The UK Riots in Astrology

How the UK riots show up in the national astrology chart. Where is this heading? A revolution with France.

UK Riots Astrology

Some people are surprised to hear that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has an astrology chart. In fact, there are several, each showing a different stage in the nation’s history.

The latest chart is set for Brexit. So that’s 31st December 2020 at 12.25am in London. It clearly shows the UK anti-immigration riots of August 2024.

A New British Chart

The riots are down to Uranus (revolution) at 26 Taurus, exactly trine Apollo (male leaders) at 26 Virgo (the working class) on August 1st-7th 2024.

This transit also triggers an angry Mars at 26 Aries in the First House of image and profile. The footage of the riots has gone around the world, leading Malaysia and even Australia, to warn tourists about visiting Britain this summer.

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Immigration Revolution

That 26 degree hotspot behind the rioting, does not last. What is coming, though, is Uranus (the radical change) going into Gemini, which rules the neighbours (France) and is also in direct opposition to Sagittarius (foreigners).

Astrology does give us years of advance notice, so I wrote about this in September 2021.

Uranus will move into Gemini from July 2025 and will be in synch with Jupiter (growth, expansion, solutions) in Cancer (home town and homeland) which suggests that long-term, politicians from the Labour party and Conservative party will have to come up with policies which fix the burning issues.

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Foreign Karma

There is a rare opposition in the UK chart between the North Node at 19 Gemini and both Venus and the South Node at 19 Sagittarius.

When Uranus goes to 19 Gemini, the known world will turn upside-down in terms of France (the neighbours) and countries further afield.

That’s 2030. It’s momentous. What happens then is a shock to the old UK system, and it looks like the ancient karma of Britain with France, but also foreigners (Gemini and Sagittarius) will bring the last thing anybody ever expected to see.

People Smuggling

Gemini and the Third House rules ferries, cruise ships and boats.

Uranus going through Gemini with all the usual shock, disruption and upheaval that this planet is known for, suggests a complete break with the past, in terms of the way Britain and France deal with people smuggling over the Channel.

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Ethan Wilkinson via Unsplash

The very first signs of this will be when Uranus goes to 3 Gemini in opposition to Juno at 3 Sagittarius, so that’s 2026. Just two years away.

Clearly, something big has to give with the French. This will be about digital passports, digital ID and borders. Uranus rules new technology.

As of 10th July, 14,058 people had crossed the English Channel in 2024, according to the BBC.

The New UK Chart

What is never going away in the UK chart, reborn under Brexit, is Mars at 26 Aries quincunx Apollo at 26 Virgo. This is about image, reputation, appearance, branding and profile. Mars is the god of war.

Aries is the thrusting ram, ready to lock horns in any contest or battle. This is about sport (particularly football) as much as it is about the military, or angry protesters.

Apollo is a symbol of male leadership. In Virgo, the sign of working people and the working class, he is locked into an exact pattern with Mars.

When we see transits of the slow-moving outer planets in particular, at 26 degrees, the UK is lit.

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22 Responses

  1. Thanks, Jessica. Do you see this connected to Scotland in any way? thinking of your independence prediction!

    1. Scotland has always been on the path to independence, based on the Nicholas Campion (Book of World Horoscopes) chart set for 16th March in the year 842 at 4.21pm in Edinburgh. This gives her an MC or Midheaven of 5 Gemini, in the Third House of neighbours. The MC is always a nation’s highest aspiration and for Scotland it has always been the relationship with Wales, Ireland and Scotland – the neighbouring nations. Uranus going to 5 Gemini will produce a sudden, shocking and wholly unpredictable revolution. Uranus first shows up in Gemini in July 2025. The IC or Immum Coeli is at 5 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. This is where Scotland comes from – Ancient Rome. The IC always shows the heritage, roots and history. Because of this, the European Union and Italy will also be an issue when Uranus goes to 5 Gemini, as it will automatically be in opposition to 5 Sagittarius, the focal point for Scotland’s Italian background. There are several charts for Scotland but I predicted the outcome of the Indie Ref vote with it. It also shows quite deliberate manipulation of the trans issue in politics, but that is another story…

