Mars Retrograde 2024-2025

How does Mars Retrograde in Cancer from 6th October 2024 until 18th April 2025, affect your astrology chart?

Mars Retrograde in Cancer 2024-2025

In this feature, I will look at Mars Retrograde from 17 to 29 degrees of Cancer, starting on Sunday, October 6th, 2024, and ending on Friday, April 18th, 2025.

This is a very long loop which sees Mars move forwards and backwards, backwards and forwards in the sign which rules your people and your place.

Factors at 17 to 29 Degrees of Cancer

Cancer RawPixel 4 300x209 - Mars Retrograde 2024-2025If you have anything at 17 to 29 degrees of Cancer in the Fourth House of family, household, land, apartments, houses, town, country, heritage and ancestors you will find life heats up and speeds up, but also runs backwards and forwards.

If you are renovating, for example, it may take longer than you thought. Read the terms and conditions with builders carefully.

This does end up well. Jupiter with all his problem-solving, opportunity, growth and improvement goes into Cancer on June 9th, 2025, until June 30th, 2026.

So, what goes backwards and forwards, leads to a sweeping outcome for you and others, with the house, garden, apartment, land, family and/or household later on.

How do you get there from here with the least complication? As Geoffrey Cornelius used to say, “Destiny is negotiable.” So, in this feature, I will show you how to use your birth chart to negotiate it.

Your People and Your Place

Mars begins his long backwards gallop by starting his race, at 17 Cancer on Sunday, October 6th, 2024, at 17 degrees. He runs like this:

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Cancer.

Then he disappears on Monday, November 4th, 2024, just before the American 2024 election (more on that in a moment) before coming up again to retrace his steps in January 2025.

He re-emerges at 29 Cancer on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. He runs backwards like this:

29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 Cancer.

In February 2025, he runs backwards from 20 to 17 Cancer.

In March 2025 from 17 to 22 Cancer.

Then finally in April 2025, Mars Retrograde covers 23 to 29 Cancer, retracing his steps all the way back to October 2024.

Cancer Factors in Your Chart

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You can identify your patterns by looking at what you have in Cancer (the planet, for example, can tell you a lot about how you historically deal with the family). These patterns will be triggered by Mars Retrograde, across all the degrees (0 through 29 Cancer) but in an extremely personal way, if you have Cancer factors at 17-29.

Whatever you classically go through, repeatedly, with your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on, can be triggered by Mars. This is a really good time to look at your patterns. The Tarot on my website can help you. Ask ‘How do I typically live out my (insert factor here) in Cancer, in my Fourth House?’

Heat and Action

Mars brings people, organisations and situations which are heated, fast-moving, inflammatory, abrasive and potentially high-conflict (between people) or risky (if about people versus the elements). I’ll look at bushfire risk in Australia, later on.

Cancer also rules patriotism, heritage, history, culture, roots, origins, the family tree, the ancestors, the role that war has played with the men in the family tree defending their nation – and of course, flags and passports.

Mars racing backwards through here suggests the potential for open conflict about the same, right around the world.

Pressure on London

The chart for modern London is set for 12.00 noon without a time for the establishment of the Greater London Authority.

Diana is at 29 Capricorn and will be hit by Pluto at 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. There is historic pressure on London in September/October/November 2024.

The modern city has always been prone to violence and has an exact Mars-Sun conjunction at 11 Cancer. The main issue with security in central London, however, is Mars retrograde going over 29 degrees, striking the same hotspot as Pluto.

I’ve not seen a modern astrology chart set for modern London on the web yet, so here it is. The software is from AstroGold.

Modern London Astrology Chart 1024x788 - Mars Retrograde 2024-2025


Bushfire Risks in Australia

You don’t have to be a professional astrologer or psychic to realise Australia runs critical bushfire risks, threatening homes and families, on Mars Retrograde in Cancer.

If you live down under, you need a bushfire plan and insurance. Climate Emergency is real. The dates Australia risks severe and sweeping bushfire in astrology, line up exactly with Spring and Summer.  Mars Retrograde: October 6th, 2024, to April 18th, 2025.

Handling Mars Retrograde

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Mars will show up as a person, group or organisation for many people. Expect men who are impulsive, impatient, assertive or aggressive, driven, quick to act and eager to push forward. Men who have the Sun in Aries or an Aries stellium will be triggered by this long Mars transit.

Choose your battles on Mars Retrograde. Is it worth a long fight? You may prefer to bypass October-April entirely for council battles, for example, or wrangling with tradesmen. This is where the old ‘Terms and Conditions’ comes in on contracts with builders.

As I said, Jupiter with all his big picture solutions and win-win outcomes does move into Cancer and your Fourth House of property, household and family from June 9th until June 30th, 2025.

So, this period may coincide with a slow, stuck period of home improvement or a new home building program by your government or council. Yet it ends up smelling of roses around nine months later. As always with astrology, you can work around.

If you are a Premium Member, you can give yourself a three-way reading using The Astrology Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Garden Oracle on my website. These cards have been designed to echo your chart.

America and Mars Retrograde

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I was chatting to Debbie Frank about Mars Retrograde in Cancer at The Astrological Association Conference, where I was giving a talk in September 2024.

As I said at the time – coming right through the U.S. election, it’s a real concern.

Angry self-described patriots are associated with Mars in Cancer. They have been violent before and may be violent, again.

The US Mortgage Crisis of 2007-2008

October 2007 to saw Mars moving at 0-10 Cancer, backwards and forwards, in a retrograde that repeated in November and December of that year, followed by another repeat in March 2008.

Mars was still spinning his wheels in Cancer, the mortgage sign, in April and May 2008. Ring any bells? This was the infamous downturn in the US housing market. Greedy property developers and huge mortgages triggered a global crisis. This was the G.F.C.

It takes more than Mars Retrograde to heat and reheat a property market. Pluto was in opposition to Mars in March 2008, from corporate Capricorn.

Fortunately we don’t have that pattern in 2024, 2025. However, you should be aware that this is the cycle when heat rises in the American property market.

Britain and Mars Retrograde

There are many charts for Britain, but the latest is the Brexit horoscope. The Moon is at 20 Cancer in an exact opposition to Ops at 20 Capricorn. Mars will go to 20 Cancer and ignite this hotspot in the British chart. We have already seen anti-immigration riots and there is the risk of more.

The South Node is very close at 19 Sagittarius and of course Sagittarius rules foreigners and foreign countries as well as globalisation and multiculturalism. The hotspot for potential riots, from Norwood to the North, is Mars at 19, 20 Cancer, backwards and forwards, so that’s October 2024,  February 2025, March 2025.

I’ve already put up the astrology chart for London. These two horoscopes are pretty recent; one for London’s legal and constitutional status these days, the other for post-Brexit Britain. For different reasons, both show similar trends on this extremely challenging Mars transit.

UK NEW CHART 1024x788 - Mars Retrograde 2024-2025

Mother Warriors Rise 

Cancer also rules mothers, of course, and Mars Retrograde in Cancer suggests maternal rage, en masse, around the world. The time has come for men who pretend to be women, to feel the full wrath of the real breast-feeders.

Jupiter in Cancer will follow the fight and mothers will triumph. This is also because we are firmly in Pluto in Aquarius by 2025, traditionally the cycle when women win the war against them. The attacks which began on womanhood, defended by J.K. Rowling, will be replaced by what we have seen on every cycle since 60 AD: matriarchy rising. She’s winning this.

J.K. Rowling Wins the War On Women

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Part of the fight in the War On Women (a phrase coined by Graham Linehan) is about mothers pushing to defend their daughters against male takeover of their space. It also extends to surgery, removing girls’ breasts.

Cancer’s connection with breasts, mothers and babies, mothers’ milk, the womb, pregnancy, menstruation and the menopause is ancient. It comes from the Moon’s rulership of the sign. The Moon famously moves on a 28-29 day cycle, like a period. This is rich symbolism here in astrology. Mars Retrograde in Cancer is the long fight. Jupiter in Cancer is the big win.

It’s the hormones in a female crab’s eyes that help her give birth and care for her young. She can produce eggs for two years, from a male’s sperm. She can have two million eggs.

