS I’m frightened I’m I missing/ not able to reach her on some important things. I feel I have been dealing with blockages both internal and external and I’d be so grateful to hear what you may see for me/us for 2023 and the future. With much gratitude Alexia

    1. Okay, so there are 58 comments in the queue today and I expect yours are at the very beginning, Alexia. Thank you for your patience. This website is designed so that the most recent questions turn up first, and the oldest questions turn up last, so if you jumped on this feature right after our Conscious Cafe event, I am yet to get to you. It’s best not to repeat-post. I’m glad you are enjoying Modern Astrology 2050. You are a single mother of a 12-year-old girl and you work in the NHS. You don’t say if you drew a Tarot card or what it was. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with stelliums in Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries. Give space and ask for space with your daughter. Freedom and independence for you and she, and room for the unexpected. Terrific things are in store for her/through her, from May 2023 until May 2024. If she seems anxious or withdrawn that will be resolved with some strong answers, after May. The politics with the NHS or your particular part of it, ends in March 2023. It can only ever return as a re-run or rewind, and it will have lost all its power to affect you. The financial stretching you are doing, ends in July, as the South Node leaves Scorpio. The most important thing you can do is relaunch. You need to start a bit earlier than next year; the first solution will be there with your reputation, title, appearance, branding, presentation – just before Christmas Eve. I dare say one of your Christmas presents will be about your packaging. Merry Christmas Alexia.

  146. Hi, Jessica. You are amazing for getting through all these questions! I tried to read them all to try and sort out my answers and I couldn’t even get through them as a reader. Your commitment is astounding and appreciated.

    We’ve spoken before, but I’m a Pisces with an Aquarius, Capricorn and Aries Stelliums. I drew the Knight of Pentacles for 2023. As you may remember, I’m waiting to hear back on a screenplay that was optioned, plus I run a communications company and I’m looking to buy a home or investment property. Lots of irons in the fire for 2023. I would appreciate any insight you have on this Tarot card.

    Thanks so much and thank you for all your time on this!

    1. Thanks Jane. The Knight of Pentacles is good news with your screenplay option and/or your company and home purchase. It tallies with your chart. You will make or save a lot of money as Jupiter goes through your solar Second House from December 21st 2022 until May 17th 2023. If you need more insight as you draw closer, select a second Tarot card with a specific question and timeline. This is a terrific time to relaunch yourself in the public eye as transiting Jupiter goes through a series of conjunctions with your Aries factors in the First House of self-promotion, branding, reputation and appearances, titles and publicity – again, from December 21st. That’s in your personal chart, not your public chart. But the two ideas go together. When the opportunity arrives to make so much more of your exterior self snap it up. Merry Christmas.

  147. Thank you so much Jessica. The Devil makes complete sense in the way you have explained it. I have realised that the Page of Cups is my godson from your explanation. He is a vey gifted performer who has been having mental health issues for a few years. His Mum has finally accepted my offer to mentor him with therapy and I see him on Sunday for our first session. He is a beautiful and lost little Leo, dealing with his queerness too.Interesting that your last response to my question was that my Aquarian stellium would be leading me more into group work which is what I have been leaning into and that the Leo stellium in opposition would be mentoring younger people. Jessica thank you so so much. The astrology and the tarot really are profound guidance for our soul’s journey. Much gratitude x

    1. Thank you for validating the prediction. I’m glad this is helpful for you and your godson. Merry Christmas.

  148. Dear Jessica,

    I am a Scorpio. You mentioned in one of your writeups that 2023 will be big for the ones with Libra factors.. therefore I am eagerly waiting for 31 Dec 2022 to read your 2023 Horoscope..
    In the interim, I drew the ‘PAGE OF PENTACLES’. I feel it is a good card however, I would love to know your interpretation

    Best regards.

    1. You’ll negotiate the money with a younger man, as your Scorpio stellium is triggered by the South Node in Scorpio until July 2023, with the North Node opposite in Taurus, also until July 2023. He is paying you – or you are paying him. There is some karma here going back 18 or 19 years.

  149. Hi Jessica, is it possible to see the recording from the session somewhere at some point? Would be super interesting. I drew the Devil card for myself on your website; a lot of thoughts in my mind with regards to this.

    1. The Conscious Cafe team has posted the clip on YouTube on their channel. The Devil is always Scorpio/Eighth House because it is about sex, finance, property, business and valuables. Usually marriage and mortgage. You have a stellium in Scorpio in your Eighth House. You also have a stellium in Libra in your Seventh House of marriage, sexual relationships, adultery, separation, divorce and common-law marriage. The months to watch are July 2023 when the South Node goes out of Scorpio and into Libra, but also September when Mars goes through Libra. As you don’t say if you are single, married, in a partnership, gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian or anything else – I can’t be more specific. But this is about a man, and it’s about breaking the chains.

  150. Hi Jessica – Just posting my comment again , as it might have been missed earlier.
    Thank you for your regular update on the worldly predictions. Can you please look at my chart. I have been based in UK for last 12 years or so. But since 2020, me and my wife have been contemplating moving back to our home country, where both of our families are based. But the decision is not coming easy , especially as we have career/kids school in UK. This contemplation has delayed the decision to buy our family house. We are really eager to decide soon and settle down in our family home. Can you please look at my chart and guide what is in store for me for next couple of years (career, house, relocation!). I could not attend the zoom call, but i drew “Four of wands” in the tarot while asking “what does 2023 has in store for me”. I have stelliums in scorpio, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Thank you

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Capricorn in luck. If you move back to your homeland, you will be very happy. If you buy in Britain, you will also be very happy. Your window of opportunity and solutions is December 21st until May 16th. The Four of Wands and the astrology go hand-in-hand here.

  151. Hi Jessica, I attended the Zoom and rewatched it to catch the bits I missed at the beginning from logging on late. I’m a premium member of your site. I am a Cancer and I drew the 5 of Wands while the card that came up in the Zoom for Cancer was the 4 of Wands. Property matters loom large for me at present – but what I don’t know is whether the cards refer to the resolution of an old situation which has been dragging on, or whether it is a much desired manifestation of something new I am working at creating for myself, or both. My life is completely upended at present and I am in much flux but I do have a new direction. I’ve been making lots of plans, but for all the healing and clearing there is that one stubborn situation that refuses to resolve itself. Like it or not, the old material concerns are impacting the new plans and slowing them down. I would dearly appreciate your perspective on how these 2 cards illuminate these circumstances. As always, thank you for all that you do!

    1. Can you please log in again as I can’t see your chart. Premium Members need to log in every time, then the natal chart appears for me. Thank you.

  152. Hi Jessica, I drew the Magician for 2023!! I’ve been struggling for the longest time to find my path and also being scared at the same time, to fully “step out into the world” with all the ideas in my head, but maybe the Magician says it’s time?

    As apparently it’s a rare card to draw, I just had to pop on here to ask what you think about it and to get a deeper perspective on how you see it relating to my chart?

    Grateful for your time and any insights!

    All the best, Kristina

    1. Kristina, that is a terrific card. The Magician is you, teaching, or you, studying. It can be formal (academia) or informal (online). You are a Sun Sagittarius with a whopping stellium in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of universities, colleges and lifelong knowledge exchange. Transiting Jupiter in Aries will trine your Sagittarius stellium between December 20th and May 16th, and trine the Sagittarius stelliums of all those other people too, who need to learn or teach. This is a hugely important new cycle and this goes beyond the library or the worldwide web, into spiritual or esoteric knowledge; the Magician channels, as you can see in the card.

  153. Hi Jessica,

    I got Empress and Four of Cups for the Tarot 2023. I am an Aries, looking forward to get into a comfortable financial position to secure my family. Please let me know your thoughts.


    1. Another person drawing two cards not one. The Tarot can’t do that; it was set up to reply to one question, one answer, about 2023 at the event. Please go back and follow the steps. I believe the clip is now on YouTube. Thank you.

  154. Dear Jessica. Your insights help me to be a better in this troubled period with many changes. I’m a beginner in astrology, and I wanted to thank you for sharing so much knowledge. I’m a sun aries with many factors in pisces, (no idea), and in aquarius. I have the north node in Virgo. I wanted to ask if you could give me some insights that minimize the expected changes for the next year. My family is the priority, especially my young son. My husband needs a lot of support as he is not happy at work (he never felt fulfilled). I really like my job but it’s demanding, with a lot of people depending on me. I couldn’t hear the conscious cafe 2023, but after reflecting on your post I drew two cards, the empress and the second ‘the high priestess’. I understand if you are not available to respond. With much gratitude!

    1. Okay, so just draw one card, not two. The rules at the event were one card for 2023 and you will muddle the Tarot if you don’t do that. Do you want to go back and try again? Follow the steps on my website, use the free Tarot content in the library and away you go.

  155. Dear Jessica,

    I don’t know if my comment made it through the queue, so I’m trying again. Thanks for your event — I plan to watch it this weekend on YouTube.

    I am a Scorpio sun with stelliums in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn. I picked The Emperor card, which is very Capricorn-ian! Any thoughts on that for 2023? (I am definitely not an older male!). Wondering in terms of career and romance, which are my concerns/interests for the next year. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you for your patience. The Emperor is usually a male employer or the ultimate CEO figure in a large organisation or structure. If you were Princess Beatrice, we’d say this was Charles III. As a Scorpio Sun you are being told about a terrific opportunity with paid work, unpaid work or academia, beginning when Jupiter changes signs to your Sixth House of duty and service, from December 21st. He remains there until May 16th 2023 so you are in a great position to negotiate, secure an interview or reach the top man, some other way. This is also your Capricorn stellium speaking. Pluto exits Capricorn on March 24th 2023, so that may be another significant date for you. The Emperor is isolated although at the absolute top. The Tarot is very specific and will address a single thought or question. So was career on your mind when you asked, or love? If love, this is a potential new lover. Very successful, much older, hard to get to, single or isolated within a marriage. If you had marriage on your mind, then it will be your Libra and Scorpio stelliums which are picked up, so the timing moves forward to July 2023, a terrifically important month if so.

  156. Dear Jessica
    I am a long-time union chairman and frustrated with the the difficulty of getting anything done.
    On November 25, I planned to do something important, but it was not possible because of problems in personal life.
    What date is suitable for me if I don’t want to wait until March 2023?

    1. Be careful what you wish for, if you are a union chairman. I know you don’t want to wait until March 2023, but when Saturn goes out of your Eleventh House on March 7th and Pluto moves in, on March 24th, you begin the most powerful cycle in 248 years. You still have to get something done, though. Saturn puts up barriers and barricades and it’s hard to crash through them. You have to find a way to go around. Or to negotiate a future date, which would of course be March 24th and following. One good thing in your favour is your Aries stellium. You will relaunch, attract favourable publicity, look better, sound better and draw more people to your side once Jupiter goes into Aries from December 21st. This goes on until May 16th 2023. Have a look at the Tarot for timing, regarding your next move, and follow the steps. It is free to you as a member.

  157. Hi Jessica.
    I’ve wanted to learn about my astrology, I am currently looking for answers.
    I pulled a 8 of swords. I am a libra, born in the morning.
    I’d really like to succeed in my business or look at moving to another country like Australia with my nursing career.
    What does this mean In terms of the card I picked.?

    1. I don’t see a chart here so I can’t really read for you. If you are going to emigrate it would be no later than November 2024, but if you want to avoid delays in being approved or employed, you would start the process and try to finish it, before March 2023.

  158. Hi Jessica,
    I was delighted to draw the 10 of cups when I asked about 2023! I hope to buy our first home next year, and know my two young kids and I will be as joyous as the people depicted on the Tarot card. I’m a Sun Cancer with stelliums in Cancer, Taurus, Aries and Aquarius. Do you pick up anything else I should know? And could I meet a new man given the 4th person on the Tarot card? Thank you. Best wishes for 2023!

    1. Yes, the Ten of Cups matches your chart. Jupiter (abundance, good fortune) goes into Taurus in May 2023, so into your Second House of property. He immediately moves into sextiles with your Cancer stellium, which rules home and family. The Tarot suggests a new man, as you see. Merry Christmas.

  159. Hi Jessica really enjoyed Sunday thank you for all of your thoughts and predictions. I’m a Gemini (12/06/79) and wondering if certain areas of my life will progress in any way next year? (Love/Career/Finance) been feeling quite stuck for a good few years. Thank you for any guidance.

    1. Did you draw a Tarot card at the event? If you didn’t, go back and draw one now. Thank you.

  160. Hi, lovely Jessica!

    Thank you (and all the organizers) for the wonderful Conscious Cafe event – wasn’t the energy amazing? So fascinating to hear your general predictions (especially about King Charles never being crowned), your insights into the Sun signs and your answers to questions.

    I am a Sun Virgo (0 degrees) and your card for Virgo was the Knight of Cups. When I asked the Tarot what 2023 would bring me I drew The Sun card. At the same time, I was drinking my morning brew from a mug decorated with sunflowers, which felt like a great synchronicity! I am hoping to find true love and improve my fertility (am seeking guidance from a wonderful holistic medical doctor based in Australia), so I was wondering if this combination is positive for that.

    I’m not quite sure what to expect from Jupiter and Chiron in Aries on a personal level – I have no factors in Aries but do have a stellium in Libra (Proserpina at 2 degrees; Panacea at 4; Mars at 12; Pluto and Ops at 14; and Venus at 16 degrees).

    Any light that you can shed on all this would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance.

    Lots of love, light and blessings to you,


    1. Thanks Angelina. The Conscious Cafe always puts on great events, because the combined intentions of everyone who is there are so strong. As far as I’m aware, I am the only astrologer in 2022 who is stating Charles III will not be crowned king. I should check. You had good synchronicity with your Sun card and the sunflowers on your mug. You are trying for a baby so the card is useful. I don’t see a chart here so I can’t interpret your Fifth House of motherhood, ruled by Leo. However, The Sun is about an infant. It’s happy news. Sunflowers are Leo which leads us back to your Fifth House and any Leo factors (Leo is ruled by the Sun). You may have a godchild, adopt, have a niece or nephew, teach, nanny, foster and so on – as well as give birth.

  161. Thank you so much for your detailed responseJessica. Although I am pretty sure the self-satisfied character in the Nine of Cups is not me (with my strong stellium in Virgo I am much more comfortable as one of the supporting cups!) your answer has given me a lot of food for thought about existing and potential groups in my life and my place in them.

