Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

The astrology and Tarot for the US 2024 election starring Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom. Donald Trump has no reliable natal chart. What we do know, though, is that Mercury Retrograde is coming.

The US Election, Astrology and Tarot

So where are we headed as I update this astrology and Tarot forecast for the US election in 2024? Let’s look at the players.

The astrological charts for President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newsom are all A-rated and appear at the end of this prediction about the US election, astrology and Tarot.

Donald Trump has given two conflicting birthdates to the authorities and so his chart is not fit for purpose. However for both myself and Fox News’ chosen psychic Paula Roberts, the Tarot has confirmed loss for him.

TrumpDanny RaustadtDreamstime 300x200 - Tarot, Astrology and the US ElectionPluto in Aquarius

Beyond individual charts, the biggest factor in any prediction is Pluto cycles. Pluto is power.

We are now entering Pluto in Aquarius for some 20 years. Aquarius is the diverse group, made up of women and men, sharing equal space.

That’s not remotely Donald Trump who has been found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.

He is yet to pick his running partner as Vice-President but the field at the moment is all male. So that’s not Pluto in Aquarius either. Every time we have this cycle, women rise.

(Trump Image: Dreamstime).

Lining Up the Biden, Harris and Newsom Charts

If we are to see Biden step down in favour of Harris and/or Newsom, when is that likely to be? For timing we go to the charts. (Image: Shutterstock).

Kamala Harris Joe Biden Shutterstock 300x200 - Tarot, Astrology and the US ElectionAmerica has Mercury at 0 Capricorn. That’s the President. She also has Aesculapia at 0 Aquarius. That’s both the Republican and Democrat parties. Capricorn is the top job. Aquarius is the group.

If we zero in on that 0 degree, we find it is really close to the 1 degree pattern in the Kamala Harris chart.

Kamala has her MC at 1 Pisces, IC at 1 Virgo and Mercury at 1 Scorpio. We allow one degree’s difference in modern astrology, so that’s a connection.

Gavin Newsom has Apollo at 0 Libra. This ties into the charts for America and Harris. How about Biden?

Joe Biden has the South Node at 0 Pisces, Moon at 0 Taurus, North Node at 0 Virgo, Cupido at 1 Sagittarius, Neptune at 1 Libra.

When we see action in the heavens at 0, 1 degrees, we will see all three charts start to spin. Fate is at work. I know there are other contenders for the presidency, but let’s start with these three players.

The Mercury Retrograde Election

This will be a Mercury Retrograde election so our future U.S. president may be left dangling. The result may be slow, stuck, reversed or recounted. The nation votes on Tuesday 5th November but once the counting begins we run into the planet of communication and information, going backwards. That’s the media, web and the paper votes. It’s postal votes. It’s also polling.

Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins near 7th November, turns backwards on 26th November, then retraces his steps from 15th December before finally ending the stuck loop on 3rd January 2025.

We’ve been here before, in America, on Mercury Retrograde elections. Bush, Gore and the infamous recount of 2000 is a good example.

Gavin Newsom Shutterstock 300x200 - Tarot, Astrology and the US ElectionTiming for Biden, Harris and Newsom

Astrology does not control people like puppets. We have no idea what these three Democrats will do, with their life choices. (Image: Shutterstock).

However, as we see transits fall into place at 0, 1 degrees, they must all meet a major crossroads. For Newsom it is about the partnership of president and vice-president – and also about his rivals.

For Biden it is about his health as well as his workload – and again – his partnership with Harris and his rivals. For Harris it is about her workload and her health. The latter is something we don’t know about.

Pluto at 0, 1 Aquarius in 2024 is the background to all this. Pluto is about power. At 0, 1 Aquarius this planet sticks fast until 2nd September. So a reshuffle within the Democrats has to happen by 2nd September, at the latest. I am publishing this on 29th June 2024 so that’s the next two months.

Mercury Retrograde in July and August 2024

I mentioned the Mercury Retrograde cycle which dominates the November election. The winner may be left hanging. There is a second Mercury Retrograde in July and August.

Mercury does in fact cross 0, 1 Virgo twice. This happens near July 26th, 27th, 28th and again on August 13th, 14th, 15th. The final repeat is September 9th, 10th.

This kind of chaos is typical of leadership challenges. Near July 26th, 27th, 28th and August 13th, 14th, 15th, the Democrats will deal with the biggest challenges involving Biden, Harris and Newsom.

This is because we find Pluto Retrograde at 0 Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde at 0 Virgo. Basic astrology.

Of course, when you have flux in the Democrats you have flux with the Republicans. Their chess moves will affect the game that the Republicans play. Also backwards and sideways. July and August see messy chess.

Tarot Deck Knight of Pentacles scaled e1711845938490 300x289 - Tarot, Astrology and the US ElectionWhat Does the Tarot Say?

I’ve had a more detailed look at the Tarot on my Substack, but I drew the Knight of Pentacles a long time ago, to point to the winner of the 2024 election.

Here he is. What do you think? Gavin Newsom is the California Governor. He was Mayor of San Francisco. This nods to the knight’s helmet. If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

He has a laptop computer or notebook on his saddle. Newsom wrote a book on digital technology. That might just be a vineyard behind him. His winery? He began life as a rich businessman. What do you see in the card?


The Queen of Pentacles

The Tarot can change over time as conditions change. I drew the Knight of Pentacles before 7th March when Nikki Haley left the race for the Republicans. I’ve had so many questions about Haley that I asked the cards again on Wednesday 10th July 2024. This time, it was a woman, not a man who turned up. So who is this?

Maybe we’re seeing one 2025 Presidency which is rotated between a money man and a money woman!

small Tarot Deck   Queen of Pentacles - Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

Biden Harris and Newsom Charts

If you want to see the remarkable line-up of factors at 0, 1 degrees in all three charts, and the astrology chart for the USA too – here they are.

There are several competing  astrology charts for America but this is the only one I have ever found to work.

It’s proven itself with both Trump’s impeachment and his Covid-19 infection. Most recently it’s proven itself with the Stormy Daniels case. All those are confirmed predictions on my site.

All the natal charts for Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom use AstroGold software and use the Natural House System, also known as Zero Aries. The data is from Astrodienst and is A or AA rated.
Main Image: Shutterstock. Feature updated on 10th July 2024.


KAMALA HARRIS NATAL CHART 1024x788 - Tarot, Astrology and the US Election


GAVIN NEWSOM ASTROLOGY CHART 1024x788 - Tarot, Astrology and the US Election


President Biden Natal Chart 1024x788 - Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

America Chart 1024x788 - Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

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141 Responses

  1. Jessica. Thank you for your insight! As I watched the debate last night, I thought. Oh my. I hope Jessica looks into this. Feels very frightening in the US right now. How are so many people snookered by Trump?
    Thank you again for all you do! I love your site! Bless you ❤️

    1. Thank you. Yes, the Washington Post reports that at the end of June 2024, Donald Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 battleground states that are most likely to determine the outcome of the election. The astrology is clear that from 2025 onwards (when the White House new direction begins) power is with the people. It is Pluto (the control) in Aquarius (the diverse group) that rules. History tells us this is the cycle when women share the reins or hold them. The most famous examples are Boudicca and Elizabeth I. That’s not Trump. Not by a long shot. I always cleave to astrology and history, not the polls.

  2. Hi Jessica,
    I recall seeing this months ago and I shared your sentiment that Newsom will step up and replace Biden and win the Presidency. However I just wanted to know if Kamala Harris will be his VP and if not who do you see stepping up? And will Nikki Hayley replace Trump, because I believe she will be.
    Have a good day.

    1. Nikki Haley is an interesting one. She would fit the ‘women rise to power’ trend we always see with Pluto in Aquarius. Were Donald to be imprisoned, ill or even simply not here any more, she would be a natural choice. We have no idea if the Newsom/Harris/Biden/USA patterns are going to give us a Newsom-Harris ticket. That’s really up to them. But it would be an easy sell. Kamala Harris paired with Joe Biden won an enormous victory last time. Harris and a younger Democrat, taking on the existing Biden-Harris policies, would seem like continuity to a lot of people. But – the choices are those of the participants. All astrology can give are the dates and the issues.

  3. Hi Jessica, your post inspired me to try my hand at this prediction. I got the tower followed by the 10 of pentacles. Change of candidate followed by a couple who bring calm and prosperity. I like Kamala in the role of lead on that ticket, just instinctively looks like the chart that melds best of those with the US chart. Not that I really know much about how to read charts so instinct is the key word… disclaimer! Her Jupiter looks good for prosperity -coins- this year, doesn’t it? And your knight… she has been faithful in her support of Biden, in the shadow of the president, which is where VPs are meant to be.

