The Nodes in Virgo and Pisces 2025-2026
How will the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo affect your solar and natal chart in 2025, 2026? Karma from 18-19 years ago, rolls from January 2025.
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How will the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo affect your solar and natal chart in 2025, 2026? Karma from 18-19 years ago, rolls from January 2025.
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries takes place on 20th February 2026 at 12.49pm in London. How is your astrology chart affected? And why should the world watch BRICS?
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221 Responses
I listened, and love your podcast! It’s terrific to have your focused astrology thoughts “out loud”. Thank you for adding to your presence in the world.
Thanks so much Cecelia. I will pass that on to the producer too.
Good Morning Jessica, What a fabulous way to start my morning with hot air balloons outside my window up high and a cuppa listening to your beautiful podcast. I loved your podcast and your insights around professional development for Leo and Cancer. How will these transits impact personal relationships between each other? Warmest wishes.
I remember the hot air balloons in Melbourne walking the dogs. Thank you so much for listening to The Astrology Show Podcast as one of the first. Leo and Cancer together are in the change zone in March. Around March 23rd you will both feel the bump, as you realise that for Leo some walls, barricades and obstacles are now history. Leo must put 2021, 2022 and early 2023 in the past and put it down to experience. For Cancer, it’s the beginning of the end of 15 years of constant questions about who or what is top dog; in control; holds the power. Life will seem so very, very different and full of far more possibility for both of you by June; that’s the taster. From 2025 you realise this is the future.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for sharing your talent and knowledge with us. I am listening to your podcast and wondering how Pisces will impact my life since I have Jupiter, Chiron and Hygeia in that sign. I have to say something is slowly building up around me. Should I look for a life preserver or look forward to upcoming changes in weather? Hope it’s the latter.
Appreciate your thoughts.
Thank you,
Thank you for tuning into The Astrology Show Podcast which made its debut four hours ago. JoAnna, the biggest change you will notice is with your social life, group involvements, social media, old friends and new friends. On March 7th your Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House will be triggered by Saturn leaving that house. This is the end of the restrictions and barriers, the obstacles and walls of 2021, 2022 early 2023. From March 23rd you will be in a really powerful new position on the fringes of a group, in and out of a community, never merging, but also essential to these allies and friends. Have a look at the Tarot to see your choices.
Hi Jessica,
As a long time member I wanted to say thank you and let you know that I have left a review on your new podcast also.
I hope it goes from strength to strength and builds on your formidable blog contributions.
I also really dig the podcast photo of you. You look so radiant! Honestly I see so much resemblance between you and the late Chrissie Amphlett in this photo, although I can’t really explain why. It was literally the first image that popped in my mind!
Is it okay to ask a quick question here too? I’m currently in talks with a travel writing mentor as this has been a long held dream of mine to fulfil. After an intensely difficult 3 years, my nervous system is fried and I crave new and happier moments of joy. I’m leaning towards local (or not too far overseas) sustainable travel angles. I was wondering if there was a reasonable possibility of published success with this route, as I know it’s not all “Getaway” cocktails and sunsets work!
Thank you again x
That’s really kind of you, thanks so much. Our first review for The Astrology Show Podcast. And I’ll let Alicia Fulton know about the photograph as she is so creative. (Chrissy Amphlett makes sense: I began the petition to create a lane for her in Melbourne). Travel writing is a curious challenge in a pandemic. The gap in the market is obviously for Covid-safe holidays. You have a huge Gemini stellium so could easily succeed with local and regional, neighbouring travel (which Gemini rules) from mid 2024 to mid 2025 when Jupiter is in Gemini. Then from 2026 when Uranus is in Gemini you could use the new technology online to get your message across about the local scene in an exciting new way. Not invented yet.
Beautiful Zoom event just now, thank you so much.
I pulled the 3 of Cups. It reminds me of the Pluto triangle!
May I ask your thoughts, Jessica?
It was nice to see you there Cecelia. I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. The Three of Cups is about friends and allies celebrating. You have big stelliums in Aquarius (the group) and Pisces (no boundaries as Deborah described). So together you move as one. This is a terrific card. Here is the detail.
Here we have an archetypal experience of feminine triumph known to Bananarama, The Supremes, The Slits and other all-female bands. This reminds me of the days when our anthology of short stories, Girls’ Night In, beat both J.K.Rowling and The Beatles in the bestseller lists. It was edited by myself, Chris Manby and Fiona Walker – three women who liked a glass of wine or two. We did in fact use our harvest and the books kept on coming for years. This card has personal meaning for me, but it will also have intensely personal meaning for you. Which group of women is this?
Tarot designer Pamela Colman Smith was close to the theatre world suffragette and lesbian Edith Craig, who from 1916 was in a menage a trois with Christabel Marshall and Clare ‘Tony’ Atwood. The three women here may well be feminists or lesbian lovers.
This is also an image of female solidarity so it may bring in the Eleventh House. Cups are related to sex and feelings so this may be a solid bond of sisterly friendship or something more.
Halloween is suggested by the pumpkin. Perhaps these are witches. This card is suggestive of A Dance to the Music of Time (Poussin) and astrology itself as the women could dance in either direction, hinting at Retrogrades in the chart. The mood here is happy, celebratory.
The Eleventh House is of course ruled by Aquarius and Pamela herself was a Sun Aquarian. She created illustrations for the nascent Suffragette movement at the turn of last century and of course, her sister did indeed win the vote. This zodiac sign is associated with community, equality and diversity. Also asexuality!
It is possible that not every person in this circle of three is female. There may be room for a man here, with his back to us, but with feminine locks. We may be talking about Boy George in Culture Club celebrating fame and fortune with female friends, after the success of Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?
Pamela’s card is quite pure, here. There is nothing lurking. The harvest has been picked, and this might be the C.W.A. (Countrywomen’s Association) in Australia enjoying a Good Year for the Roses. There is no competition between these women. There is no secret agenda; just honest solidarity and sisterhood.
Cups are emotions in the Tarot and describe the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as well. The three women make three sides of a Grand Trine; in astrology these three signs are always automatically part of this aspect together. It shows ease, flow and natural harmony. This is a delightful card to see if you are hoping for a good outcome with an all-female project.
Just remember that if the champagne is to keep flowing, there has to be continuity. That pumpkin should be made into scones, perhaps, or soup – but the seeds should be carefully replanted so that the harvest is ongoing. It really can be, as I found out for myself, all the way back in 1999 when Girls’ Night In first appeared. It was an exclusively female venture with writers who went on to become very famous, like Marian Keyes. Today, past the year 2020, it survives as a series for children (a spin-off) called Kids’ Night In, but the ebook goes on making money for the children’s charity War Child.
This is a Minor Arcana card so it may not transform your life, but its impact can be substantial, all the same. Our series made $3 million for War Child. There is abundance here, a sense of ‘there’s more where that came from’ and the fruits of the women’s labour, spread out all around them, suggests that what is gained could become the first step towards something that returns, every season. Minor is not always minor. What starts small in Pamela’s Tarot can grow, with care and attention, and tremendous patience, into something really big.
These are three bridesmaids at a wedding banquet who have something special; loyalty, friendship, trust. From that, could come anything at all, in the years ahead. It’s the Matildas, the Australian women’s football team, celebrating an early win. Cups are so often trophies in these cards and this may be a netball team too.
So many of Pamela’s cards are agricultural in nature, perhaps because she created them (partly or wholly) at Smallhythe in The Garden of England – Kent.
This card is about planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Life gardening is very important, though, as it’s not enough to just celebrate and move on. What a waste of vast potential that would be; what is all around these three women should become the basis of something much more. Using the astrological charts could be useful here if you are watching the transits of Jupiter, which is associated with abundance, reward and happy endings.
He moves in 12-year cycles so perhaps this is a twelve-year program. Maybe it is just the conjunctions, sextiles or trines of transiting Jupiter which you need to watch here. The chart itself will give the clue. Has there just been an exact aspect involving Jupiter? If so, you can set your watch by it, as this planet will move around the horoscope, always referring to the original harvest.
The Romans associated Jupiter with the oak tree and the acorn. From little acorns, mighty oaks do grow. There is a suggestion of this about the pumpkin that comes from the seed. To really work with the potential in this group, look at the Jupiter placements.
Thank you for another great zoom meeting Jessica, Alicia and Deborah! I enjoyed learning about Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, even though I feel it will be full of hard lessons.
I don’t have many planets in Pisces except for my IC (I don’t know what it means). I am an Aries and have Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo Stelliums. I also have Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Sagittarius. I drew the 7 of Wands.
Hoping for the best,
Thank you, Jessica!
Thank you very much. The Seven of Wands (Staves) shows your large Gemini and Sagittarius stelliums (ideas, opinions, debates, the internet, the media, points of view) being caught up in two squares from transiting Saturn in Pisces. In fact this is actually mentioned in the Tarot card interpretation which I wrote a long time ago. Here it is:
This is what happens when someone is living in their head (Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius live in a world of theories and ideas). Look for those signs prominent in your chart, or the person who is at the heart of this conflict.
This person is not grounded and practically being pulled apart, with one foot East and one foot West. So there may be a lack of earth signs in the chart (Taurus, Virgo and/or Capricorn). There’s nothing settled about this position, it’s quite precarious and geographically split, or intellectually/emotionally divided.
This card can appear if someone does not know where he or she stands, or there is no fixed address, or there are two business or work centres on opposite sides of the country, or town, or the world. It’s divisive.
Without a centre to work from, how can any opinion, plan or concept ever hope to get off the ground, still less hold its own against the ideas of the wider group? The irony is that the words or ideas are all pretty much the same, as I’ve said.
The Golden Dawn, illustrator Pamela Colman Smiths’s magical society, was similarly split down the middle and it must often have felt like ‘one against the many’ even though all the ideas were similar – based around astrology, the Tarot and so on.
You can see the remedy here. The person doing battle with others’ points of view needs to come back down to earth, stop reacting or imagining, and actually put faces to names, and faces and names, to opinions. This is a classic internet fight card. You have a face on your Twitter feed, but ‘the many’ are anonymous and call themselves numbers, and use cartoon heads!
This situation is untenable and depending on the state of mind of the person being pulled in two, it can be quite difficult and even risky. My issue here with this card is the land under the feet. What happens if there is an earthquake or earthquake? Not literally, perhaps, but thematically and symbolically? A leadership split can split the ground beneath your feet, but if you don’t have a leg to stand on and do not have your feet firmly on the ground, you can fall into the abyss or fall off the edge. Fall between the cracks.
This card sometimes turns up when a person has become distracted by the debate, which can be on social media as well as in the real world, and forgotten it is just about words. This card is literally about what is on paper, in the newspapers (particularly the disgraceful, unethical kind) or online. And the internet, as we know, can be a real quagmire. There is nothing physically going on here, and sticks and stones can impact bones, but words can never hurt, unless you let them.
He or she at the centre of this war of words, or intellectual opposition, does not realise that the lack of stability or agreement stems partly from his/her own position, which is temporary, unstable and split between two places, or two camps. The answer often lies in fixing oneself and one’s situation. From there, negotiation and agreement is possible as I’ve mentioned.
This can be a man coming back into the fold, as David Beckham came back into the fold in football, despite being persona non grata for a time. This card tells us, rifts can close, balance can be achieved, unity can be found, harmony can be achieved. It takes a lot of work on both sides, but mostly on the part of the person who is so divided and also quite divisive.
Thank you for another inspiring session Jessica:) My single Piscean entry is Pisces DSC 07 degrees 36 minutes. Would you please explain this to me? I pulled 2 of Wands from the Tarot question.
Thank you. This is a good example of how your Tarot card reflects your chart. The DSC or Descendant is your partner or other half, and it can be professional, platonic or a marriage. In Pisces, it shows the other person, habitually, tends to be – religious, spiritual, interested in quantum theory or parallel universes, fascinated by angels, dreams, hypnosis, horary astrology, therapy, Jung and the like. The Two of Wands is you plus one, on this path.
I had a lovely time on the Zoom, and just listened to your podcast…I feel ready to expand…I chose a six of wands, and to my very uneducated eye, it also looked positive…could this be true?
Many many thanks for being so available in these ‘interesting’ times Jessica. Enjoy your tea, and I saw you put a scarf on this morning…so hot here in Brisbane…scarf looks like a lovely reality.
Thank you. The Six of Wands is best explained in Pamela’s Tarot, free to you as a member. It shows up in your natal and solar chart, as follows: Victory, success and a big win on the board. This card delivers exactly what it shows. The Romans used to weave wreaths for triumphant leaders. Here we have a winning idea – actually, a winning project, plan or argument which is composed of many similar ideas. Many voices on the same hymn sheet. You can see two people in the army or team on the left who must have been involved, or who have either backed the plan, or perhaps not – I will leave it to you to judge the expressions. There is certainly a star here, as there always is, when one wins the war or an election. Yet nothing happens because of one person. And ‘the crowd’ or the masses must be considered. You are a Leo with a stellium in Virgo and your success is virtually guaranteed from May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter goes into your solar Tenth House of big hits, promotions, prestigious new roles – and in your natal chart, Jupiter trines all your Virgo factors in the Sixth House of paid work, unpaid work and academia. Sounds awfully like an amazing new job to me.
Hi Jessica – terrific podcast, I really like how you weave the narrative/set the scene and the certainty of your delivery. I know I have stellium in Aries, Aquarius and Libra, is it more influential/important to look at the quantity of planets in the stellium or is there a weighting to the planets? Forgive my amateur language, are my 6 planets in Aries lower order planets vs the 4 in Libra, or 4 Aquarius?
Thank you. I have been on the radio since I was very small, funnily enough, and my grandfather worked in radio at the BBC so sometimes these things just happen! I have answered you elsewhere about your Tarot card, but as a rule, the biggest stellium is the most important. That’s really because when you go through a transit (cycle) there are more events, in a chain, about that matter. When you have more events, all in a row, that tends to alter your destiny. Your six factors in Aries beats everything else, so this Jupiter and Chiron transit in Aries is numero uno.
Hi Jessica – I forgot to say i pulled “strength” for my Tarot.
Strength operates on two meanings. The first is Virgo, because it shows the healer and the healed. It can be a dentist and patient, or a distance healer, like Matthew Manning. It may be about your skills as a homeopath or amateur counsellor. The second meaning is pure Leo. In that case Strength turns up when a strongly Leo person has lost their Leonine leadership and confidence, and is a sign that it will come back. You have your South Node in Leo and your Moon in Virgo, so it will actually work in all these ways, ongoing, for some time. The South Node is at 4 Leo and will be in a T-Square with the transiting North Node at 4 Taurus and South Node at 4 Scorpio (rare) in March and April. This brings things to a head and healing will take place. Leo is about the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. It shows you leading there – Queen to your Kings and Queen to a younger court. This side of yourself and your life will be central by April and will need to be fixed, which it will be, if you allow others in – or even allow a spiritual process to take place. The Virgo side of your life is nuts and bolts, doctors, nurses, dentists, surgeons, homeopaths and the like. Jupiter will trine your Virgo factors starting May 2023 and you will be well and truly sorted.
I was just responding by email to my friend who asked how the event went, and I said it had a warmth to it. Thanks again for the way you three women spread knowledge to us tonight! I heard you say more than once to consider the question one asks the Tarot and draw a card and consider it over time. I will reread your thoughts again…key words you used in this response to me have hooked into actual moments in my life! Strong psychic help. Thank you again for a special teaching event.
Thank you so much. It was a good session Cecelia and we’ll be back for the Taurus weather soon.
Thank you for the wonderful podcast! I enjoy and prefer your voice, the messages are more clear. Somehow I missed getting my ticket for Saturn in Aquarius last week. won’t let that happen again. Chiron in Pisces 2 degrees seems significant. (Also Juno at 20) I also chose the High Priestess card. I’m so feeling that relationships are my expertise, yet my own intimate relationship is ephemeral. Sounds like Chiron to me. Thoughts on my relationship dilemma?
grateful for all your generous wisdom Jessica.
Thank you. Some people do prefer podcasts, so I was very happy to restart ours, which was at one point the #1 podcast on Apple in its category. I’ll have some special guests in 2023 and can’t wait to get some great astrologers on board. The High Priestess is a magnificent card to see for 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. You have Jupiter at 27 Capricorn – the planet of expansion, growth, good fortune, gifts, the big picture, academia – in the sign of ambition and achievement, in the Tenth House of success. Pluto moves to 27 Capricorn for the last time on this cycle and transiting Pluto in conjunction with natal Jupiter is usually about qualifications; promotion; awards; prestigious new positions. Tally ho.
I did enjoy your podcast! And the tone of voice adds a lot to your explanations. I am wondering, though, in your weekly forecast for Cancer, you had one forecast for Cancer men and another for Cancer women. The only man involved with my projects would be the Aquarian, who doesn’t live anywhere near me, gives me one or two-word answers, and is only concerned to the extent that he is giving me an opportunity (and weekly deadline) to post my work (along with 40 others, mostly from Nigeria) in a newsletter devoted to a blockchain community. He does not take suggestions nor guidance from me. Could the one needing to get organized just be ME? Or is there another male lurking in the wings?
Thank you. It’s a forecast yet to happen so check back next Sunday. I appreciate the compliment about the podcast.
Hi Jessica,
I loved the Zoom this morning! Thanks so much to you and Alicia and Deborah.
You’ve answered a question for me previously about my 1 Pisces factor – Diana – in an earlier post. Thank you. Your answer really made a lot of sense and clarified stuff. I followed your advice and looked at the other factors that chime with the degree of that factor, but not really sure what that might mean.
Today in the Zoom event, I kind of drew 2 cards? I drew a Card – 7 Cups, but at the same time The Hermit also jumped out of the deck and I couldn’t ignore it.
I noticed the Hermit came up for a few others today too.
I’d love to know what this might mean?
Im actually registering an ABN today (on the New Moon), but I’m also preparing myself for my life to be radically different over the next few years. Anything you can see or advise would be gratefully received. 🙂
I’m really loving the new way of accessing Astrology/Tarot Meetups through your site. Its great! Thank you!
Thanks so much, I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. The pop-out card, The Hermit, is the one. The Tarot jumps. Lots of you drew the Hermit because Pisces rules introspection and the sabbatical; the Twelfth House is about solitary exploration and spiritual enlightenment as a result of being alone. It could not happen any other day. So nothing to do with your ABN. Everything to do with Diana in Pisces being crossed by Saturn in Pisces, but also the North Node in Pisces. Something within needs to be free.
Thank you for your reply. Tarot became my close friend these days. During the podcast I drew the Empress. You drew 6 of Wands for Cancers. Right after your session I pulled 10 of cups and the Ace of Pentacles jumped out. I will use your website to get the messages. But, if you can shed some light on the interpretation that would be greatly appreciated.
