Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Thursday November 16th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Thursday November 16.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

You can go further, faster, and more easily if you allow the natural pace of change to develop, with money. A radical, revolutionary time of progress in your financial development is guaranteed in these astrology cycles. Aries, in your quest to go higher, further, faster you may create your 2024 future, now.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



April 20 - May 20

This cycle will alter the state of play in your social life, with your friends, and in the groups you belong to. So, friends or others in the group who have their own ideas about what alliance might mean, find you question your position; in fact, it can make it almost impossible to hang on to the way things used to be – as well as the way you view your place in the group, or with a particular friend.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



May 21 - June 20

Why resist the obvious next move with friends or networks – which is a step up for you, or even a giant leap into the future. If an entire group of people is involved, or if there is some general trend pushing you to change, you can be sure that trying to maintain your old situation will be (at best) rather stuck.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



June 21 - July 22

Uranus demands that everyone goes to the next level with friendship or groups now – including you. What shakes you up and wakes you up at this time may not be what you had planned or expected, but it will at least provide the momentum you need, together with the opportunity, to aim for freedom.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



July 23 - August 22

What if you feel held back by a professional, unpaid work or academic involvement? The more trapped you feel, the more likely you are to do something. But make sure you understand the consequences if you suddenly decide to take on everything, and everybody, in your attempt to become a free agent.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



August 23 - September 22

Just as butterflies flapping their wings can cause the strangest changes in the weather, your decision to do what you like, when you like, could have a trickle-down effect you had never anticipated with foreign places and people. If you really are desperate for change on the map, with a trip, or in terms of the other cultures here, judge the impact on other people carefully.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



September 23 - October 22

Uranus has a strange way of providing natural openings for your financial change in this cycle. Others will move on, making it possible for you to do the same thing. By liberating themselves from the old way of seeing life – the old way of operating – those around you will make it possible for you to go ahead in leaps and bounds too.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



October 23 - November 21

What you do with your duet or duel, in these years, will help you break free of situations which are keeping you stuck. Right now, it may seem that the only way you can get the radical change you seek, is by some 2024 revolution. Whatever it may look like on the outside, your life could be dramatically different by then.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



November 22 - December 21

The most advanced stuff in your life – the truly progressive experiments and U-turns – is likely to happen in with your wellbeing, or an isolated health issue. It’s also true that if you believe the only way to rebel against something (or someone) is to act next year – you will.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



December 22 - January 19

You’ll hibernate from late November or withdraw. You may consciously choose to do this, by retreating from the outside world. It may happen to you through circumstances beyond your control. In all cases, you will be left to your own devices. Sometimes people just move out of share households and get single apartments. Others start to meditate.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



January 20 - February 18

Pluto has a few weeks left to change you on the inside. You could go on retreat now, or spend time at a health farm, or find some other way to leave the world behind and have a relationship with yourself – by yourself. You’ll experiment with empowering new ways to be who you are, now – but nobody will know, and nobody will see.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.



February 19 - March 20

Planning 2024? Your inner power will set you on track. Your spiritual, psychic or psychological paths will genuinely empower you. This solo time can be the biggest breakthrough you’ve ever had. What you do in your own time, in your own space, in your own way, may be considered groundbreaking next year by those who get to find out about it.

Something Else for Thursday:

Have some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


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