    1. The Tower is the end of security within a home or work space. I assume you were asking ‘Who will win the US election?’ This may be Trump Tower, receiving the lightning bolt, with two people thrown out. Do those two, Melania and Donald win? It seems unlikely. The people hurled out of the tower may not survive the experience, or if they do – may leave the scene. It’s hard to say more as this was not my question nor my reading. You then drew a second card, the Ten of Pentacles. This is three generations surrounded by money. You are identifying that as Kamala Harris, which is your interpretation. By the way – you only ever need draw one Tarot card for a question.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are well. Here in the United States, I’m avoiding watching television as a result of Thursday night. I did listen, however to your podcast as I always do on Friday nights, and wanted to tell you that more than ever before I felt like you were talking about me, especially as it pertains to Cancer weather and oppositions and people with Taurus and Cancer factors. I’ve been dreading the thought of Pluto retrograding back to Capricorn and setting up the t square with my Uranus/ Diana in Cancer and Neptune / Moon in Libra ( which is why I’m going to stay single the rest of my life). I know it’s just a couple more months but now Ceres is there to boot and this toxic run up to the election is creating negative vibes and tension down to smallest of towns. The ripples of the strife from the top are everywhere. I know it’s just a couple of months but any tips on how to manage would be greatly appreciated since it had improved greatly but since Pluto retrograde stated indications are that’s it’s sliding back into very negative territory.
    For the heck of it I pulled a card asking who will win the election and got nine swords- Joe Biden, with his gray hair? Or all of us having nightmares about it? I asked for clarification and pulled nine wands- again, Joe Biden? Or all of us? No red haired guys showed up at least. As for Newsome and Harris, not sure there could be two from same state.
    Thanks again.

    1. Thank you. It’s extremely unusual to see Pluto going back to Capricorn and Ceres going backwards in Capricorn too. Issues about career (Capricorn) and home (Cancer) have been in the background since 2008 and this is the last time you will ever experience them like this for another 248 years. We have US, UK and French elections ahead, during this cycle. Thus the intensity. Pluto is about people feeling disempowered and hoping for power. Ceres is about being in control, or feeling controlled. The hotspots for Pluto are 29 Capricorn, 29 Cancer and for Ceres, 7 to 21 Capricorn and 7 to 21 Cancer. You have Diana at 29 Cancer and Juno at 21 Capricorn. That part of you which needs freedom, space and autonomy at home, with house or apartment questions, with your family, with your household, in your town, with your homeland – is being pushed. That part of you which seeks commitment with your career, unpaid work or academic career is also being pushed. You will really notice the relief and release when Pluto finishes his transit at 29 Capricorn and Ceres signs off from 29 Capricorn too, so that’s December 7th 2024. Tension is very common because an opposition is like a tug of war. Even a conjunction (when Ceres at 21 Capricorn is next to Juno at 21 Capricorn) can feel intense because it’s like having two appliances plugged into the same socket. Managing is just common sense. Avoid major moves in either direction, career or home, as there are easier times. You would be profoundly affected by the US election as Cancer rules your hometown and homeland. Pluto and Ceres in opposition to your Diana in Cancer must feel like your lifelong need to feel free and autonomous is being pushed. The opposition in astrology is like an opposition in football. You play to your strengths and push back. Doing so reminds you what your strengths are. However to reduce the tension of the tug of war (it was used in the Tang Dynasty to train warriors) try not to engage with anyone/anything which represents the other side to you. So, for example, you would not take on a classic Pluto in Capricorn politician, or businessman, or corporation. Of course some people relish the training and will gladly engage in a tug of war to become more powerful (which is what Greek soldiers did). Your card for the election winner shows the Nine of Swords. That is someone who cannot sleep for worry, despite having won, as he or she anticipates battles ahead and is remembering battles past. I guess that shows the reality of being the US president!

  5. The Knight of Pentacles….the knight in shining armor coming to the rescue. Lots of sunshine. Holding the star. Looks like Newsome to the rescue.

  6. After this election, will the rot and corruption finally be exposed? Ties to Russia and other corrupt regiemes? Really hoping to shine a light on those who clearly are not working for the people, but for themselves and special interests. The latest supreme court decisions are a great example.

    Will the court be expanded to restore balance? Thank you for all the fantastic work

    1. If we take Pluto in Capricorn as the powerful elite controlling the world system – then Trump Russia would be a good example of that. Patriarchy is the usual symptom of Pluto in Capricorn and the various Putins presented by the Kremlin and the obvious Russian interference in America’s elections stand out. It will not and cannot last. Women rise. And the Kremlin and Trump exclude women from power. Pluto in Aquarius will out, as it always has since 60AD.

  7. Thank you for this.

    There has been a lot of horror, soul-searching and (in the case of Trumpists) unjustified premature gloating about the election outcome, owing to Pres. Biden’s weak performance in Thursday’s (so-called) debate. Like many, I watched the whole thing, through my fingers, and Mr. Biden, appeared ill—hoarse, vague, and extremely pale.

    The contrast with the next day’s rally, where he was his usual feisty self, couldn’t have been greater; even his color was better. Apparently, he was suffering from a cold on Thursday, and I now wonder if he had taken cold medicine as well, and suffered a reaction.

    Anyway, can you see any indications about Mr. Biden’s health in the coming months? I am hopeful he can remain healthy going forward, both as a human being and for the sake of the country.

    Short of a tragedy (which would require Harris to take over the presidency and name a new vice president, hopefully Newsom), there seems to be no mechanism for smoothly transitioning from a Biden-Harris ticket to Harris-?before the election; Mr. Biden has been chosen through the primary process, and it would require a chaotic, old-school brokered Democratic convention to dislodge him now. Nobody sane wants that.

    Could the uncertainty you see surrounding the election suggest a Biden-Harris win, but with Joe Biden having to step aside for health reasons sometime between the election and inauguration?

    Again, thank you so much for your insights.

    1. My apologies for this late reply as you posted on 29th June. We now know President Biden had Covid and of course he has since stepped down. I did in fact post about his health (and Kamala Harris) on Substack on July 11th and unfortunately the astrology showed the strain he is under. Duty, service and health. The only note on all this is Mercury Retrograde. The Republican and Democrat conventions are both held on this cycle so what we see is not what we will get, come the election.

  8. My husband got in involved with local politics in our small NY town in 2023 and it’s been a roller coaster. He has sun 0 Aquarius, so pluto is and will be conjuncting that for years and Mars 0 Cancer and Vx 0 Cancer. I feel that what is happening in our small town reflects what is happening in our nation and I can only hope that truth will triumph and the people in my town can evolve. Next up, Pluto will conjunct my moon at 5 Aquarius and then his Mercury at 9 Aquarius…pray for us!

  9. I very closely follow US politics. Saw a recent video from Alan Lichtman who has correctly called most presidential elections in the last few decades – paraphrasing what he said – Republicans have no morales, Democrats have no spine. One stumble in one debate and the Dems want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s true that Biden didn’t have a good night but the following day at a rally in NC he was all fireworks. And the presidency is hardly a solo endeavor – Biden has a great team around him and has managed to implement a LOT during his first term. He and his comms team need to tout his record of accomplishments much more, and much more loudly. Kitchen table issues like healthcare, education, reducing inflation, housing, and the like are what will win the day,

    Lichtman said in the video that the Dems will lose if they replace Biden now. I feel we are in an especially shaky phase right now on all fronts – economically, socially, politically, culturally. We need continuity if we want to save the US from another Trump term. I realize it says he is leading the polls but – young people do not take polls, and the millions of young folks now of voting age, I believe, will turn this tide in the Dems favor. Once the next four years are secured, I believe there may be some changing of the guard and that is fine – I could see an eventual 1-2 terms with Harris as President and Newsom as VP assuming people across the US can stomach two leaders from California at the top – not everyone is a fan of the state nor its politics – and then a 1-2 terms with Newsom as president and someone like Pete Buttegieg as VP. Fingers crossed the Dem win – and hope that the undecided/swing voters realize that sitting this one out or voting for an independent candidate essentially casts a vote for Trump.

    And to all our friends here around the globe, please pray for the US, we need it. We’re trying our best to rid the stain of you know who.

  10. Oh My God they are all terrible, Newsome has DESCIMATED California and Kamala is a nimwit. There is no hope for the USA.

  11. I always see Biden winning in 2024. But I don’t see him completing the full term of 4 years. I think he gets in, stays for about 2 years or even less, then steps down because of health issues, which will make Kamala Harris be president. That’s my interpretation when I look at the charts.

  12. Very interesting Jessica! I like RFK myself, but can he win against all those corporate owned parties/people? Hm. When I pulled a card for the next President, – I got the 5 of pentacles. Someone who has been cast out/left out or who is going through a pretty rough time. Pray to god it isn’t Trump. Thanks for all you do, love your work.

  13. Interesting. When I pulled a card for next President, I got the 5 of pentacles – someone who has been cast out/left out or is going through a rough time. I personally like RFK Jr but he is up against corporate owned people and parties, and he has a history of going after both corporations and the government, particularly for the environment. This election feels like an absolute wild card. I hope your prediction about Trump being DONE as President is as accurate as all of your others! He had his chance, as did Biden, and both made our national debt higher than all the past President’s combined.
    Thanks for all you do!

    1. The Five of Pentacles shows two people, both unwell, one on crutches, struggling in the snow. Behind them a church window shows glittering coins. So that is your next president of the US. This is your card not mine so the interpretation is yours. One person is on crutches which is quite dramatic. The US chart shows the decline and fall of the president and has done, since Trump was elected actually. And that’s exactly what has happened. There is still further to fall.

  14. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you are well. Thank you for this post, excellent timing as always. As you mentioned ” Pluto in Aquarius and every time we have this cycle. Women Rise” . Could this woman actually be Gretchen Whitmer DOB 23/08/71 @ 8.51pm Lansing Michigan USA . Governor of Michigan since 2019. ?
    Not sure that I see her linked with the Knight of Pentacles but I would be interested in your thoughts and insight overall

    Many thanks

    1. The Knight of Pentacles is very definitely a man. Pamela Colman Smith illustrated Queen, King, Knight and Page so the court is either male or female. So that’s not Ms. Whitmer. Not this election anyway.