Please stay safe and well,
That’s a lot of cards JoAnna. I can’t read those without a firm question and a timeline, unfortunately. Let’s stick with The Empress which you drew at the event to see what the main story would be with these Pisces transits. You have a huge Cancer stellium in the Fourth House of home and garden, decorating, home comforts, the local area and your sense of belonging to a place. It is emotional with you. Strongly Cancerian people have a tremendous need to ‘go home’ and never really leave, psychologically. Sir Ray Davies is a good example of that. The Pisces trines from Saturn will establish you in your best space and encourage you to put that first. Just remember to keep on cultivating and thinking about the future; this may be gardening, so your garden grows, or it may be repairing and renovating, looking after things, putting time or money into them.
Hi Jessica, attended your zoom event last night. was very interesting. I pulled Judgement. I have a stellium in Pisces including sun & Saturn himself. thanks for any inights.
Thank you. Judgement is usually Scorpio and the Eighth House. You have a stellium there including the South Node at 8 Scorpio and as you had experienced a South Node Return (it can only happen rarely) in January, February 2023 there was an important change then for your family or friends in the spirit world. Whatever was happening here on earth affected them too – they were set free by it. Once again you will find your Scorpio stellium (always about the legacy which names you by people in spirit, but also perhaps the legacy where you name others) in the frame. Saturn will trine every single one of your Scorpio factors as he passes through Pisces. Sometimes the issue is a parent or other important person who’s gone from your life, but what happens by early 2026 will make their relationship with you, and yours with them, just as important as anything else – and there will be a real breakthrough.
Congratulations for the podcast! I usually keep your weekly horoscope for my Sunday selfcare/ breakfast/ me time. But now I’ll have a podcast to listen to on my comute in Monday morning LA traffic Thank you and congratulations
Thank you so much.
Thanks so much for the podcast Jessica, just took a listen-what a lovely way to start my Sunday! I noticed that I have Virgo and Capricorn in my chart at one degree but also few other signs either at zero or at 2 degrees. I remember reading at some point that one degree variation is taken into account too, is it so? I guess it will be an important week for me…Thanks so much for your hard work Jessica!
Thank you so much. In modern astrology we use an orb of one degree, but exact aspects are preferred. Chiron at 0 Taurus, Jupiter at 0 Gemini and Psyche at 1 Virgo will all be aspected by transiting Saturn at 0, 1 Pisces and then transiting Pluto at 0 Aquarius. March will change your life as a whole, and your natural tendency to get away with the so-called impossible, financially, will be on the line. If your plans for the money, business, house, charity, sales or apartment factor in May 2023, then Jupiter going to 0, 1 Taurus will be on your side. You are naturally quite fortunate with the internet (Gemini) and/or media, publishing, academia, education. Thus, March suggests a really blessed new project, course or plan which is likely digital in nature. The trine from Pluto to natal Jupiter will change your life, with the first shift obvious late March to mid June 2023. This does feel rather like a work, unpaid work or academic event to me, as Psyche in Virgo comes into the frame too. Again, if you were thinking about May 2023, that would augur well, as Jupiter will trine Psyche. What comes of this will last forever. I suspect, digitally.
Hi Jessica,
Loved the podcast, it’s a wonderful complement to your weekly readings. I’m strongly Pisces and have mercury at 01 degree Pisces. What should I keep in mind with regards to the new start or re-start?
Thanks in advance, D
Thank you very much. Saturn will appear as a person, situation or organisation which is heavy, hard to budge and comes with all sorts of obstacles for you. I had a reader who let her flat out to a friend. He was Saturnine – slow, plodding, serious, prone to depression. He quit in weeks and a letting agent allowed another Saturn man in. He brought his family with him and a few more illegal tenants. They were impossible to get rid of until it went to court. So, depending on your natal chart, Saturn can be a real issue. Your Mercury is unaspected so I don’t think your religion, self-help, horary astrology, therapy, spirituality, hypnosis, dreams and the like, will be too seriously affected. However, you do need to know who and what you are signing up for, in March 2023.
Thank you Jessica, I pulled five of wands. Regards Jaana
The Five of Wands is best interpreted with Pamela’s Tarot, which is free to you in your library here, Jaana.
Dear Jessica,
As you probably know, a terrible earthquake happened in Turkey and Syria, 47.000 people died in both countries (more than 40.000 deads only in Turkey). The devastation in Turkey’s southeast is huge and now some analysts say the governement may use the quake as a pretext for postponing elections (that was normally scheduled for 14 May 2023). Can you have a look on what is waiting Turkey in the coming times? I am extremely worried about the situation. I dont know if we can select a Tarot card for a country but i did and it was Nine of cups. Thanks a lot for your insights.
Thank you, I have answered you elsewhere.
Hello Jessica, I just wanted to thank you for another fantastic way you share your knowledge and passion with us. Your voice is a pleasure to listen to, such a beautiful fusion of British and Australian accents! I’m looking forward to the next one as well as the Taurus weather event I just registered for. I have Hygeia and Chiron in the last degree’s of Pisces. I’m looking forward to see how the new Moon and other transits through Pisces affect my life. Thank you once again for your insights.
You are too kind. Thank you for waitlisting for The Taurus Weather with Deborah Houlding and Alicia Fulton. The New Moon in Pisces back on 20th February was a new beginning with religion, self-help, Tarot, spirituality, therapy, meditation, hypnosis and so on. Your invisible world. The arrival of Saturn on March 7th-8th brings new restrictions with this, for you. If you are an Anglican it may be that the crisis in the Church of England becomes your issue too, for example. If you are an astrologer, and particularly a horary astrologer working with William Lilly’s Christian Astrology, it may be that this is where new rules arrive. As always with Saturn, get in cautiously and take your time as you realise how these new gates and fences in your life will work for you.
Hi Jessica
Thank you for this new podcast, an excellent addition to all the content you are already providing.
You mention in your podcast that Saturn is at 1 degree of Pisces. Whilst I have no factors in Pisces, do have several factors at 1 degree in other signs. (Venus in Cancer, scorpio and Aesclapia and uranus in sag). What do these aspects mean for me? What should I be aware of?
Many Thanks.
Thank you. Saturn going to 1 Pisces in the second half of March 2023 will trine your natal Jupiter and Aesculapia at 1 Scorpio and trine Venus at 1 Cancer. New restrictions, obstacles and limitations in the world in general (everyone is affected) will have an indirect, trickle-down impact on your finances and property, your possessions and security – and specifically the house or apartment. Your home town and homeland too. Transiting Saturn trine natal Jupiter is a time when you appreciate just how fortunate you are, though for rather serious new reasons. Transiting Saturn trine natal Aesculapia suggests that just when you thought something or someone was over – it revives. Transiting Saturn trine natal Venus in Cancer and the Fourth House is about a very complicated relationship (typically mother-son or in-laws) which acquires new weight and importance. It all feels rather like an inheritance you make or are left to me. There may be a decision to make about that.
Thank you Jessica, what a great way to start Sunday ♥️
My husband and I have been in a mad panic this week trying to secure a property in a nicer area, even if it means getting into debt. This is a huge relocation to a brand new area. My daughter is due to start secondary school in September and about 10 days ago there was a serious assault on a young child outside the secondary school my daughter is due to attend! We always had the dream of moving to the coast but thought we would wait until we could afford to buy however this attack has brought all our fears to the surface and we are now like a couple of mad people firing at all cylinders desperately trying to make this happen! My husband is a Gemini and my daughter is an Aquarius. Any thoughts? Thanks so much
Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the new podcast. You drew the Death card in Tarot with this question. I’m sorry your chosen school is not the safe place you’d assumed. You are a Sun Taurus woman, with stelliums in Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. You married a Gemini and your daughter takes after you, as she is a Sun Aquarius. Like the Tarot author Sasha Fenton, I’ve only known Death to turn up when the reader already knows death is occurring. Sasha recounts how terminally ill people want to know when they will be released, for example. I last drew this for a friend who wanted to go to Paris at the start of the pandemic. I told her she was risking becoming infected and perhaps being in a chain of people who would cause a vulnerable person to die before their time. That’s the truth. She knew it anyway and cancelled. This is your card, though, and your question, so you need to read it your way. Moving, on the whole, is best done May 2023 through May 2024, which would be terrific for your daughter in terms of the home itself, the extra space and the local area with all its opportunities. I think March is the turning point for your husband, in terms of his financial position and investment in the new home, with an end to all the usual questions about how much control he has (or lacks) around March 23rd.
Hi Jessica, Enjoyed the podcast and hope you also had fun producing it with your team. I’m an Aries and you mentioned both career and the home/apartment as relevant this week. Actually, I requested a transfer to another country at work a few months ago, and also wanted to buy property there once I moved. However, I just realised this country’s nodal axis squares mine (it’s 1 degree off). Its Hygeia is also conjunct my North Node (exact). Do you have tips on how I can interpret this? I asked the Tarot what I need to be aware of between this country and me, and got Justice. I was hoping to move in the second half of this year, and chose this country for “practical” reasons like its climate, culture, etc. It didn’t occur to me to look at the astrology/tarot until now. Thanks!
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed The Astrology Show Podcast. You are living out your prediction. The nodal axis square to the country you want to move to, suggests a past life there. It’s the same with the other nodal aspect. You knew it before which may be why you want to go back. You have unfinished business there. Justice suggests the law was involved last time. You may have been on a jury there, or been judged yourself. People do sometimes make a beeline for something/someone/somewhere which will assist closure. You owe, or are owed.
Ps. When I asked the tarot about this move I pulled the death card which has slightly freaked me out
I have replied to you elsewhere. No need to be frightened by the Death card.
Hi Jessica,
I loved the podcast. Nice to hear the forecasts in addition to reading them.
I asked the Tarot about communicating with you for an answer and pulled the High Priestess card which I found interesting. My horoscope continues to focus on relationships, but I’m more concerned about career finance. My position was eliminated last April and still no job. My unemployment benefits ran out yesterday so I now have to dip into my savings. I am still optimistic that something good is on its way, but there are starting to be dark spots in my outlook.
Thank you for all you do,
Thank you Chris. I am the High Priestess in this context, having my Bachelor of Arts Degree scroll in my hand. So that’s your answer. You are without work and your benefits are running out. I am sorry you are being put through this. You are a Sun Libra man with Scorpio, Virgo, Leo stelliums. March 8th/9th is the reality check that could be quite useful actually. You have been living with Neptune in your Sixth House of workload since 2011 and have been drifting in a different world, compared to most people. This changes in March when Saturn moves into the Sixth House, until February 2026, and you find new restrictions are in place. This sounds like you take on paid work, unpaid work, new skills (training) and so on. Maybe a mixture of this. The next big change is May when Jupiter goes into Taurus and your Eighth House of joint finance and property. You are feeling the pinch now but May 2023 to May 2024 is a lot of money saved, or made. You may save on rent, for example, or profit from a property price increase. There are all sorts of reasons why this may happen. When we go to your natal chart we find Jupiter at 27 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement. You are right to be optimistic; you were born with a safety net when it comes to your career, academic career or unpaid work. Pluto going over 27 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years timed the situation with your job loss. Transiting Pluto in conjunction with natal Jupiter transforms you. You have to use willpower and self-control to come out of the other side, which you will do in September, October 2023 for the last time required. This can be the making of you (you may even come to bless this forced change) if you can take the reins and run your own journey, and yourself. Something which works well for many readers: divide a sheet of paper into two columns. In the first, write down what you have to give and offer, professionally. In the second, write down what you want and need. Set a deadline. Read it aloud and ask your spirit helpers for assistance. When an obvious sign appears just follow it. Trust.
Sorry Jessica. In my haste I left out some context in my earlier comment. I requested a transfer with my company at one of their overseas offices. They haven’t gotten back to me yet. But I had hoped news would come this week. It feels like a life-changing decision so I have been second (and third) guessing myself in the meantime. I can’t seem to justify why I’m making this apparently insane move, even though I am deeply compelled. It feels selfish and isn’t great financially. People other than my family/friends would probably criticise. Maybe I’m just not great at channeling my Aries. I’m not afraid to implement and go forward when I have conviction. But deciding if something is the right thing takes me ages.
You are doing this during Mars Retrograde in Gemini, opposite the foreign/overseas/foreigners zone of billions of charts, so swimming against the tide if you want a smooth, quick result. Mars is opposite Sagittarius, you see, and Sagittarius rules anything or anybody abroad. You will know where you stand in March when Mars is out of the loop.
Hi Jessica, it’s lovely to hear your voice and what a great meditative episode I have my moon in 1 Scorpio and I immediately felt the release when the Sun moved into Pisces after feeling stuck for so long. I feel very uplifted and I am determined to work consciously with Saturn. You’ll love this though Jessica: as Saturn prepares to transit my 5th house of Children, I have made the decision to be Childfree. Not under duress but with a deep clear intention. I think I made that decision a long time ago but have only now acknowledged it consciously. Would you say my chart reflects this? I am so glad I discovered your work Thank you for all you do!
Thank you. As a Sun Scorpio woman your decision to be child free is not unusual with Saturn going into your solar Fifth House on March 7th-8th. This is ‘unable to get out of’ for bedroom, courtship and motherhood, so once you’re on that road, you are really on it. It can also mean ‘unable to get into’ so if you fell in love with a man who wanted children, that would be an issue. You have Jupiter at 8 Leo opposite Salacia at 8 Aquarius, from the natal Fifth House of parenthood too. Your need to have a full social life, important friendships, group involvements does not sit with your potential as a mother. Having said that, nobody would be surprised if when Pluto went to 8 Aquarius in January 2029 you did not become a godmother, say, or be offered the chance to teach a large group of children.
Thanks once again for a great Zoom meeting that was informative and makes me feel connected to like minded people regardless of distance. The internet may have many faults but connecting people from far and wide is one of its great achievements. I pulled a card before the Zoom meeting and when you suggested us to; I pulled the Queen of Pentacles initially followed by the Six of Wands. Could you give me a little insight from your perspective?
Thank you, that is the definition of a successful Zoom meeting. The Queen of Pentacles/Coins is yourself with a nice sum of money. You are a Sun Virgo woman with patterns in Taurus and Scorpio, which checks out. Any stuck situation with money, business, property or charity ends in March. You will make or save quite a lot, if you take the opportunities, in 2023 and 2024. This is a one-card reading so set the Six of Wands aside.
Dear Jessica, this article was so interesting to me on many levels. Firstly, my husband seems to have a stellium in Pisces – in fact, Saturn is in Pisces in his chart. What does this mean for him? I have a chart for him which I’ve posted below. I asked the Tarot on your website about him and drew the 10 of Pentacles. I would be most grateful if you could take a look at his chart and give any insights. Also, both of us have our North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio. Does this mean anything? Thank you!!
Sun 16° Pisces 10′ 24″
Moon 18° Virgo 06′ 11″
Mercury 03° Aries 59′ 10″
Venus 04° Aquarius 43′ 01″
Mars 28° Pisces 11′ 25″
Jupiter 21° Gemini 54′ 07″
Saturn 19° Pisces 24′ 59″
Uranus 17° Virgo 39′ 12″ R
Neptune 22° Scorpio 08′ 07″ R
Pluto 17° Virgo 11′ 27″ R
Chiron 21° Pisces 40′ 51″
Juno 29° Pisces 59′ 47″
Vesta 29° Gemini 57′ 15″
Ceres 17° Aries 51′ 03″
MC 14° Aquarius 35′ 44″
IC 14° Leo 35′ 44″
ASC 23° Taurus 55′ 39″
DESC 23° Scorpio 55′ 39″
Diana 18° Capricorn 17′ 40″
Fortuna 27° Sagittarius 18′ 21″
Minerva 02° Virgo 59′ 00″ R
Bacchus 03° Capricorn 34′ 13″
Apollo 23° Scorpio 10′ 43″
Aesculapia 08° Capricorn 29′ 52″
Hygeia 28° Virgo 53′ 32″ R
Panacea 07° Gemini 53′ 46″
Ops 05° Aries 31′ 34″
Salacia 24° Capricorn 05′ 14″
Proserpina 29° Sagittarius 29′ 32″
Cupido 09° Sagittarius 59′ 02″
Vulcano 14° Aquarius 34′ 36″
Psyche 11° Gemini 22′ 08″
NorthNode 28° Taurus 08′ 59″ R
SouthNode 28° Scorpio 08′ 59″ R
Thank you for tuning in to The Astrology Show Podcast. Your husband has the North Node at 28 Taurus and South Node at 28 Scorpio, and his Descendant in Scorpio, which describes you. By July 2023 at the latest he has decisions to make about the legacy he leaves to others in the extended family, or the legacy left to him, by his own family or perhaps yourself.
This is the Eighth House, Scorpio and/or Fourth House, Cancer card. It shows family money. There is a legacy here. Property and money to be shared between three generations (and two dogs). Like all Pamela Colman Smith’s illustrations of floating money, the cash to be saved or made is hypothetical. It is all potential until the moment comes, or the people in the card notice what is there, reach for it and claim it.
It may be useful to take each person in the card as a separate entity and reach the face and body language, the attitude and mindset, individually. The child is grasping the dog. Is this a symbol of a greedy child, teenager or Millennial in the dynasty? This may be the RSPCA making an appearance. Perhaps this youngest family member wants to make sure the family pets or livestock is included in the financial sharing-out. So, not grasping, but trying to be inclusive. It really depends on the family or assorted household, or group of family and friends, you are dealing with. Think about the personalities and the issues.
The dogs may be a symbol of Diana, the asteroid goddess who raises issues about marriage and children – and the rejection of the same in favour of freedom. There are many astrological associations with this card, including Diana by transit, or transits to natal Diana. Her dog was indeed the greyhound. Diana never married or had children so her money had to be left to…whom or what? This card turned up once when I read for a dear friend who had not made a will, nor ever did. She had no dog, but liked them, and was certainly a Diana type. She had nieces and nephews but no offspring of her own, and the boyfriend she lived with, departed.
Is that a sales graph or a yacht repeated twice on the left-hand column? This is one of those highly detailed cards that speak volumes, once you peer into all the fine pen-and-ink work and personalise the message for yourself. The buildings in the card may speak to you. Perhaps the child does, or the dog just mentioned.
The old man may be ‘my old man’ (my father) or a symbol for Saturn, who is the bearded, white-haired god shown with a scythe or sickle. Saturn is associated with old age, defences, protection, vulnerability, caution and the realities of life beyond a certain age. We do not live forever. Wills and legacies must be made. Saturn by transit, or transits to natal Saturn, may be an issue for you or a key person in this reading.
The family members in this card are oblivious to the money (the couple in particular seem to be ignoring it, or quite blind to it) but it is abundant – £10,000, £100,000 or more, in Pamela’s day, when she created this card. The digit 10 may be significant to you as part of an overall sum in this card.
The money goes around in this Tarot card as I noted earlier, even though the people concerned cannot see it. They could in fact reach for it and make it real at any time. Perhaps this is a legacy and nobody wants to face it, or deal with the reality, which is that older family members will eventually pass. I have seen this card turn up when the grandfather in a family has passed but his widow remains. She is ‘out of sight, out of mind’ in a care home but he remains as a spiritual presence, concerned about her – while his son and daughter-in-law only have eyes for each other – and the children are too busy playing with the dog.