    1. Hmmm, you’d be surprised at what can happen when Pluto goes into Aquarius and your Eleventh House of groups and Saturn goes out. However, assuming you do not end up as the leading light with the ensemble cast behind you, you will in fact be very much part of this community and may want to have a word with the central figure, who is not paying enough attention to all of you as unique people…

  162. Hi Jessica,

    I enjoyed watching the recording of the event, you had drawn the seven of cups for Scorpio for 2023, can you elaborate on it. I am a Sun Scorpio and had drawn two of words for me for 2023, thanks

    1. Sure. The Seven of Cups is complicated. Not like any other Tarot card. As I said at the event, Scorpio has Pluto in the Third House of mind control. Mind over matter. By willpower, Scorpio can banish what or who seems so poisonous or even scarey on some level, and welcome in a real chance to obtain the house or apartment of dreams. Here is the full interpretation:

      This is the most important card in the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite. This surprises some professional Tarot readers, because it is a Minor Arcana card. It is also less striking, say, than cards like the Two of Cups, or the Ten of Staves.

      The card shows a person in silhouette, in the shadows (that is the first clue: everything and everybody is a shadow projected on a wall) who is confused by a billowing cloud of rich symbols, ranging from diamonds and pearls, to a skull and snake.

      It took me several visits to Dublin before I understood this card. Pamela Colman Smith, who created it, was mentored by W. B. Yeats. Both were involved in magic. Magic spells and their outcomes are expressions of quantum reality. In other words, there is no single, objective reality. Science tells us (in fact has proven) that until we measure what is ‘real’ it can exist in at least two states at once, and logically, many more. It’s like Doctor Who. Many words. Many universes.

      What you measure with, defines what you find. What you measure with, is in your head. This is how astrology works. So many people do not understand that astrology is science. Quantum mechanics. The multiverse theory, which proposes that what we get, is what we see. A flipped version of the famous saying.

      Astrology which rests on angles and aspects, divided from a circle of 360 degrees, is a yardstick for a particular sort of reality. A certain kind of universe. It’s quantum uncertainty writ large. No wonder astrology has not just survived, but thrived, over the last 2000 years or so. It’s a beautiful fit for multiverse theory.

      The realisation of dreams, wishes and hopes by supernatural means is one way of defining magic. W.B. Yeats (very likely, the third man who worked on the Smith-Waite Tarot) lived a few doors away from – not a magician – but an outstanding scientist whose emerging 20th century field of quantum mechanics was also about mystery. Quantum uncertainty.

      Across the square, Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin, there is a plaque to Oscar Wilde, whose wife Constance was a magical acquaintance of Yeats in The Golden Dawn.

      Across Dublin itself was the theatre impresario Annie Horniman, who founded her company on the back of a Tarot card reading – more magic and mystery. The Golden Dawn members had extraordinary lives. It could be said that W.B. Yeats used magic to win a Nobel Prize. Who knows? Only Yeats.

      This is a card dominated by a cloud. Unpopped possibilities. Competing parallel universes. A multiverse full of ghosts, poisonous people (snakes), palaces, diamonds and pearls, victory and dangerous dragons. None of it is real. It is all a projection. The imagination, hope, fears and daydreams of someone living in a quantum world. Time to pop what you want in favour of what you don’t want. Nothing is real until you look for it, and measure it. It is the act of measuring that decides which universe you get, and so the measurements you use (astrology, perhaps?) become extremely important. The most obvious measuring device non-astrologers use is memory, based on apparent years or months; birthdays; old calendar dates. Time is a construct. There is nothing real about it.

      So, if you really want to get into this card, which for me is the most important in the entire deck, you’ll begin by considering what you assume to be true about the past. Your past measurements of time. It is on this that you base your projections of the present and future so it’s worth a much closer look, if you are projecting all these rich fantasies and horrid visions!

      The person in silhouette here is nothing to herself/himself. Just a slide projector whirring in the dark while the ‘show’ takes place on the facing wall. The trick with this card is ‘Know thyself’ and to understand that nothing is real. There are only realities to find. You may want to use measurements that serve you, when judging what is ‘there’ for you.

  163. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your amazing response I just had to reply as I did what you said and asked the oracle what the headlines of my life is now and honestly I’m just in shock how accurate the cards were, I pulled vesta with the 7th house and completely relates to the male libra figure in my life right now! Again so happy I found you and that being a premium member is worth every penny! I always struggle to ask the questions the right way about love, motherhood, marriage and sex but slowly getting there.

    1. Thank you so much and I’m glad you saw how accurate the Oracle is. Tip – don’t let this Libra man play the Pontifex Maximus.

  164. Hello Jessica,

    Thank you for the recording. I’m just so tired and feel pretty hopeless. I haven’t worked full time since 2017. But it’s basically been difficult since 2010. I’m out of money and would love to know when I’ll get a job. I feel like I’m doing everything I can but can’t make anything stick. Thanks in advance! xx

    1. No full time job since 2017 sounds like Capricorn or Virgo issues and you have no money now. You are a Sun Leo with a whopping Virgo stellium. You also say you feel tired and it sounds as if you have mild depression. Your book Modern Astrology 2050 is free to download from this website. Look up the Virgo stellium. J.K.Rowling has it too. She is also a Leo like you. When you are at rock bottom the only way is up. You have opportunities, even for the next five days, to make or save money. It would very much involve others; it’s not just you alone. Jupiter is literally with you in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, possessions and business into next week, then he’s gone for 12 years. So see what is waiting for you or go back to what you ignored. A bit of luck is often all you need. There is a terrific opportunity to study and upgrade skills, accept a prestigious unpaid role, or go for a solid new job, from May 2023 to May 2024. But do look at your Virgo side. It will explain a lot to you.

  165. Hi Jessica, Thanks for your replay and help. My question regarding the biggest challenges of 2023 drew the ace of pentacles. Is possible to have opportunities, or new beginnings that improve our economic situation? The painting suggests something unexpected. Many Thanks

    1. This tallies nicely with your chart and May 2023 to May 2024 is about a huge sum of money. You have to believe in it, trust it and reach for it.

  166. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for the great event. I stayed up so I wouldn’t miss the event at 2:30 am here in California. I am a cancer, cancer sun. I drew the Fool for 2023. Could you tell me more about what this means for me. Also, I have been trying to transfer jobs and help my Gemini son move back home. However all my efforts have failed. Do you see either of those happening? Thanks again!

    1. Thank you. If you are a Sun Cancer then all the solutions and opportunities you need for your job transfer, or any job outcome, appear from December 20th. You have until May 2023 to use them. Your Gemini son will have a choice about moving home, money, houses, apartments and the rest – in March. If it means he switches countries, that’s a bigger deal. He needs to take his time, if so, as March 2023 shows foreigners and foreign countries are a test for him, until 2026. Okay, so your actual card was The Fool. Be extremely careful before you contemplate travelling or emigrating. You have Saturn in your Ninth House from March 2023 until early 2026. The Ninth House is journeys and relocation. Saturn is learning experiences you do not want. This is Covid, perhaps, or another issue. Do your homework, do your research and see if there is another way of proceeding. Do not leap in.

  167. Hi Jessica, reposting as requested:

    I attended the Zoom and rewatched it to catch the bits I missed at the beginning from logging on late. I’m a premium member of your site. I am a Cancer and I drew the 5 of Wands while the card that came up in the Zoom for Cancer was the 4 of Wands. Property matters loom large for me at present – but what I don’t know is whether the cards refer to the resolution of an old situation which has been dragging on, or whether it is a much desired manifestation of something new I am working at creating for myself, or both. My life is completely upended at present and I am in much flux but I do have a new direction. I’ve been making lots of plans, but for all the healing and clearing there is that one stubborn situation that refuses to resolve itself. Like it or not, the old material concerns are impacting the new plans and slowing them down. I would dearly appreciate your perspective on how these 2 cards illuminate these circumstances. As always, thank you for all that you do!

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Conscious Cafe on Zoom. Thanks also for being a Premium Member. It makes it so much easier for me to predict your future when I can see your birth chart alongside your chosen Tarot card. You are in flux. You want to know how the Four of Wands and Five of Wands will show up. Well, many of the decisions will be in March 2023 (one big month) May 2023 (another ) and finally July (the last). Here are the two cards:
      A celebration involving family, friends or an important circle of people, and the gateway is a pair of sturdy plans, or two really good ideas. A film director and producer can show up in this card as the entrance to an Oscar celebration. It can also be a long-distance relationship which ends with a wedding, between two frequent correspondents or Zoom lovers. Wands/rods/staves show what is on a computer or on paper. There may be four people or plans as the ‘gate.’

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This card is possibly about the Fourth House (family and share households) and the Fourth House also rules housewarmings, homecomings and house parties. That is associated with Cancer. Of course it may also be about the Tenth House and Capricorn, which rules it, because the staves are likely plans, concepts, qualifications, which are the gateway to achievement and good times. 

The staves/rods/wands in Tarot are generally about the Third House and Ninth House too; so brainwaves and courses. The key is the fact that one cannot enter the celebrations without going through the paperwork, the agreement, the plan, the notion, the degree or similar.

      This is about two sides of the same family, or two branches of the same social circle, coming together. This is likely a party, wedding or other celebration and as I’ve said, it can be the nuptials after a long-distance relationship conducted on Zoom and by e-mail.

      Abundance is here and there is lots to share and enjoy. If you were a soulless creature you would say this was a good opportunity for ‘networking’ but far more likely is the kind of occasion across one day, or maybe an entire week or two (if it’s a holiday) when people who are coming from the same or similar positions – shared ideas, thoughts, plans, projects – help each other out.

      The dance in the background could be the Hokey Cokey or Nutbush City Limits but the welcome mat is out. You occasionally see this card for party political conferences or corporate bonding weekends. The paintball is not pictured. This can be the dual efforts of two branches of one company involving 2-4 people which results in a gathering at the end. The wands look like telegraph poles connecting cables and so there is a sense here of a strong telephone presence and frequent, good communication.
The garlands of flowers suggest abundance, a happy atmosphere, and all that thrives and takes off. This is a lovely image of strong prospects, good feelings and something to enjoy at the end. A transition is indicated. You pass through and across to get to the other side. The property or premises in the background may also be significant here. You can see why this card shows up when a house is being purchased by two parties and their agents, with the housewarming party once it’s all over.

      Who is in charge here? Nobody. This is the Amish raising a barn on a bad day, or a group of builders arguing over the direction of North. The potential is there for something sturdy, strong and impressive which would reflect the different personalities and their tastes and preferences in a satisfying whole. Unfortunately nobody is doing anything while everyone is at cross-purposes. The solution is for people to pair off and co-operate, then at least two of the pairs to meet in the middle. Person number five or ‘interested party’ number five – is then the challenge but it can all be overcome.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
This is the band about to split because of musical differences. It reminds of every fractured rock band in history, from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. It is any group, actually, because all groups have to deal with the central problem of who is the leader/the star (look at the shouty person on the left) and who is so wildly different to everybody else that he/she is on the outer (the person in the blue patterned tunic). 

If you read the history of The Beatles you find creativity and brilliance born from individual eccentricity and difference. The fifth Beatle was Sir George Martin. At other times the fifth Beatle was Yoko Ono or a passing presence like Magic Alex. It is only when the four/the five found common ground that they were able to raise an album. The albums reflect what was going on at the time: productive tension.

You Never Give Me Your Money, Nowhere Man, The Two of Us, all tell the story of The Fab Four, but within a group of four, plus one, you can get pairs and solo acts. It’s all rather hard to manage.

This is why bands have managers and it is amazing how often this card comes up with musicians and their tour manager, or business manager. Or, in Spinal Tap style, you may find yourself with the odd ‘creative’ girlfriend or dodgy A&R man to deal with. There is something funny about this card. Perhaps Pamela Colman Smith saw the humour in the frankly bonkers behaviour of some members of The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society she belonged to with Arthur E. Waite, her co-creator in the Smith Waite Tarot.

      We also have someone rather angry or overheated in red, in the centre. There is real potential for a split here. This is Mars the red planet if you are looking to the astrological chart, and of course the group itself is the Eleventh House, ruled by Aquarius. Some or all of this may show up in the transits, so at least you can tell when the end point is, and what the potential for resolution is. The sensible answer, as mentioned, is for two pairs to form, who co-operate, then the pairs to unite, and an accommodation of sorts, for the fifth person. A great deal comes down to communication of the tactful but truthful sort. Someone here looks like he/she wants to be loudest, upfront and central. Is that really the case, though?

      The ideas, theories, concepts or plans are all similar. That’s the giddy joke of this card. The actual notions or brainwaves are virtually the same. The rods/wands/staves look so much alike. Everyone wants to be a musician. Everyone wants to be a politician. Everyone wants to make a film. The individual personalities are really different, but what they are talking about, or putting on paper, or online, is very samey and so the potential is there for unity.

      Nothing can be built until people set their differences aside, along with their narcissism or anger, and co-operate. One person here has a spotted or polka-dotted costume. A leopard never changes its spots, or does it?
      Together these people will raise a barn or make a great album. Like this, they are a shambles and those ideas are not going to last long. They need to be planted. The potential is vast here but the problems are real. Without a secure place for what is on paper, or online, nothing will ever grow and the whole thing will fall over sideways. This is The Troggs in the studio on a famous bootleg tape, or the state of Australian politics for quite a few years, with leadership spills disrupting both the main parties. Look to Mercury in the chart too, as Mercury rules communication. Listening skills. Hearing as well as talking, or shouting. Negotiation!

  168. Hi again Jessica I’ve been searching but not able to find your original reply. I have posted twice to which you say that you have already responded. Can you please help me find your response.
    Thanks so much

    1. Just go to the post where you asked the questions. Unfortunately with repeat posting the answers can get confused. You only ever need to ask once. You also need to log in, otherwise I cannot see your birth chart. Thank you.

  169. Hello Jessica,

    Thanks for answering all the questions here. I learn so much by reading your responses to comments! I missed the Conscious cafe session and I can’t find a youtube video for it yet. Hope they put it online soon! I drew the Page of swords from your website when I asked about 2023. What does this mean for me?


      A person younger than you has a mission. This is about an attack, or perhaps a defence. The winds of change are blowing hard and action calls. This is a green light. What is odd about this illustration is that there is hesitation. The page is not sure if he/she should charge full steam ahead or linger longer. This is a card of mixed signals, like a traffic light going amber-green.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Pages were young male servants in the theatre of Pamela’s day. This is a younger male, with the red boots of Aries (its colour is red) and the sword of Mars, the ruler of Aries. Of course girls and young women can dress up as young men. Who is this person? Perhaps it is a youthful and energetic part of your own personality, as much as a real person, as I’ve mentioned. Perhaps look to Mars in your chart, natally or by transit. Mars Retrograde, or Mars in square or opposition to other chart factors, can result in this kind of green light/amber light mixed signal.