  15. Hi Jessica,

    Gavin Newsom is interesting. He fought to reform horse racing in California to protect the horses, so could it be a racecourse behind the Knight of Pentacles? Or he’s wearing a baseball helmet – he got into uni on a partial baseball scholarship!

    1. Thank you for this new detail. Yes, Gavin Newsom did warn that time was up for horse racing (and was drawn riding a dark horse by cartoonists). I like the baseball helmet comparison too. It does in fact bear a strong resemblance to the knight’s steel helmet.

  16. Hi Jessica, thank you for your post. It’s quite interesting. Biden has to decide to withdraw from the presidential race. He looks very frail. Is there a chance he will become “unwell” in July-August and will step down/step aside?

    1. I am coming to this page late. You posted on 30th June and Biden has indeed gone. Thank you Amber.

  17. Hi Jessica,

    I hope you and Tess are well.
    Like I commented before here ,I still get the same message when I am channeling ,that neither Biden or Trump will be the next president. But something has change in the energy lately , Last year the message was clear that the next president would be a woman, and I was shown a dark haired woman with bright red lipstick.
    At the moment when I tune in I feel like a void, like it is all up in air waiting to take form. I decided to ask the tarot. My first question was -Who will be the president? and the card i draw was The Tower.
    The card confirmed so many of the messages i have been getting this spring.
    The struck of the lightning- something very chocking and sudden will happen .
    The crown falling- Kings will fall, I belive that Biden and actually King ( prince) Charles will leave us close in time. In december I was told that It will be about USA and United kingdom this year.
    Two men falling out of the burning tower, falling from the top , confirming that It will not be Biden or Trump.
    So the cards was clear about what will not be .When looking at the card the words reshuffle and september came up.
    My next question was -Will Newsom be the next candidate? The answer was Two of cups. When looking at the cards I saw her , The dark haired woman with the red lips! So we have the lion- leo – august .
    A partnership – courtship. Equality- the card has a harmony in it. Looking at the card it feels like the man is approaching the woman , handing her the cup, does it mean that the next candidate will choose is own running mate for VP?
    The man sure reminds me of Newsom but I can’t feel it. It is something about the woman with the red lips that keeps standing out to me.
    I also find it interesting that spirit never once mentioned France , if Le Pen wins and we have Le pen in France, Merloni in Italy and Orban in Hungary it is not looking good for Ukraine . But most significant it will change the EU , and that is something I have been told. The EU will transform and Italy will be one of the first countries to leave.
    We do live in interesting times .
    All the best / Anna

    1. Thank you. Yes, Tess and I are very well. You posted your prediction on 1st July and on 22nd July, Biden stepped down and endorsed Harris. Well done. But is Harris the dark-haired woman with red lipstick, or is this another powerful brunette? You see neither Biden nor Trump in the White House. Well, Biden already proved you correct. The Tower may be Trump Tower, with evicted figures falling from the windows. That is possible. You think Biden and Charles III will pass away. I can’t comment on that as I do not predict death. You are a powerful clairvoyant Anna.

  18. Hi Jessica, Thank you for this post. Holding out all hope for a big shift as we got more disturbing news in the U.S. today. After the supreme court ruling on immunity, we are in scary times indeed. If Trump is re-elected the safeguards that kept him (partially) in check last time, will be gone.

    On a personal note, I am trying to figure out whether to get more engaged in my business (which my brother currently runs primarily). My son is looking at getting involved and I want to support him and make sure some changes are made to support the next generation in our business. I have a very hard time working with my brother’s wife who also works there and he is having a hard time reigning her in for the benefit of the business. Wondering if there is anything in my chart that could provide better clarity on my part about the best way forward. Feeling conflicted. My brother is a last degree Pisces and my son is Virgo born on 9-18-85. Thank you for any insights you might have.

    1. I have been correct in my psychic astrology predictions about Donald for some years now, from impeachment to Covid-19 infection. He is rather like the Status Quo song, Down, Down from 1974. I’m afraid you can’t act like Pluto in Capricorn and expect to last long, when Pluto is out of Capricorn for another 248 years in November. Your question for yourself is Scorpio and Eighth House (family, business, money). Your brother’s wife is a problem. You are a Sun Pisces so let’s start there. You have the South Node in Libra in your Eighth House until January 2025. There is karma going back there with finance, business, valuables, charity or property some 18-19 years ago. Same faces or different faces – you owe, or are owed. Thus you may find your situation with your son, brother’s wife and brother is stuck until January. It will go around in circles because that is the way the South Node moves, backwards. What about your birth chart? You were born with Neptune at 8 Scorpio in the Eighth House of family finance, in opposition to Fortuna at 7 Taurus in the Second House of personal income. This describes inner conflict about your values, your life budget, and his/hers/theirs and it is lifelong. Hang a price tag on peace of mind and see what you would pay. I’m afraid any time you have transits to 8 Scorpio and 7 Taurus, that inner conflict will be triggered. You can validate this astrology by using the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle. Eventually Pluto will go to 7, 8 Aquarius and create a T-Square, so some years into the future, there is already an issue waiting. You may want to act now to minimise that.

  19. Dear Jessica Adams,

    A history book said…. most empires…. last about 500 years. US seems to have huge problems now… Yet there are huge, huge opportunities if it managed well. Which way do you see US going…. say for the next 30 years ?? Thank you.

    1. America has a good, reliable ‘birth’ chart which shows the end of the two party system. It’s no longer donkeys and elephants, the Democrats or the Republicans. The constitution will change to give third parties and independents more power. The binary politics now simply doesn’t permit the big sweep of diverse opinion and voters in the country.

  20. Dear Jessica, thanks for all your work you are doing here in the blog and on the website.
    Just one brief question concerning Donald’s birth time, I know he himself delivered two false ones. Did you ever check the time Lois Rodden delivered in her book MONEY … HOW TO FIND IT WITH ASTROLOGY in 1994? The birth time is called A rated by Rodden herself in the appendix of her book. She there also gives the source of the date of 14 june 1946, 09:51am EDT Queens/NY. Trump’s mother delivered this time to a close astrologer friend of hers. Lois Rodden worked with this time, may be you may try so, too? Your insights would be very interesting, Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Lois Rodden is of course the last word in birth data confirmation, and astrologers today call it the Rodden Rating system. Donald Trump and a 14th June 1946 date, with a 9.51am time in Queens, came from his mother, to a mutual friend. So we might take that, except for the fact that Donald Trump supplied a second birthdate to the authorities of July 14th. There has also been a major debate at Kepler College about the Trump data. The man is a convicted fraud and this is why so many astrologers consider the birth time, date and place with all its variants, not fit for purpose. The US chart works best and I predicted Trump’s impeachment and Covid infection with it, as well as the rise of women in the White House. The American chart is nice and trustworthy!

  21. Hey Jessica,

    Just thought I’d mention that I went looking for Trump’s chart again—and it looks like on Astrodienst somehow the Rodden rating has been changed to AA. Maybe they got more information? Anyway, FYI and thanks as always.

  22. Hi Jessica: Yesterday, the US Supreme Court just handed Trump a big victory in the realm of presidential immunity which will drive a stake in the heart of his federal cases involving classified documents and election interference. This is the most biased and corrupt SCOTUS the US has ever had (Thomas and Alito in particular). I wish I could hope that Trump will see justice but too many Americans are now so completely brainwashed by right-wing media that they are incapable of seeing the truth. Is there a way to get a reading on the SCOTUS and if it can ever re-achieve judicial excellence? If Trump is going down, he sure is going to have a soft landing!

    1. Don’t worry Kris, this is just Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn. Ceres is power and control. Retrograde is backwards and forwards. Capricorn is the top job – the presidency. It ends on 7th December. Before you get there, Pluto Retrograde goes back into Capricorn, September-November, and leaves for 248 years just as America votes. All this nonsense goes nowhere. If anything it has only served to reboot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which is entirely in tune with the astrology. We are heading for the rise of women over the next 20 years. Pluto goes into Aquarius; the same transit that gave the world Boudicca, Bloody Mary and Good Queen Bess. No soft landing for Donald and Melania; as I said – it’s a Status Quo song from 1974.

  23. Newsom is not in the running. It’s only speculation. Robert Kennedy Jr, however is, with gaining poll numbers. Why is he continually overlooked I wonder?

  24. RFK doesn’t seem anymore stable than Trump, so please no. I’m not American, but I’m wondering how that Supreme Court decision could play out. How is it even possible that they have so much power and it’s used to determine politics? Have you made a chart for the court or is not possible?

