Premium Podcasts from Jessica Adams: (Protected Content)

The March 13 Virgo Eclipse
The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse is important because it hits the Pisces zone of your chart. One area of your life is set for two big endings in 2025. Here’s why you may want to avoid Eclipse day, to set those endings up.
15 Responses
Hi! How can I access the podcast?
Thanks for asking the question. I passed the podcast on to Asporea some time ago (they run this website) but it was never loaded, so I have just fixed that now. You will find it at the top of the feature. Happy Birthday.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your reply. Although I am a premium member, I cannot access the podcast on a tablet or on a desktop or by using Safari, Edge, and Google browsers. I’ve contacted support multiple times and each time they give me a new answer but never one that allows me to access the podcast. The podcast is linked and says “protected content.” The link redirects me to log in which I already am. I have tried to retrieve the podcast on my tablet in Google, Safari, and on my desktop in Google and on Edge (per your support team’s recommendation) and I am still unable to access it. I believe the problem is that my membership is not being recognized as premium membership and thus does not allow me to access the content, which I would really love to listen to. Can someone look into my account to see if there is a problem with it not recognizing me or come up with a way for me to listen to this? I have been a member for about 3 years now and would love to hear the podcast but no matter what I try or whatever the technology I use, I am unable to access this podcast. I truly enjoy listening to you and find your podcasts and horoscopes so valuable. Your fan, Katie
I am sorry about this. I just loaded it again, myself, and could hear it played back on a pop-up player on my screen. Try now. However I have also copied your question and will forward it to Asporea who run this website and also Support. As you may not be the only Gemini who cannot hear the podcast, I will post it (free) on my Substack so you can listen immediately. Thank you for three years of membership, Katie, I do appreciate it.
Hi Jessica, today is my birthday. Do you have some preview for me regarding getting unstuck during the next trip around the sun 🙂 It’s been a looong stuck stuck cycle.
Happy Birthday. You have a 13-14 degree Scorpio and Taurus opposition in your chart. Whenever people say they are stuck, it is usually because they are dealing with an opposition in their chart, and frequently in fixed signs. Scorpio and Taurus are fixed. Taurus rules your Second House of values, your life budget, your money and property situation, your bank account and principles. What you will, or will not, sell out for. Who or what is precious to you, that you find it’s priceless. At the other side of your chart, coming the other way, is Scorpio with all its focus on sexual and financial relationships. This is typically marriage and mortgage, but also a de facto relationship where two people split the rent. Scorpio also rules family inheritance, the legacies you leave to your extended family, and the impact of relatives on your net worth, debts, assets and so on. Finding out a way to please both sides of yourself, your life and other people is the way out of being stuck. The Tarot can help you here. Just follow the steps. When people say they are not making progress or moving ahead in life, it is usually because they are single and don’t want to be, or in a bad marriage, or unemployed, or broke, or in a job they dislike. Scorpio-Taurus can be traced back to all those things, although you don’t way what your issue actually is. Finding a way to creatively invent a set-up where you can respect both signs and both the Second House and Eighth House is…the way!
Dear Jessica, thank you for your reply. What a special birthday gift. Thank you so much. I am once more surprised how astrology can accurately pinpoint the issue. It is a dance between 2 kinds of fixed issues, and I fully agree that the way through is reconciling/respecting both sides and getting to the point of more independence and strength. The pandemic years put the breaks on a lot of it. Radical escapes or solutions, ie, unwisely breaking with one part, seemed to cause more damage than solutions. Hopefully, this cycle is over now though and I’ll be able to get onto my feet again, with more freedom to act and choose again.
Dear Jessica,
I really love your accuracy and how you combine the current matters with astrology. If I would like to receive a personal reading from you, is that possible. Please let me know thank you.
Much love Rahel
Rahel, I don’t give personal readings unless they are for BBC Children In Need and so the best thing to do is bid in the auction, when it begins at the ends of the year. Thank you.
