Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


The Aries Weather

April is about women who may have a man in their life, or they may not, but they are happily alone in their own space. For men, you will find your mother, wife, girlfriend, female colleague/boss or female friend comes centre stage.

April is about women who may have a man in their life, or they may not, but they are happily alone in their own space. For men, you will find your mother, wife, girlfriend, female colleague/boss or female friend comes centre stage.

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33 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing another great article Jessica. Very informative. I have SN 10 Aries and NN 10 Libra so looks like I have some karma coming in April. I often have a hard time interpreting the nodes so any advice or thoughts would be appreciated. I’m in a committed stable forward moving relationship with lots of love. Not looking to rekindle any past relationships or break it off with the guy I’m with either. 🙂

    1. Thank you. Hit Search for a long piece on the Nodes I wrote for you, to explain SN and NN and karma. April will highlight and spotlight karma with your boyfriend. It’s past life stuff. One episode with him will feel familiar, or be a repeat.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the article, very helpful as usual. Although I do not have many Aries patterns in my chart I have Ops (23 degree) and Juno (5 degree) in Aries. What should I expect from the Aries weather?

    Cheers and thank you !

    1. Ops and Juno is nice – image, appearance, name, profile are important to you – and you tend to make quite big commitments about ‘Me’ – every so often. April asks you to look at the results from last time – anything from your haircut to your Twitter profile – and see what still works.

  3. Hi Jessica
    I have an Aries moon at 27% which is now conjunct Uranus. How do you see this playing out?
    My moon is also central to a grand fire trine with my natal Jupiter / mars and natal Uranus.


    1. Baroona, your image, name, profile, appearance, brand and/or reputation must change – is changing – so embrace the change. It will set you free.

  4. Thank you so much for making astrology so accessible!

    What an amazing period for women. I hadn’t been looking forward to April because instead of finding that closure and reinventing a relationship you mention above as being a possibility for April, I’m getting some heartache instead.

    I only have one aspect in Aries (my moon) and not on any of the degrees that you’ve highlighted. Would i still benefit from the worldwide benefits of these transits or do you really need personal planets to benefit?

    Thanks so much!

      1. Thank you. Should I try and work with the energy.of Aries – so more me-centric/public persona – or should I reach out then to see if he’s more willing to set some time aside to talk?

        If you have his details are you able to see any triggering points between us in the longer term?

        14 March 1971 Cambridge UK 137am

        Thank you again!.

        1. Classic Pisces – and if he was a Cambridge-born baby in 1971 – his parents were in that hippie academic generation who were questioning reality. Cambridge in the early Seventies was all about Pink Floyd! The thing about this man is, he’s not really focussed so passionately on love. It’s really more about money, now, and how to make it or save it. Later on it will be about his projects and plans, particularly those on the internet. He will ultimately make up his mind about love, sex, marriage, co-habitation or affairs based on the children question. Does he want them or not? Can he be a stepfather or not? This is karmic in nature and will happen from the end of this year, and throughout 2019.

          1. Thank you for your insight. I figured as much. Do you mean karmic just based on his chart or karmic between him and I?

  5. Hi Jessica, thank you for sharing your insights, I really love reading your articles. I’m curious about what you say about Libra factors. I have Uranus in Libra at 12 degrees and my ex has Uranus and Minerva in Libra at 9 degrees. Distance and timing are issues and it feels so unresolved and I miss him terribly. Will we be April recyclers?

    1. Thank you very much. I am sorry you miss your ex. Let’s have a look. This is actually a Scorpio story (Jupiter is in Scorpio) and I don’t know if you have his horoscope but I suspect Scorpio factors. You have Aesculapia at 26 Scorpio and Jupiter is headed to 26 Scorpio so yes, this could easily revive – but it would be because one or both of you have decisions to make about property. This may be renting, buying or moving. The financial realities of apartments or houses are really what pushes you both to a decision. Same road, or stick to separate roads? You are very different people but essentially the same. I think the choice will come for you, because it’s just so very much about the timing with the property market, or finance in general. Even then you two could still decide to go your own ways, but yes – the choice would be there. In astrology Aesculapia is the asteroid which always revives what is allegedly over.