      We might associate this card with ‘Up and atom’ or ‘Up and at ‘em’ depending on how you read it. There is a certain amount of testosterone here, if the person in question is a young man or boy. The weather depicted by Pamela in this card is significant. This is not a calm, quiet, sunny day. It is really a day of tremendous gusts of wind, blowing us around, in search of a new direction. West, East, North or South? The page is unsure.

      The family tree to the left is blown sideaways. This may be significant, if relatives or close family members are switching direction, or if there is some kind of disruption. Perhaps someone has come home to stay, or there is a departure. Maybe there is family politics, so the tree of one’s ancestors is being shaken. This seems to be part of the story, although it is in the background. It may be a background issue, or belong to the past, thus influencing the drive, personality and mixed feelings of this Page of Swords.

      The group of birds, symbolising the Eleventh House, is scattering. In Pamela’s cards, read every detail. She knew groups very well, having been in The Golden Dawn (which indeed scattered its membership) and also involved in the Suffragette movement of early last century. She was quite sensitive to the hive mind, or group mind, and it shows up in quite a few of her cards. Here we see it as a flock, disrupted by the winds of change. This is another background feature, so it may belong to the past, or be an element of the situation approaching from the future.

      Note that yellow, the colour of fear, is here too. The colours in Pamela’s cards really matter.

      Saturn is a pale yellow colour and symbolises delays. This page is hesitating. Stay or go? Thrust and parry or head back? The winds of change are urging the page East but one foot is still turning West. This idea of turning on one’s heel, is really important if you are looking at the astrological chart, because we may be seeing a retrograde planet somewhere; likely Mars, but possibly Saturn (yellow) or even Mercury. There is a feeling of ‘Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?’ here, like The Clash anthem. If he goes there will be trouble, but if he stays it will be doubled…

  170. Thank you Jessica, this review of yours is amazing for me, it helps me find my way in a difficult time not only for me.
    My tarot card is Wheel of fortune.

    1. Thank you. This is the full interpretation for The Wheel of Fortune:
      One Minute Interpretation
Life is random and every high is a low in the making; every low is a high in the making. Philosophers and comedians have all written books about the endlessly spinning, up-and-down nature of existence. Thus, the books in the corners of the card. Here we have both readers and writers, and four hidden zodiac signs.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

You can see Taurus, Leo and Jupiter (the eagle) in this card, just as you see them throughout Pamela’s deck. Aquarius, the wavy line logo, is hidden at the bottom of the wheel. The snake is a symbol of the asteroid Aesculapius in astrology. You can also see Virgo the Maiden in the top left-hand corner.

      The books suggest the Ninth House or Third House. Most of all, the asteroid Fortuna (daughter of Jupiter) is what this Wheel of Fortune is all about.

      Every low point becomes a high point. Every high point becomes a low point. Some people believe W.B. Yeats, who inducted Pamela Colman Smith into The Golden Dawn, was the secret third Tarot contributor hinted at by Arthur Waite. His most famous poem is The Second Coming, written ten years after Pamela’s deck arrived. It begins –

      ‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre
      The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
      Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold’

      It goes on to mention other images you can see in The Wheel of Fortune. (What may be a falcon is in the top right-hand corner).

      Here we find the ‘lion body and head of a man’ in his poem at the top of the wheel. The creature does look to have slow, solid thighs. The ‘shadows of the indignant desert birds’ can be seen in the dark cloud behind the falcon. Yeats mentions ‘twenty centuries’ which is twice the X card, the tenth in the Major Arcana. This is a powerful card. Was Yeats inspired by it?
      This illustration by Pamela Colman Smith is laden with symbolism. Where do you start? It’s for personal interpretation. You may be a Leo (bottom right-hand corner) affected by a Taurus (bottom left-hand corner).

      Perhaps you are experiencing transits by Jupiter (the eagle in the top right-hand corner) or you have planets in Virgo under transit (top left-hand corner).

      The world of books may affect you as a librarian, student, author, teacher, editor, academic and so on. The other creatures in this card are also rich with symbolism. The Egyptian sphinx is the keeper of a riddle, at the top of the wheel. She is holding a sword. The snake is said to be Typhon by some, but it could just as easily be the serpent entwined around the Rod of Aesculapius.

A canine creature – with human and devilish stylings – an Anubis – supports the wheel at the bottom, just as the sphinx holds it at the top. The wheel itself resembles a horoscope of sorts, but you can also see some capital letters here. O, R, A and T are spaced in the First House, Fourth House, Seventh House and Tenth House position of the traditional horoscope.

The Four Evangelists are the source of the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, but for you these might have quite a different meaning. It really depends on your religious background. This is one of Pamela’s cards which lends itself to being moved around or stage-directed. How might you spin the wheel in your favour? The snake, falling downwards, is a reminder of Snakes and Ladders. In the game of life, there are ladders to take you higher and snakes to take you down.

The familiar clouds are there – is this Pamela peering into the future and seeing cloud-based quantum computing, and are these four creatures using a MacBook Air rather than a book?

The clouds are heavy and grey. Into every life, a little rain must fall – but rain also makes fertile soil for later growth. The readers and writers in the four corners are the real clue to the Wheel of Fortune. The hurdy-gurdy nature of life leads us to turn to our astrology books, Tarot journals, philosophical tracts, Bibles, self-help libraries or Shakespeare (who referenced Fortuna in his work). This card should send you to your personal birth chart for clues. The fixed signs in particular, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus – are important. Perhaps you can also find the Tarot itself with these letter spaced around the outside – O, R, A, T. 

  171. Hi Jessica

    Thank you so much for the session on Sunday – I loved it and all the insights you shared!
    Appreciate you have received hundreds of messages and mine might have got lost so trying my luck and posting again just in case!

    I drew the Queen of Swords
    I’m a Scorpio with Virgo ascendant.
    My flat is currently on the market.
    Once the flat sells in London (father land) I will move permanently back to Switzerland, my mother land.

    Can you give me any insights about whether the timing is good for the sale?

    Many thanks in advance.
    With love & light

    1. Thank you for coming along on Sunday. Your question’s not been lost, it’s just the way my website works; I can only see around a dozen comments at a time, so tend to answer a dozen at a time, too. The card has nothing to do with the sale of your London flat, but everything to do with you. I would expect your flat to sell by March 2023, though, at the very latest (or perhaps this is when you buy your flat in Switzerland). That month, Pluto goes into Aquarius and into your Fourth House of property, and Saturn goes out of Aquarius; the same. Are you the Queen of Swords, or is this about a woman in your life? Only you will know. This is the full interpretation:
      This is a strong woman with a powerful sense of boundaries. She seems to be saying ‘This far and no further’ to the invisible person, or people, facing her just outside the margin of the card. The butterfly of Psyche is on her crown and throne. This woman, or something about her, is immortal. Psyche is shown by butterflies in myth and reveals what lives forever.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      Is this you, or someone else? If it is yourself you will have instant recognition; you are clearly a tough cookie, or currently forced to be on guard, keeping people or situations at bay. This is a formidable woman who is immediately recognisable in history as well as modern politics. Strong boundaries. An intimidating presence. The colouring is red/orange so here we have someone who has the zodiac fire signs – Aries, Leo and/or Sagittarius – emphasised in her horoscope.

      What is really interesting about the Queen of Swords is that she is also spiritual. Are those rosary beads on her wrist, or a traditional Tibetan Buddhist bracelet? And how can you be tough but spiritual or religious at the same time? This is the interesting conundrum about this particular queen. She is open, inviting the world in, but also defensive, keeping people at arm’s length.
As mentioned earlier, the butterflies of Psyche, the Roman goddess of immortality, are hidden on the Queen’s throne and in her crown. This asteroid (Psyche) in your astrological chart is a symbol of what or who lasts forever, despite tests and trials. In mythology, Psyche was put to tests and trials by Venus, her jealous mother-in-law. Psyche passed them all and was rewarded with immortality by the Gods.

      If we take Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II as archetypes for the Queen of Swords, we can see some of this enduring power. Good Queen Bess goes on in art, in history, in literature, in film, in television. Like her modern namesake, she was a religious woman. The current Queen will go on forever, if only because her features are on the currency of Commonwealth nations – not to mention the legacy she will leave.

This, then, is no ordinary woman. No matter what happens to her, the beat goes on. She is also a survivor. Psyche put up with all kinds of torments from Venus, who resented her great beauty. You get the impression that the Queen of Swords has made it through various conflicts or battles, feuds or spats. No wonder she is so determined to maintain her defences, with her mighty sword. She has been tested. Now, she puts others to the test. She decides who comes into her space.

      The baby’s face hidden in the stonework reminds us of the zodiac sign Leo (the Queen to a younger court) and the Fifth House of pregnancy, babies and childhood. She may have transits in Leo; horoscope factors in Leo; cycles which were/are important in the Fifth House. A great deal of who this woman is, rests on the babies and infants from her past – or the pregnancies. Perhaps, the godchildren or stepchildren, the small nieces or nephews – as well as her own son or daughter. We can also see the ghost of lost pregnancies hidden in the throne. It really depends on who this person is, or who you are, but it all forms the foundation this woman rests on, even if she is entirely unconscious of it.

      The sword is pure Mars. This is a posture of defence. You can approach Her Majesty but only so far. She will smite you if she wants to. She will put the sword down, but only if she wishes. There is a strong message here about turf and territory.

      On the left, the family tree is blowing sideways – the winds of change. This has happened and is still affecting her, or is taking place now. Relatives may be displaced, for example, or there could be separations, departures, arrivals within the clan. Differences or difficult episodes, showing some kind of turmoil. It’s very much in the background but it adds to the picture and expands the information about this woman. Again, we are reminded of both Queen Elizabeth I and her sister Mary, and the current monarch and her family dramas.

      Our Queen of Swords wears either a Roman Catholic rosary, a Tibetan Buddhist piece of jewellery – or perhaps a red string bracelet, which is a sacred Hindu piece of jewellery which wards off evil. The idea of being protected, is strong with this card. Here is a woman who cares deeply about feeling safe and being safe, too, on the spiritual plane as well as the earthly one. So, with this card, you really have to look at her tactics, tools and strategy.

      Pamela’s quantum clouds are on her robes and in the sky and a single bird flies over her head. The clouds may also be smoke, a symbol for the planet Neptune. This card, thus, lends itself to stage direction, conscious creation and deliberate choice. All Pamela’s cards are examples of quantum uncertainty and the reality of parallel universes.
The Queen of Swords can be adjusted. Her props can change. Others can come into the card. Her furniture can be altered. Everything about this picture suggests there are many, many ways to feel protected and be defended. Perhaps that big, heavy sword is a burden and there are other possibilities? And who or what is unseen, beyond the margins or the card, to confront this woman so much, that her entire being is devoted to filtering who can come in, and who must stay away?

  172. Good day Jessica! ☺
    I took the 6th of pentacle for 2023.
    Hope the 2023 will be better than 2022.
    Can you give me any good news for next year?
    Thanks and congratulations for your amazing work

    1. The Six of Pentacles, or Six of Coins, is about abundance. People who are in need, or people who are about to grow richer, usually have Taurus and/or Scorpio stelliums. You have a huge Scorpio stellium so will find balance in your finances in 2023. A situation which was not fair, or not balanced (financially) will be corrected and you will be able to get back on your feet if you need to, or you will be in a wonderful position where you can pay people; give to charity; be generous. The full interpretation is here:

      This is a fatcat giving generously to the poor. Someone who is rich enough to eat well, or just over-eat, and buy the finest designer clothes. Those with nothing hold their hands out and gratefully receive. This may be a symbol of the Prime Minister in charge of unemployment benefits, or a billionaire donor. If you are asking about your own financial prospects, you need to figure out if you are the donor or recipient!

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      This is a symbol of Taurus and the Second House and/or Scorpio and the Eighth House. It is also very much a symbol of Libra (the scales in the rich man’s hand). It’s Robin Hood, isn’t it? Or Mackenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, donating billions to people suffering in the 2020 Pandemic.

      When you give money away you create a power-based relationship. When you beg for money you also create chemistry based on powerful feelings. Beyond the simple truth that money will be given away here (or perhaps lent; this could arguably be a banker) there is a big question about what money does to the soul.

      There is a principle at stake with this card. Justice or fairness (the scales) and perhaps a legal ruling. Pamela Colman Smith quite deliberately put those meticulously balanced scales into the image. Libra rules the Seventh House of astrology, which describes former, current and potential partners. The partnerships can be personal (marriage) or professional (business). Who are the two recipients of generosity? Is there a partnership here and what does it count for?

      Beyond Libra and the association with former, current and potential partners, we find Venus, the ruler of Libra, and thus the scales, in the picture. Venus is about the cost of marriage and the price of adultery. It is also about the value of beauty and the ‘reckoning up’ or settlement that comes with issues about justice. Fair play. Sometimes, legal rulings.

      The gap between rich and poor here is extreme. What will the beggars do when they have their cash? Is begging a lifelong pattern? Would the rich man let go of his wealth if it meant the extreme gap between rich/poor was less so?

      I have seen this card turn up both when someone is in the wonderful position of being able to pay others, in a less fortunate position, or even donate to them, or lend them money. It also turns up when people are down on their luck and are about to enjoy the relief and release of someone helping them out, with a hand-out. The only issue, as I say, is the motivation of the giver. There is also the common-sense question – when people get back on their feet, as you hope they will, how can they sensibly repay the original benefactor? Will there ever be a repayment?

Here you have a neat picture of capitalism. The rich, who are excessively rich, because they are at the sharp, top, pointy end of the system – and the huddled masses down the bottom who have almost nothing. These are coins being handed out, not notes. And the poor are not being covered in coins, they are receiving just a few. Given that the millionaire, multi-millionaire or billionaire (perhaps multi-billionaire) in question has so much, one has to wonder why those in rags are being given just a little.

      There are more questions here to ask. Perhaps if those with nothing get too much (too much ‘something for nothing’) they will never know the value of money. As with all the Coins/Pentacles cards we are led back to Taurus, the sign which rules values. Your moral, ethical and philosophical value system is intensely personal and bound to be triggered by this card. Not everyone likes taking charity. Look at the expressions on the faces of the recipients. Then again, some people live on benefits and quite deliberately play the system, according to some.