The ancient astrologers knew a thing or two. Crabs are more active on a Full Moon. They synchronize their reproduction to a lunar-tidal cycle.

Mars going backwards through the sign of motherhood is a call to arms, for women, too.

Mars Retrograde Tactics

Cancer Pink RP 300x265 - Mars Retrograde 2024-2025Mars is a soldier. A warrior. He is the Roman god of war. When he races forwards, then backwards, then runs on the spot, then retraces his steps – what do you do?

Well, you are free to avoid. You can lower the stakes by having a very minor Mars transit, where you aren’t actually constructing (say) Trump Tower or trying to invade another country in some kind of land takeover!

In your own life, you need a strategy. An action plan or battle plan for Mars. Maybe you attack the weeds in the garden on a long-term program, not a short-term blitz. Perhaps you sort out your family with lower stakes, or think about months, not ‘next week’ for a result.

Know your Cancer and Fourth House patterns because they will. be back in your life as Mars returns to Cancer in 2024, 2025.


Images: Rawpixel/Shutterstock/iStock/Dreamstime.

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99 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, hope you are well.

    As always, thank you for the wonderful blogs you share with us. I wanted to give you some positive feedback that you gave me earlier this year in June & August about my work situation and career. You had mentioned to me previously that I should be able to see some positive changes between September – November this year. I just wanted to say thank you for this prediction and i started interviews as of last week for 2 job roles. One job role is an internal move from my current team to another team and the second job role interview is for an external company (tech giant) and i have 3 interview rounds for that out of which i completed 1 and 2 are pending. Based on the readings and predictions what do you see is a better move for me (the internal one or the external one) and do i get a new job offer in either roles post my interview and things will get better soon?

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I am glad the prediction came true. You now have job interviews. You will gain a prestigious new title by June 2025 at the absolute latest and become better-known and better respected. This is rather like a new cameo or new portrait. One of these jobs will very likely give you that or there may even be quite another. Focus on your packaging, profile and presentation as this is where the good fortune is. You will be amazed at how the externals serve the rest.

  2. Thank you Jessica! So interesting as always!
    I am curious as to how I should hand this Mars retrograde as I have Sun at 19deg Cancer and Jupiter at 18deg Cancer. As I am hoping to be in a position to purchase a family home early next year, should I be worried that this Mars retrograde will delay or put the kibosh on that? Many thanks in advance for any advice you have!

    1. You are very lucky to proceed towards a Jupiter Return in Cancer in your Fourth House of property and clan, when you want to purchase a family home. It comes in later; Jupiter only moves to 0 Cancer from June 2025, but by 2026 you will have felt your timing was right. Mars Retrograde does not scupper your chances but it does bring delays. If you bought a fixer-upper for example you would be wary of builders who do not finish the job on time. Ask the Tarot for a more personal take on your timing.

  3. Good evening Jessica, I am trying to understand my Cancer and Fourth House patterns. I’m a Sun Capricorn with Aesculapia at 20, Ops at 27 and Ceres at 23 in Cancer in my chart. What, please, does Ops mean? I’m quite interested in Mars Retrograde in Cancer 24/25 as the time frame it covers blankets a period in my life where I wish to make positive steps forwards, not backwards so trying to ascertain if that is in fact a period I should avoid or have a strategy. Thanking you so very much.

    1. Good evening. Ops is Jupiter’s mother and Saturn’s wife. She was found in the year Thatcher came to power and shows how you solve problems with patience and wisdom – and win. Ops is hidden in the word optimism, which is a keynote of Jupiter, the son of Ops, who inherited that from his mother. In Cancer, you are the eternal optimist about fixing up houses; sorting out the family; aiming for better things with your own and country. All this will be triggered as Mars passes through, backwards, also picking up natal Ceres and Aesculapia. This suggests repairs and renovations.

  4. Dear Jessica
    Okay, so maybe now I officially give up. Uranus disappears? Where does he go exactly between November 4 and January 7- is he wreaking misery, unseen, on my Uranus 28 Cancer, and Diana 29 Cancer all that time? The same aspects that have been part of a t square with Pluto at 28 and 29 Cap and Neptune/Moon at 28 Libra for the past, many decades? ( Or so it seems.) Does a mob in MAGA hats show up with flaming torches in my front yard and request a word with me? Really, I adore your work and credit it with helping me navigate some very troubled waters, but how do you advise dealing with this one? I don’t suppose Uranus is away on vacation for those two months meditating on how to make a better, kinder orbit? Please advise and know it’s very much appreciated.

    1. You are lucky to have those Cancer placements actually as Jupiter in Cancer will form rare conjunctions in 2026 and that is something to look forward to in terms of home or garden improvements; a new place to live; overdue progress with the family; a larger family or household to enjoy. Astrology can be pretty simple. Avoidance is all. So don’t renovate on Mars Retrograde unless you have to. Get it over and done with before the cycle starts, or postpone it until Mars has finished his loop. It’s the same with the family or household. If you want a big pow-wow do it sooner rather than later, or put it off until later if you can. If things must proceed, because life does not always do what you want, be aware of Mars in the room and give him a strategy or plan. No red baseball caps required – because of course this is also about your town and country.

  5. Hello Jessica

    I have many cancer factors in my birth chart…what should i look out for that is beneficial and what to avoid. thank you!

  6. Hello Jessica

    I have many cancer factors in my birth chart…what should i look out for that is beneficial and what to avoid for this mars retrograde period. thank you!

    1. Mars tends to want a battle plan. The way, the weather, the terrain, the discipline, the leadership. This will emerge in connection with your house, apartment, garden, parents, siblings, flatmates, landlords and so on. If you want a quiet life then park your priorities, like renovating or buying an apartment, until Jupiter changes signs in June 2025 and Mars Retrograde has gone. If you can’t do that, at least have a strategy and direct your energy there, allowing for reversals and delays, which are inevitable on Mars Retrograde.

  7. Hi Jessica- Thank you for this article. I am truly all about my family (mom and sister, my dad passed away over 20 years ago) we aren’t close to my eldest sister or her family – there has always been discord with her ever since she married she is a sun Gemini. My mom is Sun Aquarius and my sister is Sun Scorpio – we are a very close net family. My sister and I take care of my mom who lives in a retirement home with care, mom has dementia unfortunately. I’m not married and do not have any kids all by personal choice. I’m wondering how this mars retrograde and exciting Jupiter will affect me? I also wonder how my cancer south node is affected or not?
    Thank you so much for your insights.

    1. Thank you. You are the third reader to have the nodal axis in Cancer-Capricorn and as this is karmic in nature you knew some or all of the family in your last incarnation and agreed to return to fulfil debts and credits to each other on a spiritual level. Your sister and mother are examples of this and likely your father and your more difficult sister, too. Jupiter will fix a lot of problems with your troublesome sibling as he goes through Gemini until June 2025, and then into Cancer from that month until June 2026. The opportunities for improvement will be there with her, repeatedly, including with her in-laws. I am sorry your mother has dementia but caring for her may be part of your soul contract, and she obviously cared for you, as a little girl. Just during this Mars Retrograde, though, try to keep the stakes with the family very low and where possible, have a strategy and action plan allowing for delays and reversals, rather than a knee-jerk reaction to whatever situation arises. That will help a lot both with family and also your home.

  8. Thank you for sharing more knowledge and awareness Jessica. I have Ops at 17 Cancer as well as other cancer factors. I notice it is (against?) ceres at 18 capricorn. I am very grateful if you can you let me know how this transit affects me based on my chart, thank you so much.

    1. Thank you. Ops at 17 Cancer in your Fourth House of heritage, history, culture, home town, homeland, family, house and apartment is in opposition to Ceres at 18 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, status, ambition, rank and achievement. No prizes for guessing that your whole life is about inner conflicts regarding the same. Mars will trigger this again as you realise you can’t actually have it all; you must find a compromise and trade-off. It does not last. In fact, once Jupiter changes signs in June 2025 you will realise you want what or who means ‘home’ to you in the truest sense, simply because it is so easy to achieve. Until then you have some time out from the most intense career episodes over the last few years when others misused their power to undermine you, or over-ride you. Pluto transits have a way of minimising these people or organisations or even getting rid of them, but you still have a fair bit of recovery time ahead of you, notably once Pluto has gone from Capricorn, once and for all, from November.

