

Uranus in Taurus True Predictions

Uranus has now been in Taurus - the revolution and the world economy - for almost two weeks. See astrology's true predictions, how alternative timekeeping works, why history is repeating - and why HM the Queen and Prince Charles are all wrapped up in royal assent.

Uranus in Taurus – True Predictions

Uranus is the revolution and Taurus is the money. Uranus is the rebellion and Taurus is the taxation. Uranus is the radical change and Taurus is the banks. Uranus is the reform and Taurus is the super-rich. Taurus is also the super-poor, too.

For you and I, on a more personal level, Uranus in Taurus is the shock, the relief and the release of being snapped out of a situation you never realised trapped you so much. And Taurus is banks and it’s taxes.  It’s our global economy. And the wave of change that astrology predicted is already crashing around us.

One of the reasons I really like astrology is that it shows us the big picture. So how are those predictions you read here, shaping up? We’re now almost two weeks into this cycle, which runs for seven years. What we are seeing here is fascinating. Although, if you’re into money laundering, perhaps (or your rich friends are) just – a horrendous shock.

On 15th April 2018 you read 

On Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th May the world will enter Global Financial Crisis 2. 

So what was it? And where is it? Well, the Royal Wedding between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was a great distraction, but actually, the beginning of the end was this. The Queen gave her royal assent to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill. This is how major websites and newspapers saw it – her face on the bills, those notes on a washing line.

This is going to take seven years as Uranus trawls through Taurus, but that washing machine is going to thump across the floor.


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This Goes On For a While. Welcome, Uranus in Taurus!

This goes on for years. We’re not even across the first stage by March 2019. Yet –  the first shock has been felt. Welcome, Uranus in Taurus!

What you read here –

“Uranus in Taurus vanishes from 6th November 2018 but he returns to the money sign, on March 7th 2019. Anything or anybody people assumed had ‘gone away’ has not. In fact, the FTSE will show dramas in March 2019. Why? Uranus suddenly jumps to 0 Taurus and begins to move closer to that 0-1 pattern.”

Here is another prediction from 9th May 2018 you saw here.

“If you are tracking storms affecting the banks or your credit card, watch the days when we see astro-weather at 29 and 0 degrees. So we’re looking at Sunday 13th May, Tuesday 15th May, Wednesday 16th May. Allowing for world time zone changes, we could predict – unpredictable storms for the global financial industry, May 12th through 17th 2018 which start a revolution which will not be over until April 2026. That is how long it takes for the planet Uranus to complete his cycle in Taurus.”

Here we go. This is from the United Kingdom government website. Good old Gov.UK (with Her Majesty the Queen’s crown in the logo). Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act receives Royal Assent. Dated 24th May, just nine days after Uranus arrives. Meanwhile in Australia, the banks are also in trouble. A down-under enquiry which turns worlds upside-down?


The Darkness of a World Financial System Exposed

Just to make sure we’re across the astrology here, you also may have seen this forecast about our Uranus in Taurus weather.

“To say it is going to be ‘enlightening’ to experience Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026 is an understatement, though. We will find that enquiries into corruption at the very top of politics and business, exposes the darkness of a world financial system which simply cannot be permitted to continue.”

Storms, Financial Storms, Stormy Weather, Trump Russia and Stormy Daniels

Astrology can be strangely literal. Uranus has ruled electrical storms in astrology – shocks – for a couple of centuries. It really goes back to 1781, the year he was found, and the fact that Galvani found what he called animal electricity in the same year. That, and the fact that Uranus 2000 years ago was the father to two kinds of lighting.

In the sign of Taurus, at 0 degrees (his first step) Uranus with all his shocks and lightning bolts, triggers anything also at 0 Taurus and 0 Scorpio too. The finance signs.

The personal birth charts of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles cut across the 0 Scorpio-Taurus axis of the zodiac. Prince Harry’s personal birth chart is just one degree away from that axis. 

This is what you read on 9th May.

“I am posting this on Tuesday 8th May, and the Royal Wedding is scheduled for Saturday 19th May. Venus will sextile Uranus at 6.30pm in London at exactly 0 degrees. Stormy weather, stormy wedding. Uranus at 0 Taurus is sending a big message to us in May. And it’s about very, very rich people and very expensive weddings. It’s also about charity, at the other end of the scale. And it’s about taxation and tourism revenue. Values.”