      Look at the face of the donor. Look at the attitude and body language. There is a tremendous message in this card, behind the mere fact of giving or lending. As with all Pamela’s cards, you also need to see if you can add stage directions. How could you direct this scene, add or remove actors or props? How could you turn it to your satisfaction, if indeed you have issues with what is being shown? This is Live Aid and Band Aid, isn’t it? As always with this card, you also have to wonder – what happens next?

  173. Hi Jessica. I would like to reconfirm the tarot rule, although I have done the tarot drawing.

    1st card – tarot card to reflect your present. Like you say, what is your “Time” magazine cover for now?
    (I drew magician. I confirm as recent I have many spiritual impact and shock to me. Like magic for me. So I confirm I connected with Tarot.)

    2nd card – I think of 2023 and wish tarot shows me what happen in 2023
    (I drew queen of cups as I mentioned in previous comment and I have checked your reading)

    Is it the right step?

    Moreover I have 2 questions on the tarot procedure.

    1) If the first card I drew I think that is irrelevant to my present, and I think I am not in tarot time, how should I do? Try in another time? Or drew another card? What is the maximum number of card to draw to confirm I am in tarot time?
    2) You always ask us to validate a specific timing by tarot. For example lets say Dec 2022 – May 2023. So It should mean that, I ask tarot what will happen in this time slot and the card will show me, right?

    Sorry maybe these questions are really basic but I want to clarify I am following the rule. Thank you Jessica.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the first card is the present. If your life was a magazine what would be on the cover? The Magician made sense to you. The second card shows 2023 – the main story. You got the Queen of Cups. Are you a woman? If so, this is you. Are you a man? If so this is the main woman in your life. You can find a long interpretation of this in the Tarot content on the website and in the library, available to you as a member.

  174. Trying again hoping to get a question answered. Fingers crossed! It is also great reading through the other answers though. Would love any insight you have into my 2023. Thank you!

  175. Hi Jessica thank you so much for your 2023 predictions
    I’m a cancer 21st July 1967
    I pulled the 2 of wands looking at moving house next year can you see this happening please

    1. You will move house at any point after July 2023 and by 2024 will realise that life as it was 18 or 19 years before is playing its part in where you move to, how you move and where you go.

  176. Hi Jessica,
    I really enjoyed your webinar, thank you!

    I drew ‘The World’ – the most pressing thing for me now is around a relationship from the past that has reappeared. You have kindly answered a previous message on this – talking it’s karmic origins. I wonder if this card has any more to say about it, or if perhaps it relates to other things in my life?

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The Tarot has a funny way of overriding us if the question isn’t important long-term. So the World has come up for you in 2023 and it has nothing to do with a past relationship, but everything to do with choosing options from Europe, the United Kingdom, America or Australasia. Sure enough you have a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries which will be triggered in 2023. Focus, ground yourself, do some research then choose.

  177. Hello Jessica – thank you so much again for a truly amazing session on Sunday. Also great thanks to Judy and Gina for organising it. I see you’ve also answered questions I was going to ask about China too.

    Could you tell me if there are particular things I need to be aware of in 2023? I’m a Virgo and I drew the Ten of Swords (which I confess worried me due to its stark imagery!)

    With all best wishes

    1. If you drew the Ten of Swords I suspect you have factors in Aquarius in your Eleventh House. I don’t see a natal chart here, but assuming this is the case, try to avoid a situation with the group where you all gang up on someone (there are other ways) or where you are singled out by the crowd. This is not what you want, yet the risk is there with Saturn transiting Aquarius until March, then Pluto going into Aquarius in March. Ask the Tarot how you can avoid this scenario – who or what is the story you need to write, here?

    1. Strength in 2023 is about a healing process. You heal, or are healed. You may do both.

  178. Dear Jessica, thank you so much for all your hard work. I am Sun Libra, Moon Leo and Libra ascendent. Our London flat has been on the market since May this year and we know where we want to move to in Hertfordshire but we haven’t yet seen a home there that we want to make an offer for. I drew the 4 wands tarot card. Does that look like in 2023 everything will fall into place for the move? Would so appreciate some encouragement as moving is such a challenge. I thought I had set my intention but perhaps I didn’t do it well enough. Really appreciate all these amazing questions and personal answers. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    1. Thank you. Yes, you will move to a place with familiar friends and family there to welcome you, as the Four of Wands illustrates. If you are a Sun Libra we look to your Eighth House of joint property and finance for clues, and Jupiter moving into Taurus and your Eighth House from May 2023 until May 2024 gives you the timing. You will be delighted with the atmosphere of your new home and the space – you will have far more room to move.

  179. Thank you for the interesting session – I watched the recorded version. You drew the Sword for sagittarius and I drew the Empress for myself. What these and my chart together means for 2023? I have some issues regarding my marriage (stay or go) and I’m hoping for a change in my career that is not the most suitable for me.

    1. The Empress is about abundance, comfort, luxury and the need to manage a situation which requires a bit of work – at home, or with the business. It’s not about your marriage. If that was your card for 2023, you will be by yourself, though (so may leave the marriage, or have a life outside your husband) and sitting pretty in terms of your environment, surroundings, house, garden and/or apartment. This fits with your chart. You are a Sun Sagittarius who has Neptune in her Fourth House of home. So home is an escape from reality in 2023. That’s fine, but Neptune can lead to spills, leaks, overflow and sometimes flooding. There is something about the situation or the actual place which needs taking in hand, controlling and containing. Have a look at the card again and you will see.

  180. Hi Jessica, internet reception is not the best here so could not watch the actual live session without interruption. Thanks to utube for enabling me to watch your fantastic show eventually. I drew the star card and my question is will our family business (agricultural export) survive this global recession thru 2023 please? Also Pluto will be transiting over fortuna 29° Capricorn for some time before leaving permanently and squaring my sun at the same time. Will this affect the business too? It was fascinating watching how you interpret the cards. You are so blessed. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. The Star is not about your family agricultural export business. It is about you, shining in a group. This makes sense in your solar chart. You are a Sun Aries and Pluto with all his power enters your Eleventh House, in Aquarius, the sign of people power, in March 2023. You will see what it means to be part of something which involves genuine friends and allies, but also get involved in pooling resources. You will make or save a lot of money when Jupiter with all his solutions goes into Taurus and your second house of income from May 2023 until May 2024. Jupiter at 5, 6, 7 degrees Taurus also aspects your 5 degree Cancer pattern in the Fourth House of family, so I expect that’s what you are looking for. Yes, Pluto will be in conjunction with Fortuna in Capricorn, in your Tenth House of success, position and ambition. Someone or something quite powerful will take over and you need to use your willpower to find your potency in the situation.

  181. Hi Jessica
    Merry Christmas and thank you so much for the Conscious Cafe 2023 predictions. Really enjoying the zooms. Sadly this week has been chaotic with moving house and work commitments, have only just been able to watch the recording. I am curious as I can see situations developing at work but really not sure if I should be watching my back because of the old guard or taking a step forward. During your Aries weather, I pulled the Emperor and there is a man where I work that fits the bill. Though he is not my direct boss he is senior to me and ready for retirement. But then another man one popped up yesterday who is my direct boss and kind of side swiped me. This is a regular occurrence in my working life since 2017 and really need to sort it out. As I have moved workplaces in that time so the problem is just following me.

    Today I pulled the Lovers with the 2023 predictions and with your Ace of Swords I am left totally confused.
    I know my work is going to change and I am looking forward to it as I am bored, not because I am not learning but because I feel like a robot and that I have been put into a box based on my previous experience.

    Just trying to work out what I need to do to move on from these situations.

    As always thank you for all that you share.

    1. Karen, to avoid confusion, follow the rules with the Tarot. The Emperor is the card I will focus on. Yes, this is your direct boss, who side swiped you. You do need to sort this out. March 2023 is an important month with him, or another man who is your boss by then. If you feel like a robot, that’s not good enough. Have a look at your stelliums to see what your gifts are and think about this boss, or quite another, and negotiations for 2023 which will help you get closer to the top.

  182. Hi Jessica,
    how about the Four of Cups and the Nine of Pentacles (appeared twice) for the single tarot card from your website?

  183. Hi Jessica,
    thank you for sharing your wisdom about astrology and tarot. I’ve been learning astrology and it is fascinating. I’m a Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon and Virgo rising. I resonated with what you mentioned for Gemini in the video. I had the Four of Cups and the Nine of Pentacles (twice) as single tarot card pulls from your website while I was watching your replay from the Conscious Cafe. Could you please tell me more about what these cards mean?

    1. Thank you. At the event, we drew one card for 2023, so you’ve now shuffled the Tarot three times which unfortunately muddles the reading. Go back and follow the steps and you will see an interpretation below the card you draw on the website.

  184. Hi Jessica,
    Unfortunately I was unable to join the live session. Watched the recording and It was brilliant & very interesting, thank you.
    I just wanted to say in all the years that I have been drawn to Tarot I have never looked at the cards as close as I do now thanks to you. During the webinar you mentioned spiritual . I drew ‘The Magician’ and I saw Red Roses my Mum, White Lilies my Sister who died aged 32 . Also I noticed the Aura around the magician. This is the first time I picked up on these signs. You drew 6 of Swords for Gemini, perhaps I’m on a journey of a sort now. Pamela was an amazing Lady and you are too. Thank you.
    Best wishes Lin

    1. Thank you Lin. You read The Magician on a personal level, through your memory of your sister, who died at 32. I am glad you liked the recording. Your comments are much appreciated; Merry Christmas.

  185. Hi Jessica,

    I just watched the replay from the conscious cafe and loved it. I’m a sun Aries and you pulled the 2 of cups for us. I followed it up by pulling a card from your site and I got the 8 of swords. And then because I couldn’t help myself, pulled the Queen of Pentacles for clarification (also from your site).

    This seems to really speak to where I am now in my life as the past 10 years have been awful. I eloped, had 3 kids, and got divorced all rather quickly. As a result of my divorce, I had to leave the workforce because my kids were so small and daycare was too expensive as I’d literally would have been working to pay for daycare, there’d be no money for anything else. And, of course, my ex left the state so I was entirely on my own. My ex husband moved back a year ago and while he’s still not at all helpful with the kids, at least my kids are old enough that I don’t have the same daycare issues and am looking to return to the workforce.

    I’m a faithful reader of your work, and when you reported December was a big month for workplace shuffles, I quickly started sending out resumes and much to my surprise, I’ve gotten a lot of positive responses and hopefully next week I’ll be offered a job by the company I’m most hopeful will hire me.

    I’d love it if you could take a look at my chart and tell me what you see. Hopefully 2023 is the year that everything turns around for all of us…

    Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. Your ex-husband is the man in the Two of Cups card I drew for Aries. He is not helpful with the children and that needs to be resolved. You will do this in 2023-2024 and figure out a way forward together. I would expect this to begin when the South Node goes into Libra in July 2023. You drew two more cards, which muddled the Tarot, so need to stick to one. Start again and follow the steps and you will have your answer. Merry Christmas.

  186. Hi Jessica. I am sorry to jump on this blog but I really need some guidance. Last Sunday 4 Dec after a very active couple of days and totally out of the blue I suddenly started to get chest pains. To cut a long story short I ended up in hospital. It turns out I have had a minor heart attack due to a blocked artery, possibly due to a genetic problem but possibly not. I am now going through further tests and have obviously got damage to my heart. Am now on a raft of tablets for the rest of my life (which I hate) and don’t know if further intervention will be required when all the results are in. This has come as a total shock. Although a couple of stones overweight I was very active and felt in very good health. I had no pain or breathlessness before or since the actual attack. Now I am distraught and a bit ashamed. The only thing I can think is the stress of caring for my parents over the last couple of years may have contributed.

    I have recently had a change of role at work and was feeling really positive about the future but that all seems futile now.

    I know I don’t have the most auspicious natal chart and it seems to have many challenges but I wondered if there was anything in my chart that could help give me some comfort or reassurance about the future as I don’t know how many more knocks I can take and this has not me like a tonne of bricks.

    Thanks Sarah

    1. Sarah, you are very welcome to ask a question on the website. Your minor heart attack has shocked you. You’ve been a carer for your parents for the last two years, and also had a role change at work. I am very sorry you have been put through this so close to Christmas. As you say, you were feeling optimistic about the job too. Okay, so health and work are always Virgo and the Sixth House. You have a stellium in Virgo at 4, 12 and 16 degrees of the sign. Virgo is about your physical state, completely affecting the sort of work, unpaid work or study that you do. What is behind the heart attack? An unusual pattern. Transiting Chiron at 16 Aries and transiting Uranus at 16 Taurus. You were born with an unusual conjunction of Uranus and Pluto at 16 Virgo. The good news is, this is a completely new lifestyle. You will lose two stone and rethink your role with your parents, as well as the role at work. If you want to look up what has happened to you on other astrology websites or in books, it is transiting Uranus trine natal Uranus, and transiting Uranus trine natal Pluto. Also, transiting Chiron quincunx natal Uranus, transiting Chiron quincunx natal Pluto. Your soul knows you deserve a different life. Sarah, you don’t say if you have a partner, but if not, you could easily gain one, by May 2023. If you do have a partner, you will gain a better partnership, or if the partnership is rocky, a better life without that person. That is partly what is behind the heart attack. It’s no coincidence that it was about your heart. As you are recovering, try alternatives to help with your treatment; lots of readers like the work of Glenn Harrold and Dr. Paul McKenna, free to try online – an hour a day with the headphones on can really help.

  187. Hi Jessica—just listened to your predictions on youtube. It was very interesting.

    I just drew 2 tarot cards. They are the knight of swords, and secondly the nine of swords. I am wondering what they mean in relation to my buying a house in the area I want to live in in 2023, and then selling the one I am living in? I can’t quite figure out what the cards are telling me, concerning these decisions. I am a member of your site.
    Thanks so much for any insight you can give me.

    1. The Tarot is bypassing you to talk about something else – there is a younger man in 2023 who is in a tearing hurry to do something. If you can slow him down or even stop him it would help. He needs to find a better way of achieving things than just rushing. The Nine of Swords is about the need to use meditation or relaxation to improve sleep hygiene in 2023. This makes sense in your chart. If you are not already practising that daily, preferably before bed time, then have a look, next year. Your chances with property are far higher from May 2023 when Jupiter (luck) goes into Taurus (money) and you will find a good way to save or make money in connection with property by May 2024, a year after that.