  9. Hi Jessica, Unrelated question but Pluto is mentioned above…I asked your web team what happened to your blog post called Pluto and Power, Accepting the Call dated 2016 and was told it is gone. I had read it and bookmarked it, and wanted to read it now and cannot. My question is did you fold the information into another blog in recent years? Thank you. Best, Cecelia

    1. Thank you. I wonder what happened to Pluto and power as well, Cecelia. At the tail-end of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo I am discovering all sorts of peculiarities to sort out. Let me see what happened; thank you.

    1. You are the second reader to have the nodal axis at Cancer-Capricorn. You have a lifetime pattern of rotating priorities, which began in childhood. Sometimes it’s your family, town, country and heritage. Sometimes it’s your success, status, achievement and ambition. So as a child you may have been offered a place at a prestigious private school which meant moving far away from your mother’s working-class side of the family. You may have found the whole family emigrated in order to go up in the world, meaning you had to leave your country. As an adult you might have had to abandon your familiar home and family again to succeed in a new country. You can also find yourself needing to ignore Bright Lights, Big City in order to put a parent first. What Mars will do is temporarily accent this pattern as another decision is calling. Pace yourself with it.

  10. Dear Jessica, thank you for this article. I have Cancer at 29 North Node. Since it is in the North Node, I would like your view if it does this have a significance and how does it affect my chart. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The North Node is at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House of family, property, town and country. It is automatically in opposition to your South Node at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of mission, ambition and position. (Usually your career). You incarnated in this lifetime in an agreement with some souls in the family, but also your career, to explore both ends of Capricorn and Cancer. Very commonly you must emigrate in order to go up in the world. Just as commonly you must go back home and put success second when the family needs you. Any transit at 29 degrees triggers the karma and the familiar pattern about peak achievement with profession, academia or social status – and where you come from, and to whom you are related. A retrograde in particular does so repeatedly. The most important transit of all though is Pluto at 29 Capricorn, effective now until mid-November, which will permanently transform the way you express both your Fourth House and Tenth House, as the most powerful, dominating people or organisations come centre-stage, or a situation which overpowers you, demands that you push back.

  11. Hi Jessica, thank you for your response. This all makes sense. I immigrated to the US 40 years ago and only one of two out of 41 family members who works for a living for an employer. In fact, I went home after a 5 year gap to visit family and almost fell like a karmic closure with family. The reunion was so amazing and beneficial that we all saw our energy levels arise supporting each other~ almost like we all evolved. My desire is to return and be with my family at least for a few weeks in a year. Closing to retirement, I plan to work thru 2026 but not sure how it will all pan out given the end of Pluto, working in a very demanding, male dominated field and at the end of my career. Your statements in the past about meet change with change, mental and physical health comes before serving others and most of all the machine in also needs to be maintained to be in best working conditions all keep coming back to me. And most of all, what will we not sell our soul for. In the end, integrity and ethics prevail as we stand against situations that overpowers us. In the end, being valued, appreciated and respected in more than monetary gains. Just read that over and over again in your book for people with virgo stellium and when there is no balance. You are truly a godsend. Your writings have made me self reflect, learn and grow to evolve into a mindful person. Thank you so much! At 61, I surely can feel the Cancer/Cap north and south node. Proud to be a woman in the man’s world in a foreign country and have lived life.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. I appreciate your confirming the astrology was correct.

  12. Hi Jessica
    I am a Virgo with Minerva in Cancer at 28 degrees.
    I have stelliums in Virgo and Cancer….as well as Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
    I have a husband and 4 adult sons with long term partners; a granddaughter who lives with me during the school week; a mother with dementia who used to live with me but is now in a resthome close by…I pick her up to spend the day at my home 3 times a week. My home is incredibly busy, and it is the central hub for the family and the wider family. There are always people coming and going, always people being fed and receiving warm hospitality, always extended family staying over for weekends or weeks on end because they live far away and have come to visit. I absolutely love that my home is a comfortable, safe haven and an anchor for family near and far. BUT…I have been exhausted for so long now, I feel burned out from caregiving, (I half-heartedly still work….I am self-employed) and I know things have to shift in my life – and very soon – for my own health reasons.
    Are you able to look at my chart and tell me what the Mars retrograde is telling me please? I am strongly sensing a significant energy shift, but I don’t know what it is yet.
    Thank you kindly in advance Jessica

    1. You are overdoing your Virgo stellium and are exhausted. This is a common problem for heavily Virgo women who will only stop, when they are ill, mentally or physically, as their sense of duty to others is so strong. It does not have to be that way and in fact, you will turn this around as the pieces fall into place, to enable you to do things differently. This would be November, December, January and February next year. The situation with your mother, husband, sons, grandchild and house guests can’t go on as it has been, and it won’t. 2025 is the turning point and by 2026 at the latest you will have solutions, as you are not a cross between Florence Nightingale and the Duchess of Duke Street and as so much of this is pure habit and routine, it will take a moment of truth for you to snap out of this and effect some changes. You are valued for other qualities quite apart from being an outstanding hostess, mother, caretaker and cook and you will be shown why, reminding you that you don’t actually have to rely on your Virgo side to be appreciated. Begin with the 24 hours in every day in a 7 day week and begin massaging the details. Of those 24, 8 should be for sleep and 8 for play. Mars Bars know a thing or two.

  13. Hi Jessica . thankyou for this information I have Venus in Cancer at 27 and Vulcano at 5 Cancer also opposing Saturn 24 Capricorn and 28 Jupiter in Capricorn . My husband is a Capricorn and my mother in law too. Last year in Dec my mother passed away and now last week another elderly friend . Mars in Cancer retro will sit opposite my Capricorn factors wont they ? My mother in law is 92 so that may be an issue again this Christmas I have spent the last 9 months shepherding my step father through his grief with meals minding the dog Digger for weeks at a time feeding the horse ect and emotional support he had had 5 deaths in his family starting with his wife ….my Mum then his own Mum and Dad and Uncle he is an Aquarian I am a Virgo . I would like to experience more relief from what this year has been like . It is easing now the amount of support he is 72 but now is having health issues which I have also helped with I am guessing all this is Saturn in Pisces and Neptune I would love some light in the coming months Hoping when Pluto goes forward into Aquarius it will eas The dog Digger has become a family dog shifting between the houses he is a joy but he too is 14/15 years old and coming to the end of his time here. There are many endings this past few years since 2019 I have lost many people . Hoping the nodes in Virgo and Pisces will not add to more problems . As far as Mars in Cancer Retro is am hoping next year to do Renovations again Probably this time next year in the bathroom .

    1. That’s quite a lot of Capricorn in one family. Yes, Mars Retrograde will oppose your Capricorn factors, at the same time that Pluto is out of Capricorn for the first time – fully. What you will experience after November is the collective opposition to old systems, old power, old set-ups (usually involving a small number of men at the top). This happens in families too; the days of the head of the household being the senior male are going. You are being a good family support with not just people, but also dogs. The heavy load you are carrying is indeed down to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, in opposition to your Virgo side. You are heavily Virgo and are being pushed quite far. This ends next year. The losses take their toll on your mind and spirit and it is important to find a way of caring for your mental health, soul and psychology as well as the rest of you. Maybe you already have an outlet, but if not, just until this last stretch with Saturn and Neptune ends, do find somebody or something that suits you. YouTune is a goldmine of healers, meditation teachers, hypnotists and so on. Your renovations will be very successful from June 2025.

  14. Hi Jessica, I’m a Cancer with a Cancer stellium including Uranus 22 Cancer and Mercury17 Cancer. Also have Jupiter 8 in Cancer and Mars in 1 Capricorn and 14 Capricorn North/Cancer South nodes. I am considering moving in the next 3 years but am not in a rush. I have had some family issues with children that, while not resolved, I’ve made peace with in myself. My part time teaching work has been slow to evolve over the past year. I’m looking for some insight into the upcoming year. Thank you!