This card can be (and should be) read in a personal way, unique to you, as it will reflect what is truthful for you or the people around you and nobody else. This may not be the case at all for you – perhaps we are talking about a couple who are highly engaged together, because they have literally just become engaged, and the grandfather is part of a branch of an extended step-family.
This is a card symbolising the old-age pension or superannuation, but also the last will and testament, as we have seen, or dowry.
There is a fundamental emotional disconnection between the generations who seem set apart from each other. That could be changed. The relationships could become closer and literally richer, but it may take an understanding of the financial story here, to make it happen. The finances are obscuring the family. That is quite deliberate. They need to be organised. The individuals in this household or clan should and could be closer. There is another explanation for this card and that is, the spirit world has ‘many mansions’ and it is possible for some of the characters in this card to have passed away, already. That may explain why there are so many bubbles here. Nobody can see or hear anybody else. The idea of a ‘bubble’ as I finish writing this at Christmas 2020, is also relevant as we go into the Twenties, and so there may be questions here about family and friends, and the realities of the pandemic, and the serious issue of greater vulnerability among much older people, to health care issues. There is a huge amount in this card which is important because it pulls in three generations and two species.
Jessica thank you for this podcast too as it means so much to hear your voice in my home. I am beginning to feel pluto in aquarius mode already if that makes sense…….i broke up with my newish partner because of his random comment towards women in general and it irked me to say the least! his birthday is 8 April 1953. no time. Do you see me meeting someone nice in the near future. Just curious and thank you for answering my comment in the previous pisces topic you wrote. you are amazing and fascintating.
Ah, thank you. You left your boyfriend because of his attitude towards women. He has that kind of chart: he will provoke to get a reaction. He knew it would annoy you but he probably was not expecting you to leave him. You could easily get back together with him after July 2023 or in 2024, actually, as the South Node goes into Libra and his Seventh House of partnership for the first time in 18-19 years. In any case, with you or another woman, he will learn all his karmic lessons about sexism.
Oh, wow, this is amazing! Buckle up, I am sure you are going to be overwhelmed with subscribers! Love hearing your voice, filled with warmth. You are such a generous person!
I’ve often wanted to ask q’s about weekly or monthly forecasts. I’ve got a job interview tomorrow (20th) that I am very keen about- so super excited about this week and the Aries factors I have (incl an upcoming Jupiter return I believe). Wondering also about the factors I have near 1 degree with the new moon. Any thoughts overall? I am hoping to see the liftoff I’ve long wanted this week.
Thank you!
Thank you so much. I was told 500 people had subscribed to The Astrology Show Podcast on the first day, which is amazing. Your job interview and the fact you are a Sun Cancer, but also have Jupiter in Aries, looks terrific as you will either get the job and be very happy with it, or find that this avenue leads to another path, which could only have appeared if the first one closed. That second path will give you what you want by May 2023, as this cycle of expansion, growth and improvement is with you for the first time in 12 years.
Hello Jessica and Thank you for the new podcast! Lovely to hear your voice and easy to access with Spotify. I am an older Taurus mom , with an adult daughter (birth Info for her, born NYC ,USA. 22/6/1988 1:40am Your forecast In regard to this new moon at 1 degree Pisces, bringing a focus on children, is so right on. My daughter ( my only biological child) just had her IUD removed and is planning on having a baby, with her husband of 7 years. This wee one would be my first, blood related grandchild. After listening to your podcast I returned to your site and drew the 10 of Cups. My heart skipped a beat! What a beautiful card to symbolize her pregnancy and beyond. I enjoyed reading your insightful interruptions of this card. Would you please bring it all together briefly for me…I’m looking forward to hearing your Podcast every week! Cheers!
Peace and blessing
I’m glad you are enjoying The Astrology Show Podcast on Spotify, Susu. Thank you for validating the astrology prediction about your new grandchild. The Ten of Cups also confirmed this happy news for you. Remember to save the exact birth time so you can pass that on to your grandchild for a chart when they are older. Congratulations.
Hi Jessica,
Apologies for posting this question here, I just didn’t know were else to ask. Thank you firstly for being so giving of your time and knowledge, I know through being a regular reader of your blog how you have helped so many people.
I just read this article on the Guardian this morning and got so upset thinking about how the disparity between the rich investors and those here in Australia just trying to keep the family home has widened.
I have mentioned before I work with homeless women running a refuge. They will all need a permanent roof over their head one day a place to call home. How and when will that be possible when Investors boast about owning 10 houses and are charging a fortune in rent and about how much money they are making. It is so unfair and saddens me greatly.
Please do you ever see an end to rich getting richer and the poor becoming poorer?
The poor are always with us, unfortunately, but you are giving women a safe place. The cycle we are in, Uranus in Taurus, will change the system. So will the exit of Pluto in Capricorn, from the final week of March 2023. Australia in particular has been picked up by the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, which is about a tiny number of white male elite having huge control. That is why we have seen successive governments promote that model of management. It stops in late March. The big, big change you will see in the next 20 years is communal housing complexes crowd-funded by women and by the government. The incredible greed of businessmen, bankers and politicians is pretty typical of Pluto in Capricorn but as I said, it’s almost over. Uranus in Taurus will supply quite radical, revolutionary, brilliant new approaches to money and housing, from May 2023 to May 2024, for all of us.
Hi Jessica, as a Libra what does this moment in time hold for me with a job and house.
Thank you
Around March 8th you realise that a job cannot be the free-floating escape from reality it was 2011-2022. Any sort of work, be it paid, unpaid or academic must involve quite heavy restrictions and boundaries from this point on. You can still take a vacation from the everyday with (say) gardening, or volunteering, or working for the man – but it will be obvious that the situation is now ring-fenced too.
Hi Jessica, so much of what you said in your podcast fits with where I am right now. I’m in my 60s and about to apply for two jobs with the same organisation, each of which would be a complete departure from my main career, which has rarely felt right for me. One of the roles would mean moving to a new city, which is referenced among other things in the card I drew, the Three of Wands.
I remain patient and optimistic, but if change really is in the air for me in March and beyond, it is long overdue and I’m more than ready for what comes my way. I would be hugely grateful for any more insight you can share if you have time.
Thank you. The Three of Wands shows your choices and they are all good. It may be that you export the ideas and not yourself. March is the month to watch as from the final week, you realise the game has changed completely in your career and particular people, organisations or situations which dominated are no longer relevant to you. A rather stuck situation also sorts itself out in March. Long-term from mid-2024, and especially from 2026, you could easily move (or move again) and may commit to a two-city life. It would be liberating and exciting and is another option for you.
Hi Jessica,
Loving the new podcast great addition! I’m a Virgo sun, I seem to have a few 1 degrees could I pls get further clarification on what this would mean please or to be aware of?
1 degree mars in virgo
1 degree Minerva in sag
1 degree Panacea in Aquarius
Thank you x
Thank you. I have answered you elsewhere.
Hi Jessica,
Everything you do is amazing. I wish I could have tuned into the podcast. I wanted to hear about the new moon in PIsces. My natal ops is at 1 degree Pisces and wondering how that might play out for me?? I am so ready for some positive change. I did a Tarot and got the Queen of Pentacles.
Thank you. The Astrology Show Podcast on Apple or Spotify is out every Monday and you can listen now. The New Moon in Pisces in conjunction with Ops in your Twelfth House is about a new beginning involving religion, your rejection of religion, Tarot, psychics, self-help, dreams, therapy and the inner life. Take your time with it, because as you will hear on the podcast, that is a sensitive degree in your chart which Saturn will cross several times in 2023. The Queen of Pentacles is about you with money. I don’t know what time period you were asking about, or your question, so you will have to apply the card, to that.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you, Alicia and Deborah, for taking the time and work on the podcast. It was my first time joining the meeting and I am looking forward to the next time. I do not have planets in Pieces, during the event I drew The Queen of Swords, and at the same time, you drew the Fool for my zodiac sign Sagittarius. I have a stellium in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Libra. Thank you.
Thank you. The Queen of Swords is you, setting boundaries and drawing the line, for the next couple of years. Mars at 17 Capricorn is in conjunction with the MC at 18 Capricorn in your Tenth House of position, mission and ambition. That is formidable. Having been through so many quite pressured situations with your job, unpaid work or academic career since 2008, you are now a stronger person. Far more powerful. You will lean on your Mars and MC (Midheaven) pattern in 2023, 2024 as Saturn is sextile and Jupiter is trine. The Queen of Swords is an archetype which goes back to Boudicca and Queen Elizabeth I in history. That symbolism went worldwide and also draws in women like PM Thatcher. All you have to do is figure out the best way to rule. Slay, Queen.
Congratulations on the podcast!
I prefer reading your long explanatory articles but to have something to listen to while doing other things is a welcome change too!
I’ve recently pulled many Tarot cards pulling me into learning more about Spirituality & I’m thinking of picking one and devoting one full Pisces cycle – March 2023 to 2024. Tarot or Wicca or Remote Viewing or Astrology even. Can you look at my chart and share your thoughts? I would be so grateful. With my Virgo stellium, I’m dreading Saturn move into opposite Pisces.
Thank you so much. Let’s have a look at your solar chart and natal chart together then you can go to the Tarot. It’s wise to be aware of Saturn’s opposition to your Virgo stellium before it begins. You are a Sun Virgo with a Virgo, Sagittarius and Scorpio stellium. The entire cycle of both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, from 7th March 2023 until February 14th 2026, is showing up as a duet or duel in your public chart. The two of you, or one against one. You’ve been drifting through this since 2011 when Neptune entered your solar Seventh House, living in another world actually, either with the same person, or a sequence of partners. The partnerships are usually sexual but can be professional or platonic. There is commonly a sense of the scales being balanced all the time between you. A feud, conflict or dispute is also very common on this transit and it may have become legal (Libra rules the law) or just been about the universal laws of fair play, equality and so on. As I said, you’ve been floating – all at sea – not in the real world most of us know – for 12 years or so. This changes enormously from March 7th/8th when Saturn goes into your solar Seventh House. Barriers, barricades, nets and floating walls will now encircle this space, with this person – or for them. You have three factors in Libra in your natal chart, also in the Seventh House, so this is backed up twice, with the South Node going into Libra from July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025. There will be karma with this individual from 18-19 years prior, right through 2023 and 2024, so the past can be quite useful as you realise you are owed – or you owe – and there has to be closure. The Saturn opposition to your Virgo stellium has been here before, for an entire generation who went through the AIDS crisis but also the class action lawsuits against American cigarette companies. So in a broad way, this is basically Covid and perhaps another health issue which affects all of us. You’ve already made changes in your life to deal with the pandemic but may make more. When you realise that AIDS has no silver bullet solution and that cigarette smoke causes harm in shared air, you can see the similarities. As a heavily Virgo person you’d already have adapted the way you work and look after yourself anyway, but from March 7th/8th it becomes heavier. That’s okay. If you chat to anyone who was heavily Virgo about the last time Saturn was in Pisces, they’ll likely tell you it was a good thing. They gave up smoking. They committed to monogamy and even fell in love. However, you may want to ask the Tarot, “How does this Saturn transit show up in my health and wellbeing at the moment?” Destiny is negotiable, if you are giving an obvious sign that you need to get health insurance, say, then go get it.
Congratulations on the Astrology Podcast Show yesterday! We can thank today’s technology (computers-internet-zoom) for this to happen as you are 14 hours ahead of where I am in Toronto, Canada. All three of you rocked it out of the park!. Loved seeing the birth chart for this podcast. Alicia was delightful. Deborah was detailed in her description of Pisces which brought and added understanding of the positive side and challenges of that sign. In your Saturn Pisces Weather Forecast and Tarot you mentioned Scorpio in the 4th house until Feb. 2026 pertaining to home-property, real estate, etc. I did not catch everything. What was it exactly?On your website I read it was in the 5th house. I know you use the Natural House system; I have always been open to using other systems. I usually look at my Big Three, Sun (Scorpio) Moon (Taurus) especially as a night chart, Asc. (Virgo) for my transits as well as the other planets adding Placidus to the mix. In the 2023 Scorpio you drew the 7 of Cups. Your story of learning that it is the most important card in the deck during your trip to Dublin must have been exciting and enlightening. I drew the 7 of Pentacles during your show last night and looked at the interpretation on your website. I am ready for a super dose of positive new beginnings starting tomorrow on the New Moon in Pisces. Double lucky 7 until 2026 and beyond? What is your take? Thank you for all that you do…
Thanks so much, I’m amazed you are listening in Toronto (I still get amazed by everything). I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. That’s so interesting you mix house systems too and it works very well for you. I am giving another Zoom talk to the Sydney Astrological Research Society about house systems in March. You have the 7 of Pentacles or Coins so let’s look at the two house systems I use for you, Solar Chart and Natural House, together and then you can line it up with your own. You have a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House and Cancer stellium in the Fourth House in your natal chart. You have a regular Taurus signature. The transit of Saturn in Pisces will trine your Eighth House of joint finance and property and also your Fourth House of houses, land, apartments and family. As you no doubt know, Jupiter will also oppose your Scorpio stellium from May 2023 until May 2024 and sextile your Cancer stellium. This looks really solid, financially. In your solar chart we find that as a Sun Scorpio you have Pluto (potential empowerment) going into your Fourth House on 23rd March so you can see how both systems pick up the same property angle. March looks important as Mars Retrograde ends his loop in your solar Eighth House in Gemini, same month. Have a look at the card on your desktop, which you can pick up from Google Image search. Contemplation may show you more.
This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?
This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.
So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.
There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.
Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.
It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?
This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.
I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).
You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.
jessica, I chose 10 of cups for 2023 & hierophant. I’ve changed careers. will I be OK with new environment. no bullying behaviour? please? I’m always at a cross roads. I need safety & security. what do you say? hh
You can download Pamela’s Tarot from going into Members, then My Account, then Flipbooks which will explain your Tarot card to you. Thank you.
Congratulations on the Astrology Podcast Show yesterday. I cat`find it on Spotify in Scandinavia? I have been working hard to find a full time job I love for the last six years, but only ended up in short interrim positions. Will the breakthrough ever come? I have spent a lot of money on coaches. I always use new moon to apply for the jobs and to do manifistations. I am Scorpio with stelliums in Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn and Virgo. I am ambitious with a Gemini rising. I hope I can look forward to the rest of 2023 🙂
Thank you. Spotify Scandinavia is something I’ll check with my producer. Thank you. You want a long-term career. Don’t ‘manifest’ as there is no science to prove it works. In fact the more you fail, the less you believe in manifesting, and therefore you end up in a world where you don’t really expect it to deliver, and it doesn’t. What does work, is astrology. Your Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia has been subject to Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, so you have been personally affected by mergers, takeovers, resignations and the rest, in every work space or industry you try. So it’s not always your fault; you end up with issues because of what is happening higher up in the hierarchy. Dog eat dog has often occurred, or top dog/in the doghouse politics. (Pluto had a dog called Cerberus). You also have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of service, duty and your work ethic. So there’s a split between wanting to be the best, wanting to be at the peak – and needing to put others first. Obama had this and solved it by becoming President but offering Obamacare, to serve the people. Take a deep breath, think about restarting in the final week of March, and use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle and follow the steps to get to the bottom of this. They are free to you as a Premium Member, but I think you’ll find the final week of March, through June 2023, puts you in a completely different position. You can put 2008-2022 behind you and start with a new approach, as there will be very different circumstances around you.
Thank you for giving us this excellent podcast. Another important tool in trying to make sense of these challenging times.
I’m a Sagittarian and shortly after listening to your podcast I used the Divination tools. Tarot:. 7 of cups;. The Astrology Oracle:. Cupid and the Fourth House. Immediate confirmation.
That’s excellent, thank you for confirming that. I am just recording next week’s episode of The Astrology Show Podcast now.
Chiron in Aries with Jupiter and Venus.
What can you get away with? Something Big and Beautiful? And expensive.
Biden walked the streets of Kyiv during surprise visit to Ukraine:
Hi Jessica, I have been reading your recent articles on the next few years with interest. Thanks a lot for your efforts in publishing these.
Can you have a look at my chart please. I had a disruption in my career in 2020. Based on my past efforts, I was able to pivot my career in a different direction since 2021. I wouldn’t complain much about the progress I have made in this area in the last two years, but things could be better I feel. There is a lot of uncertainty at the moment on my professional, financial and personal fronts, which is causing me a lot of stress. Can you let me know how things will be panning out for me over the next few crucial years.
Thanks for your input.
Thank you. You have a huge Taurus stellium. A grounded earth sign ruled by the bull who dislikes change. No wonder Uranus in Taurus since 2018 (the erratic new pandemic world economy) has disrupted you. Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026 so you need a new system, if you can invent it. The old pre 2018 approach will increase anxiety because it was built for a different world. So if you possibly can, keep pivoting and spinning and try to understand you are being set free from something or someone that would have confined you. Freedom, independence and the exhilaration of space will be on lavish offer from May 2023 to May 2024 when you can also make or save a small fortune. It’s life-changing stuff for your economy, as Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon on 19th May at 28 Taurus is a stunning fresh start.
Many thanks Jessica for responding to my post and replacing my concerns with hope. It’s amazing you mentioned “communal housing complexes” as the refuge I manage is a lovely old hostel with single ensuite rooms but communal, lounge, kitchen , laundry etc. So we are getting there but ” communal housing complexes” sounds brilliant, you have made me smile. Thank you
On your way – and thank you for giving these women a lifeline.
Hello Jessica I have been really struggling with University work, studying maths since 2021 and I have been completely tuned out of Academia since around 2020 during COVID, I don’t really know what to do, I have gotten into astrology a lot more during this time and recently stumbled onto your website and what you have done is amazing.
Do you know what the next 12 months have in store for me?
Thank you so much Jessica for your work!
Thank you so much. Let’s go to your natal chart. Cupido at 26 Sagittarius in opposition to Saturn at 25 Gemini will do that for you. Cupido (passion) in Sagittarius (academia) is in your Ninth House (university) clashing with Saturn (restrictions) in Gemini (communication) in the Third House (the internet, languages). This is lifelong so occasionally you get transits at 25, 26 it’s triggered. Your MC is at 26 and so is your IC. Your MC (Midheaven) is your highest achievement; your IC is where you come from – an ancestor or family member who influences you. So this is a really big pattern in your chart you may want to work with and decode. Your online flipbook library here can help you with that and so can your free copy of Modern Astrology 2050. Mars has been retrograde at 25 Gemini since October 2022. It is possible university life is not for you. You have to express your Sagittarius-Gemini patterns somehow, because you need to learn and teach, or perhaps unofficially ‘study’ and then casually or informally transmit (podcasts for example). Really look at this because once Uranus goes into Gemini from 2026 that is going to pick up on the pattern yet again and by then you’d want to have an approach that works for you. I expect one of the issues for you is language; speech; comprehension; writing – and this may go back to when you were very small, possibly because of a brother or sister who you were left with, by your parents. You learned to read or write, speak a certain way from them – or you didn’t. It can be a cousin but it is usually a sibling. There is a ton of stuff to dig up there in your past. Find the comfortable, easy way to do what you want to do – absorb and transmit the knowledge – but realise it may not be the standard way.