Thank you Jessica! Long time subscriber here 🙂
This is so very interesting. My birthday was a few weeks ago but only thought to check on this write up now 🙂
I’m very much looking forward to next year in many ways. I’d like to start my own freelance work and to be more financially stable but I guess it’ll be a slow grind until Jupiter gets into cancer next year. I’m also very much still fixated on an cancer sun ex who decided to hesitantly end things at the beginning of the year (July 23, 1983) so I’ve been following the write-ups for both Gemini and Cancer to see if there’s a chance at reconciliation. From what I understand, the end of the year seems conclusive, but do you have an idea in which direction? I do hope my love life/finances stabilize for me.
Any other insights you can share with me would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you. I appreciate you being a Premium Member and hope you are getting as much as possible from it. You’d like to go freelance and earn solid money. You also want to get back together with your Cancer ex. Cancer, Scorpio and Aries stelliums dominate your chart. You are a Sun Gemini who has what it takes to promote yourself (Aries stellium) and push. You don’t say what sort of freelancing you want to do, so I can’t answer that, but you will find that you are the front end of whatever you offer, for years into the future. You’re the product or service. The Jupiter transit in Cancer from June 2025 to June 2026 will solve a lot of your issues about sex and money, as either with this person or quite another, you will find an opportunity to set up a home. Jupiter is about expansion, growth, optimism, hope and grand solutions. As he goes through your Fourth House of property and household, he will trine your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships. You will be offered something or someone so much better.
Does the lucrative cycle that ends June 30 with Jupiter leaving mean that a YouTube channel I plan to start will not do as well after the growth period?
It depends on what you want from the channel. If you want the exhilaration and liberation of being independent and free, you will launch at any point between now and 2026 when Uranus transits Gemini. If you want to make money you will launch anything new in business (as a Gemini) when the Sun transits Cancer, late June to late July, crossing over with Jupiter in Cancer, in the middle of next year.
Dear Jessica, happy 2025! I’m revisiting this birthday horoscope to reflect on the past months and it just makes me smile. Since a business trip in August I surprisingly became friends with a several years younger work colleague (Sun at 26 Libra). He lives and works in a neighboring country and we connect daily via chat. We startet planning our business trips in a way that we can see each other in person and also assign to same work projects. He is convinced we are kindred souls. I just checked the birthday horoscope for Libra and it looks like this story is reflected in there too. I still wonder what aspects in our birth charts create this magnetic pull as we seem to be quite opposite in our personalities. We share a stellium in Gemini and Virgo, in addition he has a stellium in Libra and Sag. There is a 10/11 degree pattern in our birth charts. My Jupiter in Gemini is opposite his Jupiter in Sag creating a T-square in Virgo with his Venus and my Hygieia. My Saturn and Pluto semi-sextile his Venus. His Moon must be between 6-18 degrees in Aries aspecting with my chart factors (birth time unknown).
His Chiron and Ops conjunct my Sun, his Mercury conjunct my Bacchus. Could you please shed some light on this interesting T-square? Thank you so much!
Happy New Year. You may have a lover or partner on the way, but what about your chart? You are now in a completely different space with love and sex in 2025 as the old cycle, when everything came back to the money, the house, the apartment – has stopped. You can choose quite a different sort of relationship. There is a larger question about the house or apartment in 2025, 2026 which is really about what you are owed, or what you owe, karmically, from 18-19 years before. Either of you would need to move to be together, so this is possibly where the karma is coming from. Ask yourself what you did right 18-19 years ago because it’s coming back to you. January is also important, not only for the very last fag-end of all those power and control issues with your exes – but because you have paid your dues with the world of courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, children and teenagers. The stuck cycle you were in during 2023, 2024 is over. How do you categorise this man? As a friend with benefits? If so, this could work in quite an unusual way from the middle of this year, into 2026, 2027. No marriage, no de facto legal contract, just a very important pal. Have a look at the Tarot on this.