Psychic Astrology – Australian Election Prediction
Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
Premium Members of jessicaadams.com are invited to see all the important Taurus dates in 2023 and 2024 in this feature on The Taurus Weather and to submit questions. Not every question can be answered, but where possible, the Tarot card you drew at the Astrology and Tarot Meetup event will be explained in detail. As a Premium Member you can also use Pamela’s Tarot, a flipbook in your online library, to interpret your card.
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Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out.
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249 Responses
Hi, looking forward even it is midnight in Finland. Jaana
Would love to know when my husband and I can expect to have completed a house renovation we have been trying desperately to complete for our daughter to move into since June last year. It has seemed like it will never end. We are on the last stretch now (we hope), but fingers crossed there are no more surprises going forward. Would appreciate any insight you can share please Jessica. Many, many thanks for all you do.
Thank you, Alicia will ask me this question at the Zoom event and I will go into your public chart and private chart.
Hi Jessica, I signed up for the zoom meet but haven’t received zoom link yet. Fingers crossed.
I’m interested to know if there’s going to be any changes in my career. I have had couple of interviews lined up but I am not sure if I am mentally ready to make the move. I love my current boss but absolutely hate my job. I would feel guilty leaving her (and benefits !)but I’m slowly losing my mind doing this job too. I don’t know what to do!!! Any insight on upcoming months in regards to my career?
Just check that you have registered and followed the instructions, please. I will follow the steps myself to make sure it’s all working for you. Your career is Capricorn and/or Virgo in your chart; the Tenth House and Sixth House. You are a Sun Taurus with an exact Neptune in Capricorn trine to Ceres in Virgo at 5 degrees. Your luck is in this year as Jupiter (solutions, opportunities, expansion) moves to 5 Taurus for the first time in 12 years, shortly after changing signs in May 2023. Once Jupiter goes to 5 Taurus he will form a Grand Trine with Neptune and Ceres so you will either find your existing role reshaped to your total advantage, or take a new position. You can confirm this with the Tarot on here.
Registered and immediately received email with zoom link to join the event, thank you Jessica!
I’m really looking forward to next Sunday. Last few years have been rather tough financially, and at work. In 2018 my partner and I bought a house together, an older place that needed some love. We’ve been renovating it for 3 years now, but had to stop as my partner’s son moved in with us. I’m really keen to see if our financial situation would improve, and when we can continue with our project. Would be great to see my step-son find a new job, get well both physically and mentally, and hopefully fly the nest once again feeling much better and ready to face the world. And hopefully we could finally complete the works in our home and enjoy watching our kids thriving, as well as being empty-nesters once again.
Thank you. You have a Taurus stellium in the Second House of finance and houses, renovations and home improvements. You will make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024 and that will make all the difference to you.
Jessica I am signed up too and so excited having as it is my Saturday night and I cant wait to see all our astrology community and friends. I am hoping to get a new career this year Jessica. Do you think I can do it. A job that gives me flexibility and pays me well too!
Thank you. You are a little early for the biggest and best work opportunities, but they come from mid-2024 and you’ll be pleased by 2025.
Hi Jessica. I signed up for the Zoom event (my first ever Zoom event) and received my link – thank you. I’ve been waiting months, not always patiently, for March to get here and now that it has, my anxiety level has not diminished especially after reading the Wall Street article for March to June. Could you please see if my chart indicates if I will get through this without losing my investments? Thank you do much for your support.
Thank you. You have 1-19 degree patterns in Taurus and Scorpio in your Second House of personal income and Eighth House of joint finance. You have already seen how unpredictable life can be with Uranus entering Taurus back in 2018 and you have also been stretched by the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, since last year. So actually, you have already been weaving your way through these unstable situations. I am sure that the pandemic announcement of March 2020, and that entire year, was part of it. Yet, you have survived and here you are. It is impossible to comment on investments without charts for the companies and the dates of your decision to invest. You can do this yourself. You can work with your Taurus-Scorpio patterns and see any recurring themes. Something you will notice most, from May 2023, is the global mainstream acceptance of crypto currency. Digital money will go Mum-and-Dad.
Hi Jessica, looking forward to this. I have Saturn in Taurus – which feels…. ooof! Will things feel easier with this. Thank you.
Thank you. Transiting Jupiter in conjunction with natal Saturn in your Second House of charity, shopping, houses, apartments, business, collectors’ items and the rest, is a rare solution not possible in 12 years. The light at the end of the tunnel will appear with the New Moon in May 2023 and if you accept the sweeping answer which appears, will be quite fulfilled by May 2024.
Looking forward to this Zoom event! As a Taurus rising, I am looking forward to Jupiter’s entrance into my first house, but certainly, I am exhausted from all the change and surprises that this eclipse cycle has brought on with Uranus.
Thank you. I look forward to seeing you at The Taurus Weather. You use a different house system to me. Jupiter is not entering your First House. Eclipses have nothing to do with change or surprises. I can explain more about how I use astrology at The Astrology and Tarot Meetup.
I am really enjoying being a member and reading your very informative blogs. I am from Indian heritage and grew up with Vedic astrology charts, so had an interest and comfort from readings in all aspects from a young age. About 12 years ago, I began following western astrology, however Its been a while since I had my chart looked at. My question is regarding career which has hit rejection after rejection, its like being on a horizontal bungy rope I get so far then pulled back to the lack of work. We moved from UK to Munich, Germany in 2017, I have been a primary school teacher since 2000. I worked a short term contract in an international school, 2019-mid 2020 since covid I started tutoring which brings in some money but nowhere near a salary. I am now wondering if I continue with the evening and weekend tutoring and give up my passion of being part of a school community. Thank you.
Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin. I am sorry you are being rejected in your career. You are a primary school teacher. You have an 18 degree Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo T-Square. Highly unusual. Gemini rules online teaching. Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries. Virgo rules workload and wellbeing. You tried to emigrate during the transit of the North Node at 18 Gemini and South Node at 18 Sagittarius, and not only that – Neptune at 18 Pisces. My first question is, do you have to live in Britain? Do you have to work at an international school? Only because I am watching Uranus at 18 Taurus also aspecting this pile-up in your chart, which is very much about a big stretch, and rather a tense challenge, involving Gemini (teaching) and Sagittarius (foreign places and cultures). Uranus is about sudden options to change path and if there is no reason for you to be abroad, or with an international school, and you are open to alternatives in Germany, that may be a good option. If the answer is ‘I must stay’ then you may want to give yourself more roles, far away from a Sagittarius-Gemini-Virgo story. So, nothing to do with teaching, and certainly not bilingually. This would take you away from this T-Square in your chart, make you some money on the side, and give you a break from a tough time. If you have passion for a community there may be other ways to find it, using what else is in your chart. You have Cancer stelliums and Aquarius stelliums. So you are actually here to be a part of your homeland and home town, presumably Munich and Germany, but also very much the person who gives the group valuable input. The former is up to you, but the latter is going to change your life from the final week of March 2023, when Pluto enters Aquarius and your Eleventh House of societies, teams, clubs, associations and you realise how powerful people power can actually be for you.
Hi Jessica,
My question has to do with the sign opposite Taurus: Scorpio.
Your weekly forecast for Scorpio says the following:
“Inheritance, sexual and financial relationships, family property are emphasised by Psyche at 26 Scorpio now, along with the transiting South Node in Scorpio too. Psyche shows who or what goes on forever. A typical example is an inherited home which is preserved forever. Look up what you have at 26 Scorpio to see specifics for yourself.”
My sun is at 26 Scorpio. Given the rest of my chart, what can I expect from the movements of Psyche and Taurus?
Many thanks as always for your continued generosity in answering questions.
Okay so with these transits, you go to anything else at 26 degrees in your birth chart. There are a few factors here at 26, 27 degrees (and we allow one degree’s difference in modern astrology). Psyche at 26 Scorpio in your birth chart is thus about the paperwork involving your husband, wife, children, parents, siblings and other relatives that pulls in the house, apartment, shares, business and so on. Big-ticket items. I do not know if you are/are all directly affected by the drama with the Silicon Valley Bank or Credit Suisse, but that is an example of it. In general, you need to sit back and really look at your finances, assets, debts, valuables and so on, during this transit and if possible, get a second pair of experienced eyes across it too.
Hi Jessica! You and the astrology meet-up are my dates for Saturday night in Blighty, time stamped in my diary, looking forward to it! Jupiter will conjunct transit Uranus and natal Chiron in my chart when he makes his grand visit to Taurus – what do you think that “little” trifecta might be up to? Perhaps a better question is: what does an opposition in astrology generally point towards? Jupiter will oppose a multitude of Scorpio factors as he traverses Taurus as is the current transiting Uranus. I’d rather work with the astrology than against it. Thank you!
Looking forward to seeing you at The Taurus Weather. You have Chiron at 7 Taurus and a huge stellium in Scorpio at 1 through 28 degrees. When it comes to your own money, house, apartment and/or possessions, you see what you can get away with. You push past the known limits. This was most obvious when Uranus moved to 7 Taurus in 2020. Year one of the pandemic. The electrical storm of lightning-fast change came to visit you in May 2020, November and December 2020, February 2021, March 2021 so you should be familiar with Uranus transits by now. They turn the world upside-down and liberate you, so you become independent. Yet, you are also in this historic cycle when Uranus opposes your Scorpio stellium (more challenging) and at the same time you have the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, accenting this Eighth House story in your life. You will know all about your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House from your copy of Modern Astrology 2050. This is the big gap between your values and those of husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, siblings and other relatives. It is over in July 2023, when the nodes change sign, but until then it’s a see-saw. To minimise the issues, minimise the plans and lower the stakes. Even after the nodes have pushed off, you still have Uranus in Taurus through to 28 degrees in opposition to your Scorpio factors in March 2026. So this is a long period of ‘the challenge to change’ and it may be useful to get a professional to look over your legacy, and the legacy which names you, for example. Particularly, marriage and mortgage as well. All these are Scorpio matters and subject to change.
Dear Jessica.
On 16 nov 2028 there are so many transits. I Am still learning but it is so difficult to interpretate.
Pluto 6 square natal saturn 6
Saturn 6 conjunct natal saturn 6
Neptune 6 opposite natal uranus 7
Pluto 6 square natal Jupiter 7
Neptune 6 conjunct natal chiron 5
Chiron 5 oppposite natal Jupiter 4
Chriron 5 conjunct natal saturn 6
( mars 12 oppositie natal north node 11)
.what does this say to you?
Thank you so much again for your time,
Much graditude!
Okay so 2028 starts now, Doenja. You are obviously aware of transits and aspects, but you need to prepare now to minimise ‘what you cannot square’ in November 2028. Natal Saturn is very much involved in Taurus. That rules your money, charity, business, property, shopping or sales, as you know. You were born with that. So understand what it means to have Saturn in Taurus in your Second House and figure out practical ways to live with it. Do that now while you have Jupiter poised to go into Taurus. In this whole pile-up it is your Saturn placement that is most important. You can reduce and minimise issues, ahead of time. That is really the whole point of astrology. If you are signing anything with a November 2028 outcome, get a second pair of eyes on it. On the most basic level check existing paperwork – insurance, mortgages and so on. You can use the Tarot to help you on this website.
Hi, looking forward to this event, though past my bedtime! My South Node is in Taurus at 08 degrees, and my Moon is also in Taurus at 14 degees. I think this is my 6th House. (Scorpio is my North node, and I have a stellium in Scorpio. ) For me, at the moment, I’ve come through a lot. I’m elder stateswoman of my family now. I’m a grandmother, a mother, a sister, an aunt. I think things are expected of me this year. Or from now on. It’s not just about my physical home and my money, it’s about the spiritual family home and gifting, I think. Though honestly since 2008 my life has changed utterly. I feel there’s another battle coming. I hope I’m up to it.
Thank you. I hope we can eventually run these events on time zones that suit everybody. We are trying a New Moon Zoom for the Taurus New Moon following 19th May, for America, Britain and Australia – so let’s see how that goes. Taurus rules your Second House in the system I use, not your Sixth House. 2023 is very much about your money and also rewarding people – giving generously. You have a Scorpio stellium with the nodes in Taurus-Scorpio at 4 through 14 degrees. So your last life was with one or two of these people – children or the father of your children – and it involved finance, primarily. You owe, in this lifetime, or are owed. Uranus with all his shocks has well and truly passed the 4-14 degree pattern in your chart so no more direct upheaval. What you will notice most is the end of karma with the family, on July 18th 2023, as the transiting nodes leave Taurus-Scorpio. Up until now the gaps between your values and life budget, and those of others, have been most obvious. You may be generous but dealing with thrifty types. Or vice-versa. That’s one example. The big stretch ends in July, and there may well be an event that marks the change. A legacy could be involved, insurance, superannuation/pension and so on.
Thank you Jessica!
Ps of course I pulled the six of penticles… and in this case I Am the receiver…problem is, I can not do anything now…my Mother wants the best for me, but her husband not so much, and there is the problem.
Really don’t know what to do..
Hope for the best
Work with the Six of Pentacles using your imagination and inspiration. The card is there to be edited and reimagined, rather like a film or play. It is your card and it chose you – you chose it – and if you go back to it a few times some answers will come, about what you could do, and what might happen next. You are very lucky to have Jupiter in Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, family property and sexual-economic relationships. Jupiter will give you solutions all your life and occasionally you will find yourself enjoying windfalls or sizeable chunks of good fortune. So those pentacles/coins are in that card for a reason.
Ok I will, thank you
Jessica: I am excited about the Saturday event even though I only have Diana
02° taurus – Pisces Taurus 52′ 36″ in my third house. I do have Pisces rising and a stellium in Leo in my sixth house. My life partner died two years ago and I retired the same year. Wondering what the stars have in store for me in the coming year.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy The Taurus Weather this weekend. You are using a different house system so I need to read your chart using the Natural House System. You have a large stellium in Libra, the sign of partnership, in your Seventh House of marriage and also widowhood, and two years ago, this part of your horoscope was under many transits. Oddly, the second time I tried to check your birth chart on this website, it showed up as blank. So I am actually being stopped from saying more. Thus, I will have to stick with what you have in your message. You have Diana at 2 Taurus in your Second House of money, business, charity and property. This is a symbol of fierce independence and autonomy, freedom and no-compromise approach. So Jupiter moving to 2 Taurus in the second half of May 2023 will provide the expansion, hope, growth and opportunity you need to be a free spirit with your money.
Thank you. I am sorry you lost your partner two years ago. I need to use the Natural House System here as you are using something else. You were born with a stellium in Libra in the Seventh House of partners and two years ago, that pattern in your chart at 6 through 22 Libra was under quite a few transits, including an opposition from transiting Chiron. The South Node moves into Libra from July 2023 and so you will experience the next chapter regarding your partner and karmic closure. The South Node will be there until January 2025 and life as it was 18-19 years before will play its part, in terms of partnerships in general. This may be literally about the partner who passed, or another person who reminds you of similar issues. The stellium in Leo will come into this. It is in your Fifth House, which rules the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces, nephews and so on. This will also be aspected by the South Node as it passes through, so there is a sense of a circle closing here; a book of your life being rewritten but also finished, once the Libra node departs again. On a purely financial level, Jupiter at 2 Taurus in conjunction with Diana at 2 Taurus will enable you to take an opportunity, not seen in 12 years, to be quite free – in May 2023.
Hi Jessica,
I have two boys with autism (one of whom went missing in a very public way in 2020.) Their father (my ex) has not provided for them adequately. I am hoping this changes soon. Do my stars indicate a change?
I am so sorry one of your boys went missing. You don’t say if you have found him again. You have a huge Libra and Scorpio stellium, so this is not about the children, so much as the father, the money, the house, the apartment and the rest. You will find closure, slowly but surely, with him. It begins with the end of the South Node in Scorpio in July, and the switch to the South Node in Libra, same month. So 2023, 2024 is about repetitive situations, about the boys’ father, and perhaps his family too (or your own) and the loaded question of money. The nodes are about past lives, old soul debts and credits, what is owed/owing spiritually – and so on. There is nothing else at all passing through Libra and Scorpio except the South Node, so you may want to look that up, along with the signs. This does end. The cycle has to complete, the circle loses, then you move on. And actually, this is not an issue from 2025, no not at all. You have completely different fish to fry! One of your boys is very clever, as you know.
Hi Jessica, Alicia & team, I just registered – sorry for doing it at such short notice!! Cannot wait to all meet again tomorrow online at 6am local time! 😀
I have no excuses for late registration/delayed response, except for five words: “We have a new puppy…”
(Saturn’s face has never been so squishably cute, adorable and full of love/requiring full-time attention & training, in opposing our 6th Virgo house of routine, pets, daily tasks, and discipline – but we would do it all and more for our little French bulldog puppy girl! I am suitably sleep-deprived as Saturn approaches my MC – and soon conjuncts my Mars!!) Xxooxoo
See you then, Pauline, and congratulations on your new pup.
Jessica I inherited a flat in a building where the Body Corporate is chaired by a woman who is very controlling but does very little. The other Trustees are too elderly to do anything or just want a quiet life. I get infuriated by the lack of progress and rules made up to suit the majority of tenants not owners like myself. A younger woman and I are trying to get small changes made but its like coming up against a brick wall – will anything change?
You are now in the double transit of Saturn and Neptune in your public Fourth House of property in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. You have Uranus at 17 Cancer in your private Fourth House, of same, so I am not surprised you are rejecting the Body Corporate. Things will change slowly and from 2026 you will no longer have her/them to deal with, or no longer care. Uranus in the birth chart shows where you push away anything or anybody – only to find it tends to come back – triggering upheaval. Thus, you have to be sensible with Uranus in Cancer in the Fourth House and honour your need to reject, reject, reject – but also keep the stakes low, so that when the inevitable moment of truth comes, the fall-out is less. You have actually had this all your life, so it may be an annoying Body Corporate now, but years ago it may have been the family, or a flatmate, or a landlord and so on. Have a look at the Tarot to see the best way of handling this, but publicly at least, there are restrictions in place with your home that come with the territory, at least for a little while.
Hi Jessica, look forward to tomorrow’s event. Life have been constantly changing since 2020 and now I am seriously considering moving back to my birth country after spending 16 years abroad. Part of it that I am done with my 9-5 job and looking to spend some time with my folks and really go back to my roots. When do you think is the best time to move? Thank you for helping and guiding all of us.
Thank you. I have just put the kettle on and am sitting down with my tea, putting the Taurus weather dates together. You want to move back to your home and your family. That’s a Cancer/Fourth House matter. Cupido at 0 and Minerva at 5 Cancer will receive a terrific sextile from Jupiter (opportunity, solutions, overdue improvement, expansion, growth) once he changes signs in the second half of May. I think May, June will give you the key to a door you can open, if you wish. You only have this cycle every 12 years so it’s pretty rare. The Tarot will give you validation on that timing. My eyes are also on the lunar nodes in Taurus-Scorpio going to 0 degrees in July. That would also fit the timing and your Cupido (love of home) would be exactly triggered.
Hi Jessica
I admire your work and much refer to read your blogs to the news and social media. Wishing you health, happiness and continued success.
As a Virgo with steliums in Leo, Virgo and Pisces, according to your Premium site, I was wondering if you could give me any advice on the future. my job is in public sector education is supporting new arrivals to learn English, which I find very rewarding. However, I am restless and would like to start my own business . I am a single mother with two offspring, one at 27 (Capricorn), who has lost his way in life since being made redundant in 2020 due to Covid. Also a daughter (Pisces) who will be sitting exams soon and has chosen a pathway in music. We rent and I do not have much in savings but I do have debts where I pay minimum each month. No loans, house or car and trying to reduce as much as possible.
Thank you very much. Your Virgo stellium is reflected in your job teaching English to new arrivals. You are hard-working, which is also classically Virgo, as you are a single parent looking after one child with Covid and redundancy (for which I am extremely sorry) and another with exams. You are also ‘doing’ your Leo as Queen Mother and don’t just parent, you lead. Your children will never forget your example and inspiration. Your Leo, Virgo and Pisces stelliums are most obvious with younger people (those you teach may be old enough or young enough to be your own children) and through your household budgeting. What you don’t mention is your spirituality, self-help, psychic ability, religion, Mind, Body, Spirit escapes and so on. This is as much a part of you as the rest and it is important to commit to that and create time and space for it, ongoing. You will be given your second opportunity to save money or make it, by May. I assume you took the first one, which recently appeared. You want to start your own business and could easily do that by May. Long-term your chances are excellent from the middle of 2024, when Jupiter moves into Gemini, and in the most exhilarating and liberating way, from 2026, into the future. Uranus will follow Jupiter with all his growth, hope, expansion and opportunism. Gemini rules your role and goals. Uranus is about independence. So the future looks very bright and you may as well start now. Radical new inventions and technology; innovative discoveries and wow-factor ‘firsts’ will help you on your way, professionally, from 2026. The situation for you as a parent has been very challenging but ends on March 23rd. Pluto retrogrades from June but one chapter in your life is over. It will never have its old power to dominate you and a good thing too.
Hello Jessica
Thank you for this inspiring blog. I have a Stellium in Taurus and trust that it is a breakthrough moment for me.
I would appreciate your feedback if time allows. I am feeling rather excited about this period in my life. It’s a knowing of something finally opening.
Thank you Jessica
Thank you. You have a stellium at 4 through 18 degrees of Taurus, so are here to raise money for charity; invest in collectors’ items, fundraise for good causes; run a business; gain from investing in a house, apartment or land; live your values. Even little girls or teenage girls who say they have no interest in money at all surprise themselves when they are older, by becoming successful in finance, philanthropy or real estate – if they use the cycles of Jupiter. You have one coming up of course, with Jupiter transiting your Taurus factors from 4 to 18 degrees. It begins with a ray of light and a glimmer of hope in May 2023 and is real by 2024 if you take the solutions.
Jessica My apologies if you have already seen this, I posted it on the wrong page.
Looking forward to your talk tonight.PBS US documentary Frontline just did a 2 hour show on the fragile economic system in the US and worldwide and how easily it could collapse in which they mention SVB. If you have the time, could you please advise us on the best time to to sell our home? We are a couple in our 70’s needing to downsize in the next year or two from our net zero energy home due to aging and health issues.It will be harder for my husband to leave since he built it. Your chart showed he is an Aires with a stellium in Taurus: 01 IC, 02Proserpina, 11Aesculopia, 12Venus, and19Minerva. In my Taurus as a Sagg, I have 07 Vesta, 18 Proserpina, 26 Minerva (heard owl hooting last night I read about that in your report). Thank You
Thank you. The owl hooting is a good omen about your Minerva. At 26 Taurus in your Second House of finance and property, she is in close aspect to other factors in your chart. So the fact that your husband also has Minerva in Taurus is really useful. Minerva describes your wisdom, and it is usually feminine wisdom. Not necessarily showy or obvious, but very deep. Just creating a net zero home is proof of that and of course your husband built it. If you want to sell, you always go to Taurus and/or Scorpio in the chart, and look at both the solar and natal chart at the same time. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with three factors each in Taurus and Scorpio, and three in Cancer, which rules property, home, garden and belonging. If there have been any issues with your husband about who controls the finances, those end next week on March 23rd when Pluto leaves Capricorn and your public Second House of finance. If (very likely) you have felt dominated or controlled by ‘that’ or ‘this’ or even ‘them’ financially, then it’s the same. Even when Pluto retrogrades from June, it is never the same and the old days of being pushed and pulled are over. Something or someone has permanently lost its ongoing power. In addition to this, Jupiter with all his solutions and opportunities enters Taurus and your natal Second House of cash flow in May 2023 and stays until May 2024. He will form useful conjunctions with your Taurus factors, including Minerva (his daughter, actually) and sextile your Cancer placements in the Fourth House of property. Even the opposition to your Scorpio factors can only benefit you, despite inner conflicts you might have. So the time is right. It is right, astrologically, for your husband as well. You only get Jupiter in Taurus once every 12 years and that New Moon in Taurus will very quickly show you how much brighter, better and bigger, things look. The rest is up to you.
Jessica – It was a great event! Really good to hear you and Deborah. Alicia as always did a great job orchestrating the event. I am very hopeful about this Jupiter in Taurus transit. I have gone through immense changes in the last couple years. I have left a marriage of 30+ years, moved home, gone from a job to being an entrepreneur to start a technology enabled company. I am hopeful that I will become independent and flourish versus depending on my soon to be ex-husband.
I am a Leo Sun at 27 deg, so Uranus is in my 10th house. I heard you say that this Jupiter Uranus transit would be very helpful if one has planets in Earth and Water signs. In Scorpio I have Moon at 2 & Neptune at 19. In Cancer I have Jupiter at 23 and Mars at 27. In Pisces I have Chiron at 25 and Saturn at 28. In Earth signs I have North Node at 19 Taurus, Pluto at 17 Virgo and Uranus at 18 Virgo. I also have a stellium in Leo. How do you see this transit working out for me? Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia. You are very lucky to be in this cycle and will find 2023 to be full of ‘and exhale’ moments with rewards thrown in. You have made huge changes and that includes a very long marriage, so you will be pleased to see your instincts were correct and more besides. The big stretch with your ex is over in July. The nodes leave Scorpio-Taurus. Your house, apartment, land or garden plans take off with pure luck when Jupiter goes to 23 Taurus and is sextile natal Jupiter, and then Mars. You also have this terrific Jupiter trine to your Virgo factors and of course the conjunction with your own Taurus node. You knew your ex in a past life. You are owed. You will be repaid, spiritually and probably through fated situations with money, business, charity or property – on this cycle, May 2023 to May 2024. Champagne in the bucket.
Hello, Jessica,
I imagine you’re getting slammed with responses to the recently ended Taurus meet up, so if this doesn’t get a response, no worries. I just wanted to mention that it was my first zoom ever and while I don’t know if I’ll ever get to communicating on one, I was thrilled with the experience. I felt Ms. Houlding was right on point in her explanation of my Sun sign, though I’ve always been one with a big imagination. Everything else was true to what she said.
I couldn’t seem to pull a card during the session but after pulled Ace of Pentacles. Yippee!
Thanks for your explanation about Jupiter, also. He’s currently semi sextile with Uranus conjunct natal Fortuna in my chart and I was wondering if it would be positive.
Thank heavens for Pluto exiting Capricorn. It’s been an unreal few years for me. And will my country get through the downfall of Trump without violence in the streets (again)? We’ve been traumatized and divided enough by his egomania.
Thrilled by this experience! Thanks!
I am sitting down with a nice cup of tea, and 41 questions will be spread out through the week, so I can take time to look at your Tarot and your astrology chart, properly. I will pass that on to Deborah. The Ace of Coins is fantastic. You are knowledgeable about your chart so can see what is going on. The Tarot backs you up. You will be given an amazing opportunity to save or make a large sum of money. You have to believe in it, use it, make it real and so on. Yet, this money could see you moving or travelling, or perhaps deciding to turn back and focus on redecorating, renovating or gardening. The semi-sextile to Uranus could see you quids in, or it may be as late as April 2024, but the Tarot backs the astrology. Will America survive nutjobs wearing Taurus the bull fancy-dress outfits? No, but that’s actually part of the plan. That is why YouTube accepted Donald again. This time the Democrats are going for camera evidence in real-time. It is the beginning of the end for him in any case. The decline began in October 2020 when he was infected with Covid-19, as astrology saw (illness and an October Surprise) and it’s downhill from here. It goes further downhill by the very end of this cycle, but that’s his karma. So says the American chart.
