The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2023 to 2024

Happy Birthday Leo!

Your forecast takes you from July 23rd, 2023, until August 22nd, 2024, the last day of your sign.

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30 Responses

  1. Happy birthday dearest Jessica!! I’ve always had a soft spot for you lions! My beloved second son is a Leo, he’ll be turning 21 on the 1st of August.

    I’d be most grateful if you’d look at his chart and see how his life is intertwined with that of India – your predictions for India really shook me – especially because my two sons will be most impacted by them. Despite us living in the more prosperous, less populated South (in the tech capital of the country), I worry.

    My Leo son, training to be a lawyer, has suddenly been talking about using his future law degree in the Indian civil service or armed forces. I don’t know whether I should encourage him to leave the country – my mother, brother etc, are from the USA or be proud (which I secretly am) that he wants to put his talents in the service of his country.

    I’d gotten his chart done on your website – it would be so wonderful if you would take a look at it and help shine a light on the path forward. I’d asked the Tarot about his future in India and drew the Ace of Wands – the interpretation has references to the White House!! So am confused about whether it should be country of birth or immigrate to be closer to his grandmother, uncle, cousins etc.

    Thank you. Again, wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

    1-Aug-2002, 23:16

    09° Leo 17′ 50″

    12° Taurus 42′ 29″

    21° Leo 35′ 34″

    24° Virgo 02′ 52″

    12° Leo 14′ 11″

    00° Leo 00′ 14″

    24° Gemini 56′ 36″

    27° Aquarius 34′ 08″ R

    09° Aquarius 35′ 30″ R

    15° Sagittarius 03′ 36″ R

    04° Capricorn 07′ 26″ R

    17° Virgo 00′ 05″

    04° Leo 31′ 31″

    17° Aries 41′ 05″

    22° Capricorn 27′ 30″

    22° Cancer 27′ 30″

    28° Aries 52′ 31″

    28° Libra 52′ 31″

    14° Cancer 43′ 17″

    25° Cancer 15′ 41″

    22° Leo 01′ 19″

    29° Taurus 02′ 56″

    24° Cancer 02′ 11″

    08° Gemini 32′ 11″

    18° Taurus 05′ 45″

    22° Taurus 06′ 49″

    15° Virgo 48′ 48″

    12° Pisces 20′ 18″ R

    26° Taurus 53′ 58″

    22° Virgo 54′ 30″

    29° Gemini 58′ 28″

    23° Virgo 06′ 40″

    South Node
    16° Sagittarius 23′ 51″

    North Node
    16° Gemini 23′ 51″

    1. Your son will have a project or proposal presented to him which does not belong in India (or in his particular part of India). This relates to the nodes going through this Third House of concepts and his Ninth House of export, relocation, foreigners and foreign countries. Sometimes the other side of India can feel foreign. This won’t last long so he needs to be proactive and play his part in making the brainwave or plan real. It needs to be grounded and researching exactly the right place for it is everything. The White House was an example; not a literal prediction.

  2. Thanks so much Jessica and Happy Birthday to you as well! It’s uncanny what you said about the work and health issues that can crop up during Pluto retrograding in Capricorn (6th house for Leo). I had an arthritis-like condition come up that I thought was over last month right around the time Pluto came back into Capricorn, but I like what you said about taking control of our lifestyles, work, food, drink, medical care, etc so no one or nothing else does. I’ve also recently started an online project in the last few months as a side project that I hope will become successful. I believe the north node/south node are now in the 3rd/9th house for Leos. Does this bode well for success with online projects/media? Hopefully with Jupiter in Taurus for the next year it will be a good career year. Thank you again!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry your health issue flared up again when Pluto went back into your solar Sixth House. Sun Leo women currently have this double cycle affecting work, unpaid work or academia. The pressure is on and the challenge is there with Pluto (you have to use your willpower to find the empowerment) and yet the big growth and improvements is there with Jupiter in Taurus, until May 2024. A side project online is as good a candidate as any. Whatever you succeed with by May 2024 owes its good karma to work, academia or unpaid work from 18-19 years prior, starting now.