  2. Hi Jessica. Momentous times indeed. No riots in Scotland so keeping everything crossed our country will stay calm. Perhaps our rise will come in response to Independence. I hope these signs are pointers to us moving sooner rather than later, peacefully of course and perhaps a French chapter for us also – the auld alliance once more. Hope also for big changes among political and law makers with removal, replacement and justice delivered. Prayers for peace for all.

    1. Thank you. That old chart for Scotland (ancient, actually) has shown all the momentous changes of the last few years, so you can almost set your watch by it. Once Uranus – the revolution – goes into Gemini – the neighbours – you will see the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland go through quite radical shifts in the Scotland-Ireland-Wales-England relationship, so that’s from July 2025, well past 2030. Your first vote on independence took place on Mercury Retrograde. There will be another.

  3. In terms of internal borders and international neighbors, the lengthy Uranus transit of Gemini may provoke some slow-motion national breakups, divisions, and realignments. As you have written, it may be part of what provokes a split of the US into two or more sub-nations, and not necessarily friendly or cooperative ones. It could be part of why Catalonia separates from Spain; the Basques finally leave Spain and France; N Ireland leaves the UK and joins Ireland; Scotland, too, departs; and the South Tyrol of Italy rejoins Austria. That just covers the US and Europe. There’s the whole rest of the world where long-simmering regional resentments and open conflicts, including between China and Taiwan, Russia and its neighbors, and in the Mideast, boil over into outright war. Add to this the mass migrations of desperately poor populations to economically better-off “neighbors,” and you have the full negative panoply of the potential of Uranus in Gemini.
    However, there is also the positive potential of Uranus in Gemini and of that I think we need more highlights.

    1. Uranus in Gemini is a long, long transit and what is different about the Twenties and Thirties (as opposed to the last war) is the other cycle, Pluto in Aquarius, alongside. What is also very different is that entire generations of people now on the planet, were born with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Sagittarius. So their Ninth House personalities and destinies, which have drawn them to globalisation, multiculturalism, open borders and one world thinking (as well as cheap travel) – are opposed by many years of Uranus oppositions. This does in fact feel like a global redrawing of the map, and as you say, Uranus is not particularly friendly or co-operative. However, Pluto reminds everybody that power comes from sharing the space, with every diverse group. The sole benefit of Uranus transits is always independence. The sole benefit of Pluto transits is empowerment. So whatever that means to us from July 2025, for many years into the future, is the way that politics and business will swing.

  4. Hi Jessica, the violence in the UK is scary and I don’t hold with it at all, however I can understand the demonstrations. Ordinary people are not being listened to. Will the Governrnment start to listen to concerns? Will Keir Starmer drag us back into the EU or will the EU implode? Is this the beginning of the end of globalisation as you have been predicting for long time now? Thank you for all you do and for helping us to make sense of it all

    1. Thank you. Understanding the riots is half the battle – and it really is a battle, according to these UK astrology charts. Politicians who are failing to read the room with the working class men involved are not helping. I’ve said this to a couple of other readers, but along with the new Brexit horoscope for Britain, the ancient 55 BC chart, set for the Roman invasion, is also being triggered. Will Starmer drag the country back into the EU? No. Will the EU implode? Yes. Is it the beginning of the end of globalisation? Yes. Uranus in Gemini is not yet here, but from July 2025 for many years into the future, there is quite historic push back against that Sagittarian ethos of immigration and tourism too. We also have the lunar nodes going into Virgo and Pisces from January 2025, which again, push back against Sagittarius in a T-Square pattern, so the old days are going, going, gone. An old system is not going to last.

