The Taurus Birthday Horoscope 2023 to 2024

Happy Birthday Taurus!

Your forecast takes you from April 20th, 2023, until May 20th, 2024, the last day of your sign.

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13 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, thank you for the Taurus birthday reading! So much happening on the career front and I can feel it as I have just made a career change (March 2023). Can you shed some light on my relationship, husband is a sun scorpio, leo moon and taurus rising. There has been some tension since March. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. The tension with/for your husband is here 2023, 2024, 2025 and ends in 2026. He is experiencing the 2018-2026 cycle of Uranus in Taurus in his solar Seventh House of marriage. Uranus requires radical, even revolutionary change. If the change is not made consciously and wisely then it can happen without permission, so you end up with an upset in the marriage. An upset is a set-up backwards. The set-up is to force independence on him and you, if you will not knowingly generate it. Uranus is always about the need to be free; to have liberty; to be liberated. So whatever the vows were, when you married, need to be examined with that in mind. The contract needs a refresh. It may be that he wants Saturday off by himself, or does not want to stick to the old routine or timetable at home and so on. Or – you may want to present yourself as an independent woman – you may want to be free to choose how you appear to the world – not necessarily as his wife.

  2. Hi Jessica, so much of what you are saying has already rang true. I recently handed in notice on my job, my career of over 22 years. I have accepted a job offer for late May which means a cut in pay but it is flexible enough to allow me to continue studies over the next three years towards, ultimately a new career. I am a Sun Taurus, Leo Rising with Moon in Libra. I have stelliums in Taurus (6), Cancer (5), Sagittarius (4) and Aries (4). My husband of 20 years is Aries and my stepson is Leo. Can you please offer some further insight in my life – especially the next 6 months as I am truly a Taurus, change has been difficult and quite scary.

    thank you for all your advice and support!
    x Leonie

    1. It’s good to know your feelings about change are part of being a Sun Taurus woman, Leonie. You are quite entitled to feel that way, with Pluto (total transformation) in Aquarius in your solar Tenth House of career. After 22 years you are on the move. It is like a bull being shifted to a different farm. Taurus is a fixed sign. It is also an earth sign. You like to know where you stand and it takes a lot to get you to shift. Your timing is right, though, in 2023, 2024 and by early 2025 you will feel you’ve done this. Your Sagittarius stellium inclines you to lifelong study but also tutoring, mentoring, perhaps teaching and certainly guidance of others. You are a knowledge exchange portal. You will of course end up with letters after your name and a new job title which will be liberating (Uranus in Taurus) in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026. There will be overdue improvements for your home, home town from Mqy 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter forms a series of sextiles with your Cancer placements in the Fourth House of renovations and you could even consider moving at one point or booking a holiday home (home away from home). This will help the family feel more like a connected clan.

  3. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for the elaborate birthday forecast. It gives me hope.
    Intense transition and changes in my life and career since 2019, not a day was boring since. Divorce, job changes, academic and career growth… for the most part, I went with the ride and enjoyed it. But, especially since January this year, I’m being subjected to shameless bullying and being dragged into dramas by immature academic colleagues. It is a tricky situation at work. I’ve taken it well so far, but I would like to know if you see an end to this.

    I’m also hoping to complete my school by the end of December and start practicing in mental health hopefully by May next year. Can you please provide me any insight on this?

    I’m a single parent since 2022. I feel so comfortable with myself and feel spiritual that I’m not even sure if I want a partner anymore. Can you please give any guidance for me?
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Thank you. You have Ceres at 27 Virgo in your Sixth House of academia, paid work and unpaid work. You are experiencing transiting Neptune at 27 Pisces, right opposite. As he moves around 26, 27, 28 degrees (within one orb of an exact opposition) your natural power and productivity is affected by the most confused and confusing situations. It does not last. However, you have to compromise. Find out more about Ceres. She is a deal-maker who has to cope with strong emotions in order to accept a carve-up of rights, roles and responsibilities. Ceres lost her power to Pluto and ended up in a new, shared situation where she had to accept autumn and winter, as well as spring and summer. Sometimes the way through, is just to create a new life where you get what you want (or make sure you get what you want) for around half the time and put up with it for the rest. As I said, this transit does not last. In fact, when transiting Jupiter goes to 27 Taurus in 2024, you will have a fantastic opportunity to reclaim your Ceres potency and influence and get what you want again. This chimes with May 2024, when the Sun will also be in Taurus, trine your natal Ceres. She was in fact a single parent who had a daughter. That archetype has a lot to show you about yourself and what is happening.

  4. Hi Jessica! Thanks for all you do!
    I am so maddened by this cycle – everything has been so stop and go for such a long time, I am not sure which direction to head to. Do you have any advice for thinking about getting clear on the next path? Thanks again. L

    1. You are a Sun Taurus with a Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of workload, lifestyle, service, duty, daily routine and ‘job done’ no matter if it’s paid, unpaid or academia. Jupiter going into Taurus from May 19th will trine your Virgo stellium so you are about to find a new role, goal or perhaps a new way of working and living is on offer – not just once but twice – by May 2024. Jupiter will also transit your Second House, where you save a lot of money, or make it, so that is also going to make you far happier. Having not been grounded or with your feet on planet earth, you will now be given a chance to do just that, which should gladden your earthy chart heart.

  5. Hi Jessica!
    Maybe my comment is stuck in moderation mode but trying my luck again

    Taurus Sun, Leo Rising, Scorpio Moon here and trying so hard to find a different job but everything seems to be slow or blocked for me, going through a divorce- will need to payout money to an abuser and a cheater but would like everything to finalized as soon as possible. Looking for some relief (hopefully!), I will be so grateful to you for any insight on this situation. Thank you in advance!

    1. There is no moderation of comments, it’s really just a long queue (17,666 today) and I’ve only just had a chance to sit down at my desk. I am sorry you are having a rotten time with both your divorce and the search for a different job. You are a Sun Taurus with Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius stelliums in fixed signs. So being asked to ‘unfix the fixed’ is very challenging, but with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius, you have to do it. You have plenty of time to change your career (not just your job) and in fact will spend the next few years doing just that, finding yourself with quite powerful people or organisations alongside and realising that with willpower, you can also become pretty powerful yourself. The big stretch with your finances, and your ex-husband, is over in July. Maybe you already know that. The nodes leave Taurus-Scorpio and the karma is done with. You will make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 to May 2024, starting soon after Jupiter changes signs on May 17th. These savings or gains should help to make up for what you have been through. The key to everything with you is the group, or groups (plural) and you are strongly Aquarian, so destined to supply those circles, communities, bands, political parties, sports teams (or whatever they are to you) and thus change your life. Some of these possibilities are here now, but it will be from the mid 2020s that it all takes off.

  6. Jessica,
    I was spooked out when you said “you have 2 ideas but not 1”. I do have 2 ideas but I don’t know what you mean by “you need to go to distant place”. (we are house hunting)

    I love home decor and planning to launch something on those lines (affordable) along with my full-time job (looking for role change). You earlier did mention July 2023 for job change, I have faced more failures/ lessons/ challenges than success, so I think I am demotivated. There are good days and bad days. I feel I am going to be stuck in this role forever.

    House/ career/ business – please give me your insights.

    1. People do get spooked out by me, I have no idea why. Too funny. You need to take your two ideas to a different part of town, a different region or even overseas. They will not work where you are. Your prospects are excellent but you need to update your knowledge of the web as we are moving to Web 3 and new companies for you spring up all the time. Get on Twitter and see what’s available.

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