    1. The Pluto in Aquarius cycle is all we need to know about here. It always replaces Pluto in Capricorn and replaces a war on women, with female superiority. Some strong examples include Boudicca who burned London to the ground when Rome tried to take her power away, along with her daughters. Nero was threatened. She lost in the end but Britain was never the same and patriarchy was over; the massive impact of that woman in 60 AD reverberates today with Britain’s third woman PM having been in power. The most recent cycle was Catherine the Great, overthrowing her own husband, Peter, to rule Russia and dominate Europe. We tend to get the absolute nadir of violence, sexism and aggression towards women as the cycle starts. Pluto in Capricorn has to die and it dies because it sinks so low. So – Trump and his payment to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about his adultery with her, a porn star, when his wife Melania was pregnant. That’s just one random example. There are many more. The reversal of abortion rights by the Republicans; the push by the Democrats to allow men to take over female rights, identity and space. The good news is, it does not and cannot go on. November is the switch. It just happens to be the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius, for 20 years, but also the date of the US election.

  25. Thank you Jessica! I was worried that Pluto going back into to Capricorn September – November would give Trump a boost for the election. Also the fact that Pluto just arrived in Aquarius (relatively speaking). But if I understand you correctly, he has no help from Pluto In Capricorn anymore, am I correct? Thank you for discussing this. There are so many of us in this country that are truly terrified of Trump being president again!

    1. It’s very true that Pluto goes back into Capricorn in September, October, November. It’s a fascinating question. Does this empower Donald Trump, or is this the beginning of the end? I suggest the latter. Pluto is going backwards even as he begins. This is rather like a dogged mountaineer attempting the ascent of Everest one more time, as the mountain crumbles. Pluto is the dominating, controlling, obsessive, seductive, powerful man. Actually, the ruler of the underworld. Capricorn sees him play out his life in the system, the establishment, the hierarchy. What happens when that system is rapidly fading from view, like a disappearing watercolour in the rain? I believe we will see the man in the picture (Donald) and the picture itself (the old White House set-up) fade from view even as we look at them. The Tarot picture shows a cleared landscape. New soil for new growth. Whatever was there has gone. If you go back to the card you will see it.

  26. There is a whole Dem contigent that fight the notion that the first woman would be pushed aside for Gavin. I think that is why Biden holds on. I think he planned to resigned within the first year after the election so she would be president. I think they have to give it to her, if Biden resigns. If he resigns now, she would be the incumbent. She would go into the election as president.

  27. A Washington insider told me that there is a serious rallying up of a coalition of democrats who want Joe Manchin to run as the Democratic nominee, to bring together the centrists and the democrats and disaffected republicans. I was shocked as he’s the one who scuppered several of Biden’s key policies, he’s not pro-environment as he’s from West Virginia and its coal industry is big, plus he’s 78! But as a centrist maybe this is Pluto in Aquarius for now, bringing the people together in the middle? As for the Knight of Pentacles, he’s a man, he supported the horse racing industry, would have huge donor support, and maybe the landscape is the coal fields of W Virginia rather than a vineyard! Plus old posters from a previous campaign had him sitting on a motorcycle with a helmet on! Makes his legs look short too!

    1. Thank you. Manchin does seem like a fit for the Knight of Pentacles, right down to his helmet and short legs. In Tarot, though, we have an age system with Queen, King, Knight and Page. As you might imagine, a knight is younger than a king. Manchin at 78 is far too old to be a knight. And, in fact, represents Pluto in Capricorn (the power with the old white men at the top) and traditional patriarchy. What is coming is so very different, to that.

  28. Further to my Joe Manchin comment earlier, I just looked up his chart and his Sun is at 0 Virgo! Healing/serving the nation? I can’t quite believe it (was firmly in the Newsom camp) but I do now think it will be him! Has several factors in Leo though… would love your thoughts.

    1. Looking at the bigger picture, which is Pluto (the power) in Aquarius (the people) your Joe Manchin is another older white man who is part of the Pluto in Capricorn (patriarchy) system. So I’m afraid he’s not right for these times. Pluto in Aquarius is with us for another 20 years. He is a good fit for the Knight of Pentacles though. I’ve replied to you here, about that.

  29. Hi Jessica, hope you are well! Can you share your insights on the future of Netanyahu and how things will end up for him?
    It is horrifying to see the daily happenings in Gaza and the nightmare keeps getting worse. When will they have any reprieve?


    1. The bigger picture is radical border change with Gaza and Israel to come, starting slowly in 2025. That’s Uranus (the revolution) in Gemini (the neighbours). Any politician or group standing in the way of that, will not last. Hope will build for change with the so-called Iron Wall until June 2025 with Jupiter in Gemini (Jupiter ruling optimism) then you will see the extreme results far beyond 2030. The last time we saw this cycle, Germany split into two. New neighbours. Gaza on the world map is at the heart of this.

  30. Hello Jessica.
    Things seem very bleak right now. Countries all around the world seem poised to elect dictators and take away women’s rights. Right now, Biden looks to be thrown out by his own party over one bad debate, while Trump coasts along with one victory after another in his court cases. The world that you predict where dictators and the so called conservatives loose power seems less likely by the day.
    Do I believe that people will rise up? Eventually. But I suspect that America will likely be destroyed (if not in name, then in spirit) before that happens. I am American, and I just don’t see how you can be right. Unless a miracle happens, how can you possibly see Trump and his ilk simply fading away?
    Honestly, with problems in world population and global warming already demanding decisive action, we simply can’t afford anymore years of Trump or those like him. So if what you are saying is really going to come to pass, at what point astrologically will we be able to see it?

    1. What you are seeing is the final end of Pluto (power) in Capricorn (old white men at the top) and it is typically a time of turmoil. History and astrology give us so many examples of this cycle, which repeats every 248 years. The most famous example is Henry VIII who killed his wives, wanted only a male heir (girls need not apply) and seemed impossible to stop. Then a twist of fate replaced him with not just one, but two women. So don’t worry about Donald. Or the many actors who play Putin. They are part of a crumbling world. You simply do not have Pluto in Aquarius (power for all the people) and preserve patriarchy. And Donald is the patriarchy.

  31. Hi Jessica , can you share your insight on Trump’s trials after the disappointing ruling on immunity by the Supreme Court ? Also on the fate of five right wing justices .Clarence Thomas who is corrupt his wife supported Jan 6th insurrection.
    will the ruling on immunity be reversed in future ?

    1. Thank you. Well the astrology has form with Thomas. Two years before it happened, on Twitter, I predicted February 2024 would be a crisis for him and that he may not remain in the Supreme Court. That month, Democrats attacked Justice Clarence Thomas for not recusing himself from a Supreme Court case over Trump’s ballot eligibility under the 14th Amendment. Will the ruling on immunity be reversed? Yes.

  32. Hi Jessica
    Congrats on the new Substack. Ironically, the card for my decan was the same one I pulled yesterday for myself!
    But I can’t help but follow up on what you said about the Supreme Court decision on immunity being reversed, especially since myself and many others are walking around in a state of shock thinking that our country, though with so many flaws, is basically gone; that thanks to the electoral college and a corrupt Supreme Court, we are farther away from democracy than ever. So when would a reversal be likely?
    Thanks for the time you spend on countries around the world. Can’t imagine how you keep up with it all.

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia Fulton who runs The Astrology Show on Substack. And I’m not surprised the same card has turned up twice for you. The reversal on immunity by the Supreme Court is inevitable. It’s a classic example of Ceres Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn (the man at the top) and as both are pulling backwards in September, October, November, you can bet your bottom dollar that this is when we’ll see a reversal play out. Donald Trump is a symbol of Pluto in Capricorn (the dominating leader) and as Pluto staggers backwards and falls, so does Donald Trump.

  33. Thank you Jessica, Michelle Obama will be the Democrat nominee..if not I’ll eat my hat.

  34. Hi Jessica
    There is a lot of noise around Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan) being a stronger/better front runner to lead the ticket, not Gavin Newsome. But, that does not sync with your ‘Knight of Pentacles’. UNLESS… the ‘dark horse’ in the race could be a Whitmer/”Mayor Pete” Buttigieg ticket?

    1. The Knight of Pentacles is not the only Tarot card I have drawn for this crucial election. Women are rising and when I looked at specifics (on Substack) Queens began to appear. What is really clear is that the Harris/Trump/Vance dance reverses from September. What we see now is not what we get later. Mercury Retrograde is with us.

  35. Our country (USA) was thriving under Trump. It seems you are partial to Democrats? You point out all of Trumps troubles, but never list the major issues of Biden or Newsom. Trump does cause divisiveness but inflation was low, jobs were plentiful and many were able to purchase homes with low interest rates and affordable payments. Our investments increased substantially as well. Believe me, I don’t like his big mouth either, but he was effective. Under Biden, we are suffering. The interest rates are high and this is the lowest home buying in 100 years. Groceries, taxes and the overall cost of living is extremely difficult for many. I only ask you are impartial. We only want a candidate who truly cares about its citizens and not politics as usual. I’m speaking as a human being and not a specific party.

    1. I am not partial to the Democrats. I practise astrology. The astrology here is about Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years into the future. Pluto is power. Aquarius is the diverse group. This cycle always appears when humanity is against women, terribly so, and then women rise. This nods to Donald Trump, E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels – and Melania Trump – as well as the girls in the Epstein tragedy, him being a friend of Epstein’s. Trump is our Henry VIII. It only remains to be seen who will be our Elizabeth I.

  36. Have you looked at Gov. Andy Beshear? I ask because he is young and was born in Louisville, where the famous Kentucky Derby is annually held; both fit with the Knight of Pentacles.