    1. You are a Sun Cancer woman, with stelliums in Cancer, Capricorn and Libra so are heavily cardinal. You will find it easier to move after January 2025 as a rather stuck loop or circuit with property and the family ends. You may want to keep the stakes as low as possible with relatives during Mars Retrograde so that the issue is relatively trivial and not something liable to use up huge amounts of time and energy as you go back and forth. From June next year you will be amazed at the opportunities that come your way with property and by June 2026 will have found something hard to resist. You are quite naturally maternal and as a part-time teacher come to represent mothering for more than one student. You will explore quite a different way to work in 2025 which allows you to live a life which isn’t quite real world, professionally, but that’s a great outlet for you. It will still come with rules, of course, but these fade from 2027 and by 2030 you will realise that some jobs or other roles really are a holiday from reality.

  15. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for your sage advice a month ago for me! I seek how best to navigate this Mars retrograde. In my fourth house I have Uranus27Cancer as well as Jupiter26Cancer. Plus Mars in opposing sign of Capricorn. My husband, James – also grateful to be a premium member – has Apollo24Cancer in his fourth house. Any insights sincerely appreciated.
    Kindest regards, Lura

    1. Thank you. I am glad the astrology helped. To be born with Uranus and Jupiter in your Fourth House in Cancer suggests a lifetime pattern of regular upheaval but also great expansion, with the family circle, your house or apartment and your town or country. They are in a conjunction at 26-27 degrees so you always get a double whammy. Transits to 26-27 turn everything upside down with your home and extended clan, or household, but you also realise how lucky you are, as transits to Jupiter as well as Uranus trigger natural good fortune, protection and growth. Your husband James is part of the pattern, both for obvious reasons, but also astrological reasons. As well as Mars in Cancer, you have Jupiter in Cancer ahead, so you seem very likely to renovate quite ambitiously or move, by 2026 at the very latest, as the opportunities will be hard to resist. Just bear in mind that if you do so during the Mars Retrograde other people may be back and forth; typically you’ll find buyers change their minds (having formerly been quite pushy and impatient) or you hire builders who do not deliver on time. Yet, your Jupiter always protects you.

  16. Keen to have you share your thoughts on how Mars retrograde in Cancer in 2024-2025 is likely to impact me given I have my Ascendant at 29 degrees in Cancer please, Jessica?
    Merci d’avance.

    1. Mars transiting your Ascendant depends on a strictly accurate birth time, as the Ascendant is set when the cord is cut between mother and baby. The sign of the ascendant (or Rising Sign) shows how you arrive; the first impression that you make; how you meet the world. Cancer is the very image of maternal instinct; care; clan sentiment and a sense of place or origins. All this becomes far more urgent and important for some reason, as 2024 ends and you go into 2025. A new role may require it or a new relationship; sometimes a change in the family or within a group. Cancer Rising children tend to put on the nurse’s uniform as little girls or tend to their pets, or have ‘baby’ toy dolls. As an adult you still find a way to project the image of nurturing and that’s about to become far more important, ongoing, as Jupiter also goes into Cancer in 2025 and will have been in a conjunction to your Ascendant by 2026.

  17. Hi Jessica, thanks for another great article on mars retrograde!
    I have a stellium in Cancer and have 2 planets in this range, Venus 23 degrees and Minerva 27 degrees. I’ve been renting for a few years since selling the home I had with my ex husband but would really like to get my own place again next year to have security for my son and I. I’m also hoping to meet someone new and wondering if I may possibly end up moving to a new place with the future mystery man?!
    I’m also currently looking at setting up my own business as I’ve come to a crossroads career wise, so feel this may be the right time after several years of thinking about it. Would really appreciate your feedback if you get chance!
    Thanks again Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much. You are a Sun Leo with a Cancer stellium, also thinking about your own business, as well as purchasing a home and finding a partner. Once you arrive at 7th December you will have made your biggest sign-off decisions about your career and the compromises with yourself and others will be over. In fact, it’s a completely different work world out there from 2025 onwards and being independent may work very well as you find others who are also going it alone but are networked in a powerful way. You are in the best cycle in 12 years for finding the right home to settle into, starting in June 2025 and you have until June 2026 to do that. A powerful partnership is also in your stars. You would be very different people but complement each other, bringing your separate strengths into quite a formidable double-act. All you two really have to do is show up and other people take a step back. The foundations of this begin to appear in November, December, January, February. The only caveat is to have professionals who are impartial with their advice, play their part in helping you two to get it right.

  18. Hello Jessica

    I have north node in Cancer, second house. Worklife feels really hard. Need something new.
    Wonder what shall Cancer retrograde bring with.

    Thank you, Jaana

    1. You are another reader with a Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis. The North Node is not in your Second House, though, is it in your Fourth House. You may be using the Placidus house system which I’ve not found to be particularly accurate for prediction. Moving your nodal axis back to the Fourth House and Tenth House, you have a lifelong pattern of moving for success, or moving for status. It began when you were quite small, so you may have been taken out of your local area (working class) and moved up a class, into a better school with middle-class pupils. That can happen. Another very common example is a deep family change which elevates your role in the business or firm. It happens in reverse as well; your family can emigrate which puts you in a different school, or later on in life you find yourself uprooting and moving to a strange new city in order to take up a prestigious job. The usual Cancer (home, home town, homeland, family) and Capricorn (success, ambition, position, mission) dichotomy applies. Mars Retrograde will aggravate this very old split in your priorities for several months, suggesting that 2025 will bring a major decision about how to live, how to work, how to deal with the family and how to make the house or apartment situation fit. Take your time.

  19. Thank you for your words of wisdom Jessica Thank you too for offering that “moment of truth” in your words And thank you for delivering with a splash of humour

  20. hi Jessica,thank you once again for your insightful articles.
    I am Cancer with stellium in Caner, Aquarius and Leo.
    I have been trying to sell ,y house since march 2024, so I can renovate and move to a new one,
    How this period with mars in cancer will affect me?
    Kond regards,Marina.

    1. Marina, your financial decisions will come in November-February and transform your life budget as you will place a higher price on being in control than you did before; it may be that you are more open to negotiation or alter your ideas about renovation and moving. A rather stuck situation does end in January 2025.

  21. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for a great article!
    I have factors in cancer, can you tell me what I can expect please?

    I am also actively looking for a job and contemplating if I should start my own venture but somehow always been hesitant.

    What timelines can I look at for this please.

    Thank you very much.

    1. You are a Sun Cancerian with Cancer factors at 3 through 26 degrees. Should you take a job or start your own business? Your decisions about that will come in May 2025 when you realise that it is possible to have a holiday from the real world for years into the future. This may be a blend of retirement with a part-time job; gainful unemployment with a side hustle; a project which has no relationship at all to your normal career, but offers you an escape route – anything which is far, far removed from the normal and everyday. The actual Mars Retrograde is about the extended family circle and shared household. When in doubt, do not wade into battles as they are protracted and time-consuming. For example, your landlord and his son may differ over the former’s new girlfriend, which affects your own life. Within other branches of the family sometimes you may prefer to let others spin their wheels. It all comes good from June 2025.

  22. Hi Jessica. Thank you for the blog. I’m still loving hearing your podcasts! I have my moon at 17 Cancer and Saturn at 18 Cancer. I am afraid that having Mars in there too will mean stress and hardship. I have just found a buyer for my business. I am about to go through a lot of due diligence before the deal can be done and I hand it over. I’m sad that the business is going. I won’t make any money from the sale but it is time for me to move on. The stress of running it and the regulation have got too much. I want to be able to hand this over in a calm way, leaving it tidy, to allow me to start other things. It will leave me free for the first time in years! Will Mars help with this process or not?

    1. Thank you. I am glad you enjoy The Astrology Show, we entered the UK Chartable spirituality chart at #2 recently so Shayne and I were very happy. You are selling your business which has caused too much anxiety, so you can be free. You are a Sun Libra woman with Ops at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House of workload, health, service, wellbeing, duty and lifestyle. You will successfully let go of this in 2025 and will not look back. Apart from anything else you have not had a proper schedule for years as everything has been all over the place, all the time, everywhere and in addition to that, you have found that every time you try to escape from the day-to-day, you are pulled back to all kinds of restrictions and barriers. This situation finishes in two stages; firstly in November-December when Pluto at 29 Capricorn is trine natal Ops. Secondly, in May 2025. You were born to solve issues, take practical action, face down waiting games and fix what other people create. This role transforms by November so that you are the same person, but expressing your can-do instincts in a different way. Have a look at Ops as she is involved in a pattern not possible in 248 years, over the British Autumn-Winter. Next year will look and feel completely different. Mars won’t affect that.