Morning Jessica,
I really enjoyed your zoom event on the Taurus weather this morning, I was busily scribbling notes the whole way through…one of my favourite things to do.
I used my own deck of cards for the question about the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction next year and the moon toppled out onto the floor. The yabby/lobster coming out of the water, seems to stand out to me?
My husband is deeply Taurus and has a stellium in Taurus, my north node is in Taurus and I have a stellium in Scorpio. Is this card suggesting emotional, financial upheaval in my life in regards to my future?
Thank you for any information you can give.
Thank you. I am glad you used your deck. The yabby-lobster is Scorpio, actually – the scorpion. So you have a stellium there. You and your husband will have to choose to stay together or be apart some of the time, in terms of two places to live or work (or invest in property) Do you do this as a duo, part company, or choose an unusual path, where you are by yourselves some of the time, and together the rest? There is a great need to be honest and really talk here, and not avoid the issues by throwing to astrology (or whatever) or the property market, or the realities of the banks. Face off and face up, and sort out a path together/alone or together-alone – that is the message of your Tarot, and also your public and private chart. I should have thought this would build to a head by July 2023, but there may be a second decision in November 2023.
Hi Jessica,
I always enjoy your talks and Deborah Houlding was really interesting as she described by husband and son to a tee. Though I have no Taurus factors, it heartens me to know I may be able to piggy-back on hubby! LOL
The Tarot card I pulled out was The Fool. I wonder if my son will be in supported living by then and me being in a state of “Wow! I can do what I like without considering his needs 24/7!” That sounds harsh but am sure many an empty nester would feel something similar.
I wondered about properties/houses seized due to being part of a money laundering outfit. Are they going to be sold off to the public or used in a way that would benefit those affected by the housing and rental crises? Would altruism may be the mainstay off the back of money laundering?
Looking forward to the next events which I have signed up for. Cosmic blessing to you.
The Fool is perhaps, your son, which you may have identified. It may be you. This is about relocating or travelling, without a care in the world. Yet, there should be a care. Either you or he needs to read the internet warnings about the trip or the location. We are in a pandemic, despite all the denial. Fran, your question about money laundering is really about the return of assets to the state, and in this case the UK. I don’t know where you reside. Globally, it is the end of a corrupt, intricate system which bribed and then blackmailed or threatened some of the most powerful men in the world, for a very long time. You can’t beat Pluto though. Or Uranus. It crumbles from next week and the asset seizures will be splendid to see.
Thank you for an amazing zoom event Jessica, highly insightful as always! I realised too as my life currently is strongly affected by the nodes cycle in Taurus-Scorpio. Yes, Uranus’ move to Taurus caused a lot of instability and change, but the nodes going through Taurus and Scorpio brought a lot of instability to my life through my partner and our children. I am Sun Scorpio and Moon Taurus and have stelliums in both signs. During the event I pulled a Five of Wands card as the answer to my question of what the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction next year would mean in my life. Doesn’t look very promising for the return of stability in my life!
However, I’m hoping that Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in April next year will be a special event for me, as it is within 1 degree of my natal Moon. Could you please advise on how I could make the best out of this transit and when to see a possible return of stability and financial security as well as the end to our renovations to our home that had been dragging on for over 3 years now.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your gift and knowledge with us Jessica!
Thank you. The Five of Wands is your own reading for yourself, so very important. This is the Aquarius-Taurus clash I mentioned. It picks up your chart. If you think about The Beatles and how it took differences to create brilliance, and how that brilliance still makes the extended Beatle family a fortune every year – you can see your potential. I have no idea which group will dominate 2023-2024 for you, but the potential is massive if you can all sort things out. Your Moon at 21 Taurus is about ‘needing to be needed’ with fundraising efforts, houses, apartments, gardens, land, buildings. Very good you are, too. Uranus and Jupiter so close to that, suggest that as you end the cycle with the transit at 21, 22 (April 2024) you will be shown a new and different way to save or make money. Seriously so. This may circle back to the group I am talking about. Think laterally, then. If it’s not about this circle of people, it will be about an unrelated issue which requires you to take instant action and set yourself free.
Thank you for packing in so much during the short time during the Taurus Weather Meet Up. The opportunity for Premium members to follow up on your website is most appreciated.
I drew the King of Pentacles. You mentioned the NYSE upheaval you predicted hasn’t even begun. How does it tie in with this weather and how will it manifest? It’s worrisome to think that the worse is yet to come when so much chaos is already ongoing: bank runs, war, costs of living inflation. What it all mean for me. I’m sure many in the collective share the same concern. How can I and the collective prepare and response to fare well/safely through this weather, and with Saturn in Pisces plus Pluto changing houses back and forth no less.
Thank you; it is very kind of you to say. The King of Pentacles (or Coins) is your father, husband, boss or other male financial authority figure. He has all the power and is quite upfront about having money. He is also stuck. Trapped! He may not even be aware of the potential for problems in all he has created, built and failed to manage. It really depends on his chart, which we do not have, but I suspect Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024 could suddenly reveal just how much rot there is, or wastage, underneath it all. So this is really a personal situation for you with a real, live, man at the heart of what is a lesson for the ages. We are going to see exactly what we saw on a previous Uranus in Taurus cycle. More bank failure. Take a deep breath and be prepared to meet change, with change. This is very similar to what happened in New York when the Americans got rid of England and King George III, and began to end slavery and the old cotton-sugar system. If you were sharp, thoughtful, compassionate and alert you gained. If you were stuck in the past you were on the road to nowhere. That Talking Heads song says so much about now and David Byrne is a Sun Taurus. With your chart? You’ll be fine. Just keep moving and stay open to opportunities; particularly new inventions.
Hello Jessica,
Really enjoyed the Taurus Weather zoom event. I drew the Eight of Swords. In 2016 I moved back home to assist my father after my mom died. He joined her ten weeks later and it took five long years to settle their estate. And even though I can finally move on; I feel stuck almost like I’m treading water or being held back. When will this cycle for me end so that I can relocate back from whence I came or should I consider an entirely new city to discover?
Interested in any insight you can provide. Thank you!
Thank you so much. You have become trapped in your own mindset. You are stuck but you are the reason! You might suspect this. You can go back to where you came from, or move to a new city, but it’s a psychological process. It will begin, with help, from May 2023 and by May 2024 you should be free, liberated, wide awake, and either residing somewhere else, or using that as a base from which to explore. A blindfolded woman is surrounded by fallen swords, which create a jail for her. She is also tied up. A castle is in the background – not too far away. She could cry for help but that might take weeks. The damsel in distress is here but the answer is not always a distress call. She would be much better off using her initiative and sensing when she is out of danger – then using the swords to cut the fabric that binds her arms and hands.
This card usually turns up when a woman (sometimes literally with dark hair) is trapped emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Don’t get too fixated on the hair colour or the gender, but in my experience as a hands-on Tarot reader in my twenties and thirties, it is often a wife in a bad marriage, or a career woman in a bad professional situation.
If you look closely at the card you will see the swords are only just lodged in the sand and mud of the receding tide. If she waits long enough the tide will come in and the swords will float away. That could be dangerous, though. If she cannot wriggle free, she risks drowning. So, even though these swords (representing the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune) are wobbling, she can’t afford to hang around.
This is real Action Woman hero stuff. Once her hands are free she can take away her blindfold and see just how close the castle is – and other options, not seen in the landscape of the card. The castle is a symbol of a new house, apartment or work space. Perhaps, just a really good holiday – the kind that transports one. There is quite a distance to walk, climb or journey, but it is not so far that she cannot sense it.
This card encourages you or someone else to use intuition and the sixth sense, because when one cannot see (blindfolded, symbolically) there is only the inner, psychic sense to lean on.
Use who or what hurt you to break free. That is the message of this card. It is a symbol of Mars (action) but also Uranus (the process of liberation). So, transiting Mars or Uranus may be involved, or there may be transits to your natal Mars or Uranus.
It may be seen in the light of the Suffragette movement of 1909 which Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was involved with – or Women’s Liberation in the 1970s when her deck had its rebirth thanks to U.S. Games Systems. This is woman (‘hear me roar’ to quote Helen Reddy) but there is not much roaring going on. There is no point squeaking ‘Help! Help!’ because there is no evidence at all that there is any figure in the castle on the cliffs, or even just out of sight, beyond the margins of the card, to save one.
Instead, this woman must set about the determined task of using who/what hurt her, or threatened her, or encircled her, to break free. If this was an episode of Doctor Who, and we were looking at Sarah Jane Smith trapped by the antics of Daleks or Cybermen, we would be giving her stage directions. Shouting instructions at the television.
If the woman in this card senses she is safe (and she should; we can see no further threats in the picture) it is time to wriggle over to the swords and use them to chafe the ties that bind, until they are broken. The blindfold can then be removed, and the woman will see just how secure she is. Just how non-threatening those swords, thrown a long time ago, actually are. Just how free she is to make her move. To leave the scene. To embark on the journey. To head for that new home or exhilarating holiday.
This card advises planning, strategy, some caution, some persistence, determination and stamina. Yet, there is absolutely no reason why a woman who has been trapped in a miserable situation, psychologically, should not be liberated from all the restrictions and given the gift of clear vision, to make her way onwards and upwards. And far, far away from a mental prison.
Dear Jessica, many thanks for this informative session! I’m so heartened to hear the news about Donald Trump/credit swisse/money laundering and look forward to see how this plays out. Personally, I have a stellium in Taurus and pulled the four of pentacles (wealth and security!) and would love to know how upcoming transits may impact my career as I’ve been after a promotion for some time. We also sold our family home last year and are looking to buy again but aren’t sure whether we should stay in Australia or return overseas. Grateful for your insight!
Thank you. As the Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act of the UK arrived right on time with Uranus in Taurus, we would expect it to be used when Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus, May 2023 to May 2024. The tentacles of the octopus will be well and truly calimari with chips. You will do very, very well from this transit as Jupiter transits your Taurus stellium from May 2023 to May 2024. The Tarot matches your chart. Use the Tarot again for your more personal decisions, but basically the card lines up with the astrology; you will have abundant security. The only caution is not to be too uptight about hogging all the money and not releasing it, spending it, donating it, or investing it! The property market is really important here. Watch it like a hawk.
Thank you, Jessica, for a lively and informative meetup.
I pulled the 9 of Pentacles. I have much to be grateful for and I am constantly searching for my next move, hopefully overseas to Europe, hopefully enticing a daughter or two to study abroad there as I love being near them. I want to make the most of this next phase of my life, but I don’t know if finances will match my dreams. I’m planning potential EU trips in ‘24 and ‘25 to get a feel for moving there. Do you see anything that could help guide me? Thank you!
Thank you. You will make or save a small fortune on this cycle. I am not sure if you will be so keen to relocate or travel; home is where the heart is and you appear to be in your paradise or will find it by 2024 and may be in such a sanctuary or haven you do not want to go elsewhere. It’s safer anyway as the pandemic rolls on, with a second potential pandemic. When in doubt turn to Mother Nature and Mother Earth as this is where you find comfort and abundance – this is irrespective of your daughters, actually. This is the full account of the card, which matches your chart.
This woman is abundant, with a rich vineyard, coins at her fingertips and a lush property in the background. Who or what is the falcon on her hand? This may have personal meaning for you. It can be interpreted as an eagle, the bird of Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with opportunities, growth, optimism, expansion, generosity, blessings and largesse. There may be aspects to natal Jupiter when this card appears or transiting Jupiter may be making aspects, too. You might look to the Second House ruled by Taurus or the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio.
As I’ve mentioned, pace and timing really matter in this situation. Just look again at the slow-moving snail Pamela has popped into the foreground as well. This can be a slow market, or slow-growth investment. The snail tells us so much. It may represent a person or organisation you know. Patience is associated with the snail. Is there sloth or laziness there or just ‘slow and steady wins the race’? There may be snail mail here, or a snail’s pace. The point is, the lucky lady cannot see the snail or is ignoring it, yet God is in the details. This matters.
Everything in this woman’s garden is lovely, but until she stops her reverie and comes back down to earth, nothing will grow. This is a symbol of the urgent need for investment, re-investment and thoughtful expansion and management.
Without immediate care and attention, the grapes are going to wither on the vine. What a waste of a vintage year that could be. Grapes refer to Bacchus, the asteroid, in the astrology chart, too. Bacchus is a symbol of pure pleasure.
Here we have a falcon as well, in his hood, which as mentioned, can be interpreted as the eagle of Jupiter, as this is the bird which sees the big picture. There is a suggestion here that the lucky woman needs to rise above her current good fortune to also see the bigger picture. To expand and explore beyond her own immediate domestic or business bliss. If she were to see her garden from a higher perspective, she might gain a different view of its potential. As the astrologer Patric Walker used to write, “Let distance lend enchantment to the view.” There may be a person or organisation who plays the eagle or falcon, here. A messenger, observer or middle person. An agent or go-between. Perhaps technology is symbolised by the falcon, which could provide the broad scope of research and enquiry required to sweep the worldwide web for possibilities. Yet, much depends on the lady.
This card turns up when someone enquires about the financial potential of a project and is told ‘This is going to make a large amount of money.’ The grapes suggest Bacchus as a horoscope symbol and also Jupiter through the possible eagle in hand – and Bacchus was the son of Jupiter.
This card also reminds us that you have to grow grapes to make wine, but you also have to sell wine to make money – then keep replanting the grapes. This card lends itself to active imagination. Perhaps a gardener or two could be brought in. The snail clearly needs a safe sanctuary among the leaves so there is no risk of being trodden on or swept up. Sometimes, over the years, I have seen chocolate in this card. I did in fact turn it up in a reading for a woman who had made her fortune from the chocolate industry.
You can imagine a financial advisor could also be brought into the card, but there is also a great deal of monetary value placed on freedom, escapism, relaxation, bliss – nothing to do with bean-counting – by this woman. She clearly finds escaping from the number-crunching to be far more important than the calculator and profit margin.
There is also deep joy in her surroundings here, so this is literally ‘everything in the garden is lovely’. It may be a symbol for rainforests or wilderness, preserved from logging and deforestation, and that is quite priceless. Snails are obviously a delicacy in French restaurants, but it really depends on how you interpret the card; the meaning is much more likely to be slowness/delay/timing as an overlooked but important detail of the greater whole. A snail is part of a wider ecosystem and its presence shows the larger health (and thus great value) of a thriving property or farm.
Hi Jessica,
Great meetup tonight!
I have a Taurus stellium starting at 6 degrees, past 2 years have been quite chaotic and unstable financially and romantically, upheaval really! I am contemplating my next moves, looking for more financial freedom perhaps, or change in the usual 9-5 routine, however I pulled 8 of Pentacles tonight and that tells me quite the opposite, rather all hard work is still in the cards going into next year. Am I reading this correctly?
Thank you as always,
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. The Eight of Pentacles is strictly about money, which Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus also are. We’d expect to find your chart with Virgo and/or Taurus factors, perhaps Capricorn too, as this is about solid effort for solid gain, in your chosen field. You have a huge Taurus stellium and a nice Virgo pattern. You are here to work and earn and will gain, gain, gain. There is a house or apartment, holiday home or block of land in the background of the card. Did you see?
This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.
The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.
Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.
The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’
Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.
There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’
Hi Jessica, thank you very much for the Taurus weather meet up. The hour flew by!
I have sun in Cancer and a Taurus stellium and pulled the nine of cups during the zoom session. I’d be grateful for your insights on property/home, work and finance which have been unsettling. Best wishes.
Thank you for coming along. The Nine of Cups is talking about the squares from Taurus to Aquarius (Aquarius rules the group). The group you are part of, or the front person for, could be so great. It could be the gift that goes on giving but you have work to do. This shows up in your public chart (Sun Cancer woman) and in your private chart (you have an Aquarius pattern in your Eleventh House of communities and circles). If you are in the collective then you must approach the main person and ask for more individual consideration. He or she should listen and act, if they are worth their salt. If you are actually the main person, and you feel pretty good (or will do) about the collective having your back – take care. Like anything, this network needs your time, energy and thought. They are not all just faces in the crowd; they are individuals. If you can nurture that, then this Jupiter transit will reward you, as this circle could offer up even more gains and rewards.
Thank you very much for your insight into taurus weather.
With a stellium in taurus and cancer I should be lucky in 2023 and 2024. I really delt with karmic people around me and hope to be freed.
Now I need a new direction, which part of my chart shows me a worthwhile goal to pursue ?
Also I am concerned about stayin in Germany, is the bad karma of germany affecting me personally?
As a country, Germany owes others.
Thank you for making people aware of some deeper lessons of life.
I do meditate on a regular basis since two years and really love to tune into my intuition, but it doesn’t work all the time, so hopefully you can give advice and inspiration.
Thank you. Putin’s war on Ukraine involved Germany and yes, Germany owes others, but this attack on the people of Ukraine has given Germany a chance to pursue closure. I was writing about the astrology of this before Putin ever invaded, so have a quick look on Search. It will take Germany (and in fact, the United States, Switzerland and much of Europe) the whole of this cycle to balance the books. So that’s July 2023. This is the same line-up we saw when the war began – a line-up at 0 Taurus. Your chart reveals you are a Sun Taurus woman with Taurus and Cancer stelliums, so you will be thrilled with the opportunities which come from May 2023 to May 2024, as transiting Jupiter is in a chain of helpful conjunctions with your Taurus factors which rule savings, income, valuables, houses and apartments, shopping, charity, business, shares and so on. You will be thrown one terrific option after another with a new beginning close to the New Moon in Taurus on 19th May. Jupiter will form a sequence of useful sextiles with your Cancer factors so expect to gain amazing new choices with your house, garden, apartment, land, alternative residence, family, household, town, country. If you take everything offered you will be fulfilled at the very latest by May 2024.
Hello Jessica Another great event! I can’t wait to know what the Taurus weather is coming to offer us. I have 0 Saturn in Taurus and my Mars, moon and couple more factos in Scorpio. I’m currently in the process of applying for a masters course and what a nerve ranking period. I’m hoping to get in a good university plus hoping to solve this with family back home and understand where am I standing after all this period of feeling of not knowing what I was exactly doing. Thank you
Thank you so much. Let’s have a look at your potential Master’s degree. This is Sagittarius and Ninth House territory. You have a huge stellium there from 3 through 26 degrees of the sign, so will study and teach, formally or informally, your whole life. This is yet another stage in something which began in childhood when you first began leaning towards subjects that would eventually mature into an adult degree. Even when you are far older, you will still be learning and passing on the knowledge. When Jupiter goes to 0 Taurus and is in a conjunction with your natal Saturn at 0 Taurus you will be able to sort out issues about money, a house or apartment, your life budget and so on. I expect this is the situation with your family and the realities of your finances. So, as this happens for the first time in years, in the second half of May, you will have a terrific solution. Before you even get to this, though, transiting Jupiter in Aries through 26 degrees of the sign, will trine your Sagittarius factors from 30th April through 3rd May so this is a whopping opportunity to go further in academia. Don’t hedge your bets, open your mind to all or any possibilities. A foreign country or nationality will be very much involved.
Thank you for the prem. membership Meetup today, great to see you and receive your insights. The Meetups are a very nice addition to our membership. May I please ask you two things? I pulled the King of Wands card during the Meetup. Your thoughts when you see my chart? I love the little salamander at the bottom of the image. And I wish to move from a rented place I have been in for over 33 years and the renewal is at the end of August. Is this a year to flow with a huge change and move this summer from here or perhaps the next couple of years is better….? Thank you again. And to Alicia for hosting us all and for the terrific review of what a Taurus is from Deborah. Best, Cecelia
Thank you Cecelia, I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. The King of Wands is the man with the plan, notion or brainwave who needs you to help him make it real. You have a Gemini pattern in your Third House of digital concepts, publishing, the media, academia and education and were born to assist men like this, who are hesitant or stuck. Of course you can go further with this role too. Or he may even delegate to you. This is the transit of Jupiter semi-sextile your Gemini factors and very much a warm-up act for the potential brilliant rewards which come later with Jupiter in Gemini, from May 2024 onwards and Uranus in Gemini, from 2026. The house or apartment question is really about Jupiter at 29 Scorpio as it will be through a relative or a partner that you gain, either saving money or making it, or just being rewarded via a special place to live. This will be on the drawing board when Jupiter in transit goes to 29 Taurus right at the end of the cycle in the first half of 2024, and opposes natal Jupiter. Big opportunity or solution then, involving others.
Thank you for the Taurus event today. It was very informative.
I pulled the Ace of Wands card. Does this relate to changing jobs or moving/selling a home this year?
Thank you
Thank you. The Ace of Wands is about a brilliant idea or plan which needs to be grounded. You are strongly Virgo, inhabit your Sixth House of paid work, unpaid work and academia – and will do extremely well with a project if you run with it and put it somewhere sensible where it can grow. So, nothing to do with selling a home, but very possibly changing jobs. It’s about the concept, not the career, though. You’ll know the brainwave when it appears. It could fall over if nothing is done, but with those Jupiter trines to your grounded, common-sense, can-do Virgo side, I believe you will find the right place for this and enjoy watching it thrive.
Hello Jessica – thank you for the event! I’m hoping to find work soon and it’s been a challenge. There’s been job volatility since 2013. I’ve returned to get more education part time to try and help the job search, but I’m afraid I’m out of money. So, I wondered if you had any advice I think I need to either move closer to school in NY and trying to find a job there or move back to California and trying to find work again in my old job in Entertainment and abandon the idea of finishing the degree. I feel like I’m a bit between a rock and a hard place, but I’ve got to make a decision in the next few weeks. If I should move, when might be the best time to do this? We have the eclipse on the 20th, Mercury retro on the 21st, and then the second eclipse on May 5th. Just looking for the auspicious window. Thank you!
Thank you for coming along to The Taurus Weather. I have answered you elsewhere.
Hi Jessica! Great Zoom meetup–I learned so much. I drew the Chariot. It mentioned something about traveling between 2 countries. At least, that’s what leapt out at me. I’m 10 degrees Taurus, stelliums in Aquarius (my mother is an Aquarius. She’s 86 and lives with me and has Alzheimer’s), Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Leo. My father passed on the full moon in September of 2021. (Hello, Saturn return.)
My partner (Aries with Virgo rising) and I have dreamed of living somewhere warm for the winter, and have been actively looking for the best spot. Also, we’re in the planning stages of building a new home/cabin. Wondering which might be more heavily weighted regarding my chart/tarot card pick. We’re also heading to Rome in September, which was mentioned in the card. Oy, too many options.Thank you for any insight you can provide! ~D
Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed The Taurus Weather. Yes, the Chariot is travel, or travel online, between two cities and/or two countries. You are on track as you and your partner already want to relocate or travel. You are going to Rome and Rome was mentioned in the card. We go to Sagittarius in your chart to see what’s going on, and Gemini too. The Ninth House of voyages and Third House of local to-and-fro. You have a Gemini stellium in the Third House and even as a child or teenager were on your bicycle, or on the bus, or walking miles. You will be delighted with Jupiter in Gemini from May 2024, and then Uranus in Gemini from 2026, so think long-term about the local scene and regional escapes. This is about so much more than 2023; you are up for a terrific Jupiter cycle of expansion, good fortune, hope, growth and more, which is why I think The Chariot appeared. It is setting you up for 2024 and life past 2030 actually.
Hello Jessica – thank you for the event! So, I wondered if you had any advice I think I need to either move closer to school in NY and trying to find a job there or move back to California and abandon the idea of finishing the degree. I feel like I’m a bit between a rock and a hard place, but I’ve got to make a decision in the next few weeks. If I should move, when might be the best time to do this? We have the eclipse on the 20th, Mercury retro on the 21st, and then the second eclipse on May 5th. Just looking for the auspicious window. Thank you!
Thank you. So it’s NY or California for you, academia or not. This sounds like a Sagittarius issue in your Ninth House of college and relocation. You have Neptune, the Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a fantastic story in your life, all your life, as you will be a lifelong ‘student’ and also a mentor, tutor, guide or actual lecturer for others, well into old age. You will also be immersed with foreigners and foreign cultures and countries, too – very happily. Your public Leo chart says, continue the degree as you have transiting Jupiter (luck, growth, expansion) in Aries in your solar Ninth House until May. This tallies in your private birth chart. You will have Jupiter at 28 Aries trine natal Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius in weeks. That is rare, historic and a terrific aspect if you want to get your degree. Skip the eclipses, sure, but have a look at those transits. The Tarot can tell you more.
Hi Jessica
What a great event once again thank you. I was in between appointments and stopped and listed to the session in my car this morning as I did not want to miss it!
Deborah’s session on Taurus was amazing and gave me an insight into aspects of my Taurus son’s personality which I had struggled to understand. Please pass on my thanks to Deborah.
Your session really got me thinking about my son’s horoscope and how this period may affect him. He is born on May 4 1985 and married his childhood sweetheart born on 6 May 1985. Both born in the same hospital and christened on the same day in the same church. ( the families did not know each other at that time) He has the moon in Scorpio at 3 degrees and Pluto in Scorpio at 3 degree. North node in Taurus 18 11R and the South Node in Scorpio. Saturn in. Scorpio at 25. They have 3 boys together.
He has recently changed jobs from face to face teaching to a role where he is working with teachers and upskilling them and has found the change difficult. He has realised he loves working with children and is researching starting his own business on teaching children about life budgeting and other practical life skills.
He has had an extremely tough period since the nodes shifted sold a house, bought a house, renovated and changed jobs. So much change for him which has left him at times quite anxious. He is extremely resilient strong and dependable but I often worry about his mental health as Deborah highlighted in her talk.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel for this amazing young father and wonderful son?
I pulled the Knight of Wands during the session.
Thank You
Linda x
Thank you so much. I will pass that onto Deborah Houlding, who will be a guest tutor at The Sun Sign School later this year. The Knight of Wands is your son, Linda, so here he is. There is much potential for him here. This is all about preparation, focus, clarity, vision and direction. Navigation and thought. This man on a mission (who may be you, female or male, but it is probably a man) cannot see properly – look at the eyes and you will see they are a little milky. Yes, he is a man on a mission and God knows there is a lot to admire here, with all the heat and blazing brilliance. Yet, he could fall off. What he is carrying could be dropped, or get lost on the way. His vehicle may not carry him.
For example, a Hollywood film may be the vehicle for a song, but if the songwriter is on drugs and does not know what he is doing, the project could fall sideways. That is extreme but it has happened with this card.
Perhaps contact lenses or glasses need to be found, or this may be a metaphor for someone who is not seeing straight. Look for Neptune by transit or transits to natal Neptune. I have worked in magazine and book publishing long enough to meet a few characters like this, who are impressive, passionate, on their way and all the rest, but on closer inspection you realise they have really confused vision. And crucially, what/who they are ‘riding on’ to take them ‘somewhere’ (they don’t know where) is equally unfocussed. So, this can be a publisher who is also lacking direction, for example, with an author who has not taken the time to have a good long self-talk in the mirror.
This is actually part of the solution. Both what/who this idea is ‘riding on’ and the person in question, need to talk to themselves in the mirror, or write things down honestly in a journal or have a cracking meditation session. Quite honestly, sitting down with the Tarot and a notebook to really analyse the project, concept, qualification, plan or brainwave (and oneself) could save a great deal of time and trouble and even save a film, or a book, or a website, or an invention, or an application.