Nobody could have foreseen that the bride’s father, poor Thomas Markle, was reduced to having to accept money from the paparazzi, posing for sad photographs of himself gazing at tourist guides to Britain. He was trapped. Then, he apparently had heart problems that made him miss his own daughter’s wedding.

Taurus. Values.

And, I’m not talking about the bride’s father. I’m talking about everybody else.

Still, the London Stock Exchange did really well around then, closing on a record high. Burberry’s shares rose and perhaps the vote of cheery confidence was down to the bride’s mother being photographed with a Burberry’s suit bag at the airport.

See what I mean about Taurus? And yes, Burberry’s does hold a warrant from The Queen and Prince Charles. Sometimes the astrology yells through the noise.

Watching Italy and the Euro – Breaking News in May 2018

Another old prediction, but this time about the Euro, so we can track how Uranus in Taurus is also affecting Europe, around two weeks into the cycle.

“Born with Neptune in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups, the Euro is a confused and confusing currency (Neptune) which floats (also Neptune) without any borders (Neptune again) across Europe. So what happens when Uranus at 1 Taurus squares Neptune at 1 Aquarius, pulling in Ceres at 0 Gemini (Worldwide Web) at the same time? Well, we get pretty close on the square from Uranus at 0 Taurus to Mars at 0 Aquarius and that takes place on Wednesday 16th May at 8.03am, London time. This is a huge challenge to the Euro. A huge shock. We will see major questions about borders at this time, too.”

Well it’s now Monday May 28th in Rome and CNN just told us that Italy’s new election could become a vote on the future of the Euro. That came from nowhere. Uranus in Taurus.

Taurus the Bull, Bull Markets, Bullion and Other Bull-Like Substances

A refresher. Taurus rules corporate donors, charities, something for nothing, discounts, payola, contra, money laundering, the public company registers amendment to the UK’s Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill. It rules suspect money in Russia – a fortune, created in darkness.

Taurus also rules the release of tax returns, the non-release of tax returns, legal tax-avoidance and criminal tax-avoidance. It rules the British Virgin Islands. It’s about Brexit. It’s also about Magnitsky powers. Magnitsky who? He was a whistleblower who died in Moscow, while in custody, in 2009 and his name is now immortalised with the new anti-money laundering bill, which just had royal assent from Her Majesty even before Uranus had spent two weeks in Taurus. And she’s a Taurus.

The offshore machinations of the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations are in the cross-hairs now. Uranus is radical.

If Great Britain’s 14 overseas territories do not introduce public registers of company owners by December 2020, they will be ordered to do so by the crown. Watch the crown dependencies too. Guernsey. Jersey. The Isle of Man. Royal assent was given on 24th May and Uranus switched signs for the first time since Her Majesty was a child, on 15th May.

That’s an awful lot of rock’n’roll in the heavens for just under two weeks of a cycle most of us have never been through!

The National Crime Agency assesses that £90 billion of international criminal money is laundered through UK banks, including their subsidiaries, each year. 

Will it be a Wild and Stormy Daniels? Keep tracking the lightning bolts over the White House. This is going to take a while.

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Join this unique Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out. Included are the exact dates of the Neptune ingress in Aries, Saturn ingress in Aries and North Node ingress in Aquarius.

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27 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    This is interesting… Also wanted to add that the UK is considering breakup of Big Four after the Carillion report too…. That also seems in sync with your forecasts. And that has worldwide repercussions.
    Thank you. You do a wonderful job of explaining this unpredictable life.
    Take care

    1. Thank you! I need to check the timing of that Carillion report. I suspect money laundering will explode faster than 2020 though. That’s the deadline but the laundrette is already starting to leak. There is the most tremendous amount of thunder and lighting in Britain at the moment. That is usually Uranus and Jupiter talking to us about revolution and opportunity. All eyes on the Euro and Pound Sterling. But all eyes on c-currency, most of all.

  2. Yes, agree with you on the money laundering bit… EU’s fifth directive on money laundering rules too has come into play recently. Faster than 2020 it seems. It is uncanny how similar trends are playing out in Asia too.
    Your astrological analysis is closest to accuracy in terms of predictions. It is amazing. Guess your your intuition and ability to cross link events is a gift.