  23. Hi Jessica! What if we’re a Capricorn moon? I don’t have a lot of any Cancer in mine but interestingly my ex husband who I am going through a divorce, that’s been stalled since June, does— his moon is in Cancer at 15 degrees in the 7th house (he’s a Libra Sun) — 6 months ago, I seeded a new strategy to take down my ex, two years ago the Scorpio Taurus eclipses (October November 2022) eviscerated my relationships and ejected him in a dramatic (traumatic way) which resulted in domestic violence charges against him and my life in a shitshow since then. I’m sad I haven’t been able to find love since then but there’s so much unfinished business with my ex— I have seen him since he was arrested that night and I know it’s a matter of time before we come face to face. Also my Mars is in Gemini retrograde— please tell me retrograde is good for me!! I am so tired. Thanks Jessica — love from Canada!

    1. To add to my other comment, your ex-husband has his Moon in Cancer in the Fourth House of family and property, using the Natural House System. His mother is his problem and also, unfortunately, your problem. I am very sorry you have been put through the ordeal of domestic violence. He’s been arrested and you are obviously concerned about the rest of 2024 and 2025 as well. You end the unpredictable situation with him in 2025. You will be set free from him and can genuinely call yourself independent. This may be for all kinds of reasons. You don’t say if you have children or ever became pregnant by him. That is also an issue that goes away in 2025. Just while Mars is in Cancer, stuck, you may want to allow for his housing or accommodation situation being quite a big ask for him; given that he also has his Moon there, he is likely to find it quite demanding. Similarly the relationship with his family, which is dominated by his mother no matter if she is still alive or not. You need to cut cords with him. Psychic cords develop with husband and wife but also former partners at war. Have you done that? If not, Paul Fenton-Smith, a tutor at The Sun Sign School, is the expert.

  24. My apologies Jessica- his Cancer moon is in the 8th house** and he has debts to pay/ $100,000 he stole from me

    1. Your ex-husband has a Cancer Moon in the Fourth House, not the Eighth House (Natural House System) and his entire issue is his mother.

  25. Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for this helpful article. I will try to interpret the current Mars in Cancer transit in my chart and would like your guidance. I am Capricorn with many planets in Capricorn..(I enjoy the benefits of my premium membership so much!)It’s been a month now that things In my life are changing. Apparently I was ready to resolve a very big trauma…but as always..until the circumstances allow.. you don’t know you are ready. Beginning of August, I verbally agree (a reasonable price) with the owner of the flat next door, so that I can move in by Oct. Mercury was about to go retrograde in Virgo. During the same week I meet a guy who I feel attraction for and says and acts as if he is strongly attracted by me as well. The guy gets “scared of his own desire” and we do not contact further (Uranus in Taurus retrograde Mercury in Leo).
    Since the plan is that I will leave my flat I find it proper (and moral) to inform on time the owner of the flat I currently live in order for him to know of my actions and give him time to find the next renter as well. The owner of my flat thanks me and informs me that he was pushed from his son (who is taking over the house property management) to raise the monthly rent..(In the occasion I would stay).
    Last week I ask the owner of the flat next door (which It was agreed to rent) if we can move on with the contracts. Apparently Mercury retrograde did the job!
    He refused to proceed and informs me that we can move on as long as I agree with a 25% increase on the rent.
    I (not politely) refuse and ask the owner of the house I currently live a rent extension until July 2025 (as the above described situation brought to me a Chironian Idea).
    At this stage I need to say that I have lost both of my parents (during Pluto in Capricorn squares with Uranus in Aries) in a very tragic way. The house we used to live with my family is rented ever since. For me and my sister the memories from that house had always been a struggle. My parents sicknesses, me and my sister in our late 20s taking care of them .. not knowing how to handle the situation but still managing all the circumstances of the painful collapsing of our world at that time. Only last week I also realized that the contract the family currently living in the familial house is about to expire.
    My idea is to extend their contract by 9 months so that I can go back to the house we used to live with my parents (Mars in Cancer) and build my life.
    Yesterday I was informed from the owner of the house I currently live that his son agreed with the extension of my staying in the house with an increased fee (also by 25%). At the same time and for the first time in my career I push back a very long list of obligations which lands on my plate (without any financial discussion) and causes me super stress which only on Monday resulted in great back pain and 5 days off with sickness leave..
    I feel so lucky I can’t describe why hahaha. I wanted a change. I haven’t been involved in a sentimental way in years and lately I am moving to that direction..
    Will the trine between Venus and Jupiter help me protect my ground in the business I am currently working on? (The trine is on the 19th degree and will trine my natal Jupiter in Aquarius but oppose my natal Moon-Uranus conjunction in Sag also in the 19th degree).
    What should I expect in my house-love life-and carreer with Mars in Cancer (It is true I feel like someone is saying No at the other side)..
    Thanks so much for helping us identify changes in our life (even if I should avoid the Virgo retrograde I would never come up with the idea of going back to my house and heal).

    1. I am sorry you have been going through this typical Mercury Retrograde situation since July. Mercury has gone backwards for months and it is only now that you can pick up the pieces. You will have changed your mind about your lifestyle and that’s typical. Meanwhile your back has been an issue with five days’ sick leave. Your body has intervened to get you literally off your feet, so you can think and contemplate, with nothing else to do. You are a Sun Capricorn with a stellium in Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius. You do need a completely new economy and this will happen in November-February. Feeling your lack of control or real power in a situation is not acceptable and you may either pull out of the situation completely by February, or perhaps see one person leave the scene or circumstances change in other ways; if you feel you now have the reins again, or can share the reins, then you’ll stick with your life budget (especially involving the house or apartment) but with a new angle. Your house or apartment next year will be an escape from the real world. This is ongoing; what you emerge with is a home which is a parallel universe in many ways. Sometimes people house-sit at no cost, or are offered a dream residence on a very low rent. Your business project needs more description if the astrology is to be useful. I don’t know if this is purely digital, for example, and that makes a difference. Venus and Jupiter trines are not about work; they are about close relationships. For you it’s about friendship and groups; you have Jupiter in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of people power.

    1. I’m sorry your comment is yet to appear on the first screens I see. There are 16,559 comments today and although I pick up questions regularly, it’s just not possible to answer them all. Looking quickly at your chart for a general take on it, you will sign off from years of people politics and power plays with your work, unpaid work or academic career in November, with a final compromise with yourself or others in December. This may be because you decide to pursue a new profession; retire; reshape your schedule – all for 2025. In other cases you may hear about departures, deaths or demotions, or the collapse of particular organisations. This tallies with a liberating revolution in your own definition of success, which comes to pass by 2025. This really is extreme change with your lifestyle; sense of service and duty; your chosen profession or field. Being power-tripped by those who have ignored you or undermined you is not fun and you may not even be fully aware of just how much politicking has gone on, underground (Pluto rules all that lies beneath). Well, it’s history, from November. Your sexual partnerships are also in the change zone from November forward, with a major decision about your current or future ‘other half’ made by February. Powerful partners or partners who become powerful must also empower you, or it just won’t work. You can’t feel overpowered by them. You also need to be aware that if you attempt a power struggle with (say) a man’s former wife or a woman he was previously pursuing, you need to be absolutely sure you have what it takes. You may not. Pluto is now in the space for the first time in 248 years and issues about turf, territory, ownership and entitlement are also here. It is very important on this new transit that you find your equal. A power imbalance (money, success, status) will rock your boat on this transit. If you attempt to try Pluto politicking with your current or new partner, say, by playing him off with your ex, or trying one-upmanship with another woman, this is also unlikely to work. So with work and love, both, you are going into quite an epic phase of transformation in both your natal and solar chart. What works best for 2025 and the years to follow is a duet or double-act where you are different but equal; and both in a position to empower each other so that you genuinely become a power couple or force for good, effecting potent change in the wider world, together.