  3. Happy birthday to you Jessica! Your birthday Horoscope 2022-2023 has been inspired me for the last whole year. And now the new one comes!

    Maybe you don’t remember, I contacted you around this time last year as well.

    Last year, my rabbit passed away and I was devastated. You said that ‘you will have another animal companion when the time is right’. You were right! Earlier this year I adopted a puppy. He was dying when I met him and I spent a lot of money rescuing him. Now he’s healthy and he brings my family so much joy.

    Also, I told you last year about my academic struggles and with your motivation I managed to get an offer from my dream school. Thank you so much. You saved my life from depression and anxiety.

    Now I have new problems in my life. I want to stay and work in the UK after postgraduate school. As an oversea student, I don’t know if I can find a suitable job. I would be most grateful if you could look at my chart and see how it is going.

    Thanks again! Best wishes for happiness and good luck to all of us.

    1. Thank you for confirming my prediction from last year. I am also really flattered that you got an offer from your dream school. You want to stay in the UK after you graduate and get a job. You will have an amazing new position or another course offer by May 2024 at the latest. You should go for the success first and think about the location second. It may be in your own country. It may even be in Europe. With any luck it will be in Blighty, so you can stay, but make the position the priority if you can. This kind of luck won’t come again for another 12 years.

  4. Thank you Jessica! And happy birthday . This hits the spot for me, I’ve had numerous health issues which have affected my ability to work and I really feel down about it. I’ve tried to find a way to bring in an income with side work however nothing has stuck. I really want to “fix” myself so I can go back to being a productive person. Can you take a look at my chart and see if this will happen for me. Do I really need to wait another year for healing? I do take care of myself…. Here’s hoping for the best

    1. I am sorry you have had health problems getting in the way of working and earning normally. Leo women have had Pluto in their health and work zone since 2008 so it’s been one challenge after another. The good news is, Pluto is out of this sector when he quits Capricorn on January 21st 2024. He’s back on 3rd September until 19th November next year, but that’s it. Every time he retrogrades back, he loses power. So you already have more empowerment and control than you did. You’ve been offered solutions and taken them, I hope. You are strongly Cancerian. Do you work from home? Has being ill made it essential that you work from home? Heavily Cancer women feel better at home. So perhaps you have unconsciously constructed a condition for yourself that gets you more kitchen and bedroom time. You have Mars at 11 Virgo and Ops at 4 Virgo in the Sixth House of health, workload, lifestyle, daily routine and wellness. Sometimes things are just not your fault, and Saturn has been going through Pisces since March, in opposition to Ops. Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Ops can only happen once in every 29 years and it’s happened to you. You then have Saturn moving to 11 Pisces so that’s the second test of your willpower, but by then – your Leo chart is easing up. So it all looks a great deal better than it did. Ask the Tarot: “What do I gain, or who do I gain, by this health issue?” Do them all in turn. The answer may surprise you. And it may show you how to fix things. Until then you need support so try Dr. Paul McKenna on YouTube and his hypnosis sessions. Incredibly they are all free.

  5. Hello dear Jessica, and a belated happy birthday to you! I have been bowled over by the accuracy and personal relevance for me of your horoscopes and tarot since I started following you, and this year more than ever. It has been truly remarkable.

    I help a former boyfriend manage his life. He isn’t so well, having had a stroke and also being an alcoholic. He also has memory problems though definitely knows what he wants or doesn’t want. I agreed to become his civil partner so that I can continue to look after him and be instrumental in his care and life, plus he wants me to benefit from this arrangement when he dies. We gave notice on 1st August. I then realised that this was quite an auspicious date from an astrological POV, both generally and in respect of my personal chart. Looking at my chart, would you say that the gods are with us? Whilst I haven’t been rash, every now and then, I question my choice intellectually, even though it feels like the right thing.