      1. Thank you. Wow! Very interesting. His only Scorpio factor is also in Aesculapia at 20 degrees.

  6. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for a really interesting article. I’m curious what this weather means for me. I have an Aries stellium and my Juno and Moon are both libra and at degrees which I think should conjunct the full moon at the end of March? Does this mean something potentially in my love life or another area of my life?
    Thanks so much for any comments you may have!

    1. Thank you. You will either reconcile with your former lover, or get together with someone new, in 2018. It may well tally with these dates but it really depends on the other person’s chart. I’m actually looking at the Leo in your chart in the Fifth House of courtship. You two will be very different people but you will connect as souls. Don’t sit around waiting for it – get on with your life – but yes, this could be a proper relationship.

  7. Dear Jessica – I have Pluto at 11 of Libra (and a few other placements at 11 or 10 of Sag and Gemini – Mercury, IC, MC, and 3 planets/asteroids in Aries – Jupiter, Chiron and Panacea). I’ve been in a stagnant period for relationships since my husband left in 2014 – I’ve reinvented myself in so many ways, and put myself out there with an open heart many many times, and don’t really find it is difficult attracting men, and they always act smitten after the first or second date, but it’s like I’m jinxed with it ever reaching anything past that – they get relocated, or family arrives for extended stays, that kind of thing, and every promising connection just seems to fizzle out. I’m having to learn to be very zen and que sera sera, and I suppose this is a Pluto in Libra lesson? Any thoughts you have for me would be great to hear.

    1. You are being shown what it is like to be independent and free. Uranus the planet of liberty has been steadily working his way across your chart, forcing you to rethink how you use your Pluto and Venus in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, dating and divorce. This can only happen once in your lifetime and the cycle is closing, over for good in 2019. The reason you have been attracting relationships which never last is that had they done so, you would not have learned how it feels to operate without a man – and without a marriage. Nobody really likes Uranus transits because they force us to change, yet you would have to admit you have been released and unleashed. Have a look at Pluto, Venus and see what they’re all about. How do you use these planets in your approach to men? Please don’t worry long-term as you have enough transits to your Seventh House of relationship over the next few years to be given one choice after another. By which time you will want a very different kind of partnership and may not want marriage at all, in the end.

  8. Thank you for this post, Jessica. I’ve been wondering about a relationship that is on again and off again. It was pretty serious and ended this last time mainly due to a complicated situation with his teenage daughter. It feels as though we could reconnect if both of us weren’t so stubborn, but I also wonder if I’m best served just moving on.

    1. Karma, karma, karma. It’s so tough sometimes but we all have to do it – complete it – and 2018 is your year for doing that, in terms of your own and other people’s children. If you want to see if you are better off moving on, ask your Oracle Cards. ‘What will the result be in 2018, 2019 and beyond if I move on?’ and then ‘If I persist?’ That could be interesting for you.

  9. Hi Jessica, I have Cupido 11 Libra and Fortuna 26 Aries. I have Jupiter and Aesculapia in Scorpio. Do you see a recycling in my past love life/ reconciliation with my former partner (dob: 25/10/80, 9pm, 5w41, 54n36)? I’m keen to get your insight, many thanks!

    1. Scorpio is as much about money, houses, apartments and business as it is about sex. So yes, while having Jupiter at 5 and Aesculapia at 11 Scorpio is really good for a revival – you’ve already had it – and it may just have been about your pension or superannuation, as much as it was about your former partner. Transiting, or travelling, Jupiter (opportunity, growth, expansion, solutions) has already crossed these points in your horoscope so I do hope you made the most of it. The big question for you, now through 2023, is children. Do you want them or not? Can you have them or not? How do you feel about being a stepmother? You will find that your love life ends up being like a novel with many different chapters, but you will write it according to your deepest intentions about having a son or daughter (you don’t say if you already have them). This will have the deciding influence on issues like getting back together with your ex, or dating someone new.

  10. Hí Jessica,
    I am not sure which blog this post belong to. I am going with this one as it is an example of women in action. I am in Ireland and women have just organised a March in support of a rape victim via Twitter (Aquarius) #ibelieveher.
    It follows the acquittal of the accused in a high profile trial in Belfast. The main street in Dublin had to be closed today due to the size of the protest. This protest also rallied against the justice system which is so hard on such victims. (Sagittarius) I think this is the start of the April women weather. In you require recent Pisces podcast you mentioned Ireland, we will have a vote in May which may liberalise abortion law. Is there any thing in the Irish chart on this and the role of women. The Belfast rape trial has real anger especially among women. Apologies for such a long somewhat frustrated post.