Congrats on the new channel Jessica! Podcasts may enable wide reach, but can’t beat the depth of your fantastic writings (my favourite). When I was browsing Facebook today morning, a crowdfunding site posted asking funds to help a girl (same name as my daughter) who was half burnt due to fire accident. That pinched me and I gave all the small amount I have. I wish I had more to help that poor girl. A phrase from the podcast for me Taurus was “your own or someone else’s daughter…”, which I just heard! What a coincidence? May be not! Seriously, you aren’t just human! Being a partner in two companies, I see each day pass by with lot of financial troubles. But I’m working hard to make ends meet. I’m hopeful of my future, but the only question is “how long are these tough times?”.
Thank you so much. Yes, you have carried out your horoscope message and in an amazing way. Well done. You gave even if you could not really afford it. You are trying to make ends meet during a global financial stretch. You have a large stellium in Taurus, in your Second House of personal income, house, apartment, business, charity, shopping and selling. You will make or save a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024 if you take the opportunities Jupiter in Taurus gives you. The tug of war about your finances will end in July 2023 when the lunar nodes leave Scorpio and Taurus (and leave you in peace). Long-term until 2026, Uranus in Taurus reminds you that you live in a constantly changing, unpredictable economy and you will have to create a life budget which is extremely flexible, so that you can switch direction rapidly when you have to. This will help you zig-zag around the zig-zags, but you will be very pleased with the turning point in May, when you realise huge savings are here, or a decent profit.
Thank you Jessica. I am finishing up my masters program in May 2023 and yet to find clarity on career/job and next steps. I lost my husband suddenly in October 2022 and have a 4 year old child. The progress on the job front have been disappointing so far and I hope to have some resolution soon. I puller the hermit card in tarot – I have the support of a few close friends but I mostly feel alone with all the weight on my shoulders.
Life has pulled the rug and you must still be trying to adjust so your Tarot card (which I will go into in a moment) is showing you the path to healing. It has to be alone. It will also work. You are dealing with bereavement and also single parenthood and – career issues. You are a Sun Aries woman with a stellium in Aries, and stelliums in Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces. October 2022 saw a Full Moon at 16 Aries opposite your natal Moon at 16 Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, on October 9th. In the same month, October 2022, you also experienced transiting Jupiter at 0 Aries quincunx your natal Pluto at 0 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and property. That took place October 19th to 28th. Both these patterns are extremely rare; the latter can only happen once every 12 years. You will find Saturn at 0 Pisces in March and then Pluto at 0 Aquarius from March-June 2023, makes professional advice very useful. I am sure you have already sorted things out with a solicitor and accountant, but it may help to lean on someone again, so that you can feel comfortable about knowing all your alternatives in some detail. You may also gain from understanding that you have a Scorpio stellium and for the first time in 18 years, the South Node is transiting Scorpio. Find out more about your Scorpio side in my book, Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you as a Premium Member. I mentioned you need time to heal alone and that is also showing up in your chart. The long interpretation of The Hermit is below. Once you feel you have found your spiritual answers, be they Tibetan Buddhist or Christian Astrology (a very old form of what we do!) you will have ‘done’ your Pisces stellium too. You choose how fast you want to go. The long-term future is very, very different. You will find that your gift for giving people what they need – no matter what their background or lifestyle – is your buried treasure, uncovered from the final week of March 2023 and enriching your life for another 20 years. You will ultimately find that the friendships you have, as well as the friends you make, are as powerful as any relationship could be. In fact they will change your life, repeatedly. From May 26th 2024 until June 9th 2025, you will be involved in a fantastic digital, academic, publishing and/or educational project which expands your world locally, and in neighbouring states or countries. Later on, from July 8th 2025, you realise that it’s going to change your life. For now, though, it is to Pisces stellium you must turn and your Scorpio stellium too. Time to be by yourself for a bit. I am a medium and can reassure you that your husband is safely in spirit with his people and guides. If you ever think ‘That was him’ then it will be. And if you ever need to connect, I strongly recommend any spiritualist church and its mediums. Or, if you can get on the waiting list, John Edward. This is the Hermit:
Solitude brings illumination. Being alone brings a spiritual or religious breakthrough. It can also be scientific. A slow, quiet ‘Eureka!’ moment of truth. Without the noise and distraction of other people, one can find ‘everything illuminated’. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For? Maybe alone, you actually can.
Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for a long and detailed interpretation of your card now.
Quite alone, an old man (or a young man or woman pretending to be an old man) looks down at the snow, while holding an unusual lantern with a radiating star, suggesting something bigger than just a candle flame.
This is near Christmas in Europe and the birth of Jesus Christ the Saviour. In other cases, it is the 18th century and the Enlightenment of science, against religion. The Hermit is personal. It really depends on how ‘light dawning’ is defined. For some people it’s God. For other people it’s philosophy or multiverse theory.
The man is holding a stick, or possibly a mirror, or a very thin laptop. When Pamela Colman Smith created this image, laptop computers were not even thought of, but here it is, as clear as day. The internet contains a lot (an awful lot) of illuminating information about the Roman Catholic Church, Buddhism, Humanism, Judaism, Hindusim. All the ‘isms’ in fact. This is a hermit searching the prism for the right ism.
He is honouring the bright star in the lantern without looking at it. What is in there would melt the frozen snow. It’s warm, brilliant, glowing and the only point of colour in an otherwise bleak card.
This card relates to the Twelfth House of solitude in astrology and the Ninth House which rules beliefs of all stripes. The Twelfth house is ruled by Pisces and the Ninth House by Sagittarius and sometimes a square from a planet in one sign to the other, is reflected in this card. How do you square yourself with the truth?
The Hermit is often literal so there is a period of solitude or even a whole life which is spent alone.
I once read for a person who had decided to get his own apartment, avoid relationships of all kinds (quite happily) and devote himself to meditation and study.
Sometimes this card can appear if a person needs to take a sabbatical. He or she literally needs to go off on a retreat, or on a solo holiday, and find out who and what matters most. This is a card which reminds some people of the famous Pre-Raphaelite painting of Jesus Christ and the ‘inner light’ of his lantern which can be seen today in St. Paul’s Cathedral. There is also a hint of Lou Reed singing “I’m beginning to see the light.”
As a person this is obviously a monk, or a loner, of some kind. As with all Pamela’s cards you can see the whole illustration as a dynamic stage set. If The Hermit finds what he is looking for, spiritually, or intellectually, he can do other things. He might shave his beard off, and leave the scene. Find some new clothes for a warmer climate and restart his life with other people.
The card is there to be worked with. Sometimes people are content to let The Hermit be, though. They know they are meant to be alone (for example, in isolation in quarantine, or in a Buddhist retreat, or moving into an apartment after the end of a marriage). They also fully expect and welcome the process of ‘finding oneself’ which can only come when the dialogue stops with other people.
Listening to yourself, hearing your own thoughts, seeing yourself without the reflected mirror image that others project, is a huge process. The Hermit is a Major Arcana card because it represents a deep and important journey of self-examination and soul-examination. To quote Kate Bush – what is the Deal With God here? Perhaps there is no God for The Hermit. Maybe this is the search for meaning which ends with the conclusion that there is none!
The idea of being guided (Amazing Grace) is close to this card. Being lost and found, or finding oneself, happens in solitude. In Pamela’s day, an oil lamp or lantern was a symbol of ‘lighting’ the way for Jewish people. Jews used oil lamps in spiritual rituals. The Temple Menorah is a seven-branched oil lamp.
In Christianity (Pamela Colman Smith became a Roman Catholic later in life) oil lamps are referenced in the New Testament and in churches were used to illuminate icons in the corner. In Hindu temples, oil lamps have deities embossed on the back. Lanterns transport Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Great Saturday during Holy Week.
Lanterns have a protective enclosure for the light source. The Hermit reveals protection. You are never alone. A higher power is always with you, no matter if you call this God, or Buddha or All That Is. Wind and rain cannot extinguish the flame. Morrissey (The Smiths) sang “There is a light and it never goes out.”
Lanterns also protect from fire. They were used on wooden ships below deck. Lanterns have also been used for signalling in naval operations. Trains also relied on lanterns.
There is a strong question about communication and signalling in The Hermit. Is the message from the light being received and understood? Is The Hermit hearing the spiritual, religious or philosophical message?
The staff or rod that the Hermit leans on is his prop. That is the practical side of his life. He needs a walking stick to help him through the snow drifts. That’s fine as far as it goes, but he is searching for the spiritual or meaningful. That is also fine, as far as it goes, but the inner search can only work if there is also something or someone to lean on. A voice on Zoom perhaps, or a letter from home.
My father is suspect of terminal cancer, and we have been undergoing various investigations. Currently waiting for the results to come in, today or by the end of the current week anyway. I drew this morning the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune asking what news we will receive about his health. Can you please assist with astro insight on this? It’s been some very emotionally difficult 2 months with all this matter… 🙁
I am so very sorry you are going through this situation. The Wheel of Fortune long-form interpretation is below. Pamela’s Tarot is also free to download for you as a Premium Member, on this website, and I suggest you also ask The Garden Oracle about your father and perhaps expand the reading later on, into other questions. I am very happy to see Aesculapius hidden in the card. The snake is held by him throughout Roman mythology and in fact you will see the snake on the side of ambulances in New York. Have a look at this asteroid on Search and also in your online library. The Romans sent their people to temples with dogs and snakes, governed by Aesculapia. He is known in Greece as Asklepios. The dogs and snakes were an odd treatment but people were healed and helped often enough, that the Romans built these places throughout the Roman Empire. I once knew an astrologer who was diagnosed with ‘aggressive breast cancer’ which is an awful phrase. Her name is Sharon Knight and she’s written about her experience. She used her own astrology to help herself and also switched to a mostly raw, vegetable and fruit diet. I also looked at her chart. She had Aesculapia in her Sixth House of health which I told her indicated coming back from the brink. The very next day the council dropped a leaflet about snakes in her postbox. She lives in the English countryside. The council had never done such a thing before. She took that as a good omen and so did I. Now, here is the standard interpretation of the Wheel of Fortune.
You can see Taurus, Leo and Jupiter (the eagle) in this card, just as you see them throughout Pamela’s deck. Aquarius, the wavy line logo, is hidden at the bottom of the wheel. The snake is a symbol of the asteroid Aesculapius in astrology. You can also see Virgo the Maiden in the top left-hand corner.
The books suggest the Ninth House or Third House. Most of all, the asteroid Fortuna (daughter of Jupiter) is what this Wheel of Fortune is all about.
Every low point becomes a high point. Every high point becomes a low point. Some people believe W.B. Yeats, who inducted Pamela Colman Smith into The Golden Dawn, was the secret third Tarot contributor hinted at by Arthur Waite. His most famous poem is The Second Coming, written ten years after Pamela’s deck arrived. It begins –
‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold’
It goes on to mention other images you can see in The Wheel of Fortune. (What may be a falcon is in the top right-hand corner).
Here we find the ‘lion body and head of a man’ in his poem at the top of the wheel. The creature does look to have slow, solid thighs. The ‘shadows of the indignant desert birds’ can be seen in the dark cloud behind the falcon. Yeats mentions ‘twenty centuries’ which is twice the X card, the tenth in the Major Arcana. This is a powerful card. Was Yeats inspired by it?
This illustration by Pamela Colman Smith is laden with symbolism. Where do you start? It’s for personal interpretation. You may be a Leo (bottom right-hand corner) affected by a Taurus (bottom left-hand corner).
Perhaps you are experiencing transits by Jupiter (the eagle in the top right-hand corner) or you have planets in Virgo under transit (top left-hand corner).
The world of books may affect you as a librarian, student, author, teacher, editor, academic and so on. The other creatures in this card are also rich with symbolism. The Egyptian sphinx is the keeper of a riddle, at the top of the wheel. She is holding a sword. The snake is said to be Typhon by some, but it could just as easily be the serpent entwined around the Rod of Aesculapius.
A canine creature – with human and devilish stylings – an Anubis – supports the wheel at the bottom, just as the sphinx holds it at the top. The wheel itself resembles a horoscope of sorts, but you can also see some capital letters here. O, R, A and T are spaced in the First House, Fourth House, Seventh House and Tenth House position of the traditional horoscope.
The Four Evangelists are the source of the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, but for you these might have quite a different meaning. It really depends on your religious background. This is one of Pamela’s cards which lends itself to being moved around or stage-directed. How might you spin the wheel in your favour? The snake, falling downwards, is a reminder of Snakes and Ladders. In the game of life, there are ladders to take you higher and snakes to take you down.
The familiar clouds are there – is this Pamela peering into the future and seeing cloud-based quantum computing, and are these four creatures using a MacBook Air rather than a book?
The clouds are heavy and grey. Into every life, a little rain must fall – but rain also makes fertile soil for later growth. The readers and writers in the four corners are the real clue to the Wheel of Fortune. The hurdy-gurdy nature of life leads us to turn to our astrology books, Tarot journals, philosophical tracts, Bibles, self-help libraries or Shakespeare (who referenced Fortuna in his work). This card should send you to your personal birth chart for clues. The fixed signs in particular, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus – are important. Perhaps you can also find the Tarot itself with these letter spaced around the outside – O, R, A, T.
Hello Jessica, hope you are well. Hearty congrats on reviving the podcast, love it! I have to say, listening to that and joining the Zoom sessions since last year makes me feel like I know you personally – you are part and parcel of my life now 🙂
I sadly did not make it to wake up for the Neptune and Saturn in Pisces session and reading the comments, I know that I missed out on some really great insights. I saw from the comments what card you pulled for each sign – but did not see one for Virgo – can you please tell me the card you pulled? The card I drew was Queen of Swords for the Saturn and Neptune transits. I understand the need for boundaries and this resonates very well – though do you see me being in a committed relationship any time soon? Its something I so very much wish for and need now and this transit does not seem to bode well for that.
Also, just to cross-check that I’m getting this right, Saturn squaring my Jupiter and Neptune when at 0 Pisces is about long-distance travel being blocked?
Thank you Jessica.
Thank you Marls. It has been a long time between drinks, but we were celebrating the #1 position of the podcast in Britain overnight. First week in too. I have answered your other question separately. The Queen of Swords is of course you, setting firm boundaries, where there were none for 12 years. We don’t know with whom; it’s very likely people who are crossing the line with you now, or who have repeatedly crossed the line in the past. Yes, Saturn at 0 Pisces will block your foreign travel when he is square your natal Jupiter and Neptune at 0 Sagittarius and I’d also keep my eye on Pluto at 0 Aquarius too. Same thing about people coming into your world from overseas. If you’re not already Covid safe you may want to sort that out, Marls. As for love, sex and relationships: I will be organising a Zoom and podcast about that very topic when the South Node goes into Libra in July.
I should have waited a bit before I posted my comment, Jessica – I went on to ask the tarot what Saturn in Pisces means for my health and got the Four of Coins, that sounds like it bypassed my question, right? How would I read that? Then for what the balance of Neptune’s transit mean for me I got the 2 of Coins – it seems that both of these focus on money aspects, which I didn’t quite understand as this transit takes place in the 7th house of my public chart – how should I read this?
Thank you!
The Tarot is intensely personal and the clue would have been in the card itself; in the picture. I don’t know what your health is like, and in a consultation (which I only do for charity, very rarely) it would be a private and psychic discussion. I could speculate but this isn’t the place. Go back to the card and read it intuitively if you can; don’t worry so much about the interpretation, which is usually about money, as you saw. Neptune in Pisces is there with Saturn (new) aspecting your Aesculapia and Minerva in Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and property. That’s your birth chart. So the Two of Coins is correct; it matches the astrology. In your public (solar) chart you have Jupiter in Aries going through your Eighth House of joint finances. A similar story told twice, although this is rather good as it tells you that once you rethink your budget, you will be much better off. Literally. You have until May 2023.
This is the long-form interpretation.
Some years ago I went to Bude, in Cornwall, where Pamela Colman Smith spent her last years. I visited the pub where she lived upstairs, and saw a stunning painting of a famous shipwreck which is part of the history of the town. This was an astonishing piece of synchronicity as Pamela frequently painted ships in her work, both inside and outside her Tarot deck. Her own life was occasionally financially stormy or insecure.
This is Scorpio and/or Taurus in astrology and the Eighth House of other people’s money, but also the Second House of personal budgets. This man (as a symbol of yourself, or someone you know) needs to focus, centre and ground himself.
The money going out and coming in keeps him off-balance. The ships in the background show you Neptune. The economy is all at sea, tossing and turning, in his city, country or perhaps between nations. Rather than jig around, expending enormous amounts of energy trying to shuffle money from one hand to another, this person needs to breathe, pause and take control. To stop reacting to uncertainty and insecurity in the moment and to actually have a plan.
The hat looks rather like a condom. Is someone being a dickhead? A fine Australian word, but also represented in America as LOMBARD (‘Lots Of Money But A Real Dickhead.’) You get the impression from this illustration that Pamela knew one or two such men. The fact is, adopting this stance, where money is never really controlled, but always in motion, tends to make it the centre of one’s existence. There is nothing else to do but think about it, talk about it, focus on it.
As with all Pamela’s cards, created under the guidance of Arthur E. Waite, there is tremendous scope for personal interpretation. I will give you an example. The Mobius Strip shape (the figure 8) also resembles Elton John glasses, at a distance. Who or what is being blind about money here? Elton John’s relationship with money, shopping and charity is well-known. Perhaps you are seeing something completely different, though. As with all the cards, you can step back from the computer screen, or the telephone, and see it from a slight distance. Reading things into the card is exactly what you are meant to do with it.
Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer and you can direct this image as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet and instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a budget. A proper budget with more coming in, than going out, might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life, than making the money-go-round.
The tossing ships in the background can be representative of world economic trade. Have a look at that when you interpret this card, too. Storms do not last forever. The ships will perhaps be wrecked here, but there is also a chance the weather will settle and the journeys will continue. This card raises so many questions for you about what is possible; what will happen; what you can see happening; what you can make happen. Two gold coins or pentacles, might show two sources of profit (even) but a temporary inability to manage the same. Or, taxes to be paid, which is a very common scenario. Does a professional need to be brought into this picture?
Thank you Jessica. I loved the podcast (Spotify), I found the music on the intro and your exit quite moving. I cannot wait to hear your future podcasts.
Thank you so much. I will pass that on to my producer, Shayne. I find The Planets (Holst) very moving too. I’m glad you like Mercury. You must be one of the listeners who helped the show debut at #2 on the Australian spirituality podcast charts, so I am raising my tea to you. You have an Aquarius stellium and the node there so your whole life is about to change from the final week of March. I’ll chat more about Pluto in Aquarius on the podcast for that week. The circle you are involved with, or one you join, will make you feel all your Aquarian past life experience come back to you, no matter if you were a Viking or in the Iceni tribe; a Parisian revolutionary or an American revolutionary. You’ll realise how powerful you can be when you plug into the right group of people.