    1. Thank you. It was a happy birthday, in Sydney. You’ve agreed to formalise your partnership with an ailing ex-boyfriend. This is Scorpio stuff, the sign we associate with sexual and financial relationships, but also legacies. You have Psyche at 12 Scorpio and Neptune at 12 Scorpio, in an exact conjunction. Psyche is what renders you immortal; Neptune is the escape from the real world. You are channelling this through your arrangement with your partner. Transits by the slow-moving outer planets and nodes at 12 degrees will trigger this, so that’s what you’re looking for. I expect this came about when transiting Jupiter (expansion, growth, optimism) was at 12 Taurus, right opposite. That can only happen every 12 years and it would suit what you are talking about. When Saturn goes to 12 Pisces you will have the reality of what you have agreed; life will slow down then and become far more weighty and serious. Later on, too, the nodes will go to 12 Virgo and 12 Pisces, triggering this one more time – but there is nothing in your chart that looks too difficult or disruptive. I would say you are living your chart, actually. Have a look at Psyche and Neptune in conjunction; it is very likely his birth chart chimes at 12 degrees too.

  6. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for the birthday horoscope. The health challenges especially resonates with me — I’ve not really felt I’ve ever been able to strike a full work/life balance, since I entered the workforce in 2008/9.

    I’ve been at my current job for almost 4 years now. I’m relatively new to motherhood as well, with a 2.5 year old. Since the beginning of 2023, I’ve been struggling at my job, mentally, alongside the fatigue and mental load that comes with parenting and being the primary parent. I have a hard time being serious about leaving this job, because my total compensation is ridiculous and I feel trapped by the high salary. So much so that I’m almost paralyzed, unable to make a move, or take a risk. I feel I need a total career change or job change but also feel lost.

    I started therapy finally last month, so I feel like I’m making a step towards achieving greater mental health in order to tap in to my full potential as you mentioned.

    I guess I’m in the process, yet feeling so lost on whether I seek a change within my current job, start on the career change ideas I have floating around in my head, or parallel path.

    There are so many positive things to look forward to it seems, yet I still feel in a rut. How does my chart look in terms of specific career/job/change and life balance? My job has been causing me anxiety I have never experienced before in my career. Thank you so much!!

    1. Thank you. You are Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius dominant with factors at 3 and 5 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and health. For the first time in 29 years, Saturn has come around to 3 and 5 Pisces, so you have been going through the notoriously difficult opposition of transiting Saturn to natal Cupido and Apollo in Virgo. I am not surprised you started therapy. You are articulating your Scorpio stellium when you say the money is too good to leave! Scorpio is a fixed sign and of course rules the family money and the partnership property. Fixed means stubborn – it is hard to change – so you are at odds with yourself here. Only you can figure that out. The other big opposition is transiting Pluto at 0, 1 Aquarius to your natal Sun at 1 Leo, in the Fifth House of parenthood. This is the most important issue, astrologically. Pluto can only do this every 248 years and this is a very new cycle having appeared in March. Transiting Pluto in opposition to the natal Sun is about finding who you really are, through the most intense situations and challenges. As a Sun Leo you are Queen to a younger court. You could never just ‘have’ a child. You had to lead the child, steer, mentor and guide. This more than anything else is the heart of the matter. You were also born with Pluto at 1 Scorpio, so natally you have a Sun-Pluto square which is hard work. Scorpio, as you’ve seen, is about the financial aspects of the marriage and the family. You are quite right to feel everything you are feeling – this is a challenge of historic proportions, as transiting Pluto is also square natal Pluto while all this is going on. You are absolutely going to have to change your path. Understanding the astrology will help, which is why I’ve spelled out the transits so you can look them up online and in astrology books. Basically, Pluto transits are about finding the self-control and willpower to empower yourself, and I should have thought your child, as a small human being, is part of this issue for you. As is the co-parent. Feeling as if you are being dominated or controlled is very common and Pluto transits often feel like strength training or weight training; they make you stronger by sheer will. You are going to have to alter things, though. No way around that. You can take your time with this as the transits are set to return in January 2024 and you have all of next year to figure out the push-pull. The Tarot can also help.