  26. Hi Jessica, thank you for the article, I was hoping you would address this upcoming transit. I am a Cancer Sun / Cap rising & Moon with Saturn in Cancer 19 deg, and the transiting Mars will also be squaring my natal Mars at 25 deg Aries, Uranus 28 deg Libra and Jupiter 20 deg Aries. Do you have any advice for this very cardinal being? Pluto in Cap really activated my 7th house over the past year, and it has been a rather bumpy ride. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. You have a strongly cardinal chart as you know and Mars will show up as a man, group, organisation or perhaps a set of circumstances (going beyond individuals) which is hard to square. As Geoffrey Cornelius said, destiny is negotiable, so you can neatly sidestep any possible conflict as Mars passes through. Lower the stakes. If you want to improve your home, think about the daffodils and not the entire bathroom. If you are in the path of someone who is clearly Mars-like (pushy, aggressive, wants to be first/win) then turn to your Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to find out how to deal with this person. It is very important to have a strategy; do you appease Mars or do you pre-empt Mars?

  27. Hi Jessica this is such an interesting read. Im a sun libra planning to make some upgrades in our current home, we have lived here for 6 + years but could never afford things like remove old carpets and put in wood floors or change our kitchen counters and paint the cabinets. I see that I have Minerva at 26 degree in Cancer and Vulcano at 2 degree in cancer. Do you see Mars retrograde effecting my plans if I begin these renovations. I have just started getting some quotes, to be very frank I feel scared to dip into my savings, what do you suggest I do, go ahead make these investments or hold off? Some guidance from you could save me from future heartache.

    Thank you

    1. Thank you Priya. If you can expedite the renovations before Mars starts moving retrograde in Cancer in your Fourth House of property, you would avoid the stop-start and potential cancellation patterns of the transit. When you say ‘our current home’ you factor in another astrological chart (or charts plural) so you have to cover everyone. That’s not possible with one question, so you may want to use the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to see what the situation is. Mars Retrograde in Cancer has been with us most recently at the end of 2007 and start of 2008, which was of course the American subprime mortgage and housing bubble crisis. So there may be a global chain of events surrounding property, the building industry, real-estate investment which has a trickle-down effect on everybody. Right down to your kitchen.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    Very interesting, thank you for your analysis on this Mars retrograde.
    I am a Taurus Sun (27 degrees) , Leo rising and do have Apollo at 21 Cancer, Ops at 27 Cancer and Mars at 16,51 Cancer in 12th House.
    Does this has to do with the way I (re)act, being more keen to take action for instance? Not sure how to interpret Apollo and Ops actually.

    Thank you,

    1. Emily you are using a different house system; the Cancer placements are in your Fourth House of family, household, town, country, history and heritage (your ancestry and culture). This is also where we find your house, garden and/or apartment. Saturn, Mars, Apollo and Ops are all in Cancer so since childhood you have been dealing with ring-fenced, heavily restricted situations involving parents, siblings or other relatives – yet for every rather heavy set of circumstances there has always been an answer. The actual real estate along the way has tied your hands, which Saturn tends to do, so although you naturally want to renovate, attack repairs or sort out the council (say) you find there is only so much you can do. That’s Saturn and Mars. Ops is the optimism to believe you can always fix things, either with relatives, flatmates/live-in partners or the actual property. Apollo is the leadership to be able to do it. Yet, there is no denying Saturn. This is Liz Greene’s ‘Old Devil’ and an ancient symbol of entrapment and suppression and yet it is also character forming and ultimately resolved. Just while you have Mars Retrograde in Cancer in your Fourth House, be aware of the prolonged stop-start nature of a process before you commit to it. Say, building a granny flat or sorting out your uncle’s relationship with your father. It’s on that level.

  29. Hi Jessica. You are talking about having Cancer factors in the 4th house. How can I know where my 4th house is? My birth chart as a member doesn’t say anything about houses. Thank you!

    1. I have asked Asporea to add numbered houses to the charts, or information about placements in houses. Your Fourth House, ruled by Cancer, is the fourth segment of the circle along, from the 9pm position on the ‘clock’ of your horoscope. You work anti-clockwise. So if you count Aries as the First House, Taurus as the Second House, Gemini as the Third House and so on, you will see Cancer ruling your Fourth House and you have four factors there. There is more on decoding your birth chart here.

  30. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this article on the particularly long Mars stay in the sign of Cancer. I’m thinking of launching a business during this period. Do you think that would be a good idea according to my chart, or should I wait until this Cancer transit is completely finished. I wouldn’t want to waste my time and money on a project that’s going to go one step forward, two steps back. However, if I could use Mars as a turbo booster by launching on a good date, that would be great news. Blessings, Kristine

    1. Thank you. Cancer rules home, property, family, household, town, country. Nothing to do with business unless you are a real-estate agent or interior designer. In general, your business agenda is set in December, January, February. You will need a few meetings with accountants or the banks, but January is a turning point as you will end the most stuck, repetitive situation in your career. Kristine, launches are always best achieved with Jupiter on your side; you are in the best cycle in 12 years for any kind of work initiative, until June 2025. To narrow it down, line up your dates and ask the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle in a three-way reading.

  31. Omg Jessica you are right – you nailed it. You could have stopped right there at that comment and it would have been enough. This mother has been absolutely a horror, a terror, she had not just dabbled in the dark works, but she’s in deep, and I learned far too late that I had been not just her number one target but that that of her entire cult which was designed to torment me to total madness to drive us apart, by any means necessary, and that included domestic violence and putting me in a car accident— you’ve read on me before— she has no concours and she will stop at nothing to take me out of the picture and keep him away from me— while I at one time hoped that had she not interfered, he would have cheated and assaulted and abandoned me, I was told by a very gifted rootworker and reader that he didn’t do anything he did not already have inside him, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I fear I’ll always be looking over my shoulder, despite all the spiritual protection I’ve sought and bought. It’s been almost two years and the legal battles continue — and karma is due. How do I walk away and allow a dangerous individual to reoffend and run free, never atoning for his unspeakable sins just because I fear what she will do next because she has yet to finish the job? Sadly I only learned about her involvement after the wedding, which only lasted 2 weeks before I uncovered the affair, unprovoked and sudden intuitive hit on October 25 2022, solar eclipse and walked in on them at work October 30 2022, two weeks of conflict and fighting over her ensued while he attempted sloppy cover up and escalating violence to enforce compliance (didn’t work) and by November 15 was the showdown over the affair, his arrest, and abandonment of me, marriage the life the goals the dreams and everything else. It was traumatic and all wrapped into the trauma of the car accident and my fathers death just prior— just knowing he was there for all that I suffered and worked so hard to recover from— to marry him—and then the ultimate betrayal — he did this to me— gave me something else to recover from—but something impossible. I’ve been trying to pick up the pieces ever since and I just can’t seem to get it together. I just can’t seem to heal. We spoke 6 months ago here and yet I’m still in pain. I cried again today. I just can’t understand and the hurt never ends.

    1. Psychic attack is real and unfortunately the entry of spells, rituals, ‘moon meditations’ and similar into the mainstream has led to a huge number of problems, as people who have no idea what they are doing, enter into the lower astral and entities who were pretty hideous human beings, happily enter into that space, as pretty hideous spirits. Psychic attack can be accidental, unconscious, as those who are chanting, or mixing their herbs, or lighting their candles on lunar cycles, hold intentions in their minds, which mean harm to other people who get in the way. Love spells are high on the list. Another woman often gets caught in the crossfire. You sound as if you are energetically tied to all offending parties. You have bought into it with your emotions and your mind. You need to stop that. The psychic attacks cannot work without your participation. Stop buying into the drama. All concerned on the lower astral plane, as well as this person, need your attention, your focus and your energy field to keep going. Withdraw that and they have nothing. Use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle on this website to find out how you can do that. Follow the steps. Cut your losses and pull out. If you feel you have done enough by notifying the law, to protect other people from him, then you have done enough. You are letting at least two people have rent-free space in your head, along with entities you don’t even know. Stop the lease.

  32. hi Jessica, wondering what DESC at 20 degrees cancer means for me? the only other factor in cancer is 16 prosperina. I have a stellium in opposition Capricorn also. thanks for your time!