The big idea, message or campaign is firmly in hand. It must be planted in the right place (the desert sands of Egypt are not useful) or it will wither on the vine, like so many of Pamela Colman Smith’s wands, or staves, or branches showing budding leaves. Phrases like ‘branching out’ and ‘flowering’ and ‘bursting open’ and ‘seeding’ and ‘seed money’ and ‘protecting’ are appropriate with this card. Also, of course, ‘vision.’
The horse is a symbol of Sagittarius and the Knight may be a symbol for Chiron. Sagittarius also suits the idea of exploring foreign lands. Chiron was of course a music teacher and the Knight is holding a baton.
The fire signs Aries and Leo are also hinted at here along with Sagittarius, thanks to the flaming orange and gold colouring. So many of her wands cards about about ‘from little acorns, mighty oaks do grow’ and here we have an acorn which has turned into what might become an oak tree one day, if only it could be planted, nurtured and carefully tended. Acorns and oaks are ruled by Jupiter, another horoscope symbol and of course Sagittarius (the marksman on the horse) is ruled by Jupiter too. There’s a fair bit of Sagittarius/Jupiter about this card. The luck is with this person, as the image is impressive, the energy and drive are there, and the possible success really is hypothetically…possible. Yet it’s all down to approach.
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the person on the mission with it, but it’s not enough to be bold, daring, energetic and charismatic. You have to do the work. You do see this card when Jupiter is around as everything is really big-picture and wow-factor but Jupiter by transit and natally can also be a big fizzer. Big start and small finish is not what this rather magnificent human being deserves. And it may be you.
Thank you so much for your explanation of my Tarot card Jessica! I just had a look at that ephimeris table from your blog article on Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus highlighting the conjunction at 21-22 degrees. I noticed that Pluto will be at 2 degrees Aquarius at the same time, squaring (within 1 degree) my MC/IC axis. That makes it very interesting! Five of wands card now looks as an amazingly clear revelation of things to come! Will be interesting to see how the astrology will manifest in real life in the next 12 months.
Yes, the Aquarius zone of your chart (the group) is well and truly triggered, thus the Five of Wands. You can negotiate with destiny here. This is the band about to split because of musical differences. It reminds of every fractured rock band in history, from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. It is any group, actually, because all groups have to deal with the central problem of who is the leader/the star (look at the shouty person on the left) and who is so wildly different to everybody else that he/she is on the outer (the person in the blue patterned tunic).
If you read the history of The Beatles you find creativity and brilliance born from individual eccentricity and difference. The fifth Beatle was Sir George Martin. At other times the fifth Beatle was Yoko Ono or a passing presence like Magic Alex. It is only when the four/the five found common ground that they were able to raise an album. The albums reflect what was going on at the time: productive tension.
You Never Give Me Your Money, Nowhere Man, The Two of Us, all tell the story of The Fab Four, but within a group of four, plus one, you can get pairs and solo acts. It’s all rather hard to manage.
This is why bands have managers and it is amazing how often this card comes up with musicians and their tour manager, or business manager. Or, in Spinal Tap style, you may find yourself with the odd ‘creative’ girlfriend or dodgy A&R man to deal with. There is something funny about this card. Perhaps Pamela Colman Smith saw the humour in the frankly bonkers behaviour of some members of The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society she belonged to with Arthur E. Waite, her co-creator in the Smith Waite Tarot.
We also have someone rather angry or overheated in red, in the centre. There is real potential for a split here. This is Mars the red planet if you are looking to the astrological chart, and of course the group itself is the Eleventh House, ruled by Aquarius. Some or all of this may show up in the transits, so at least you can tell when the end point is, and what the potential for resolution is. The sensible answer, as mentioned, is for two pairs to form, who co-operate, then the pairs to unite, and an accommodation of sorts, for the fifth person. A great deal comes down to communication of the tactful but truthful sort. Someone here looks like he/she wants to be loudest, upfront and central. Is that really the case, though?
The ideas, theories, concepts or plans are all similar. That’s the giddy joke of this card. The actual notions or brainwaves are virtually the same. The rods/wands/staves look so much alike. Everyone wants to be a musician. Everyone wants to be a politician. Everyone wants to make a film. The individual personalities are really different, but what they are talking about, or putting on paper, or online, is very samey and so the potential is there for unity.
Nothing can be built until people set their differences aside, along with their narcissism or anger, and co-operate. One person here has a spotted or polka-dotted costume. A leopard never changes its spots, or does it?
Together these people will raise a barn or make a great album. Like this, they are a shambles and those ideas are not going to last long. They need to be planted. The potential is vast here but the problems are real. Without a secure place for what is on paper, or online, nothing will ever grow and the whole thing will fall over sideways. This is The Troggs in the studio on a famous bootleg tape, or the state of Australian politics for quite a few years, with leadership spills disrupting both the main parties. Look to Mercury in the chart too, as Mercury rules communication. Listening skills. Hearing as well as talking, or shouting. Negotiation!
Oh and I drew The Lovers Tarot….
The South Node in Libra goes into your Seventh House of engagement, reconciliation and marriage from July 2023 and by 2024 you and a certain someone will have seen karma from 19 years ago play out. If you are already married or in a partnership, you two will hit a major crossroads decision. Life-changing, actually.
Thank you for the met-up! I’m hoping for some big changes in the coming years. I’m planning to apply for a new position sometime during next year, and my family and I also want to move. I wonder if we will be able to relocate, and if there are any good aspects for my career in the coming years? My husband is a sun Cancer (22 degrees) with Jupiter in 19 degrees Cancer (15 july 1978). My tarotcard was two of wands. Thank you!
The Two of Wands is very useful if you have projects, plans or qualifications to pursue or expand upon. You have a Gemini stellium in your Third House of travel, exported brainwaves and ‘the big idea’ and you are heading for a terrific cycle here, as Jupiter and then Uranus go into Gemini, following each other up ahead. Yet, it does take preparation and rehearsal, plus a bit of research. With luck though this could be the start of something. Here we have Mercury the messenger without a leg to stand on. The first thing to say about this card is that it’s not enough to have budding brainwaves or concepts with potential, or qualifications to show. You need to come back down to earth, ground yourself, centre and settle down before you can begin the quest. Where is the second leg here? Exactly. It’s missing.
This is a clear symbol of Mercury Retrograde, perhaps, or Retroshadow. Maybe it is just Mercury blocked by other planets. This is not inevitably the case with this card but it is very common. We also find Mercury under transit in your natal chart as he is the planet of ideas, messages, the worldwide web, export, relocation, travel, brainwaves and so on.
The time has come to take a big idea or qualification across the world. What is remarkable is the total lack of awareness of the second option, which is ignored. It’s all about ‘the one’ idea and not both together, or even both separately. This, together with the missing leg, brings a couple of useful reminders. One is to ground oneself and the project or plan. The other is to wake up and see that this is a duet or double-act. A pair. One is not more important than the other. This could also be two versions or two drafts of the same idea.
This is a big leap forward if it comes off. The roses on the left suggest the four compass points, and East and West are red, North and South are white. The 1-2 concepts could be planted much closer to home, if research and homework reveal other regions or countries are unsuitable. There is only one way to find out. The time has come to check and check again. To ask. To read widely and really size up one’s chances.
Just look at the lush pasture in the foreground! Does this really have to travel all the way across the planet? It’s time to think locally, as well as globally. But not too long. Things wither and die unless they are planted on fertile ground, nurtured and nourished. This will not last forever without a great deal of rapid work and practical hands-on knowledge-gathering.
A useful thing to do now is a yoga pose that centres your base chakra on the floor, or the ground. Walking barefoot on the grass can also ground you. So can any meditation which balances your base chakra. This card can show someone who is living from his/her throat, third eye and crown chakra (in the head) with no connection to the lower chakras, which pull us back down to mother earth. So, along with the research about location, location, location – you also need to make sure you have that other leg to stand on. This also means backing, support, credentials, qualifications, back-up. You ‘need to have a leg to stand on’ if you are going to convince and persuade others to support you. Otherwise all you really have is the idea. This is rather like angel investors wanting to know – who are you – as well as – what is the big idea?
Hello Jessica,
Thank you for the event earlier today. It’s always good to see you and share this special time with the whole community.
I’m looking forward to Taurus weather.I have a Uranus at 12 Scorpio and DC 21 Taurus. I feel that some change are coming and very welcome :))) 2 weeks ago my boss told me that the company has been able to save money from the SVB right before the crash and last week he told me about First Republic Bank, another of their bank crashing right now…(Thank you for your article about SVB)
During the Zoom,I draw a card for the beautiful Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and I got Ace of Pentacles. Do you have any advice for me?
Thank so much 🙂
Ah, thank you. Billie, you could make or save a fortune. This is reflected in your chart, but also in the Tarot. This is the Ace of Coins.
A huge amount of money is on offer if you bring it down to earth and make it real. This is money saved or money made. Much depends on the question, but if this card is a general snapshot of the present, you are potentially in line for a bonus; an inheritance; a pay rise; an advance; a commission; a generous bank loan.
This card just came up yesterday when a friend of mine generously waved her usual fee for a charity project – she will potentially save us several thousand dollars. It can translate into ‘money saved’ as well as gained. As with so many of Pamela’s cards, this is a cloud of possibility. It exists, but only if you make it real. Money presents all sorts of mixed feelings, despite what you might think. Perhaps it should be obvious that a lot of money is a good thing; a welcome thing. This is surprisingly not the case for many people, and the way that you talk about money is revealing. Do you see reaching for savings or profits as grasping or grabbing, for example? Do you associate greed with money?
This point of view or mindset is important. Developing a healthy relationship with abundance is the start. It is quite true that some corporations and individuals give a lot of money a bad name. However, if you think about responsible business, ethical investment, generous philanthropy and so on, you can remove any mental obstacles to trusting and accepting what is possible. If you go back into your family’s experiences with money, wealth, poverty, business, recessions and depressions, boom and bust (right through the family history on your mother’s side or father’s side) you can often uncover where family attitudes towards finance come from. This card alone can prompt you to do that.
This card is usually about a bonus, tax refund, legacy, pay rise or profit as I’ve mentioned. It can be used to improve the garden, perhaps build a shed or conservatory, or fund a trip away to the mountains. It can be nice to daydream, but then to actually set goals. If you have asked about the outcome of a particular professional plan, this card gives it to you straight. It could potentially deliver a great deal to you, financially.
The trick is believing in it, knowing you deserve it, and doing the work to make it happen. Until then it remains a tantalising unpopped quantum possibility. You have ended up in a universe where you could gain, and not just a little, but a lot. This universe is as real as any of them and the next step is pulling down the lump sum to save or make, from the cloud of hypothetical reward. Yet – why shouldn’t you do that? Why couldn’t you do that? Money is, after all, the road to freedom. In this card it makes all things possible, no matter if you want to explore ahead, or stay put and use it at home.
Thank you Jessica for a really insightful meet-up. I’m now going to rush off and Google Boudica’s Event Horizon. I’ve also researched Pamela Coleman Smith based on your insights, and feel a great deal of affinity with her. Why do some of our heroines from the past always end up broke? Determined not to keep that money story going!
I have
Saturn at 8 Taurus
DESC at 5 Taurus
OPS at 6 Taurus.
As you said, it has been such a stretch financially these past few years, but reaching new lows these past few months particularly. I left a relationship last year and I’ve never been so stretched as in the past 3 months. I’m now being productive and working on digital content to create passive income to change my whole way of working. I’m hoping/planning on that creating a ‘life budget’ that works for me over the next year or two. I also want to move – (I’ve moved 6 times in 12 years) and am looking for a forever place, but it has always been out of reach for me so far. I have an idea/download about moving to Greece – and settling there. So much has felt like a struggle and uncertain and up in the air since 2019 at least and as far back as 2011. Does the astrological weather point to a favourable outcome for a new home and work/income – now that I’m clearer on what I want and working hard to get there? Thank you sincerely for all the time you put into preparing meet ups and answering everyone’s questions. Have a lovely day x
Thank you so much. Boudicca’s Event Horizon shows us how powerful women are when Pluto is in Aquarius. Not just female leadership, but total transformation in a push back against patriarchy. All those London car parks they dig up tell us about Boudicca’s power. You were born with Saturn in Taurus and Ops, his wife, also in Taurus, so have a classic ‘challenge-solution’ cycle your whole life with money, houses, apartments, the bank and so on. I am sure you know it. Saturn and Ops were married in myth and Ops is associated with the late PM Thatcher, actually. So there is a little bit of Iron Maiden about you when it comes to the nuts and bolts of a roof over your head, or money in the bank. You are now leaning hard on Ops to get you through a tough time. I strongly recommend you give yourself a Tarot reading about Greece and if you are not already in a relationship with the Tarot to become accustomed to using it and trusting it. Moving is such a personal question! You will find plenty of financial solutions when Jupiter goes to 6 and then 8 Taurus – in the same month – June 2023.
Hi Jessica, thanks for the meetup last night! It was so interesting and I could really resonate with a lot of what Deborah stated about Taureans and how they are.
I am looking forward to the New Moon Meet up and hoping to get tickets to the other events as well.
I pulled the Seven of Pentacles last night – I was recently advised at work of a pay increase and bonus – is this what that relates to or is it something else coming to me? I’ve been really thinking about making savings and even have gone as far as getting a separate account to save on – something I’ve never followed through on.
You also mentioned previously a group will change my life this month and that I will have ideas that possibly will take me global – I had it in my head I was physically going somewhere but I have ideas for social media which could also take me global but regardless all I know is that as I approach my 30th year on the 12th of May, I am looking forward with positivity and gratitude and I feel this shift internally is coming back to me externally and I think a massive part of this has been from since I discovered you and your blog as it makes sense and helps rationalise my thoughts and see the positives in the hardest things.
I recommend you on a daily basis at work and with friends as I think they are genuinely missing out from not knowing about astrology or your blog!
Thanks for being you and sharing your thoughts with us,
Thank you Antonia. We look forward to seeing you at The New Moon Zoom in May. Thanks very much for recommending my work to your colleagues and friends too. This is the Seven of Pentacles. It lines up with your chart too. This is a Taurus and Second House card, because of the waiting game. Taurus the bull moves slowly – his field is in the background. It’s about what you plant, what you nurture and cultivate, that turns into financial reward. The potential here is vast but it’s really about being clever, aware and careful. Thinking long-term. This card is a challenge to anyone who is financially or business-minded but it also raises questions about ‘Now or later?’ as a little can be accessed immediately, or perhaps the whole lot – but at what cost to the glittering hypothetical wealth of ‘later’?
This is about money growing on trees – if you do the work. Nothing in Pamela Colman Smith’s work is accidental or randomly placed. The gardening tools are just that: tools in a kit, for productive hard work. You reap what you sow. You rake in profits, with a rake. You dig for victory (Pamela’s cards carried many Tarot readers through the last war) and you dig for buried treasure, too.
So, this is not easy money, but it is certainly money. Yet there is also a detail at the base of the card worth paying attention to. The coin or pentacle, not seen. There is something valuable right at this person’s feet, but he is so dazed from hard work, or daydreaming so much about future wealth, he is missing the point. He cannot see the wood, for the trees.
There is Neptune in this card too, perhaps, as Neptune rules blindness and distorted vision. Eclipses also rule blind spots or things hidden in plain sight. The person here cannot see the money at his feet and so he is missing the point and missing profits. He is too busy daydreaming about what might grow for him as we’ve seen, or perhaps he has perspiration in his eyes, after a sweaty day of dedicated gardening. There is a useful message in this card to look twice, three times and look again – until you or someone else realises what potential abundance or value is being missed.
Should this character just take the lot? Take the money and run? Common sense says, if the conditions are right (the climate) it is far better to put some work in here, reap the rewards and reinvest.
It is harvest time, and time to put back into the company, for example – not time to grab and go, or even less productively, fantasise. Doing, not dreaming, is really required here. Cultivating assets is tiring, and farmers do it tough, but you cannot lean on your spade forever and escape from the real world. Sooner or later, if you want to protect your assets or do a lot, with a little, you have to get back to hard work. This raises another question about the value of financial reward versus the cost of effort and labour. What is the point of making money if you spend all your time making it, and none enjoying it?
This is a card which reminds us that money does not grow on trees, but it does grow over a long period of time. So much depends on that alchemy between the right economic or business climate; the right professional setting – and the effort applied.
This card can appear when someone has worked hard and is waiting for the projects or tasks to pay off. It is very important that the coin underfoot is recognised and put to good use, as I’ve mentioned.
I have seen this turn up when people have forgotten, or do not realise, that a bestselling book could be repurposed as an audiobook and made to make more money. It has also turned up, oddly enough, when a client has been asking about how to lose weight. As only vegetables, nuts and fruit grow on bushes, the answer was to lose meat, fish and dairy! (The jury was out on sugar, which is also a plant).
You can personalise this card to suit yourself, just as much as Pamela Colman Smith’s other cards, lend themselves to highly individual interpretation. Analogies involving farmers (‘Selling the farm’) and gardening (‘I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden’) and fruit (‘The fruits of labour’) are all useful with this Tarot illustration. You can also add people, props and other elements to this stage set using the technique of active imagination.
Loved the event Jessica, thank you to all involved. I’m pretty excited about Jupiter in Taurus (I have a Taurus moon) but also for the favourable impact on Cancer placements that you touched on (I have a stellium).
I’ve had rather a tumultuous time over the last year (my father passed, I moved in with my mum, doing a temporary job with a charity) but I’m moving up to Scotland in six weeks where I hope, in time, I’ll gain some stability with job & home life. Hopefully the Taurus weather supports this?
Thank you. You have the South Node at 26 Cancer in your Fourth House of family and home. I am so sorry you lost your father. You have of course just come out of the Pluto in Capricorn opposition to your South Node, from 26 Capricorn, which can only happen every 248 years and changes everything. You will find everything turns around in your favour when Jupiter with all his solutions goes to 26 Taurus, sextile your South Node, in May 2024. Things look up before then, however, as the moment Jupiter goes into your Second House of life budgets and personal income, things cheer up – you will notice a real bump from May 17th and do use the New Moon on May 19th to set a home and salary goal and pursue it.
Thanks Jessica for a great meet up. Friends of mine have attended Deborah’s courses over the years and it’s great that she is doing the Meetup webinars and everyone can see how great she is. I have moon 22 Taurus and drew the world card. I love my job of the past 10 years but there have been challenges and a Leo Co – worker is making me think it’s time for me to change ,I feel like the universe is trying to teach me something as the scenarios keep repeating . The job has a great salary and very secure so change is daunting. Any advice would be great, thank you.
Thank you. I am glad you agree about Deborah’s astrology and I’m happy to pass on that she will be a guest tutor at The Sun Sign School in 2023. The World is your Ninth House and Sagittarius. You have a stellium there and that unusually large cluster will be nicely aspected during this long transit of Jupiter in Taurus, from May 2023 to May 2024. This is the card you drew:
This card is really about too much choice, and it’s international in nature. Just as much as the central character (probably yourself) must select from countries, this card is about choosing nationalities.
World travel in Pamela and Arthur’s day was not on budget airlines. Embarking on a round-world trip was overwhelming which may explain why the woman (centre) does not know which way to turn. As you might imagine, it is a time for concentration and focus, which can help a smart decision. Pamela and Arthur were both migrants and later on in her life, Pamela in particular became tied to London as much as New York, so even though this card was created in 1909 it has a very modern feel, as the world emerges from an age of globalisation.
This is a card about the worldwide web, world travel and ‘the big wide world.’ Thus we can interpret the symbols in geographical terms.
The lion stands for Great Britain. The bull for Spain. The eagle for the United States of America. Who is the flaxen-haired person in the top left-hand corner? A symbol of Australia and Asia together? This face has an Australian’s sun and sea bleached blonde hair, but oriental features. Perhaps we are looking at Oceania.
Pamela’s characteristic clouds surround the four corners of the earth. They are a symbol of cloud-based quantum computing which teaches us about quantum information. Everything is a possibility! Science has proven that quantum uncertainty is our reality. There is no single objective reality. Everything is a cloud of potential until we make it so. This is true of all Pamela’s ‘choice’ cards and you are being shown a world, where all worlds are possible and actually unfolding right now – in another country.
This card relates to Jupiter (the eagle), Leo (the lion), Taurus (the bull) and the Ninth House (travel and foreign people and places). You would certainly be looking at transits to Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House, or transits from Sagittarius factors.
The world is an incredible card which never fails to impress in readings as it can be so literal. I have seen it turn up for clients who almost fall off their chair, because they have only just bought tickets to Barcelona or London. You see it when people are confused about emigrating, or uncertain about an import/export program. The trick is always to bring the attention back into the self, away from the distraction of who or what is in another country.
It’s a fantastic card to see if you want to expand, explore and emigrate. To take a gap year. To go deeply into a new relationship with somebody from a foreign or unfamiliar culture.
What does this card say to you? It can sometimes raise the issue of sexuality and female seduction. This may be Lady Ga Ga or Madonna, wooing the entire world, and having fun doing it. Pamela only put a very few naked people into her cards, but this is one of them. The image was very likely copied from one of the saucy postcards of 1909, showing actresses in various states of undress, covered only with wispy scarves to cover their modesty.
The person at the centre of the card is you, or someone you know. The primary relationship has to be with the self, and not with The World, in the first instance. Unless you know yourself, and have sorted yourself out (stop dancing and start thinking) nothing can really shift, here. Everything remains an untapped possibility and none of the four corners of the world can be explored. There has to be a commitment, because you cannot be in four places at once. Nor is it necessarily possible to travel to four places at once. Choice means rejecting some outcomes, but you cannot really reject what you do not know (or whom you do not know).
This card is about settling down, taking a deep breath, doing some research, but also very much about that old maxim ‘Know Thyself’. There is no point in just grabbing at the first face, space or place overseas that beckons. It’s time for self-knowledge and clear intention. That way, the choice is made with full awareness of the repercussions. It is useful to look at the faces of the bull, lion, eagle and ‘angel’ figure too. What can you read into each expression? Your psychic ability should give you some inside information here about the United Kingdom, or Spain (or perhaps Europe, or the European Union).
Hello Jessica, thank you for the meeting this morning. Loved it.
The tarot card I pulled out was the Queen of Swords, I sat here blown away reading the Queen’s description; it sounded like the story of my life over the past twenty years!
May I please have your input? I’m considering putting an offer on a property, is now the time and the right property, or should I let this go in case another block comes same area or elsewhere at a better time considering the Taurus weather?
Many thanks:))
Thank you, I’m glad you loved The Taurus Weather. The Queen of Swords is you – and you agree. You want to offer on a property? If you could go any time, the astrology would say, wait for Jupiter with all his opportunities to go into Taurus, so from May 17th. You have Mars at 29 Taurus so it will Jupiter a long time to reach 29 Taurus and a conjunction in May 2024; you may not want to wait that long. Ask the Tarot about property timing for yourself. You may want to avoid Mercury Retrograde, which from shadow to shadow, is April 7th to June 1st. Again, your own Tarot will tell you. This is the card you drew:
Is this you, or someone else? If it is yourself you will have instant recognition; you are clearly a tough cookie, or currently forced to be on guard, keeping people or situations at bay. This is a formidable woman who is immediately recognisable in history as well as modern politics. Strong boundaries. An intimidating presence. The colouring is red/orange so here we have someone who has the zodiac fire signs – Aries, Leo and/or Sagittarius – emphasised in her horoscope.
What is really interesting about the Queen of Swords is that she is also spiritual. Are those rosary beads on her wrist, or a traditional Tibetan Buddhist bracelet? And how can you be tough but spiritual or religious at the same time? This is the interesting conundrum about this particular queen. She is open, inviting the world in, but also defensive, keeping people at arm’s length.
As mentioned earlier, the butterflies of Psyche, the Roman goddess of immortality, are hidden on the Queen’s throne and in her crown. This asteroid (Psyche) in your astrological chart is a symbol of what or who lasts forever, despite tests and trials. In mythology, Psyche was put to tests and trials by Venus, her jealous mother-in-law. Psyche passed them all and was rewarded with immortality by the Gods.
If we take Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II as archetypes for the Queen of Swords, we can see some of this enduring power. Good Queen Bess goes on in art, in history, in literature, in film, in television. Like her modern namesake, she was a religious woman. The current Queen will go on forever, if only because her features are on the currency of Commonwealth nations – not to mention the legacy she will leave.
This, then, is no ordinary woman. No matter what happens to her, the beat goes on. She is also a survivor. Psyche put up with all kinds of torments from Venus, who resented her great beauty. You get the impression that the Queen of Swords has made it through various conflicts or battles, feuds or spats. No wonder she is so determined to maintain her defences, with her mighty sword. She has been tested. Now, she puts others to the test. She decides who comes into her space.
The baby’s face hidden in the stonework reminds us of the zodiac sign Leo (the Queen to a younger court) and the Fifth House of pregnancy, babies and childhood. She may have transits in Leo; horoscope factors in Leo; cycles which were/are important in the Fifth House. A great deal of who this woman is, rests on the babies and infants from her past – or the pregnancies. Perhaps, the godchildren or stepchildren, the small nieces or nephews – as well as her own son or daughter. We can also see the ghost of lost pregnancies hidden in the throne. It really depends on who this person is, or who you are, but it all forms the foundation this woman rests on, even if she is entirely unconscious of it.
The sword is pure Mars. This is a posture of defence. You can approach Her Majesty but only so far. She will smite you if she wants to. She will put the sword down, but only if she wishes. There is a strong message here about turf and territory.
On the left, the family tree is blowing sideways – the winds of change. This has happened and is still affecting her, or is taking place now. Relatives may be displaced, for example, or there could be separations, departures, arrivals within the clan. Differences or difficult episodes, showing some kind of turmoil. It’s very much in the background but it adds to the picture and expands the information about this woman. Again, we are reminded of both Queen Elizabeth I and her sister Mary, and the current monarch and her family dramas.
Our Queen of Swords wears either a Roman Catholic rosary, a Tibetan Buddhist piece of jewellery – or perhaps a red string bracelet, which is a sacred Hindu piece of jewellery which wards off evil. The idea of being protected, is strong with this card. Here is a woman who cares deeply about feeling safe and being safe, too, on the spiritual plane as well as the earthly one. So, with this card, you really have to look at her tactics, tools and strategy.
Pamela’s quantum clouds are on her robes and in the sky and a single bird flies over her head. The clouds may also be smoke, a symbol for the planet Neptune. This card, thus, lends itself to stage direction, conscious creation and deliberate choice. All Pamela’s cards are examples of quantum uncertainty and the reality of parallel universes.
The Queen of Swords can be adjusted. Her props can change. Others can come into the card. Her furniture can be altered. Everything about this picture suggests there are many, many ways to feel protected and be defended. Perhaps that big, heavy sword is a burden and there are other possibilities? And who or what is unseen, beyond the margins or the card, to confront this woman so much, that her entire being is devoted to filtering who can come in, and who must stay away?
Hi there, Thank you for the Zoom meeting. You and your guests have such a lovely energy and I felt it, even ‘virtually’. I have the following in Taurus: Mercury 29°, Saturn 17° and Psyche 12°. I’m a sun Gemini with stelliums in Cancer (7), Aries, Libra, Leo and Capricorn. North Node Pisces, South Node Virgo. My father is Taurus. I drew the Knight of Wands.