  5. Hi Jessica. Your predictions about finances (the previous blog) and what you can see about the UK now are spot on as usual. I’m here in the UK and there are many of us that are really afraid about what is going on here. I’ve just read another social media post from someone local to me pleading with anyone reading it to be calm, stop the hate, not become violent. None of what is happening seems to have any logic or reason. We feel deeply uneasy, scared, sad. From what you say, there is more to come in August around 19th? I have factors at 27 degrees and at 17 degrees. I feel pushed and pulled in all directions at the moment. I really want it all to stop. Will it stop?

    1. Thank you. Friends in Britain feel as you do. Lining up all the charts for the British Isles since the Roman invasion of 55 BC, what we have here is obviously an ancient nation which is all about her borders, her territory and her tribes. This is a really old chart pattern which is being triggered now. The riots pass, but a revolution is set to begin in July 2025 and it will alter everything people have known under the Conservative government to date; mass immigration and the EU relationship will be first in line, as both are ruled by Sagittarius and there will be years of quite radical opposition to that, with Uranus in Gemini. In your own chart, you actually have the Moon and Saturn in Cancer, in the Fourth House of home, family, property, town and country so you are really sensitive to these issues. You are also lucky enough to have Jupiter with all his solutions, improvements and opportunities moving through Cancer from June 2025 and by 2026, on a personal level, will have found what you need from ‘home’ and all it means to you.

  6. Do you see civil war in the UK? Everyone I know feels like something bad and big is coming to us. I know people from other country’s who live here have escape plans. This last month has been so dramatic and never known a time politicians are viewed so suspiciously. As I can’t see how it’s not going to happen as it’s so divided now and ghettoed now and has changed beyond recognition very quickly before anyone absorbed it. I don’t see digital id as good but globalist control like in China. Our freedom of speech is being eroded and everything is said behind closed doors to people you know you can trust now.At the weekend in Belfast people joined together that had been religious enemies for years and said on the news “United we are stronger” Do you think that’s something that’s gonna happen more in Northern Ireland? I am working class but just see the only way out is to move away but feel stuck here in a country I don’t know.I am too old to emigrate. I can’t help but wonder if you saw something really bad and that’s partly why you left Jessica.

    1. Looking at the astrology charts for the United Kingdom, going back to the Romans, is useful. The British Isles holds a few messages for us. The chart set for 27th August 55 BC (Roman invasion) shows exactly the same Sagittarius-Gemini clashes in the very new Brexit chart. Sagittarius is foreigners and foreign countries. Gemini is the neighbours. Stepping right back from the riots for the bigger picture, what is coming is a radical reset of the relationship with France (the close neighbour) and with the people smuggling industry. In fact, Britain back in 55 BC was ‘born’ from that Roman invasion landing on the coast of Kent. I am sorry you feel like emigrating, but are also stuck. What you are witnessing is a very old nation dealing with Europe and Europeans. Brexit was the first move, there will be a second move ahead. This does get better, but there will be radical changes. When Uranus goes to 18 Gemini and is right on the original Pluto position at 18 Gemini, in that old 55 BC chart, the United Kingdom’s own neighbours (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales) will shift position with each other, at the same time that the UK-France relationship transforms.

  7. Hi Jessica. It’s a busy time for all astrologers isn’t it? I’d like to say something positive about the UK to try and counteract all the doom and gloom. In Liverpool a library was trashed during the riots, but very swiftly £90,000 was collected to rebuild and restock it. We are basically a decent country and it breaks my heart to see what is going on. Do you see positivity for our country, and maybe for me in the future? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, astrologers are flat out, with the US election and the UK riots. The total raised for the Spellow Hub library in Liverpool is now £120,000 and we authors are also getting behind it with signed book donations. The United Kingdom of Great Britain (emphasis on great) has always been the home of the English language, but also good hearts – and the aggression on all sides does not change that. What you are seeing is the start of a revolution, though, and everything you knew about the four nations, borders, France, Eurostar, the English Channel and foreign relations/immigration will change from next year, partly as a result of the rage now being acted out on the streets and online. In your own chart, your Gemini, Cancer and Leo stelliums will all be nicely crossed by Jupiter with all his opportunity, growth, solutions, expansion, hope and good outcomes – in sequence. So you are very lucky here. From now until 2025 you will benefit from far better ways to get your message across online, behind a microphone, or with your pen. When Jupiter goes to Cancer from June 2026, you will find fantastic options for your house, apartment and/or garden. Jupiter then goes into Leo from 2027 and the relationship you have with a younger generation (perhaps your children, perhaps teenagers as a whole) will grow enormously and you are likely to feel rather blessed. This is also a great transit for courtship and the bedroom.