In my dream I’d sent you a question for my birthday (today). And in my dream you turned up here in Liverpool to answer it. Because I was sleeping i can’t remember the question nor indeed the answer except to imagine that it must have been a good one for you to come all this way from Hobart to deliver it in person. Thank you, Jessica. P.S. The podcast is brilliant just like everything else. All best to you. PT.
Thank you for the compliment. We were number one, first week in, on the UK Spirituality podcasts so as another Liverpudlian would say, “Thank you very much, thank you very, very, very much.” Happy Birthday. I have good memories of Liverpool; Paul McCartney’s drainpipe and John Lennon’s book, still on his bed. Those National Trust Beatle houses are incredible. I do sometimes visit people in dreams, it’s too funny. Your chart shows you are a Sun Pisces man with stelliums in Pisces, Capricorn and Virgo. You’ll make or save quite a bit of money by May 2023 if you take the opportunities. The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees, eh? The local area in the North of England, but perhaps your neighbours in Ireland, Scotland, Wales will change your life for terrific reasons after May 2023 and by May 2024 you’ll have seen yourself in the right place, at the right time. It just happens to be across on the map.
Hello Jessica. Loved the podcast! It’s great to hear your thoughts as well as read them. I’m about to launch a blog into the world. It’s a joint effort with a friend. We are currently developing it and I’m building the website. Is now a good time for this?
Thank you so much for tuning in. You must be one of the British listeners who helped make The Astrology Show Podcast number one, first week in. I’m glad you liked it. Beta testing or a soft launch is a better idea for a blog and website, as Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Third House of digital life is not helpful. You have the North Node at 11 Sagittarius and South Node at 11 Gemini and so were born to do this (or reborn to do this, as you were involved in publishing, media and/or education in your last incarnation). A soft launch is wise, when Jupiter is at 11 Aries and sextile your South Node in the Third House of internet, and trine your North Node in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, the worldwide web and publishing. So that’s February 26th until March 1st 2023. Mars is still retracing his steps but he won’t get too much in your way. Long term you will be remarkably successful when Jupiter goes into Gemini, May 26th 2024 to June 9th 2025. And your entire life will change in the most exhilarating way when Uranus goes into Gemini from July 8th 2025.
Hi Jessica! Love the new podcast, congratulations! I popped over to divination and drew Strength as my card. I’m hoping this year brings some fresh starts, wondering what my Pisces rising chart indicates as I’m very ready for some positive changes in home work and relationships after these last few years.
Thank you. Strength in the Tarot is healing. You heal, or are healed, or maybe both. The long interpretation is below. You have Juno at 3 Virgo in the Sixth House of health and there will be a terrific change to do either/both when Jupiter trines Juno from 3 Taurus May 31st to June 3rd 2023. This follows the challenge from Saturn at 3 Pisces in opposition to natal Juno, 4th-13th March. The healing may be psychological, medical, dental and so on. You have a Leo pattern and the lion dominates the card: Leo rules courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. That part of you may need healing.
Leo the lion is front and centre here. The Sixth House, which rules doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentists and healers may also tie in with Strength.
The word itself is a Virgo and Sixth House concept – getting your strength back after surgery or an illness, for example. The healing here may also be for depression or anxiety. Perhaps, other mental health issues. Strength is about a heart surgeon or a psychiatrist. A hypnotherapist or an acupuncturist.
The card shows absolute trust. The lion could maul the healer. The healer could hurt the lion. Instead something miraculous is occurring. This is a two-way street. There has to be deep tolerance and understanding on both sides if relief and release is to arrive.
This is a very encouraging card to see if you are about to have surgery or dentistry. It means the right person for the job is at hand.
If you are in the medical or healing profession, you just know that your next patient is going to be more than just another customer. There will be a profound interchange here and you may effect a transformation. You certainly won’t be forgotten.
There is always the risk of ‘ouch’ with this card, though! Both must be aware of it. Rather like a vet taking a thorn out of a cat’s paw, it can hurt and there has to be tolerance and great, great care.
Therapy is associated with this card and people who are heavily Leo, who need to be ‘brought back to Leo’ may find it’s about a psychological process with a counsellor, for example. Leo is about leadership, particularly of the young, and if you have Leo planets, asteroids, points or angles in trouble (you are going through difficult aspects to these) then Strength may turn up, to guide you to this transit. Good astrology can show you when the transit will end and the ailing lion or lioness within can return to full strength.
Leo rules the Fifth House of parenthood so if there are issues with fertility, I.V.F. or virility then Strength is a sure sign that some of Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing might be on the way, or perhaps a way through struggles with parenting.
On a broader level, Strength is about The British Empire and the healing process required for Britain in both the world wars after Pamela first launched these cards around 1910. It can be read on the broadest, national level (for a country in trouble) or in an intimate and personal way, if you just happen to be looking for the right doctor.
As the rather angelic creature offering help does not seem to belong to this realm, Strength is associated with spiritual healing. On a more mundane level, this can be the dentist who channels something more.
Hi Jessica,
I love the podcast! A new thing for me to look forward to each week. I also got to listen to part of the Saturday show, in particular about Neptune. My questions, per usual, are around my ability to succeed as an urban fantasy author. The card I pulled is the Knight of Wands and it aligns with the worries I have – that with a Pisces rising maybe Saturn’s discipline will help but then with Neptune dreaminess and head in the clouds factor, maybe I’m a bit blinded like the Knight. The card reading mentions Leo and Sagitarius, where I have stelliums, it mentions Aries and Chiron, my Chiron being in Aries, it feels very meant for me. But I’m not sure if this is all validating or more of a warning that if I don’t figure out how to land this plane, it will just stay in the clouds of my dreams. Am I tracking all this right?
Thank you very much. The Knight of Wands is about your current or next book. This is the long-form interpretation: you can also read more about Wands/Staves in Pamela’s Tarot, free to you as a member. You have Mars at 21 Gemini so Mars Retrograde in Gemini is your issue. The loop ends on March 17th. Hang on to the idea and reboot it when Jupiter goes into Gemini from May 2024 and use the new technology (which may not even be here yet) to reboot again from July 2025. Of course there may be a new project which you prefer. That also augurs well for the long-term future.
This is all about preparation, focus, clarity, vision and direction. Navigation and thought. This man on a mission (who may be you, female or male, but it is probably a man) cannot see properly – look at the eyes and you will see they are a little milky. Yes, he is a man on a mission and God knows there is a lot to admire here, with all the heat and blazing brilliance. Yet, he could fall off. What he is carrying could be dropped, or get lost on the way. His vehicle may not carry him.
For example, a Hollywood film may be the vehicle for a song, but if the songwriter is on drugs and does not know what he is doing, the project could fall sideways. That is extreme but it has happened with this card.
Perhaps contact lenses or glasses need to be found, or this may be a metaphor for someone who is not seeing straight. Look for Neptune by transit or transits to natal Neptune. I have worked in magazine and book publishing long enough to meet a few characters like this, who are impressive, passionate, on their way and all the rest, but on closer inspection you realise they have really confused vision. And crucially, what/who they are ‘riding on’ to take them ‘somewhere’ (they don’t know where) is equally unfocussed. So, this can be a publisher who is also lacking direction, for example, with an author who has not taken the time to have a good long self-talk in the mirror.
This is actually part of the solution. Both what/who this idea is ‘riding on’ and the person in question, need to talk to themselves in the mirror, or write things down honestly in a journal or have a cracking meditation session. Quite honestly, sitting down with the Tarot and a notebook to really analyse the project, concept, qualification, plan or brainwave (and oneself) could save a great deal of time and trouble and even save a film, or a book, or a website, or an invention, or an application.
The big idea, message or campaign is firmly in hand. It must be planted in the right place (the desert sands of Egypt are not useful) or it will wither on the vine, like so many of Pamela Colman Smith’s wands, or staves, or branches showing budding leaves. Phrases like ‘branching out’ and ‘flowering’ and ‘bursting open’ and ‘seeding’ and ‘seed money’ and ‘protecting’ are appropriate with this card. Also, of course, ‘vision.’
The horse is a symbol of Sagittarius and the Knight may be a symbol for Chiron. Sagittarius also suits the idea of exploring foreign lands. Chiron was of course a music teacher and the Knight is holding a baton.
The fire signs Aries and Leo are also hinted at here along with Sagittarius, thanks to the flaming orange and gold colouring. So many of her wands cards about about ‘from little acorns, mighty oaks do grow’ and here we have an acorn which has turned into what might become an oak tree one day, if only it could be planted, nurtured and carefully tended. Acorns and oaks are ruled by Jupiter, another horoscope symbol and of course Sagittarius (the marksman on the horse) is ruled by Jupiter too. There’s a fair bit of Sagittarius/Jupiter about this card. The luck is with this person, as the image is impressive, the energy and drive are there, and the possible success really is hypothetically…possible. Yet it’s all down to approach.
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the person on the mission with it, but it’s not enough to be bold, daring, energetic and charismatic. You have to do the work. You do see this card when Jupiter is around as everything is really big-picture and wow-factor but Jupiter by transit and natally can also be a big fizzer. Big start and small finish is not what this rather magnificent human being deserves. And it may be you.
Good morning! I wasn’t sure where to put this but I thought you might be interested in the exciting news of HIV being cured by using a leukemia treatment – amazing that it’s happening in the same cycle AIDS was seen! It’s just a crazy time at the moment, I know so many peoples lives that are being changed dramatically without notice, mine included. Just when I thought I had reached a time in my life where I could let my defenses down, the rug gets pulled out again. Anyway, hope your tea is to your liking this morning!
Incredible. Right on time for the next Saturn opposition to health sign Virgo. Thank you so much for letting me know. You have a conjunction between Ceres and Salacia in Aquarius at 15 degrees in your Eleventh House of friends and groups. Uranus is at 15 Taurus (rug pull) so you are having the usual instant upheaval of transiting Uranus square natal Ceres and natal Salacia. Uranus transits do turn the world upside-down, but eventually you realise you were being handed independence and real freedom; the alternative would have denied you what you are supposed to be doing with your life. Uranus remains at 15 Taurus until March 14th 2023 and is then on his way.
My Jonathan Cainer Story – Kitsy Stratton
In 1992, I wrote a proposal for a detailed assignment to learn GIS at my alma mater, in Charleston, SC. The deputy director where I worked for NOAA in Asheville approved it, but primarily to get me out of his hair for a year. He didn’t want to be bothered with the details. The division chief, however, thought my suggestion to fill my remaining schedule with grad-level public administration courses was a good idea.
In the second semester, Spring of 1993, things were going very badly for me. Conflicts with professors, hostility from the other students, accusations of child abuse, and severe restrictions and limitations—sound familiar?—were my daily nightmare. For example, I could see the ocean across the street but because I had two very young children, one of whom was crippled, I could only look at the beach—not walk on the beach. The one time I tried, my crippled daughter was attacked by sand gnats in the dunes and crumpled into a screaming mess, while my toddler son ran headlong for the roaring surf. Sophie’s Choice flashed before my eyes.
I was in desperation.
I was familiar with Jonathan Cainer’s Horoscopes and the one I found in the magazine for the month was spot on. Then I read that he posted daily recorded forecasts for each sign to a 900 number. He somehow knew the problems I was having with the authorities and peers. And he gave good advice. So, I spent a few pennies. getting daily heads-ups on what was going to happen next. He was like a crystal ball and I was able to keep treading water during the storm.
In March 1993, there was a bit of a reprieve when I made arrangements for the children to stay with their grandparents during Spring Break and I had 2 weeks of blessed freedom and independence. The first week I captured the very first roll of scenic photography I ever shot.
(I tried to post the images but I guess they aren’t permitted here.)
The next week was the East Coast Blizzard of 1993. My children at Grandma’s in Asheville experienced 2.5 feet of snow. At the beach, it was crystal clear skies with 100 mph blowing sand. The air sparkled. Sand duned up on my desk on top of these slides, even though the windows were closed and shuttered. Then no power, no water.
Anyway, when it came a time in April to re-apply for the next year, personnel made a stink about my having taken graduate-level Public Administration Courses paid for by the Fed Govt. That’s a violation of civil service law. I was not aware. But I was not responsible. The deputy director was. The deputy director decided to report up the chain that I had gone rogue and was not adhering to the approved curriculum. I called Jonathan’s 900 number. His pre-recorded message for all Cancers suggested I find someone of authority, locally, for help. So I asked around.
It turns out that the Senior Senator from South Carolina, Fritz Hollings, had an office in Charleston run by a very competent woman. I called her and told her my plight. It further turns out Hollings was the head of the Senate Committee with oversight of NOAA. How coincidental!
I kept running up my phone bill with 900 calls for Jonathan’s pre-recorded messages.
Then it really hit the fan. The deputy director called and ordered me home before the 30th of May, leaving all my courses unfinished, and forcing me to pack and move with two very young children and a cat, and live in a tent camper for two weeks until I could find a place for us to live. (I had leased out my home for an anticipated 2 years.) I even had to sweet-talk an elderly friend to stay with us in the camper to take care of the children while I went to work every day. I called Cainer at 900 and he–his recording–reminded me, that I had the power on my side and to call it in. So, I called Holling’s office again. Turns out the competent woman was also a grandmother. Power.
Between bouts of packing, I had an abscessed tooth and a subsequent root canal. While recovering, I got a call from the division chief. “Why the F— did you call the head of NESDIS?” “I didn’t…call him.” “Who did you call?” “My Senator, Fritz Hollings.” (crickets.)
I had them back down.
Just before I left the house, I made one final call to Cainer. This is what he said on his pre-recorded Daily Horoscope for Cancer: “I don’t know who this message is for but it is very specific. I am to tell you that when you meet with the authorities and they ask you how you feel about the situation and what happened, do not complain or show any anger—even though they have mistreated you terribly—just say this, ‘I wish I could have finished what I was sent there to do. I wish I could have finished my research.’ Again, this I very specific but there it is. Everything will be okay.”
We drove to Asheville and set up camping in the tent. On the morning of the day I was to report in, I knew how everything was going to go down and that I would be okay. So, I walked around the campground and shot a few pictures of the lake as the sun came up.
When I got into the office I was told that my supervisor, the division chief, and the deputy director were all “away from the office working together on something” and I was to see the director immediately. The director asked, “So how do you feel about your detail in Charleston?” “I just wish I could have finished my research, which is what I went there to do.” “Very well,” he said. I went back to my desk.
Two minutes later the director’s secretary showed up at my desk, “Let’s go for a walk.” While we walked she told me, “The director followed you out of his office and told me to call your supervisor, division chief, and deputy director and tell them to stop what they’re doing–to ‘cease and desist.’”
I won’t tell you, Jessica, that continuing to work for another 10 years there was easy. Everyone had been told I had lied and cheated. But what transpired through those pre-recorded, Cancer-specific horoscopes from Jonathan Cainer was nothing less than a miracle.
This is fantastic, thank you so much. The last time I saw Jonathan was at the bar at the Astrological Association Conference in York. He’d just finished giving a talk and was celebrating. I used to work with Daniel, his brother, at his recording studio in London. Astonishing validation for the solar chart system and Sun Sign astrology but also his gift for talking to the listener as if it was a personal consultation.
Hi Jessica. I have been following you for a while now and am fascinated by what astrology can tell us. I am very much a novice however in understanding it all. Your podcast was excellent and enjoyable. Have never commented before so feel a little nervous being on a public platform. I have Pisces stelliums (5) and was hoping you might have time to look at my chart and tell me your thoughts. Thank you.
Thank you. Your questions are anonymous in Comments. Asporea can tell you more about the security measures we take (they run the website). You are a Sun Cancer woman, with stelliums in Cancer, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo. 2023 is a big work, lifestyle, unpaid work and/or academic work change year for you. In your public chart you have Jupiter with all his luck, opportunities, growth and solutions in your success sector until May. In your private chart, we find Jupiter trine your Virgo stellium, which is very much about your work ethic and job satisfaction – even if you are a full-time student. That transit begins in May and runs until May 2024. You should be pretty happy about where your optimism and big thinking gets you in 2023.
I was just wondering if my comment above could be anonymous if Jessica responds. Thank you.
All questions are anonymous and strictly private on this website in Comments. Unless you give your name nobody else will see it. Thanks.
Hi Jessica
Love reading your articles. I am a sun, mercury and Venus Pisces, with a Sagittarius ascendant. The card I pulled is the queen of swords. I’m in a role that I presently love but find it exhausting, mainly as I see myself at the mediator in managing a large and diverse team. Wondering what Saturn will bring for me from March. Will this be even more responsibility. Any insight would be appreciated
Thank you. You gain boundaries by being firm (“This far and no further.”) Weak or non-existent boundaries are common with strongly Pisces people. They do not how to set limits. That will change when Saturn enters Pisces from around March 7th until February 2026, actually. If you are worn out, you owe it to the people on the team who are low-maintenance to honour them too, so the high-maintenance people in your life (personal as well as professional) need to get used to your new assertiveness skills. You can do this without relinquishing your spirituality.
Hi Jessica, your podcast is wonderful, it’s so good to hear the readings in your voice! Your soundtrack is perfect too, love it!
I listened for the second time and thought about your Aries horoscope, which fits perfectly for me this week and thought I’d use the tarot to ask what is in my subconscious that needs to be revealed and drew The Devil! I’ve never committed adultery and never will. I think it may relate to a bad relationship I was trapped in many years ago. So bad I haven’t been in one since. Otherwise I don’t know. I thought it was an extraordinary card to pull on that question though!
Thank you. Well, The Devil is indeed in your subconscious. You have just answered your own question, as you wrote it out to me.
Dear Jessica,
I would be grateful if you have time to look at my comment. Thanks a lot!
Dear Jessica, As you probably know, a terrible earthquake happened in Turkey and Syria, 47.000 people died in both countries (more than 40.000 deads only in Turkey). The devastation in Turkey’s southeast is huge and now some analysts say the governement may use the quake as a pretext for postponing elections (that was normally scheduled for 14 May 2023). Can you have a look on what is waiting Turkey in the coming times? I am extremely worried about the situation. I dont know if we can select a Tarot card for a country but i did and it was Nine of cups. Thanks a lot for your insights.
Thank you. Yes, you can select a Tarot card for a country. You chose the Nine of Cups for Turkey. I have given you the reading for a person, but you will note it mentions Prime Ministers and Presidents at the end. Any politician who is still trying to be Mr. Pluto in Capricorn in 2023 and onwards will not last. He will be taken down. It is very common for illness to strike (Putin is very ill) and also for people to be jailed, to be defeated in an election or coup – and also to leave the planet. You can see that in this card. The Aquarius transit of Pluto (power to the group) is behind the fatcat in front. It only takes one person in the group to leave and the rest could go. That is where Turkey is, politically, from March 23rd 2023.