    1. Thank you – I am glad you agree. I am one of those astrologers who becomes annoyed if a prediction does not come true. (Donald Trump seriously annoyed me, because I predicted that he would never be President. Then I realised he was handing out two different birth times and later on, a different birth date. For all I know I was working with the birth chart of a person who never existed). Anyway – Prince Charles and HM the Queen both have major chart patterns at 0 Scorpio and 0 Taurus. That’s their finances, charities, properties and business interests. You don’t just get past Uranus at 0 Taurus for the first time since 1934 with a Royal Wedding upheaval. A closer look at forgotten news from that time reveals – ta dah – royal assent on money laundering. Now I need to look at Asia and the EU. It will probably be the case, by 2020, that we realise what a vast amount of our lives was built on a rotten rock of global corruption. Let’s drink to that coming down.

      1. Hi Jessica,
        I am not too sure if you will read this comment, but your predictions are spot on. PwC penalties in the UK and a class action suit against Deloitte in the Netherlands is all the change that you promised in the world of complex finance. Cheers.

        1. Thank you. I did not know that the class action lawsuit had begun there. I’m just going to whizz around the latest news on penalties and legal action around the world. The bigger issue of course will be money laundering but that’s so huge it will dominate 2019, 2020.

  3. Your Irish Predictions about abortion could go on this list too. A hugely important socail revolution for Ireland.

  4. Uranus moving into Taurus seemed to hit me directly – at exactly the time you noted, (but US equivalent) I got a call from my boss stating we might get downsized and I would be let go. And then just yesterday, right when moon was in Sagittarius, he called me again to tell me I need to start looking for a place for myself. It’s been rough. I know you said this would all pan out in 2019, but is there hope from now till then, based on my chart? thanks x

    1. I am sorry you are going through the shock and upheaval of this. It is very easy for astrologers like me to look at Uranus going through your solar Tenth House and talk about how you are being liberated from something that was holding you back, but to go through it is very tough. Okay, so the good news is that in your personal birth chart, as I am sure you know, you were born with blessed Jupiter in Virgo in your Sixth House of work. You will always have safety nets and protective umbrellas, and at its very best, this pattern will put you in a terrific position, tailor-made for you.You will be okay, just for now, and later on when transiting Jupiter moves to 5 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, you will experience Jupiter trine Jupiter and forget what just happened. Part of your good fortune professionally then, once Jupiter enters Capricorn at the end of 2019, will owe a great deal to the journey you commenced right now, this week. I hope this makes sense. Sometimes we are forced off the road we were on, in order to take the highway to somewhere much, much better. This is happening to you now.

  5. Hello, while I am a subscriber to your awesome site here, I have a question.
    It’s clear you do not care for President Trump but being that you based your prediction of him NOT winning the presidency which he did off of an incorrect birth chart. Do you now have a different opinion of him? Being that you do not know him personally I’m assuming you can only judge him based off a birth chart.

    It would be a terrible thing to have come to conclusions with wrong information and still be unwilling to change an opinion or any biased views once the accurate information needed comes through.

    1. Thank you. As an astrologer, my patience with Trump is at an end, because our profession has been given at least two contradictory birth times, and worse than that, two totally different birth dates – both from his official sources. This makes my job impossible. Also as an astrologer, it is really clear to me that there are grave concerns over Russia’s interference with the United States of America, her democracy and her proud independence, liberty and freedom. Two words that will come to mean a lot over the next two years: Yekaterina Tikhonova.

    1. Yes – Uranus is hovering at 0, 1 degrees of a 29 degree cycle and he will loop back to that position in the Visa chart in 2019. It’s not just Visa, of course. Something very odd is happening.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    Here is a headline in the news:

    “Payment chaos as Visa system crashes across Europe stopping card transactions from working”

    Have a good weekend –


    1. I suspect there is more to this Visa crash than first appears. Uranus in Taurus is with us for quite a while and this happened right at the start of the cycle.

  7. Nishant, Uranus in Gemini is not about oil prices, but it is about the worldwide web and mobile phones – and all the inventions which follow them. The last time we saw this cycle, the Enigma machines literally won or lost the war (depending on who could crack them) and Gemini is associated with ‘the word’ but also code. This is quite a radical prediction to make but I think we’ll see the end of the internet as we know it today. A replacement will appear and we may have to pay for it. The failure of Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other corporations to adequately protect the privacy and security of internet users will play its part. We’ll pay for all of online. Uranus is also about revolution, so you can see why there may even be a quite astonishing push by some, to boycott digital altogether. Imagine that. But stranger things have happened.