  7. Hi Jessica, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! My birthday is tomorrow, August 12th in the USA. I predict it’s going to be a very busy and different year for me. I’m glad we are having a short run with Pluto. I have been contacting my doctors for check ups and new plans for weight loss and great health overall. I enrolled in a course for mind, body and’s a week long in September and on August 8th I had the pleasure to attend an art course with a person who I consider a mentor and she told me I have an artistic side. Leaving her class made me feel that I can pursue and continue my artwork and begin to sell and begin to see profits. I am also separating this year and have already found an apartment. Not looking for love anytime soon but hope Mr. Wonderful comes my way one day. I have put in the work for myself and have learned many lessons. I will continue to always be a student. Have a wonderful solar return Jessica.

    1. Thank you. Happy Birthday. Many happy solar returns. You have Salacia at 1 Aquarius and inhabit two alternative realities with friends and groups. This may be art, it may be scuba diving, virtual reality spaces or astral travel. This is big on 3rd June 2024 when we have the rare trine from Jupiter at 1 Gemini to Pluto at 1 Aquarius. In fact it will change your life. It’s powerful.

  8. Hello Jessica
    Happy Leo birthday! I hope your coming year is fabulous.
    My birth chart is 28 degrees Leo sun. I must say the last several years have been tough emotionally involving a recovery with a bone replacement after a break. I’ve been looking to start anew and this forecast gives me a lot of incentive to move forward, feeling I still have so much to do, but in need of more focus. How do you see my late placement in Leo will affect my efforts? I was heartened to hear Jupiter is in Taurus, and wondered since my birth chart contains Jupiter in Taurus would this be a positive placement coming up?
    Thank you so much, I very much enjoy your website.

    1. Thank you. And Happy Birthday to you too. Vikki, you are having your Jupiter Return in Taurus at 20 degrees in the Second House of money, property, charity, valuables and business. The return is exact in April 2024 so this is an opportunity to have so much more, financially. Uranus is also at 20 Taurus as April begins so what happens is out of the blue, sudden and sets you free, economically. You may inherit, for example, or find that you are made an offer you cannot refuse. Ceres at 20 Capricorn is also trine your natal Jupiter in April 2024 so it’s a special month. Taurus is the sign of ‘something for nothing’ and it can deliver in ways you’d not expected. Sometimes other people make the abundance happen. Sometimes you very much make it happen.

  9. Hello, I’m newly subscribed, a birthday present for myself this year. At this time, my work is stable and things are going pretty well for me, but since my German citizen mother died in 2013, followed by my only son in 2015, and the growing realization that one can’t really afford to be old in the United States, I have decided to get my dual German citizenship (their laws changed in Sept 2020 making it easier for me) and try to move to Europe; Austria as the target location. I turned in my formal citizenship application in October 2022 (signed on the 10/9 new moon and hand delivered to my local consulate on 10/13). I know that Europe is in flux and that it could take 1-2 years for my application to be approved so my expectation is about a 5-year timeline, but I wondered what you could tell me about my chances, noting that right now I have Uranus and some other planets heavily aspecting my ascendant and making me concerned about my current job even though all is well, even great, right now.