    1. Your Descendant or DC is based on a strictly accurate birth time. If you have it, then the zodiac sign of your Descendant describes your ‘close connection according to Margaret Hone. Given that the Ascendant or AC is there when the umbilical cord is cut, and shows how you appear or present (the name chosen for you; your sex; your weight; your resemblance to a relative) it’s fair to say the Descendant is, symbolically, the closest connection at birth. Now this might be your mother, delivering you, or your father, close by. It may be a brother or sister. The sign shows the type. And later on, you draw that type of person to you, again and again. This may be your husband, for example. Sometimes it’s both parents – the kinds of people (shown by the DC sign) to whom you gravitate, because they define you. Yet the Ascendant and Descendant will always be in opposite signs, so we might say, opposites attract. There is a natural connection and tight, close bond, but it shows the difference between your own image, and the sort of parent/parents/siblings you have. A Cancer Descendant suggests your mum and/or dad were from a matriarchal background; heavily influenced by the maternal line; strongly pulled towards their heritage, history and culture; very much invested in their town or country; emotionally drawn towards the real-estate in their lives (never about money, always about the feelings). All of this is set to become more important as Mars and then Jupiter go over Cancer in your chart. So this may be your boyfriend or your mother, say, or another close connection. And you can expect things to move swiftly, with a great deal of heat (Mars) and then grow, to your total advantage, later on (Jupiter).

  33. Jessica, Thanks for clearing up the difference Mars and Jupiter have. It’s true, I have my Jupiter return now. I was getting a feeling the time was right and I should go for it. Let me see what the cards say. Have a great day ! Kristine

  34. Hello Jessica , Thanks for a very insightful blog . I have Mars in my 4th house and I live Central London and this is very interesting indeed . on my work front update I do have a conditional offer and the title is good as the astrology delivery you mentioned few months ago but its been a very very very interesting search for the right role. I hope the mars retrograde isn’t some more interesting times . Please advise me and guide me . Grateful for me to have found you this year and your blogs has definitely been supportive and so does the tarots and fortune cookies are all so prompt and spot on . Your guidance and insights are very much a great support during these times . Much appreciate your work and blogs.Sending much love RA Xx

    1. Stay with Astrology Delivery. Checking recent results in my notes, I find a successful mortgage application; a new job; a lump sum of money. If you follow the rules, according to the experience of other readers, you will in fact get some or all of what you want. The next booking appears in October, in the sign of Scorpio, during Scorpio Season, which does in fact rule your lifestyle, workload, daily routine, duty, service, job, academic career and unpaid vocation. If you want to see a video about this, you can become a paid subscriber to The Astrology Show on Substack. Astrology Delivery is covered every month, when appropriate, according to the seasonal change of the signs.

  35. This transit of Mars will conjunct (several times, it seems!) my natal Venus at 20 degrees Cancer, in the third house. I am very much keen on reconciling with my first love, whom I have met around 19 years ago (I feel the Nodes have something to say about this too). We have tried something back in 2021, but it didn’t go anywhere. Do you think there is a chance for something positive to happen with this man? Mars is the co-ruler of my DSC.

    1. Cancer rules your Fourth House not your Third House in the Natural House System. You are a Sun Leo woman with Leo and Scorpio stelliums. You are up for a new partnership as one half of a power couple. Is this man equal to you in terms of power, influence, clout, status, control? If so he may be a candidate and you would know about it, November to February. If he is not (he has a job far lower down the food chain; you have the money; you have the status and so on) then he does not really qualify. Pluto is going into Aquarius and your solar Seventh House of marriage for many years, starting in November. Pluto is about the reins and the Seventh House is about sharing the reins with someone so that the pair of you are an atomic level force to be reckoned with. In your natal chart something similar is going on; Jupiter enters Leo and goes into your Fifth House of parenthood and substitute parenthood from 2026 so the stage is being set for a new, rather potent partnership of dynamic equals, with a stepchild or new child in the mix. This may or may not be your first love. But you’re in the zone.

  36. Morning Jessica, please can I ask another question related to this thread? I am aware that you cannot get through all the posts so will be most appreciative if you are able to reply.
    Re: my initial question in this thread about strongly sensing an energy shift…..Minerva was at 28 Cancer at the time of my birth chart, and I have
    just seen that Minerva is currently at that exact position now.
    Please can you interpret the significance of this particular energy at this crossroads in my life?
    Thank you in advance

    1. A Minerva Return is about the return of wisdom. In Cancer, in the Fourth House, that is inherent wisdom about real estate, the family, shared households, domestic life, the home town and homeland. So this may be New Zealand or it may be an apartment you want to rent, sell or buy. At least one relative or household member would be involved. A decision arises which requires deep insight and some streetwise thinking too. You answer it.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    I have a Scorpio stellium. I think that means that those planets are ‘trined’ by Mars in these aspects during this period. I’m always a bit confused if I should be thinking of my 4th house or 5th house with these transits.
    I’d be very grateful your thoughts on how I should be thinking of these aspects.
    Love and light, Fishie

    1. You read both charts, solar and natal, one showing your public life and the other, your private life. So in your Pisces solar chart, Mars is in Cancer in your Fifth House, ruling courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. Expect protracted action, back and forth. In your natal chart, Mars will indeed trine your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships (like marriage) and family-based agreements over houses, apartments and budgets (children, for example). So it’s the same story told twice, from two different angles. One, purely feelings. The other, money. An issue will arise that takes a long time to resolve so don’t necessarily expect it to be done and dusted within weeks, as it usually would be.

  38. Hi Jessica, Hope you are well. I really need your insight and feedback with what’s the situation in my chart . I had a conditional offer and its going well with referencing and I was supposed to join Monday and they pushed it to Next Monday and today they called an said it might be further pushed for 3rd week of October . I tried checking the tarot for answers about clarity with the job and ten of pentacles came thru and the other two garden oracle and the oracle just refused to come up I tried three attempts . its just not working or just giving buffering x sign ie not picking the cards . someone else spoke to me about an another offer over the last weekend and I told him I will get back as I have the other one in motion . which is now making me more nervous with the shifting joining date . It’s the eclipse and I remember seeing your video on substack and about hidden things and not to take a decision . I thought with the mercury retrograde finally done things will finally ease out for me . the role offered isn’t a great paypackage but it’s a new area of work which I hope to help me later hoping next year when Uranus moves to gemini in jury 2025 . Now I am not sure whats really happening . My north node is Libra not sure if that effects me .My career has been a lot of valleys situations since 2008 ex Lehman and since then its been quite a journey with this year really testing me a lot . I really will appreciate your insight and truly will be grateful for your advise what I need to do next . Looking forward to hearing from you . Sending much love RA Xx

    1. Try to keep focussed on just one card reading with a specific question and time-frame when you use the Tarot or any other oracle, or you will muddle your timelines. You can start again. So far you have an offer, but are anxious as your prospective employer is dithering. The Ten of Pentacles is a great card for finance, showing three generations of a family with an abundant supply of money. So that’s your answer. Begin again. If this is a family firm then your issue is the business between the generations running the company. If this is your family then the card is ducking your question and talking to you about a trust fund or inheritance.

  39. Hi Jessica. Thanks so much for this insightful blog! Along with other things I’ve read on the site, it might go some way in explaining what I’m currently experiencing – I’m a new mum who suffered a breast infection that may require surgery (though I am trying to avoid). Also, my partner and I have been trying to sell and buy a new property (as we’ve now outgrown where we currently are), with the hopes of having everything finalised and moving by the end of the year, but keep running into bad luck. Do you see anything in my chart that may shed further light on the best course of action? Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry about your breast infection. You are a Scorpio woman with a stellium in Virgo. This is about your overall health, on both levels – physical, mental – and the need for an overhaul between now and 2025, 2026. Look at the reality of being a new mother, mixed feelings about housework (your unpaid work) and any paid work as well. Consider your whole lifestyle, including the eight hours to work, rest and play within 24. The reason I am talking about this is that you are strongly Virgo and nothing happens to the body, without there needing to be big questions about the soul, spirit and subconscious. You are allowed to be confronted by the realities of being a new mum because it is such a huge transformation, showing up in both your personal and Scorpio chart. This does get easier next year but at the moment you have to figure out the priority, which is serving yourself and looking after yourself, then partner and baby second (and everyone else). The property will be sorted out from November with a final result by February. You should be pleased with the money saved or made in your life by June 2025.