Thank you. The Knight of Wands will have a chart which aspects your Gemini Sun in the Third House of concepts, ideas and brainwaves. This is him.
This is all about preparation, focus, clarity, vision and direction. Navigation and thought. This man on a mission (who may be you, female or male, but it is probably a man) cannot see properly – look at the eyes and you will see they are a little milky. Yes, he is a man on a mission and God knows there is a lot to admire here, with all the heat and blazing brilliance. Yet, he could fall off. What he is carrying could be dropped, or get lost on the way. His vehicle may not carry him.
For example, a Hollywood film may be the vehicle for a song, but if the songwriter is on drugs and does not know what he is doing, the project could fall sideways. That is extreme but it has happened with this card.
Perhaps contact lenses or glasses need to be found, or this may be a metaphor for someone who is not seeing straight. Look for Neptune by transit or transits to natal Neptune. I have worked in magazine and book publishing long enough to meet a few characters like this, who are impressive, passionate, on their way and all the rest, but on closer inspection you realise they have really confused vision. And crucially, what/who they are ‘riding on’ to take them ‘somewhere’ (they don’t know where) is equally unfocussed. So, this can be a publisher who is also lacking direction, for example, with an author who has not taken the time to have a good long self-talk in the mirror.
This is actually part of the solution. Both what/who this idea is ‘riding on’ and the person in question, need to talk to themselves in the mirror, or write things down honestly in a journal or have a cracking meditation session. Quite honestly, sitting down with the Tarot and a notebook to really analyse the project, concept, qualification, plan or brainwave (and oneself) could save a great deal of time and trouble and even save a film, or a book, or a website, or an invention, or an application.
The big idea, message or campaign is firmly in hand. It must be planted in the right place (the desert sands of Egypt are not useful) or it will wither on the vine, like so many of Pamela Colman Smith’s wands, or staves, or branches showing budding leaves. Phrases like ‘branching out’ and ‘flowering’ and ‘bursting open’ and ‘seeding’ and ‘seed money’ and ‘protecting’ are appropriate with this card. Also, of course, ‘vision.’
The horse is a symbol of Sagittarius and the Knight may be a symbol for Chiron. Sagittarius also suits the idea of exploring foreign lands. Chiron was of course a music teacher and the Knight is holding a baton.
The fire signs Aries and Leo are also hinted at here along with Sagittarius, thanks to the flaming orange and gold colouring. So many of her wands cards about about ‘from little acorns, mighty oaks do grow’ and here we have an acorn which has turned into what might become an oak tree one day, if only it could be planted, nurtured and carefully tended. Acorns and oaks are ruled by Jupiter, another horoscope symbol and of course Sagittarius (the marksman on the horse) is ruled by Jupiter too. There’s a fair bit of Sagittarius/Jupiter about this card. The luck is with this person, as the image is impressive, the energy and drive are there, and the possible success really is hypothetically…possible. Yet it’s all down to approach.
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the person on the mission with it, but it’s not enough to be bold, daring, energetic and charismatic. You have to do the work. You do see this card when Jupiter is around as everything is really big-picture and wow-factor but Jupiter by transit and natally can also be a big fizzer. Big start and small finish is not what this rather magnificent human being deserves. And it may be you.
Hi Jessica
I was so sorry to miss the Zoom last night – I’m in France and the time zone was just too late. If you’re still answering individual questions, I’m a sun and Moon Sagittarius with Scorpio rising and stelliums in Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. Financially I’m feeling quite stable (so I’m grateful for that) but two main work/property issues seem to be coming to a head just now and I’d appreciate your view. One is that I’m feeling profoundly stuck in a career that is materially enriching but mentally and spiritually draining, and I keep trying to break free and set out on my own but never quite manage to do it and break free. Another is a relationship which seems to be hinging on decisions about property: no decision or progress is being made, and I’m ready to walk away from the whole deal there, too. Shuffling the cards just now and thinking about the latter situation, the King of Cups and Three of Wands fell out. Thanks for everything, K
Thank you. This drifting man is likely in the family or household as Neptune goes through your Fourth House of the clan. The Three of Wands is your Sagittarius side, showing up as projects and plans that need to travel. The former relationship may well be what you mean, when you talk about property choices where there is no decision! Here are the cards:
There is a strange mixture of haste and paralysis here, as the person with the three ideas, plans, projects or qualifications (suggested by Three Wands) is stuck fast on the cliff, looking out to sea, but has racing car checks on his/her cloak. Perhaps it is through lack of experience – the shawl is green. I have often seen this card in readings on my website when the person concerned has a ton of good ideas, a lot of nervous energy, some anxiety about losing an opportunity, but also anxiety about going out there and making something happen. You often get a red light, amber light, green light rapid rotation with this card. It is fixed by active imagination. Perhaps other people need to come into the scene. Maybe the position needs to be adjusted (the stance and attitude of the key person). What can be done with the actual three staves, rods or wands, which are symbols of something on paper, or on the computer?
With ‘three’ we can get three drafts of the same script, or three competing ideas, or a trio of compatible products. Or we can get two versions of the same concept and a third, outlying idea. All should be taken as one, as the whole. It’s all part of a mixed bag but don’t forget or neglect one or two, to mono-task. Try to get the whole lot in front of you for assessment.
This card is about mixed feelings regarding the export of ideas, and the distant shores of the worldwide web. That’s the Grand Prix checks you can see (faster, faster, break the record) but the rather stuck, planted, rooted nature of the pose. Wants to go, does not want to go!
Nothing can grow in the current location. There may be much better odds somewhere else. There may even be a race on, or some kind of ‘Gold Rush’ as the three ships in the foreground are racing for a distant location. This may be about the need to compete and catch up, but the fear of losing or coming last. You see this card when there is a competition for, say, cryptocurrency or an attempt at a vaccine for a virus.
There are any number of reasons for not joining the race or getting one’s feet wet. Fear of failure. Fear of success. A bit of analysis goes a long way with this card. Nobody doubts the potential of the idea or product but the issue is the location; the timing; the competition; the personality of you/the key person.
If the person in question does not make up his/her mind, things may never grow. There is a need here to remember the one or two projects or qualifications not ‘held.’ The short trip is Gemini, the longer journey is Sagittarius. The Third House is the hop across to another city or region; The Ninth House is the foreign exploration. These can also show up in the chart. You may also get Saturn by transit or transits to natal Saturn as this is a symbol of delay, fear and sometimes self-sabotage in the chart.
Communication is the key to this man. If you can make him listen, or read, and engage him in a conversation about changing his position in life, you’ll get what you want, which is presumably some action and outcome. The ship in the background could be near his floating throne at any moment and he could jump aboard. You could join him. That ship could take the pair of you anywhere, into a whole new life. Yet, so much depends on him. The King of Cups can be infuriatingly detached and if he is not interested in listening to you, it is hard to see how he will ever organise himself.
The King of Cups can float forever. Our Tarot creator Pamela was identifying someone here who was either going through a Neptune transit, or having transits to his natal Neptune.
The King of Cups is pure Pisces and Neptune. The cups are symbols of the water signs anyway; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. He probably has one or all three signs emphasised in his natal chart. He has a lot to give, emotionally or sexually. Perhaps, just spiritually. However, he does not inhabit terra firma as the rest of us do and he is very hard work if you want co-operation and collaboration. He is living proof that ‘No man is an island’ is quite wrong; he actually is the entire island, all by himself.
This card appeared in a reading about The 2018 World Cup on my website and one powerfully psychic reader immediately predicted France would win. The Jules Rimet cup is in hand! Perhaps we have a football obsessive here who cares more about his favourite team losing on the weekend than he does about the fact that your son needs his homework checked. You can also see why fishing could be the obsession, with the King of Cups, or sailing, surfing, scuba-diving and so on.
Football or aquatic pursuits aside, this card is about a man who does not inhabit the real world, because he does not have to. He is all at sea but he appears well-fed, so he has everything he needs. He may be fishy. So slippery, hard to catch; elusive. Very likely, the only environment he would accept, is an island (another escape from the real world) or perhaps that ship, just out of sight. Whatever environment he wants, it will have to accommodate his tremendous need to escape. To go with the currents.
He represents a holiday from reality for you, which Neptune also does. Perhaps it is you who has the Neptune transit to your chart, or natal Neptune under transit. Women often fall in love with this King because he has nothing to do with mortgages or the housework, but everything to do with a vacation from the ordinary and the everyday.
If you want to get close to him you will have to come over to his side of reality, which is the trick to the communication between you. You cannot possibly swim up to the King of Cups and start chattering about the price of milk or the Dyson that doesn’t work, because he has absolutely no connection at all with the mundane or the ‘too real.’
Note, too, the fact that he has left no room at all on his floating throne for a partner. It’s all about him and he takes up a lot of space. He is impressive. Substantial. Intriguing. Can he accommodate a wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend? Perhaps for a short time, but as I’ve mentioned, your best bet here is the ship. This is a symbol of an environment and a journey that you can both enjoy. It would be a massive departure for both of you. A real commitment for both of you. That takes communication and a lot of luck.
Does he want to get off his floating throne when he finally sights land? The ship is just behind him, perhaps ready for a rescue mission but maybe he will reach the shore faster. Will you be there to greet him on dry land? Can you see this current drifting period in his life as just an episode?
As I’ve mentioned, the big cup also suggests alcohol or this may be a pestle and mortar to grind drugs. Pisces and Neptune have long been associated with substances that alter reality.
The other possibility here with your King of Cups is that he is just going to dive straight into the ocean. His toe is pointing towards the water. Maybe he’s about to throw it all away in favour of immersing himself in something else. Is it practical? Of course not.
There is a certain sort of King who is on the verge of total escape or complete disappearance. I need to mention this to you. Perhaps the King’s face will speak to you, with this card. You do sometimes get this with a minority of heavily Pisces/Neptune types, who are so completely drawn to the other world of non-reality, or even oblivion, that they are forever on the point of suddenly disappearing from view.
Thank you so so much Jessica, Alicia, Deborah and the rest of your team/colleagues for hosting the wonderful informative event! I cant wait for the next one! I love knowing that people from all over the world are attending to! It makes me feel so happy and connected. I got judgement for my tarot card question Jessica. I only have Mars in Taurus and Diana in Scorpio. What do you interpret Judgement for the purpose of this question. Thank you again so much; you are all such kind, positive and talented people. x x x
Thank you so much, I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. Judgement is of course the Eighth House of legacies and inheritance, both practical and spiritual. It is about those who have passed and your Diana in Scorpio is the reason this card has appeared, as you go through transits to Scorpio.This card confuses Tarot readers who don’t accept mediumship and life after so-called death, because to understand it, you have to accept that we don’t die! Perhaps you know this to be true already, in which case Judgement lets you know that there is a huge shift taking place with your family or friends (perhaps partners) in the spirit world. There may be a transition taking place, so someone has just passed away, or crossed over – to quote my friend John Edward.
What you see is what you get with this card.
Two families rise from their coffins to embrace an angel, judging them from heaven. This card is linked to the Eighth House, home of the last will and testament, legacies and any inheritance.
The trumpet was often used by mediums in the early 20th century to communicate with the spirit world. This card is a powerful symbol of transformation, redemption and rebirth. The asteroid Aesculapius may also tie in here. He is a symbol of what lasts forever – what resurrects and returns.
Psyche is another zodiac symbol who was given immortality. This is a card of the next stage in a soul’s development as part of a family group of souls – perhaps two of them – and thus suggests people who incarnate and reincarnate together as family groups.
Judgement can sometimes be quite literal as a card, revealing a judgement to be made. Perhaps a spiritual, ethical or moral judgement, rather like being ‘assessed’ at the pearly gates. Your soul is weighed as you rise from the coffin – you are measured by a greater force. Note the red cross here too. That may have personal meaning for you.
It can be seen as the Red Cross aid organisation or the St. George’s flag of England. You have to return to the people rising from the coffins, though. This is about new life from old. And it’s about families. Ancestors are very important when Judgement appears. You come from a long line, but a long line of what and whom? That lineage is now having an impact on your life here in the real world, as substantial transformation takes place with those who came before.
As you can imagine, there are sometimes really heavy karmic stories played out with Judgement. It may be the case that a whole generation of souls tied to a particular religious group, or family tree, or business organisation, or similar, now goes to the next level – because events on earth make it possible for them to ascend.
Purgatory is the holding zone for souls but here we have a large group of them rising from their coffins and going to the next spiritual dimension, perhaps. I have seen this card associated with haunting (earthbound spirits) because it has been impossible for a large number of people affected by one tragedy to accept it is time to move on.
Judgement is a dramatic card which will have intensely personal meaning for you. I am sure you can see how it might turn up in situations when a great many people have lost their lives in one single tragedy (thus connecting all of them) and have been waiting for an event here on earth to set them free. This all sounds rather morbid but actually Judgment is about liberation. The angelic realms are calling. Heaven is ahead and on high and at last the signal has come. The idea of release and relief is close to this card. Depending on your belief system, reincarnation, too.
Hi Jessica! Great meet-up and a wonderful talk by Debra, thanks to all of you. Towards the end you mentioned several degrees placements that would benefit with Jupiter into Taurus but got interrupted by one of the unmuted attendees sadly. I missed out on what they were – I caught Virgo/Capricorn and lost out on the ones after, either water or fixed signs? Could you repeat the degree/sign placements please? Thanks so much!
Thank you I will pass that on to Deborah. I am sorry people did not mute themselves. I could not hear myself talk either but Alicia is figuring out ways to fix the issue. I will publish the degrees and signs in this story now, and again in the feature for The New Moon Zoom, which is in May. Thanks for your patience.
Hello Jessica,
Thank you for the zoom event, I am very glad and happy that I can get so much information from these kind of events and this amazing blog! I pulled Two of Wands card as the answer to the question of what this Taurus weather (this year and also next) will bring and mean in my life. So many things happened in my life since Uranus arrived in Taurus, a marriage, a divorce, switching homes, being promoted at work and working a lot, etc. I am a Sun Scorpio with Aquarius Moon and only Vesta in Taurus. I will move soon to a new home, take a loan and start to think as an independent person.
Could you please advise on how I could make the best out of this transit – in which area? Best regards.
Thank you very much. The Two of Wands is your card, as Jupiter makes a series of stunning trines to your Capricorn stellium, which rules your career, academic career or unpaid work. There is a very important potential success here. If you do the work and prepare, then you could be looking at something marvellous during this transit. This is the long read of the card:
Here we have Mercury the messenger without a leg to stand on. The first thing to say about this card is that it’s not enough to have budding brainwaves or concepts with potential, or qualifications to show. You need to come back down to earth, ground yourself, centre and settle down before you can begin the quest. Where is the second leg here? Exactly. It’s missing.
This is a clear symbol of Mercury Retrograde, perhaps, or Retroshadow. Maybe it is just Mercury blocked by other planets. This is not inevitably the case with this card but it is very common. We also find Mercury under transit in your natal chart as he is the planet of ideas, messages, the worldwide web, export, relocation, travel, brainwaves and so on.
The time has come to take a big idea or qualification across the world. What is remarkable is the total lack of awareness of the second option, which is ignored. It’s all about ‘the one’ idea and not both together, or even both separately. This, together with the missing leg, brings a couple of useful reminders. One is to ground oneself and the project or plan. The other is to wake up and see that this is a duet or double-act. A pair. One is not more important than the other. This could also be two versions or two drafts of the same idea.
This is a big leap forward if it comes off. The roses on the left suggest the four compass points, and East and West are red, North and South are white. The 1-2 concepts could be planted much closer to home, if research and homework reveal other regions or countries are unsuitable. There is only one way to find out. The time has come to check and check again. To ask. To read widely and really size up one’s chances.
Just look at the lush pasture in the foreground! Does this really have to travel all the way across the planet? It’s time to think locally, as well as globally. But not too long. Things wither and die unless they are planted on fertile ground, nurtured and nourished. This will not last forever without a great deal of rapid work and practical hands-on knowledge-gathering.
A useful thing to do now is a yoga pose that centres your base chakra on the floor, or the ground. Walking barefoot on the grass can also ground you. So can any meditation which balances your base chakra. This card can show someone who is living from his/her throat, third eye and crown chakra (in the head) with no connection to the lower chakras, which pull us back down to mother earth. So, along with the research about location, location, location – you also need to make sure you have that other leg to stand on. This also means backing, support, credentials, qualifications, back-up. You ‘need to have a leg to stand on’ if you are going to convince and persuade others to support you. Otherwise all you really have is the idea. This is rather like angel investors wanting to know – who are you – as well as – what is the big idea?
Thanks to you, Deborah and Alicia for the event – the insights were fascinating. I have Jupiter in 12 Taurus and tried to make a note of the dates you were giving at the end of the session but couldnt write them all down. I drew the 5 of Cups and as I live next to the river Thames and Tower Bridge I wondered about the symbolism in the card – can you tell me more please?
Thank you, I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia. I will post the dates in this feature and repeat them in a new feature, about The New Moon Zoom, which you are welcome to attend, as May 19th approaches and the Sun and Moon line up at 28 Taurus. With Jupiter at 12 Taurus in your chart you have your splendid Jupiter Return due in July 2023 when you potentially save or make a small fortune. The Five of Cups is very much about a new home, holiday home, sabbatical or relocation – if you want it. That fits with Taurus, which rules real-estate. The long reading does seem to talk to you about Tower Bridge, which is typical of the Tarot: you live nearby. The river is indeed the Thames. So this is personal. I am not sure if you are getting over a difficult personal situation, or if one seems incoming, but there is a terrific option here to move on, and go somewhere different, temporarily or even permanently.
The cups describe love and sex, and sometimes bodily fluids. Here we have three fallen over, maybe kicked to the ground, and we can see toxic green fluid (poisonous emotion or bile perhaps) on the ground along with blood.
This might be a woman getting over the end of a marriage (one person) and a complicated situation with two children. It might be a man who has been let down by three former friends. Pamela did not randomly create these cards. Here we have blood, which is a dramatic symbol of ‘that bloody man’ or ‘that bloody woman’.
It can sometimes show bereavement so you have to take that into account as well. This may be an accident which has taken someone, or more than one person.
This card has an awful lot encoded in the illustration, from the relief and release of the river, which might wash the cups (clean up the relationships) and return them, like new, sparkling and solid gold. There is also the option to just get rid of what remains. To turn one’s back on what did not work out, emotionally, no matter if it is love, children, family or friends. This character in black could kick the cups into the water so they sink to the bottom, forgotten.
The cloaked figure is downcast, hidden and apparently in mourning – or a vampire! Pamela Colman Smith knew Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, well and he may have been in The Golden Dawn, the magical secret society which also included Pamela’s collaborator Arthur Waite.
Vampires feast on blood. Emotional vampires feast on other substances. Perhaps you feel you are one of the solid gold people here, kicked to one side, or waiting (ignored) in the background, while some kind of human Count Dracula prepares for the next victim. This card can really be open to wide interpretation. Maybe you feel like a bit of a vampire! Do you eat people up? Chew them up and spit them out?
Look at the green fluid which has spilled. What does this mean to you? This is Chartreuse, perhaps, or Absinthe. Maybe it is poison. Sometimes poison is released when a relationship falls over. Maybe it is Crème de Menthe.
Two cups, glittering gold (solid gold, precious) are still upright and intact as we’ve discussed, but the brooding figure cannot see them.
The bridge and castle are important, as I’ve also mentioned, for their sheer potential. So is the river. The cups are just waiting to be cleaned in the water – or – will this figure walk away altogether and cross the bridge to a new life?
There is strong visualisation potential in this card, which can be ‘directed’ like all of Pamela’s work. She was a set designer as well as a powerful psychic. Much of what she was picking up in 1909 would become the new science of quantum mechanics. Everything is a cloud of potential until we enter into the experiment and make it become, what it will be. These cards are interactive. Move the character, the cups, with your mind. Enter into the new potential home; cross the bridge.
There is emptiness here. The cups contain nothing, though they once did. There is also a sense of someone just waiting to shed a skin. To get rid of an outer layer of depression or grief. Dark thoughts, perhaps. The sense of self has gone. We cannot even see this person’s face – all we see is the black robe.
Aquarius is the sign we associate with rivers (the water-bearer) but also Pisces (ruled by Neptune). A bridge is Libra, because it connects two sides. The blood might be Scorpio, associated with death and sex. The waiting castle is Cancer. Take the card apart and see what it means to you, as each of the signs will have very particular meaning, depending on your chart, and perhaps the charts of the other people involved.
This process of mourning, adjustment and ‘the journey’ will take time. It may take months or even years. There is no schedule for any human being and the response to loss can only be dealt with individually. In this card, we might see someone who acts very quickly, hurling the stained cups into the water, pulling off the robe of mourning, turning to gather the two remaining cups (solid gold people) behind – and racing across the bridge – pelting towards a new future.
Some people can stay stuck in the mourning, grief or loss stage for a very long time indeed, but that seems like a waste, when everything one could possibly want to make good and start again, is right there. This is one of Pamela’s cards which just cries out to be worked with. Whatever/whomever is therapeutic and healing could be the difference here, as it can be hard to shed the dark, heavy, robes of grief by oneself. A counsellor might be really useful here, or perhaps a Reiki master or yoga teacher.
Hi Jessica,
I appreciate you all hosting the Taurus event. Thank you for taking the time to share guidance.
I am a new widow with a 11 years old son. If I think too far in the future I feel uncertain. So I focus on shorter time frames. What can I do now to prepare for what led ahead in 2023, 2024? The tarot card selected reveals the King Of Pentacles. I read the description and think it’s talking about my financial opportunities. How can I align with the Taurus weather?
Thank you kindly,
Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia and Deborah. I am so sorry you have been recently widowed and have your son to raise. You are a Sun Leo woman with stelliums in Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. Your partner passed as the South Node transited Scorpio for the first time in around 19 years and moved through your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. This rare cycle ends in July 2023 and you will feel a sense of closure about the estate and legacy. The King of Pentacles is very possibly your late partner, if his financial or property situation with you continues to unfold in 2023, 2024. If, however, the inheritance and so on, is well and truly settled and in the past, your King is a man who you will also be negotiating with, bargaining with – or perhaps selling to, or buying from. He is quite stuck in his ways, could do with a bit of proactive financial spring-cleaning and is the sort of man you have to research, in order to speak his language and agree terms. You have to understand the way he sees life rather than just come barrelling in with your own ideas. The Tarot can help you more, closer to the time, if this is in fact not your husband, but somebody else. You can ask ‘How do I best deal with him?’ and take it from there. There is certainly money to be had, or shared. Sometimes we see this card when a woman dates a new man who is a banker, accountant, property investor and so on. She can’t take the man, without taking the money.
Thank you! Jessica – you’re absolutely right. Since moving back, every decision I made was for someone else or with something else in mind – an end goal – the settling of the estate. And that part of my life is over but I got stuck in that mindset. Now, go forward, every decision I make should be purposefully for me.
Thank you for providing clarity.
It’s a pleasure. Astrology does cut through the noise. Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot, too.
Hello Jessica. I enjoyed the meet up as a first timer and new member, thank you for taking the time to answer questions. As a beginner I continue to learn by reading comments and your interpretations.
Funny, I keep typing questions only to delete them as I try to answer them for myself. I am late to the party (as far as learning astrology, and tarot) and can’t help but think that my Saturn return is really about astrology and not about my career as the last one was.
I guess that is my question, though I think I have already answered it for myself….maybe I need a journal as writing this helped clarify things for me. LOL.
Perhaps my 4 of wands is the gateway for this journey, and nothing to do with what I do for money?
Thank you. A journal is a good way (the best way, actually) to become a professional-level astrologer and psychic. Your Four of Wands card suggests a particular house, apartment or holiday home is your Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus story. You have that Cancer-Virgo-Taurus pattern in your chart which will be beautifully aspected by Jupiter, with all his expansion, good fortune and growth. Cancer is the abode. Virgo is the lifestyle. Taurus is the solid grounding in the material world. This is the long interpretation:
This card is possibly about the Fourth House (family and share households) and the Fourth House also rules housewarmings, homecomings and house parties. That is associated with Cancer. Of course it may also be about the Tenth House and Capricorn, which rules it, because the staves are likely plans, concepts, qualifications, which are the gateway to achievement and good times.
The staves/rods/wands in Tarot are generally about the Third House and Ninth House too; so brainwaves and courses. The key is the fact that one cannot enter the celebrations without going through the paperwork, the agreement, the plan, the notion, the degree or similar.
This is about two sides of the same family, or two branches of the same social circle, coming together. This is likely a party, wedding or other celebration and as I’ve said, it can be the nuptials after a long-distance relationship conducted on Zoom and by e-mail.
Abundance is here and there is lots to share and enjoy. If you were a soulless creature you would say this was a good opportunity for ‘networking’ but far more likely is the kind of occasion across one day, or maybe an entire week or two (if it’s a holiday) when people who are coming from the same or similar positions – shared ideas, thoughts, plans, projects – help each other out.
The dance in the background could be the Hokey Cokey or Nutbush City Limits but the welcome mat is out. You occasionally see this card for party political conferences or corporate bonding weekends. The paintball is not pictured. This can be the dual efforts of two branches of one company involving 2-4 people which results in a gathering at the end. The wands look like telegraph poles connecting cables and so there is a sense here of a strong telephone presence and frequent, good communication.
The garlands of flowers suggest abundance, a happy atmosphere, and all that thrives and takes off. This is a lovely image of strong prospects, good feelings and something to enjoy at the end. A transition is indicated. You pass through and across to get to the other side. The property or premises in the background may also be significant here. You can see why this card shows up when a house is being purchased by two parties and their agents, with the housewarming party once it’s all over.
Hi, do I keep plugging away at playwriting or am I spinning my wheels?! I want all my effort to be financially rewarded! thank you.
You have a Gemini stellium in the Third House of scriptwriting, the media, the worldwide web and publishing. You will have an incredible opportunity from May 2024 until June 2025 with Jupiter’s growth, expansion and good fortune on your side. It then gets better, as this same project, or another which benefits from the first, invites you to make the most liberating and exhilarating changes with the medium itself; there may be a new invention online then you use, or theatre may embrace innovation that also sets you free. This is the Uranus in Gemini cycle which will change your life for many years. Keep writing. You’d be mad not to.
Thank you once again for sharing your insights with us yesterday about Taurus weather. I drew the ace of cups. What will this mean for me in April 2024? I associate cups with emotions and relationships. Will I make a new friend at this time? Join up with a new group of people? Thanks for any guidance you can offer me.
Thank you. A group is set to change your life, spiritually and emotionally, if you join or rejoin – this is shown by Pluto entering your Eleventh House of groups for the first time in 248 years. The full reading of the card is here.
This is one of those cards which makes every heart leap because at first glance it transmits so much joy and energy. It is a terrific Tarot card to see if you have been going through a hard time. It often turns up before a baby is Christened, but it can also appear when there is a relationship phase, a friendship phase, or a brand new involvement which is the gift that goes on giving.
There are many symbols here. The letter W is on the cup. The Christian cross is on the Holy Communion wafer. The dove of peace flies overhead. The Tibetan Buddhist lotus flower floats on the water. As always with Pamela’s cards you should interpret the symbols in a personal way. Perhaps you know a William or a Williams, so the letter W is significant. Maybe the ‘W’ in Pamela’s 1909 illustration stands for WWW today and this card is about a website venture which is emotionally and creatively rewarding.