  188. Hi Jessica..Thank you for the Zoom meeting last week.I didn’t pull a card till tonight as I was so nervous what it would be..We have had a horrible 5 years but the last few months have being so peaceful..My Scorpio son is hoping to work for himself as an electrician but wants to concentrate on Solar panels and renewable energy after Christmas..He has done so well this year,recovering from addiction,but he’s coming up to his first saturn return at 5 Pisces..I got the card wheel of fortune, I don’t have anything in Aquarius, but do have a leo stellium. Gemini Sun..Im hoping the Wheel of fortune for 2023 is the ‘high year’ for me,as we have gone through a lot of ‘low years’..Thanks Jessica

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have had such a hard time. Your son will do well in renewable energy installation and in fact his work will take off, Christmas to May 2023, in a direction that suits him. The Wheel of Fortune is about the world of books, schools, authors, writers, the worldwide web, the MacBook Air, publishing, academia and so on. It surrounds you in 2023. Your Ascendant is Sagittarius and Descendant is Gemini and we do associate these two signs with paperbacks, journals, hardbacks, the web and the rest. What goes around comes around on this cycle. Nothing will stay the same for every long so try to take it as it comes. But it will be important. There will be plenty of highs ahead so enjoy them while they are there.

  189. Jessica,
    I so enjoyed the ConsciousCafe meetup, thank you for all the information. I’ve been a little embarrassed to ask my question, but it is the burning question so here it goes. My entire life I have always thought I would win in some sort of lottery or money contest. Not necessarily a gazillion billion dollars, but an exciting amount. It sounds nuts even putting the words to paper, but why is this so ingrained in my gut thinking if it isn’t going to happen? I started playing in 1998 and haven’t missed a contest since, but I am always on the wrong end when it’s over. Is that the definition of insanity? I think it is. But, that is my brain thinking and not my gut so I continue to play. Is something in my chart that can explain this or is it actually true? I drew the Moon card; seems fitting. Thank you again–I just love your site and your contributions.

    1. You win the prize for asking a question I have never been asked in 30+ years of astrology. Lottery wins come from natal Jupiter in the Second or Eighth House, if you are lucky (literally) or transiting Jupiter in your Second or Eighth House. You don’t have the former. You do have Neptune in conjunction with Bacchus at 2 Scorpio, which is amusing, as it is the definition of escaping from the real world and enjoying it, too. Nobody would stop you from playing because you relish the holiday from reality that comes when you gamble. The Moon is about two people, of whom you are one, trying to sort out a question about property. There is no time to waste. I believe you will make a choice about a destination or home, with someone else, by July 2023.

  190. Hi Jessica,
    I hope I’m not too late to the party, but the card you pulled for Taurus really resonated with me. As a single mom I have a countdown calendar until my second child goes to college because I’ve been itching to travel for years and I long for the freedom to move. I’ve even applied for dual citizenship with Germany so I can stay longer in the EU. If I don’t get to Venice, I feel like I will explode. I’ve got the flâneuse in me, but I think I need to have more of a purpose than just wandering and observing and I don’t know what that is. I’m a Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Libra rising, with Stelliums in Capricorn, Gemini, Aries, Pisces, and Cancer. I’m a mom to two adopted daughters, and my work has been in interior design, but I’m also very interested in vegan natural foods cooking. I crave beautiful surroundings, and I find the cityscape of Denver coming unbearable.
    The Tarot card I pulled is THE HERMIT! I already feel like a cloistered hermit who longs for connection so I don’t know what that means for 2023.
    Thank you for your response in advance if you’re able to get to me.

    1. The Hermit is enlightenment through solitude, so let’s hope the solitude is chosen by you, and not the result of becoming infected with Covid and having to stay at home. I say this almost habitually now, so forgive me. It is an astrologer’s duty to warn. Far more likely and welcome is your choice to find a retreat away from Denver which suits your need to explore on the inside. Your entire career will change in March anyway as Saturn leaves your Tenth House of paid work, unpaid work and academia and Pluto moves in. Something you can do with the Tarot; ask why you will be a hermit in 2023. Then ask how not to be a hermit. Yet, I have to say your chart agrees. Fantastic transits in Aries in your Twelfth House of solitude suggest a fantastic awakening if you choose seclusion, from just before Christmas until May 2023.

  191. Thank you very much Jessica for your reading into the Judgement card – I’m fascinated by what you say but also a bit clueless about what this could mean – is there something I should be doing? I lost my brother and brother-in-law in 1998 – they were 22 and 26 respectively – this was a terrible time in my life, not to mention my parents. The two other deaths were little children – my sister had baby Tanya who died after 21 days and baby Desiree who died after 2 years. Then my sister’s husband in 2007, again tragically. So grandparents don’t come to mind for me, even though both my grannies died in the early 2000s and my grandfather in 1983 – would appreciate any insights into how this could manifest in my life or how I could be helpful to their soul or spiritual journeys.
    Very best

    1. Marls, the Judgement Tarot card shows your brother and brother-in-law, in spirit, and the small children who passed. Grandparents was just an example. You have in fact lost important family members quite young; tragically young in the case of Tanya and Desiree. I expect this transition for them to take place by July 2023 as the South Node goes through Scorpio and this sector of your chart; the Eighth House. You’ll know it, when it happens, and may realise how you can help their elevation to the next level, spiritually. Nothing to do except what comes naturally. Merry Christmas.

  192. What a fabulous event.
    I am a sun cancer and you pulled 4 of wands for us cancerians.
    I pulled the Empress, I must say after your helpful explanation of looking more at tarot, I noticed this woman looked like me in my late teens, early twenties. I married young and my husband passed in March 2014. I would love to relocate to the country and be surrounded by gardens and fresh air… I don’t have funds at present to do that.
    Do you see a new relationship in 2023 for me and the possibility of a move to the country?
    Thank you in advance you are extremely generous with your time.

    1. Thank you. The Four of Wands for Sun Cancer women is about the Libra transits to come; the South Node moves into Libra from July 2023 and well into 2024 you have some good karma to collect with the family; extended family; friends who feel like family. As you saw, it will be tied to a housewarming, wedding, or similar. The Empress is a terrific card. The love heart on the ground is grey concrete but Venus inside the heart is green. There is evergreen love here, which of course may be with your husband in spirit, but there is a hint here of another old boyfriend who may bring evergreen feelings in 2023. Your financial situation will change hugely in March when the barricades come down. You could potentially end up being quite powerful with money, business or property over the next few years as Pluto goes through your Eighth House of joint finance and property. The Empress always delivers a rural or abundant garden environment. How you get there, we don’t know, but it’s coming.

  193. Jessica, that’s helpful to know, thank you. I’ve never been good with this sort of thing. Sometimes I just don’t know how to make things happen. Right now, the biggest union in Australia is making it almost impossible for me to get back into a rail project. One of their representatives is essentially tarnishing my name. With the unions calling the shots on these projects, they’re affecting people’s livelihoods.

    I’m currently at a job where I’m earning decent money and as far as I know, I’m secure. I can save a good amount and I’m not dealing with the stress of saying or doing something that could see me unemployed the next day. So, I guess, I don’t know whether to stay where I am or take an offer if it comes.

    I’d love the wealth and security. However, I’m wondering if your reference to using a notepad is to write a budget or put my wishes on paper…? I’m so worried I’ll make the wrong decision 🙁

    1. That’s interesting about the union and your reputation. You are a Sun Taurus, with stelliums in Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius. You will reclaim your name, overcome issues and relaunch from May 2023 when Jupiter goes into Taurus, ahead of his conjunction with your natal Sun. By May 2023 you can put the past behind you. You will find the situation with the union itself changes dramatically in March 2023 and the walls come down. Use a notepad to both try out a budget and put down your wishes on paper. There’s no wrong or right decision, just your own decision. March will sort a lot of this out.

  194. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks so much for sharing your special brilliance. If I was born on the cusp, do the cards for Leo and Virgo apply? Should I typically read both horoscopes?

    1. Thank you, that’s very kind. You are a Sun Virgo, not a Leo. Cara, only ever read Virgo. Merry Christmas.

  195. Thank you for your work Jessica. You’ve given me strength since I found your work in 2020 during COVID lockdown days in Melbourne.

    If this is still open for questions from the incredibly insightful conscious cafe 2023, I’d love your thoughts on being an Aries women and drawing the lovers card.

    Two issues have been front and centre for me namely my marriage and my career as a gardener (the tree of knowledge right by my side as alway in this card).
    I’ve coming to terms with a rocky period our marriage went through beginning around last year’s eclipse which is a positive. But my other love/passion, my work (horticulture and landscape design) has been extremely draining as I’ve gone out on my own in the last two years. I’m so grateful every day that I get to do work I love and I have amazing clients but as is the case with many sole operators, I’m working more hours than I ever have for much less money and I don’t know how long I can keep doing this.
    Again, many thanks for your work,

    1. Brooke, it’s hard to say more without a chart, but The Lovers is bypassing your garden question and telling you about your husband. From July 2023 into 2024, you two will be figuring things out. Two issues loom. One is children. The other is a house or apartment. You are in a very good place to reach a compromise where you share the turf or territory in a new way. This owes a lot to life as it was 18 or 19 years before.

  196. Hi Jessica, I tried to reply “in line” but it doesn’t seem to work. Thank you so much for your kind and generous response to my question re the 4 and 5 of Wands. I’m fascinated! The timeline of March May and July is consistent with my feeling as to the question of “when”. As to the how, your description of the 5 really describes the situation as it is now and what has already happened, while the 4 is more what I am wishing for. Groups and power struggles and issues of cohesion and creative control were central to how it all panned out, and so after a long period of struggle with it all (almost the entire duration of Pluto in Capricorn) I left it behind “to go solo”. To me there is inherently more harmony in the 4, and so harmony in purpose is what I am striving to create for 2023. This necessarily will involve co operating with others and it’s conceivable that “couplings” of some sort will be involved to move things forward, in an entirely different way to the one I have left behind. It seems both the old and new situations will run parallel for a little while longer, but this does clarify things. Thank you, and Blessed Be going into 2023!

    1. Thank you. Not sure what “in line” means here. Do you mean, in the queue? Yes, unfortunately the way WordPress works, is that those who ask first, are last to appear when I check my questions. Anyway, I said I would get around to them all, so here we are. Your group issues are down to Saturn in Aquarius transiting your Eleventh House of friends and circles; that is well and truly over in March 2023 when the big change begins. If you were rejected by a group, or shut out of joining one, or have felt barriers with who should be new friends (but are not) all that goes into the cement mixer in March 2023.

  197. Hi Jessica
    Thanks for a very interesting session.I drew The Fool for 2023. Then I sat quietly for a while, shuffled the cards again and asked what is the meaning of my recent health diagnosis. I drew The Fool again!

    1. I’ve answered you elsewhere, but The Fool will contain psychic clues about your health condition. I suspect it has something to do with a graph.

  198. Hi Jessica,

    thank you for giving us your insights, your writing has been a wonderful guide for me this year. I attended your excellent Astrology meet up and have been listening to but not completed this one hosted by Conscious Cafe.

    In asking the Tarot on your site 1. what to make of my last life, and 2. what to expect of 2023, I picked the Death card. The last couple of days, I picked the Death card thrice more when I asked questions relating to my spouse (1.his feeling about our relationship, 2. how I can heal the relationship and 3.whether it would be better for my child to be apart from him.)

    My spouse (Virgo stellium – chart follows at the end) has avoided diagnosis on a joint injury for some time, but has heroically stuck to routines and responsibilities.

    Would the card be about natural conclusions or reducing histrionics and a recommendation to meditate? Or that surgery will happily conclude this difficult phase we have been going through?

    I am most concerned about how all this is affecting my child. When checking the Garden Oracle on my course of action for the best outcome for the child, I picked repair work (past), pregnancy (present) and mothering (future).

    Thank you for patiently considering all our questions and requests for clarifications Jessica.

    Sun 25° Leo 38′ 23″
    Moon 28° Taurus 12′ 31″
    Mercury 22° Virgo 14′ 22″
    Venus 28° Virgo 38′ 26″
    Mars 06° Virgo 45′ 29″
    Jupiter 02° Libra 11′ 34″
    Saturn 07° Sagittarius 43’13”
    Uranus 08° Leo 27′ 28″
    Neptune 00° Scorpio 12′ 33″
    Pluto 29° Leo 59′ 26″
    Chiron 14° Aquarius 12’50” R
    Juno 00° Gemini 07′ 03″
    Vesta 21° Aries 36′ 24″
    Ceres 05° Cancer 38′ 54″
    MC 13° Cancer 07′ 12″
    IC 13° Capricorn 07’12”
    ASC 24° Libra 31′ 12″
    DESC 24° Aries 31′ 12″
    Diana 08° Sagittarius 52’19”
    Fortuna 21° Virgo 57′ 30″
    Minerva 08° Libra 55′ 34″
    Bacchus 09° Sagittarius 25’21”
    Apollo 07° Cancer 35′ 27″
    Aesculapia 06° Gemini 28′ 43″
    Hygeia 20° Aries 12′ 55″ R
    Panacea 15° Libra 51′ 24″
    Ops 27° Virgo 53′ 17″
    Salacia 10° Capricorn 00’43” R
    Proserpina 22° Scorpio 20′ 57″
    Cupido 18° Gemini 17′ 57″
    Vulcano 02° Scorpio 08′ 00″
    Psyche 26° Virgo 28′ 01″
    NorthNode 13° Scorpio 58’28” R

    1. You are not asking a question related to the event unfortunately and as these are never recorded and definitely ‘of the moment’ it doesn’t apply. However, the good news is you can interpret everything you are asking, by using the books in your library on this website. Thank you.

  199. I don’t actually think I will win and buy an island and a jet plane. My brain knows the odds. My thoughts and questions were because I know this and I know the odds, why do I keep gut thinking I will win anything? I think you answered it saying Bacchus was next to Neptune. I will look up Bacchus and get more understanding to this behavior. And no, I don’t gamble away the rent and grocery money, and I may keep doing it because its fun, but I am tired of having the drive to do it. I am so level and reasonable with literally everything else in my life! Thank you for the insight!

  200. Hi Jessica, I missed the zoom event but found it on you tube and just watched it. I also just picked a tarot card and was surprised to see it was the same as you drew for Leo! Looking forward to the year ahead forecasts

    1. Yes, that sometimes happens. The Tarot is talking to you twice. There will be a great deal of money to sort out and three generations will be involved, possibly with dogs too. You may want to chat to a financial professional in March 2023 to help you as Saturn goes into Pisces and your solar Eighth House, or in May, when Jupiter goes into your natal Second House.