  37. Hi Jessica, As always, I read all of your articles with interest. Like a lot of the world, I am following the US Election with interest. I was quite interested to see Knight of Pentacles. Pluto and the black horse (s), and money. I have always thought of Trump as Pluto personified. Not liked by many, strong personality, not part of the clan, riches, power and hidden power I feel, unafraid of military action if he determines the need. The Phoenix, will rise and fall and rise and fall and rise again. My interpretation of the symbolism is different to the general comments you are receiving. Aquarius as the people, the ‘mob’, the masses so to speak are suffering with cost of living, and coin is what will guide them. As it would me, if you have to feed yourself and your family. The black knight sits on his black horse holding the coin. I sit remotely in Australia, clearly, but in the regular long road trips across the States that we enjoyed, chatting to people in hotel lobbies and elevators and restaurants as you do, everyone without fail, spoke about their falling real incomes and failing businesses and they were looking to Trump to save them. The Black Knight, not of the Political establishment. Will be interesting to see what unfolds.

    1. Yes, Donald Trump is Pluto personified. Way back in January 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn, astrologers wondered how it would emerge. He is the answer. Perhaps the Kremlin is, above him. The Tarot card is a knight, though, not a king. So, a younger man.

  38. Hello Jessica, Thank you for all of your insights. I am American and beyond hopeful that your predictions are right. Truly. My intuitions on the matter have been quite strong that he (they*) will indeed win. That simply cannot happen. My question for you today is, what are your feelings/predictions pertaining to The Heritage Foundation* (project 2025 and much, much more) ? I’m astonished that they’re only recently coming to light, having started in the 60’s and I believe officially in ’72. As they’ve worked with Red and Blue over the years (presidential breakfast and more), they’ve absolutely zero interests in any conventional politics, only their goal of literal world domination through Christianity. Their own frightening perception of it at that. They’ve been playing the long game, and doing so globally. tRump is a vile being and on his own, in my humble opinion, is not the true threat, but believe that The Heritage Foundation and they’re infinite funds, very much are. Thank you for your time on this, and all of your efforts, they are much appreciated!

    1. Thank you. The Heritage Foundation has opposed gay marriage. That is enough to tell you that if the Trump-Vance ticket rests on The Heritage Foundation, it won’t win power. This is Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years, starting in November. The diverse community which shares the space with tolerance is Aquarian thinking. Pluto is the upper hand. Control. Put that together and if you oppose equal marriage for gay men and lesbians, you are simply not in the White House from 2025. You’re a man out of time.

  39. Hello Jessica can you please clarify what you meant by ” The future President will be left dangling”

    1. This is a Mercury Retrograde election in America so there will be a period of suspension when there is uncertainty about the candidate. It is extremely common with recounts (Bush versus Gore for example). Unfortunately the election date for the US is written in stone and cannot be changed, so it invariably takes place on Mercury’s backward step.

  40. Jessica Adams provides an insightful combination of tarot and astrology as she delves into the 2024 US Election, offering captivating predictions and a refreshing viewpoint. For those interested in the cosmic impact on politics, her work is a must-read!

  41. Jessica Adams provides an insightful combination of tarot and astrology as she delves into the 2024 US Election, offering captivating predictions and a refreshing viewpoint.

  42. Nice post thanks for it. I have a couple things to say/ask. First comment is general: you’re one of the first astrologers I’ve seen who isn’t treating Pluto (and something to do with Uranus?) like it’s a total cataclysm. What’s up with all that fear mongering? Is that a different conjunction? In any event I’ve been having a hard time circling the square that my general impression was Aquarius is humanitarian/egalitarian with astrologers on the web being like “world war and totalitarianism.”

    Second more proximate question is about woman rising with the knight you pulled. Wondering how they can both work—was thinking more about likely running mates of KH ran. Might not be about Newsom. Josh Shapiro and Andy Beshear are very strong possibilities being circulated, though Shapiro has a star power IMO. Does that make sense to you?

    Thanks for the info.

    1. Thank you. There is no Pluto and Uranus conjunction. What are hopefully called ‘astrologers’ on the internet are often just people in their twenties who are making it up. Best avoided. Pluto in Aquarius is people power. History shows us that whenever Pluto goes into this sign, women rise, minorities share power with white men at the top, and everyone has a common goal. Pluto takes a long time to transit – about 20 years. So the 2024 election in America shows the Knight of Coin, a man, and not a woman. However this does not negate a woman becoming President at the next election, or a record number of women becoming powerful in Washington.

  43. Very thorough
    With all the intra party fighting in the Democratic Party, how sure are you that Trump will not win?

    1. Women rise on this cycle. The more you fight in a war on women, the more you lose. And so, to J.D. Vance. Mr Vance told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson the US was run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too”. Trump’s dreadful track record on women, along with this resurfaced clip of Vance, tells us – the White House is not for them in 2025.

  44. Hi Jessica,
    Have not yet read through this newest blog, but yesterday realized that your earlier prediction regarding U.S. presidential race fits a certain candidate to a T. This is Governor Pritzker, from Illinois, who is a billionaire with ties to Canada–he’s been involved with a trade commission with them. I was immediately relieved, although who knows what might happen? The man does seem quite liberal and level- headed. Biden’s recent behavior and insistence to remain in the race, despite what many think, has been a disappointment, to say the least. I will be interested to see how all of this unfolds. Thank you!

    1. Interesting. All the hats are being thrown around, before landing in the ring. Thank you for your information about Pritzker. The deciding factor for White House 2025 will be – women, plural – and a woman, singular. This is the Pluto in Aquarius cycle, where power goes back to the female of the species after a long period of men at the top. So it very much depends on how Pritzker fares with this compared to the rest.

  45. Wasn’t there a prediction that Joe wouldn’t last a full term? maybe he resigns now and make Kamala an incumbent. What do you think?

    1. The Scottish astrologer Marjorie Orr predicted disruption for Biden in 2024, back in April 2023. She said ‘bedevilled’ in July 2024 which is on point. I’ve not looked at Biden since my prediction that he and Harris would likely take the White House back in October 2020 (for The Daily Mail). I predicted the outcome for Kamala Harris four years ago if you want to check the original article on my website. So this appeared in December 2020.

  46. Jessica, Thank you for your well-researched analysis and sharing it along with your psychic abilities. You have brought me a sense of calm when ordinarily I would have been fraught with dread at the signs of America’s current chaos. Although I always felt we needed someone like Trump and his minions to make us a better nation by showing us our shadow self, those feelings quickly left after his first year in office. For I saw such ineptitude, greed and moral depravity that I quickly desired his replacement as soon as possible. I served in fairly high echelons in U.S. federal government, am legally trained, hold various degrees of expertise in law, policy and constitutional scholarship and can tell you, I was in agony and utter disbelief when the Trump Administration held power. But as I began to settle into the astrology, chiefly with your guidance, and understand Pluto in Capricorn (which it seemed to hover forever over my own (natal chart) conjunct planets of Jupiter and Saturn at 25 degrees Cap), I began to see more clearly what is unfolding in our country. You have given me hope, we have to change and go through this: Trump, a crazy, total lack of statesmanship and patriotism House Majority, abducted Republican Party and conflicted Judiciary to change.
    We have a great Constitutional form of Government but it always supposed benevolence and restraint. We had a foundation of shared principles, these ideals are falling, maybe even shattering, and we need a new generation to rise up and renew these shared principles because they (all of us) are facing existential threats that will require concert of action, resulting from our greed or indifference to threats around us. If you see this with Pluto entering Aquarius, Uranus entering Gemini, Ceres turning direct or other astrological happenings as the inflection or urning point, then there is hope that the US will undergo the constitutional reforms it requires and it will mature into a more genuine humane nation. One that treats each other with respect along with peoples from fellow nations. One that sees the human-ness in one another first. Because soon, there will be a time when we humans have created not just logical but also sentient artificial intelligent beings and will face another crises. How will we treat them, that which we created? Will they be our slaves or will they have rights? Perhaps those issues will be addressed when Pluto enters Gemini…but I expect the catalyst for equality will begin with Pluto in Aquarius.

    1. Thank you. You have actually worked (served, according to your chart, as you believe in service) in the corridors of power in the US. You switched from Trump, after feeling real agony over his leadership. Pluto in Aquarius, leaving Capricorn, is the big one here. Fortunately we have history and astrology to show us what happens, every single time. We had Nero and then Boudicca rose and almost defeated him in Britain. Then Nero fell anyway in Rome. Henry VIII was another vile example of male power out of control and was toppled by the forces of nature and replaced by not one but two women. It is usually worse before it gets better on this cycle and our last long flashback with Pluto in Capricorn is, of course, just before the election. The planet of absolute power, goes back into Capricorn, the sign of ambition, the system, tradition and the establishment. It’s over in November as he moves to Aquarius, finally without any interruption, for some 20 years. I have no fears for America because we know what happens next. Women rise. So does equality. In fact, there is genuine system change, often from patriarchy to matriarchy, in the end. Artificial intelligence is certainly here with Jupiter (expansion) in Gemini (the internet) and will deliver years of quite shocking revolution online, from 2025 onwards as Uranus (the radical change) goes into Gemini as well. This is about language translation but also new technology which makes the internet available to even the most remote corner of a developing country. This more than anything else will bring the world together and we will slowly start to see what a global community can do, collectively, against the climate emergency. That is the literal translation of Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini. People power united by a common language – the language of instant real-time translation.