The Holy Grail is certainly hidden in the cup symbolism so perhaps you are involved with Arthurian mythology or even Monty Python! As I said, this card is rich with symbols which are best interpreted in a highly personal way. The lotus flowers which are dotted on the water may have particular meaning for you if you are involved with Tibet, or Thailand.
The cup itself is about emotional or sometimes sexual fulfilment and this one is overflowing as we’ve seen. There is no end to what pours forth. Your cup runneth over and the cups were associated with water signs in the original Tarot, so this is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
It’s all potential, certainly, and unrealised to date. You have to make this happen, by trusting the Tarot card and believing that the time is right to take what is on offer. It is yours to enjoy and time is of the essence as it’s not certain how long the offer will remain.
The cloud is classic quantum uncertainty and Pamela Colman Smiths’ cards are full of it. Billowing clouds of potential delivery and hypothetical reality. Nothing can happen until this is made real. This is really part of the Tarot experience; there is no point drawing cards in a cynical way, as the trick with quantum reality is to accept, trust and ‘know’ things to be true. When you step into Pamela and Arthur’s world of Tarot, you have to enter completely. There is no point distrusting the experience or being sceptical about what is there. This card is about buying into what and who is on offer.
At the moment, for all that this card is so joyful, it is an unpopped universe. Christenings are often suggested by this card, as I’ve mentioned, or there is a spiritually fulfilling and emotionally rewarding passage in a relationship or family situation which feels as if something has been ‘Christened’ or blessed and brought into being. It’s a lovely image. Refreshing, promising, deep and complex. Reach for what you see.
Something sacred is on offer here but it must be brought down to earth and integrated into your life. The imagery of water suggests the water signs, as well as the cup; Cancer is mother’s milk. Scorpio is the blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids) of a passionate marriage. Pisces is just tears.
The tremendous emotional and spiritual surge of the Ace of Cups is profoundly moving, because it describes something that is so deeply felt between two or more people. This is the stuff of great music or poetry; great art or spiritual experiences. It is also of tremendous religious importance to some Roman Catholics, as this imagery ties in with Sunday Mass.
On a more basic note, a gold cup is a gold cup. This can be the sportsman’s victory, held aloft, no matter if we’re talking The World Cup in football or The Grand Prix. The winner of The Melbourne Cup or any other cup is suggested here, depending on who you are, and what your question is. This is so much more than a win on the board, though. It transcends the metal in the hand, and becomes so much more than it is, spiritually. You might say England’s 1966 World Cup, in Bobby Moore’s hands, with Her Majesty the Queen in attendance, on British soil – against Germany, twenty years or so after the war – had that kind of resonance.
Hi Jess thanks for the meet up discussion yesterday. You touched on if your partner/someone you were interested in had the same aspect as you in their birth chart. Are you able to further explain this please; I have Sun Taurus at 24 degrees and Libra 11 descendant, they have Sun in Libra 24 and descendant in Taurus 24 degrees. What does this signify for us please especially with the Taurus weather thats coming soon? Many thanks.
Thank you. It is common for a partner’s chart to aspect your own. You shine financially, with charity, business, valuables or property – your partner shines in any duet or double-act which is balanced and equal – together you help each other become more prominent for these potentially brilliant qualities.
ps 8 pentacles was my tarot card
This is a symbol of Virgo (hard work) but also Taurus (s/he works hard for the money). The saying ‘Money does not grow on trees’ comes to mind here as I’ve mentioned. It has to be earned by churning out products, goods, services or projects. They are all the same, but there is pride in good craftsmanship here. This is the card of an artisan or craftsperson. Perhaps, someone on a production line, but there is great beauty and value in each gold coin or pentacle.
The property in the background may be a fine hotel or a desirable home but it is within reach – it can be purchased or leased – if the money is there. There is an old-fashioned message here about the Protestant work ethic, and ‘no gain without pain’ although there is not much that is genuinely painful here; perhaps back problems, though, if time for regular breaks or exercise is not allocated. Pamela Colman Smith’s cards work together in stories, as well as single card readings, and there is a direct link between this card and the potential spinal problems you see in other illustrations. This is surely someone who needs a standing desk or at least a balanced lifestyle. This card reveals the natural trine between planets in Virgo in the Sixth House of workload and work-life balance – and Taurus in the Second House of money earned. It is a down-to-earth picture showing the earth sign mentality. Grounded in practical common sense and sheer graft.
Virgo and the Sixth House are associated with the body. Poor posture, which this figure has, leads to back problems as I’ve mentioned, but perhaps you can see other issues with this very physical depiction of a hard-working, hunched figure.
The tights are passionate red, the colour of the sacral or sexual chakra. There is a question here about the body and its needs, as opposed to ‘human as machine.’
Pamela Colman-Smith was a freelance artist who lived and worked in a period of history when her illustrations were very much in demand. However, she was also obliged to almost become a one-woman production line, to produce them all on budget and on deadline. She did, in fact, become a ‘machine’ as a freelance illustrator, managing to create all 78 Tarot cards, one of which you are looking at now. There is always something of her life and times in every card.
There is a major question here about the money one is paid for – and the value of that money in terms of the property in the background – whatever that may be. So, this is card about price tags and values as well. It’s not just about the health and fitness of the hard-working, industrious figure bent over the products or projects, it is also about weighing the value of pay-per-hour or payment-per-job against the value of free time. One also needs to look at the cost of owning or renting a house, perhaps an apartment or premises, clearly shown in the distance. This may be geographical distance or ‘the distant future.’
Hi Jessica,
Another good session – Deborah’s Taurus description, on eve of Mother’s Day (in UK), well, I wish I’d heard that 40 years ago! And so to my question on family dynamic. I have Mars in Taurus, and currently Mars is in Gemini, and I have a ‘tricky’ brother dynamic (Sagittarius) where tension/conflict ignites on a hair trigger, and it’s severe. I can’t see it ever getting better, I guess I’m asking – do I need to accept/make peace that that is it in this lifetime? (I think I know the answer but just checking in).
I’m hopeful for Jupiter, Uranus and Aquarius movements set up for this week. I’ve lived that Capricorn environment and it was H-A-R-D, bring on Aquarius! I’ve addressed CV, websites, meetings etc.. preparing and ready. My tarot was for Ace of Swords, which I think is supportive of my career and financial ambitions. A question – do the online tarot cards only present upside? (When I looked up the card it gave 2 definitions depending on way card came out).
Finally, I saw Bill Browder at the Frontline Club last month, he was Sergey Magnitsky’s client and has championed the Act into law in 35 countries. Very good news to hear you say things will accelerate on that front.
Thank you, I will pass that on to Deborah. Your brother is a Gemini/Third House matter but the animosity should end when Mars leaves Gemini after a protracted stay; he arrived in September but goes on March 25th. Your Ace of Swords card is explained in detail, below, and is clearly about the Pluto in Capricorn exit from your Tenth House, as heads will roll, or there will be a replacement at the top. Tarot cards, by the way, were always read upright by The Golden Dawn and so I follow Pamela and Arthur’s rules. You need to collect Pamela’s Tarot from your online library here, free to you as a member, which will explain this Ace of Swords card and others, at length. I take it as a good omen that you saw Bill Browder speak about his friend Sergey Magnitsky and believe the act, passed by our late Queen, will produce fruitful and unusual results, once Jupiter goes into Taurus from May 2023 and completes his circuit by May 2024. We await arrests and the seizure of assets.
This card is full of power, strength and energy. The Crown on Netflix is a good way to think about this card. It is full of changes in the balance of power. Some are there to be seen (the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II after the passing of her father) and others are less obvious. If you think about the transfer of power when Prince William was born (the heir to the throne) that is officialdom – yet subtle developments like the increasing popularity of Diana, Princess of Wales in the media against Charles, Prince of Wales are less visible.
This is a card that tells you exactly what it is. A crown has been taken by force and is there for the choosing. The King is dead, long live the Queen. Or … any way you wish to play it.
Victory is possible, but Pamela has shown one of her characteristic clouds, so this is a picture of quantum reality. The big win is an unpopped possibility or unchosen universe, at the moment. We are in the rather odd position of seeing something that has happened (a leader has been deposed and his or her title is up for grabs) and yet the clouds tell us, we have to believe in it, and accept it, before it becomes historic fact.
Clouds can also mask things so that nobody is really sure about what is going on. If a foreign power takes over the presidency of the United States by secretly blackmailing or threatening the leadership, there will most certainly have been a dethronement but nobody will ever know, because it has been covered up by clouds of ‘masking’ public relations.
It’s pure potential, this card, with all its promise of new power and prominence for the taker – and it has to be made real.
The crown, symbolising the top job or leading role, can only be taken here by force. Swords are symbols of aggression. There is a Tenth House connection here, backed up by the mountains (Capricorn the mountain goat rules the Tenth House).
Mars rules the sword itself. Aries is ruled by Mars, of course, so there is a cardinal sign, Aries-Capricorn focus on this part of the Tarot. We might be looking at William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings. We may be looking at the liberation of Paris by the allies against the Nazis. What happens is swift. If we go back to 1781 and Yorktown, the Americans dispensed with the British rapidly.
There is a sense of anticipation, liberation, excitement and tremendous challenge with the Ace of Swords. The King is dead, long live the Queen, but how are things to proceed now that there is a transformation at the top? So much about this card is potential to be filled. All Pamela’s cards lend themselves to active imagination, focussed intention and stage direction. By that, I mean she was a stage set designer in Dublin during part of her career. Thus, her cards are full of props (the crown) and often, vacant stages for characters to enter a scene. How are you going to play this particular part of the drama?
The scattered yellow leaves may describe the group around the situation, which is the Eleventh House, ruled by Aquarius. This card is so reminiscent of any election for Prime Minister, President or Premier. Losers lose, winners are victorious and the political parties involved break apart, with reshuffles and departures. Elevations and arrivals.
This card can describe Pluto as well as Mars. Pluto is always about a change in the balance of power. Astrologically, it is a mixture of signs and planets if you are looking for clues. Yet, a Pluto transit, perhaps a transit to natal Pluto, is very likely. The crown can be Leo (King of the jungle) or you can see it as a crowning achievement, or the peak/pinnacle of a career, so we may be talking Capricorn, as I’ve mentioned.
Here, a statement is being made, or a gesture has been struck. The cloud is the giveaway – it’s all hypothetical until you put it to the test. Pamela worked with images of quantum uncertainty and her clouds are everywhere in this Tarot. Cloud-based quantum computing, as seen from an artist in 1909! What you compute about this card is what you will find. Was there a change in the line of succession or not? Did power change hands or not? Will anyone take the crown or will it remain hanging?
The challenge for leadership or the top job is not ‘real’ as such, it’s a maybe situation. And perhaps it happened, and perhaps it didn’t – it really depends how much you can see through the clouds. It’s amazing how often the machinations at the top of power are covered up. It takes years for voters or the general public to discover what was really going on.
The laurel leaves you see here meant a military victory to the Romans. To be crowned with laurel leaves was the honour bestowed on a conquering commander. Swords are about battles and perhaps wars. This is Oliver Cromwell but also Margaret Thatcher. It is the English Civil War, but also the Wars of the Roses, the First World War, the Second World War, the Vietnam War. It is interesting that there are no people in this card. It’s all about the honour; the title; the position.
Thanks again for a great session yesterday. Just thought I’d pass this on if you haven’t seen it, regarding Epstein and JP Morgan bank. That bank was part of your 0,1,2 degree bank story a while back—as we approach the JP Morgan Taurus node at 1. Epstein purportedly had a 0 Aquarius sun. Wonder if Chase will be paying a multimillion dollar settlement for banking a sex-trafficking operation. One can hope. Amazing times. Blessings. X
I’m grateful for this reminder about Mr. Epstein. His astrological chart is not AA rated so we can’t use it, but it would be highly unusual if his birthday was wrong, and nobody has corrected the birthday since his death. He was in fact born with the Sun at 0 Aquarius and will have Pluto in an historic conjunction with his natal Sun, on the day it enters Aquarius, Thursday 23rd March. The Sun is fame (or notoriety) and Aquarius is the group. This is his little black book and Pluto will come to utterly dominate it, from Thursday morning, New York time, as powerful and controlling forces come to bear on Epstein’s circle of friends. It’s fascinating. Let’s check Twitter, Thursday morning, New York time!
Thank you, Jessica! I appreciate the advice. So nice to actually hear good news. I just read your answer to savanna (and totally empathize with her question). I was excited that you mentioned her stellium in Gemini in the third house pointed to opportunities for her writing, as I’m also a writer with a stellium in Gemini in the same house. Yay! Looking forward to all the future possibilities.
Thanks again.
Dear Brilliant Psychic Jessica,
The Podcast seems to be occupying EVERYONE’S mind. Congratulations to you Deborah and Alicia.
You are a healer and quite the mathematician.
There is so much orbital geometry in astrology.
You were so spot on with some leaders in your tweet that says going going gone!
That tweet will get 240000 impressions by my projections.
Jeremy Renner, an actor, had a snow plough accident. He says acting is not a priority now.
He was born on Jan 7th 1970s. Some Capricorns did not behave terribly. They Are moving away from their current fields.
Will Virgos find good work ?
Virgo Stellium, Ceres, Pluto Juno in Libra, trined by Pluto.
Per your prediction Uranus is bent on scrapping the older financial systems via ” shock after shock “.
Thank you for being so compassionate.
Saturn’s exit must have made your life easier.
Kind regards to your furry friends.
Thank you Jo. I will pass that on to Deborah and Alicia. Virgo people have the Sun in Virgo in the Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia. The trine from Jupiter in Taurus, at some point between May 2023 and May 2024, is a classic transit for the expansion of one’s reputation and an opportunity for bigger and better prominence, largely for Virgo qualities – a strong work ethic, reliability day-to-day, the perfecting of the tiny details in one’s field. That augurs well for job interviews, promotion and so on – awards – number one hits – scholarships. It does depend on the rest of the chart, though. I will pass on your regards to Tess the dog.
Thank you for the event! I’m reposting, hope that’s ok. I’m hoping for some big changes in the coming years. I’m planning to apply for a new position sometime during next year, and my family and I also want to move. I wonder if we will be able to relocate, and if there are any good aspects for my career in the coming years? My husband is a sun Cancer (22 degrees) with Jupiter in 19 degrees Cancer (15 july 1978). My tarotcard was two of wands. Thank you!
Thank you for coming along. There are 77 comments in the queue so it is taking a little time this week to see them all. The Two of Wands is talking to you about projects, ideas and concepts you need to take into another part of your country or another part of the world. Have a look at that card in Pamela’s Tarot, the flipbook which is free to you on this website, in your library. I suspect this is the qualification you are holding, or that, plus a plan you want to see planted somewhere else. This does look positive but you have some work to do, as you will discover when you read the long interpretation of the card. Your husband’s solar chart does suggest relocating in 2023, 2024, 2025 or at the very latest, early 2026. It would be an escape from the real world, possibly near water or with a spa/pool, but also with all manner of rules, regulations and ring-fenced obstacles. If he can live with that, then he’ll likely deal with it, to get the escape.
Hi Jessica
Was so looking forward to the Taurus weather meet-up last night but I lost sound when you started. Such a shame. I drew The Fool.
My husband is Aries born 30/03/55. We are still waiting for our land sale to progress and hoping to get planning permission, alongside the developers who are buying from us, to build our own house on part of the same plot of land. It has been ongoing for some time. He’s getting very stressed out about it all as this is our dream, financial future and new home. Are there any dates he should be wary of during negotiations or signing the final deal?
I am still trying to find out who my father was, hoping to find family connections or information. Do you think this is likely to happen?
Thank you for all you do Jessica. I find it amazing how accurate you are and can’t wait to see how the next month or so unfolds!
I am so sorry you lost sound at The Taurus Weather. The Fool is a clear warning to look before you leap, when travelling or even relocating. You are obviously about to do just that, because you are packing up your boxes. Find the card on this website or on Google Image Search and make sure it’s the Smith-Waite card. Really look at it. The Fool is you, and the dog is something or someone warning you about the crumbling ground beneath your feet. You are choosing a pathway or route which is not secure. Find another one. Don’t just assume on this Tarot card; it is also backed up in your chart. Do some research, homework and proper preparation. I believe the issue is the land itself. This can and will work out for you, but it may be via an alternative way of getting what you want, as your ‘first thought, best thought’ is too shaky. Your husband is in the best possible financial position to save or make money in 12 years, from May 2023 until May 2024, thanks to Jupiter and with a bit of lateral thinking and solid research, you should both get what you want. Or something close to it.
Hi Jessica, I just read my weekly horoscope today Sunday and love the new format of information you are detailing. There is so much MORE to look for in one’s chart! It’s seems like the written is an extension of your new podcast in some way? Thanks a heap! Best, Cecelia
Thanks Cecelia. Yes, The Astrology Show Podcast offers listeners the chance to check transiting aspects to their natal chart, in brief, and then find out a longer list in their weekly horoscope, if they are Premium Members and can access the extended information. So you are right. There’s much more detail, as so many of you were asking for it.
Hi Jessica. I have followed you via my partners account for a number of years. This year I decided to sign up in my own name. I loved your zoom with key point’s resonating with me such as feeling stuck, going backwards, money issues -always feeling I am doing everything wrong.
I feel that my partner and I are at war (note we still love each other deeply).
My partner (Sagittarius with a lot of Scorpio stelliums) lost a lot of money and has a lot of guilt as this stopped us from buying a house – my biggest want. (Him Scorpio me Taurus-your comments made me feel we will always have money issues as we are opposites to each other)
I have a few health at present as well.
You mentioned that this could have been due to the period we are in and change in this new transition is coming apr-may-June.
You also mentioned that if I see a sign of “gift” that is should grab it.
Did I take these points away correctly?
Thank you for becoming a Premium Member. I’m glad you enjoyed The Taurus Weather on Zoom. Your partner will end the war with you, or it will end by itself, from March 25th. He has been living with Mars, the god of war, in his Seventh House of duets and duels, since September. His issues with feeling disempowered financially, or with property, end on March 23rd. This week is big for him. We don’t know why yet. Even if old financial or property concerns come back when Pluto retrogrades after June 2023, they will have lost their charge. Your partner will be able to see that he is no longer to be dominated by people, organisations or situations. The home will be a solid concern in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026 and that’s for him, rather than you, actually. If he is prepared to work with obstacles but also commit to ‘home as escape from the real world’ he will build something solid. The choice is his. Your partner can look forward to a much, much better lifestyle from May 2023 which is good for his work ethic as well as his health on every level. For you, May 2023 begins a relaunch which is long overdue. You will be looking good and have the right title, profile and reputation that allows you to feel so much more free.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for an amazing meet-up yesterday!!! As always, I loved every second 🙂 I’m a Scorpio with Ceres at Taurus 22 and the beautiful 2024 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction falls almost precisely on it – can you please give me an insight into the likely impact of this rare event?? Also, I’m launching a longtime-coming album of beautiful new music in May 2023 and am fine-tuning some dates – I’d love to use that special new moon!!! Would this be a good time for me??
Thanks again Jessica!!! Susan Xxx
Thanks Susan. Ceres at 22 Taurus in your Second House of finance, business, property, assets, charity and valuables is a lifelong power source for you, but with one caveat. You will regularly have to share the power. Ceres is a productive, important goddess in the astrological pantheon and she is Pluto’s mother-in-law. Whenever you have transits to 22 Taurus you must strike a deal or make a bargain. Sharing the control is part of that. This will come into sharp relief when Jupiter and Uranus move to 22 Taurus in April 2024. You can expert an excellent opportunity to gain more from a new deal, or resolve issues with an old arrangement, then. This may be a previous album contract, for example, or a new option with real-estate. It will be sudden, liberating, exhilarating and rather like an electrical storm. You will be offered independence. You will also be busily carving up the financial territory or business turf with others. When to launch your May album? The New Moon at 28 Taurus on 19th May has a high feelgood factor.
Dear Jessica.
As usual I would like to mention how grateful I feel about your work. I am a premium member so I fully enjoy the access to the blog, books and now to this informative online meeting about Taurus weather.
I appreciate how you reach out to your audience and keeping in touch with it.
Since the covid hit the world my family life is constantly challenged especially in a term of finances. Recently I personally had a revelation about my faith and since then I fell as I finally reached the right place. But to get there I need to formally process some closures and openings and this whole situation would not be easy on my distant family.
You can see my birth chart. Would you mind look at it and check if there is any advice or explanation about my situation. I am curious why now…
During the meeting I had “Ten of cards”, how to interpret this?
Lots of love
Thank you F I am glad you are getting so much from the website. You didn’t draw Ten of Cards at the event, but you drew Ten of (something). Once you realise, pick up Pamela’s Tarot from your flipbook library on here to find out the long explanation. Your birth chart shows you have the Sun in Cancer with stelliums in Cancer, Gemini and Scorpio. The last one is the most important as in July 2023 you end a stuck, repetitive situation with family finance or property; perhaps partnership bank accounts, or ownership of a home – or rent. You mention your distant family. This is probably what is going on and all that you own, earn or owe is at the heart of it – perhaps there is a legacy in there too, somewhere. The loop ends in July. You will be in a terrific position to improve and gain from the family circle and any home renovation, redecoration or move after May 2023 until May 2024, as Jupiter with all his solutions forms a series of sextiles to your Cancer factors.
Hi Jessica. I have followed you via my partners account for a number of years. This year I decided to sign up in my own name. I loved your zoom with key point’s resonating with me such as feeling stuck, going backwards and money issues-simply unhappy. I feel that my partner and I are at war (note we still love each other deeply)
My partner (Sagittarius with a lot of Scorpio stelliums) lost a lot of money and has a lot of guilt as this stopped us from buying a house – my biggest want -as this is a Taurus happy place)
I have a few health & money Issues as well as wanting to buy a house. However everything seems to be against me and has for sometime.
You mentioned that this could change in this new transition may-June.
Did I take that point away correctly. My card was seven of wands. And my partner was eight of wands
Thank you. I have answered you elsewhere.
Hi Jessica,
I’m really loving the sessions with Deborah, there’s a great mix of information there. Deborah shares insights into the qualities of signs that I’ve not read or seen before. Very insightful, thank you.
In the session I pulled a two of pentacles – juggling. From the article above I see I have my ascendant at 21 Taurus, which I’m hoping is good.
I really need to start laying down some plans to build wealth, which I have not done yet and just turned 41 so I need to get started.
Would love to know what you see for me with all my scopio factors.
Thanks, and thank you as always for our sessions. They are a hoot!
(Not sure if Owls are of significance to you, or will be.)
Thank you. Yes, Deborah Houlding is a terrific astrologer and I am glad she will be joining The Sun Sign School as a guest tutor in 2023. Your Tarot card lines up with your astrological chart exactly and shows the erratic nature of Uranus in Taurus in your Second House of cash flow and the need for a new budget – an invented, alternative way of managing money – which also suits the transit. If you can create a system which works in uncertain times, nationally and globally, you could be better off.
Some years ago I went to Bude, in Cornwall, where Pamela Colman Smith spent her last years. I visited the pub where she lived upstairs, and saw a stunning painting of a famous shipwreck which is part of the history of the town. This was an astonishing piece of synchronicity as Pamela frequently painted ships in her work, both inside and outside her Tarot deck. Her own life was occasionally financially stormy or insecure.
This is Scorpio and/or Taurus in astrology and the Eighth House of other people’s money, but also the Second House of personal budgets. This man (as a symbol of yourself, or someone you know) needs to focus, centre and ground himself.
The money going out and coming in keeps him off-balance. The ships in the background show you Neptune. The economy is all at sea, tossing and turning, in his city, country or perhaps between nations. Rather than jig around, expending enormous amounts of energy trying to shuffle money from one hand to another, this person needs to breathe, pause and take control. To stop reacting to uncertainty and insecurity in the moment and to actually have a plan.
The hat looks rather like a condom. Is someone being a dickhead? A fine Australian word, but also represented in America as LOMBARD (‘Lots Of Money But A Real Dickhead.’) You get the impression from this illustration that Pamela knew one or two such men. The fact is, adopting this stance, where money is never really controlled, but always in motion, tends to make it the centre of one’s existence. There is nothing else to do but think about it, talk about it, focus on it.
As with all Pamela’s cards, created under the guidance of Arthur E. Waite, there is tremendous scope for personal interpretation. I will give you an example. The Mobius Strip shape (the figure 8) also resembles Elton John glasses, at a distance. Who or what is being blind about money here? Elton John’s relationship with money, shopping and charity is well-known. Perhaps you are seeing something completely different, though. As with all the cards, you can step back from the computer screen, or the telephone, and see it from a slight distance. Reading things into the card is exactly what you are meant to do with it.
Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer and you can direct this image as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet and instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a budget. A proper budget with more coming in, than going out, might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life, than making the money-go-round.
The tossing ships in the background can be representative of world economic trade. Have a look at that when you interpret this card, too. Storms do not last forever. The ships will perhaps be wrecked here, but there is also a chance the weather will settle and the journeys will continue. This card raises so many questions for you about what is possible; what will happen; what you can see happening; what you can make happen. Two gold coins or pentacles, might show two sources of profit (even) but a temporary inability to manage the same. Or, taxes to be paid, which is a very common scenario. Does a professional need to be brought into this picture?
Hello Jessica – thank you for the Taurus weather meet-up! The card I pulled for the transit was the Knight of Swords. My daughter pulled the Ace of Wands. I give you both cards because we live together so I feel to a large extent, our future is tied. I was hoping you might explain what these two cards mean separately and together for finances, health, moving, work opportunities, etc. I’m in my “retirement years” but financially, will need to keep working. Would this card suggest a certain type of work being easier to get than others, like remote work? And/ or would it favor relocation to another country outside the US to stretch budgets? I’m hearing retirees are flocking to places like Spain/ Portugal or Costa Rica to make SS benefits stretch further. Appreciate your kind guidance! Best wishes!
Thank you. The two Tarot cards are quite unrelated, so there are two separate stories here. I will give you the extended interpretation, below, for both. They don’t relate to your work, or to retirement, or emigration – as you will see.
A big, bold, brilliant idea. It might be Obamacare. Perhaps is it this Very British Tarot deck itself, created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite in 1909. Staves, rods or wands are symbols of paper, and the pulp from trees that used to make books and newspapers, journals and posters, over a century ago. In the Tarot they show possible websites or podcasts as much as they show likely song lyrics or computer programs. Formulae for scientific breakthroughs.
Unless this massive concept is brought down to earth and made real it will remain forever a dream or fantasy. Like all Pamela’s cloudy illustrations, this ideas and its success is in the realm of parallel possible universe. Yes this could happen. It is close to becoming real. Yet, unless you and/or others act and secure this somewhere it can grow, it may vanish with the next weather pattern.
Live Aid and Band Aid had to be moved from the pub to the meeting room and then to the world, via Wembley. This massive, groundbreaking charity enterprise began with Paula Yates and a message on her fridge door. Some things never happen at all without practical, down-to-earth thinking. She was a Taurus who inspired her then-partner, a Libra.
Time is of the essence here, because leaves are already falling from the branch. This thing has to be planted at the right time in the right place – and soon. It also has to be planted in the correct environment so it is time for research and homework. Maybe, asking around. Auditions for a secure future, you might call it.
As we’ve seen, this Ace is also part of a typical quantum cloud, seen often in Pamela’s deck. She did not know it at the time but she was channelling the new world of quantum uncertainty, proven by science in the Double Slit Experiment.