    1. The best way to check is to look at the 1973 oil crisis, which began in October that year with an exact pattern: Saturn at 4 Cancer square Pluto at 4 Libra. The astrological symbol for oil is Pluto (because it is underground) but also Neptune (which rules liquid). Rather than go down that confusing route, you might just want to look at a simple interpretation. Saturn in Cancer is a grim property market. Tough times for the family and the household. Saturn is always about the downside of life and in Cancer, it is really about real estate and your relatives. A square is always tense. Pluto is about a change in the balance of power, and in Libra, it is about marriage. So…you have to think back to 1973, 1974 and ask yourself what on earth could cause such tough times for people’s personal relationships, right around the planet? Answer – an economic crisis that gets people where they live. It might be interesting for you to look at where Saturn was in relation to other oil booms and busts. Tracking Saturn right now, as he moves through Capricorn with Pluto, the hardship through 2020 is actually for the people at the top. And the people who try to get to the top. We’re talking the C.E.O. and the President; the Prime Minister and Management; Royalty and Leaders. Oil will be part of it, but not the whole story. The whole story will be much more shocking as Uranus is in Taurus. Uranus is the world turning upside down. And he turns up whenever the unthinkable happens. He was there at the execution of King Charles I and also at the execution of Marie Antoinette. He was also there when King George III lost America. Deep breath!

  8. I too was very interested in the visa crash and am wondering how much longer before the euro starts to wobble ? Spain and Italy ,Greece and lots of Southern Europe seem never to be stable ! But the euro never seems to suffer the same repercussions as the pound for instance !

    1. The issue for Europe will be the end of money laundering, which has distorted the world economy for so long – but Uranus in Taurus will not allow that for much longer. The United Kingdom is already on the road to drastic reformation. Keep tracking this.

  9. Hello Jessica, I appreciate your kind and easy way towards allowing guidance from the stars. I vacillate between the depths of Scorpio waters Sun 27 and the fires of Sag 15 Asc. My latest quagmire is wonderful Uranus in Taurus, which i have my moon at 4 degrees. Jessica, I would love to know that this stage in my path is a more relaxed, rewarding and adventurous one. I have known much joy and sorrow, and while i am grateful for all ebbs and flows, the lessons and experiences, i welcome your insight. I am learning all the Leo North node lessons of why i am here, my purpose of being of service to others runs deep.Is there any respite on the horizon for me? Cheers to your invaluable contribution. Thank you thank you!!!

    1. If you look at how strongly Scorpio-Taurus you are, you will see that the presence of both Uranus in Taurus in your Second House, and Jupiter in Scorpio in your Eighth House, are designed to show you more about who and what is valuable to you. These houses are associated with shopping, selling, collecting, investment, debt, loans, betting, charity, life insurance, bequests, business and so on. Through your experiences until November 2018, when Jupiter changes signs, you will learn to put a price on the things that money cannot buy, and also figure out the real cost of the decisions you are making. The Taurus-Scorpio combination is quite common in the horoscopes of people who have several lifetimes of wealth behind them, so in this lifetime they really don’t care about money at all – or big houses, designer clothes, expensive cars and jewellery, and the rest. In fact there may be an antipathy towards ‘too much’. If you are one of these people, it may be that you are here to make money for those in need and actually gain as much pleasure from a £1 book at an Oxfam charity shop as other people do from watching their property investment grow.

  10. Hi Jessica,

    It looks like Donald Trump’s tariffs are creating a ripple effect of shocks for govt and business. Very unpopular idea, like most of his ideas, really not moving things forward.


    1. Astrologers always wondered how Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn would play out, and it’s Donald. He is the figurehead of a system of social climbing, ambition, tradition and ‘success’ that is crumbling even as we look at it. I just had a tiresome message from someone accusing me of being a socialist because I write this stuff about the current President. Actually I’m just writing the astrology, CG, as both you and I know. Pluto moves so slowly, changing signs every 240+ years – and there is always a symbol of the age. Donald is that. So is his daughter, his wife, his son-in-law and his sons. The towers are Capricorn the mountain goat’s New York ‘mountains’ and the come-down is going to be massive. Uranus in Taurus is the tariff shock and that, working with the Capricorn stuff, sees every level of the Don Mountain come down by Christmas 2020. It’s a good lesson for all of us about ‘success’ and ‘status’ and what it actually costs. Very, very hard lesson for Jared Kushner there.

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