  201. Hello Jessica, Thank you for a great session with Conscious Cafe, I thoroughly enjoyed . Look forward to future sessions.
    At exactly 11.11 UK time I was shown High Priestess, kinda freaked me as I’m not familiar with tarot. Please can you give some insight.
    Merry Christmas

    1. Catherine, the High Priestess tallies with your chart, starting December 20th and running until May 2023.

      Here we have one of Pamela’s cards which is instantly recognisable as a female academic or professional. There is no sexual ambiguity here. This is most certainly a Julia Gillard, a Jacinda Ardern, a Margaret Thatcher or an Angela Merkel, in addition to the examples I’ve already given.

      To each his own. This woman has strong ideas, powerful conviction and you may disagree, or agree, but you have to respect the intellectual power.

      This is a symbol of the Third House and Gemini (the scroll is indicative of a newspaper or press release). However it is also a symbol of the Moon, which you can see in the foreground. The Ninth House of academia and education is also suggested here. There are quite a few astrological clues in this card.

      There is always a sense of mystery with The High Priestess, because she sits in front of screens. Nobody really knows what B and J on the columns, refers to. Perhaps these letters have personal meaning for you. We will go further into the columns, later.

      Behind the High Priestess, herself a symbol of the asteroid Minerva (wisdom), we have pomegranates, a symbol of Proserpina.

      She was the go-between who connected her husband Pluto to her mother Ceres – and perhaps they are also shown by the black and white columns. Pluto and Ceres were both very black/white about their lives. They were passionate, obsessive and not given to compromise. Proserpina connected them.

      The story goes something like this. Pluto fell in love with Proserpina. He lived underground in Hades and broke the rules, breaking the earth apart, to rise up and seize her. Her mother Ceres mourned her daughter after the abduction and then, enraged, went on strike. The four seasons under her rulership, ground to a halt. Eventually Jupiter intervened. He asked his brother Pluto to take part in a test of what was fair and just. Thus, Jupiter needed to know if Proserpina had eaten pomegranates (a Roman euphemism for vaginal sex) during her stay in Hades.

      Proserpina replied she had eaten half a pomegranate. Very likely, gone half the way. The Romans had a very basic sense of humour about sex. As a response, Jupiter decreed that Proserpina should spend half the year with her husband (when it is winter and autumn) and half the year with her mother (when it is summer and spring).

      There is rich symbolism everywhere you look in this card. The pomegranates are painted very clearly by Pamela on the Art Nouveau panel or screen, behind the clever priestess. Perhaps she is Proserpina herself. The Go-Between, to quote L.P. Hartley. The middle woman between two powerful entities, organisations or individuals. The B and J may hold clues for you there.

      The High Priestess usually studies and gains qualifications. Or she is a writer. She may have a website or blog. There may be journals or books.

      This card is about learning and being taught at the highest level. The pearl of wisdom rests in the High Priestess’s crown. The Christian cross symbolises her faith. Pamela Colman Smith converted to Catholicism later in life; Arthur Waite started as one. This is about knowledge, but also spirituality. Real wisdom. You cannot get everything from a book.

      The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society to which they both belonged, was notable for the number of intelligent, powerful, accomplished women in its ranks.

      This card always turns up when someone is enquiring about a university or college degree – if they want to know if success is possible, this card says a firm ‘yes’ as you can see by the rolled degree in hand.

      It is also of course a symbol of a brilliant female lecturer or Professor. There may be qualifications here, ranging from BA to MA to PhD.

      Annie Horniman, who bankrolled The Golden Dawn with her family money, started The Abbey Theatre in Dublin on the strength of a Tarot card reading.

      She later became an academic in England and is a good fit for The High Priestess, though of course it could have been any of the women in the Golden Dawn – like Florence Farr. This card tells you that answers come on the deepest level and that it is to the books you must turn, or the experts.

      It is important to ask yourself who the go-between or middle person is, in any situation where there are two sturdy polar opposites. A Pluto and Ceres figure. Look at the New Moon cycles too, because that lunar symbol at the bottom of the card is not there by accident.

  202. Jessica. You really are wonderful. I hope you know just how much you are appreciated by all of us. Thank you for giving such positive advice

  203. Dear Jessica, the Conscious Cafe video was fantastic. I’m very glad I was able to view it on YouTube. Despite being an hour and a half long, it felt like 30 minutes because it was so enjoyable to watch.

    I drew the Six of Swords for 2023. It strikes me as a negative card, especially after reading your description. I really hope I’m not the one who has to relocate against my will. My wife and I enjoy where we live and have no desire to leave. I would greatly appreciate any further details I can expect from this card and how that could happen.

    On another note that could be related, we intend to begin IVF in January 2023, since we have been experiencing infertility and had 2 failed pregnancies since 2020. Would Mars retrograde affect IVF? My wife is a sun Pisces born 17 March 1985. I can add her chart info if necessary.

    Thank you again for all of your hard work helping to guide all of us through this distressing time.

    1. Thank you so much. That’s really kind of you. The Six of Swords is not about IVF; I will talk about that in a moment, but first to the card you drew. If you are happy where you live, then the people in the boat are, say, family or friends. These people are relocating or emigrating to your part of the world and will need lots of support in 2023. It is often the case that this card appears when you accommodate long-term house guests or tenants who are escaping a situation. It’s on that level. The IVF process is always Leo/Fifth House and you have a stellium and the North Node of karma there. So this isn’t about your wife, it’s about you. I am sorry you are both going through it, but one of the reasons is – past life karma. You have been here before in one or more lifetimes and you no doubt knew your wife in a previous incarnation too. You have chosen to come back in this lifetime to go through the spiritual learning experiences and soul path of a man who wants to be a father but has obstacles on the way. If it all feels a bit familiar, that’s because it is. Something that may help is to turn your attention to young relatives; godchildren; children’s causes; teenage/young adult causes which will help to make another focus for your strong, strong Leo side. That way you don’t have to throw everything at just one story in your life; it can help to reduce the intensity of only one focus. Having been through this with friends I know how incredibly difficult it is. However this works out for you long-term as eventually Jupiter goes to Gemini and forms a series of sextiles with Leo in your chart, and then Jupiter moves into Leo a couple of years later, so you go through the conjunctions. One way or another, in a way not clear yet, you will be fulfilled in your role as King to a younger court.

  204. I will also say that when I read about your predictions for next year, I’d hoped that the very unethical practices of this particular union come to a head and they’re exposed. They preach that you are part of them, that they’ll look after you… but they’ll happily take your money and not support you when their own members take away your job to give it to a family member…

    Jessica, I have to laugh in a way. I sent a text that was misunderstood and he embellished… 2 days before the last eclipse and everything was taken away.
    I really hope things will transpire as you say… Thank you ❤️

  205. Jessica, my above post did not post with the format I intended. For some reason the paragraphs were ignored and was posted as one long paragraph. Feel free to edit my post for readability if you like.

  206. Thank you for the response. I am looking forward to more meet-ups. Thank you for seeing about a good time for CA. It’s okay though–I should be able to find away to be awake (just won’t be on video for certain in the middle of the night.)

    And thank you for your insight. That particular card felt RIGHT ON in respect to who I am as a person & what I’ve yet to do.

    I hope you are enjoying these winter (summer for you) holidays.

    1. Thank you so much. We have decided to keep to a London-based time for the 2023 event, but it will be recorded for US viewers. I am glad the card fitted you so well. And yes, I am enjoying Christmas in Tasmania. Have to say, the food at this time of year is the best.

  207. Thank you so much for your response Jessica, makes a lot of sense.
    Wishing you a gorgeous Sunday

  208. Hi Jessica
    I emigrated to Sydney, with my family, from the Uk on July 4th 2022 – Independence Day! I pulled the three of pentacles and asked the Tarot ‘what will 2023 bring for me?’. I would appreciate your thoughts.

    1. Thanks Lisa. You need to line this up with the card I pulled for you at the event, and I don’t see a chart here, but part of the story (about half the story) is the search for revenue, income or even missing funds. You need the right professional to help you do that. There is no guarantee that the reward will be there, or there ongoing, so just be aware of the unknowns.

  209. Hi Jessica, I booked for your CC session but then had to watch later due to work, and really enjoyed it! I pulled 10 of cups on your site and am looking forward to new beginnings in 2023 in home, health & relationship possibilities – fingers are crossed as this is much needed, does it look likely? Thank you for the free copy of your new book which is such a wonderful gift.

    1. Thank you. The Ten of Cups is a terrific card to see and it ties into your birth chart, starting May 2023 and going to May 2024.

      Cups are sex or emotion and here we have ten, forming a rainbow (‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and ‘The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow’). A rainbow is a peculiar thing; a beautiful illusion. Walk to the apparent end and it vanishes out of your grasp. There is a nice message here from Pamela, who created this vision (even though she never married, nor had children). Basically, keep it real. The rainbow is too much. At the end of the day, the children need to be fed and have their laundry put in the washing-machine. Husband and wife will grow older and have to deal with the realities of long-term marriage. Houses need repairs and rivers flood. And yet…

      The couple are close, the children are happy. The house looks like a dream British 1909 cosy cottage. There is celebration here. The couple throw their hands in the air, the children are dancing happily.

      This is a classic card for family and property joy. I have drawn it very rarely in readings for clients, but every time, the woman concerned has gone on to marry, have children and establish a happy home and garden. As I mentioned at the start, I read for a woman who had divorced a drug addict and she went on to meet the man of her domesticated dreams, settle down, enjoy a stunning house and in fact had three children, not two. The rest of the story is private and hers to tell, but remember a rainbow is an illusion. The rest is real.

      In astrology we associate this card with the Fourth House of property and clan. Thus ‘My people and my place.’ You might also find the Fifth House here (children), the Seventh House (partnership and marriage) or the Eighth House (property as family legacy). Perhaps you, the other person or the children are going through transits to all these houses.

      Cancer is the crab who carries the home on her back. Taurus is the valuable real estate. Leo is the children. Scorpio is ‘Until death do us part.’

      This card is fascinating because it’s all about the space. The environment, rented or owned, lent or mortgaged, is part of the family. You cannot separate husband and wife, or children, from the garden, the local area and/or the home. It’s a part of them. It has an emotional presence. So, we’d have to say that the zodiac sign of Cancer and the Fourth House really matters. This goes beyond falling in love with a husband or wife, or giving birth to sons and daughters. The ecstatic response of the couple to the home, and the joyous children, suggests the material world is a really big part of the relationships between all four of them. You cannot do this without taking into account Mother Nature but also priceless (or expensive) security and beauty.

      This card is ‘beginning’ and not midway or end. It is the very start of moving in together, buying a property, inheriting a property, or finding a dream space to rent. The rest comes later and is ongoing. The children will become teenagers and young adults. The couple who are so tied to being parents, will find different roles in 20 years or so, and that could mean massive shifts in the marriage, as the whole point and purpose of them coming together in the first place was a son, daughter, or ‘two to start’ and then more.

      Let us not be cynics, though, and say that all good things come to an end, but that does not mean life becomes less than it was; it just becomes different. The celebration, radiance and joy of the very start of married life is here. The rest is a journey, to be sure, but ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ is not just Judy Garland in full flight. Eventually it becomes the memory of something so precious, rare and unforgettable that it helps create the bedrock on which the future emotional life of this couple rests. Into old age, with a little luck, they will never forget the start.

  210. Hi Jessica,

    I always enjoy attending these events. I set my alarm for 4 am to ensure I was present and this was worth every bit of the sacrifice.

    I drew the Sun card on the tarot and I feel optimistic about the upcoming year with both traditional business and business ventures I am launching. With traditional business, I’m in a bit of a holding pattern. I work in business sales and things are a little slow at the moment. The downtime has allowed me to explore new business ventures creating websites (e-commerce) that market various household products.

    I’m eager to know how the Sun card relates to all of this along with my natal chart. Will things pick up for me on the traditional front and will the e-commerce ventures be a success?

  211. Hi Jessica, I always enjoy attending these events. I set my alarm for 4 am to ensure I was present and this was worth every bit of the sacrifice. I drew the Sun card on the tarot and I feel optimistic about the upcoming year with both traditional business and business ventures I am launching. With traditional business, I’m in a bit of a holding pattern. I work in business sales and things are a little slow at the moment. The downtime has allowed me to explore new business ventures creating websites (e-commerce) that market various household products. I’m eager to know how the Sun card relates to all of this along with my natal chart. Will things pick up for me on the traditional front and will the e-commerce ventures be a success?

    1. Thank you so much. I am flattered you set the alarm for 4.00am. The Sun is about children, teenagers and the next generation; not about business, unless your business is writing books for school students or being a nanny, perhaps. You have three factors in Leo in the Fifth House, and these will receive a trine from Jupiter (good news, good outcomes) in 2023 so I expect that is the astrology behind it all. January-May 2023 is the time-frame. You work in business sales and want to pursue e-commerce. You are a Sun Sagittarius with stelliums in Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo. It is your Scorpio side which is now taking over; the sign of serious money, business and property, but also financial and sexual relationships. You have the South Node transiting Scorpio and your Eighth House of complex banking, until July 2023. There are easier times to launch a business. The issue with the South Node doing this, is that the North Node in Taurus in your Second House, is in opposition the whole time. So you find obstacles or competing factors until July. If you remove the money from the question you get better answers. So, if you just focus on work you enjoy; a daily routine that you like; putting your health first on every level – you do have a fantastic outcome from May 2023 to May 2024, when Jupiter goes into Taurus. This works in your public and private chart. You were born with the North Node in Scorpio and South Node in Taurus so your previous lives have been both rich and poor. You have certainly been in business before. Now, you have come back to put a price on the things that money cannot buy. So it may not be ending up with piles of cash; it may be that realising freedom, independence and room to move are more valuable to you. You will have a sensational offer or option on the table May, June 2023. The Tarot can help you then.

  212. Hi Jessica, I loved the zoom session. Wow… wish we could have more sessions like that with you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I am a cancer the card you pull was 4 of wands and the card I pull for 2023 is 3 of cups. Looking at my chart. How do you see that play out for me. Thank you again, Have a safe week. ❤️
    Also any advice for from now till end of the year…
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Well, 2023 is social for you. You will join or rejoin a group of friends and really enjoy the solidarity. You have a stellium in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of clubs, teams, communities, circles, societies and associations. Of course it may be less formal; a group of bridesmaids or old friends having a reunion. This is not just social though. There is abundance. There is the chance to make a great deal more from what is there. So there may be a fundraising, business or professional angle with these people. You’ll love the fun element but once you are past that, have a look at what you can do together. It could be huge.