This card is a warning. Given that all the cups cards are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (the emotional water signs) it may be that these signs are actually involved. There are many of them, and the cups all look the same. That’s a trap. If you regard people as a faceless mass, and make assumptions that they are backing you, sooner or later one of them may break apart from the group, and when he or she falls, the rest can topple sideways or off. Attention must be paid, to quote Arthur Miller. No matter how self-absorbed and self-congratulatory someone feels about ‘all this’ and ‘my people’ it really is time to get off the chair and pay singular, individual attention to each solid-gold person, behind. Treating people on a case-by-case basis, checking that they feel fulfilled, have all they need, are in a sturdy potion – averts what could be quite disastrous, at least at one end of the group, or the family.
Let’s look at Pamela’s card from the outside looking in. A smug, rather fat man poses in front of his nine trophies. These are cups, which represent sexuality or emotions. Water signs, as I’ve mentioned.
Look again at the cup in the right-hand corner which is about to fall off. This man is so wrapped up in his own achievement, he is not paying attention to the individual people who ‘have his back.’
One of them does not! Like Ten Green Bottles, if one should accidentally fall, it means many of them might. The fabric can be pulled away and other cups, topple over. So much depends on just one person, but this one person is not even on the fat man’s radar!
This card hints at Aquarius and the Eleventh House, with its emphasis on the group. This card reminds us of the phrase ‘He’s got your back’ or ‘She’s got your back’ or ‘They’ve got your back’ and is very much about being supported. The semi-circle reminds us of football supporters at a Chelsea game in the stands, with the rich Russian owner beaming for the television cameras. Sports teams do turn up with this card because there are so many players, substitutes or supporters and so often, the stands are circular or semi-circular. It’s the same with the theatre; if you think about the cast and crew, the seating and the director or star, you get a sense of this card.
The key to success for the person at the front, who may be you or another, is to remember that such a wall of solid-gold support does not happen by itself.
At some point you have to stop basking in the backing, and actually actively pursue each and every face as an individual. Put back into these people what they need. Try to enrich, expand and improve the separate relationships and people. Of course this may be a message for quite another person; not you! The ability to stop basking and start rolling the sleeves up, and pouring time, energy and attention into the individual is enough to turn this picture around. With care, with sensitivity, with time and effort, this impressive wall of support and backing can indeed become hard to topple.
The central character needs to remember that he or she is the first line of defence. The front line. “This far and no further” might be the message. Every group needs a leader, protector and defender. That is really the purpose of this person. Less smugness and more sharp awareness of this huge responsibility will also help turn the picture around. That wobbling cup on the far right-hand side of the picture can be stood upright again, and the whole, returned to completion.
Pamela and Arthur were in The Golden Dawn for long enough to see the membership fractured and divided. Pamela also worked with Dame Ellen Terry, and was familiar with Shakespeare. This card is not unlike Henry V, with its ‘few’ and band of brothers. It is an archetypal experience; how often have we seen Prime Ministers or Presidents get so lost in their own position and magnificence, that they forget about the individual? This is a great lesson for our times, as we go into Jupiter, Saturn and finally Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of group solidarity and the orchestra of community.
Hi Jessica,
I just looked out at the sky clearing (after a day of rain) and noticed that the moon had two “stars” beside it so I decided to check the ‘current planetary positions’ on this website to see what they were. It seems like there is an awful lot in Aries at this moment in time – Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Chiron, Juno, Vesta, MC, Asc, Diana…is this common and how would these affect a natal MC in Aries? Is the effect only felt when they pass over it or do they amplify each other given they’re all rather close together?
Much appreciated as always for taking the time to respond!
Your MC or Midheaven in Aries is dependent on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have it, yes, this Aries weather until May (involving Jupiter) will help you to expand your presence in the world through opportunities to go further with your title, reputation and appearance. We sometimes see this transit when men join the army; they gain a uniform, a new haircut and a new rank. You will see an obvious door open now. Have you gone through it? There is another one by May.
Thank you so very much for replying to me Jessica. I am actually on income protection due to health issues so hopefully this means they will continue to pay me
Something to do on a rainy day; sit down with The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Tarot and follow the steps. Have Pamela’s Tarot, and the other flipbooks, by your side. Go deeply into your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work and health, wellbeing, unpaid work and daily life. See how far you can go with answers to your questions. It may be a little bit life-changing, so that your life does not revolve around your ongoing concerns about income protection and payment, in the light of health issues. You can live your Virgo stellium differently. And you deserve to know what it feels like to really enjoy your job and to be very good at it, too, with the energy you need to go further and faster. What gives you that energy is unique to you. Strongly Virgo women have their own ‘prescription’ of what they need. But it does actually begin with tasks you savour.
Hello Jessica,
I attended the Zoom meeting about Pisces weather with you, Alicia, and Deborah and enjoyed it so much that I will attend the one in March as well. I drew the Hanged Man when I asked about my life during this Pisces weather. Can you tell me what this means for me? I have stelliums in Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. Thanks so much for sharing your gift.
Thank you. Well, the Hanged Man is you dangling, in a state of suspended animation, not able or willing to choose one option, or another. This is quite common when people are stranded in a region or country, for whatever reason, or caught between the current life and a couple of future lives. This sounds like your Sagittarius stellium to me, in the Ninth House, as Saturn in Pisces will square that. It will be hard to square your desire to get away or make a move, with the reality of the situation, as Saturn passes through. A typical example would be, an inability to travel to (say) China because of a new variant of Covid. You can draw another Tarot card closer to the time to ask for possible solutions or alternatives.
@Anne-Marie, I believe you need to change your name in the members section to something else, should you wish for anonymity.
Fantastic podcast Jessica! Absolutely love your photograph too! Just wondering if you could shed any light on my work and relationship situations. I’m an Aries waiting to hear about an artistic project with an international link. Wondering when all my efforts might (ahem) work out!
Thank you. The photograph is down to Alicia Fulton, my publicist and the co-ordinator of Astrology and Tarot Meetups, and The Sun Sign School. You are a Sun Aries woman with stelliums in Aries, Taurus and Aquarius. Your 2008-2023 career cycle ends on March 23rd and you can farewell 15 years of questions about who/what is in control and your own willpower and empowerment. From May 2023 you save or make a lot of money and by May 2024, if you took all the solutions and opportunities will be far better off. In fact, Jupiter in Taurus transiting your Second House of personal income and gain, will set you up with far more independence and freedom, as he opens the door and Uranus in Taurus, alongside, offers you the liberation. It may be this project or another. A group (a tribe, really, made up of many tribes) is potentially very powerful from the final week of March. You will remember you are an Aquarius stellium woman then and understand why you’re here.
Thanks so much Jessica. And kudos again on such a lovely & empowering photograph!!
Thank you so much.
Hello Jessica,
You have made clear what March 2023 will bring covid -wise. I have just read Dr Ding on Twitter, stating that he is now starting to get worried about #H5N1 with more apparent human cases. As an intuitive I’ve been watching and having a very bad feeling about this disease. Is it possible that what you see is not covid but an entirely new pandemic disease?
Sorry this is off the topic I didn’t know where else to post….
Warm and heartfelt thanks to you for all that you bring us.
Thank you. I am always glad when other psychics, mediums, Tarot professionals and intuitives chime with what I see. Dr. Eric Ding is of course the Harvard epidemiologist who is the go-to expert on Covid. It is possible that the outbreak of March 2023 is not a new variant which dodges vaccination, but bird flu – either separately or running into Covid cases too. However, given that Covid emerged on Virgo-Pisces transits, I would expect the problem to be once again Covid, as we go into the next Virgo-Pisces cycle. Science tells us this keeps mutating. There is no cure. There is no ‘vaccine’ in the sense that Pfizer stops infection and transmission. Camilla and Charles have had Covid twice. That says it all really.
Hi Jessica,
My post today is totally of subject but I was curious to see what your thoughts are and what astrology predicts regarding China and Taiwan.
Recently I have read a few articles about China’s plans to ”reunite” Taiwan. Some analysts believe this may happen before or around 2027, the 100 year anniversary of Peoples Liberation Army. If this was to eventuate, USA has committed to defending Taiwan. This defence would probably include USA allies such as Australia. Some analysts have suggested that this military action between China and the USA would effectively begin WW3.
I know at present China is dealing with a COVID wave and an economic slowdown as a result, but this may only delay future military plans not change the objectives.
Hopefully diplomacy will prevail but if not what does astrology predict for China, Taiwan and USA in the next 10 years? Are we as suggested “sleepwalking” towards WW3? Do you see similar star patterns for WW1 or WW2 in the coming decade?
I know this is a big subject and perhaps better suited to a blog of its own, but China’s program of militarisation in the pass 20 years and it’s continued rhetoric towards reunification of Taiwan by force if necessary is I feel concerning.
Kind regards
Thanks Julie. I looked at the astrology of Taiwan and China in a longer post about Uranus in Gemini and ‘neighbour change/the new neighbours’ last year. We will see Asia divided very differently, as she is so tightly packed with neighbouring countries, from 2026 when Uranus goes to Gemini. This is not unlike the carve-up of Europe that happened after the last war. War itself (including an unthinkable third world war) is about massive, historic transits which suggest nationalism (Cancer) and Emperor/King leadership (Leo) and we don’t have those at all. I doubt very much that Xi Jinping will last once Pluto (power) goes out of Capricorn (the male majority elite) and from March 23rd when Pluto leaves Capricorn, we’ll see the beginning of the end again. His power has been severely dented already because of Covid. Science wins. Astrology agrees with science. Vaccines do not stop infection. Long Covid is real.
Hello, Jessica! I decided to give up SM for Lent. When I uninstalled Twitter from my cell phone, I apparently locked myself out altogether. So, I’m having to ask my questions here. I hope you don’t mind. Anyway, where would I find instructions on how to use the Node Tables in the 2050 book? Thank you!
You don’t even need instructions, really, just locate your stelliums and find out the years when the transiting North Node was in those signs. Learn from the past – what happened – and prepare for the future. Any North Node transit of a sign/house stellium always moves you in 19 years loops so you can use what happened to move forward the next time. I hope that helps.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much! All that you say and the meaning of Nine of Cups make so much sense for Turkey. Also, Turkey is Scorpion and Erdogan is Pisces. Thanks a lot and best.
Your Tarot card was correct – and I didn’t know Turkey was Scorpio and ‘Himself’ as they would call him in Ireland, is Pisces. Textbook.
Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for this podcast. I’ve listened to it twice. What a perfect way to start off a week!
Thanks so much, I will pass that on to my producer. Listening twice is a great compliment. See you next Monday.
Thank you Caroline. Yes, Susan Miller very kindly passes my website on to her readers from time to time. And thank you for being a Premium Member.
Thank you so much Jessica. This was really helpful. I know that you so busy responding to comments.
You have given hope to so many of us…we all going through a bad season.
If time allows can you perhaps go through my birth chat and provide some clarity for this rather challenging 2023.
Thank you so much. You really are very kind to all of us
The fastest way into a birth chart is to start with your Sun Sign. The solar chart is queen. You are a Sun Aquarius and the slow-moving cycles of the Nodes, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the most life-changing. In 2023 we find Jupiter in Aries in your Third House, Saturn in Pisces in your Second House, Uranus in Taurus in your Fourth House, Neptune in Pisces in your Second House and Pluto (new) in Aquarius in your First House. Do these houses also show up in your birth chart, where you have a stellium? Yes. Jupiter is going through Aries and your First House with Chiron, also in Aries, until May – then from May, Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node are in your Second House until July. So in both house systems I use for you, the First House of title, appearance and reputation is key – and so is the Second House of personal income, values, life budget, house, apartment and bank account. That is where to put your focus. Image and Money. To personalise this, go to the Tarot and follow the steps, with your questions. You could make or save a fortune May 2023 to May 2024 and also very successfully relaunch yourself too.
Oh, okay. Thank! I was thinking these were the tables where previous incarnations could be determined. That’s what I’m looking for.
Hi Jessica,
Every week I enjoy reading Penny Thorton’s “Friday Bite” where she reviews the weeks events from an astrological point of view. This week Penny had a rather ominous warning for us all.
Penny begins “ On the 24th February 2022, the world was changed and a new world order is in the process of emerging- a process presided over by Pluto’s passage through Aquarius which begins in 4 weeks. By the end of Pluto’s transit (2043) the world is going to look very different. Democracy as we know it may not have survived, and in its place could be one or more totalitarian regimes”
Penny went on to say” democracy is under attack everywhere, including the USA. We are indeed at a pivotal moment for humanity” echoing Boris Johnson’s words.
Reading these words yesterday I much admit to feeling a little alarmed but I don’t feel this was Penny’s purpose in writing these words. I think they are more a “call to arms”. We as a society need to decide what we hold sacred, what we will under no circumstances except. If we hold democracy to be sacred then we need to be aware that it is under attack and be willing to fight for it as the people of the Ukraine have or suffer the consequences. Pluto’s transition through Aquarius can help us but only we as individuals and groups can make the changes for a better future.
Penny also signalled a challenging time from mid/late April to May as critical time for the world. In fact like you she thinks the Coronation of King Charles will be in some way disrupted or delayed or at the very least take place during challenging global times. Jessica what do you see at this time?
Kind regards
Thanks Julie. Penny Thornton is an amazing astrologer and a friend of mine. I very much agree with her about Charles III and of course Penny wrote about Diana’s prediction for him many years ago. There is a reason why those stamps have appeared without a crown upon his head.
Hello Jessica,
In the middle of listening to episode 2 of your astrology podcast. When you divided Leo horoscopes by gender, I listened up – female Leo here. ‘Breaking out of mental boxes’ is the message that rang true for me. Then I did a Tarot reading and drew the Temperance card. What a lovely card! Tarot messages always have me double guessing myself or feeling ambivalent. But this one gave me a warm and loving vibe – and I breathed a sigh of relief. It feels like a difficult period is ending yet I have little to complain about. Anyway, thank you.
Thank you. That is the ideal way to listen to The Astrology Show podcast. The Leo card shows a woman, blindfolded, surrounded by a circle of swords, stranded in receding tides. In Temperance you have an angel pouring water. The water theme continues from one card to the next. It suggests that you move from being stuck, to flowing. So it would appear – you are about to break free and move on.
@Anne-Marie B,
If you want to be “anonymous” just click on Members….scroll down to My Account….then click on Edit Account….
under your name edit your “Display Name”. You can be whoever you want to be! 🙂 Press save changes and you fix the problem!!
Good luck!
Congratulations on your Podcast! I did not attend your zoom. I hope to attend the next one you have. I asked the Tarot what I have to look forward to with Saturn & Neptune transiting thru Pisces 2023 – 2026 and wanting to communicate with my Gatekeeper as I’m looking for guidance and protection. I pulled the Ace Of Swords! I’m currently reading up on Crystals/Gemstones and loving my newly purchased Labradorite Palm Stone Crystal. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you. The Ace of Swords is about a reshuffle at work, with unpaid work or within academia, where the top job is up for grabs. It can mean someone resigns, is fired, becomes ill and steps down or has legal action taken against them. The group scatters around them. The 22, 23 degree Capricorn patterns in your chart in the Tenth House of ambition, position and mission join up with the 22 Aquarius patterns in your Eleventh House of groups. Saturn at 22, 23 Pisces will sextile the Capricorn patterns, and automatically semi-sextile the Aquarius patterns, as he passes through. When the top person goes, you could take that role, or just play your part in the changes involving the group.
Really love your podcast and getting to hear next week’s horoscope on a Saturday. I really really needed to hear that today about Leo, I definitely need to be liberated from a restrictive situation in my mind that is holding me back and stopping me from moving and hearing that has given me a lift and spark of hope. Also I bought my own pack of Smith-Waite Tarot after pulling such a lucky card off your website (in relation to the Pluto in Aquarius transit) that I thought something was wrong but I’ve used them twice so far to pull a single card to answer a question and the two cards I pulled were so apt for the question it feels almost unbelievable if I hadn’t drawn them with my own hands. So glad you and your website have introduced me to them, thank you!
Thank you so much. I am glad you now own your own Smith-Waite Tarot. You will find them good friends for the rest of your life.
Dear Jessica
I know you spoke previously of Charles not becoming King – and that this comes to a head end of March 2023 – but can you speak about what happens afterward. What happens to WIlliam, Kate and others? Can you speak on any of this?
It is okay if you are not able to speak on this. I am just curious. Thanks.
Elaine, March 8th and 24th 2023 will show the ingress of Saturn in Pisces (and out of Aquarius) and Pluto in Aquarius (and out of Capricorn) which suggests Charles III is locked into a new situation with Harry, Archie and Lilibet at the same time that the rest of the family changes, in terms of the line of succession. Prince William begins a new cycle with the Commonwealth and Russia which suggests quite heavy challenges and thus a more responsible role. He is also offered the chance of real economic power. Princess Catherine (Kate) has new issues with her sister Pippa, which also suggests a shift in her own position and also the media – again a shift in her position. Just like William, she is also being offered the chance of new financial control. Prince Harry has the paperback edition of Spare to launch and promote.
Hello and thanks again Jessica. I enjoyed the Zoom event and have just listened to my second podcast which I loved. You were bang on about earthquakes in Scotland( 3 in January alone ) and Nicola Sturgeon going down with her GRR Bill. Now we are in the middle of a 3 person ( 2 women, 1 man)leadership race and everything up in the air again. Wondering if any of the women in the race will be making news on the dates you mentioned -27 Feb and 2,3 Mar. and will Independence be a quick bang like an earthquake or a long slow haul like a burning log? Your predictions are so focused. Thanks so much.
Thank you. Yes, Scotland in fact picked up the earthquake halfway across the world in its monitoring centre, at the same time that Sturgeon was forced to resign, causing another earthquake. Thanks so much for listening to The Astrology Show Podcast. For Scotland we always go back to the old horoscope set for 16th March 842 AD at 4.21pm in Edinburgh. This comes from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. Independence is shown by Uranus in the ‘birth’ chart and also transiting Uranus. It has been a symbol of revolution and liberty since its discovery in 1781. Scotland has Uranus at 13 Aries in the First House of reputation. She’s long been known as rebellious and revolutionary. You would expect a new flag from any transit to natal Uranus and because this is historic, you’d expect the transit to be slow-moving. April 2031 ticks all the boxes. Transiting Pluto goes to 13 Aquarius. Transiting Neptune goes to 13 Aries. Transiting Chiron has just passed 13 Taurus. Either the referendum takes place in April 2031, or the results are in, and Scotland relaunches herself as an independent nation. Scotland also has Mars at 13 Cancer in the Fourth House of patriotism, property, land, her royal family, her clans and so on. So, Uranus at 13 Aries in her chart is exactly square Mars at 13 Aries. This is triggered in April 2031 so it is a rather hot, angry Spring in Edinburgh and Glasgow. This is about borders as much as anything else.