    1. Thank you. I hope this is a nice birthday present for you. You want to leave America and emigrate to Germany. You are a Sun Leo woman with the South Node at 11 Sagittarius opposite the North Node at 11 Gemini. Don’t worry about Uranus aspecting your Ascendant; that is irrelevant. The issue is the Ninth House (emigration, Sagittarius, foreigners, foreign countries) placement. When you start getting transits over 11 Sagittarius, wheels will slowly turn. November 18th, 2023 is an example (Mercury at 11 Sagittarius) and particularly Mars there on December 10th, 11th. It sounds like a classic Christmas present from spirit as your mother and son are both on that side of life. Ceres at 11 Sagittarius appears on December 22nd, 23rd which is another clue. What I think you are waiting for is the North Node at 11 Aries trine your own South Node at 11 Sagittarius from June 24th until July 4th 2024 (and again this is Independence Day in America so spirit may be making a point to you) and of course the South Node in transit at 11 Libra is sextile your own South Node. Jupiter moves to 11 Gemini and goes right over your Third House/Ninth House axis, July 15th to 19th so these dates are pretty close. Jupiter can only make that position once every 12 years as you likely know and it takes the nodes about 19 years to do the same, so this is an historic line-up, tied to foreign countries and foreigners, languages (Gemini) and also short journeys (presumably a completely different car or at least a radically different public transport method) and I’d bet on that for you. If it’s right for you, and everyone else, and your mother and son know how much you want the change, wheels will turn. Have a look at the Tarot to personalise this.

  10. Hello Jessica.
    Happy Birthday
    I live in London, UK, but I’m not originally from UK and sometime I’m tempted to leave London or whole country but I would like to give to go studies of nutrition or dietetics in London. Is it good area of study to go for me? I would like to know when it’s good to start to study if it is this September 2023,next January or September and also I would like to know how those few years of studying would go for. I currently don’t work,I used to work in grocery retail industry.I’m currently looking for work for nutrition retailer or for weight lose groups.I also thinking to work for mysel later on (online). I would like to know if it’s good time for me to looking for work now or it’s better to choose to travel and if travel in the UK or go abroad (Europe preferably) or start to work for my self or travel and start working for my self simultaneously.I was looking for job since April but without luck.Financially I don’t need to work asap I can wait and choose right type of work and area.What spouse to happend will happened.I don’t feel like leaving UK on 100% I just sometimes feel to leave London I never lived outside.I’m tempted to live by the sea side.
    I don’t have children or partner yet if u can see something in near future as I’m open to have children compare to my past when I wasn’t open to it.I have bit midlife crisis and don’t know where to go, what spouse to be my next move, looking for work or relax,travel and maybe find my future partner or husband. Maybe I find him in the work settings,finally? I don’t know how far ahead you predictions go but if u can see any children also if u can see if I would be housewife or more working/studying mum if it’s in the in the stars.I’m person who don’t use social media to find my future partner also I don’t date my colleagues.That’s how I’m wired.I may like customers but I don’t look at my colleagues as love interest same goes with pictures and profiles on social media plus with fake flexing and fraudulent accounts I preffer to see people with their body language,face expressions and voices.
    Otherwise nothing specific worrying me. I know I need to loose weight and got fitter and leaner to make my muscles stronger and get my immune system better prepared for winter, it was very bad this march with my immune system and lungs specifically.

    Thank you and have nice day

    1. You are almost at the end of an historic and life-changing cycle affecting work which began in 2008 and does not end, well and truly, until November 19th 2024. You sign off from it on January 22nd 2024 and get a long break, but the final farewell is not until you are near Christmas that year. You are in London, not healthy, don’t work and have a ton of questions about husbands, jobs and cities. Let’s start with what your chart is nudging you to do. The absolute priority is getting well. This does not cost a penny. Use your self-control and willpower to find control and empowerment. Walking works. A mostly vegetable based diet works. You must know this. Have a look at Google Scholar and all the many, many findings on walking for weight loss, improvements with depression and general health. I can see why you want to work in nutrition given your situation but you need to be of service to get work and nutrition is not necessarily what people want in Britain at the moment. Just fill the gaps. Find out where the gaps in the market are and walk into them. Nobody said this had to be your forever job. You are in a cycle when being of service and doing your duty is the key to power. Put others first as if you were Jeeves and they were Wooster and you will find you have the same level of power as Jeeves. You will be on track if you start working (even volunteering or hybrid unpaid/paid work) and get moving. It will be intense and very demanding but end, as I’ve said, in January next year and you will sign off from this entire phase in your health, wellbeing, fitness and also employment and self-employment history, forever, from November 2024. There will be a stunning opportunity to enhance your C.V. between now and May 2024 which you won’t need to think twice about. You will be given the opportunity to marry or form a potent partnership from January 22nd 2024 and the New Moon on 9th February, soon after, may begin it all, or restart a commitment. Sometimes the duet is platonic, but as this is so close to St. Valentine’s Day, I would guess it’s sexual. Just be clear about the rules between you so that power is always shared. As to ‘Where to live?’ you will find work leads you. So fix the work and wellbeing issues, proceed to career expansion and growth written in your stars, and then if you have to relocate, I expect you will. It’s not actually showing in your chart, though, so I would assume that over the short-term you will stay in London. Please use the Tarot to confirm this.