Everything is in the uncertainty field of reality until you make a choice and make it real. Once you measure what is there, it becomes that. So measure your chances of transporting this from the realms of imagination or conjecture, into a solid place for success. Like all branches this can become a tree (perhaps literally the branch of a franchise) and then become a mighty forest, or hectares of woodland, in the years ahead.
You’d have to guess that the building in the background (what some call The White House) is the right place to park this. What is the building and who inside can help here?
In Pamela’s day this would have been the Rider publishing company who made Arthur Waite’s vision happen. It found another home in America in the 1970s with U.S. Games Systems. Not exactly the White House but ‘the right house’ for the dream of a modern reproduction of Pamela and Arthur’s old deck.
The Knight of Swords is a younger man, who drives fast on his motorbike, or in his car. In his speed boat or on his jet ski. In Ancient Rome he would have been galloping on his horse, of course. He lives for the moment and responds in the heat of the moment, too.
He is a symbol of Mars and Aries in astrology. An energetic, fierce, fast and furious man wearing red (the Aries/Mars colour) hurtling at breakneck speed towards some kind of attack, or defence. I mentioned circumstances and context. You have to fill in the rest of the picture, here. Is he part of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force? Is he ‘the enemy’ as far as you are concerned?
Very occasionally this card can be you. You will know immediately if this is the case. You will recognise your fast and furious intention and the impact that adrenaline is having on you. There is not a great deal of thought or contemplation here. Just pure heat.
The trees on the left-hand side of the card are being bent backwards. This may be a comment on a family in the picture (family tree). Perhaps that is part of the issue. The Knight of Swords is charging in to defend a family member, or perhaps attack one. There may be strife in the clan. You can see Braveheart in the Knight of Swords.
The family tree may not be a directly connected part of the story here; it may be pure background or history. Perhaps the Knight of Swords comes from a troubled background where male aggression was the norm. This is really for you to interpret. Maybe he has ancestors who fought in the First World War; the Second World War. That legacy stays with him in the background.
The horse cannot see; flying blind, all it can do is try to keep up. Who or what is the vehicle for the Knight of Swords’ energy? Perhaps he has attached himself to a cause. It may be a ‘blind’ cause and so those involved may lack awareness or insight. They cannot see what you can see. That happens too, in war. And in peace.
There is a healthy warning here about driving too fast, or driving oneself or other people too hard. Accidents can happen as Elvis Costello noted. What we really get from this card is a sense of rushing, not thinking. Not seeing or understanding much, beyond the central, core mission. Or just the immediate reaction. That can lead to speeding fines or worse.
The rider is also rather blind. Look at the eyes and you will see the Knight of Swords is in an altered state. You might call it frenzy. The heat of the moment. We talk about ‘seeing red’ when we are angry.
Are there other ways to fight the good fight or seize the day than this? And what is the motivation here? What on earth is at stake? You can see the Aries glyph on the reins. Aries is a really good way into this card. Aries the ram is a symbol of male aggression where there is territory at stake, or the need to compete, fight and win. Aries the ram is linked to the idea of a battering ram – an ancient weapon.
Aries is of course ruled by Mars, which Pamela Colman Smith would have known. She created this image a few years before the First World War but accurately portrayed the rush to the front, which of course involved horses as well as riders, which claimed the lives of so many young men of her generation. This card was dreamed up in 1909 under the guidance of Arthur Waite, Pamela’s mentor and employer, from The Golden Dawn.
This is the Charge of the Light Brigade, but it is also the Vietnam War, which was there when Pamela and Arthur’s cards were popularly revived in the early Seventies by Stuart R. Kaplan.
The idea of harnessing energy and controlling feelings is very close to this card. Even if you are racing into an emergency, there must be time – even a few minutes – to plot and plan. To pause and strategise. Not everything has to be done in a single streak of raw energy. There is a saying: “He who hesitates is lost” but in this case, I am sure you can see that even a modest amount of hesitation could help the Knight achieve what he wants in a more successful way. There is something so reckless about this flight of his.
The rest of this card really has to be interpreted by you as it is so personal. Some of the Seventies readers of this card (popular among the hippies of California) would have been in the peace movement and strongly disapproved of Vietnam. Others may have had quite different feelings about the war and found the Knight of Swords to be a valiant force for good worth encouraging.
Hi Jessica- thank you again for the Taurus Weather event! Very informative. I must say- I greatly appreciate your insight and predictions. They offer some security during times that can feel quite uncertain. Since becoming a premium member, I have discovered that I have a Taurus stellium. I find this fascinating (as I knew I had a Virgo stellium and have always related quite strongly to Virgo traits). I have been looking forward to the upcoming transits and feel a sense of excitement at the forward momentum (after a slow Jan & Feb). I pulled the 8 of cups during the event. Any insight you could share would be wonderful (I am very new to Tarot).
Many thanks for all you do & the time you share with all of us.
Thank you, that’s very kind of you. You have Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo stelliums so are earthy, productive, centred, grounded and sensible. You already know that of course. Jupiter in Taurus will trine your Virgo side and trigger your Taurus side so this looks like a really solid period, May 2023 to May 2024, when you save or make money, which helps your lifestyle and workload, but also find ways to ‘work’ work (or academia) which profits you, either in cash or kind. Even the Jupiter opposition to your Scorpio factors is a blessing, as in astrology Jupiter has always been best and greatest in the pantheon.
Hi Jessica, Such a shame, I sadly missed the Zoom meeting as my subscription ran out just the previous day and I was unable to renew it in time. Could you please help with some concerns about the astrology coming up in April please. I am a sun Taurus (at 21 degrees, which sounds promising for 2024 from what you say), but my birth chart has Saturn at 17 Scorpio, which will be opposed very soon by Uranus in Taurus, from 6 to 23 April 2023, (as I just discovered from your response to a comment.) It will be opposed again from 31 March to 4 April 2024. Are there any avoidance strategies you can suggest to minimise the impact of this opposition please? I had been planning to put my house on the market in April, but discovering this make me think it’s probably best to wait and lie low. My natal chart has Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at 21 Gemini and I’m wondering how this impacts the coming astrology please. Also natal Ic Sagittarius 23 and Mc 23 Gemini. Thank you for any clues about how to interpret all this Jessica. Best wishes
I am sorry you missed The Taurus Weather. You would benefit from some good financial advice, as you do in fact have Saturn at 17 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, property, business and valuables. Boundaries, barricades and obstacles come with the territory, no matter if it’s a family legacy, your own legacy to others, or a marital contract, or business partnership. The Uranus opposition will challenge your system. It will ask you to question what you have set up and that is why I suggest expert advice. If you ask around pro astrologers regarding putting your house on the market on that opposition, they’d say no. Try the Tarot to validate that timing for yourself in a more personal way. As for your Gemini patterns, you will be thrilled by a neighbourhood development, or a development with a neighbouring place, in the years ahead and from 2026 who or what is close by, will set you free.
Thank you and your colleagues for TheTaurus Weather Meetup. I alway enjoy listening and learning from astrology. So many of your predictions are spot on. Trump, Giuliani, Macron, Putin, Epstein, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, the British Royal Family, just to mention a few. It’s been heavy energy for so many years. I really feel tired and exhausted. I can’t wait for Pluto to exit Capricorn and people power to gain momentum. If you have time I would like to ask you about my placement in Taurus. Since Uranus also is in Taurus opposite my Neptune in Scorpio. Thank you! Love your work, it feels empowering.
Thank you. Pluto in Capricorn was with us for such a long time, that we forgot we had the power. As Patti Smith says,”People have the power.” She just sang it too early. We won’t really see the astonishing outcomes of change in politics until we are past tomorrow, and that is only the first step of 29 to come, over a 20 year period. Lots of people feel knackered, as do you, from dealing with a cycle which really only suits a very few people. Your Jupiter Return at 26 Taurus in your Second House of money and valuables should delight you, in May 2024. Jupiter is the ‘Optimus maximus’ of Rome and so your optimism will be maximised, as you are given an opportunity to take an opportunity, not possible in 12 years. In fact if you go back to life aged around 12, you will remember that you had terrific presents, or the family shopped for you, or you won prizes, or had pocket money raises and so on. Maybe a legacy. Same, same.
Hi Jessica
It is so wonderful watching the astrology play out at the moment. As always a very special thank you to you and everybody. I drew temperance a beautiful card. I have my moon and mars at early Taurus degrees and later appollo and Saturn. Wondering how to intemperate this ? I wonder if you have time for some insight? By the way my husband 26/5/71 got a new job right on que as Saturn changed signs. Completely different he is no longer in charge, pay cut, new rules large environment. Just as you predicted. Will things ease for him? Poor man I think it’s been rather a shock to the system.
Best wishes Selina
Thank you Selina. Temperance is about your Aquarius stellium. If you look at the water being poured, it has the wavy lines of the Aquarius signs. The water-bearer in the card is Aquarius to the life. From tomorrow, you begin an empowering, transformative phase in your life when groups, pooling resources, people power and the Aquarian vision takes hold. It goes on for years. There is a Jupiter in Taurus square to Pluto in Aquarius in May, which begins this. So it’s really about the task of people flowing together. You may have a powerful position in future, with this group, or quite another, as a result of what this community teaches you. I am glad your husband has a different, better, life now Saturn is out of Aquarius. The real change is Pluto out of Capricorn, though, and that is tomorrow. He can wave goodbye to people, groups or situations which were so heavy-handed and controlling. Or wanted to be!
Hi Jessica,
I really enjoyed the Zoom event meetup. Thank you!
I drew Four of Pentacles. Can you please tell me a little bit more about this transit?
Thanks in advance.
This is a classic Jupiter in Taurus transit, Ana, and the card lines up with it – from May 2023 to May 2024. I’m glad you enjoyed the event, thank you.
Sitting pretty or looking greedy? It really depends on your point of view. The Cancer symbol is hidden in this man’s encircled arms. He is hugging the money, standing on the money and it even adorns his crown. As with all Pamela’s illustrations, this man can be you, even if you are a woman. Here we have a picture of the Trump family, don’t we? Those must be Trump towers in the distance and the clinging to cash is characteristic. Perhaps you see quite a different symbolic message. This card is for personal interpretation on the deepest level. Is this Scrooge? Perhaps it is you, with four sources of income, wondering who to pay, or where to donate profits.
Behind this character, as we’ve seen is property. The fact is, if you don’t let go, release and invest (or spend) you can find that the cash value of what you have and hold is irrelevant, compared to the rising value of houses or apartments – or business towers. That is one message about this card. Bitcoin is all very well, but what about the skyrocketing value of particular towns or nations, or specific listed buildings?
This man is grounded, yet also not grounded – he is floating in the air, if you look carefully. He’s Eight Miles High, to quote The Byrds, or Ten Feet Tall, to quote XTC. A great deal of money can be a high point; it makes us high; we hit the heights of success; we gain from investing in high-rise (spreadsheets in the sky) or perhaps we speculate on investing there. This could be any of the four Beatles at the height of their wealth. As Ringo Starr observed, he got high with a little help from his friends.
The grounding comes from the feet on the coins/pentacles and the astrological association with Taurus, an earth sign, and money. Capricorn, another earth sign, is associated with high-rise apartments and the penthouse suite or top floor. (The mountain goat who climbs to the top of the mountain). This is a mixed message. One is grounded in money like any good, materialistic, practical earth sign – Taurus is typical. Yet, here we also have someone whose feet do not touch the ground.
This card is also a symbol of the Fourth House ruled by Cancer (property) the Second House ruled by Taurus (cash flow) and the Eighth House ruled by Scorpio (assets) too. You can see the zodiac sign Cancer hidden in the curled arms. They resemble the Cancer the crab glyph.
Money can make us grasping, of course. The metaphor in this card is ‘To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer’ (he is holding on tightly, isn’t he?) We think about clutching our money, or hanging on to our values, perhaps. Safeguarding, protecting – but also grabbing – are suggested here. We talk about ‘money-grubbing’ and maybe that is also here!
Happiness is here, though. This wealthy man seems satisfied, full, secure, abundant – you would have to say it’s a rich symbol of someone who is really well set-up.
The trick with this card is to ask yourself how best money can be managed. Hanging on and holding on is one strategy, but the buildings behind hint at the possibility of an investment in property or premises, as we’ve seen. You also have to wonder at what holding on to money so tightly, does to a person’s life and character. Somewhere in that far-off city behind him is poverty. In Pamela Colman Smiths’s day, especially (in the Thirties, which she lived through) the towns were full of the poor. Perhaps this person is on the verge of transforming his attitude towards money and will give one of the four coins or 25% away. Maybe all of it.
The two big features in this card to interpret are the tightly folded arms and the feet on the ground/not on the ground. What are you being shown here and where can you take the card, in terms of directing the action or adding props, characters and backdrops?
Hi Jessica! thank you for writing such interesting posts and predictions! I’m not much of an astrologer, but I wanted to share this real quick. You know how you’re talking about how what’s going on in part is war karma from the second world war? Well, I recall reading a book by Kitty Kelly about the Bush family dynasty. Did you know that Bush’s grandfather was involved with Averil Harriman with UBS Warburg during that time? Do you know that they provided the financing for Hitler to build up his war machine? That’s what it states in that kitty Kelly book! Guess when they finally stopped financing Hitler’s war machine? When he defaulted on the payments!! I just wanted to share this anecdotal story that may tie into some of this war karma and UBS Warburg. Thank you again Jessica- I appreciate your blog and helpful advice so much.
Thank you. I didn’t know that story about the Bush family and Hitler. It’s really interesting. The war karma is sweeping and historic. It really begins on the first day of the war, so September 3rd 1939 and of course the US did not join the UK and France. Nor did Switzerland. This is part of the jigsaw now as the pieces are all put back together. I’ll find out more about the Bush dynasty. Cheers.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for yet another inspiring meeting. Looking forward to the next one. The card I pulled for the transit was Knight of Wands. I wonder how this adds up. For the Pluto in Aquarius transit, I pulled The Queen of Swords.
Thank you,
I have answered you elsewhere, thank you.
Thank you Jessica, I enjoyed the MeetUp and Deborah’s explanation of Taurus. I have a Taurus ascendant (and stellium), so it really struck a chord. I drew the Knight of Swords – but I don’t think that is my energy, perhaps my ex? Although he has been more like dragging his feet over our separation and property settlement for the past year or so. There has been no action on that score. We finally have an appointment to get the agreement drawn up and made official next week. Once that is done, I will be selling the family home and buying a new home. I seem to have been waiting and preparing for this to happen for a long time. I won’t feel truly free until then. There are children involved also.
Thank you. You were reading the future so the Knight of Swords has not appeared yet. Jupiter is yet to go into Taurus from May 2023. I would say it’s your son, if you have one. This is the long read (and if this is your former husband) he’ll speed up.
The Knight of Swords is a younger man, who drives fast on his motorbike, or in his car. In his speed boat or on his jet ski. In Ancient Rome he would have been galloping on his horse, of course. He lives for the moment and responds in the heat of the moment, too.
He is a symbol of Mars and Aries in astrology. An energetic, fierce, fast and furious man wearing red (the Aries/Mars colour) hurtling at breakneck speed towards some kind of attack, or defence. I mentioned circumstances and context. You have to fill in the rest of the picture, here. Is he part of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force? Is he ‘the enemy’ as far as you are concerned?
Very occasionally this card can be you. You will know immediately if this is the case. You will recognise your fast and furious intention and the impact that adrenaline is having on you. There is not a great deal of thought or contemplation here. Just pure heat.
The trees on the left-hand side of the card are being bent backwards. This may be a comment on a family in the picture (family tree). Perhaps that is part of the issue. The Knight of Swords is charging in to defend a family member, or perhaps attack one. There may be strife in the clan. You can see Braveheart in the Knight of Swords.
The family tree may not be a directly connected part of the story here; it may be pure background or history. Perhaps the Knight of Swords comes from a troubled background where male aggression was the norm. This is really for you to interpret. Maybe he has ancestors who fought in the First World War; the Second World War. That legacy stays with him in the background.
The horse cannot see; flying blind, all it can do is try to keep up. Who or what is the vehicle for the Knight of Swords’ energy? Perhaps he has attached himself to a cause. It may be a ‘blind’ cause and so those involved may lack awareness or insight. They cannot see what you can see. That happens too, in war. And in peace.
There is a healthy warning here about driving too fast, or driving oneself or other people too hard. Accidents can happen as Elvis Costello noted. What we really get from this card is a sense of rushing, not thinking. Not seeing or understanding much, beyond the central, core mission. Or just the immediate reaction. That can lead to speeding fines or worse.
The rider is also rather blind. Look at the eyes and you will see the Knight of Swords is in an altered state. You might call it frenzy. The heat of the moment. We talk about ‘seeing red’ when we are angry.
Are there other ways to fight the good fight or seize the day than this? And what is the motivation here? What on earth is at stake? You can see the Aries glyph on the reins. Aries is a really good way into this card. Aries the ram is a symbol of male aggression where there is territory at stake, or the need to compete, fight and win. Aries the ram is linked to the idea of a battering ram – an ancient weapon.
Aries is of course ruled by Mars, which Pamela Colman Smith would have known. She created this image a few years before the First World War but accurately portrayed the rush to the front, which of course involved horses as well as riders, which claimed the lives of so many young men of her generation. This card was dreamed up in 1909 under the guidance of Arthur Waite, Pamela’s mentor and employer, from The Golden Dawn.
This is the Charge of the Light Brigade, but it is also the Vietnam War, which was there when Pamela and Arthur’s cards were popularly revived in the early Seventies by Stuart R. Kaplan.
The idea of harnessing energy and controlling feelings is very close to this card. Even if you are racing into an emergency, there must be time – even a few minutes – to plot and plan. To pause and strategise. Not everything has to be done in a single streak of raw energy. There is a saying: “He who hesitates is lost” but in this case, I am sure you can see that even a modest amount of hesitation could help the Knight achieve what he wants in a more successful way. There is something so reckless about this flight of his.
The rest of this card really has to be interpreted by you as it is so personal. Some of the Seventies readers of this card (popular among the hippies of California) would have been in the peace movement and strongly disapproved of Vietnam. Others may have had quite different feelings about the war and found the Knight of Swords to be a valiant force for good worth encouraging.
Hello Jessica,
A belated thank you for the excellent event. In case you have time, I’m hoping to seek your advice on a situation. After much delay, my Sag husband and I finally obtained pre-approval early this year to buy a new house with more space and proximity to nature walks after years of living in a tiny 1-bed house with no garden in an inner industrial area that I dislike due to traffic and lack of trees. I’ve been trying desperately to make a sale happen as I know I have Jupiter in my 4th house right now, but Mercury retro starting next month. Last night we missed out again on a property, despite giving the highest offer (this time because of requiring a standard pest and building inspection, which another bidder didn’t – rather risky). I’m worried that we’ve missed our chance now, due to Mercury starting its retrograde next month. Perhaps this is my husband’s chart undermining my Jupiter at present? We’ve had some close calls with other houses, but something always goes wrong, such as discovering it’s dangerously close to a cell tower, or being gazumped by someone with deeper pockets. We have a lovely buyer’s agent assisting us but I’m starting to lose hope. Do you have any advice? Do you think we could risk signing next month despite Mercury retro, seeing as my Jupiter will still be in my 4th house? I’m pasting my husband’s chart data below in case it helps. Thank you so much for any guidance. LT.
22-Nov-1984, 14:30
00° Sagittarius 03′ 21″
19° Scorpio 37′ 39″
21° Sagittarius 24′ 08″
09° Capricorn 50′ 35″
04° Aquarius 49′ 44″
12° Capricorn 44′ 10″
20° Scorpio 22′ 18″
12° Sagittarius 58′ 04″
00° Capricorn 01′ 17″
03° Scorpio 09′ 55″
06° Gemini 13′ 51″ R
00° Libra 05′ 40″
05° Libra 24′ 11″
15° Taurus 37′ 08″ R
10° Capricorn 17′ 38″
10° Cancer 17′ 38″
10° Aries 09′ 10″
10° Libra 09′ 10″
01° Aries 06′ 33″
15° Scorpio 35′ 40″
22° Libra 33′ 21″
14° Libra 53′ 17″
27° Leo 45′ 55″
18° Pisces 48′ 44″
13° Aquarius 33′ 54″
11° Sagittarius 43′ 16″
20° Virgo 09′ 49″
16° Aquarius 47′ 05″
20° Pisces 36′ 13″
10° Leo 11′ 22″
29° Scorpio 57′ 22″
16° Aquarius 15′ 15″
27° Taurus 26′ 40″
27° Scorpio 26′ 40″
It’s actually about the pair of you and some unavoidable financial and property karma that comes with the partnership. Your husband actually has the North Node at 27 Taurus and South Node at 27 Scorpio so knew you in his past life. Now, you are both going around on a loop with karmic questions, thanks to the transiting North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio. The good news is, it stops in July. At the very latest, that is when the stuck record goes off the record player. He also has Fortuna (another wheel) in Scorpio in his Eighth House, which of course rules the marriage vows you made to each other about wealth. He also has Saturn, the Moon and Pluto in Scorpio so he was never going to get away without repetition and stuckness on this transit. Long-term this is terrific for him particularly as Jupiter goes into Cancer (his Fourth House of property) and trines his Scorpio factors in 2025-2026. Assuming you move this year, the property might gain in value, say, or you’d move again and snap up a terrific deal. Quite naturally you want to move sooner than that 2025. There is no perfect here, just ‘better’ and it will get better. The whole point of this transit is to test your love and loyalty for each other and that goes back to that past life I was talking about. Your own North Node and South Node are on the same Taurus-Scorpio axis, so you are owed, or owe him, from the last life. Again, after July, when the transiting nodes leave Taurus-Scorpio, the heavy lifting is over.
Hi Jessica,
My apologies for the second post, trying to piece in the puzzle – adding to the previous one,
Stalliums in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra
My Tarot card for Jupiter in Taurus transit – Knight of Wands
My Tarot card for the overlapping, although quite longer Pluto in Aquarius transit – Queen of Swords ( I learned from you that in my natal chart Mars conjuncts my MC in Capricorn), Sun in Sagitarrius
My Asc is at 5 Taurus – Jupiter will conjunct my Asc twice
I have Minerva at 28 Taurus that will conjunct the New Moon 28 Taurus and Sun 28 Taurus: May 19th, 2023 with a result by May 2024
At the same time May 2024 – Uranus will oppose my Jupiter in Scorpio (the same happening at the beginning of 2025)
The Full Moon/Eclipse on 28th October conjuncts my Asc
Not sure if those all apply only to the 2nd house – income, money, and if so hope it’s finally good news.
Where should I look for transits that can speak about relationships?
Thank you for your help,
Thank you. Okay, so Jupiter in Taurus will aspect your Sagittarius stellium, which is all about the big idea, the huge project, the qualification. You could help someone else plant this brainwave somewhere good, so it can flourish, or you could do it yourself, but you would need to really research the right location for this really high-potential plan to take off. That’s May 2023 to May 2024. Your Pluto in Aquarius transit is about you, controlling a situation with friends or groups. You will end up in a powerful position, rather like being the lynchpin in a political party, or the prime mover in some big movement. Power rests on boundaries. “This far and no further” and you will experiment with that. For your other questions, I suggest you go back to the Tarot and follow the steps. Money and love are two things Pamela and Arthur’s Tarot deals with very well.
Hi, Thank you for your talks, especially about the house systems. It gave me quite a happily different perspective on charts.
I have a Taurus sun, Cancer ascendent, Pisces midheaven, and a 29-degree Aries moon. I’ve noticed that for the current eclipse and the next 4 eclipses, I have multiple exact 0-degree aspects, especially conjunctions, for several planets and a few aspects that are within 0-2 degrees. That isn’t a common occurrence for me. I am hoping that you will shed some light on that for me.
Thank you for always clarifying and confirming the astrology and cards showing historical patterns. I appreciate that.
Thank you JC. Eclipses are easily dodged. Just avoid acting or judging the day before, the day of, the day after (let the world catch up with itself). An eclipse conceals it never reveals. So just assume something or someone is hidden in plain sight and you’ll realise, later, how important that was. Eclipses are neither negative nor positive, the way dark glasses are neither negative or positive. The most famous example last century is Camilla in the congregation when the cameras were on Diana at the wedding to Charles. Nobody saw except Diana. Hoodwinked planet!
Hi Jessica, I looked at my chart and transits in 25th April next year when Uranus and Jupiter will conjunct in Taurus. This will oppose directly my natal Uranus 22 in Scorpio. Also my natal Pluto is near the same degree (little less than 21) in Libra. I drew a Eight of cups for Taurus weather. What is the impact of these going to be like? Thank you so much for your advice.
Just Walk Away, Renee! This card brings to mind a lot of songs. She’s Leaving Home by The Beatles is another one. This is an archetypal experience. Breaking up with a shared household. Breaking up with a social circle. An organised group of people. A family. Perhaps leaving ‘everybody and everything’ behind.
This can be a little episode in your life or a big one. It depends on what you do, now through the Taurus weather of May 2023 to May 2024. There is something solid gold here. If you find the Smith-Waite Tarot card again and put it on your computer or phone, you will see the precious golden cups. So this is about a phase you are going through. The lustre has gone. The shine has worn off. With Uranus and Jupiter there is always a great need for freedom, and to explore other possibilities. You are pulling in Libra (partners) and Scorpio (family) so this is personal. This is the full card reading.
The downcast face of the Full Moon suggests that the lunar cycle has reached peak squeeze. The Sun is always opposite the Moon on a Full Moon and here we have someone who is not exactly leaping for joy on his/her journey, but going because there is nothing left, emotionally. This is a classic case of there being quantity but not quality. There are people all around, but as Cold Chisel’s Jimmy Barnes sang, ‘You’ve got nothing I want, you’ve got nothing I need.’ We might also think of Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s classic, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. A disenchanted man, probably gay, tires of big city life and goes back to the countryside.
When this card turns up, look at the lunar cycles, aspects to the natal Moon and (in particular) eclipse cycles going back months or years, in the same zodiac sign. The Moon is a symbol of mothers, breast milk and fed babies. Here we have someone who is not being fed, emotionally. In fact, he or she is being starved. The cups should be full and fulfilling. They are stacked high but there is nothing there, that we can see. There is certainly nothing there for this departing figure.
The 8 cups here symbolise friends, family, lovers, former lovers and show solid gold people. The issue is the emotional climate, the lunar cycle and the times. When this person returns it may be a New Moon, a sunny day and things may look and feel so much happier. This case of mild to severe depression, anger or even deep rage, could become history, by the next turn of the lunar cycle. And – conditions can change.
Who is not fulfilling promises or potential? Who is an empty vessel? Who is devoid of (insert some quality here)? These cups say it is not just one person, but all of them. Yet, times change and people can fill up again. They can become fulfilling. Cups are water signs in the Tarot. So, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Mother’s milk. The sweat, semen and occasionally the blood of Scorpio sex. The tears of sympathy, sensitivity and compassion that come with Pisces.
For all that they are empty on departure, the cups are solid gold. These are precious people or valuable relationships with enormous worth – and could return so much more, another time. Perhaps. Maybe.
Will there be a return? Sometimes people don’t come back. Some authors feel Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was depicting a famous eclipse of 1909 in this card.