  8. Thank you for this Jessica. It seems the riots are largely being led by the far-right groups, who are weaving their way up and down the country smashing up our cities and picking fights with police. I am sure their sentiments are not the sentiments of the larger populace, certainly do not agree with their tactics. I disagreed with Brexit and would be saddened by not being able to travel to France / Europe going forward. Those three little girls that were killed and the dance teachers fighting for their lives have gone from the news stories now, what memories to provide their families with. It’s disgusting behaviour. The rioters didn’t care about them.

  9. Dear Jessica, I’ve been watching the riots in the UK with bemusement and sadness. Here in India, our neighbour Bangladesh is in a state of flux. I realised that the India we know now, along with our neighbours Pakistan and Bangladesh, are creations of the British when they colonized the subcontinent. Do you see a joint karmic connection with the disturbances across these countries? And as always, I need to ask – what does India have in store in its future? Economic growth or recession? Riots or peace? Some years ago, you’d predicted India’s population would decline rapidly due to health reasons. I’m sharing an article which gave me goosebumps because you’d predicted this!!

    1. Thank you. When you have a country like Britain with so many charts, over so many years (starting with the Roman invasion) there is indeed a backlog of karma. Here we have the United Kingdom with her history of colonisation and the slave trade (not unique; many other nations did it too) dealing with the Twenties, when all the wheels of karma turn at the same time. This old nation has Europe and France to sort out; from there comes everything. Within, she also has to sort out her differences between the four nations; England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. This is going to be about borders and passports and it’s going to be radical. What happens with Pakistan and Bangladesh is similar; Asia is just as affected bu quite radical changes from 2025, ongoing. India I did in fact file predictions for a long time ago and the birth rate was going to descend. Thank you for showing me the link to the article that confirms that.

  10. Hi Jessica

    I would be interested to hear about Muhammad Yunus, the interim leader of Bangladesh and Nobel laureate who started the Grameen Bank with the aim of pulling people out of poverty with micro loans. Will things improve in that country and will he be able to lead them out of crisis?

    Thank you

    1. Here we have a Cancerian leader who has come into power on Mercury Retrograde in Leo, which is not ideal. Mercury is going backwards in his Second House of personal income. Meanwhile life-changing Pluto is in his Eighth House of shared income. This is a shaky start, but long-term, he could also lead – very long-term, actually. He has the North Node of karma in Aries now, along with Chiron. He’s been here before and done this before. He always knows that it is possible to get away with what traditionalists say cannot, nor should not, happen. 2025 is the big turning point when Saturn and Neptune go into Aries. This sign rules his ambition, position and mission for him, as a Cancerian. He is rather like Mandela and The Dalai Lama – another Cancerian patriot.

  11. Hello Jessica
    Thank you for this interesting article. I wonder why you used the same words ‘anti-immigrant riots’ as the mainstream media, was this done on purpose? We all saw on the news that Muslim buildings were being targeted. Do you think that all Muslims in the UK are immigrants? It was very violent and it was a far-right organisation that was behind it.
    Also, in this week’s astrology show you said ‘war in Ukraine and Israel’, in which case the correct wording would be ‘war in Russia and Israel’ or ‘Ukraine and Palestine’. Words matter, and we are attentive and faithful readers and listeners.

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