  11. Thank you! That is so encouraging! I actually already have a trip to Munich and Salzburg booked for December 1-11 for fun and research on housing and EU laws in Austria and am planning another longer trip for May 2024 before it gets hot.

    1. It’s good to see so many people flying after testing, with an N95 on in the airport and on boarding and disembarkation, and then testing again on landing. It’s the only way to fly. And of course al fresco destinations when you land.

  12. Hi Jessica, I replied to you on 15th August but for some reason it’s still in moderation. It’s also not showing under my original post so may well look out of context…not sure if that’s because I’m having difficulty using the website at times, which may be due to using an old-ish iPhone! I’d very much appreciate hearing your take on my Minerva placement if you have a moment. And it’s fascinating to read other people’s queries, too. Thanks so much for offering these birthday month Q&As!

    1. Moderation is actually just the WordPress website term for ‘Jessica hasn’t seen it yet, because she’s busy writing her book.’ I get to Comments when I can, but today there are 18,957 of them so I can only ever answer all the questions on the first screen. So it’s not your phone. Looking at your chart, you are a Sun Leo woman, with stelliums in Leo, Libra, Taurus. The most important trends in your horoscope show in your natal chart and solar chart together. This is absolutely about partnership for you, but perhaps a duel as well as a duet. It really depends where you’re at in your life. Pluto in Aquarius from January 2024 goes into your Seventh House of pairs but also opposition between two people. Try not to set up the latter. It happens at the same time that the South Node of karma is in Libra, going through your natal Seventh House. So, 2024 looks like it’s time to balance the scales with one other person, so that you two can assist you (personally) to gain some closure with past karma from 18-19 years prior. This may have been with the same face or quite another. The Seventh House is worth knowing more about, as you ‘live’ there, so have a look at Search and your library of flipbooks. The other doubled story in both charts, public and private, is financial. You have everything to gain by May 2024 and can save or make money, often by pure luck. Jupiter is in your Second House of income, property, charity, business and valuables. When we go to your Leo chart we find the Eighth House of joint finance and property is occupied by a couple of important transits, and again it looks as if 2024 is the year of crossroads choices, particularly in April when we have triggers to both your horoscopes. A classic example of this transit is inheriting from a family member, but also seeing the value of your house increase, without you even trying. There are many variations on the theme.You can also meet a new partner who is well off and benefit from (say) his apartment or holiday home.

  13. jessica, I’m going for a cert 3 in medicine after not feeling confident with doing a cert 4. do you see me getting a job out of it next year. because jupiter was transiting through my career house I didn’t sctally feel lucky. what can I expect for me sun leo moon pisces in 2024. hugs Mm

    1. If you are a Sun Leo then Jupiter with all his opportunities and solutions, has been in Taurus, in your Tenth House of career, for long enough now, that you should have been offered at least one possible breakthrough. Usually when people say ‘nothing happened’ on this transit, it’s because they bypassed what was in front of them. You are in luck, though, literally in the case of Jupiter – as he remains in Taurus until May 2024, as you’ve read. In fact there is a rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April 2024 when you are offered both professional independence and enormous gains. It will be sudden and quite unpredictable, ironically enough for astrology.