Dear Jessica,
I deeply thank you for the podcast!! I am a premium member enjoying all the astonishingly accurate predictions over the years!I e-met someone during this week!it’s been a really long time since I last felt this way! He is heavily Capricorn (Sun,Bacchus,Uranus,Neptune ,Venus,Saturn, nn)!his planets are in conjunction with my Cappie stellium!we live in different countries and I am so scared not to get hurt! We both feel very strong connection!I pulled a card:the lovers!is there any future between us? His moon is in Taurus and he has mars retrograde also in Taurus in conjunction with Ops retrograde and trining Saturn in Capricorn. His Juno is also in sag (close to my natal moon Uranus conjunction). Any advise is so welcome and appreciated! The more we get to know it’s other the more fear I feel! Maybe it’s because I have been many years without any form of personal relationship but I wonder if you could share any insight!
Thank you, namaste!
Thank you. I’m glad you are enjoying The Astrology Show Podcast. Well, you pulled The Lovers in the Tarot which says it all. This is important and you both have choices to make. You can see that something bigger than both of you is at work. The man and woman here must decide what they are going to do – presumably meeting in your country, his, or another. If so it would be sexual, not platonic, unless you both made a really unusual decision not to go to bed together. You have a huge stellium in Scorpio in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, so it would not be too long before there was a discussion about money, or his home, or your home, and so on. The South Node in Scorpio transiting your chart until July 2023 suggests that this conversation has to take place. You can draw another Tarot card to enquire further, keeping the Eighth House in mind. Just follow the steps.
Wow – long slow burn or step by step disentanglement more likely. Be into my eightieth decade by then so – got my trusty Philips, make sure I get plenty of Vit.D and exercise, a wee daily meditation and I will be able to wave the Saltire in a free Scotland.
Thanks again Jessica
Hi Jessica
Congratulations with your Podcast and I enjoyed the zoom meeting on the Pisces weather .
I have my Moon and Venus In Pisces as well as two other stelliums
I feel as I have been in Limbo for some time now Work ,relationships and finance with no lack of trying on my behalf
I asked the tarot cards how the Pisces Weather will effect me and I got The King of Cups
Just to clarify does it mean to take extra care and try not to be caught up in illusions too much, will it be more of set back or can it be used to assist in moving forward , I was hoping you could give me your thoughts on this
The King of Cups describes a strongly Pisces person floating and drifting, going from current to current, without ever grounding and stabilising. He is inaccessible. A great deal depends on if this is you or someone else. I do not know if you are a man or woman. If a woman, then this may be your husband, boyfriend or employer. All at sea! If you are male it is more likely to be you. This is the long-form interpretation which I hope helps. Thank you for listening to The Astrology Show Podcast.
Communication is the key to this man. If you can make him listen, or read, and engage him in a conversation about changing his position in life, you’ll get what you want, which is presumably some action and outcome. The ship in the background could be near his floating throne at any moment and he could jump aboard. You could join him. That ship could take the pair of you anywhere, into a whole new life. Yet, so much depends on him. The King of Cups can be infuriatingly detached and if he is not interested in listening to you, it is hard to see how he will ever organise himself.
The King of Cups can float forever. Our Tarot creator Pamela was identifying someone here who was either going through a Neptune transit, or having transits to his natal Neptune.
The King of Cups is pure Pisces and Neptune. The cups are symbols of the water signs anyway; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. He probably has one or all three signs emphasised in his natal chart. He has a lot to give, emotionally or sexually. Perhaps, just spiritually. However, he does not inhabit terra firma as the rest of us do and he is very hard work if you want co-operation and collaboration. He is living proof that ‘No man is an island’ is quite wrong; he actually is the entire island, all by himself.
This card appeared in a reading about The 2018 World Cup on my website and one powerfully psychic reader immediately predicted France would win. The Jules Rimet cup is in hand! Perhaps we have a football obsessive here who cares more about his favourite team losing on the weekend than he does about the fact that your son needs his homework checked. You can also see why fishing could be the obsession, with the King of Cups, or sailing, surfing, scuba-diving and so on.
Football or aquatic pursuits aside, this card is about a man who does not inhabit the real world, because he does not have to. He is all at sea but he appears well-fed, so he has everything he needs. He may be fishy. So slippery, hard to catch; elusive. Very likely, the only environment he would accept, is an island (another escape from the real world) or perhaps that ship, just out of sight. Whatever environment he wants, it will have to accommodate his tremendous need to escape. To go with the currents.
He represents a holiday from reality for you, which Neptune also does. Perhaps it is you who has the Neptune transit to your chart, or natal Neptune under transit. Women often fall in love with this King because he has nothing to do with mortgages or the housework, but everything to do with a vacation from the ordinary and the everyday.
If you want to get close to him you will have to come over to his side of reality, which is the trick to the communication between you. You cannot possibly swim up to the King of Cups and start chattering about the price of milk or the Dyson that doesn’t work, because he has absolutely no connection at all with the mundane or the ‘too real.’
Note, too, the fact that he has left no room at all on his floating throne for a partner. It’s all about him and he takes up a lot of space. He is impressive. Substantial. Intriguing. Can he accommodate a wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend? Perhaps for a short time, but as I’ve mentioned, your best bet here is the ship. This is a symbol of an environment and a journey that you can both enjoy. It would be a massive departure for both of you. A real commitment for both of you. That takes communication and a lot of luck.
Does he want to get off his floating throne when he finally sights land? The ship is just behind him, perhaps ready for a rescue mission but maybe he will reach the shore faster. Will you be there to greet him on dry land? Can you see this current drifting period in his life as just an episode?
As I’ve mentioned, the big cup also suggests alcohol or this may be a pestle and mortar to grind drugs. Pisces and Neptune have long been associated with substances that alter reality.
The other possibility here with your King of Cups is that he is just going to dive straight into the ocean. His toe is pointing towards the water. Maybe he’s about to throw it all away in favour of immersing himself in something else. Is it practical? Of course not.
There is a certain sort of King who is on the verge of total escape or complete disappearance. I need to mention this to you. Perhaps the King’s face will speak to you, with this card. You do sometimes get this with a minority of heavily Pisces/Neptune types, who are so completely drawn to the other world of non-reality, or even oblivion, that they are forever on the point of suddenly disappearing from view.
Dear Jessica,
Hope you are well. I am enjoying your podcast and am in awe of your work ethic. Though chances seem slim on you seeing this at the right time, I thought I’d give it a go since your last podcast hit a couple of spots for me.
Though I am Sun Taurus, it was the Aries forecast that really struck a chord when you talked about a judgement in the spirit world having an effect on life this side of the veil, and that perhaps the listener had a recent dream to that effect. Though I have no Aries factors, (and quite frankly think I could use some), I had such a dream just the night before. I heard a voice talking about a decision handed down by a judge to someone who is supposed to convey it to me, adding that both the judge and the messenger are not alive! Being familiar with Smith/Waite tarot, I did think of the judgement card. Could you explain how it works on the other side with this a bit more? My mother who passed on Halloween of 2021 was an extreme Aries, and once said she got her “fiery temper” from her father, who also happened to be an Aries, (I had other words for it!). Could your forecast pertain to them?
Also, you spoke of 5 degree factors, of which I have several, so the karma from north node also applies?
Mom’s had a bit of a rough go in the upper astral, and I heard something about the reason she got there had to due with my prayers begging for her to get to it. (So I seemed to hear). My dad passed almost thirty six years ago and has been in and out of Ukraine since the war started last year. A veteran of the Second World War, he seems to be a sort of angel now. As for Mom, she came to my side about ten months after her passing and said “ I’m sorry”, and then “And thank you.”
Finally, for Taurus, you are speaking often about wands. As I have Ops at 0 Gemini, would it be better for me to wait until Pluto is at 0 Aquarius and trine with 0 Gemini to start exporting my wands?
Thank you for providing what you do for the world!
Thank you, you are very kind. I’ve just sat down at my desk with a cup of tea, before taking Tess out for a walk, so am here to reply to you. It’s good you have this ongoing connection with your parents in spirit. The Judgement card is best explained below, and you can find out more in Pamela’s Tarot in your flipbook library here. If you want to export your wands, then the trine from Pluto to natal Ops at 0 Gemini is empowering for short journeys (Gemini) and the internet (Gemini) so promoting your wands online as regards export to neighbouring regions or countries is a perfect fit. And so to your card.
Judgement? This card confuses Tarot readers who don’t accept mediumship and life after so-called death, because to understand it, you have to accept that we don’t die! Perhaps you know this to be true already, in which case Judgement lets you know that there is a huge shift taking place with your family or friends (perhaps partners) in the spirit world. There may be a transition taking place, so someone has just passed away, or crossed over – to quote my friend John Edward.
What you see is what you get with this card.
Two families rise from their coffins to embrace an angel, judging them from heaven. This card is linked to the Eighth House, home of the last will and testament, legacies and any inheritance.
The trumpet was often used by mediums in the early 20th century to communicate with the spirit world. This card is a powerful symbol of transformation, redemption and rebirth. The asteroid Aesculapius may also tie in here. He is a symbol of what lasts forever – what resurrects and returns.
Psyche is another zodiac symbol who was given immortality. This is a card of the next stage in a soul’s development as part of a family group of souls – perhaps two of them – and thus suggests people who incarnate and reincarnate together as family groups.
Judgement can sometimes be quite literal as a card, revealing a judgement to be made. Perhaps a spiritual, ethical or moral judgement, rather like being ‘assessed’ at the pearly gates. Your soul is weighed as you rise from the coffin – you are measured by a greater force. Note the red cross here too. That may have personal meaning for you.
It can be seen as the Red Cross aid organisation or the St. George’s flag of England. You have to return to the people rising from the coffins, though. This is about new life from old. And it’s about families. Ancestors are very important when Judgement appears. You come from a long line, but a long line of what and whom? That lineage is now having an impact on your life here in the real world, as substantial transformation takes place with those who came before.
As you can imagine, there are sometimes really heavy karmic stories played out with Judgement. It may be the case that a whole generation of souls tied to a particular religious group, or family tree, or business organisation, or similar, now goes to the next level – because events on earth make it possible for them to ascend.
Purgatory is the holding zone for souls but here we have a large group of them rising from their coffins and going to the next spiritual dimension, perhaps. I have seen this card associated with haunting (earthbound spirits) because it has been impossible for a large number of people affected by one tragedy to accept it is time to move on.
Judgement is a dramatic card which will have intensely personal meaning for you. I am sure you can see how it might turn up in situations when a great many people have lost their lives in one single tragedy (thus connecting all of them) and have been waiting for an event here on earth to set them free. This all sounds rather morbid but actually Judgment is about liberation. The angelic realms are calling. Heaven is ahead and on high and at last the signal has come. The idea of release and relief is close to this card. Depending on your belief system, reincarnation, too.
Hello Jessica,
We’re always so grateful for your gifts – I have exact aspects with aquarius and aries this coming week. I have been asked to join a writing consortium for childrens books in my mother tongue, but have also ventured into writing for the contemporary African and I am struggling with going back to teaching full time or pursuing this writing project as well as others while I’m a stay at home mom ( studying for my law degree)
Also, I have finally been diagnosed with Asherman’s syndrome and will be going in for surgery on the 2nd of March – is this a good sign that Saturn in Aquarius in my 5th will leave us with a little hope for a live birth after so much strife?
I pulled two oracle cards, and I got Chiron and 8th house. Kindly elaborate this for me.
Thank you Gala. You are the second children’s author to turn up in this discussion! The cards have ducked your question about surgery, perhaps because you were not focussed on that, and gone straight to your finances, property, charity and business interests. Is it possible to get away with the so-called outrageous or unthinkable? The Oracle says yes. Chiron at Gemini 6 is quincunx your Ascendant at Scorpio 6 (in the Eighth House). You also have a stellium in the Eighth House. So, you were born for this moment, as Saturn goes to 6 Pisces and triggers the pattern. For more on Chiron, hit Search or have a look in your online library of flipbooks.
Many congratulations Jessica on your wonderful Podcast and for making it to No:1. Very well deserved.
I look forward to listening to your latest forecast.
I drew the Queen of Wands after listening last week. It is strange as the black cat is very significant, for some reason black cats are drawn to me. Over the years I have found they have adopted me and moved in without any prior consent, becoming a much loved part of our household. I feel they are bearers of good luck and protection. My children’s book published in 2014 was all about a lucky three legged cat.
This card gives me a feeling of wellbeing and anything is possible.
Am I correct in my assumption within my chart?
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, helping so many us to understand astrology.
Thank you. I am lucky to be working with a great producer in Australia and a radio expert in London. The Queen of Wands is correct. You are a children’s author, and the Queen of Staves is shown with sunflowers (Leo – the sign rules the Sun) and also lions on her throne. You have your Ascendant and Pluto in Leo. Leo is the Sun sign of J.K. Rowling and was the Sun sign of Enid Blyton and Beatrix Potter. Even Madonna, who wrote children’s books once. You have personalised the reading by spotting the cat. In general terms, you will be reborn with a new audience of children (perhaps through another medium) or with a second project. This makes sense in your astrology chart as Jupiter in Gemini next year will form a stunning sextile to your Leo patterns. Longer-term, so will Uranus, from the year 2026.
Hi Jessica,
So excited for all the many ways you bring this information to us, books, podcasts, blog posts. It’s amazing the energy you have!
I am trying to figure out exactly what constitutes a cycle in astrology. I see there are planetary cycles and sign cycles. I am GUESSING that a planetary cycle is when a planet has gone through all signs from Aries to Pisces and when it returns to Aries another 12 year cycle begins?? In one of my horoscopes you mention March ends the 12 year cycle and I am guessing that is Jupiter since it takes 12 year?
But what does a cycle mean? Like one horoscope said that some Karma I have will be completely gone by March and I think that must mean the nodes since they are Karma?? So some cycles are endings, some are beginnings, and some are repeats?
Finally, what is a sign cycle??
Thank you GV. A planetary cycle is when a planet (like Saturn) enters a new zodiac sign at 0 degrees and spends years there, ending at 29 degrees of that sign. So, Saturn in Pisces, for example. Saturn has his cycle in Pisces for the first time in 28-29 years from March 8th 2023 until February 14th 2026. Jupiter takes 12 years, and so ends his 12 year cycle in Aries (he is there in that sign every 12 years) in March 2023. I am not sure what horoscope you read that talked about karma ending in March. Karma is ruled by the North Node and South Node and they don’t change at all in March. A sign cycle is also confused: the signs don’t cycle. Hope that helps.
Hi Jessica,
I hope you are well. I was listening to your 2nd podcast last night and it felt as if you were speaking to me directly being a Sun Gemini Woman. You will not believe it but I had a massive emotional breakdown when I was home alone late evening and I just felt that I needed to release it. I feel like I have been carrying this burden that is unknown to me and I felt that I don’t know where I stand in my life especially in my career and financial security (I am not much of an open person discussing my personal/married life and haven’t added my hubby’s birth chart even though I know his birth time and details). I have been looking at different options for side-hustles, applying to new jobs (getting rejects all the time), looking for a complete change in career but I just don’t know what it was in the reading that I just had to let it out and I also feel that I am not giving my 100% in my personal life as well. Everytime I feel like this i know i am about to transition to the next phase of my life or already in the process of transitioning.
I feel that I have an imposter syndrome and the need to please every person, every colleague, every human on this planet so that I am not seen as the “bad” person. I just feel I have the need to bring this to you as you predicted many times for me as it is and it always turns out to be true or gives me a reality check that noone else in my life can give me without being judgemental.
I look forward to your reading on what the stars are holding for me and i 100% believe in astrology and I feel that there is something/someone out there telling me something.
Regards, CAS.
Thank you CAS. I am sorry you are feeling so low. I hope astrology can help. You are a Sun Gemini woman, with stelliums in Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Taurus and Aquarius. You would gain from writing a diary and ripping it up. You live in your head and do a lot of head miles – it can help to pour it all down on paper, without censoring or editing, then just tear it up and throw it away. You would also benefit from finding something to do with your body, that allows you to switch off your very busy mind. It may be swimming, walking a dog, meditating or hypnosis. The financial challenges of the last 15 years stop when Pluto leaves your solar Eighth House of joint finance and property (marriage and banking) and even when Pluto returns in June, it is backwards. All the power and control issues go – they literally lose their potency. This is similar in your natal chart. You have a Taurus stellium in your Second House of personal finance, currently under opposition from a South Node in Scorpio transit. That ends in July. That’s the external stuff. The Aquarius stellium is also important. You are here to play your part with a group – a diverse group in which there is people power to be tapped – this also becomes obvious from late March and will show you why you are here. The other matters – who you are, how you feel about yourself – will be really helped by a diary, but you would also be amazed at what you can get with the Tarot. Just follow the steps.
Thank you so much Jessica. I will take your advise and work on myself and look at the tarot. Have a great day 🙂
HI Jessica,
Thank you for your response. I appreciate everything you do. I hope March is filled with only wonderful and positive changes for you.
Ah, thank you Chris. I am really looking forward to March. Just six days to go until Saturn leaves Aquarius.
Great podcast Jessica. Your work and knowledge is fascinating. I just drew the Moon card when I asked how may I serve others as I have been thinking about complete change of career for while as what I do, doesn’t fulfil me and I need more meaning in what I do. I am trying to interpret this card but I am just not sure it’s related to the career. I drew this card as well couple weeks ago when I asked about what the future holds with one specific person.
I also want to say, your predictions from previous comments about how health conscious I probably will be around this time are spot on along with more lifestyle changes early this year.
Thanks so much.
You likely were confused when you drew the Tarot the second time, because your mind was on the first reading about one specific person. So go back to that. The Moon shows you and he/she deciding which path to take. Together, or separate? And if separate, do you come back together later? There is also a third way; an alternative way for the pair of you, which does not involve what is obvious. Call it lateral thinking. You are superficially different but the same underneath it all. There is a financial, property, charity or business issue snapping at your heels and you have until July to make a decision. You two need to stop being distracted by (say) astrology, or just about anything else! Go within to find out what you really want and need and then level with the other person and have The Talk. You can try a new reading about your career. Follow the steps and focus and you should get a clear answer this time.
Thanks so much Jessica for your advise.
Hi Jessica,
I have listened to all your podcasts and am really enjoying them, well done you. Being an avid and dedicated blog follower I know the astrology has shown you that COVID-19 will return ( as you mentioned in your latest podcast) and you have shared this on your blogs with us. Thank you for keeping as aware and informed.
My question is , Does the astrology show us why the majority of people see COVID-19 as a non-issue? I don’t have stats or figures, but I can see by travelling on public transport , shopping etc how few of us are still wearing masks, social distancing etc as opposed to the majority of people who aren’t. I know that COVID-19 is still an issue just recently it was reported in Australia ” A research study has found Australia recorded nearly 20,000 more deaths than expected last year, largely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis by the Actuaries Institute found the number is the highest recorded in Australia since World War II. ( I know you are aware of this as I spotted on your twitter. So, it’s all there to see but it appears the majority are not concerned. Is there something in the astrology that explains this?
Many thanks as always for your time and assistance.