An eclipse is a blind spot. This person cannot see how precious and valuable these eight relationships or friendships are. His/her back is turned. Pamela herself did this, turning her back on British literary, artistic and Bohemian society and leaving for the coast of England and a simple life away from W.B. Yeats and his family. Her visitors’ book in London, once so full, stopped – and she departed for the sea and the countryside, Catholicism and anonymity. Very few people in the village of Bude, where she passed away, knew who she was. So, given that Pamela herself is the creator of this card, we have to say there is a decent chance that you, or someone else, will never go back.
All the cards can be directed like a stage set, however, as Pamela was also a set designer for The Abbey Theatre among others. You are the director. Perhaps you want to change the lighting. Bring other cast members onto the set. Urge the central figure to alter the script. This card has tremendous potential for redemption, final reward and reconciliation. If you want clues about how this could happen, then pull another card.
Dear Jessica, thank you and your co-hosts so much for another interesting event! I have a stellium in Taurus (Juno, IC, Hygeia, Vulcano and Venus) and the taurus weather will definitely aspect my natal Saturn, Scorpio stellium and Aquarius stellium. I can feel there is change in the air, but it is not showing itself yet. I have been off work with a burn out and have to go back soon, but do not feel like going back because of a very toxic manager. Sadly enough I saw my dream job (in charity) posted recently with the company of the daughter of the owner of my company, but it was of course impossible to apply, especially during a sick leave. And also it would have been strange doing that before giving notice.
Recently I have become more and more interested in quantum physics and I just love how synchronicity works. The week before the event I drew The Lovers card for a love related question and it mention quantum possibilities and then during the Taurus Weather event I drew The World with regard to your question about the conjunction on April 25, 2024. That also mentioned quantum in it!
I would be so grateful if you could let me know which specific themes are affected during this Taurus weather phase in relation to my Taurus factors and the Aquarius stellium.
With best wishes and thanks again!
I am sorry you had a toxic manager. That has been quite common with Pluto in Capricorn for the last 15 years and you are not alone. Many readers have let me know about quite awful situations where they are being dominated, controlled or pushed around. Fortunately that cycle is over within hours. The World is a good card. You have the North Node at 2 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. You have a past life as an explorer, exporter, importer, linguist, world citizen, globetrotter and so on. When Pluto goes to 2 Aquarius in the future, you will find you are empowered, quite dramatically, to use your past life experience one more time. You may travel or emigrate. You may find yourself working with different nationalities. This is the long reading of the card:
This card is really about too much choice, and it’s international in nature. Just as much as the central character (probably yourself) must select from countries, this card is about choosing nationalities.
World travel in Pamela and Arthur’s day was not on budget airlines. Embarking on a round-world trip was overwhelming which may explain why the woman (centre) does not know which way to turn. As you might imagine, it is a time for concentration and focus, which can help a smart decision. Pamela and Arthur were both migrants and later on in her life, Pamela in particular became tied to London as much as New York, so even though this card was created in 1909 it has a very modern feel, as the world emerges from an age of globalisation.
This is a card about the worldwide web, world travel and ‘the big wide world.’ Thus we can interpret the symbols in geographical terms.
The lion stands for Great Britain. The bull for Spain. The eagle for the United States of America. Who is the flaxen-haired person in the top left-hand corner? A symbol of Australia and Asia together? This face has an Australian’s sun and sea bleached blonde hair, but oriental features. Perhaps we are looking at Oceania.
Pamela’s characteristic clouds surround the four corners of the earth. They are a symbol of cloud-based quantum computing which teaches us about quantum information. Everything is a possibility! Science has proven that quantum uncertainty is our reality. There is no single objective reality. Everything is a cloud of potential until we make it so. This is true of all Pamela’s ‘choice’ cards and you are being shown a world, where all worlds are possible and actually unfolding right now – in another country.
This card relates to Jupiter (the eagle), Leo (the lion), Taurus (the bull) and the Ninth House (travel and foreign people and places). You would certainly be looking at transits to Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House, or transits from Sagittarius factors.
The world is an incredible card which never fails to impress in readings as it can be so literal. I have seen it turn up for clients who almost fall off their chair, because they have only just bought tickets to Barcelona or London. You see it when people are confused about emigrating, or uncertain about an import/export program. The trick is always to bring the attention back into the self, away from the distraction of who or what is in another country.
It’s a fantastic card to see if you want to expand, explore and emigrate. To take a gap year. To go deeply into a new relationship with somebody from a foreign or unfamiliar culture.
What does this card say to you? It can sometimes raise the issue of sexuality and female seduction. This may be Lady Ga Ga or Madonna, wooing the entire world, and having fun doing it. Pamela only put a very few naked people into her cards, but this is one of them. The image was very likely copied from one of the saucy postcards of 1909, showing actresses in various states of undress, covered only with wispy scarves to cover their modesty.
The person at the centre of the card is you, or someone you know. The primary relationship has to be with the self, and not with The World, in the first instance. Unless you know yourself, and have sorted yourself out (stop dancing and start thinking) nothing can really shift, here. Everything remains an untapped possibility and none of the four corners of the world can be explored. There has to be a commitment, because you cannot be in four places at once. Nor is it necessarily possible to travel to four places at once. Choice means rejecting some outcomes, but you cannot really reject what you do not know (or whom you do not know).
This card is about settling down, taking a deep breath, doing some research, but also very much about that old maxim ‘Know Thyself’. There is no point in just grabbing at the first face, space or place overseas that beckons. It’s time for self-knowledge and clear intention. That way, the choice is made with full awareness of the repercussions. It is useful to look at the faces of the bull, lion, eagle and ‘angel’ figure too. What can you read into each expression? Your psychic ability should give you some inside information here about the United Kingdom, or Spain (or perhaps Europe, or the European Union).
Thank you so much for responding to my question.
I am so sorry that you lost you aunt. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
That’s really kind of you, thank you.
Hi Jessica, thank you to you and Debra for the great meet up for the Taurus weather! I asked the question you posed and I pulled the 3 of swords and instantly felt my stomach flip! I would be so grateful if you let me know what you see for me with this card please. I’m coming to a crucial point in a very long standing (10 year long) fight to get my divorce settlement which you have kindly answered questions on in the past. I have been patiently waiting for various legal issues to be resolved only to find my ex-husband may have wriggled free of the trustees in bankruptcy, the lawyers, accountants and the tax man (UK) to leave me with nothing (which was always his plan, but I trusted the men in suits would prevent that). I fear he may be preparing to flee the county with his new wife but I cannot prove anything (he is not from the UK). I was feeling pretty hopeful for a while, for a fair and just ending, especially with Jupiter entering the picture and after everything he has already put me through, but I’m now wondering if the 3 of swords is telling me to prepare for the worst? With gratitude. Alexia
Thank you. Your Three of Swords card is your divorce settlement. Who is the third person, Alexia? Is this your former husband’s new wife? Is it a child you had together? Is it your own new boyfriend? I will give you the long reading on this because it is very important that you withdraw, even energetically. This shows up in your public chart and private chart too. Here is the long reading.
Three can be very difficult when the heart is involved. A love triangle, usually, with two partners in a painful situation with a third person. Perhaps an ex who will not go away, a mistress, or a romantic rival.
The perfect cure is in the extraction of all three swords, at once, to promote heart healing. This is the marriage of Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles with various third parties. Camilla Parker-Bowles was the most famous face in the painful saga, but of course Diana also had lovers.
It is unusual for three people to all simultaneously resign from a painful situation for the human heart. Yet, if you are the questioner here, it is clearly you who is the third sword and you can act alone if you must. Perhaps, encourage at least another person to leave with you!
Closer in time to 1909 when Pamela Colman Smith illustrated this card, Alice Keppel was the most famous mistress of King Edward VII.
This card can also describe two parents and a child in a bad marriage. I have seen just that, with a father whose wife and daughter gang up on him.
The trick, yes, is all three antagonists withdrawing their weapons at once – but to reach that point involves tremendous communication breakthroughs, trust, and transformation. Much as we would wish that were the case it is not always humanly possible.
Time is of the essence here, so the card invokes Mars. Have a look for that in any of the three astrological charts, either by transit, or by aspects to natal Mars. Mars is the god of war and the phrase ‘All’s fair in love and war’ springs to mind, though it frequently feels so painful it can be like heart surgery.
Unless ‘surgery’ is actually performed – emotionally, spiritually, psychologically – this heart will fall or fail. It’s really just a matter of time, isn’t it? We also think about ‘bleeding hearts’ with this card and sometimes there can be one of the three people begging for sympathy and wringing things out emotionally. That has to be said. It can happen.
The Seventh House is the house of marriage but also divorce and separation – and is suggested by the card. I have seen this card appear when three people are stubbornly fixed in a toxic three-way situation and nobody will withdraw (withdraw his or her sword).
Sometimes that can happen partly because people are terrified that the heart (representing all three of them) will suffer. Yet, if all three would withdraw collectively from this unhealthy emotional situation, at least the wounds could be healed. Life could move on. If that is not possible the onus is on you, to be a realist about this drama. Ask yourself how you contribute to it. How do you enable the second and third person to continue?
You might also look at Vesta in the charts, or Vesta by transit, as in astrology she frequently turns up when one man plays two females off against each other, so he can stroke his ego or gain some kind of power. This card is often a sign that Vesta is around. She is an astrological symbol (an asteroid) of the Temple of the Vestales in the Forum, where one man, the Pontifex Maximus, controlled all the virginal females. The gender politics was quite toxic.
The word ‘withdrawal’ comes with this card. Withdraw your sword. Withdraw the swords, plural. You really have to step back and look at the wounds and the potential for healing. Healing is going to take time for this heart, isn’t it? But whose heart is it? Yours, or the second person’s, or the third person’s involved?
One thing is sure. This is not a happy heart. It is not a healthy heart. There is something utterly doomed about this if all three continue. The only hope is extensive healing, and that will take time. Nothing and nobody can heal until one, two or all three of you remove the aggression, the attack or defence from the situation. Swords are a symbol of a battle; a fight; a war. That can be as engaging as love, can’t it?
Yet, once you step back from this card and look at it dispassionately, you should be able to gain the detachment that tells you; this is never going to function. It is utterly dysfunctional in every way, and even though what you three have is the stuff of rock ballads, operas, soap operas and French literature, it is hardly what you want in your lives, day in and day out.
Thank you very much for your kind reply Jessica. I hear your and the cards message to withdraw. The third person in this situation could be my ex-husbands new wife, it could the daughter we have together. My gut says this could be his mother who has been scheming with him in the shadows. Please can I ask, is the message to walk away from what is owed to me. I have been almost entirely shut out of whole process for a number of years and not been actively involved or had any control. He has left me in a huge amount of debt. Do you see more harm for me or my daughter unless I walk away and forget about the settlement? Which I will do if it is the right thing to do. With thanks to you.
I am sorry you are being hard done by financially. That is very tough. Keep going with your Tarot reading. Follow the steps. You alone know the identity of the third person but the emotional pain is real. It will not stop until you withdraw, even mentally. The money is another matter, so go back to the cards. This will be sorted out in 2023, 2024 and by January 2025 when the nodes are out of their Scorpio, Libra sequence (divorce settlement and then emotional settlement) you can say “Job done.” You could also add The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to your reading to get more detail and validation.
Thank you for the reply, Jessica. I really appreciate the insight & I’m looking forward to some solid forward momentum that is productive! If you have the time, could you explain the card I pulled during the Taurus Weather event? 8 of cups. Unless of course you already did in your reply and I didn’t make the connection. Many thanks again. 🙂
And here is your future prediction again.
Just Walk Away, Renee! This card brings to mind a lot of songs. She’s Leaving Home by The Beatles is another one. This is an archetypal experience. Breaking up with a shared household. Breaking up with a social circle. An organised group of people. A family. Perhaps leaving ‘everybody and everything’ behind.
The downcast face of the Full Moon suggests that the lunar cycle has reached peak squeeze. The Sun is always opposite the Moon on a Full Moon and here we have someone who is not exactly leaping for joy on his/her journey, but going because there is nothing left, emotionally. This is a classic case of there being quantity but not quality. There are people all around, but as Cold Chisel’s Jimmy Barnes sang, ‘You’ve got nothing I want, you’ve got nothing I need.’ We might also think of Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s classic, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. A disenchanted man, probably gay, tires of big city life and goes back to the countryside.
When this card turns up, look at the lunar cycles, aspects to the natal Moon and (in particular) eclipse cycles going back months or years, in the same zodiac sign. The Moon is a symbol of mothers, breast milk and fed babies. Here we have someone who is not being fed, emotionally. In fact, he or she is being starved. The cups should be full and fulfilling. They are stacked high but there is nothing there, that we can see. There is certainly nothing there for this departing figure.
The 8 cups here symbolise friends, family, lovers, former lovers and show solid gold people. The issue is the emotional climate, the lunar cycle and the times. When this person returns it may be a New Moon, a sunny day and things may look and feel so much happier. This case of mild to severe depression, anger or even deep rage, could become history, by the next turn of the lunar cycle. And – conditions can change.
Who is not fulfilling promises or potential? Who is an empty vessel? Who is devoid of (insert some quality here)? These cups say it is not just one person, but all of them. Yet, times change and people can fill up again. They can become fulfilling. Cups are water signs in the Tarot. So, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Mother’s milk. The sweat, semen and occasionally the blood of Scorpio sex. The tears of sympathy, sensitivity and compassion that come with Pisces.
For all that they are empty on departure, the cups are solid gold. These are precious people or valuable relationships with enormous worth – and could return so much more, another time. Perhaps. Maybe.
Will there be a return? Sometimes people don’t come back. Some authors feel Pamela Colman Smith, the creator of the cards, was depicting a famous eclipse of 1909 in this card.
An eclipse is a blind spot. This person cannot see how precious and valuable these eight relationships or friendships are. His/her back is turned. Pamela herself did this, turning her back on British literary, artistic and Bohemian society and leaving for the coast of England and a simple life away from W.B. Yeats and his family. Her visitors’ book in London, once so full, stopped – and she departed for the sea and the countryside, Catholicism and anonymity. Very few people in the village of Bude, where she passed away, knew who she was. So, given that Pamela herself is the creator of this card, we have to say there is a decent chance that you, or someone else, will never go back.
All the cards can be directed like a stage set, however, as Pamela was also a set designer for The Abbey Theatre among others. You are the director. Perhaps you want to change the lighting. Bring other cast members onto the set. Urge the central figure to alter the script. This card has tremendous potential for redemption, final reward and reconciliation. If you want clues about how this could happen, then pull another card.
Hi Jessica,
Just a quick message to offer my sympathies to you on the passing of your aunt.
Thank you so much. It’s amazing how many people I’ve never met are getting in touch. It’s really comforting.
Hi Jessica! I posted my question a few days ago, concerned that it got buried. I really enjoyed the Zoom event on Taurus weather. Can you please take a look at my chart and tell me what do 2 factors I have in Taurus mean: Saturn at 8 and Ops at 11? I drew the World card – will I be able to finally visit Russia in 2023? 2024? And will I be able to sell my property there in 2023-2024? will I be able to change my job in 2023? Have been trying for the last 3 years with zero success… Thank you!
I am just back at my desk and there are 74 questions in the list so it’s taking a little time. The World is terrific and shows you your MC and IC at 24 Gemini-Sagittarius, which is about foreign travel or emigration. Also export. You are seeing into the future in 2024, but also from 2026, when you will have a completely different relationship with neighbouring regions and countries, but also the international scene. It will set you free and be quite exhilarating and exciting. It’s not clear if Russia is involved. The United Kingdom and Europe, America and Australasia are certainly on offer. And what does it mean to have Saturn and Ops in Taurus? Well, they were married in Roman mythology. He presents financial problems and she solves them. You will find life is always about budget challenges, followed by budget solutions. It’s what you do.
Hi Jessica
I am so sorry for the loss of your Aunt. Sending lots of love to you. x
Thank you so much.
Hi Jessica,
I missed the Meetup, but I hope to attend the next one. I find your website and all of the information you provide fascinating!
I have the following placements and I would appreciate any insight you may have as to what this means for me and the Taurus Weather.
Pisces Sun, Aries rising
Stelliums in Pisces (6), Virgo (5), Capricorn (5), Aquarius (4)
Moon 21 degrees Scorpio
Psyche 22 degrees Scorpio
Neptune 15 degrees Scorpio
Aesculapia 03 degrees Taurus
Apollo 21 degrees Taurus
Ops 16 degrees Taurus
Thanks so much!
Thank you. This is a Scorpio-Taurus chart Muffy, with the usual split between your own values and life budget, and that of partners or family. So, for example, you may be penny-pinching and your daughter may be generous. You may be a big charity donor but your husband would rather spend the money on renovations. However it has shown up for you, family or partnerships will always bring it out. The biggest stretch in 19 years regarding this will end in July as the lunar nodes move off Taurus and Scorpio. There is usually a stubborn, fixed, element to life with this transit as Scorpio and Taurus are also fixed. You are extremely fixed, as you also have a stellium in Aquarius. So ‘We shall not be moved.’ However, you are going to have to move, until the year 2026. Part of this is for terrific reasons, as from May 2023 to May 2024 you will be shown a way to save or make money. Uranus in Taurus is an unpredictable force, though, and life will be erratic, unpredictable, frequently very exciting but also constantly uncertain, in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 so the big picture tells you to have an extremely flexible budget in place so that when life zig-zags, you can zig-zag with it.
Hi Jessica, thanks, i enjoy these Meet Ups for the nuances that each of your guests impart The Tarot card I drew – ACE OF PENTACLES thanks for your insight, I am poring over my chart, cheers
Lucky you. This is Jupiter with all his opportunities for abundance, entering your Second House of money, May 2023 to May 2024.
A huge amount of money is on offer if you bring it down to earth and make it real. This is money saved or money made. Much depends on the question, but if this card is a general snapshot of the present, you are potentially in line for a bonus; an inheritance; a pay rise; an advance; a commission; a generous bank loan.
This card just came up yesterday when a friend of mine generously waved her usual fee for a charity project – she will potentially save us several thousand dollars. It can translate into ‘money saved’ as well as gained. As with so many of Pamela’s cards, this is a cloud of possibility. It exists, but only if you make it real. Money presents all sorts of mixed feelings, despite what you might think. Perhaps it should be obvious that a lot of money is a good thing; a welcome thing. This is surprisingly not the case for many people, and the way that you talk about money is revealing. Do you see reaching for savings or profits as grasping or grabbing, for example? Do you associate greed with money?
This point of view or mindset is important. Developing a healthy relationship with abundance is the start. It is quite true that some corporations and individuals give a lot of money a bad name. However, if you think about responsible business, ethical investment, generous philanthropy and so on, you can remove any mental obstacles to trusting and accepting what is possible. If you go back into your family’s experiences with money, wealth, poverty, business, recessions and depressions, boom and bust (right through the family history on your mother’s side or father’s side) you can often uncover where family attitudes towards finance come from. This card alone can prompt you to do that.
This card is usually about a bonus, tax refund, legacy, pay rise or profit as I’ve mentioned. It can be used to improve the garden, perhaps build a shed or conservatory, or fund a trip away to the mountains. It can be nice to daydream, but then to actually set goals. If you have asked about the outcome of a particular professional plan, this card gives it to you straight. It could potentially deliver a great deal to you, financially.
The trick is believing in it, knowing you deserve it, and doing the work to make it happen. Until then it remains a tantalising unpopped quantum possibility. You have ended up in a universe where you could gain, and not just a little, but a lot. This universe is as real as any of them and the next step is pulling down the lump sum to save or make, from the cloud of hypothetical reward. Yet – why shouldn’t you do that? Why couldn’t you do that? Money is, after all, the road to freedom. In this card it makes all things possible, no matter if you want to explore ahead, or stay put and use it at home.
Hi Jessica, I am so sorry about your aunt’s passing. Losing a loved one is sad enough, but the prior refusal of your donation and the inability to safely mourn together with family due to the same virus your aunt died from makes the situation really tragic. I hope you and your family can heal from this needless loss.
Thank you to you, Deborah, and Alicia for Saturday’s Zoom meeting. The uncanny description of my Taurus brother from another mother – who is just shy of 2 months younger than me and a serious student of both science and history – has convinced him that astrology is a real science!
The tarot card I pulled in response to the Saturday Zoom question is the Knight of Swords. Hmm. I would appreciate your insights if you have time please, especially given my (1) North Node at 13 Taurus and South Node at 13 Scorpio, (2) my upcoming work for a financial services client starting in early April, (3) my (ex?) boyfriend’s Vesta at 13 Taurus, he is 1969 Mar 13 Jburg (time unknown), (4) me losing it with said (ex?) boyfriend earlier this week when I first found out he is going NYC this weekend before a work conference in the US next week, but could not spend more than an overnight with me for my birthday (I cancelled since I was feeling under the weather). He has been a good friend in the past, but I am at the point that I am just fed up with the insufficient time together for the last year, and the 180 degree turn in his attitude towards COVID as opposed to the first 18 months of the pandemic, especially since I am high risk and him living like its 2019 limits me seeing him. We are in the same industry, and I now work with a friend of his, so as angry as I am, I need to handle this carefully. While I would prefer to remain at a minimum civil, if this is a relationship that is out of season, I will move on and not look back. I do not have the appetite for drama, and frankly, if my suspicion that he is going to NYC with a female friend is correct, I do not have the appetite for deviousness either.
Some final links which you may find interesting in light of your predictions.
1. Forbes US published an article on its website 2023 Mar 22 entitled “FAA Urges Airlines To Review Safety Procedures After String Of ‘Concerning’ Near-Misses”. I believe the reports based on anecdotes e.g. the (ex?) BF’s flight into a US airport from Canada aborted its landing, he gathers from his prior military service due to an errant plane on the runway. If you following the various commentary on Twitter (e.g. @same0416), I am beginning to think that your prediction of class action lawsuits against airlines is not from the virus being disseminated by travel, but because so many pilots have COVID brain damage that near-accidents are happening, and the airlines are going to get sued for actual accidents caused by their employees.
2. In Canada, two (2) female members of Ontario provincial parliament are preparing to propose a private member’s bill re indoor air quality to mitigate COVID: https://twitter.com/JILLSLASTWORD/status/1636767804538994689?s=20. And word has gotten around that the governments at all levels knew in 2020 that women 30 – 60 have the highest risk for Long COVID. Women are realizing the misogyny is a feature, not a bug, and are now starting to demand action.
3. Also in Canada, on Wednesday, the federal government introduced legislation for the creation and operation of a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry which will assist with ending money laundering. I am shocked given my work in this area, but chuffed that this may assist with affordability given Canadian real estate prices are inflated in part due to money laundering.
Thanks for all you do, and again, my condolences.
Thank you. I don’t normally take my private life, public, but I wanted others who are going through the COVID-19 experience in English hospitals, to hear about what had just happened to me. On the plus side, the hospital in question is now more open to hearing about a donation of HEPA-UV units. I will pass on your thanks to Deborah and Alicia too. This event has attracted nearly 300 questions so it’s been really popular. The Knight of Swords is always a younger man. Is this your boyfriend? I will explain the card at the end of your question so you can identify. (Or not, as the case may be; it may be another younger man entirely). Thank you for your links. It is intriguing to think that pilot failure is down to Long Covid or damage left by Covid. If so, that would fit class action lawsuits for years into the future. The feminist angle on Long Covid in Canada is also really interesting; I’d not heard of this before. And Canada, again, with money laundering legislation – right on cue – for Jupiter in Taurus. I’ll just put the kettle on and have a closer look at this. Now, to your Knight…
The Knight of Swords is a younger man, who drives fast on his motorbike, or in his car. In his speed boat or on his jet ski. In Ancient Rome he would have been galloping on his horse, of course. He lives for the moment and responds in the heat of the moment, too.
He is a symbol of Mars and Aries in astrology. An energetic, fierce, fast and furious man wearing red (the Aries/Mars colour) hurtling at breakneck speed towards some kind of attack, or defence. I mentioned circumstances and context. You have to fill in the rest of the picture, here. Is he part of a United Nations Peacekeeping Force? Is he ‘the enemy’ as far as you are concerned?
Very occasionally this card can be you. You will know immediately if this is the case. You will recognise your fast and furious intention and the impact that adrenaline is having on you. There is not a great deal of thought or contemplation here. Just pure heat.
The trees on the left-hand side of the card are being bent backwards. This may be a comment on a family in the picture (family tree). Perhaps that is part of the issue. The Knight of Swords is charging in to defend a family member, or perhaps attack one. There may be strife in the clan. You can see Braveheart in the Knight of Swords.
The family tree may not be a directly connected part of the story here; it may be pure background or history. Perhaps the Knight of Swords comes from a troubled background where male aggression was the norm. This is really for you to interpret. Maybe he has ancestors who fought in the First World War; the Second World War. That legacy stays with him in the background.
The horse cannot see; flying blind, all it can do is try to keep up. Who or what is the vehicle for the Knight of Swords’ energy? Perhaps he has attached himself to a cause. It may be a ‘blind’ cause and so those involved may lack awareness or insight. They cannot see what you can see. That happens too, in war. And in peace.
There is a healthy warning here about driving too fast, or driving oneself or other people too hard. Accidents can happen as Elvis Costello noted. What we really get from this card is a sense of rushing, not thinking. Not seeing or understanding much, beyond the central, core mission. Or just the immediate reaction. That can lead to speeding fines or worse.
The rider is also rather blind. Look at the eyes and you will see the Knight of Swords is in an altered state. You might call it frenzy. The heat of the moment. We talk about ‘seeing red’ when we are angry.
Are there other ways to fight the good fight or seize the day than this? And what is the motivation here? What on earth is at stake? You can see the Aries glyph on the reins. Aries is a really good way into this card. Aries the ram is a symbol of male aggression where there is territory at stake, or the need to compete, fight and win. Aries the ram is linked to the idea of a battering ram – an ancient weapon.
Aries is of course ruled by Mars, which Pamela Colman Smith would have known. She created this image a few years before the First World War but accurately portrayed the rush to the front, which of course involved horses as well as riders, which claimed the lives of so many young men of her generation. This card was dreamed up in 1909 under the guidance of Arthur Waite, Pamela’s mentor and employer, from The Golden Dawn.
This is the Charge of the Light Brigade, but it is also the Vietnam War, which was there when Pamela and Arthur’s cards were popularly revived in the early Seventies by Stuart R. Kaplan.
The idea of harnessing energy and controlling feelings is very close to this card. Even if you are racing into an emergency, there must be time – even a few minutes – to plot and plan. To pause and strategise. Not everything has to be done in a single streak of raw energy. There is a saying: “He who hesitates is lost” but in this case, I am sure you can see that even a modest amount of hesitation could help the Knight achieve what he wants in a more successful way. There is something so reckless about this flight of his.
The rest of this card really has to be interpreted by you as it is so personal. Some of the Seventies readers of this card (popular among the hippies of California) would have been in the peace movement and strongly disapproved of Vietnam. Others may have had quite different feelings about the war and found the Knight of Swords to be a valiant force for good worth encouraging.
Hi Jessica,
I logged in to thank you so much for your reassuring response to my question, and just saw AD82’s message of condolence to you. I’m very sorry also to hear of your loss.
Take care,
Thank you LT.
Hi Jessica, firstly, sincere condolences on the passing of your dear aunt. I purchased two hepa air filters when you first alerted us to them. Thank you.