  213. Hi Jessica, thank you for everything you do. You’re work is extraordinary. I’ve been following you for a while now and I’m a premium member. I’m a Virgo sun, Taurus moon, and sag rising. What can I expect in my finance, career, and love life in 2023 please ? I have a huge loan and am hoping to pay off by the end of 2023 and also have some investment in stocks. I’m also working on my permanent residency application. Do you think I will have success with that ? Thanks for your time.

    1. Thank you. You are not logged in, so I can’t see your chart. You will make or save quite a lot of money, from December 21st until May 16th because you are a Sun Virgo with transiting Jupiter in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity and business. You are in the most challenging cycle in love in 29 years, starting on March 8th, when Saturn enters your Seventh House of marriage, divorce, common-law marriage and separation. Saturn will be in your Seventh House, as a Sun Virgo, until February 14th 2026. Prince Harry shares this transit with you. Your work should come second to your health from March 2023 (that month will be a turning point) and no employer, duty statement or contract should take precedence over your wellbeing; on every level, your health has to be what you will not compromise over, from that point until the year 2044.

  214. Hi Jessica, I missed the event live as we had to pick up my step son from the airport who is visiting for Christmas from Australia, but have caught up on the recording, will be interesting to see what happens to interfere with the coronation plans. We had a short flight to Dublin and back this week for a flying visit and my husband came back with covid after avoiding it so far, I’m currently sitting here with a hepa/uv-c filter on the go when he is in the same room, so far so good I am still negative. I hope I am not too late to pull a card, I just pulled The Magician, we have a big year of saving ahead with not much spare cash for our trip to Australia for my step daughter’s wedding, I think I’ll need to be a magician to save enough for that! What does this card mean for me for 2023? Happy Christmas xx

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you missed the event and also sorry that your husband got Covid when travelling. You are lucky to have a HEPA-UV filter plugged in. You are still all travelling which is odd, but anyway. The Magician is here, in long interpretation. He’s not about money, but he is about an exceptional year in other ways:
      One Minute Interpretation
      A multi-tasking Renaissance man or woman who is channelling something greater than herself/himself. This is an impressive tutor, teacher, guide, mentor or leader. There is an even emphasis on money, ideas, relationships and action spread out before The Magician. Everything is possible once the magic rolls.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      A famous card in Pamela and Arthur’s deck and one that seldom turns up. There is so much power in The Magician. The musician Steve Kilbey has painted himself as The Magician in his own, illustrated deck.

      It really depends on what you mean by magic. Magic is about measuring reality and watching it unfold. Quantum mechanics tells us that. There is no single reality. There is no ‘correct’ or ‘real’ universe. It is only when we observe and take a measurement, that we find out where we are. The process of doing that necessarily means all other contending universes fall away from us.

      This person, The Magician, is a multi-tasking, magical, powerful Renaissance man or woman. There is a lot going on in this card! Pentacles, cups, swords and wands are on the table so this person is across money, relationships, people politics and big ideas.

      Perhaps this is the magic. The Magician is measuring reality with both arms (not unlike William Blake and his compass images. S/he is powerful. All-powerful, actually, because the entire known Tarot world of Cups, Staves/Rods/Wands, Swords and Coins is laid out on the table.

      Using his/her arms as the yardstick, The Magician judges what is there to choose from, and with full concentration, expects and selects. The rest is reality.

      You can see the dove of peace etched into the wood on the table. Red roses and white lilies surround the frame. Perhaps these symbols mean something to you.

      The Magician is either burning the candle at both ends or channelling something divine, with that curious object in the left hand. The right hand points down to earth, grounding the magic.

      This is Harry Potter, with his glasses hovering (at enormous size) a few centimetres above his head. The bandage hides his lightning scar. There is something magical about the J.K.Rowling story. Single mother, writing in an Edinburgh café, inspired by visions on a train, sets out on the path to fame and great wealth.

      There is magic in the air or concentrated quantum selection of one’s chosen universe, when this card appears. It takes tremendous self-confidence and certainty to be able to reach for what is there and discard all other known parallel universes.

      The Magician is also a picture of infinity. The figure eight is of course – known to scientists. The snake biting its own tail on the belt also suggests eternal time here. No beginning and no end. Everything is possible in this card, once someone harnesses his/her energy and gets down to work.

      The Golden Dawn, the secret society where Pamela learned astrology, and where Arthur, her partner in the cards, pursued his dreams – was genuinely magical. In fact, its most famous member, W.B. Yeats (who inducted Pamela) got everything we might assume he wanted, from it. His love rival was executed. Yeats himself won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Was that mere coincidence or was it Magic, capital M?

      Like all Pamela’s cards, you have to read every detail to get the full picture for yourself. Even the titles or names in her cards can reveal a hidden message. Magician = Magic Ian.

      I once read for a woman whose husband’s name was Ian, though nobody else knew that (he had changed his name). He was a politician who managed to not only survive adversity but also triumph over it, becoming ever-more powerful.

      A great truth about this card is that so much depends on the state of mind of the person asking the question (which might be you) – or the person at the heart of the action. If one is focussed, certain, clear, confident and fully aware of the way parallel universes (The Multiverse) works, then it’s just a question of trusting, believing, knowing, measuring and receiving.

      The ‘measuring’ comes to us from the famous Double Slit experiment, but actually in astrology it is done with geometry. Astrology is a numbers game, based on a 360-degree circle, 12 zodiac signs, 12 houses and so on. The measuring is real. Aspects are geometrical patterns, like a sextile, square, trine and so on.

      The Magician’s arms form an opposition. S/he is illustrating two opposite signs of the zodiac, perhaps, or the MC (Midheaven) in opposition to the IC (Immum Coeli). This may be a clue if you are looking at an astrological chart.

      The Magician could be a man or a woman. Pamela Colman Smith was friends with lesbians and quite possibly was one herself. She was certainly a feminist. The bobbed hair of so many of her Tarot figures is a nod to equality. It is not only men who are magicians. Of course not.

      What is also interesting about this card (a Major Arcana card, so it is of major importance) is the fact that money has no more importance than sex. Coins are money, cups are sexuality. Staves/Rods/Wands are ideas. Swords are actions. Both are also similarly equal.

      The Magician has all of these laid out ready for use, it is just a question of getting the measure of what is possible, and as science proves to us some 100 years after Pamela first had this vision, by measuring something, The Observer Effect comes to pass. Or, ‘you get what you expect’ as some people say.

      The Magician is channelling. Perhaps, channelling information or wisdom, from the spirit world. S/he may also be a lightning conductor, taking tremendous energy from the atmosphere and bringing it down to earth where it can be used in a practical way.

      The snake belt is similar to The Dragon’s Head and The Dragon’s Tail on astrolabes, beloved of Geoffrey Chaucer among others. This is the North Node (head) and South Node (tail) which go in a constant loop. This may be another astrological clue.

      The asteroid in your personal birth chart, shown by a snake (coiled on a staff) known to the Romans as Aesculapius/Aesculapia is also here. The snake belt is a hint of that symbol in your chart, which is about miraculous resurrection and rebirth.

  215. Hi Jessica

    I loved your talk. I pulled out the queen of cups. Aries married lady what do you think this signifys for 2023 please

    1. Lots of women here pulling the Queen of Cups and you are one of them. Here she is –

      I have seen women change their lives when they draw this card, as they recognise that all their dithering is getting them nowhere and that something or someone must be physically moved to a space or place, where there is a purpose. Women who are affected by drugs and alcohol (even prescribed meditation) can sometimes feel quite spaced out, dazed and confused – and be vulnerable to the sort of scene we see here, where everything and everybody is ‘all at sea.’

      You would look for a Neptune transit, but also a transit to natal Neptune. The sea is self-evident in this card and getting in over your head, is one outcome of wasting time puzzling over a particular person, without doing anything about him or her.

      This is clearly a woman worth our respect (a Queen) who has a precious, unique relationship she does not know what to do with. If it was on Antiques Roadshow it would be priceless.

      It is a cup, like all the cups in Pamela Colman Smith’s deck, but not any cup you have ever seen. It is fine, detailed, rather odd, and we would suspect a one-off. So, this person in the Queen of Cups’ life is not commonplace or everyday. Nor is this person particularly easy to get to grips with, but something must be done here, or the tide may turn.

      In her past we find pregnancies that did not come to term, or the baby phase of her grown-up children. She is unconscious of this but it is the foundation upon which she rests. These babies are above her and at her feet, cast in stone. This is a woman who is quite unconscious about her abortions, or miscarriages, or the stepchildren she never took on, or the orphans she never adopted. More commonly, it is a woman who has built her world on being a mother, but is quite unconscious of the fact that she has permanently parked her adult son or daughter in infancy, somewhere at the back of her mind.

      The Queen of Cups is all at sea, cast adrift, not living in the real world, far removed from what people back home would call normal living. This might be the late Elizabeth Taylor pondering Richard Burton, or the late Princess Diana wondering what on earth she is going to do about her latest admirer.

      Of course, the cup can be a friend; a family member; a colleague. Yet in all cases the person concerned would be about emotion and feeling, for this queen, who is herself likely to have the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and/or Pisces prominent in her birth chart.

      This is a picture of Kent with its beautiful white chalk cliffs, where Pamela Colman Smith created her card. Our Queen is drifting further into the English Channel as the water laps against her feet and she forgets about the real world.

      This is a card showing the Fifth House of parenthood and relationships, and also Neptune, that symbol of drifting unreality.

      The solution is to put the cup down and go back to the village or town with it tucked under one arm, where the relationship (a cup is always a relationship) can be found an appropriate place. At the moment it is a distraction from the real issue – babies that came/didn’t come, quite some time ago. The Queen would be happier with dry feet.

      This is a trophy or a collector’s item. It may be a ‘trophy’ boyfriend or husband who is good-looking, rich or successful. If it is the woman’s son or daughter, there is something here that is so hard for her to deal with, or come to terms with, but still very special.

      Actual movement – taking action – gives the cup a home somewhere in one of the villages or towns up on the cliffs. The Queen needs to gather up her skirts, hold the peculiar but golden relationship fast, and set about finding the right environment for what she has.

      It may be a museum. Perhaps this is a former husband or live-in partner who belongs to the past, not the future, and until The Queen of Cups puts him behind a glass case she will never get on with her life.

      Perhaps she needs to pass the cup on! Maybe there is someone in the nearest town who would make far better use of this than she ever would. Maybe it is time to let go of a valuable but puzzling friend who one never quite moves into sexual territory with; this sort of platonic pal might be the ideal wife for a single man out there, but until the Queen lets go, nobody will ever know. The trick with this card is to realise that it is about the environment not the cup itself. It is about finding the right place for such a person or relationship and that requires some common-sense, self-discipline and a bit of shoulder to the wheel.

  216. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your article. I just watched your Conscious Cafe video – it’s very interesting, thank you for that too. I’m so intrigued to see what changes March 2023 will bring with all the major planetary movements.

    I followed your instructions and drew the Queen of Pentacles. Nice to see such a positive outlook. It’s funny because despite the upcoming upheavals, I’m feeling rather hopeful and even a bit excited about the future. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have.


    1. Thank you. You will save or make a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter in Taurus moves over your chart. As for the Tarot?
      Note the rabbit in the corner. Beatrix Potter was 43 years old, when Pamela Colman Smith, also a gifted illustrator and artist, created her famous Tarot cards: what would later become known as The Smith-Waite.

      The Tale of Peter Rabbit had come out in 1902, four years previously and even today, thanks to the film, it makes money for the Beatrix Potter estate.

      The rabbit is also a reminder that you can have money, but perhaps you also need sex. (Rabbits can produce a litter a month, though, so be careful). Playboy bunnies, so sex again, are associated with rabbits. Being ‘at it like rabbits’ is associated with frequent sex and we can also associate this creature with vegans. Rabbit food is a nickname for a classic vegan diet. It really depends on where you locate the rabbit or bunny in your consciousness. It can be quite literal. I have known more than one well-off woman with a rabbit and I’m sure you have too!

      Sometimes this Queen turns up if there is a wealthy single woman enjoying her garden or the local wilderness, parkland or woods – but sex won’t go away. In fact sex keeps nagging at her until she does something about it. The issue with ‘just sex’ though (rabbit impulses) is that it’s not really about making a good marriage, or finding a soulmate, and the rest. It’s just about the physical side of life. She may have to pay attention to that, sooner or later. Unless the rabbit hops away, of course. Yet – what if it jumps into her lap? That rabbit holds a key to this entire card.

      Some women I have read for (readers on my website) identify with the rabbit as a sign of divorce, because they gain a divorce settlement and sex ‘goes away’ and runs off. Down the rabbit hole. Alice in Wonderland sometimes holds meaning for people reading this card because of the White Rabbit and his pocket watch. Being late, for a very important date, can be another hint that one can be well-off, financially (everything in the garden is literally lovely here) but also miss out on dating. For some people, the rabbit/bunny is ‘a bun in the oven’ or pregnancy, and single women with enough money to have a child by themselves, can pull this card. In fact, the bun in the oven is the next step, after she has counted her pennies.

      This is a contented woman gazing at her wealth, to be sure. This is a Taurus, Second House, Scorpio and/or Eighth House card. Capricorn the goat is hidden on her throne, so have a look at that. Perhaps her career (Capricorn) has made her secure.

      A baby’s face peers out from the stone. Again, this is a hint about sex, in the background, in one’s history (a pregnancy that did or did not happen) and nods to the rabbit. There are a curious amount of cherubic heads in the stonework in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot deck, the Smith-Waite. In astrology this can be the asteroid Cupido, or Cupid, but over the years I have found women relate to the idea of historic pregnancies, abortions or miscarriages. They are always unseen by the Queens in these cards. Forgotten, suppressed, ignored. Adult children and their babyhood sometimes show up in this Queen’s past. That was then, this is now. She’s moved on and she’s interested in the money instead.

      Romantic roses surround her and she has, unusually, a bright green cloak. The colour of conservation and the environment. What is this woman going to do with her money, why and when? You will find more tiny details and clues, personal to you, here. She may work for Greenpeace. She may want to donate to The Wilderness Society or The Bob Brown Foundation. Nature is very close here and she is at home in it.