  47. To add to my comment, in asking the TAROT who will be the next President, I drew the 8 of Wands. I was not surprised by the discussion relating to Aquarius but it does seem to indicate that time is of the essence. Regarding the Democratic Nominee, one commenter above mentioned Prof.Lichtman who has called every US election (except one) over the past few decades and he believes that Biden should stay on the ticket. When you first pulled the Knights of Pentacles, Jessica, I had posted that perhaps it reflected Gov Doug Burgum, who then, was a Republican Presidential candidate, and is now a Republican VP hopeful.
    Gov Newsom, fits the bill in many ways described by others here including the fact that he is coming from the West (CALIF) to the East (Washington, DC) which is the direction the horse faces. What interests me more, is the second TAROT card you pulled, Jessica, which is the Queen of Pentacles. It would seem that the Knight of Pentacles gave the Queen of Pentacles the Pentacle. After all, the Knight is transporting something and the Queen could be in receiving mode. GOV. Newsom and VP Harris have a long history together. The VP served in Oakland, as a District Attorney, a town, neighboring San Francisco and later as DA in San Francisco, when Gavin Newsom became Mayor of San Fran. Later, LT. Gov. Newsom and Attorney General Harris served their state of California together in that capacity. Their relationship (professional and friendship) goes back decades. But the US Constitution forbids the President and VP from being from the same state, and I don’t believe that VP Harris has changed her residency from Calif. (recall her last job was Senator from Calif). So there is a conundrum.
    Another interesting note, Kamala Harris’ mother was from India. She named her Kamala after the Indian Goddess, Lakshmi “Lotus”. The Goddess is the embodiment of female empowerment. My pulling of the 8 of Pentacles aptly describes a sense of urgency, but who or how this election will proceed over the next few months, other than in a chaotic fashion, seems to be only known in the heavens.

    1. The next US president according to your Tarot is the Eight of Wands. This is the group which is in a nosedive and must quickly reorganise itself to pull off a breathtaking landing or fall in a heap. This may be either party in November, of course. It also fits the astrology as we are seeing Pluto (transformation) in Aquarius (the group) and both parties are in transition in 2024. I originally drew the Knight of Pentacles (the money man) as you know and a Knight is younger than a King, so it’s neither the aged Trump nor the clearly past-retirement Biden. I then drew the Queen of Pentacles; the older money woman. So for me it is a dual presidency, or we begin with a man and then end with a woman. It’s interesting about US law preventing people from taking both roles if they are from the same state. I’ve not seen that mentioned in any commentary. One feels huge compassion for President Biden with all he is going through but I think my Tarot colleague Katie-Ellen Hazeldine was right all along; neither Trump nor Biden is headed for the White House. She writes on Substack.

  48. Hi Jessica,
    thank you for all your blogs, they really are an enjoyable read. You once made a comment that my chart was similar to Kamala Harris and I didn’t understand what exactly you meant by that. All I can can up with is that we as woman, shine brightly in a partnership but it creates conflict with/for us?
    I have finally broken free of my Pisces friend (14/3/76) who went on to have his much desired child. I have found a new friend, who is single, on a cruise of all places (Virgo – 14/9/79). This is lovely but we can only catch up once a month as we live in different states and he has very young children. Recently though my old work colleague has been in touch to say he is now single and has always wanted something to happen between us. It was a big shock to learn of his news and the last thing I expected but I would marry him in a heartbeat (27/5/1964) as we have been friends for 17 years. Do you see any problems for us moving forwards after he financially separates in October this year?
    Much love Jen

    1. Thank you Jen. Your love life has sent you bouncing around between three men. You are a Capricorn woman having a Uranus (shock, radical change) transit of your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom and parenthood. Shock is a classic outcome of a Uranus transit. Uranus transiting the Fifth House is always the last thing you expect to happen, with wave after wave of new freedom and independence. This transit has been with you since 2018 and has offered you outcomes that would have seemed quite outrageous in 2017 and earlier, but the excitement cannot be denied. What does your natal chart say? You have Vulcano at 22 Leo in the same space, the Fifth House, which is a symbol of great self-control and self-mastery, particularly in love triangles. With both men, including the Virgo, you have to take the other woman into account. There is no huge story going on about these first wives, or first girlfriends, but you will need to batten down the hatches emotionally. It’s the same with the children involved. Far more important in your natal chart is your Seventh House of marriage ruled by Libra. You have a stellium here at 4 through 23 Libra and of course the South Node of karma is going over 4 through 23 of Libra. The fact is that life as it was 18 or 19 years ago is coming back. You are owed, or you owe, spiritually. The karma will finish in January 2025, so soon after he has sorted out his financial separation. This will take slightly longer than October; he won’t be free of the deal making and bargaining until early December. You have both Uranus and Pluto in Libra in your Seventh House and may want to look at the actual constitution of marriage to see if it genuinely suits you. It may be that a partnership is more suitable – or variations on this theme which allow you space to deal with the inevitable regular revolutions that come with this sort of chart. Permanence, predictability and routine certainty are never going to be on offer with any man you end up with, but if you can co-create a situation where the boat can rock, but keep sailing, you will have a journey worth taking. Years into the future you will have Saturn in Aries, then Neptune in Aries, in opposition to your Libra factors so the challenge to change will always be there with a partner, but the trick is having an agreement which can take the change. That’s why you should really look at what is involved, legally particularly, with any sort of new duet in your life. You need a partner, though, to be who you are. You were born to be on one end of the scales, with a man at the other.

  49. Thank you Jessica. Adding a clarification on the two candidates running on the same ticket hailing from the same State issue because I know I wrote about it in artfully. The twelfth Amendment to the US Constitution sets forth how States are to choose their electorates and holds that they cannot vote for two candidates that come from the same state as themselves. California, as our most populous state, by far, holds the most electoral votes of any state, with 54, about 22% of the total electoral college votes. And it is these votes, through the state citizen-voters that choose the President and Vice President. To put that in perspective, Pennsylvania has 20, Michigan 15, Georgia 16, Wisconsin 10 and Florida 30. Electoral votes are based on the census that is taken every 10 years and it also relates to how many representatives each state has in the House of Representatives, the lower Chamber of the US Congress. So due to the 12th Amendment, Californians cannot caste their votes for both Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom since both are Californians. This is a significant amount of electoral college votes that the Democrats cannot lose. Thus, a Harris Gavin ticket isn’t likely unless one of them were to become a citizen of another state, and I don’t believe Harris did this when she became Vice President.

    1. Thank you. Yes, a same-state ticket is impossible and so it looks like Kamala Harris v Gavin Newsom unless these two Librans do something drastic about their home states in September-November. Even then they are characterised as two Californians by Republican voters. The entire situation is really odd; yet women definitely rise in power over a 20 year period, starting in November.

  50. Hi Jessica, can you share your insight into trump’s trials. Will he be convicted for Jan 6th insurrection before the November election?
    Ocasia cortez has filed articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas and two senators have requested DOJ to set up special council to investigate these two Justices. Again please share your insight on these latest developments.

    1. Every time we see Pluto in Aquarius, women rise. The transition from Pluto in Capricorn, to Pluto in Aquarius, famously happened when Catherine the Great replaced her husband Peter as ruler of Russia, on 8th July 1762. Elizabeth I replaced Henry VIII. Boudicca nearly replaced Nero as ruler of the British Isles. Without a reliable birth chart for Donald Trump it is impossible to say how he will be replaced by a woman, but history and astrology tell us, he will be. Sadly Donald has given two completely different birthdates to the authorities, one making him a Gemini, the other making him a Cancer. AOC is a different matter. We have A rated data for her. She has an Aquarius stellium and Pluto (the power) is in Aquarius for the next 20 years. The first major aspect is Pluto in conjunction with Psyche and it immortalises her with the Democrats. That’s not 2024 – too early. The impeachment articles are part of the climb.

  51. Hi Jessica, I’ve seen some commentators point to Gretchen Whitmer as a possible replacement candidate – I believe she has a notable 0 degree signature too, indicating she could part of the picture as it unfolds. Maybe there is a tarot connection you notice?

    1. This is really interesting. Gretchen Whitmer as a replacement for President Biden? As one half of a duet with Gavin Newsom? The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn on 21st July falls exactly on Salacia at 29 Capricorn, in her chart. It picks up Proserpina at 29 Pisces, Venus at 29 Leo and (by one degree) Pluto at 28 Virgo. This is a big decision for her, but it would not pan out until we enter that crucial September-November cycle when Pluto goes back to 29 Capricorn. Could she do it? Easily. She also has the Sun at 0 Virgo, as you mention, and Neptune at 0 Sagittarius too. Minerva at 0 Scorpio seals the deal. This epic transit by Pluto and also the Full Moon (imminent) at 29, then shifts to 0 and a change in the balance of power is all over her chart. Of course we cannot predict what she will do – but Pluto trine Pluto in Virgo, the sign of service and duty, and in a conjunction with Salacia in Capricorn, the sign of ambition, suggests she’ll face a huge choice regarding Harris and Biden. And it goes on.

  52. Hi Jessica,

    Everyone keeps talking about Biden, but just now something happened to Trump at a rally and he was rushed off stage. Apparently gunshots were fired at Trump. Pluto in Capricorn coming to an end?