Huge thanks to you, Deborah and Alicia for an informative zoom webinar. I always learn so much.
My Taurus stellium is certainly getting triggered!
I pulled The High Priestess card.
My question is on insights on to stay in my current location in a metro area or move to across to a more regional area to a retreat holiday destination to offer air bnb and my sound healing therapy that I have studied in to help more people. I have started my offering and feel I am ready as I have healed myself from two groin hernias last month. I was in surgery and the keyhole couldn’t find any hernias although they clearly showed up in ultrasound and MRI scans. The surgeon couldn’t understand why they were not there. The hernias appeared due to excess physical work in my own business with my partner for the past 33yrs.
I am entering my second Saturn return and my body is calling for gentler physical work. May I also ask if I should wait until the lunar nodes shift in July to stay or relocate?
Many thanks for all you do.
Thank you. My aunt will be remembered in the part of the English countryside she spent her final years in. I am hoping her hospital can remember her with donated HEPA filters. I am really glad you have them. And thank you for your message to Deborah and Alicia. The High Priestess is a fantastic card. You are a sound healer, and you are the High Priestess here as you have your qualifications in your hand – see the scroll. You wonder if you should move. The High Priestess is actually about going between two places. You can see the pomegranates behind her on the screen. They are a symbol of Proserpina, the go-between, who spent half the year with her husband, and half the year with her mother, in two different spheres. There is a hint here about doing that. As you began with the Tarot you may want to end with the Tarot and proceed to your next question about location. Your chart backs this up. You have a huge Gemini stellium and Jupiter with all his growth and expansion goes into Gemini, which rules neighbouring places, from mid 2024. Uranus is in Gemini from 2026 and that’s a revolution, again, involving neighbouring places. But – keep going with your own Tarot.
Hi Jessica,
I have a stellium in Scorpio, Aquarius and Sagittarius with only one factor in Taurus, IC 20. Will I be affected personally or professionally by this? Thanks
The IC or Immum Coeli depends on a strictly accurate birth time, but if you have it, then transiting Jupiter in a conjunction with your natal IC in the Second House of income, valuables, charity, business and property will help you to capitalise on what you have inherited from a family member or ancestor. This may be literal, so inherited wealth. It may be metaphorical, so a particular gift for charity fundraising, or a knack for attracting just the right kind of businessman to help you profit hugely. The IC shows where you come from; the family tree. In Taurus, somebody was very good with all this.
Morning Jessica
I just read this
Troubled U.S. organ transplant system targeted for overhaul
Pluto / Aquarius bringing organs to more?
Health is just one area where people have been short-changed and let down, during the Pluto in Capricorn years. Unfortunately when you get Pluto (total control, absolute power) in Capricorn (the system) you tend to find elitism and selfishness, along with greed. The whole world has experienced this, more obviously so, since 2020. Now that Pluto is in Aquarius, people are realising how much power they have, if they unite against politicians. A great many things are going to improve over the next 20 years and the American health system is one of them. Thank you.
Jess, as usual you are spot on! Yes I work hard on projects as a one man band, forging documetation virtually out of nothing. I do also have a spinal problem. I have been looking a property and thinking should I live overseas ie out of Australia or not. Thank you for accurate reading and excellent comments.
Thank you for validating my prediction.
Thanks Jessica, my fantasy is to build low cost, low energy housing. I have the skills just need the funding. cheers
Not so much a fantasy, with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus coming up. Write down what you want to do and give yourself a deadline. Say it aloud and scribble changes to the statement if you need to. Then find a mirror, light a candle and say it again, facing yourself. Ask spirit to tune in and help you. When obvious signs appear, follow the paths. You may be stunned at what you are shown. When I say ‘spirit’ I mean your spirit guides, friends and helpful family on the other side of life.
Thanks so much, Jessica, for raising COVID awareness and your reply. I understand re privacy. The fact that someone who is as COVID aware as you are did not realize SARS2 impact’s on the brain and women is sadly not surprising to me. One of the MPPs sponsoring the legislation did not know about women’s risk for Long COVID until I told her to help support her efforts, and she religiously wears an authentic 3M N95 everywhere (including outside). The public health messaging is deficient. As for the Knight of Swords – BF is older than me (mid-50s), has a bit of an immature attitude towards relationships, and does ride motorcycles. Would the attitude make him a “younger” man? Or is it literally age? Thanks again if you have time to answer.
Thank you. History will judge politicians and businessmen who knew perfectly well that HEPA-UV was the solution to Covid and ignored it. For the want of a modest investment in refitting buildings, they chose to put our money (and their money, for profit) into Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and the rest. Long Covid is real. There never was a ‘vaccine’ to safeguard people from getting it. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Your Knight of Swords is. yet to appear, perhaps, as you were asking about the future. The Knight is always, always notably younger than you. (But ask him to slow down).
Hi Jessica, thank you for your amazing insights! I’ve just joined so I’m slowly going through your website, it’s fascinating!
I’ve done my birth chart and I have stelliums in Capricorn x 7, Aquarius x 4, Pisces x 4 and Sagittarius x 4. Money has been extremely difficult for my family for a very long time, we have a lot of debt and are constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul and basically live pay cheque to pay cheque with no room for any of life’s luxuries like holidays, let alone savings. Do you see any improvement in our situation any time soon? Life would be a lot easier if I knew the bills could get paid . Thank you!
Thank you. Let’s see what is going on with your public and private astrology chart. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with Saturn in Taurus in opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio. You have articulated what this is: Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Basically, when you are born with natal Saturn in the Second House in opposition to natal Jupiter in the Eighth House, there is an inner conflict between your life budget, your personal income, your debts, your house/apartment, your possessions and valuables – and those of others. It’s actually about the family and you, full stop. The Eighth House is the marriage or partnership, but also the children. Saturn is about restriction and limitation. Jupiter is about growth and expansion. So you go back and forth between the two sides of yourself, like a boomerang. Your private chart suggests you need a different budget. You probably know that. I don’t think you can get away with the old way of managing for very long, as transiting Pluto is coming along to 0, 1, 2 Aquarius and will create what is called a T-Square in your chart. It’s like a crossroads in the traffic; you have to figure out which new direction you are going to take, because you have no choice. It’s easy for me to say and different for you to do, but a new system is required. The Tarot can help you dig a bit deeper to find out what that could be, and how you could make it work. In your public chart, you have been through the toughest cycle in 29 years and come out the other side, so well done. 2021, 2022 and early 2023 were really hard, but now you are in a new cycle when Pluto in Aquarius is telling you, that if you have the willpower, the self-control, the self-discipline – you will become stronger – and overcome a very difficult issue. This is up to you, but it will be hard work. Still, Pluto rewards those who push back and try, and by 2044, if you have put your head down and pushed, you’ll succeed.
Hi Jessica,
I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt. What a very sad time for you. I hope you can stay connected somehow between the veil.
I attended your Zoom (thanks to you, Deborah and Alicia). I did post a question earlier in the week, but I understand how many questions you have.
I pulled The Sun. I have so much going on, and my previous question/comment was quite long, but really I just need some Ray of Hope that things get better. My situation does feel non-negotiable, like there is nothing I can do to be free.
I’d love to hear what The Sun means for me.
Thank you Din P. I do in fact know my aunt has passed to spirit and the hospital has come back to me, for the second time, with a more positive reply about my donation of HEPA-UV units to the ward, so nobody else has to risk infection with COVID-19 while being admitted for other conditions. (Not to mention the safely of staff). The Sun in the Tarot is a Major Arcana card so what is coming for you in the Taurus weather of May 2023 to May 2024 is also major. This is the long reading:
Whenever this card turns up it puts a smile on your face, or your Tarot reader’s, because it is a shot of pure joy, delivered by Pamela Colman Smith all the way from 1909. So much energy is poured into this illustration it radiates years later. It is, of course, about a child. It can also be about someone old enough to be your own child. So, you could be 60 and this younger person may be 40! This is unusual, though. Mostly, we have a message here about welcome turning points and celebratory moments involving children or teenagers. Sometimes – a pregnancy.
This is pure Leo and Fifth House symbolism. Leo is ruled by the Sun – which shines here among sunflowers. The play on words here is also evident. The Sun can be ‘the son’ and so, the son and heir. It is amazing how often this card will turn up when a couple are going through IVF treatment and hoping for good news. The son and heir is on the way, even if this is an adoption.
We also associate sunflowers with ‘son flowering’ and the blossoming of youth. This card appears when children do well at school, or a girl becomes the captain of her netball team. It can be quite literal, in that a nephew does well at the local gymkhana.
This sign rules the next generation. Sons, daughters, godchildren, young relatives or just younger faces to be mentored, guided or entertained.
It dazzles with its radiance and happiness. Look at the horse, the flowing red fabric (right) and the wall behind for clues. Look also to the face inside the Sun and the child’s headpiece. Pamela’s cards work best when they are used as psychic triggers and just sitting with the imagery here and letting it speak to you can be useful.
Leo is associated by rulership with The Fifth House which rules the heirs to the throne. The son or daughter who inherits the ‘kingdom’ or influence, insight and inspiration of a parent, godparent, grandparent, step-parent, aunt, uncle and so on. The Sun rules Leo the lion, in the zodiac, and it is interesting that both J.K.Rowling (Harry Potter) and Beatrix Potter were born under this sign. I mentioned the play on words with Sun/son and the idea of a son and heir. The Royal Family has a high Leo count.
This card has traditionally been associated with a ‘yes’ answer if the question is about pregnancy or adoption, as I’ve mentioned – particularly with IVF. It can also turn up when a branch of the family tree turns up again. This card has a summery, celebratory feel.
Children can make everything seem new and different – exciting – and there is such joy oozing from this card. Pamela Colman Smith never had children, but she had a flair for communicating in a childlike way and a gift for understanding folk stories and myths.
This card is also ‘the golden girl’ or ‘the golden boy.’ The sign of Sagittarius is hinted at too, with the horse. In fact, all the horses in Pamela’s cards can reveal a Sagittarian theme – exploring and having adventures – learning and growing. Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of the chart, which is associated with education and academia, books and libraries, websites and the expansion of the mind. Perhaps you have factors in Sagittarius under transit now, or you may be experiencing a Sagittarius transit.
Thank you for your reply. It sounds depressing, I actually feel sorry for the kids, it’s not their fault that their life is like this. I’ll be very old by 2044, seems like forever away. I did draw a tarot card and it was the Temperance card, I’m not sure if that gives any more clarity?
Temperance is a lovely card.
If you are looking at your astrological chart you will be focussed on Aquarius and the Eleventh House of societies, groups, communities, clubs, teams and associations.
This is a pure Aquarius symbol as we have a water-bearer with the wavy Aquarius logo being poured from cup to cup. The pool below shows ‘pooled resources’ and the Roman Baths which gave the whole community a place to swim and was fed by an Aquarius – literally a water-bearer of the time.
This is also a Virgo and Sixth House card as it shows healing. This is mental or physical health, balance and harmony and it’s a wonderful card to see.
This may be a doctor, surgeon, Reiki master, nurse or dentist. The yellow Iris in the picture is also known as Yellow Flag or Water Flag. That may be another clue for you. The crown above the mountains shows potential victory or special status and position above Capricorn the goat’s Tenth House peak of achievement, but it has to be reached after a long journey. With Temperance, you begin right now, with help from a friend or group (one which helps your good health, mental health, peace of mind, wellbeing or happiness on some level) – then you set forth. You can’t conquer the world unless you are in good shape.
Note the yellow triangle, or Grand Trine shape, on the angel’s robe. This is another astrological symbol, as a trine is ‘flow’ in astrology and this whole card is about flowing. A trine connects Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).
Perhaps there are others born under your element, in this group, or perhaps the friendship shown by the Aquarius symbolism is also joining you with someone born under a compatible element. The Fire signs and Air signs flow. The Earth signs and Water signs flow.
So, for example, you may be looking at a group of friends and acquaintances in Fire-Air, which helps your fire sign self go with the flow. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius may all be involved, or perhaps just some of those signs involved – but there is a feeling of everybody pooling their resources.
Look carefully at the feathered wings for more typical Pamela clues and signs tucked away in the folds. I really recommend that you go to these cards with a magnifying glass if you have one. I also recommend to students in particular that they hold the cards sideways and upside-down for a better look. Obviously you can only go so far with this, using a computer, but if you have invested in a deck of Pamela and Arthur’s cards, you can do this at home. What is tucked away in the dense, inky illustrations?
The phrases ‘testing the water’ and ‘getting your feet wet’ may also apply here. Temperance is of course the old-fashioned word for abstinence from alcohol as I mentioned at the beginning of the interpretation. This is another really rich and complex card and you may find your answers in the tiniest details on it.
It frequently turns up when people are asking about a year off work, or time to recuperate. You also see it when people are coming off alcohol and joining Alcoholics Anonymous. It can turn up if someone has been through an awful period of mental or physical health problems and is a lovely sign that they are now in calmer waters. Less dramatically, Temperance turns up when you are detoxing or doing Dry July.
Hi Jessica,
Wonderful to know that your Aunt’s wishes and your generous donation are being honoured, and that will flow to others. Thank you.
Light really is the source of all good things, and having a ‘positive light’ really helps everything it touches.
What you had to say about The Sun is incredibly accurate and completely relevant to my situation.
I have Leo Twins – my Sons, ruled by The Sun, one of whom – blond-haired with a Happy Demeanour (a feature of his Syndrome) has many physical, cognitive and other disabilities. He requires 24/7 care and will likely out-live me. He has recently had surgery and has not understood that wounds need to be left alone to heal, leading to repeated trips to hospital and a very long period of keeping him pre-occupied while his skin knitted back together.
Now is the task of helping him re-enter his World (challenging…) one part which he enjoys the most – Equine-Assisted Occupational Therapy. Horse Therapy.
It has been very challenging for us to see The Sun (stuck inside the house) and our role has stopped us from ‘seeing’ our Son (who he is), and just being in survival mode to get him back to health.
There are resources and willing hands to help – but he resists help from others, preferring familiarity. We are trying to introduce him to a wider world, with support, so that he can live a fuller life. But also for our sanity, so that we can again think about things like career, friends, free time.
Your reading of this Card, also gives me hope that both of my Sons will flourish. If they flourish, I can be happy. And if they are both healthy and happy, I can be a more complete person, who can then also be a better parent.
Thank you so much Jessica.
DinP xxx
Thank you. I hope to have some good news soon, DinP. The Sun is clearly your son, literally – or at least the twin who is enjoying riding, as part of his therapy. The card has been quite literal for you. It’s not about both children, just one, but perhaps one twin’s happiness on horseback will inspire the other. You can keep going with the Tarot, for more insights. Just follow the steps.
Hi Jessica,
I have so many questions. What I LOVE about you and your site is you provide us with so many tools to utilize and find so many of the answers we seek. I love the 2050 book. I’ve actually gone through all the node transits for the past 58 years and noted all of the scenarios in my life and the area of my life and its truly shocking how the patterns do repeat. Funny thing is in 1995, about 27 years ago when the N Node was in Taurus and S Node in Sag. I was teaching in a Montessori school, which my young daughters attended, working on my networking and programming degree. NOW the SOUTH node is in Taurus and the N Node in Sag. I am working in a special needs classroom, trying to get my grandson in the school and getting back into IT with classes and an upcoming internship early next month!! WOW. Can’t make this up. I am eager to see how all this pans out with the same situation but nodes in opposite places. I finished my studies in 1995 but got remarried in 1998 and my husband at the time wanted me to stay home and watch the kids. He had 3 and I had my two.
But I’ve gone throug every single node transit of my life and made all the notes and plan to continue this diary for the rest of my life. I’ve also been looking at the transits of the major planets and looking back on what was going on in my life when they were in their specific placements the previous time, such as last time Jupiter was in Aries etc.
I use your books, the information on your site and the tarot and its amazing. It takes time but once you get into it things start to make sense and start clicking.
Thank you, for what I know has been a tremendous amount of time and energy, to put all of these tools together for us and providing them here on your site for our use. And of course for all of the time and energy you give in answering us here, the podcasts, Zooms and all of it. You really are a gem.
It is a pleasure GV and very kind of you to say. I am glad you are finding all the North Node and South Node patterns in your life. I never used to bother with the nodes until I had a dream in my twenties, when Patric Walker appeared and in a booming voice, said “Don’t forget the nodes!”
PS I may have gotten the nodes mixed up which is south and north but I think you know what I mean. 🙂
Well I am glad you listened to Patric in your dream.
I deeply appreciate you.
Jessica, I was able to read in the NYC public library reference room “Doors of the Mind” by Michael Bentine, and the hours reading it in the grand Rose Room felt like time suspended, perhaps similar to the writer’s childhood-initial oneness with the Downs he lived by. You told all of us about this work and I thank you so much! I would never have found this special voice with extra special things explained, his gift of inclusiveness warms the soul. Do you feel that the 1930’s and 40’s which Bentine detailed were a certain time that corralled a negative universal power and then perhaps we are in one now again: like there are cycles of power? Thanks again for constantly giving us references to explore, you and your team are stars. Best, Cecelia
Thanks Cecelia. I’m glad the New York City Public Library has Michael Bentine on the shelves. Not a lot of people know that the founding member of The Goons was a medium, as was his father. We are now in the Pluto in Aquarius cycle which will test the unity and solidarity of people. There are a lot of politicians who are walking straight into a trap at the moment, as are their supporters, and they need to wake up and change their strategy before this goes further. It’s evil and it’s well funded.
In response to you, Jessica, I am reading with the public of the current great strikes and disruptions in many cities – transportation hubs in Germany yesterday shut down due to strikes. You foretold of this, which I appreciate, and I tell my friends ‘Jessica’s hit that mark!’ It feels like a giant wheel is turning at notches towards a negative wind. I am hoping there is plenty of documentation about the WWII lead-up of mass hypnosis (again I mention the well written book of Bentine’s you directed our attentions to). There has never been a better story than the British people not giving in to constant bombardment in cities and countryside and as a whole kept going, to defeat the powers pushing them down. On another note but this follows, I have found recently articles on British gardens (on private acres of the wealthy) that were converted from green pastures and tended to in order to grow food to supply towns during the war and recession. From the “ground up” we can get our hands on the wheel. Thank you for this conversation, Jessica, because it is helping everyone. Best, Cecelia
Thank you. We are in a really similar cycle to ‘Make Do and Mend’ and ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ and ‘Dig For Victory’ and I think I was writing about this in 2016 or 2017, just before Uranus went into Taurus. The breakdown of the environment in Great Britain is pretty common on a Pluto in Capricorn cycle, and this was a long one. Pluto is about transformation and Capricorn is about the system, so you often get terrible problems with water pollution, the decay of buildings, the crumbling of cliff faces and so on. It’s almost as if the land mirrors what is happening in the other structures, like monarchy. May 2023 looks very much like the turnaround.
HI Jessica,
I recently attended your session on Taurus weather past week. I am very new to understanding all the terminologies. So Saturn rules 19 years and it started when i was 26. Been a tough task master. There has been growth but lots of pain too. Its like 1 step forward and 4 steps back. Bringing some attention to my career – past 8 months has been nothing but toxic work environment and the manager literally stabbed my back. He is finally leaving the team next week for his own career growth. I am looking for other roles and wondering if i will ever find my fit.
Thank you for coming along to The Taurus Weather on Zoom. I am just picking up correspondence about this again, on 29th March. Saturn doesn’t rule the 19 year cycle, so set that idea aside. I am sorry you’ve had a rotten time in your career. It’s always about Capricorn and Tenth House factors and/or Virgo and Sixth House factors. You are very lucky to have Jupiter at 12 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success and when transiting Jupiter moves to 12 Taurus and trines natal Jupiter will have a terrific solution or option. So that’s July 2023, October 2023, March 2024. Aim for the biggest and best then. Forget the backstabbing boss. He’s going, going, gone as a lot of these people are, as Pluto is out of Capricorn.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for answering questions, as I think they must overlap somewhat. I have scanned most and not found that anybody has drawn the Page of Pentacles during the Taurus Weather event. Are you able to elaborate at all about what this might mean for me?
Thanks again, Penny
Here he is.
There is great reverence for money here, as if it held religious or spiritual meaning for the young man in the frame. I’m sure you’ve known men like this, who are enraptured at the thought of saving or making money. They may work in a bank or business, or a charity. It may just be a phase a particular man is going through. It is important to note that a page can be a girl, though. Or perhaps this is an aspect of your life and personality. The cash ‘sings’ though. From The Beatles to The Flying Lizards, to Pink Floyd, money has always been music to our ears.
The question is, what is to be done with the cash? It could be used to tend to the field in front, which surely holds good crops and possible future harvests. This is the Jupiter side of the card and it may turn up when natal Jupiter is under transit, or transiting Jupiter is aspecting the natal chart. From little acorns, mighty oaks do grow, eventually. And oak is a rich substance. Some priceless, listed buildings are made of the stuff. It is amazing to think it all began with a small acorn.
This field is a symbol of career or business building, or literally gardening. The family trees on the left are healthy and look quite inviting. Perhaps a relative can help. This is a solid family tree. Not all the trees illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith were this sturdy, but here have a family which has survived and thrived. It has weathered all sorts of storms and stands, firm and true, in the background. This may be the Page’s clan, or the relatives of someone important in the story. A family firm, perhaps.
The mountain, a symbol for Capricorn the ambitious mountain goat, is also in the picture. Money can help the greatest journey to the top begin with a single step. Decisions, decisions!
The foot turned left suggests an unconscious or unexpressed leaning towards the relatives, or one’s roots – the origins of the family tree on one or both sides. This suggest the Fourth House and Cancer just as the mountain suggests Capricorn.
The actual coin is of course Taurus or Scorpio – thus the Second House or Eighth House. This is one of those Tarot cards which instantly mirrors the chart. This can really help with timing, as in ‘When should I invest?’ or ‘When should I negotiate the deal?’
Money is lovely but it is not a religion and it is here to be used. This coin, in such young or inexperienced hands (a page is always a younger person or less mature person!) should still be used in a sensible way, if it is to really go a long way.
This is the young Sir Richard Branson making cash from his student magazine, lost in daydreams – but he could so easily use it to start Virgin! In fact, that is what he did. You might also say it is the young Michael Eavis at Worthy Farm in 1970, daydreaming about the future. Glastonbury Festival must surely have appeared in thousands of Tarot readings in that beautiful town, over the years.
Penny, this younger man turns up in connection with Taurus weather in your chart in the Second House of negotiations.
Thank you! I am learning how to read your analysis.
Hi Jessica,
Wasn’t sure which blog to post this under. How interesting that this book be published 60 years to the date that the first one was published. Would love to read it and see if life does in fact follow art!
Yes, it’s being done on Mercury Retrograde in April and May, the silly chumps.
oops I didn’t mention its about Queen Elizabeth and King Charles.
Happy April Jessica! The year is flying by! I’m just wondering if you can help me – I purchased a birth chart for my husband and he has stelliums in Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius – as my birth chart is not the best in regards to finance for quite some time, can you please let me know what my husbands is like?
Thank you!
Thank you. You were born with an opposition between Saturn at 2 Taurus in the Second House of personal income and Jupiter at 3 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, and property-based family relationships. So – your marriage. Every time you deal with restrictions and barriers with your own earned income, savings, bank account, investments – you automatically find all the solutions and opportunities are with your husband. It works the other way too. The two of you, together, are really good news financially, or in terms of money saved, ‘cash in kind’ and the rest. Yet every time you pursue that, you run into all sorts of obstacles with your own banking and spending, your own bills and so on. Figuring out how to balance that opposition can take a long time, but the Tarot can help you. Ask ‘How does this express itself in my life?’ and ‘What are my options?’ (Give a timeline). As the transiting North Node and South Node go to 2, 3 Taurus and Scorpio in the second half of May 2023, then all of June, that will be a big crossroads for both of you. It’s the end of the tax year in Australia. At around that time, Jupiter transits 2, 3 Taurus so there is a really big, historic opportunity and sweeping answer then. A good accountant can help you. So this isn’t so much about his chart, it’s about yours and the financial and sexual relationship you share, with a major crossroads ahead in May, June and a really important way through.
Thank you so much! I did the tarot for both questions and drew The World for the first question and Nine of Cups for the second question.
The World is the really important card here as it describes a multitude of choices about the United Kingdom, Europe, America and Australasia. You have a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreign travel, emigration, export and the worldwide web which will be picked up by Jupiter and other transits.
Hi Jessica, my natal moon is in Taurus, my sun is Capricorn and asc Libra… will 2023 be a good financial year?
You’ll benefit from Jupiter in Taurus for 12 month starting in May 2023 and concluding in May 2024. Your Second House of business, banking, possessions, property, charity, fundraising, shopping will have a ready supply of answers, help and occasional largesse for 12 months, and when transiting Jupiter is in a conjunction with your natal Moon, you will be in a terrific position to look after other people with more of what you need. The Jupiter trine to your Capricorn Sun will also help you shine professionally or academically.
Thanks you for answering back!!
Thank you so much!
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for all of your astrology blogs Jessica. It is so interesting to follow events as they unfold with astrological ‘insights’!
I wonder if you could look at my chart to see if, after 21 years, my personal finances / earning capacity turn around this year? I bought my husband a chart from your website too, he is a sun Leo with stelliums in Leo (8 factors); Aries (3 factors); Virgo (5 factors); Libra (3 factors); Scorpio (3 factors); Aquarius (5 factors) and Pisces (3 factors). would be grateful for some clue into how are our finances going in 2023. Many thanks. Best wishes to you.
Thank you. With money you always look to Taurus which rules your Second House of personal income and Scorpio which rules your Eighth House of joint finance. You have Ceres at 14 Taurus and a small opposition from Taurus to Scorpio. Your husband has an average Scorpio count. The stretch between you/for both of you ends in July when the nodes leave Scorpio-Taurus and stop pulling you in two directions, together with him (or even against him, financially). Jupiter will go to 14 Taurus in August 2023 and give you a good opportunity to make so much more of your money, house, assets, apartment or lucrative gifts – earning power. You are a natural deal-maker and very used to compromising over turf and territory, with all that you own, earn or owe. It’s almost a way of life. Jupiter’s conjunction with Ceres suggests this works out really well for you. Jupiter goes back to 14 Taurus in September, October and returns finally in March 2024. So this may be a three-step arrangement where you gain. Jupiter is about ‘more.’
Dear Jessica, Hope you are well. Following this article and the monthly (May 2023), I would like to ask a few questions: How do you see this month (May 2023) unfolding for me? Specifically, will the New Moon at 28 Taurus on 19May203 have any significant effects on my Jupiter at 29 Taurus? With Jupiter ingress Taurus, what changes or opportunities do you foresee in various areas of my life? Based on my chart and the transits, I would appreciate your insights about my prospects for progress in my career, finances and personal relationship with my partner? I am longing to purchase an apartment however the deal isn’t clicking for some reason or the other, do you see this easing in my chart in the near future? Jessica, thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my comment. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Thank you. You are very lucky to have Jupiter in Taurus so close to a New Moon in Taurus. You will make or save a lot of money from that New Moon until May 2024, if you take the opportunities and solutions which are on offer. This may be business. It may be an inheritance. It may be a new relationship with access to (say) a partner’s home or your current partner may do very nicely and purchase a superior apartment or house. You save or gain. Your chances of ending up with an excellent apartment option are very high, so don’t miss a trick.