Thank you so much. COVID-19 has gone nowhere – the insurance industry (which cannot cover up the truth) tells us the death rate in Australia in 2022 was up 11% thanks to sole-Covid or with-Covid mortality. As you say, 20,000 people have gone, who should still be here. That report from the actuary/insurance industry also noted Western Australia did better on death statistics when it still controlled tourists and business travellers with border management. Facts. It’s enraging and deeply saddening for those left behind, isn’t it. So, to answer your question Mary, why are Australians not wearing masks in super-spreader places like buses, trains and in supermarkets? Not to mention indoor concerts (Prime Minister Anthony Albanese setting a bad example there in Sydney) and so on. The problem is pretty simple. We have billions born with Sagittarius factors in their charts who want to travel. Sagittarius rules tourists. They want to live and work around the world, ongoing. Sagittarius rules short-term migration. Sagittarius is square Virgo in astrology. Virgo rules public health. There are also billions born with Virgo factors who want to stay live, avoid Long Covid and be spared the guilt of infecting other people. A square in astrology is what cannot be squared. You can’t square an airline, airport or cruise ship company with staying alive – staying well. You can’t square public health with the tourism industry. The failure of politicians and individuals to put the effort into ‘squaring’ it all (N95 masks, number caps, UVC lighting, HEPA filters) is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. If, in fact, they are lucky enough to avoid becoming infected and becoming one of the long-term, Long Covid sufferers. Why so many people with Sagittarius or Virgo factors? Entire generations were born with the same outer planets in Sagittarius (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) but also Virgo (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). The latter generations are older and more likely to die from Covid/with Covid. Younger travellers won’t give up their holidays.
Many thanks Jessica for your response and explanation. It really does blow your mind doesn’t it? I really struggle to see the logic behind this. I have always said the older people dying in Aged care facilities didn’t go out and catch Covid, They were not travelling on planes or cruises. It was brought into their place of residence and many died. It really is so upsetting. Mask up , stay well and possible save someone’s life. All the best , Mary.
It is appalling and a clear trade-off between the tourist industry and older people in care facilities. You are right.
I love your podcast Jessica! It was so spot on for me this week with my Solar return. You articulated exactly how Saturn in Aquarius has felt for me – a lonely journey indeed… thank you for putting it into words. I feel positive about the future, and Saturns move into Pisces, as I feel it’s going to help me solidify my spiritual life and perhaps let go of some outdated beliefs that no longer resonate. Less looking outward towards the ‘teacher’, more inner work that’s soul and spirit guided? Thanks again, I appreciate my membership and all the wonderful perks of being in this community! 🙂
Thank you. I’m glad the podcast prediction for you was spot on. There are many readers/listeners who will be pleased to see the end of the Saturn in Aquarius cycle. Rex E. Bills associated Saturn with ‘aged persons’ and it’s funny how many people going through Saturn in Aquarius found their only new friendly acquaintances were senior citizens. Saturn also rules air-conditioning, which has been a major factor in shrinking the social world of people concerned about Covid. Saturn is also about depression according to Bills and some readers have found their friends going through depression, or found the circumstances in their social life depressing. Anyway – Saturn is now almost out of Aquarius and your natal Eleventh House, so it will be interesting for you to see what changes when that happens – and what else changes when Pluto comes in.
Hi Jessica,
As always, your predictions are spot on.
I read this article on ABC online – “new Covid wave likely in NSW”, The next wave of COVID transmission may be underway in NSW, new data indicates. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-09/new-covid-wave-nsw-march-2023/102073104
Then this morning the Covid numbers reported @ the Guardian state “There were 7,871 new cases in the weekly reporting period, and 18 people are in intensive care. The case numbers are the highest recorded in the state since 20 January.”.
Potentially the start of something here in NSW ?
Thank you. Unfortunately this is what I feared; India is now dealing with a pandemic, but also an epidemic. The pandemic is COVID-19 which never went away, of course. The epidemic is what was known in 1968 as Hong Kong Flu. This particular virus is racing rapidly through India and would have been spread during Holi, the super-spreader national event. So India has two issues and those issues are now Australia’s, because the federal and state government refuse to control tourists and business travel. I had the date in my mind for a long time; it was always going to be the recent Full Moon in Virgo, the sign of public health. Right on cue, India exploded with the old Hong Kong Flu, which killed 1-4 million people between 1968 and 1970. And it’s now a double threat, with Covid too.
Was eagerly awaiting this week’s episode of The Astrology Show Podcast and I listened to it as soon as you tweeted about it. Very interesting and informative as always, thank you Jessica.
Keen to hear your thoughts on how I may be affected, especially from a job search and money perspective please, given I have Descendant at 29° Capricorn, Chiron at 25° Pisces and a stellium in Scorpio in my birth chart, all of which are mentioned in this week’s podcast.
Thank you. Well, your job/jobs in future depend on your need for freedom. From May 2023 until May 2024, Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus in your solar Sixth House of work, lifestyle, wellbeing and daily routine. Jupiter will eventually trine your Descendant in the Tenth House of success. So you could find something now and be promoted or given a far better duty statement after May, or find that May itself delivers the start of one opportunity after another, which would liberate you and help you expand and improve your work ethic. Financially, March 23rd ends a 15-year cycle when power and control hinged on your willpower and self-control. You’ll notice it right away.
Hi Jessica,
I had a bit of good news on March 7th just like you said might happen. I’m on long term supply at a school I love now. They love having me I was told on march 7th. This last year has been so difficult for everything. I’m almost qualified as an English teacher. My question is, can you tell from my chart if this is the start of me staying at that school for a long time if other opportunities open up, or will I move onto somewhere new? I have been trying to be a teacher for so long, it’s been a hard journey. I’m hoping things do start to change after march 24th?
I’m glad the astrology delivered for you Gemma. Congratulations on your success at this school. You are a Sun Sagittarius with Jupiter in Sagittarius and the best is yet to come. You will exceed your ambition to become an English teacher and one day teach English as a second language, perhaps abroad. Certainly, online. You will find out where you stand with this current school from May 2023 with delightful options.
Hi Jessica !!
I am listening to your podcast and wondering with Saturn in Pisces , how this is going to impact my career and home
l am in this new job for last 10 months and doing well but all of sudden last week things turn around , all the work I did to prove myself in new job vanishes and my boss added new responsibilities stating that I am not performing.
I have Saturn and Neptune in Libra
Any insights from you
Thank you. You are a Sun Libra with Vulcano at 28 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career. You have Saturn and Neptune both in your Sixth House of work in your solar chart, and in your natal chart, Pluto going over 28 Capricorn. So your boss is challenging you to lean on your willpower and self-control. This will make you stronger. It stops, final week of March through June, when he changes, you change, or you even leave that role. However the issues about finding your inner strength to master your own reactions (at work) come back after June and it may not be until 2024 that you can finally say ‘this phase of my life is over.’ The fact is, you have been floating and drifting for years, with your daily routine, regular tasks, work ethic and service. It’s been unstructured and random. Now, Saturn is here to stay so you do have to knuckle down.
Thanks Jessica !!
Hi Jessica, I finally got had had chance to listen to both this week and last week’s podcast and just wanted to let you know you were spot on as usual. What I found interesting was when you mentioned the ancestral connections, and those in the spirit world moving to another level. That really hit home and made me smile. March 8 th was a sort of magical day for me. I had the week off from work. I was able to disconnect from it and spend time with my family and partner, just being in and enjoying the moment. March 8 I just felt at peace, and full of gratitude. There are times I feel connected to those who have passed, but that day, and other moments during the week, I felt it more so in a very peaceful way, and couldn’t quite put my finger on why .. perhaps they were indeed moving to another level .. anyway, just thought I would share and say thank you again . All the best, Donna.
Thanks so much Donna, I am glad you are enjoying The Astrology Show Podcast and I really appreciate you passing this on.
Hi Jessica,
Yesterday I listened to your astrology show podcast ( as I do every week since you started). Brilliant and insightful as always. So Thank you. As you suggested near the end to do a tarot reading, as always free on your website. Which I did this morning.
I just wanted to share with you my experience . I focused on a personal issue that I have been concerned about ( around having to be in control/controlling often people/situations ) and now trying to control ( funny )that issue and just allow others to find their own way. I picked the Queen of wands, Unbelievable really as I read “This is a strong, clever woman with Leo in her chart, or going through a Leo transit”. Because I am a sun Leo woman, I have re read this 3 times. It then goes on to say “The idea, concept, plan or qualification is there but it must be planted and nurtured. Then wonders prevail.
Love , love , love how we put our thoughts out into the ether and just like that , we get our answer.
Have a lovely day and thank you for all that you do and I really hope that you know how much you do for so many people and how lucky we are to have found you.
Thank you for tuning in to The Astrology Show Podcast in Australia. I’m really pleased your Tarot card spoke to you so accurately. You are a Sun Leo woman and drew the Queen of Wands, the Leo woman card. That is quite an important plan or project you have to nurture! I appreciate your compliments, it’s a nice way to start Monday. Have a good week.
Good Day Jessica,
I love podcasts and it’s so great to add yours to my list of favourites. I’m loving the content.
And thanks for giving us space on your website to ask questions. I really appreciate it.
Jessica, I have my natal Sun at 29 Aries and Neptune at 29 Libra.
My birthdate is April 19 and that’s the day of an upcoming solar eclipse April 19 2023 @ 29 Aries.
I’ve just drawn a Tarot card asking about the energy that’ll be associated on that eclipse date for me, and I pulled the Ace of Cups.
… a solar eclipse conjunct my natal Sun and opposite my natal Neptune? First and Seventh house respectively. How can that be good? Please advise?
Many thanks!
Thank you very much. Eclipses are always a cover-up so you can’t see and don’t know. The Ace of Cups about this eclipse is interesting. To start with, the eclipse is April 20th 2023, not the 19th, unless you are in a hugely different time zone – and yet, yes, it falls with the Sun and Moon at 29 Aries, on your Sun in the First House of title, reputation and appearance. This opposes Neptune at 29 Libra in the Seventh House, so I suspect what you don’t recognise or perceive then, is really about emotional or sexual relationships, which Libra rules. Here is the long-form reading.
This is one of those cards which makes every heart leap because at first glance it transmits so much joy and energy. It is a terrific Tarot card to see if you have been going through a hard time. It often turns up before a baby is Christened, but it can also appear when there is a relationship phase, a friendship phase, or a brand new involvement which is the gift that goes on giving.
There are many symbols here. The letter W is on the cup. The Christian cross is on the Holy Communion wafer. The dove of peace flies overhead. The Tibetan Buddhist lotus flower floats on the water. As always with Pamela’s cards you should interpret the symbols in a personal way. Perhaps you know a William or a Williams, so the letter W is significant. Maybe the ‘W’ in Pamela’s 1909 illustration stands for WWW today and this card is about a website venture which is emotionally and creatively rewarding.
The Holy Grail is certainly hidden in the cup symbolism so perhaps you are involved with Arthurian mythology or even Monty Python! As I said, this card is rich with symbols which are best interpreted in a highly personal way. The lotus flowers which are dotted on the water may have particular meaning for you if you are involved with Tibet, or Thailand.
The cup itself is about emotional or sometimes sexual fulfilment and this one is overflowing as we’ve seen. There is no end to what pours forth. Your cup runneth over and the cups were associated with water signs in the original Tarot, so this is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
It’s all potential, certainly, and unrealised to date. You have to make this happen, by trusting the Tarot card and believing that the time is right to take what is on offer. It is yours to enjoy and time is of the essence as it’s not certain how long the offer will remain.
The cloud is classic quantum uncertainty and Pamela Colman Smiths’ cards are full of it. Billowing clouds of potential delivery and hypothetical reality. Nothing can happen until this is made real. This is really part of the Tarot experience; there is no point drawing cards in a cynical way, as the trick with quantum reality is to accept, trust and ‘know’ things to be true. When you step into Pamela and Arthur’s world of Tarot, you have to enter completely. There is no point distrusting the experience or being sceptical about what is there. This card is about buying into what and who is on offer.
At the moment, for all that this card is so joyful, it is an unpopped universe. Christenings are often suggested by this card, as I’ve mentioned, or there is a spiritually fulfilling and emotionally rewarding passage in a relationship or family situation which feels as if something has been ‘Christened’ or blessed and brought into being. It’s a lovely image. Refreshing, promising, deep and complex. Reach for what you see.
Something sacred is on offer here but it must be brought down to earth and integrated into your life. The imagery of water suggests the water signs, as well as the cup; Cancer is mother’s milk. Scorpio is the blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids) of a passionate marriage. Pisces is just tears.
The tremendous emotional and spiritual surge of the Ace of Cups is profoundly moving, because it describes something that is so deeply felt between two or more people. This is the stuff of great music or poetry; great art or spiritual experiences. It is also of tremendous religious importance to some Roman Catholics, as this imagery ties in with Sunday Mass.
On a more basic note, a gold cup is a gold cup. This can be the sportsman’s victory, held aloft, no matter if we’re talking The World Cup in football or The Grand Prix. The winner of The Melbourne Cup or any other cup is suggested here, depending on who you are, and what your question is. This is so much more than a win on the board, though. It transcends the metal in the hand, and becomes so much more than it is, spiritually. You might say England’s 1966 World Cup, in Bobby Moore’s hands, with Her Majesty the Queen in attendance, on British soil – against Germany, twenty years or so after the war – had that kind of resonance.
Thank you.
Such a beautiful response. I needed your help with perspective, and yes, I will reach for what I see. My best male friend is named William. I didn’t even twig. For some reason I see an M when I look at the cup, and my heart’s saying it’s about my sister who has serious health struggles right now. Her name also begins with an M. Your reply has led me to meditation with this card, and I’m grateful. Blessings to you Jessica.
Yes, the card can show W or M depending on how you look at it. Thank you for validating Pamela’s Tarot. Keep on looking at the card and more will come. Thank you.
Hello Jessica,
I hope March has mas made your life easier, with Saturn and Pluto leaving.
Your compassion, wisdom and great insights are very helpful.
This is what I wrote to Sirius XM.
I hope they reach out and never let go…
Hello Sirius XM,
I am requesting you to please consider adding Jessica C Adams to the line up of your stars.
Her Astrological predictions are very accurate. She is the personthat predicted
The Covid-19 Pandemic
2)The change in the balance of power between China and a few other nations
The banking chaos
While she has her own blog, podcast and Zoom Meetups,
Sirius XM is the best way to bring her wisdom and compassion to the world.
She can be contacted via Twitter.
Her Twitter handle this situation @jessicacadams, and her website.
Thank you so much Mel, that’s very kind of you. I’m not aware of Sirius XM but will have a look.
Hi Jessica,
Excellent podcast yet again and am really enjoying the focus on the Tarot at the moment. It is really resonating with me and I am am learning so much from you generously sharing your knowledge.
I followed your suggestions and asked, ” How do I be at my brilliant best” ?and received Eight of Cups . For my second question ” What’s my potential here that I am not fulfilling”? and received Nine of Cups.
I am somewhat confused but read into this as having to let go/walk away and by doing this , everything will open up and I can achieve so much. Am I reading this right? Maybe I should have asked the Tarot that? to funny
Enjoy your week and thank you
Okay so we can do the first one. To get the most from the Tarot, you can read Pamela’s Tarot as a Premium Member.
How can you be at your brilliant best? Well –
Just Walk Away, Renee! This card brings to mind a lot of songs. She’s Leaving Home by The Beatles is another one. This is an archetypal experience. Breaking up with a shared household. Breaking up with a social circle. An organised group of people. A family. Perhaps leaving ‘everybody and everything’ behind.
The downcast face of the Full Moon suggests that the lunar cycle has reached peak squeeze. The Sun is always opposite the Moon on a Full Moon and here we have someone who is not exactly leaping for joy on his/her journey, but going because there is nothing left, emotionally. This is a classic case of there being quantity but not quality. There are people all around, but as Cold Chisel’s Jimmy Barnes sang, ‘You’ve got nothing I want, you’ve got nothing I need.’ We might also think of Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s classic, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. A disenchanted man, probably gay, tires of big city life and goes back to the countryside.
When this card turns up, look at the lunar cycles, aspects to the natal Moon and (in particular) eclipse cycles going back months or years, in the same zodiac sign. The Moon is a symbol of mothers, breast milk and fed babies. Here we have someone who is not being fed, emotionally. In fact, he or she is being starved. The cups should be full and fulfilling. They are stacked high but there is nothing there, that we can see. There is certainly nothing there for this departing figure.
The 8 cups here symbolise friends, family, lovers, former lovers and show solid gold people. The issue is the emotional climate, the lunar cycle and the times. When this person returns it may be a New Moon, a sunny day and things may look and feel so much happier. This case of mild to severe depression, anger or even deep rage, could become history, by the next turn of the lunar cycle. And – conditions can change.
Who is not fulfilling promises or potential? Who is an empty vessel? Who is devoid of (insert some quality here)? These cups say it is not just one person, but all of them. Yet, times change and people can fill up again. They can become fulfilling. Cups are water signs in the Tarot. So, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Mother’s milk. The sweat, semen and occasionally the blood of Scorpio sex. The tears of sympathy, sensitivity and compassion that come with Pisces.
For all that they are empty on departure, the cups are solid gold. These are precious people or valuable relationships with enormous worth – and could return so much more, another time. Perhaps. Maybe.
Will there be a return? Sometimes people don’t come back. Some authors feel Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was depicting a famous eclipse of 1909 in this card.
An eclipse is a blind spot. This person cannot see how precious and valuable these eight relationships or friendships are. His/her back is turned. Pamela herself did this, turning her back on British literary, artistic and Bohemian society and leaving for the coast of England and a simple life away from W.B. Yeats and his family. Her visitors’ book in London, once so full, stopped – and she departed for the sea and the countryside, Catholicism and anonymity. Very few people in the village of Bude, where she passed away, knew who she was. So, given that Pamela herself is the creator of this card, we have to say there is a decent chance that you, or someone else, will never go back.
All the cards can be directed like a stage set, however, as Pamela was also a set designer for The Abbey Theatre among others. You are the director. Perhaps you want to change the lighting. Bring other cast members onto the set. Urge the central figure to alter the script. This card has tremendous potential for redemption, final reward and reconciliation. If you want clues about how this could happen, then pull another card.
Many thanks Jessica for taking the time to respond to me in so much detail. When you explain Pamela’s tarot cards everything becomes so much clearer and easier to understand. You reveal another layer for us , it really is quite astonishing and I really do not now how to thank you enough.
It’s a pleasure. Thank you. We are lucky to have the Smith-Waite Tarot cards provided for readers by U.S. Games Systems and the late Stuart R. Kaplan.
Hi Jessica. I have my sun at 6 Cancer, 3Juno and my Asc is 21 Pisces all of which appear to be aspected. Is there anything I should be particularly focused on?
If your birth time is accurate then Jupiter will sextile your Ascendant in Pisces. When people look at you, they automatically think about your spirituality, Tarot, mediumship, religion, hypnosis, self-help or therapy. They immediately associate you with the unseen, invisible, inner world of psyche, soul or spirit. That is boosted nicely as Jupiter goes across 20, 21, 22 Taurus in April 2023.