    1. Bit too soon. Pluto in Capricorn returns for a final, dramatic chapter in September-November. There are some curious issues about what is being called an assassination attempt. As with President John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola play a part. This time, because Kimberley Cheatle, head of the Secret Service, was director of Pepsi Security. Biden hired her. I’m sure most people know that Richard Nixon was Pepsi’s lawyer and present at a meeting with the Pepsi CEO in Dallas the night before Kennedy was shot. In both cases the lone gunman was shot. We are only 24 hours into this.

  53. Hello, Jessica. I wanted to know your thoughts on Trump’s brush with death today. Does this mean he will win the election and not fade away like some predicted earlier, or does something come out that changes this election, because it looks like Trump’s chances of winning is pretty high now.

    1. This is the cycle where Catherine the Great managed to overthrow her husband. Where King Henry VIII was replaced by not one, but two women. Where Boudicca beat Nero for a time. Women rise. Patriarchs fall. I’ve been using the Waugh novel Decline and Fall for some time to describe the slow downfall of Donald Trump. Had I realised he would actually fall under what is apparently an assassination attempt, I would never have used it. The US chart holds. This is a slow and long decline.

  54. Hello,

    Somebody tried to KILL TRUMP at his rally today. Would this even change people feeling toward Trump that they would now vote for him ??

    Thank you

    1. The media’s instant reaction has been that this will put him in the White House. The astrology says quite the opposite. The Tarot too. We have four months to go.

  55. Hi Jessica ,

    I left a comment here on the first of july that is still waiting to be approved.
    If it is still there ,please read . I did draw the Tower when asking about the future president. It will not be Trump or Biden.
    With that said, yes -Trump will disappear but this incident was all staged , it actually made my skin crawl when I heard it on the radio driving home from a dinner in the middle of the night here in Sweden. I knew instantly and the first word that came to me was the word fake. Just like when I woke up in november 2016 to the news that Trump won the election and a voice said- Russia.
    And I just got a news flash that Russia has commented by urging the US to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and instead using them to arm the US military and police. I am so tired of all this nonsense. I just want politics to be about politics again. We have some urgent matters like climate change, the economy, the housing crisis . I am sick of all the narcissistisc lunatics that are running the show at the moment.
    I know change will come ,but the question is how much damage will be done before we reach the breaking point.
    At least it did not turn at to bad in France
    Wish you and Tess the best/ Anna

    1. My apologies for this late reply. I have 16,146 comments today and it can take time to see each screen as it appears. You drew The Tower about the future U.S. president. It shows, symbolically, Trump Tower with figures falling, or perhaps the White House – the same. I expect you were seeing Biden’s departure in the first instance, though you may also be picking up Donald in a future event. Anna, the tide does turn. The Pluto in Capricorn cycle is in its last gasp, September-November. So the world domination required by the Kremlin, drawing in Donald Trump, is at an end. Pluto in Aquarius, good for 20 years, is about the world as a community of diverse people pooling resources. This is the necessary united front against the climate emergency. Twenty years is a long time and it will utterly replace what we have just been through.

  56. It is hard to understand and accept all of the good luck that Trump has experienced for example: coming 1/4 inch away from death in the shooting plus all of the criminal cases falling apart for this horrific man. Even the Supreme Court has voted on his behalf and given him immunity. I am so infuriated and desperate to hold on to something that gives us hope that this man will go away and let our country heal. Your thought provoking readings give me reassurance when there seems to be talk that this is “Trumps Slam Dunk” fast track to the white house! I just want to thank you for sharing your readings. I pray everyday for “a coming together” in this world. Trump has divided family, friends, and ignited anger and fear. The stage appears to be set for an authoritarian dictator to rule the USA. Please keep on encouraging us with your readings. We all need HOPE. My “thank you” is heartfelt and I cannot express enough how much we need this ongoing hope that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel.

    1. Thank you. I report the astrology and the history. I am interested to see Nikki Haley turn up again to speak at the Republican conference. Of course, Trump will be the star of the show, having emerged from this tragedy where one of his fan base lost their lives and others were hospitalised. Pulling the focus back from this, to 2025, we see women rise and a woman will replace him. We don’t know who. It may be his wife, daughter or Haley herself. It may be Harris or another female Democrat. By ‘replace’ I mean, take the power. This is what Catherine the Great did to her husband in Russia; it is what Boudica did to Nero in Britain; it is what Elizabeth I did to Henry, also in Britain. Same Pluto cycle and we are too early at the moment. Watch the Full Moon on 21st July and watch Haley.

  57. So does this mean Trump will win in November and be subsequently replaced down the line in 2025? This is a very different perspective than the one predicted for years. The more Trump is predicted to go down, the more he rises in the polls, the more he evades justice, the more he bounces back stronger than before. Doesn’t seem like a man ‘going down, down, down.’ If he’s elected, even to be replaced down the line, damage will have be done, Project 2025 will have been implemented (it’s already in action at the Supreme Court level), doesn’t seem very compatible with women rising when they’ll be jailed for getting abortions (they’re already bleeding to death in some states), or power to the people when the police will patrol the streets to round up immigrants like in 1939 Germany. Trump has been underestimated many times over; it all started in 2016 when many astrologers thought he wouldn’t step foot in the White House and yet here we are 8 years later. I want to believe in your predictions but they feel disconnected from the reality we experience on our side of the pond; Trump’s going up, up, up.

  58. Hello Jessica,
    I am a keen follower of your astrology predictions and seek clarification on the 2024 US presidential elections.The press keeps compounding the anxiety people have with talks about polls and Biden losing this election.I feel Kamala Harris emerging as the miracle of 2024 Presidential elections.Where do you think she features in this election mix?

    1. This is a late reply and of course Biden has now stepped down and endorsed Harris. I filed a prediction about her four years ago, now, on this website. September is a massive bridge to cross for her. I also wrote about Biden in the prediction. It’s here if you missed it.

  59. Hi Jessica, Jack Smith has appealed against judge cannon’s decision to dismiss document case involving trump. can you share your psychic insight into this. Will the appeal be successful?

    1. We are in the Mercury Retrograde cycle, which I predicted two years ago. If you missed it, it’s here. Basically all the Trumpery that you are witnessing will come to nothing or change shape, until September. I am reminded of Shakespeare. Life “is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.” This is a tale told by an idiot which comes to nothing, although it will stand as a permanent reminder to America about what a flawed constitution can do. It let in Donald, his family and of course – Russia.

  60. Hi Jessica, I’m writing this on the eve of the Capricorn full moon, while Joe Biden is self-isolating with COVID. I hope he is the Knight! We need him badly because he attracts those conservative voters who don’t want Trump. They made the difference in 2020. I don’t think the Democratic candidate can survive the Electoral College if Newsome becomes the nominee … conservative voters do NOT like him at ALL. So I’m fervently hoping that Biden recovers quickly and that the Dems who are pressuring him pipe down. His work record is nothing short of miraculous.

    1. A Knight in Tarot is a younger man. A King is an older man. President Biden is a King. I do Tarot and astrology, not politics, but I can tell you the dominant theme at the White House, starting in November, lasting for another 20 years, is women holding up half the sky. Diversity in the community. Power is Pluto. Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, the sign of equal rights. (Capricorn is the patriarchy). The party handing power to an Aquarian styled structure is the party which will win.

  61. Hi Jessica,

    Biden just withdrew from the 2024 race and has endorsed K Harris. Penny Thornton said this on her website:

    “The United States is in the process of becoming a new version of itself. The old Republican Party is dead and a new one arising in its place. Going are the democratic principles America was founded upon and in are coming nationalism, protectionism and a whole lot of other isms that will turn the United States into a fortress or a prison under the rule of an autocratic president.” Does Kamala Harris or another democrat have a chance of beating Trump? Thank you!!

    1. Penny’s comment has to be read in context with the whole feature, of course. Kamala Harris is a symbol of Pluto in Aquarius. Power to the diverse group. So that is power to the Democrats, who honour diversity by having run a woman against Trump last time and put a woman up as Vice-President (and now Acting President) this time. The money is not on Trump. He slept with Stormy Daniels when Melania Trump was pregnant. He was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein who peddled girls for sex. Do the Democrats have a chance of beating Trump? Quite honestly I think the man has even further to fall than just a political loss. But nothing astrology shows should preclude anybody from voting, ever.

  62. Dear Jessica Adam,

    Biden dropped out of the Presidential Race today . Biden endorsed Kamala Harris. What is her chance of beating the Rapist Trump ?

    The judge in E. Jean Carroll case said Trump indeed a Rapist – only that the juror didn’t charge him as such.obin

    Thank you in advance

    1. Yes. Evidence against Trump by E.Jean Carroll included testimony from two friends Carroll spoke to after the incident, a photograph of Carroll with Trump in 1987, testimony from two women who had separately accused Trump of sexual assault, footage from the Trump Access Hollywood tape and his October 2022 deposition.This is the Pluto in Aquarius election. It is about women rising. Any woman’s chance of beating Trump is extremely high. That includes women rising within the Republican party in 2025.

  63. The momentum is gaining and the dems are circling and supporting Kamala. I don’t think anyone will run against her. And the money is starting to flow again. Donors who were holding back, worried about Biden are now saying: “blue wave” Watch the money to roll in this week. And Trump may not debate her. He would demean her and that would turn women off so his staff won’t let him debate. I think young people will come out to vote for this historic election.