    1. Thank you so much. I saw the photographs on Twitter and retweeted – and this is only going to grow in size and power in April. I have a post on the Irish horoscope I need to finish, but this has prompted me to do that. I completely understand all that you say.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for informative article. I have sun 24 Virgo and past few months I have been trying like hell relocate to a community with better dating prospects and apartment which would allow a smoother ‘flow’ to daily routine of gym, commute to work, swimming, pet-friendly yada-yada-yada…. Finally I am ready to take the leap and Mercury is retrograde. Although I have read all paperwork in its details, I would seek some advice about timing move into this new place.
    The Pisces weather has been difficult and I feel like a sloth already. Can’t wait to make this new place work for me!
    Thanks again 🙂 You are the best out there.

    1. Mercury in Aries is not sky-fall, it’s just a lot of delays, obstacles and sometimes a u-turn. And you have to look at the house it’s in. If you’re a Sun Virgo then it’s in your solar Eighth House of finance, business and property. The gym/swimming part is really about your shape and for that we see if there is anything in Aries in your First House of image, in your birth chart. You have Diana there. She was actually a swimmer in Roman mythology, and any number of paintings of her show her in pools and rivers! So, yes, you are really getting this in both charts, the public and the private. Just keep having a few Plan B and Plan C options tucked up your sleeve and be prepared for the gym/pool issues in particular to be the sticking point. Why? Because of that Diana. Yet, overall, you can’t beat destiny and destiny is very much taking charge of the situation over the long term. A lifestyle shift is meant to be. Diana was also a runner and walker, by the way – you often see her in sculptures with one foot off the ground, her dog by her side. You might be curious to look up both Diana and The First House on Search because this is really what’s going on here…way beyond the actual apartment or financing.

      1. Thanks. From reading this “Diana 12° Aries 21′ 47″ R” how did you know that Diana is in First House? May be silly question – but trying to learn how to read the numbers.

        1. Don’t worry about the numbers at the end – just read the digits at the front – that’s the degree Diana is in. So, reading this, we find Diana at 12 Aries (the rest just gives you tiny numbers which don’t matter most of the time). You were born with Diana at 12 Aries in your First House of image, because Aries rules the First House of your chart in the Natural House system. Simple!

  12. Hi Jessica, l really enjoyed reading your Aries weather article, thank you. You mentioned under the heading of Reunions, reconciliations & recycled section about looking up whether in our natal charts to check if there are any libra factors at 9,10, 11. In my natal chart, I have libra in my south node at 11 and I was wondering if that might trigger a reconciliation with my ex lover who has his sun in Aries?

    1. Your South Node at 11 Libra is all about karma with former, current and potential partners and every relationship you have, will hark back to a previous lifetime. The Aries in your life has major decisions to make about children – you don’t say if he has them or not – and actually that is behind his choices about love this year. If you did go through a pregnancy together, or looked at the question of having/not having a son or daughter – that would be a massive part of his fork in the road, yet 2018 is the last time he will really have to deal with it in such a big way. We won’t see major transits in Leo, which affects him, for many years.

      1. Oh my gosh Jessica you are so right about him making choices about children. I just found out in the last 24 hours that he is having a baby with a woman he dated for a couple of months last year!! He came to me and said he has to do the right thing even though he doesn’t get along with her. There’s the fork in the road you saw!! I’m in shock a little but hope it works for them & the baby. Still not sure why this is wrapped up in my chart as karma when l didn’t get a choice in a this. I have a f the long since they live in different cities & baby is due in 6 weeks that this is going to be a rocky road for him. And now he’ll be gone forever.

        1. I’m sorry about the shock, but yes – the astrology was right as usual. If the baby is due in six weeks, it is time to let go. The most important relationship of your life is yet to arrive, but by 2020 you are on your way. From 2023 you will realise that this partnership is like no other you have ever experienced – you could easily become one half of a power couple. Keep living your life, but know that the future will be very different.

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