  14. Hi Jessica, did’nt find the Birthday Post for this year just until now – coinciding with my annual new moon as of tomorrow.
    My mettle is being tested these years with incurable cancer diagnosis & treatment and survival in 2. part of 2020 through.
    Extreme health issues, much like a tsunami since then, stopping work November last year, moving into unpaid patient association work this year and a heart OP 5 weeks ago – a pretty rough time. But incredible support from my wife kids and grand kids as well as the medical profession. I see it as a triple karma clearance – it seems body clearance – emotional maturing, and paying back – .
    I sense a wider circle of service ahead, if surviving…
    Maybe you see this and possibly offer some insights – maybe not….
    I find your webcommunity and activities very confirming and giving to all the members having found this oasis og insight. Thank you so much.
    Kind regards Lev

    1. Lev, you are certainly being tested with cancer. You are experiencing the Leo health cycle in an extreme way, having also had a heart operation. All this is Pluto in the Sixth House, which has been with you since 2008 and ends in January 2024, for the most part. There is a slight return in 2024 but otherwise, the cycle has gone. For Leo, there are no more significant health cycles ahead. When we go to your natal chart (birth chart) to look at the Sixth House we find Pluto at 1 Virgo. So it’s a double whammy. You have transiting Pluto in your solar Sixth House and you were born with natal Pluto in your Sixth House. I am sure you know Pluto is a symbol of who or what tries to take over. That is cancer. In response you use your willpower to become empowered and your self-control to gain control. You currently have Saturn going back and forth at 1 Pisces in opposition (transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Pluto) which is a 29-year test. You are doing extremely well to go through this. Later on transiting Pluto himself will move to 1 Aquarius and you will experience transiting Pluto quincunx natal Pluto. It might be useful for you to find out more about this planet which is having such a massive effect on you. The health side of the Sixth House is obvious to you. The other half of it is service and duty; daily routine; work (paid and unpaid) and study. It is extremely important that you keep working on some level, no matter how you define that. Finding soul satisfaction by putting other people or animals first and doing your duty by them, on a daily basis, is the key to the Sixth House. Your unpaid patient association work is an excellent example. You also have grandchildren to babysit. You know all about your body and the need for self-control to have control. This has already transformed you and it will make you permanently resilient and self-reliant. The Virgo service side of the equation is equally important though and December is a good month to set goals in that regard, with your eyes on 2024. How do you want to work? Where? On what basis? Virgo rules the small details that make the big difference. Funnily enough looking after a cat or dog is a Virgo service. Just as much as – say – setting up medical care for others, which President Barack Obama did on the exact same cycle. You have the Sun at 1 Leo and Diana at 1 Pisces so they both connect to your Pluto at 1 Virgo. I know that the cancer journey is challenging but it relates very much to your starring role as father and grandfather too. Perhaps, a grandfather figure to other people’s children. It is also very much about your inner life; your spirituality, soul, psychology, psyche, religion, psychic ability, hypnosis, therapy, counselling and so on. That is where you are free. This zone of your chart also rules meditation and spiritualism. If you have not yet found how liberating all that is, you soon will. It is as much a part of the path as the cancer. Go well Lev.

  15. Hi Jessica, I’m hoping to out get out of this rut I’ve been in for a very long time…slowly losing hope and faith. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel for me? Family, love, home – all seem to be in tatters at the moment. Could really do with some positivity. 21/8/73 05:00

    1. The Tarot is free to use on my website, thanks to the generosity of U.S. Games Systems and the late Stuart R. Kaplan, so follow the steps and give yourself a thorough card reading about family, love and home. In general, as you are a Sun Leo woman, I can tell you that there is a good chance you have factors in Cancer, the sign before, which rules relatives, your house, apartment, home town and homeland. If so, there is also a good chance that either Ceres or Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing those for some time. If this is the case, it ends on December 7th 2024. As for love – you have been shown a potential partner who is powerful, rather controlling, a dominating force and with all the usual temptation of Pluto types. Choices wait with him in December, January, February.

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