      The Queen of Pentacles is one of many figures in Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot who is pondering money. Lost in daydreams. Basking in the moment, which is financially secure. Yet – this needs to be invested or put to good use. Something has to be done with this money; one cannot sit gazing at it forever. And of course you cannot handle the cash and the rabbit at the same time. You will have to put the money in a safe place, or spend it, or donate it – so you can be liberated enough to catch the rabbit before it hops away. Time is very much of the essence in the card if this woman does want to start a sexual relationship or even have a one-night-stand.

  217. Thank you for this post. I just watched the event on YouTube. I loved the card you pulled for Pisces. Very excited to see how that will play out for me in 2023. I pulled Ten of Cups. Hoping to move house next year does this card indicate this at all. Thanks again.

    1. The Ten of Cups? Yes you will move, and very happily too, with terrific surroundings and two very happy children or teenagers in the picture.

  218. Thank you for replying to my comment. Appreciate it more than you know. I’m logged in now if you can take a look at my birth chart please.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn. The two biggest changes in 2023 come from the South Node leaving Scorpio in July and Pluto leaving Capricorn in March. So it takes a while for the year to begin, but this is about the end of a stuck, circular situation with finance, property, business or charity. There will be karma and closure by July. It is also the end of people, organisations and situations which have a stranglehold on your career, working life, unpaid work or study. You might say, manipulators and dominators. It’s all been quite ridiculous but they go, from March 2032, or the situation ends, for whatever reason. You will have a fantastic period professionally from May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter trines your Virgo and Capricorn stelliums, and makes the sextile. Quids in, too.

  219. Hi Jessica Thanks for a very interesting session. I drew The Fool for 2023. Then I sat quietly for a while, shuffled the cards again and asked what is the meaning of my recent health diagnosis. I drew The Fool again! Karen

    1. Karen, The Fool is telling you, in general, not to leap before you look. Don’t be foolish and take a gigantic leap into the unknown; the white dog symbolises a warning. Your actual health diagnosis will turn up in the card, and you will see it. The graph on a hospital bed clipboard resembles the jagged line of mountains in the back of the picture. The knapsack may resemble a body part; does it look like a heart or kidney to you? And so on. Pamela’s cards are extraordinary but you need to sit with it, as it’s your card, not mine, and your health too. I’ve given you the book meaning of it, but there will be a purely psychic word of advice as well.

  220. Hello Jessica,
    Your perspective confirmed I’m going in the right direction although it feels like I’m in a lunar eclipse. Being a Gemini sun and drawing on a blank canvas and/or unsure where the finish line ends. I can’t help but think I’m my own worse enemy having a stellium in virgo and moon in Libra.
    The past few years have been difficult, I hope the dark cloud has past.
    thank you

    1. Yes, the dark clouds are nearly gone. We went through a really awful time with not only Pluto in Capricorn, but also Saturn in Capricorn and the South Node. And that was even before Covid arrived publicly in March 2020. The former cycle goes on influencing the global response to Covid, as it is the hangover of all the power and money held in the hands of the very few at the top! In your own chart you were more triggered by being born with a Gemini and Virgo stellium. Not so much your Libra Moon, but the two stelliums were crossed by the lunar nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, which is very difficult. Gemini-Virgo is associated with anxiety and depression and sometimes these can be triggered by those transits. The good news is, Gemini-Virgo is also associated with ‘mind over matter’ and it is by mindfulness, meditation, hypnosis and cognitive therapy methods that you can train your brain into happiness and much more. You are going in the right direction. Have a look at Gemini and Virgo in your new book, Modern Astrology 2050. Ask the Tarot how you are expressing both and see how you can work with that.

  221. Hi Jessica,
    Just noticing the duplicate questions and replies. Apologies about that

    For some reason when a new comment is written the website algorithm is rejecting the comment with the message “it seems that you have already said that” even when the comment is new, prompting me to change the wording until the comment went through. Apologies for the duplication.

    1. Sorry, we have just edged into Mercury Retrograde so I am expecting all kinds of tomfoolery with the internet, so it’s lucky it’s Christmas and there is champagne on standby. I’ll look for the other comment and reply to that, no need to apologise at all.

  222. Hello Jessica,
    I wonder if you could comment on what 2023 might hold for me specifically in relation to my Aquarian stellium including Venus at 0° Aquarius and Jupiter at 1° of Aquarius. I’m a Sagittarius.
    Btw, I’ve recently visited Smallhythe and the Whitney Gallery in NY in search of contact with Pamela.
    Thank you for your insights and guidance.

    1. March-June 2023 is of historic importance, Ginny, as Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius and is within orb of a conjunction with your natal Jupiter at 1 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. Pluto is exactly in conjunction with your natal Venus. You also have Saturn going to 0, 1 Pisces making a semi-sextile. This is a group you rejoin, because it is rebooted, and you do so firing on all cylinders – or you join a very new group for the first time and immediately realise it will change your life. You will find the friendships in and around the group are complicated; more like family or romance than pure friendship – and actually one ally in particular could be at the beating heart of something quite intense. You find your luck and protection where Jupiter falls in the chart and in Aquarius, it always was, always will be, through the people power in a band (say) or movement, or community trend and collective. Pluto will bring power in the room. The group itself may be powerful (political, say) but you are also likely to find yourself being issued a challenge: to find your own power and bring it to your friends. The situation or the people then take a back seat until January and February 2024 and by April 2024 this is your new world, as Pluto then goes back and forth across Aquarius 1-0 in 2024, the year that everything changes for everybody!

  223. Hi Jessica,
    Great Zoom session. I found it on Twitter at 4:30am New York time, and signed up right away. Guided, I think. I am a Libra sun, Scorpio moon, and I drew the Queen of Pentacles during your talk.I am thinking of a career change in 2023, would love advice. Wishing you a very happy holidays.

    1. Thank you. I am talking to Alicia Fulton at Meetups about America and Canada sessions only for 2023 so you don’t have to get up so early. Your chart and the card agree. You will save or make a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024 and your main challenge is figuring out what to do with it. You’ll be in a nice, secure position. What does the rabbit in the card mean to you? That is personal and important. If you switch career between March and December 2023 get the word on the street about the job as well as the fine print on the paperwork. It will come with barriers and obstacles and you need to know what they are to figure out if it is worth it to you, to live with them until early 2026.

  224. Morning Jessica, I really enjoyed the conscious cafe meeting. At the event I pulled 10 swords and then for 2023 I pulled The World. In 2002 I had to lost my nursing career due to health issues. After training for the last 4 years I am planning to set up a counselling /aromatherapy practice next year. You have commented elsewhere on this opportunity for me – thank you. What I would like to ask is a question of academia. Is there anything in my chart that suggests I will study further in higher education as I feel at a crossroads about that, part of me wants to, but part of me wants a rest from all the study, especially as the last bit of study did not go quite as I wanted it to (studying during a pandemic is hard!).

    1. Thank you. The World suggests you are spoilt for choice and could study online in Europe, America or Australasia. I know study during the pandemic was hard but this time the faces have changed. Your only issue is sorting out which culture or nationality appeals most. You have that huge Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House which makes you a perpetual student but also a teacher. It can be informal, or formal. Basically from December 20th, in around a week, when Jupiter moves into Aries, you have a stunning ‘easy slide, easy ride’ with education and could easily have a qualification after your name by May 2023. Jupiter will trine your Sagittarius stellium for the first time, in this particular way, in 12 years. Try to focus, ground, centre and then choose the culture, nationality and language you are most drawn to.

  225. Hi Jessica
    I enjoyed the Concious Cafe session and have been following you for a while. I pulled the queen of cups. How does this look for 2023. I am a premium member but not sure of my time of birth.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. You have opened my eyes to the power of astrology. x

    1. Thank you. The Queen of Cups –

      One Minute Interpretation
      This rather impressive woman has a relationship which is solid gold, unique, valuable and quite confusing to her. She needs to stop procrastinating and do something practical with it; planting it on solid ground would be a start. This is a family relationship, a romance, a partnership or a friendship which she finds baffling because it escapes categorisation.

      Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.

      I have seen women change their lives when they draw this card, as they recognise that all their dithering is getting them nowhere and that something or someone must be physically moved to a space or place, where there is a purpose. Women who are affected by drugs and alcohol (even prescribed meditation) can sometimes feel quite spaced out, dazed and confused – and be vulnerable to the sort of scene we see here, where everything and everybody is ‘all at sea.’

      You would look for a Neptune transit, but also a transit to natal Neptune. The sea is self-evident in this card and getting in over your head, is one outcome of wasting time puzzling over a particular person, without doing anything about him or her.

      This is clearly a woman worth our respect (a Queen) who has a precious, unique relationship she does not know what to do with. If it was on Antiques Roadshow it would be priceless.

      It is a cup, like all the cups in Pamela Colman Smith’s deck, but not any cup you have ever seen. It is fine, detailed, rather odd, and we would suspect a one-off. So, this person in the Queen of Cups’ life is not commonplace or everyday. Nor is this person particularly easy to get to grips with, but something must be done here, or the tide may turn.

      In her past we find pregnancies that did not come to term, or the baby phase of her grown-up children. She is unconscious of this but it is the foundation upon which she rests. These babies are above her and at her feet, cast in stone. This is a woman who is quite unconscious about her abortions, or miscarriages, or the stepchildren she never took on, or the orphans she never adopted. More commonly, it is a woman who has built her world on being a mother, but is quite unconscious of the fact that she has permanently parked her adult son or daughter in infancy, somewhere at the back of her mind.

      The Queen of Cups is all at sea, cast adrift, not living in the real world, far removed from what people back home would call normal living. This might be the late Elizabeth Taylor pondering Richard Burton, or the late Princess Diana wondering what on earth she is going to do about her latest admirer.

      Of course, the cup can be a friend; a family member; a colleague. Yet in all cases the person concerned would be about emotion and feeling, for this queen, who is herself likely to have the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and/or Pisces prominent in her birth chart.

      This is a picture of Kent with its beautiful white chalk cliffs, where Pamela Colman Smith created her card. Our Queen is drifting further into the English Channel as the water laps against her feet and she forgets about the real world.

      This is a card showing the Fifth House of parenthood and relationships, and also Neptune, that symbol of drifting unreality.

      The solution is to put the cup down and go back to the village or town with it tucked under one arm, where the relationship (a cup is always a relationship) can be found an appropriate place. At the moment it is a distraction from the real issue – babies that came/didn’t come, quite some time ago. The Queen would be happier with dry feet.

      This is a trophy or a collector’s item. It may be a ‘trophy’ boyfriend or husband who is good-looking, rich or successful. If it is the woman’s son or daughter, there is something here that is so hard for her to deal with, or come to terms with, but still very special.

      Actual movement – taking action – gives the cup a home somewhere in one of the villages or towns up on the cliffs. The Queen needs to gather up her skirts, hold the peculiar but golden relationship fast, and set about finding the right environment for what she has.

      It may be a museum. Perhaps this is a former husband or live-in partner who belongs to the past, not the future, and until The Queen of Cups puts him behind a glass case she will never get on with her life.

      Perhaps she needs to pass the cup on! Maybe there is someone in the nearest town who would make far better use of this than she ever would. Maybe it is time to let go of a valuable but puzzling friend who one never quite moves into sexual territory with; this sort of platonic pal might be the ideal wife for a single man out there, but until the Queen lets go, nobody will ever know. The trick with this card is to realise that it is about the environment not the cup itself. It is about finding the right place for such a person or relationship and that requires some common-sense, self-discipline and a bit of shoulder to the wheel.

  226. Thanks for the tip Jessica, I literally have gone down a rabbit hole with this, finding out that I have Vesta at 21 degrees in Scorpio in my 8th house, which I am in property with this Libra I manage one of his properties and tied into for 3 years, so I’m hoping that doesn’t get complicated and after ready another article on your website I see that Kurt Cobain had vesta at 24 degrees in Scorpio! So interesting!

  227. Thank you Jessica – I do have several 11th house planets and am in some informal groups, so I will be vigilant!

  228. Hi Jessica
    Thank you so much for 2023 astrology and tarot readings.
    I am Cancer sun, and drew Ace of Pentacles. I also asked Tarot in regard to my Libra stellium and drew The lovers.
    Would you have any insight for me regarding my career? I retrained at 40 to become a counsellor which I felt was my life purpose, but currently feel very drained. It feels hard to make a decent living. I need to make some changes, but have no idea what.

    1. Thank you. The Ace of Pentacles is a lump sum of money which I suspect will be there after March 2023 when Saturn (restriction) leaves Aquarius (joint finance). Pluto (empowerment) goes into Aquarius the same month. You are in a good position to get far more control over your life through a large amount of money, ongoing from March 2023. Counselling doesn’t sound like it to me. The source would be elsewhere. You do need to make changes and will be given opportunities for the biggest and best improvement in your career in 12 years, starting in a day or two, and running to May 2023. The Lovers is precisely about your Libra stellium, and your other half, or the other side, and the karma between. you will require closure from July 2023 and be done by 2024. Balancing act.

  229. Hi Jessica,
    I was reflecting back to a couple of events ago (not this one, I think maybe the one before) you predicted that Bitcoin “will do the opposite of what everyone thinks it will do” I find myself reflecting on this again after you mention above about One Digital Coin / Global Coin. Firstly I guess because everyone sort of has a different idea of what BTC will do depending on who you talk to 😉 but secondly, I sort of felt that if Digital Coin for all becomes mainstream that this would actually help BTC become more widely adopted? We’re not too sure what to do about BTC and are just sort of leaving it there to see what it does. What do you think the future of BTC looks like now given the incoming adoption of digital currency? Thank you!

    1. Thank you. This sounds like the Taurus Weather event, so I will check on YouTube for the prediction about one world digital currency. Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 is about the growth and expansion of the global economy in a direction which benefits everybody. That is really different to Bitcoin, which benefits the few (although they sometimes lose money too). Jupiter is all-embracing with his eagle eye view of the planet and his thunderbolts. The thunder gives us the ‘boom’ association. Uranus alongside Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 is about ‘the shock of the new’ and is liberating, again – for the entire planet. So this is about the developing world as well as Wall Street. For that reason I don’t think this is Bitcoin. It feels like a simple, online system available even to poorer communities (if they can get a computer or smart phone) whereby business can be done without the need for complication. You’d expect the same system to allow the rich to charitably invest in philanthropic schemes to benefit, say, villages in Rwanda. I was thinking about Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus and the sudden boom – the instant delivery of a revolution that increases global revenue – and this sounds like social media to me. Perhaps you already gain digital currency in your account just by (say) being on Twitter. It’s the kind of thing you would expect Musk or one of his cohorts to invent.

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