  40. Thank you so much, Jessica, for taking the time. Your words are reassuring and I’ll consider them carefully.

  41. Thanks Jessica for this. I would like to know if you foresee the current housing market – particulary in Sydney Australia to come down in April next year once the retrograde shadow periods come to an end? It is interesting that this happened in 2007/08 with the GFC but what makes this Mars in Cancer different to that era? Where can I learn more about this please?

    1. It’s a good question. Jupiter in Cancer in the Fourth House of property and real estate should, by rights, give everybody a rare opportunity to find the apartment or house they want. Mars in Cancer is part of this cycle as the two occur so close together. So we have to wonder what happens in Australia, that either lowers prices, or makes life more affordable for first home buyers. Is it a building boom? Is it (say) a heavy tax on people who own Air BnB apartments so that renters are suddenly able to access previously off-limits places? At the same time, Jupiter in Cancer benefits owners who want to renovate or extend (by building granny flats for example). So again, we have to wonder why that happens. My thought would be, dramatic new government policy at the top, and it would happen wish a rush as Mars swishes through Cancer then actually be delivered from mid 2025 to mid 2026.

  42. As usual, thank you for such a comprehensive post.

    I realize this post is about Mars retrograde in Cancer and not the general Mars retro from Dec. 6-Feb 23rd, 2025. But I do have a question about Mars retrograde in Dec-Feb., and surgery.

    I am panicked, as I have always heard NOT to have surgery during a Mars retrograde, but I am scheduled for hip replacement surgery on January 15th in the US. I have a friend who is an astrologer, and she told me this is a big NO date for surgery. However, I have no options to change. (I had the chance to have it in September, but it was the day before the Labor Day Holiday, and I was concerned that hospital staffs would be low on the holiday. Plus, I am single and have no living relatives, so getting a driver on a holiday weekend was challenging. (The hopsital doesn’t allow patients to take an Uber or taxi home.)

    I was laid off from my job, so my insurnace ends the end of February, which means if I want insurance to cover the cost (which I do), I will need to have the surgery before then. (The health exchanges are prohibitively expensive, and have deductbles close to $10,000 ON TOP premiums. So, that’s a hard no for me financially.)

    Still, I am SO panicked about having the surgery during Mars retrograde. (I am SO angry with I should have had this surgery early in 2024 when aspects were more favorable. I just spend too much time researching surgeons and approaches.But, I digress…)

    What is your take about surgery during Mars retro? Any insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated. For reference, I’m a Scorpio and have no planets transiting my 6th house on Jan. 15th. Mars is in my 7th house of partnerships at that time.
    My chart info for January is thus:
    Plu (1) Tri Mon (4) (X) Tr-Na Jan 4 2025 00:57:27 am CST 62.147 01°Aq09′ D 01°Ge09′ D
    Nod (2) Sxt Mon (4) (X) Tr-Na Jan 6 2025 11:53:50 pm CST 62.155 01°Ar09′ R 01°Ge09′ D
    Jup (5) Sqr Plu (8) (X) Tr-Na Jan 16 2025 04:27:34 am CST 62.180 11°Ge53′ R 11°Vi53′ D

    Many thanks.

    1. Mars Retrograde is ‘backwards action’ and ‘stuck/reversed action’ and can involve surgery as Mars rules knives. The sign is the thing that matters, though. Mars Retrograde in Cancer is about your house or apartment, your garden or land – not your body. Your Sixth House of health is a far more important issue. I am assuming you use the Natural House System, as I don’t see a chart here. If you have nothing transiting your Sixth House of any concern, then nothing should stop you. If you are still nervous, use the Tarot on my website which is free and will personalise your reading.

  43. Than you so much for the prompt response, Jessica. I really appreciate it ! It is also helpful to know that it is the house that matters, not just Mars being retrograde. I have no placements in my sixth house during that time, so that looks good.

    I’ve tried to get on a wait list to get an earlier surgical date, but that was not possible. so, I’m glad that Mars is not spinning backwards in a house related to surgery and health .

    Thank you again!

    1. It’s a pleasure. Always look at the Mars sign when judging retrogrades. Mars in Cancer is about the chainsaw and the tree; the power tools and the renovated wall. Not at all about your body!

  44. Ugh. Got a call from the surgeon’s office today saying they can no longer do the January 15th date because “a conflict came up with the surgeon.”

    I suppose the good news with that is that the surgery will cost me less out of pocket, since I have already met my out-of-pocket deductible for this year. (Had it been in January, I would have had to start out with $3,900 out of pocket, PLUS my co-pay.) But, I digress…

    They rescheduled my hip surgery now for December 18th–when Mars is retrograde in Leo. (AND…Mercury is in shadow retrograde! This is not looking good. Ugh. I really screwed myself over by not having this done earlier in the year.)

    I don’t *think* Leo relates to health in any way, but I am not totally sure. I tried doing the “validation” spread (Ended up with “Comfortable Familiarity” for the Garden deck, Venus/4th house for Astrology deck, and Ten of Pentacles for Smith-Waite. That didn’t make sense to me as it relates to health, so I then just did a SW and got two of wands. That actually made sense to me, as I have been going back and forth between surgeons and unable to make a decision, really, and the two of wands is about making a decision already. I am still not sure I am 100% confident in my choice of surgeon, but none were really fitting the bill for me. This guy is experienced, but I am not sure he is really the best of the two options. The reason I didn’t go with the other guy is he was very dismissive and rushed during the appt., which was odd, since I have a friend who used him and she raved how attentive he was. Her outcome was fantastic with that surgeon, but his entire staff just seemed disorganized the day I met him. Hence, I went with the guy who now has the December opening.)

    My (very long-wided way of FINALLY getting to my question): Does Mars retro in Leo have any implications for surgery, and is the Mercury retro shadow an issue in your opinion?

    The good news is that the moon is not void of course on that day, and it is three days after the full moon (instead of two, as the January date would have been.)

    My apologies for the added question, but I was/am curious as to your take on this.

    1. I am sorry you are being mucked around with the dates for procedures. Mars Retrograde in Leo has nothing to do with surgery (unless it was about sexuality, or fertility, or contraception, as Leo rules the bedroom and parenthood). Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, likewise, has nothing to do with surgery. I don’t use the Void of Course Moon.

  45. Oh, wow, that’s good to know about Mercury. I was always told by my (amateur) astrologist friends that both Mercury (and especially Mars) retraograde (and/or a Moon void of course) were absolute NOs for surgery. She also said anything near a full moon were a NO. However, I always had a hard time believing that; If one can’t/shouldn’t have surgery when Mercury is retro, Mars is retro, three days before or after a full moon, or when the moon is void of course, that would leave, like, one day you could have surgery. LOL!

    Thanks for being the voice of reason for me! 🙂

    1. Your issue is far more likely to be more rescheduling with procedures, appointments, because staff on a retrograde will find their foreign flights home from vacation are delayed (say) or that their child needs them at home (for example). In actual terms of successful procedures, you’re looking at Virgo which rules the Sixth House. A Full Moon isn’t ideal, but again, to be strictly medical in nature, one half of it would need to be in Virgo, or triggering Virgo in your chart. Those are the ancient rules of astrology.

  46. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for this. I have been trying to find new housing for a few years now and seems to keep getting delayed. Hoping Jupiter moving into the 4th house in 2025 could be the luck I have been waiting for. Any indication this could be a possibilty for me?

    1. You are a Sun Leo woman with a Cancer stellium so your prospects are excellent for a new home from mid 2025 until mid 2025. Jupiter with all his answers and opportunities moves into Cancer and your Fourth House of real estate, apartments and houses then, and will form a chain of fortunate conjunctions with all your Cancer factors. In your Leo solar chart, Jupiter will trine anything passing through Scorpio in your solar Fourth House of property in the same period. So it’s the second half of next year into 2026.

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