  64. I decided to re-read this today, following Biden’s decision not to run. Noticed that today the sun moved to 0 Leo which quietly confirms that pattern you’ve spotted. And fits with the theme of rulers/heirs…

    1. We don’t have an accurate birth chart for Michelle Obama, unfortunately. The issue where she will run aground, as will most Democrats, is women’s rights to their identity, space, sport, domestic violence shelters, restrooms and change rooms – against men who want to be female. Lesbians and gay men are part of that Pluto in Aquarius wave and this hasn’t started yet; they don’t want to see anyone ‘trans the gay away.’ The South Node in Libra in 2024 is all about that. It very precisely ends in January 2025.

  65. I had suggested Biden resign so Kamala would be the incumbent. But then there wouldn’t be a VP– a new VP would have to be confirmed by congress, and they wouldn’t do it. The VP is in charge of counting the electoral votes — what happened Jan 6th and the insurrection. Trump’s supporters would try and take over if there was no VP, so she has to stay in VP slot.

    There is a huge problem transferring the infrastructure and money to anyone outside of Kamala. It can be transferred to her since she was already on the ticket.

    So it is Kamala Harris as presidential nominee. I put my money on NC governor, Cooper. That would give NC to the dems.

    1. This election has everybody fascinated, both here and on Substack. The problem with Kamala Harris is that she does not comprehend women’s rights and female equality. She believes a man can replace a woman, or even be a woman. She does not appear to have seen what is happening in Britain, where the Cass Report has shown the dangers of this way of thinking, particularly where vulnerable children are concerned. The Pluto in Aquarius transit of 2024, 2025 and the end of the South Node in Libra transit in January 2025 (inauguration) is the end of sexism. And a woman can be as sexist as a man, towards her own sex. This is not the only issue. Abortion is another. The elephant in the room is of course Epstein, Maxwell, Trump and court appearances by women who were once sexually abused fourteen-year-old girls. You will see all this come together in the story of Kamala Harris in 2024, 2025. This is bigger than all of us and females will rise and take back power that was taken from them, collectively. Same cycle as Henry VIII actually.

  66. Kamala is proving herself to be not only in sync with the monumental Pluto in Aqua transit but the Queen of Coins with all the money rolling in to support her, not to mention the considerable amount of money pledged to Biden that seems to be coming her way. She also has a track record of winning back money for the people of California from mortgage lenders after the 2008 crash. The momentum that she brings to the US presidential race very much reminds me of when Jacinda Ardern became Labour Party leader of New Zealand just 7 weeks before the general election there in 2018. Now turning to our man for Vice President of the US on the same ticket with Kamala. Pete Buttigieg is an Aquarius (January 21) with a military and mayoral background, now transport secretary so could well fit the Knight of Coins. He may well be the first openly gay man on the ticket in the same way that openly gay Grant Robertson became Jacinda Ardern’s Deputy Prime Minister.

    1. Kamala Harris is definitely Pluto in Aquarius. Black and female. Gay Pete Buttigieg is also Pluto in Aquarius. When Pluto is power and Aquarius is diversity, for the first time in 248 years, it’s the end of everything America has ever known at the White House, which has historically been all white, family man, straight male. As you say, it’s reminiscent of New Zealand. The biggest problem for Harris and/or Buttigieg is their passionate support of men who say they are women. That’s not Aquarius. This sign is about tolerance and shared space. Not the takeover of women. You will see the Republicans absolutely gunning this issue and I’ll be curious to see if Harris and Buttigieg change their talking points. This is Year Zero for feminism and abortion, Dylan Mulvaney and Jeffrey Epstein are part of that. Those who find power will be on the right side of feminism in that.

  67. Hi Jessica, fascinating predictions you made while ago about women power raising. I often read back your old blog about Pluto in aquarius. What are your thoughts on Michelle Obama as a potential candidate? Thank you

    1. Thank you. Michelle Obama has no birth time so the chart is not fit for purpose, unfortunately. She would obviously win a landslide as president. It is quite clear that with the Republican and Democrat nominations for president and vice-president being decided on Mercury Retrograde, nothing will stick. The period immediately after election day is also Mercury Retrograde. So let’s see.

  68. Just realized, as you wrote, the VP will be decided during Mercury Retrograde. Buttigieg is too much of a risk. They need a typical white male for the center to support them. She is getting women, young people, minorities — they are registering to vote in large numbers. And really pushing for women’s rights. Vance had once even said women shouldn’t vote. Trump is really regretting Vance as his choice for VP

    1. Yes, both the Democrats and Republicans are choosing their line-up on Mercury Retrograde. I posted a Substack feature about the ill-starred Vance-Trump relationship some time ago. The charts are not aligned.

  69. Thank you Jessica for your replies. Your knowledge and insight is so much appreciated.

  70. Hi jessica:

    You still think Trump is not the AntiChrist?

    Your Stormy Daniels article was actually quite amazing. You more or less predicted a woman oriented election with female political issues. You’ve been relatively accurate with this prediction. Kind of looks like Kamala Harris will even be the Democratic presidential nominee. I’m still concerned, however, that “King Trump the Liar” (a.k.a. “The AntiChrist,” “The Father of All Lies,” “The False Prophet,” “Little Horn,” etc.) may still pull off a win in the November election. I don’t know if he’s actually “The AntiChrist” or not. Probably not, but he certainly fits the bill. I know Trump is lying. Can’t believe anything he says. But he is such a fantastically convincing liar that I almost believe him. Many Americans have been hoodwinked by him. Especially Christians. Especially Born Again Christian Fundamentalists.

    So, you really think Trump is not “The AntiChrist”?

    1. I don’t know that I believe that Donald Trump has sufficient power to oppose Jesus Christ and falsely substitute himself as a savior in Christ’s place. He’s a man on a downward spiral. Thank you very much for the compliment about my Stormy Daniels article. It was published on April 5th 2023 and the astrology was very clear. I wrote that the Epstein and Maxwell story was not over for Donald Trump. That is yet to pass. I said the very survival of Donald was in question. Correct. He was nearly shot and killed. I also wrote, “The mainstream media is also wrong to focus all the attention on Ron DeSantis. I am publishing this on 5th April 2023, so looking over a year into the future, but by all the laws of astrology and history, this will be an election about women, won or lost by women – and girls.” In comes Kamala Harris. But she is not the only one. We wait.

  71. Hi Jessica, President Biden today made calls for major reforms on Supreme Court and to limit Constitutional immunity for Presidents. Would appreciate your astrology/psychic insight whether Biden will achieve these before he finally leaves the White House

    1. Biden is acting on Mercury Retrograde so this will take time and be a stop-start process of flux. The far larger picture is that dictators fall when Pluto goes out of Capricorn for the final time and into Aquarius. It really doesn’t matter if it’s Nero being condemned by the Senate (he took his own life in the end) or Henry VIII dying of obesity and a leg wound that failed to heal – then being utterly replaced by a woman. The more you act out Pluto in the dying stages of Pluto in Capricorn, the more you are traditionally doomed to be cast out along with the entire cycle. The female rises and the feminine replaces the patriarchy, in every Pluto cycle from Capricorn to Aquarius, in history.

  72. According to my Ephemeris, Pluto leaves Capricorn for the final time on November 20th. That’s an interesting interpretation you have. Women “take over” when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Throughout history. I like that. But will it be too late? Election Day is November 5th — and people can vote a lot sooner than that. I’ll be waiting with bated breath. On a different subject, I’m relatively proficient in reading charts, but one can always learn something new. I’ll be reading more of your responses in these blogs as I get a chance. See what else you can teach me. Just FYI, I’ve got Aquarius Rising with the Moon sitting exactly above my Ascendant within 1 degree. Saturn conjunct MC. Would love to see your chart, but I understand why you don’t show it. In any case, I’ve got a question for you. Astrodienst states that a 12th House Moon should be read as if it’s a 1st House Moon when it’s only a few degrees from the Ascendant. What do you think? By the way, you say that Trump’s time of birth may be inaccurate. There’s no way he can be anything other than Leo Rising. Definitely a Gemini. And a Sagittarius Moon makes a whole lot of sense. But not from the “light” side.” More like the “dark side.”

    1. History and astrology show Pluto out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, is always the death of patriarchy and the rise of women. And astrology really is history. So that’s that. As for interpretation, my chart is online in several places though they use a house system I dropped about 20 years ago! Ditto, the Astrodienst interpretation of a Twelfth House Moon. I disagree on that one. And Trump does not have an AA chart. Thank you.

  73. I found your chart. Venus conjunct Mars in Gemini. I can see that in your eyes. I have ’em conjunct at 15 degrees Leo. It’s also not often that I see a chart without any karmic nodes. Marty Schulman’s got a nice book on nodes and POFs. You must have been a good girl and boy in your previous lives. “Double Leo” with an Aquarius Moon in your 6th House. Explains the work you do. I’ve known many fellow “doubles” over the years. Nice to actually meet you, Ms. Adams. Why I never thought of looking for your chart on Astrodienst /, I don’t know. Keep up the good work, Jessica. And Happy Belated Birthday !

    1. Thank you very much. I did have a happy birthday, despite now being an ancient old bat of 60. You use a completely different house system to me, but yes, I have Venus and Mars in Gemini, as you do.

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